Anth. 1001A - Carleton University
Anth. 1001A - Carleton University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology ANTH 1001A Introduction to Anthropology Course Outline (Spring 2015) Instructor: Dr. Liam Kilmurray Email: [email protected] Office: Loeb A713 Phone: 613 520 - 2600 ext. 2262 Office Hours: Tuesday 9:30 – 11:00 Class Times: 11:35 a.m. - 2:20 p.m. Days: Tuesday & Thursday Location: Tory Building 238 Course Web-site: Student accounts at CU Learn Dates: May 05, 2015 - June 16, 2015 Course Description. Introduction to Anthropology ANTH 1001 [0.5 credit] An examination of a range of anthropological approaches to the study of humankind and culture; may include discussions of human evolution, the study of cultures and societies past and present, and the study of language and symbolism. Students in any Sociology and/or Anthropology program should consult that program section of this Calendar. Precludes additional credit for ANTH 1000, ANTH 1003 [1.0], and HUMS 1005. This course is intended to familiarize students with the field of social anthropology in particular, and the four fields of anthropology in general. It aims to provide an understanding of the development of physical anthropology, archaeology, linguistics and social anthropology, as well as their continuing relevance. In addition, skills in writing, research and interpretation will be strongly emphasized. A critical approach to the conventions of anthropology will be maintained throughout. The major themes of the course will center on socio-cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, the evolution of social systems, technology, and culture. Course Requirements and Assignments There is one mid-term examination on May 26st, 2015. This will be 1.5 hours in duration and will be primarily in short answer format. The aim is to familiarise you with the exam process and the type of material covered. There is one term paper (see below), due by 11:35 a.m. on June 9th, 2015. The Term Paper must be 67 pages in length (this does not include your bibliography) - DOUBLE-SPACED in ‘NORMAL’ 12 PT FONT. A required reading called ‘Essay assignment’ with bibliographic requirements and a list of suggested topics will be posted on the course web-site. The second (Final) examination is scheduled by the Registrar during the final examination period (TBA) and will be announced in advance; it will be two or three hours in length, and will consist of essays and shorter answers. The emphasis is on giving students an opportunity to demonstrate their fluency in anthropological topics. Course Requirements and Assignments Assignment Date Weight (%) Mid-term Essay Final Examination May 26st June 9th TBA 20% 40% 40% Reading List Required Readings 1. COURSE TEXT: Haviland, Kilmurray, Fedorak, Lee 2013. ‘Cultural Anthropology: 4th Canadian edition’. Available at Carleton U bookstore. 2. Course Ethnography: Lee , Richard B. The Dobe Ju/’hoansi 2013. 3. Essay file (posted on CU learn). 4. Coppens, Yives 2013. Hominid evolution and the emergence of the genus Homo. (posted on CU learn). Suggested Readings A list of suggested readings will appear on the course website throughout the semester. 2 Lecture Outline Anth. 1001A Legend: Ch. # = Course text book. R = Recommended. Date # Lecture Topic Readings May 5 1 Introduction: Anthropology & Anthropologists. No Reading May 7 2 The Concept of Culture. Anthropological Theory. Ch. 1 & 2 May 12 3 Darwin, Evolution & Physical anthropology. Ch. 3 May 14 4 The Emergence of Humanity. Coppens (PDF) May 19 5 Art, Language & Communication. Ch. 4. R = Ch. 13 May 21 6 Research Methods in Anthropology. Lee Ch.1 - 3 Mid-term Examination. Reading Review May 26 May 28 7 Making a Living: Economy & Society. Ch. 5, R = Ch. 6. Lee Ch.4 June 2 8 Kinship & Descent. Ch. 8 & 9. R = Lee Ch.5 & 6 June 4 9 Social Stratification, Politics, and Order. Ch. 10. R = Ch. 11. R = Lee Ch.8 June 9 10 Religion & Spirituality. ESSAY DUE. Ch. 12. Lee Ch.9 June 11 11 The Ethnographic Enterprise. Lee Ch. 12-14 June 16 12 Anthropology & Culture Today/Conclusion/Review. Ch. 14 & 15 3 Submission of assignments All assignments, except the exams, are due at the start of the class on the due date. Before this date, assignments may be handed in to the instructor during office hours, or at the departmental office drop box. Under no circumstances should assignments be slipped under office doors. Students must retain a hard copy of all assignments. Emailed essays are NOT accepted. Late assignments will be deducted 3% per day (this includes weekends). Late assignments will only be accepted without penalty if the student has made a prior arrangement with the instructor or is able to provide a medical certificate or other suitable documentation that states the DURATION of the illness/issue. Without documentation, no assignment will be accepted two weeks past the deadline. Written Assignment (term paper) As well as the instructions below, there is a Mandatory file posted on the course web-site that addresses the essay in greater detail. Students are required to have read this file. 1) The Final Date for the Submission of Term Papers without Penalty is June 9th, 2015 by 11:35 a.m. Topics may be chosen in consultation with the instructor or from a list of topics to be distributed. 2) Bibliography: the internet is not a sufficient academic resource for your bibliography, but certain sites may complement your text-based research. Your bibliography should contain 3 or 4 books, and 2 or 3 scholarly journal articles, at a minimum. 3) All term papers must conform to the Departmental Style Sheet in format. Copies may be found in a rack outside the main Department office door or on the Departmental Web-site. Additional help with essays is available from the Writing Tutorial Service (215 Patterson Hall, 5206632). 4) Please staple essays at the upper left-hand corner. DO NOT USE ANY COVERS. If you do, you will be required to remove them before submission. 5) NUMBER YOUR PAGES (the cover page is NOT page 1). Academic Regulations, Accommodations, Plagiarism, Etc. 6) All students are reminded of the serious consequences (which may include expulsion from the University) that follow from offences such as plagiarism and duplicate assignments. Senate Regulations forbid the submission of work for grading in two separate courses without the written permission of the instructors of both courses. Students are advised to consult the Undergraduate Calendar for important dates such as course withdrawals. Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities The Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities (PMC) provides services to students with Learning Disabilities (LD), psychiatric/mental health disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), chronic medical conditions, and impairments in mobility, hearing, and vision. If you have a disability requiring academic accommodations in this course, please contact PMC at 613-520-6608 or [email protected] for a formal evaluation. If you are already registered with the PMC, contact your PMC coordinator to send me your Letter of Accommodation at the beginning of the term, and no later than two weeks before the first in-class scheduled test or exam requiring accommodation (if applicable). After requesting accommodation from PMC, meet with me to ensure accommodation arrangements are made. Please consult the PMC website for the deadline to request accommodations for the formally-scheduled exam (if applicable). - The deadlines for contacting the Paul Menton Centre regarding accommodation for final exams for the June 2015 exam period is June 5, 2015. 4 For Religious Obligations: Students requesting academic accommodation on the basis of religious obligation should make a formal, written request to their instructors for alternate dates and/or means of satisfying academic requirements. Such requests should be made during the first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist, but no later than two weeks before the compulsory event. Accommodation is to be worked out directly and on an individual basis between the student and the instructor(s) involved. Instructors will make accommodations in a way that avoids academic disadvantage to the student. Students or instructors who have questions or want to confirm accommodation eligibility of a religious event or practice may refer to the Equity Services website for a list of holy days and Carleton's Academic Accommodation policies, or may contact an Equity Services Advisor in the Equity Services Department for assistance. For Pregnancy: Pregnant students requiring academic accommodations are encouraged to contact an Equity Advisor in Equity Services to complete a letter of accommodation. The student must then make an appointment to discuss her needs with the instructor at least two weeks prior to the first academic event in which it is anticipated the accommodation will be required. Plagiarism Plagiarism is the passing off of someone else's work as your own and is a serious academic offence. For the details of what constitutes plagiarism, the potential penalties and the procedures refer to the section on Instructional Offences in the Undergraduate Calendar. What are the Penalties for Plagiarism? A student found to have plagiarized an assignment may be subject to one of several penalties including: expulsion; suspension from all studies at Carleton; suspension from full-time studies; and/or a reprimand; a refusal of permission to continue or to register in a specific degree program; academic probation; award of an FNS, Fail, or an ABS. What are the Procedures? All allegations of plagiarism are reported to the faculty of Dean of FASS and Management. Documentation is prepared by instructors and/or departmental chairs. The Dean writes to the student and the University Ombudsperson about the alleged plagiarism. The Dean reviews the allegation. If it is not resolved at this level then it is referred to a tribunal appointed by the Senate. Plagiarism and cheating at the graduate level are viewed as being particularly serious and the sanctions imposed are accordingly severe. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with and follow the Carleton University Student Academic Integrity Policy (See The Policy is strictly enforced and is binding on all students. Plagiarism and cheating – presenting another’s ideas, arguments, words or images as your own, using unauthorized material, misrepresentation, fabricating or misrepresenting research data, unauthorized co-operation or collaboration or completing work for another student – weaken the quality of the graduate degree. Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Students who infringe the Policy may be subject to one of several penalties including: expulsion; suspension from all studies at Carleton; suspension from full-time studies; a refusal of permission to continue or to register in a specific degree program; academic probation; or a grade of Failure in the course. Assistance for Students: Student Academic Success Centre (SASC): 5 Writing Tutorial Services: Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS): Important Information: - Students must always retain a hard copy of all work that is submitted. - All final grades are subject to the Dean’s approval. - Please note that you will be able to link your CONNECT (MyCarleton) account to other non-CONNECT accounts and receive emails from us. However, for us to respond to your emails, we need to see your full name, CU ID, and the email must be written from your valid CONNECT address. Therefore, it would be easier to respond to your inquiries if you would send all email from your connect account. If you do not have or have yet to activate this account, you may wish to do so by visiting Grades: Grades are assigned according to the Undergraduate Calendar. All assigned grades must be considered provisional until approved by the Dean’s Office and released by the University. In accordance with the Carleton University Calendar, the letter grades assigned in this course will have the following percentage equivalents: A+ = 90-100 A = 85-89 A - = 80-84 F = Below 50 B+ = 77-79 C+ = 67-69 B = 73-76 C = 63-66 B - = 70-72 C - = 60-62 WDN = Withdrawn from the course D+ = 57-59 D = 53-56 D - = 50-52 ABS = Student absent from final exam. DEF = Deferred. FND = (Failed, not Deferred) = Student can’t pass the course even with 100% on final exam. For Religious Obligations For Pregnancy To be worked out on individual basis with instructor. Consult Equity Services Web-site or an Equity Advisor (ext. 5622) for Policy and list of Holy Days ( Contact Equity Services (ext. 5622) to obtain letters of accommodation 6