Bucky Coffin - Omar`s Haunted Trail


Bucky Coffin - Omar`s Haunted Trail
Bucky Coffin
One Sheet of Plywood Coffin
This is based off of the Casa De Sade plans.
Here is a picture of the casket's lid, and the bottom frame built.
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This is the finish of the coffin frame made of 2x2's. I added the top frame pieces to make
the coffin more sturdy so I could use it to store Halloween decorations in it in the off
Here are a couple pictures of the sides attached and ready for the coffin lid.
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Here we have the lid attached and the screws were counter sunk into the wood and wood
putty was used to fill in the do make the surface smooth. Then the whole coffin was
sanded down in preparation for the paint
I first painted the coffin with a coat of white latex primer to keep the spray paint from
soaking into the wood too much. However, I noticed that the primer soaked in more than
I anticipated.
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Then I painted the outside of the coffin with black spray paint. It took 4 cans of paint to
get full coverage, and I may repaint it with some black latex paint to give it a little more
even color.
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Here is the fabric attached to the inside of the coffin. First I used hot glue to attach it
around the edges, and then pulled it tight and stapled it down. I then stapled down the
bottom padding, in this case I used an old fitted bed sheet that matches the flat sheet that I
cut up for the side fabric. After stapling the padding down I covered it with the rest of
the flat sheet and used staples and hot glue to hold it in place.
And this is the finished casket. Well it's finished for now, I'm still going to put another
coat of paint on it, but it looks good in the dark which is all that's matters on Halloween
Items used for the project:
1 - 4' x 8' x 11/32" Plywood - 11.25 each
5 - 2" x 2" x 8' boards - $1.97 each
1 - 48" hinge - $8.97 each
4 - Cans of black spray paint - $.96 each
1 - Maroon flat bed sheet - Free (found in the basement)
1 - Maroon fitted bed sheet - Free (found with the flat sheet)
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Here are the cutting directions from Casa De Sade I modified it with original and scaled
down measurements. I have built the 4'x8' and 2'x4' coffins, and I know that both of
those measurements will work. I still haven't tried the 3'x6' but I would assume that it
wouldn't be too far off on the cuts.
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