Sync your SD42 One Drive For Business to Windows for Offline Use
Sync your SD42 One Drive For Business to Windows for Offline Use
Tutorial: Sync Your SD42 Employee One Drive for Business to Windows for Offline Use (for Laptops/Tablets, etc.) 1. Navigate your web browser to your One Drive for Business at: See our help guide entitled: “Accessing your SD42 One Drive for Business” is you haven’t yet created your personal SD42 One Drive for Business and need information on this process… 2. You are taken to the new login page for SD42 webmail and SharePoint Services. a. b. Enter your district ID (normally Firstname_Lastname for staff) *Note that will be automatically be added to the end of your login when you move to the password entry field. Enter your password and click Sign In 3. Once logged in, you are presented with your personalized Newsfeed page which shows you any activity related to persons, sites, and/or documents you are following. Click the OneDrive link to go to your One Drive. 4. Once viewing your One Drive, click the SYNC link found at the top right of the screen. 5. The following dialogue will appear. Take note of where your synched copy of your One Drive will be created on your computer and click Sync Now. 6. A dialogue with a progress bar running across it will appear, and then once your files start to sync, you will be presented with the following dialogue. Click the Show my files button to see where your local copy of your One Drive for Business is stored. Take note of this location for future reference. 7. Once fully synchronized, this local folder on your computer will store a copy of every file you have stored in your online One Drive for Business. Anything you place in this folder will synchronize up to your web based One Drive, and anything you save to the web directly, will synchronize down to this local folder. April/2015 - SD42 District IT Services