new york knicks - Madison Square Garden


new york knicks - Madison Square Garden
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
Based on feedback from Season Subscribers like
you, we are pleased to introduce a state of the
art 3D technology that will allow you to participate
in the upgrade process online instead of over the
phone. This unique and interactive tool will provide
you the ability to view and select the best available
seats according to your individual preferences
directly from your computer. It will also allow you
to access available seating any time after your
appointment day and time so you can continue
to search and upgrade your preferred seating
locations for the upcoming season.
Access to the online upgrade tool will be accessible
via My Knicks Online Account Manager. We
encourage you to take a few moments to read
through this instruction manual so you can
familiarize yourself with this new process. If you
feel uneasy about using this interactive tool or
do not have access to your My Knicks Account
Manager, don’t hesitate to contact your Dedicated
Experience Manager. As always, all potential
seating assignments are subject to ticket availability.
If you require accessible (ADA) seating due
to a disability, please contact your Dedicated
Experience Manager or the Dedicated Experience
Team by calling 212.465.6050.
Let’s get started!
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
Step 1 – my rangers account manager login:
To login to your My Knicks Online Account Manager,
click here (or visit and
enter your account number OR email address and
password. Your account number is listed at the top of
this communication. If you have forgotten or lost your
password, click on the “Forgot Your Password” link
and it will be emailed to you.
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
Step 2 – click on upgrade process icon:
Once you have logged in to your my Knicks Account
Manager page, click on the icon on the bottom left of
your page labeled “Upgrade Seats”.
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
Step 3 – Select the seats you would
like to Upgrade:
You will then confirm the number Season Subscription
Seats you would like to attempt to upgrade for the
2012-13 season by checking the box next to each
of the locations you would like to upgrade. Click
“continue” once you have completed Step 3.
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
Step 4 – view available upgrade options:
After you click continue, you will be taken to an aerial view of the New York Knicks Seating in
Madison Square Garden via the Virtual VenueTM tool. When you begin the Upgrade process,
the first screen you see will show an aerial view of the New York Knicks Seating in Madison
Square Garden. Also on this page you will see navigation controls and legends located across
the top, bottom and sides of your screen. You will also notice that seats are color-coded to
make them easier to find. Seating availability is color-coded in green and red. A legend on the
left side of your screen will describe the color-coding system.
Green seats are seats available for upgrade.
Red seats are seats that are not available for upgrade.
As your mouse moves over the seating areas, a small window with section information will
open on your screen such as Section, Row, Price, and Seats Available in that Section.
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
Step 5 – Choose an available seat location:
Choose a section and a new seat location.
Guidelines for Selecting and Holding Seats:
Please pay attention to the guidelines below for selecting and holding seats. If your selection
doesn’t follow the guidelines, the system will not allow you to select seats.
1. Every aisle seat must be purchased with at least one adjacent seat.
2. Your upgrade selections must be equal to the amount of tickets you chose to upgrade during
Step 3. If you wish to upgrade less seats than you chose, simply return to Step 3 and revise
your choices.
3. Single seats cannot be left.
4. A
DA seating must be done through the Dedicated Experience Team by calling 212.465.6050.
When you choose a Section, the Virtual VenueTM view will zoom in and you will see available seating
colored in green. After you make your seat selection, the seats you choose will turn yellow.*
*Please note that these seats will not be held for you until after you hit the continue button on the bottom right of your screen
and select “hold seats”.
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
Step 6 – Confirm your new seat location:
Once you click the “hold seats” button, you’re
almost done! Simply review your newly chosen
seat locations and click “continue.”
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
Step 7 – Review and Accept your Upgrade:
Once you have taken the time to review your upgrade
location, click the “accept” button. Once you click
accept, you will be asked to provide payment and
choose from available payment options (i.e. payment
in full or an interest free payment plan).
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
The information that follows will describe the different navigation controls you will
notice as you move through the Virtual VenueTM. You may use only a few of them or
you may prefer to explore all the options.
Please note before you begin selection:
ADA Seating: If you require accessible (ADA) seating due to a disability, please
contact your Dedicated Experience Manager or the Dedicated Experience Team by
calling 212.465.6050.
Guidelines for Selecting and Holding Seats:
Please pay attention to the guidelines below for selecting and holding seats. If your
selection doesn’t follow the guidelines, the system will not allow you to select seats.
1. E
very aisle seat must be purchased with at least one adjacent seat.
2. Your upgrade selections must be equal to the amount of tickets you chose to
upgrade. If you wish to upgrade less seats than you chose, simply return to your
Account Manager screen and revise your choices.
3. Single seats cannot be left.
4. If you require accessible (ADA) seating due to a disability please contact your
Dedicated Experience Team by calling 212.465.6050.
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
Aerial View of
Seating Legend:
Seating availability is color-coded in
green and red. A legend on the left
side of your screen will describe the
color-coding system.
Green seats are seats available for upgrade.
Red seats are seats that are not available for upgrade.
Seating Chart
(Seating Zones):
The Seating Chart group may be turned
ON or OFF with a simple click. If the
chart is turned “ON”, you will see the
color coding change to reflect the price
levels in each section.
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
top navigation – Section Drop Down, Virtual Venue
Orientation and Log-Out:
These options will allow you to move through the virtual venue and view seating locations
from several different perspectives.
Section Drop Down: The first box, located to the right of the Virtual VenueTM logo, allows
you to instantly jump inside the section. Click on the purple arrow next to the numbers to see
the drop down of all available sections. Clicking on one of those section numbers will launch
the section view of the selected section and put you in Seat Selection Mode.
New York Knicks Seating Orientation: If you click the Navigator button, a drop down
menu appears allowing you to see Madison Square from five (5) different angles.
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
Section/seat views:
As you begin to look more closely at specific sections or seats,
your screen will change slightly. You will still see navigation
controls and legends located across the top, bottom and
sides of your screen. You will also notice that the color coding
is more detailed in this view.
• While viewing a particular section, you will use your cursor/
mouse to click on the seats you wish the purchase.
• You can also click into the seat for a 360 degree view from
your selected seat. Click and hold slowly to move your
mouse from left to right and up and down for the perspective
from your seat.
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
Section/seat views (CONTinued):
Return to Venue: Also appearing on the top bar is a “Return to Venue” button that allows you to
quickly return to the original aerial view of The Garden.
360 Degree View: On the right side of the screen, below the section tabs will be a small diagram
of the current section you are viewing. Clicking on the camera icons here will allow you a 360
degree panoramic view of the row you have selected. Most sections will have up to five views.
Zoom Tool: Located below the 360 views on the right side is the “Zoom” tool. It is a slide bar that
allows you to zoom in or out of the current section you are viewing. By default it will be in the wider
view position. You can zoom in by clicking and dragging the slider bar towards the plus symbol on
the top.
Detailed Seating View Legend: This seating legend will be very similar to the Aerial View seating
legend you saw when you entered the site, however the color-coding is now more detailed. To the
left of your screen and at the top of the seating legend you will see information about the section
you are currently viewing. You will have the opportunity to select any available seat in the section.
Detailed color coding description:
Green seats are seats available for upgrade.
Red seats are seats that are not available for upgrade.
Yellow seats indicate your current selection. These will show up in your bottom navigation bar
under Seat Selection.
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
bottom navigation bar:
My Account, Seat Selection, Section Info, Help,
Continue: The bottom navigation menu will be minimized
by default when entering the Seat Selection process. You
may expand this menu by selecting the gold arrow on the
left hand side of the bottom navigation bar that reads My
Account. Once expanded, you will be able to view the
following information available under the different tabs.
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
bottom navigation bar (CONTinued):
My Account: This tab contains all the information for your Seat Selection Account.
• My Account: Your ticket number used to log in to Ticketmaster Account Manager
• Name: The name on the account.
• Email: The email address associated with the account. This will be the email used
to confirm your seat selection.
• Phone: This phone number is the primary number that the New York Knicks ticket office
would use to reach you via phone.
• Address: This is the mailing address associated with your account and where tickets
will be mailed.
Seat Selection: This tab displays where you have chosen seats.
• Section: Section number of the seat(s) you have selected.
• Row: Row number of the seat(s) you have selected.
• Seat: Seat number(s) of the seat(s) you have selected.
• Seat Price: The price for every seat(s) you have selected.
• View: Selecting the white icon under view will show you a 360 degree panoramic view
that is closest to your selected seat. Please note this is not your actual seat, but will be the
closest available view to the seat you have selected. Views are shown from the middle of
the section in each price point.
• Remove: Clicking the “X” will remove that seat from your list.
Section Info: This tab displays information about your section.
Help: Clicking the “Help” button will bring you back to the instruction video page. You can
watch each video in its entirety or jump to an individual segment. You will also have the option
to download this manual again for reference.
Continue: The Continue tab located on the right side of the bottom navigation menu will be
activated when you are ready to select your seats and continue your purchase. Once you have
selected your seats, click this button to proceed with selecting your seats. You will then be
directed to the Preview Your Seat Selection page.
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
preview seat selection:
Seat Selection Information, Seat Price/Totals, Go Back, Hold Seats.
Seat Information: The screen will show all the seats you have selected along with
information regarding Seat Type, Section, Row, Seat Number, and Seat Price.
Seat Price/Totals: This column will show your new Season Ticket Price per game for each
seat you have chosen.
Go Back: Clicking the “X” button allows you to return to the section view if you wish to
change the seats you have selected.
Hold Seats: Clicking this button will finalize your selections.
2012-13 Upgrade Process Instruction Manual
you’re almost done!
After reviewing your selections, click the
“Continue” button to reserve your seats.