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1 $ 00 VOL. LXXIII, NO. 21 Newsbriefs Car wash to benefit team The Lake Roosevelt Raiders will hold a car wash Saturday from 11:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the NCNB bank parking lot. Go Raider, clean cars. Picnic date changed A community-type picnic for Coulee Dam and Elmer City residents scheduled for Aug. 24, has been rescheduled for Sept. 21, organizer Gloria Carroll said Monday. The delay will allow more candidates in the local election to attend, she said. Purpose of the gathering is to give residents of the two towns an opportunity to know each other better, and for candidates in the mayoral and city council races to have an opportunity to speak. The potluck get together will be held at Douglas Park in Coulee Dam, beginning at noon. Residents of the two two are invited, as well as other interested parties. SERVING THE GRAND COULEE DAM AREA, WASHINGTON STATE State won’t fund smaller sewer plant project by Roger S. Lucas Coulee Dam’s wastewater treatment project is apparently dead, at least for now. The town’s plan to build a $4.92 million plant was derailed by objections from town residents, and the council’s decision to go for a less expensive first phase was shot down by the state Department of Ecology. Council members appeared stunned last Wednesday night when a letter from the DOE, the lending agency, stated that the town’s interest in a scaled down project was denied. “To change the scope of a funded project after it has gone through a statewide competitive process of scoring and ranking, Ecology must make a determination of how the new proposal might have fared during that previous ranking process,” DOE Water Quality Section Manager Charlie McKinney explained in a letter. “This is a subjective decision and it can be questioned and challenged by entities that did not receive an award because they were ranked below the cutoff for available funding.” McKinney went on to say: “In Coulee Dam’s case it is questionable that an application based on the phased project would have scored as high as the original application, and possibly not high enough to be ranked within the list of funded projects.” The town council awaits a full explanation of the denial from the DOE, forthcoming in a few days. Activist Greg Wilder, whose opposition to the way Coulee Dam has planned the project, is a candidate for mayor. He has maintained all along that the town’s engineering firm, Gray & Osborne, didn’t do an alternative analysis of the project, determining if the location and scope of the wastewater treatment plant proposal was what the towns being served needed, or even wanted. Wilder has suggested that a possible relocation of the plant site might allow a regional approach to the wastewater treatment need, Radio free coulee The town of Coulee Dam voted last Wednesday to allow Mt. Tolman Fire Center the use of its radio frequency so that it could have better communications between agencies and enhance mutual aid operations in the areas around and within a 15-mile radius of Coulee Dam. Pot moratorium extended Electric City council voted a 12-month extension of its moratorium on establishing marijuana gardens and dispensaries. A public hearing on the extension will be held at 5:45 p.m., Sept. 10, just 15 minutes before the city’s regular council meeting. Book signing planned for Saturday Arnie Marchand will have a book signing at the Colville Tribal Museum from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 24. He will sign his first book, “The Way I Heard It”, which retells stories from Okanogan County as you travel through time. The book includes stories of places and events in Indian Country. involving Elmer City and areas beyond. That has never been determined, Wilder stated to the council. A thorough alternative analysis would determine that, he has maintained all along. The next step for the council is to decide whether it wants to essentially start the process all over, and begin by ordering a comprehensive alternative analysis. This would clear the way on location, scope, and whether the plant should have regional possibilities. The decision to wait until the upcoming mayor’s race between Wilder and present Mayor Quincy Snow is concluded could provide some time for the issue to rest until the project can get a full review. Indian Health Services and the Colville Tribes have an interest in the project, but have stated that an alternatives analysis must be done before they would pursue participation. The town, in its request for an abbreviated project, stated that it would complete items in its tierone list, then do the rest of the project later. The DOE didn’t like this approach and stated: “The town’s recent proposal indicates the modified phased approach would also be more expensive in overall project costs from the original, approved project design. … all the deficiencies identified in the town’s wastewater facility plan should be addressed within one construction project.” Electric City citizens want water cleared by Roger S. Lucas Triathlon eyeing the future Dana Barkdull, of Trifreaks, is getting ready to stage the area’s 10th annual triathlon next month. The event takes about 150 volunteers to be successful, and reaching that number has been a perpetual problem in recent years. Barkdull said she has brought on the Spokane chapter of the USO as a sponsor and hopes to gain more volunteers from that association. How well the volunteer response goes this year will likely determine the future of the event, she said at a chamber of commerce luncheon in Grand Coulee Thursday. She would like to see the event worked into a “racecation” that draws families to the area for a week or more and encourages them to come back. Registrations are on track with last year’s levels, she noted, expecting about 325 athletes from as far away as Australia. AUGUST 21, 2013 Guiding girders in place A crane lowers the cap into place on the elementary school portion of the new K-12 school building project Monday. A worker at the top of the structure helps guide the girder in place. A number of activities, including pouring concrete, building the retaining wall, and getting the high school side of the project ready for steel framing, are all going on at the same time. — Roger S. Lucas photo Complaints of brown water and chlorine smells in Electric City’s water supply brought a large number of residents to the city council meeting Aug. 13. Lillian and Jay Sooter, of 103 Sunset Drive, questioned the city’s response to brown water from their tap and a smell of chlorine so strong that they had to use bottled water. Jay Sooter said the smell of chlorine was so bad that he couldn’t take his pills with city water. Ted Christianson, who also lives on Sunset, said he had to buy bottled water to drink and to cook with. He asked the council if the city was going to reimburse people for the expense of purchasing bottled water. Mayor Jerry Sands systematically took the 20 people who showed up through the ordeal the city has gone through with its arsenic treatment plant. The city has been trying to get its arsenic treatment plant on line for some time. At first the brown water problem was dismissed by the Department of Health, as they reassured the city that it was OK to drink. The city tried to sell that to local residents to no avail. Then the Department of Health shut the system down until the city could solve the problem. Workers found that a float in a settlement tank was partly to blame, and fixed it. The system was started up again but the problem persisted. It was a strange twist as some residents reported clear water with no chlorine smell, while others reported the opposite. Sands assured residents that a chemical reaction with the limited amount of chlorine used would eventually clear up. The city got trapped in putting in the million-dollar-plus arsenic treatment plant because its water would not meet the new federal drinking water standard. The feds had changed the threshold from 50 parts of arsenic per billion to 10 parts per billion. Electric City’s groundwater naturally runs from 13-17 parts per billion, just over the new standard. The city had pleaded for an exemption because tests were so close, but it was refused. Now some residents are upset and wonder how long the brown water and chlorine smell will continue. Chamber pitches aggressive Bank to close Friday tourism campaign by Roger S. Lucas Chamber of commerce Manager Peggy Nevsimal presented an aggressive promotion program for 2014 to the Electric City council last Tuesday night. Electric City, as well as Grand Coulee and Coulee Dam, finances part of the chamber’s tourism promotion activities with hotel/motel taxes collected for that purpose. Nevsimal outlined a $62,000 promotion schedule for the upcoming year, nearly double the chamber’s $34,000 promotional efforts in 2013. She pointed out that lodging establishments are 70 percent empty in the winter and 20 percent empty during the summer months. Part of the chamber’s aggressive plan is to shore up the shoulder season, during marginal occupancy months, and to help fill in midweek stays during July and August. The new plan includes all forms of media advertising — broadcast, print and Internet advertising and website development. Nevsimal pointed out that this year’s aggressive promotion of the Colorama Festival showed attendance and revenue increased of 27 percent. A Harvest Festival is being planned for Sept. 14, a new festival this year. Nevsimal will be making similar presentations to the Grand Coulee and Coulee Dam councils so they can get their participating contributions in their 2014 budgets. Bear visits town by Roger S. Lucas A bear that wandered into Coulee Dam caused a little excitement for occupants of the Columbia View Apartments and later for residents on Tilmus Street. Police got the call from dispatch center about a bear near the apartment complex, but when police got there it had moved on to Tilmus. Robert Loch, who resides at 1137 Tilmus, advised police that the bear was in his backyard. Police described the bear as a “large black bear.” Police were joined by a tribal officer who requested a tribal resource officer be called to deal with the bear. The resource officer then called Jarred Erickson, a dog handler with the Fish and Wildlife Department, to use his dogs to dispatch the bear. Erickson’s dogs chased the bear from the area. by Roger S. Lucas Bank of America will close its Coulee Dam branch at 4 p.m., Friday, Aug. 23. The move was announced by B of A some months ago. News that Washington Federal had purchased 51 of the branches being closed by Bank of America in the state brought temporary hope to local customers, but that was quickly dashed. The Bank of America ATM machine is also on the way out. A spokesman for the Duclos family, owners of the building, said Monday that the B of A machine will not remain. The office space is available for rent. Calls to Bank of America’s public information office have not been returned, so additional information prior to deadline was not availablle. New vessel up and running at the Keller Ferry by Roger S. Lucas An Electric City couple was the first to board the new Keller Ferry, the Sanpoil, last Wednesday when it made its inaugural trip between Lincoln and Ferry County connecting SR-21. Lowell and Birdie Hensley were among some 200 people who gathered near the ferry to see Sanpoil elder Jeanne Jarred break the traditional bottle of champagne against the hull. This time the bottle was full of a non-alcohol beverage. The Sanpoil pieces were trucked to Crescent Bay in Grand Coulee for assembly and testing. Scores of local residents watched the Sanpoil rise out of a pile of aluminum pieces to become the 116-foot, silver-colored ferry now plying the waters of Lake Roosevelt. The old ferry, the Martha S, in service since 1948, was retired about five weeks ago, after making thousands of successful trips across the Columbia. Ferry service in the meantime ceased as contractors revamped the docking areas on both sides of the river to accom- modate the new ferry. How do the ferry workers like the new Sanpoil? One worker, Tyler Best, said Thursday, “It’s great.” All are going through a learning curve, working the limited wrinkles out. The 116-foot vessel runs smoother through the water, hardly displaying any bobbing in the water. It can carry two semi rigs plus 12 cars, or a total of 20 cars. Thursday, kids from the nearby See NEW FERRY page 2 Page 2 The Star • AUGUST 21, 2013 Grand Coulee’s bomb dog retiring by Roger S. Lucas Grand Coulee Police Department’s “bomb” dog Potter is being retired. Potter is handled by police officer Sean Cook, the second dog handled by him since he has been in the department. The city council Tuesday night passed a resolution declaring the dog surplus after nearly nine years service here. Potter and Cook have answered calls all over the United States, even once going to provide cover at a PGA golf tournament at Pebble Beach, Calif. Potter was present at the council meeting, and made the rounds greeting Mayor Chris Christopherson, City Clerk Carol Boyce and all the council members. The retirement comes both because of Potter’s age and the fact that the Bureau of Reclamation is not going to fund a dog in the current ongoing negotiations with local law enforcement agencies. The resolution retiring and surplusing Potter allows for her handler to keep her as a household pet. Officer Cook quickly agreed to keep Potter. Asked if he would miss having Potter as part of his duties, Cook said, “Yes, wouldn’t you like to take your dog to work with you?” Cook and Potter were recently called to the Grant County Airport where there was a reported bomb threat. Potter didn’t react positively to the site. Potter is the only bomb trained dog in Grant County. Cook said at the time that Potter is trained to respond to multiple compounds used in making explosive devices. Cook got Potter nine years ago when the dog was just a year old. The two trained together at an ATF site in Front Royal, Va., for 12 weeks. The light tan Labrador is hanging it up, so to speak, as of Sept. 1, to become a household pet. Previously, Cook had Wiley, a drug dog, that was in the department for a number of years. Wiley was returned for continuing service as a drug dog. Police Chief Mel Hunt said that nine or 10 years is the maximum term for a K-9 officer, regardless of the type of service it is in. Cook houses Potter and trains the dog an hour each day. Local quilt will head to big event by Roger S. Lucas Marlene Oddie, of Grand Coulee, is a semi-finalist in the American Quilter’s Society “QuiltWeek” show set for Oct. 2-5, in Des Moines, Iowa. Members of the school board and district officials tour the Lake Roosevelt High School industrial arts shop Aug. 7 as part Her quilt “Rosie’s Bomb” will of a special meeting. Directors saw the results of a McKinstry project that put in air quality equipment and energy-saving compete lights from a near half-million dollar grant. The shop, with some updating, will remain as part of the new K-12 school with 176 complex project now underway. McKinstry, a Spokane firm, specializes in energy saving projects. Pictured from the left others in the are: Lake Roosevelt High School Principal Brandon Byers, Center Elementary Principal Lisa Lakin, school board Director annual conSusan Chaffee and Ronanda Liberty, new this coming year to the district as Grand Coulee Dam Middle School principal. test. First-, — Roger S. Lucas photo second- and third-place honors will go to quilters in five next day. by Roger S. Lucas Wright Elementary School site. Nespelem teachers are back The new school complex is sched- categories, on the job by Monday, aslo. And a uled for completion in October, a press reSchool bells are about to ring. The Grand Coulee Dam School traditional community barbecue is 2014. Students will likely start lease from District opens its door to students planned for 5 p.m. Tuesday with an school in 2014 in the old schools, the AQS national museopen house for the school. next Tuesday. but move into the new complex um in PadWhile students are gathering for shortly after school begins. The start of school will see three ucah, Kent. new faces as principals of the vari- a return to school their thoughts stated. might easily be centered on the ous schools. Best of show will receive Newcomer Ronanda M. Lib- new K-12 school project at the old HOURS: 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. daily, 7 days awith week. $10,000, best hand, machine erty takes over as principal at the and longarm workmanship receivGrand Coulee Dam Middle School, ing $5,000 each. A total of $44,000 after being hired this summer to will be granted overall. take over from Brandon Byers Oddie, who started quilting in who moves to Lake Roosevelt High 2001, owns the KISSed Quilts shop School. on Midway and Main in Grand 6-1/2 miLes north DoWnriVer From CoULee Dam He replaces Brad Wilson who Coulee. Her quilt has been hanging left the district to take a position in the local chamber of commerce All three Grand Coulee Dam schools will hold a welcome to stuwith the Chelan School District. office, and will go to Des Moines dents on Thursday, Aug. 22. Lisa Lakin, while not new at in time for the show and will hang Center School Elementary and Lake Roosevelt High School will Center Elementary, starts her year with the other 176 semi-finalist hold their welcome times from 5:30 to 7:30, and the Grand Coulee at that school. She started out at quilts. Dam Middle School will hold its affair from 6-8 p.m. Middle School last year and then Some 15,000 visitors are exA district spokesman said the get togethers will allow students teamed up with Superintendent pected to attend the show. and parents to get acquainted with teachers, their rooms, and generDennis Carlson to handle dual “Extraordinary quilts are being ally get acclimated before school begins Tuesday, Aug. 27. principal duties at Center School made by today’s quilters, and the In Nespelem, students start with a big community-wide barbecue after Sue Hinton left the district. on Tuesday at 5 p.m., with an open house for the school. School officials expect over 600 students when school bells chime. The district is budgeted for 610 students. Liberty comes to the district from Connell, Wash., where she taught a variety of subjects during her time there. Center School will have three kindergarten classes, a first for the district. Teachers show up Monday, Aug. 26, with students following the Taking stock of energy project Schools prepare to re-open Welcome backs planned contest quilts represent an exten- Rapids, Michigan, and Lancaster, sive variety of styles, sizes and Pennsylvania. techniques,” AQS founder and president Meredith Schroeder said. “Each quilt in the show is an intricate, creative work of art to enjoy.” Quilts for the show come from 37 states and five other countries. The American Quilter’s Society hosts four shows annually, each with its own quilt $70 per person contest. Other includes green fees, meal shows are in Paducah, Grand Also side bets The Rattler Open Sat. Aug. 24 Tee Time 10 a.m. Banks Lake Golf Course A detail of Oddie’s quilt features WWII stong woman icon Rosie the Riveter enhanced by Oddie’s longarm stitching. Donations by Coulee Dam Federal Credit Union For more information contact Russ Marchand 509.634.8771 3533A Hwy 155, Coulee Dam 633-0133/ Back to School Specials Nectarines - “bend-over juicy” • Watermelon, Cantaloupe - Fresh from the Basin, peak of season, flavorful • Peaches - fresh, tree-ripe Early Red Havens, PF 12 Plums—Oxheart, large, sweet • Corn - fresh from Yakima Cucumbers, Zucchini—picked daily * Pears- Bartlett, order for canning Onions-Walla Walla Winter Sweets, store well • Apples - new crop: Red Free, Swiss Gourmets & Early Gold, , crisp & juicy • Apple Cider —fresh pressed, new crop apples Huckleberry Lemonade, local honey, pickled asparagus, soup mixes, sorghum & more. HOURS: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. daily, 7 days a week. • We accept both WIC and Farmer Market Checks New ferry Cont’d from front page campground were riding their bikes on the ferry, making numerous trips back and forth across Lake Roosevelt. Best chatted with the kids and just smiled as it was apparent they were having a good time. The $12 million ferry was funded with $9.64 million in federal funds, $361,000 of state funds and a $2 million contribution from the Colville Tribes. The 560th US Air Force band brass quintet started the festive program off Wednesday during inaugural celebrations. Lynn Peterson, the Secretary of Transportation, and Michael Finley, chair of the Colville Business Council, both spoke. And a host of those attending boarded for the inaugural trip over and back across the lake. Asked whether the Sanpoil, with its two 450-horsepower diesel engines, could make the trip faster than the Martha S, attendee Best said, “It could, but we are on a schedule.” The Sanpoil runs from 6 a.m. to midnight, seven days a week. Law Office Of Tena Foster 17 Midway, Suite 17C Grand Coulee, WA 99133 509-633-1000 509-294-1655 Taking cases in all surrounding counties and tribal court Criminal Defense/Civil/Family Wills/Tribal Law CCT Spokesperson - Mykel Parker Star 3x9 Royal Flush 7.442x9.631.indd 1 6/10/2013 12:24:47 PM Page 3 The Star • AUGUST 21, 2013 O P I N I O N Letters to the Editor Consolidation editorial struck home You can’t realize how pleased I was to read your editorial this week. It was Rod’s dream that all of the small communities might join together to make a stronger town (or should it be city?) which would benefit everyone living in the area. He had arranged for a special grant, hiring a research group from (I think it was WSU) who researched all the possibilities and benefits which could be had. I believe there was a vote on it, but the lack of desire to change by a great majority of the communities made it impossible to spend more time and money trying to convince the people at that time to consider the benefits. Rod was very proud of the area and worked very hard to improve the living standards for all of you. I am sure if he were still with us he would be thrilled to hear what is happening at this time. I have enjoyed reading The Star and hearing all that is going on. I wish much improvement and happier living for each and all of you. I do miss my involvement in the Grand Coulee Dam area and would love to be able to come to visit more frequently. Having lived in 18 towns before I arrived in Coulee Dam, where I graduated from the Mason City High School in 1947, I lived there for 61 years before retiring with Rod to The Riverview Retirement Homes here in Spokane. Good luck and God be with each and all of you as you gather together in an effort to improve your lifestyles. Lura Anne Hartman Support for post appreciated American Legion Post #157 would like to thank everyone who has donated items to and/or shopped at our annual yard sale, this year. Because of you, we have had another outstanding year! Our post depends on the yard sale funds to keep our post going and open to ALL Veterans and our community. Our last yard sale, this year will be a two-day event. We will be open on Saturday August 31st and Sunday, September 1st. We are no longer accepting donations for this year. But, please, remember us for next summer! Although we are no longer accepting donations, we are once again taking reservations for hall rentals for your special occasions! Again, thank you for your generosity and support. We truly appreciate our community! I also want to thank each of my Post members, and their families, who have contributed their time, efforts, and strong backs to accomplish another successful year of yard sales. You are the best! Cindy Jayne Commander American Legion Post #157 Power lines are killing birds Sadly, this morning, I found yet another causality of the high tension power lines that cross over North Dam Park. Since I’ve been walking the area, about eight or nine months, I’ve witnessed three bird fatalities. The first was a dead Canada goose, second was a dead gull species and today, a night hawk. Though still alive and breathing heavily, it was obviously in bad shape. I moved it into the grass and off the gravel road. My observations are, at best, casual. Interestingly, all the birds were in the same general area too. Of course evidence and proof are important; however, the circumstantial evidence is very strong: dead or dying birds of various species, showing no physical injuries, on the ground below high tension power lines. Here is what Sibley Guides states about this issue: “First, it should be stated that the single most significant threat to bird populations is habitat destruction, in all of its forms and with all of its causes. High tension line collisions may kill up to 174 million birds per year. This figure extrapolates from European studies to the millions of miles of aerial wires in North America. There are very few data in North America.” There continues to be a lot of media chatter about wind generators and bird mortality, yet, not much “looking back” at other parts of the nation’s electric power system such as high tension power lines and their effects on birds. From research I’ve done, there are simple things that can be done. Here’s what a respected site, Conservation Evidence, a website based at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom states: “A total of studies and two literature reviews from across the world found that marking power lines led to significant reductions in collision rates or dangerous flight behavior…” So, it would appear that this is a problem that can be corrected. Bob Valen Grand Coulee Corrections due on Ryan Hunt article Sir, appreciate the article you wrote on my brother’s and my behalf. However, I wanted to make you aware of a couple of mistakes in the article. I apologize for any confusion on my part. 1. In regards to my deployment history: I have deployed to Iraq twice and Afghanistan twice. The way paragraph three reads is unclear potentially to some readers. 2. I never received the second Bronze Star Meritoriously for being a team leader of an 18-man team. I received the second Bronze Star with Valor for actions against enemy forces as a Company Commander in 2011. 3. There is a big difference between receiving an award like that Meritoriously compared to one for Valor. Both awards you stated said they were for meritorious action. I have been awarded one bronze star Meritoriously and one for Valor. If you could please post these corrections in the next issue of the star newspaper I would be very appreciative. Once again I apologize for any confusion on my part. Capt. Ryan M. Hunt Push for change on reservation An article on the front page of the just-out Tribal Tribune (The Administration Building) recounts words of past tribal council Chairman Mel Tonasket. The article began: “This is a simple message...” That article went on to further quote Chairman Tonasket: “The message is simply to walk with pride and to hold your head up high, for we have survived 100 years of oppression, depression, paternalism, discrimination, and internal conflicts.” Little did Chairman Tonasket suspect that those very words would still apply to the Colville Confederated Tribes some 40 years later; but, now it applies to CCT in a whole new perspective as our governmental system has moved wholly from better days of democratic governance to the current autocratic, destructive dictatorship that it is today. “Walk with pride and to hold your head up high...” -How can the Colville tribal peoples even think of this, as recent past council/current council has literally made a mockery of the Colville Confederated Tribes across America in cocktail lounges, and it continues as our current chair outright lies to news media: ‘Admin bldg. fire an accident’... as did our previous chair put out false news media release: ‘193 petition denied...council moves on...’ OPPRESSION: Our Colville peoples, rez, administration, elders, youth ... have truly been used/abused through oppressive governance driven through greed, personal agenda and complete anti-membership nontransparency. DEPRESSION: In more ways than one, our Colville tribal peoples have indeed suffered depression; fiscally/economically, mental abuse ... just due to frustrations in trying to cope with the misdirected/mismanaged council operatives. PATERNALISM: The paternalism of our council to the constituent tribal peoples most certainly matches that of the historical white societal paternalistic demeanor toward Indian Country and the Indian peoples across America. DISCRIMINATION: This has been only too obvious whereby personal agenda and/or personal gain leaned towards nepotism, buddy-buddy favor, familial gain. INTERNAL CONFLICT: In the recent past, present, and even in the immediate future projections, YES, internal conflict shall reign supreme — until change is realized and affected for the Colville tribes. What more can I say, my friends, Colville tribal brothers/sisters? Change is still in order and, yes, still way way past due! Finish out and effect those recall petitions ... step up and volunteer your witness information to the ongoing federal investigation to the Admin. bldg. fire. “Justice will be served!” Truman Covington The Star Three Midway Ave., P.O. Box 150, Grand Coulee, WA 99133 (509)633-1350/Fax (509)633-3828. Email: [email protected] Consolidated with the Grand Coulee News-Times and the Almira Herald. The Star Online - The Star is published (USPS#518860) weekly at Grand Coulee, Wash., and was entered as Second Class matter January 4, 1946. Periodical Postage paid at Grand Coulee, Wash. 99133 © Star Publishing, Inc. Subscription Rates: GOLD Counties $24; Remainder of Washington state $33; Elsewhere within the United States $37. Single copy price $1. Scott Hunter ............................... Editor and Publisher Gwen Hilson................................ Production Manager Roger Lucas.................................................. Reporter Linda Morgan............................................ Proofreader Turtles, moose and bear, Oh my! Living in Coulee Country can surprise you sometimes. During the last few weeks I was reminded that we do live in the country. Maybe not extreme rural America, but we do have the luxury of seeing some wild critters in our back yards, or if we take a little drive and keep our eyes open we can see some real special creatures. Since hunting season is just around the corner, I have been doing some driving around to see what kind of deer are roaming around. On one of these trips Karrie and I came across what we thought at first was a lone wild turkey. Since they are prevalent Jesse Utz here in Coulee area it was not a big deal, but as I kept my eyes on it I realized its head was not the right shape and we stopped to get a better look. It was an owl, sitting under the only tree for miles in this area. With further investigation we decided it was a Barred Owl, which usually likes forested areas. We determined with the recent storms he probably got blown this way from across the river. Or swam (right Karrie?). The next day I was out watering our plants and noticed the cats (Nova, Camaro, and Chevelle) stalking something in the yard. It was a turtle. A large Painted Turtle. So if any of you watch Animal Planet you know it was time for “Live Action.” Karrie got her camera and I got a plastic storage bin and we did our best imitation of the Turtle Man. (The video will not be shown do to a cowardly act from one individual that was present during filming.) We later learned that the turtles commonly leave the Cresent Bay area looking for places to lay eggs. We relocated L.A. (Live Action) back to the water and he/she seemed Jess, shut up! more than happy to be wet again. Later that week we went on a huckleberry expedition and found more critters than we did purple gold nuggets. As a side note, the yellow jackets are just as aggressive in the mountains. We watched a cow moose for about 20 minutes on the way up the mountain. Along with a long legged jack rabbit and a few grouse. On the way down, we saw a very blond bear cub and a great grey owl. Not to mention, the moose was back in her swampy area and did not seem to mind us this time. Of course there were a lot of deer sitings during the scouting trips. I will say this about that: There are a lot of big, two-point bucks out there this year. I mean big bucks. They just won’t be legal unless they grow more points. On one more side note, I did get my first coyote, and I called him in. It was pretty cool. Sometimes I am just in awe of our area, and I think we take it for granted sometimes. Whether your a hunter, photographer, or just a nature lover, we have an abundance of critters out there. There are few places in the world where you can drive less than a hundred miles round trip and see such a variety. From elk to bear, wolves to coyotes, eagles to owls and lots, lots more. Sometimes in our back yard, sometimes on the road. This truly is a paradise to live in when we adjust our eyes the right way. If you adjust your eyes just right you might even see Bigfoot. I’m just saying. Coulee Recollections Ten Years Ago A tense situation came to a peaceful conclusion last Thursday as a Coulee Dam girl, who was feared missing returned safely. Approximately 40 minutes after Tonya Timentwa reported that her 4 year-old daughter Alahna Timentwa was missing, the girl returned to the 1101 Camas Street home. A Grand Coulee Dam Area woman cut off four of her fingers and was still able to drive herself to Coulee Community Hospital for assistance. CR Lumber owner Cindy Corpe said the accident occurred on July 26 while she was cutting stakes for the Mt. Tolman Fire Control Center. Village Cinema movie for the week: Bad Boys II. Twenty Years Ago No one declared a candidacy for the Electric City mayors’ position last week even after Grant County gave residents a second chance in a special three-day filing period. The Over-the-Dam-Run will hold its 17th running this Saturday. Nespelem Elementary School expects more than 40 seventh and eighth grade students this fall. Coulee Medical Foundation Festival in the park will be held on Labor Day, Sept. 6. The festival scheduled for North Dam Park will include a barbecue dinner, pie sale, music, auction and children’s games. Thirty Years Ago Plans are underway to develop a golf course out in the Coulee Grande area, which was recently purchased by Grant County Port District No. 7. The GCD Area Chamber of Commerce is making plan for its fifth annual community picnic. In Electric City the town council is looking into a grant to reactivate the Palmer well for use as a backup well for the town. The LRHS class of 1973 celebrated its 10-year reunion this past weekend. Awards went to: Shannon (Duncan) Hearne, least changed female; Sheryl (Smith) Brown for most changed female; Gary McClure for least changed male; Mike Bute for most changed male; and Sharon Olson for traveling the farthest (from Vermont). Forty Years Ago Four young men from Coulee Dam have graduated from recruit training at the Naval Training Center in San Diego. They include Navy Fireman Recruits Robert J. Hullett and Roy E. Golden. Navy Seaman Recruit Jerry G. Birdwell and Navy Hospital-man Recruit Alan L. Grier. The wheat harvest is all but over for the area. Crops were reported from 40 bushels to eight bushels to the acre. Linda Nelson, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Brado, Grand Coulee, won first place at the Grand 1973 National Baton Twirling competition in Milwaukee, Wisc. Fifty Years Ago According to information from the office of Senator Henry M. Jackson, President John F. Kennedy is considering a visit to Grand Coulee Dam in Sep- tember. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brittain were guests at an open house at their home in Grand Coulee honoring their 50th wedding anniversary. School buildings in the Grand Coulee system have had a facelifting during he summer vacation months. The custodial staff has been busy getting the facilities in readiness for the new school year. Center School has been completely repainted, while all desks and tables have been sanded and varnished. The high school has received new paint also; and the roof of the gym has been recoated with asphalt. Floors in the school in Electric City have been given a new coat of varnish. Sixty Years Ago At their regular meeting Thursday, the Grand Coulee Chamber of Commerce passed a resolution to petition the superintendent of the Colville Indian Agency in setting aside a block of timber on the reservation for use of the local sawmill. A change in the organization at Coulee Dam has gone into effect since the town of Coulee Dam will be segregated from the power division and will become a municipality independently governed and no longer meshed with the Bureau in the new division. Unless the Bureau of Reclamation can come up with a satisfactory solution in the townsite problem they created at Grand Coulee Dam, the agency is going to be the object of skepticism and suspicion by residents of future project areas. Page 4 Obituaries Raymond J. Zowada U. S. Army – Colonel (Retired) Ray was born July 1, 1922, in Kooi, Wyoming, to Joseph and Theresa (Washut) Zowada. He died on August 10, 2013, at Coulee Medical Center, Grand Coulee, Wash. Ray was raised in Sheridan, Wyoming, and graduated from Sheridan High School where he was a member of the National Honor Society and excelled in football and track. He attended Creighton University on a football scholarship and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in accounting. He played football for Creighton and received an offer to try out with the New York Giants of the National Football League. World War II interrupted his education and his NFL dreams as he entered the U.S. Army on June 2, 1943. He was a member of the 4th Infantry Division/22nd Infantry Regiment and landed on Utah Beach on D-Day. He was wounded on November 19, 1944, . He was sent to Northampton, England, to recuperate and then returned to the European Theater of Operation. He was honorably discharged on July 20, 1946, and was a member of the U.S. Army Reserves. He was recalled to active duty from 1950 – 1952. He had earned the rank of Colonel when he retired in July of 1982. He was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, European Theater Ribbon with three bronze stars, American Theater Ribbon, Occupation Medal (Germany), Belgium Croix de Guerre, WWll Victory Medal, and Presidential Citation with one cluster. Ray married Ann VanValkenburg on December 25, 1943. Their marriage of nearly 70 years was blessed with their four children; Mary Ann (Mimi), Steve, Mike and Greg. After the war Ray and Ann moved to Coulee Dam, Washing- ton, to start their life together. Ray went to work for Coulee Dam Stores, Incorporated and was store manager for over 30 years. He also spent some time as the community pool lifeguard, fill-in theater projectionist, working in a greenhouse, doing the books for the church, and operating a small bakery. Ray was a member of the VFW and St. Henry’s Catholic Church. He was an avid goose hunter and loved to fish. He also enjoyed horseshoes and bowling. Surviving Ray are his wife of 69 years Ann (at the family home), sons Steve (Dory) of Montrose, Colorado, Mike (Vicki) of Electric City, Washington, Greg of Spokane, Washington, and brother George of Cheyenne, Wyoming. Grandchildren – Steve Jr., Amanda, Lindsay, Ryan and Nicholas and great grandchildren Lucia, Lilly, Karsen, Hope, Jaeger, and Liam. Ray was preceded in death by his parents, siblings Anna, Joseph, Helen, Emil, Ludine, Stella , and Henry, daughter Mary Ann Nelson and granddaughter Melissa Peterson. Services will be held Thursday, August 29 at 11:00 a.m. at St. Henry’s Catholic Church in Grand Coulee with burial at Spring Canyon Cemetery to follow. Audrey R. Aanenson 1915--2013 A u d r e y Aanenson of Auburn, WA passed away peaceably in Seattle on August 4th in the presence of her sons. Audrey was preceded in death by Henry Aanenson, her loving husband of more than 50 years. She is survived by her three sons, Jim Aanenson (San Jose, CA), Chuck Aanenson (Seattle), and Bill Aanenson (Seattle), and eight grandchildren. Audrey, born in Ada, Minn. and Henry Aanenson born in Nielsville Minn., married in 1938. They departed Minnesota settling in Pullman and Coulee Dam (1946) where Audrey taught primary school and music, and Henry was an operator for the Bureau of Reclamation. They both were very active in community, sports, and church programs. Upon Henry’s retirement from The Star • AUGUST 21, 2013 Martha Finch Martha Finch, age 95, of Hayden, Idaho, (formerly of Grand Coulee, Washington) passed away at Hayden Valley Assisted Living, on Thursday, August 8, 2013. Martha Eliszibetha Hirsch Mundt Finch was born at her family’s homestead, Crow Rock Dawson County, Montana, north of Miles City to Jacob and Anna Margaretha (Redman) Hirsch on May 31, 1918. Martha grew up on the homestead, the fifth of ten siblings On December 20, 1946, she married Boyd Douglas Finch in Boise, Idaho. During their 39-year marriage they resided north of Grand Coulee, Washington, where they ranched and farmed. Martha and Boyd had one daughter Colleen (Finch) Denning. Martha completed the eighth grade, after which she was sent out to work. While in Miles City she had various jobs; in the Chinese laundry, as a live-in housekeeper/cook for a ranch family, and as a waitress. She decided to go to high school and finish her education; however, her employer said she would lose her job - he didn’t think anyone could work and go to school at the same time. Her education plans were again put aside. Martha lived in San Luis Obispo, California, during WWII and was a civilian driver for the Army. She chauffeured officers and drove truck. She also lived in Astoria, Oregon, and worked in a fish cannery (for a day, and decided it was not for her); She then worked in a lumber mill pulling boards from the planer and was promoted to counter for boards coming off the planer. After working again in Miles City, she eventually settled in Grand Coulee, Washington, working as a cook at the Wild Life Restaurant. She met her husband Boyd at the Wild Life, when he sent a good tip to the gal who cooked his steak! In addition to being a full-time ranch wife, helping with the livestock, she also milked cows, raised 500 layer chickens and sold milk, cream and eggs to Darigold in the 1950’s. She also worked at various restaurants in Grand Coulee in the late 1950s through the 1970s. Her final job before retirement was planning and preparing meals at the Grand Coulee Senior Center. She was a member of Zion Lutheran Church, the U.S. government, they moved to Auburn Wash. in 1968, where Audrey taught third grade and also assisted the University of Puget Sound faculty with student teaching. Henry returned to teaching mathematics and German at Maple Valley, Wash. Again Audrey and Hank were very involved in community, sports, and church activities. A memorial for friends and family to celebrate Audrey’s life will be held at 11a.m. on Aug. 24 at the Auburn First United Methodist Church (100 N St SE, Auburn, WA 98002) “We deeply miss her, but know she is rejoicing!” the Eagles Lodge and Women’s Professional Rodeo Assn.; she lead a troop of Brownies and helped with Girl Scouts and was involved in Ridge Riders. During retirement, she volunteered at the Grand Coulee Senior Center. Martha had a desire for adventure, lived life fully and enjoyed her life-long friends. She was always willing to help someone in need, whether they were family, friend, neighbor or stranger. She was athletic and enjoyed pastimes of hunting (she was crack shot with a rifle), bowling, rodeoing, fishing and camping. Martha participated in the Women’s Rodeo Assn. during the 1960s, clowning the rodeos and entering various events. She was an excellent seamstress, upholsterer, and leather worker. She had a natural talent for drawing and enhanced her talent with oil painting classes, resulting in the gifting of many of her paintings to family and friends. Martha was widowed in 1985 and moved to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, in 1998 to be near her daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter. She resided at the Loyalton retirement and assisted living community from January, 1999, to July, 2008. She moved to Life Care Center of Coeur d’Alene in July, 2008, to September, 2011. Martha’s final residence was at Hayden Valley Assisted Living in Hayden, Idaho. She remained in their compassionate care until her There is a $50 charge for obituaries published in the Star. This includes a photo and up to 500 words. Reminders for Celebrations of Life and Death Notices are $25. Articles must be either e-mailed, faxed or dropped off at the Star office. They will not be accepted over the phone.The deadline to submit an article is Monday by 5 p.m. For more information, call 509.633.1350 or go to our website at death. Hospice of North Idaho assisted in providing her end-of-life comfort care. Martha is survived by her daughter and son-in-law Colleen (Finch) and James Denning; granddaughter Laura Denning siblings and spouses Alfred and (Eunice) Hirsch, Miles City, Mont.; Ted Hirsch, Miles City, Mont., Ruth Thomas, Clarkston, Wash., Ruby & (George) Fields, Seattle, Wash; Gertrude Fisher, Miles City, Mont; Elmer Hirsch, Billings, Mont; and by 30 nieces & nephews, and their children who she held close in her heart. She was preceded in death by her husband Boyd, her parents and her siblings Edna Hirsch Schmidt, Edwin Hirsch and Hilda Hirsch Fiechtner. The family extends their thanks to the staff and residents of Loyalton, who were a second family for nine years. Thanks to the caring, dedicated staff at Life Care Center of Coeur d’Alene. Lastly a special heartfelt thanks to the exceptional care givers at Hayden Valley Assisted Living for providing loving care, compassion and dignity during Martha’s final time on earth. Thankful prayers to Pastor Roberts for his providing the Lord’s comforting words and prayers. Her family takes great joy in knowing Martha is at peace and in comfort with her Lord and we celebrate her life, which she lived with great gusto, embracing every adventure that came her way! Mom, we will miss your jokes, your songs, your laughter, and your good advice! Keeping Martha close in your heart, your prayers, and sharing her life stories is abundant memorial. Should you wish to honor her life with a monetary memorial, please select a charity of your choice: Grand Coulee Senior Center (509-633-2351), Hospice of North Idaho (208-772-7994), Family Worship Center (208-7724267) or Zion Lutheran Church (509-633-2566) Graveside service was held Aug. 13 at Spring Canyon Cemetery, Grand Coulee. A celebration of Martha’s life was held Aug. 14 at Hayden, Idaho. Wake tonight for Eric Stensgar Eric S. “Bug-A-Boo” Stensgar (30) Apr. 6, 1983, to Aug. 16, 2013. Eric’s family wishes to thank all who have extended their support to us during this time. A wake will be held at 7 p.m., Wednesday Aug. 21, 2013, at the Keller Community Center in Keller, Wash.; a memorial celebration of his life will follow at 10 a.m. Thursday Aug. 22 with urn burial to follow. Strate Funeral Home of Grand Coulee, is honored to serve his family. Births Girl born to Carson/Brooks Brenna Rose Carson and Brian Brandon Brooks of Elmer City are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Renita Ravyn Carson-Brooks Johnson Tuesday, July 30, 2013, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. She weighed 6 lbs., 6 oz., and was 18.5 inches in length at birth. Siblings include Nathan Chief Carson 7, Jazmine Rose Brooks 7 and Lasane Malakhi Brooks 6. Maternal grandparents are Clara A. Carson and Ronald L. Carson of Elmer City; Paternal grandparents are Renita Hope and Stanley Page. Meetings and Notices Chamber to Meet The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce will not meet this Thursday August 22. Fire District to meet Grant County Fire District No. 14 will hold its regular monthly meeting Monday, Aug. 26 at 7 p.m at the Electric City Fire Station. TOPS Meetings TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter meets on Tuesdays at 9:15 a.m. at Grand Coulee Senior Center prior to the exercise group gathering at 10 a.m. Come and join for the health of it. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Welcomes you Everyone’s invited. Pastor Adrian Harris 2 miles east of Hwy 155 on Hwy 174 Sunday Worship............................. 10 a.m Community Youth Group Sundays 4-5:30 p.m. at GCD Middle School. For middle school/high school students Church office 633-2186 Church Website: COULEE DAM COMMUNITY CHURCH Presbyterian (U.S.A.) BANKS LAKE BIBLE CHURCH Seventh-day Adventist Welcomes You for Worship & Praise PASTOR KEVIN LIND .SUMMER SCHEDULE Worship Service.................................... 10 a.m. Nursery Care Available 509 Central Drive, Coulee Dam Church: 633-1790 Saturday Bible Study............................. 9:30 a.m. Children’s Bible Story Time................. 10:00 a.m. Saturday Worship Service....................11:00 a.m. All Church Fellowship.......................... 12:30 p.m. Midweek Bible Study Wednesday............. 6 p.m. UNITED METHODIST Modeling our ministry after the New Testament 405 Center St., Grand Coulee FAITH COMMUNITY Call the Church Office 633-1244 to find out about other regular scheduled meetings. Come Worship The Lord! Sunday School, all ages............. 9:30 a.m. Coffee Fellowship..................... 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship...................... 10:45 a.m. Evening Worship........................ 6:00 p.m. Prayer............................. Wed., 11:00 a.m. Bible Study.............................. Wed., noon 103 Continental Heights, Grand Coulee Church (509) 633-3030 Offers You a Warm Welcome! A Foursquare Church PASTOR STEVE ARCHER NOW MEETING IN OUR NEW BUILDING 16 Grand, Electric City Sunday Morning Service:.......................10 a.m. KIDS’ Church and Nursery 25 School Avenue, Electric City, 633-0670 Affiliated with I.F.C.A./N.I.C.E. Pastor Bill Williams Everyone Welcome! Certified Lay Ministers Tom Poplawski & Monty Fields EVERYONE WELCOME! Church Office 633-0980 Worship Service................................ 10:00 a.m Join us every 3rd Sunday for brunch and fellowship following worship service. ZION LUTHERAN PASTOR SHAWN NEIDER 348 Mead Street, Grand Coulee Church 633-2566 Coulee City Bible Study........................ 8:00 a.m. Coulee City Worship............................. 9:00 a.m. Zion Worship........................................11:00 a.m. Nursery Available • NEED A RIDE? CALL 633-2566 . The Star • AUGUST 21, 2013 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF OKANOGAN THE ESTATE OF JEAN H. GREEN, DECEASED JAMES P. GREEN JR., PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE, Page 5 IN THE TRIBAL COURT OF THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF THE COLVILLE RESERVATION IN THE TRIBAL COURT OF THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF THE COLVILLE RESERVATION Colville Tribal Credit Corporation, ) Case No.: CV-CD-2012-35294 a lending institution wholly-owned by ) the Confederated Tribes of the Colville ) Indian Reservation ) ) CHIEF OF POLICE PUBLIC ) NOTICE ) OF SALE OF Plaintiff(s), ) REAL PROPERTY ) ) vs. ) Estate of Wayne L Boyce Sr., Robert Boyce ) Barbara Boyce, Joshua Boyce ) ) Does 1-20 ) Claiming any right, title, estate, lien ) or interest in the real estte or seured ) interest described in the complaint ) Colville Tribal Credit Corporation, ) Case No.: CV-CD-2012-35157 a lending institution wholly-owned by ) the Confederated Tribes of the Colville ) Indian Reservation ) ) CHIEF OF POLICE PUBLIC ) NOTICE ) OF SALE OF Plaintiff(s), ) REAL PROPERTY ) vs. ) Estate of Terrene J. Dick, Sr. ) Estate of Diana L. Dick, ) ) Does 1-20 ) Claiming any right, title, estate, lien ) or interest in the real estte or seured ) interest described in the complaint ) Plaintiff, v. THE ESTATES OF GILBERT H. PARLET and/or RACHEL C. PARLET, husband and wife, both deceased, and their heirs, successors, and assigns; Also, all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the Complaint filed herein, Defendants. NO. 13-2-00399-8 AMENDED SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID ESTATES OF GILBERT H. PARLET and/or RACHEL C. PARLET, husband and wife, both deceased, and their heirs, successors, and assigns; Also, all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the Complaint filed herein. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Amended Summons, to-wit, within sixty (60) days after the 14th day of August, 2013, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff, The Estate of Jean H. Green, Deceased – James P. Green Jr., Personal Representative, (hereinafter “Plaintiff”), and serve a copy of your Answer upon the undersigned attorney for the Plaintiff, Peg R. Callaway of the Law Office of Callaway & DeTro PLLC, at her office below-stated; and in the case of your failure to do so, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The object of this action is to quiet title to real property in the name of the Plaintiff, and to cancel and remove from Plaintiff’s title any claim to any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property by the Defendants stated herein. DATED this 12th day of August, 2013. CALLAWAY & DETRO PLLC By: /s/ Peg R. Callaway; WSBA #13786 Attorney for Plaintiff 700-A Okoma Drive Omak, Okanogan County, WA 98841 (509)826-6316 (Publish August 14, 21, 28 and Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013) SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR LINCOLN COUNTY Estate of VIOLA R. TAYLOR, Deceased. NO. 13-4 00048-1 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The above Court has appointed me Personal Representative of Decedent’s estate. Any person having a claim against Decedent must present the claim: Before the time when the claim would be barred by any applicable statute of limitations, and In the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070: By filing with the foregoing Court the original of the signed Creditor’s Claim, and By serving upon or mailing by first class mail to us at the address provided below a copy of the signed Creditor’s Claim. The Creditor’s Claim must be presented by the later to occur of: Thirty (30) days after we served or mailed this Notice to you as provided in RCW 11.40.020(3), or Four (4) months after the date of first publication of this Notice. If the Creditor’s Claim is not presented within the foregoing time period, the claim will be forever barred except as provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective for claims against both the Decedent’s probate and non-probate assets. Date of First Publication of this Notice: August 14, 2013 Signed: DORIS J. ANDERSON, Personal Representative Address for Mailing of Service: C/O Joshua F. Grant, P.S. Attorney at Law P.O. Box 619, Wilbur, WA 99185 (Publish August 14, 21, 28, 2013) SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR OKANOGAN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Bettye Jo Baltz, Deceased Case No,. 13-4-000-54-6 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Personal Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1) (c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: August 7, 2013 PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Linda Louise Eaton ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Manon, WSBA #23855 of Manon Law Office ADDRESS FOR MAILING OR SERVICE: Manon Law Office P.O. Box 554 Grand Coulee, WA 99133 (Publish August 7, 14 and 21, 2013) Defendant(s) Defendant(s) The Colville Tribal Court has directed the undersigned Chief of Police, Colville Tribe, to sell the property described below to satisfy a judgment in the above-entitled action. Allotment 101-5450 A part of the North half of the South half of Section 17, Township 33 North, Range 28 E.W.M., further described as follows: Commencing at the West quarter of said Section 17; thence South a distance of 1320 feet; thence East a distance of 200 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence north 34°521/2 East a distance of 804.5 feet; thence East a distance of 4620 feet; to the East line of Section 17; thence South a distance of 660 feet; thence West a distance of 5080 feet to the True Point of Beginning of this description. The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 135 Haley Creek Road, Omak, WA 98841. The sale of the above property is to take place: TIME: 9:00 a.m. DATE: September 20, 2013. PLACE: Front Entrance, Colville Tribal Courthouse #1. The Judgment Debtor(s) can avoid the sale by paying the judgment amount of $49, 326.44 together with interest, costs, statutory interest, and fees before the sale date. For the exact amount, contact the Chief of Police at the address stated below. Sharlene Zacherle for Cory Orr, Chief of Police 28 Okanogan Street/PO Box 617 Nespelem, WA 99155 (509)634-2472 (Please publish on the following dates: Week of August 19, 2013 Week of August 26, 2013 Week of September 2, 2013 The Colville Tribal Court has directed the undersigned Chief of Police, Colville Tribe, to sell the property described below to satisfy a judgment in the above-entitled action. 101 109-A That part of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 24, Township 32 north, Range 30 east, Willamette Meridian, Okanogan County, Washington, described as: Commencing at the section corner common to Sections 24, 25, and 30, thence north 00 degrees 07 ’59 “ west, 350.54 feet to the closing corner common to Sections 19, 30, and 24; thence north 00 degrees 03 ’31 ” east, 86.13 feet; thence north 89 degrees 57 ’51 ” west, 257.54 feet; thence south a distance of 410.61 feet to a point of the northerly right of way line of Okanogan County Road No. 3683; thence south 87 degrees 47 ’ 42 ” east, 157.71 feet, thence south 09 degrees 57 ’10 ” west, 20.00 feet to a point on the south boundary line of Section 24; thence south 89 degrees 55 ’30 ” east, on the said boundary line 104.13 feet to the point of beginning, Containing 2.50-acres more or less. The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 7 North Star Road, Nespelem, WA 99155. The sale of the above property is to take place: TIME: 9:00 a.m. Public Notice Town of Coulee Dam ORDINANCES ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF COULEE DAM Week of August 19, 2013 Week of August 26, 2013 Week of September 2, 2013 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR LINCOLN COUNTY ESTATE OF Thelma E. Hakola, Deceased No,. 13-4-00050-2 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The above Court has appointed me Personal Representative of Decedent’s estate. Any person having a claim against Decedent must present the claim: Before the time when the claim would be barred by any applicable statute of limitations, and In the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070: By filing with the foregoing Court the original of the signed Creditor’s Claim, and By serving upon or mailing by first class mail to us at the address provided below a copy of the signed Creditor’s Claim. The Creditor’s Claim must be presented by the later to occur of: Thirty (30) days after we served or mailed this Notice to you as provided in RCW 11.40.020(3), or Four (4) months after the date of first publication of this Notice. If the Creditor’s Claim is not presented within the foregoing time period, the claim will be forever barred except as provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective for claims against both the Decedent’s probate and non-probate assets. Date of First Publication of this Notice: August 21, 2013 Ordinance 715 — An Ordinance of the Town of Coulee Dam, Washington, establishing temporary no parking zones during the construction of the Grand Coulee Dam K-12 School. Full and complete copies of the above ordinance are available at Town Hall during normal business hours. Carol Visker Clerk / Treasurer (Publish August 21, 2013) Front Entrance, Colville Tribal Courthouse #1. (Please publish on the following dates: ORDINANCE NO. 476-2013 Jacqueline M. Perman Clerk/Treasurer Published/The Star – 08/21/13 PLACE: Sharlene Zacherle for Cory Orr, Chief of Police 28 Okanogan Street/PO Box 617 Nespelem, WA 99155 (509)634-2472 On the 13th day of August, 2013 the City Council of Electric City passed the following ordinance. A summary of the content of said ordinance, consisting of the title, provides as follows: A full and complete copy of the above ordinance is available at City Hall, 10 Western Avenue, Electric City, WA during normal working hours. September 20, 2013. The Judgment Debtor(s) can avoid the sale by paying the judgment amount of $99, 802.12 together with interest, costs, statutory interest, and fees before the sale date. For the exact amount, contact the Chief of Police at the address stated below. SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE PASSED OF THE CITY OF ELECTRIC CITY, WASHINGTON AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ELECTRIC CITY ADOPTING A TWELVE MONTH MORATORIUM ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA COLLECTIVE GARDENS AND MEDICAL CANNABIS DISPENSARIES, DEFINING “MEDICAL MARIJUANA COLLECTIVE GARDENS” AND “MEDICAL CANNABIS DISPENSARIES”; PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING; ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, AND PROVIDING THAT THE MORATORIUM, UNLESS EXTENDED, WILL SUNSET WITHIN TWELVE MONTHS OF THE DATE OF ADOPTION. DATE: Signed: CHRYSTIEN C. HAKOLA, Personal Representative Address for Mailing of Service: C/O Joshua F. Grant, P.S. Attorney at Law P.O. Box 619 Wilbur, WA 99185 (Publish August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 2013) Page 6 C L A S S I F I E The Star • AUGUST 21, 2013 D S Deadline for Advertising is Monday at 5 p.m. • 509-633-1350 • FAX 509-633-3828 • Enter ads online at (click on Classifieds at the top of the page) or email [email protected] Cost is $6.15 for first 15 words; 10¢ for each additional word - Yard Sale ads are $8.00 for the first 15 words, includes two free yard sale signs. Rentals PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are EQUAL HOUSING available on an equal opportunity OPPORTUNITY basis. 10x20 STORAGE UNIT FOR RENT – In Grand Coulee. Call 631-0194. (N2-27-tfc) EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Rentals FOR RENT – Duplex in Electric City, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, carport. See at 40 Park. $800 per month. Sorry no pets. Call 509.633.0895. (B7-3-tfc) COMPLETELY FURNISHED one bedroom apt. including washer & dryer. Quiet location overlooking Columbia River. For information call 633-3315. (N7-10-tfc) $1200REALTOR – West Coulee Dam, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, washer/dryer, large fenced back yard. Luxury finishes. Call 509-338-0990. (E7-10-tfc) ® REALTOR ® FROM OUT OF TOWN? Clean newly remodeled 1 Bdr, fully furnished apt. with kitchen, laundry on site. Walk to dam, shopping, restaurants. Come check this one out. $650/mo. First, last and $500 damage deposit. Electricity, cable, Internet renter responsibility. 633-3167. (W3-27-tfc) CLEAN LARGE STUDIO for one. Ideal for out-of-town worker. Completely furnished. $450-$550 month, w/cable and high speed internet. 631-0301. (C7-17-tfc) WHAT A VIEW – Columbia View Apartments, One and two bedroom apartments for rent. 1201 River Drive, Coulee Dam. 509.429.9674. (G7-3-tfc) APARTMENT FOR RENT – Elmer City, 1 bdrm. duplex with office. Water, sewer, garbage included, $530 month, first, last, $300 deposit. 633-8082. (R7-31-tfc) OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT - at Coulee Professional Building on Burdin Blvd., across from the hospital. 633-0496. (S515-tfc) OFFICE SPACE for rent – 454 sq. ft., in Coulee Dam. $500 per month. 509.633.3167. (W7-31-tfc) 3 bdrm., 2 bath Wilbur $595 per month; 3 bdrm., Almira $495, appliances, pets ok 2 bdrm., 1 bath on the lake $395. 509.647.0117. (Mc6-12-tfc) Perfect for Out of Town Worker: Furnished Studio Apt: $450/Mo Including All Utilities Grand Coulee - (509) 631-0124. (P7-24-tfc) 3 BDRM. house, $595. First and last, plus deposit. Wifi, water, sewer and garbage included. 641-0920 or 633-3216. (F7-31-4tc) Rentals STUDIO APARTMENT for rent – Electric City. All utilities paid. $300 month, plus deposit. 633-2008 or 633-3208. (E8-14-tfc) 2 BDRM. APT. for rent Electric City, $400 plus deposit. 633-3208 or 633-2008. (E814-tfc) RV SPACE on the lake with 50 amp power, water and swer. Prefer long term rental with maintenance ability. Samll lawn to mow and spray for weeds occasionally. Very priate with a great view. Just a few miles out of town past Spring Canyon, $250 month. Call Layne 206-794-5801. (S8-14-2tpp) Ken Doughty, Owner Free Estimates Residential/Commercial Over 25 Years Experience Licensed & Bonded • KDPA1**026LN 633-1332 • Electric City An alley you can play in… Riverview Lanes Tues. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.* Wed. Noon - 10 p.m.* Thurs.: 3 - 10 p.m.*Fri. 3-10 p.m.* Sat. 3-10 p.m.* * depends on business 509-633-2225 515 River Drive, Coulee Dam TRI-COUNTY LICENSE AGENCY 633-2821 HOURS: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 416 Midway, Grand Coulee in Coulee Hardware Tammy’s FOR INSURANCE INSURANCE CALL Talons Bruce Cheadle Full service nail salon 308 Spokane Way Grand Coulee Focusing on healthy nails for both women and men. Manicures, pedicures and all artificial enhancements 633-0280 FINANCIAL SERVICES Tammy Morin, Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® 509.633.3210 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY State Farm Insurance Companies Strate Funeral Homes & Cremation Service James Heuvel Since 1928 - Three Generations of Our Family Serving Your Family “Neighbor Helping Neighbor” – Complete Pre-Planning [email protected] Grand Coulee • 509-633-1111 Wilbur • 509-647-5441 GOOD MEDICINE MASSAGE Swedish Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Nutritional Response Testing (NRT) Esther DeRusha, LMP, LPN Angie Blanco, LMP 509-633-0777 Manicurist Coulee Hardware Best Rental Center Do it 416 Midway, Grand Coulee 509-633-1090 Keller Clinic is Open to both Non-Tribal & Tribal Members, for Medical & Dental. •Sliding fee available• 634-7300 UBI#601861914 Concrete IS Our Business For superior concrete call us 633-1665 Low Income • HUD Housing (509) 633-3481 106 Hill Ave, Grand Coulee TRAILER SPACES AVAILABLE for short or long term starting at $300. Also space for doublewide. One Bedroom Units Rent based on Income Please stopstop by the Coulee Manor Please by Grand the Senior Manor 211 Continental, Grand Coulee, WA 509-633-1190 or contact the Housing Authority, 1139 Larson Blvd., Moses Lake, WA (509) 762-5541 GUNN LAW OFFICES Ryan W. Gunn Attorney at Law (509) 826-3200 7 N. Main St., PO Box 532 • Omak, WA 98841 Coulee Massage Therapy Balancing Body, Mind and Spirit Tasha Enochs, LMP 509-631-7307 Now located at 411 Fortuyn Rd. Professional Bldg. A - Grand Coulee HOUSECALL CHIROPRACTIC Quality Chiropractic Health Care Brought to Your Home, Office or Workplace J.D. Scharbach, D.C. NEW NUMBER 509-721-0384 CONCRETE Copenhaver Construction Inc. is now delivering concrete in your area. Discounts for ordering 3 or more days in advance. For questions or to place an order - Please call LAKEVIEW TERRACE MOBILE HOME PARK 509.633.2169 L10-31-tfc The Star Online! CARPET & GENERAL CLEANING Locally owned Rosenberg Resource Services 509-647-5400 FOISY & KENNEDY INSURANCE Great Service - Great Rates Instant Quotes Available Online at: 309 Midway, Grand Coulee 509.633.0410 PRICE REDUCED – DEAL OF THE MONTH Truck & Car too! Bank owned 3 bd. 2 bath Wilbur home, large shop, huge lot $85,000 TERMS AVAILABLE ONE BEDROOM, one full bath, unfinished basement on 2.5 city lots in Grand Coulee for sale. Contact 509-634-4198 after 4 p.m. for more information. (G-8-21-2tp) Gerry Hanson, Broker 509.641.0001 ~ 509.647.2107 Wilbur CLEAN 2 bedroom 14x60 mobile home for sale in Delano, 57862 Cardinal Road, 2 baths and large shop, $125,000. Call 6332485 or 631-0135. (F12-19-tfc) Tena M. Foster ATTORNEY 17 Midway Ave., Suite 17C, Grand Coulee 509-633-1000 The only place in town to get the job done! Come see what I have! Debbie Vancik - Independent Consultant 509-631-4220 before 2 p.m. HEALTH TOUCH MASSAGE THERAPY Robin Sanford LMP Now Accepting Most Major Insurances Office 633-0545 • Home 633-3553 Joshua F. Grant, P.S. 302 Spokane Way Grand Coulee, WA 99133 S NICK’ Attorney at Law ~ since 1975 HOME REPAIRS - New Construction TruckRemodel & Car too! Hoe - Roofing - Flooring AcrossTractor from Les Schwab Sprinkler Systems - We Do It All! The only place in town NICKSHR999LJ to get the job done! 633-8238 • 631-0194 302 Spokane Way Grand Coulee, WA 99133 For ALL Your Heating & Air Conditioning Service & Repair Needs (Including N/G, Oil & Propane) Senior Discounts Available ROB BRUCE, owner/operator 509-641-2472 Licensed - Bonded - Insured • #WECARCA894NQ Medicaid Eligibility Planning Elder Law Estate Planning - Wills - Probates Real Estate Sales Closings Member, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys 509-647-5578 Hanson Building 6 SW Main Avenue Wilbur, WA 99185 This Space Is For Rent! Call 633-1350 for more information Remodels - Concrete Const. Pole Buildings • Fences Decks • Excavations Free Estimates Shawn Deckwa Lic#DECKWC*892R3 JACKSON I Can Help You! CONSTRUCTION LLC Wayne Fowler DWKFOFC949R8 General Contractor Call for free estimate on any type or size of job. Pole Building Remodel Homes, Additions Backhoe Services Available Sand & Gravel Excavation • Remodels Pole Buildings Concrete Work Call for estimates 509.631.4603 New Construction COULEE DAM PLUMBING Remodels - Repairs Mobile Everett Leishman, owner 633-2507 Across from Les Schwab D.W.K. FOWLER CONSTRUCTION LLC (509) 633-2485 Cell 631-0135 HOUSE WITH LAKE VIEWS $395,000 3 bdrm. Enjoy Lake Views From Your Hot Tub! Fishing & Boating Year Around! (Electric City)Price reduced!! Remodeled, new kitchen granite counter tops, cabinets refinished, new sink, garbage disposal and oven, painted throughout. How would you like to bask in 300 days of sunshine ever year? You will when you own this spacious custom home on one-half acre of land overlooking Banks Lake in Electric City. There’s plenty of room to park all your toys and lots of room inside too, with 2,260 sq. ft. on the main floor and 1,930 sq. ft. in the half-finished basement, 3 bedroom upstairs, plus 3 bathrooms, family, living and dining rooms, kitchen with eating bar, utility room, atrium and patio with that hot tub overlooking Banks Lake. With interest rates at all time lows, now is the time to make your dream a reality! Call Wayne at 509-633-0603. Please leave a call back number when inquiring about this property. (S-8-14-4tpp) Pruning & Lawn Service Small Engine Repair FREE ESTIMATES KARLSSD991PE $205,000. 4 bedroom, 2 bath tri-level home w/ garage. Located in a very desirable Electric City neighborhood. Lakeview, fireplace, sprinkler system. Won’t last long! (509) 631-4087. (C8-7-3tpp) Homes Grand Coulee Dam Area Roofing & Siding Specials (509) 633-2425 FOR SALE – 2 bdrm. house, totally remodeled, located at 801 Pine St., Coulee Dam, $149,500. Call for details 633-2485 or 6310135. (F1-30-tfc) run in Gary Haven • Experienced Crews & Quality Local Concrete Products Used HOME FOR SALE: 420 Roosevelt Drive, Grand Coulee, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, utility, basement, one car garage, partially fenced yard. Call 633-2485 or 631-0135. (F1-30tfc) MANUFACTURED HOME FOR SALE: 57862 Cardinal Road, Delano, clean 2 bedroom 14 X 60, two bath, large shop 40 X 60. Call 633-2485 or 631-0135. (F1-30-tfc) Classifeds also CCHAVENQF8810P • Excavating • Clearing • Hauling • Septic Systems • Heavy Equipment • All Underground Utility Work Homes (509) 237-2124 COULEE DAM CONCRETE We are Washington State Department of Transportation Certified AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 2 Bbdrm.Units NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Senior/Disabled Electric City • Across from the Post Office next to Changes Your Fulltime, Quality, Experienced Local Concrete Supplier For Rent: 3 bdrm home, one bath in Coulee Dam, 702 Birch, $700 per month, 6332485. (F8-21-tfc) SPRING CANYON APARTMENTS Open 7 Days A Week Did You Know… West Coulee Dam Cottage. Cozy river home, 1 bath, 2 bedroom, 2 nice private backyard overlooking Columbia River, view of dam, fruit trees, RV hookup, Washer/ Dryer, $750 month, first/last, 1 year lease, utilities, $500 damage deposit. (509)6338333,(253)355-8525 (W8-21-2tpp) Grand Coulee Manor Grand Coulee Starting at just $5.75 per week (must run 4 weeks) 633-1350 or [email protected] Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. THIS SPACE IS FOR RENT 633-1350 Rentals • New & Remodel Construction • Concrete (Slabs, Footings & Walls) • Framing •Roofing • Doors & WIndows • Siding • Decks • Pole Buildings • Excavations 509-631-1977 509-633-6522 JACKSCL988CA • Electric City ~ Create Beauty in your yard ~ Plan and plant your garden ~ Beautify your flowerbeds ~ Thorough & masterful pruning Gayle Swagerty Owner & Master Gardener Coulee Gardens and Design Landscape design, renovation and maintenance Office: 633-8375 Cell: 509-680-4969 [email protected] CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL 3 Rooms For $89.95 Replace Garbage Disposals, Water Heaters, Faucets, Drain Cleaning LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED COULEDP000JC 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 633-6630 Serving Grant County Over 10 Years 509.634.1128 FLOWESC913KD (509) 633-1531 Facility Maintenance Services: Carpet Cleaning Services Floor Maintenance and Refinishing For appointments and ask HVAC Duct Cleaning Windowabout Washingother services General Cleaning Services Lawn and Ground Maintenance Weed Control Spray Services Construction and Rental Clean up Janitorial Supplies and Equipment Sales The Star • AUGUST 21, 2013 Mobile MOBILE HOME IN ELMER CITY – Older mobile home located at 540 Seaton Ave., Elmer City. 3 bedroom, 1 bath fixer-upper sold “as is”. Asking $18,000 or best offer. Call the Coulee Dam Federal Credit Union and ask for Loyce or Dar 1-800-572-5678 or 509-633-0830. (C7-24-tfc) Storage Events ANNOUNCE your festival for only pennies. Four weeks to 2.7 million readers statewide for about $1,200. Call this newspaper or 1 (206) 634-3838 for more details. AUGUST 24TH! 10+ properties in Cathlamet, Kelso, Longview & Silverlake. All types. Opening bids below list prices! Bid Online! 866-6600729 Auctioneer #2940 Boats 10x20 STORAGE UNIT FOR RENT – In Grand Coulee. Call 631-0194. (N2-27-tfc) AOK STORAGE 12’x40’ & smaller Interior light & power Hwy 155, Electric City 509-633-0883 Young’s Welding C.J.’s Mini Storage 52-foot houseboat. Sleeps 10. Barbecue, fireplace, full kitchen, furnished, slide. Ready to go. $33,500 or trade for nice car or truck. 509-647-0117. (Mc-7-10-tfc) Cycles 2012 HARLEY DAVIDSON IRON, immaculate condition, only 1,600 miles, $7,825,. 1.509.220.4900 (cell). (A8-14-2tc) RVs Various Sizes Available Grand Coulee & Electric City 633-8074 or 631-1222 1993 FORD CLASS C motor home, new tires, new 3-way frig., under 60,000 miles. Ready to go $6,000. 509.846.3762, Electric City. (N8-21-1tp) LYNN’S STORAGE 633-0246 Cell - 509-528-9224 RALPH’S STORAGE UNITS AVAILABLE 12x35 - $82 10x14 - $57 509-633-2458 For Sale: 40 acres with well, paved access, near golf course, panoramic views, near airstrip, recreational water, beautiful site for home, development, etc. $390,000, OBO. 509-775-3511 or 509-641-1003 (Mc5-1-tfc) LOCAL PRIVATE INVESTOR loans money on real estate equity. I loan on houses, raw land, commercial property and property development. Call Eric at (425) 803-9061. Personal It takes the courage and strength of a warrior to ask for help… Emotional Crisis? Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255), press 1 for veterans. DIVORCE $155. $175 with children. No court appearances. Complete preparation. Includes custody, support, property division and bills. BBB member. (503) 772-5295. legalalt@ Cars Notice The GCD Senior Center Cars - Trucks Farm Equipment CASH PAID ALL Buying Aluminum Jeff’s Towing Coulee City 681-0081Will Pick Up EAGLES LODGE Dinners Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. 4-7 p.m. Call 633-0162 for more information Classifeds also run in Wed 4-8 Tacos Karaoke w/Paul & Tabby 7-11 Sat., Steak Night Rod’s Cooking 515 Ronald Drive, Grand Coulee Love, Gary 139 Hillcrest Ave, Electric City #710 Fir Street, Coulee Dam, 2 Bedroom 1 bath home in East Coulee Dam. Home has just over 1,000 sf. on the main level, plus and additional 16’ by 16’ storage room downstairs. It is conveniently located within walking distance to downtown shopping and services. The home has metal lap siding, Comp 3 tab roof, galv plumbing and 200 amp cb service. Property is fenced and includes several fruit trees. It’s possible to convert back to a 3 bedroom home without much cost if you prefer. List Price is $69,500 with $2,500 buyer credit. #139 Hillcrest Ave, Electric City, 3 Bedroom -2 bath Fleetwood Man home on three lots. The home has appr 1,400 square feet and has updated carpets throughout. The kitchen has breakfast bar, lots of counter space, and includes stove, ref, dw, & compactor. The home has metal lap siding, Central H & AC, and large patio that is partially covered. The property is nicely landscaped and has an in ground sprinkler system. There is a detached 24’ by 28’ garage and the property is just over 1/3 of an acre in size. List Price is just $85,000. acres overlooking Lake Roosevelt. The home is just under 1,050 s.f. in size and was built in 1982 by Skyline. It has Central Heat and Air conditioning, copper plumbing, 200 amp circuit breaker service and medium sized deck. But the best part is the wonderful view of Lake Roosevelt. List price is just $99,500 and the seller will pay up to $5,000 of buyer’s closing costs. #46120 Geostar Dr. N, Grand Coulee, Hard to find Custom Quality 3 bedroom 2 bath home nestled along Lake Roosevelt with unobstructed panoramic views. You won’t find a more picturesque setting than the one offered from this property. The home is appr. 2,200 square feet and all on one level, but designed to draw in the outdoors. Built in 2003, it has hickory cabinets and hardwood, Wood double pane windows and doors, Hardy Board lap siding and over appr. 750 s.f. of composite decks. The living room has vaulted ceilings, gas fireplace and a number of built ins. Large 3 car garage that is appr. 1,150 s.f. in size and has lots and lots of storage as well as rough ins for an additional bath. The property is .63 of an acre and is beautifully landscaped with concrete curbing and auto sprinkler system. List price is just $395,000. #54 Jackson Ave., Electric City, 2 Bedroom 1 bath home with a number of recent renovations. Home has recessed wall heat, updated vinyl 2 pane windows, updated floor coverings, and recently painted throughout. Home has appr. 1,000 s.f. on the main level, and the property is 100’ by 160’ or 16,000 s.f. in size. If you would prefer a smaller lot, property can be subdivided to create an extra building lot. Property is fenced and includes a detached garage & storage shed. List Price is reduced to just $82,500. #55676 Bay Area Dr NE, Electric City, Beautiful custom built 3 bedroom 2 bath home with the property set up for horses. The home was built in 2004 and has appr 1,700 square feet that is all on one level. Home has Vinyl lap siding, dimensional Comp roofing, Gas Fireplace, Central Heat & AC with HP, and vaulted ceilings. There is a detached garage/workshop with tack room and hay storage. Corral for the horses and three separate pastures that are all fenced, so you can rotate your grazing. Beautifully landscaped and wonderful sunsets. The property is 5 acres in size all together. List price is just $339,500. #53 Front St., Elmer City, Pretty spot to watch the River flow by. 1979 Manufactured home with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths and almost 1,350 s.f. all together. The home has Central Heat and Air Conditioning, Metal roof, large covered deck with extra storage. Master bath was recently renovated and has new tiled shower. The property has appr 30,000 s.f. of ground and has a couple small sheds used as chicken coops. List Price is just $77,500 and includes a $2,500 closing cost credit to buyer. #209 Columbia Ave, Coulee Dam. A truly one of a kind home located in historic West Coulee Dam along the Columbia River. As you walk through the front door, the spaciousness and elegance are readily apparent. The 22 foot vaulted ceilings, The floor to ceiling windows, the hardwood flooring, and the huge gourmet kitchen with granite countertops. The home has 3+ bedrooms and 4 bathrooms and over 3,600 square feet of finished living area, plus another 600+ square feet downstairs. The home has two Central FA with HP systems, Copper Plumbing, 400 amp electrical service, gas fireplace with antique mantle and a 10 person hot tub. The property is just over 20,000 s.f. in size and the grounds have mature landscaping, a huge deck, as well as a gazebo overlooking Grand Coulee Dam. The home has been operated as a very successful B&B in the past. List price is now just $330,000 with $7,500 closing cost credit. #2390 Road U NE, Mansfield, WA. Cute 2 bedroom home out in the country on 21 acres, located appr 17 miles Northwest of Grand Coulee, just off of Highway 174 in Douglas County. The home is appr 1,075 s.f. on the main level and has had a number of recent updates. Renovated Kitchen and Bathrooom are both in great shape. Home has Hardie Board lap siding, metal roof 200 amp cb service, and shared well. There is a 32’ by 36’ quonset hut shop/garage, plus a 3200 sf barn for additional storage. List price is just $129,500. #21202 NE Lakeview Ave, Electric City, Looking for a Lake Get-A-Way? Here is the perfect little fishing cabin, just a hop, skip and a jump away from Banks Lake. The home has a nice sized living room with wood fireplace and is appr. 650 square feet in size. There is 1 bedroom and the possibility of a 2nd Bedroom as well. There is a detached 18’ by 30.5’ deep garage, perfect for parking a boat. The property is 50’ by 75’ in size. List Price is just $65,000. #24 N. Front Street, Elmer City, This property could be used many different ways, depending on what you need. With a little work, it could be used as a fishing cabin or a place to hang your hat during the week instead of commuting. The mobile home is a 1962 Kit that is 10’ by 52’ and has 2 bedrooms and 1 bath, and a covered deck. The property is 112.35’ x 193.86’ and has electricity, water, irrigation water and sewer all on site. The garage is just over 24’ by 30’ in size and had a utility room for washer and dryer. List price is just $39,500. 70 Crest Drive, Electric City, Another property with options. The building is 28.25 by 54.25 and includes a 1960 Hicks 10’ by 43’ mobile home. The building was built in 2000 and includes a 18.25’ by 54.25’ garage work shop. It has a 200 amp cb service, an oil pit. City Water, City Sewer and a fenced yard area as well. The property is 80’ by 80’ so it has the potential of building a home on or adding a mobile home. Use as a weekend getaway, a 2nd Home, A Fishing Cabin, or a place to park your 5th Wheel, Motor Home, or RV. The mobile home will take some work, but at this price it’s hard to go wrong. Bring Cash. List price is just $39,500. Looking for Land? We have a number of lots and building sites available both in and out of town. Prices start at $13,500 and go up from there. A complete list of properties for sale can be found on our website at, or give us a call at 509-633-0410. 100 Crest Drive, Coulee Dam. If you need a home with lots of bedrooms, come check this one out. Home has just over 1,050 sf on the main level and another 1,050 s.f. downstairs. There are 3 Bedrooms on the main level, plus 2 more bedrooms downstairs. The home has Vinyl lap siding & Vinyl clad double pane windows, Dimensional Comp roofing, and copper plumbing. The property is approximately 5,300 s.f. in size and has a fenced back yard and storage shed. Conveniently located to the new K-12 school. List price is just $112,500 #46538 Sunny Hill Lane N, Grand Coulee, Located just 7 miles from Grand Coulee is this 3 Bedroom – 2 bath Manufactured home on 6.18 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY REALTOR ® EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY REALTOR ® Jobs H&H GROCERY SPECIALS Darigold Milk, $2.99 per gallon Busch Beer, 18 pk. Cans $10.99. (H814-2tc) REBATE SALE on all Pacific Energy pellet and wood-burning stoves, fireplace inserts and fireplaces. See at www.pacificenergy. net. Now thru Sept. 30, ALJU Stove & Fireplace, Omak. 826-2736. (A8-14-7tc) SAWMILLS from only $4897.00 -- Make and Save Money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info/DVD: www. 1-800-578-1363 Ext. 300N Ruger M-77 cal. 22-250, target bull barrel. Scoped, loading dies and ammo. Low round count. $600 obo 633-2177.(S-8-211tc) 8 cords elm wood cut for 16” stove, 1.5 years old, stacked in shed. $125/cord obo. 633-9838, (F-8-21-2tp) Full size bed, maple headboard, springs and mattress, steel frame, memory foam Thanks We would like to thank our sons and families for the wonderful 50th anniversary celebration they put together for us. You did a great job. A special thank you to the staff at the Eagles for their work and help, the food was great. Thank you to John Francis for the lovely floral arrangements, we heard many compliments. We would especially like to thank our many freindsa and family members who took rtime out of their day to celebrate with us and to congratulate us. Thank you to the many people that sent cards. - Ray and Helen Gilman ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES TECHNICIAN The Environmental Services Technician performs various routine housekeeping and cleaning duties such as dry and damp mopping floors, vacuuming rugs and carpets, dusting and sanitizing surfaces in clinical work areas, offices, hallways, restrooms and patient rooms to ensure a clean environment. Additionally, this position supports patient care by cleaning and servicing all linens/ laundry, moving supplies in and around the department, and keeping work areas organized and clutter free. High School diploma or equivalent required. Prior institutional cleaning experience helpful, but not required Apply online at: Or email information to: [email protected] PHONE: (509) 633-1753FAX: (509) 633-0295 E.O.E. AMERICAN GREETINGS is looking for Retail Greeting Card Merchandisers in Grand Coulee, WA. As a member of our team, you will ensure the greeting card department is merchandised and maintained to provide customers the best selection of cards and product to celebrate life’s events. Join the American Greetings family today by applying online at: or call 1.888.323.4192 (C8-21-2tpp) Lot attendant. Part time, Tues-Sat. See Michael Adams at Jess Ford. (SJ-8/21-2tc) DRIVERS -- Whether you have experience or need training, we offer unbeatable career opportunities. Trainee, Company Driver, Lease Operator, Lease Trainers. (877-3697105 Sales Summer of 2013 VETERANS’ BARGAIN SATURDAYS June 1 - Sept. 7 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Coulee Blvd., Electric City Donations 509.846.3762 GRAND COULEE EPIC Community Wide Yard Sale – GCD Community Wide Yard Sale Fri,. & Sat., Sept. 13-14. North Dam Park. $10 per site. Everyone welcome. For information contact GCD Area Chamber 633-3074. (G8-21-4tc) 3-family yard sale. 318 Burdin Blvd. 9-?, Friday Aug. 23, Saturday Aug. 24, Sunday Aug. 25. COULEE DAM Multifamily Yard Sale. 301 Stevens, Coulee Dam. Saturday, August 24, 7:30 am - 2 pm. Cleaning out the basement & garage; lots of miscellaneous stuff. ELMER CITY Big yard sale. Elmer City Access Road. Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 24 & 25. 9 am to 5 pm. NO EARLY BIRDS. Rain cancels sale. (B-8-21-1tp) Elmer City Yard Sale. Aug 23 &24. Highway 155 & Williams Street. Color Copies Get Them Fast! DRIVERS -- Tired of Being Gone? We get you Home! Call Haney Truck Line one of best NW heavy haul carriers. Great pay/ benefits package. 1-888-414-4467. www. Happy 30th COLLECTING Anniversary A complete listing of our properties can be found at our website 710 Fir Street, Coulee Dam Misc. The family of James Dean Davis would like to thank the Coulee Medical Center doctor and nursing staff for the care and compassion shown and bestowed upon our brother while he was in their care. Your kindness and understanding shown to the family and relatives will not be forgotten. -- The sisters, brothers, and extended family members. has a website check it out. LOOKING TO BUY SCRAP 20 ACRE PARCELS FOR SALE: $140,000 to $350,000, 2 lots discounted. Spring Canyon Ridge in Lincoln Co. only one mile from Grand Coulee. Call 633-2485 or 6310135. (D10-3-tfc) Vehicle Auction. Jack’s 4-Corners. Tuesday, Aug.27. Viewing 10 a.m., Auction 11 a.m. 2002 Mercury Mountaineer, Lic.# AGM7340. (T-8-21-1tc) Wanted The Star Online! Property Page 7 Foisy & Kennedy REALTY, INC. 633-0410 more listings at 309 Midway Ave., Grand Coulee By Larry Cox Sewing Machine Q: I have a treadle operated Singer sewing machine in an oak cabinet from about 1925. I understand these have become very popular with collectors. What is mine worth? -- Bill, Tyler, Texas A: Singer sewing machines were hot with collectors a decade or two ago, but that interest has more or less declined. Most Singers I've seen in shops and at antique malls have been priced for less than $150, even some of the earlier models. *** Q: I was a big fan of Ronald Reagan, and in 1981 purchased a Carltonware "Spitting Image" coffee pot with his likeness. Even though I often visit antiques malls and shops, I have not seen another one like it. I have been offered $150 for it by a collector. My big question is whether I should sell it for that amount or keep it. -- Deborah, Sun City West, Ariz. A: Your ceramic coffee pot was designed by Fluck and Law and was so popular that knock-offs also were produced. If your pot is genuine, it is worth in the $350 to $650 range. Since most modern political campaigns are television driven, souvenirs have become less common, especially items such as your coffee pot. Humor and satire have been an important part of our political campaigns, and that is what makes your pot so unique and collectible. One of the better groups for enthusiasts is American Political Items Collectors, P.O. Box 55, Avon, NY 14414. *** Q: I have about a dozen older movie posters, including "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," "Portrait in Black," "Lady Killers," "True Grit" and "Where's Papa?" Whom can I contact to find out what they are worth? -- Steve, Palm Springs, Calif A: Conway's Vintage Treasures is recommended to both buy and sell movie memorabilia. The address is P.O. Box 40962, Providence, RI 02940. *** Q: I have a piece of my city's past. It is a bumper sticker that reads "Rio Rancho Estates, 1429 Central Avenue, N.W., Albuquerque, New Mexico, The Sunshine Capital of the U.S.A." -- Irene, Rio Rancho, N.M. A: Your bumper sticker sounds interesting. Have you considered contacting the New Mexico History Museum, 113 Lincoln Ave., Santa Fe, NM 85701. *** Write to Larry Cox in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 328536475, or send e-mail to [email protected]. Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox is unable to personally answer all reader questions. Do not send any materials requiring return mail. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. Fax Services at The Star Fax Number: 509-633-3828 Page 8 Legal Notices Jobs Home Based Instruction Jobs Forms Available Parents who plan to home school their children are required by law to file a signed Declaration of Intent each school year indicating that the parent is planning to have their child receive home based instruction according to Washington State Law, Chapter 28A.200RCW. Notice to those previously receiving Special Education Services C oulee ops Compiled from police files Grand Coulee Police 8/13 - An Electric City woman reported that a young man was If you received special educa- at her house asking her to sell tion services at Grand Coulee him her pain pills. She said she Dam School District and you were didn’t have pain pills but thought born in 1985-1986, you may have the police should know about the records at the District Office. incident. - Officers responded to an ElecThese records can be picked up tric City residence concerning a at the Grand Coulee Dam School Forms are available at the District Office at 110 Stevens Ave. potentially suicidal person. An Grand Coulee Dam School Dis- in Coulee Dam until 3:00 pm Oc- ambulance went to the location but trict Office at 110 Stevens, Coulee tober 31, 2013. the person refused attention. It Dam. You may also obtain a form Records still remaining after was reported that the subject had by calling Peggy Day at 633-2143 this date will be destroyed. drunk a fifth of whiskey and taken weekdays from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m some Hydrocodone. Mondays through Thrusdays. - An Everett party ran a boat unForms are to be turned in to the der the bridge into a restricted area Grand Coulee Dam School District and caught the attention of USBR office by September 12th. Plant Protection. An officer advised the party of the problem and they responded by saying they didn’t see any signs. They left the area. - Three men, from Omak, Spokane and Okanogan, wandered Birth to age five preschool chilCompleted forms submitted into restricted areas near the dam dren not currently enrolled in by parents/guardians will be reat two locations and were advised the Grand Coulee Dam School viewed and a determination will not to continue the practice. District may be eligible for a be made as to whether the child An Electric City man, who free developmental screening. needs to be scheduled for addilives on W. Grand Avenue, was arInterested parents should retional Childfind Screening and/or rested on a warrant and for allegquest forms for a developmental assessments. edly spray painting at an address screening and health inventory from the School District Office. Parents/guardians will be noti- on Kelso. He was taken to Grant It is especially important for a fied of results of the developmen- County jail. 8/14 - Police responded to a retal screening as soon as possible. parent to complete the forms if port that there had been a burglary Parents/guardians of children they think their child may be at a storage location on SR-174. considered in need of additional developmentally delayed, i.e. be The reporting party was advised services will be notified to schedin need of occupational/physithat the location was in Lincoln ule further assessments. cal or speech therapy, or other County and was given the phone possible health problems that number for the sheriff’s office. To request developmental may impede a child from being 8/15 A woman reported that screenings and health inventory ready for learning. Completed sometime the night before someone forms need to be returned to the forms please call Peggy Day at 633-2143 Monday-Thursday had broken one of the windows at District Office. her business on Coulee Boulevard from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. East. The business owner said no entry was made and nothing was missing. - Police checked on graffiti sprayed on the NAPA and fire department buildings. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. - A Kenmore man driving a Mer§ 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of cedes was stopped for not wearing student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive a seatbelt and also received three funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Educaother citations, including no license tion. on person, no insurance and failing to signal. The man said he left his FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s license at his campsite. education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or - Police responded to a potential she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school suicide call on Sunny Drive in Eleclevel. Students to whom the rights have transferred are “eligible stutric City and found that a woman dents.” at that address had threatened to hurt herself. The woman told police *Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the she had stopped her medication student’s education records maintained by the school. Schools are not four days before and needed help. required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great She was taken to Coulee Medical distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the Center where a mental health records. Schools may charge a fee for copies. worker was called. - A man living in a trailer park *Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school on E. Grand Coulee Ave., told police correct records, which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the that his two grandsons had bloodschool decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student ied his nose over discussions about then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school social security and food stamps. still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student The man wanted the two grandhas the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or sons banned from his place. Police her view about the contested information. are looking for the pair. 8/16 - A man gave an officer a *Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent billfold,belonging to a Tacoma man, or eligible student in order to release any information from a student’s found at North Dam Park. education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those - A Billings, Mont., man was records, without consent, to the following parties or under the followstopped and cited for riding a moing conditions (34 CFR § 99.31): torcyle without wearing a helmet. He argued that if a helmet was re* School officials with legitimate educational interest; quired signs, should be posted. The * Other schools to which a student is transferring; officer told the man that there were * Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes; signs on I-90. Then he argued that * Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a stuhe had two sons in law enforcement dent; and that he was a Vietnam veteran. * Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of That didn’t cut any slack either the school; and he was cited. * Accrediting organizations; - A Pomeroy woman was cited * To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena; for allowing her small child to be * Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; wedged in the back of her truck and between the bed of the truck and * State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, the front passenger seat. She was pursuant to specific State law. told that not only was it illegal, but dangerous for the child. Schools may disclose, without consent, “directory” information such - A Gig Harbor man and a Seas a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of attle man were stopped by police birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, schools after one of them had walked over must tell parents and eligible students about directory information to look at the waterfall near the and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time Bureau of Reclamation administo request that the school not disclose directory information about tration building. They were told them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of the area was off limits. their rights under FERPA. 8/17 - A man flagged down an The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Educaofficer to give him a watch that tion concerning alleged failures by the District to comply with the he had found by the Crescent Bay requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that swimming area. administers FERPA is: - Two men got into a yelling match outside of Safeway over foot ball. The manager asked that the Family Policy Compliance Office pair be banned for the remainder of the day. One of the men, from U.S. Department of Education Okanogan, took exception to this and started yelling at the manager, 600 Independence Avenue, SW calling him names. The man was issued a criminal trespass citaWashington, DC 20202-4605s tion, arrested and taken to Grant Childfind Screening Applications Available At School District Office The Star • AUGUST 21, 2013 County Jail. It was asked that the man be permanently banned from the store. - A man on Roosevelt Drive was asked to put his front lawn campfire out. He said they were celebrating a birthday. He was advised of a burn ban and used a hose to put the fire out. - A woman told police that a man incarcerated in a Spokane jail had threatened her. She was told to advise Spokane police of the problem and to call police if the man showed up here. Coulee Dam Police 8/12 - An employee of the Coulee Dam Casino flagged down an officer to tell him that the night before someone had placed duct tape with tacks punched through it around his vehicle front door, causing him to puncture his hand. A review of the casino security tape showed a person leaving the casino and going to the employee’s car and doing something. The person was known to the security officer and the matter was referred to Tribal Police. - A man was stopped near Riley Point because the tabs on his vehicle had expired. When checking, the officer learned that the driver didn’t have a valid drivers license. He was cited and called for a licensed driver to come and drive his car. 8/13 - An officer noticed a car with its flashers going off parked near Pole Park. The car was secured but the driver couldn’t be found. - Plant Protection advised police that a power boat had come up under the bridge and near the face of the dam. Police contacted the three persons in the boat at the Seaton Grove boat launch to advise them that they had been in a restricted area. The three stated that they didn’t see the sign near the bridge that they were not to Need Copies Fast? The Star enter the area. - Three men climbed over the fence at Riley Point so they could take pictures of themselves in front of the dam without having the fence in the way. An officer advised them that they needed to stay within authorized areas. 8/17 - Police checked on a trespass issue at the Coulee Dam Casino. Officials there stated that two males and three females were denied entrance to the casino because some of them were intoxicated. The official told police that the group left on foot down Birch Street. The two males later were found near River Drive, and the officer told them to stay out of the roadway. Queen of Hearts 50/50 Raffle! Starting 8/23 at 7 pm Members Only MOOSE LODGE 216 Continental Hts., Grand Coulee • 633-0555 Reach 2.8 Million ReadeRs* Go Statewide or tarGet a reGion. Just By Placing One WNPA Statewide 2x2 Impact Ad. includes 102 neWsPaPeRs & 33 tMc Publications. contact YouR local WnPa MeMbeR neWsPaPeR to leaRn MoRe. *BaSed on Statewide SurveyS ShowinG 2.3 people read each copy of a community newSpaper. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ® Our Best Tire Value Promise is FREE with every passenger car and light truck tire purchase. Here’s what it includes… FREE PEACE OF MIND TIRE PROTECTION Whatever the road throws at you from potholes to nails - if your tire is damaged from any road hazard, we will replace the value of your tire. • If your tire is damaged beyond repair we’ll replace its value • Our workmanship is guaranteed for the life of your tires • We offer free pre-trip safety checks PASSENGER CAR TIRE ON SALE LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND TREAD DESIGN MAY VARY GREAT BUY! STARTING AT 106 99 155/80R-13 195/65HR-15 CALL FOR SIZE & PRICE YOUR SIZE IN STOCK, CALL FOR SIZE & PRICE FREE ALL-SEASON SMOOTH, TRACTION QUIET RIDE 40,000-80,000 MILE WARRANTY INSTALLATION • AIR CHECKS • ROTATIONS EQUAL VALUE REPLACEMENT • FLAT REPAIR The Tourevo II is our best premium all-season tire that features, safety, comfort, performance and our money back guarantee. The Tourevo is a great car tire for todays newer vehicles…offered to you exclusively from Les Schwab! 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TERRAMAX STARTING AT 89 $60 VALUE OR MORE 99 235/75R-15 YOUR SIZE IN STOCK, CALL FOR SIZE & PRICE FREE INSTALLATION • AIR CHECKS • ROTATIONS BRING IN THIS CARD TO GET FREE PRE-TRIP SAFETY CHECK AND FREE TIRE ROTATION EQUAL VALUE REPLACEMENT • FLAT REPAIR OPEN COUNTRY H/T SHOWN ABOVE LEFT STARTING AT 13499 275/65TR-17 STARTING AT FREE INSTALLATION • AIR CHECKS • ROTATIONS EQUAL VALUE REPLACEMENT • FLAT REPAIR 30/9.50R-15 LT215/85R-16BW LT235/85SR-16 235/75SR-16 LT265/75SR-16 P225/70SR-14 205/70TR-15 LT275/70R-17 P265/65R-17BW 275/65TR-17 LT275/65R-18 SALE PRICE LOAD RANGE C 134.99 E 152.99 E 179.99 134.99 E 193.49 134.99 107.99 C 215.99 224.39 134.99 C 224.99 SXT M/T SHOWN ABOVE RIGHT Good through 8/31/13. Good at all Les Schwab Tire Center locations. Present card at time of service to receive services or discount specified. Free pre-trip safety check includes checking tire pressure and tread depth, visual alignment, brakes, shocks and battery, plus free tire rotation. Offer valid on passenger cars and light trucks only. Limit one per customer. Void where prohibited. Not valid with other offers. No copies of this card permitted. DMY2 ALL-SEASON SIZE & 180 00 SIZE & TRACTION LT215/85R-16BW LT245/75R-16BW LT265/75R-16 LT305/70R-16 LT305/70R-18 SALE PRICE LOAD RANGE E E C D E 180.00 199.99 197.99 270.00 357.23 LT215/85R-16/10 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST (MAKE & DESIGN MAY VARY) Best Brake Value PROMISE Professionally Trained Technicians Over 30 Years Experience Premium Quality Parts Best Brake Warranty FREE BRAKE INSPECTIONS • FREE ESTIMATES • SAME DAY SERVICE (ON MOST VEHICLES) PRICES GOOD THROUGH AUGUST 31, 2013 Corner of Spokane and Federal Way, Grand Coulee BASE
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