Feedback loop practice


Feedback loop practice
April 20, 2015
LT: I can describe how the nervous and endocrine systems work together through negative feedback loops to maintain homeostasis.
Grab a white board and marker per table
Student 1: Tissues are the basic unit of structure and organs are the basic unit of function.
Student 2: Cells are the basic unit of structure and organs are the basic unit of function.
Student 3: Cells are the basic unit of structure and function.
Student 4: Organs are the basic unit of structure and function.
As a table decide, which student do you agree with? Describe your thinking and provide and explanation for your answer.
Be prepared to share!
Jan 8­7:54 AM
Anatomy Workbooks
Nov 3­12:13 PM
Homeostasis Cardiovascular Nervous Immune
Disruptions to body
Nov 3­12:16 PM
What is being controlled?
May 13­8:58 AM
Feedback Loops
Feedback loop practice
Read the scenario you are presented with. Decide if it is a positive or negative feedback loop. Diagram the loop on the back of your sheet.
May 14­8:59 AM
Nov 3­12:14 PM
Warm­up: Turn to page 3 in your workbook and answer, "Two reasons why it is so important that the internal environment of the body remains stable" in reference to specific levels kept stable.
Nov 4­10:34 AM
It's a hot day and you're sweating. Is this response an example of a positive or negative feedback loop? Explain your answer.
April 20, 2015
Negative feedback:
Positive feedback:
Apr 6­6:01 PM
A) A neuron is stimulated, thus opening membrane
channels to allow sodium ions to leak from the
extracellular fluid to the intracellular fluid. This
causes more membrane channels to open, thus
allowing more sodium ions to enter the intracellular
B) Baroreceptors notify the brain that the blood
pressure has increased. The brain then notifies
the blood vessels to dilate, thus lowering the
blood pressure.
C) Low levels of glucose in the blood cause the
pancreas to release less insulin (a hormone that
lowers blood glucose).
D) Elevated body temperature is sensed by cells
in the brain. As a result, sweat is produced, and
heat is lost as the water in the sweat
E) An auto factory produces 1000 cars per
week. The sales office could sell 1200 cars per
week. Extra production personnel are added at
the factory to meet the sales demand.
Nov 5­1:13 PM
Heart rate homeostasis Nov 4­11:48 AM
Nov 6­11:39 AM
Do you think that feelings of hunger and fullness are an example of feedback? Explain.
Nov 5­1:21 PM
Warm­up: Spend about 10 minutes finishing up the questions from yesterday.
April 20, 2015
Turn to page 6 in your packet. Answer the first question on the Homeostasis Check­in while
watching the video.
What is the difference between positive and negative feedback loops?
How does recording your changing pulse rate demonstrate negative feedback?
Nov 5­11:11 AM
Warm­up: Turn to page 3 in your packet. While watching the videos, give two reasons why hydration homeostasis is so important.
Nov 5­11:12 AM
Homeostasis POGIL
As a table, use the diagrams on page 4 to answer the questions on page 5. When you have them all answered, have Ms. Clark come over for a check­in and initials on page 5.
Nov 6­11:30 AM
Exit Ticket: Nov 5­12:25 PM
Nov 5­11:14 AM
Warm­up: Take 10
minutes to prepare
yourself for the quiz.
Nov 7­11:55 AM
April 20, 2015
Warm­up: Turn to page *** in your workbook and answer the questions as a review for the quiz.
Apr 8­8:04 PM
Cardiovascular System
Put everything away except a pen or pencil. Put your ID NUMBER on the top of your quiz.
Apr 8­8:06 PM
1. What website(s) are you using?
2. What is the cardiovascular system?
3. What structures are included in the cardiovascular system? 4. Describe the structure and function of the heart, lungs, veins and arteries.
Nov 7­12:39 PM
Nov 7­12:35 PM