In 2011, Oakmont High School made a shift to PBIS. At Oakmont, we


In 2011, Oakmont High School made a shift to PBIS. At Oakmont, we
In 2011, Oakmont High School made a shift to PBIS. At Oakmont, we have established
the term Viking Expectations to encompass behavioral and attitudinal expectations
conveyed in a positive format (Choose Respect, Be Responsible, Have Integrity, and
Actively Engage). OHS Viking Expectations are introduced and reviewed at the start of
each school year. Reinforcement of individual student behaviors is provided through
Viking Expectations reward cards which are entered in the weekly VE lottery
drawing. Winning students are then able to choose from tangible rewards, the favorite
being a Starbucks gift card. Teachers report and intervene when they witness bullying
and other disrespectful behavior in the classroom. Our updated Aeries system allows for
teachers to document minor infractions of the PBIS expectations and document
interventions they have provided to the student. This reporting system will allow staff
access to behavioral intervention data that allows the PBIS team valuable data. PBIS
has facilitated positive change for our students and staff and an overall shift to a more
positive school culture.
Front (L to R): Gina LaCoste, Joanne McHugh, Helen Klug, Lorri Perkins, Sondra Myles, Nicole Haynes
Back: Christa Hunter, Don Moore, Lisa Benavides, Lisa Noma