Airstream Life - Red Ants Pants
Airstream Life - Red Ants Pants
FEATURE ft...r IT WAS ALMOST DUSK and a golden ligr: '.'.s .-.','.=:.:g across the slage in lront ol me when I caught a glimpse of Sara:. Ca -:*: ,rcilr,v-ing out ol her vintage Airstream. She moved like the kind oi-;'.'3::a:-.'.:l iac Dlaces to be, and indeed, Calhoun was in high demand this par':,c*,at -.','-=..::c. i nad come to the Red Ants Pants Music Festival in White Sulpr;: S::rgs I'lI roping to meet up with this dynamo, but it was clear that proil;c.:.-=.-::.:ec'.ng an event that attracted roughly 11,000 festival-goers t','as keet.:; :.: ::-c:e :nan busy. Boasting a full lineup of country ani -t:e:.c::a tood and cralt vendors, hay rides, blacksmrthing demons:ra:-::s a:: ::: \lontana Beard and Mustache Competition, the event has becon:: a :-.; d:='.'. .c' :hrs tiny ranching community sandwiched between the Littie Be -: a:c 3-g Be-: l.lountains, just east of the Rocky Mountain front. Inevitably thoue:. :le ies:.i'a- s larne elicits puzzled looks and draws questions aboul its origins. The story behind the name is one of a )'ourtg i';orai'-< -sut-':tpiion. grit and get 'er done attitude. Before there r,l,as a Rei Ants Palis \lusic Festival. there were -,here tere...rvell. there were Red Ants Pants. And before there rvere Reci Ants Panrs. ill-flning men's work pants that ignored the basic geomeiry of a r,voman's curves. Calhoun, whose upbringing on a Connecticut farm anci work history in outdoor education had taught her the value of a durable and comfortable wardrobe, was fed up. So in 2006, still in her 20s and with all the energy and optimism associated with that age, she marshaled her rescurces and created a company fiat catered to grateful hardworking and heretofore ill-clothed women. These would be "Red Ants Pants," so named for the feisty flre ant that is known lor its well-organized communities and ability to survive extreme conditionsand in whose colonies the females do a1l the work. After Calhoun and her small team perfected the cut and construction of the chocolate-brown cotton canvas pants (slraight or cur\T', in a fuli complement of inseams and waist sizes), she set out from the central-Montana headquarters to spread the gospel to potentially interested ladies throughout the west. The first Tour de Pants took place in 2008, and was essentially a road show ol house parties hosted by f,riends and acquaintances - like Tuppenvare parties for the #, ,# *;** d..o outdoorsy crowd. The pants were incredibly well-received, but at the end of each day, an exhausted Calhoun and her then-manager needed a place to rest their heads. As we all know an endless string of hotels is rarely in the budget for a small startup company. t"** ;ie '-rf, ;f .T .f fT' =:", lS lr lt 26 ATRSTREAM LtFE S:Rt'rc 2c 5 A RSTREAYT FE.coll i'ilil$iffi '*-- == {l'3805-, e: .r PEBHA$ENI _ *qry, s .# aB 'fa : :4n' : ."F.1 , i.*r,,i: That's how Calhoun lound herself, in the lall of 2008, surfing Craigslist fbr an ailordabie travel traller. Her search was fruitful, and soon she was on her way to Nebraska to pick up the newest member of the Red Ants pants team. a 22' 1964 Land Yacht Safari. Back in Montana, a Missoula-based outfit called Mintage (since reborn as BIue Moon caravans) ripped apart the inoperative bathroom, put in a new piyrvood floor and constructed a set of racks to hold the inventory The rest of the interior was largely leit in its original state, complete with the princess stove and oven. The Red Ants Pants ladies wasted no time in putting the Airstream to use. In a fit ol either bravery or foolishness (or some combination of the two), they hitched up and set off through Montana and Utah in wintery December weather en route to Phoenrx f,or a six-week tour of the southwest. Despite the challenging road conditions this particular Tour de Pants was without incident, though Calhoun now laughingly recounts some of the more harrowing towing eprsodes. These days Calhoun is far too busy to hit the road for weeks at a time, though the Airstream's interior is still decorated with posters and paraphernalia from therr various tour slops. Nowadays most of lhe company s sales come from their website, with orders arriving lrom all corners of the country as well as far-flung places like Antarctica. There's also an inviting storefront on the main drag through white Sulphur Springs. walking rnto the shop feels a bit like stepping inro an o1d friend's home; 'l,i Story and photos by Kim Wishcamper I I I I lr l I I the teakettle is always at the ready, and cheerful yellow chairs surrounding a wellworn table invite visitors to linger over visually stunning Montana photo books. under the watchful eyes ol Nellie. the shop dog. and Magpre, the resident cat. the I l l I shelves at Red Ants Pants house the original American-made pants, as well as an expanded inventory of shorts, hats, shirts, belts and belt buckles. when not pressed into service, the Airstream lives out back behind Calhoun's attached apartment. waiting to be called upon for its next tour of duty with the Red Ants Pants team. AIRSTREAI.I LIFE SPRiNG 20 5 A RSTREAI.,]L FE CoY 27 FEATURE which brings us back to that intoxicatingly r,larm late-evening light bathing the trailer, while notable musicians like Brandi Carlile and Charley pride played to an enthusiastic crowd filling the farmer's fleld. For this event. the Airstream occupied a central place on the festival grounds and served mostly as an olfice and staging area, though it has perlormed such notabie duties as sheltering counlry great Emmylou Harris during a Iightning evacuatron one year. In addirion to bringing people together to celebrate a rural way ol lifle, the music festival is a benefit lor the Red Ants Pants Foundation that Calhoun started and for which she serves as executive director The fbundation's aim is to "foster strength and selfl-reliance in women and in rural, agricultural communities." To that end, long alter the lestivai crolvds go home. rvhen the rvheat has been harvested and the first lrosts arrive. the Airstream will provide shelter and kitchen capacity during the floundation-supported rimber Sklls workshop. It's another brainchild of Calhoun's: a weekend-long aflair that teaches women chainsawhandling skills and the basics of timber ielling. These are practicai skills ro have in a place iike Montana, a state that's ahvays lavored those with lortitude over the faint ol heart. The fbundation also provides smal1 grants to a variety ol commercial enterprises and non-profit organizations related to larming or to the empowerment of women. i a1 ir The common threads in all things Rec Ants Pants are an apprecialion and loylut celebration of hard work and the combination of self-reliance with participation in a larger sodality "It's the community-oriented aspect that I'm most passionate about," said Calhoun of her various ventures. It's no wonder, then, that she finds the Airstream such a great fit with her brand identity As I lelt the shelter of my own 1960 Salari and strolled through lhe lestival campground, it r,vas easy lo spot a handlul ol gracefully ii il f! * Pays 100% parts & Labor in the sea of * No Deductible otherwise unremarkable while RV's. There's an instant alfinity and easy camaraderie within * Nationwide Service Remains in effect as long as you own your Airstream rounded aluminum trailers lhe community ol Airstream owners. * One group oilered me steaming hot coflee; another to set me up with her like Calhoun, we appreciate nephei,n Much well-thought-out design and durable construction, and perhaps above all. the company of like-minded folks. As the sun dropped behind the nearby mountains and shadows fell over the string ol Airstreamer lobbied cherry-red ants marching across the company trailet the crowd roared a welcome to the new band taking the stage. It gol me to wondering what the energetic Sarah Calhoun has in store lor her next act, and what part the laithiul Land Yacht Salari might play. I :* ? GfiTl8f' RV Super Center Texas #1 Airstream Dealer 800-781-7848 www, cam pe rcl i n i c2. co m ATRSTREAM LtFE spR NC 20 5 A RSTREAYL Ft.cot'1 29