School Starts Sept. 4 - Dassel
School Starts Sept. 4 - Dassel
2012-2013 DASSEL-COKATO School Starts Sept. 4 2 Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 20, 2012 Letter To Dassel-Cokato Students and Parents Dear Students and Parents, Welcome to the 2012-13 school year! With summer coming to an end, it is, once again, time for us to focus on a productive, positive school year. The Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment results were released in early August and our district scores in reading and math continue to be well above the state average. Continued partnership with families, and a strong commitment to academics, should enable this trend to continue. This year each English teacher in the high school will have a wireless lab in their classroom, providing a laptop computer for each of their students every period. Throughout the summer the English teachers have been hard at work putting the curriculum for many of their classes into a digital format so that students can access it online in place of traditional textbooks. As we expand our digital environment other high school departments will follow a similar pattern. Computer access is also being expanded in the other buildings with the purchase of two mobile labs in the middle school and one mobile lab in each elementary. High school activities kicked off in mid-August and we are looking forward to a tremendous year of competition and character building for our students. If activity fees are a barrier to your child participating in any activity, there is some relief available through Mr. Thinesen, the Activities and Community Education Director. He can be reached at 320-286-4100 ext. 1810. The first day of school is Tuesday, Sept. 4, with open houses the previous week. This back to school supplement is being distributed to the homes of all families in our school district. It is full of useful information you will need as you proceed through the school year. Please read it carefully and keep it for future reference. If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact the office of the school your child attends. Students receive the best education possible when there is a strong partnership between the school and their family. Thank you for your continued support and trust! Sincerely, Dassel-Cokato School Administration DASSEL & COKATO ELEMENTARY OPEN HOUSES Thurs., Aug. 30 • Dassel, 4-7 p.m. • Cokato, 4-7 p.m. Everyone is invited to the annual open house on Thurs., Aug. 30, 2012. We are having the open house before school begins so that as a family, the students and parents can meet the teachers and learn other important information for the school year. This would also be a great time to deposit money in your family lunch account and take care of morning break milk and juice fees. You may also bring your school supplies. We would especially encourage kindergarten families to attend. Everyone is welcome. D-C school information is a click away at Are you looking for a school calendar or an assignment posted on a teacher’s webpage? Do you want to register for a Community Education class? Maybe you need to double check on a sports schedule or get copies of eligibility forms. Are you looking to check on a student’s grades or attendance through the student or parent portals? Maybe you need an email address to contact a teacher, or your child needs to access school-provided research databases to complete an assignment. Answers to these and many other questions can be answered by visiting the Dassel-Cokato Schools website. Here are a few of the helpful things you will find on the D-C school website: • Calendars • Teacher and class websites • Student handbooks and registration guides • Research tools • Scholarship information • Board agendas and minutes • Activities schedules and forms To enhance communication and conveniently provide our patrons with valuable resources, we have designed a content-rich website packed with information that we feel will benefit the students, families and community members in our district. • Staff contact information By browsing tabs at the left of the main page, visitors can access comprehensive district-wide information. To go to a specific school or a program such as community education or activities, simply select one of the tabs at the top of the page. There are also tabs at the top filled with information specifically directed to parents, students and staff members. • Lunch menus To share what is happening in our schools, each main school page is regularly updated with school news and upcoming events. We hope you visit the site often. • Important dates and school news • Parent and student portal access • Employment opportunities • Newsletters • Online payment center • Community Education events and registration • Performing Arts Center events These items and more are available to you with the click of a mouse. Please visit us at http://www. You may find yourself bookmarking the site, so you can return often. MS & HS ORIENTATION Middle School Orientation and Open House August 29 and August 30 On Wednesday, August 29, there will be an open house for students in grades 6-8 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Students and parents will be able to pick up their schedule packets and visit with staff starting at 5:00 p.m. There will be a presentation for all 6th grade students and their parents at 5:45 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center regarding the sixth grade educational field trip and other items related to sixth grade orientation. This presentation if very important for all sixth grade families to attend. 7th grade students and their parents may meet with teachers anytime between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Teachers will be in the hallways and their rooms to meet with you and answer questions related to 7th grade. This is a great time to get your schedules, find your lockers, learn about the curriculum, and meet up with friends you may not have seen since early June. 8th grade students and their parents will meet with the 8th grade teachers and Mr. Franklin in the PAC starting at 6:30 p.m. On the evening of Thursday, August 30, there will be an orientation from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. for 5th grade students only. Student will be able to pick up their schedule packets starting at 4:30 p.m. We will have approximately a 30-45 minute presentation in the PAC starting at 6 p.m. This presentation will include a brief orientation to the middle school, an introduction to staff, and items related to being successful from the very first day of school. Following the presentation, students and parents will leave with their communications teacher for a tour and an introduction to 5th grade schedule and classes. Students and parents will again have time to find their lockers and visit with staff. Students who are unable to attend open house may pick up their schedules before school on the morning of September 4. Fifth grade students who cannot attend the open house on August 30 are welcome to visit on Friday, August 31. Please try to attend orientation with your children. The Dassel-Cokato Middle School staff are looking forward to meeting you! ADDRESS CHANGES Please contact Middle School secretary Kim Johnson at (320) 286-4100 ext. 1603 with any address changes (physical or email) and/or phone number changes you may have experienced over the summer. If you have new neighbors with school-age children, please remind them to contact the school office, so that their children are registered before school High School & 9th Grade Orientation Wednesday, August 29 All students and parents are invited to attend the High School Open House on Wednesday, August 29th from 4-7 p.m. The purpose of Open House is to allow students an opportunity to find their 1st trimester classrooms, meet staff, catch up with friends and take care of any business that will help better prepare them for the 1st day of school. A special orientation for 9th Grade students and their parents will take place during Open House on August 29th starting at 5:00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center(PAC). Students will meet key staff members from the Office Team that will provide information to help students have a successful start to their 4 years at DCHS! For students that are new to the District (Foreign Exchange students included) we will have a “pre-Open House” meet and greet opportunity on Tuesday, August 28th starting at 6:30 p.m. in the High School Commons. Students will meet other new students as well as key High School staff, who will assist them in their transition to DCHS. If you cannot attend this session, we hope students and parents are still able to come to Open House. A newsletter detailing the above information will be sent to the homes of all students in mid-August. OPEN HOUSES Dassel-Cokato High School • Aug. 29 • 4-7 p.m. DC Area Learning Center • Aug. 29 • 4-7 p.m. Dassel-Cokato Middle School Aug. 29 (grades 6-8) 5-7 p.m. & Aug. 30 (grade 5) 4:30-7:30 p.m. Dassel Elementary • Aug. 30 • 4 - 7 p.m. Cokato Elementary • Aug. 30 • 4 - 7 p.m. Early Childhood Center Open House Thursday, Sept. 6, 6:15-7:45 p.m. At the Early Childhood Center All families with young children ages birth to five are invited to come and check out the fun! Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 20, 2012 New Student Registration Parents of students who are new to the Dassel-Cokato School District are encouraged to register their children by coming to or calling the office of the school in which their children will be enrolling before school begins. Registering students before school begins enables a smoother transition for the children as they become oriented to their new school. Attention Students Taking DCHS English Classes Due to the technology initiative in the high school, each student will be required to have a flash drive and a set of headphones or ear buds for his or her English classes. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Brian Johnson at (320) 286-4100 Ext. 1800. 2012-2013 DCHS Student Parking Lot Practice Statement DRIVING TO AND PARKING AT SCHOOL Students are reminded to drive safely to school. Driving to school and parking at the school are privileges available to students. With privileges come responsibilities. Responsible choices by students will allow them to take advantage of the privilege to drive to and park at school. Students are directed to park in the main (south) DCHS/MS parking lot only. As a matter of safety and access for emergency vehicles, do not park in a non-designated parking spot (i.e. bus, fire and emergency lanes or staff-designated lots). If any vehicle is parked in violation of this rule, the vehicle may be towed at the owner’s expense. The vehicle must remain correctly parked until you are ready to leave after school. Students are not permitted to drive during the noon hour or during the school day unless they have secured an out-of-the-building (blue) pass. Violations of this rule or reckless driving before school, after school or in connection with any school event may result in referral to the authorities and denial of the privilege of driving to school. Parking lot speed limit is 10 M.P.H. Students that ride with and/or transport other students to an off-school site as part of a DCHS class must secure permission to do so by following the transportation agreement set forth by the classroom teacher and both sets of parents/guardians. Students and Guests, we want to thank you in advance for helping to make our parking lots safe and secure for all. FOCUS/CONNECTIONS program The FOCUS/CONNECTIONS program is designed to assist those students who have obstacles in their lives that may be interfering with their success at school. The FOCUS portion of the program will be working primarily with students in grades 9-12, and the CONNECTIONS portion of the program will be working primarily with students grades 5-8. If you would like more information about these programs or know of a student that may benefit from these programs, please contact Ms. Anne Mahoney, School Social Worker; Mr. Ryan Tool, School Counselor; Mr. Dean Jennissen, Principal for the FOCUS program by calling the high school office at (320) 286-4100, ext. 1800. You may contact Ms. Beth Steinleitner, School Social Worker or Mr. Brian Franklin, Principal for the CONNECTIONS program by calling the middle school office at (320) 286-4100, ext. 1600. School Criminal Background Checks The school district has adopted a policy, the purpose of which is to promote the physical, social, and psychological well-being of its students. Pursuant to this policy, the school district shall seek criminal history background checks for all applicants who receive an offer of employment with the school district. The school district also shall seek criminal background checks for all individuals who are offered the opportunity to provide athletic coaching services or other extracurricular academic coaching services to the school district, regardless of whether compensation is paid. These positions include, but are not limited to, all athletic coaches, extracurricular academic coaches, assistants, and advisors. The school district may elect to seek criminal background checks for other volunteers, independent contractors, and student employees. High School Middle School parking The large south parking lot will be for high school students and visitors to the District Office. The west lot will be for District, High School, and Early Childhood and Family Education Staff. East lot only Staff Parking. Visitor and handicap parking, in the south lot, is near the HS and MS main entrances and the District Office entrance, door “E”. Visitor and handicap parking, in the west lot, is in the front row near ECFE, door “C”, and also near the district office door “D”. Visitors parking on the west side of the district office will need to enter the building through door “E” on the south side. Information for Middle School and High School students living in town Middle School and High School students living in town will be picked up between 7:45 a.m. & 7:55 a.m. at the same pick-up points as last year, unless they have been notified of changes. All town students need to board the bus at their DESIGNATED STOPS and NOT at the elementary school. Call 320-286-4105 (Dassel residents) or 320-286-5315 (Cokato residents) to verify your stop if you have questions. 3 (CLIP AND SAVE) Main phone number 320-286-4100 Dassel Elementary 131 William Ave. P.O. Box 368 Dassel, MN 55325 Fax: 320-286-4151 Ext. 1500 Cokato Elementary 200 5th St. SW Cokato, MN 55321 Fax: 320-286-4131 Ext. 1300 Dassel-Cokato Middle School 4852 Reardon Ave SW Suite 1500 Cokato, MN 55321 Fax: 320-286-4176 Ext. 1600 Dassel-Cokato High School 4852 Reardon Ave SW Suite 1600 Cokato, MN 55321 Fax: 320-286-4201 Ext. 1800 Community Education Early Childhood 4852 Reardon Ave SW Suite 1400 Cokato, MN 55321 Fax: 320-286-4121 Phone: 320-286-4120 District Office 4852 Reardon Ave SW Suite 1700 Cokato, MN 55321 Fax: 320-286-4101 Ext. 1000 Athletic Office Activities/Facilities 4852 Reardon Ave SW Suite 1600 Cokato, MN 55321 Fax: 320-286-4211 Ext. 1811 Area Learning Center 290 Cokato Street East Cokato, MN 55321 Fax: 320-286-4132 Ext. 1200 Notice to motorists: D-C students and all other motorists who drive cars are subject to the Minnesota State Law misdemeanor charge if they pass a stopped school bus that has the stop-arm extended and red lights flashing. 4 Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 20, 2012 Late Starts, Early Outs, and Closings Throughout the year there will be days when, due to inclement weather, school is delayed, dismissed early, or closed for the day. Delays or closings may be announced as late as 6:15 AM. We will be using our calling system, Campus Messenger, to announce changes in the school schedule due to weather. We typically also post announcements on: Channel 4 WCCO (830 AM), Channel 11 KARE TV, Channel 5 KSTP, Channel 9 FOX, and KDUZ (1260AM). For more information on the Campus Messenger system, please contact one of the school offices. Minnesota weather is highly variable and changes quickly. There are days when it is clear at 6:15 AM, and foggy at 6:45. Weather and road conditions also vary widely around the 186 square miles of the district. Although we attend to weather conditions closely, you may consider the conditions at your location unsafe for your children. Additionally, your child may have an early morning practice or commitment at school, that occurs before a delay or closure is announced. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of parents to send their children to school, or keep them home, when the weather is inclement. If you don’t think it is safe to send your child to school, don’t send them. General notice for parents or guardians 2012-13 School Year Pesticide Notice A Minnesota state law requires that schools inform parents and guardians if they apply certain pesticides on school property. State law also requires that you be told that the long-term health effects on children from the application of such pesticides or the class of chemicals to which they belong may not be fully understood. The Dassel-Cokato School District does not apply pesticides on school property unless all other measures have failed to control the problem. In the event that insect control sprays and dusts need to be applied, it will only be done when students are absent from the area, and will be out of the area until any spray and any odor has dissipated. If you would like to be notified prior to pesticide applications made on days other than those specified in the estimated schedule (excluding emergency applications), please complete and return the form below and mail it to: Jeff Powers, Dassel-Cokato Public Schools, 4852 Reardon Ave SW, Suite 1700, Cokato, Minnesota 55321. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact the district office at (320) 286-4100, extension 1000. Request for Pesticide Notification Dassel-Cokato Public School District I understand that the school will make available an estimated schedule of pesticide applications for review and copying at the school office. Should a pesticide application be scheduled on a day different from the day(s) specified in the original schedule, I would like to be notified. I understand that the school may ask me for reimbursement for the costs of notification. I would prefer to be notified by (circle): US Mail E-mail Please print neatly: Name of School Building: ________________________ Name of Parent/Guardian: _______________________ Date: ___________________ Address: _________________ ________________________ ________________________ Day Phone: (___) __________ Eve Phone: (___) __________ E-mail: __________________ Return to: Jeff Powers, Dassel-Cokato Public Schools, 4852 Reardon Ave SW, Suite 1700, Cokato, MN 55321 HELP WANTED: Substitute Teachers Substitute Paraeducators Substitute Kitchen Assistants Substitute Bus Drivers Substitute Custodians Substitute Health Assistants Dassel-Cokato Public Schools are currently putting together the substitute lists. If you are interested in being placed on a substitute list, please contact the building principal of the school in which you would like to sub, or the district office at (320) 286-4100. RECEIVE NUTRITIOUS SC HO MEALS FREE OR OL AT A REDUCED PRICE Fall Magazine Sale Once again in early September the junior class (class of 2014) will be selling and accepting renewals for magazines. The funds raised with the magazine sale support class activities during the Junior and Senior years. It’s a great way to emphasize READING while supporting a very worthy cause. Parents of juniors, please encourage your student to participate as a means to reduce expenses! HELP OUR IVE SCHOOL TO RECE S EDUCATION FUND AND DISCOUNTS Applying for Educational Benefits Much of Dassel-Cokato’s school funding is based on our percentage of students who receive free and reduced lunches. This funding is used to hire Title 1 para-professionals, reading specialists, and other educational benefits in our district. In order to access all of the funding our children are entitled to have, we are asking you to fill out the “Application for Educational Benefits” form found in this supplement. Please complete and return it even though you think you may not qualify or choose not to receive the service, it will still benefit our children. All information is kept confidential. Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 20, 2012 Emergency information is needed at school Parents, please take the time to complete an EMERGENCY INFORMATION FORM annually. In the event your child becomes ill or there is an incident that requires emergency care while at school it is helpful to have name and telephone numbers where you, or another family member or friend can be reached. Forms are available in each of the school offices. In addition, if your child has a significant health problem, we would appreciate being informed about it in order to plan for and provide a safe environment for your child while at school. Call the school nurse with any questions or concerns. Annette Bohnsack, School Nurse (320) 286-4100, ext. 1804 Together we are a powerful voice for our children. Start the year off right by becoming a Dassel-Cokato PTA member! The PTA is a group of community members that works to contribute to the schools and the families of children that attend the school. Being a member of the PTA will allow you to • Be connected and informed about school through PTA involvement & Advocacy • Influence decisions that affect our children's learning • Become more informed about topics that affect our children and our schools (ex: becoming a media-wise parent, childhood obesity, wellness initiatives within the school) The PTA will meet the first Thursday of every other month beginning in October. The meetings will be from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the high school media center. Please join us! Please Check One: qIndividual ($8) qIndividual plus Spouse ($15) Student accident insurance The school district does not carry insurance for student accidents that may occur during school hours or activities. It is the family’s responsibility to have insurance coverage for their students. We will be providing information for parents to secure this type of insurance. The school district in cooperation with Voyageurs Insurance Membership Information: Company will have student accident insurance information packets available at the beginning of the school year. This information will not be sent home with all students at the beginning of the school year. You may pick up this information at any one of the school buildings. First Name: _____________________ Spouse Name: _____________________ Last Name: ____________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ State: ____________________________ Zip Code: ______________________ Home Telephone: ____________________ Email Address: ______________________ Please make checks payable to Dassel-Cokato PTA Dassel-Cokato PTA P.O. Box 632 Dassel, MN 55325 [email protected] 5 6 Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 20, 2012 Weapons and trespassing The school district continues to maintain a “Zero Tolerance” in regard to the possession, use or distribution of weapons by students. The full weight of the law and consequences will be followed if the “Zero Tolerance” policy is violated including expulsion from school in addition to statutory penalties that may include significant fines and prison. Weapons are not allowed on school property including buses, buildings, or athletic fields or on properties rented by the school district. A “weapon” means any object, device or instrument designed as a weapon or through its use is capable of threatening or producing bodily harm or which may be used to inflict self-injury including, but not limited to, any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded; airguns; pellet guns; BB guns; all knives; blades; clubs; brass knuckles; numchucks; throwing stars; explosives; fireworks; mace and other propellants; stunguns; ammunition; poisons; chains; arrows; and objects that have been modified to serve as a weapon. No person shall possess, use or distribute any object, device or instrument having the appearance of a weapon. All such objects, devices or instruments shall be treated as a weapon including, but not limited to, weapons listed above which are broken or non-functional, look-alike guns; toy guns; and any object that is a facsimile of a real weapon. TRESPASS ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. Individuals who get on school roofs without permission may be charged with a misdemeanor. Asbestos Notification As a result of federal legislation (Asbestos Hazard Response Act – AHERA), each primary and secondary school in the nation is required to complete a stringent inspection for asbestos and to develop a plan of management for all asbestos-containing building materials. The Dassel-Cokato schools are in full compliance with this law. As a matter of policy, the Dassel-Cokato schools shall continue to maintain a safe and healthful environment for our community’s youth and employees. In keeping with this legislation, all buildings owned by the school district were inspected by EPA accredited inspectors. Based on the inspection, the school prepared, and the state approved, a comprehensive management plan for handling the asbestos located within its buildings safely and responsibly. Federal law requires a periodic walk-though (called “surveillance”) every six months of each area containing asbestos. Also, the law requires all buildings to be re-inspected three years after a management plan is in effect. This will be accomplished under the contract by the Institute for Environmental Assessment (IEA). Short-term workers (outside contractors – i.e. telephone repair workers, electricians and exterminators) must be provided information regarding the location of asbestos in which they may come in contact. All short-term workers shall contact the lead maintenance person before commencing work to be given this information. The Dassel-Cokato district office has a list of the location(s) type(s) of asbestos-containing materials found in our school buildings and a description and timetable for their proper management. A copy of the Asbestos Management Plan is available for review in the school office. Questions related to the plan should be directed to the superintendent of schools at (320) 286-4100. Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 20, 2012 7 School bus routes and procedures 2012-2013 Most transportation routes and bus times will remain similar to last year’s. Those with significant changes will be notified. If you are new to the Dassel-Cokato school district and have not talked with someone at the district office regarding transportation of your children, please call 320-286-4100, extension 1005, or stop in the district office at the west end of the high school (7:00 AM – 4:30 PM) as soon as possible. Cokato area students are transported by Cokato Transportation (contracted by the District); and, Dassel area students are transported by District owned/operated buses. Special needs students are transported primarily by district owned/operated vans and/or lift bus when necessary. New families and the families with major changes will be contacted by mail, email, or phone prior to beginning of school with bus number, pickup time and location. General Information When your child/children will not be riding the bus/car/van on any given day, please call 320-286-4100, ext. 1005, prior to their pick up time. The message can be left on voice mail at any time. The dispatcher will notify the driver via two-way radio. Please do not call or text the driver’s cell phone. All messages to drivers should go through dispatch. If you wish to contact Cokato Transportation (Cokato area buses), please call 320-286-5315 or email, [email protected] . Most hazardous pick up points will remain the same as last year. Hazard riders are children living in an area where they must overcome a hazard, (such as cross a major roadway or railroad crossing) to get to school and are living within one mile of their school. Middle school and high school students living in town will be picked up between 7:45 AM and 7:55 AM at the same pick-up point as last year unless they have been notified of changes. We ask that all town students board the bus at their designated stops and NOT at the elementary schools. It is important that all students be on time! Buses will not wait for students not at their stop at their designated time. If students miss the bus, do NOT chase after the bus; bring the student/s to the elementary school. MS and HS students can catch their bus there. Buses run their regular rural routes, pick up in-town hazard stops and proceed to the elementary schools to unload the elementary students. The buses then pick up town high school and middle school students at their designated points and proceed to the middle school and high school. The reverse is true at the end of the day. High School and middle school students are picked up first and returned to the designated town points where they disembark. The buses then proceed to the elementary schools to pick up rural and hazard-stop elementary children and proceed on the evening routes. In Dassel, buses unload/load on the south side of Dassel Elementary. In Cokato, buses will unload/load on the south side of Cokato Elementary. Parents should NOT drop off, or pick up students, on the side of the elementary buildings where buses are unloading or loading. In Cokato parents should bring children to, or pick up from, the north side of the Cokato Elementary and in Dassel parents should drop off/pick up on the east side of Dassel Elementary. At the HS/MS, buses are unloading/loading on the east side. Parents should drop off/ pick up students in the south lot. Unless you have a handicapped child, please do not use the handicap area for drop off/pick up. If you are planning a birthday party or or- ganization meeting, and plan to utilize the bus for transportation, you must call the district office, 320-286-4100, extension 1005, several days prior to the event to check on availability of space on the bus. If there is not room on the bus, other arrangements for transporting to the event will have to be made. Buses do not transport students to non-school related after-school events. Rural pick-up procedure 1. The school will as far as possible, provide transportation service from home or daycare to school in the AM and from school to home or daycare in the PM, if the following criteria are met: a. Point of pick-up is in a safe location. Stops on steep inclines or near the crest of a hill are not safe and other arrangements will need to be made. b. Roads are in satisfactory condition. Buses will not travel on roads where there is a danger of becoming stuck in deep snow or mud. (In cases when the bus cannot get through due to mud or snow, it is the parent/guardian responsibility to get them to a safe bus stop, or school.) c. A clear view is available to the driver at all turn-arounds. If vision is obscured at the point of turn-around, other arrangements will have to be made. d. If you live on a dead-end road, cul-de-sac the school will provide transportation if: · you live ½ mile or more from the main road; and, · there is a suitable place to turn around. Students who live less than ½ mile from the main road; or there is not a suitable turnaround, will need to meet the bus at the main road. e. All turn-arounds are plowed when it snows; wide enough to accommodate a school bus. If your turnaround is not plowed, please call dispatch (320-286-4100, ext 1005) to notify bus not to come. 2. The school will, as much as possible, transport the pupils towards the school without hauling students great distances out into the country. Buses, as much as possible, will start at the end of the routes and travel towards the school, thereby giving the benefit of time to the greatest number of students. 3. PM routes will be run in the same order as AM routes as far as possible, to even out length of bus ride for all, as follows: a. If the bus goes directly past where a pupil lives when proceeding in the most direct route towards the “first on in AM” pickup, it will stop and let off pupils that are assigned to that bus. b. If you want your student/s to walk (or wish to pick them up) from a point on the direct route to the “first on in AM”, they need to bring a note to the driver. If it will be a regular, everyday stop, one note at the beginning of the year will be accepted. Students will not be dropped off at these points to walk in inclement weather. 4. The driver is to travel over the route and make stops according to the timetables as designated by the administration; with no student boarding their bus before 7:00 AM, as much as possible. 5. Students shall not get off the bus other than at their scheduled stops, unless they have written permission from their parent/guardian, signed by the building principal. When sending a note with your child/children giving them permission to get off the bus at a point other than home, please give the name and address where they are to be dropped off; not “grandma’s”. Most drivers do not know who the student’s grandma is, or where she may live. 6. High school and middle school students should board their assigned buses at the high school/middle school. Students will not be allowed to switch buses at the elementary schools unless they are designated to do so. Student transportation is coordinated through the district office in accordance with District Policy # 707. Please call 320-286-4100 with any questions you may have. STUDENT BEHAVIOR AT BUS STOPS AND ON BUSES Rules at the Bus Stop 1. Get to your bus stop five minutes before your scheduled pick-up time. The school bus driver will not wait for late students. 2. Respect the property of others while waiting at your bus stop. 3. Keep your arms, legs, and belongings to yourself. 4. Use appropriate language. 5. Stay away from the street, road or highway when waiting for the bus. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before approaching it, and be sure to check traffic even though the red lights are flashing and the stop arm is out. 6. When getting off the bus, move immediately away from the bus. 7. If you must cross the street, always cross at least ten feet in front of the bus where the driver can see you. Wait for the driver to signal to you before crossing the street. 8. No fighting, harassment, intimidation or horseplay. 9. No use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs. Rules on the bus 1. Immediately follow the directions of the driver. 2. Sit in your seat, facing forward. The aisle needs to be kept clear. 3. Talk quietly and use appropriate language. 4. Keep all parts of your body inside the bus. 5. Keep your arms, legs and belongings to yourself. 6. No fighting, harassment, intimidation or horseplay. 7. Do not throw any object. 8. No eating, drinking or use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs. 9. Do not bring any weapon or dangerous object on the school bus. 10. Do not damage the school bus. 11. Pets or animals of any type or size can not be transported on the school bus. 12. Sleds, skis, ski poles, ski boards, skates, hockey sticks, fishing rods and related equipment should not be brought on the bus. When students need to bring a pet to/from school, or need sleds, skis, etc for a school activity, parents should make arrangements to get them to/from school. Any bus passenger who cannot abide by accepted rules for bus conduct, on the bus or at the bus stop, will be denied transportation privileges. Remember, school bus transportation is a privilege, not a right. Consequences Consequences for school bus or bus stop misconduct will apply to all routes. Decisions regarding a student’s ability to ride the bus in connection with co-curricular and extra-curricular events (for example, field trips or competitions) will be in the sole discretion of the School District. Parents or guardians will be notified of any suspension of bus privileges. 1. Elementary (K-4) 1st offense – warning 2nd offense – 3 school day suspension from riding the bus / meeting with parents 3rd offense – 5 school day suspension from riding the bus / meeting with parents 4th offense – 10 school day suspension from riding the bus / meeting with parent Further offenses – individually considered. Students may be suspended for longer periods of time, including the remainder of the school year. NOTE: When an elementary student goes 60 calendar days without report, the student’s consequences may start over at the first offense. 2. Secondary (5-12) 1st offense – warning 2nd offense – 5 day suspension from riding the bus / meeting with parents 3rd offense – 10 day suspension from riding the bus / meeting with parents 4th offense – 20 day suspension from riding the bus / meeting with parents 5th offense – suspended from riding the bus for the remainder of the school year Other Discipline Based on the severity of a student’s conduct, more serious consequences may be imposed at any time. Depending on the nature of the offense, consequences such as suspension or expulsion from school may also result from school bus /bus stop misconduct. Vandalism/Bus damage Students damaging school buses will be responsible for the damages. Failure to pay such damages (or make arrangements to pay) within two weeks may result in the loss of bus privileges until damages are paid. Student safety is the district’s primary concern. Safe school bus operation is impossible without student cooperation. Student misbehavior distracts the driver and increases the chance of an accident. For this reason, behavior problems will be dealt with certainly and promptly. Video cameras are installed on most of the buses and the recordings are periodically reviewed, which assist the administration with behavior issues. Parents/Guardians, you can help bus transportation be a positive experience for your child/ren by: a. becoming familiar with school district rules and policies, regulation and principles of school bus safety. b. Assisting students to understand the safety rules and encourage them to abide by them. c. Recognizing your responsibility for the actions of your children. d. Supporting safe riding practices and reasonable discipline efforts. e. When appropriate, assist your child/ren in safely crossing the street before boarding and after leaving the bus. If they are crossing on their own, please remind them not to be texting on their cell phones when crossing. They need to be aware of possible traffic not stopping. f. Supporting procedures for emergency evacuation, and procedures in emergencies, as set up by the school district. g. Respecting the rights and privileges of others. h. Communicating safety concerns to school administrators. The district office number is 320-286-4100, extension 1000. i. Monitoring school bus stops, if possible. j. Supporting all efforts to improve school bus safety. Thank you!! Complete district transportation policies are available at our website, or in the district office. 8 Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 20, 2012 Academic, Extra and Co-curricular Participation Policy 566 Dassel-Cokato Public Schools ISD #466 Adopted: 8/26/99 Revised: 6/23/2011 566 ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY PURPOSE This policy outlines the academic criteria for participation in extra/co-curricular activities. New Coming I. PROCEDURE A. The middle school and high school will establish a regular date on which teachers will report a student’s academic eligibility. B. If a student is working below an expected level of performance in his/her classroom on the eligibility reporting date that student will be ineligible to participate in the next scheduled competition. C. If a student is working below an expected level of performance in his/her classroom on any subsequent eligibility reporting date during the same term as the first eligibility suspension, he/she will be ineligible to participate in competition for two weeks or until the end of the season, whichever is shorter. D. If a student receives a final grade of “F” for a class, he/she will be ineligible to participate in competition/performance for a period of two weeks beginning with the next scheduled event. E. The middle school and high school will publish academic eligibility guidelines, including review dates and the grade level that determines an expected level of performance. F. The Activities Director will review academic eligibility guidelines with parents and student participants at the annual eligibility meeting. II. ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY – EXCEPTIONS A. Any student enrolled in the Special Education program will be considered on an individual basis. 1. A committee formed of the principal, guidance counselor, instructors involved in failing grades, and the case manager will decide if the student is working up to his or her ability. 2. This committee will determine eligibility status. III. ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY – PARTICIPATION A. A student who is declared ineligible will be expected to participate in all practice sessions during the period of ineligibility. B. A student who is declared ineligible will not participate in any competition, exhibition, or performance during the period of ineligibility. Health and safety management plans Dear Parent or Guardian, Dassel-Cokato School District has implemented several Health and Safety management plans to protect our students and employees. These programs include asbestos management, pesticide maintenance schedules, and indoor air quality monitoring. Each has a management plan that is available for review in the District Office. Asbestos removal and repair is monitored in district buildings in a proactive manner. Asbestos work always occurs on breaks and during the summer when students are not present in the building. Dassel-Cokato School District usually applies pesticides monthly and on an asneeded basis, although this is infrequent. Applications are made during off hours and school breaks whenever possible. The district also applies broadleaf herbicide in the spring, summer, and fall. These applications are made during off hours when there are no people present. In addition, Dassel-Cokato School District has an Indoor Air Quality Management Plan that addresses any indoor air quality concerns that may be reported. Walkthroughs and inspections of the buildings are performed annually to prevent problems from occurring. If you have any questions about these three safety programs or have an indoor air quality concern, please contact Jeff Powers, Superintendent, 320-286-4100, ext. 1003 Notice of Nondiscrimination Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is designed to eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability in any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Students eligible for 504 assistance are those who 1) have a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities, 2) have a record of such impairment, or 3) are regarded as having such an impairment. If a parent believes their child is in need of 504 accommodations, they should contact their building social worker who serves as 504 coordinator. Medication use while at school Our policy is reflection of the Minnesota Guideline for Medication Administration in Schools, published in January 2005. This guideline was developed collaboratively by the Minnesota Departments of Education, Health, and Human Services, the Minnesota Board of Nursing, and a statewide multidisciplinary work group. Before medication can be dispensed in school, we must have the following items on record. These items must be renewed annually and whenever there are medication and/or dosage changes: For prescription medications: • A medication authorization form must be signed by a Health Care Provider indicating the reason for the medication, the dosage, time and frequency, possible side effects and termination date. • Signed permission from the parent/guardian for school personnel to administer medication. • Prescription medications must be brought to school in a pharmacy labeled bottle which contains instructions on how and when the medication is to be given. The pharmacy label must match the written order on the authorization form signed by the provider. For over the counter medications: • Signed permission from the parent/guardian for school personnel to administer medication. • A provider’s signature is not required unless the medication is to be given in a manner other than indicated on label. • Over-the-counter medication must come to school in the original, unopened container. • Aspirin or any product containing aspirin will not be given without a written order from the provider. • At the discretion of the school nurse, signed orders from a Health Care Provider can be requested. Medications that must be administered during the school day in order for a student to attend school shall be administered by the Licensed School Nurse or by a designee of the school nurse who has been trained in medication administration. All medications must be stored and locked in the health office*. Exceptions may be made for emergency medications such as inhalers and EpiPens; however, orders from a Health Care Provider are still mandatory and must be updated annually. Medication not picked up at the end of the school year by the parent/guardian will be destroyed. *A secondary student may possess and use non prescription medications in a manner consistent with the labeling, only when the school district has a written agreement between the Licensed School Nurse, the parent, and the student. Agreements must be updated annually. The school district may revoke a student’s privilege to possess and use nonprescription pain relievers if the school district determines that the student is abusing the privilege. This provision does not apply to the possession or use of any drug or product containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine as its sole active ingredient or as one of its active ingredients.* To protect the safety of your child, health office staff will not administer any medication to a student unless they have received the all of the required information as listed above. If you have questions about this policy or other issues related to the medication administration in school, please call Annette Bohnsack, Licensed School Nurse at 320-286-4204. Thank you for your cooperation! Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 20, 2012 9 Community Education & Early Childhood gearing up for fall Student immunization requirements Dassel-Cokato Community Education seeks to improve the quality of life by providing life-long learning opportunities for all members of the community, infants through senior citizens. Whether it’s educational or recreational, Dassel-Cokato Community education courses offer you a great opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills. Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) classes start the week of Monday, Sept. 17. ECFE classes are especially created for all young children ages birth to five and their families. Many special events are also planned for the year and are open to the public. Play ‘n’ Learn Preschool starts the week of Monday, Sept. 17. Preschool classes are offered one or two half days a week for youth ages 3½ to 5. This School Readiness program is designed to help better prepare preschoolers for kindergarten. The Community Education and Early Childhood catalog is published three times annually, August, December and April. It is mailed to all residents with a Dassel or Cokato address. Call 320-286-4120 if you don’t have a Dassel or Cokato address and would like to be added to the mailing list. Community Education is always looking for new course ideas and instructors. If you have an idea for a future class or activity, please call Program Coordinator Colleen Compton at 320-286-4120. All students are required to provide proof of immunization, or appropriate documentation exempting the student from such immunization as mandated by law to ensure the health and safety of all students. No student may be enrolled or remain enrolled, on a full-time, part-time, or shared-time basis, in any elementary or secondary school within the school district until the required proof of immunization has been submitted. The licensed school nurse will review student immunization records prior to the first day of school to determine whether the required information has been provided. Students who have not provided the appropriate proof of immunization or the required documentation will be excluded from school until the appropriate documentation has been submitted. Be advised that your child will not be given their schedule at open house if their record is not up to date. Immunization records are required for students entering Kindergarten, with the next required immunizations due prior to the start of 7th grade. All transfer students have 30 days to provide up to date documentation of immunizations. Please review your child’s record at this time to make sure all the required shots have been completed. The required immunizations are listed below for your reference. For more information, or online registration, visit Community Education on the web at Or Early Childhood at Early Childhood Screening 2012-2013 Schedule Early Childhood Screen (ECS) is for all children who will be 3 1/2 between April 1, 2012 and March 1, 2013. All children are required to have Early Childhood Screening prior to entering kindergarten. The required components of screening include developmental, speech, language, vision, hearing, reight, weight, an immunization review, as well as a review of other factors that may interfere with learning. If concerns are discovered during the screening process, additional evaluation is available to determine what kind of assistance would be most beneficial to the child. Screening gives children at least a year to work on areas of concern before entering kindergarten. As always, legal exemptions for medical reasons or conscientious beliefs of the parents/ guardian will be honored. For more information or concerns, contact Annette Bohnsack, Licensed School Nurse at 320-286-4100 ext. 1804. Annette will be available the last week of August. You may drop off or mail your child’s updated immunization record in the school office as soon as it is complete. Thank you. If your child is on the school census you will be sent an appointment reminder. Please contact the Early Childhood Programs Center at 320-286-4120 to make sure your child is on the census. 2012-2013 screening dates are, Friday Sept. 28,, November 16, January 25, and February 22. If you think your child has been overlooked, please call the Center. Charger Kids Club 2012-2013 ACTIVITIES Computer Time Arts & Crafts Sports/Games Special Guests Outdoor/Indoor Play Games Field Trips Movie Days Homework/Quiet time Contact Info. To register or get more information contact: Site Supervisor: Jen Todnem at 320-286-4100 ext. 1334 Before and After School Childcare Program Charger Kids Club is a school age childcare and enrichment program, designed to meet the year-round needs of working parents of students in grades K-6. The goal of our program is to provide a FUN, safe, recreational, and enriching program. 2011-2012 School Year Fees Before School (6:00-8:00 AM) Daily Full Time child (5 days a week) First Child Second Child $4.50 $20 $4.00 $17.50 After School (3:00-6:00 PM) Full Time (5 days a week) Daily $8 $36 $7.50 $32.50 After School until 4:30 PM Full Time (5 days a week) Daily $5 $22.50 $4.50 $20 $25 $15 $24 $15 Drop In Rate – Before School $6.50 $6.50 Drop In Rate – After School $10.00 $10.00 $25/Child $35 Family Non-school days (6:00 AM-6:00 PM) Full Day Half Day (5 hours or less) Registration Fee (June 2011-May 2012) Hours Location Before school: Monday-Friday – 6:00-8:00 AM After-school: Monday-Friday - 3:00-6:00 PM Non –school days: 6:00 am – 6:00pm Cokato Elementary – Cafeteria (Small Gym) Dassel Elem. and Middle School students welcome! Transportation is available before & after-school to and from Cokato Elementary. 10 Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 20, 2012 Online Payment Center Through Parent Portal at The payment tool in Parent Portal provides users with a secure site to deposit money to a family lunch account, pay field trip or class fees using your VISA or MasterCard. More information will be available at the Open Houses in each of the buildings. Your help is needed Is your family on the school district census? Did you know it is required that every family register all of their children ages birth to 6 on the school census? DasselCokato School District #466 keeps records of all families. Being on the school district census ensures that: •Your child will be notified of the Early Childhood Screening. •The elementary school will be expecting your child when it’s time for kindergarten. •You will automatically receive newsletters from Early Childhood Family Education. When a baby is added to your family or if you move into a different school district you need to register with the school district. To register children on the School District #466 census, write to the Community Education Office, 4852 Reardon Ave SW, Suite 1400, Cokato, MN 55321 or call (320) 286-4120. Thank you!! 11 Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 20, 2012 2012-2013 DC High School Fall Activities Schedule GIRLS’ VARSITY SWIMMING & DIVING CROSS COUNTRY DATE Aug. 23 Aug. 30 Sept. 11 Sept. 20 Sept. 25 Oct. 2 Oct. 11 Oct. 25 Nov. 3 OPPONENT invitational Maple Lake invitational Norwood-Young America INV Eden Valley-Watkins INV Dassel-Cokato invitational Chaska invitational Conference Tournament Sections State Tournament DATE Aug. 27 Aug. 28 Sept. 4 Sept. 8 Sept. 11 Sept. 13 Sept. 15 Sept. 18 Sept. 20 Sept. 25 Sept. 27 Sept. 29 Oct. 2 Oct. 4 Oct. 9 Oct. 11 Oct. 16 Oct. 26 Oct. 30 Nov. 1 Nov. 3 Nov. 8 - 10 OPPONENT Monticello Holy Family HLWW Litchfield Maple Lake Glencoe-Silver Lake Sauk Rapids - Rice Orono Mound-Westonka Watertown-Mayer Hutchinson Dassel-Cokato invitational Waconia New London-Spicer Delano Annandale Litchfield Sections Sections Sections Section Finals State Tournament TIME 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:15 PM 4:15PM 4:15 PM 3:45 PM 4:00 PM TBD TBD SITE UW-River Falls Ney County Park NYA - Baylor Park Kimball Golf Course Collinwood Park Chaska Par 30 Golf Course Delano-Lake Rebecca State Park Buffalo St. Olaf College VARSITY VOLLEYBALL TIME 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD SITE Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Home Away TBD TBD Sauk Rapids HS St. Benedict’s colLEGE TBD DATE Aug. 25 Aug. 30 Sept. 6 Sept. 13 Sept. 18 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 OPPONENT Hutchinson invitational Hutchinson Orono Waconia St. Michael-Albertville Litchfield Mound-Westonka, Holy Family Sept. 29 Minneapolis So invitational Oct. 11 Watertown-Mayer-Delano Oct. 23 Monticello Oct. 27 Conference Tournament Nov. 8 Sections Nov. 10 Sections Nov. 15 - 17 State Tournament TIME 10:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM SITE Away Away Home Away Home Home 6:00 PM TBD 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 10:00 AM TBD TBD TBD Away MWT U of M Aquatic Ctr. Away Away Hutch MS Hutch MS Hutch MS U of M Aquatic Ctr. VARSITY FOOTBALL DATE OPPONENT Aug. 31 Delano Sept. 7 Orono Sept. 14 Foley Sept. 21 Annandale Sept. 28 New London-Spicer Oct. 5 Litchfield Oct. 12 Hutchinson Oct. 17 Glencoe-Silver Lake Oct. 23 Section Quarterfinals Oct. 27 Section Semifinals Nov. 2 Section Finals Nov. 8 -10 State Quarters Nov. 15 -17 State Semifinals Nov. 23 - 24 State Finals TIME 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM TBD 7:00 PM TBD TBD TBD SITE Away Away Home AwaY Home Away Home Home High Seed High Seed High Seed TBD TBD TBD FINE ARTS & ACADEMIC SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 9, 10 & 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 20 Facility Use EVENT Fall Musical Fall Musical High School Concert TIME 7:00 PM 2:00 PM 7:30 PM SITE PAC PAC PAC Dassel-Cokato ISD 466 is owned by and serves school district residents. It is the district policy to make school facilities available for the community with prior approval. The School Board welcomes and encourages public use of school facilities. For information regarding the use and rental of school facilities please contact Facility Coordinator Patti Kampa at 320/2864100, ext. 1813, or stop by the Activities office, located next to the high school office. Web Access to Activities Schedules You will have instant access to all Dassel-Cokato Athletic and Fine Arts Schedules! This includes dates, time, location, schedule changes, bus departure times, and maps for away locations of sporting events. In addition, you will be able to see all Wright County Athletic Schedules on the same site at the touch of a button! This site will be updated daily, as necessary, to have the most current and accurate information available to you. This will include cancellations due to weather and other changes. This will be particularly helpful in the winter and spring when weather is such an important factor with schedules. We will not be putting the schedules on the school answering system as we have in the past. For parents and others who do not have internet access, they will be able to contact the school. You can easily access school events on-line. Please follow these easy steps to get you there: 1. Log into: 2. Click on “Activities” 3. Click on “Events Calendar” 4. Click on “Go To Advanced View” (Bottom Right Hand of Screen) 5. When you open up this screen, you will have the option of sorting all activities by any combination as shown on the screen such as by sport, age level, fine arts etc. Highlight which activity you want to view the schedule for. (We are continuing to enter new data for the year. There may be some missing information on some activities, but this data entry will be completed in the near future.) 6. Scroll down to the bottom of this screen, choose a time period, then click on “Show Activity Report.” You will find the data on that activity including the time etc. From there you can view an individual date or a given month to see a schedule. You can also click on a specific activity or sport and view a schedule. These schedules can be printed or e-mailed to interested parties such as family members, etc. You can view multiple schedules by holding down the control key and highlighting the respective schedules. An additional feature on the Dassel-Cokato page of the conference website is an opportunity for anyone to request e-mail notifications and/or text messages to “remind them” of any sports or fine arts schedules or to be notified if/when schedule changes occur (particularly helpful in the spring!). To sign up for email and text notification, please click on the “notify me” icon on page 1 of the activities calendar and then follow the prompts. DC Activities FALL ATHLETICS *Cross Country *Cheerleading *Football (boys) *Swimming (girls) *Volleyball (girls) Grades 7-12 Grades 9-12 Grades 7-12 Grades 7-12 Grades 7-12 WINTER ATHLETICS *Basketball (boys) *Basketball (girls) *Cheerleading *Gymnastics (girls) *Hockey (boys) *Hockey (girls) *Swimming (boys) *Wrestling (boys) *Alpine Skiing (boys) *Alpine Skiing (girls) Grades 7-12 Grades 7-12 Grades 9-12 Grades 7-12 Grades 9-12 Grades 9-12 Grades 7-12 Grades 7-12 Grades 7-12 Grades 7-12 SPRING ATHLETICS *Baseball (boys) *Golf (boys) *Golf (girls) *Softball (girls) *Track Grades 7-12 Grades 7-12 Grades 7-12 Grades 7-12 Grades 7-12 FINE ARTS Drumline *Fall Musical *Jazz Band *Marching Band *One-act Play Pep Band *Speech Grades 7-12 Grades 9-12 Grades 9-12 Grades 7-12 Grades 9-12 Grades 9-12 Grades 7-12 CLUBS Future Lies in You (FLY) Grades 9-12 Ski Club (Comm. Ed.) Grades 5-12 ORGANIZATIONS *FFA *Math League National Honor Society DCTV Student Council Yearbook *2012-2013 PARTICIPATION FEES 7th-8th Grade - $60/Activity 9th-12th Grade - $80/Activity Individual Cap - $160/Year Grades 9-12 Grades 7-12 12 Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 20, 2012 Area Learning Center offers opportunities and options Open Gym & Open Swim The Dassel-Cokato Area Learning Center will begin its 15th year of operation when classes resume on Sept. 6. The Center, which is located on Hwy. 12 in Cokato, offers an Independent Study Program in the evening and an Alternative High School Program during the regular school day. The ALC is open to students from Dassel-Cokato and neighboring districts. The DC High School gym is open to the public Sunday afternoons, November 4, 2012, through March 2013. (No open gym or swim December 30.) The gym is open for general family recreation, basketball and volleyball from 1:30-5:00 pm. Anyone using the school gym is requested to wear “indoor” tennis shoes. The ALC Independent Study Program is designed for students, ages 16-adult, who have dropped out of high school and now want to complete the necessary credits and receive a high school diploma. It is also a program for currently enrolled high school students who are significantly behind in their progress toward graduation and need to make up credits. The Alternative High School Program is for students in 9th-12th grades who, for a variety of possible reasons, are not being successful in the traditional high school setting. The day program includes all of the basic academic required courses. There are many options available to students who qualify including full-time ALC classes, ALC classes and work program, and part-time ALC/DC High School with classes at both sites. Enrollment is limited and preference will be given to students who are committed to making necessary academic and social changes, becoming more successful in school, and graduating with their peers. If you would like more information regarding these two ALC programs, eligibility criteria and registration procedure, contact Jon Nelson, ALC director, at (320) 286-4100, ext. 1200. DC Schools attendance policy and related information Class attendance is necessary for students to get the most benefit from each class, because there is a close relationship between school attendance and school success. Over the years, particularly at the high school, there seems to have been an erosion of the importance of regular attendance and that an increased variety of reasons are being used for students to be absent from school. With emphasis on more student participation/ involvement in class, authentic assessment and hands-on activities, should a student be absent from class, it is extremely difficult to replicate the meaningful experiences that were missed. Parents/guardians play an important role in the encouragement and support of regular attendance to school by their student(s). Therefore parents/guardians must know about and give approval of their students’ absence from school. The school recognizes that we have the responsibility of providing an environment and stimulus that encourages regular attendance of students. This means that each day we must provide meaningful learning experiences and activities for students. DC High School attendance policy Dear DCHS Students and Families, The purpose of this section is to outline practices and procedures we have at DCHS for ensuring student attendance is at the highest possible level. Why is attendance so important? There are many reasons. We have become increasingly concerned with the number of students that routinely miss school anywhere from 10 to even 30 days a year. State law dictates that all students under the age of 16 are to be in school everyday. School is a student’s full-time job, but more importantly, education is crucial to their ability to thrive as adults. There is most certainly a direct correlation between attendance at school and academic performance. Students that miss school miss direct instruction and therefore are receiving less than the best instruction our staff delivers each day. With high-stakes student testing and academic accountability, it is in the student’s best interests to be at school learning from our quality staff. Finally, high school attendance does impact a student’s future. Post-secondary schools, the military, scholarship sources and future employers do review student attendance records! As of this fall, we have approximately 650 students attending Dassel-Cokato High School. Most days there will undoubtedly be students absent - students may be ill, at appointments or absent for other reasonable excuses. It is our goal, but more importantly, our responsibility to account for 100% of our students every school day! Parents have been a huge help in assisting our accountability efforts. We are hoping you will continue to partner with us to reach this goal. Communication between home and school, the safety of your students and increased academic success are positive outcomes we predict from these efforts! Here is how you can help . . . 1. When you know your student will be absent from school, please contact the High School Office one of three ways: phone: (320) 286-4100 ext. 1815/1816, email: [email protected] or [email protected] or stop in to report the absence. 2. When your student has missed school, please send a note verifying the absence and the reason for it. 3. If you know in advance your student will miss school for two or more consecutive days, please contact the office and have a Pre-Excused Absence Form completed. 4. Continue to impress upon your students the importance of attendance. Their performance at school will be enhanced and they will be developing dependability that will serve them well in adult life. We will apply multiple strategies this year to reach our attendance goals . . . • Calling families when we are unaware of a student’s status • Welcoming back a student when they have been absent. We will let them know they were missed! • Contacting families when students reach three unexcused or excused absences • Meeting with families to develop a plan when students are in danger of violating the attendance policy We are committed to your students and appreciate the privilege of serving them. We feel we have made strong connections between home and school in the past and look forward to our continued partnership. Together, we can continue to make school attendance a priority! Please feel free to contact me with questions, concerns or input. Sincerely, Dean A. Jennissen, Principal The DC High School swimming pool is also open every Sunday afternoon from 2:004:00 pm. Please use the north pool entrance, Door A, for Open Gym and Open Swim. Fees are $3 for children/students, $5 for adults and $12 for families and are collected at the door. 10-punch passes are also available for purchase at the door. Fee payment entitles participants time in the gym and/or pool. NEW! FREE First Sunday Family Open Gym and Open Swim! In an effort to encourage families to exercise and spend quality time together we are offering a new program this fall to enable all families to do just that, at no charge! The first Sunday of each month during November and December have been designated as Free First Sundays! Bring your entire family and enjoy Open Swim and/or Open Gym at no charge! If this program proves successful, it will be continued during the remainder of the Open Gym season, ending in March. (Note: Due to space limitations and pool size restrictions, participation may have to be limited if numbers are too large in either the gyms or the pool.) Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 20, 2012 13 School Administration and Staff HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS Dennis Abernathy, Dean of Students Paul Beckermann, Media/Digital Lrn.Spec Amanda Berg, Phy.Ed Beth Boyle, Spanish Simone Burley, ESL Beth Carlson, Soc. Studies Martha Christensen, FOCUS Bryan Clemen, Business Ed Richie Dahlberg, FOCUS Krysten Dane, FACS Nicole Eldred, Soc. Studies Steven Ellis, Indust. Tech Todd Goudy, Math Ashlee Hartneck, English Andy Hegdahl, Science Brooks Helget, Health/Phy. Ed./Drv. Ed Ron Hungerford, Sci. Carol Impola, Spec Ed/Work Coord Brian Johnson, Eng. Dan Kyllonen, Ind. Tech. Angela Lauderbaugh, Speech/Language Path. Derek Levno, Ind. Tech Carlynn Lundeen, Math Ann Mahoney, Social Worker Susan Marco, Eng. Larry Marquette, Science Sara Nelson, Math David Nord, Art Lisa Nyquist, Special Education Mark Peterson, Science Danita Piepenburg, Science Vincent Pokornowski, DAPE Nate Raabe, Music Jon Ring, Math Eric Sawatzke, Ag Tech Neil Schlagel, Bus. Ed/Work Coord. Stephanie Schlangen, Eng. Amy Schultz, Eng. Laura Sellner, Math Todd Smith, Soc. Studies Becky Thielsen, English Ryan Tool, Counselor Alison Torgerson, Special Education Jennifer Trost, German Brian Veith, Inst. Music Geoff Welles, Art Brian Westby, Soc. Studies Mick Yanke, Soc. Stud./Drivers Ed. TBH, Spanish SUPPORT STAFF Pam Ahlgren, Paraeducator Mary Amborn, Custodian Kari Amundson, Paraeducator Brent Anderson, Night Lead Custodian Wendy Appenzeller, Paraeducator Connie Berg, F/S Annette Bohnsack, School Nurse Nicole Carlen, Paraeducator Stephanie Corbin, Paraeducator Steve Dalen, Custodian Bonnie Durdahl, F/S Karl Erickson, Custodian Chantel Gillman, Paraeducator Lynne Hasty, Secretary Kathy Helget, Admin. Secretary Linnea Holm, Paraeducator Donna Hughes, F/S Rebecca Hungerford, Paraeducator Jennie Inselman, Guidance Secretary Mary Lundquist, F/S John Martinson, Head Custodian Brian Mattson, Custodian Cindy Nelson, Paraeducator Sheila Paulson, F/S June Pawelk, PAC Custodian Barbara Peterson, F/S Cecilie Sangren, Paraeducator Elaine Schaefer, F/S Patty Sterner, FOCUS Karen Stonelake, Paraeducator Robin Thurman, F/S Sandy Wosmek, F/S DASSEL ELEMENTARY TEACHERS Beth Allen, Kindergarten Megan Anderson, School Psychologist Sara Binsfeld, Kindergarten Boost Stephanie Caron, Sp. Ed. Alison Conely, Grade 2 Patti Jo Erickson, Phy.Ed. Gail Ganser, Grade 3 Michele Grochow, Grade 2 Megan Hagberg, Music JoAnna Hall, Grade 1 Carla Halvorson, Media/Digital Lrn.Spec. Beth Hoeg, Special Ed Coord. Becky Holm, Kindergarten Luke Karlgaard, Grade 1 Mark Lingl, Grade 4 Heidi Little, Grade 3 Laura Lynk, Grade 4 Nancy Madsen, Grade 1 Cheri Nord, Reading Corp Melissa Opsahl, Grade 2 Mechele Pitchford, Grade 3 Vincent Pokornowski, Phy Ed Julie Redman, Sp. Ed. Julie Renkes, Reading Spec. Carmen Tschida, Social Worker Ann Vanderbilt, Speech/Language Pathologist Matt Whittaker, Grade 4 SUPPORT STAFF Mary Arvola, Paraeducator Marla Beckman, Paraeducator Clare Bjork, Paraeducator Annette Bohnsack, School Nurse Rori Carlson, Paraeducator & F/S Susan Cron, Paraeducator Lori Crowe, Paraeducator Kellie Eckroad, Media Assist. Marlyce Erickson, Admin. Secretary Barbara Holly, Health Asst/Para Angela Hopkins, Paraeducator Wendy Korhonen, Paraeducator Sandy Kraemer, Paraeducator Doris Kyllonen, F/S Karen Latt, Paraeducator Mary Neu, Vol. Coord. Jenna O’Brien, Paraeducator Tonia Olsen, Paraeducator Kim Putnam, Paraeducator Judy Randt, Paraeducator Gwen Rien, Paraeduator Mary Russell, F/S Janel Sherk, Paraeducator Charlie Smoldt, Head Custodian Art Vogelpohl, Night Custodian Sandy Ward, Computer Assist. Melissa Weckwerth, Paraeducator TBH, F/S COKATO ELEMENTARY TEACHERS Jean Abrahamson, Speech/Language Pathologist Julie Ardoff, Grade 2 Mike Barton, Grade 3 Brice Berggren, Phy. Ed. Gail Berggren, Grade 2 Jenny Bertram, Grade 4 Tamra Boltz, Special Ed Laura Bussler, Grade 3 Carissa Chap, Grade 3 Rachel Franklin, Grade 2 Sherri Graham, Psychologist Megan Hagberg, Music Lori Hanson, Kindergarten Todd Heinonen, Grade 4 Beth Hoeg, Special Ed Coord. Kathryn Johnson, Grade 1 Lynda Johnson, Reading Recovery Cindy Kaczmarek, Kindergarten Christine Karlgaard, Special Ed Pat Kusler, Grade 4 Amy Martinson, Special Education Michelle Melquist, Grade 1 Jennifer Meyer, Special Ed Jodi Munson, Kindergarten Lee Nelson, Grade 2 Jill Oefflling, Grade 4 Pam Osterberg, Media/Digital Lrn.Spec. Vincent Pokornowski, Special Ed/Phy Ed Jean Searles, Grade 1 Heidi Sickman, Soc. Worker Stacy Sorgatz, Phy. Ed Amanda Spires, Music Lori Stangland, Grade 3 Sarah Terpstra, Soc. Worker Rebecca Vossen-Mathies, Gr 1 Sam Weber, Grade 1 Ryan Weinandt, Grade 2 Jane Wimmer, Wright County Social Worker SUPPORT STAFF Brenda Anderson, Paraeducator Kelsey Anderson, Paraeducator Ross Anderson, Night Custodian Pam Bayerl, Paraeducator Jo Bender, Health Assistant Connie Berg, F/S Annette Bohnsack, School Nurse Julie Chap, Paraeducator Carol Davis, Paraeducator Donette Danberg, Paraeducator Wylene Danielson, F/S Lisa Grack, Paraeducator Wendy Halonen, Paraeducator Dave Hoyhtya, Head Custodian Lynda Huseby, Paraeducator Patsy Isaacson, Paraeducator Carol Janckila, F/S Chris Josephson, Paraeducator Mary Larson, Media/Computer Paraeducator Kim Lehto, Paraeducator Brenda Leifermann, Paraeducator Linnea Manske-Willhite, Paraeducator JoLee Marquette, Paraeducator Kristie Martinson, Paraeducator Sarah Mayfield, Paraeducator Janet Morgan, Paraeducator Mary Kay Morris, Volunteer Coord Beverly Moye, Paraeducator Jenny Niska, Paraeducator Karen Ortquist, Paraeducator Candy Paulson, Paraeducator Glenda Peterson, Paraeducator Margaret Pokornowski, Admin Secretary TBH, Custodian Sarah Polzin, Paraeducator Starla Powers, Paraeducator Jedidiah Reedy, Paraeducator Syneva Richardson, Paraeducator Janel Ryynanen, Paraeducator Jennifer Schoening, Paraeducator Arlyce Terning, Paraeducator Megan Terning, Paraeducator Joyce Thinesen, Paraeducator Tina Thompson, Paraeducator Jennifer Todnem, Charger Kids Club Coord Taumi Wilson, Paraeducator Angela Lauderbaugh, Speech/Language Path. Jessica Luebker, Soc. St. 7 Kristine Mackenthun, Special Ed Susan Miller, Science 8 Jordann Nelson, Grade 5 Holly Niedzielski, Special Ed/DCD Elizabeth Niemela, Math 8 Vincent Pokornowski, DAPE Lindsey Popelka, Grade 5 Nate Raabe, Vocal Music Anna Reedy, Communications 7/8 Melissa Rudebusch, Science 7/8 Wendy Runquist, Grade 5 Michael Smith, Music, Band 5-8 Jacob Stang, Geog 8 Beth Steinleitner, Soc. Worker Naomi Stelzer, Comm 7 Amy Terning, Special Ed Alexandra Thrasher, Music Paula Trisko, Grade 6 Brian Veith, Band 8 Heidi Veith, Math 7 Catherine Young, Math 7/8 Nathan Youngs, Science 7 SUPPORT STAFF Patsy Amundson, Paraeducator Brent Anderson, Night Lead Custodian Kari Anderson, Paraeducator Gerri Barth, F/S Annette Bohnsack, School Nurse Kristine Birkholtz, Paraeducator Mary Carlen, F/S Janice Carlson, Paraeducator Tracy Clark, Paraeducator Nancy Elmquist, Paraeducator Holly Erickson, Secretary Karl Erickson, Custodian Shirley Erickson, F/S Leann Gallagher, Paraeducator Kim Johnson, Admin. Secretary Virginia Keranen, Media Paraeducator Deborah Koehler, Paraeducator Kim Levinski, Media Paraeducator Stacie Lindell, Paraeducator Autum Nelson, Vol. Coord. Deb Ryan, Health Assistant Rosa Trapp, Paraeducator Michelle Niemela, Paraeducator Nicole Peterson, Paraeducator Darcie Pringnitz, Paraeducator Barbara Quast, F/S Michele Saylor, Paraeducator Deanne Schindele, Custodian Julie Schumann, Media Paraeducator Irene Shoutz, Paraeducator Deb Suchy, Paraeducator Sandy Tanner, Paraeducator Robin Thurman, F/S Carly Zelek, Paraeducator Cathy Zobel, Paraeducator TEACHERS Amy Anderson, Grade 6 TJ Anderson, Grade 6 Kathy Athmann, Title I Reading Katie Atkinson, Grade 6 Pam Beckermann, Media/Digital Lrn.Spec. Carrie Berggren, Phy. Ed. Brian Bessingpas, Grade 5 Christine Bickmann, Art Amy Bollman, Special Education Simone Burley, ESL Megan Chatterton, Grade 5 Tony Dehler, Math 5-8 Beth Flick, Grade 6 Cole Flick, Phy. Ed. Rick Gross, Connections Matt Hogg, Grade 5 Tim Illies, Grade 6 Sandra Isaacson, Special Education Alisa Johnson, Dean of Students & MS Act Dir Kelly Johnson,Soc. St 7/Geog.8 Randy Johnson, Ind. Tech. Samantha Kiecker, FACS Jill Kittock, Communication 7/8 SUPPORT STAFF Elizabeth Anderson, Secretary Chad Ardoff, Computer Technician Marianne Bobrowske, Admin. Asst. Stephanie Corbin, Sub Tchr Scheduler Stephanie Dahlin, Activities Secretary Paul Holm, Help Desk Analyst Randy Holm/Bus Maint. Zach Holm/Bus Maint. Patti Kampa, Facilities Coord. Kevin Miller, Transportation Coord Irene Pierce, Curriculum/Spec Ed Secy Marce Polzin, Computer Technician Gerald Schaefer, Groundskeeper Dale Wold, Groundskeeper Sarah Wolff, F/S Secretary TBH, Bookkeeper ADMINISTRATION Sandi Arndt, CE Principal Brian Franklin, MS Principal Dean Jennissen, HS/ALC Principal Beth Hoeg, Special Education Coord. Debbie Morris, DE Principal Tina Palmer, Business Mgr. Jeff Powers, Superintendent MIDDLE SCHOOL DISTRICT Bernie Reinke, F/S Coord. Perry Thinesen, Activities/Community Ed Director BUS DRIVERS DISTRICT Gilbert Anderson, Mail/lunch Steve Thorson, #38 Sean Cady, #30 Lift Bus Roxann Anderson, Type III Marlyce Bjork, Type III Marilyn Brazil, #22 Kristy Breault, #35, K, Odyssey Harlund Carlen, #36 Randy Holm, #34 Connie Johnson, #39 Dan Latt, #37 Deb Martinson, Type III Helen Mattson, Type III Tim Paulson, #23, Ron Peterson, #31 Kathy Wozniak, Type III Beth Wirkkala, Type III COKATO TRANSPORTATION Mary Amborn, #2 Orlin Doering, #6 & K Paul Fredricks, #7 & K Bernie Funk, #8 Burton Horsch, #4 Dave Leukuma, #5 James Saari, #1 Curt Sanborn, #9 & K Gary Schmieg, #3 Steve Stahl, #11 Tim Benoit, #10 COMMUNITY EDUCATION/EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Becky Baatz, Paraeducator Libby Bayuk, Pool Manager Krista Cates, Secretary Colleen Compton, Programs Coordinator TBH, Speech/Language Pathologist Kate Fasching, Parent Educator/ECFE Teacher Barb Harder, Speech/Language Pathologist Deb Johnson-Wahlman, Early Childhood Sp. Ed. Teacher Kathy Lundeen, Speech/Language Pathologist Patty McCain, Paraeducator Mary Myers-Reinarts, ECFE/Preschool Teacher Linda Nordberg, Sib. Care Provider Katie Quaas, ECFE/Preschool Teacher Tracy Rickeman, Early Childhood Sp. Ed. Teacher Jane Ryan, Early Childhood Programs Coordinator Vicky Sager, Paraeducator Cheryl Molenaar, GED/ABE Shannon Smieja, Secretary Sarah Polzin, Paraeducator Jennifer Todnem, CKC Site Supervisor Perry Thinesen, Community Ed./Activities Director Betty Westrup, Paraeducator ALC STAFF Betsy Dobmeier, Secretary Andy Hegdahl, Science Dean Jennissen, Principal Gerri McWherter, Paraeducator/Sec. Jon Nelson, Director David Nord, Art TBH, Custodian Neil Schlagel, Bus.Ed/Work Coord. Laura Sellner, Math Rebecca Thielsen, Teacher School Board Members Irene Bender, Clerk Kevin Bjork, Chair Rebecca Clemen, Treasurer Mark Linder, Director Tracy McConkey, Director Richard Tormanen, Vice Chair 14 Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 20, 2012 Dear Parent/Guardian: Our school provides healthy meals each day. Breakfast costs $1.00; lunch costs HS/MS $1.75, Elementary $1.70. Your children may qualify for free or reduced price meals. The reduced price for lunch is $0.40. “Reduced-price” breakfasts are served at no charge. To apply for free or reducedprice school meals, complete the enclosed Application for Educational Benefits following the enclosed instructions. A new application must be submitted each year. You application also helps our school qualify for additional education funds and discounts. Return your completed Application for Educational Benefits to Dassel-Cokato Public Schools, 4852 Reardon Ave SW, Suite1700, Cokato, MN 55321: Who can get free or reduced price meals? Children in households participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Minnesota Family Investment Plan (MFIP), or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) and foster children can get free school meals without reporting household income. Also, children can get free or reduced-price meals if their household income is within the maximum income shown for the household size. An application must be submitted each school year. Do foster children qualify for free meals? Yes, foster children who are the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court are eligible for free meals regardless of household income. I get WIC. Can my children get free meals? Children in households participating in WIC may be eligible for free or reduced price meals. Please fill out an application. May I apply if someone in my household is not a U.S. citizen? Yes. You or your children do not have to be U.S. citizens for your children to qualify for free or reduced price meals. Who should I include as members of my household? Include yourself and all other people living in the household, related or not (such as grandparents, other relatives, or friends). Include a household member who is temporarily away such as a college student. What if my income is not always the same? List the amount that you normally get. If you normally get overtime, include it, but not if you get it only sometimes. How will the information I provide be kept? Information you provide on the form, and your child’s approval for school meal benefits, will be protected as private data. See the back page of the Application for Educational Benefits for more information about how the information is used. Will the information I give be checked? Yes and we may also ask you to send written proof. What if I disagree with the school’s decision about my application? You should talk to school officials. You also may ask for a hearing. If you have other questions or need help, call 320-286-4100, ext. 1013. Sincerely, Tina Palmer, Business Manager Prices of school lunches and athletic events FREE CONCUSSION TRAINING FOR PARENTS, VOLUNTEERS AND COACHES Free concussion training is available to parents or anyone wanting to become better informed about concussions. State law now requires you complete this training if you are ever planning on coaching or volunteering to help with a Community Education recreation activity. “Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports” is a free online training course that takes less than 30 minutes. CDC Concussion Training Link: After you have completed the training, print a copy of the Certificate of Completion. You will be required to have a copy of this certificate on file in Community Education before you can begin coaching. Please drop one off at the Community Education office, scan and email it to [email protected] or fax to 320-286-4121. Please also keep a copy for your records. Students with lactose intolerance State law (Minnesota Statutes 124D.114) requires a Sponsoring Authority of school meal programs to provide one of these alternatives for a student with lactose intolerance if the parent has requested an alternative in writing: • Lactose-reduced milk, or • Milk fortified with lactase in liquid, tablet, granular, or other form, or • Milk to which lactobacillus acidophilus has been added. Kindergarten Milk Program Minnesota Kindergarten Milk Program, a provision of the 1988 Omnibus Agriculture Bill, has provided for public schools to receive a reimbursement for kindergarten special milk only. Extra milk with meals will be available at 35¢ per one-half pint. Prices for hot lunch for elementary students will be $1.70 per meal. High School and Middle School students will pay $1.75 for a single meal. Students may purchase an additional milk with their lunch or choose to purchase only milk with their cold lunch at the cost of 35 cents per carton. This will be taken off the student’s lunch account. Students in grades K12 also have the option of purchasing breakfast at $1.00 per meal. Legislation enacted by the state to provide students who qualify for reduced-price lunches, to now qualify for breakfast at no charge. Meals will be paid for by sending a check for the entire family. No tickets will be issued. Accounts will be credited when payment is received. As the family members eat meals, a deduction will be made from the account. When the family account balance is at $3 per student, an automated phone call to your home will be made. If the family account goes to -$0.01, students will not be eligible to participate in the lunch program until money has been put into the family lunch account. Students in grades K-4 can choose milk or orange juice for morning break. The district will be covering the cost for milk and juice break for the 2012-2013 school year. The admission price for athletic events for all school age children will be $4, adults will be $6 per event and preschool children are free. Admission is charged for all home athletic events held in the school building (volleyball, swimming, gymnastics, basketball, wrestling) and football. When, however, two events are occurring consecutively, like swimming and gymnastics, only one admission will be charged. To offset the cost burden for those persons who attend quite a number of athletic events, an annual pass is available for purchase. The annual permits admission to over fifty athletic events during the year for $45 per adult, $25 per student, and senior citizen, free, age 62 and older and lives in the district. There is an activity participation fee for junior and senior high students. The fee is $60 per activity for grades 7-8 and $80 per activity for grades 9-12. The cap is $160 per individual per year. The purpose of these fees is to partially offset the cost of the programs. Fees should be paid at the high school activities office, or online prior to the student beginning practice. Parents and other community members interested in supervising DC athletic events can schedule a date and time at eligibility meetings, or you can call the activities office, ext. 1811. Volunteers scheduled to work at six (6) school events will receive one (1) adult annual pass or the Activities Department will waive your son/daughter’s activity fee for one sport/ season. Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 20, 2012 15 Public Notice: Annual Notification of Rights Protection and Privacy of Educational Rights Pursuant to the requirements of Independent School District No. 466 Dassel-Cokato School District Policy regarding educational data privacy, the following constitutes the school district’s annual notification to parents and students regarding data privacy practices of the school district. The school district has adopted a Data Privacy and Student Records Policy incorporating state and federal requirements as to data privacy rights. In summary the policy provides: A. Privacy Rights Educational records which identify or could be used to identify a student other than directory information, may not be released to members of the public without the written permission of the student’s parents or guardians or the student if he or she is 18, attends a post-secondary institution, is married or has graduated. This general rule is subject to specific and limited exceptions which cannot be set out here due to limitations of space but which are set out in district policy. B. Directory Information “Directory Information” includes a student’s parents’ names, student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, sex, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, grade levels completed, degrees and awards received, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student and other similar information. Directory information may be released to the public without prior parent or student consent unless the parent or eligible student has objected in writing to the release of one or more category of such information. Directory information does not include identifying data which references religion, race, color, social position or nationality. A parent of a student or an eligible student in the district may refuse to permit the release of any or all categories of directory information by contacting the building principal in which said student attends and completing form “Objection to Release of Directory Information.” This objection must be given the district within thirty (30) days of this publication notice. C. Inspection of Records Parents of a student or a student may request to inspect and review any of the student’s educational records except those which are, by state or federal law, made confidential. The school district will comply with the request immediately if possible and if not, within five days exclusive of weekends and holidays. In certain special circumstances, an additional five days may be required in order to comply. Copies of records may be obtained at the actual cost of reproduction. D. Challenge to Accuracy of Records A parent or eligible student who believes that specific information in the student’s educational records is inaccurate, misleading, incomplete or violates the privacy or other rights of the student, may request that the school district amend or correct the record in question. If the superintendent, within a period of 30 days, declines to amend the record as requested, the parent or student who is 18 or older will be advised in writing of their right to request and obtain a hearing. If either the superintendent or, after hearing, the hearing officer appointed by the school district, determines that the record in question is inaccurate, misleading, incomplete or violates the privacy or other rights of the student, the record will be amended, the parents or student age 18 or older notified of the change, and an attempt will be made to notify past recipients of the data. If, as a result of the hearing, it is determined that the challenged record is not inaccurate, misleading, incomplete or in violation of the privacy or other rights of the student, the parent or stu-dent of age 18 or older will be notified of their rights to place a statement with the record commenting upon it and setting out any reason for disagreeing with the decision of the school district. Data in dispute will be disclosed only if the statement of disagreement is included with the disputed data. The decision of the superintendent or hearing officer is the final decision of the school district and may be appealed under the provision of the State Administrative Procedure Act, Minn. Statute C15, relating to contested cases. E. Transfer of Records to Other Schools Independent School District No. 466 forwards educational records of students to other schools and school districts in which a student seeks or intends to enroll upon request of that school or school district. A parent or student who is 18 years of age may request and receive a copy of the records which are transferred and may, pursuant to this policy, challenge the accuracy of the records. The district does not, however, notify parents or students of age 18 or older prior to such transfer. F. Data Collection Rights A parent or eligible student when asked to supply private or confidential data, shall be informed of: (a) the purpose and intended use of the requested data; (b) whether he may refuse or is legally required to supply the requested data; (c) any known consequence arising from his supplying or refusing to supply the data and (d) the identity of the persons or entities authorized by state or federal law to receive the data. G. Complaints for Non-Compliance Parents and students of age 18 or older may submit written complaints of violation of rights accorded them by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act Office, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20201. This review of the data privacy rights of students and parents in the educational records maintained by Independent School District 466 is intended only to be a summary of the provisions of school district policy and applicable state and federal law. Requests for copies of the policy and questions should be addressed to: Superintendent of Schools, Independent School District 466, 4852 Reardon Ave. SW, Suite 1700, Cokato, Minn. 55321. Call: Wright County Human Services (763)682-7414 Meeker County Social Services (320) 693-5300 or (877)915-3500 Supplement available in many formats This document is available in the following formats upon request: Braille, Large Print, Audio Cassette Tape, Computer Disk. Please call 320-286-4100 for more information or to request a copy. Nondiscrimination: IN THE OPERATION OF THE USDA CHILD NUTRITION PROGRAMS, NO CHILD WILL BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST BECAUSE OF RACE, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, AGE, SEX OR DISABILITY. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE BEEN DISCRIMINATED AGAINST, WRITE IMMEDIATELY TO USDA, DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS, ROOM 326-W WHITTEN BUILDING, 1400 INDEPENDENCE AV. SW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 16 Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 20, 2012 FUNDRAISING OPPORTUNITIES FOR DASSEL-COKATO SCHOOLS Save these items and help us raise additional funds for our school! Check the website for more information. Look for products with the Box Top for Education coupon. Trim the coupon and send it in. Each coupon is worth 10 cents. Last year our school raised over $1,500 collecting box tops! The class that collects the most box tops during the school year earns a special reward. Campbell Soup Labels still count! Please trim the UPC code and logo part of the label and send it in. (If easier, send in the whole label.) The labels collected will be used to purchase equipment for the media center, music and physical education. Over 25 million pounds of empty printer cartridges and cell phones are thrown in landfills each year. Help the environment; send those old cell phones and empty laser, inkjet, fax and copier cartridges to Dassel or Cokato Elementary or Early childhood Center. We can turn them in and get them properly recycled or disposed of and at the same time, we earn technology points for new ink cartridges and other computer items. The Kemp’s Cows have an exciting new program! Just look for the milk caps with the official Kemp’s Give ‘em Five stickers. They are found on the caps of gallons and half-gallons of white and chocolate milk, and on the side panel of paper half-gallons of white milk. Each cap is worth 5 cents My Coke Rewards for Schools is a way for parents, friends and others in the community to support Dassel-Cokato schools by donating My Coke Rewards points. Our school can turn donated points into a variety of rewards that support students. You can donate your points by choosing donate to your school at www. or simply send the caps/ codes to school with your child and we will enter them for you. Every Wednesday is Kids Night at the Cokato Dairy Queen. Art made by one of the elementary classes will be on display at the restaurant for the community to enjoy. DQ donates 15% of all sales from 5-8 p.m. that night to our elementary schools. What a fun and tasty way to contribute to our schools. Take Charge of Education® is an easy way to help us raise money for our school—for books, band uniforms, reading programs and anything else that can use extra funding. Visit or call 1-800-316-6142 to designate our school, then use your REDcard whenever you shop. When you use your REDcard® (Target Credit Card®, Target Debit Card® or Target® Visa® Credit Card), Target® will donate up to 1% of your purchases. If you wish to contribute any of the above items, please drop them off at any of the Dassel Cokato School Buildings and they bill be distributed accordingly. Other fundraisers are Land O’ Lakes Save Five for Schools, CashWise Points for Learning, Our Family Foods Labels for Learning, K-Mart School Spirit Card, On-line shopping through and Box Tops for Education Visa Card.