
4650 N. Menard Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60630
(773) 534-3460 - Fax (773) 534-3530
Lloyd M. Ehrenberg, Ed. D.
Ms. Hanna Kapica
Assistant Principal
April 1, 2015
Dear Parents,
We are getting ready for the last unit theme of the year, Innovations. We cannot believe how fast the time has
flown by this year as we are embarking on the last quarter of the school year.
We would like the children to do a research project at home about inventors. We have attached a list of inventors
and your child is responsible to research one of them.
Pick one inventor from the list and make a poster of the inventor.
1. Draw a picture or print pictures of the inventor.
2. Draw a picture or print pictures of the invention.
3. Name the year of the invention.
4. When was the inventor born and include when he or she died if applicable.
5. Write 5 facts you learned about the inventor.
6. How did the invention help people or change the way people live? How has the
invention impacted your life?
The project is to be completed at home and is due on Wednesday, April 15, 2015.
Thank you very much! If you have any questions, please e-mail your teacher.
Happy Researching!
Ms. Fabjan, Mrs. Roelle, and Ms. Persino
Educate – Inspire - Transform
Philio Farnsworth – television
Elias Howe- sewing machine
Margaret Knight – paper bags
Wilbur and Orville Wright- airplane
Alexander Graham Bell- telephone
Dr. John Stith Pemberton- Coca-Cola
Karl Benz- automobile
Frank Epperson - popsicle
Josephine Garis Cochran – dishwasher
Sarah Goode- folding cabinet bed
Ruth Handler – Barbie Doll
Bessie Nesmith- Liquid Paper
Tim Berners-Lee – World Wide Web
George Crum – potato chip
Ruth Wakefield – chocolate chip cookie inventor James Naismith – basketball
Louis Braille – Braille
Charles Henry Gourd – stapler
Conrad Gessner – pencil
Bartolomeo – Critofori- piano
Mary Anderson – windshield wipers
Earle Dickson- Band-Aid
George Washington Carver – plant scientist
Noah and Joseph McVicker- Play-doh
Thomas Edison – phonograph
Edwin Binney and Harold Smith- crayons
Ann Moore- Snugli baby carrier
Benjamin Franklin – electricity
Robert Fulton – steamboat
J.P. Knight – traffic light
Guglielmo Marconi – radio
Alhazen – camera
Samuel Morse – telegraph
William Addis – toothbrush
Martin Cooper – cell phone
Arthur Fry – Post-It note
Ole Kirk Christiansen- Legos
Adolph Rickenbacker- electric guitar
Marion Donovan – disposable diapers
Perry Spencer- microwave oven
Konrad Zuse – computer
Leo Baekeland – plastic
Ralph Baer – video games
Levi Strauss- blue jeans
Madame Walker – hair relaxer
John Harvey Kellogg- corn flakes
Educate – Inspire - Transform