11) KVK Washim News letter February, 2016


11) KVK Washim News letter February, 2016
Dr. A Chari addressing on protection of crop varieties and farmers right act.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra has organized one day
district level workshop on "Protection of Crop Varieties
and Farmers Right Act 2001" under the sponsorship of
Protection of Crop Varieties and Farmers Right Authority
Govt. of India and ICAR New Delhi on dated 28TH
January, 2016 at KVK campus. The workshop was
inaugurated in Chief presence of Dr. A.Chari Principal
Scientist Zonal Project Director, Zone V, Hyderabad.
Other dignitaries include Dr.N.RKoshthi CEO Dr.PDKV,
Akola, Shri.RH.Tambile, TAO, Risod, and all KVK
Scientists were present on the occasion.
After the formal inauguration a booklet complied
by the KVK on "Protection of Crop Varieties and Farmers
Right Act 2001" was also released with the auspicious
hands of Dr.A.Chari. In the inaugural address Dr.A.Chari
illustrated the importance of Protection of Crop Varieties
and Farmers Right Act 2001 and
urged the participants to take the r---=--------,,---,..
benefit of this Act for preservation
of traditional farmer's varieties in
the changing scenario which is a
need of recent era. Total 132
Functionaries of line departments Fmrs andextension personnel attending the programme.
were attended the programme.
Dr.RL.Kale PC, KVK highlighted on the role of
KVK in PPV and FR and assured to extend all possible
support with reference to registration of farmers varieties
and guidance regarding Farmers Rights Act 200.1
In the technical session Mr. R.S.Daware (SMS
(Contd. Pg. 2)
KVK News Letter - February 2016
Mr. T.S.Deshmukh addressing in the Field Day programme.
Front Line Demonstration (FLD) on Bengal Gram
crop were conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra Karda in
adopted villages cluster under National Food Security
Mission(NFSM) programme during winter 2015-16. The
FLD were given to 36 farmers to demonstrate the Digvijay
Variety of Bengal Gram crop alongwith IPM. The Field Day
on Gram crop was organized by the KVK at Zilla Parishad
School, Pedgaon on 21 January, 2016. Shri Kundalik A.
Ambhore progressive farmer from the village Pedgaon and
Dr. B. D. Gite (Asso .. Prof. ARS Washim Dr. PDKV) were
the chief guest of the programme. Shri R.H. Rakhonde
representative of TAO Risod, Sh. V.W.Nayak Principal ZP i
school Pedgaon, Dr. R.L.Kale, Mr. R.S.Daware, Mr.
S.K.Deshmukh and Mr. T.S.Deshmukh scientists of KrishiVigyan Kendra Karda (Washim) were the experts on the
Initially the team were visited a FLD plot of Sh. P
K. Ambhore and V. N. Bunde. In the inaugural session of
Field Day Sh. V.N. Bunde welcomed all the guests and
farmers of the programme. In the prelude Sh. S.K.Deshmukh
(SMS Agri. Extension) explained the objectives of the
programme. Sh. R.S.Dawre SMS Plant protection talked
about plant variety protection-act, soil testing and Integrated
pest management to the farmer. Sh. Rakhonde in his speech
told various agriculture schemes of government.
Dr. RL.Kale (PC, KVK) in his speech asked farmers
to get benefit through expertise of KVK in
agriculture related activities like seed production, organic
farming, group farming and agro-advisory
Sh.T.S.Deshmukh advised farmers on good agriculture
(Contd. Pg. 2)
Participation in Agri Clinics Agri Buisiness Center Workshop
District Level Workshop on Agri Clinics Agri
Buisiness Center and other Government Sponsored
Schemes was organised by NABARD, Washim Office on
23 Dec.2015 at Hotel Maniprabha Washim. Shri.Santosh
Walke (representative ofDSAO, Washim) inaugurated the
workshop, other guest of honour Deputy Commissioner
Animal Husbandry Shri.M.B.Sonune, AGM NABARD
Shri.D.K. Gawali, General Manager VKGB Yeotmal and
KVK representative Shri S.K.Deshmukh were present on
Mr.Digamber Gawali, AGM, Regional Office
NABARD Pune addressed and sensitize the participants
on issues in up scaling of Agri Clinics Agri Buisiness
Centers and revise guide lines. Further he had also
presented Govt. sponsored scheme like GOI scheme on
solar pumping system for irrigation purpose, national
livestock Mission and Dairy / Goat farming scheme in
detailed and interacted with participants. At the end he
appealed participant for promoting the scheme among
agril graduates and agril diploma holders and start, One
bankbranch One Agri Clinics in bank service area.
KVK representative
SMS Extension
S.K.Deshmukh made presentation about Agricultural
Extension through Agri-Enterprises Established under
Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centres Scheme-Progress
& Issues and emphasize the role of KVK in nurturing
ACABC scheme. Bankers, Official of Line department,
other stake holders, Agripreneurs, SHG and farmers club
volunteers attended function in large number. Shri.Vijay
Khandre DDM NABARD Washim conducted the
workshop proceeding and offered vote ofthanks.
Dr. A. Chari and KVK Scientists visiting FID Plot in village Kawatha.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Karda (Washim) conducted
Front Line Demonstration (FLD) on Bengal gram during
Rabi 2015-16 under National Food Security Mission. Total
36 farmers were selected from 5 adopted villages of the
KVK. The seed of Bengal gram variety Digvijay,
biofertilizers and Pheromone lure traps were supplied as a
inputs to the selected farmers and orientation on Bengal gram
crop management alongwith IPM was also conducted by the
KVK Scientists.
The monitoring team was headed by Dr. A Chaari,
Principal Scientist Zone-V, ATARI, Hyderabad alongwith
KVK Subject Matter Specialists S.K.Deshmukh, R.S.
Daware, N.B. Patil, T.S. Deshmukh, D.L.Ramteke visited to
FLDs of Kawtha and Pedgaon villages on 29th January
The Monitoring team visited the FLD plot of Shri
S.S. Surshe (Kawtha) and Shri v'N.Bunde, vn. Suratkar, P.S.
Surtakar (Pedgaon).
The other FLD farmers from Kawtha
(Contd, From Pg. 1)
and Pedgaon were also present during the visit.
Plant Protection)
highlighted on the objectives of
During the visit Dr. A. Chari discussed in detailed with
protection of plant varieties, types of different varieties to the farmers about execution of FLD. At the concluding
be protected under PPV and FR Act, different provisions farmers expressed their satisfaction of the FLD and they
under the Act, methodology of plant variety registration expected about 15-18 q/ha yield of Digvijay against 10-12
and other aspect etc. After the the farmers-scientist q/ha ofJAKI-9218 variety of Bengal gram in the season.
interaction was organized and clarified all doubts raised by (Contd. From Pg. 1)
the farmers.
practices, soil and water conservation, use ofBBF planter and
NFSM. Dr. B.D.Gite told farmers in brief on use of the crop
Shri.R.H.Tambile (TAO Risod) and Dr.Thakare (Principal rotation, seed germination test and seed treatment prior to
Agriculture College Risod) also e~pressed their views and sowing of crop, use of alternative crop varieties alongwith
ideas on PPV and FRA.
intercropping. In the concluding session Sh. Vijay Khadke,
Mr.R.S.Daware conducted the proceeding
and Santosh Surshe,Tulsiram Bunde and Kisan Pund shared their
Mr.S.K.Deshmukh SMS Extension Education offered the experiences on FLD with farmers. The programme was
vote of thanks. All KVK staff, Agriculture College staff attended by farmers from Pedgaon, Chichmba pen, Kavtha
and CAlM project staff took the efforts for successful and Chikhali. Sh. T.S. Deshmukh conducted proceeding and
organization ofthe programme.
Sh. S.K. Deshmukh pr opposed vote ofthanks.
KVK News Letter - February 2016
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Karda
enterprise technologies, services of KVK and also clarified
queries raised by them. Other KVK staff members Mrs.
Archana Kadam, Jagan Deshmukh, Purshottam Deshmukh
also took efforts for arranging and showcasing KVK
activities in this exhibition.
Hon. Sanjayji Dhotre M.P., Mr. Amit Zamak MLA and PDKV Scientists visiting KVK stall.
On the eve of 117th Birth Anniversary of
Dr.Panjabrao alias Bhausaheb Deshmukh,
Deshmukh Krishi VidyapeethAkola organized State Level
exhibitio "Agrotech 2015" during 27-29 December, 2015 at
Akola headquarter which was
inaugurated on
December by Chief Minister of Maharashtra State Hon.
Devendraji Phadanvis. Guardian Minister Shri.Ranjit Patil
presided over the function. On this occasion Dr. PDKV
University, Agriculture Department, KVKs, stake holders,
various companies and input dealers were arranged at
exhibition site for displaying their activities and services in
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Karda was also participated
in Agrotech 2015 exhibition (Stall No. 55 in Dome No.1)
whereKVK displayed various technologies, success stories
of farmers, services to farmers, soil fertility index of the
district, low cost crop production technologies and tips
about organic farming, integrated pest management, seed
production etc.
Live samples of soya based product like atta, farsan,
aonla candy, aonla juice, supari, sarai cooker, bhendi
plucker, zero energy cool chamber (Janta fridge), stored
grainpest management kit, silage bag, azolla culture, cotton
picking apron, KVK publication and extension folder were
kept in the stall. Demonstration samples of poultry breeds
like Giriraja, Kadaknath, Swamdhara, Black Astrolap and
japanese quail were mostly attracted the visitors.
Director of Extension Dr.P.G.Ingole, University
Scientists and staff members- students, officials and
extension personnels of agriculture and line departments,
farmers, SHGs member and rural youths visited the stall in
large numbers. KVK stall was arrange under the guidance
of Dr.R.L.Kale, PC and KVK experts S.K.Deshmukh,
N.B.Patil, Ms.S.N.Watane and T.S.Deshmukh interacted
withvisiting farmers and guided them about farm and allied
KVK News Letter - February 2016
Jai Gajanan Women SHG received second prize in the agro tech 2015.
Unemployment is a major problem in rural areas. Agro
processing enterprises play an important role in the economy
of the country. It is dynamic and fast growing sector having
potential to provide opportunities for income generation and
employment to rural people. Therefore, Krishi Vigyan Kendra
(KVK) , Karda (Washim) has taken initiatives to reach at
farmer field with advanced knowledge and technologies in
Agriculture Sector under the guidance of Home Science
Department ofKVK Karda.
Jai Gajanan Women SHG of village Lingakotwal
Tq.Risod Dist. Washim i~ one of the SHG who started pulse
processing at their village with the help ofKVK Washim. For
the marketing purpose th~-SHG was promoted to exhibit its
products by arranging stall in many Agro exhibitions by the
In this State Level Agrotech 20 15which was organised
by Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh KrishiVidyapeeth Akola. Nearly
100 SHGs took part in the event and displayed their products
for exhibition-cum-sale.
Sau. Gangabai Wagh who is chief volunteer of the Jai
Gajanan SHG has participated and displayed her value added
agro products like Tur Dal, Mung Dal, Udad Dal, Chana Dal,
Mung Papad etc. During this exhibition Dr. Ravi-prakash Dani
V.C. PDKV, Akola and other dignitaries were visited and
appreciated work done by the SHG, who bagged the second
prize in the Agrotech-20 15 of Dr. PDKV Akola.
Dr. Ramteke addressing on Goat farming practices.
Special training programme on goat fanning and its
management was organised by KVK, Karda at village
Panghari Nawghare, Tq. Malegaon. Dr.D.L.Ramteke PA,
I(Animal Science) , R.S.Dawre SMS (Plant Protection) and
Sathis Nawghare Progressive Fanner were present on this
In technical session, Dr.Ramteke delivered lecture
liongoat fanning related issue like, selection of site and
construction of low cost shade, Goat breeds, Feed
management of goat , Govt. scheme, functioning of goat
Ifarmand disease management. He further appealed Rural
!youth to start goat rearing units and generate self
!employmentthrough this unit.
R.S.Daware guided the participants on marketing
lstratigies and on-going activities undertaken in KVK
Iproject. Rural youth from Panghri Nawghare & Masla
village attend the programme in large number. Satish
Navghare conducted proceeding and vote ofthanks.
conducting various programmes
for fanners in the Washim district
under the assistance of World Bank.
One of the programme of fanners
training on Contract fanning under
MACP was organized by ATMA
during 13 to 22 January 2015 at Balkhed where technical
guidance through experts from KVK Karda and successful
:agri-entrepreneurs' were arranged.
Mr. T.S.Deshmukh (SMS Agronomy) of the KVK
:guided fanners on Sesame and Groundnut crop production
i in Summer
season. He also told about good agriculture
practices for crop cultivation, selection of crop varieties.
I and seed production.
Mrs. S.N.Watane demonstrating on Anonla candy
Krishi Vigyan Kendra has organized one day
training programme on Entrepreneurship Development
through Aonla processing on 4th January, 2016 at Dhodap
Bodakhe ofRisod block with the initiatives of home science
Sau.S.N.Watane, PA (Home Science) explained
need and scope of Aonla processing. She illustrated the
importance of Aonla which is having a rich source of
antioxidant, iron, vitamin 'A', Vitamin 'C', Fiber, Potassium,
Magnesium, Calcium etc. and beneficial to increased
immunity. She advised women participants to use Aonla
for helping you to prevent anemia which is a serious health
problem noticed in girls and women.
She further urged the participants to buy aonla in
large quantity during November to February when it is
cheaper and easily available in the market. The various
aonla products like candy, sharabat, squash, murabba etc
can be made by its processing. During this training
programme she took demonstration on aonla candy making.
Madina Shekh took effort for the success of programme.
- T.S. Deshmukh (SMS Agronomy)
- S. R. Bavaskar (P.A. Computer)
Editor in Chief
Members of Editorial Board
Dr. R.L. Kale (P.c.), S.K. Deshmukh (SMS Extn.Edu.),
R.S. Daware, (SMS-Plant Protection), N.B. Patil (SMS Horticulture),
T. S. Deshmukh (SMS Agronomy), D.N. Ingole (Farm Manager),
D.L. Ramteke (pA Animal Science), S.R. Bavaskar (PA Computer),
Ms S.N. Watane (PA Home Science)
Printed At. S.K. Graphics,
KVK News Letter - February 2016
Bhaji Market, I
Flower, Risod Mob. 9403722786 ,