April - Camp Fire Golden Empire


April - Camp Fire Golden Empire
April 2013 Vol. 1 – No. 3
Council Calendar*
4/21 Annual Meeting
Camp Work Day
5/23 Board Meeting
5/24 – 27
Memorial Weekend
Family Camp
6/27 Board Meeting
7/21 – 27
Resident Camp
8/ 9 – 11
Wohelo Family Camp
8/ 23 Board Meeting
9/26 Board Meeting
10/19 Camp Work Day
11/21 Board Meeting
*Date subject to change.
Check with Council office for
times and location of meetings
Our Promise
Young people want to shape
the world.
Camp Fire provides support to
find the spark, lift their voice,
and discover who they are.
In Camp fire – It begins now.
Annual Meeting Sunday, April 21 1:00-3:00 PM
Come Join Your Camp Fire Friends!
Buck Mansion Carriage House
225 Buck Avenue, Vacaville, CA
Gourmet appetizers/desserts  Raffle prizes
Entertainment  Short Business Meeting
Tickets $25
(payable at door)
Camp Gold Hollow
Work Day – May 4
Spring is here, the lake is full and it is
time to come and reawaken Camp Gold Hollow from its long
winter sleep and welcome the summer fun that waits. There
are special challenges that have to be met this year. Burst
pipes need repair, the decks need painting, the kitchen
needs cleaning, the bathhouses need disinfecting and the
grounds need a good raking. Truck and a hitch and/or
hauling trailer are especially needed. We have jobs for every
age…Please come help us out! Come bring your friends and
if you want to stay the night that is OK too… Call the Camp
Fire office at 707 643-4573 and let us know you are coming.
Come have fun with your friends and enjoy the outdoors
while helping to ready camp for summer….Trisha
Stately Old Tree’s New Job
What once brought beauty and shaded our warm days at Camp Gold Hollow fell and gifted its
life so others could be warm on cold winter nights. A big tree in the front of the lodge lost some limbs
this winter. When the limbs fell they knocked off the electrical wires attached to the tree. P.G. & E.
came out to camp and determined the tree to be infested with insects. They cut the tree down. All 50
feet plus of lodge pole pine fell across the lower parking lot and the archery range. Volunteer wood
cutters from Grass Valley came and cut it up and hauled the wood away. The Wood Cutters will store
the firewood in the old Hills Flat lumber yard and give it away to elderly and handicapped residents to
heat their homes – A generous end to a stately old tree. WoHeLo....
Camp Fire Golden Empire at Camp Gold Hollow Presents
Family Camp Memorial Weekend – Resident Camp July 21 – 27
Wohelo Family Camp August 9 - 11
Camp Fire camping provides opportunities for youth and adults to be outside to learn, explore, and
play together while developing a lifelong appreciation and respect for the outdoor environment.
Family Camp Memorial Weekend May 24 – 27
Whether you are brand new to camping or a seasoned professional Family Camp Memorial Weekend is
the place to be! Why be frustrated and annoyed with the crowds on Memorial Weekend when you can
be relaxing on the shores of Lake Vera under tall timbers and warm sun light during the day and listen
to the starry night sky sing you to sleep.
CAMPFIRES  HIKING and family, friends, fun and a special mystery activity!
CAMP FEES: Cost covers 3 nights lodging and 7 meals - ADULTS: $ 90.00 YOUTH: $ 50.00 (Ages 2-12)
For more information contact: Marianne Bird (916) 451-4607 or Fran Bartosek (925) 803-8766 or go to
http://www.goldenempirecouncil.org/ to download a flyer and registration forms.
Camp Gold Hollow Resident Camp
July 21 – 27
An outdoor adventure for boys and girls ages 6 – 17 providing a high quality experience for both
the seasoned and first time camper. Camp Gold Hollow’s program fosters independence, sounddecision making, and self-reliance while creating friendships that will last a lifetime.
Summer resident camp is a long-held tradition and the voices of happy campers have echoed down the
trails of Camp Fire camps on Lake Vera for over 80 years. The carrier of that tradition now rests on the
banks of Camp Gold Hollow where the legacy of us all continues along with the opportunity to build a
new generation of Camp Fire memories. We are committed to providing a safe, supportive, and
healthy outdoor learning environment for all youth. Camp life involves a group living experience, rich
in opportunities to discover and build individual skills while developing one's sense of environmental
awareness. Our camp is child-centered, with an emphasis on fun, adventure, flexibility, and learning.
Outdoor Living Skills  Sports & Games  Drama  Arts and Crafts  Theme Days
Team Building Activities  Photography  Food Preparation
Archery: Spend time with our Archery Specialist
sharpening your archer skills to become a member of
the “Bull’s Eye” club.
Waterfront: Canoeing, kayaking, swimming
instruction, lake swims, water sports,
carnival games, and floating meals are just
some of the water related activities awaiting
you. Participation in some activities may be
limited according to swimming abilities. All
waterfront activities are supervised by
certified life guards.
Special Needs: Camp Gold Hollow accepts children with Special Needs as long as they are medically
cleared to attend camp. Our resident camp program is also a great opportunity for Siblings of children
with special needs to experience their own special time away from home giving children a chance to
feel valued and the opportunity to learn they are not the only ones coping with the emotions that
come with having sibling(s) with special needs. While at camp, the children are in a trusting
environment where they can share their feelings and gain support from other campers and staff.
Camp brochure with complete information on program, fees, and registration forms are
available on council’s website page http://www.goldenempirecouncil.org/ . Information
regarding resident camp and the opportunity to register for camp will also be available at the
Memorial Weekend Family Camp.
Wohelo Family Day and Weekend Camp
An Outdoor Experience for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
A program providing families affected by autism a safe, caring,
and non-restrictive outdoor learning experience
An opportunity where families:
Attempt new challenges in small group settings
Actively create their own learning using the power of nature
Make new friends
Build positive family memories
Camp Fire is committed to maximizing the inclusion of youth with autism in outdoor
programming experiences. Wohelo Family Camp provides opportunities for families to interact with
others in an atmosphere created for acceptance, adventure and fun. Camp provides a balance
between opportunities that open the door to new experiences in an outdoor setting while providing
the program accommodations needed to ensure a successful camp experience. Originally operated as
an introductory day camp, one and two night resident experiences are now available for experienced
family campers. Employing the following four areas (a) structural support, (b) staff support, (c) social
skills support, and (d) programming, camp provides a strong foundation for a successful camp
experience for all family members and addresses the key unmet needs families experience in relation
to youth organizations and camping/outdoor adventures based on a 2012 national survey by Autism
Speaks: trained staff; adaptive activities; affordable programs; and, opportunities for socialization with
neurotypical children.
Day Sessions:
Session 1
Session 2
Overnight Sessions: Session A
Session B
Program Fees*
Day Sessions:
Saturday, August 10 9:00 – 4:00 pm
Sunday, August 11 9:00 – 4:00 pm
Friday, August 9, 4:00 pm – Sunday, August 11, 4:00 pm
Saturday, August 10, 1:00 pm – Sunday, August 11, 4:00 pm
Ages 12 – Adults
Ages 4 – 11
Optional lunch provided: Additional $4.00 per person
Overnight Sessions:
Session A:
Ages 12 – Adults
Ages 4 – 11
Session B:
Ages 12 – Adults
Ages 4 – 11
*Registration forms can be downloaded at www.wohelofamilydaycamp.org under the Register Now
tab. A 10% Early Bird discount applies to all registrations post marked by June 30 with fees paid in
New Branding for Camp Fire
The new Camp Fire logo builds from the original, traditional flame and is a view of a campfire
from above. The brand mark is meant to not only look like a campfire, but to also represent a spark
that ignites the fire from within. The mark is energetic and youthful, yet appeals to adults and
influential audiences. Like a well-built campfire, the overlapping paths signify the unique youth and
families that help fuel our organization.
Volunteers Are Key to Council’s Continued
Growth and Success
This is your opportunity to help build a stronger
Camp Fire Golden Empire council. We are
currently looking for volunteers to work on
fundraising, marketing, board development,
and family club program, as well as serving on
the board of directors. We are also looking
for volunteers for Camp Gold Hollow resident
camp and Wohelo Family programs along with
those who would like to volunteer a hand at
keeping Gold Hollow in tip-top shape. It doesn't
matter how much time or how little time you
have … we have a place and opportunity for
you. Just let us know what you are most
interested in doing. If you have questions….
contact Roberta Cotter 707-448-2252 or
Contact the Camp Fire office for an
fresh corn and strawberries from his garden.
There was a spring on his property and the
water was cold and fresh. One group even got
to see a calf being born. His farm had an Indian
grinding rock in the meadow on which we
would try grinding acorns. The hill behind his
house had a gold mine shaft that ran all the
way to Nevada City and under Nevada City. Mr.
Gornig would show us how to pan for gold. He
was a real gold miner and had worked in a gold
mine earlier. We would make stew in a large
iron cauldron on a tripod-- and food has never
tasted so good.
Camping in that meadow was under a
full sky of stars. We made constellation replicas
by punching holes in the bottom of a #10 tin
can and then shining a flashlight from the inside
and identifying the main constellations. The
stars were exceptionally bright at that altitude,
and on clear summer nights. Smog was a word
we had never heard of.
*Memory sent in by Roberta Cotter
Want to see the council grow and Camp Gold
Hollow be here for generations to come but
just too busy? Financial donations as a
supporting Friend of Camp Fire are an
opportunity to give support to ensure the
future of Camp Fire and camp. Donation is tax
deductible. Visit the council website at
http://www.goldenempirecouncil.org/ to make
a donation today.
Remember When…
One of Frank Macchi’s memories from Camp Gold
Ellie’s Favorite Camp Memory*
We used to go on overnights to Mr.
Gornig’s meadow. He was the camp caretaker,
but he owned a farm about half way to Nevada
City. We would cook over an open fire and
make a reflector oven against the big granite
rocks. We would pick blackberries and make
homemade cobbler and homemade ice cream
from the cream which he had milked from his
cows that day. He dug potatoes and gave us
Camp Gold Hollow
Souvenir blanket.
Fuzzy and Buddy at
Camp Minaluta.
News from National
Click on or copy the links below into your
browser for the February and March
Nation Camp Fire newsletter.
The very first session at Camp Minaluta after the
council starting running our own summer camp
program again in 1984.
Camp Caniya CITs visit Camp Okizu/Celio CITs, 1984 —
with Michelle McEvoy, Kim Supriano, Donna Rice, Debbie
Simmons Hall, Margaret Orr Tuholski, Gina Silvestri,
Sharon Kramer, Mary Sylla, Amy Parker, Elise Hillyer,
Patty McCulley, Jennifer Lynne Pompei Gravvat, Colleen
Montgomery and Marianne Bird.
“Friends who have camped together shall
never again divide”
The 3rd edition of Golden Nugget was edited by
Holly Bordwell and approved by Jan
O’Callaghan, Executive Director. Camp Fire
articles, pictures, and/or announcements are
welcomed and can be submitted to my email
address at [email protected]. Additional
articles and information were submitted by
Trisha Dixon, Roberta Cotter, and Marianne
Bird. Pictures were provided from Trisha Dixon,
2012 Gold Hollow resident camp and Wohelo
Family Camp photos by Marianne Bird, and the
Gold Hollow/Minaluta/Celio facebook pages.
Camp Fire – Golden Empire
401 Amador Street
Vallejo, CA. 94590
(707) 643-4573
Our Promise
Young people want to shape the world.
Camp Fire provides support to find the spark,
lift their voice, and discover who they are.
In Camp fire – It begins now.