Sponsor Levels and Benefits
Sponsor Levels and Benefits
5K Run/Walk 6-9pm; Friday, June 5, 2015 Chambersburg, PA www.RaceAgainstPoverty.org Sponsor Levels: Gold Sponsors: $1000 Silver Sponsors: $500 Acknowledgement as a Gold Sponsor at the race Company logo on website, brochures, race shirt Given most prominent advertising opportunities Company logo along race course Large company logo on website, brochures, race shirt Company logo on Sponsor display board at the race Company logo along race course 3 free tickets to participate in the Run or Walk & & Company logo on Sponsor display board at the race 4 free tickets to participate in the Run or Walk Bronze Sponsors: $250 Friend of Circles Sponsor: $100 Company name listed on website and race shirt Company name listed on website Company logo along race course Listing on Sponsor display board at the race 1 free ticket to participate in the Run or Walk Product Sponsors: Items for door prizes or donated product for the event. Company listed with the donated product. Circles Donor: $_________ If you do not want to be a race Sponsor, and prefer to just support the work of Circles, we welcome your donation of any amount. NOTICE: We are also looking for companies interested in having a vendor site at Race Central. Info explaining how to register as a Vendor is included in this Sponsor Packet. GROUP RATES: If your company would like to encourage employees to sign up to participate in the race, we offer a 10% discount for groups (15+ participants). Members of a group must pre register before Race Day to receive discount. Contact Jon Raber for a group discount code for your company.
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