NEWS TERM 2 WEEK - Benaraby State School
NEWS TERM 2 WEEK - Benaraby State School
Benaraby State School Newsletter Established 1886 O’Connor Road, Benaraby, Q 4680 4970 4333 4970 4300 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Principal: Jane van der Weide Term 2 Wk 3 7 May 2015 Dear Parents/Caregivers MOTHER’S DAY STALL Thanks to Amanda Ramke for organising and operating the Mother’s Day Stall. What a great selection of wonderful gifts to choose from! We appreciate the effort, as this must have been a mammoth task for you. DO OUR BEST Enrolments CROSS COUNTRY Good luck to all our students - Jacob Watson, Ethan Shewan, Maya Ellem, Jett Harch, Jacob Peterson, Paige Guinea, Milly Van Den Bosch and Piper Loughran, who will be competing at the Port Curtis cross country at Ubobo tomorrow. We wish them all the best as they compete at this next level where the competition is much tougher. WHATS HAPPENING NEXT TERM Friday - Port Curtis Cross Country Week 4 Tues - Thurs NAPLAN Friday - School Photos Week 5 DRESS Wednesday - World of Maths Wednesday - Chess Round 2 Thursday - Queensland Orchestra Week 7 Friday - School Sports Day Week 8 Friday - Pirate Day Week 9 Mon - Wed Life Education Thursday - Chase the Baker Friday - Country Coast Athletics Week 10 Friday - Grandparents Day Friday - Under 8’s Day Friday - Last Day of Term 2 FUTURE EVENTS DURING THE YEAR Port Curtis Athletics Benaraby S.S Fair Friday 24th July Sunday 9th PRACTICES Many thanks to landscape gardener Andrea Ruppik, Rayment Excavations, the Shewan family and Ross Walker at Boyne Island Property Services – tree felling for the fabulous job on our spectacular garden. ☺ MONDAY Au- Dance Club 1st Break Chess Club 1st Break ☺ TUESDAY All students understand the importance of caring for this garden and being respectful of its meaning and refraining from running through there and climbing on the rock. Our next step is to finalise the plaque for the rock. Don’t forget Pre Prep starts at the beginning of next term. Please let anyone know, in the community, who has children of this age. PHONES WORKING Tuesday— P&C Meeting 3pm Families 61 ANZAC GARDEN THANKYOU PRE PREP Tuesday - AVA PET PEP Tuesday - P&C Meeting 3pm Wednesday - Chappy Week - FREE Week 6 Students 89 Our school landline phone is now operating. Thank you for your patience during this time. FREE NAPLAN BREAKFAST Students in year 3 - 6 are invited to have a free breakfast at the tuckshop, starting at 8am next week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Jane van der Weide Principal Kilometre Club 8am—8:20am Computer Club 1st Break School Banking ☺ WEDNESDAY Playgroup Chappy Club ☺ THURSDAY Kilometre Club 8am—8:20am Recorder Band 1st Break ☺ FRIDAY Parade 2:20pm MISSION STATEMENT: “Build on our strengths, address our weaknesses, reflect regularly on our practices and in all things do our best.” GROWING UP SOCIAL – Raising kids in a screen-driven world by Gary Chapman and Arlene Pellicane Screen Time – too much too soon: A world dominated by screens is a false, controlled world that revolves around pleasing your child. If your child doesn't like something in a device, he can just move on to the next thing until he finds something of interest. Kids don't learn to wait because gratification is instant. There are many alternative activities that you and your child can be involved in. Too much screen time (by both children and parents) robs you of teachable moments with your child, building family memories and bonding with your child. But it's never too late to start doing what's healthy. Parents can take responsibility by talking to their children about how things will be changing regarding screen time. Page 2 Benaraby State School Newsletter AWARDS Last Week - Brooke Duncan, Marlon Pedwell, Gracie McKeown, Cooper Burfield, Noah Jasinski, Tara Schnabel, Tyler Hansen, Darcy Bird, Tazmyn Ramke, Brock Creagh and Oscar Wemmerslager. BRONZE: Cameron Gardiner, Kiarna Loughran, Molly Holmes, Ally Peatey, James Cornwell and Kelly Naumann. MAGIC WORDS: 300 - Hamish Wemmerslager KILOMETRE CLUB: 30KM - Marlon Pedwell CHASE THE BAKER Thanks to everyone who donated an ingredient last Friday. Our winners of the blocks of chocolate were: Asha Scott, Orion Pedwell, Ashly Wright and Gracie McKeown. The next Chase the Baker is on Thursday 18th June. SCHOOL BANKING Bronze Award: Killarney Pershouse, Jett Harch, Paige Scott, Oscar Wemmerslager, Hailee Bye, Blake Dunn, Tennason Pershouse, Hamish Wemmerslager and Ella McGachie. COME CELEBRATE CHAPPY WEEK When: Wed May 20 What: Free Dress Day How: Come dressed Only in your favourite colour! Why: Raise money for School Chaplaincy Cost: Gold Coin Donation (to the office) Info: See Chappy Cathy P&C TREASURER NEEDED Due to our current treasurer leaving the area, we require a new treasurer. Please see Tony Shewan, Cherie Creagh or see the office about this position. MOTHER'S DAY STALL It was wonderful to see everyone so excited about buying their presents. I hope you love your present that you receive on Sunday. When you get your Mother's Day presents, you will notice that attached to the bags are business cards of all the WAHM's who so kindly provided the goods for our stall. Also, a huge thank you to Danielle Lymbery of Love Intimo for sponsoring the bags. It is so much easier for the children to carry a sturdy bag with handles and they look great. Also, thank you to Susan Mann of Phoenix Trading, Alison & Holly O'Neal of Handmade by Holly Brielle, Amanda Devrell of Handmade by MandaJ, Cathy Walters of Little Letti's Pretties and Jannita Wilson of Avon who provided and donated the gifts. We still have available some leftover gifts. If you or your child would like to purchase any gifts or cards, either for Mother's Day, or to stock up your present cupboard, please feel free to come and see me at Tuckshop Thursday or Friday. Gifts range from $1.50 to $15.00. Amanda Ramke SCHOOL PHOTOS School photo envelopes have been sent home. These are individually named for each student. Sibling envelopes and spare envelopes are available at the office. Money is to be returned to the office in the named envelope. Photos will be taken on Friday 15th Students are required to wear their full school uniform Green and Gold Shirt, Green Shorts/Shirt. May 2015. COMMUNITY NOTICES ECOFEST CENT SALE This year's 'Grown in Gladstone' theme sums up all that is good about living in the region and all that must be done to protect the quality of our lifestyle and health of the environment. “Shrinking Violets” Relay for life team is holding a cent sale for May 23rd, at the Gladstone Bowls Club. Doors open at 11:00am for a 12;00 start. Entry is $1, Kids 50 cents. All the usual great prizes, special draws, raffles, lucky door, kids prizes, cake walk and money board. Bring your friends and help raise much needed funds for Relay for Life. For booking ring Linda on 0407272578 or Chantal on 0405373563. Date: Sunday, May 31, Time: 9am to 3pm, Cost: FREE. Location: Gladstone Tondoon Botanic Gardens, Glenlyon Road, Gladstone. Week 3 Term 2 Page 3