PSS 63: Industrial Energy Efficiency â Case Studies on Integrative
PSS 63: Industrial Energy Efficiency â Case Studies on Integrative
PSS 63: Industrial Energy Efficiency – Case Studies on Integrative Design and Air-conditioning Systems on 30 March ABOUT THE SPEAKERS Vinod Kesava Climate Resources Exchange (2014) Pte Ltd Co-Founder, MD & CEO Vinod is currently pioneering the next wave of products and services for the mitigation and adaptation to catastrophic climate change. He believes in the ‘Power to the People’ approach with both businesses and individuals taking action instead of waiting for binding treaties and agreements between countries to come about before anything is done. Vinod is the principal founder and CEO of Climate Resources Exchange (CRX). A pioneer in the carbon markets, Vinod leads a team of highly-qualified professionals in uniquely structuring VCS gold standard projects from both the carbon finance and project finance angles. CRX is in the process of developing new climate and sustainable development products and services. Vinod previously led The GreenAsia Group (TGAG) forward with a new approach in sustainable solutions through a Priority Rated Integrated Solutions Matrix (PRISM). This initiative provided a platform for clients to move on energy efficient solutions through collaborative stakeholder involvement from design charrettes. It provided a vehicle to monitor performance and continuously assess system efficiencies. Vinod was Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director of TGAG, ensuring that establishments and developments achieved maximum sustainability through an integrative design approach. He believes that a combination of energy efficient and renewable energy strategies added with a product of water and waste management, are essential in combating catastrophic climate change. Vinod was co-founder of the Asia Carbon Group of Companies. Between 2003 to 2007, he invented, developed and implemented the world's first Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) focused emissions exchange. He was the principal architect of Asia Carbon Exchange's unique auction system for emission reductions, recognised by market leaders as the primary instrument responsible for transparency and price discovery. He founded and designed the principal of the Asia Carbon Asset Development Facility (AcaDF) to fund CDM cycles for projects. He has gone on to develop over 100 CDM projects valued at over 200 million euros. Steven Kang Measurement & Verification Pte Ltd Business Development Director Steven is a graduate of the National University of Singapore with an honours degree in mechanical engineering. He also holds a Graduate Diploma in Marketing from the Marketing Institute of Singapore. Steven is qualified as a Certified Green Mark Professional, a Certified BCA Energy Auditor, Singapore Certified Energy Manager, US Certified Energy Manager (US AEE), LEED Accredited Professional (USGBC) and Six Sigma Black Belt (American Standard) holder. He has extensive experience in the heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC-R) industry, from sales management to six sigma, engineering applications and business development of energy services in Asia. Steven started his career as a Mechanical Engineer at Singapore’s Public Works Department. Before joining Measurement & Verification, he was Business Development Director at Trane as well as Johnson Controls, where he spearheaded several energy solution initiatives. Steven travels extensively throughout Asia to help design and implement high efficiency HVAC systems. He conducts in-depth training on HVAC design and optimisation for ESCOs, consultants and building owners throughout Asia. He is a designated Energy Model Assessor for Green Mark certification and a trainer for both Singapore Green Mark and Singapore Certified Energy Manager courses. Steven has been involved in the design of hyper-efficient HVAC system for Platinum-rated Green Buildings and has been invited to sit in their advisory committees. He has spoken at various forums on HVAC designs, energy optimisation and green buildings. He has also spearheaded innovative research in energy efficiency in several government-funded R&D projects. Appointed as Ambassador for Singapore’s Building Construction Authority, he sits on the committees of Singapore Energy Auditor Certification, Singapore Standard on Chiller Plant Measurement and Verification (SS591), as well as Singapore Standard on Air-conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings (SS553). In addition, he was in the technical review committee of Vietnam Green Building Council’s Sustainable Building Assessment System. Lee Eng Lock Measurement & Verification Pte Ltd Vice Chairman Lee Eng Lock is known globally for his singular contribution to energy efficient cleanroom and building design. He has been designing and building electrical and mechanical systems for the past two decades. His expertise in the design of cleanrooms for multi-national high technology companies is well known. Eng Lock’s accomplishments include the design of over 100 commercial and industrial projects. He has developed several building energy software products and is an expert in super-high accuracy building monitoring. Eng Lock is a featured speaker at conferences throughout the world. In August 2012, Eng Lock was awarded the prestigious Champion of Energy Efficiency Award by the American Council for an Energy-Efficiency Economy (ACEEE). In his nomination of Eng Lock, Amory Lovins, Cofounder, Chairman and Chief Scientist of Rocky Mountain Institute wrote, “In my view, HVAC design divides into two eras: BL (Before Lee) and AL (After Lee), so revolutionary has been his impact on how the best mechanical designers think and work. Mechanical design will never be the same. The slow fuse is lit, and the change is irreversible, thanks to the irresistible power of his ideas.” Eng Lock is a pioneer of super-efficient designs of cleanrooms, hotels and office buildings. He routinely designs electrical and mechanical systems that use half the energy of standard buildings. Examples include an office/hotel high-rise project that achieved 56% savings; a Pacific Gas and Electric commercial office demonstration project that achieved over 70% savings; and a clean room facility that achieved 53% savings. In new buildings, Eng Lock’s optimised approach has resulted in lower equipment and construction costs. Eng Lock has given workshops on energy-efficient wafer fabs and clean rooms for leading semiconductor companies in Japan, Taiwan and the USA. He has lectured on measurement, data visualisation and energy efficiency for utilities, national research labs, universities and government agencies in the USA. Supersymmetry was given the 1996 Association of Energy Engineers (USA) award for Energy Project of the Year for a disk drive factory in Malaysia. Eng Lock has performed reviews and audits for clients in Japan, USA, France, Italy, Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore. Eng Lock has taken a special interest in energy software development. With Supersymmetry, he developed Electric Eye, a 3D data visualisation tool now used by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the University of California at Berkeley, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, British Colombia Buildings Corporation and Entergy. An energy monitoring and remote data collection software called Enerlyst was also developed by Eng Lock, specialising in high accuracy energy measurements. The use of web-based tools and systems for education, feedback, training, maintenance, benchmarking and others is now being extended to the hotel industry with the Grand Hyatt Singapore being the first in the world to commit to a ground-breaking project that has excited international support.