APRIL NEWSLETTER - Coffin/Gerry Schools


APRIL NEWSLETTER - Coffin/Gerry Schools
APRIL 2015
Dear Parents:
Well, spring has finally arrived! It is time to start thinking about the next school
year. We will have some changes to the staff at Coffin and Gerry for next year. First, I
would like to welcome back Kathryn Homan, third grade teacher, back for another year at
Coffin School. She will be the replacement for Kate Moore, who chose not to return to
teaching here after taking a year long leave of absence after the birth of her child last
year. We will miss Kate! Casey Frein, also a Coffin third grade teacher, will be taking a one
year leave of absence next year. We are currently in the process of hiring for that position.
Also, Rosemary Crosby, our long time Coffin and Gerry Nurse will be retiring at the end of
this school year. Rosemary has been a truly dedicated and supportive school nurse at our
two schools, and we will all miss her greatly.
Please carefully read my letter below on placement for the 2015-2016 School Year.
Each year, the staff at the Coffin and Gerry School develop the placement lists for the
next year. Our procedure for this process has not changed, and the details of this work are
outlined below. Please contact me if you have questions about our placement procedure.
This is a process that is taken very seriously by the faculty.
The classroom teachers and specialists take into account all available information
and go through a laborious process to arrive at recommendations for balanced groupings.
We take into consideration gender, academic skill levels, behavior, social relationships,
group dynamics, student interests, and special situations in our effort to arrive at an
optimal projected distribution of students for the following year. In an effort to make this
process as equitable as possible, written teacher requests from parents will not be
considered. As professional educators, teachers are very aware of each of the children in
their classrooms, and their emotional and academic needs. Please do not send letters to
the schools; the placement team will not consider specific teacher requests. If you are
unhappy with the results of the placement process, you will be given the opportunity to
submit a form disputing the placement. All such requests will be considered and evaluated
for merit, after the class lists have been made public.
If you are requesting a transfer between districts (ex. between Coffin and Bell),
please submit a request in writing to the Superintendent and the principal of your current
school district. Every effort is made to accommodate such requests. However, much
depends on class sizes in each district. Each case will be reviewed and approved by the
Superintendent, in accordance with School Committee Policy.
As we go through this process, please be assured that we are concerned about the
conditions and makeup of the classrooms to maximize the learning of all of our students. We
work on these lists as a professional team. This team includes classroom teachers, specialist
teachers, the guidance counselor, special services teachers, and myself. We spend time
together going over each list, often through several revisions. We are seeking the best
placement for all the children at the Coffin and Gerry Schools. This list will be finalized in
June, and the classroom assignment for your child for the 2015-2016 school year will be
announced during Moving Up Day.
Sean Satterfield, Principal
From the office:
Please take a moment to check out the lost & found at both schools. All clothing will be
donated to the Magic Hat over the April Break
Remember to notify the office if you have a change of address or phone number.
The Marblehead Rotary is offering camp scholarships again this year. The Rotary helps
children of all ages to attend a broad variety of camps (day or overnight). Our goal, like
your own, is to offer the child a positive, summer experience that will help him/her grow and
have fun. If you are interested in an application for a scholarship, please contact the
School Counselor, Allison Eaton ASAP. Deadline for the applications is May 8th.
Also, Mrs. Eaton has a new web page: www.allisoneaton.weebly.com
3rd Grade News:
The third graders worked extremely hard on the PARCC assessment last month. They also
had a wonderful day at the Harvard Museum of Natural History learning about and
observing minerals. During April we begin studying Massachusetts’ role in the American
Revolution. This unit will culminate with our production of “The Patriots” on May 20th at
6:30 P.M. Finally, we’ll begin our unit on Geometry. It is going to be a busy month!
A “Note” from the Music Room
Music class with Ms. D’Amour has been busy, busy since our fabulous Winter Concert!
In Kindergarten and First Grade, we just finished a singing assessment using the song
“Pierrot”. Students were to use their singing voice, have good posture and take a deep
breath (before singing). We have also been experimenting with movement and moving to the
beat, with songs such as “All Around the Brickyard”.
In the Second Grade we have started our Instruments of the Orchestra unit. Students are
learning to identify instruments by their family, by sight and by their sound. We are
listening to examples while seeing a detailed picture of the instrument, and miming the
motion used to play the instrument. We will also be watching short videos and playing games
to enhance learning.
In addition to this unit, Second Graders are also practicing simple one beat rhythms on “du”
and “du-de”. They are decoding and reading simple patterns. We are also doing circle
dances such as “Shoo Fly”.
Second and Third grades continue their studies of Antonio Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. We are
finally listening to Spring. (Yaay!) Students are using their imaginations to match what
they’re hearing in the music to different spring themes. They are also using creative
movement to move to the music.
Finally, Third Grade is working hard to learn their instruments, the recorder. We are
playing simple one and two beat rhythms, on the pitches G, A and B. Students also earn a
“karate belt” for their recorder with each song they successfully perform. Now we are
learning our “Purple Belt” song, “Closet Key”. This is the final song that includes only the
pitches “G, A and B”. It is also the song where students are playing eighth notes (“du-de).
Soon we will be adding more rhythm and pitches to our repertoire.
Please remind your child they should find 10-15 minutes each school night to practice their
instrument. If your child has fallen behind, please feel free to email me to set up an after
school extra help time.
"Congratulations to our Music Department at MPS for being named to NAMM’s “Best
Communities for Music Education” for 2015. Through a very thorough application process,
we have been recognized as a community who believes in music education and is working to
ensure that music is a part of a complete education for all children. To receive this
designation, a community must demonstrate commitment to providing access and high
standards for music education. Of over 2,000 school districts who applied, we were one of
388 to receive this award nationally and of 15 in the state of Massachusetts.
Information about NAMM and the award recipients from across the country can be found
on their website: www.namm.org."
Thank you for your support!
What’s happening in your child’s PE class?
This past month students have been completing their units on balancing & gymnastics. They
have learned all about dynamic vs. static vs. inverted balances. The older grades have also
been exploring with both symmetrical & asymmetrical balances. Students are balancing on
beams, slack lines (Coffin only), on mats with yoga poses, balancing feathers & spinning
plates. Coffin students have created & performed their own basic routines on the balance
beam & mats. Coffin students continue to learn about the different fitness concepts –
muscular strength, muscular endurance, aerobic capacity & flexibility.
Jump Rope for Heart
We are getting our ducks in a row J
During the week of May 4th, our school is extending our “Pride” outside our school by
holding our 5th annual Jump Rope for Heart to help the American Heart Association. All
students will be having fun jumping rope & doing other heart-healthy activities. We’re
joining the fight against our nation’s No. 1 and No. 3 killers — cardiovascular diseases and
stroke. At the end of February 2009, the Coffin/Gerry community lost beloved
Kindergarten teacher Linda Fuller. The year she retired from teaching, she suffered a
massive heart attack and passed away. We miss her joy of life and passion for teaching. I
dedicated the initiation & continuation of this fundraiser in her memory. The Coffin/Gerry
Schools have raised over $46,000 for the American Heart Association in our first 5 years.
Over $19,000 last year alone!
In the weeks leading up to Jump Rope for Heart, students will be learning about the heart
and heart healthy activities. Coffin School students will join their buddy classes at Gerry &
jump in various activities together. There will be plenty of appropriate activities for all
levels and abilities—not to worry if jumping rope is not your child’s forte.
Be on the look out for fundraising envelopes which will come home via backpack. Is
fundraising required? No. We are looking to raise not only funds for the American Heart
Association, but also to raise awareness about healthy hearts and hearts that are different.
For more information visit www.americanheart.org/jump
Many thanks to the following people for the most recent additions to the Gerry Library
collection! Your thoughtfulness and generosity is appreciated by our students and teachers
thank you for contributing to the Gerry School Library!
Stephanie Colby, Librarian
Donna & Lee Weiner, Danger in the Darkest Hour in honor of Reagan
Rob & Michele McKay, The Boy Who Cried Bigfoot in honor of Kaylee
Steve & Kari Pike, If You Give a Mouse an iPhone in honor of Zachariah
Jennifer Shore, Blizzard in honor of Noah Xenios
Christina & Chris Wyman, Sam and Dave Dig a Hole in honor of EJ
Drake & EJ Wyman, Princess Posey and the First Grade Boys in honor of Emily Cooper,
and The Midnight Library in honor of Ashley Cooper
Keith & Katie McDonald, The Big Book of Who: All Stars in honor of London
Terri & Matt McDonough, Ella Bella Ballerina and Cinderella in honor of Shea
Jenna & Greg Barbeau, Aqualicious in honor of Avery, and We Are the Goal Scorers: Top
Point Leaders of the NHL in honor of Cole
Dawn Edick, Dino-Basketball in honor of Luke
Doug & Cesca Morgan, The Boy Who Cried Ninja in honor of Jack
Karen & Peter Blackstone, The Kingdom of Wrenly: The Lost Stone in honor of Ailsa
Upcoming Events:
04/27 3rd Grade Enrichment- “Art Quest” all day
04/28 SBMT- 7:30-8:00 @ Coffin
04/29 2nd Grade Enrichment-“James Bruchac”-all day
Week of 5/04-5/08 “Jump Rope for Heart”
05/04 3rd Grade Tour of the Village School
05/04 Coffin Staff Appreciation Luncheon
05/06 Principal for the Day-Amelia & Christiane
05/06 Kindergarten Field Trip-Bird Sanctuary 8:30-10:30 Darci & Gay 10:30-12:00 Hecht
05/06 Coffin Community Meeting 11:20-Mrs. Frein (Responsibility)
05/07 Field Trip-Ipswich Wildlife Sanctuary-Drummond & McGuinnes 8:30-1:00
05/08 Gerry Staff Appreciation Luncheon
If absent or tardy please call:
Coffin - 639-3180 ext. 1
Gerry - 639-3185
Sean Satterfield, Principal – [email protected]
FAX 781-639-3182
L.H. Coffin School – 781-639-3180 – Linda Mills, Secretary – 1 Turner Road
Elbridge Gerry School – 781-639-3185 – JoAnne LeBlanc, Secretary – 50 Elm Street
Visit us at coge.marbleheadschools.org