Rice Festival Christmas Parade Entry Form
Rice Festival Christmas Parade Entry Form
Colleton County Saturday April 25, 2015 11:00 AM RICE FESTIVAL PARADE ENTRY FORM $10.00 Donation is requested for parade participation GROUP INFORMATION PARADE DATE & TIME: SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2015 11:00 AM Name of Group Name/Title of Contact Mailing Address City/State/Zip Email Address Daytime Phone Number CHECK TYPE OF ENTRY Band Dignitary Float Horse Marching Unit Other (Specify) CLASSIFICATION CHECK Commercial Non-Commercial Religious Fire-Rescue Apparatus Scouts PARADE INSTRUCTIONS Only two (2) vehicles per group will be allowed to participate in the parade. Dignitaries are permitted to ride in cars. Motorcycle units and car clubs will be allowed only by approval of Rice Festival Parade Committee prior to deadline. Rice Festival Parade Committee has the sole right to prohibit any entry from participating in the parade. PARADE ENTRY RESPONSIBILITIES Each entry will be responsible for its own vehicle, decoration, driver, and signage. PARADE DAY LINEUP AND ROUTE Report to the lineup site in front of Live Oak Cemetery on South Jefferies Blvd. beginning at 10:00 a.m. The parade site coordinator will assign a unit number to your entry at this time. The parade route will travel up North Jefferies, turn left at Rizer Chevrolet, and disperse in the Ivanhoe Shopping Center. NO CANDY MAY BE THROWN FROM ANY PARADE UNIT - NO EXCEPTIONS! COMPLETED & SIGNED APPLICATION MUST BE RETURNED BY TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2015, to Rice Festival Headquarters located at E.Washington Street (Chamber office) in Historic Downtown Walterboro. Phone (843) 549-1079 FAX (843) 549-5232 The Walterboro-Colleton Rice Festival, City of Walterboro, and Colleton County assume no liability; entry and participation is voluntary and at the participants’ own risk. The undersigned acknowledges, on behalf of the organization or entity listed above, that he/she accepts full liability and responsibility resulting from any negligent activities by the driver of its float, vehicle, cycle, and/ or rider. By agreeing to participate in this function, the entity agrees that it will hold the Colleton County Rice Festival Committee harmless from any injury or property damage caused to any individual or groups of persons as a result of its parade activities. The Colleton County Rice Festival Committee expressly disclaims all liability resulting from the actions of participants in the parade, acts of God and unforeseen events. This disclaimer shall flow to all participants in the parade. _____________________ Date _______________________________________________ Signature Rice Festival, East Washington Street, Suite A Walterboro, SC 29488, Phone (843) 549-1079 FAX (843) 549-5232