Program - MAA Sections - Mathematical Association of America
Program - MAA Sections - Mathematical Association of America
The 12th Annual Garden State Undergraduate Mathematics Conference a conference for undergraduate mathematics students Saturday, April 11, 2015 Monmouth University 400 Cedar Ave West Long Branch, NJ 07764 Schedule 8:30 – 9:15am 9:30 – 10:30am 10:45 – 12:00pm 12:00 – 1:00pm 1:00 – 2:00pm 2:15 – 3:15pm 3:15 – 3:30pm 3:30 – 4:25pm 4:30 – 5:00pm Check-in and Breakfast - Bey Hall: Lobby outside Young Auditorium New Jersey Undergraduate Math Competition Individual part Bey Hall: Young Auditorium New Jersey Undergraduate Math Competition Team part Bey, Edison, Howard Halls. Rooms to be announced at the individual part. Student Lunch - Bey Hall: Lobby outside Young Auditorium Student Poster Presentation Session - Edison Hall: Lobby and Edison 117 Student Oral Presentation Sessions - Edison Hall: Edison 120, 121, and 122 Break - Wilson Hall: Foyer Invited Plenary Presentation Harmonious Equations: A Mathematical Exploration of Music David Kung, St. Mary’s College of Maryland Wilson Auditorium Recogntion, Awards and Prizes: student presentation and competition awards; door prizes and silent auction winners (must be present to win). Wilson Auditorium Student Oral Presentation Schedule Time\Room 2:15-2:27 2:30-2:42 2:45-2:57 3:00-3:12 Session 1 Edison 120 Chair: Reem Jaafar, Scrudato – Montclair Breault – Muhlenberg Campbell – Muhlenberg Session 2 Edison 121 Chair: Shenglan Yuan, Crawford – Rowan Logan – Rowan Labruna – Montclair Castillo – Montclair Session 3 Edison 122 Chair: Sarita Nemani, Tu – NJIT Hill – SUNY New Paltz Gates - Rowan Invited Plenary Presentation Harmonious Equations: a Mathematical Exploration of Music David Kung, St. Mary’s College of Maryland Abstract: Mathematics and music seem to come from different spheres (arts and sciences), yet they share an amazing array of commonalities. We will explore these connections by examining the musical experience from a mathematical perspective. The mathematical study of a single vibrating string unlocks a world of musical overtones and harmonics-and even explains why a clarinet plays so much lower than its similar-sized cousin the flute. Calculus, and the related field of differential equations, shows us how our ears hear differences between two instruments-what musicians call timbre-even when they play the same note at the same loudness. Finally, abstract algebra gives modern language to the structures beneath the surface of Bach's magnificent canons and fugues. Throughout the talk, mathematical concepts will come to life with musical examples played by the speaker, an amateur violinist. Presenter: David Kung is Professor of Mathematics at St. Mary's College of Maryland. He fell in love with both mathematics and music at a very early age. More successful with one than the other, he completed three degrees at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, all in mathematics and none in music. However, he still enjoys playing violin with students and in the local community orchestra. His recorded course "How Music and Mathematics Relate" has been a best-seller for the Teaching Company. Dave co-founded the Emerging Scholars Program in mathematics at St. Mary's College and has been involved in efforts to develop similar programs that work with historically-underserved populations at his own and other institutions. He has authored articles on topics in harmonic analysis and mathematics education. The recipient of numerous awards, including the 2006 Teaching Award from his section of the MAA, Dave gave the 2010 Undergraduate Lecture in Mathematics at the Joint Math Meetings. He is the current Director of the MAA's Project NExT. (adapted from the presenter's Web site) Student Poster Presentation Session 1:00 – 2:00 pm. Edison Hall Lobby and Edison 117 Organizers: Joyati Debnath, Winona State University and Lee Collins, County College of Morris 1. Harris Kittner and Jessica Cobb, Monmouth University Faculty Advisor: Chengwen Wang Application of Survival Analysis Techniques in Relation to Dogs with Tracheal Collapse Survival analysis refers to a family of statistical techniques dealing with the time it takes for a specified event to occur: a cure, a death, a relapse, etc. In our research, we used death as an event for the dogs, after receiving stenting as treatment for tracheal collapse and looked at the survival time, in days. The different types of analyses are performed in this study with twenty-six dogs using life tables, Kaplan-Meier methods, and cox regression procedures. The Kaplan-Meier method aims to describe the survival time for cases with a graphical representation of the survival rate as a function of time, called the survivor function. Cox regression procedures aim to determine if survival time is influenced by some other variable. We attempted to build a model using Cox regression that could be used as a formula to predict the survival time for dogs after undergoing the endoluminal stenting procedure. In this presentation, we will discuss how we were able to build two models that could be used to predict survival time using age of dog at stent placement, stent diameter, tracheal length, and whether shortening of the stent occurred. We will also describe what we found through Kaplan-Meier and life tables in regards to survival times for dogs that fell into different categories. 2. Jessica Kozma, Monmouth University; Faculty Advisor: Richard Bastian R and the Welch Correction The Welch Correction is commonly used to correct the degrees of freedom in a Student’s t-test when the two sample variances are not equal. The question addressed in this poster is how unequal the variances have to be in order for the Welch Correction to make a difference. To test this, the statistical software program, R, was used to calculate the Student’s t-test with and without the Welch Correction for forty samples with different ratios of unequal variances. The power of each test was used to compare the results. Overall, it was found that the Welch Correction for unequal variances is more important under different situations. 3. Vincent Longo, The College of New Jersey; Faculty Advisor: Cynthia Curtis Knot Invariants from Spanning Surfaces The Alexander Polynomial is one of the most important and studied well knot invariants in the field of knot theory. It is defined to be the determinant of the matrix V-t V^T, where V is a linking matrix of an orientable (2-sided) surface bounded by the knot, V^T is the transpose of V, and t is a variable. In this presentation we will explain our idea of defining a similar polynomial using the non-orientable surfaces bounded by the knot. 4. Joseph Ruffo, The College of New Jersey; Faculty Advisor: Andrew Clifford Fixed Subgroups of Finitely Generated Free Group Automorphisms The fixed subgroup of a finitely generated free group automorphism is explored. Onedimensional models; known as Gersten Graphs; are utilized to develop a process that generates the fixed elements of these automorphisms. This process is used to examine two special classes of Gersten Graphs in order to find the corresponding fixed subgroups associated with the automorphisms they represent. 5. Rob Rexler and A. Baello, Montclair State University; Faculty Advisor: Aihua Li Design of Knapsack Cryptosystems Using Certain t-Superincreasing Sequences Superincreasing sequences have been used widely in designing Knapsack cryptosystems. Generalizing the concept, we define a new type of sequence, the tsuperincreasing sequence. In this presentation, we report our result on designing Knapsack cryptosystems with t-superincreasing sequences. We describe methods for creating t-superincreasing sequences, as well as the use of these sequences to construct knapsack cryptosystems. This research is funded by MAA NREUP through NSF grants DMS-1156582 and DMS-1359016. 6. Krista Varanyak, Monmouth University; Faculty Advisor: Richard Bastian Effect of Missing Data Using Simulations in R During the summer of 2014 our research group came across a data set with a very small sample size. The team ran most common statistical tests, the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) across different variables, but knew that a small sample size could cause a Type II error, resulting in a very low power of the test. To explore and model the issue of depleting sample sizes and missing data as it relates to the F-Statistic and power, the group selected a data set with N=500, then used the statistical program R to create an original function to calculate the F-statistic. In this presentation we will discuss our hypothesis, what we used, what results we obtained and what we were able to analyze for various percentages of missing data. We will also describe what we were able to conclude via simulation of missing data and explain what further research needs to be conducted. 7. Patricia O'Dwyer, Monmouth University Statistical Analysis of the Robustness of Oysters in the Hudson River Estuary We report on a study of sites in the Hudson River Estuary that was conducted in order to help determine potential locations for oyster restoration projects. Robust oysters from an oyster farm (Copps Island) were used as a control in order to compare the conditions of the oysters collected at each location. Condition indices used to compare these oysters were based on parameters such as meat weight, shell weight and shell cavity volume. Oysters were separated into respective categories based on their size and compared based on these classifications. We discuss the results of Statistical tests tests that were used to compare the conditions of oysters and the ratio of males to females by location. We also describe additional tests on a comparison of condition indices from the oysters in this study to those previously collected at the same locations in 2009. 8. Gabriel Romero, LaGuardia Community College; Faculty Advisor: Reem Jaafar Single Molecule Magnets (SMM), investigated since 1981, typically have a large magnetic anisotropy that impels the spin to point along a specific preferred axis. They are used in the application of magnetic clusters for quantum information elements and for magnetic storage devices in the field of quantum computing. We have conducted Quantum Mechanical calculations of an emerging new class, Bicoordinate First Row Transition Metal Complex Systems, of molecules, and are in the process of determining the energetics of the relevant spin states. The ultimate aim is to predict the magnetic properties, including the thermal barrier height, and, thus, to incorporate modifications to the coordinating groups in the complexes, in order to increase the anisotropic barrier. We plan to discuss our research in this presentation. Student Oral Presentation Sessions 2:15-3:15pm – Edison 120, 121 and 122 Organizers: Joyati Debnath, Winona State University; Lee Collins, County College of Morris; Jonathan Weisbrod, Burlington County College Session 1, Edison 120 Chair: Reem Jaafar, LaGuardia Community College 2:15–2:27pm Kaitlyn Scrudato, Montclair State University; Faculty Advisor: Haiyan Su Analysis of Water Quality in New Jersey To model the quality of the water at any given time with available predictors, data from bodies of water across New Jersey from 1999 to 2013 was collected from the database STORET. The water quality parameters studied were Escherichia coli (e. coli) and enterococcus with the predictors as Dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, Salinity, Temperature, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). Multiple linear regression was fitted first but did not fit the data well. Logistic regression models indicated that the odds of having unsafe water (having more than 35 cfu of enterococcus) for salt water is 0.176705 times the odds of fresh water when all other values are held constant. To improve the poor fit of the multiple regression models, the lasso regression method was also used to model the data. 2:30–2:42pm Macauley Breault, Muhlenberg College; Faculty Advisor: William Gryc Mathematics of Neuroscience Spike trains are electrical impulses of a single neuron within a discrete amount of time. The timing between spikes, or the rate at which a neuron spikes, can reveal important information about how a neuron reacts to a stimulus. Understanding the way neurons respond to their environment can have important applications such as with brain computer interfaces. Thus, it is critical that there be an accurate way to model neural activity for spike trains, such as the rate at which neurons fire within a given time interval called the intensity function. One means to estimate this function is the reproducing-kernel Hilbert-space method. 2:45–2:57pm Melanie Campbell, Muhlenberg College; Faculty Advisor: Allison Davidson Modeling Fly Decision Making in a Maze The intention of the mathematics research being presented is to work towards a probability model of the decision making flies do within the maze and how it is affected by visual stimuli. The research project studies the decision making pattern of the populations of flies as they move through the maze. We worked to make a probability prototype that most accurately models the fly behavior expressed in the experimental data using simulations that made distinct assumptions about fly decision making. Additionally, we proposed an experiment which tests how a single fly makes decisions in a maze and how that compares to the decision making patterns of prior experiments. Session 2, Edison 121 Chair: Shenglan Yuan, LaGuardia Community College 2:15 – 2:27pm Jennifer Crawford, Rowan University; Faculty Advisor: Hieu D. Nguyen A New Class of Basis Polynomials Derived from the Generalized Prouhet-ThueMorse Sequence The famous Prouhet-Thue-Morse (PTM) binary sequence {0; 1; 1; 0; 1; 0; 0; 1; ...} has important applications in coding theory; number theory; and combinatorics. Its productgenerating function is well-known and has been used to identify sets with equal sums of like powers. We consider the product-generating function of the PTM sequence generalized to base p in terms of a new class of basis polynomials. New explicit formulas are given for these polynomials in terms of eigenvectors and eigenvalues derived from their recurrence matrices. 2:30 – 2:42pm Brooke Logan, Rowan University; Faculty Advisor: Michael Mossinghoff Possible dimensions for circulant Hadamard matrices A circulant Hadamard matrix is an n by n matrix with a number of properties: its rows are mutually orthogonal, its entries are all positive or negative one, and each row after the first is a circular shift of the prior row. It is widely conjectured that no circulant Hadamard matrices exist with order x>4. Many algebraic restrictions are known on the order of such a matrix, and as a result there are less than 1400 values less than 4x10^26 which have not been eliminated as a possible order of such a matrix. A description of a project from the Summer@ICERM REU program at Brown University in 2014 will be presented in which computational methods are used to improve the search for Wieferich prime pairs. These pairs are fundamental in the construction of possible circulant Hadamard matrices. 2:45 – 2:57pm Giancarlo Labruna, Montclair State University; Faculty Advisor: Aihua Li Minimum and Maximum Randic Connectivity Indices from Trees Connected to a Hexagon In this research, I study simple graphs that attach a tree with n vertices to one vertex of a hexagon. The Randic Connectivity Indices (RCI) of such graphs are calculated. The main goal is to determine which graph has the maximum or minimum RCI. In this presentation, I will report results from this research, including explicit formulas of RCI for a class of graphs mentioned above and which graphs have the minimum or maximum RCI values. The main results are: among a selected class of graphs, the one with a path as the attached tree has the maximum RCI and the one with a star as the attached tree produces the minimum RCI. Descriptions of the main result are be discussed in the presentation. 3:00 – 3:12pm Doralia Castillo and Ma. Karina Soriano, Montclair State University; Faculty Advisor: Ashwin Vaidya Metastable States in Terminal Orientation of Symmetric Bodies in a Flow Symmetric bodies such as cylinders and spheroids, in their terminal stable state, are known to align their long axis perpendicular to the direction of a flow. This property has been verified theoretically, experimentally, and numerically. The transition to a terminal stable state is believed to coincide with the onset of significant inertial effects in a flow. However, the threshold at which this transition occurs is unknown. In this article, we conduct an experimental study to examine the nature of the transition of prolate spheroids and cylinders of various aspect ratios, from their initial to terminal stable equilibrium. Specifically, our experiments reveal the presence of intermediate metastable states which are sensitive to the flow’s Reynolds number and physical attributes of the immersed body, which gradually leads to the stable state. A phase diagram of Reynolds number versus non-dimensional inertia clearly demarcates the metastable, stable, and oscillatory states that the bodies undergo in current and shows consistency between current and past observations. Session 3, Edison 122 Chair: Sarita Nemani, Georgian Court University 2:15 – 2:27pm Thomas, Tu, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Faculty Advisor: Richard Moore Computing Optimal Observer Paths For Inferring an Uncertain Velocity Field To solve the problem of optimally inferring a velocity field using periodic measurement data from controlled gliders affected by that field, we apply a Kalman filter and numerically solve our optimal control equations using relaxation. By parameterizing the field using a Fourier basis, we develop a model that can be used by the Kalman filter to assimilate data from each measurement optimally. Then, using the calculus of variations, we determine partial differential equations for the optimal path to the next position to take a measurement. Since these equations cannot be solved analytically, we solve them numerically using a relaxation method. 2:30 – 2:42pm Sean Hill, SUNY New Paltz; Faculty Advisor: Ekaterina Shemyakova Classifications of Darboux Transformations for Super KdV (The Intrigue of Non Standard Differential Calculus) The Darboux Transformation is a method for finding solutions of partial differential equations. The goal of this project is to extend this method to partial diff. equations which may depend on fermionic variables. These differential equations appear in the scope of String Theory. This involves supercommutativity and we refer to this as the super case. Specifically, we consider the super Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation and the Darboux transformation of the KdV. We have shown that all order-one Darboux Transformations have a specific form, reminiscent of the classical case. Previously, Liu et. al. found a family of solutions of this form to the super KdV but it was not shown that they were the only possible solutions. Our current work is on Darboux Transformations of order two with hopes to generalize for order n. In this talk, we start by presenting the peculiarities of non-standard calculus of the super case. We demonstrate some examples of such in comparison to standard calculus. Finally, we conclude with our new result and goals for the future. 2:45 – 2:57pm Dante Gates, Rowan University; Faculty Advisor: Hieu D. Nguyen An Outside Analysis of the Mandelbrot Set Due to its fractal nature, much about the Mandelbrot set M remains to be understood. While a series formula has been proven to calculate the area of the M, to date the exact value of this area remains unknown. The challenge lies in computing the series coefficients which are recursively defined by a two dimensional sequence. We present new approximations concerning the 2-adic valuation of the series coefficients. Moreover we use these coefficients, derived from an analytic homeomorphism defined on the complement of M to generate high resolution plots of the Mandelbrot set to give an outside perspective of its fractal boundary. Conference Organizing Committee Amanda Beecher, Ramapo College; Lee Collins, County College of Morris; Joyati Debnath, Winona State University; Katarzyna Kowal, Ramapo College of New Jersey; Mince John, New Jersey City University; Ken McMurdy, Ramapo College of New Jersey; A. David Trubatch (Director), Montclair State University; Jonathan Weisbrod, Burlington County College Mathematics Competition Committee Katarzyna Kowal (Co-Director), Ramapo College of New Jersey; Tom Leong, The University of Scranton; Ken McMurdy (Co-Director), Ramapo College of New Jersey. David Molnar, Rutgers University; Ken Monks, The University of Scranton; Marek Slaby, Fairleigh Dickinson University Mathematics Competition Graders and Proctors Tom Leong, The University of Scranton; Ken Monks, The University of Scranton, Marek Slaby, Fairleigh Dickinson University; Emanuel Palsu-Andriescu, Monmouth University; Nader Goubran, La Guardia CC; Jeremy Russell, TCNJ; Jimmy Mathews, SUNY Stony Brook; Michael Saks, Rutgers University; Alexander Casti, Fairleigh Dickinson University; Benjamin Daniels, Rowan University; Vasil Skenderi, St. Joseph College; Robert Roach, Burlington CC; Chia-Lin Wu, Stockton University; Lee Collins, CC of Morris; Steve Donahue, Cumberland CC. Local Arrangements Committee Bonnie Gold and David Marshall, Monmouth University The Garden State Undergraduate Mathematics Conference is a function of the New Jersey section of the Mathematical Association of America. The 2015 GSUMC is made possible by the support of National Science Foundation through the MAA Regional Undergraduate Mathematics Conferences program (NSF DMS-0846477), as well as Monmouth University and the NJ section of the MAA. The GSUMC organizers thank Department of Mathematics of Monmouth University for their kind hospitality in hosting the meeting.
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