Harald Edelstam


Harald Edelstam
Invitation to the 100th
anniversary of
Harald Edelstam
- a diplomat with civil
Sweden´s consul to Norway during WWII and
Sweden´s ambassador to Chile during the
coup in 1973—saving thousands
Sunday November 17th 2013
Program, Sunday, November 17th (see also next page for details)
Welcome, ambassador Ingrid Hjelt af Trolle, Embassy of Sweden
14.40-16.30 Program with. Harald Edelstam´s son Erik Edelstam and his
daughter Caroline Edelstam, journalist Erling Borgen and
Ines Vargas and Marina Teiltelboim and Chile´s ambassador
Juan-Anibal Barria in the presence of former ambassador
Frode Nilsen (see next page )
”Jag vill tacka livet” - songs from
Latin America
Arja Saijonmaa performs songs by
Violeta Parra, Victor Jara a.o.
Accompanied on the piano by
Petri Somer
Voksenåsen, Ullveien 4, 0791 Oslo, phone: 22 81 15 00, www.voksenaasen.no
Program Sunday, November 17th 2013
14.30 Welcome, ambassador Ingrid Hjelt af Trolle, Embassy of Sweden
14.40 ”Janusansiktet”
Erik Edelstam, son of Harald Edelstam, presents his new book about his
father and his work in Norway and Chile.
Caroline Edelstam, Erik´s daughter, tells about the activities of the
Harald Edelstam Foundation.
15.20 The military coup in Chile— and the connections between the
ambassadors Harald Edelstam and Frode Nilsen
Journalist Erling Borgen, former Latin America correspondent for NRK
tells about the coup and of the humanitarian achievements of the Swedish
and Norwegian ambassadors. Ambassador Frode Nilsen will be present.
15.45 Chile i my heart
Ines Vargas, vice minister of justice under Salvador Allende
16.10 Testimony by Marina Teiltelboim, daughter of Communist Party leader
Volodia Teiltelboim. Introduction by ambassador Juan-Anibal Barria
16.45 Arja Saijonmaa
Register before November 15th by sending email to:
[email protected] with name, address, phone
and choose dinner/no dinner and write ”Edelstam”
Price: kr. 395.– including dinner
kr. 150.– without dinner
Payable at the entrance.
Voksenåsen is Norway´s national gift to Sweden as a token of gratitude for Swedish aid
during and right after WW II. Voksenåsen is owned by the Swedish Ministry of Culture
and is a Nordic meeting place—and a modern hotell and conference center 500 meters
a.s.l., 20 minutes from Oslo city center – with Swedens´s best view!
Voksenåsen, Ullveien 4, 0791 Oslo, phone: 22 81 15 00, www.voksenaasen.no

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