Stephen Sansom Department of Classics Stanford University 450


Stephen Sansom Department of Classics Stanford University 450
Stephen Sansom
Department of Classics
Stanford University
450 Serra Mall, Building 110
Stanford, CA, 94305-2145
[email protected]
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, September 2012 – Present
Department of Classics
PhD Candidate
Concentration: Language and Literature
Specializations: Early Greek Poetry and Poetics, Homer, Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, Competitive
Performance, Memory, and Sound
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, August 2010 – May 2012
Department of Classical Studies
MA in Classics
Select coursework: Greek Hymns; Homeric Tradition and Reception; Greek Lyric; Greek Prose (Plato ,
Xenophon of Athens); Greek Historiography (Herodotus, Thucydides); Greek Novel (Longus,
Xenophon of Ephesus); Latin Epigraphy; Latin Elegy; Latin Epic; Catullus; Contemporary Literary
Theory (Post-colonialism, Multi-culturalism)
American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Athens, Greece, Summer 2011
Member of Summer Session 2
Research: Temple to Apollo Epikourios at Bassae; the Phaistos Disc; Performance and performance
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, August 2009 – May 2010
Department of Classics
Post-Baccalaureate Student
Coursework: Homer's Iliad; Herodotusʼ The Histories; Hesiod and Homeric Hymns; Greek Lyric
Poetry (audit); Petroniusʼ Satyricon (audit)
Samford University, Birmingham, AL, August 2002 – May 2007
Departments of English and Classics
BA, magna cum laude
Majors: Classics and English
Minor: Sociology
Select Paper Presentations:
• “Lyric Phonotextuality: A Comparative Approach” The Berkeley-Stanford Conference: Making
& Breaking, Stanford, CA, 25 April 2015.
• “The Sound Shape of Greek Lyric: Sound and Semantics in Alcaeus fr. 129,” Classical
Association of the Midwest and South, Boulder, CO, 26 March 2015. [abstract]
• “Achilles' hymnic segue at Iliad 22.390,” Symposium on Greek and Roman Hymnic Traditions
and the Performance of Community, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 25 April 2014.
• “Remembering Odysseus: Line-initial Memory in the Odyssey,” American Philological
Association, Chicago, IL, 5 January 2014. [abstract]
“'Now, I'm going to let you finish, but...:' a 'Hesiodic' response to the Delian Maidens in the
Homeric Hymn to Apollo 188-193,” Classical Association of the Midwest and South, Baton
Rouge, LA, 31 March 2012. [abstract]
“Location, Movement and Memory in Theogony 80-103,” Classical Association of the Midwest
and South, Grand Rapids, MI, 8 April 2011; also presented at the Graduate Student Research
Symposium, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 31 March 2011. [abstract]
“All in the family: a semiotic analysis of the circular temple at Tivoli,” Samford Senior
Showcase, Birmingham, AL, April 2006.
• Review: Classics in Post-Colonial Worlds (2010) Eds. Lorna Hardwick and Carol Gillespie. In
AmeriQuests (2011), 8.1,
Teaching Experience:
• Stanford University, Stanford, CA (Autum 2013 – Present):
◦ CLASSICS 31: Myth (Spring 2015), teaching assistant
◦ CLASSICS 34: Ancient Athletics (Winter 2015), teaching assistant, section leader [website]
◦ CLASGEN 176: Majors Seminar (Winter 2014), teaching assistant, writing intensive
◦ LATIN 111: Advanced Latin, Livy (Autumn 2013), teaching assistant, sight reading and
academic writing
• Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN (Summer 2011 – Spring 2012):
◦ GREEK 201: Beginning Greek 1 (Fall 2011), teaching assistant
◦ GREEK 202: Beginning Greek 2 (Spring 2012), teaching assistant
◦ CLASSICS 242: “Archaeology, History, and Culture in Greece: Kenchreai Field School”
(May 2011), teaching assistant for archaeological field school on site in Kenchreai, Greece
• Belmont University, Nashville, TN (Spring 2012):
◦ GREEK 2020: Intermediate Greek (Plato's Ion), primary instructor
• Hewitt-Trussville School District, Trussville, AL (Aug. 2007 – May 2009):
◦ High School and Middle School instructor in Latin language and English literature
• Samford University, Birmingham, AL (Fall 2006 – Spring 2007):
◦ Classics Department (Aug. 2006 – May 2007), tutor and grader for Beginning Ancient
◦ Cultural Perspectives (Fall 2006), teaching assistant for Cultural Perspectives
Samford Honors and Awards:
• John R. Mott Award (2006) given to one male student from the graduating class by the faculty
and administration for exemplary service and contribution to campus life, both academic and
• Who’s Who Among American College Seniors (2006) for fifteen seniors selected by the
administration for their academic and social contributions
• Senior Faculty Award (2006) given to two senior English majors for making significant
academic contributions to the department
• Student Assistantship (January 2006) competitive funding including one-month travel and
lodging for an independent study of the reception of Ovid in the Victoria and Albert Museum,
London, U.K.
• Vivian Lankford Campbell Award (2005) given to one English major a year for her/his
achievement in creative writing
• School of Arts and Science, Dean's List (2002 – 2007) nine of ten semesters
Current Professional and Academic Organizations:
• Society of Classical Studies
• Classical Association of the Middle West and South
Departmental/Academic Service:
• Stanford University:
◦ Stanford Classics in Theater: translator, actor, secretary (2013-14) and president (2014-5)
◦ Co-organizer of Classics Graduate Colloquium (2013-14)
• Vanderbilt University:
◦ Graduate Student Research Symposium, Classics Panel Organizer
◦ Greek and Latin Poetry Reading Group, Organizer
• Samford University:
◦ Classics student outreach volunteer, 2005-7