Who Can Trust a Crowd ? Mark 11:1-14


Who Can Trust a Crowd ? Mark 11:1-14
29th March, 2015
PALM SUNDAY Who Can Trust a Crowd ? Mark 11:1-14
Leadership is a fickle and strange thing. I
does not boast, it is not proud. It does not
meet a lot of people who have all kinds
dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it
interesting ideas about leaders and leadership is not easily angered, it keeps no record of
which can sometimes be entertaining, helpf ul,
wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but
cruel or simply defamatory. Some are
rejoices with the truth. It always protects,
desperate for it and twitch at every imagined
always trusts, always hopes, always
whisper. Many lov e to run to blame and
perseveres … When I was a child, I talked
shame all of those that ‘let them down’. Some
like a child, I thought like a child, I
lead by an almost sociopathic disregard for
reasoned like a child. When I became a
the liv es and gifts of others. Some even eyeman, I put the ways of childhood behind
roll and throw stormy toddler tantrums.
me. For now we see only a reflection as in
a mi
hen we s
ace t
o f
The thing is all of us get to be leaders … the
Now I
know i
n par
hen I
now f
most important aspect of leadership is not so
even as I am fully known.
much the mustering of others, but the
mustering of ourselves. Self-leadership in
Leadership, witness, integrity and impact all
conf essional, conversational and obedient
begin and are sustained by the leadership of
f ormation with the Living God is the core
who y ou are.
dy namic of all scripture and the backdrop for
much of the angst, violence and unrest in the As Jesus enters Jerusalem in what will be a
week of unspeakable passion, pain, betrayal
and agitation it is a triumph of personal
All of us are priv ileged to lead the person in
the mirror through surrendering our fickleness,
Jesus is owned by no one. He is not driv en by
imaginings, wounds, pride and personal
craziness to the Way of the Lord and cultiv ate popularity , likes, dislikes, opinion, power,
assault, conf usion, adulation or FOMO (the
a quickness to be agents of reconciliation,
grace and loves as expressed in1 Corinthians f ear of missing out). Jesus has a certainty in
his centre that is the piv ot point of every word
13: 4-12
“ Love is patient, and action …. It arises f rom his love,
knowledge and attentiveness
love is kind. It
does not to the Father.
envy, it As we make a journey let’s
be clear what rhythm we are
walking to.
John Sharpe
Welcome to Ringwood. We are not a perfect church…. But we do love the Lord
and seek to take his life, call, ministry and hope seriously. We seek to THRIVE in
his favour through an attentiveness to the Word, joining in community, seeking to
recognize and exercise our gifts and connection with the wider neighborhood.
Worship Leading: Max Moody
Song Leading:
Gaylene Hawkins
John Sharpe
Palm Sunday
Drew will be speaking
Induction of Drew Nicholls:
Today we set time aside to give God
thanks for the Ministry of Drew Nicholls and to induct him formally into God’s call
here at Ringwood. I encourage everybody to welcome, invite and offer hospitality
to Drew and Leah as they enter into more of the life, future and hope of Christ.
We are grateful for those attending today representing the Conference of Churches
of Christ in Victoria and Tasmania, Stirling Theological College and friends and family from the wider Body of Christ.
(EASTER SUNDAY – 5 th April)
Don’t forget to put your clocks back one hour before going to bed Saturday evening/
Sunday morning.
SIGNS OF LIFE - Easter Sunday Morning
As part of our worship I will be encouraging people to bring flowers, streamers,
balloons, photocopied messages, etc. to create images of hope, life and
John Sharpe
An extraordinary offering of Love:
Offerings as of last Thursday
approaching $6,000 (including $1,000 from our Mission and Evangelism
Thank you to the many people who have contributed to the humanitarian support of
Vanuatu following Cyclone Pam. Offerings will be accepted over the Easter period.
Simply place in a sealed envelope with the word VANUATU on front. GMP donation
slips are available from the office or information table in the foyer (note there is a
COCOA- Tax deductibility account that can be indicated on this).
Rachel Edwards and Cameron Walker, along with their families, are raising money
for Motor Neuron Disease Australia (thinking especially of Gary White, Nicole and the
family, and many others).
As well as participating in the Great Ocean Road Marathon 6km run, we will also be selling Cadbury Chocolates for $1 after 10am church
today (30 th March). So please come and buy a chocolate for a great cause.
Prayer Action:
Continue to pray for the humanitarian support and rebuilding in Vanuatu. Give
thanks for the tenacity, hope and ‘can-do’ attitude of the people.
Give thanks for and pray for the work of GMP in Vanuatu and for the blessing
of gifts sent from here to be multiplied by God in their overflow of support and
Pray for those in grief and loss following the cruel and tragic death of Masa
Pray for those who have lost loved ones in the recent French air disaster.
Pray for God’s vision, dreams and conviction of the conscience to sweep
through the middle east in such a way that dignity, peace, kindness and
hospitality to ‘strangers’ is protected and amplified.
Uphold our Christian brothers and sisters and other ‘minorities’ throughout the
Middle East that are persecuted and systematically eradicated in some areas.
Pray for those from Ringwood currently overseas in various expressions of
mission: For Cheryl Rippingale in Uganda … Claire Newnham in Thailand and
Emily Campbell in Africa.
Give thanks for our rich connections with Indonesia and pray for the
finalization of dates for a mission exposure trip later in the year.
Give thanks for Drew and Leah and for the faithful impact they are already
having in our shared life of witness and community building.
Pray for our offerings which have been down significantly over the last 7-8
months. Pray for goodwill and the desire to be loving, joyful and obedient in
tithing to overflow in the healthy disciplines of giving.
Pray for the upcoming Youth Easter Camp. Give thanks for the quality of
leadership and the generous offer of the Ricci’s to use their property in
Pray for the Easter holiday Children’s Activity day. Give thanks for the many
community connections and ministry opportunities arising through Linda Mills’
development of Playgroups, Holiday Programs, Family Night and other key
areas of intentional mission.
Pray for the outreach and spiritual outpouring of Easter Week …. Pray for the
Labyrinth and for the atmosphere of prayer and ‘soaking’ that is God’s gift
and blessing.
Give thanks the birth of Hannah (Nee Akehurst) and Michael Boland little
daughter Isa. (Hannah grew up here)
Give thanks for Josh Allred and Abby Taylor on their recent engagement !
Minutes of the SGM – Sunday, March 22nd, 2015
In accordance with the Church Constitution please note a copy of the minutes from
the SGM are currently posted on the General Noticeboard for your perusal/comment
for two weeks.
WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY - 12.30-2pm (parents room)
In Recess over Holiday Period Resumes… April 22nd
Please come and join us at the church in the parents' room at 7:30pm on Tuesday
night, as we meet together as a group and seek the Lord's leading on how to bring
His love into a broken world.
Hi everyone,
Luke Broadbent here, ministry intern, and I'm excited to announce a new Life Group.
Glory Group has been started for those who wish to go deeper in intimacy with the
Father. We want to spend time in the word, worshiping and prayer, and our hope is
that it can be a safe space to bring people new to the faith, a safe space to question,
and a safe space for people to learn more about the heart of the Father. Glory
Group is open to ALL ages!
So if you are keen to go deeper, or just hang out and talk about Faith, Glory Group is
the place for you!
It is being held at Luke’s home on Thursday nights fortnightly at
2 Katrina St, Doncaster, at 7.30pm.
If you would like to come or want to know anymore information please txt me
(0432 202 268) or email ([email protected]).
Accommodation is needed for a young Austrian lady in her mid 20’s who will be
working with Operation Mobilisation for 12 months as a graphic designer.
If anyone is able to provide board for her please contact Trish Sonsie 0421 011 871
for more information.
29th March
30th March
31st March
2nd April
3rd April
3-6th April
5th April
17 & 18th April
23rd April
22th-25th May
Induction for Drew Nicholls
Prayer Labyrinth
Kids Activ ity Arv o
Maundy Thursday serv ice
Good Friday service
Youth Group - Easter Camp at Toolangi
Resurrection Sunday
Women of Purpose—Destiny’s Child
‘Work-Life Balance’
CAP Budgeting Course
The place of Prayer in Work/Life Balance
Prayer Evenings with Bronwyn Checkley
Come and share two evenings, in which we will explore
these questions and discuss ways in which we can learn
"to march to the beat of a different drum", to walk at a
different pace, even in the context of this fast paced,
noisy, competitive and complex 21st Century in which we
Can we really live our lives from a place of peace and rest and joy even in the midst
of the demanding and challenging events of our daily lives - or is this just an
impossible dream?
Learning to practice the presence of God in our Daily Life ~
Centuries ago an elderly monk, Brother Lawrence spoke these words to a younger
monk, who came seeking his wisdom upon these same questions:
“For me the time of activity does not differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise
and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are together calling for as many
different things, I possess God in as great a tranquility as when upon my knees at the
blessed sacrament.”
“O Lord thou knowest that it is not Thy gifts I seek, but Thee Thyself, and my heart
will know no rest, till it has found Thee.”
Working hard for God versus living in God
Learning to Live from the Centre - our Source ~
Two nights
Thursday April 23rd - 7.30 - 9.30pm
and/or Thursday April 30th - 7.30– 9.30pm
Cost $15.00 per night - Supper provided
RSVP - April 17th
Please ring the office on 9870 8169 or email
[email protected] to register
Ringwood Men's Shed update
Some great news!! We have the keys to the door. The Maroondah City Council
have secured our workshop space providing new locks and escape signage. This
will enable our group to have greater flexibility of access.
Work is progressing on the lounge and kitchen spaces and very soon we should able
to start installing cabinets and then the painting of the space can begin.
Thanks to the generosity of the Church community we made $360.00 at the
After much prayer and conversation it’s great to be able to
announce a third playgroup will be operating from Term 2 on
Wednesday afternoons from 1.45pm – 3.15pm. Sue
Tregenza, ably assisted by Liz Grayden will be facilitating this
new group. Registrations are now open, so if you have friends
or family who might be interested, let them know. You can
register by contacting Linda Mill on ph 9870 8169 or email:
[email protected]
Women of Purpose
Upcoming Event
Human trafficking and sexual exploitation of young
women has been hidden for many years. But there
are several groups helping to overcome this
devastating trade, and to provide freedom and hope
to many of the girls who have been trapped in this
Helen and Ian Yarrow from our church have become involved with one of these
groups, Destiny Rescue, by visiting Thailand and sponsoring some of the girls who
have been freed from slavery.
We would like to support what they are doing, by raising our level of awareness, by
being prayerful, and by raising funds to contribute to this mission. To do this, we
plan to show the DVD Street Dreams, a documentary which “tears down the facade
of some of the world’s most exotic tourist locations, revealing an industry that thrives
on manipulation and destruction.”
If we were to show it to a large number of people, the licensing cost would be
prohibitive. We have therefore decided to have at least two showings in homes –
one on Friday evening 17 April at Heathmont, the other on Saturday afternoon 18
April in Warranwood. Depending on the level of interest, we have a third home
available, also on the Saturday.
Helen will be available at each screening, to share her experiences with us, and to
let us know more about Destiny Rescue. There will be no charge, but if you feel
you would like to make a donation it would be gratefully received. Supper/afternoon
tea will be provided.
Space is limited, so ladies, if you are interested in coming, please ring Merilyn Sprott
on 0429 145 270 to reserve a seat.
PIZZA BOXES w ill be available for primary aged children during the 10.00am
Hi there!
Talk about a challenge!
In April four members of our community: Elissa &
Gary Scott, Geoff Martin and Fiona Phillips will be
walking 100km to raise money and awareness for Oxfam Australia. The event is
Oxfam Trailwalker.
Teams of four enter this event and have 48 hours to walk or run the 100km trail. It’s
very likely that they will walk through the night (with little or no sleep) until the end.
The event raises vital funds for Oxfam Australia.
The team has set a goal to raise as much money as they can to help some of the
world’s poorest people! They have been training hard and hoping that you might
consider supporting them in this amazing challenge. If you would like to donate then
go to: https://trailwalker.oxfam.org.au/team/home/19439 and give online. The team
is also much in need of prayerful encouragement and would value prayer support as
they continue to train but particularly over the event weekend 10th-12th April.
Thanks heaps!
Penny Martin (on behalf of the team)!!
Mission and Evangelism
The Mission & Evangelism committee would like to remind all members of the
church, of the families that are financially supported on a monthly basis from the
M & E budget and that ask that you remember them in prayer.
YWAM Newcastle (Stephensons)
$250 per month
YWAM Thailand (Stephen & Ruth Devenish)
$125 per month
Global Interaction Indonesia (Matt & Tash Sharpe)
$125 per month
Operation Mobilisation (Sonsies)
$125 per month
CAP (Christians Against Poverty)
$50 per month
One off distribution of funds has also been made for the following:
Blessed Feet for DVD distribution
Op Shop to purchase suitable Tracts
Brian & Araceli Steain to assist with cost of clothing Philippines $200
Matt & Tash Sharpe to assist with airfares & initial costs
Stephen & Ruth Devenish to assist with airfares & initial costs
Global Mission Partners for where most needed.
These are all part of our family here at Ringwood so please keep them all in prayer
that God would keep them safe & bless their every endeavour for His Kingdom.
Ian Hughes
To order copies of the sermon on CD, please find an order form in the attendance
register. Leave in the register and these will be processed and available, usually
within one week. If you would like to offer a donation to this ministry, please place
this in the offering bowl.
Financial Snapshot of Tithes and Offerings
$ 44,461
$ 43,098 $ (1,363)
Year to Date
Actual Difference
$ 421,807 $396,995 ($24,812)
This is the first monthly Tithes and Offerings summary to be reported in the
Breaking News. As previously reported we continue to be significantly behind
our year to date figures.
If you would like to know more information, please contact one of the
members of the FGA Committee.
Ken Morton, Dave Moody, Sandra Punithan, Russell Cheal, Mark Travill,
Michael Campbell or Anne Morley
Worshipful, faithful and regular giving to God’s w ork … consider
I authorise Ringwood Church of Christ, 13 Bedford Road,
Ringwood 3134. to charge my credit card for $_____________
being my offering for today.
My regular offering amount of $____________ to be debited
from my credit card each week/month. (Please circle the appropriate
Direct Debit
or Internet
Church of
Christ Inc.
BSB: 083 343
Account No:
89 395 1419
Name on card: ______________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________
Card Expiry Date:
Contact No: _________________________
Birthday Greetings - March/April
3rd Cassandra Moore, Benjamin Moore, Stev e Dewberry
4th Roby n Armstrong, William Trease, Santosh Plakkat
5th Graeme Barry
Next Week - 5th April - Easter Sunday
MARK 16:1
John Sharpe
John Sharpe
Annora Hummerston
Joe Kutka
Peter Thomas, Michelle & Rodney Kemp,
Dorothy & Graeme Wigney, Suji & Santosh Plakkat
Annora Hummerston, Aidan Salmon, Andrew Whitby,
Russell & William Close, Tim Allred, Cameron Palmer
Natalie Palmer, Andrea Salmon, Jon Fraser
Matt Phillips
Marg Goddard
Morning Tea:
Kathry n Moss (M), Jenny Waack
Communion Preparation: Arleen Caubo
Gina Herft
Welcome :
Dav id Brown, Sue Rosel, Graeme Addicott, Doug Goddard
Offering Counters:
John Lanaway , Arthur Martin
Speaker: Drew Nicholls Leader: John Sharpe
Song Leader:
Bible Reading:
Communion Helpers:
Op Shop:
(In recess - Returns 15/4)
Oasis Meals: - Thursday
(In Recess - Returns 16/4)
Easter Biscuit Bake: Can you help Prison Fellowship provide homemade
biscuits for Easter.
Anzac Centenary Concert - Songs of the World War Years. 26th April, 2.00pm
8.30am Communion/Study
10.00am Worship
6.00pm Evening
April, 2015
Sunday Serv ices 8.30am - Bible Study, Communion
Fellowship Room
10.00am - Worship Service - Chapel
*Underground Station
U nderground Station
10.30am - *Sparklers - Long Room
- *All Stars - P itt S treet
- *7UP - Fellowship Rm
4.00pm - Rahab’s Room
Underground Station
6.00pm - Nig ht Church
All Grow Groups Various Times and Locations
Refer Group Leaders,
Noel Mor ley or Chur ch Off ice
Worship Practice 7.00pm - Wed nesdays &
9.00am - S undays
Chapel Ref Chris Sharpe
5.00pm - Sundays Ref Wors hip Leader
*Youth Gr oup
Various time -
Fridays Church
Refer Adrian Sinnatt
(*Not thr ough School Holidays)
2 8pm Maundy
3 10am Good
5 6.45am Dawn
12 Church
Thursday Service
Friday Service
13 11.00am
14 10.00am
15 Op Shop 10-3 16 Op Shop 10-3 17 Seniors Outing 18 10.15am
12.30 Bible Study Oasis Meals
Seniors Bible
Study Parents
10am KYB Bible
Study - P Greig
7.30 Blessed Feet
21 9.30 Timeout
22 Op Shop 10-3 23 Op Shop 10-3
for Mums
12.30 Bible Study Oasis Meals
7.30pm F&A Meet12pm
7.30pm Work7.30 Blessed Feet
Life Balance
Prayer Evening
(bookings with
28 10.00am
Seniors Bible
Study Parents
10am KYB Bible
Study - P Greig
7.30pm Elders
*Play Group - Little Stars
10.30am - Wed/Thu
Pitt Str eet H ouse
Refer Linda Mill
(*not in school holidays)
Women of Purpose –Destiny
Child ph:
Women of Purpose –Destiny
Child ph:
service @ Maroondah Civic
8.30am, 10.am,
8.30am, 10.am,
19 Church
8.30am, 10.am,
26 Church
8.30am, 10.am,
29 Op Shop 10-3 30 Op Shop 10-3
12.30 Bible Study Oasis Meals
7.30pm WorkLife Balance
Prayer Evening
(bookings with
If you have any special events you wish to highlight on May’s Calendar can you please see that information is provided to the Church Office either by phone or email before 21st April.
Phone: 9870 8169
Fax: 9870 3453
Ringwood Church of Christ, 13 Bedford Road, Ringwood Vic 3134
Email: [email protected] Website: www.ringwoodchurch.org.au