March 24, 2015 SEAHOLM HIGH SCHOOL – AM Announcements


March 24, 2015 SEAHOLM HIGH SCHOOL – AM Announcements
March 24, 2015
Emily: Broadcasting from Studio B201, this is the Seaholm Daily Bulletin
for Tuesday, March 24th, 2015 with Alex Florias and Ashleigh Leary.
Thanks Emily and good morning Seaholm!
Alex: Charity month continues with a pancake sale Thursday morning!
Stop by the pool doors before school and get a plate of pancakes for only
$2.00! You get a warm meal and all money goes to charity, so stop by starting at 6:45.
Alex: The Seaholm Hiking, Outdoors & Camping Club is having another
meeting this Friday, March 27th in G102 at 7:00am. This week the club
will be having a speaker who previously hiked the Appalachian Trail. Come
to learn more about the possibilities for hiking in your future and about
the hike club this Saturday, March 28th.
There will be a black student union meeting on Thursday, March
Meet at 3 in A105. Everyone is welcome!
Come to the Diversity Club "milk and cookies session" this
Wednesday, March 25th. Meet at 3 in A202.
Attention KOM participants for the 2015-16 school year- they will
be conducting interviews for the KOM e-board and Team leader positions.
They are seeking students who are enthusiastic, proactive, and reliable
to help oversee the KOM program for next year.
You must be able to
attend meetings after school and during the summer months. If you are
interested in being on the e-board, or leading the e-board team, please
come to the main office to sign up for an interview by the end of the day
on Thursday, April 2nd.
Interviews will be held on April 21st. If you
have any questions, please see Mrs. Canfield or Mr. Erazo.
Alex: This year, there will be a t-shirt design contest for career day
and all Seaholm students are welcome to enter. Starting this Wednesday,
March 25th, you can hand in a design that is suitable for a white short
sleeve t-shirt. Make sure you use only three colors, and include some
type of graphics that relate to careers. Designs must be submitted to
the office by April 24th and the winner will receive a $50 prize.
Contact Alex Wineman or Natalie Leitman for more details.
Alex: Juniors and Seniors, Prom is Saturday, April 25th at St. John's
Banquet Center in Southfield. Tickets are $55 a person and can be
purchased next week during both lunches. If paying by check, make checks
payable to Seaholm PTSA.
Alex: Come see the BU Lacrosse team take on Brother Rice tonight at
Brother Rice. Game time is 5:30.
Alex: Seaholm is trying to put together a team of 100+ students to
participate in the Shades of Pink walk at the Detroit Zoo. It is on
Saturday April 25th at the Detroit Zoo and all the Money raised goes to
local women struggling with cancer. You can visit
March 24, 2015
SEAHOLM HIGH SCHOOL – AM Announcements to register for the walk and we are trying to
beat Groves this year with a larger team! When registering, make sure you
choose the Seaholm High School team. Stop by Mrs. Martin's room to pick
up a flier with all the information.
Alex: This year's annual Dodgefest will be tomorrow, Wednesday, March
25th, so if you want to see some hard hitting action, head to the gym at
6 p.m. It only costs $5.00 to get in and all proceeds go to charity.
Alex: The 6th annual one act festival is approaching and they need you
and your talent! Come to the general meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, March
25 after school in the Little Theater for more details on script
submissions, auditions, and more. Contact Amanda Najor, McKenna Ross, or
Mr. Labond if you have any questions.
Alex: Want to help save a life? If you are 16 and older, you can help
save lives by donating blood for the American Red Cross tomorrow,
Wednesday, March 25th from 8-2 in the cafeteria. You will also earn
community service hours by donating. Most of the blood donated by our
students goes directly to help young children suffering from serious
illnesses in local hospitals. Stop by the Community Service Office today
to sign up for a blood donation time. Together we can save lives!
Alex: There will be a Medical Club meeting tomorrow, March 25th at 7:30
in the Little Theatre. The speaker will be a Radiologist. All are
(Hunger Games commercial)
Ashleigh: In the lunch room today, you'll enjoy - a Mashed Potato Bowl,
a Cheeseburger, a Jalapeno Turkey Burger, Neapolitan Pizza, a Chef Salad,
or a Veggie Taco Salad.
Emily: Today’s weather is brought to you by the Maple Tree, the one stop
shop for all your Seaholm needs.
Ashleigh: In today's weather – it's currently a chilly 22 degrees, with
a northeast wind at 2 miles per hour. Look for a warmer, sunny day,
with a high of only 41 - and a low of 28 degrees tonight. The good news
is - we warm up into the 50's tomorrow!
But the bad news is's
only for one day - we'll be in the 30's again by the end of the
week...and more bad news... it's going to rain...but you gotta love the
50's, right?!
Ashleigh: Now let's take a moment
for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Ashleigh: I pledge allegiance, to the flag of the United States of
America, and to the Republic for which it stands - one nation - under God
- indivisible - with liberty and justice for all.
Ashleigh: For Alex Florias and Emily Blair, this has been Ashleigh
Leary. Have a talented Tuesday!
March 24, 2015
Emily: This has been the Seaholm Daily Bulletin for Tuesday, March 24th,