international river runners chili cook off
international river runners chili cook off
August 2005 Web Page Volume 18 Issue 8 INTERNATIONAL RIVER RUNNERS CHILI COOK OFF The River Runners are a group of individuals that are always at the Terlingua International Chili Championship to help with any task at hand. They have supported CASI for many years, and held their 3rd annual cook off in Bastrop, Texas, to raise additional money for charity. The photo below shows some of the members that were present for the cook off celebrating with the winner. Left to right: Back row (standing) Dusty DeBerry, John Smith, Jeff Gregory, Bob Hughes, Diamond Dave Bourke, Ralph Rogers with unidentified River Runner Groupie, ???, John Loyd, Ken Hensel. L to R kneeling: John Behrens, Dave Gage, Katherine "Mama" Schmidt (2005 River Runner Chili Queen), Mom’s son Cecil Schmidt. CASI Hot Line 888-CASIHOT If you have a cookoff coming up in the month of OCTOBER your cookoff information must be in the hands of the CASI Upcomings Director by AUGUST 15th to meet the 30 day cookoff advertising requirement. Chili Appreciation Society International Inc. 3802 Manchaca Road Austin, Texas 78704 Non Profit Organization US Postage Paid Kerrville, Texas Permit No. 81 Page 2 Terlingua Trails August 2005 ED Ponderings There was plenty of good, old-fashioned fun on our trip last month. Congratulations to the organizers of both the Wyoming State Championship (Chugwater) and the Colorado State Championship (Grand Lake). Both events should be on your “don’t miss” lists. They have plenty of friendly public, entertainment, good food, and appreciation for the cooks. Besides, even when they’re having a heat wave, it’s cool compared to a lot of other areas. Now that we’re back, serious business has resumed. By the time you read this, your Great Pepper will have received a packet containing rules change proposals. Be sure to go to your Pod meetings so that you can be part of the discussion. There will be healthy debate and more detailed information about these proposals at the Great Peppers’ Meeting. However, in order to make good judgments, your delegate needs to know the Pod’s consensus of opinion. Another project we’re working on is delegate and Pod credentials for the Great Peppers’ Meeting. As you hold your elections, remember that all Pod officers and referees must be CASI members who have paid their dues through September 2006. This must be done before the Pod can be seated or the Referees certified. Additionally, please choose Referees who are sincere about taking their responsibility seriously. We really don’t have many problems with cookoffs, but when we do, it is frequently because the Referee did not know the rules, didn’t do what they were supposed to do, or just failed to show up. Referees are the people we depend on most because they certify the cookoffs so cooks can get their points, and they are the official CASI contact to the promoters. Please help us get our best people in these positions. A big pat on the back goes out to Chip Welsh. He’s the first person to utilize the new upcomings page on the CASI website. Chip logged in and submitted the September 4, Hanover, Pennsylvania cookoff online. When you see him, talk to him about it and he’ll tell you how easy it was. See you at the cookoffs. Alan Director terms that expire this year: Mel FitzHenry Mikie McGarity Renee Moore Dorathy Williams If you are interested in running for a position on the Board, contact the Executive Director. CASI INSURANCE Please make note: the contact for obtaining insurance certificates for cookoffs has changed. To get a certificate (proof of insurance) for your cookoff, please contact Michelle Moreau-Account Manager, Consolidated Insurance Center, Inc., 11403 Cronridge Drive, PO Box 0664, Owings Mills, MD 21117-0664, Phone: 410-356-9500, Fax: 410-363-3520, Email: [email protected] TALLYMASTER'S REPORT YEAR TO DATE COOK0FF-OFF STATISTICS STATE ALABAMA ARKANSAS ARIZONA BRITISH COLUMBIA CALIFORNIA COLORADO DELAWARE FLORIDA GEORGIA IOWA ILLINOIS INDIANA KANSAS LOUISIANA MARYLAND MISSOURI MISSISSIPPI MEXICO NORTH CAROLINA NEBRASKA NEW MEXICO NEVADA NEW YORK OKLAHOMA PENNSYLVANIA TENNESSEE TEXAS VIRGINIA VIRGIN ISLANDS WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA WYOMING GRAND TOTAL REQ COOKOFFS CHILIS PTS HELD JUDGED 6 2 43 12 19 547 12 29 750 6 1 18 6 1 16 6 5 89 6 1 16 9 8 167 6 3 49 9 3 51 9 14 281 6 2 37 6 6 172 6 1 57 12 6 98 6 3 53 6 3 66 6 4 284 9 6 120 6 1 15 12 7 188 6 1 20 6 1 15 12 12 236 6 1 18 12 7 152 12 257 9,055 6 6 96 6 1 22 9 4 71 6 1 16 6 2 68 418 12,886 MONEY RAISED 1,300.00 30,713.00 39,321.39 1,844.00 300.00 14,950.00 6,000.00 29,429.00 2,347.00 8,445.00 18,882.00 15,000.00 7,891.83 2,783.00 8,545.00 8,200.00 2,135.00 4,200.00 9,608.00 300.00 8,220.00 700.00 6,000.00 96,343.00 300.00 20,682.00 381,905.93 1,837.00 13,000.00 3,874.06 1,000.00 7,000.00 753,056.21 DELINQUENT COOKOFFS - These are Cookoffs held before 06/01/05 that results have not been received for! Apr 30, 2005-011 - The Colony TX 24th Annual Lions Club Chili CCO., May 7, 2005-009 - Luray VA The Inaugural Old Town Luray, May 7, 2005-012 - Pyote TX Aunt Jackie’s Place 15th Annual, May 28, 2005-005 - Augusta AR Augusta Days Chili Cookoff., Alan Dean’s Chili Hot News is now available on the web at: This newsletter is updated almost daily with the latest news about CASI, cookoffs, cooks, and much more. August 2005 Terlingua Trails Qualified As Of July 14, 2005 COOKS 251 Connie Collier, Snyder TX 252 Patsy Childress, Midland TX 253 Ava Horan, Tomball TX 254 Chuck Taylor, Cedar Park TX 255 Connie Sue Schrade, San Antonio TX 256 William N.(Bill) Garbutt Sierra Vista AZ 257 Mavis Nelson, Crawford TX 258 Sally Papasan, Midand TX 259 Steven A. Lopez, Rio Rancho NM 260 Amanda Matheson, Amarillo TX 261 Preston Smith, New River AZ 262 Mike Parker, Trinidad CO 263 Sherree Duncan North Richland Hills TX 264 Lynette Roberson, Irving TX 265 Michele Goodwin, Waxahachie TX 266 Tom Esford, Riverview FL 267 Dee Palmer, Mansfield TX 268 Carolyn Seelig, Austin TX 269 Bill Lester, Garland TX 270 Charles Breeden, Alvarado TX 271 Billy Doss, Georgetown TX 272 Bradley “Lew” Wheeling, Reading PA 273 Junior Johnson, Lamar MO 274 Everett Crawford, Broken Arrow OK 275 Happy Hinman, San Antonio TX 276 Barbara C. Taylor, Johnson City TX 277 Jim Parker, Alexandria VA 278 Eloy Salamanca, El Paso TX 279 Mike Usiak, Chicago IL 280 Bert Centers, Lisle IL 281 Melodie Smith, San Antonio TX 282 Glen Volkmer, Victoria TX 283 Lynn Kober, Powell WY 284 Robert Batie, Loveland CO 285 Greg Rees, Cheyenne WY 286 Doug Ingerson, Broomfield CO 287 Tiffany Cummings, Lakewood CO 288 Derrick Janisz, Tarpon Springs FL 289 Lisa Farmer, Seminole FL 290 Tom Ince, Lakeland FL 291 Dan Meeks, Frankfort IN 292 Randy Metz, Lombard IL 293 Judie Anderson, Olympia WA 294 Fred Roycroft, Port Coquitlam BC 295 Grier Goldsby, Port Coquitlam BC 296 Fred J. Martin, Coquitlam BC 297 Margaret Nadeau, Boerne TX 298 Mari Capehart, Seguin TX 299 Rudy Lintner, Shawnee Mission KS SHOW TEAMS 112 Wild Horse Creek, Bethany OK Wilson, Nick 113 Lefty’s Chili Team #2, Odessa TX Wilson, Gregg 114 Renegade Chili Rovers, Riverview FL Esford, Tom 115 Thunderbird Chili, Memphis TN Tarpley, Mike 116 Red Robin Roadshow, Waxahachie TX Goodman, Robin 117 Longhorn Chili, Garland TX Pruiett, Lee 118 NDC Chili, Houston TX Karaff, Keith 119 South Side Foggy Mountain Grand Prairie TX Johnson, Jim 120 Chili Peg, Mission KS Velasquez, Peggy 121 Ace In The Hole II, San Antonio TX Rogers, Charmaine 122 Cow Patty Chili, Odessa TX Patton, Amy 123 Murphy’s Magic #2, Houston TX Murphy, Frank 124 Damn Yankee, Weesatche TX Karnei, Nadine 125 White Knuckle Chili, Scottsbluff NE Haberman, Kyle 126 El Paso Kid, Englewood FL Garrison, Victor 127 Bad Ass Chili, North Vancouver BC McKay, Dave 128 Spine Tingling Chili Marble Falls TX Kinnison, Carrie 129 Wink’s Surprise, Crawford TX Stimson, Dianne 130 Chili Puercos, Mission KS Velasquez, Larry 131 Dual B, San Angelo TX Wilson, Blaine Page 3 22nd Annual State of Colorado CASI CCO Once again, the State of Colorado CASI Chili Championship was held in the breathtaking Rocky Mountains of Colorado and a fantastic time was had for chili cookoff participants and public alike. Following an evening of rain, we couldn’t have asked for and received a better day; crystal clear blue skies without a drop of rain or even a bit of wind. In addition to great weather, we had a good number of cooks (both red and green) and lots of public. If you have never cooked in this event, now is the time to put it on your calendar. Our 23rd Annual State CCO will be June 24, 2006! And if you decide to come (which we hope that you do), please remember to sign up early and bring extra “give away” chili. Once again we ran out of chili after serving over 300 tasters. We couldn’t have served that many folks without the extra chili that many of the cooks brought with them or the willingness of the cooks to add beans to their chili for the tasting process. It was good to see some familiar in-state and out-of-state faces at our cookoff in Grand Lake this year. Doug and Julie Ingerson came out and showed us that they have not lost their touch even if they haven’t been able to cook with us for a while. Doug took 2nd in Red and 1st in Green and Julie took 6th in Red and 2nd in Green. It was great to see them again, and hopefully we will see them at more cookoffs in the future...and who says we aren’t good hosts (we let this “happen” almost every year?) Debbie Turner from Waxahachie, Texas took 1st place. Congratulations, Debbie, you really showed us how it should be done! In addition, we want to send congrats to Kyle Haberman for qualifying for TICC Showmanship by taking 3rd in that division. First in the Showmanship division was taken by Steve Lee and the Warriors of the Crimson Pepper. We also enjoyed the company of Mel and Diane FitzHenry, who both placed in the top ten, along with Alan and Susan Dean (Susan was another top ten finisher), who almost every year force themselves to leave the comforts of home and face the grueling climate of the cool Colorado Rocky Mountains. We certainly want to thank them for the great sacrifices they endure just to support our cookoff. What better friends could you ask for? And speaking of friends and how they step up to the plate…. A special thanks to everyone who brought an item or two to the silent auction in Grand Lake. Reportedly, the charity raised over $1,700 via the silent auction. Everything donated was appreciated. And what about Rocky Kimball and Julia Lampo? They were unable to be with us this year in Grand Lake due to family commitments on the East Coast (which meant we were also not able to have Patsy and Bobby Elliott join us this year as well), so they made a cash contribution to the event. Rocky and Julia – you went the “extra mile”. Thanks! We have not completed the final tally from the cookoff, but we think it will be over $4,000. Thanks to everyone who brought items for the silent auction. It is through your help and generosity that we are always able to raise money for the various charities to which the Fire Department contributes. And thanks to the Grand Lake Fire Department for their efforts to help run an organized cookoff! John Montgomery Lyman Wilkinson Terlingua Trails Editor & Publisher: Doug (Bucky) Seelig Contributing Editors: Upcoming Cookoffs: Dorathy Williams Cookoff Results: Bill Pierson Articles: Renee Moore Printer: Kerrville Daily Times - Kerrville, Texas Page 4 Terlingua Trails CASI Membership Report August 2005 TallyWhackers Mikie McGarity - Membership Chairperson Thank you to all of our members who have renewed their annual dues. If you have a question about your membership, please call me (817) 975-2200 or email me ([email protected].) It is so encouraging to receive all the new membership applications – both individuals and corporate. To see our members renew and reaffirm their faith in the CASI organization is very gratifying. If you see any of these members at cookoffs in your area, I encourage you to make a new friend and extend a warm CASI welcome. Thank you. New CASI Members Back in the fall, October in particular, we had a problem with delinquent cookoff paperwork. After a lot of emailing, phone calling and hand-wringing, the delinquents subsided. Unfortunately, it was probably more due to the decrease in cookoffs during the winter months. Come spring, all hell broke lose! You will see at the end of the TallyMaster report, four delinquent cookoffs. That is about as many as you will ever see in the Terlingua Trails. It’s too many. There are varied reasons for the late paperwork, but the bottom line is the Regional Referee. He is the one person responsible for making sure a cookoff’s paperwork is sent to the TallyMaster on time and accurate. We are (all too) rapidly approaching the end of the Chili Year, when the cooks are depending on us to get their points recorded and qualification cards mailed. So, let’s all try to make the delinquents list disappear from the September Trails. A lot of CASI cooks and one TallyMaster will appreciate your efforts. Harold Carpenter – Marion, AR Sandy Carpenter – Marion, AR Please welcome our newest CASI Keith Coffman – Odessa, TX members. Make it a point to meet them Dusty DeBerry – Austin, TX and greet them. Sherree Duncan – N. Richland Hills, Bill Pierson TX CASI TallyMaster Johnny Barrett – Stephenville, TX Gail Fisher – Sierra Vista, AZ William Bevier – Austin, TX Roy Fisher – Sierra Vista, AZ Steven Blow – Cedar Grove, TN Michael Haskins – Tucson, AZ Diane Boyd – Lake Dallas, TX Larry MacMillan – Tucson, AZ Scholarship Recipient Update Rick Boyd – Lake Dallas, TX Ken Martin – Lago Vista, TX I am happy to say that I am making great progress in school here at Stephen Clay Britton – Afton, OK Sheron Neeley – Murfreesboro, TN F. Austin. I am now enrolled in summer school and will be graduating in the Denise Cabello – Tucson, AZ Jay Olsen – Addison, IL spring of the next school year. The CASI scholarship has had a great Michelle Fisher – Irving, TX John Olsen – Addison, IL impact on my education and words cannot express how grateful I am for Mike Fisher – Irving, TX Cheryl L. Pennington – Tucson, AZ all that you and the rest of the Scholarship Committee have done for my Debbie Fullbright – Little Rock, AR Barry Poole – Lafayette, LA education and me. I would like to extend thanks to Larry and Carrie Chunkie Harwell – Seguin, TX Thomas M. Shea – Moberly, MO Kinnison for informing me about the scholarship four short years ago. Ken Hensel – Rosebud, TX Frances Sullivan – Ennis, TX In one more school year, I will be embarking on my journey into Jeff Hull – McKinney, TX Johnny Sullivan – Ennis, TX the work force and the “real world” as it is often called among people my Ann Huskinson – Vernon, TX age. I will be a teacher in public schools and coach basketball. I can Debbie Wasik – Kingman, AZ Jason Kee – Austin, TX undoubtedly say that my education would not be as far along as it is now Kevin Wilson – Ennis, TX without the help of the CASI scholarship and the committee that handles Eric Lang – Falls Church, VA the scholarships. So, again, I would like to say thank you for all that has Maxwell & Murphy LLC – Kansas Please remember if you’re moving, let been done on my behalf. City, MO us know. Your Trails will not follow Sally Moore – Lake Dallas, TX you without an address change. You Ben Kinnison Tess Napoles – Tonopah, AZ can either call me (817-975-2200) or Chris Palermo – Aurora, CO email me at [email protected]. Sherron Reininger – New Braunfels, TX Donations, Contributions and Memorials Renewing Members CASI would like to welcome back these annual members and some of our past members who have joined us again. Ashdown Antique & Merchants Assoc. – Ashdown, AR Tim Beacham – Germantown, TN Peter J. Braly – Tucson, AZ Memorials were given to the CASI Scholarship Fund in memory of Marty Prasifka by Jim & Shirley Stateczny and John & Sue Caffey. A memorial was given to the CASI Scholarship Fund in memory of Marvin Schulze by John & Sue Caffey. Memorial were given to the CASI Scholarship Fund in memory of Beth Pittman by Brent & Jean Lundy and Piedmont Pepper Pod. Donations were made to the CASI Scholarship Fund by: Dianna Hoy Pod on the Pedernales Texas Men’s State August 2005 Terlingua Trails Page 5 Mild Bill’s Spices, Etc. – Bulverde, TX Mockingbird Hill – Terlingua, TX Ms. Tracy’s Café – Terlingua, TX Pecan Grove R.V. Park – Alpine, TX Mikie McGarity - Membership Chairperson Poochco (Jim Luhn) – Fort Worth, TX Quicksilver Trading Company – Terlingua, TX PLEASE WELCOME Chi Omega Sorority – Wichita Falls, TX Quilts, Etc by Marguerite – Terlingua, TX AND THANK THESE Chisos Mining Co. Motel – Terlingua, TX Rancho Fandango – Terlingua, TX CASI MEMBERS. Chisos Mountains Lodge - Big Bend, TX Red Lion Spicy Foods Company – Red Lion, PA Cin Chili & Co. – Houston, TX They have invested in our Society as Annual Corporate Cycletek – Terlingua, TX Red River Conference Center – Red River, NM Members. If you live in their area, PLEASE stop by Doug Seelig Land Surveyors, P.C. – Austin, TX Reddick & Associates – Beeville, TX and thank them personally. Renfro Foods, Inc. – Fort Worth, TX Falls Distributing – Wichita Falls, TX San Antonio Pod – CASI – San Antonio, TX Goat Creek Ranch – Lockhart, TX Please Welcome our Newest Corporate Hallsville Area Chamber of Commerce – San Antonio Police Benefits Assoc. – San Antonio, TX Members Hallsville, TX Southwest Canopy of Texas, Inc. – Houston, TX Harper Transport, Inc. – Ennis, TX Southwest Horn Toad Raisers Assoc. – Odessa, TX H-E-B #5 – Waco, TX Cycletek – Terlingua, TX Mike Strack – Sierra Vista, AZ H-E-B #8 – Waco, TX Longview News-Journal – Longview, TX T&K Dairy – Snyder, TX Irving B.P.O. Does No. 201 – Irving, TX Rancho Fandango – Terlingua, TX Taylor Construction – Johnson City, TX Irving Elks Lodge # 2334 – Irving, TX Ten Bits Ranch, LLC – Terlingua, TX Linda Odom Photography – Manchaca, TX Tennessee Filly Promotions – Parsons, TN Corporate Membership List Lockhart Motor Company – Lockhart, TX Aransas Pass Chamber of Commerce – Aransas Long Draw Pizza – Terlingua, TX Terlingua Auto Service – Terlingua, TX Pass, TX Terlingua Ghostown – Alpine, TX Longhorn Bar & Grill – Caldwell, TX Austin Lone Star RV Resort – Austin, TX Longview News-Journal – Longview, TX Big Bend Motor Inn – Terlingua, TX Lorina’s Cantina – Del Rio, TX Blanco’s – Houston, TX Main Street West Memphis – West Memphis, AR The Boathouse at Terlingua – Terlingua, TX Maskat Provost Guard – Wichita Falls, TX Hut Brown, Director Emeritus – El Paso, TX Dr. Steve & Ann Meyer – Dallas, TX C&C Monogramming – Gonzales, TX Mike’s Catering – Orange Park, FL Canyon Lake Medical Center – Canyon Lake, TX Corporate Membership CORPORATE SPOTLIGHT By Ken Rodd MEMBER calls for motor homes. Keep this number handy for sure as it will be most valuable if you break down. Rancho Fandango Liquor Store Phone 432-371-2552 – Email: [email protected] Again this month we are featuring two Terlingua area businesses that have become CASI Corporate Members. They are excited about Many of you have seen Tony Faulk, the former tireless Terlingua Fire Chief, their support of CASI and the service and product they have for us. working the front gate during TICC in past years. Now you can visit Tony and his wife Jana at their new liquor store located in the Big Bend Motor Inn Shopping Cycletek of Terlingua Center. Stop by and look thru their fascinating selection of wines along with Phone 432-371-2560 – Email [email protected] imported beers. Along with them they carry “Microbrews” beer and a great selection of liquor. You might be interested in their “Dr Fun Packs” – A variety of Ralph & Tommye Delmar is the owners and provides complete repairs on ATV’s, imported beers pre packaged for you to try. No where else have I heard of this mopeds, scooters and motorcycles. Generator repair is another valuable service before, but I will try one for sure. You do not need to run to another store for they provide. They have a complete machine shop at their location (7 miles north snacks as they have them. When you stop by, bring along your lap top computer of Study Butte at the Terlingua Ranch, Gate 5 which is across from the Wildhorse as they have a free internet service for CASI members to use. OK so you don’t Station). They also do some work on Golf Carts. I don’t think there has been a bring your laptop to Terlingua, well they have a computer you can use – now that year I have been going to TICC I have not seen people trying to repair a generator is service for sure. They told me that anyone who cuts this article out and brings and not having much luck – well now you don’t have to fret – Cycletek is here. it to their store will receive 10% off their purchase and a warm hug. I am cutting Most of their work is done at their facility – but they may do LIMITED service mine out right now. Page 6 Terlingua Trails August 2005 Why do we cook chili? Bess's Best Hello, all. I want to apologize for no column last month. I think things are starting to get back to a “dull roar” around the White House (as Harry calls it) here in beautiful Lamar, Missouri. Today has been one of those days that what could go wrong has. It was another one of our 95-plus days with no rain in sight for at least another week, and by then all our flowers and lawn will be gone for the year. Things are so dry in our county that they have placed a ban on all outdoor fires. So what happens? I get a call from a man from out of the area wanting to come to the 2005 Missouri State Chili Cookoff and cook 1800’s style chili. This was a new one for me so I asked what 1800’s style chili was. He told me it was cooked in a big black pot on an open fire. I told him to go ahead and come and we would work something out. So far the Missouri State Cookoff is looking real good. In fact to the point it is about to outgrow the City Park in Golden City with all the extra events and booths they are having this year. I am concerned about the number of cooks I will have. I know I will be able to sanction without any problem, but with gasoline costing more and more, just how many road cooks will be traveling to Golden City. Last weekend, Harry and I went to Wellington, Kansas, and the increase in gas was a big part of our expenses. Gasoline in Lamar was $2.29 a gallon for the cheap stuff; last night it was down to $2.05 and this evening it is back up again. It seems like each channel or news program you watch on the television has a different reason for the high gasoline prices. Harry was watching some of the coverage the Weather Channel was giving on this past Hurricane (Dennis) as it was coming into the Gulf area. They were doing a live shot from a gasoline station showing the people gassing up vehicles, and the big overhead signs in the background had the prices fuzzed out to where you couldn’t make out the prices. I know not everyone is old as dirt like Harry and I, but we remember 19 cents a gallon for gasoline, and then when it got up to 29.9 cents a gallon they would have gas wars. I am going to leave it at that because regardless of my feelings, gas is going to go up or down and the oil cartel dominates. All the people that have had to endure the holocaust of the hurricanes and upcoming storms in Florida and the Gulf states, you remain in Harry and my prayers. The garden is starting to yield a lot of goodies, and with the grandkids it sure does help. Cheyene and Austin both planted about four different kinds of peppers and as soon as they get ready, there is going to be a lot of salsa made for this winter. I wanted to can some tomatoes, but it seems like the corn and tomatoes get eaten as soon as they make it into the house. I am not sure how it is going to go, but Cheyene and Austin are going to try and make some sun dill pickles this weekend. Sun dill pickles, canned pickled green tomatoes, and who knows what else I can think of to occupy their time till school starts. Raising grandchildren is a challenge in today’s world and just hope we will be able to do it for what time it takes. Going to have to close, time to go to the supermarket to get the veggies and goodies for the judging table and get the kids spices and things around for the chili cookoff on Saturday. Harry is doing some better; he is still having trouble walking and his doctor has told him that he has to lose down to 140 pounds and go on a very strict diet. Till next time, Bess & Harry I’ve been cooking chili for about 20 years now. I started as a mere child (if you believe that, I’ve got some ocean front property in Arizona for sale, too!) Occasionally I encounter folks who are unfamiliar with chili cook offs and they invariably ask “Why do you cook chili?” I am always taken aback when I attempt to explain this obsession of ours. The shortest explanation I usually give is that we (all of us cooks) do this for charity and over the years have become a great big family, and it is like having a family reunion somewhere every weekend. Most of them just shrug their shoulders and say that it sounds like fun to them and say “well everyone needs a hobby”. Sometimes, they actually seem very interested and I go on to explain about CASI and what we do in our scholarship program and the impact we have in the Terlingua area. We do some very impressive work, in my opinion, and have one heck of a good time while doing it. We’ve been told since we were all “wet behind the ears” that a little friendly competition is good for us and as a chili cook, we know that is really true. We are very excited when we win and are equally excited when our friends win. Some of us have attended the Sue Caffey School of Enthusiam … others are undergraduates and still working on their degrees. While we all would love to be the one to accept that beautiful trophy on stage at TICC … there is just no way to describe the electricity that abounds during TICC announcements. And, we were so lucky to have Tex Schofield for all those years and now we have our wonderful Boomer Kingston to add to the intensity of the moment. Almost every Monday I am asked at work “Well, how did you do at the cookoff this weekend?” Sometimes I get to say I won or at least placed in the top 10; but, sometimes I have to say I did not place but I ALWAYS say I had a great time!!! When I think about it … what our group does on a week in/week out basis is really quite remarkable! Good times are usually had by all … sometimes more by some than others. Yes, some of us have been known to go a little overboard in the “refreshment” department – I’ve even been there myself (some of you remember my run in with something called “Blue ___”), but for the most part it’s usually just good clean fun. I can think of no better place to be the first weekend in November. There is nothing more breathtaking than a sunrise in Texas Big Bend country. And, going to God’s country gives us all a reality check and makes us appreciate some of the things we take for granted in our day-to-day lives. The best example is WATER!!!! Us “city folks” have to learn to conserve that precious commodity and even though it is available for purchase in the vicinity, transporting it becomes a real chore and we are there to have fun and don’t want to be bothered with chores. When I think back over my chili cooking years, I am very thankful for many, many things and many, many people too numerous to mention here. Our chili family is one of the closest knit groups I have ever been a part of. Thanks for letting me be a part of it. Doris Greenlees Shady Lady Chili Editor's Note If you have articles or photos of cookoffs or events in your area you would like to share with the CASI community, please send them to me and I will publish them if space permits. Bucky August 2005 Terlingua Trails The Seven Ups 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Wake up – This is the first day of the rest of your life, but it is the last day of someone else’s. And one day, that will be true of us all. Dress up – The best way to dress up is to put on a smile. It is the cheapest way in the world to improve your looks. You think we are looking at your outward appearance; we are not. We are looking at your heart. Shut up – Say nice things and learn to listen. We have two ears and one mouth. What does that mean? It means that we should listen twice as much as we talk. Stand up – Stand up for what you believe in. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. Sign on a church marquee: “Example” is a language everyone can read. Look up – What do you miss by looking down? The path ahead, the next person’s face, the stars. Reach up – Reach up for something higher, something better. Did you set a goal for today? What about tomorrow? Where do you want to be a year from now? Lift up – Lift up your spirit. And while you’re at it, life mine, too – and someone else’s. “May we hold close those people who are hungry, homeless, ill or sad. Our hearts are bigger than we realize.” Submitted by Hut Brown. Page 7 Hello all you chiliheads out there! Well, it has been another month and ain’t it nice because this is the last one before the greatest of the great, best of the best, doggondest Great Pepper Meeting ever! Well, Sammie, says “it’s time to get serious and quit monkeying around; this is the last month and if they have not registered by August 2, it’s going to cost them more”! I told Sammie “I DON’T CARE” and she told me to quit being like that and be nice! Damn that hurts! Anyway, I checked with the Inn and half of you who have reserved a room have not sent in a registration form to SACA. So if you want to eat some of the best grub you have ever lapped a lip over and be able to get into the best doggone party (and I don’t care what Sammie says, that’s just what it is the biggest of the biggest and best of the best party ever), you need to send a registration form NOW—not LATER! You can e-mail me for a form at [email protected]. Well, Sammie went to the Directors’ Meeting this weekend and at least I will not have to be at any Sammie meetings, but they will. Ha Ha! At her last meeting, I was told to tell ya’ll that she has San Angelo’s best brothel on the tour she has planned for Friday. Oh, and we do have transportation from the Airport for all you high-rollin’ muckie demucks. We are planning on having someone out there when you arrive but if we don’t, just call the Inn and someone will come get you (for a price)! You guys know just how hard it is to get money for this kind of thing! Well, we had someone out there send in their registration twice, just to make sure (I guess) that they got to come to the best of the best, biggest of the biggest, greatest of the greatest parties ever. Now guess what? They”WANT ONE OF THEM BACK”! Can you believe it? I tried to tell them that once it’s put in the bank, I don’t know which one is theirs! Come on you guys, please please come to San Angelo and let’s have one heck of a great party. It hasn’t been all fun and games, but we have had a great time just getting ready for ya’ll. Sammie will say it’s time to work, work, work! But I say “NOW IT’S TIME TO PARTY! PARTY! PARTY!” So come on down!!! SAN ANGELO INN AND CONVENTION CENTER 1-800-784-7839 Bill Hill, aka, Tha Spider Life Member The 1979 World Championship Show Team “The Texas Stars” TICC Merchandise 2004 T-Shirts, Sweat Shirts, Caps, Pins, Bandanas, Koozies, Bumper Stickers and Window Decals. CASI Window Shades,Tote Bags. 2004 Posters and previous years available. For further information or ordering please contact: Dorathy Williams 1-888-227-4468 or email [email protected] Page 8 Terlingua Trails August 2005 Cook Off Winners Apr 23, 2005-006 - Vancouver BC Canadian Festival BBQ & Chili, 18 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Judie Anderson, Olympia WA 2 Fred Roycroft, Port Coquitlam BC 3 Grier Goldsby, Port Coquitlam BC 4 Amy Anderson, Olympia WA 5 Fred J. Martin, Coquitlam BC 6 Dave McKay, North Vancouver BC 7 Steve Sywulych, Burnaby BC 8 Ruth H. Peach, Tacoma WA 9 Melanie Tapia, Olympia WA 10 Steve Burnfield, Vancouver BC SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Bad Ass Chili, North Vancouver BC Dave McKay 2 Blood Sweat & Beers Port Coquitlam BC Grier Goldsby 3 Canuck Yuck, Port Coquitlam BC Betty Duff May 21, 2005-006 - Jourdanton TX Malvin Ptasifka Memorial Cookoff, 20 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Robert Lisherness, San Antonio TX 2 Joyce Jowers, San Antonio TX 3 George K. Jowers III San Antonio TX 4 Connie Sue Schrade, San Antonio TX 5 Charmaine Rogers, San Antonio TX 6 Melodie Smith, San Antonio TX 7 Gaye Stovall McNett, Yorktown TX 8 Happy Hinman, San Antonio TX 9 Robert E. Schrade, San Antonio TX 10 Doyle Smith, San Antonio TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Ace In The Hole II, San Antonio TX Charmaine Rogers 2 Copenhagen Lady, San Antonio TX Connie Sue Schrade 3 Flaming-O, San Antonio TX Laura McDaniel May 21, 2005-008 - Cholla Bay MX JJ’s Cantina Santa Claus Club CCO, 17 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Dimas Cabello, Tucson AZ 2 William N.(Bill) Garbutt Sierra Vista AZ 3 Denise Cabello, Tucson AZ 4 Steven (Steve) Smith, Glendale AZ 5 Sandi Limon, Mesa AZ 6 Dick Smith, New River AZ 7 Ken Holmes, Cave Creek AZ 8 Norman Schoenradt, New River AZ 9 Wayne R. Jolliffe, Tucson AZ 10 Mick Maurer, Goodyear AZ SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Down Under Thunder, Goodyear AZ Mick Maurer 2 R2 Chili, Phoenix AZ Roland Regeon 3 UNCLAIMED May 28, 2005-001 - Broken Arrow OK Green Country Chili Cookoff, 17 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Tom (Tucker) Snyder, Tulsa OK 2 Gary Holmes, Springdale AR 3 Aaron Gregory, Tulsa OK 4 Erma W. Smith, Fort Smith AR 5 Janet Keirsey, Tulsa OK 6 Clay Britton, Afton OK 7 Jami Gregory, Tulsa OK 8 Mark Bass, Skiatook OK 9 Dottie McBroom, Tulsa OK 10 Guy E. Smith, Fort Smith AR SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Wild Horse Creek, Bethany OK Nick Wilson 2 2 Shots Chili, Afton OK Clay Britton 3 Line Gang Chili, Fort Smith AR Guy E. Smith May 28, 2005-004 - York PA 17th Annual York Jaycees Cookoff, 18 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 John Iaquinta, Annapolis MD 2 Janie Bauer, Alexandria VA 3 Margie Magill, Annapolis MD 4 Dick DeiTos, Fairfax VA 5 Kim Archer, Pylesville MD 6 Ghon Eckley, Frederick MD 7 Brian W. Smith, Pylesville MD 8 Douglas Johnson, Harrisburg PA 9 John P. “Jack” Ware, Leesburg VA 10 Daniel E. “Dan” Bauer Alexandria VA May 29, 2005-003 - Broken Arrow OK Sunday Green Country Chili Cookoff, 16 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Erma W. Smith, Fort Smith AR 2 Tom (Tucker) Snyder, Tulsa OK 3 Jami Gregory, Tulsa OK 4 Lorinda Crawford, Broken Arrow OK 5 Mike Mayenschein, Owasso OK 6 Guy E. Smith, Fort Smith AR 7 Ivan Crossley, Tulsa OK 8 Aaron Gregory, Tulsa OK 9 Everett Crawford, Broken Arrow OK 10 Mark Bass, Skiatook OK SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Wild Horse Creek, Bethany OK Nick Wilson 2 2 Shots Chili, Afton OK Clay Britton 3 Biker Chili, Tulsa OK Marilyn Crossley May 30, 2005-001 - San Antonio TX Return of The Chili Queens, 21 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Eldon Hiley, Jourdanton TX 2 Robert E. Schrade, San Antonio TX 3 Clyde Rogers, San Antonio TX 4 Karl F. Buechler Jr., Kerrville TX 5 Doyle Smith, San Antonio TX 6 Melodie Smith, San Antonio TX 7 Happy Hinman, San Antonio TX 8 Barbara C. Taylor, Johnson City TX 9 Sally Lee, San Antonio TX 10 Robert Lisherness, San Antonio TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Fall Down Chili, Jourdanton TX Kim Hiley 2 Flaming-O, San Antonio TX Laura McDaniel 3 Possum Belly, San Antonio TX Robert Lisherness Jun 4, 2005-001 - Midland TX MEX-TEX Menudo, Chili, Salsa, 15 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Karen Bains, Rankin TX 2 Lee Roy Childress, Midland TX 3 Roger Bains, Rankin TX 4 Gregg Wilson, Odessa TX 5 Keith Coffman, Odessa TX 6 Connie Collier, Snyder TX 7 Patsy Childress, Midland TX 8 Don “Woody” Woodward, Odessa TX 9 Guy W Bates, Midland TX 10 Glenn Pitchford, Midland TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Lefty’s Chili Team #2, Odessa TX Gregg Wilson 2 Pan Head, Midland TX Guy W Bates 3 Dr. Phartgood’s Miracle Elixer Midland TX Glenn Pitchford Jun 4, 2005-002 - Chanute KS Elks 806 Chili Cookoff, 15 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Peggy Velasquez, Mission KS 2 Larry Velasquez, Mission KS 3 Lonnie Firestine, Chanute KS 4 Junior Johnson, Lamar MO 5 Dixie Johnson, Lamar MO 6 Vina Miller, Chanute KS 7 Becke Hottenstein, Chanute KS 8 James (Jim) Brinkman, Chanute KS 9 Debra Brown, Erie KS 10 Mike Cunningham, Chanute KS SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Chili Peg, Mission KS Peggy Velasquez 2 Scooters Fire Chili, Erie KS Debra Brown 3 Becke’s Holy DA Smoke Chili Chanute KS Becke Hottenstein Jun 4, 2005-003 - Wilmington DE The Big Kahuna Chili Cookoff, 16 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Kim Archer, Pylesville MD 2 Chris Sills, Pylesville MD 3 Chip Welsh, Red Lion PA 4 John Horne, Baldwin MD 5 Debbie Henderson, Forest Hill MD 6 Bradley “Lew” Wheeling, Reading PA 7 Bill Henderson, Forest Hill MD 8 Brenda Robinson, Jarrettsville MD 9 Lisa Knackstedt, Pylesville MD August 2005 10 Christine (Chris) Johnson Harrisburg PA Jun 4, 2005-006 - Longview TX Alley Fest Chili Cookoff, 25 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Berry Poole, Lafayette LA 2 Al Ayers, Longview TX 3 Tom Megason, Hughes Springs TX 4 David Willis, Tyler TX 5 Gil Hewlett, Tyler TX 6 David (Dave) Trice, Hallsville TX 7 Wayne Thompson, Bullard TX 8 John D. Oswalt, Marshall TX 9 Don Woods, Marshall TX 10 Chuck Darden, Hallsville TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Danger Men Cooking #1, Marshall TX Don Woods 2 Dr. Dave’s VooDoo Stew Hallsville TX David (Dave) Trice 3 Road Warriors Roadkill Chili Brew Terrell TX Larry Wampler Jun 4, 2005-008 - Farlington KS Crawford State Park Chili Cookoff, 15 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Steve Shepherd, Pittsburg KS 2 Don Boone, Belton MO 3 Rhonda Easton, Kansas City MO 4 Matt Frye, Pittsburg KS 5 Terry Thompson, Webb City MO 6 Amy McDonald, Girard KS 7 Richard McGuire, Pittsburg KS 8 Chris Boone, Kansas City MO 9 Travis Thompson, Joplin MO 10 Clay Britton, Afton OK SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 2 Shots Chili #2, Afton OK Becky Britton 2 AJ’s Hole In One, Girard KS Amy McDonald 3 Double T’s Chili, Webb City MO Terry Thompson Jun 4, 2005-010 - Houston TX Space City POD’s 25th Annual CCO, 65 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Keith Karaff, Houston TX 2 Lil Drake, Houston TX 3 Phil Barnes, Houston TX 4 Mike Rider, Richardson TX 5 Michael Mayorga, Seabrook TX 6 Honey K. Jones, Canyon Lake TX 7 Bruce Wilkins, Houston TX Terlingua Trails 8 Chuck Taylor, Cedar Park TX 9 Ava Horan, Tomball TX 10 Nigel Delgado, Houston TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Vince Slominski, Caldwell TX Tammy Sprang 2 Murphy’s Magic #2, Houston TX Frank Murphy 3 NDC Chili, Houston TX Keith Karaff Jun 4, 2005-011 - Mayer AZ Mayer Days Cookoff, 15 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Preston Smith, New River AZ 2 Sandi Limon, Mesa AZ 3 Norman Schoenradt, New River AZ 4 Pamela (Pam) Diffin, Camp Verde AZ 5 Jerry D. Lee, Wittman AZ 6 Mary Ellen Smith, Glendale AZ 7 David J.”MadJack” Garner, Mesa AZ 8 Ken Holmes, Cave Creek AZ 9 Dick Smith, New River AZ 10 Dennis Black, Cottonwood AZ Jun 5, 2005-001 - Houston TX 2nd Day Space City POD’s 25th, 24 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Ava Horan, Tomball TX 2 Roy Davis, Pasadena TX 3 Vicki Esford, Riverview FL 4 Teena G. Miller, Baytown TX 5 Bruce Wilkins, Houston TX 6 Barbara Taylor, Cedar Park TX 7 G. Taylor Miller, Baytown TX 8 Karin Barnes, Houston TX 9 Chuck Taylor, Cedar Park TX 10 Ed Nesbitt, Houston TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Faded Love, Houston TX Joe Braden 2 Renegade Chili Rovers, Riverview FL Tom Esford 3 Murphy’s Magic #2, Houston TX Frank Murphy Jun 10, 2005-001 - Parkers Crossroads TN HOT Pod Cookoff, 27 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Julie Netser, Seymour IN 2 Jeff Netser, Seymour IN 3 Carol Knight, Lebanon TN 4 Janet Gamble, Paris TN 5 Dick Wagner, Little Rock AR 6 Donell Dickerson, Shawnee OK 7 Wanda Cassini, Collierville TN 8 Linda Nickle, North Little Rock AR 9 Lynne Murry, Como MS 10 Paula Arsement Tubb, Jackson TN SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Silver Wings, Niceville FL Jimmy L. Maturo 2 Thunderbird Chili, Memphis TN Mike Tarpley 3 Saguaro Cactus Chili #2, Couch MO George Kunkle Jun 11, 2005-004 - Parkers Crossroads TN 11th Annual Battleground Cookoff, 35 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Richard Jones, Roland AR 2 Stuart Frye, Little Rock AR 3 Bill Stegbauer, Memphis TN 4 Donna Jones, Roland AR 5 James Murry, Como MS 6 Preston Nickle North Little Rock AR 7 Joe R. Cassini, Collierville TN 8 Clifton Nickle, Philadelphia MS 9 Jerry D. Dickerson, Shawnee OK 10 Carol Knight, Lebanon TN SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Silver Wings, Niceville FL Jimmy L. Maturo 2 Thunderbird Chili, Memphis TN Mike Tarpley 3 Saguaro Cactus Chili #2, Couch MO George Kunkle Jun 11, 2005-005 - Jonestown TX 25th Annual SOT POD Cookoff, 69 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Margaret Nadeau, Boerne TX 2 Dana Plocheck, Houston TX 3 Brenda Bauer, Las Vegas NV 4 John Caffey, Rockdale TX 5 Mari Capehart, Seguin TX 6 Larry “Doc” Kinnison Marble Falls TX 7 Karin Barnes, Houston TX 8 Doyle Smith, San Antonio TX 9 Barbara Schueler, Leander TX 10 Mike Rider, Richardson TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Goat Gap Gazette, Waxahachie TX Wayne Turner 2 Spine Tingling Chili Marble Falls TX Carrie Kinnison 3 NDC Chili, Houston TX Keith Karaff Page 9 Jun 11, 2005-006 - Trinidad CO Santa Fe Trail Festival Cookoff, 18 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Rodney Lilly, Amarillo TX 2 Susan Campbell, Amarillo TX 3 Mike Parker, Trinidad CO 4 Julia Lampo, Highlands Ranch CO 5 Scott Campbell, Amarillo TX 6 Richard Kelley, Parker CO 7 Linda Wilkinson, Loveland CO 8 Carol Lilly, Amarillo TX 9 Rocky Kimball, Highlands Ranch CO 10 Gerry Gryniewics, Broomfield CO SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Warriors of the Crimson Pepper Longmont CO Steve Lee 2 Rowdy Red, Broomfield CO Karen Hendricks 3 Hawg Wild, Amarillo TX Rodney Lilly Jun 11, 2005-007 - West Tawakoni TX Lakeside Cookoff, 25 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Michele Goodwin, Waxahachie TX 2 Beth Moon, Hurst TX 3 Eric Williams, Terrell TX 4 Rex W. Jones, Dallas TX 5 Jackie Grose, Quinlan TX 6 Rob Butler, Quinlan TX 7 David McKee, Rockwall TX 8 Linda Buschel, Irving TX 9 Bill Buschel, Irving TX 10 Morris Moss, Garland TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Longhorn Chili, Garland TX Lee Pruiett 2 Road Warriors Roadkill Chili Brew Terrell TX Larry Wampler 3 Red State Red, Plano TX Mark Sorrentino Jun 11, 2005-008 - Iraan TX Alley Oop Chili Cookoff, 25 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Sally Papasan, Midand TX 2 Patsy Childress, Midland TX 3 Amy Patton, Odessa TX 4 Roger Bains, Rankin TX 5 Keith Coffman, Odessa TX 6 Bendee Smith, Iraan TX 7 Joann Scott, Odessa TX 8 Randal Papasan, Midland TX 9 Sue Yates, San Angelo TX 10 Venetia Smith, Iraan TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS Page 10 1 Tag Along Chili, Crane TX Debbie Taylor 2 Kitchen Sink Chili, Odessa TX Brenda Fikes 3 Cow Patty Chili, Odessa TX Amy Patton Jun 11, 2005-010 - Glen Rose TX Texas Music Nation Celebration #5, 21 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Mavis Nelson, Crawford TX 2 Brad Nelson, McGregor TX 3 Ernie Nelson, McGregor TX 4 Kay Lefler, Bardwell TX 5 Mack Walker, Arlington TX 6 Bill Lester, Garland TX 7 Kelly Killingbeck, Euless TX 8 Glenda Hatton, Arlington TX 9 Gary Allison, Waco TX 10 Charles Breeden, Alvarado TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Red Robin Roadshow, Waxahachie TX Robin Goodman 2 Bud Chili Team, Glen Rose TX Cody Day 3 Cow Killer Chili, Bardwell TX Kay Lefler Jun 11, 2005-012 - Kirby TX Kirby VFD Cookoff, 19 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Karl F. Buechler Jr., Kerrville TX 2 Connie Sue Schrade, San Antonio TX 3 Barry Shaw, Kerrville TX 4 Robert E. Schrade, San Antonio TX 5 Sally Lee, San Antonio TX 6 Pat Dreibrodt, Comfort TX 7 Sherron Reininger, New Braunfels TX 8 Jennifer Lee, San Antonio TX 9 Laura McDaniel, San Antonio TX 10 Fread E. Cielencki Sr. San Antonio TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Miss Texas Chili, San Antonio TX Jennifer Lee 2 Flaming-O, San Antonio TX Laura McDaniel 3 Terlingua Tamers, Seguin TX H. Ray King Jun 12, 2005-001 - Jonestown TX Day After SOT POD Cookoff, 30 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Jason Kee, Austin TX 2 James Bauer, Leander TX Terlingua Trails 3 Mike Rider, Richardson TX 4 Brenda Bauer, Las Vegas NV 5 Todd Bauer, Las Vegas NV 6 Doyle Smith, San Antonio TX 7 James Gillen Jr., San Antonio TX 8 Larry “Doc” Kinnison Marble Falls TX 9 Billy Doss, Georgetown TX 10 Carrie Kinnison, Marble Falls TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Global Warming Chili, Richardson TX Lisa Rider 2 Spine Tingling Chili Marble Falls TX Carrie Kinnison 3 Money Girls, The, San Antonio TX Mary Ellen Gillen Jun 12, 2005-002 - Woodbridge VA 2nd Annual Belmont Bay Cookoff, 15 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Jim Parker, Alexandria VA 2 Richard King, Clifton VA 3 Beverly King, Woodbridge VA 4 Daniel E. “Dan” Bauer Alexandria VA 5 John P. “Jack” Ware, Leesburg VA 6 Jackie Koltz, Palmyra VA 7 Kim Eckley, Frederick MD 8 Janie Bauer, Alexandria VA 9 Les Walter, Baltimore MD 10 Roger Koltz, Palmyra VA Jun 17, 2005-001 - Fort Smith AR Mrs. Parker’s Friday Night Social, 28 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Everett Crawford, Broken Arrow OK 2 Kristi Tobey, Beebe AR 3 Roy Tobey, Beebe AR 4 Bo Prewitt, North Little Rock AR 5 Lorinda Crawford, Broken Arrow OK 6 Lisa Conyers, Fort Smith AR 7 Debbie Fulbright, Little Rock AR 8 Lee Jackson, Little Rock AR 9 Diana Lee, Fort Smith AR 10 Stephen O. Moore, Springdale AR SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Aloha Chili, Muldrow OK Tregg Van Zandt 2 Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alexander AR Ed Holt 3 My Brothers Chili, Greenwood AR Dickie Spahn Jun 18, 2005-001 - Chugwater WY 20th Annual Chugwater Chili Cookoff, 43 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Lynn Kober, Powell WY 2 Robert Batie, Loveland CO 3 Steve Lee, Longmont CO 4 Kyle Haberman, Scottsbluff NE 5 Jim Smith, Arvada CO 6 Diane FitzHenry, Terlingua TX 7 Lyman Wilkinson, Loveland CO 8 Greg Rees, Cheyenne WY 9 Su Stuhr, Highlands Ranch CO 10 Julia Lampo, Highlands Ranch CO SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Warriors of the Crimson Pepper Longmont CO Steve Lee 2 Mom’s Chili, Gering NE Cheryl Rupp 3 UNCLAIMED Jun 18, 2005-002 - Old Town Spring TX Old Town Spring Preservation CCO, 21 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Vicki Esford, Riverview FL 2 Joseph Meeks, Houston TX 3 Earl W. “Who?” Gorhum Montgomery TX 4 Gail Parsons, Waxahachie TX 5 Ted Fichtl, Sierra Vista AZ 6 Billy Cudd, The Woodlands TX 7 Phil Greenlees, Houston TX 8 Jo Ann Bachmeyer, Houston TX 9 Tom Esford, Riverview FL 10 Teena G. Miller, Baytown TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Under Duress, Waxahachie TX Gail Parsons 2 G’s Spot Chili, Houston TX Criselda Garcia 3 NDC Chili, Houston TX Keith Karaff Jun 18, 2005-003 - Alsip IL Chilin’ Out at Fun Fest Chili CCO, 19 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Mike Usiak, Chicago IL 2 Susan (Suzy) Weber, Livingston TX 3 Charles “Bill” Thomas Naperville IL 4 Scott Wichman, Lombard IL 5 Randy Metz, Lombard IL 6 Bert Centers, Lisle IL 7 Richard (Rick) Geiger, Chicago IL 8 Jeff Bovee, Richmond IL 9 Mike Stevens, Homer Glen IL 10 Bret Centers, Lisle IL August 2005 SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Chucky’s Chili, Lisle IL Bert Centers 2 Some Like It Hot, Chicago IL Monica Boatman 3 4-J Chili, Richmond IL Jeff Bovee Jun 18, 2005-004 - Caldwell TX Crunch & Vince’s 2nd Annual Chili, 21 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Douglas “Bucky” Seelig, Austin TX 2 Tamara Dees, Bulverde TX 3 Mason Lapham, Columbus TX 4 Connie Collier, Snyder TX 5 Robert Nelson, Crawford TX 6 Doyle Smith, San Antonio TX 7 Mari Capehart, Seguin TX 8 Lanna Cantwell, Weimar TX 9 Jean H. Barkley, Weimar TX 10 Carolyn Seelig, Austin TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Biker Babe Chili, San Antonio TX Melodie Smith 2 Hot Rodd Chili, Austin TX Ken Rodd 3 Windy’s Chew Choo Chili San Antonio TX Robert E. Schrade Jun 18, 2005-005 - Fort Worth TX 29th Annual Cowtown Pod Cookoff, 73 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Bill Lester, Garland TX 2 Dee Palmer, Mansfield TX 3 Mary Lee Wooster, Wichita Falls TX 4 Don Walker, Wichita Falls TX 5 George K. Jowers III San Antonio TX 6 Jim Trietsch, Waco TX 7 Carrie Kinnison, Marble Falls TX 8 Kevin Wooster, Wichita Falls TX 9 David Manske, Arlington TX 10 Glenda Hatton, Arlington TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 USO Chili, Lake Dallas TX Earl Sanders 2 Red Robin Roadshow, Waxahachie TX Robin Goodman 3 Alamo Chili Show, Fort Worth TX George F. Roof III Jun 18, 2005-006 - Fort Smith AR 23rd Annual Judge Issac C. Parker, 64 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Tom (Tucker) Snyder, Tulsa OK August 2005 2 Linda Nickle, North Little Rock AR 3 Roy Tobey, Beebe AR 4 Guy E. Smith, Fort Smith AR 5 Debbie Fulbright, Little Rock AR 6 Kristi Tobey, Beebe AR 7 Aaron Gregory, Tulsa OK 8 Diana Lee, Fort Smith AR 9 Bob Cagle, Cabot AR 10 Lee Jackson, Little Rock AR SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Fear Factor, Fort Smith AR Rheaba Thames 2 Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alexander AR Ed Holt 3 Aloha Chili, Muldrow OK Tregg Van Zandt Jun 18, 2005-007 - Carlsbad NM 12th Annual CD104 Chili Cookoff, 15 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Patsy Childress, Midland TX 2 Lee Roy Childress, Midland TX 3 Barbara Herrin, Odessa TX 4 Roger Bains, Rankin TX 5 Kathy Boone, Odessa TX 6 Benny Atwood, Hobbs NM 7 David “Red Bean” Boone, Odessa TX 8 Sesario S. Ramos, Clovis NM 9 Karen Bains, Rankin TX 10 Ray Ramey, Hobbs NM SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Red Wolfe Cookers, Hobbs NM Tom Wolfe 2 UNCLAIMED 3 UNCLAIMED Jun 18, 2005-008 - Justin TX Chili Rick’s 2nd Annual Hard Core, 34 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Sherree Duncan North Richland Hills TX 2 Delora Goin, Valley View TX 3 Freddie Cotten, Irving TX 4 Doris Coats, Irving TX 5 Morris Moss, Garland TX 6 Barbara “Babs” Johnson, Irving TX 7 Jim Taylor, Alvarado TX 8 Lester McElyea, Garland TX 9 Mathew Cotter, Lewisville TX 10 Ken Cotter, Lewisville TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Hard Core Chili, Lake Dallas TX Rick Boyd 2 Smokin’ Joe’s Chili, Roanoke TX Jose Duran 3 Hula Bob Some Beach Terlingua Trails North Richland Hills TX Sherree Duncan Jun 18, 2005-009 - Amarillo TX Moose Lodge Chili Cookoff, 15 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Steven A. Lopez, Rio Rancho NM 2 Millie Bingham, Amarillo TX 3 Amanda Matheson, Amarillo TX 4 Bill McDonald, Amarillo TX 5 Garnier Albus, Amarillo TX 6 Pam Matheson, Amarillo TX 7 Aegina Smith, Amarillo TX 8 David Helton, Amarillo TX 9 Carol Lilly, Amarillo TX 10 Nelda Matheson, Amarillo TX Jun 19, 2005-001 - Old Town Spring TX Old Town Spring Association CCO, 15 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Tom Esford, Riverview FL 2 Marolyn “Mayo” Blair, Houston TX 3 Gail Parsons, Waxahachie TX 4 Jo Ann Bachmeyer, Houston TX 5 Ed Blair, Houston TX 6 Earl W. “Who?” Gorhum Montgomery TX 7 Ed Nesbitt, Houston TX 8 Billy Cudd, The Woodlands TX 9 Michael Mayorga, Seabrook TX 10 Vicki Esford, Riverview FL SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Magic One, Spring TX Tommy Blache 2 Renegade Chili Rovers, Riverview FL Tom Esford 3 NDC Chili, Houston TX Keith Karaff Jun 19, 2005-002 - Caldwell TX Sunday Crunch & Vince’s Cookoff, 15 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Melodie Smith, San Antonio TX 2 Connie Sue Schrade, San Antonio TX 3 Mavis Nelson, Crawford TX 4 Robert E. Schrade, San Antonio TX 5 Mark Sanders, Ennis TX 6 Ronald Rerich, Weimar TX 7 Mason Lapham, Columbus TX 8 Lanna Cantwell, Weimar TX 9 Ken Rodd, Austin TX 10 Doyle Smith, San Antonio TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Biker Babe Chili, San Antonio TX Melodie Smith 2 Copenhagen Lady, San Antonio TX Connie Sue Schrade 3 Hot Rodd Chili, Austin TX Ken Rodd Jun 19, 2005-003 - Pylesville MD Fiore Winery Cookoff, 15 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Debbie Henderson, Forest Hill MD 2 Lisa Knackstedt, Pylesville MD 3 Bradley “Lew” Wheeling, Reading PA 4 Bill Henderson, Forest Hill MD 5 Brenda Robinson, Jarrettsville MD 6 Adrienne Grant, Durham NC 7 Connie Dillingham, Colora MD 8 Brian W. Smith, Pylesville MD 9 John P. “Jack” Ware, Leesburg VA 10 Chris Sills, Pylesville MD Jun 24, 2005-001 - Knickerbocker TX Friday Night Cookoff, 15 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Robert Broncy, San Angelo TX 2 Jerry Fickling, San Angelo TX 3 Jason Jackson, San Angelo TX 4 Joe Yarbro, San Angelo TX 5 A J Glass, San Angelo TX 6 Delana Gierisch, San Angelo TX 7 Sammie Plant, San Angelo TX 8 Sherril Lloyd, San Angelo TX 9 Fred Lazarus, Mertzon TX 10 Ruben Rodriguez, Knickerbocker TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Sweet Meat Chili, Mertzon TX Fred Lazarus 2 Fatboys, San Angelo TX Joe Yarbro 3 Meskin Chili, Knickerbocker TX Ruben Rodriguez Jun 25, 2005-001 - Grand Lake CO Page 11 22nd Annual State of Colorado Chili, 24 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Debbie Eiland Turner, Waxahachie TX 2 Doug Ingerson, Broomfield CO 3 Mike Parker, Trinidad CO 4 Mel FitzHenry, Terlingua TX 5 Tiffany Cummings, Lakewood CO 6 Julie Ingerson, Broomfield CO 7 Susan Dean, Johnson City TX 8 Amy Hardesty, Aurora CO 9 Lyman Wilkinson, Loveland CO 10 Diane FitzHenry, Terlingua TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Warriors of the Crimson Pepper Longmont CO Steve Lee 2 God Bless America, Broomfield CO Karen Hendricks 3 White Knuckle Chili, Scottsbluff NE Kyle Haberman Jun 25, 2005-002 - Bastrop TX River Runners 3rd Annual Chili CCO, 21 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Katherine Schmidt, League City TX 2 Sherrie Davis, South Houston TX 3 Ava Horan, Tomball TX 4 Carolyn Seelig, Austin TX 5 Jessie Waguespack, Austin TX 6 H. Ray King, Seguin TX 7 Jason Kee, Austin TX 8 Jim Birch, Seabrook TX 9 Michael Mayorga, Seabrook TX 10 Herb Ross, Marble Falls TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS Page 12 1 Damn Yankee, Weesatche TX Nadine Karnei 2 Tall Girl Frog, Rockdale TX Sue Caffey 3 Ayi Mijo, Seabrook TX Michael Mayorga Jun 25, 2005-003 - Joppa MD 3rd All-American Chili Cookoff, 16 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Phil Martinek, Fallston MD 2 Jack Windsor, Severna Park MD 3 Kim Archer, Pylesville MD 4 Brenda Robinson, Jarrettsville MD 5 John Peery, Joppa MD 6 Tim Lawler, Severna Park MD 7 Bob Massarelli, Forest Hill MD 8 James C. Greer, Abingdon MD 9 Brian W. Smith, Pylesville MD 10 Dawn Peery, Joppa MD Jun 25, 2005-005 - Knickerbocker TX Buster Fickling ASU Scholarship, 15 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 A J Glass, San Angelo TX 2 Joe Yarbro, San Angelo TX 3 Robert Broncy, San Angelo TX 4 Rory Randolph, San Angelo TX 5 Allene Kline, San Angelo TX 6 Ruben Rodriguez, Knickerbocker TX 7 Jeff Johnson, San Angelo TX 8 Sammie Plant, San Angelo TX 9 Deanne Clark, San Angelo TX 10 Jason Jackson, San Angelo TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Fatboys, San Angelo TX Joe Yarbro 2 Meskin Chili, Knickerbocker TX Ruben Rodriguez 3 Dual B, San Angelo TX Blaine Wilson Terlingua Trails 2 Steve Heaser, Dallas TX 3 Jim Johnson, Grand Prairie TX 4 Tom Williams, McKinney TX 5 David McKee, Rockwall TX 6 Wade Hatton, Arlington TX 7 Dale Reinecker, Bedford TX 8 Robin Goodman, Waxahachie TX 9 Charles Breeden, Alvarado TX 10 Earle Jones, Duncanville TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 South Side Foggy Mountain Grand Prairie TX Jim Johnson 2 Assault With A Deadly Pepper Dallas TX Steve Heaser 3 CH Koral, Cedar Hill TX Greg Porter Jun 26, 2005-001 - Bastrop TX Sunday River Runners Chili Cookoff, 24 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Billy Doss, Georgetown TX 2 Keith Karaff, Houston TX 3 Wyman Gilliam Jr, Del Valle TX 4 Pam Carpenter, La Grange TX 5 Ronald Rerich, Weimar TX 6 Carolyn Seelig, Austin TX 7 Michael Mayorga, Seabrook TX 8 Mike “BB” Hughes, Lockhart TX 9 Neal Doss, Georgetown TX 10 Ken Rodd, Austin TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Tall Girl Frog, Rockdale TX Sue Caffey 2 Ayi Mijo, Seabrook TX Michael Mayorga 3 Damn Yankee, Weesatche TX Nadine Karnei Jun 25, 2005-006 - Ennis TX Last Minute Jack Henning, 34 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Robert Nelson, Crawford TX 2 Lynette Roberson, Irving TX 3 Mike Dlabaj, Ennis TX 4 Michele Goodwin, Waxahachie TX 5 Robbie Swart, Corsicana TX 6 Clint Nelson, Ennis TX 7 Debbie Kriska, Ennis TX 8 Linda Harper, Ennis TX 9 Bill Buschel, Irving TX 10 Kay Lefler, Bardwell TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Sunk Creek, Kemp TX Jimmy Thompson 2 Cow Killer Chili, Bardwell TX Kay Lefler 3 UNCLAIMED Jul 2, 2005-001 - Englewood FL Florida State Open Championship, 23 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Derrick Janisz, Tarpon Springs FL 2 Lisa Farmer, Seminole FL 3 Tom Ince, Lakeland FL 4 Dorathy Williams, Terlingua TX 5 Luke Halpin, Rotonda West FL 6 Sally Berger, Venice FL 7 Mike Thomas, Anna Maria FL 8 Peggy Thomas, Anna Maria FL 9 Bill Tyler, Royal Palm Beach FL 10 Dino Ramaciere, Seminole FL SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 El Paso Kid, Englewood FL Victor Garrison 2 Minkie Around, Englewood FL Scott Johnson 3 Candi Kisses, Wellington FL Candace (Candi) Knight-Arevalo Jun 25, 2005-007 - Cedar Hill TX Cowboy Gathering Cedar Hill, 15 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Bill Lester, Garland TX Jul 2, 2005-002 - Marathon TX 1st Annual Cowboy Chili Cookoff, 46 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS August 2005 1 Phil Barnes, Houston TX 2 Karin Barnes, Houston TX 3 Lee Roy Childress, Midland TX 4 Keith Patton, Odessa TX 5 Richard R. Scott, Odessa TX 6 Valerie Learman, Austin TX 7 Douglas “Bucky” Seelig, Austin TX 8 Ruby Ross, Marble Falls TX 9 Shirley Stateczny, Comfort TX 10 Cindy Reed Wilkins, Houston TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Goat Gap Gazette, Waxahachie TX Wayne Turner 2 Udderly Ridiculous, Snyder TX Connie Collier 3 Bounty Hunters, Marathon TX Phoebe Campbell Jul 2, 2005-004 - Rockport TX 4th Ever Estes Flats Annual Cookoff, 31 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Frank Fox, Houston TX 2 Glen Volkmer, Victoria TX 3 Larry Hodon, San Antonio TX 4 Barbara Fox, Houston TX 5 Linda J. McDonald, Victoria TX 6 Doyle Smith, San Antonio TX 7 Annie K. Murphy, Houston TX 8 Robert Lowery, Victoria TX 9 Denise Cabello, Tucson AZ 10 Eldon Hiley, Jourdanton TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Murphy’s Magic #2, Houston TX Frank Murphy 2 Damn Yankee, Weesatche TX Nadine Karnei 3 Fall Down Chili, Jourdanton TX Kim Hiley Jul 2, 2005-005 - Georgetown TX Mac-Haik Ford 1st Annual Chili CCO, 17 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Stephanie Daugherty, Leander TX 2 Jessie Waguespack, Austin TX 3 Neal Doss, Georgetown TX 4 Barbara Taylor, Cedar Park TX 5 Mike Monte, Cedar Park TX 6 James Bauer, Leander TX 7 Billy Doss, Georgetown TX 8 Chuck Taylor, Cedar Park TX 9 Kevin Daugherty, Leander TX 10 Barbara Schueler, Leander TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 BB Chili, Austin TX Jessie Waguespack 2 Hot Rodd Chili, Austin TX Ken Rodd 3 Wink’s Surprise, Crawford TX Dianne Stimson Jul 2, 2005-009 - Sierra Blanca TX White Mountain Cookoff, 15 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Eloy Salamanca, El Paso TX 2 Carol Straughan, El Paso TX 3 Hut Brown, El Paso TX 4 Rick Hanson, Las Cruces NM 5 Eve DuMond, El Paso TX 6 Marcia Gamino, El Paso TX 7 Baltazar Vizciano, El Paso TX 8 Billie French, Sierra Blanca TX 9 Marion “Bud” Barrick, Organ NM 10 Donna Von Gentz, El Paso TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Dragon Lady, El Paso TX Marcia Gamino 2 Asheep At The Wheel, El Paso TX Desert Eagle and Budweiser 2004 Sponsors CASI Terlingua International August 2005 Carol Straughan 3 Betty Boop Chili, Sierra Blanca TX Billie French Jul 3, 2005-001 - Marathon TX 1st Annual Pena Colorado Chili CCO, 28 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Barbara Herrin, Odessa TX 2 Richard R. Scott, Odessa TX 3 Herb Ross, Marble Falls TX 4 Karen Bains, Rankin TX 5 Joann Scott, Odessa TX 6 Patsy Childress, Midland TX 7 Keith Patton, Odessa TX 8 Louis Gonzales, Paint Rock TX 9 Norma L. Homesley, Manchaca TX 10 Carol A. Kitchens, Lubbock TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Cow Patty Chili, Odessa TX Amy Patton 2 Jazzy Jimalena, Marathon TX Jim Hedrick 3 Lone Star Chili Chix, Houston TX Pat Krenek Jul 3, 2005-002 - Rockport TX Sunday 4th Ever Estes Flats Annual, 25 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Melodie Smith, San Antonio TX 2 Glen Volkmer, Victoria TX 3 Nadine Karnei, Weesatche TX 4 Clyde Rogers, San Antonio TX 5 Brian Reininger, New Braunfels TX 6 Linda J. McDonald, Victoria TX 7 Robert Lowery, Victoria TX 8 Ce Ce Mathews, Houston TX 9 Barbara Fox, Houston TX 10 Sherron Reininger, New Braunfels TX SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Damn Yankee, Weesatche TX Nadine Karnei 2 Murphy’s Magic #2, Houston TX Frank Murphy 3 Fall Down Chili, Jourdanton TX Kim Hiley Jul 4, 2005-001 - Ft Lewis WA Freedom Fest Cookoff, 18 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Betty Jean “BJ” Mayer, Lakebay WA 2 Victor Price, Portland OR 3 Larry Mayer, Lakebay WA 4 LaRaine Baker, Spanaway WA 5 Ryan Starr, Lacey WA 6 Dennis Bloomfield, Issaquah WA 7 Evelyn Trevino, Vancouver WA 8 Peggy Vargas, Kent WA 9 Judie Anderson, Olympia WA 10 Al Ruskin, Spanaway WA Jul 4, 2005-002 - Sierra Vista AZ 15th Annual Welcome Home Desert, 29 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS Terlingua Trails 1 Russ Hite, Sierra Vista AZ 2 Norm Dunn, Sierra Vista AZ 3 Sunny Fichtl, Sierra Vista AZ 4 Roy Fisher, Sierra Vista AZ 5 Jim Tomlin, Sierra Vista AZ 6 Leo Lemelson, Sierra Vista AZ 7 Ted Fichtl, Sierra Vista AZ 8 John C. Johnson, Sierra Vista AZ 9 Tom Smith, Hereford AZ 10 Greg Monger, Sierra Vista AZ SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Kokopeli Chili Too, Sierra Vista AZ Sunny Fichtl 2 Los Tres Pendejos, Sierra Vista AZ Ben Berry 3 Professor Monger’s Chili Elixer Sierra Vista AZ Greg Monger Jul 9, 2005-003 - Wellington KS 2nd Annual Rise n’ Shine Lions Club, 15 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Colleen Lintner, Shawnee Mission KS 2 Rudy Lintner, Shawnee Mission KS 3 Jay Zimmerman, South Haven KS 4 Larry Velasquez, Mission KS 5 Dixie Johnson, Lamar MO 6 Peggy Velasquez, Mission KS 7 Diana Page, Wellington KS 8 Steve Dowdy, Kansas City MO 9 Dale Reinecker, Bedford TX 10 Jerri Dowdy, Kansas City MO SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Chili Puercos, Mission KS Larry Velasquez 2 Toad Chokin’ Chili Shawnee Mission KS Colleen Lintner 3 Chief No Ponies, Bedford TX Dale Reinecker Jul 9, 2005-008 - Shannon IL Behind the Fence Chili Cookoff, 17 CHILIS CHILI WINNERS 1 Dan Meeks, Frankfort IN 2 Randy Metz, Lombard IL 3 Jill Pierson, Batavia IL 4 Kathy Martin, Huntley IL 5 Brad Garland, Westfield IN 6 Richard (Rick) Geiger, Chicago IL 7 Ed Dorfler, Grayslake IL 8 Cheryl L. Pierson, Batavia IL 9 Jennifer Pierson Shepherd Montgomery IL 10 John Gastaldello, Woodridge IL SHOWMANSHIP WINNERS 1 Gosto’s Chicago Chili, Woodridge IL John Gastaldello 2 Gut Buster’s Chili, Westfield IN Brad Garland 3 Black Bear Chili, Huntley IL Kathy Martin Page 13 Page 14 Terlingua Trails August 2005 Cooking With CASI Aug 6, 2005-001 - Bastrop TX CASI. Homecoming Chili Cookoff. Held at American Legion, Loop 150 East. Entry fee $20. Cooks party Saturday night with music by Jeff Haney. RV parking. Contact Crystal 512844-6668, 512- 253-6335. See cookoff next day same location. Aug 6, 2005-002 - Schulenburg TX CASI. Schulenburg Festival Assn. Cookoff. Held in Wolters Park. Benefits theSchulenburg Festival Assn. Make checks payable to Assn. Entry fee $20 turn-in 3 PM. Live entertainment all weekend, Arts & Crafts, Rodeo, Fun Run, Cow Chip & Egg Toss Parade, Softball, Baseball and Volleyball tournaments, BBQ Cookoff Jackpot beans & Bloody Mary contest held in conjunction with BBQ. See Info Virginia Meyer 1714 FM 1579 Schulenburg, TX 78956 or email [email protected], 979-561-8573. Or Sharon Bujnoch 825 CR 227 Schulenburg TX 78956. 979-5622410 [email protected]. Aug 6, 2005-003 - Durham NC CASI. Bull City Chili Challenge. Held at Durham Central Park, Foster Street. Entry fee $20 for Piedmont Pepper Pod members, $25 for all others. Turn-in Noon. Benefits Durham Special Olympics. Contact Adrienne Grant, 4105 Casa St.DurhamNC 27704. 919-604-5262 or email [email protected]. Meat cooks choice. Aug 6, 2005-004 - Zuehl TX CASI. Aces Pod 6th Annual Chili Cookoff. Held at Bexar Social Hall 1.5 miles from I-10 E on Trainer Hale Rd. Trainer Hale Rd 6.5 miles East of Loop 1604 in San Antonio. Look for cookoff signs. Benefits St. Hedwig VFD. Make checks payable to ACES Pod. Entry fee $20/ 35 for both days. Turn-in 2 PM. Friday night cooks party. Saturday night Pot Luck. Open to vendors. Great raffle prizes. Saturday Area Fire Dept. competing. Contact Clyde Rogers or Happy Hinman, 2531 Old Trail, San Antonio TX 78247 210-347-9052 210532-7205 [email protected]. Aug 6, 2005-005 - Richardson TX CASI. 2nd Annual Plano Richardson Elks 2485 Chili Cookoff. Held at 902 St. Paul. Entry fee $20, turn- in 1 PM. Jackpot beans $5, turn- in 11 AM. Wings $5 turn-in Noon. Benefits Elks charities. Make checks payable to Elks 2485. Friday nights Cooks Swimming Party with band. Register Friday night and get a half price steak dinner for cook and one guest that night. RV parking, no hookups. Contact Wendy Rouse 972-496-1362, Tom Kettering 972-279-0976. DON’T FORGET YOUR BATHING SUIT. Aug 6, 2005-006 - Memphis TN CASI. Al Chymia Shrine 3rd Annual Chili Held at 5770 Shelby Oaks Drive. Entry fee $20, turn-in 1 PM. Make checks payable to Al Chymia Center. Info Joe or Wanda Cassini 901-8538811, 673 Silverman, Collierville TN 38017. Aug 6, 2005-007 - Floresville TX CASI. 1st Annual Floresville Police Officers Assn. Chili Cookoff. Held at Floresville City Park. Entry fee $18, turn-in 2 PM. Benefits Scholarships. Arts & Crafts, Food Booths, softball tournament. Entertainment. Contact Ruben San Miguel 830-393- 4055. [email protected] Aug 6, 2005-008 - San Angelo TX CASI. Cookin’ At The Paseo. Held at the East Pavilion and Grounds on N. Oakes St. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Chili $20, Jackpot Beans $10, BBQ Brisket, Pork Spare Ribs, 1/2 Jointed Chicken $20 each, 80% payback. Plenty of camping with electric hookups. Campers must set up on parking lot. No vehicles are allowed on the grounds except to unload BBQ pits. Sponsored by SACA Pod. Contact Sammie Plant 325-656-8258 Bill 325-942-0873 Jason 325-245- 8192. Aug 6, 2005-009 - Fort Smith AR CASI. Fun In The Park Belch Pod Chili Cookoff. Held at Belle Point Park, 1 Belle Point Place. Entry fee $20, turn-in 1 PM. GROUND MEAT ONLY. Benefits Great Pepper’s trip to Great Pepper’s Meeting. Make checks payable to Belch Chili Pod. Info James Thames [email protected] or 479-484-7718 or Larry Stewart 479-452-0616. Belch Pod, P.O. Box 5211, Fort Smith AR 72903. Aug 6, 2005-010 - Amarillo TX CASI. Meals On Wheels Cookoff. Held at Lake Meredith Harbor Clubhouse, Fritch TX. Entry fee $20, turn-in 2 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Benefits Meals on Wheels of Fritch. Contact Susan Campbell 806-358-3576 or Carol Lilly 806373-9774. On advertising probation per CASI Rule V.A.2. Aug 7, 2005-001 - Bastrop TX CASI. Sunday Homecoming Chili Cookoff. Held at American Legion, Loop 150 East. Entry fee $13. RV parking. Contact Crystal 512-844- 6668 or 512-253-6335. See cookoff same ocation previous day. Vigilante Hall 6 PM. Contact Roy Fisher 520803-9934 [email protected]. Aug 7, 2005-002 - Zuehl TX CASI. Aces Pod 6th Annual Day After Chili Cookoff. See Aces Pod Cookoff Aug 6th for location. Entry fee $18 or $35 both days. Make checks paid to Aces Pod. Turn-in 1 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Contact Clyde Rogers or Happy Hinman, 2531 Old Trail, San Antonio TX 78247. 210-347-9052,210-532-7205 [email protected]. Aug 13, 2005-002 - Conroe TX CASI. Texas Open Chili Championship Held at Lone Star Convention and Expo Center, FM 1484 at FM 3083. Benefits Montomery County Food Bank. Cook where you camp, plenty of RV space, shade trees, no hookups. Park opens Thursday 1 PM for set-up. Italian Night on Saturday. CASI chili (top 3 chili and show qualify for TICC. Awards 1-20 chili, 1-3 Show. Entry $30, turn-in 2 PM. Cooks pot $2, Kids Cooking For Kids Chili (Ground-meat awards 1-10 and finalists, and Top KCFK Show), $10 turn-in Noon. Donations of canned or non perishable food items collected Friday and Saturday. Note: 32 OZ turn-in cups will be used. Please bring extra chili for public. Local Hotel discounts, see information at web site or email [email protected]. Contact Bob Horan 281-357-0175 [email protected]. See cookoff Sunday, same site. Aug 7, 2005-003 - Tacoma WA CASI. Puget Pod Championship Cookoff. Held at 3125 148th St. E. Tacoma WA 98446. Benefits Puget Pod. Entry fee $18 turn-in 1 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY FURNISHED. Ken Peach 253537-4591, [email protected] Aug 13, 2005-001 - Tombstone AZ CASI. Tombstone Vigilante Days Cookoff. Held on Allen Street Downtown Tombstone. Benefits Tombstone charities. Entry fee $15 turn- in 1 PM. Make checks payable to High Desert Pod. Free cooks party Fri. night at the Play The Game Of Texas With The 2004 Sponsor Of The CASI International Chili Championship August 2005 Aug 13, 2005-003 - Little Rock AR CASI. Tom’s Tavern Chili Cookoff. Held at 9125 Mann Rd. Benefits Arkansas Children’s Hospital, make checks payable to Tom’s Tavern. Entry fee $20, turn-in 1 PM. Info Preston Nickle, 617 W M St. North Little Rock, AR 72116, 501-791-2191 Aug 13, 2005-004 - Fayetteville AR CASI. 14th Occasional Chili Cookoff. Held at the Gypsy Nightclub, on Dickson St. Entry fee $15, (as we have mentioned many times, anything more personally offends us). Turn in 4 PM. Meat, we won’t tell you what to cook if you won’t tell us what to drink. Benefits Hope For Tomorrow. Contact Joe Giles 12576 Hwy 170, Farmington AR 72730. 501-2672655. Aug 13, 2005-005 - Lamesa TX CASI. Large Time Cookoff. Held at Old Weaver Gin, 1/4 mile west of Lamesa on Hwy 180. Benefits Linda Dyer Medical Fund. Entry fee $20 turn-in 2 PM. Make checks to Linda Dyer Medical Fund. Bar-B-Que. Contact Dennis Brackeen 202 N 13th Lamesa TX 79331. 806872-2376 or 806-759- 7268. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Aug 13, 2005-006 - Kirkwood NY CASI. Broome County Chili Challenge. Route 81 South from Binghampton NY, Exit 1, turn Terlingua Trails right onto Cedarhurst, and take 2nd left to Bridge St. Turn left at stop sign onto Main St. Follow the signs to River Park. A map may be found at WWW.NYSCHILI.COM. Benefits Juvenile Diabetes. Make advanced checks payable to Heather Noonan. Chili turn-in 2 PM. Please contact for setup times. Complete event details available at WWW.NYSCHILI.COM. You can pay your cookoff registration on-line as well as register early. Awards at 3 PM. Cooks party at 3:30 PM. Meat must be USDA. Registration deadline August 3rd. Information contact Sandy Jones 120 M Aug 14, 2005-001 - Conroe TX CASI. Day After TEXAS OPEN Chili Championship. Held at Lone Star Convention and Expo Center, FM 1484at FM 3083. Info to follow. Bob Horan 281-357-0175, [email protected]. Aug 14, 2005-002 - Olympia WA CASI. Washington STATE CASI Championship Chili Cookoff. Held at Olympia’s Farmer’s Market, 401 Capitol Way. Entry fee $20, turnin 2 PM. Charity TBD. Contact Ken Peach, 3125 148th St. E, Tacoma WA 98446. 253537-4591 email [email protected]. Aug 14, 2005-003 - Chicago IL CASI. Windy City Chili Cookoff. Held at 2132 W. Roscoe Page 15 St. Entry fee $20, turn-in 3 PM. Benefits St. Teresa of Avila Food Pantry. Contact Mike Usiak 773-871-5623. 7054. Payback 1-3BBQ 50%. BBQ WTBA and IBCA Rules. Stay for cookoff next day. FISH FRY BY KATHY KILLINGSWORTH. Aug 19, 2005-001 - Terlingua TX CASI. Yellow Rose Chili Cookoff. Held at Ms Tracy’s Cafe. Chili Grind Only. Entry fee $20 turn- in 4 PM. RV parking no hookups. Contact Ms Tracy 432-371-2888. Aug 20, 2005-003 - Red River NM CASI. Four Corners Regional Cookoff 2005. Held in Brandenburg Park, Main St. Benefits Red River Valley Charter School. Red River Festival begins Thurs Aug 18th at the Mother Lode Saloon with Songwriters Symposium. Friday, a Mountain Top Concert at Red River Ski Area. RV parks and Motel/hotel rooms available, book early. Entry fee $15, turn- in 2 PMChecks payable to NMCS. Salsa and peoples choice entry $10, checks payable to Town of Red River. Contact Bud Barrick 505-382-5107 P.O. Box 268, Organ NM 88052-0268. Email [email protected]. See Red River web, [email protected]. Aug 20, 2005-001 - Alpine AZ CASI. 10th Annual Alpine Chili Cookoff. Held at the Rodeo Grounds in the beautiful White Mountains of AZ. Join our little town in celebrating. Dry camping. People’s choice, Bar-B-Que, Jackpot Beans, Spam-O-Rama and more. Entry fee $15 turn-in 1 PM for CASI chili. Benefits Alpine charities. Info Dick Seehusen 928-339-1840, [email protected]. Aug 20, 2005-002 - Terlingua TX CASI. Bronze Clay Henry Chili & BBQ CCO. Held at the Community Center next to Post Office. Benefits the Carolyn Hejtmancik Terlingua School Activity Fund. Entry fee $18 turn in 2 PM. BBQ $20 per category, PorkRibs, Chicken and Brisket. Chicken Noon, Ribs 1 PM, Brisket 3 PM. Bronze Clay Henry Goat will be trophy for first place chili and BBQ Championship. Contact Dorathy Williams 432-371-2595 or Boomer Kingston 325-528- Aug 20, 2005-004 - Indianapolis IN CASI. Bel Aire Gospel Music Fest & Indiana Pepper Pod Chili Cookoff. Held at 2915 South Tibbs Ave, corner of Hwy 67 & Tibbs Ave. in Southwest Indianapolis. Benefits Bel Aire Park-Indy Parks Department Entry $20 before 6/30, $25 after 6/30. Turn-in Noon. Contact Chad or Jenni Jester, 835 S. Collier, Indianapolis, IN 46241 [email protected], [email protected] The H.E.B. #8 in Waco, Texas is donating a BBQ pit valued at $1,999.99, that is mounted on a trailer you can pull behind a pickup, to the CASI Scholarship Fund. The pit will be given away at the International Chili Cookoff on November 4 of 2005 in Terlingua, Texas, which is CASI Scholarship Day. The tickets are $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00, and all proceeds go solely to the CASI Scholarship Fund! Also, when you send in the money make sure you include the ticket stubs. If you have any questions you can contact John and Sue Caffey 512-446-2364 or [email protected], mailing address 2256 CR 434 Loop, Rockdale, Texas 76567. Photos of the BBQ can been seen at Page 16 Terlingua Trails August 2005 Commerce, from all of the businesses in Marathon, and from all the people who drove out to Marathon to cook and enjoy this new great cookoff in West Texas. Special thanks go to the Black Gold Pod for their support and help. Bruce Jones did a magnificent job running the judging and Boomer Kingston came to be our announcer on Saturday. There are so many people that we need to thank and if I start listing them all it will take a very long paragraph and still I might leave someone out. So thanks to everybody! We 1st Place Show Winner Wayne Turner raised about $1700 for our two charities – “The Marathon Volunteer Fire Dept.” and “The Friends of the Post”. If you get to see Phil Barnes or Barbara Herrin anytime soon tell them you want 1st Place Chili Winner Phil Barnes with to see their 1st Place chili trophies. – Saturday there was a bronze Cowboy hat by Lloyd Goldwire and on Sunday there was a carved wooden cowboy hat by Jim Chamber President Mark Hanna The “First Annual Cowboy Chili Cookoff” was held on July 2nd in Stewart, master wood carver of Marathon. Both were very unique trophies. The Saturday show trophy was a statue of a weathered cowboy and the Sunday show Marathon, TX and it was followed on Sunday by the “Day After Cowboy Chili trophy was a statue of a buffalo. Cookoff” on July 3rd. All who attended had a great time and are looking forward to next year. So make your plans to compete in Marathon for points and great trophies the next time Norma and I want to express our thanks and appreciation for the wonderful support we received from the people of Marathon, from the Marathon Chamber of around. (Elton Homesley) CASI DIRECTORS AT IRVING August 2005 Terlingua Trails Page 17 Florida State Open Championship Qualifying winners: (Left to Right) Tom Ince,- Lakeland FL 3rd, Lisa Farmer - Seminole FL 2nd, Derrick Janisz - Tarpon Springs FL 1st Place. David Jordan, Exalted Ruler of the Irving Elks Lodge, presenting a check for $1,000.00 for CASI to Mel FitzHenry at the Director's Meeting in July. HOUSTON KRAZY FLATS MEMBERS Page 18 Terlingua Trails Aug 21, 2005-001 - Terlingua TX CASI. Morning After Cookoff. Held at Community Center. Entry fee $15, turn-in Noon. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Dorathy Williams 432-3712595 Aug 26, 2005-001 - Houston TX CASI. 4th Annual Sweetheart Chili CCO. Held at Houston Elks Lodge 151, 10150 West Airport, Stafford TX. Benefits the Handicapped Children. Entry fee $20, turnin 8 PM. Make checks payable to Houston Elks Lodge. Swimming pool available. Contact Bert Hall 713- 433-2888 or Lodge 832- 328-1151. Aug 27, 2005-001 - Jackson TN CASI. West Tennessee Star Center 4th Annual Kids Fest Chili Cookoff. Held at Jackson Fairgrounds, 70 miles East of Memphis, 140 miles West of Nashville off I-40 exit 80A, 5 miles south on HWY 45 Bypass. RV parking, limited hookups. Site opens 1 PM on Friday, and 7 AM on Saturday. Cooks meeting at 10 AM. Chili Grind or ground beef only. Chili turn-in 1 PM, entry fee $22. Please bring extra throwdown chili for crowd. Goody bags for 1st 15 paid registered cooks. Racing cars displayed, driver appearances and autograph sessions. Kids games, arts and crafts. Live entertainment vendor booths. Silent auction includes NASCAR memorabilia, chili items & toys. Please bring any NASCAR or children related item for silent auction. Open chili and showmanship. Make check payable to The Star Center. George Tubb 731-424-8270 [email protected] or Beth James 731668-3888 at Star Center. Aug 20, 2005-005 - Jarrettsville MD CASI. 2nd Annual Cow Chip Chili Cookoff. Held at Robinson’s Rock Ridge Farm 3960 Old Federal Hill Rd. Private party/cookoff. Bring the family for a day of food, hayrides, childrens activities & cow chip tossing contest. Entry fee $18, turn-in 2 PM. Party runs from 12 PM-? Contact Brian Smith 410836-1825. [email protected]. Aug 20, 2005-006 - Lebanon TN CASI. North American Open Chili Cookoff Held at James E. Ward Ag Center Exit 329 B off I-40, in conjunction with Wilson County Fair. Top 3 chili and 1st show automatically sanctioned. Entry fee $25 payable to HOT Pod, 2003 Dorchester Dr. Lebanon TN 37090. Turn-in 1:30 PM Must be onsite by gates opening at 10 AM. Benefits Senior Citizens Awareness Network (S.C.A.N.) of Wilson County. Info Carol Knight 615-449-6676, 615-444-1383. index.htm. Aug 20, 2005-007 - Wills Point TX CASI. 10th Annual BB’s Hideaway Cookoff. Held at BB’s Hideaway. Location isa nudist RV park, clothing optionalfor this event. 3.1 miles West of IH-20 (exit 523) on Hwy 64W, turn on CR 3403. Camping and RV hookups. Clubhouse, swimming pool, hot tub. Benefits BBH Landscape. CASI or local entry $23, turn-in 2 PM. Jackpot beans $5, turn-in 1 PM. Free grounds fees for head cook and one asst and for two (2) persons on show team. All guests $30 for Sat and Sun. For RV slots 903-873- 3311. Entry form available at web site CHILI GRIND ONLY. Contact Bob or Mary Ann Borth 903873-3311 or [email protected]. Please register by August 10th. Aug 20, 2005-008 - Cedar Rapids IA CASI. 22nd Iowa State Championship Chili Cookoff. Will be held at Chromehorse Saloon, 1202 Third St. Benefits Tanager Place. Entry fee $20, turn-in 4 PM. Salsa $5, and Iowa State Junior chili championship $5. Juniors is CHILI GRIND ONLY. Make checks payable to Iowa Chili Pod. Contact Gary Christensen 1222 10th St. NW Cedar Rapids IA 52405. Email [email protected]. Aug 27, 2005-002 - Timonium MD CASI. Maryland State Chili Championship Fire on the Midway. That’s right, the event we all know and love is back. The top three MD finishers will automatically qualify for TICC. The top MD finisher will be reimbursed $500 for expenses if they attend TICC. Huge event, with large crowds, please bring extra chili for public tasting. Entry fee $22, turn-in 3 PM. Junior Chili and Salsa Competition and Best Booth. Contact Brian Smith [email protected]. Phone 410-8361825. Aug 27, 2005-003 - Clovis NM CASI. Elks Lodge Cookoff. COOKOFF CANCELED. [email protected]. Aug 27, 2005-004 - Oshkosh WI CASI. Great Outdoor Festival “Wilderness” Cookoff. Held on EAA Grounds. Benefits Duck’s Unlimited. Entry fee $25. Turn-in 1:25 PM. Use no wild game. Make check payable to Duck’s Unlimited Great Outdoors Festival. Contact Donna Hoch 815 Thomas St. Ripon WI 54971 or Sandi Beitzel, 103 Mill Rd, August 2005 Manitowoc, WI 54220. Register by August 1st. Aug 27, 2005-005 - Houston TX CASI. 14th Annual Auxiliary 151 Chili Cookoff. Held at 10150 West Airport, Stafford TX at Houston Elks Lodge 151. Entry fee $20 turn-in TBA. Contact Bert Hall 713-433-2888, Debra Thompson 713- 779-3605. Swimming pool available. Make checks payable to Auziliary 151. See cookoff previous day. Aug 27, 2005-006 - Seattle WA CASI. Seattle Summer Stomp Held on 5th Avenue downtown Seattle. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Info Joe Canavan 206-623-3678. [email protected]. Entry fee $20, turn-in 1 PM. Benefits Homesless Workers Coop. Aug 27, 2005-007 - Waco TX CASI. Margarita & Salsa Festival Cookoff. Held at Heart of Texas Fairgrounds Benefits Arthritis Foundation. CHILI GRIND ONLY. If the cooks choose to only cook chili the entry fee is $18 for Saturday, but Festival is offering a ackage for cooks for both days that will include entry to the Margarita & Salsa Festival and also entry to the concert for $60 per person. Entertainers will be Randy Travis, Clay Walker, Wade Bowen, Cross Canadian Ragwood. Turn-in 2 PM. RV hookup, water & elec. Contact Donna Conrad or Dianne Stimson 254-486-9206 email [email protected]. Stay for cookoff next day. Aug 27, 2005-008 - Garland TX CASI. Hotter n’ Hella 2nd Annual Two Day Chili Cookoff. Held at Hella Shrine 2121 Rowlett Rd. Sponsored by Hella Shrine Directors Staff. Bring throw down chili for tasting cups. 24 RV hookups, first come first served. $15 per night. Unlimited RV parking on concrete. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Entry fee $20 turn-in 1 PM. 50- 50 Jackpot beans $5, turn-in Noon. Early registration make checks payable to Hella Shrine Director’s Staff and send to 1202 Horizon Trail, Richardson TX 75081. Lots of activities, free beer Friday night, while it lasts. Great location and facility. Breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning for donations. Live band Saturday night by Hella Shrine. Roy Harper 800-767-6189 972495-3305, [email protected]. See cookoff next day same site. Aug 27, 2005-009 - Oklahoma City OK CASI. Tony Newcomb 25th Moonlight Madness Cookoff & Shirt Party. 25th party, 20th Cookoff. Held at Elks Lodge, NW 56th & Tulsa St. Benefits Elks Lodge Building Fund. Entry fee $25, turn-in 7 PM. Checks payable to Tony Newcomb. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Contact Jerry Dickerson 131 August 2005 Amber Ridge, Shawnee OK 74801, 405-2149395. Aug 27, 2005-010 - Denton TX CASI. Golden Triangle 22nd Annual Cookoff. Held at 2217 North Carroll Blvd. Benefits Youth of North Texas. Entry fee $20, turn- in 1 PM. Make checks payable to North Texas State Fair. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Contact Robert Bell 940-365-2504(N)940-382-5360(D) [email protected]. Aug 27, 2005-011 - Goldsmith TX CASI. West Texas BBQ & Chili Cookoff. Held in Goldsmith City Park. BBQ $75 for one category or all. 1/2 jointed Chicken, Pork Spare Ribs, Brisket. Chili entry $18. Benefits Bikers Against Child Abuse. There will be a kids pork chop cookoff. Bring the kids and a pork chop and let them have fun. Cooks meeting 9 AM. Kids Pork Chop turn-in 11 AM. BBQ turn-in, Chicken Noon, Pork Spare Ribs 1 PM Chili 2 PM, Brisket 3 PM. WTBA, IBCA and CASI rules apply. Contact Johnny Murray email [email protected] phone 432-363-8331. Aug 27, 2005-012 - Temple TX CASI. First Time Chili Cookoff in downtown square in Temple TX benefits Soul Fixin. Entry fee $18 turn-in 2 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Beans $10 turn-in Noon 50/50 split. RV parking no hookups. Music, fun and games starting Friday night. Info Bourdon Woodten 254773-5252. For Info on chili and beans Mavis Nelson 254-486-2487, [email protected]. Aug 27, 2005-013 - Bastrop TX CASI. 2nd Annual Boot Scoot & Boogie Chili Cookoff, held at Boots night club on Hwy 95 mid way between Elgin and Bastrop. Entry fee $19, turn-in 2 PM. Benefits Lake Bastrop Acres VFD. Contact Lorie Coody 512-809-0352 Cell, 512-281-2150after8PM.CHILIGRINDONLY. Aug 27, 2005-014 - Addison IL CASI. Community Days Chili Cookoff. Held at 1 Friendship Place. Entry fee $18, turn-in 1:30 PM. Benefits Community Council of Addison. Contact Mike Provinzino 1311 Tally Ho, Addison IL 60101. 630-728-6786. On advertising probation per CASI rule V.2.A. Aug 28, 2005-001 - Waco TX CASI. Arthritis Scholarship Fund CCO. Held at Heart of Texas Fairgrounds Make checks payable to Arthritis Foundation, for Arthritis Scholarship. Entry fee $15, see special offer on cookoff August 27 Turn-in 1 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Contact Dianne Stimson or Donna Conrad 254-486-9206. 330 S. Ave B Crawford TX 76638. Aug 28, 2005-002 - Garland TX CASI. 2nd Annual Hotter n’ Hella Chili Cookoff. Held at Hella Shrine, 2121 Rowlett Rd. Entry fee $18, Terlingua Trails turn-in Noon. CHILI GRIND ONLY. See cookoff previous day same location. Make checks payable to Hella Shrine Director’s Staff. Contact Roy Harper 1-800-767-6189 972-495-3305, [email protected]. Aug 28, 2005-003 - St. Thomas VI CASI. 21st Annual Texas Society of the Virgin Islands. Entry fee $25, turn-in Noon. Benefits Red Cross, Dial a Ride, Queen Louise Home, St. Thomas Swim Assn, V.I. Performing Arts, St. Thomas Rescue and family networks. Make checks payable to Texas Society. Contact Erik Ackerson P.O. Box 306926, St. Thomas USVI 00803. Sept. 3 & 4, 2005-Seguin, TX GREAT SOUTHWEST SHOW TEAM-20 YEAR REUNION (WORLD CHAMPS ’83, ’84 & ’85) Open to all current, former and want-abe members as well as anyone who saw them or wish that they had seen them. Breakfast will be served Sat & Sun mornings, Sat. night main entrée will be furnished (bring your famous side dish). Plenty of RV parking area (no hook ups) and if you want to arrive Friday night “we’ll leave the light on”. Gather up old photos, videos, tapes and memories for “show and tell”. There might even be some old skits revived. Many other planned and unplanned events may break out (swimming, horseshoes, washers, etc). Location: 165 Alexander Dr. home of Ray & Pat King. Please RSVP to Kings or Burrusses (830) 303-1755 or (512) 353-8895. Sep 3, 2005-001 - El Paso TX CASI. Fiesta De La Flores Chili Cookoff. Held at El Paso Coliseum, 4100 E. Paisano. Entry fee $15, turn-in 2 PM. Show time 10:30 AM. Benefits Muscular Dystrophy. Entertainment throughout the day: Big Band Concert, Senior Citizen Dance, Live Music, and many Hispanic culture competitive games. Contact Bobby Elliott 915-755-4419, [email protected] or Javier Beltran 915-4331136. Sep 3, 2005-002 - Chino Valley AZ CASI. Chino Valley Territorial Days Cookoff. Held in Memory Park. Benefits Chino Valley Food Bank Entry fee $12, turn in 1 PM. Peoples choice turn-in 11 AM. Make checks payable to YCS. Cook where you park, West side of park, dry camping no hookups. Contact Jerry Lee 623-388-974. [email protected]. Sep 3, 2005-003 - Columbus TX CASI. Colorado River Chili Cookoff. Held at Thousand Trails Campground on FM 1890. Entry fee $18, turn- in 2 PM. Bloody Mary Off $5 entry-50% payback. Cooks pool party Saturday night. RV hookups, elec & water available $12 per day, come early or stay later at same rate. Info RV reservations call Melissa Page 19 Green 979-732-2051, coloradoriver_Rec@ Cookoff next day same location. Sep 3, 2005-004 - Canyon Lake TX CASI. 2nd Annual Canyon Lake BBQ & Chili Cookoff. Held at Dam Red Barn. Entry fee Chili $18 turn-in 2 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Make checks payable to VFW Post 8800. BBQ entry $25 each category, or $65 for all. Jackpot LSBS Beans $10. Limited hookups contact Canyon Land Co. 830-964-3393, $15 per night. Pot luck Friday night 7:30 PM. Cooks breakfast Saturday 8 to 9 AM. Cooks meeting 9 AM. BBQ plates available for purchase on Saturday. One donated brisket to benefit VFW Post 8800 60/40 payback, trophies, ribbons. Dance in Barn. Karaoke. Contact Reva or Billy Bob Weatherly 830-899-7150 or Randy or Darlene Evans 830-899- 7773. Sep 3, 2005-005 - Rockport TX CASI. Annual Labor Day Chili Cookoff. Held at Palm Harbor RV Park, 170 Port Ave. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Entry fee $18, turn-in 2 PM. For local charity. See cookoff next day same location. Bird watching, fishing AC rec. room, marina next door to RV park. Port Ave is location on TX 35, 3.7 miles South of FM 1069 and Bus. 35 in Rockport, or 1 mile North of FM & TX 35, almost midway between Rockport and Aransas Pass. For RV hookup rsvns call Palm Hrbor 361-729- 0113, be sure to tell them you are a chili cook. For cookoff info contact Bubba Reinke 512-357- 6227. Sep 3, 2005-006 - Paris TX CASI. Red River Valley Pod George Robinson Memorial Chili Cookoff. Held at the Lamar County Fairgrounds. Entry fee $20 turn-in 2 PM. Benefits Fair Charities. Make checks payable to the Red River Valley Fair Assoc. Fairground and Center. Paris TX 75460. Info Rick Poston 903-785-0929 rposton@coxinternet .com. Sep 3, 2005-007 - Lewisville TX CASI. Lewisville Western Days Cookoff. Held in downtown Lewisville in conjunction with Western Days celebration, at City Hall, Mill and Church Streets. Benefits Christian Community Action Center. Parade, Carnival, Gun Fight, food and other vendors. Limited space cookoff, limited to first 50 cooks. Great goody bags. Pre-registration is recommended. Remote parking for vehicles, no onsite parking. Shuttle service available. Setup Friday after 6:30 PM, start 7 AM Saturday. Security on site Friday night. Registration begins 8 AM. Mondatory City Rule, All Chili Must Be Cooked Under Cover. Tents available to rent at reasonable fee. Fire extinguisher recommended. Entry fee $25, turn-in 2 PM. Contact Beth Ramsey 214-2886601, email [email protected] register online, 2710 Stevens Point Lane Dallas TX 75287, George Ralston Golden Triangle Pod, 817-368-0416, [email protected]. Proud to be a CASI Sponsor Famous for our quick and personal service! Mild Bill’s Spices, etc Proudly providing spices to 9 of the top 10 winners at TICC-2004 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 830-980-4124 email: [email protected] ______________________________________________________________________________________ The only thing “mild” about us is our name. Page 20 Sep 3, 2005-008 - Pittsburg KS CASI. Kansas State Chili Cookoff- Little Balkans Days. Held at 813 N. Broadway. Make checks payable to Theta Epsilon Society. For the Theta Epsilon Philanthropic Sorority & MoKan Pod. Entry fee $20, Salsa $5. Contact Amy McDonald 410 W. Wilson Girard KS 66743. 620-724-7110 Sep 4, 2005-001 - Bisbee AZ CASI. Annual Brewry Gulch Daze. Held at Brewry Gulch, old Bisbee. Benefits Boys and Girls Club of Bisbee. Entry fee $10, Turn-in 2 PM. Make checks payable to HDP. Contact Ben Berry 520-378-3692. Sep 4, 2005-002 - Arlington TX CASI. 28th Annual Arlingua Cookoff. Held at Arlington Elks Lodge 2114, 601 W Pioneer Pkwy. Entry fee $20 turn-in 2 PM. Elks division turn in 2 PM. Jackpot beans $5, turn- in Noon. Contact Ron Barnes 817-685-0160. Sep 4, 2005-003 - Gulf Shores AL CASI. 4th Annual Day Before Labor Day Cookoff held at Adult Activity Center 260 Clubhouse Drive. Charity TBD. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Bean cookoff and Open Chili Cookoff also. CASI chili $20; Open Chili $5; Beans $5. Cook all categories for $25. Make checks payable to State of Alabama Pod. This is an indoor cookoff with tables and chairs provided. Contact Renee Moore [email protected]. phone 251968-1125. Sep 4, 2005-004 - Columbus TX CASI. On The River Chili Cookoff at Thousand Trails Campground on FM 1890. Entry fee $15 turnin 1 PM. Contact Melissa Green [email protected]. 979-7322051. Cookoff previous day same location. Sep 4, 2005-005 - Canyon Lake TX CASI. Sunday Canyon Lake Cookoff Held at Dam Red Barn. Entry fee $16, turn-in Noon. See cookoff previous day. Contact Darlene Evans 830-899-7773. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Sep 4, 2005-006 - Rockport TX CASI. Annual Day After Labor Day CCO. Held at Palm Harbor RV Park, 170 Port Ave. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Entry fee $18 turn-in 1 PM. See directions for location previous day cookoff. RV hookups rsvns call Palm Harbor 361-7290113, be sure to tell them you are a chili cook. Cookoff Info Bubba Reinke 512-357-6227. Sep 4, 2005-007 - Hanover PA CASI. Pennsylvania State CCO Held in ball field behind Kclinger’s Poplar St. Hanover. Preregistration strongly encouraged. RV’s will not be allowed on the ball field after 10 AM. Entry fee $20 turn-in 2 PM. Make checks payable to Hanover Chili Cookoff. Benefits Hart Center, Hanover Library. Contact Chip Terlingua Trails Welsh 420 W. Broadway, Red Lion PA 17356 710-309-8303. Email [email protected]. Sep 5, 2005-001 - Clifton VA CASI. Virginia State Chili Championship. Sponsored by the ODPOD, Clifton Betterment Assn and the Wednesday Night Crew. Held in conjunction on Monday with the Labor day car and motorcycle show. Location is at the Clifton Barn on Main St. near the railroad tracks. Cooks meeting 9:30 AM. Entry fee $20 for chili, turn-in 1:30 PM. Make checks payable to ODPOD. Benefits INOVA Hospital Children’s Fund. There will be Terlingua expense money for the top placing VA cook. Chili contact Beverly King 703- 492-6194, [email protected]. Motor-cycle & car contact, Richard King 703-631-9198. Sep 5, 2005-002 - Arlington TX CASI. Morning After Arlingua Cookoff. USMC Toys For Tots. Held at Arlington Elks Lodge 2114, 601 W. Pioneer Pkwy. Entry fee $18, turn-in Noon. Contact Scott Buschel 817614-4818. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Sep 10, 2005-001 - Edgerton WI CASI. Wisconsin State Championship Chilimania Cookoff. Held in Downtown Edgerton. Entry fee $20 turn-in 1:30 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Benefits Chilimania Inc. a non-profit community organization that sponsors high school scholarships, park improvements, community improvement projects. Contact Vicki Brown, 614 Hemphill Ave. Edgerton, WI 53534. Phone 608- 884-4307. Sep 10, 2005-002 - Childress TX CASI. Red River Chili Cookoff. Held at Fair Park, located on Ave IN.W. and Commerce. From Hwy 287 turn north on Commerce St. go three blocks. Entrance to the park is at Ave I N.W. Benefits Childress County Veterans Memorial. Make checks payable to Childress Chamber of Commerce. Entry fee $18, turn in 2 PM. Contact Dona Ferguson P.O.Box 35, 237 Commerce St. Childress TX 79201. 940-9372567 [email protected]. Sep 10, 2005-003 - Sugarland TX CASI. Badges of Courage Chili Cookoff. Held at First Colony Mall, Hwy 59 & Hwy 6. Cookoff area in parking lot between Mall & AMC Theatre. Entry fee sponsored. Turn-in 1 PM. Interested participants should contact Kiowan Gardner to find a sponsor for the fee. Benefits Houston Exchange Club. Kiowan Gardner 319 Shadow Creek El Lago TX 77586, 713-899-4269 C 281-532-1236, [email protected]. Please register by August 31st. Sep 10, 2005-004 - Del Rio TX CASI. Dave Sitchler Memorial Cookoff. Held at the Elk’s Lodge #837, Hwy 90 East. Benefits Elk’s Childrens Fund. Entry fee $17 turn-in 2 PM. Make checks payable to Del Rio International Pod. CHILI GRIND ONLY. RV parking available. Contact Jerry Harris phone 830775-8017. Sep 10, 2005-005 - West Tawakoni TX CASI. 11th Annual Chili By The Lake Cookoff. Held at Tawakoni City Park, 9 miles east of Quinlan on Hwy 276. Benefits Tawakoni Park Board for park improvements. Entry fee $18, turn-in 1 PM. Jackpot Beans entry $5, turn-in Noon, 50/50 1st place only. Cooks party Friday night 7 to 9. Limited paid electric hookups, first come first serve. Info Carl & Jackie Grose 5460 Hwy 34 South, Quinlan TX 754-3328, or 903-883-4916. See cookoff next day same location. Sep 10, 2005-006 - Aspen CO CASI. Aspen Saturday Market Chili Cookoff Held at Conner Park, next to city hall. Entry fee $25 turn-in 1:30 PM. Benefits Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Contact Maggie Dorrough 970-544-0155, [email protected]. Sep 10, 2005-007 - West Memphis AR CASI. Sonny Sayre Memorial Fund Chili Cookoff. August 2005 Held at 150 Ligion Rd, next to Riverside Speedway. Make checks payable to Sonny Sayre Memorial Fund. Entry fee $20 turn-in 2 PM, Hot Wings turn-in 1 PM, BBQ 3 PM. Plenty of motorhome parking no hookups. Contact Harold Carpenter 870-732-3277, 901483-3277. [email protected]. Sep 10, 2005-008 - Port Coquitlam BC CASI. Pacific Pod Cookoff. Held at 3422 Lancaster St. Entry fee $25 CDN or $18 US. Turn-in 2 PM. Benefits Heart and Stroke Foundation. Contact Fred Roycroft 604-464-3472 [email protected]. Sep 10, 2005-009 - Ardmore OK CASI. Carter County Fair Chili CCO. Held at 600 South Lake Murray Drive. I-35 take exit 32, east to lake Murray Dr. Turn North about 3 miles watch for Hardy Murphy Coliseum signs. Benefits Carter County Free Fair, make checks payable to them. Entry fee $18 turn-in 1 PM. Car, truck, tractor & motorcycle show. Battle of the Bands, Karaoke contest, horse show, arm wrestling competition, carnival. Contact Angie Green 79 Blackjack Rd. Lone Grove OK 73443 580-465- 0901 or 405-275-6827. CHILI GRIND ONLY. [email protected]. August 2005 Sep 10, 2005-010 - Rodanthe NC CASI. Chicamacomico Outer Banks Fire and Rescue Cookoff. Held at Cape Hatteras KOA, Route 12. Entry fee $20, turn-in 1 PM. Make checks to Chicamacomico Fire and Rescue. Contact Trisha Bobb P.O. Box 324 Rodanthe NC 27968 252-305-6110. Sep 11, 2005-001 - West Tawakoni TX CASI. Sunday 11th Annual Chili By The Lake Chili Cookoff. Benefits Merchants Assn For Merchants and local charities. Entry fee $15 Turn-in Noon. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Checks payable to City of West Tawakoni. No bean cookoff today. Info Carl & Jackie Grose, 5460 Highway 34 South, Quinlan TX 75474. 903883-4916. Saturday cookoff same location. Sep 17, 2005-001 - Bel Air MD CASI. Last Blast of Summer Cookoff. Bel Air Equestrian Center Party. 2 PM to 9 PM, DJ, Crab Fest, Pig Roast. Door prizes throughout the party. Entry fee $22, turn-in 3 PM. Info Brian Smith 410-836- 1825. [email protected]. Sep 17, 2005-002 - Lake Zurich IL CASI. 7th Annual Barn Burnin’ Chili CCO. Held in Paulus Park, 200 S. Rand Rd. Benefits Support Lake Zurich Programs. Entry fee $20, turn-in 2 PM. Make checks payable to Village of Lake Zurich. Contact Karen Meyers, Lake Zurich Park and Recreation Dept. 200 S. Rand Rd. Lake Zurich, IL 60047, 847-4385146Ext 10. [email protected]. Sep 17, 2005-003 - Columbus NM CASI. Pancho Villa’s Last Chance CCO. Held at Pancho Villa State Park. Benefits Friends of Pancho Villa Park and NMCS. Entry fee $15, turn in 2 PM, make checks payable to NMCS. Contact Bud Barrick 505-382-5107, P.O. Box 268 Organ NM 88052-0268 [email protected]. Sep 17, 2005-004 - Longmont CO CASI. 2nd Annual Mountain States CCO. Held at Mountain States Children’s Home, 14780 N. 107th, 2.5 miles North of Longmont on US Hwy 287. Benefits Mountain States Childrens Home. Entry fee $15, Green Chili & Wing Entry $15 or $5 if cooking Red Turn-in Red, Green & Wings 11:30 AM Juniors and Corporate 1 PM, Awards CASI 1st thru 10th. Showmanship 1st thru 3rd, Green Chili & Wings 1st thru 3rd, Junior & Corporate Division cookoff’s also planned. This event will feature food, beverage and great Bargain Auction with thousands of items at great prices. Contact Steve Lee, [email protected]. phone 303-6849316. Entry fee payable to Sep 17, 2005-005 - Sarasota FL CASI. SunFun RV Resort Chili Cookoff and Craft Show. Held at Sun-Fun RV Resort, 1 mile East of I- Terlingua Trails 75 on Fruitville Rd. Entry fee $20 for CASI and Open category. Turn-in 1 PM. Contact John Holback 800- 843-2421, 7125 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota Fl, 34240. Park cabin rentals available. RV sites $25 per night. Benefits the March Of Dimes. See cookoff next day same location. Sep 17, 2005-006 - Clemmons NC CASI. NC Chili Championship & Rubber Duck Regatta. Held in Tanglewood Park, 10miles West of Winston- Salem, exit 182. Benefits the March of Dimes. Entry fee $20 turn-in 1 PM. Make checks payable to March of Dimes. We will have a Rubber Duck Regatta, Cake Bake Contest, Silent Auction, Kids Korral, Arts & Crafts area and live entertainment by nationally known artist. Contact Nell Jo Hall 336-723-4386 [email protected]. Sep 17, 2005-007 - Sierra Vista AZ CASI. Pueblo Del Sol Charity Cookoff. Held at 3400 Resort Dr, on Hwy 92 South, turn left at 1st red light past Buffalo Soldier Tk. Benefits Mentor Connection. Entry fee $15, turn-in 2 PM. Full hookups at a special rate (weekend) for cooks-reservations required-520- 3780213. Friday eve cooks party, dinner and dance at the club house. Golf available. Cook where you set up in parking lot adjacent to club house, no hookups there. Contact Larry Rau 520-378-7247, [email protected]. Sep 17, 2005-008 - Midland TX CASI. 2nd Annual West Texas Cowboy Rodeo Chili Cookoff. 2450 E Hwy 80 at Midland County Exhibit Bldg. Benefits West Texas Cowboy Rodeo. Entry fee $20, turn-in Noon. Make checks payable to WTCR. Info Deanda Bollinger, P.O. Box 51226 Midland TX 79710. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Sep 17, 2005-009 - Kerrville TX CASI. 2nd Annual Chili & BBQ & Golf Tournament. Held at new Hidden Springs Golf Course at Double B Ranch and Golf Resort between Kerrville and Harper at 729 Living Water Road. Between Kerrville and Harper take Road 783 to Fiedler Road, follow road to resort. RV parking, with hookups. CASI chili and Lone Star BBQ Society. BBQ $25 per category or $65 for all, 1/2 chicken, ribs, brisket. BBQ 65/35 payback. Jackpot beans $10, 100% payback. Chili entry $20 CHILI GRIND ONLY. Turn-in times Beans 11 AM, Chicken Noon, Ribs 1 PM, Chili 2 PM, Brisket 3 PM. Cooks party Friday night with band. Golf tournament Friday at 9 AM, Modified Peoria Scramble. Chose your own four member team or be placed by blind draw. In addition to winning team prize, awards will be given for Longest Drive, Longest Putt and Closest to the Hole. Cost is $20 per player. Any player that would like to play prior to Friday, contact the course directly, Jack 830-990-4122 at Pro Shop. Contact Barry Shaw about Golf, 830-377- 2322, Karl Buechler about cookoff 830-792-4270, Billy Bob Weatherly about BBQ at 830-899-7150. All proceeds will benefit Harper area charities. Sep 17, 2005-010 - Bruceville-Eddy TX CASI. 5th Annual Bruceville-Eddy VFD Chili Cookoff. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Chili entry $18, turn-in 2 PM. Beans $10, turn-in Noon, 50/50 split. Cooks party Saturday night pot luck. Meat will be furnished. Silent auction and raffle. RV parking elec and water for $8 a night. Benefits Bruceville-Eddy EMS. Info Mavis Nelson rdnmrn@ See cookoff next day same location Sep 17, 2005-011 - San Angelo TX CASI. The Beer Garden Day 1 Chili Cookoff, 2810 N. Chadbourne. Benefits Concho Valley Home for Girls. Entry fee $18, turn-in 2 PM. Pinto Beans $5, 50% payback, turn-in 1 PM. Call 325-658-5337 or Pat Holland 325-655-7463. See cookoff next day same loaction. Sep 17, 2005-012 - Geronimo TX CASI. Geronimo VFW First Annual Chili Cookoff, 6808 Hwy 123. Benefits Cancer Research. Turn in 2 PM. Entry fee $15. Make checks payable to VFW Post 8456. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Contact Bill Owen 2215 FM 1339, Kingsbury, TX 78638 820-303-9903. Page 21 Sep 17, 2005-013 - Fort Smith AR CASI. 3rd Annual Fort Smith Elk’s Chili Cookoff. Held at 5504 Massard Rd. Turn-in 12:30PM. GROUND MEAT ONLY. Bloody Mary’s and Mimosas 8 AM to 10 AM - $2. CASI entry $20, ARK Elks $10, CASI & Elks $20, Junior $5, Salsa $5 jackpot. Karaoke & party after the cookoff. Info Rheaba Thames 479484-7718. Dara Hopson 479-782-3552. r t h a m e s @ h o t m a i l . c o m [email protected]. Sep 17, 2005-014 - North Little Rock AR CASI. 15th Annual AOOB Bash & Chili Held at Elks Park on Hillard Rd. Benefits Make-AWish & AR Children’s Hospital. Entry fee $20, make check payable to AOOB. Turn-in 2 PM. Overnight camping no hookups, $5 per night, public restroom available. Entry fee includes one ticket to BASH BBQ & Feed at 6 PM & live entertainment 7-11 PM. Take exit 148, follow Crystal Hill Road to dead end, turn right, go to Hillard Rd, 1st road on right, turn right and you will see the entrance to the park on the left side of road. Contact Butch Hammack 501-753-8547 or 501-425-3668 or Nelson Davis at 501-225-6429. Sep 17, 2005-015 - Clarkdale AZ CASI. Almost Cookoff by Verde Valley Moose Lodge 1449. Cook where you camp, RV parking no hookups. Entry fee $12, turn-in 1 PM. First Page 22 Terlingua Trails August 2005 Miller Brewing and Permian Distributing Proud Sponsors of the 2004 CASI Terlingua International Chili Championship time cooks free. Cooks meeting 9 AM. Contact Jerry Lee [email protected]. 623388-9748. Benefits Moose Lodge charities. Sep 17, 2005-016 - Buda TX CASI. Fire Fest & Chili Cookoff. Cookoff at Buda City 204 San Antonio St. IH-35 exit 221, west on Loop 4 to Buda City Park, Loop 4 is also Main St. Benefits Buda Fire Dept. make checks payable to them. Entry fee $20 turn-in 2 PM., each team receives complementary firefest packet worth $50. Firefest will host a Preparty at 8 PM Friday night. Contact Angie Roberts 512295-6795 P.O. Box 1159 Buda TX 78610. Register before Sept 9 $20, after Sept. 9 will be $35. Email [email protected]. Sep 17, 2005-017 - Ponca City OK CASI. 19th Annual Strip Bar-B-Que and Chili Cookoff. Held at Lake Ponca Pageant Area. Benefits Hospice of North Central OK. CASH prizes for Professional, Backyard Open Division, children’s BBQ. Beans or Sauce entrant, winners received 1/2 the pot, entry $15 each. CASI chili entry $30, children’s division $15. For information Contact Becky TurnerDonovan 580-762-6225 or Debbie Wideman 580-716-0804. [email protected]. Check with contact for info on BBQ, chili or professional rules and entry fees. Professionals Today, 522 N. 14th #101, Ponca City OK 74601. Sep 18, 2005-001 - Sarasota FL CASI. Sunday Sun-N-Fun RV Resort Chili Cookoff and Craft Show. Held at Sun-N-Fun RV Resort, 1 mile East of I-75 on Fruitville Rd, exit 210. Entry fee $20, turn-in Noon. CASI and Open chili, CHILI GRIND ONLY. Benefits local charities. Contact John Holback 7125 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota FL 34240 800-8432421, see cookoff previous day same location. Sep 18, 2005-002 - Bruceville-Eddy TX CASI. 5th Annual Bruceville-Eddy Chili Cookoff. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Entry fee $18, benefits Bruceville-Eddy VFD. Turn-in 1 PM. See cookoff previous day same location. Contact Mavis Nelson [email protected]. Sep 18, 2005-003 - San Angelo TX CASI. The Beer Garden Day 2 Chili Cookoff, 2810 N. Chadbourne. Benefits Meals for the Elderly. Entry fee $18, turn-in 1 PM. Call 325-658-5337 or Pat Holland 325-655-7463. Sep 24, 2005-001 - Columbus NM CASI. Pancho Villa’s Last Chance CCO Canceled. Date changed to 9/17/05. Sep 24, 2005-002 - Reidsville NC CASI. Chili I Do Cookoff. Held at 491 Lebanon Church Road. Entry fee $20 turn-in 2 PM. Benefit Piedmont Pepper Pod charities. Make checks payable to Piedmont Pepper Pod. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Contact Kenny Jones 336951-2705. John Stevens [email protected] Sep 24, 2005-003 - Elephant Butte NM CASI. American Legion Post #44 Cookoff. Held at 1005 Hwy 95. Benefits the American Legion charities. Make checks payable to NMCS. Entry fee $15, turn-in 2 PM. Contact Bud Barrick [email protected]. Sep 24, 2005-004 - Brinkley AR CASI. Lick Skillet Festival Chili Cookoff and Backyard BBQ. Held at the Brinkley Convention Center behind Wal Mart in conjunction with the annual Lick Skillet Festival. Benefits the Chamber of Commerce. Entry fee $30, turnin 1 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Entry fee BBQ $25, turn-in 2 PM. Contact Arriea Brasseur 217 West Cypress, Brinkley, AR 72021 [email protected], phone 870-7344602, 870-589-1170 or Sandra Kemmer at the Chamber of Commerce 870-734-2262. Sep 24, 2005-005 - Poulan GA CASI. Southeast Chili & Rib Championship Held at Possum Poke US Hwt 82, 2 miles E of Sylvester, 14miles W of Tifton exit 62 on I-75. Entry fee $35 turn-in 1 PM. Open chili 2 PM. Ribs 3 PM. Cooks meeting 9 AM. Cooks party 7 PM Friday Saturday Arts & crafts, food vendors, kid activities, live entertainment. Contact Vann Jones 229-776-0065, 229-0060 cell. [email protected]. Sep 24, 2005-006 - Skull Valley AZ CASI. Skull Valley Doug Days Chili CCO.. Held at Spike’s Ranch located 2 miles North of Kirkland and a bunch of miles South of Prescott. Red chili turn in at 2 Pm, Peoples Choice 11 AM. Kids fishing derby, RV camping no hookups, benefits local charities. Contact Mary Smith 623-435-0291. Sep 24, 2005-007 - Irving TX CASI. Veterans Memorial Chili Cookoff. Held at Irving VFW Post #2494, 3375 N. Belt Line, behind the Skateland on Belt Line, 2 1/2 miles north of I-30 or 1 block south of Shady Grive. This is on the border of the two cities. Entry Fee $20, turn-in 2 PM. Make advanced checks payable to VFW 2494. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Campers welcome, no hookups. Friday dinner 6 - 8 PM, Head cooks eat free, charge for all others usually $6-$8. 7:30 PM Electronic Dart Tournament - entry $3. Cooks meeting 9 AM, Show 11 AM to Noon. Raffles, concessions available. Saturday night live music & dance. Info Margaret Hobbs 3375 N. Belt Line Grand Prairie, TX 75053. Email August 2005 [email protected]. Phone 972-5130593 cell 972-740-2224. Sep 24, 2005-008 - Burlington IA CASI. Blackhawk Chili Cookoff. 22nd Annual Cookoff held on the waterfront at Port of Burlington 400 front St. Benefits Crimestoppers. Entry fee $22, turn-in Noon. Contact Vickie Malcom 319-394-3121 Sales@steamboatdays. com. Sep 24, 2005-009 - Odessa TX CASI. 4th Annual Angel House Cookoff. Held at Moose Lodge, 2711 N. Dixie. Benefits Crisis Center. Entry fee $20, turn-in 2 PM. Contact Laura Myers 432-337-1761 or 432-352-8322. 3111 Windsor, Odessa TX 79762 CHILI GRIND ONLY [email protected] 09/24/2005-010 Indiana State Chili Cookoff.Held in Westfield Town Hall, 130 Penn St. Benefits Open Doors of Westfield. Entry fee $20, turn-in 1 PM. Contact Brad Garland 157 E. Columbine Lane, Westfield IN 46074. 317-715-5976 home, 317-407-2670 cell. Make checks payable to Open Doors. Salsa entry $5, turn-in Noon. Please make at least 2 gallons of chili for the public. Sep 25, 2005-001 - San Angelo TX CASI. Blaine’s Last Chance Cookoff. Chili $18, chili grind only. Beans $5, Chicken $15, Ribs $15, 50% payback on BBQ. Contact Laura Coad 325-944-7715. Charity TBA. Details to follow. Sep 25, 2005-002 - Oklahoma City OK CASI. Oklahoma Men’s State CCO. Take 1-40 to N. May exit north to gate 26 of State Fairgrounds. Benefits C.A.R.E. Entry fee $25 turn-in 1 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Contact Jerry Dickerson, 131 Amber Ridge Dr. Shawnee OK 74801-3984. 405-214-9395. Sep 25, 2005-003 - Oklahoma City OK CASI. Oklahoma State Women’s CCO. Take I-40 to N. May exit north to gate 26 of State Fairgrounds. Benefits City Rescue Mission. Entry fee $25, turn-in 1 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Contact Jerry Dickerson 131 Amber Ridge Dr. Shawnee OK 74801-3984. 405-2149395. Sep 25, 2005-004 - Odessa TX CASI. 3rd Annual Mooseheart Cookoff Held at Moose Lodge, 2711 N. Dixie. Benefits Mooseheart. Entry fee $20 turn-in Noon. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Laura Myers 3111 Windsor, Odessa TX 79762 432-337-7161 or 432-352-8322. See cookoff previous day. [email protected]. Sep 30, 2005-001 - New Waverly TX CASI. Last-Last Chance Cookoff. Held at Citizen Bank, Hwy 75 South. Benefits The Raven School. Entry fee $20 turn-in 8:30 PM. CHILI Terlingua Trails GRIND ONLY. Make checks payable to GCTC. Info Marcia Headrick 8191A SH 75S Huntsville TX 77340. (H)936-291-1928, (w)936-344-7825, (c)936-581-3886. Sep 30, 2005-002 - Wichita Falls TX CASI. Friday Falls Fest Chili Cookoff. Held in Lucy Park off Seymour Hwy. Benefits the Junior League, Parks & Recreation, Streams & Valleys, other organizations. CASI entry $18, turn-in 8 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Plenty of RV parking, no hookups. Bring family and join in the fun! Park will open Friday evening with food, games, fireworks display and a concert bu Cross Canadian Ragweed. Cooks entry fee pays admission to the park. Contact Kevin Wooster 940-7660794 or Tammie Wooster 940-691- 5323, for info see on web, still in progress. LAST CHANCE FOR POINTS, don’t miss it. Sep 30, 2005-003 - Garland TX CASI. No Frills Last Chance CCO. If you still need points come to the Garland Elks Lodge and cook on the patio. CHILI GRIND ONLY, last shot at chili points for Terlingua. No goody bags or major trophies, just fun and cooking with the Fabulous Garland Elks for those last points. Elks located at 3825 Duck Creek Drive. 972278-5300. Turn-in 9 PM. Contact Coby Davis 214-727-7445. Email [email protected]. Oct 1, 2005-001 - Blytheville AR CASI. 26th Annual Chickasaw Cookoff. Held on Main Street in downtown Blytheville. Make checks payable to charity, Mainstreet Blytheville. Entry fee $30, turn- in Noon. Info Bret Sparks 210 W. Main St. Blytheville, AR 72315, 870-763-2525 Oct 1, 2005-002 - Zuehl TX CASI. First Chance Chili Cookoff. Held at Germania Hall 1826 Zuehl Rd. I-10 E from San Antonio, right on Trainer Hale Rd, two miles take left on Bexar Bowling, cross creek left on Zuehl Rd. Charity TBA. Entry fee $20 turn-in 2 PM. See cookoff next day same location. Cook both days for $35. Contact Clyde Rogers 210-347- 9052, 2531 Old Trail San Antonio TX 78247. [email protected]. Larry Hodon 210333-8133. Oct 1, 2005-003 - Chillicothe IL CASI. 11th Annual River City Rib Classic & CASI Chili Cookoff. Held at Foot of Walnut St., Cutright Park. Benefits local ambulance service. Entry fee $18, turn-in 2 PM. Info Jeff Anderson, P.O. Box 555 Chillicothe IL 61523, 309-2742713 Oct 1, 2005-004 - New Waverly TX CASI. 7th Annual Gulf Coast Trades Center Chili & Backyard B-Bar-Que, the Original First Chance Cookoff. Held at Citizen Bank, Hwy Page 23 75 South. Benefits GCTC Youth Leadership. Entry fee $20 turn-in 2 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Bean turn-in Noon. Bar-B-Que to be scheduled. Info Marcia Headrick 8191A SH 75S Huntsville, TX 77340. 936-291-1928 (W)936-344- 7825 (C)936-581-3886. Make checks payable to GCTC. Oct 1, 2005-005 - Wichita Falls TX CASI. Saturday Falls Fest Chili CCO. Held in Lucy Park off Seymour Hwy. Benefits the Junior League, Parks & Recreation, Streams and Valleys and many other organizations. CASI entry $20 turn-in 2 PM. Junior entry $10, turn-in 1 PM. Jackpot Beans (100% payback) entry $5, turn-in Noon. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Plenty of RV parking, no hookups. Bring the family join in the fun! Park will be open Friday with food, games, fireworks display, poker run and concert Cross Canadian Ragweed, and Saturday night by Lou Gramm, lead singer for Foreigner! Cooks entry fee includes admission to the park. Contact Kevin Wooster 940-766- 0794 or Tammie Wooster 940-691- 5323, also see website at still in progress. First chance for 2006 points...what a place to get them. Oct 1, 2005-006 - Pryor OK CASI. Great Mid America Chili Cookoff. Held 4 miles South of Pryor on US Hwy 69 at the Mid America Airport grounds. Entry fee $20, turn-in Noon. Registration starts at 8 AM Benefits National MS, Multiple Sclerosis, Society of Oklahoma. Contact Lorinda Crawford to pre- register, 23400 E. 111 St., Broken Arrow OK 74014 phone 918-455-8655. See event web site for event information. Oct 1, 2005-007 - Port Aransas TX CASI. South Texas Music Fest & Chili Cookoff. Held at Sharkey’s Beach Club, 2600 Hwy 361. Entry fee $20 turn-in 2 PM. Jackpot beans $10, turn-in 12:30 PM. Make advanced checks payable to South Texas Music Fest & Chili Cookoff. Info Vickie Hart 361-7494254. Contact Charles Cole, Sharkey’s Beach Club P.O. Box 196 Port Aransas TX 78373 210-826-4983. Register from 6 to 10 PM Friday or morning of event. Oct 1, 2005-008 - Ruidoso NM CASI. New Mexico State Open Chili Cookoff Held at Rainbow Lake Cabin and RV Resort 806 Carrizo Canyon Rd. Benefits local charities. Entry fee $20 turn-in 2 PM. Contact Scott Muhn 505-336-7766, P.O. Box 152 Ruidoso NM 88355. Preregister RV space by 9/15/ Make checks paid to Ruidoso Chili Society. Oct 1, 2005-009 - Madison NJ CASI. Bottle Hill Chili Cookoff. Held in downtown Madison, Central Ave. Benefits Cure Autism Now, Every Child Counts Entry fee $25, turn-in 2 PM. Bottle Hill Day is a downtown festival of food, sidewalk sales, North American Open Chili Championship Do you think you have the best chili In North America? Then join us and cook against some of the Best chili cooks in North America. Saturday, August 20, 2005 Hosts: Wilson County Fair / HOT Pod-CASI James Ward Ag Center Lebanon, TN Chili Judging: 1:30 p.m. Top 3 Chili Cooks and Top Show Team automatically qualify for the 2005 World Class CASI Terlingua International Chili Championship Mail $25 entry fee to: HOT Pod – CASI C/O: Carol Knight – 2003 Dorchester Drive Lebanon, TN 37090 (615-449-6676) Info: [email protected] Proceeds benefit: Senior Citizens Awareness Network (SCAN) Page 24 Terlingua Trails and entertainment, live music, etc. Activities include an antique car show, trolley rides and craft booths. Contact Todd Shipman 9 Barnsdale Rd. Madison NJ 07940. 973-765579. Email [email protected] Saturday night. RV parking no hookups. Beans 100% payback $5. Turn-in 1 PM. Please bring old eye glasses. Contact Sue or John Caffey [email protected] 512-4462364. Cookoff next day same location. Oct 1, 2005-012 - Santa Rosa CA CASI. Spice Up The Night CA Championship. Held at Sonoma County Estate. Details to follow. Bonnie Black, [email protected]. Oct 1, 2005-010 - Austin TX CASI. 1st Points for Sight Cookoff. Held at Travis County Sheriff’s Posse Rodeo Area, just south of 812-183 intersectiion. Benefits Austin Lions Sight Conservation Committee. Make checks payable to ALSCC. Entry fee $18 turn-in 2 PM, CHILI GRIND ONLY. Cooks party Friday night. Breakfast Sat. AM. Silent auction, donations gladly accepted. Pot luck Oct 1, 2005-011 - Dubuque IA CASI. Cable Car Square CCO. Held at Cable Car Square, corner of Bluff St. & 4th. Benefits Cable Car Square Assn. CASI entry Fee $15, Open $10, both for $20. CASI turn-in 1 PM, Open 1:30 PM, Salsa $5, turn-in 1:30 PM. Lots of entertainment throughtout the day. Contact Teri Connely 63 Carter Ct E. Dubuque IA 610-025, 815-747-2504. Oct 2, 2005-001 - Zuehl TX CASI. Day After First Chance Chili CCO. Held at Germania Hall 1826 Zuehl Rd. I-10 E from San Antonio, right on Trainer Hale Rd, two miles take left on Bexar Bowling, cross creek left on Zuehl Rd. Entry fee $18 turn-in 1 PM. Contact Clyde Rogers 2531 Old Trail San Antonio TX 78247 210-347-9052 [email protected]. Larry Hodon 210-333-8133. Benefits 2006 Great Peppers Meeting. August 2005 Oct 2, 2005-002 - Tulsa OK CASI. Tulsa State Fair Sunday Chili CCO. Benefits the Rodeo Arts Scholarship Fund. Entry fee $25, turnin 2:30 PM, preregister by August 20, entry after that date is $30. Entry fee includes admission to the fair. Contact Penny Chronister, P.O. Box 4735, Tulsa OK, 741590735 phone 918- 744-1113, ext. 2099. Email [email protected]. Oct 2, 2005-003 - New Waverly TX CASI. 2nd Day of First Chance Cookoff. Held at Citizen Bank, Hwy 75 South. Benefits GCTC Endowment Fund. Entry fee $20, turn-in Noon. Make check payable to GCTC. CHILI August 2005 GRIND ONLY. Info Marcia Headrick 8191A SH 75S Huntsville TX 77340. 936-291- 1928, (W)936-344-7825, (C)936-581- 3886. Oct 2, 2005-004 - Ruidoso NM CASI. Ruidoso Chili Society Cookoff held at Rainbow Lake Cabin & RV Resort. Entry fee $10 turn-in Noon. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Make checks payable to Ruidoso Chili Society. Contact Scott Muhn 505- 336-7766. See New Mexico State Open Chili Cookoff previous day same location. Register RV by 9/15. Oct 2, 2005-005 - Dallas TX CASI. 20th Annual State Fair of Texas Chili Cookoff and Rib Roundup. Cooking area on parking lot by the livestock barn. Enter Lagow gate from Fitzhugh Ave. No over night camping, limited space available. Free fair entry to contestants. Entry fee $15 each, turn in chili 1 PM. Chicken 11 AM, Ribs Noon. Make checks payable to State Fair of Texas. Contact Creative Arts Dept. 214- 421-8744. Must have coleman-type pump-up stoves, must have fire extinguisher. Oct 2, 2005-006 - Austin TX CASI. 2nd Points for Sight Cookoff. Held at Travis County Sheriff’s Posse Rodeo Area, just south of 812-183 intersection. Benefits local Lion’s charities. Make checks payable to ALSCC. Entry fee $18 turn-in Noon. Biscuits and gravy breakfast by Lions. Pot luck Terlingua Trails Saturday night. Indoor bathrooms and judging. RV parking no hookups. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Contact John/Sue Caffey 512446-2364 [email protected]. See cookoff previous day same location. 10/02/2005-007 Tennessee State Championship Chili Cookoff at Mid South Fair in Mid-South Coliseum Parking Lot. Starting 8 AM, awards presented at 5:30 PM. For more info contact Claire Kermick, [email protected] 901-322-1458. Oct 8, 2005-001 - Homosassa FL CASI. 6th Annual Southeast Chili Cookoff. Held at Natures RV Resort on West Halls River Rd. Entry fee $20, turn-in 2 PM. Full hookup RV sites and cabin rentals at reduced rates.Cooks social Friday night at Marina Lounge. RV/site rsvns 352-887-9042 ask for chili rates. Info Ken Rodd 210-887-8827 [email protected]. See cookoff next day same location. Oct 8, 2005-002 - Cedar Hill TX CASI. Country Day on the Hill 14th Annual Chili Cookoff. Held in Historic Downtown Cedar Hill. Entry fee $20, turn-in 2 PM. Benefits Cedar Hill Food Pantry. Make checks to Friends of Country Day. Contact Christie Williams 421 Hastings Dr. Cedar Hill TX 75104 Oct 8, 2005-003 - Love Valley NC CASI. Love Valley Chili Cookoff. Held in Love Valley Arena. Benefits Love Valley Horseman’s Assn. Entry fee Piedmont Pepper Pod members $20, non-members $25. Turn-in 1 PM. Make checks payable to Piedmont Pepper Pod. Contact Brent Lundy, 453 Jane Sowers Rd, Statesville NC 28625. 704-8762681, Linda Jolly 704-876- 1508, [email protected], visit Love Valley Oct 8, 2005-004 - Whitney TX CASI. 17th Annual Thousand Trails Chili Cookoff. Benefits Christmas For Kids, held at Thousand Trails Preserve, on FM 933 about 5 miles north of Whitney. RV hookups, rental trailers available. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Entry fee $20, turn in 2 PM. Jackpot beans entry $5 turn-in Noon, 100% payback 1st thru 3rd places. Pot Luck Friday night. Contact Darrell Baxter 972-262-4701, 817-980-0913 mobil or email [email protected] See Sunday cookoff. Oct 8, 2005-005 - Hilton Head Island SC CASI. 21st Annual Kiwanis Chili Cookoff Held at Honey Horn Plantation Drive & William Hilton Parkway Historic Honey Horn. Entry fee $30 turn-in 2 PM. Contact Bill Leptich 843-363-5761. Email [email protected]. RV parking available at location. No hookups RV park near site. Page 25 Discounted hotel rooms and golf. Cooks party Friday 6 PM, free. Request cooks each provide 30 pounds of chili for public. For map of site www.coastaldiscover. org/ pages/chili_cookoff.htm Oct 8, 2005-006 - Big Lake TX CASI. 7th Annual Red Neck Chili Cookoff. Held at Reagan County Park, Corner of 12th and Plaza Sts. On North side of Big Lake near High School. Benefits Voice of Democracy Scholarship. Chili $18, turn-in 2 PM. Beans $10 turn-in Noon. Contact Sandy Armstrong 325-884-2982 or Evelyn Ammons 325-8842511. Make checks payable to VFW L.A. Oct 9, 2005-001 - Homosassa FL CASI. Waterfront Chili Cookoff. at Natures RV Resort on West Halls River Rd. Entry fee $15, turn-in 1 PM. Info Ken Rodd 210-887-8827 [email protected]. See cookoff previous day same location. Oct 9, 2005-002 - Whitney TX CASI. 4th Annual Thousand Trails POD Chili Cookoff. Held at Thousand Trails Preserve on FM 933 about 5 miles north of Whitney. Benefits Great Peppers Meeting expenses. RV hookups, rental trailers available. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Entry fee $20, turn-in Noon. Pot Luck Saturday night. Contact Darrell Baxter 972-262-4701, 817-980-0913 Mobil email [email protected]. See Saturday cookoff. Page 26 Oct 15, 2005-001 - Midland TX CASI. 5th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Chili & BBQ Cookoff. Benefits Gift of Hope-Allison Cancer Center. Entry fee $25 per entry, turnin 2 PM. Make checks payable to Black Gold Pod. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Trophies 1st thru 10th chili, 1st thru 3rd Showmanship. IBCA BBQ $25 per category. 1/2 Jointed Chicken turn-in Noon, Pork Spare Ribs turn-in 1 PM, Brisket turn- in 3 PM. 50% Payback + $300.00 1st place thru 3rd place. Trophies 1st thru 4th, Grand Champion. 50-50 Drawing, Raffle items, Specialty Raffle. Plenty of room for RVs, trailers, and pits. Set up Friday October 14th. Special room rates at Travelodge 2500 Commerce Dr. 1-432-694-1300, Oct 15, 2005-002 - Kerens TX CASI. Cotton Harvesting Festival Chili Cookoff. Held on Main St. Entry fee $20, turn-in 2 PM. Cooks will be assigned spots. Street will be closed off from Friday 5 PM til Sunday at Noon. Arts, crafts, antique auto and tractor show. Quilting contest. Live bands on Friday and Saturday nights, with a street dance at 8 PM. Benefits The Friends of Kerens Library Bldg Fund. Contact Derek Kamp 903-396-7678, Terlingua Trails 612 Carroll, Kerens [email protected]. TX 75144 Oct 15, 2005-003 - Wichita Falls TX CASI. Hospice Benefit Cookoff. Held at American Legion Post 169 4605 Lakeshore Dr. Benefits Hospice of Wichita Falls. Entry fee $18 turnin 2 PM, make checks payable to Legion. Pinto beans $5 turn-in Noon. RV parking no hookups. Fri night pizza party. If bad weather can cook inside. Contact Donald R Barfield, 15643 W. FM 171, Wichita Falls TX 763052217, 940-322-5057. [email protected] CHILI GRIND ONLY Oct 15, 2005-004 - San Antonio TX CASI. SAP-CASI Fall Cookoff. Held at Brauing Lake RV Resort, 13550 Donop Rd. (Elmendorf TX) San Antonio TX 78112. RV rates are $21.71 a night for pull thru payable to Brauing Lake RV Resort upon arrival. Park is offering a steak dinner for $10 on Friday night which can also be paid with RV registration. Please call ahead for rsvns and tell them you are part of the Chili cookoff for the special rate and RV sites reserved close to the Creekside Center. Hotel rooms at Comfort Inn & Suites located next to RV park with 20% discount. Hotel offers deluxe breakfast for $3.50. Cooks August 2005 party Saturday night with Hobo Stew being served. Entry fee $20 for Saturday and $18 for Sunday or $35 for both days, turn-in 2 PM Saturday. Various charities TBD. Charmaine Rogers 210-494- 2666, 210-215-2009 email [email protected]. fee $20, turn-in 1 PM. 50/50 Beans, turn-in Noon. Hospitality room in Red Barn. Limited RV hookups at $10. Tent spaces are $5. Plenty of parking, play ground and picnic area. Info Judy Bearden 903-489-2195, or 903-489-2530. [email protected] Oct 15, 2005-005 - Eden NC CASI. Chili Chow Down Cookoff. Held in conjunction with the Eden Apple Festival, 201 East Meadow Rd. Charity TBD. Entry fee Piedmont Pepper Pod Members $20, non-members $25. Turnin 1 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Contact Judy McCrickard, 684 Boyd Rd, Reidsville NC 27320. Mike “Bubba” Williams 336-284-4567 [email protected]. Oct 15, 2005-008 - Grapevine TX CASI. Stop, Drop & Roll Chili Cookoff and Festival. Held at Bass Pro Shops/Outdoor World, 2501 Bass Pro Drive. Benefits WPI 501 (c)3 Firefighters Fund. Chili entry fee $20, turn-in 2 PM. Band, fire fighters competitions, clowns, beverages and other concessions, children’s activities. Contact Robin Williams 817-229-9750. Oct 15, 2005-006 - Wabash IN CASI. Wabash Cannonball Chili Cookoff. Held in Paradise Spring. Details to follow. See or [email protected]. Marc Shelly 260-563-7130. Email [email protected]. Oct 15, 2005-009 - Murchison TX CASI. MVFD Texas Twang (Blue Collar) Cookoff. Benefits Murchison VFD. Entry fee $20 turnin 1 PM. Make checks payable to Murchison VFD. Contact Lisa Huffman phone 903-8522270 fax 903-852-2280 cell 903-574-5522. Register time 8 to 10 AM on the 15th. Oct 15, 2005-007 - Log Cabin TX CASI. Frontier Festival Chili Cookoff. Held at Log Cabin Park 13620 Alamo Rd. Come to Log Cabin on Hwy 3054. Take Alamo or Wyatt Earp. They will take you to the park. Follow signs. Benefits Services in Log Cabin. Make checks payable to City of Log Cabin. Entry Oct 15, 2005-010 - Victoria TX CASI. Texas Kicking Bullriding Cookoff. Held at Colet Inn grounds, 3203 Camp Colet Rd. Benefits TKB Kickin Our Way To Florida Fund. Entry fee $18 turn-in 2 PM. Jr. Chili $10 turn-in 1 PM, Jr. Chicken $10 turn-in 12:30 PM, Chicken $20 turn-in 1:30 PM, Salsa $10 turn-in 11 AM, August 2005 Pork Spare Ribs $20 turn-in 2:30 PM, Brisket $20 turn-in 3:30 PM. Cook all three meat categories for $50. Make check payable to MHS Dance and Drill Team. Contact Linda McDonald 619 Springwood, Victoria TX 77905. 361-578-2575. Oct 15, 2005-011 - Cleburne TX CASI. Cleburne Elk’s Lodge Chili Cooks Reunion, Hwy 67 & FM Rd 1434. Benefits Elks charities. Cooks party Friday night, live band, free RV hookups (first come first serve). CHILI GRIND ONLY. Arts and crafts. Entry fee $18, Elks Division, Jack-pot beans. Turn- in 2 PM. Contact Jerry Brown 871-645-6117, 1944 FM Rd 2135 Cleburne TX 76031. Make checks payable to Elks B.P.O.E #811. Oct 15, 2005-012 - Fort Collins CO CASI. 15th Annual Sundance CCO Held at Fort Collins Senior Center, 1200 Raintree Drive in Ft. Collins. Cooking competitions include CASI Red, Green and Hot Wings. Benefits Ft. Collins Senior Center. Turn in 1:30 PM. Entry fee $15. Make checks paid to Colorado Chili Pod. Contact Lyman Wilkinson 970-669-1573. Oct 16, 2005-001 - San Antonio TX CASI. SAP-CASI Day After Cookoff. Held at Brauing Lake RV Resort, 13550 Donop Rd. (Elmendorf, TX) San Antonio TX 78112. RV Rates are $2171 a night for pull thru payable to Brauing Lake RV Resort upon arrival. Please call ahead for Rsvns and tell them you are a part of the Chili cookoff for the special rate and RV sites reserved close to the Creekside Center. Hotel rooms available at the Comfort Inn & Suites located next to RV Terlingua Trails park with 20% discount. Hotel offers a deluxe breakfast for $3.50. Cooks party will be Saturday night with Hobo Stew being served. Entry fee $20 on Saturday and $18 for Sunday or $35 for both days, turn-in Sunday is Noon. Contact Charmaine Rogers 210-494-2666, 210215-2009 email [email protected]. 2 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Charity is CASI Scholarship Fund. Contact Donna Conrad 254-486-9206 [email protected]. Oct 16, 2005-002 - Victoria TX CASI. Texas Kicking Bullriding- Spirit Fund Cookoff. Held at Colet Inn grounds 3203 Camp Colet Rd. Entry fee $18 turn-in Noon. Benefits MHS Dance & Drill Team. Contact Linda McDonald 619 Springwood, Victoria TX 77905 361- 578-2575 Oct 22, 2005-005 - Blue Ridge TX CASI. Blue Ridge Community Center Annual Chili Cookoff. Held in Blue Ridge square downtown at Bus. 78 and FM 545. Entry fee $20 turn-in 4 PM. Preregister fee $18 or $20 day of event. Make checks payable to Blue Ridge Community Center. Jackpot Beans $5. Check in and cooks meeting at 10 AM, raffle 4x2 Gator and additional $2500 items to be drawn for. Music. Contact Robert Todd 9329 CR 628, Blue Ridge TX 75424. [email protected]. 972-752-5798 Robert, 972-752-5200 Cathy McGill. Register by 10/ 15 for $18. $100 gift certificate for 1st place, $50 for second place. First 20 registered cooks receive $10 gift certificate. We ask that you bring 1 gal of throw down chili for public chili supper. Oct 22, 2005-001 - San Angelo TX CASI. Fall Festival Cookoff. Held at Water Valley Park. Entry fee $18, CHILI GRIND ONLY Jackpot Pinto Dry Beans $5. WTBA BBQ Brisket, Chicken, Ribs $15 each. Contact Donna Hill 325- 657-2979. For Concho Valley Pod Christmas Charity. Details to follow. See cookoff next day same location. Oct 22, 2005-002 - North Little Rock AR CASI. Elk’s Park Turkey Shoot & Chili Cookoff. Call for directions. Benefits the Elks charities. Entry fee $20, turn-in 1 PM. Make checks payable to Elk’s 1004. Contact Preston Nickle 617 W M St. North Little Rock AR 72116, 501- 791-2191. Oct 22, 2005-003 - Waco TX CASI. H-E-B # 8 2nd Annual CASI Scholarship Cookoff. One day only Saturday, held at 1301 Wooded Acres in parking lot in front of store. No RV’s, EZ Ups welcome. Entry fee $18, turn in Oct 22, 2005-004 - Tucson AZ CASI. Walmart Plaza at Midvale CCO. Cancelled. To be rescheduled. Oct 22, 2005-006 - Dallas TX CASI. Terlingua in Exile Regatta and and Chili Cookoff. In conjunction with the Corinthian Cup J/24 Texas Circuit Regatta and Al Schlitz Regatta, at the Dallas Corinthian Yacht Club. Benefits the Dallas Corinthian Education Foundation. Entry fee $20, turn- in 2 PM. Make checks payable to DCYC. Friday night party with the racers. Saturday night dinner and dance. Al Schlitz Regatta, beer can boat race, in the pool. See rules at DCYC web site. Sunday Page 27 racing and award ceremony. Camping on site, no hookups. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Oct 23, 2005-001 - San Angelo TX CASI. Concho Valley Pod Christmas Chili Cookoff. Held in Water Valley Park Entry fee $18, chili grind only. Turn-in Noon. Contact Laura Coad 325-944-7715. Benefits Concho Valley Charities. Details to follow. Oct 28, 2005-001 - Del Rio TX CASI. Friday Night in Del Rio Held at Holiday Trav-L Park Hwy 90 West, approximately 8 miles West of the “Y”. Benefits the Texas Men’s Cookoff Pavilion. Entry fee $18 turn-in 7 PM. Make checks payable to Pod on the Pedernales. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Cooks party stew. Come help us raise funds for Texas Men’s Covered Pavilion. Jimmy or Barbara Taylor [email protected], 830-868-2223 Jimmy or Denise McIntire Holiday Trav-L Park 800545-2364 [email protected]. Oct 29, 2005-001 - Kerrville TX CASI. Kerr County Fair Cookoff. Held at Hill Country Youth Exhibit Center Hwy 27. Benefit Kerr County Fair Scholarship Fund. Entry fee $18, turn-in 2:30 PM. Make checks payable to Kerr County Fair Assn. Chili Cookoff. Contact Chad Parker P.O.Box 290842, Kerrville, TX 78029 CHILI GRIND ONLY. Oct 29, 2005-002 - McCamey TX CASI. 19th Annual McCamey Chamber of Commerce Chili Cookoff, held at 100-200 block of East 5th St. Benefits Scholarship for graduating senior. Entry fee $18 turn-in 1 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Make checks payable to Page 28 Terlingua Trails August 2005 August 2005 Terlingua Trails McCamey Chamber of Commerce. Contact Dollie Lynch P.O. Box 906 McCamey TX 79752. Friday night cooks supper. Oct 29, 2005-003 - Del Rio TX CASI. Bonnie Everett Memorial CCO. Held at Holiday TravL Park, Hwy 290 West. Benefits Texas Men’s Covered Pavilion. Entry fee $18 turn in 11 AM. Make checks paid to Pod of the Pedernales. Come cook for Bonnie before you leave for Terlingua. Contact Jimmy or Barbara Taylor 830-868-2223 or Jimmy or Denise McIntire 800-545- 2364, [email protected]. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Oct 30, 2005-001 - Terlingua TX CASI. Last Stop on The Road to Terlingua. Held at American Legion Post 653, 60 miles South of Alpine on Hwy 180Entry fee $18, turn-in Noon. Info Dorathy Williams 432-371- 2595. [email protected]. Benefits Legion Building Fund. Make checks payable to SOTOL Pod. Nov 1, 2005-001 - Terlingua TX CASI. Sotol Pod Cookoff. Held at Rancho CASI de Los Chisos. Turn in 2 PM. Entry fee $18. Make check payable to Sotol Pod. Dorathy Williams 432-371-2595. [email protected]. CHILI CHAMPIONSHIP. Must qualify to earn invitation to cook. Friday is National Scholarship Day, with Hot Wings, Beans & Salsa open competition. Saturday chili turn in NOON. See for more details and schedule of events. Phone for info 1888-227-4or [email protected],Alan Dean 830-868-4313, [email protected] Nov 12, 2005-001 - Odessa TX CASI. Annual Veterans Chili & BBQ Cookoff held at Becky Sams Tropical Bar & Grill. Entry fee chili $18, turn in 2 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Beans $10, 50% payback, turn-in 1:30 PM. Chicken $20, 50% payback, turn-in Noon. Ribs $20, 50% payback, turn in 1 PM. Brisket $20, 50% payback turn-in 3 PM. Open meat $20, 50% payback, turn-in 2 PM. Make checks payable to ODSSA. For Operation Desert Shield/ Desert Storm Assn. Contact Vic Silvester P.O. Box 1712Odessa TX 79760. 432-3684667 [email protected]. Cooks party Friday night. Auctions, Raffles, food and beverage sales. Nov 12, 2005-002 - Edna TX CASI. Texana Chili Spill Chili Cookoff held at 891 Brackenridge Parkway, at the Brackenridge Park & Campground. Edna Txas 77957. Entry fee $18, turn-in 3 PM. Contact Karen Gregory 361-782-5229 Nov 12, 2005-003 - Livingston TX CASI. Indian Springs VFD Annual Chili Cookoff. Held at 210 Pichetto Trail. Hwy 59 to Livingston, East on 190 15 miles from Wal Mart on right. Go 1 1/2 blocks to Fire Station, cook behind the station. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Entry fee $18, turn-in noon. Novice chili $10, turn-in 1 pm. Jackpot Beans $8, turn-in 11 am. Showmanship 1:30 PM. Auction 2:15 PM. Awards 4:30 PM. We will have craft booths 9 AM to 4 PM. Kitchen will be serving breadfast and lunch. Raffles for Kodak Digital Camera/with printer Porch Swing, and 50/50. For info 936-327-3544 or 936-563-4420. [email protected] Nov 12, 2005-004 - Nacogdoches TX CASI. The Student Foundation Chili Cookoff held at William R. Johnson Coliseum parking lot at the corner of East College St and FM 1275 (University Drive). Entry fee $18 turn-in 12:30 PM. Make checks payable to Student Foundation Assn. Contact Jason Matocha 936-468-2842. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Nov 18, 2005-001 - Katy TX CASI. 7th Annual Chili Cookoff. Held Friday night at Katy Elks Lodge, 1050 Katy Fort Bend Rd, just north of I-10. Entry fee $18 turn-in 8:30 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Karaoke and Calcutta. Info Larry Arnold 281-392-6073. Email [email protected] Page 29 Nov 19, 2005-001 - Valley Mills TX CASI. 3rd Annual Valley Mills Chili CCO. Held at the Old Boy Scout Camp. Benefits Masonic Lodge. Entry fee beans $5, turn-in 1 PM. Chili entry fee $18 turn-in 2 PM. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Contact Randy or Angie Duke 254932-6787, [email protected] or Mavis Nelson 254-486-2487 [email protected]. Pot luck supper will be Saturday night. See cookoff next day same site. Nov 19, 2005-002 - Katy TX CASI. Uncle Ronnie Memorial Cookoff. Held at Katy Elks Locge, 1050 Katy Fort Bend Rd. Entry fee $18 turn-in 2 PM. Beans turn-in Noon. CHILI GRIND ONLY. Karaoke Saturday night, Turkey Shoot 11 AM til dark. Info Larry Arnold 281-392-6073 [email protected] see cookoff Firday night. Nov 20, 2005-001 - Valley Mills TX CASI. Day After Valley Mills Chili CCO. Held at the Old Boy Scout Camp. Entry fee $18 turn-in 1 M. CHILI GRIND ONLY. See cookoff previous day same site. Contact Rand or Angie Duke 254-932-6787 Mavis Nelson 254486-2487. Nov 5, 2005-001 - Terlingua TX CASI. 39th ANNUAL TERLINGUA INTERNATIONAL Hill Country Software & Support 4 Green Cedar Road - Boerne, Texas 78006-7929 - 800-422-1982 Jim, Shirley, Elisabeth & Will Stateczny Computer Software for County, City & Tribal Government Proud Sponsor of CASI And the CASI Scholarship Program Page 30 Terlingua Trails Free Quarter Page Ad to CASI Pods, State, Regional and International Opens As a CASI Pod you are required to put on a pod cookoff once a year. To help you advertise your pod cookoff we allow each pod to place one quarter page ad in the Terlingua Trails, each year, free of charge. This ad should run the month before your cookoff occurs. Should you decide that you need an ad larger than a quarter page we will simply bill you for the difference in price. This ad should not be confused with the article advertising your cookoff in the "Cooking with CASI Calendar" section in the Terlingua Trails. That article will start to run as soon as you request your cookoff packet and will run until your cookoff occurs. August 2005 Advertising Rate Schedule-Effective 01/01/2003 Full Page 10" X 12 3/4" - $250.00 1/2 Page 5" X 12 3/4" - $130.00 1/2 page 10" X 6 1/4" - $130.00 1/4 Page 5" X 6 1/4" - $90.00 1/8 Page 5" X 3" - $60.00 Bottom Banner 10” X 3” - $90.00 Business Card - $40.00 Classifieds - $40 - 2 inch - 3 Months All Prices Are For Camera Ready Ads (.jpg) Multiple Month Ads: 3 to 5 month running ad, 15% discount per month 6 to 11 month running ad, 20% discount per month 12 months or more, 25% discount per month Send ads and payment to Doug "Bucky" Seelig 3802 Manchaca Road Austin, TX 78704 [email protected] Send ads to Doug "Bucky" Seelig 3802 Manchaca Road Austin, TX 78704 [email protected] Non Board Contributing Members Hut Brown - Scholarship Chairman 1516 Prairie Drive El Paso, Texas 79925-2543 Home (915)772-2379 E-mail: [email protected] Ralph Hay - Old 320 Alcalde 2505 Easy Street Pasadena, Texas 77502-3234 Home: (713)475-1660 E-mail: [email protected] Jim Stateczny - Web Editor/CIS Coordinator 4 Green Cedar Road Boerne, Texas 78006-7929 Work: (830)537-4381 E-mail: [email protected] August 2005 2004/2005 CASI Board of Directors Terlingua Trails CASI - Chili Appreciation Society International - Membership Application Mel FitzHenry - President Box 564 Terlingua, TX 79852-0564 Home: (432)371-2163 Cell: (940)704-0923 E-mail: [email protected] Jim Ezell - Vice President / Sponsorship 3987 Hwy 79 South Wichita Falls, Texas 76310 Home (940) 692-5974 Cell (214)392-3499 E-mail: [email protected] Jimmy Taylor 2nd VP Rancho CASI de los Chisos Chairperson 493 Stonegate Drive Johnson City, Texas 78636-4470 Home: (830)868-2223 FAX: (830)868-2352 E-mail: [email protected] Renee Moore - Secretary / Articles Editor PO Box 5834 Gulf Shores, Alabama 36547-5834 Home: (251)949-7000 Work: (251)968-1125 Fax: (251)968-1470 E-mail: [email protected] Alan Dean - Executive Director 112 Leaning Oak Circle Johnson City, Texas 78636 Home: (830)868-4313 E-mail: [email protected] Garnier Albus -Treasurer P O Box 123 Amarillo, TX 79105-0123 Home: (806)353-0500 Cell: (806)679-1952 E-mail: [email protected] Mikie McGarity - Membership 150 CR 3579 Paradise, TX 76073 Home: (817)975-2200 E-mail [email protected] Bill Pierson - Tallymaster P.O. Box 727 Bativia, Illinois 60510-0727 Home: (630)879-7934 E-mail: [email protected] Ken Rodd - Chilicity/Public Relations 7009 S IH-35 Austin, TX 78744-4813 Cell: (210)887-8827 E-mail: [email protected] Dorathy Williams - Upcomings PO Box 39 Terlingua, TX 79852-0039 Upcomings: 1-888-CASI-HOT Home: (432)371-2595 E-mail : [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Doug (Bucky) Seelig-Terlingua Trails 3802 Manchaca Road Austin, Texas 78704 Home/Work: (512)440-0222 FAX: (512)440-0224 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Page 31 (New Member) - (Renewal Member) - (Corporate Member) - Circle One Mail form and membership fee to CASI - PO Box 92906 - Southlake, Texas 76092 Individual Membership: North American Annual Dues are $15.00 (US, US Protectorates, Canada and Mexico), International Annual Dues are $30.00 Lifetime Dues are $225.00 (Not available to our International Members) Corporate Annual Dues are $100.00 US. Please Print Clearly Name: ______________________________________________ (For Corporate Memberships - Owner Name) Your CASI No.____________ (Renewals Only) Corporate/Business Name: ________________________________________________________ (Corporate Membership Only - List as you wish on your Plaque) Chili Team Name: __________________________________ Occupation: ___________________ Street Address or PO Box: __________________________ Telephone No:)(____)____________ City, State, Zip+4: ______________________________ E-Mail: __________________________ Upcoming Cookoff Information Sheet FILL OUT AND MAIL TO: CASI Upcomings - PO Box 39 - Terlingua, Texas 79852-0039 Please list the following Upcoming Cookoff in the Terlingua Trails. Date and City: ________________________________________________________________ Cookoff Name:________________________________________________________________ Street Address/Location:_________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ CASI Sanctioned: _______ Charity: _______________________________________________ Turn-in Time: ___________________ Entry Fee:_____________________________________ Checks Payable to: _____________________________________________________________ Information Contact: ____________________________________________________________ Contact Address: ______________________________________________________________ Contact Phone Number:__________________________________________________________ Preregistration Deadline (If Applicable): __________________ Mail Judging Packet Special Meat: _______________ to: _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Need Rule Book: (Yes) or (No) Chili Grind Only: (Yes) or (No) Send _______ Boxes of Terlingua Trails - Each box contains 25 copies of the Terlingua Trails Send me CASI Judging Cup Tickets (no charge): Yes No , approximate number of tickets: ______ Proud Sponsor of CASI