
Embedded and Real-time Systems1
Exercise 0 – Compilation and Deployment
Start Eclipse and import (with copy) the project at /afs/ms.mff.cuni.cz/u/k/kitm/BIG/erslabs/example/DummyPlotter to your workspace. The project is written for the nxtOSEK
environment (http://lejos-osek.sourceforge.net/), which itself is a compound of an OSEK-style
realtime operating system and of the ECRobot library, which provides drivers for the devices of
Lego Mindstorms. For reference, you can find the nxtOSEK installation in
/afs/ms.mff.cuni.cz/u/k/kitm/BIG/ers-labs/nxtOSEK. The examples are located in the
samples_c subdirectory.
Inspect the three files of the project. The C-file contains two tasks – one for updating the display,
another for controlling the robot. The scheduling parameters for the tasks, along with other
specification of the system are in the OIL-file. (OIL-files are standardized by OSEK. You can find
the documentation to OIL-files here: http://portal.osek-vdx.org/files/pdf/specs/oil25.pdf.)
Build the project using “make all”. The build process compiles the OIL-file to a couple of Clanguage files, then compiles the project files and links them with the ECRobot library and with
the operating system. The result is a *_rom.bin file.
Upload the .rom file to the NXT-brick. This is done in the following steps:
Switch on the NXT-brick by pressing the orange button.
Press the orange button and the left button simultaneously. This should switch off
the brick.
Switch on the brick again by pressing the orange button. The brick should start this
time in the firmware upload mode.
Connect it via a USB-cable to the computer and start appflash.sh located in the
project folder by typing “sh appflash.sh”. (The file is generated by the build process.)
You should get a message “Upload finished”.
Switch off the brick using the button below the orange one. Disconnect the USBcable.
Start the application in the NXT-brick by pressing the orange button and then by pressing the
right button.
The application in the robot does not move it, however it senses revolutions of wheels and the
value of the touch-sensor and of the light-sensor. All these values are displayed on the LCD
panel on the NXT brick.
Switch off the robot by pressing the button below the orange one.
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sociálním fondem a Magistrátem hl. m. Prahy.
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Exercise 1 – Calibrate the Robot
Let the head of the robot go to one side long enough to surely reach it. Then move the head to
the center and stop there.
In order to do this, you have to experimentally determine the length of the left-right axis in
terms of the units returned to you by the motor revolution sensor. The data displayed on the
LCD panel may help you in this.
Calibrate the vertical axis of the head (i.e. lowering and raising the head) in a similar way by
raising the head. Then keep it raised. Determine the length of the vertical axis.
Exercise 2 – Ensuring Safety
Add an emergency feature to your application, which at any point during the application run
reacts to pressing the touch sensor by stopping the forward-backward and the left-right motors
and by raising the head. The motors are kept shut-down until the application is restarted.
Integrate this emergency feature to each of the subsequent exercises.
Exercise 3 – Simple Controller
Draw a rectangle with the robot. Do it by first calibrating the head, then move the head to the
position where you want to start drawing, lower the marker. After drawing the rectangle raise
the marker again.
Exercise 4 – Simple Fixed-point Arithmetic
Draw a circle a circle with the robot. To do so, use the fixed-point arithmetic and the tabulated
sin function located at http://d3s.mff.cuni.cz/~bures/ers-files/lectures/sin-table.txt.
You will have to implement sin and cos functions by transforming it to evaluation of sin function
in its first quadrant (as given by the snippet). Then you will draw the circle by connecting
coordinates obtained by evaluating <cos(alpha) * radius ; sin(alpha) * radius> for alpha going in
1-degree steps from 0 to 360.
Note that you should use only fixed point arithmetic with integer variables with maximum size
of 32 bits.
Exercise 5 – The Robotic “Hello World” Example
Implement a controller, which follows a line. (You will be provided with a printout of the line for
easier recognition by the robot. If you have not received it, ask your lecturer.)
The robot has only one light sensor, which means that to follow the line, it has to stay centred at
¼ of the line width. That way it can recognize if it is steering towards the line or away from it.
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Since the positioned by moving along the x- and y-axis, you will have to adjust the absolute
angle of the head movement to keep the head centred at ¼ of the line width, and use the
trigonometric functions from Exercise 4 to translate the absolute angle to relative movement on
x- and y-axis.
Bonus Team Exercise 6 – Copy Machine
Implement two controllers that mutually communicate over Bluetooth. (The Bluetooth
communication is provided by ECRobot library. There are a couple of examples in the samples
directory.) Use one robot to follow the line and send out coordinates over Bluetooth to the other
robot. Make the other robot receive the coordinates and make a plot according to them.
Since the Bluetooth stack in the robot does not implement resending, you may have to
implement a simple flow-control protocol that would pause the movement of the sender and
resend the data if the data sent have not been acknowledged.
Preferably team up with your colleague who has also finished and split the implementation
work between yourselves.
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