SE Project Abstract Booklet - NUST School of Electrical Engineering


SE Project Abstract Booklet - NUST School of Electrical Engineering
INDEX| Software Engineering Abstracts
Project Title
“Nimble” A web task manager for lean startups
“PicShare” Privacy-Preserving Photo Sharing App
Smart Beacon retail solutions via Contextual Interactivity
Deaf Talk [Sign Language Interpreter]
Android based meter reader
ECG Monitor
Relevance-Aware Live Sport Scores App
‘DastDoz’ Shoe Design studio and e-Store
Developing N-body, Structured Grids, and Spectral Methods simulation benchmarks for
MPJ Express
Developing Sparse Linear Algebra, Unstructured Grids, and Dynamic Programming
simulation benchmarks for MPJ
Biometric Vaccination Record Management System
Best personal ad-hoc network to get your queries solved
City Informer - The local roads information hub
Filmr User Review based Movie Recommendation Engine
VR Vision Therapy Using Virtual Reality (VR) to cure Amblyopia
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INDEX| Software Engineering Abstracts
Project Title
A web task manager for lean startups
Privacy-Preserving Photo Sharing App
Smart Beacon retail solutions via Contextual Interactivity
Deaf Talk [Sign Language Interpreter]
Android based meter reader
ECG Monitor
Relevance-Aware Live Sport Scores App
‘DastDoz’ Shoe Design studio and e-Store
Developing N-body, Structured Grids, and Spectral Methods simulation benchmarks for
MPJ Express
Developing Sparse Linear Algebra, Unstructured Grids, and Dynamic Programming
simulation benchmarks for MPJ
Biometric Vaccination Record Management System
Best personal ad-hoc network to get your queries solved
City Informer - The local roads information hub
“Filmr" Movie Recommendation Engine
VR Vision Therapy Using Virtual Reality (VR) to cure Amblyopia
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Indoor navigation using BLE beacons
Predict / detect Diabetic retinopathy and hypertension retinopathy
“Hephaestus” 3-D Canvas using Kinect and 3D Printing
CRATER: A Crowd Sensing Application To Estimate Road
Improving Visualization of Trend Plots and Implementing Module level plots in Tracker DQM
SocioSent: Location and sentiment based social media
Visual tracking and analysis in sports
Indoor navigation using BLE beacons
Predict / detect Diabetic retinopathy and hypertension retinopathy
“Hephaestus” 3-D Canvas using Kinect and 3D Printing
CRATER: A Crowd Sensing Application To Estimate Road
Improving Visualization of Trend Plots and Implementing Module level plots in Tracker
SocioSent: Location and sentiment based social media
Visual tracking and analysis in sports
Group Members
Hussain Ali Zaheer [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-219]
Jawad Ahmed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-220]
Advisor: Dr. Rafia Mumtaz Co Advisor: Ms. Sana Khalique
Project Abstract
Presentations are a significant part of any endeavor, be it of academic or business nature. Often, presentations alone
can provide the X factor. However, no one can deny the technological complexity of delivering a decent presentation
for a novice presenter: A human coordinator at the system or a slider gadget to move the slides. A touchscreen pad
to write something on the screen or one can just use trusty old mouse and keyboard controls. Primitive, no?
Time to bring the change. The system that we are developing is "Wave", a Kinect-based universal gadget that is
designed to provide the user with unprecedented control over his presentation. He/she will be able to control it
with either simple hand gestures such as swiping and pinch in and out, on-screen controls or using voice
commands. Also, Wave will be able to track the presenter across the stage so that it is always accessible to him/her.
Lastly, the main highlight is AirWrite™ & AirDraw™, the tech that will allow the presenter to write/draw anything
on the presentation just by writing in the air.
And the best part is that the presenter will be able to deliver his/her presentation without compromising an
important aspect of human speech: Non-verbal communication.
Group Members
Hussain Ali Zaheer [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-219]
Jawad Ahmed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-220]
Advisor: Dr. Rafia Mumtaz Co Advisor: Ms. Sana Khalique
Project Abstract
Presentations are a significant part of any endeavor, be it of academic or business nature. Often, presentations alone
can provide the X factor. However, no one can deny the technological complexity of delivering a decent presentation
for a novice presenter: A human coordinator at the system or a slider gadget to move the slides. A touchscreen pad
to write something on the screen or one can just use trusty old mouse and keyboard controls. Primitive, no?
Time to bring the change. The system that we are developing is "Wave", a Kinect-based universal gadget that is
designed to provide the user with unprecedented control over his presentation. He/she will be able to control it
with either simple hand gestures such as swiping and pinch in and out, on-screen controls or using voice
commands. Also, Wave will be able to track the presenter across the stage so that it is always accessible to him/her.
Lastly, the main highlight is AirWrite™ & AirDraw™, the tech that will allow the presenter to write/draw anything
on the presentation just by writing in the air.
And the best part is that the presenter will be able to deliver his/her presentation without compromising an
important aspect of human speech: Non-verbal communication.
‘NIMBLE’ A web task manager for lean startups
Group Members
Bushra Illahi Malik [ 2011NUSTSEECSBESE258]
Isra Batool [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-264]
Natasha Abdul Hakeem [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-276]
Advisor Sir Faisal Khan Co Advisor Sir Tahir Azim
Project Abstract
Our project, "Nimble", is a web-based tool to assist novice entrepreneurs in setting up lean start-ups. As start-ups
are newly created and in development phase, they need to put additional focus on "team communication" and "task
management". While entrepreneurs are busy setting up their start-ups, it is hard for them to manage each and
every task and to keep track of all the intricate details associated with them.
We conducted surveys and interviews which revealed that although 95% of entrepreneurs and project managers
use different tools for task management and task sharing; they end up using a whole variety of tools because each
one of them mainly targets some specific functionality. About 63% of them stated that they would gladly move on to
an ‘all-in-one’ tool because using a number of tools becomes quite hectic and troublesome. This observation
motivated us to develop a task manager with all the required features integrated on a single platform.
Our tool aims at making it easier to break the project into smaller tasks and managing each one of them separately.
It keeps track of all activities and resources associated with the tasks. It further allows the team members to keep in
touch with each other. It also assists them in tracking their meeting schedules and project progress. To make it an
even better experience for our users, we have implemented a clutter free and user friendly interface. In short,
Nimble makes the complex job of managing a start-up simple and effortless.
‘NIMBLE’ A web task manager for lean startups
Group Members
Bushra Illahi Malik [ 2011NUSTSEECSBESE258]
Isra Batool [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-264]
Natasha Abdul Hakeem [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-276]
Advisor Sir Faisal Khan Co Advisor Sir Tahir Azim
Project Abstract
Our project, "Nimble", is a web-based tool to assist novice entrepreneurs in setting up lean start-ups. As start-ups
are newly created and in development phase, they need to put additional focus on "team communication" and "task
management". While entrepreneurs are busy setting up their start-ups, it is hard for them to manage each and
every task and to keep track of all the intricate details associated with them.
We conducted surveys and interviews which revealed that although 95% of entrepreneurs and project managers
use different tools for task management and task sharing; they end up using a whole variety of tools because each
one of them mainly targets some specific functionality. About 63% of them stated that they would gladly move on to
an ‘all-in-one’ tool because using a number of tools becomes quite hectic and troublesome. This observation
motivated us to develop a task manager with all the required features integrated on a single platform.
Our tool aims at making it easier to break the project into smaller tasks and managing each one of them separately.
It keeps track of all activities and resources associated with the tasks. It further allows the team members to keep in
touch with each other. It also assists them in tracking their meeting schedules and project progress. To make it an
even better experience for our users, we have implemented a clutter free and user friendly interface. In short,
Nimble makes the complex job of managing a start-up simple and effortless.
PicShare: Privacy Preserving Photo Sharing App
Group Members
Muhammad Humayoun [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-234]
Sohaib Ul Hassan [2010-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-265]
Advisor Dr Tahir Azim
Co Advisor Faisal Khan
Project Abstract
How many times have you gone to a wedding and then wanted an easy way to synchronize all the pictures taken at
the wedding with your relatives? Similarly, how many times have you gone on a trip with your friends but then had
trouble gaining access to your friends’ pictures of the trip?
PicShare is an Android app which solves this problem. PicShare transparently shares photo albums between a
group of sharing participants and automatically uploads photos to the albums shared between those participants.
PicShare uses a reliable, fault-tolerant mechanism to synchronize albums, providing an identical replica of the
album to all the participants sharing the album. It also provides the option of creating encrypted albums in which
photos are transferred and stored in a privacy-preserving encrypted format to prevent anyone else from being able
to see the photos.
For high performance and scalability, PicShare uses a Google Cloud backend including App Engine, Google Storage
and Google Push Notifications. We have tested PicShare in a variety of network conditions and found that it works
reliably and efficiently in all of these settings.
PicShare: Privacy Preserving Photo Sharing App
Group Members
Muhammad Humayoun [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-234]
Sohaib Ul Hassan [2010-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-265]
Advisor Dr Tahir Azim
Co Advisor Faisal Khan
Project Abstract
How many times have you gone to a wedding and then wanted an easy way to synchronize all the pictures taken at
the wedding with your relatives? Similarly, how many times have you gone on a trip with your friends but then had
trouble gaining access to your friends’ pictures of the trip?
PicShare is an Android app which solves this problem. PicShare transparently shares photo albums between a
group of sharing participants and automatically uploads photos to the albums shared between those participants.
PicShare uses a reliable, fault-tolerant mechanism to synchronize albums, providing an identical replica of the
album to all the participants sharing the album. It also provides the option of creating encrypted albums in which
photos are transferred and stored in a privacy-preserving encrypted format to prevent anyone else from being able
to see the photos.
For high performance and scalability, PicShare uses a Google Cloud backend including App Engine, Google Storage
and Google Push Notifications. We have tested PicShare in a variety of network conditions and found that it works
reliably and efficiently in all of these settings.
Smart Beacon retail solutions via Contextual Interactivity
Group Members
Abdullah Nasim [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-203]
Fatima Khalid [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-260]
Haris Imran [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-215]
Advisor Ms. Rahat Masood Co Advisor Mr. Shamyl Bin Mansoor
Project Abstract
Advertisement is considered as the main mode of increasing the market value of products. Number of ways such as
print media, social media, television, radios and billboards, have been designed and used by every major industry.
However, with growing competition and the increased importance of marketing over the period of time, retailers
are trying to find new ways to appeal to their customers and make a lasting impression. Secondly, as of now, there
are no means through which retailers can get quick feedback on their performance and strategize accordingly so
that they can accelerate sales and accumulate profits.
The project titled “Smart Retail Solutions via Contextual Interactivity” involves creating a dynamic and adaptable
solution for retailers to market their products to customers and generate performance analytics based on
customer’s interaction with a product. The generated results are based on the movement of customers in the store
and peak activity times that would help retailers make necessary decisions in real time.
The project aims at revolutionizing the way advertisements are done currently by reaching out to customers
directly. The system is based on an android application, web based portal developed in Laravel framework and
Estimote beacon technology.
Smart Beacon retail solutions via Contextual Interactivity
Group Members
Abdullah Nasim [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-203]
Fatima Khalid [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-260]
Haris Imran [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-215]
Advisor Ms. Rahat Masood Co Advisor Mr. Shamyl Bin Mansoor
Project Abstract
Advertisement is considered as the main mode of increasing the market value of products. Number of ways such as
print media, social media, television, radios and billboards, have been designed and used by every major industry.
However, with growing competition and the increased importance of marketing over the period of time, retailers
are trying to find new ways to appeal to their customers and make a lasting impression. Secondly, as of now, there
are no means through which retailers can get quick feedback on their performance and strategize accordingly so
that they can accelerate sales and accumulate profits.
The project titled “Smart Retail Solutions via Contextual Interactivity” involves creating a dynamic and adaptable
solution for retailers to market their products to customers and generate performance analytics based on
customer’s interaction with a product. The generated results are based on the movement of customers in the store
and peak activity times that would help retailers make necessary decisions in real time.
The project aims at revolutionizing the way advertisements are done currently by reaching out to customers
directly. The system is based on an android application, web based portal developed in Laravel framework and
Estimote beacon technology.
Deaf Talk [Sign Language Interpreter]
Group Members
Mateen Ahmed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-222]
Mujtaba Idrees [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-243]
Zain Ul Abideen [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-250]
Advisor Dr Rafia Mumtaz
Co Advisor Miss Sana Khalique
Project Abstract
According to surveys conducted by WHO, over 360 million people in the world suffer hear loss and 120,000 are
born deaf-mute each year. According to estimates it covers around 5.3% of the world population and 91% percent
among them are adult. In order to help people with such disabilities a lot of research has been conducted and some
solutions have been made worldwide but no major success has been reported as yet.
Our proposed FYP project, “sign language interpreter” is a software based solution that provides natural way of
communication for the hearing and speaking impaired, simplifying their onerous task of communication. We are
using latest Microsoft technology of “Kinect V2” which is able to track motion, depth and gestures. We can develop
such software based solution in which a disable person talks in sign language (which is natural mode of
communication for him/her) and the system using the gesture recognition and pattern recognizing will translate
that to a normal understandable natural language. The system will also be able to translate natural language to its
corresponding sign language showing the required gestures.
Deaf Talk [Sign Language Interpreter]
Group Members
Mateen Ahmed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-222]
Mujtaba Idrees [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-243]
Zain Ul Abideen [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-250]
Advisor Dr Rafia Mumtaz
Co Advisor Miss Sana Khalique
Project Abstract
According to surveys conducted by WHO, over 360 million people in the world suffer hear loss and 120,000 are
born deaf-mute each year. According to estimates it covers around 5.3% of the world population and 91% percent
among them are adult. In order to help people with such disabilities a lot of research has been conducted and some
solutions have been made worldwide but no major success has been reported as yet.
Our proposed FYP project, “sign language interpreter” is a software based solution that provides natural way of
communication for the hearing and speaking impaired, simplifying their onerous task of communication. We are
using latest Microsoft technology of “Kinect V2” which is able to track motion, depth and gestures. We can develop
such software based solution in which a disable person talks in sign language (which is natural mode of
communication for him/her) and the system using the gesture recognition and pattern recognizing will translate
that to a normal understandable natural language. The system will also be able to translate natural language to its
corresponding sign language showing the required gestures.
Android based meter reader
Group Members
Kashif Manzoor [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-221]
Muhammad Unnus Ahmed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-240]
Usman Khan [2010-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-273]
Advisor Dr. Khalid Latif Co Advisor Dr. Asad Anwar Butt
Project Abstract
Reading meters for electricity and other utilities is a manual and error prone process. This project automates the
process of meter reading and billing. This helps reduce billing errors caused due to manual readings and also
guides meter readers about the locations of different customers.
The system consists of a web application and an android application. The website administrator can add customers
and meter readers to the system database using the web application. He can assign meters from a particular
location to meter readers for reading. The meter reader receives locations of meters in the android application.
These locations are marked on a map. The meter reader goes to each location and captures an image of customer’s
meter using the android device. The captured image is processed to extract the meter reading. This is done using
OpenCV and Tesseract (Image Processing Libraries). If the reading is recognized incorrectly, the meter reader is
given the facility to manually enter the reading. This reading is sent along with the image to the web application
server, where it is verified by the website administrator. After verification the customer’s data is updated and his
bill is generated, which is accessible through the web interface.
Android based meter reader
Group Members
Kashif Manzoor [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-221]
Muhammad Unnus Ahmed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-240]
Usman Khan [2010-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-273]
Advisor Dr. Khalid Latif Co Advisor Dr. Asad Anwar Butt
Project Abstract
Reading meters for electricity and other utilities is a manual and error prone process. This project automates the
process of meter reading and billing. This helps reduce billing errors caused due to manual readings and also
guides meter readers about the locations of different customers.
The system consists of a web application and an android application. The website administrator can add customers
and meter readers to the system database using the web application. He can assign meters from a particular
location to meter readers for reading. The meter reader receives locations of meters in the android application.
These locations are marked on a map. The meter reader goes to each location and captures an image of customer’s
meter using the android device. The captured image is processed to extract the meter reading. This is done using
OpenCV and Tesseract (Image Processing Libraries). If the reading is recognized incorrectly, the meter reader is
given the facility to manually enter the reading. This reading is sent along with the image to the web application
server, where it is verified by the website administrator. After verification the customer’s data is updated and his
bill is generated, which is accessible through the web interface.
ECG Monitoring System
Group Members
Asbah Ashfaq [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-256]
Hafiz Usama Zulfiqar [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-213]
Zaineb Kainat Ahmed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-290]
Advisor Dr. Khalid Latif Co Advisor Shamyl bin Mansoor
Project Abstract
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, and have resulted in more than 17 million
deaths in the year 2013 alone. The healthcare systems are improving continuously, but with the increasing number
of patients, the patient-doctor ratio is increasing exponentially, also increasing the workload on the doctors.
Employing Bluetooth technology and pervasive design, Wireless ECG monitoring system allows you to live healthy
whilst leading a normal life. This technology aims at providing patients with professional level cardiac care facility
from the comfort of their homes. The system does not only collect ECG signals from the body and transmit these
wirelessly to the smartphone, but also allows the user to share this data with cardiologists for their opinion.
This technology will revolutionize the way ECG signals are measured and processed. Furthermore, at later stages, it
will be tailored to provide mechanisms to reduce or at the very least predict the symptoms that may lead to a
cardiac arrest. The resultant device will not only be beneficial for heart patients and cardiologists but will have a
positive impact on the progress of the healthcare industry as well.
The project aims at improving health conditions, reducing stress and minimising costs, while also providing a
platform for extended research and development.
ECG Monitoring System
Group Members
Asbah Ashfaq [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-256]
Hafiz Usama Zulfiqar [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-213]
Zaineb Kainat Ahmed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-290]
Advisor Dr. Khalid Latif Co Advisor Shamyl bin Mansoor
Project Abstract
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, and have resulted in more than 17 million
deaths in the year 2013 alone. The healthcare systems are improving continuously, but with the increasing number
of patients, the patient-doctor ratio is increasing exponentially, also increasing the workload on the doctors.
Employing Bluetooth technology and pervasive design, Wireless ECG monitoring system allows you to live healthy
whilst leading a normal life. This technology aims at providing patients with professional level cardiac care facility
from the comfort of their homes. The system does not only collect ECG signals from the body and transmit these
wirelessly to the smartphone, but also allows the user to share this data with cardiologists for their opinion.
This technology will revolutionize the way ECG signals are measured and processed. Furthermore, at later stages, it
will be tailored to provide mechanisms to reduce or at the very least predict the symptoms that may lead to a
cardiac arrest. The resultant device will not only be beneficial for heart patients and cardiologists but will have a
positive impact on the progress of the healthcare industry as well.
The project aims at improving health conditions, reducing stress and minimising costs, while also providing a
platform for extended research and development.
Group Members
Maham Zaidi [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-269]
Mubeen Fatima [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-274]
Advisor Kashif Shareef Co Advisor Faisal Khan
Project Abstract
Volunteer work has become an integral part of our society. Organizing such activities is a monumental task. It
involves multiple stake holders including organizations who organize such drives, people who volunteer, and the
places where work is done. The challenge is to exchange information efficiently among stake holders. Organizers
are unable to hire volunteers without going through a hectic process of meeting the people and volunteers have
difficulty in finding organizations to work with. This project is solution to the above mentioned problems. It aims at
bringing all the interested individual and parties together on a common platform, and to solve the problem of
information dissemination on volunteer work to a vast audience. The project is a web portal that will work for the
areas in Pakistan where any kind of volunteer work is required. Following are the main goals of the application:
Location based search of volunteer drives.
Bring all the interested parties on a single platform
SMS based subscription to give the user options of getting notifications
Through the portal the user can comment, post, upload a photo
Give individuals abilities to launch volunteering drive.
Group Members
Maham Zaidi [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-269]
Mubeen Fatima [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-274]
Advisor Kashif Shareef Co Advisor Faisal Khan
Project Abstract
Volunteer work has become an integral part of our society. Organizing such activities is a monumental task. It
involves multiple stake holders including organizations who organize such drives, people who volunteer, and the
places where work is done. The challenge is to exchange information efficiently among stake holders. Organizers
are unable to hire volunteers without going through a hectic process of meeting the people and volunteers have
difficulty in finding organizations to work with. This project is solution to the above mentioned problems. It aims at
bringing all the interested individual and parties together on a common platform, and to solve the problem of
information dissemination on volunteer work to a vast audience. The project is a web portal that will work for the
areas in Pakistan where any kind of volunteer work is required. Following are the main goals of the application:
Location based search of volunteer drives.
Bring all the interested parties on a single platform
SMS based subscription to give the user options of getting notifications
Through the portal the user can comment, post, upload a photo
Give individuals abilities to launch volunteering drive.
Relevance-Aware Live Sport Scores App
Group Members
Awais Imran [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-209
Muhammad Akif Hazarvi [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-230]
Advisor Dr. Tahir Azim Co Advisor Mr. Faisal Khan
Project Abstract
Quarterbapp is a National Football League (NFL) and Major League Baseball (MLB) sports app for Android which
delivers news plus score updates of your favorite team, plus teams relevant to it. It is built around a novel,
relevancy calculation algorithm which enhances your sports-following experience in a way no other competing app
can offer!
Current sports apps force you to select all your favorite teams one-by-one in a very rigid manner. News and score
updates of only your chosen teams are delivered to you. There is no easy way of staying updated with teams
relevant to your teams in a smarter, more dynamic way.
Our relevancy calculation algorithm uses a mix of data including score history, rivalry, and standings positions to
determine relevant teams. The overall system is designed so it can work with other similarly structured sports like
Major League Soccer (MLS), and National Hockey League (NHL).
With our app, you only need to select your supported team, our system does the rest. It is based on our philosophy
of using software to take maximum cognitive load off sport enthusiasts.
Relevance-Aware Live Sport Scores App
Group Members
Awais Imran [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-209
Muhammad Akif Hazarvi [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-230]
Advisor Dr. Tahir Azim Co Advisor Mr. Faisal Khan
Project Abstract
Quarterbapp is a National Football League (NFL) and Major League Baseball (MLB) sports app for Android which
delivers news plus score updates of your favorite team, plus teams relevant to it. It is built around a novel,
relevancy calculation algorithm which enhances your sports-following experience in a way no other competing app
can offer!
Current sports apps force you to select all your favorite teams one-by-one in a very rigid manner. News and score
updates of only your chosen teams are delivered to you. There is no easy way of staying updated with teams
relevant to your teams in a smarter, more dynamic way.
Our relevancy calculation algorithm uses a mix of data including score history, rivalry, and standings positions to
determine relevant teams. The overall system is designed so it can work with other similarly structured sports like
Major League Soccer (MLS), and National Hockey League (NHL).
With our app, you only need to select your supported team, our system does the rest. It is based on our philosophy
of using software to take maximum cognitive load off sport enthusiasts.
‘DASTDOZ’ Shoe Design studio and e-Store
Group Members
Aisha Sajid [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-253]
Muhammad Maaz Ali [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-236]
Sara Qiam [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-282]
Usama Tauqeer[2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-248]
Advisor M Qaisar Choudhary Co Advisor Maajid Maqbool
Project Abstract
Dastdoz is an entrepreneurial venture that aims to change the course of shoe shopping in Pakistan. Our project
addresses a very important issue prevalent in the footwear industry. The trend of mass production of shoes has
certainly ensured the production of high quality branded footwear but it has also led to the lack of personalization.
Especially in the case of women footwear, customers fail to find their perfect pair of shoes. Dastdoz offers a unique
and easy solution to customize your perfect pair of shoes. With our online 3D Design Studio, our customers can
change the style, texture and color of the material for the shoe. When satisfied with the right combination, the
customers can place the order and it will be shipped within couple of weeks anywhere around the country. We also
provide our own brand catalog for the customer to choose from. Our products are entirely hand stitched, since we
believe in reviving the legacy of exquisite skills of Pakistani craftsmen. Dastdoz aims to give shoe shopping a whole
new meaning: from the browser on your screen to the hands of authentic Pakistani craftsmen to the soles of your
‘DASTDOZ’ Shoe Design studio and e-Store
Group Members
Aisha Sajid [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-253]
Muhammad Maaz Ali [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-236]
Sara Qiam [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-282]
Usama Tauqeer[2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-248]
Advisor M Qaisar Choudhary Co Advisor Maajid Maqbool
Project Abstract
Dastdoz is an entrepreneurial venture that aims to change the course of shoe shopping in Pakistan. Our project
addresses a very important issue prevalent in the footwear industry. The trend of mass production of shoes has
certainly ensured the production of high quality branded footwear but it has also led to the lack of personalization.
Especially in the case of women footwear, customers fail to find their perfect pair of shoes. Dastdoz offers a unique
and easy solution to customize your perfect pair of shoes. With our online 3D Design Studio, our customers can
change the style, texture and color of the material for the shoe. When satisfied with the right combination, the
customers can place the order and it will be shipped within couple of weeks anywhere around the country. We also
provide our own brand catalog for the customer to choose from. Our products are entirely hand stitched, since we
believe in reviving the legacy of exquisite skills of Pakistani craftsmen. Dastdoz aims to give shoe shopping a whole
new meaning: from the browser on your screen to the hands of authentic Pakistani craftsmen to the soles of your
Developing N-body, Structured Grids, and Spectral Methods simulation benchmarks
for MPJ Express
Group Members
Gulraiz Khan [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-212]
Muhammad Adeel Ehsan [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-228]
Muhammad Adnan Sharif [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-229]
Advisor Dr. Aamir Shafi Co Advisor Ms. Samin Khaliq
Project Abstract
MPJExpress is an open source Java message passing library that allows application developers to write and execute
parallel applications for multicore processors and distributed memory systems. There are existing applications
and benchmark suites for evaluating performance of MPJ Express on distributed memory cluster. These include
NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NBP) ( A critique of these benchmark
suites is that they are representative of emerging real-world High Performance Computing (HPC) applications.
To address the above issue, we present a benchmark suite based on “13 Dwarfs” identified in The Landscape of
Parallel Computing Research: A View from Berkeley ( by University of California, Berkeley. A dwarf is an algorithmic method that captures a pattern of
computation and communication. These dwarfs offer a diverse set of patterns, each of which is relevant across a
variety of domains and allow reasoning about their behavior across a broad range of applications.
In this project following six applications are developed
Spectral Methods: Inter-conversion of temporal to frequency domain and vice versa using Fast Fourier
Transform.N–Body Method: Approximates the motion of particles under the influence of a force interacting with
each other.Structured Grids: Data is arranged in a regular multidimensional grid and proceeds as a sequence of
grid update steps. At each step, all points are updated using values from neighboring points.Map Reduce: Repeated
independent execution of a function, with results aggregated at the end. Nearly no inter-process communication is
required. Combinational Logic: Exploit bit-level parallelism to achieve high throughput. Workloads dominated by
combinational logic computations generally involve performing simple operations on very large amounts of data.
Developing N-body, Structured Grids, and Spectral Methods simulation benchmarks
for MPJ Express
Group Members
Gulraiz Khan [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-212]
Muhammad Adeel Ehsan [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-228]
Muhammad Adnan Sharif [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-229]
Advisor Dr. Aamir Shafi Co Advisor Ms. Samin Khaliq
Project Abstract
MPJExpress is an open source Java message passing library that allows application developers to write and execute
parallel applications for multicore processors and distributed memory systems. There are existing applications
and benchmark suites for evaluating performance of MPJ Express on distributed memory cluster. These include
NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NBP) ( A critique of these benchmark
suites is that they are representative of emerging real-world High Performance Computing (HPC) applications.
To address the above issue, we present a benchmark suite based on “13 Dwarfs” identified in The Landscape of
Parallel Computing Research: A View from Berkeley ( by University of California, Berkeley. A dwarf is an algorithmic method that captures a pattern of
computation and communication. These dwarfs offer a diverse set of patterns, each of which is relevant across a
variety of domains and allow reasoning about their behavior across a broad range of applications. In this project
following six applications are developed.Spectral Methods: Inter-conversion of temporal to frequency domain and
vice versa using Fast Fourier Transform.N–Body Method: Approximates the motion of particles under the influence
of a force interacting with each other.Structured Grids: Data is arranged in a regular multidimensional grid and
proceeds as a sequence of grid update steps. At each step, all points are updated using values from neighboring
points.Map Reduce: Repeated independent execution of a function, with results aggregated at the end. Nearly no
inter-process communication is required. Combinational Logic: Exploit bit-level parallelism to achieve high
throughput. Workloads dominated by combinational logic computations generally involve performing simple
operations on very large amounts of data. Graph Traversal: Visiting number of objects in a particular manner
Developing Sparse Linear Algebra, Unstructured Grids, and Dynamic Programming
simulation benchmarks for MPJ Express
Group Members
Mohsan Riaz [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-224]
Muhammad Muaaz Saleem [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-237]
Muhammad Umer [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-239]
Advisor Dr.Aamir Shafi Co Advisor Ms.Samin Khaliq
Project Abstract
MPJExpress is a message passing library in Java that allows application developers to write and execute parallel
applications. These applications usually have high computation and memory requirements. The aim of this
project is to create realistic benchmark applications that will help to evaluate the performance of MPJExpress.
The objective is to develop a new bench mark suite for the MPJ Express software. This new suite is based upon 13
Dwarfs identified a report titled “The Landscape of Parallel Computing Research: AView from Berkeley”
( dwarf is an algorithmic method
that captures a pattern of computation and communication.A unique feature of this new benchmark suite is that
it closely represents real-world HPC applications.Traditionally, existing benchmarks like NPB-MPJ
( are more specific in nature. It is therefore important to have
practical benchmarks in place for parallel programming tools such as MPJExpress.The project goal is
development of 6 dwarfs implementation mentioned below out of 13.Dynamic programming is a method of
solving complex problem by breaking it down into simpler subproblems.Backtrack and Branch-and-Bound
algorithms are used to search a large space by discarding particular branches to find optimal solution.Sparse
linear algebra involves the data set having large density of zeros.Graphical models are probabilistic models in
which a graph expresses the conditional dependence structure between random variables. These are commonly
used in machines learning.Unstructured grids are widely accepted in CFD because this gives us far more
flexibility and computer resources are also efficiently utilized.Finite state machine is set of interconnected states
which transition between one another. It is widely used in data mining.
Developing Sparse Linear Algebra, Unstructured Grids, and Dynamic Programming
simulation benchmarks for MPJ Express
Group Members
Project Abstract
Mohsan Riaz [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-224]
Muhammad Muaaz Saleem [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-237]
Muhammad Umer [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-239]
Advisor Dr.Aamir Shafi Co Advisor Ms.Samin Khaliq
MPJExpress is a message passing library in Java that allows application developers to write and execute parallel applications.
These applications usually have high computation and memory requirements. The aim of this project is to create realistic
benchmark applications that will help to evaluate the performance of MPJExpress.
The objective is to develop a new bench mark suite for the MPJ Express software. This new suite is based upon 13 Dwarfs
identified a report titled “The Landscape of Parallel Computing Research: AView from Berkeley”
( dwarf is an algorithmic method that
captures a pattern of computation and communication.A unique feature of this new benchmark suite is that it closely
( are more specific in nature. It is therefore important to have practical
benchmarks in place for parallel programming tools such as MPJExpress.The project goal is development of 6 dwarfs
implementation mentioned below out of 13.Dynamic programming is a method of solving complex problem by breaking it
down into simpler subproblems.Backtrack and Branch-and-Bound algorithms are used to search a large space by discarding
particular branches to find optimal solution.Sparse linear algebra involves the data set having large density of
zeros.Graphical models are probabilistic models in which a graph expresses the conditional dependence structure between
random variables. These are commonly used in machines learning.
Unstructured grids are widely accepted in CFD because this gives us far more flexibility and computer resources are also
efficiently utilized.Finite state machine is set of interconnected states which transition between one another. It is widely
used in data mining.
Project Abstract
Group Members
Alina Alam [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-254]
Ayesha Bilquees [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-257]
Advisor Sir Tahir Azim Co Advisor Sir Faisal Khan
Ohana, meaning family, is a location based social mobile application that connects you with people around you, whatever your
location might be. It provides a platform for conveying information easily to people in a locality.
Sometimes people need information or want to convey information that is location specific For example:
 Is there anybody in SEECS that is an expert at Arduino?
 Desperately looking for the book “Distributed Design”. Anybody in hostel has it?
 Office closes at 5 pm today instead of 6. Security reasons.
Not everyone in a locality is an acquaintance, and it is infeasible for a person to talk to everyone in a locality at the same time.
Therefore, there is a need for easy and hassle free impersonal communication in a locality.
Ohana facilitates you in broadcasting your information to everyone in a user-defined radius. The information is dependent on the
user’s location and changes as the user changes his/her position.
Using the mobile application, you can browse and search through posts made by others in the same vicinity, comment on posts for
more information, make posts of your own and view posts by locating them on the built-in map. Posts can include text, photos and
hyperlinks, with future support for videos and auto-completion. Finally, the system achieves higher availability and scalability by
using high performance Amazon Cloud services, including EC2, S3, Elastic Beanstalk and RDS.
Project Abstract
Group Members
Alina Alam [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-254]
Ayesha Bilquees [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-257]
Advisor Sir Tahir Azim Co Advisor Sir Faisal Khan
Ohana, meaning family, is a location based social mobile application that connects you with people around you, whatever your
location might be. It provides a platform for conveying information easily to people in a locality.
Sometimes people need information or want to convey information that is location specific For example:
 Is there anybody in SEECS that is an expert at Arduino?
 Desperately looking for the book “Distributed Design”. Anybody in hostel has it?
 Office closes at 5 pm today instead of 6. Security reasons.
Not everyone in a locality is an acquaintance, and it is infeasible for a person to talk to everyone in a locality at the same time.
Therefore, there is a need for easy and hassle free impersonal communication in a locality.
Ohana facilitates you in broadcasting your information to everyone in a user-defined radius. The information is dependent on the
user’s location and changes as the user changes his/her position.
Using the mobile application, you can browse and search through posts made by others in the same vicinity, comment on posts for
more information, make posts of your own and view posts by locating them on the built-in map. Posts can include text, photos and
hyperlinks, with future support for videos and auto-completion. Finally, the system achieves higher availability and scalability by
using high performance Amazon Cloud services, including EC2, S3, Elastic Beanstalk and RDS.
Biometric Vaccination Record Management System
Group Members
Faizan Khan [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-211]
Mariam Farrukh [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-271]
Advisor Dr. Muhammad Murtaza Khan Co Advisor Dr. Awais Kamboh.
Project Abstract
Today, information regarding vaccinations is recorded on a register and stored somewhere in a Government office.
This data is virtually inaccessible for later use for analysis or health policy making. Our system; comprising of a
smartphone, a server and a web portal, allows the healthcare provider to use a fingerprint scanner connected to a
smartphone to collect the patients’ identification information, fingerprints and picture. The app then creates a
template for the fingerprint using a dynamic growth model in case of infants and toddlers; amalgamates this data
and sends it out to the server. Vaccination information can then be added to this profile at any stage later on.
The server processes, stores, and manages this data, and makes it available for effective representation on a web
portal. Using this data and google maps API, our portal creates an overlay of information corresponding to each
district of Pakistan. This would be invaluable if used by the Govt. to improve the effectiveness of current
vaccination programs; reducing child mortality rates and improving health in general. Moreover, vaccination data
can be integrated with national identification smart cards for individual usage.
Biometric Vaccination Record Management System
Group Members
Faizan Khan [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-211]
Mariam Farrukh [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-271]
Advisor Dr. Muhammad Murtaza Khan Co Advisor Dr. Awais Kamboh.
Project Abstract
Today, information regarding vaccinations is recorded on a register and stored somewhere in a Government office.
This data is virtually inaccessible for later use for analysis or health policy making. Our system; comprising of a
smartphone, a server and a web portal, allows the healthcare provider to use a fingerprint scanner connected to a
smartphone to collect the patients’ identification information, fingerprints and picture. The app then creates a
template for the fingerprint using a dynamic growth model in case of infants and toddlers; amalgamates this data
and sends it out to the server. Vaccination information can then be added to this profile at any stage later on.
The server processes, stores, and manages this data, and makes it available for effective representation on a web
portal. Using this data and google maps API, our portal creates an overlay of information corresponding to each
district of Pakistan. This would be invaluable if used by the Govt. to improve the effectiveness of current
vaccination programs; reducing child mortality rates and improving health in general. Moreover, vaccination data
can be integrated with national identification smart cards for individual usage.
Best personal ad-hoc network to get your queries solved
Group Members
Ammarah Tauheed [2010-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-281]
Maryam Tauheed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-272]
Advisor Dr Nauman Qureshi Co Advisor Sir Fahad Satti.
Project Abstract
A personal ad hoc network is devised for the users to get trusted views and opinions through an application named
“TrustedHelp”. The basic purpose to build this application is to facilitate the user in approaching the opinions of his
trusted ones regarding any field (including a category, subcategory or instance). Furthermore, the user needs not to
search the entire comment sections to find the review of his interest rather they are categorized clearly. The users
have an option to categorize the contact list into groups like friends, family or colleagues. This grouping is done to
ensure the privacy for certain questions i.e. visible for some users of the application. It provides the users with
notifications that can be set to be given for some particular users like friends, family or colleagues. Features like
most popular instances and profile settings have also been implemented.
A website has been developed to maintain the data efficiently. The admin controls it and maintains a timely report
about the users and performance of application. Other users can also access the website and provide their valuable
comments and feedback.
Best personal ad-hoc network to get your queries solved
Group Members
Ammarah Tauheed [2010-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-281]
Maryam Tauheed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-272]
Advisor Dr Nauman Qureshi Co Advisor Sir Fahad Satti.
Project Abstract
A personal ad hoc network is devised for the users to get trusted views and opinions through an application named
“TrustedHelp”. The basic purpose to build this application is to facilitate the user in approaching the opinions of his
trusted ones regarding any field (including a category, subcategory or instance). Furthermore, the user needs not to
search the entire comment sections to find the review of his interest rather they are categorized clearly. The users
have an option to categorize the contact list into groups like friends, family or colleagues. This grouping is done to
ensure the privacy for certain questions i.e. visible for some users of the application. It provides the users with
notifications that can be set to be given for some particular users like friends, family or colleagues. Features like
most popular instances and profile settings have also been implemented.
A website has been developed to maintain the data efficiently. The admin controls it and maintains a timely report
about the users and performance of application. Other users can also access the website and provide their valuable
comments and feedback.
City Informer - The local roads information hub
Group Members
Abdul Saboor [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-201]
M Abdur Rehman Farooqi [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-227]
Umair Javaid[2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-247]
Advisor Shamyl Bin Mansoor Co Advisor Dr. Hamid Mukhtar.
Project Abstract
Social City Informer is a crowd-sourced road traffic community platform for highly populated metropolitans. It
transforms the way citizens reach their destinations, by allowing the community to share real-time traffic updates
with each other.
As a passion project, Social City Informer solves a problem we face on a daily basis. Unexpected events like major
road accidents, construction work, protests and rallies, etc. significantly disrupt the flow of traffic, making the daily
rush hour commute a major headache. To make the situation worse, these conditions, along with their severity,
change on an irregular basis.
Built as a responsive mobile web app that works on all modern smartphone and tablet platforms including iOS,
Android, and Windows Phone, Social City Informer practically targets every citizen. Citizens are encouraged to
share traffic conditions through the app including their type, and severity. These events are then publicly shared
through the platform using Google Maps API. Using this knowledge, traffic may be diverted to less congested roads
and highways using the route suggestion module.
City Informer - The local roads information hub
Group Members
Abdul Saboor [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-201]
M Abdur Rehman Farooqi [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-227]
Umair Javaid[2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-247]
Advisor Shamyl Bin Mansoor Co Advisor Dr. Hamid Mukhtar.
Project Abstract
Social City Informer is a crowd-sourced road traffic community platform for highly populated metropolitans. It
transforms the way citizens reach their destinations, by allowing the community to share real-time traffic updates
with each other.
As a passion project, Social City Informer solves a problem we face on a daily basis. Unexpected events like major
road accidents, construction work, protests and rallies, etc. significantly disrupt the flow of traffic, making the daily
rush hour commute a major headache. To make the situation worse, these conditions, along with their severity,
change on an irregular basis.
Built as a responsive mobile web app that works on all modern smartphone and tablet platforms including iOS,
Android, and Windows Phone, Social City Informer practically targets every citizen. Citizens are encouraged to
share traffic conditions through the app including their type, and severity. These events are then publicly shared
through the platform using Google Maps API. Using this knowledge, traffic may be diverted to less congested roads
and highways using the route suggestion module.
Filmr-A Movie Recommendation Engine
Group Members
Mahrukh Anwari [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-270]
Muhammad Haseeb Javed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-233]
Usman Amjed[2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-249]
Advisor Faisal Khan Co Advisor Tahir Azim
Project Abstract
Filmr is a movie recommendation engine designed to provide movie and film enthusiasts with a personalized set of
'what to watch next' suggestions based on their mood, sense and style of humor, in addition to basic filters like your
favorite genre, actor, era, etc.
Our iOS app finds its competitive edge in the form of a fast autocomplete feature to assist users in narrowing down
their search for their next movie. The search request is processed by our servers, where the recommendation
engine finds the intersection of the user's parameters. The recommendations are displayed prioritized on basis of
the original film's popularity. On receiving the recommendations, the user may choose to learn more about each
recommendation before they sit down with a popcorn bucket to watch their next favorite movie.
Filmr is built using cutting-edge technology and tool set. The front-end is developed using Swift, Cocoa Touch for
iOS, while the server employs part of the MEAN stack - MongoDB (NoSQL), and Node.js - hosted on Amazon EC2.
Our system database is populated using TMBD - a user-curated open-source movie database. Our recommendation
engine utilizes this technology stack to provide high-quality movie recommendations.
Filmr-A Movie Recommendation Engine
Group Members
Mahrukh Anwari [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-270]
Muhammad Haseeb Javed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-233]
Usman Amjed[2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-249]
Advisor Faisal Khan Co Advisor Tahir Azim
Project Abstract
Filmr is a movie recommendation engine designed to provide movie and film enthusiasts with a personalized set of
'what to watch next' suggestions based on their mood, sense and style of humor, in addition to basic filters like your
favorite genre, actor, era, etc.
Our iOS app finds its competitive edge in the form of a fast autocomplete feature to assist users in narrowing down
their search for their next movie. The search request is processed by our servers, where the recommendation
engine finds the intersection of the user's parameters. The recommendations are displayed prioritized on basis of
the original film's popularity. On receiving the recommendations, the user may choose to learn more about each
recommendation before they sit down with a popcorn bucket to watch their next favorite movie.
Filmr is built using cutting-edge technology and tool set. The front-end is developed using Swift, Cocoa Touch for
iOS, while the server employs part of the MEAN stack - MongoDB (NoSQL), and Node.js - hosted on Amazon EC2.
Our system database is populated using TMBD - a user-curated open-source movie database. Our recommendation
engine utilizes this technology stack to provide high-quality movie recommendations.
VR Vision Therapy (using Virtual Reality (VR) to cure Amblyopia)
Group Members
Ahmed Ashraf [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-206]
Shafaq Bashir [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-283]
Syed Usman Kaleem[2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-246]
Advisor Dr. Muddassir Malik
Co Advisor Shamyl Bin Mansoor
Project Abstract
Merging two key domains, Virtual Reality & Healthcare, we are working on development of Optometric Vision
Therapy Platform, which is an individualized, supervised & non-surgical treatment program designed to correct eye
movements and visual-motor deficiencies. This project aims at creating a virtual reality game, specifically designed
to help amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (crossed eye) patients using an android smartphone & affordable
Virtual Reality Equipment. It will allow patients to train their vision just by playing a game, enhancing their
perception of the 3D space around them.
VR Vision Therapy (using Virtual Reality (VR) to cure Amblyopia)
Group Members
Ahmed Ashraf [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-206]
Shafaq Bashir [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-283]
Syed Usman Kaleem[2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-246]
Advisor Dr. Muddassir Malik
Co Advisor Shamyl Bin Mansoor
Project Abstract
Merging two key domains, Virtual Reality & Healthcare, we are working on development of Optometric Vision
Therapy Platform, which is an individualized, supervised & non-surgical treatment program designed to correct eye
movements and visual-motor deficiencies. This project aims at creating a virtual reality game, specifically designed
to help amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (crossed eye) patients using an android smartphone & affordable
Virtual Reality Equipment. It will allow patients to train their vision just by playing a game, enhancing their
perception of the 3D space around them.
Indoor navigation using BLE beacons
Group Members
Areeba Irfan [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-255]
Hadia Malik [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-261]
Natasha Kiran [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-277]
Advisor: Dr. Peter Bloodsworth Co Advisor: Mr Shamyl Mansoor
Project Abstract
We have implemented an intelligent Indoor Positioning System by employing Bluetooth Low Energy technology
with Raspberry Pi devices to make low-powered, low-cost transmitters communicating with android app providing
a range of positioning services to both, the organizers and the attendees of that event. A positive new experience to
indoor navigation for attendees by achieving the goal of user accessing useful information according to his current
surrounding via a mobile app efficiently connecting to mesh network.
Hence solution we are presenting enables a smart phone, any android device (BLE enabled) to perform actions
when in close proximity to any of beacon and help a phone show notifications of items nearby and deployment of
mesh network(WI-FI and socket programming) of Pi’s for routing and processing of information.
This Project is an integration of Android application, BLE GATT protocol, Node.js, and Socket Programming.
As for demo to our proposed solution we are providing its services at “OPEN HOUSE NUST 2015” where attendees
will be facilitated by being able to access information related to projects they are currently standing nearby and as
they will move data will change seamlessly, they can rate projects, can get notified by organizers and as an add on
feature there is “panic button” if pressed by any user, aid is to be instantly sent to that location where that beacon
has detected signal for help.
Indoor navigation using BLE beacons
Group Members
Areeba Irfan [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-255]
Hadia Malik [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-261]
Natasha Kiran [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-277]
Advisor: Dr. Peter Bloodsworth Co Advisor: Mr Shamyl Mansoor
Project Abstract
We have implemented an intelligent Indoor Positioning System by employing Bluetooth Low Energy technology
with Raspberry Pi devices to make low-powered, low-cost transmitters communicating with android app providing
a range of positioning services to both, the organizers and the attendees of that event. A positive new experience to
indoor navigation for attendees by achieving the goal of user accessing useful information according to his current
surrounding via a mobile app efficiently connecting to mesh network.
Hence solution we are presenting enables a smart phone, any android device (BLE enabled) to perform actions
when in close proximity to any of beacon and help a phone show notifications of items nearby and deployment of
mesh network(WI-FI and socket programming) of Pi’s for routing and processing of information.
This Project is an integration of Android application, BLE GATT protocol, Node.js, and Socket Programming.
As for demo to our proposed solution we are providing its services at “OPEN HOUSE NUST 2015” where attendees
will be facilitated by being able to access information related to projects they are currently standing nearby and as
they will move data will change seamlessly, they can rate projects, can get notified by organizers and as an add on
feature there is “panic button” if pressed by any user, aid is to be instantly sent to that location where that beacon
has detected signal for help.
“DiaOc” Predict / detect Diabetic retinopathy and hypertension
Group Members
Komal Khan [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-267]
Muddasser Hussain [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-225]
Saba Sarwar[2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-280]
Advisor Dr. Rafia Mumtaz Co Advisor Dr. Suleman Jaffar
Project Abstract
DiaOc is a portable, low cost and sophisticated device having a smartphone application and an adapter to capture
fundus image which facilitates doctors and patients in automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy.
We are targeting first stage of diabetic retinopathy namely non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPR). Prominent
symptoms for NPR include hemorrhages, microaneurysms, and hard exudates. Automatic detection of these
symptoms is time consuming and demands huge concentration. We heavily used morphological operations, Gabor
filter, edge detection, and Hough transforms among many other image processing techniques. Accuracy of our
proposed algorithm is above 80% which is estimated using Receiver operating characteristics.
Recent studies have shown that undiagnosed Diabetes and related retinopathy due to virtually non-existent
primary eye care centers are common in the general population and is associated with impaired visual status of the
community, especially in the third world countries like Pakistan, where resources are limited and budgetary
allocation to health is inadequate.
There are two main components of our project. Hardware component; designed to provide alignment and
illumination to facilitate fundus photography through smartphone camera and second one software component,
comprising smartphone application and server which performs image processing on fundus image.
This project is in collaboration with Shifa School of Medicine.
“DiaOc” Predict / detect Diabetic retinopathy and hypertension
Group Members
Komal Khan [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-267]
Muddasser Hussain [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-225]
Saba Sarwar[2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-280]
Advisor Dr. Rafia Mumtaz Co Advisor Dr. Suleman Jaffar
Project Abstract
DiaOc is a portable, low cost and sophisticated device having a smartphone application and an adapter to capture
fundus image which facilitates doctors and patients in automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy.
We are targeting first stage of diabetic retinopathy namely non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPR). Prominent
symptoms for NPR include hemorrhages, microaneurysms, and hard exudates. Automatic detection of these
symptoms is time consuming and demands huge concentration. We heavily used morphological operations, Gabor
filter, edge detection, and Hough transforms among many other image processing techniques. Accuracy of our
proposed algorithm is above 80% which is estimated using Receiver operating characteristics.
Recent studies have shown that undiagnosed Diabetes and related retinopathy due to virtually non-existent
primary eye care centers are common in the general population and is associated with impaired visual status of the
community, especially in the third world countries like Pakistan, where resources are limited and budgetary
allocation to health is inadequate.
There are two main components of our project. Hardware component; designed to provide alignment and
illumination to facilitate fundus photography through smartphone camera and second one software component,
comprising smartphone application and server which performs image processing on fundus image.
This project is in collaboration with Shifa School of Medicine.
“Hephaestus” 3-D Canvas using Kinect and 3D Printing
Group Members
Fahd Arshad [2010-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-232]
Hassan Mehmood [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-218]
Muhammad Fauzan Raza [2010-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-249]
Advisor Shamyl Bin Mansoor Co Advisor Muhammad Muddassir Malik
Project Abstract
With Hephaestus, we provide users with a 3D canvas to manipulate objects in. The user can use gestures to interact
with the objects on the screen. No contact is required to make the shapes. The motion of the user's hands are
detected by Microsoft's Kinect and this is translated into input for the brushes.
Hephaestus offers an array of brushes totalling 10. These include 'Inflate', 'Drag', 'Smoothen', 'Flatten', 'Paint' and
'Crease' to name some. Moreover, users can also select from 11 'skins' or textures. '3D' files, formats like '.ply', '.obj'
or '.stl', may also be imported and altered.
Models or sculptures created with Hephaestus can be exported in '.ply', '.obj' or '.stl' format so that users can get
their models printed with a 3D printer. The sculptures that are created can be brought from the digital world into
the 'real world' and users can actually showcase or use these models.
Hephaestus can be used by people of all ages and having differing familiarity with technology due to its
intuitiveness. Although, it is intended to be used as an entertainment product it can nonetheless, be used by
professionals as a technical tool.
“Hephaestus” 3-D Canvas using Kinect and 3D Printing
Group Members
Fahd Arshad [2010-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-232]
Hassan Mehmood [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-218]
Muhammad Fauzan Raza [2010-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-249]
Advisor Shamyl Bin Mansoor Co Advisor Muhammad Muddassir Malik
Project Abstract
With Hephaestus, we provide users with a 3D canvas to manipulate objects in. The user can use gestures to interact
with the objects on the screen. No contact is required to make the shapes. The motion of the user's hands are
detected by Microsoft's Kinect and this is translated into input for the brushes.
Hephaestus offers an array of brushes totalling 10. These include 'Inflate', 'Drag', 'Smoothen', 'Flatten', 'Paint' and
'Crease' to name some. Moreover, users can also select from 11 'skins' or textures. '3D' files, formats like '.ply', '.obj'
or '.stl', may also be imported and altered.
Models or sculptures created with Hephaestus can be exported in '.ply', '.obj' or '.stl' format so that users can get
their models printed with a 3D printer. The sculptures that are created can be brought from the digital world into
the 'real world' and users can actually showcase or use these models.
Hephaestus can be used by people of all ages and having differing familiarity with technology due to its
intuitiveness. Although, it is intended to be used as an entertainment product it can nonetheless, be used by
professionals as a technical tool.
CRATER: A Crowd Sensing Application To Estimate Road
Group Members
Faria Kalim [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-259]
Hamza Naveed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-214]
Advisor Dr. Usman Ilyas Co Advisor Dr. Tahir Azim
Project Abstract
We have designed and developed a smartphone application that measures shocks and vibrations when it finds
itself on the road in order to map and measure the locations of potholes and speed breakers. Simultaneously, it also
measures the vehicle’s speed in order to measure traffic congestion as a function of the number of users at a
particular location and their speed relative to free flow conditions (when there is no congestion). The application
does not require any input from its user and reports measurements to an Azure hosted application which stores
data from cellphones of all users and jointly processes this data to obtain a better and more complete estimate of
road conditions and traffic congestion. This information is published on separate maps that is made publicly
available via our website that allows citizens and municipal authorities alike to spot potholes, road segments in
need of repair, congestion hubs, and imbalances in infrastructure maintenance efforts across cities. If the
municipality has data of approved and legally constructed speed bumps, it is able to identify all others as illegally
CRATER: A Crowd Sensing Application To Estimate Road
Group Members
Faria Kalim [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-259]
Hamza Naveed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-214]
Advisor Dr. Usman Ilyas Co Advisor Dr. Tahir Azim
Project Abstract
We have designed and developed a smartphone application that measures shocks and vibrations when it finds
itself on the road in order to map and measure the locations of potholes and speed breakers. Simultaneously, it also
measures the vehicle’s speed in order to measure traffic congestion as a function of the number of users at a
particular location and their speed relative to free flow conditions (when there is no congestion). The application
does not require any input from its user and reports measurements to an Azure hosted application which stores
data from cellphones of all users and jointly processes this data to obtain a better and more complete estimate of
road conditions and traffic congestion. This information is published on separate maps that is made publicly
available via our website that allows citizens and municipal authorities alike to spot potholes, road segments in
need of repair, congestion hubs, and imbalances in infrastructure maintenance efforts across cities. If the
municipality has data of approved and legally constructed speed bumps, it is able to identify all others as illegally
“HealthHub ” Clinical Lab Data Network
Group Members
Sidra Javed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-284]
Sundus Mariya [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-285]
Syeda Saher Gul [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-287]
Advisor Dr. Khalid Latif Co Advisor Dr. Hamid Mukhtar
Project Abstract
HealthHub is a web based solution that intends to revolutionize the way report sharing works by bridging the gap
between doctors, laboratories and patients. The project replaces the shortcomings of the conventional manual
report sharing process and systems operating in isolation which are rendered as inefficient, slow and resource
consuming in this contemporary technologically advanced world.
The solution works in a way that partner clinical labs transmit the lab reports to HealthHub and once these reports
are on our system, patients can share these reports with their doctors using smartphones. Both the patient and
doctor can view interactive diagnostic reports from various laboratories on their phone or the web platform
without a need to carry printed versions. Doctors can also provide feedback on shared reports and the patient is
immediately notified.
Apart from making the sharing process efficient, separate profiles of the patients, doctors and laboratories are
maintained to streamline the record-keeping process. The patient’s report history is maintained online that is
accessible everywhere and anytime. This online record maintenance would allow doctors to take quick and
effective decisions.
“HealthHub ” Clinical Lab Data Network
Group Members
Sidra Javed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-284]
Sundus Mariya [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-285]
Syeda Saher Gul [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-287]
Advisor Dr. Khalid Latif Co Advisor Dr. Hamid Mukhtar
Project Abstract
HealthHub is a web based solution that intends to revolutionize the way report sharing works by bridging the gap
between doctors, laboratories and patients. The project replaces the shortcomings of the conventional manual
report sharing process and systems operating in isolation which are rendered as inefficient, slow and resource
consuming in this contemporary technologically advanced world.
The solution works in a way that partner clinical labs transmit the lab reports to HealthHub and once these reports
are on our system, patients can share these reports with their doctors using smartphones. Both the patient and
doctor can view interactive diagnostic reports from various laboratories on their phone or the web platform
without a need to carry printed versions. Doctors can also provide feedback on shared reports and the patient is
immediately notified.
Apart from making the sharing process efficient, separate profiles of the patients, doctors and laboratories are
maintained to streamline the record-keeping process. The patient’s report history is maintained online that is
accessible everywhere and anytime. This online record maintenance would allow doctors to take quick and
effective decisions.
Implementing dynamic geometry and improving visualization of the tracker team of
data quality monitoring, CMS group CERN
Group Members
Syed Hassan Jalil [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-245]
Uridah Sami Ahmed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-289]
Advisor Dr. Hamid Mukhtar Co Advisor Dr. Tomas Hreus – CERN
Project Abstract
CERN, being the largest particle physics laboratory of the world is doing a lot of work in nuclear research. It
contains and supports the infrastructure which is used to perform a large number of many different experiments
for physics research. Although, the instruments used at CERN are very advanced and are regularly updated and
maintained. But, this is not the case with their software systems. Their systems are static and need a lot of manual
work like manually combining trend plots and writing new code for each upgrade of Tracker Detector.
Our purpose is to improve visualization in their trend plots and make them dynamic so that after every certain
period of time, when the tracker experts need to check on the performance of tracker and shift in trends, they do
not have to manually recreate plots to identify the changes. HDQM is a dedicated application which will take input
of selected quantities and dynamically bring data to display selected period of runs which will help Tracker experts
in identification of trends.
Moreover, to display and convey the information at the module granularity in the Data Quality Monitoring (DQM)
GUI in an intuitive way, we made feasibility study of implementing plots with polygonal bins using ROOT analysis
framework. Using TH2Poly histograms, spatial representation of each module reflects its real position and allow to
identify and locate it much easier. This will eventually help in implementing geometry-independent DQM code.
Improving Visualization of Trend Plots and Implementing Module level plots in
Tracker DQM
Group Members
Syed Hassan Jalil [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-245]
Uridah Sami Ahmed [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-289]
Advisor Dr. Hamid Mukhtar Co Advisor Dr. Tomas Hreus – CERN
Project Abstract
CERN, being the largest particle physics laboratory of the world is doing a lot of work in nuclear research. It
contains and supports the infrastructure which is used to perform a large number of many different experiments
for physics research. Although, the instruments used at CERN are very advanced and are regularly updated and
maintained. But, this is not the case with their software systems. Their systems are static and need a lot of manual
work like manually combining trend plots and writing new code for each upgrade of Tracker Detector.
Our purpose is to improve visualization in their trend plots and make them dynamic so that after every certain
period of time, when the tracker experts need to check on the performance of tracker and shift in trends, they do
not have to manually recreate plots to identify the changes. HDQM is a dedicated application which will take input
of selected quantities and dynamically bring data to display selected period of runs which will help Tracker experts
in identification of trends.
Moreover, to display and convey the information at the module granularity in the Data Quality Monitoring (DQM)
GUI in an intuitive way, we made feasibility study of implementing plots with polygonal bins using ROOT analysis
framework. Using TH2Poly histograms, spatial representation of each module reflects its real position and allow to
identify and locate it much easier. This will eventually help in implementing geometry-independent DQM code.
SocioSent: Location and sentiment based social media
Group Members
Abdullah Irfan Ali [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-202]
Adeel Shahzad [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-204]
Mehroze Zahid[2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-223]
Muhammad Haroon Arshad[2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-232
Advisor Dr. Tahir Azim Co Advisor Faisal Khan.
Project Abstract
Data Analytics is the science of extracting meaningful information from large amounts of seemingly meaningless
data. This information in turn helps to monitor trends, predict outcomes and model business decisions based on
facts. Our work is based on the subfield of Sentiment Analysis and Location Estimation. Using machine learning
algorithms and natural language processing, we have created a tool that allows businesses to perform sentiment
analysis and location estimation on social network data.
Our software fetches live data from Twitter and passes it through several stages of processing to extract sentiment
and other accompanying attributes related to the data that are relevant to businesses. After the cleaning and spam
removal phase, our sentiment classification algorithm not only assigns sentiment to the text as a whole (as done by
other solutions), it is also able to extract topics within a post and the specific sentiments associated with those
topics, so that we can see the main features of the entity which are responsible for the assigned sentiment.
Moreover, as various consumer demographics are also necessary for a complete analysis we provide a unique
algorithm that estimates the location of the user within 80 miles in up to 55% of the cases, even though geotags are
available in less than 1% of tweets. This, coupled with our topic based sentiment analysis and other statistics, are
presented using relevant visualizations in our tool, providing a complete solution for anyone seeking to extract
opinion from social media.
SocioSent: Location and sentiment based social media
Group Members
Abdullah Irfan Ali [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-202]
Adeel Shahzad [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-204]
Mehroze Zahid[2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-223]
Muhammad Haroon Arshad[2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-232
Advisor Dr. Tahir Azim Co Advisor Faisal Khan.
Project Abstract
Data Analytics is the science of extracting meaningful information from large amounts of seemingly meaningless
data. This information in turn helps to monitor trends, predict outcomes and model business decisions based on
facts. Our work is based on the subfield of Sentiment Analysis and Location Estimation. Using machine learning
algorithms and natural language processing, we have created a tool that allows businesses to perform sentiment
analysis and location estimation on social network data.
Our software fetches live data from Twitter and passes it through several stages of processing to extract sentiment
and other accompanying attributes related to the data that are relevant to businesses. After the cleaning and spam
removal phase, our sentiment classification algorithm not only assigns sentiment to the text as a whole (as done by
other solutions), it is also able to extract topics within a post and the specific sentiments associated with those
topics, so that we can see the main features of the entity which are responsible for the assigned sentiment.
Moreover, as various consumer demographics are also necessary for a complete analysis we provide a unique
algorithm that estimates the location of the user within 80 miles in up to 55% of the cases, even though geotags are
available in less than 1% of tweets. This, coupled with our topic based sentiment analysis and other statistics, are
presented using relevant visualizations in our tool, providing a complete solution for anyone seeking to extract
opinion from social media.
Visual tracking and analysis in sports
Group Members
Muhammad Aamir [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-226]
Abdur Rafay [2011-NUST-SEECS-CS-331]
Advisor Dr Asad Anwar Butt Co Advisor Dr. Murtaza Khan.
Project Abstract
Sports are becoming increasingly competitive, and are now more dependent on technology than ever before. The
manual system of checking the flaws in a team and its players is inefficient, prone to errors and not based on the
actual statistics. Digital coach is a computer vision based technique that can assist the coaching staff in making
more informed and better decisions to improve team strategy.
Digital Coach is the tool which is made for removing the deficiency which is present in the manual field hockey
coaching system. Detection of objects is the first part, in which different techniques of digital image processing will
be used to detect and collect accurate result. After detection of the objects in the frames, the next step would be
tracking of the objects in whole video. The trajectories of the various players can then be plotted to analyze
individual and team performances.
The project aims at achieve high accuracy in the detection and tracking, so we can contribute our work in the field
of detection and tracking of moving objects, especially in field hockey. This information will help in analyzing the
data to improve the performance of team.
Visual tracking and analysis in sports
Group Members
Muhammad Aamir [2011-NUST-SEECS-BE-SE-226]
Abdur Rafay [2011-NUST-SEECS-CS-331]
Advisor Dr Asad Anwar Butt Co Advisor Dr. Murtaza Khan.
Project Abstract
Sports are becoming increasingly competitive, and are now more dependent on technology than ever before. The
manual system of checking the flaws in a team and its players is inefficient, prone to errors and not based on the
actual statistics. Digital coach is a computer vision based technique that can assist the coaching staff in making
more informed and better decisions to improve team strategy.
Digital Coach is the tool which is made for removing the deficiency which is present in the manual field hockey
coaching system. Detection of objects is the first part, in which different techniques of digital image processing will
be used to detect and collect accurate result. After detection of the objects in the frames, the next step would be
tracking of the objects in whole video. The trajectories of the various players can then be plotted to analyze
individual and team performances.
The project aims at achieve high accuracy in the detection and tracking, so we can contribute our work in the field
of detection and tracking of moving objects, especially in field hockey. This information will help in analyzing the
data to improve the performance of team.