Hosted by Lincoln Orienteers Inc.
Hosted by Lincoln Orienteers Inc.
South Australian Long Distance Championships 2015: Mt Dutton ( O Y , S c h o o l T ea m S e l ec t io n T r ia l & B a d g e E v en t ) Middle Distance Event: The Sandmine ( O Y I n c o r p o r a t i n g E y r e P e n i n s u la Ch a m p i o n s h ip s ) Hosted by Lincoln Orienteers Inc. 7t h a n d 8t h J u ne , 2 0 15 SA Long Distance Championships Sunday 7th: Mount Dutton This is a new area and new map which David Winters has completed. It offers a plateau of grassy slopes, she-oak forest and large granite outcrops. With spectacular views of Coffin Bay waterways. It is 13km from the Nyroca camp. David Winters will be the course setter and Gil Hollamby the controller. Enjoy the spectacular views from Mt Dutton! You can spot Monday's event at The Sandmine. A more detailed view of the terrain you will meet on Mt Dutton. Middle Distance Event Monday 8th: The Sandmine Previously used for the 2005 SA championships, this subtle limestone terrain has proven to be a real challenge to competitors. Just ask anyone who ran in 2005! The start area is about 7km from Coffin Bay. Gary Ettridge will be the course setter and vetted by Warren Dickie. Catering will be available on both days. Event fees will be the same as the 2014 SA Championships. Senior member Long distance Middle distance Senior nonmember Junior member Junior nonmember 25 32 12 17 18 23 11 16 Family member Family nonmember 62 47 83 62 Family discounts are calculated automatically by Eventor. Claim member discount through services just below where you select your class. Recreational courses will be available on both days. Fees will be our normal event rates. Accommodation The entire Nyroca Bush Scout Camp has been booked. The facilities are extremely good including a full commercial kitchen. It has bunk accommodation for 40 people. Some is in 2 and 4 bunks per room and two rooms have 8 bunks each. The cost is $20 per bed per night. Bedding is available at $5 per night. There are also 12 powered caravan sites at $25 per night. There are unlimited non -powered sites at $15 per night. Visit A full range of accommodation is also available in Coffin Bay. Keep in mind it is a long weekend and Coffin Bay is a popular destination. Visit or Evening Meal on Sunday night Coffin Bay Community Club (Golf Course) and Coffin Bay Yacht Club both offer excellent meals at reasonable prices. All bookings for theSunday meals should be made to Cath Dickie; [email protected] or 0429 821 141 Coffin Bay also has a hotel that offers meals. The recently opened seafood restaurant, 1802, might tempt some orienteers. ( Entry & other Bookings Event entry, but not payment, can be made through Eventor. If you don't have access to Eventor, please contact our event secretary with your requirements. Remember to claim your member discount under services just below where you select your class. Cut-off for entry is midnight, Sun 24th May, 2015 Payment can be made by cheque to Lincoln Orienteers Inc. (address below) or by direct debit: Westpac Bank B S B 7 3 5 - 0 6 7 A c c o u n t 0 7 0 - 1 5 8 . Please enter your name. Recreational events can be entered on the day. Bookings for the Sunday meal should be made to Cath Dickie; [email protected] or 0429 821 141 Adelaide bookings for the bus and Nyroca Bush Camp should be made to John Lyon, the LI delegate on the OSA Council no later than Wed 20 th May. Phone 8389 3143 or email [email protected] Pay the deposit to Jennie Bourne in person or post to 3 Judith Place, Grange, SA 5022. If using EFT the details are: BSB 105-050 A/c No 206732940 Other bookings for accommodation at Nyroca should be made to Cath Dickie; [email protected] or 0429 821 141 Travel Flights from Adelaide are quick, regular (about 10 flights a day) and start from $250 return. Contact Regional Express ( or Qantas Link ( Hire cars are available at the airport. Tourism Port Lincoln, Coffin Bay and Eyre Peninsula have so much to offer whether you are here for a short or longer stay. The Port Lincoln Visitor Information Centre is a great gateway from which to start! We are looking forward to hosting what will be a great orienteering experience . Warren Dickie - Event Coordinator - [email protected] Patrice Glass - Event Secretary – [email protected] Phone 08 8682 1738 Postal address for cheques: - Lincoln Orienteers Inc. PO Box 1323 , Port Li ncoln SA, 5606 .
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