Sponsorship Opportunities - Rebuilding Together Peninsula


Sponsorship Opportunities - Rebuilding Together Peninsula
26th National Rebuilding Day – April 25, 2015
Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
One Day, One Team
Make a visible impact in your community
Sponsor a rehabilitation project with Rebuilding Together
Peninsula and offer your group a rewarding teambuilding and
leadership experience through volunteerism
The Opportunity & The Commitment
The Opportunity
Each year on the last Saturday in April, National Rebuilding Day unites the largest nationwide group of volunteers
from all walks of life to rehabilitate homes and community facilities and revitalize Peninsula communities.
Every project that we undertake is unique. Each work site comes with a different history, unique needs, its
own scope of work, and a dedicated volunteer team. Once deployed, we do everything from yard cleanup and
painting to skilled plumbing, windows, electrical systems, and flooring repairs. We have even repaired or replaced
roofs on homes and community facilities.
As we work to revitalize Peninsula communities, we also work hard to provide a positive volunteer experience for
our sponsors, volunteers, and community partners. The result of year-long planning, evaluating, training, and organizing
is a lasting impression and life-changing experience for our volunteers and the families and individuals that we help.
The Commitment
Sponsors provide financial support along with a volunteer team that includes a team leader called a Volunteer
Captain. They also provide a morning snack, water, and lunch for their team. Sponsors have the option of
providing their own Construction Captain should they have an interested skilled volunteer. Rebuilding Together
Peninsula is committed to providing a meaningful, well-organized experience and will identify your project and
train and support your volunteers throughout the entire process. At the end of the day, Rebuilding Together
Peninsula provides a picnic celebration for all volunteers. Sponsorship levels are designed to meet the needs
of every sponsor. While it is common for sponsors to provide project volunteers it is not mandatory.
2014 top
Kudos to Our Past Project Sponsors
Our 2014 Top Sponsors
($15,000 or More)
City of San Mateo
Crate & Barrel
Electronic Arts
Sobrato Family Foundation
TE Connectivity
Wells Fargo
Wollenberg Foundation
Woodlawn Foundation
Rebuilding Together Peninsula is blessed to have fantastic sponsors who give generously and make
volunteerism a part of their core values. Participating firms span a broad range of sizes and come
from almost every industry to help drive positive change in their communities. To see a complete list
of National Rebuilding Day sponsors, please go to www.rebuildingtogetherpeninsula.org and click on
past sponsors.
Rebuilding Together Peninsula’S 26th
National Rebuilding Day:
Saturday • April 25, 2015
levels and benefits
Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
Neighborhood Builders
County Builders
$5,000 ­— Up to 30 volunteers
Neighborhood Builders receive the following
HA unique one-day team building experience
HNational Rebuilding Day T-shirts for all team
HName on signage placed at rehabilitation project
HName listed in Rebuilding Together Peninsula’s
newsletters and website
HName listed in Rebuilding Together Peninsula’s
annual report
HMentioned in National Rebuilding Day press
HVolunteer appreciation picnic on National
Rebuilding Day
HA commemorative gift
Neighborhood Builders are primarily placed on home
projects depending on skill set of the volunteer team and
community need.
$15,000 —
­ Up to 100 volunteers
County Builders receive the benefits of above
levels as well as:
HProminent logo placement on the back of 4,000
volunteer t-shirts
HChoice of home or facility project, with
preference given to location
HLogo placement on front page of website –
rotation – with a link to sponsor’s website
City Builders
$10,000 ­— Up to 60 volunteers
City Builders receive all the benefits of Neighborhood Builders as well as:
HChoice of home or facility
HCorporate logo placement on the back of 4,000
volunteer T-shirts
HMedia promotions designed for your team
Community Builders
$25,000 —
­ Up to 200 volunteers
Community Builders receive the benefits of above
levels as well as:
HTop placement on the back of 4,000 volunteer
HWrap around volunteer recruitment events and
media kickoffs
HA co-branded press release
HA profile in Rebuilding Together Peninsula’s
Sponsorship Agreement
Company Name should read
We are proud to be a sponsor of Rebuilding Together Peninsula’s 2015
National Rebuilding Day on April 25, 2015.
Please remit this form by January 5, 2015 to:
Rebuilding Together Peninsula, 841 Kaynyne Street, Redwood City, CA 94063 or email to Randi at
[email protected]
We agree to participate:
NRD Sponsor:
n Neighborhood Builder Home Renovation Underwriter at $5,000
n City Builder Renovation Underwriter at $10,000
n County Builder Renovation Underwriter at $15,000
n Community Builder Renovation Underwriter at $25,000
NRD Picnic Underwriter:
(In addition to your NRD Sponsorship)
n Level 1 – $2,500
n Level 2 – $5,000
$ Total Sponsorship
Please check all that apply:
n Yes! We plan on sending volunteers as part of our contribution.
n Yes! We plan on providing a Construction Captain to plan the scope of work and supervise the workday.
n Please send us an invoice. We understand payment is due by February 15, 2015. Checks should
be made payable to Rebuilding Together Peninsula. Payment is also accepted on our website:
Information About Your Company:
Volunteer Captain’s Name
Construction Captain’s Name Phone
Sponsorship Representative
Company Representative Signature
841 Kaynyne Street | Redwood City | CA 94063 | Phone: (650) 366-6597 | Fax: (650) 366-9053
[email protected] | www.RebuildingTogetherPeninsula.org