01 Finishes, Fixtures and Fittings Schedule Rev 2
01 Finishes, Fixtures and Fittings Schedule Rev 2
TECHNICAL REFERENCE SHEET (TRS) # Project: 503085 - Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre, Lilyfield Date 13.03.2015 07.04.2015 Issue Tender Issue - Rev 1 Tender Addendum - Rev 2 13.03.2015 Project: Client: 503085 - Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre, Lilyfield Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre Notes This legend and schedule is to be read in conjunctions with the Specification and all other contract schedules. All painted surfaces to be Dulux, unless otherwise stated. Aluminium skirtings are to be powdercoated, unless otherwise stated. All window and glazing framing systems to be Dulux powdercoat PPC-*, unless otherwise stated. Issue: 2 Date:07.04.2015 Refer to the Specification for detailed information of all finishes. Code TRS Description Spec Ref BL-01 Access & Safety Equiptment Balustrade 05-800 Galvanised steel balustrade and nominal Ø40mm handrail mounted to floor / stair tread. With galvanised steel kickplate 150Hx5THK offset 200mm AFFL. Paint finish - PCC-09. Ø15mm galvanised steel rod infill balusters at max 125mm cts. Refer Architectural documentation for extent and details. Must comply with BCA and AS1428 HR-01 Hand rail 05-800 Nominal Ø40mm handrail mounted to wall - fixings to match handrail finish. Stainless steel 316, linished finish. Refer Architectural documentation for extent and details. Must comply with BCA and AS1428 HR-02 Hand rail 05-800 Nominal Ø40mm handrail mounted to floor - staunchions and fixings to match handrail finish. Stainless steel 316, linished finish. Refer Architectural documentation for extent and details. Must comply with BCA and AS1428 Spec Description Location Comments Rev Access Panel AP-01 Ceiling access panel plasterboard 05-050 Ceiling access panel to suit suspended plasterboard ceiling. Sizes as nominated on the drawings, 600 x 600mm typical. Flush finish. Finish to match ceiling finish. No perimeter trims. Refer to the drawings for locations. Refer to RCP for extent. Coordinate with Mechanical & Electrical drawings. Allow access panels for under Roller Door motors AP-02 Ceiling access panel Compresses Fibre Cement Sheet 05-050 Ceiling access panel to suit CFC sheet ceiling. Sizes as nominated on the drawings, 600 x 600mm typical. Flush finish. Finish to match ceiling finish. No perimeter trims. Refer to the drawings for locations. Refer to RCP for extent. Coordinate with Mechanical & Electrical drawings. Allow access panels for under Roller Door motors EM-01 Carpet Entrance Matting 05-550 CS CONSTRUCTION GROUP Type: Recessed PediTred G4 Colour: Monotuft 'Graphite' Finish: Clear Anodised CP-01 Carpet tiles 05-550 INTERFACE Microtuft Patterned Level Loop Pile Style : Flatweave Style Code : Fusion 1543 Code: 1543-001-000 Colour: Hybrid Backing: GlasBac Size: 50cm x 50cm x 4.5 mm +/- .5mm Installation method: Quarter turn LTS Office CE-01 Ceilings Ceiling Type - Fixed Plasterboard PB-01 05-050 BORAL PLASTERBOARD Thickness: 13mm with 600mm min. fixings Flush jointed tape joints Paint Finish. Rondo P50 joints at edges. Refer to RCP for extent and location. CE-02 Ceiling Type - Fixed Plasterboard PB-03 05-050 BORAL Fibre Cement Sheeting Flush jointed tape joints Paint Finish. Rondo P50 joints at edges. Refer to RCP for extent and location. CE-03 Ceiling Type - Fibre Cement - FC-02 05-050 BORAL Fibre Cement Sheeting Thickness: 9mm with 600mm min. fixings Express jointed Paint Finish. Feature Ceiling in Change rooms and pool hall. CE-04 Ceiling Type - Acoustic panel 05-050 One layer Heradesign Superfine 25mm 1200x600 on Knauf furring channels. Instalation to suit tecnical processing guidlines. Colour TBC. Cornice CN-01 Cornice - Shadow-line 05-050 RONDO BUILDING SERVICES P50 10mm shadowline stopping angle. Set flush. CN-02 Cornice - Square Set 05-050 RONDO BUILDING SERVICES Square Set Concrete finishes 2 CON-01 Worked concrete finish - 03-300 power Power floated concrete finish. Suitable for vinyl and carpet finishes by other trades. Flatness of 3mm over 3metres. CON-02 Worked concrete finish - 03-300 hand Worked concrete finish - 03-300 broom Hand trowelled concrete finish. Suitable for tiled surfaces. Broom finish concrete to external pavement/concourses. CON-04 Concrete stair finish 03-300 SC-01 Concrete sealer 05-600 80mm Granolithic concrete screed forming stair treads, risers and landings. SIKA Sikafloor Curejard 24. Dust-proofer / sealer / hardener: a one part, clear liquid based on sodium silicate to cure, harden and seal fresh or hardened concrete. SC-02 Polysoft 05-500 VERSATEX Standard non-pourous over approved hard surface and 'polysoft primers'. with 100mm integral monotek coving to wall and floor junctions. Colour: Ash 50%, Granite 50%, Granite tinting. Supply and Install by approved installer with consultation from Polysoft prior to install. Methodolgy: In accordance with "Polysoft Versatex Specifications" SCR-01 Screed - Pool Concourses and pool amenities with applied Polysoft finish 05-300 Light nylon broom finish. Surface must be clean and free of contaminants such as grease, dirt and existing unsound coatings. This is to be checked and cleaned by contractor.Concrete surface must be acid etched shot blast or diamond grind to remove any contaminants and achieve a finish to enable a mechanical bond between substrate and primer. If a curing agent has been used the surface must be checked for compatibility (test for adhesion) or removed prior to installation. In an open area cut a small groove in the concrete along the finishing line to anchor the broadcast at that point. SCR-02 Screed - General wet areas 05-300 General screed (Bonded) Generally to tiled areas Supply and install tiling screed to floors in wet areas and where indicated on the drawings. The screed mix shall be plant prepared granolithic concrete screed to 32Mpa minimum strength. Screeds shall be placed over structural concrete where specified. The granolithic screed shall NOT be less than 35mm Spread the screed mix to specified falls and cross falls, compact and float to the required tolerance and as required for the specified surface finish. The surface shall be prepared and a coat of commercially manufactured and compatible bonding agent shall be applied prior to the granolithic screed being placed. Install waterproof membrane to top of screed to falls. Membrane shall be PCI Seccoral 2K” flexible acrylic based liquid. To be applied to the base and sides of all wet areas shown and/or specified and extended full height up all adjacent walls, and to be applied to the full extent of ALL tiled wall faces, all in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. CON-03 Generally to Pool hall LTS reception. Builder must supply warranty of 2 years against failure and cover supply and installation of the material. 2 EJ-02 Expansion / Expansion Joint Cover 03-300 LATHAM Floor expansion joint cover - Stainless steel. CS-25 Ultimate Series. Including VWS Water Gutter. Generally to all expansion joints to structural slabs where a surface lining is applied. Refer to Structural Engineers Drawings for location(s). EJ-04 Expansion Joint Cover 03-300 LATHAM Floor-to-wall expansion joint cover - Stainless steel. SAS-25 (SSSM 104) Ultimate Series. Including BFG Water Gutter. Generally to all expansion joints to slabs/walls where a topping slab is applied. Refer to Structural Engineers Drawings for location(s). TM-01 External Cladding Biowood Wood - Plastic composite 04-203 BIOWOOD WP.01.150.18 Shiplap cladding to be laid horizontally Fixing method: Liquid nails and screw fix to substrate in accordance with installation guide Coating: 2 coats intergrain 'Grey' in accordance with technical specification Panel joints: Thickness:18mm Colour: Weather Wood Refer to elevations for extent and panel sizes. The Manufacturer's Warranty shall be for 15 years. The installation is to be carried out by the manufacturer representative's approved installers only. 04-203 BIOWOOD S4SO05050 Side 4 Side Outdoor 50x50 battens with internal aluminium stiffening rods Fixing method: Liquid nails and screw fix to substrate in accordance with installation guide Coating: 2 coats bioseal / intergrain Panel joints: Thickness:50mm Colour: Weather Wood Refer to elevations for extent External concourse pergola, and window awnings 2 and locations where shown. The Manufacturer's Warranty shall be for 15 years. The installation is to be carried out by the manufacturer representative's approved installers only. TM-02 Biowood Wood - Plastic composite Glass & Frame Types GL-01 Clear glass - Double glazed 04-500 VIRIDIAN PerformaTech Clear (#2) 6 toughened glass + 12mm argon + 6mm VFloat toughened Grade A Safety glass. U-value 1.4 SHGC = 0.38 Glazier to undertake their own assessment of size, thickness and for thermal breakage / fracture (heat treatment). All glazing to AS1288-2006 and BCA. Generally to pool hall and family change area GLD-01 Decal film on glazing 04-500 Glazing Decals to AS1288. Continuous, repeated opaque symbol / logo. Min. 100mm high band. To all full width of glazing. Logo to be provided by Principal. Refer to Window schedule for extent. GF-01 Glazed Framing System 04-500 REYNAERS Reynaers CW-50 Single Glazed 150mm x 50mm front glazed suite. Finish: Powdercoat Internal: Dulux – PN2E1 “Vivid White” External: Dulux PG1F7 – “Western Myall” Typical glazing frame to external and internal facade. GS-01 Colourback Glass Colourback Glass. All edges to be polished. Colour to match PT-0* kitchen benches generally 06-202 Insulation IN-01 Thermal insulation (roof - 04-203 less than 5 degree pitch) CSR BRADFORD CSR Bradford Anticon 140 Roof Blanket, Rm3.3, 140mm thick, 13.5kg/m3 Glasswool bonded to medium duty silver reflective foil. Installation: in combination with CSR Bradford Ashgrid Roof Spacer 120mm high (20mm sag in safety wire allows blanket to recover to full thermal performance of 140mm). R-Total roof solution of Rt3.7 Winter and Rt4.0 Summer. IN-02 Thermal insulation (roof - 04-203 box gutters) CSR BRADFORD CSR Bradford Anticon 55 Roof Blanket, Rm1.3, 60mm thick, 11.0kg/m3 Glasswool bonded to medium duty silver reflective foil together with CSR Bradford Dow Thermax-Light Duty Rm2.9, 63.5mm thick PIR Board with silver facing. Installation: Anticon blanket to be laid over gutter support strapping with foil facing down. Thermax Board cut to size and installed belowand to sides of gutter prior to installation of box gutter. R-Total roof solution of Rt3.7 Winter and Rt4.0 Summer. IN-03 Thermal insulation (external walls) CSR BRADFORD CSR Bradford Gold Wall Batts, Rm2.5, 90mm thick, High Performance, 22.0kg/m3 Glasswool together with CSR Bradford Enviroseal Proctor CW (Commercial Wall) Breather sarking, non-reflective wall wrap. Installation: Insulation installed between metal studs and continued up to underside of roof insulation so to fully encapsulate thermal envelope. Wall wrap to be fixed to outside of stud frame, lap 150mm and tape all joints; repair any damage and tape around all penetrations. R-Total external wall solution of Rt2.8 Winter. IN-04 Thermal/acoustic 05-100 insulation (internal walls) CSR Bradford Partition Wall Batts 165, Rm3.5, 165mm thick, 11.0kg/m3 Glasswool batts. Batts installed between studs to walls that require a reduction in noise transfer. Internal 150mm steel stud walls - Acoustic solutions to comply with acoustic engineer’s report IN-05 Ceilings - general 05-050 CSR Bradford Building Blanket 80, Rm1.8, 80mm thick, 11kg/m3 Glasswool at 1200wide. Blanket rolled out over suspended ceiling system prior to installation of sheet plasterboard or modular ceiling tiles. Refer Architectural documents. 05-100 Joinery Finishes JC-02 Joinery - Component 06-202 HAFELE Stainless Steel Handle 140mm wide x 35mm high Cat No: 109.32.902 Colour: Anodised Aluminium LTS Office area joinery JCP-01 Joinery - Compact Laminate 06-202 LAMINEX Colour: Laminex Polar White Flint Finish LTS Reception JL-01 Joinery - Laminate 06-202 LAMINEX Colour: Laminex White Natural finish. 200 LTS Office area joinery JL-02 Joinery - Laminate 06-202 LAMINEX Colour: Laminex Steel Blue, Natural finish. LTS Office area under bench JL-03 Joinery - Laminate 06-202 BENCH TOP CITY Range: Admira Colour: Azure Linen (2440 x 1220) Joinery - Part Reception JO-01 Opal Acrylic 06-202 Opal acrylic diffuser to face of concealed LED lighting 2 JSK-01 Skirting 06-202 JTM-01 Joinery – Bench Seating 06-202 100mm high natural anodized aluminium flat. Skirting to all joinery as noted on drawings NUVEX 19mm Nuvex Slotted Bench Seating with 316 stainless steel frame and mounting brackets. Linear slots. Install new top max. 440mm AFFL to suit locker plinth 450mm AFFL. Colour: Pure White. Frame (where floor mounted): 38x38 SHS 316 polished Stainless Steel Frame Frame (where wall mounted): 440x12mm custom satin stainless wall brackets with 38x38 SHS 316 Satin Stainless Steel stiffeners/framing as required. Refer to Architectural drawings. Foot: Castors & Industrial Products AF 31/40/M10/60 40xM10 500Kg 'A-Justa-Foot' with custom fabricated. Typical Bench seating in changerooms either floor mounted or wall mounted. Refer architectural drawings. COLT Colt louvre system: Ventilation and Rain Defence Louvre. Series: ERD. Maximum blade span: max. 1250mm. CAPRAL Capral 89mm Louvre Finish: Powdercoat PPC-12 (to match glazing frames). Fixed aluminium louvre to be fitted to Capral 419 Series frame. REYNAERS Finish: Powdercoat PPC** (to match glazing frames). Refer to elevations and louvre schedule for location. Generally to upper level facade. Louvres 04-500 LV-01 Louvres - Plant Screen LV-02 Fixed Aluminium Louvres 04-500 LV-03 Operable Glazed Louvres 04-500 Refer to Architectural Elevations and to Architectural and Mechanical Louvre Schedule for locations. Refer to Architectural Elevations and to Architectural and Mechanical Louvre Schedule for locations. Masonry BLK-01 Face blockwork 03-650 BORAL 150 Series (140mm) Standard Natural Block - concrete blockwork. Colour: Charcoal BLK-02 Fire rated blockwork 03-650 Refer to wall types for extent. BORAL 190mm block work to achieve a 120/120/120 Fire Rating (Boral Scoria Blend or similar). Reinforced and core filled where nominated by the structural engineer. BLK-03 Polished faced blockwork 03-650 Refer to wall types for extent. BORAL Series 150 Designer Block (140mm thickness) Finish: Random pattern, even spread of smooth, Shot Blast, Honed Structural: Core fill blockwork with N32 concrete. N20 bar reinforcement tied into the slab / strip footing. Refer also to Engineers details. Colour: Charcoal Mortar: Allow for coloured mortar. Colour TBC. Mortar mix shall be cement, lime and sand as specified, with proportions to AS 3700 and AS 1316. Sealing: Seal blockwork with Duramax MAXISEAL premium clear sealer from DURAM INDUSTRIES BLK-04 Polished faced blockwork 03-650 Refer to wall types for extent. BORAL Series 150 Designer Block (140mm thickness) Finish: Random pattern, even spread of smooth, Shot Blast, Honed Structural: Core fill blockwork with N32 concrete. N20 bar reinforcement tied into the slab / strip footing. Refer also to Engineers details. Colour: Pearl Grey Mortar: Allow for coloured mortar. Colour Pearl Grey Mortar mix shall be cement, lime and sand as specified, with proportions to AS 3700 and AS 1316. Sealing: Seal blockwork with Duramax MAXISEAL premium clear sealer from DURAM INDUSTRIES BLK-05 Face blockwork 03-650 BORAL 200 Series (190mm) Standard Natural Block - concrete blockwork. Colour: Charcoal Paint / Clear / Renders Finishes PAA-** Acrylic Paint - Blockwork 05-600 DULUX DULUX AcraTex 955 AcraShield Specification No: AUSA2957 (new blockwork - internal & external). Refer to wall types for extent. Refer to wall types for extent. PAB-** Acrylic Paint - Concrete 05-600 DULUX DULUX AcraTex 955 AcraShield Low Gloss - 501/2 AcraPrime Specification No: AUSA5627 (new concrete colour finish - internal & external) PAC-** Acrylic Paint - Interior ceilings 05-600 DULUX Wash and Wear 101. Flat Acrylic. DULUX spec AUSD0001. (plasterboard ceilings - internal & dry) PAD-** Acrylic Paint - Interior walls 05-600 DULUX Wash and Wear 101. Advanced Low Sheen Acrylic. Plasterboard - DULUX spec AUSD0002. (plasterboard walls - internal & dry) Refer to Finishes schedule and internal elevations PAE-** Acrylic Paint - External FC 05-600 DULUX AcraTex 955 AcraShield Specification No: AUSA0900 (cfc / villaboard ceiling & walls - external) Refer to Finishes schedule and internal elevations PCA-01 Protective Coating 05-600 DULUX. Dulux Protective Coating: Specification No: V14/292R2 Schedule A *Preparation and painting of all new exposed mild steel sections. PCB-** Protective Coating 05-600 DULUX. Dulux Protective Coating: Specification No: V14/292R2 Schedule B *Preparation and painting of all new hidden mild steel sections. PCC-** Protective Coating 05-600 DULUX. Dulux Protective Coating: Specification No: V14/292R2 Schedule C *Preparation and painting of all new internal concrete floor surfaces PCD-** Protective Coating 05-600 DULUX. Dulux Protective Coating: Specification No: V14/292R2 Schedule D *Preparation and painting of all new galvanized steel, on site, in-situ PCE-** Protective Coating 05-600 DULUX. Dulux Protective Coating: Specification No: V14/292R2 Schedule E *Preparation and painting of all new steel sections, on site, in-situ 2 PCF-** Protective Coating 05-600 DULUX. Dulux Protective Coating: Specification No: V14/292R2 Schedule F *Preparation and painting of all new steel sections, on site, in-situ (Knauf) 2 PES-** Paint - Enamel Semi gloss 05-600 DULUX Aquanamel Semi Gloss. PPC-** Powdercoat 05-600 DULUX Powdercoating. For Aluminium: Dulux Duratec X15. Refer DULUX Specification: AUSP5617. For Galvanized Steel: Dulux Duralloy FG. Refer DULUX Specification: AU_DP01827. PTM-** Timber finish - natural stain - clear, matt to low sheen finish 05-600 DULUX. Intergrain Natural Stain. Refer to DULUX spec AUSW3901. (External timber) PT-01 Wall Paint finish Generally 05-600 Colour: Dulux Wash and Wear Low Sheen Water Based Walls generally Acrylic Colour: Natural White PN1E1 PT-02 Ceiling Paint fnish generally 05-600 Dulux Professional Tintable Ceiling Flat Colour: Natural White PN1E1 Ceilings Generally PT-03 Ceilings and Walls - Wet 05-600 areas Dulux Mouldshield "Wash and Wear Bathroom Ceiling Flat" Water Based Acrylic Colour: Natural White PH1E1 Bathroom and Wet area ceilings and part walls PT-05 Trims Paint Finish 05-600 Skirtings/ Internal Doors/ Door Frames. Dulux "Wash and Wear" Semi Gloss Water Based Acrylic Colour: PT-06 Feature Ceiling and Walls 05-600 Dulux "Wash and Wear" Water Based Acrylic Colour: Lagoona Teal P30H3 Feature Ceiling and Walls PT-07 Feature Ceiling and Walls 05-600 Dulux "Wash and Wear" Water Based Acrylic Colour: Santorini P33H3 Feature Ceiling and Walls PT-08 Feature Ceiling and Walls 05-600 Dulux "Wash and Wear" Water Based Acrylic Colour: Rollercoaster P35H6 Feature Ceiling and Walls PT-09 Feature Ceiling and Walls 05-600 Dulux "Wash and Wear" Water Based Acrylic Colour: Shimmer P35H1 Feature Ceiling and Walls Plasterboard/ Linings 2 PB-01 Plasterboard 05-100 CSR GYPROCK 13mm plasterboard with recessed edges. Flush jointed. Paint finish. Refer to Wall / Ceiling types PB-02 Plasterboard Fireboard 05-100 CSR GYPROCK 16mm Fyrcheck plasterboard Paint Finish Refer to Wall / Ceiling types PB-03 Plasterboard Multiboard 05-100 CSR GYPROCK MULTIBOARD 13mm multiboard plasterboardwith recessed edges. Flush jointed. Paint finish. Refer to Wall / Ceiling types FC-01 Fibre Cement 05-100 Refer to Wall / Ceiling types JAMES HARDIE VILLABOARD 9mm Flush jointed with recessed edges. Paint finish surface. Allow for 12 Dulux Colours (PAE-**) Use perforated paper reinforcing tape, embedded in James Hardie base and top coat jointing system. Support eaves as required given the wind classification for the site. FC-02 Cladding Compressed Sheet - with expressed joints 05-100 JAMES HARDIE Proprietary James Hardie 9mm Versalux system, but on proprietary ExoTec® Gasket Snap Strips with bubble gaskets. Provide 10 mm expressed joints refer to elevations for details screw heads covered by epoxy and James Hardie Base Coat over Apply a continuous 6mm diameter bead of polyurethane sealant to the backing strips. Installation in accordance with James Hardie Exctec installation recommendations / requirements. Paint finish surface (PAE-**) Colours to be confirmed FC-03 Fibre Cement - External Soffits 05-050 Refer to RCP for locations JAMES HARDIE VILLABOARD 6mm Flush jointed with recessed edges. Paint finish surface. Allow for 12 Dulux Colours (PAE-**) Use perforated paper reinforcing tape, embedded in James Hardie base and top coat jointing system. Support eaves as required given the wind classification for the site. 04-204 EVERBRIGHT Everbright E610 polycarbonate cladding system installed vertically. 74mm thick wall panels Colour:Clear All trims, flashings, etc. to be powdercoated - PPCDulux PG1F7 – “Western Myall” Installed with proprietary seals, fixings, trims, etc to manufacturer's current written specification, by trained, licensed and approved installers. Generally to Pool Hall walls and feature ceiling Refer to Elevations for paint set out. Refer to ACCEL Technical Supplement “Lining an Indoor Swimming Pool Area” – edition 36 2012 Polycarbonate PLC-01 Polycarbonate wall system Resilient Materials FL-01 Flashings 04-203 Refer to Roof plans for COLORBOND locations Folded 0.8mm flashings formed from sheet material equal to type MT-01 metal roof cladding. Allow for up to 8 folds in flashing. Finish: ******* *All flashings to be weather sealed at laps and along the full length by an unbroken bead of 6 x 4mm thick butyl rubber sealant tape *(Kingspan reference S-EXT). *All internal flashings to be made from 0.55mm thick steel substrate, to the same specification as the liner sheet of the panel. *All flashings to have butt straps and sealed with two unbroken runs of 6 x 4mm thick butyl rubber sealant tape. *End laps to be air sealed with gun grade sealant. *All primary fasteners must be the high threaded type, manufactured from Austenitic Grade 304 stainless steel fasteners and fitted with a 19mm diameter bonded stainless steel washer. All Fasteners MUST be fixed through the Crown of the panel only. To comply with local wind requirements, it may be necessary to provide additional fixings in areas of high local suction. *Side laps and external flashings to be stitched at 450mm centres (maximum) with carbon steel stitching screws, complete with bonded 14mm diameter carbon steel washers. *Internal flashings to be stitched at 450mm centres with Austenitic Grade 304 stainless steel fasteners or rivets and fitted with a 14mm diameter bonded stainless steel washer. FL-02 Roofing - penetration flashings 04-203 DEKTITE EDPM proprietary flashing FL-03 Parapet / fascia capping 04-203 Folded parapet capping formed from sheet material equal to type MT-** metal roof cladding. FL-04 Custom sharknose fascia capping Folded fascia capping formed from sheet material equal to type MT-01 metal roof cladding. Allow for min. 7 folds 04-203 2 FW-01 Floor Waste 06-203 M A GRIFFITHS MAG-MIFAB BS1100-R. Product code: Ass. No. 70100 • e: 100mm diameter grade 316 stainless steel. • Strainer secured to body section with anti-vandal stainless steel counter sunk screws. FW-02 Trench Drain 06-203 ACO POLYCRETE (or acceptable equivalent) Grade 316 stainless steel trench drain (custom fabricated to all showers with flanges to all sides for membrane adhesion. Submit shop drawings. • System trough with safety edge and tile flange. • Base of drain to have 1:100 fall. • Outlets are to be located a minimum of 200mm from the cubical walls to allow cleaning access. Number of outlets as per the Hydraulic Engineer's drawings. • Grade 316 stainless steel waste baskets. • Heelguard™ grade 316 stainless steel class A antislip grates. • Finish: Pickle passivated. BG-01 Box gutter - Proprietry 04-203 Refer to Roof Plan for location KINGSPAN Proprietary Kingspan membrane lined insulated Box gutter. In maximum lengths and welded joints. External weather sheet: substrate to be minimum 0.6mm pre-galvanized coated steel to AS1397 with IKO 0.6mm or IKO 1.2mm thick PVC membrane. Insulation Core: consist of 60 or 120mm thick, closed cell, CFC and HCFC Free FM certified polyisocyanurate (PIR) insulation. Insulation core bonded to the external and internal sheets during manufacture. Internal Liner sheet: Substrate to be 0.5mm to 0.7mm thick steel S220GD+ZA hot-dip zinc/aluminium coated steel to AS1397. Coating to be Kingspan Aquasafe standard bright white. BG-02 Box gutter - Generally 04-203 Refer to Roof Plan for location COLORBOND Colour: ** Box gutters to be made from 0.80mm folded colorbond steel sheet to the sizes nominated on the hydraulic engineers drawings. Allow for associated Lysaght Spandek gutter board, gutter brackets, outlets, expansion joints, etc. Sumps to be made from the same material as above to the sizes nominated on the hydraulic drawings. Where Spandek gutter board and brackets are exposed allow to fully paint with system nominated within the specification for painting over galvanised surfaces. DP-01 Roof Downpipes 04-203 COLOURBOND DOWNPIPES Material: refer Hydraulic Engineer. Shape: round. Size: 150mm typical – refer Hydraulic Engineer. Colour: *** EG-01 Custom Sharknose Profile Eaves gutter 04-203 Custom sharknose profile eaves gutter, formed from sheet material equal to type MT-01metal roof cladding. Allow for min 7 folds EG-02 Eaves gutter 04-203 100mm quad eaves gutter - colour to match adjacent wall cladding MT-01 Metal roof cladding Refer roof plans 04-203 Refer to Roof Plan for location KINGSPAN KS1000 RW/FM Trapezoidal Roof System. With liner substrate to be 0.5mm thick steel S220GD+ZA hot-dip zinc/aluminium coated steel to BS EN10214:1992. Internal coating to be Kingspan Aquasafe standard bright white. High Humidity internal and Standard (non-corrosive) external environments. Thickness: 100mm core thickness; 135mm overall thickness. Colour: Gull Grey (top side), Off White (underside). Sealant: Bostik 5250 preformed mastic tapes. Select system to suit marine environment. Grade 304 stainless steel fixings. MT-02 Metal roof cladding Refer roof plans 04-203 LYSAGHT Colorbond 0.48 BMT. Blue Scope Lysaght 'Klip Lok'. Colour:** Refer to Roof Plan for location MT-03 Metal Internal parapet cladding 04-203 LYSAGHT Colorbond 0.48 BMT. Blue Scope Lysaght 'Spandek. Colour: ** Generally to the roof side of all parapets. OF-02 Roof - Overflow outlets 04-203 Horizontal overflow through facade. Shape: Rectangular - typical nom. 300mm wide x 80mm high. Size: refer Hydraulic Engineer for confirmation of size. To match adjecent wall cladding. SK-01 Aluminium Skirting 05-100 Aluminium clear anodised Height: 100mm 2 Refer to Finishes Schedule for locations RE-01 Resilient Materials - Vinyl 05-500 Store - A.GF07 FORBO Surestep Original Product: Original Colour: Elephant Code: 171952 Thickness: 2mm Slip Resistance: R10/Barefoot for wet areas Alll welded joints in accordance with manufacturers current written installation instructions, to match selected colour Stair Nosings SN-01 Stair nosing - Concrete stairs 06-150 LATHAM Asbraloy Safety Stair Tread Nosing. Profile: Asbrabloy FA711ST 1428.1-2009 Compliant. Insert colour: Lumo Luminescent Position: Stair Tread Fixing: as per manufacturers recommendations *To comply with AS1428 Generally to all Concrete Stairs 05-400 CTA AUSTRALIA PolyStud Plastic Tactile Indicators Code: TSS002-PP-160 8mm dia x 20mm Drill&Lock Fixing Spigot Textured top surface and smooth side face. Style: Spiral top surface. Comply with AS1428.4. Generally located at the base and landing of stairs and ramps in general public areas and back of house areas. Refer to plans for locations. Tactile indicators TI-01 Tactile ground surface indicators Threshold Strip TS-01 Threshold Strip 06-150 RAVEN RP96 Anodised aluminium. Threshold strip. Screw fix to manufacturer’s recommendations. Generally to all external doors and or where flooring material changes. TL-01 Tiles / Pavers Floor Tiles 05-400 TILES EXPO Type: Fully vitrified ceramic tile Colour: Geostone Grigio Natural Slip Resistance: is R11/B Size: 600 x 300mm x 10mm Floor tiles to Wet Areas generally. TL-02 Wall Tiles 05-400 TILES EXPO ARCHITECTURAL Ceramic Tile Type: Vision - GEN - C1 (matt white) Colour: Size: 600 x 300 Wall tiles generally - all bathrooms. TL-03 Wall Tiles 05-400 Feature Wall tiles to family AGROB BUCHTAL change vilage Type: Erthenware Colour: Random Pattern, combination - 1505 Light Blue, 1506 Soft Blue, 1507 Accent Blue, 1508 Deep Blue Size: 147x147 TL-04 Wall Tiles 05-400 AGROB BUCHTAL Type: Erthenware Colour: 1506 Soft Blue Size: 147x147 Feature Wall tiles to family change vilage Included in TL-03 TL-05 Wall Tiles 05-400 AGROB BUCHTAL Type: Erthenware Colour: 1507 Accent Blue Size: 147x147 Feature Wall tiles to family change vilage Included in TL-03 TL-06 Wall Tiles 05-400 AGROB BUCHTAL Type: Erthenware Colour: 1508 Deep Blue Size: 147x147 Feature Wall tiles to family change vilage Included in TL-03 TL-07 Skirting Tile 05-400 AGROB BUCHTAL Range: Chroma II Series Type: Cove Skirting - 31080 Type: External Mitre Pair - 37081 Type: Internal Mitre Pair - 37082 Colour: To match adjacent Wall Tile AT-01 Acoustic Tile Waterproof Membranes Generally to Main Pool hall, HERAGESIGN Superfine, 600 x 1200 suspended ceiling system with VK- 25m Pool & WW Pool – wall and ceiling 10 edge type on approved Knauf furring channel, Top Cross Rail and suspension rods. All ceiling system components are to be primed and painted in accordance with the protectective coating specification after being level set and tested. Use only heradesign supplied fixing system. Colours: TBA WPM-01 Sheet membrane - subsurface 04-050 SIKA Sikaproof A-12: TPO Sheet Preapplied Membrane. Roll width 2.0m. Fully and permanently bonded composite sheet waterproofing membrane system. SikaProof Tape-150, self-adhesive, internal jointing tapes based on Butyl-rubber, in 150 mm width. SikaProof Extape-150, shelf-adhesive, external jointing tapes based on Butyl-rubber, in 150 mm width. Installed with Sika Greenstreak Waterbar - Centre Bulb 200mm for construction and/or expansion joints. Full system installed by manufacturer instructed and approved contractors in strict accordance with manufacturer's current written specification. WPM-03 Internal wet area membrane - Walls & Floors 04-050 BASF PCI Lastogum X membrane. The selected membrane shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturers written instructions. Install waterproof membrane reinforcement - PCI PECI Tape at all corner junctions. Install in accordance with AS3740. Floors: This membrane shall be installed to all tiled amenities areas within aquatic change rooms and outside the aquatics areas. Walls: This membrane shall be installed behind all tiled walls across the site including in aquatic areas up to a height of 2150mm. Note that this membrane is compatible with Seccarol 2K. Regarding the above membrane systems, the floors slabs and walls must be prepared and primed to receive the membrane material in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. The slab must have cured for at least 28 days and must be sufficiency dry to receive the membrane. Typically inspections are required after each of the following actions have been completed; 1.) after floors and walls have been prepared to accept the membrane primer; 2.) after application of the membrane primer; 3.) after the membrane has been laid prior to covering over. WPM-04 Builder's film 04-050 200 micron black polythene sheet waterproof barrier. WPM-05 Sealant 03-300 To concrete construction joints SIKA generally. Sikaflex-Tank system. High performance, chemical resistant polyurethane joint sealant. System installed in accordance with manufacturer's current written specification. WPM-06 Liquid membrane 04-050 Tiled floors to all aquatic areas, except tiled change rooms SUPPLIER CONTACT NUMBERS COMPANY Atkar Andrews Group Austim (Australian Timber Products) Austral Bricks Autex BASF PCI Seccoral 2K membrane. The selected membrane shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturers written instructions. The finished dry layer thickness of the membrane material must be at least 2mm thick as required by the manufacturer. Install waterproof membrane reinforcement - PCI PECI Tape at all corner junctions at all corner junctions. The floors slabs and walls must be prepared and primed to receive the membrane material in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. The slab must have cured for at least 28 days and must be sufficiency dry to receive the membrane. Typically inspections are required after each of the following actions have been completed; 1.) after floors and walls have been prepared to accept the membrane primer; 2.) after application of the membrane primer; 3.) after the membrane has been laid prior to covering over. CONTACT TELEPHONE Travis Parker Stuart Andrews Alan Parker 03 9796 3333 0410 749 000 (08) 9409 6111/0457 999 525 Alana Maddock George Georgiou 9303 4000/ 0404817879 0418 205 702 David Carroll Justin Dennis 03 9876 2872 / 0419 332 306 0432 684 062 1800 677 052 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Barrisol Australia Bench Top City Bent & Curved Glass Pty Ltd Boral C/S Group Capral Ceramic Solutions (Agrob Buctal tiles) Chemind Rob Capper Russell Cook 1300 55 25 55 02 8543 4000 08 9302 8500 03 9545 5322 / 0419 113 777 Eral Dettrick 1800 33 44 44 Classic Ceramics Sallie Boucher 0409 403 711 [email protected] stuart@the andrewsgroup.com.au www.classicceramics.com.au Bench Top City Bolon Ceramic Solutions (Agrob Buctal tiles) Classic Ceramics CSP Architectural (Alpolic) CSR Bradford CSR Gyprock Dulux DPJ Coating Systems Elite Pool Cover Eternit Asia panels Everbright Roofing Systems Pty Ltd Fielders Forbo Justin Dennis Stuart Andrews Russell Cook 0432 684 062 0410749000 0419 113 777 www.benchtopcity.com.au www.theandrewsgroup.com.au Sallie Boucher Kirk Wells 0409 403 711 0425 777 019 www.classicceramics.com.au Daniel McKeown Troy Stubbs Bernard Schenk Jan Bucknall Steve Trower 1300 850 305 131 744 03 9263 5803 0418 384 262 0403 300 101 0418965116 (08) 9304 2132/0414 565459 Dean Lovett Hilton Gaulbert 03 9300 7700 0148 617 961 / 1800 224 471 Gunnersen GWA Group (Caroma/Dorma Supplier) Hafele Hufcor (Kyissa) Hufcor (Operable Wall) Interface Johnson Tiles Keystone Acoustics Kingspan Laminex Locker Group LouvreTec MasterFibre Mei Picchi Monotek (flooring systems) Nellakir (Aust) Pty Ltd Polyflor Polysoft Pty Ltd RBA Group (bathroom Products) Regupol Resene Paint Reynaers Aluminium Southern Cross Spectrum SPS – Specialty Plumbing Supplies Stone Outdoors Tiles Expo Viridian Wattyl X Position Woven Image Biowood Australia Ben Holod Melissa Fredericks 03 9647 9911/ 0418336553 0409 763 591 www.equitone.com http://www.everbrightroofing.com.au [email protected] Troy Stubb 03 9212 2000 03 9338 7400 03 9330 3733 03 9214 0713 www.interface.com 03 9720 4041 02 9604 8813 0420 414 844 [email protected] 13 21 36 1800 635 947 / 03 8791 1000 03 9770 4184 07 3376 7288 03 99004222 http://www.meipicchi.com 1800 062 301/ 0418384262 Geoff Toye Adrian Conrick Richard Lao 03 9355 7426 0404 817 283 (02) 9620 7231 Tony Merakis or Helen Osman Simon Griffiths Sandy Elliott 1300 788 778 02 46240050/ 0420 752 479 07 5512 6611 02 9666 0555 03 9561 9911 1300 786 585 Tyron Samantha Edel Mauro Faba Catherine Lewocki Mark Playdon Peter Forrest Jo Con Kantis Darren Morrison Joseph Keenan Melvin Fontanilla (02) 9416 8031 1300303975 08 93288111 0423 820 884 (03) 9688 1287 03 9768 3996 9429 0142/ 0413 752 202 +61 429 77 3363 www.regupol.com.au www.reynaers.com , [email protected] http://www.southerncrossceramics.com/ http://www.stoneoutdoors.com.au/ www.tilesexpo.com.au http://x-position.com.au/ [email protected] [email protected] Product Selection The naming of particular products in the Schedules indicates products of acceptable quality and design intent that may be approved, but does not mean exclusive preference for products. Equivalent products may be used. Submit for approval details of proposed products before commencing. The naming of proprietary products does not reduce or modify the Contractor’s responsibility to comply with the Contract Documents and warrant the work. Before commencing, verify the correct selection of appropriate products for the substrates and conditions in accordance with the Product Information. Revision History Purpose Issue: Preliminary Tender A 1 Tender Date: 27.02.2015 06.03.2015 Project: 503085 - Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre, Lilyfield Client: Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre Notes This legend and schedule is to be read in conjunctions with the Specification and all other contract schedules. All painted surfaces to be Dulux, unless otherwise stated. Aluminium skirtings are to be clear anodised, unless otherwise stated. All window and glazing framing systems to be Dulux powdercoat PPC-02, unless otherwise stated. Issue: 2 Date: 07.04.2015 Refer to the Specification for detailed information of all finishes. Spec Ref Code TRS Description BA-01 Plumbing Fixtures Basin - Standard Spec Description BA-02 Basin - Standard CAROMA INDUSTRIES Carboni II Semi Recessed basin - 1TH Ceramic White Code: 865915W GR-01 Grab Rail - Ambulent VIRTU Comfort 450mm x 450mm Grab Rail Code: 84774545440 Installed according to AS1428 GR-02 Grab Rail - Acc VIRTU Virtu Comfort Grab Rail 960x600mm RHS/LHS Code: 8479467440/8479465440 Installed according to AS1428.1 GR-03 Grab Rail - Acc VIRTU Virtu Comfort Grab Rail 300mm Code: 84730040 Installed according to AS1428.1 GR-04 Grab Rail - Acc VIRTU Virtu Comfort Grab Rail 600mm Code: 84760040 Installed according to AS1428.1 SH-01 Shower Head Thornthwaite Technologies (Supplier) RADA Rada VR2 vandal resistant shower head Chrome 8L/min SH-02 Shower Head DORF Myriad Fixed Wall Shower Code: 9154.043A SH-03 Shower Head - Acc. VIRTU Plus Starsafe II Shower Ecojet Neu with Inverted T Grab Rail RH/LH Code: 782738/782739 SH-04 Shower Head Concourse CAROMA Indus Overhead Rain Shower Code: 91051C2A Comments CAROMA INDUSTRIES Carboni II Wall basin - 1TH Ceramic White Code: 865715W Requires Caroma Right Angle Shower Arm Code: 2464.04 SN-01 Sink - Kitchenette CLARK Monaco Single End Bowl LHB - 1TH Code: 5113.1L SN-02 Sink - Cleaners CLARK Cleaners Sink Code: Y5100 WELS 3 star rated, 8.5L/min WELS 3-Star (9 l/min) Image Rev TP-01 Mixer Tap WELS 6 star rated, 5L/min Thornthwaite Technologies (Supplier) PRESTO Presto 2000 time flow tap 7.5sec (Hot and Cold pair) Chrome -Tepid taps to public change rooms and crèche. (one centre hole) - Tepid and cold supply to members areas - gym amenities and football club change rooms (two taps on the basin and no centre hole) TP-02 Mixer Tap - Acc. HANSA Hansa Medica Prado Basin Mixer Code: 014222760037 Installed according to AS1428 WELS 4-Star (7.5 l/min) TP-03 Mixer Tap - Kitchen CAROMA Sarcoma Sink Mixer Code: 98025C4A WELS 4 star, 7.5L/min TP-04 Shower Mixer PRESTO Presto 512 Valve - Timed Flow Control Code: P31056 TP-05 Shower Mixer - Acc HANSA Hansa Medica Prado Shower Mixer Code: 01470176 Installed according to AS1428 TP-06 Shower Mixer DORF Kip Bath/Shower Mixer Code: 872882C TP-07 Wall Tap - Cleaners CAROMA G Series Exposed Lever Wall Sink Set 115mm Code: G52430CA WELS 4 Star rated (7.5L/min) UR-01 Urinal 1.8L cistern and WELS 3 star rated, 6/3L flush WC-01 Toilet Suite - Public CAROMA Cube Urinal Invisi Series II Suite nduct In ceiling / Inwall Code: 771600W Fitted with Invisi Series II rectangular single flush custom buttons Chrome rectangular single flush custom buttons Code: 237022C Cisterns to be located in ceiling space above urinals. Supply and install 900 Long x 600 Wide Ceiling access panel. CAROMA INDUSTRIES Caravelle Close Coupled Suite Code: 989218 WC-02 Toilet Suite - Ambulent compliant CAROMA INDUSTRIES Caravelle Easy Height Close Coupled Toilet Suite Caravelle Care Double Flap - Anthracite Grey Code: 989370AG WELS 4 star rated, 4.5/3L Meets Ambulant AS1428.1 requirements WC-03 Toilet Suite - Acc. CAROMA INDUSTRIES Care 400 Toilet Suite Suite with Backrest - Colani Single Flap - Anthracite Grey Code: 987900BAG Installed according to AS1428.1 WELS 4 star rated Smartflush Suite Meets AS1428.1 requirements WC-06 Toilet Suite - Creche CAROMA INDUSTRIES Junior 2000 Connector BI S Trap Suite Wall Faced Code: 984251W WELS 4 star rated, 4.5L/3L Smartflush ZIP-01 Zip HydroTap ZIP Zip HydroTap Zip Model: Zip HydroTap G4 BC 160/175 Order Code: HT1704 ZIP-02 Zip Autoboil ZIP Zip Autoboil wall mounted unit Zip Model: Autoboil AB025FX Order Code: 12054 2 WELS 4 star rated, 4.5/3L Smartflush Suite BC-01 Sanitary Fittings Baby Change RBA Koala Baby Change Table Vertical Wall Mounted Stainless Steel Finish Code: KB111-SSWM FS-01 Folding Shower Seat Acc BRADLEY Surface Mounted Folding Seat Model 9558-40 Stainless Steel tubing with White laminate seat bonded to a phenolic core HD-01 Hand dryer - Standard JETDRYER Jetdryer Casing: Polycarbonate ABS Colour finish: Grace White Filtration: Antibacterial coated PHMG Filter Installed to product recommendations. HD-02 Hand dryer - Acc. RBA TrimLine Surfaced Mount Accessible Compliant Hand Dryer Code: B7128E Installed to product recommendations. Installed according to AS1428 MR-01 Wall mirror Refer to Wet Area elevations & shop VIRIDIAN DÉCOR MIRROR SAFE changing room layouts Frameless Point fixed through wall lining Refer to internal elevations for dimensions and setouts Colour: 4mm clear PT-01 Paper Towel Dispenser BRADLEY Towel Dispenser Stainless Steel Satin Finish Tumbler lock Model 2442 - Recessed RH-02 Robe Hook CAROMA Cosmo Metal Robe Hook Code:309128C RH-03 Robe Hook - Acc VIRTU Circut Robe Hook with Backplate Code: 0916C SD-01 Soap Dispener BRADLEY Surface Mounted Liquid Soap Dispenser Stainless Steel Satin Finish Model 6562 SD-02 Soap Holder - Acc BRADLEY Surface Mounted Soap Dish Type Regent R021 Surface Mounted Polished Stainless Steel Finish SD-03 Soap Holder BRADLEY Surface Mounted Soap Dish and Shelf Type Regent R0941-21-12 Surface Mounted Polished Stainless Steel Finish SR-01 Shower Rail - Acc BRADLEY Corner Shower Curtain Rail - Standard Size 1200 x 1200 x 600 Ceiling Support Stainless Steel Finish Model 953-CNR including Shower Curtain 1800H x 1200W Model 9537 TH-01 Toilet Roll Holder Standard BRADLEY Jumbo Toilet Tissue Dispenser Stainless Steel Satin Finish Surface mounted Model 5424 TH-02 Toilet Roll Holder - Acc. BRADLEY Toilet Tissue Dispenser Satin Finish Double roll toilet tissue dispenser. Model 5234 Installed according to AS1428 PS-01 Toilet partition system RS-01 Roller Shutters Roller shutter RS-02 Tilt Up Door FLUSH PARTITIONS AUSTRALIA Hardicolour 18mm Compressed Fibre Cement Sheeting Colour: Clear two pack polyurethane finish with compact laminate doors Doors: 13mm compact laminate - Laminex Colour: TBC All support aluminium to be anodised finish including H200mm legs dynabolted through floor. Partitions to include all hardware eg coat hooks/ door bumpers, indicator sets Dimensions: refer to Architectural drawings. Generally to all concourse public/change toilets and showers Generally to Pool Hall areas AUSTRAL MONSOON Austral Monsoon or acceptable equivalent Panorama E85 aluminium roller shutter. Slats: Fully solid 600x600 proprietary access panels under motors typical. Emergency chain rolled up in ceiling space adjacent to access panel Battery backup and connection to FIP for auto open upon fire alarm activation. Include push to exit button Finish: Powder coat finish. Colour to be confirmed by the Superintendent. DFT 100 Microns. Operation: Motorised (3-Phase). Motor to be fully boxed in with custom aluminium sealed removable cover. Battery backup and connection to FIP for auto open upon fire alarm activation. Include push to exit button. Include Logic control for swipe interface where indicated on the door schedule. Allow for keyswitch on the external side of the door in addition to swipe card facility. Battery backup and connection to FIP for auto open upon fire alarm activation. Include push to exit button Refer to Door Schedule for sizes MONARCH DOORS Renlita Series 3000 two-leaf floataway counterbalanced door. Twin leaf counterbalanced aluminium framed panels with glass infill and hinged horizontally. Aluminium framed fully glazed door. Viridian VLAM toughened 10mm thick Grade A safety Glass in accordance with AS1288. Door shall be suitably braced to withstand wind loadings in the closed position and provide minimum deflection in the open and closed positions. High alloy grade 904L austenitic stainless steel cables chains all other internal componentry subject to tension. Finish: PCC finish to 100 microns G. Size varies. Refer to drawings and door schedule. Measure and confirmed on Site prior to manufacture. H. Counterweights shall be enclosed and protected using 3mm thick powdercoated aluminium covers and shall be fixed to the guide channel and wall. I. Motorised operation. Refer to Electrical Services documents. Motor 415V-3 Phase Door Drive, 240V reversing contactor and key switch operation. Pool Equipment Electrical Applicances Kitchen REF-02 Refrigerator Undercounter THERMOMASTER S/S Bar/ Undercounter Fridge Model: HR200 s/s Group 1 Konica Minolta Colour laser printer, scanner and copier Code: bizhub C554e Group 3 CABLE GATE (Matilda Products) Automated chain gate barrier Card reader Access Control System FFC & CoC Staff Secure Car Parks. Refer Architectural drawings Interloc Premium Specification - Wave Locker Doors with bench seat. Locker Type Code: G IL High Plinth Finish to be Nuvex (JTM-01). 316 SS frames for lockers and seats. Size: W300mm x D500mm x H1450mm on a 450mm plinth. Finish to be Nuvex. Colour: TBA. Refer to Architectural drawings. RFID Reader for cards and wrist bands with LINKS control system. One per locker. Allow power and data. Refer Plans. Locations to be confirmed on site. * All lockers shall be hard wired to the LINKS Members electronic system utilising the Gantner or equivalent control system. Coordinate with the Electrical Services documents. RFID type operation and locks unless noted otherwise inclusive of associated software and all required integration into LINKS system *All lockers shall be connected to a proprietary UPS battery backup system. Electrical Applicances Audio Visual PR-01 Printer/ copier/ scanner CG-01 Landscape Cable Gate LK-01 Equipment Other / Items Lockers Product Selection The naming of particular products in the Schedules indicates products of acceptable quality and design intent that may be approved, but does not mean exclusive preference for products. Equivalent products may be used. Submit for approval details of proposed products before commencing. The naming of proprietary products does not reduce or modify the Contractor’s responsibility to comply with the Contract Documents and warrant the work. Before commencing, verify the correct selection of appropriate products for the substrates and conditions in accordance with the Product Information. Revision History Purpose Issue: PRELIMINARY TENDER A 1 TENDER Date: 27.02.2015 13.03.2015 Project: Client: 503085 - Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre, Lilyfield Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre Notes This legend and schedule is to be read in conjunctions with the Specification and all other contract schedules. All painted surfaces to be Dulux, unless otherwise stated. Aluminium skirtings are to be powdercoated, unless otherwise stated. All window and glazing framing systems to be Dulux powdercoat PPC-*, unless otherwise stated. Issue: 2 Date:07.04.2015 Refer to the Specification for detailed information of all finishes. Code TRS Description Spec Ref BL-01 Access & Safety Equiptment Balustrade 05-800 Galvanised steel balustrade and nominal Ø40mm handrail mounted to floor / stair tread. With galvanised steel kickplate 150Hx5THK offset 200mm AFFL. Paint finish - PCC-09. Ø15mm galvanised steel rod infill balusters at max 125mm cts. Refer Architectural documentation for extent and details. Must comply with BCA and AS1428 HR-01 Hand rail 05-800 Nominal Ø40mm handrail mounted to wall - fixings to match handrail finish. Stainless steel 316, linished finish. Refer Architectural documentation for extent and details. Must comply with BCA and AS1428 HR-02 Hand rail 05-800 Nominal Ø40mm handrail mounted to floor - staunchions and fixings to match handrail finish. Stainless steel 316, linished finish. Refer Architectural documentation for extent and details. Must comply with BCA and AS1428 Spec Description Location Comments Rev Access Panel AP-01 Ceiling access panel plasterboard 05-050 Ceiling access panel to suit suspended plasterboard ceiling. Sizes as nominated on the drawings, 600 x 600mm typical. Flush finish. Finish to match ceiling finish. No perimeter trims. Refer to the drawings for locations. Refer to RCP for extent. Coordinate with Mechanical & Electrical drawings. Allow access panels for under Roller Door motors AP-02 Ceiling access panel Compresses Fibre Cement Sheet 05-050 Ceiling access panel to suit CFC sheet ceiling. Sizes as nominated on the drawings, 600 x 600mm typical. Flush finish. Finish to match ceiling finish. No perimeter trims. Refer to the drawings for locations. Refer to RCP for extent. Coordinate with Mechanical & Electrical drawings. Allow access panels for under Roller Door motors EM-01 Carpet Entrance Matting 05-550 CS CONSTRUCTION GROUP Type: Recessed PediTred G4 Colour: Monotuft 'Graphite' Finish: Clear Anodised CP-01 Carpet tiles 05-550 INTERFACE Microtuft Patterned Level Loop Pile Style : Flatweave Style Code : Fusion 1543 Code: 1543-001-000 Colour: Hybrid Backing: GlasBac Size: 50cm x 50cm x 4.5 mm +/- .5mm Installation method: Quarter turn LTS Office CE-01 Ceilings Ceiling Type - Fixed Plasterboard PB-01 05-050 BORAL PLASTERBOARD Thickness: 13mm with 600mm min. fixings Flush jointed tape joints Paint Finish. Rondo P50 joints at edges. Refer to RCP for extent and location. CE-02 Ceiling Type - Fixed Plasterboard PB-03 05-050 BORAL Fibre Cement Sheeting Flush jointed tape joints Paint Finish. Rondo P50 joints at edges. Refer to RCP for extent and location. CE-03 Ceiling Type - Fibre Cement - FC-02 05-050 BORAL Fibre Cement Sheeting Thickness: 9mm with 600mm min. fixings Express jointed Paint Finish. Feature Ceiling in Change rooms and pool hall. CE-04 Ceiling Type - Acoustic panel 05-050 One layer Heradesign Superfine 25mm 1200x600 on Knauf furring channels. Instalation to suit tecnical processing guidlines. Colour TBC. Cornice CN-01 Cornice - Shadow-line 05-050 RONDO BUILDING SERVICES P50 10mm shadowline stopping angle. Set flush. CN-02 Cornice - Square Set 05-050 RONDO BUILDING SERVICES Square Set Concrete finishes 2 CON-01 Worked concrete finish - 03-300 power Power floated concrete finish. Suitable for vinyl and carpet finishes by other trades. Flatness of 3mm over 3metres. CON-02 Worked concrete finish - 03-300 hand Worked concrete finish - 03-300 broom Hand trowelled concrete finish. Suitable for tiled surfaces. Broom finish concrete to external pavement/concourses. CON-04 Concrete stair finish 03-300 SC-01 Concrete sealer 05-600 80mm Granolithic concrete screed forming stair treads, risers and landings. SIKA Sikafloor Curejard 24. Dust-proofer / sealer / hardener: a one part, clear liquid based on sodium silicate to cure, harden and seal fresh or hardened concrete. SC-02 Polysoft 05-500 VERSATEX Standard non-pourous over approved hard surface and 'polysoft primers'. with 100mm integral monotek coving to wall and floor junctions. Colour: Ash 50%, Granite 50%, Granite tinting. Supply and Install by approved installer with consultation from Polysoft prior to install. Methodolgy: In accordance with "Polysoft Versatex Specifications" SCR-01 Screed - Pool Concourses and pool amenities with applied Polysoft finish 05-300 Light nylon broom finish. Surface must be clean and free of contaminants such as grease, dirt and existing unsound coatings. This is to be checked and cleaned by contractor.Concrete surface must be acid etched shot blast or diamond grind to remove any contaminants and achieve a finish to enable a mechanical bond between substrate and primer. If a curing agent has been used the surface must be checked for compatibility (test for adhesion) or removed prior to installation. In an open area cut a small groove in the concrete along the finishing line to anchor the broadcast at that point. SCR-02 Screed - General wet areas 05-300 General screed (Bonded) Generally to tiled areas Supply and install tiling screed to floors in wet areas and where indicated on the drawings. The screed mix shall be plant prepared granolithic concrete screed to 32Mpa minimum strength. Screeds shall be placed over structural concrete where specified. The granolithic screed shall NOT be less than 35mm Spread the screed mix to specified falls and cross falls, compact and float to the required tolerance and as required for the specified surface finish. The surface shall be prepared and a coat of commercially manufactured and compatible bonding agent shall be applied prior to the granolithic screed being placed. Install waterproof membrane to top of screed to falls. Membrane shall be PCI Seccoral 2K” flexible acrylic based liquid. To be applied to the base and sides of all wet areas shown and/or specified and extended full height up all adjacent walls, and to be applied to the full extent of ALL tiled wall faces, all in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. CON-03 Generally to Pool hall LTS reception. Builder must supply warranty of 2 years against failure and cover supply and installation of the material. 2 EJ-02 Expansion / Expansion Joint Cover 03-300 LATHAM Floor expansion joint cover - Stainless steel. CS-25 Ultimate Series. Including VWS Water Gutter. Generally to all expansion joints to structural slabs where a surface lining is applied. Refer to Structural Engineers Drawings for location(s). EJ-04 Expansion Joint Cover 03-300 LATHAM Floor-to-wall expansion joint cover - Stainless steel. SAS-25 (SSSM 104) Ultimate Series. Including BFG Water Gutter. Generally to all expansion joints to slabs/walls where a topping slab is applied. Refer to Structural Engineers Drawings for location(s). TM-01 External Cladding Biowood Wood - Plastic composite 04-203 BIOWOOD WP.01.150.18 Shiplap cladding to be laid horizontally Fixing method: Liquid nails and screw fix to substrate in accordance with installation guide Coating: 2 coats intergrain 'Grey' in accordance with technical specification Panel joints: Thickness:18mm Colour: Weather Wood Refer to elevations for extent and panel sizes. The Manufacturer's Warranty shall be for 15 years. The installation is to be carried out by the manufacturer representative's approved installers only. 04-203 BIOWOOD S4SO05050 Side 4 Side Outdoor 50x50 battens with internal aluminium stiffening rods Fixing method: Liquid nails and screw fix to substrate in accordance with installation guide Coating: 2 coats bioseal / intergrain Panel joints: Thickness:50mm Colour: Weather Wood Refer to elevations for extent External concourse pergola, and window awnings 2 and locations where shown. The Manufacturer's Warranty shall be for 15 years. The installation is to be carried out by the manufacturer representative's approved installers only. TM-02 Biowood Wood - Plastic composite Glass & Frame Types GL-01 Clear glass - Double glazed 04-500 VIRIDIAN PerformaTech Clear (#2) 6 toughened glass + 12mm argon + 6mm VFloat toughened Grade A Safety glass. U-value 1.4 SHGC = 0.38 Glazier to undertake their own assessment of size, thickness and for thermal breakage / fracture (heat treatment). All glazing to AS1288-2006 and BCA. Generally to pool hall and family change area GLD-01 Decal film on glazing 04-500 Glazing Decals to AS1288. Continuous, repeated opaque symbol / logo. Min. 100mm high band. To all full width of glazing. Logo to be provided by Principal. Refer to Window schedule for extent. GF-01 Glazed Framing System 04-500 REYNAERS Reynaers CW-50 Single Glazed 150mm x 50mm front glazed suite. Finish: Powdercoat Internal: Dulux – PN2E1 “Vivid White” External: Dulux PG1F7 – “Western Myall” Typical glazing frame to external and internal facade. GS-01 Colourback Glass Colourback Glass. All edges to be polished. Colour to match PT-0* kitchen benches generally 06-202 Insulation IN-01 Thermal insulation (roof - 04-203 less than 5 degree pitch) CSR BRADFORD CSR Bradford Anticon 140 Roof Blanket, Rm3.3, 140mm thick, 13.5kg/m3 Glasswool bonded to medium duty silver reflective foil. Installation: in combination with CSR Bradford Ashgrid Roof Spacer 120mm high (20mm sag in safety wire allows blanket to recover to full thermal performance of 140mm). R-Total roof solution of Rt3.7 Winter and Rt4.0 Summer. IN-02 Thermal insulation (roof - 04-203 box gutters) CSR BRADFORD CSR Bradford Anticon 55 Roof Blanket, Rm1.3, 60mm thick, 11.0kg/m3 Glasswool bonded to medium duty silver reflective foil together with CSR Bradford Dow Thermax-Light Duty Rm2.9, 63.5mm thick PIR Board with silver facing. Installation: Anticon blanket to be laid over gutter support strapping with foil facing down. Thermax Board cut to size and installed belowand to sides of gutter prior to installation of box gutter. R-Total roof solution of Rt3.7 Winter and Rt4.0 Summer. IN-03 Thermal insulation (external walls) CSR BRADFORD CSR Bradford Gold Wall Batts, Rm2.5, 90mm thick, High Performance, 22.0kg/m3 Glasswool together with CSR Bradford Enviroseal Proctor CW (Commercial Wall) Breather sarking, non-reflective wall wrap. Installation: Insulation installed between metal studs and continued up to underside of roof insulation so to fully encapsulate thermal envelope. Wall wrap to be fixed to outside of stud frame, lap 150mm and tape all joints; repair any damage and tape around all penetrations. R-Total external wall solution of Rt2.8 Winter. IN-04 Thermal/acoustic 05-100 insulation (internal walls) CSR Bradford Partition Wall Batts 165, Rm3.5, 165mm thick, 11.0kg/m3 Glasswool batts. Batts installed between studs to walls that require a reduction in noise transfer. Internal 150mm steel stud walls - Acoustic solutions to comply with acoustic engineer’s report IN-05 Ceilings - general 05-050 CSR Bradford Building Blanket 80, Rm1.8, 80mm thick, 11kg/m3 Glasswool at 1200wide. Blanket rolled out over suspended ceiling system prior to installation of sheet plasterboard or modular ceiling tiles. Refer Architectural documents. 05-100 Joinery Finishes JC-02 Joinery - Component 06-202 HAFELE Stainless Steel Handle 140mm wide x 35mm high Cat No: 109.32.902 Colour: Anodised Aluminium LTS Office area joinery JCP-01 Joinery - Compact Laminate 06-202 LAMINEX Colour: Laminex Polar White Flint Finish LTS Reception JL-01 Joinery - Laminate 06-202 LAMINEX Colour: Laminex White Natural finish. 200 LTS Office area joinery JL-02 Joinery - Laminate 06-202 LAMINEX Colour: Laminex Steel Blue, Natural finish. LTS Office area under bench JL-03 Joinery - Laminate 06-202 BENCH TOP CITY Range: Admira Colour: Azure Linen (2440 x 1220) Joinery - Part Reception JO-01 Opal Acrylic 06-202 Opal acrylic diffuser to face of concealed LED lighting 2 JSK-01 Skirting 06-202 JTM-01 Joinery – Bench Seating 06-202 100mm high natural anodized aluminium flat. Skirting to all joinery as noted on drawings NUVEX 19mm Nuvex Slotted Bench Seating with 316 stainless steel frame and mounting brackets. Linear slots. Install new top max. 440mm AFFL to suit locker plinth 450mm AFFL. Colour: Pure White. Frame (where floor mounted): 38x38 SHS 316 polished Stainless Steel Frame Frame (where wall mounted): 440x12mm custom satin stainless wall brackets with 38x38 SHS 316 Satin Stainless Steel stiffeners/framing as required. Refer to Architectural drawings. Foot: Castors & Industrial Products AF 31/40/M10/60 40xM10 500Kg 'A-Justa-Foot' with custom fabricated. Typical Bench seating in changerooms either floor mounted or wall mounted. Refer architectural drawings. COLT Colt louvre system: Ventilation and Rain Defence Louvre. Series: ERD. Maximum blade span: max. 1250mm. CAPRAL Capral 89mm Louvre Finish: Powdercoat PPC-12 (to match glazing frames). Fixed aluminium louvre to be fitted to Capral 419 Series frame. REYNAERS Finish: Powdercoat PPC** (to match glazing frames). Refer to elevations and louvre schedule for location. Generally to upper level facade. Louvres 04-500 LV-01 Louvres - Plant Screen LV-02 Fixed Aluminium Louvres 04-500 LV-03 Operable Glazed Louvres 04-500 Refer to Architectural Elevations and to Architectural and Mechanical Louvre Schedule for locations. Refer to Architectural Elevations and to Architectural and Mechanical Louvre Schedule for locations. Masonry BLK-01 Face blockwork 03-650 BORAL 150 Series (140mm) Standard Natural Block - concrete blockwork. Colour: Charcoal BLK-02 Fire rated blockwork 03-650 Refer to wall types for extent. BORAL 190mm block work to achieve a 120/120/120 Fire Rating (Boral Scoria Blend or similar). Reinforced and core filled where nominated by the structural engineer. BLK-03 Polished faced blockwork 03-650 Refer to wall types for extent. BORAL Series 150 Designer Block (140mm thickness) Finish: Random pattern, even spread of smooth, Shot Blast, Honed Structural: Core fill blockwork with N32 concrete. N20 bar reinforcement tied into the slab / strip footing. Refer also to Engineers details. Colour: Charcoal Mortar: Allow for coloured mortar. Colour TBC. Mortar mix shall be cement, lime and sand as specified, with proportions to AS 3700 and AS 1316. Sealing: Seal blockwork with Duramax MAXISEAL premium clear sealer from DURAM INDUSTRIES BLK-04 Polished faced blockwork 03-650 Refer to wall types for extent. BORAL Series 150 Designer Block (140mm thickness) Finish: Random pattern, even spread of smooth, Shot Blast, Honed Structural: Core fill blockwork with N32 concrete. N20 bar reinforcement tied into the slab / strip footing. Refer also to Engineers details. Colour: Pearl Grey Mortar: Allow for coloured mortar. Colour Pearl Grey Mortar mix shall be cement, lime and sand as specified, with proportions to AS 3700 and AS 1316. Sealing: Seal blockwork with Duramax MAXISEAL premium clear sealer from DURAM INDUSTRIES BLK-05 Face blockwork 03-650 BORAL 200 Series (190mm) Standard Natural Block - concrete blockwork. Colour: Charcoal Paint / Clear / Renders Finishes PAA-** Acrylic Paint - Blockwork 05-600 DULUX DULUX AcraTex 955 AcraShield Specification No: AUSA2957 (new blockwork - internal & external). Refer to wall types for extent. Refer to wall types for extent. PAB-** Acrylic Paint - Concrete 05-600 DULUX DULUX AcraTex 955 AcraShield Low Gloss - 501/2 AcraPrime Specification No: AUSA5627 (new concrete colour finish - internal & external) PAC-** Acrylic Paint - Interior ceilings 05-600 DULUX Wash and Wear 101. Flat Acrylic. DULUX spec AUSD0001. (plasterboard ceilings - internal & dry) PAD-** Acrylic Paint - Interior walls 05-600 DULUX Wash and Wear 101. Advanced Low Sheen Acrylic. Plasterboard - DULUX spec AUSD0002. (plasterboard walls - internal & dry) Refer to Finishes schedule and internal elevations PAE-** Acrylic Paint - External FC 05-600 DULUX AcraTex 955 AcraShield Specification No: AUSA0900 (cfc / villaboard ceiling & walls - external) Refer to Finishes schedule and internal elevations PCA-01 Protective Coating 05-600 DULUX. Dulux Protective Coating: Specification No: V14/292R2 Schedule A *Preparation and painting of all new exposed mild steel sections. PCB-** Protective Coating 05-600 DULUX. Dulux Protective Coating: Specification No: V14/292R2 Schedule B *Preparation and painting of all new hidden mild steel sections. PCC-** Protective Coating 05-600 DULUX. Dulux Protective Coating: Specification No: V14/292R2 Schedule C *Preparation and painting of all new internal concrete floor surfaces PCD-** Protective Coating 05-600 DULUX. Dulux Protective Coating: Specification No: V14/292R2 Schedule D *Preparation and painting of all new galvanized steel, on site, in-situ PCE-** Protective Coating 05-600 DULUX. Dulux Protective Coating: Specification No: V14/292R2 Schedule E *Preparation and painting of all new steel sections, on site, in-situ 2 PCF-** Protective Coating 05-600 DULUX. Dulux Protective Coating: Specification No: V14/292R2 Schedule F *Preparation and painting of all new steel sections, on site, in-situ (Knauf) 2 PES-** Paint - Enamel Semi gloss 05-600 DULUX Aquanamel Semi Gloss. PPC-** Powdercoat 05-600 DULUX Powdercoating. For Aluminium: Dulux Duratec X15. Refer DULUX Specification: AUSP5617. For Galvanized Steel: Dulux Duralloy FG. Refer DULUX Specification: AU_DP01827. PTM-** Timber finish - natural stain - clear, matt to low sheen finish 05-600 DULUX. Intergrain Natural Stain. Refer to DULUX spec AUSW3901. (External timber) PT-01 Wall Paint finish Generally 05-600 Colour: Dulux Wash and Wear Low Sheen Water Based Walls generally Acrylic Colour: Natural White PN1E1 PT-02 Ceiling Paint fnish generally 05-600 Dulux Professional Tintable Ceiling Flat Colour: Natural White PN1E1 Ceilings Generally PT-03 Ceilings and Walls - Wet 05-600 areas Dulux Mouldshield "Wash and Wear Bathroom Ceiling Flat" Water Based Acrylic Colour: Natural White PH1E1 Bathroom and Wet area ceilings and part walls PT-05 Trims Paint Finish 05-600 Skirtings/ Internal Doors/ Door Frames. Dulux "Wash and Wear" Semi Gloss Water Based Acrylic Colour: PT-06 Feature Ceiling and Walls 05-600 Dulux "Wash and Wear" Water Based Acrylic Colour: Lagoona Teal P30H3 Feature Ceiling and Walls PT-07 Feature Ceiling and Walls 05-600 Dulux "Wash and Wear" Water Based Acrylic Colour: Santorini P33H3 Feature Ceiling and Walls PT-08 Feature Ceiling and Walls 05-600 Dulux "Wash and Wear" Water Based Acrylic Colour: Rollercoaster P35H6 Feature Ceiling and Walls PT-09 Feature Ceiling and Walls 05-600 Dulux "Wash and Wear" Water Based Acrylic Colour: Shimmer P35H1 Feature Ceiling and Walls Plasterboard/ Linings 2 PB-01 Plasterboard 05-100 CSR GYPROCK 13mm plasterboard with recessed edges. Flush jointed. Paint finish. Refer to Wall / Ceiling types PB-02 Plasterboard Fireboard 05-100 CSR GYPROCK 16mm Fyrcheck plasterboard Paint Finish Refer to Wall / Ceiling types PB-03 Plasterboard Multiboard 05-100 CSR GYPROCK MULTIBOARD 13mm multiboard plasterboardwith recessed edges. Flush jointed. Paint finish. Refer to Wall / Ceiling types FC-01 Fibre Cement 05-100 Refer to Wall / Ceiling types JAMES HARDIE VILLABOARD 9mm Flush jointed with recessed edges. Paint finish surface. Allow for 12 Dulux Colours (PAE-**) Use perforated paper reinforcing tape, embedded in James Hardie base and top coat jointing system. Support eaves as required given the wind classification for the site. FC-02 Cladding Compressed Sheet - with expressed joints 05-100 JAMES HARDIE Proprietary James Hardie 9mm Versalux system, but on proprietary ExoTec® Gasket Snap Strips with bubble gaskets. Provide 10 mm expressed joints refer to elevations for details screw heads covered by epoxy and James Hardie Base Coat over Apply a continuous 6mm diameter bead of polyurethane sealant to the backing strips. Installation in accordance with James Hardie Exctec installation recommendations / requirements. Paint finish surface (PAE-**) Colours to be confirmed FC-03 Fibre Cement - External Soffits 05-050 Refer to RCP for locations JAMES HARDIE VILLABOARD 6mm Flush jointed with recessed edges. Paint finish surface. Allow for 12 Dulux Colours (PAE-**) Use perforated paper reinforcing tape, embedded in James Hardie base and top coat jointing system. Support eaves as required given the wind classification for the site. 04-204 EVERBRIGHT Everbright E610 polycarbonate cladding system installed vertically. 74mm thick wall panels Colour:Clear All trims, flashings, etc. to be powdercoated - PPCDulux PG1F7 – “Western Myall” Installed with proprietary seals, fixings, trims, etc to manufacturer's current written specification, by trained, licensed and approved installers. Generally to Pool Hall walls and feature ceiling Refer to Elevations for paint set out. Refer to ACCEL Technical Supplement “Lining an Indoor Swimming Pool Area” – edition 36 2012 Polycarbonate PLC-01 Polycarbonate wall system Resilient Materials FL-01 Flashings 04-203 Refer to Roof plans for COLORBOND locations Folded 0.8mm flashings formed from sheet material equal to type MT-01 metal roof cladding. Allow for up to 8 folds in flashing. Finish: ******* *All flashings to be weather sealed at laps and along the full length by an unbroken bead of 6 x 4mm thick butyl rubber sealant tape *(Kingspan reference S-EXT). *All internal flashings to be made from 0.55mm thick steel substrate, to the same specification as the liner sheet of the panel. *All flashings to have butt straps and sealed with two unbroken runs of 6 x 4mm thick butyl rubber sealant tape. *End laps to be air sealed with gun grade sealant. *All primary fasteners must be the high threaded type, manufactured from Austenitic Grade 304 stainless steel fasteners and fitted with a 19mm diameter bonded stainless steel washer. All Fasteners MUST be fixed through the Crown of the panel only. To comply with local wind requirements, it may be necessary to provide additional fixings in areas of high local suction. *Side laps and external flashings to be stitched at 450mm centres (maximum) with carbon steel stitching screws, complete with bonded 14mm diameter carbon steel washers. *Internal flashings to be stitched at 450mm centres with Austenitic Grade 304 stainless steel fasteners or rivets and fitted with a 14mm diameter bonded stainless steel washer. FL-02 Roofing - penetration flashings 04-203 DEKTITE EDPM proprietary flashing FL-03 Parapet / fascia capping 04-203 Folded parapet capping formed from sheet material equal to type MT-** metal roof cladding. FL-04 Custom sharknose fascia capping Folded fascia capping formed from sheet material equal to type MT-01 metal roof cladding. Allow for min. 7 folds 04-203 2 FW-01 Floor Waste 06-203 M A GRIFFITHS MAG-MIFAB BS1100-R. Product code: Ass. No. 70100 • e: 100mm diameter grade 316 stainless steel. • Strainer secured to body section with anti-vandal stainless steel counter sunk screws. FW-02 Trench Drain 06-203 ACO POLYCRETE (or acceptable equivalent) Grade 316 stainless steel trench drain (custom fabricated to all showers with flanges to all sides for membrane adhesion. Submit shop drawings. • System trough with safety edge and tile flange. • Base of drain to have 1:100 fall. • Outlets are to be located a minimum of 200mm from the cubical walls to allow cleaning access. Number of outlets as per the Hydraulic Engineer's drawings. • Grade 316 stainless steel waste baskets. • Heelguard™ grade 316 stainless steel class A antislip grates. • Finish: Pickle passivated. BG-01 Box gutter - Proprietry 04-203 Refer to Roof Plan for location KINGSPAN Proprietary Kingspan membrane lined insulated Box gutter. In maximum lengths and welded joints. External weather sheet: substrate to be minimum 0.6mm pre-galvanized coated steel to AS1397 with IKO 0.6mm or IKO 1.2mm thick PVC membrane. Insulation Core: consist of 60 or 120mm thick, closed cell, CFC and HCFC Free FM certified polyisocyanurate (PIR) insulation. Insulation core bonded to the external and internal sheets during manufacture. Internal Liner sheet: Substrate to be 0.5mm to 0.7mm thick steel S220GD+ZA hot-dip zinc/aluminium coated steel to AS1397. Coating to be Kingspan Aquasafe standard bright white. BG-02 Box gutter - Generally 04-203 Refer to Roof Plan for location COLORBOND Colour: ** Box gutters to be made from 0.80mm folded colorbond steel sheet to the sizes nominated on the hydraulic engineers drawings. Allow for associated Lysaght Spandek gutter board, gutter brackets, outlets, expansion joints, etc. Sumps to be made from the same material as above to the sizes nominated on the hydraulic drawings. Where Spandek gutter board and brackets are exposed allow to fully paint with system nominated within the specification for painting over galvanised surfaces. DP-01 Roof Downpipes 04-203 COLOURBOND DOWNPIPES Material: refer Hydraulic Engineer. Shape: round. Size: 150mm typical – refer Hydraulic Engineer. Colour: *** EG-01 Custom Sharknose Profile Eaves gutter 04-203 Custom sharknose profile eaves gutter, formed from sheet material equal to type MT-01metal roof cladding. Allow for min 7 folds EG-02 Eaves gutter 04-203 100mm quad eaves gutter - colour to match adjacent wall cladding MT-01 Metal roof cladding Refer roof plans 04-203 Refer to Roof Plan for location KINGSPAN KS1000 RW/FM Trapezoidal Roof System. With liner substrate to be 0.5mm thick steel S220GD+ZA hot-dip zinc/aluminium coated steel to BS EN10214:1992. Internal coating to be Kingspan Aquasafe standard bright white. High Humidity internal and Standard (non-corrosive) external environments. Thickness: 100mm core thickness; 135mm overall thickness. Colour: Gull Grey (top side), Off White (underside). Sealant: Bostik 5250 preformed mastic tapes. Select system to suit marine environment. Grade 304 stainless steel fixings. MT-02 Metal roof cladding Refer roof plans 04-203 LYSAGHT Colorbond 0.48 BMT. Blue Scope Lysaght 'Klip Lok'. Colour:** Refer to Roof Plan for location MT-03 Metal Internal parapet cladding 04-203 LYSAGHT Colorbond 0.48 BMT. Blue Scope Lysaght 'Spandek. Colour: ** Generally to the roof side of all parapets. OF-02 Roof - Overflow outlets 04-203 Horizontal overflow through facade. Shape: Rectangular - typical nom. 300mm wide x 80mm high. Size: refer Hydraulic Engineer for confirmation of size. To match adjecent wall cladding. SK-01 Aluminium Skirting 05-100 Aluminium clear anodised Height: 100mm 2 Refer to Finishes Schedule for locations RE-01 Resilient Materials - Vinyl 05-500 Store - A.GF07 FORBO Surestep Original Product: Original Colour: Elephant Code: 171952 Thickness: 2mm Slip Resistance: R10/Barefoot for wet areas Alll welded joints in accordance with manufacturers current written installation instructions, to match selected colour Stair Nosings SN-01 Stair nosing - Concrete stairs 06-150 LATHAM Asbraloy Safety Stair Tread Nosing. Profile: Asbrabloy FA711ST 1428.1-2009 Compliant. Insert colour: Lumo Luminescent Position: Stair Tread Fixing: as per manufacturers recommendations *To comply with AS1428 Generally to all Concrete Stairs 05-400 CTA AUSTRALIA PolyStud Plastic Tactile Indicators Code: TSS002-PP-160 8mm dia x 20mm Drill&Lock Fixing Spigot Textured top surface and smooth side face. Style: Spiral top surface. Comply with AS1428.4. Generally located at the base and landing of stairs and ramps in general public areas and back of house areas. Refer to plans for locations. Tactile indicators TI-01 Tactile ground surface indicators Threshold Strip TS-01 Threshold Strip 06-150 RAVEN RP96 Anodised aluminium. Threshold strip. Screw fix to manufacturer’s recommendations. Generally to all external doors and or where flooring material changes. TL-01 Tiles / Pavers Floor Tiles 05-400 TILES EXPO Type: Fully vitrified ceramic tile Colour: Geostone Grigio Natural Slip Resistance: is R11/B Size: 600 x 300mm x 10mm Floor tiles to Wet Areas generally. TL-02 Wall Tiles 05-400 TILES EXPO ARCHITECTURAL Ceramic Tile Type: Vision - GEN - C1 (matt white) Colour: Size: 600 x 300 Wall tiles generally - all bathrooms. TL-03 Wall Tiles 05-400 Feature Wall tiles to family AGROB BUCHTAL change vilage Type: Erthenware Colour: Random Pattern, combination - 1505 Light Blue, 1506 Soft Blue, 1507 Accent Blue, 1508 Deep Blue Size: 147x147 TL-04 Wall Tiles 05-400 AGROB BUCHTAL Type: Erthenware Colour: 1506 Soft Blue Size: 147x147 Feature Wall tiles to family change vilage Included in TL-03 TL-05 Wall Tiles 05-400 AGROB BUCHTAL Type: Erthenware Colour: 1507 Accent Blue Size: 147x147 Feature Wall tiles to family change vilage Included in TL-03 TL-06 Wall Tiles 05-400 AGROB BUCHTAL Type: Erthenware Colour: 1508 Deep Blue Size: 147x147 Feature Wall tiles to family change vilage Included in TL-03 TL-07 Skirting Tile 05-400 AGROB BUCHTAL Range: Chroma II Series Type: Cove Skirting - 31080 Type: External Mitre Pair - 37081 Type: Internal Mitre Pair - 37082 Colour: To match adjacent Wall Tile AT-01 Acoustic Tile Waterproof Membranes Generally to Main Pool hall, HERAGESIGN Superfine, 600 x 1200 suspended ceiling system with VK- 25m Pool & WW Pool – wall and ceiling 10 edge type on approved Knauf furring channel, Top Cross Rail and suspension rods. All ceiling system components are to be primed and painted in accordance with the protectective coating specification after being level set and tested. Use only heradesign supplied fixing system. Colours: TBA WPM-01 Sheet membrane - subsurface 04-050 SIKA Sikaproof A-12: TPO Sheet Preapplied Membrane. Roll width 2.0m. Fully and permanently bonded composite sheet waterproofing membrane system. SikaProof Tape-150, self-adhesive, internal jointing tapes based on Butyl-rubber, in 150 mm width. SikaProof Extape-150, shelf-adhesive, external jointing tapes based on Butyl-rubber, in 150 mm width. Installed with Sika Greenstreak Waterbar - Centre Bulb 200mm for construction and/or expansion joints. Full system installed by manufacturer instructed and approved contractors in strict accordance with manufacturer's current written specification. WPM-03 Internal wet area membrane - Walls & Floors 04-050 BASF PCI Lastogum X membrane. The selected membrane shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturers written instructions. Install waterproof membrane reinforcement - PCI PECI Tape at all corner junctions. Install in accordance with AS3740. Floors: This membrane shall be installed to all tiled amenities areas within aquatic change rooms and outside the aquatics areas. Walls: This membrane shall be installed behind all tiled walls across the site including in aquatic areas up to a height of 2150mm. Note that this membrane is compatible with Seccarol 2K. Regarding the above membrane systems, the floors slabs and walls must be prepared and primed to receive the membrane material in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. The slab must have cured for at least 28 days and must be sufficiency dry to receive the membrane. Typically inspections are required after each of the following actions have been completed; 1.) after floors and walls have been prepared to accept the membrane primer; 2.) after application of the membrane primer; 3.) after the membrane has been laid prior to covering over. WPM-04 Builder's film 04-050 200 micron black polythene sheet waterproof barrier. WPM-05 Sealant 03-300 To concrete construction joints SIKA generally. Sikaflex-Tank system. High performance, chemical resistant polyurethane joint sealant. System installed in accordance with manufacturer's current written specification. WPM-06 Liquid membrane 04-050 Tiled floors to all aquatic areas, except tiled change rooms SUPPLIER CONTACT NUMBERS COMPANY Atkar Andrews Group Austim (Australian Timber Products) Austral Bricks Autex BASF PCI Seccoral 2K membrane. The selected membrane shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturers written instructions. The finished dry layer thickness of the membrane material must be at least 2mm thick as required by the manufacturer. Install waterproof membrane reinforcement - PCI PECI Tape at all corner junctions at all corner junctions. The floors slabs and walls must be prepared and primed to receive the membrane material in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. The slab must have cured for at least 28 days and must be sufficiency dry to receive the membrane. Typically inspections are required after each of the following actions have been completed; 1.) after floors and walls have been prepared to accept the membrane primer; 2.) after application of the membrane primer; 3.) after the membrane has been laid prior to covering over. CONTACT TELEPHONE Travis Parker Stuart Andrews Alan Parker 03 9796 3333 0410 749 000 (08) 9409 6111/0457 999 525 Alana Maddock George Georgiou 9303 4000/ 0404817879 0418 205 702 David Carroll Justin Dennis 03 9876 2872 / 0419 332 306 0432 684 062 1800 677 052 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Barrisol Australia Bench Top City Bent & Curved Glass Pty Ltd Boral C/S Group Capral Ceramic Solutions (Agrob Buctal tiles) Chemind Rob Capper Russell Cook 1300 55 25 55 02 8543 4000 08 9302 8500 03 9545 5322 / 0419 113 777 Eral Dettrick 1800 33 44 44 Classic Ceramics Sallie Boucher 0409 403 711 [email protected] stuart@the andrewsgroup.com.au www.classicceramics.com.au Bench Top City Bolon Ceramic Solutions (Agrob Buctal tiles) Classic Ceramics CSP Architectural (Alpolic) CSR Bradford CSR Gyprock Dulux DPJ Coating Systems Elite Pool Cover Eternit Asia panels Everbright Roofing Systems Pty Ltd Fielders Forbo Justin Dennis Stuart Andrews Russell Cook 0432 684 062 0410749000 0419 113 777 www.benchtopcity.com.au www.theandrewsgroup.com.au Sallie Boucher Kirk Wells 0409 403 711 0425 777 019 www.classicceramics.com.au Daniel McKeown Troy Stubbs Bernard Schenk Jan Bucknall Steve Trower 1300 850 305 131 744 03 9263 5803 0418 384 262 0403 300 101 0418965116 (08) 9304 2132/0414 565459 Dean Lovett Hilton Gaulbert 03 9300 7700 0148 617 961 / 1800 224 471 Gunnersen GWA Group (Caroma/Dorma Supplier) Hafele Hufcor (Kyissa) Hufcor (Operable Wall) Interface Johnson Tiles Keystone Acoustics Kingspan Laminex Locker Group LouvreTec MasterFibre Mei Picchi Monotek (flooring systems) Nellakir (Aust) Pty Ltd Polyflor Polysoft Pty Ltd RBA Group (bathroom Products) Regupol Resene Paint Reynaers Aluminium Southern Cross Spectrum SPS – Specialty Plumbing Supplies Stone Outdoors Tiles Expo Viridian Wattyl X Position Woven Image Biowood Australia Ben Holod Melissa Fredericks 03 9647 9911/ 0418336553 0409 763 591 www.equitone.com http://www.everbrightroofing.com.au [email protected] Troy Stubb 03 9212 2000 03 9338 7400 03 9330 3733 03 9214 0713 www.interface.com 03 9720 4041 02 9604 8813 0420 414 844 [email protected] 13 21 36 1800 635 947 / 03 8791 1000 03 9770 4184 07 3376 7288 03 99004222 http://www.meipicchi.com 1800 062 301/ 0418384262 Geoff Toye Adrian Conrick Richard Lao 03 9355 7426 0404 817 283 (02) 9620 7231 Tony Merakis or Helen Osman Simon Griffiths Sandy Elliott 1300 788 778 02 46240050/ 0420 752 479 07 5512 6611 02 9666 0555 03 9561 9911 1300 786 585 Tyron Samantha Edel Mauro Faba Catherine Lewocki Mark Playdon Peter Forrest Jo Con Kantis Darren Morrison Joseph Keenan Melvin Fontanilla (02) 9416 8031 1300303975 08 93288111 0423 820 884 (03) 9688 1287 03 9768 3996 9429 0142/ 0413 752 202 +61 429 77 3363 www.regupol.com.au www.reynaers.com , [email protected] http://www.southerncrossceramics.com/ http://www.stoneoutdoors.com.au/ www.tilesexpo.com.au http://x-position.com.au/ [email protected] [email protected] Product Selection The naming of particular products in the Schedules indicates products of acceptable quality and design intent that may be approved, but does not mean exclusive preference for products. Equivalent products may be used. Submit for approval details of proposed products before commencing. The naming of proprietary products does not reduce or modify the Contractor’s responsibility to comply with the Contract Documents and warrant the work. Before commencing, verify the correct selection of appropriate products for the substrates and conditions in accordance with the Product Information. Revision History Purpose Issue: Preliminary Tender A 1 Tender Date: 27.02.2015 06.03.2015 Project: 503085 - Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre, Lilyfield Client: Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre Notes This legend and schedule is to be read in conjunctions with the Specification and all other contract schedules. All painted surfaces to be Dulux, unless otherwise stated. Aluminium skirtings are to be clear anodised, unless otherwise stated. All window and glazing framing systems to be Dulux powdercoat PPC-02, unless otherwise stated. Issue: 2 Date: 07.04.2015 Refer to the Specification for detailed information of all finishes. Spec Ref Code TRS Description BA-01 Plumbing Fixtures Basin - Standard Spec Description BA-02 Basin - Standard CAROMA INDUSTRIES Carboni II Semi Recessed basin - 1TH Ceramic White Code: 865915W GR-01 Grab Rail - Ambulent VIRTU Comfort 450mm x 450mm Grab Rail Code: 84774545440 Installed according to AS1428 GR-02 Grab Rail - Acc VIRTU Virtu Comfort Grab Rail 960x600mm RHS/LHS Code: 8479467440/8479465440 Installed according to AS1428.1 GR-03 Grab Rail - Acc VIRTU Virtu Comfort Grab Rail 300mm Code: 84730040 Installed according to AS1428.1 GR-04 Grab Rail - Acc VIRTU Virtu Comfort Grab Rail 600mm Code: 84760040 Installed according to AS1428.1 SH-01 Shower Head Thornthwaite Technologies (Supplier) RADA Rada VR2 vandal resistant shower head Chrome 8L/min SH-02 Shower Head DORF Myriad Fixed Wall Shower Code: 9154.043A SH-03 Shower Head - Acc. VIRTU Plus Starsafe II Shower Ecojet Neu with Inverted T Grab Rail RH/LH Code: 782738/782739 SH-04 Shower Head Concourse CAROMA Indus Overhead Rain Shower Code: 91051C2A Comments CAROMA INDUSTRIES Carboni II Wall basin - 1TH Ceramic White Code: 865715W Requires Caroma Right Angle Shower Arm Code: 2464.04 SN-01 Sink - Kitchenette CLARK Monaco Single End Bowl LHB - 1TH Code: 5113.1L SN-02 Sink - Cleaners CLARK Cleaners Sink Code: Y5100 WELS 3 star rated, 8.5L/min WELS 3-Star (9 l/min) Image Rev TP-01 Mixer Tap WELS 6 star rated, 5L/min Thornthwaite Technologies (Supplier) PRESTO Presto 2000 time flow tap 7.5sec (Hot and Cold pair) Chrome -Tepid taps to public change rooms and crèche. (one centre hole) - Tepid and cold supply to members areas - gym amenities and football club change rooms (two taps on the basin and no centre hole) TP-02 Mixer Tap - Acc. HANSA Hansa Medica Prado Basin Mixer Code: 014222760037 Installed according to AS1428 WELS 4-Star (7.5 l/min) TP-03 Mixer Tap - Kitchen CAROMA Sarcoma Sink Mixer Code: 98025C4A WELS 4 star, 7.5L/min TP-04 Shower Mixer PRESTO Presto 512 Valve - Timed Flow Control Code: P31056 TP-05 Shower Mixer - Acc HANSA Hansa Medica Prado Shower Mixer Code: 01470176 Installed according to AS1428 TP-06 Shower Mixer DORF Kip Bath/Shower Mixer Code: 872882C TP-07 Wall Tap - Cleaners CAROMA G Series Exposed Lever Wall Sink Set 115mm Code: G52430CA WELS 4 Star rated (7.5L/min) UR-01 Urinal 1.8L cistern and WELS 3 star rated, 6/3L flush WC-01 Toilet Suite - Public CAROMA Cube Urinal Invisi Series II Suite nduct In ceiling / Inwall Code: 771600W Fitted with Invisi Series II rectangular single flush custom buttons Chrome rectangular single flush custom buttons Code: 237022C Cisterns to be located in ceiling space above urinals. Supply and install 900 Long x 600 Wide Ceiling access panel. CAROMA INDUSTRIES Caravelle Close Coupled Suite Code: 989218 WC-02 Toilet Suite - Ambulent compliant CAROMA INDUSTRIES Caravelle Easy Height Close Coupled Toilet Suite Caravelle Care Double Flap - Anthracite Grey Code: 989370AG WELS 4 star rated, 4.5/3L Meets Ambulant AS1428.1 requirements WC-03 Toilet Suite - Acc. CAROMA INDUSTRIES Care 400 Toilet Suite Suite with Backrest - Colani Single Flap - Anthracite Grey Code: 987900BAG Installed according to AS1428.1 WELS 4 star rated Smartflush Suite Meets AS1428.1 requirements WC-06 Toilet Suite - Creche CAROMA INDUSTRIES Junior 2000 Connector BI S Trap Suite Wall Faced Code: 984251W WELS 4 star rated, 4.5L/3L Smartflush ZIP-01 Zip HydroTap ZIP Zip HydroTap Zip Model: Zip HydroTap G4 BC 160/175 Order Code: HT1704 ZIP-02 Zip Autoboil ZIP Zip Autoboil wall mounted unit Zip Model: Autoboil AB025FX Order Code: 12054 2 WELS 4 star rated, 4.5/3L Smartflush Suite BC-01 Sanitary Fittings Baby Change RBA Koala Baby Change Table Vertical Wall Mounted Stainless Steel Finish Code: KB111-SSWM FS-01 Folding Shower Seat Acc BRADLEY Surface Mounted Folding Seat Model 9558-40 Stainless Steel tubing with White laminate seat bonded to a phenolic core HD-01 Hand dryer - Standard JETDRYER Jetdryer Casing: Polycarbonate ABS Colour finish: Grace White Filtration: Antibacterial coated PHMG Filter Installed to product recommendations. HD-02 Hand dryer - Acc. RBA TrimLine Surfaced Mount Accessible Compliant Hand Dryer Code: B7128E Installed to product recommendations. Installed according to AS1428 MR-01 Wall mirror Refer to Wet Area elevations & shop VIRIDIAN DÉCOR MIRROR SAFE changing room layouts Frameless Point fixed through wall lining Refer to internal elevations for dimensions and setouts Colour: 4mm clear PT-01 Paper Towel Dispenser BRADLEY Towel Dispenser Stainless Steel Satin Finish Tumbler lock Model 2442 - Recessed RH-02 Robe Hook CAROMA Cosmo Metal Robe Hook Code:309128C RH-03 Robe Hook - Acc VIRTU Circut Robe Hook with Backplate Code: 0916C SD-01 Soap Dispener BRADLEY Surface Mounted Liquid Soap Dispenser Stainless Steel Satin Finish Model 6562 SD-02 Soap Holder - Acc BRADLEY Surface Mounted Soap Dish Type Regent R021 Surface Mounted Polished Stainless Steel Finish SD-03 Soap Holder BRADLEY Surface Mounted Soap Dish and Shelf Type Regent R0941-21-12 Surface Mounted Polished Stainless Steel Finish SR-01 Shower Rail - Acc BRADLEY Corner Shower Curtain Rail - Standard Size 1200 x 1200 x 600 Ceiling Support Stainless Steel Finish Model 953-CNR including Shower Curtain 1800H x 1200W Model 9537 TH-01 Toilet Roll Holder Standard BRADLEY Jumbo Toilet Tissue Dispenser Stainless Steel Satin Finish Surface mounted Model 5424 TH-02 Toilet Roll Holder - Acc. BRADLEY Toilet Tissue Dispenser Satin Finish Double roll toilet tissue dispenser. Model 5234 Installed according to AS1428 PS-01 Toilet partition system RS-01 Roller Shutters Roller shutter RS-02 Tilt Up Door FLUSH PARTITIONS AUSTRALIA Hardicolour 18mm Compressed Fibre Cement Sheeting Colour: Clear two pack polyurethane finish with compact laminate doors Doors: 13mm compact laminate - Laminex Colour: TBC All support aluminium to be anodised finish including H200mm legs dynabolted through floor. Partitions to include all hardware eg coat hooks/ door bumpers, indicator sets Dimensions: refer to Architectural drawings. Generally to all concourse public/change toilets and showers Generally to Pool Hall areas AUSTRAL MONSOON Austral Monsoon or acceptable equivalent Panorama E85 aluminium roller shutter. Slats: Fully solid 600x600 proprietary access panels under motors typical. Emergency chain rolled up in ceiling space adjacent to access panel Battery backup and connection to FIP for auto open upon fire alarm activation. Include push to exit button Finish: Powder coat finish. Colour to be confirmed by the Superintendent. DFT 100 Microns. Operation: Motorised (3-Phase). Motor to be fully boxed in with custom aluminium sealed removable cover. Battery backup and connection to FIP for auto open upon fire alarm activation. Include push to exit button. Include Logic control for swipe interface where indicated on the door schedule. Allow for keyswitch on the external side of the door in addition to swipe card facility. Battery backup and connection to FIP for auto open upon fire alarm activation. Include push to exit button Refer to Door Schedule for sizes MONARCH DOORS Renlita Series 3000 two-leaf floataway counterbalanced door. Twin leaf counterbalanced aluminium framed panels with glass infill and hinged horizontally. Aluminium framed fully glazed door. Viridian VLAM toughened 10mm thick Grade A safety Glass in accordance with AS1288. Door shall be suitably braced to withstand wind loadings in the closed position and provide minimum deflection in the open and closed positions. High alloy grade 904L austenitic stainless steel cables chains all other internal componentry subject to tension. Finish: PCC finish to 100 microns G. Size varies. Refer to drawings and door schedule. Measure and confirmed on Site prior to manufacture. H. Counterweights shall be enclosed and protected using 3mm thick powdercoated aluminium covers and shall be fixed to the guide channel and wall. I. Motorised operation. Refer to Electrical Services documents. Motor 415V-3 Phase Door Drive, 240V reversing contactor and key switch operation. Pool Equipment Electrical Applicances Kitchen REF-02 Refrigerator Undercounter THERMOMASTER S/S Bar/ Undercounter Fridge Model: HR200 s/s Group 1 Konica Minolta Colour laser printer, scanner and copier Code: bizhub C554e Group 3 CABLE GATE (Matilda Products) Automated chain gate barrier Card reader Access Control System FFC & CoC Staff Secure Car Parks. Refer Architectural drawings Interloc Premium Specification - Wave Locker Doors with bench seat. Locker Type Code: G IL High Plinth Finish to be Nuvex (JTM-01). 316 SS frames for lockers and seats. Size: W300mm x D500mm x H1450mm on a 450mm plinth. Finish to be Nuvex. Colour: TBA. Refer to Architectural drawings. RFID Reader for cards and wrist bands with LINKS control system. One per locker. Allow power and data. Refer Plans. Locations to be confirmed on site. * All lockers shall be hard wired to the LINKS Members electronic system utilising the Gantner or equivalent control system. Coordinate with the Electrical Services documents. RFID type operation and locks unless noted otherwise inclusive of associated software and all required integration into LINKS system *All lockers shall be connected to a proprietary UPS battery backup system. Electrical Applicances Audio Visual PR-01 Printer/ copier/ scanner CG-01 Landscape Cable Gate LK-01 Equipment Other / Items Lockers Product Selection The naming of particular products in the Schedules indicates products of acceptable quality and design intent that may be approved, but does not mean exclusive preference for products. Equivalent products may be used. Submit for approval details of proposed products before commencing. The naming of proprietary products does not reduce or modify the Contractor’s responsibility to comply with the Contract Documents and warrant the work. Before commencing, verify the correct selection of appropriate products for the substrates and conditions in accordance with the Product Information. Revision History Purpose Issue: PRELIMINARY TENDER A 1 TENDER Date: 27.02.2015 13.03.2015