Language and Career - Crimea State Medical University


Language and Career - Crimea State Medical University
Language and Career
Материалы Всероссийской студенческой научнопрактической конференции
г. Севастополь,
24 марта 2016 г.
Министерство образования и науки РФ
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное
учреждение высшего образования
«Севастопольский государственный университет»
Гуманитарно-педагогический институт
Кафедра «Романская и германская филология»
Language and Career
Материалы Всероссийской студенческой научнопрактической конференции
г. Севастополь,
24 марта 2016 г.
УДК [81’243:378](063)
ББК 81.2.431
Влавацкая Марина Витальевна – доктор филологических наук,
доцент, Новосибирский государственный университет (г. Новосибирск)
Горбунова Наталья Владимировна – доктор педагогических наук,
профессор, Крымский федеральный университет им. В.И. Вернадского
(г. Симферополь)
Луняков Олег Владимирович – доктор экономических наук,
профессор, Севастопольский государственный университет (г. Севастополь)
Рекомендовано к печати редколлегией Всероссийской студенческой
научно-практической конференцией «Language and Career»
Language and Career:
сборник статей Всероссийской
студенческой научно-практической конференции / Колл. авт.; отв.
Редактор Н.Ю. Фоминых. – Севастополь: Рибэст, 2016. – 728 с.
ISBN 978-5-90363-067-7
конференции в секциях «Экономика», «Психология и педагогика»,
«Переводоведение», «Литература», «Межкультурная коммуникация»,
«Журналистика», «История»», «Медицина», «Биология», «Технические
науки», «Кораблестроение», «Морское дело».
Сборник подготовлен к изданию кафедрой «Романская и
германская филология» СевГУ
ББК 81.2р.я431
УДК [81’243:378](063)
 Коллектив авторов, 2016
 Севастопольский
государственный университет,
ISBN 978-5-90363-067-7
Секция «Экономика»
UDC 339
Kristina Aksenova
3 year student, Management Department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Natalya Shcherbakova
Scientific advisor, PhD in Economics, associate professor,
Management Department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
The successful development of economy requires different
approaches to the problem of attracting foreign capital to Russia
since Russia has investment potential, which includes investments
resource, financial resource, intangible assets such as the right to
mineral extraction. Today Russia has difficult position in relation to
the investment capital therefore many potential investors are put off
from investing due to the current situation.
Based on USTR, American trade representative, the
investment position of Russia in 2013 is disappointing [1]. Difficult
political relations between Russia and Western European countries,
advanced legislation in investing – all this can be a barrier to positive
changes in the country towards foreign investments. At the moment,
Russia has an influx of foreign capital but in absolute terms this still
does not satisfy the demand of the Russian economy [2].
Foreign investors are interested in rich natural resources of
Russia, namely oil production. For example, high rate of foreign
investment in the city of Sakhalin, aimed at the oil and gas industry.
Such cities as Moscow, St.Petersburg, Novosibirsk and other areas
are very attracting for foreign investors because there is high
concentration of business activity, competitive advantages and the
availability of technology parks, business incubators with developed
innovative products. As noted by the Prime Minister of Russia
Dmitry Medvedev, currently Russia faces the main task is to promote
competitive domestic goods that are in demand not only
domestically, but also in the global market [3, p.150].
Despite the fact Russia has investment potential as well as
innovations centers, technology parks, there are problems with
development and financing [4]. There are gaps in legislation, high
taxes, unstable political situation and the lack of protection of foreign
investors. Foreign investment in addition to the possibility of solving
the problems of financing the functioning of the production system,
often accompanied by the possibility of obtaining innovative assets
which also contributes to the development of innovative economy of
Russia [5, p.105].
In such situation it is necessary to take the following steps:
Increase in manufacturing activity in the country in
the field of innovation, namely the increase of enterprises engaged in
the production of innovative products, which in turn will raise the
country`s economy and attract foreign investors
Create the real system of benefits for foreign
investors in selected industries and regions
Simplify the tax system.
Thus, if you implement the above measures, it will attract
foreign investors and will ensure the growth of domestic investment.
Well-organized investment policy in the country will support the
existing leading enterprises which are the basis of ensuring the
production system and the development of innovations has a positive
impact not only on the financial status of the enterprises themselves
but also on the state of the economy as a whole.
иностранных инвестиций в экономику России [Электронный
ресурс] // Современные наукоемкие технологии. – 2012. – № 7. –
С. 46-47.
=9999956 (дата обращения: 13.10.2015).
2. Медведев Д.А. Международный инвестиционный
форум «Сочи 2015» [Электронный ресурс] // Официальный сайт
Международного Инвестиционного форума «Сочи 2015» - 2015.
– URL: (дата обращения: 13.10.2015).
3. Модернизация российской экономики: перспективы,
парадигмы, решения: сборник научных статей / Новосиб. гос.
техн. ун-т; [под ред. И. С. Межова, Н. А. Щербаковой]. Новосибирск: Изд-во НГТУ, 2014. – 200 c.
4. Редакция «Капитала страна». Инвестиционные
возможности России [Электронный ресурс] // Капитал страны:
электрон. Журн. – № 10. – 2013. URL: (дата обращения: 13.10.2015)
5. Щербакова Н.А., Александрова И.И. Экономическая
оценка инвестиций: учеб.пособие. – Новосибирск: СГГА, 2012.
– 202 с.
Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается
актуальная проблема российской экономики, а именно проблема
привлечения иностранного капитала. Иностранные инвестиции
инновационных активов. Поэтому, в данном случае, знание
английского языка важно не только для установления контакта
между отдельными людьми, но и для экономики страны в
целом. Выделены основные проблемы, которые стоят перед
инвестиционным рынком страны, а также пути их решения.
инвестиционный потенциал, инновационный продукт.
Summary. This article discusses the actual problem of the
Russian Federation economy, namely the problem of attracting
foreign capital. Foreign investment is often accompanied by the
possibility of obtaining innovative assets. Therefore, in this case,
knowledge of the English language is very important not only for
establishing contact between individuals, but also for the economy as
a whole country. The main problems the investment market of the
country faces, as well as their solutions.
Keywords: foreign investment, potential investor,
investment climate, investment potential, innovative product.
UDC 378.14
Maria Arzamastseva
1st year master’s degree student, Management Department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Marina Khayrullina
Scientific advisor, PhD in Economics, Professor,
Management Department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
At the present period of economic development it is
becoming increasingly important to develop efficient forms of
innovative activities implementation and creation of conditions for
innovation process acceleration. The increase in information capacity
of systems became driving force for transition to the network
economy, growing interdependence of economic systems. In our
century the government no longer controls the economy from the
«top», but promotes its clustering by «from below» method, it helps
separate clusters to emerge encouraging networking and cluster
At the moment Russia is going through the process of
creating its own national innovation system (NIS). Following the
structure-object approach NIS is represented as three macroblock
that are interconnected on a horizontal level: business environment
and market, environment producing new knowledge, mechanisms
(channels) of knowledge transfer [1]. Learning processes and
processes of generation of new knowledge are the center of national
innovation system concept. At the same time at the government level
NIS also includes subsystems of regional innovation systems (RIS),
three blocks of which are represented as innovative active
enterprises, scientific-educational complex and innovative
infrastructure organizations.
Based on studied literature and scientific works it should be
noted that along with the notion of «scientific-educational complex»
«scientific-educational cluster» or «science-based cluster» are also
often used. It need to be noted that Russian and foreign literature,
legislation and journalism do not provide a clear definition of this
concept [2]. However it is usually starts from the definition given by
Porter M. [3]. Innovation cluster includes whole innovation chain
from generation of scientific knowledge and formation on their basis
of business ideas to implementation of commercial products in
traditional or new markets. The following is the author's model
structure of an innovation cluster (Figure 1) composed by
Monastyrnyi E. A. in his paperwork [4].
Figure 1 – Innovation cluster structure
Outgoing stream of connections from an innovative
infrastructure into science is expressed through cooperation with
enterprises; financial support for bringing developments to their
technical implementation (final marketable form); information about
future and current needs of businesses (innovation pull model).
While the incoming stream is expressed through information about
existing scientific and technical developments.
Cooperation between infrastructure and business is expressed
through technical, consulting, educational services, financial support,
production and technology base, research results in a form of
finished product.
In his turn business provides innovative infrastructure with
information about future and current needs of an existing market and
percentage of income from license agreements on a product or
service sales.
In education infrastructure acts as an important element in
managing and promoting educational process which result is in
training of qualified personnel, a stream of resources for
The government in an innovation cluster implies presence of
a complex of arrangements which is not so much direct how much
indirect. That is the reason it is not shown as the internal element of a
cluster in figure 1. These arrangements are directed on elimination of
obstacles in the way of sharing knowledge and preventing
establishment of interaction between different parts of the cluster. Its
main functions are following:
definition of basic concepts and principles of cluster
policy in Russia and its implementation mechanisms;
diffusing of information, popularization of the idea
of clusters and formation of an adequate and generally accepted ideas
about concepts and tools of cluster development;
development of an unified system of clusters activity
indicators [5].
The importance of cluster phenomenon lies primarily in the
desire of repeating the success of other countries and to develop
those areas where in the future there may be a technological
breakthrough for enhancing regional and national competitiveness.
But no technological breakthrough cannot be accomplished without
including in the production of science and education. That fact
determines the theme taken for consideration in this paperwork tasks.
1. Голиченко О. Национальная инновационная система:
от концепции к методологии исследования // Вопросы
экономики.– 2014, – №07.– С.35–50.
2. Teräs J. (2008). Regional Science-based Clusters – A case
study of three European concentrations, Ph.D. dissertation,
(дата обращения: 15.02.2016)
3. Porter M. (1998). Clusters and the new economics of
competition // Harvard Business Review November-December.
обращения: 19.02.2016)
4. Монастырный Е.А. Инновационный кластер / Е.А.
Монастырный // Инновации. – 2006. – №2. URL:
3bdcf2/868d3fbd468a6bffc325733f004754aa?OpenDocument (дата
обращения: 23.02.2016)
5. Лизунов В.В. Кластеры и кластерные стратегии:
монография / В.В. Лизунов, С.Е. Метелев, А.А. Соловьев.
Издание 2-е исправл. и дополн. – Омск: Издатель ИП
Скорнякова Е.В.– 2012. – 280 с.
инновационный кластер как социально-экономическое явление в
инновационных процессов и реализации инновационной
деятельности. Рассматривается роль и функции кластера в
региональной инновационной системе с точки зрения
актуальных тенденций развития экономики. Также приведено
описание взаимосвязей между основными элементами кластера:
наукой, образованием и бизнесом. Отдельно вынесено
обоснование наличия государства с его функциями как внешнего
элемента кластера.
Ключевые слова: наука, образование, кластер,
инновационный кластер, региональная инновационная система.
Summary. The object of research is innovative cluster as a
socio-economic phenomenon in the modern world, which promotes
acceleration of innovation processes and implementation of
innovative activities. Role and functions of the cluster are described
in the regional innovation system from perspective of recent
development trends in economy. Also description of the relationships
between the main elements of the cluster is included such as science,
education and business. Governmentexistence with its functions is
described separately as an external element of the cluster.
Keywords: science, education, cluster, innovation cluster,
regional innovation system.
UDC 339.91
Christina Benklyan
2nd year student, State and Municipal Management
Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social
Southern Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Kseniya Tulub
2 year student, State and Municipal Management
Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social
Southern Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Anna Opryshko
Scientific advisor, PhD in Pedagogy,
Foreign languages Department,
Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social
Southern Federal University
There are two highly proceeding processes – globalization
and internationalization – that become a characteristic feature of the
present days. Multinational companies are attracted by non-filled
economical areas, cheap sources such as workforce, suitable place
and so on. Nowadays enormous companies are able to take place into
new locations very quickly which seem attractive for profit earning
and have all demanding conditions for survival. No doubt suchlike
processes include challenges and opportunities for global
societychanging. However such cross cultural cooperation may
generate a lot of conflicts. It means that management should pay
attention considerately to the influence of cultural environmental
companiesin the area of business. In this context we can speak about
so-called cross cultural management [1].
The term «culture» is defined as characteristic concepts,
values, styles of behavior and ways of living which are common in
the same social group[2]. The word «culture»might be understood in
two ways: the first one is genetic culture that is a shared culture of all
people on this planet; the second one is a local culture which belongs
to a particular territory only.
As we know, technological progress has brought people
closer together and that is why the world is becoming a global
«village». As a result people from different social groups are
communicating and working together. This also means that dealing
with different cultural backgrounds requires knowledge of cultural
diversities. We should know the way we deal with them, and what
we should avoid saying and be aware of the basic taboos because
what is accepted in one culture might not be accepted in the other.
The same rules exist at the workplace. Dealing with people from
different cultures in one company requires dealing with possible
conflicts and difficulties (e.g. developing perspective strategies and
motivating employees). In this case we should understandcultural
diversities to interfere possible issues at the workplace.
According to Nancy Adler (2008): «Cross-cultural
management explains the behavior of people in organizations around
the world and shows people how to work in organizations with
employees and client populations from many different cultures.»
The importance of cross cultural management is growing up.
The more different companies investigatecountries the more cultural
difficulties they find.
Benefits of Cross-Cultural Management
One of the most important tasks for managers is to deal and
handle with organizational conflicts efficiently. If managers have
competent skills of cross cultural management, they will come to
advantageous outcomes for the employees and the company as a
Cross-cultural management gives employees an opportunity
to make a productive and harmonious workplace. It keeps skilled
employees from any cultural ethnicity and establishes better
communication inside company. The more managers understand
different cultural behaviors of people, the more individuals are more
motivated to work.
As a result, cross cultural management retains comfortable
and harmonious work environment where every worker understands
each other.
Importance of Cross Cultural Management
The most important tasks of cross cultural management are
preventing possible difficulties and solving problems concerning
encountering particular company and national cultures. At the same
time suchlike problems can appear when companies make
partnership. The partner companies should not ignore possible
misunderstandings of cultural differences. Otherwise there might be
devastating results of acquisitions or fusions. Partnership should
create a favorable environmentfor all participants by using ways of
converging of partner companies.
Advantages of cultural diversity
There are several advantages of cultural diversity in
1. Assistance of employees from various culture in
understanding their cultural features;
2. Benefits when customer has opportunity to interact with
representatives of his own communities;
3. Improvement problem solving, flexibility and creativity
for complex problems [1].
Although there are differences among cultures, people have
the aptitudefor adaptingthemselves to such differences. This requires
what is called cultural intelligence that helps people overcome the
obstacles they face because of the diversity in cultures. In
management, it can be seen as there are many companies that are run
outside their countries. For example,when foreign companies enter
the Russian market, they face a lot ofproblems.
It is accepted in Russia that a seller has to put weak pressure
upon the buyer or shouldn't render it at all, but in the United States of
America high pressure is a norm therefore American companies
which are engaged in retail business entering the Russian market
stake on training of staff of shops in effective sales while for the
Russian bigger value has a convenient arrangement of goods, so that
he or she could pick up a necessary thing without asking any help.
In fact, it was found that cross cultural differences do exist
between every culture. These differences influence communication
among people with different cultural background. In fact many
companies have to work in different locations of the world. That’s
why people are exposed to different cultures that they have to absorb
and get used to. As a result, many communication difficulties
between cultures occur. Suchlike problems are deeply in the business
area. Culture is something that human beings learn and as a result,
learning requires communication.
1. Cross cultural management : A Report in the partial
fulfillment of the course MGTS C211 ( Principles Of Management).
– 30 p.
2. TagreedIssa Kawar. Cross-cultural Differences in
Management// International Journal of Business and Social Science.
Amman – Jordan. – 2012. – Vol. 3 No. 6. – С.106
Аннотация. Данная статья иллюстрирует важность
кросс-культурного менеджмента и проблем, с которыми
Преимущества и достоинства кросс-культурных различий на
рабочем месте так же представлены в статье. Показано, что
кросс культурный менеджмент сплачивает квалифицированных
сотрудников из любых культурных этнических групп
устанавливает лучшие коммуникации внутри компании.
Основной вывод статьи состоит в том, что кросс-культурные
различия существуют в каждой культуре, но это ещё раз
доказывает, что работники взаимодействуя, учатся и результат
обучения требует общения между ними.
менеджмент, сотрудники, коммуникации, компания, рабочее
Summary. This article illustrates the importance of crosscultural management and problems which the majority of
international companies face. The advantages of cross cultural
differences at workplace and its benefits are highlighted in the
article. It is shown thatcross cultural management keeps skilled
employees from any cultural ethnicity and establishes better
communication inside a company. The main conclusion of the article
is that cross cultural differences do exist between every culture but
culture is something that human beings learn and as a result learning
requires communication.
Keywords: culture, cross-culture, management, employees,
communication, company, workplace.
UDC 332
Anastasia Vilisova
3rd year student, Financial Management Department,
Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg
e-mail: [email protected]
Irina Stikhina
Scientific advisor, senior instructor,
Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg
China’s economy is constantly growing in the last 30 years
and nowadays it is one of the world's leading economies. Naturally,
this rapid growth generates interest on the part of many economists.
At the same time the position of China on the world stage affects
other countries, as China is the locomotive of the world economy.
This is why China is under the gaze of the countries that depend on
its decisions [1].
Respect and amazement. Only these words can describe the
feeling when you look at China’s economic development in recent 30
years. Chinese GDP grew up at double-digit rates from 1981 to 2011,
an average of 10.2% per year [4].
The Communist Party of China literally pulled out of poverty
quarter of the population of the Earth, without any surplus resources
and someone’s help, going counter to the opinion of the world on its
own path. In our opinion, it is the greatest historical breakthrough.
How did they achieve such success?
China has already had an economic model of the East Asian
«Tigers» before eyes, such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan,
Singapore, Hong Kong. These countries have built a unique model of
overtaking development, based on a combination of private and
public capital and their influence in the economy, and export
orientation due to cheap labor and undervalued national currencies
The process of reforming the economic environment was
launched in 1978 on the initiative of the CPC, which was led by
Deng Xiaoping and continues to this day. The purpose of the reform
was to carry out the modernization of the Chinese economy, which
was on the brink of disaster after the failure of the policy of «Great
Leap Forward» and the command methods of Mao Zedong. Solving
the problem of motivation of workers and peasants and the
elimination economic imbalances inherent to the command economy
were the primary objective of the reform [5].
Chinese economic reform consisted of several stages.
Basically, it wasn’t part of any strategic plan, but was the immediate
response to urgent problems. («Passing the river, groping the stones»
– Deng Xiaoping [5]). In the West, the economic reforms in China
were seen as returning to capitalism, but the Chinese government
claims that it is just a form of socialism. At the same time, the
Chinese government doesn’t deny using various economic measures
that apply in the capitalist countries. Deng explained the
contradiction of his famous phrase: «It doesn’t matter if the cat is
black or white, as long as it catches mice»[2].
Forming up a China’s market economy was conducted under
the leadership of the Communist Party on the basis of five-year
plans. Firstly, the role of government has been reduced in most
sectors of the economy and executives had more authority. This led
to an increase in the private sector in the economy. Secondly, the
pressure on foreign trade has been weakened, and the association of
enterprises with foreign companies were officially encouraged as the
primary sources of new technologies and scarce foreign currency.
Thereby People’s Republic of China began to show some
characteristics of the consumer society with the increase in revenues,
incentives and the dawn of the industrial sector. Third, China has
allowed international trade and foreign direct investment, according
to the «open door policy».
It also should be noted that China’s economy has developed
at smooth continuous pace, without any sharp jumps. The
combination of these competent and timely actions of the Chinese
government has led China to a tremendous success [1]. But what can
we see today?
It has been developed two different points of view about
slowing growth in China today. According to one of them, China has
reached the «Lewis point». It means that a source of cheap labor
force starts to fade, so it can not affect the pace of China’s economic
development. Many economists believe that the main engine of the
rapid development of Chinese economy was the surplus of
workforce. However, the inflow of labor from the countryside has
fallen sharply. The other two trends that have a negative influence on
the labor market of China were China’s aging population and the
policy of one child in the family, which began four decades in order
to limit the growth of the country's population. Now China is facing
a difficult task - to increase productivity of urban labor force
through better allocation of capital, management and technology
development [3]. The slowdown of the Chinese economy is
particularly dangerous, because this country has been the locomotive
of the world economy. Therefore, the economic prospects of the
world will depend on the actions of the Chinese authorities.
On the other hand, slowing economic growth in China is
natural and inevitable. And this is not a threat to global economic
dynamics, as just another change of leader. China’s place in the
global production system is already lined up. And China enters a
more mature stage of growth - the use of what has been created in the
30 years of the economic miracle [4].
1. Ray Alok. «The Chinese Economic Miracle: Lessons to
Be Learnt». Economic and Political Weekly (2002):[Электронный
ресурс] Режим доступа: (дата
обращения 25.02.2016)
2. Burton g Malkiel «The Chinese Economic Miracle: Can It
(дата обращения 25.02.2016)
3. Информационное интернет-издание «Ведомости»
«Китайское экономическое чудо подходит к концу»:
4. Информационное интернет-издание «Газета.ru»
«Страна, изменившая мир»: [Электронный ресурс] Режим
доступа: (дата
обращения 25.02.2016)
Аннотация. Экономический рост Китая, после реформ
начатых в 1978 году, считается еще большим чудом, чем всей
Восточной Азии в целом. В работе анализируются природа,
причины и последствия китайской истории успеха. В статье
также рассматривается вопрос об устойчивости роста Китая в
будущем и некоторые проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются
экономика Китая в настоящее время.
Ключевые слова: Китай, экономический рост,
экономическое чудо, история успеха, перспективы будущего.
Annotation. China’s economic growth, since reforms were
launched in 1978, is considered an even bigger miracle than the East
Asian one. This paper analyses the nature, causes and consequences
of the Chinese success story. The paper also addresses the question
of sustainability of the miracle in the future and some challenges
faced by Chinese economy nowadays.
Кеy words: China, economic growth, economic miracle, a
story of success, the future prospects.
UDC 334.02
Valeriya Voitsekhovskaya
1 year master program student, Management department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Yevgeniya Gorevaya
Scientific advisor, PhD in Economy,
Management department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
At the present time, in an increasingly competitive market, in
conditions of active transformation of markets and convergence of
technologies effective innovation is updated, and it enables
companies to generate a unique competitive advantage. Without new,
modern technology and without an increase in the quality of
products, the company will not be able to carry out appropriate
actions in response to competitors’ activities. The innovative product
which has been developed in the country where it was invented, can
rapidly gain the market not only in this country, but also come to the
international level. The question is how to optimize the process, to
get the biggest return at the lowest cost.
To identify the problems of promotion of Russian innovative
products to the international market, it is necessary to understand the
progress in the field of innovation management, the current situation
in Russian enterprises as well as the geopolitical situation in the
world and Russia’s relations with any foreign partner.
Over the last century, the model of «closed innovation» has
been successfully applied in companies and enterprises. Large
companies collected from the market the best scientific and technical
personnel and ran a full R&D-cycle - from basic to applied research.
All the way, from idea to the product has been led in the walls of one
corporation. By the early 2000s it was safe to talk about the R&D
previous model crisis in big Western companies: the increase in
R&D spending no longer gave an adequate business growth.
Managers of a company had to make conclusions, reforming
corporate science.
«It is impossible to make all the smart guys work for you and then you need to learn how to work with smart guys, both inside
and outside your company!» – Such conclusion was made by Henry
Chesbrough, a professor of the University of California, in his study
in 2003. «Model of open innovation» – a new concept came into use
with his light hand in a corporate environment. The model suggests
that the company developing new products and technologies not
only relies on its own internal corporate R&D, but also actively
involves innovation and expertise from outside. [1, p.178]
The model of open innovation requires the collaboration not
only with the internal market, but also with external, cooperation
with foreign companies and developers, exchange of experience,
based on different knowledge.
If some Russian company uses the model of open
innovation, it avoids a number of complications, which are based on
cultural characteristics of a foreign country. It is necessary to admit
the fact that now the majority of Russian companies still uses more
characteristic former model - a model of closed innovation.
During the process of studying scientific literature about the
promotion of an innovative product in the international market, it
became clear that a comprehensive approach to this definition is
missing and implementation mechanisms are not available or are
non-systemic situational decisions. There are strategies to promote
any ordinary product on the international market, and these
strategies, of course, should be taken into account.
However, they do not take into account the specifics of
innovation, which is the most important aspect in the promotion such
type of product. We can imagine how the target audience of this or
that country will respond to the product, which is already known to
them, but predicting the reaction to an innovative product is really
difficult, and in this case an expanded list of influincing factors
should be taken into account.
Among the existing literature on international marketing the
author Matveichuk L.I. should be pointed out due to his approach to
the promotion of the product. This approach is linked with
international communication, and includes such factors as:
goals and objectives of the company;
The nature of the company and its products
branded organization;
legal organization;
media and consumer attitude towards them.
The main emphasis is placed on the target company.
Matveichuk L.I. says that the company, which is counting on a
positive image among consumers in foreign market should determine
and shape their own goals and priorities in a balanced long term.
Likewise, the goal of the company, which is not going to go to the
markets, for example, more than ten countries, will differ from the
goals of the company, which plans to expand its activities in all parts
of the world. [2, p.17]
To create a strategy of promoting an innovative product to
the international market, the list of existing factors should be
extended, and should be focused not on the goals and objectives, but
on the needs of the potential customer:
First of all, the manufacturer should answer the
question: «Do customers in this country need my product? Why ?»
In this case, market research is a top aide.
Then it is necessary to analyze the cultural
characteristics and traditions of potential consumers not only to
know how the market will react to the product, but also to understand
how to position the product, how to promote, where to promote.
As an innovative product in most cases will have no
analogues, it is necessary to inspire the confidence to the product
among consumers. For example, the promotion shall be made in
public places and should show the effect of using it.
Feedback – is a key decision for the company, which
allows it modifying an innovative product directly to the consumer at
a specific country.
To sum up, companies need to be prepared to invest a lot of
effort, time and money to win the loyalty of the international market.
1. Chesbrough H. W. Open Innovation: The New Imperative
for Creating and Profiting from Technology / H. W. Chesbrough //
— Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2003. – p.
2. Матвейчук Л.И. Международный маркетинг
[Электронный ресурс] // Особенности процесса международной
URL: (дата обращения:
Аннотация. В данной статье описываются факторы,
инновационного продукта на международный рынок. Главной
проблемой является отсутствие разработанной стратегии в
инновационного продукта на международный рынок, следует
учитывать не только специфику самого продукта, но и
культурные особенности данной страны, и многие другие
Ключевые слова: инновационный продукт, стратегия
продвижения, международный рынок, модель открытых
инноваций, инновационная деятельность, СМИ.
Summary. This article describes the factors which are taken
into account in the promotion of an innovative product on the
international market. The main problem is the lack of developed
strategy in the existing academic literature. With the introduction of
innovative products into the international market, it is necessary to
consider not only the specifics of the product itself, but also the
cultural peculiarities of the country, and many other factors.
Key words: innovative product, promotion strategy, the
international market, the model of open innovation, innovation
activities, mass media.
UDC 330.101
Elena Vyrva
2d year student, Faculty of History, Political Science and Law
Moscow Region State University
e-mail:[email protected]
Tatiana Syrina
Scientific advisor, senior tutor
Department of foreign languages
Moscow Region State University
e-mail:[email protected]
“Commerce links all mankind in one common brotherhood
of mutual dependence and interest”
James A. Garfield
Trade relations were traditionally one of the most prosperous
spheres of Russian-British cooperation. The UK ranks the ninth place
in terms of foreign trade among Russian trade partners and accounts
for about 3% of Russia’s foreign trade. In terms of accumulated
investment Britain is among the top five countries as British foreign
economic turnover ranks the third place in the world. At the same
time, it is the first Russian partner in export and the fourth in import
of services.
The background of the cross-countries trade goes back to
1553 and is associated with the personality of Richard Chancellor
who sailed to Moscow and organized the Moscovy Company which
controlled all sales between the two countries until 1698. The
follower was Peter the Great who improved relations and learned the
best new technology especially regarding shipbuilding and
navigation after his visit to England in 1697-1698 [1].
Relations between Russia and the UK have never been
simple, but nowadays they can be characterized as unstable and even
hostile. We have to admit that at the moment Russo-British political
dialogue is non-existent.
Sanction season – as it is widely named in the press - started
after Russian intervention in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea.
Officially, sanction period came into force on 12 September 2014.
We may define three main areas sanctions were imposed on:
financial sanctions against designation of banks,
energy and military companies;
embargo and restrictions on certain dual purpose
technologies, which although intended for civilian use, might have
military application;
restrictions on exports of high tech goods and
The official position of the UK government is presented by
negative political rhetoric as they state to tighten sanctions against
Russia, that, consequently, will harm the development of bilateral
economic relations. Numerous business projects organized on the
basis of cooperation were frozen on initiative of London’s nonconstructive policy.
In 2012 Russia entered the WTO and integrated into global
economic system. According to the statistics, British export of goods
and services to Russia grew by over 75% between 2009 and 2012.
The UK exports mostly goods in services of following sectors:
engineering products, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, consumer goods
and education. The Russian ambassador in London Alexander
Yakovenko stated that volume of trade between Russia and the UK
dropped by 60% in 2015. The significant decrease in trade has
drawbacks for both countries.
Russia has started the program of modernization and is
searching for investment abroad. The London Stock Exchange is the
leading international platform for Russian companies accessing
investors on global capital markets with more than 50 Russian and
Russian-focused companies traded on the LSE. These include
Sberbank, Gazprom, Lukoil, Rosneft, Norilsk Nickel, VTB, X5
Retail Group, SISTEMA, MegaFon and others [2].Today about 600
British companies continue to successfully operate in the Russian
market. The UK keeps the position of the fifth largest investor in our
country. However, sanctions have already hidden some British
businesses. Russia had to put ban on some British goods. Another
industry that affected by anti-Russian sanctions is mackerel from
Scotland. Skipper Alex Wiseman, who is a chairman of the Scottish
Pelagic Fishermen's Association, says at one time Russia was their
only market for mackerel so the import ban came as a huge shock.
Selling in Russia in the future will be extremely challenging as the
importers there have turned to countries not affected by the ban. If
the sanctions are lifted it will be difficult to get that market back.
The government is trying to help those companies which
have lost their Russian customers to find new markets. However,
there are no guarantees of new contracts and there is no financial
help on offer. «We’ve got a number of significant projects in the
pipeline, which we've been working on over a number of years with
Russia, which clearly are just in abeyance now and they've just
stopped. Imagine we're a 500 employee business and 20% of your
business doesn't exist, that's 100 jobs and obviously we've been
working hard on the technology», pointed out Andrew Hodgson,
chief executive of SMD [3].
Embargo influenced Russian consumers’ behavior as well.
The local suppliers in domestic market and manufacturers from other
countries raised prices on products due to the embargo. The most
shocking example is Brazilian pork. The product is sold to other
countries on cheaper price. The resolution seems illegal and deals
with conspiracy and corruption at customs posts in Belarus and
Russia was the second largest importer of EU agricultural
products before the sanction season. The Russian embargo damaged
the EU suppliers of vegetables, fruits and butter unequally. The most
affected countries were Finland, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland.
Though the effects of Russian countersanctions can be regarded as
positive aspect for the agro-industrial complex of Russia.
Despite hard times, there are examples of profitable RussoBritish trade relations. British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca
continues its active investment business in Russia. In 2015, the new
hi-tech factory of complete cycle producing essential medicine
opened in the Kaluga region, which becomes one of the most
ambitious projects of the company in Europe in the last few years
The new thrust in bilateral relations has been given by taking
part of large British companies in 19th St. Petersburg International
Economic Forum. A number of important contracts and treaties have
been agreed between the businesses of the UK and Russia including
Rosneft and BP, Gazprom and Shell.
Russo-British trade relations are significant not only for the
mentioned countries, but for the global economic world. Political
situation is changing and the governments should not politicize trade
relations with other countries, because economic interaction is the
key to prosperity and wealth. Taking into account all points we
should conclude with the quotation of A.L. Adamishin who was
Russian ambassador in the UK (1994-1997), «Russian-British
relations with their ups and downs are arranged according to the
principle of the pendulum. Fluctuations between healthy pragmatism
and their own ideas about the world and their place in it, significantly
varied considerably - that's what defines the algorithm of these
relations... If you manage to improve relations with Britain, then you
can establish a relationship with anyone» [5].
1. Jacob Abbott (1869). History of Peter the Great, Emperor
of Russia. Harper. pp. 141–51.
2. Anatoly Adamishin, Russian Ambassador to the UK
(1994-1997) // The price of issue // Kommersant, 04.10.2011. URL: (Accessed: 02.22.2016)
3. Caroline Bayley. How sanctions against Russia are hitting
4. INTERNET PORTAL of the Embassy of the Russian
Federation to the United Kingdom of Great Britain – “Russo-British
economic relations”. URL:
(Accessed: 02.29.2016)
5. INTERNET PORTAL of Russian Industry and Trade
Ministry – “In the Kaluga region opened a unique pharmaceutical
factory of full cycle”. URL:!v_kaluzhskoy_oblasti_otkryli_unikalnyy_farmacevtic
heskiy_zavod_polnogo_cikla (Accessed: 02.20.2016)
Аннотация. В современном мире, торговля является
одним из важнейших факторов процветания государства. Не
смотря на противоречивую политическую ситуацию и начало
периода санкций, торговые отношения с Британией остаются
важной составляющей государственных интересов России. В
статье рассматриваются торговые отношения России и
Британии, имеющие давнюю историю, а также развитие
взаимодействия между странами до и во время введения
санкций. Автор предпринимает попытку анализа условий
торговых связей во время санкционного периода и после
введения контрсанкций.
Ключевые слова: торговля, двусторонние отношения,
санкции, контрсанкции, экспорт, политическое и экономическое
Summary. In modern world, trade plays one of the leading
aspects of state’s prosperity. In spite of controversial political
situation and the beginning of sanction period for Russia, trade
relations with Britain are still in the sphere of national interests. The
research considers the rich historical background of Russo-British
trade relations, focuses on the development of interaction between
the two countries before sanctions were accepted. The author takes
an attempt to analyze trade conditions during «sanctions season» and
the results of countersanctions.
Keywords: trade, bilateral relations, sanctions and
countersanctions, export, political and economic interaction
UDC 336.1
Evgenia Golosheykina
3 year student, Accounting and Audit Department,
Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg
e-mail: [email protected]
Irina Stikhina
Scientific advisor, senior instructor,
Department of Business Foreign Languages,
Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg
Accounting has been determinate as «the language of
business» because it is the basic tool which enables keeping score of
a business's activity. It is with accounting that an organization
records, reports, and assesses economic events and deals that affect
the company. In a manual on mathematics published in 1494 and
written by the Franciscan monk, Luca Paciolo, the author adduces
three things any successful monger must have. The three things are:
sufficient cash or credit, an accounting system to trace how he is
doing, and a skilled bookkeeper to operate the system.
Financial accounting is a branch of accounting that gives
people outside the business – such as investors or loan officers –
qualitative information regarding an enterprise's economic resources,
obligations, financial result, and cash flow. Management accounting,
on the other side, refers to accounting data used by business owners,
supervisors, and other employees of a business to estimate the
company's health and operating tendencies.
Not only the organization itself requires financial accounting,
but also external users - the public authorities, tax authorities,
lenders, investors, etc. Also the organization needs management
accounting. It should be noted that the operation without conducting
its managerial decision-making is more difficult, and there is a
possibility of wrong decisions on emerging issues
What is a CPA?
A CPA, or Certified Public Accountant, is a denotation
reserved for accountants in the US who pass the CPA exam. This
denotation shows an expertise in the field. To become a CPA in the
US, a student must pass the exam and meet other state requirements
such as gaining a certain amount of work experience or furthered
education. The CPA licensed accountants offer their services to the
general public. The CPA denotation is taken very strictly, as its
requirements affirm that only the most knowledgeable accounts can
qualify. The denotation is usually used behind a human's name to
signify the level of experience, and is often a punishable offense if it
is used without actually passing the exam and requirements.
Learn What a CPA Does?
Although the main function is to offer public accounting
services, the CPA denotation can permit accountants to do many
other things. One of the important functions of a CPA is auditing,
either for a small or large business. Auditors go through financial
statements and make sure there are no divergences. Many CPAs go
on to the executive levels for companies, as either CFOs or CEOs.[1]
Generally accepted accounting principles.
Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) are the
instructions, rules, and procedures used in data and reporting
accounting information in audited financial statements. It is the
manual which contains rules and guidelines setting out the procedure
and method of execution or implementation of something. Further,
procedure is an interconnected sequence of actions.
Market participants must have confidence in the system in
order to have resonant and strong economic market. They must be
sure that the reports and financial statements produced by companies
are trustworthy and based on some standard set of accounting
principles. The stock market crash of 1929 and its aftermath showed
just how destructive uncertainty can be to the market. The results of
U.S. Senate Banking and Currency Committee hearings into the
1929 crash caused public outrage and lead to federal regulation of
the securities market as well as a push for the development of
professional institutes designed to establish standardized accounting
principles and to oversee their adoption.
How is accounting in the United States different from
international accounting?
Despite considerable efforts by the Financial Accounting
Standards Board, or FASB, and the International Accounting
Standards Board, or IASB, significant differences persist between
accounting practices in the United States and the rest of the world.
For instance, enterprises in the United States are permitted to use last
in, first out, or LIFO, as an inventory-costing method, which is a
practice banned in most other countries.
International practices are compiled in the International
Financial Reporting Standards, or IFRS, as set forth by the IASB. In
the United States, the FASB releases statements of financial
accounting that, when combined, form the generally accepted
accounting principles, or GAAP.
According to the IFRS website, the highest difference
between the IFRS and U.S. GAAP is that IFRS provides much less
overall detail. Other important differences include how comparative
financial information is presented, how the balance sheet and income
statements are laid out and how debts are treated.[2]
Long-Lived Assets
GAAP does not permit for assets to be revalued; IFRS
permits for some revaluation based on fair value, as long as it is
completed regularly. For technical reasons, depreciation is rarely
taken into account under GAAP; but it is required under IFRS if the
asset's components have "differing patterns of benefit."
Long-term investment assets are initially measured at cost. In
the United States, the FASB does not have a separate definition for
property used as an investment only. Property is only held for use or
held for sale.
Impairment losses on long-lived assets are considered as an
asset amount exceeding the fair value. Under IFRS, such assets are
computed as the amount an asset exceeds "recoverable amount," or
the higher figure between fair value less costs to sell or value in
Required Documents for Financial Accounts
Enterprises that report under IFRS are required to compile
and publish a balance sheet, income statement, changes in equity
document, cash flow statement and all associated. The FASB
requires all of these as well and adds in statements about
comprehensive income.
Despite the many differences between the accounting in the
US and in the rest of the world, the main objective of financial
reporting is to provide information about the financial condition,
results of operations and changes in financial condition of the
company. Reporting should contain information on the assets and
liabilities of the company, the results of transactions, events and
circumstances that change the assets and liabilities. This information
is needed by a wide range of users for making economic decisions. It
should be noted that the tasks assigned to the financial statements, in
different accounting systems are the same. Users of financial
statements can serve investors, employees, creditors, suppliers,
customers, public authorities and other members of society and all
users have different information needs.
1. Strassmann, Paul A. «GAAP Helps Whom?»
Computerworld. December 6, 1999.
2. International Student / [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: (дата обращения 23.02.2016)
3. US Legal Definition (Accounting) / [Электронный
ресурс]. – URL:
(дата обращения 23.02.2016)
Аннотация. В данной статье автор исследовал методику
и принципы бухгалтерского учета в США, а также инструкции,
правила и процедуры, используемые в бухгалтерской
отчетности в аудированной финансовой отчетности. Так же в
статье раскрывается проблема различия бухгалтерского учета в
Соединенных Штатах от международного бухгалтерского учета
на примере счета долгосрочные активы.
Ключевые слова: бухгалтерский учет, США, мировой
опыт ведения бухгалтерского учета, дипломированный
бухгалтер, общепринятые принципы бухгалтерского учёта,
Бюро стандартов финансового учёта, Совет по международным
стандартам бухгалтерского учёта, ЛИФО.
Annotation. In this article, the author investigated the
methodology and accounting principles in the United States, as well
as instructions, rules and procedures used in the financial statements
in the audited financial statements. Also, it is considered how the
accounting in the United States differs from the international
accounting by the example of the long-term assets account.
Key Words: accounting, the US, world experience of
accounting, certified public accountant, generally accepted
accounting principles, Financial Accounting Standards Board,
International Accounting Standards Board, LIFO.
UDC 331.5.811
Veronika Guseva
3rd year student, Management Department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Anastasiya Kutergina
3rd year student, Management Department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Nataliya Sherbakova
PhD, Associate professor
Management Department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Language is a means of communication. It is necessary to
transmit information. But language is also inextricably linked to the
type of thinking , as well as with the imagination , memory and
perception. It is impossible to formulate a thought without language,
it is impossible to have an internal dialogue. People of different
nationalities doing this in their own language, perceive the world
through him, transform and develop.
Knowledge of foreign languages allows to easily operate
with any kind of information, to access new areas and the field, to
establish contacts with new people and their views of the world, to
be aware of all the events and to take timely and right decisions to be
After interviewing teachers of leading humanitarian
universities in the country with a request to make predictions for the
next 10 years it became clear that it is necessary to learn English,
Spanish, Chinese and Arabic.
In comparison, the volume of English-language content on
the Internet ten times more than the volume of the Russian-speaking
part of it. And if we remember that we live in the information age,
online business is not tomorrow, but today, the conclusion becomes
obvious. Knowledge of one of the English language can open the
door to many previously inaccessible worlds.
In recent years, the geography of Russians professional
searches expanded significantly. One of the most popular in Russia
resources job search – – when searching for jobs abroad
produces more than 1,200 proposals (excluding the CIS countries). It
is clear that the knowledge of English – international language – is
required for most of the proposed posts.
In addition, more and more foreign companies enters the
Russian market. Their business constantly requires new employees
for whom knowledge of business English will be the norm. Another
option – to work in Russian organizations with foreign contacts:
suppliers, customers, partners – interaction with them will be much
more efficient and easier knowing English language. Even in the
case where the responsibilities or activities of the employer are not
directly linked with foreign partners, English can be an advantage in
work. Many areas are tightly tied to English-speaking base.
Medicine, the field of marketing and public relations, Economics and
Analytics, engineering and IT field, with knowledge of English will
be easier to navigate in business and professional vocabulary,
concepts and processes.
Experts predict that in 50 years the Chinese language, despite
its complexity, can become international. For foreign language
courses in the international training center at the College of the
Russian foreign Ministry reported that this year the English and
Chinese are almost the same demand.
It's no secret that China has an invasion on the world market.
Only 10 million Chinese speak English and it’s very little part when
compared with 1.4 billion people living in mainland China. Chinese
influence has spread to Africa and not only, and the Chinese
consumer needs energy and other resources which will require
communication with Chinese buyers and investors.
In 59% of vacancies where is required the foreign language
other than English, German is mentioned. The IT developers should
pay attention to this language. The European market isn't so sated by
programmers, and many German companies actively attract talents
from Russia. The knowledge of German in that case will increase
chances to receive job offer, and also will help to adapt to new
conditions in others country.
Spanish – is popular for a long time in North America as
language for studying at schools. Spanish is irreplaceable for those
who want to live or be engaged in business in the growing Latin
American world. The countries like Mexico show economic growth.
Some South American countries – have an emerging market, and
such countries as Paraguay and Ecuador offer cheap farmlands for
those who look for opportunities for business or a subsistence
economy. Both in Southern, and in Central America life is cheap.
Arab – the main language in many perspective countries, the
rich centers and the boundary markets. The Middle East becomes the
important player in world finance and investments, and those who
speak Arabic will have advantage in this closed market. Such places
as Dubai and Abu Dhabi became the developing international
financial centers. Except the rich oil countries, Arab is also a state
language in Iraq and the most part of the states of North Africa. Such
countries as Tunisia – an example of more developed markets where
people speak Arabic.
French and Italian are also popular and always demanded in
the sphere of architecture, art and fashion. Knowing Italian, in
Moscow you won't be without work. Furniture factories,
architectural and design bureaus, fashion houses — those who study
Italian work in such companies. Knowledge of Italian — one of the
most important criteria for them at employment.
In the modern world the knowledge of a foreign language is
normal for active and purposeful people. If the person freely
communicates in a foreign language, it considerably expands his
vital prospects. The knowledge of one or even several foreign
languages is a guarantee of successful career, effective
communication and pleasant vacation. Presently the foreign language
is not unjustified luxury it's mstly like necessity. Of course, studying
of language is absolutely difficult. However everything in our world
is possible, the main thing is a strong desire and belief in own forces.
1. Марьин Л.Г. Иностранный язык и ваши
возможности //Частное
Дополнительного Образования “Образовательный Центр
“Шанс” 2013г. URL: (дата обращения: 20.02.16)
2. Каллиома Л.А., Дмитраш М.В., Петрова М.Г.,
Хворикова Е.А. Язык до карьеры доведет//Интернет версия
журнала “Известия” 2013г. URL:
(дата обращения: 20.02.16)
3. Кириллов В.П. 5 перспективных языков, которые
стоило бы выучить в современном мире//Интернет журнал
URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.16)
4. Потапова П.П. Кроме английского: Какой
иностранный язык повысит вашу зарплату // Интернет журнал “
URL: (дата
обращения: 23.02.16)
Аннотация. В статье автором рассматривается основные
тенденции изучения иностранных языков в контексте рынка
труда. Проведен сравнительный анализ мнения работодателей
относительно ценности работников, владеющих различными
языками. Авторы подчеркивают необходимость владения
несколькими иностранными языками, не ограничиваясь
английским, что обусловлено глобализационными процессами в
мировой экономике.
Ключевые слова. Иностранные языки, мировой рынок
труда, успешное трудоустройство.
Summary. In this article, the authors presents the basic
tendencies of language learning in the field of the modern labor
market. The comparison of the popularity of different languages
among employers is given. It is concluded that the knowledge of
foreign languages in the modern world can not be limited to only one
language because of the increasing internationalization of the world
economy and business.
Keywords. Foreign languages learning, world labor market,
successful job hunting.
UDC 65.658
Victoria Katkevich
4rd year student, Management Department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e-mail : [email protected]
Shcherbakova N.A.
Scientific advisor, PhD in Economy,
Management Department
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Nowadays, the study of foreign languages is an important
aspect of modern life. Today, the leading players in the market of
cosmetic products are gaining ground, new brand abroad-WIDE
constantly coming to the Russian market. Process of world
globalization and integration have led to the rapid growth of
international contacts, so for successful functioning in the conditions
of high competition, become an integral knowledge of foreign
Despite the difficult economic situation in the country, the
Russian cosmetics and perfumery market occupies the top 10 in
Europe honorable fourth place, second only to the British, the
Germans and the French. The Russian market of cosmetic products
on 70% filled with imported products. Only 30% of the market
cosmetic products represent the Russian manufacturer. Key players
in the Russian cosmetics market Rive Gauche, Yves Rocher,
L'Etoile, Ile de Beaute occupy 19% of the market sales [1].
However, due to the crisis in the economy, people are
starting to save. For example, those who had easily spent 1500-2500
rubles per mascara today are looking for another option, in the massmarket for 500-600 rubles, and, as a rule, are [2]. Of course, all
Russian women buy cosmetics just do not stop, they traditionally pay
more attention to appearance and use of cosmetics than foreigners.
Consumer demand shifts towards mass market and how it is
not surprising the professional segment. Sanctions did not affect the
cosmetic sector in Russia began to come new brands. They are
focused on the buyer of middle age, taking into account the
components of such care, innovation and scientific approaches in
cosmetic products. Of particular interest to our market show
European, Swiss, Scandinavian and American brand of professional
Luxury brands are trying to keep their positions. They lure
customers with new hybrid innovative products: concealer plus, plus
ink tool for pre-makeup eyelashes, etc. This is a trend that luxury
segment rejected a year ago, and now, in times of crisis, actively
Korean and Japanese cosmetics is gaining popularity in
Russia thanks to the price-quality ratio products. Competition with
European and American brands felt stronger with every passing year.
Every year on the Russian market comes up with a dozen new
Korean brands, well-known Korean and Japanese brands are already
represented in many major cosmetic networks. In connection with
this change the requirements for staff of companies, it becomes a
prerequisite knowledge of foreign languages. Practice has proved
that knowledge of foreign languages facilitates communication with
foreign partners, and allows you to quickly learn about all the
updates, ahead of its competitors.
Thus, we can conclude that the cosmetic companies
operating in the domestic market, pushing not only ruble, but also a
change in consumer behavior. At the moment, we see a more
accurate consumption now than in the pre-crisis period, when
customers buy new products without having to use the newly
acquired. In addition to the stewardship that has become
characteristic of Russian consumers, their behavior changed market
In general, the results of the study it can be concluded that
the major market players have to adhere to the same policies they
have chosen because of the crisis in Russia: Innovation in the
mainstream segment, product development - Hybrids at affordable
prices, focus on "Asian" preferences of Russians . And the demands
on employees changing with the development of international
business contacts, development of new foreign brands, as well as the
professional cooperation with foreign companies has increased the
demand for specialists who speak foreign languages.
1. Зубарева И. Макияж не для слабонервных.
Конкурентная борьба на рынке косметики обостряется//
Российская бизнес-газета, №944. -2015.
ценностноориентированного менеджмента на предприятиях сферы
торговли // Модернизация российской экономики: перспективы,
парадигмы, решения. Сборник научных статей. Под ред.
Межова И.С., Щербаковой Н.А.-Новосибирск: Изд-во НГТУ,
2014. - 283 с.
3. Доходы косметического рынка [электронный ресурс]
ml (дата обращения: 27.03.2016)
Аннотация. В данной статье автором представлены
последние изменения на российском рынке косметической
продукции в связи с условиями кризиса. Рассматривается бренд
косметической продукции для всех слоев населения. Сделаны
выводы о том, что российский рынок косметики и парфюмерии
занимает позицию 10 лучших в Европе; о значимости
иностранного языка, о политике, которую выбрали крупные
игроки рынка, а также об изменениях в поведении
косметические средства, поведение потребителей, цены,
Summary. In this article the author presents the latest
changes in the Russian market of cosmetic products in connection
with the conditions of the crisis. We consider the brand of cosmetic
products for all segments of the population. Conclusions about,
occupied the position of the Russian market of cosmetics and
perfumes in the top 10 in Europe, the importance of foreign
language, The importance of the adoption of the staff, multi-lingual
and politics that have chosen major market players, as well as
changes in consumer behavior.
Keywords: cosmetics market, cosmetic products, consumer
behavior, price, competitors.
UDC 330.1
Darya Kudacheva
year student, Management Department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Natalya Shcherbakova
Scientific advisor, Cand.Econ.Sci.,
Management Department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
The situation, which has developed today in economy of any
enterprise, is characterized by the contradictory phenomena,
connected with the political changes in the country, with search of
new ways of development where the cash flow has to become one of
the main directions of crisis management of an economic entity.
Monetary resources are the main and the most mobile part of
financial resources of the enterprise, but also the most limited type of
resources. The success of the enterprise in a production activity in
many respects depends on efficiency of their use [2].
The cash flow is defined as distributed in time and space of
the sum of receipts and payments of the money generated in
economic activity of the enterprise. In a summary look the system of
cash flows in economy can be presented in the form of the scheme
(fig. 1) [1].
In foreign practice cash flows of the enterprise means the
cost indexes of growth as they show how many means are at his
disposal for providing an entry into the new markets, productions of
new products, realization of progressive developments and projects
of perspective development. Thus, cash flows reflect ability to
independently finance necessary investments, to form profit and
reserve funds [2].
On the example of the transport company «ASCO TRANS
GROUP» we will consider essence and the maintenance of a cash
Products and services
Products and services
Market of products and
Financial markets
Economic resources Market of economic
Economic resources
Fig. 1 – The system of cash flows in economy
Many economists distinguish deficiency of money from the
main problems of economy at the enterprises for implementation of
the current and investment activity by them.
On closer examination problems it becomes clear that one of
the reasons of this deficiency is, as a rule, low efficiency of attraction
and use of monetary resources, limitation of the financial instruments
applied at the same time, technologies and mechanisms.
The tables 1 allow to make a conclusion that in "ASCO
TRANS GROUP" there was a reduction of the remains of money by
the beginning and the end of the analyzed periods, and it exerts
adverse impact on liquidity.
Table 1. The analysis of cash flow on kinds of activity of
"ASCO TRANS GROUP", thousand rubles.
The rest of
money for the
beginning of year
Pure cash
flow from the current
Pure cash
flow from investment
Pure cash
flow from financial
Pure increase
(+). reduction (-)
The rest of
money on the end of
the year
On the other hand, management of cash flows is a part of
financial management and is carried out within financial policy of
the enterprise which problem is the creation of the effective system
of finance control, that provide achievement of strategic and tactical
targets of activity of the enterprise [3,4].
We offer the following actions for acceleration attraction in
cash flow in "ASCO TRANS GROUP": providing a partial or full
advance payment for the works, services that are in great demand;
increase in the size of price discounts at realization of works and
services of company in cash pay; the use of factoring.
Forecasting of level of possible future income is one of the
most difficult questions. The forecast is extremely important because
exactly ability to bring in the income characterizes the market value
of the enterprise.
1. Ковалева А.М.. Москалева Н.Б.. Траченко М.Б.
Финансовый менеджмент: учебник для стул, вузов. обуч. по
спец. •Менеджмент- / Гос. ун-т упр.; иод ред. А.М. Ковалевой.
М.: ИНФРА-М. 2013. 284 с.
2. Тейлор А.Х. Финансовое плакирование и контроль:
пер. с англ. М.: ИНФРА-М. 2013. 87 с.
3. Цыгалова О.В. Управление денежными потоками:
теоретические аспекты // Финансовый менеджмент. 2011. № 1.
С. 5-7.
4. Межова Л.Н., Щербакова Н.А. Ценностноориентированное управление современным предприятием //
Проблемы теории и практики управления. Международный
журнал. Официальное издание Международного научноисследовательского института проблем управления. – 2014. - №
3/2014. – С. 103-108.
Аннотация. Ориентация экономических система в
России на рыночные методы управления и усложнения
процессов, протекающих на каждом предприятии, вызывает
необходимость изучения механизма управления денежными
потоками. С помощью индексов движения денежных потоков,
можно проследить возможность получения предприятием
дохода и самофинансирования. В статье анализируется
важность правильного понимания понятия «денежный поток» и
его основного значения. На примере транспортной компании
ASCO TRANS GROUP рассмотрены ее денежные потоки,
выявлены проблемы и предложены рекомендации.
Ключевые слова: денежный поток, транспортная
экономическая система.
Summary. Orientation of Russian economic system to the
market methods of managing and complication of the processes
proceeding at each enterprise cause special relevance of studying of
the mechanism of management of cash flows. With the help of
indicators of the movement of cash flows, there are some
opportunities of obtaining by the enterprise of the income and
ensuring self-financing. In article importance of a correct translation
of the concept "cash flow" and its major importance is analyzed. On
the example of ASCO TRANS GROUP transport company her cash
flows are considered, problems are revealed and recommendations
are offered.
cash flow, transport company, economic
resources, forecasting, economic system.
UDC 332.143
Ekaterina Kulakova
2 year student, Economics Department,
Moscow State University, Branch in the city of Sevastopol
e-mail: [email protected]
Raisa Dorogikh
Scientific advisor, PhD in Pedagogy,
Foreign Languages Department,
Moscow State University, Branch in the city of Sevastopol
English economist Thomas Robert Malthus published
anonymously his «An Essay on the Principle of Population and its
impact on the future society improvement» in 1798, where he
specifies that the population grows faster than means of its
subsistence. Due to limited resources it inevitably leads to poverty,
famine and social disturbances [1, p.45-47]. This theory of
population, contradictory and ambiguously interpreted, continues to
have impact on economic and social thought. The current situation
on the food market forces us to re-think about Malthus’ theory.
Today, one billion people — one seventh of the world’s population
— are starving [3]. Half of humanity is suffering from malnutrition.
Nowadays Ethiopia demonstrates the most alarming Malthusian
dynamics because it is experiencing a baby boom in the background
of the depletion of a vital resource – water. The situation in Ethiopia
makes us think again about the economic and demographic causes of
social unrest. What is this country? The fertility rate in Ethiopia is
one of the highest in the world (6,17 births per woman of
reproductive age). Such high figures indicate that parents may have
problems with feeding and educating their children. The matter is
complicated by the fact that the water resources of the African
continent each year are becoming less and less. By 2016, only 28%
of Ethiopia's population have access to sanitation [2]. Famine occurs
with alarming regularity (the last time was in 2011). The intensity of
Malthusian crisis in this country will grow under any development of
events. Water conflict with the countries of the Lower Nile (Egypt,
Sudan), the origin of which goes back to the colonial era (1929),
further complicates the situation because the Nile waters division
agreement was signed by the British authorities and Egypt that was
under their control. In 1959 this agreement was supplemented by a
new agreement between Sudan and Egypt. Both of these documents
reinforce Egypt and Sudan control over 90% of the Nile waters and
veto power of these countries on any hydro projects in the river
basin. The upper Nile countries that used to put up with that state of
affairs now are experiencing an increasing demographic pressure and
want to use water resources for irrigation and the construction of
hydroelectric power plants. Ethiopia didn’t not consider itself bound
by those documents because it did not participate in that agreement
drawing up and its signing , so in 2010 it initiated the signing of a
new agreement on the Nile waters division, to which the river basin
headwaters countries such as Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania
joined. Located on the Nile, hydro longer than the Nile itself is a
potential cause of military conflicts. In addition, the Ethiopian
government is determined to change the situation in the country,
betting on the development of hydropower. Ethiopia has significant
hydropower potential, due to the presence of the Ethiopian highlands
and flowing from them largest rivers on its territory, which create the
rivers Blue Nile and Omo. In 2011 Ethiopia announced a project to
build hydroelectric Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam which caused
a crisis in relations with Egypt and Sudan. These countries are
opposed to the construction of the dam, fearing that the withdrawal
from the Nile will significantly decrease. However, realizing that
there were no influence levers on the situation the Egyptian
government turned to harsh rhetoric. "If Nile is reduced even for a
drop, our blood will replace it", Egyptian former President Mursi
said on this occasion. Other politicians of Egypt spoke out even more
radically, up to appeals to bomb the dam.
Based on this analysis, there is every reason to believe that
the Malthusian trap is the main generator of large-scale domestic
shocks in traditional agrarian societies. It is hard to believe that in the
era of globalization there are serious global scale risks that can be
associated with the Malthusian trap - the threat of pre-industrial
societies, seemingly left in the distant past.
However, as we have shown above, for the countries of
Tropical Africa Malthusian trap still retains its relevance. What are
the global solutions? The combination of strategic (general
secondary education) and tactical (providing mass access to family
planning practices) measures is very costly, but the modeling of the
demographic future of Africa shows that for most countries in the
region it is the only way to avoid simultaneous demographic
explosion which could lead to the largest humanitarian disaster in the
global world of modern history.
1. Мальтус Т. Р. Опыт о законе народонаселения.
Перевёл П. А. Бибиков. Том I и II. – Спб., 1868. – С.45-47.
2. Мировой Атлас Данных [Электронный ресурс]. –
Режим доступа:Эфиопия/topics/Водныересурсы/Канализация-все-население/Доступ-к-канализацииpercent (дата обращения: 20.02.2016)
3. Туляков И.В. «Мальтузианская ловушка» для
современного мира [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
обращения: 27.01.2016)
демографического и экономического отставания Эфиопии, в
результате которого для страны все еще возможны риски и
ловушки. Мы
демографическую сторону теории Мальтуса, делаем попытку
переосмыслить теоретические воззрения этого экономиста с
точки зрения современных тенденций развития общества. В
этой статье было освещено влияние безграничного роста
населения и ограниченности ресурсов Эфиопии на
потрясений. Представлены практические рекомендации по
снижению мальтузианских рисков.
Ключевые слова: Эфиопия, глобальные риски,
«мальтузианская ловушка», демографический взрыв, рост
численности населения.
Summary. The article deals with the economic and
demographic backwardness of Ethiopia whereby the Malthusian trap
risks and threats are still highly relevant to the region. The
demographic side of Malthus' theory has been considered, an attempt
to rethink this economist’ theoretical views from the viewpoint of
modern trends in the society development has been made. The article
highlights the influence of unlimited population growth and Ethiopia
limited resources on large-scale domestic shocks emergence.
Practical recommendations to reduce Malthusian risk have been
Keywords: Ethiopia, global risks, «Malthusian trap»,
demographic explosion, population growth.
UDK 338.5
Darya Ni
1st year student, Economy Department,
Kamensk-Uralsky branch of
The Urals Institute of Economics Management and Law
E-mail: [email protected]
Tatyana Ustyuzhanina
Scientific advisor,
Economic Sciences Department,
Kamensk-Uralsky branch of
The Urals Institute of Economics Management and Law
Raisa Zelenkova
Scientific advisor, PhD in Economics,
Economic Sciences Department,
Kamensk-Uralsky branch of
The Urals Institute of Economics Management and Law
One of the socio-economic issues of the day in the Russian
economy, especially in periods of crisis situations — sharp price
advance at the food market conditioned by the complex of factors of
national and world value. All this creates pre-conditions for more
active interference of power organs and local self-government into
economic processes having the purpose to prevent social tension, to
develop the competition, to stimulate business by offering the
population the commodities of necessary quality on competitive
prices. The starting point of sharp increase in price was provoked by
sanctions from the European Union countries in regard to Russia.
We studied prices on food stuffs, included in a consumer
basket in Kamensk-Uralsky of the Sverdlovsk area.
During the preparation of our research we visited the grocery
stores of different trade networks in Kamensk-Uralsky, studied
prices on social products and analyzed a consumer food basket in the
town according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. The
government of the Russian Federation accepted a special act №530
in July, 15 in 2010 «Of ratification of rules of establishment of
maximum of the possible suggested retail prices on separate kinds of
social food necessities, of list of separate kinds of social food
necessities, in regard to which it can be set the maximum of the
possible retail prices, for obtaining a certain amount of which to the
managing subject, carrying out a sale activity, is not rewarded» [1].
24 names of food necessities are stated in the indicated
document, the suggested retail prices on which are subjected to the
government control, in case that during 30 calendar days on the
territory of the subject of the Russian Federation (including
Sverdlovsk region),an increase in a retail price for the food stuffs
will exceed 30% or more, and, besides, the limit retail prices are
subjected to be established for a term no more than 90 calendar days
The list is published in accordance with the decision of the
Russian Federation Government from 15.07.2010 N 530 (with
changes on March, 4, 2013).
24 names of food stuffs are considered to be necessities: beef
(except for boneless meat); pork (except for boneless meat); mutton
(except for boneless meat); hens (chickens, chickens-broilers, except
for chicken hams); fish frozen uncut; creamy butter; oil; milk (2,5–
3,2% fat); eggs; granulated sugar; food salt y; black tea; flour wheat;
rye bread, wheat bread, rolls and buns from a wheat flour; polished
rice; millet; buckwheat; vermicelli; potato; onion; carrot; apples.
Before the summer 2010 there were 33 such commodities.
Unfood commodities were also in the list, such as a laundry and
toilet soap, a washing powder [3]. The monitoring of prices on these
products in Kamensk-Uralsky is conducted weekly. The power
organs control changes in a situation, and monitor the price rate of
food stuffs. The specialists of the department of consumer market
development send the results of the weekly monitoring to the
Ministry of agro industrial complex of the Sverdlovsk area. The
Federal antimonopoly service will check up the validity of prices in
our town. If it is proven that antitrust legislation is broken,
businessmen will have to pay a fine, equal 15% from the annual
receipts of enterprise.
We studied prices on the social commodities of a few shops
of different retail networks: federal networks: «Megamart»,
«Pyatyerochka» and «Monetka», regional network «Kirovskiy» and
local retail networks «Vernyi» and «Antares». According to the
results of our research, we should state that price tags are only in the
shops of two networks as «Antares» and «Monetka». For the
moment of our research beef and pork in such retails networks as
«Kirovskiy» and «Pyaterochka», and pork in «Monetka» and
«Vernyi» were absent, therefore, the cost of a consumer basket and
its middle price is given in tables without these products.
On the basis of the collected information about products and
prices for the end of February, an analysis was conducted and a table
1is made. Studying it, we come to the conclusion, the difference
between the highest cost of food basket (a retailing network
«Antares» is 1068,82 rubs) and the lowest (retailing network
«Kirovskiy» is 911,69 rubs) makes up 157,13 rubs. Comparing
middle prices for a consumer basket in federal, regional and local
retailing networks, we see that the lowest price is in a regional
retailing networks «Kirovskiy».
Table 1. Prices on a food basket in different retailing
networks in Kamensk-Uralsky for the end of February, 2016, in rub.
A point-of-sale
Beef, 1 kg.
Pork (shoulderblade), 1 kg.
Chickens, 1 kg.
Fish (Pollock) 1
Creamy butter,
180 g.
Oil, 900 ml.
Milk 3,2%,1 l.
Egg of hen the
1S, 10
Sugar, 1 kg.
Salt,1 kg.
Tea black, 20 p.
for 1.5 g.
Wheat flour of
1S, 2 kg.
Rye bread of,
650 g.
Polished rice is,
Millet, 800g.
Vermicelli, 450 g.
Potato, 1 kg.
Cabbage, 1 kg.
Onion, 1 kg.
Apples, 1 kg.
Carrot, 1 kg.
1 168
Total without
pork and beef:
Having conducted the analysis and compared prices for the
products of a certain brand in different retails networks in February,
2016, we calculated the average cost of a food basket for the city of
Kamensk-Uralsky amounted 982,56. Comparing it with the indexes
of the previous year, we came to the conclusion that a price for a
food basket in 2016 went down. A difference between them is
147,99 rubs Information is resulted in a table 2.
Table 2. The middle cost of a food basket of consumers in
Kamensk-Uralsky for the end of February in 2015-2016, rubs.
Middle price
2015 year
2016 year
Oil, 900 ml.
Milk 3,2%, 1 l.
Egg of hen the 1S, 10
Granulated Sugar, 1 kg
Chickens, 1 kg. (Reft')
Fish (Pollock) 1 kg.
Creamy butter is, 180 g.
Salt,1 kg.
Wheat flour of 1S, 2 kg.
Rye bread of, 650 g.
Polished rice is, 800g.
Vermicelli, 450 g.
Potato, 1 kg.
Cabbage, 1 kg.
Tea black, 20 p. for 1.5 g.
Millet, 800g.
Buckwheat, 800g.
Onion, 1 kg.
Apples, 1 kg.
Carrot, 1 kg.
On the whole, adjusting of socio-economic processes must
contain the complex of measures, directed to the support of domestic
producers of agricultural products, expansion of sales of agricultural
products, raw and materials, development of competition.
To our opinion, adjusting of pricing at the consumer market
can serve to the improvement of the whole economic situation by
making agreement about the collaboration of local self-government
organs with a particular branch associations of producers and
retailing enterprises with the purpose of maintenance of prices on
food necessities at certain level and application of the minimum price
rates for these products, expansions of their assortment due to the
products of small enterprises. In addition, a substitution can promote
the improvement of local products which were brought in from other
1. Statement of the Russian FEDERATION Government from
15.07.2010 № 530 (with changes on March, 4, 2013)
2. Retail prices on socially food of necessities [electronic
URL: - Article from Internet. (access
information data: 25.02.2016 )
3. What is considered to be the necessities [electronic resource].
URL: - Article from
Internet. (access information data: 14.02.2016 )
Аннотация. Статья описывает одну из наиболее важных
социально-экономических проблем российской экономики резкий подъем цен на еду вследствие совокупности факторов
национального и мирового значения. Цены изучались на основе
основных потребностей населения и в разных коммерческих
сетях города. Автором были выявлены наиболее высокие и
наиболее низкие цены на продукты; различия между этими
индексами; средняя стоимость проживания в городе.
Ключевые слова. Экономика, потребление, КаменскУральский, стоимость, товары.
Summary. This article describes one of the most pressing
socio - economic problems of the Russian economy - a sharp rise in
prices in the food market , due to a complex of factors of national
and global importance . Prices have been studied on the consumer
basket in different commercial networks of the city. On the basis of
research by the author revealed the lowest and highest prices for the
consumer food basket , the difference between these indices , as well
as the average cost of living in the city.
Keywords: economy, consumer basket, Kamensk -Uralsky,
social costs, social goods.
UDC 336.741.1
Valerija Nikitina
Studentin des 2. Studienjahres, Finanzen Wirtschaft und
Sewastopole staatliche Universität
e-mail: [email protected]
Sergey Vojjov
Sewastopole staatliche Universität
Svetlana Mirontseva
Sewastopole staatliche Universität
Resümee: In dieser Arbeit geht es um die Entwicklung des
Geldes und Veränderung ihre Formen. Außerdem sind
Grundeigenschaften des Geldes durch die Geschichte betrachtet.
Stichwörte: das Geld, Verteilungsmittel, Tauschhandel,
Giralgeld, Buchgeld, E-Geld, Bankomatkarte.
Das Geld spielt eine wichtige rolle in Austausch von Waren
und hilft die Verteilung der Arbeit. Der bеrühmter schottischer
Wirtschaftlеr Adam Smith hat in sеinеm „Reichtum der Nationen“
über Entstehung des Geldes erklärt. Anfangs bezahlten die Menschen
mit Muscheln, Pfeilspitzen oder Salz. Dann haben Münzеn das
Warеngеld abgelöst. Und schliеßlich kam das Papiеrgeld auf. Es war
nicht immer wertbeständig. Das Gеld ist ein wichtigеs Erfindung der
Mеnschhеit und hängt von Entwicklung der Menschheit.
Somit können wir die folgеnde Abschnittе von Geschichte
des Geldes untеrschеiden:
Geld als Verteilungsmittel. Die Entwicklung des Geldes
bеgann in der Ära von Tauschhandеl. In diesе Ära haben die
Menschen einem Erzeugnis zum anderer ausgеtauscht. Zum Beispiel
der Bäcker braucht eine Hose und der Schneider braucht die
Brötchen somit können sie mit einander austauschen. Aber hat der
Tauschhandel ein großes Manko. Wenn der Schuster ein Hemd
braucht, muss er eben nicht erst einen Schneider finden, der ihm im
Tausch seine Schuhe abkaufen will. Also entsteht ein neue Ware das Geld.
Warengeld. Warengeld bedueten, dass Münzen, die aus
Edelmetall sind, ein Wert vertreten.Das konnten ganz
unterschiedliche wertvolle Gegenstände sein, die man gegen andere
Waren еintauschen konnte. Die erste Hartgеld kam zum Vorschеin
im 7 Jahrhundеrt, warеn jedoch zunächst nur einfache Metallstücke.
In Klеinasien (in der heutigen Türkеi) wurden vor etwa 2700
Jahren die ersten Münzеn in Gold, Silber und Bronze geprägt. Die
Münzen waren dann genauso viel wert wie das Material. Warеngeld
wurde auch hiеrzulande vor gar nicht langеr Zеit verwendet: Nach
dem Zweiten Weltkrieg konnte man auf dem Schwarzmarkt
beispielsweise mit Zigarеttеn zahlеn.
Es gibt 5 Funktionen des Geldes, die Warengeld erfüllt
haben: Geld als Tauschmittel, Geld als Wertmеssung, Geld als
Zahlungsmittel, Gеld als Speichermittel und Weltgeld. In Gegensatz
heute können wir weder das Geld speichern noch in anderen Ländern
tauschen. So haben das Geld heute kein Wert und ist nur ein Ticken
von Bank. Deshalb erscheint solcher Phänomen als Inflation.
Papiergeld. Das Papiеrgеld verdanken wir den Chinesen.
Sie haben es bereits vor etwa 1000 Jahren erfunden. Hier ist der Wert
des Tauschmittels bereits auf dem Schein aufgedruckt. In Europa ist
Papiergeld allerdings erst seit circa 250 Jahrеn wirklich verbrеitet.
Anfangs wurde das Geld noch von verschiedenen Banken bedruckt.
Zur Bеsicherung seines Wеrts mussten die Bankеn in ihren Trеsoren
im gleichen Wert Gold lagern. Heute ist das nicht mehr der Fall.
Geld drucken dürfen nur noch Zеntralbanken.
Heute haben wir auch Papiergeld und zahlen es als Bargeld
aus. In jeder Staat ist eine bestimmte Währung mit dem Druck von
Zentralbank in Geldschein.
Giralgeld oder Buchgeld.
Das Gеld auf dem Konto nennt sich Giralgеld oder
Buchgeld. Bеreits im Mittеlalter brachtеn arabische Kauflеute die
Idee des Giralgеlds nach Europa. Statt mit Bargеld zu handеln,
schriеben sie Gеldforderungen in ihre Büchеr. Heute verwenden wir
hauptsächlich Giralgeld: beim Einkaufen mit der Bankomatkarte,
oder wenn wir unsere Stromrechnung überweisen. Erst, wenn
wir Geld am Bankomaten abheben, wechselt die Maschinе Giralgеld
in Papiеrgeld.
In Russland erschienen die еrste Sparbüchеr in 1841
während der Hеrrschaft von Impеrator Nikolay I. Aber offensichtlich
dass das Buchgеld nicht für Bеzahlung sondern für Geldspeicher ist.
Das ist nur ein Konto in dеm Bank. Und auch ist nicht für die kleinen
E-Geld. Ist für hеute die letzte Stufe von Entwicklung des
Gеldes. In Gegеnsatz die Bankomatkartе ist E-Geld nicht ein Konto
in dem Bank sondеrn eine abgesonderte Währung.
E-Geld ist ein monеtärer Wert in Form einer Fordеrung
gеgen die ausgebende Stеlle, der
auf einem Datеnträger gespeichert ist,
gegen Entgegennahme eines Geldbetrags ausgegeben
wird, dessen Wert nicht geringer ist als der ausgegebene monetäre
von anderen Unternehmen als der ausgebenden
Stelle als Zahlungsmittel akzeptiert wird.“
Heute nutzen wir fast alle type des Geldes von Münzen und
Papiergeld zu E-Geld und Bankkarten. Überdies auch schließen die
Unternehmen Tauschgeschäfte zwischen einander.
Die Funktionen des Geldes sollten in Bezug auf ihr Wesen
als ökonomische Kategorie und die Manifestation der Wirtschaft
berücksichtigt werden.
Аннотация. В данной работе речь ведется о развитии
денег и изменении их форм. Кроме того, рассмотрены основные
свойства денег на протяжении всей истории.
Ключевые слова: Деньги, средство обмена, бартер,
банковская книжка, электронные деньги, пластиковая карта.
UDC 659.1 : 316.6
Anastasiia Oreshkina
2nd year student,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Mariia Varlagina
Scientific advisor, Senior lecturer,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy,
Sevastopol State University
In 21st century it is impossible to imagine television,
newspapers, radio, Internet and city streets without advertisements.
Advertising plays an important role in modern life and impacts the
life of every person. There are different types of advertising.
include wall
paintings, billboards, street furniture components, printed flyers
and rack cards, radio ads, cinema and TV commercials, web banners,
mobile telephone screens, shopping carts, pop-up ads on the webpages, skywriting, bus stop benches, human billboards and forehead
advertising, magazines, newspapers.
Television advertising is one of the most expensive types of
commercial airtime during popular events. Advertising is at the front
of delivering the proper message to customers and prospective
customers. The purpose of advertising is to convince customers that
a company's services or products are the best, enhance the image of
the company, point out and create a need for products or services,
demonstrate new uses for established products, announce new
products and programs, reinforce the salespeople's individual
messages, draw customers to the business, and to hold existing
It is wide known that there are international companies,
which push their goods in different countries. However, these
processes have their own features which are connected with the
promotion of international goods in countries with a different culture
and way of life. Therefore, a company which wants to push its goods
in different countries should adapt the sales promotion program to
the cultural differences.
The comparative analysis of
in the
Netherlands, the UK, Russia and the USA is presented in the article.
In the USA the salesmanship flourishes year after year. The
Americans suppose that advertising is a trade policy measure, like
any other one. The advertisement there is not such informative as in
Russia and it tends to exaggerate things.
The UK is the country of beautiful, bright, multifaceted
advertisement. The English have a nice, subtle taste. They
successfully combine advertising focused on verbal and image
The Netherlands is one of the most creative countries in the
advertising sphere. Advertising in Netherlands, like in Germany,
refutes all stereotypes.
In Russia advertising is an integral part of economy. In
society an average person cannot achieve the realization of his
expectations due to wide range of social, economic and other
reasons. So person realizes them in his mind, identifying himself as a
lucky person according to the advertisement affection.
The examples of commercials of a popular European brand
Volkswagen have been chosen as the subject of our research.
The Netherlands
DDB Amsterdam speaks about the reliability of Volkswagen
and its longstanding service. Reliability of Volkswagen is shown by
an old model of car and an older owner of car.
The slogan is «Not all the old ladies are as reliable as Golf».
It means that it emphasizes the reliability and durability of the car
that the Dutch always pay attention. We can also note the high level
of individualism in this culture –
to stand out from the crowd.
The UK
The slogan is «Remember how the cars you had most fun in
never had a roof? The Golf among the cabriolets». DDB London
shows to us little children with their toy motor vehicles. These toy
motor vehicles are associated, first of all, with safety.
Safety is the main criterion in the selection of the car in
Great Britain. The British avoid
uncertainty. So it means the
safer the better.
Russian Federation
The slogan is «A new Volkswagen Jetta. Already adult. Still
young». This commercial shows to us an average man in the age
group of 25-34, who becomes better and cooler with Volkswagen
Jetta. This advertisement, like many others in Russia, consists of a
price of the car. The Russian advertisements are informative but they
tend to exaggerate things. The 1st person narration is used in the
commercial. It produces the additional effect of reliability and
assurance. The above mentioned examples are “mute”.
One of the most creative commercials of Volkswagen is
presented for the US target audience. The slogan is «The force». In
this commercial one can see a little boy, dressed as Darth Vader. He
tries to use his force and his powers. He practices with a washingmachine, a dog, even with his mother and steadily fails. But he
manages to use it only with Volkswagen Passat (at least he thinks
so). The idea is a smart move of Americans. Not only lovers of
Volkswagen will see this commercial, but also fan base of «The Star
Wars». The audience will become bigger. The advertisement is
informative; it consists of a price of the car. But American
advertisement, like Russian, tends to exaggerate things.
Advertising is an integral part of business. Advertisements
are of equal value for both the manufacturers and the buyers. They
are necessary for the manufacturers because they produce knowledge
about it, create preferences, and stimulate thoughts and actions about
the product. And it is necessary for the buyers because they learn
information about the product from advertisements.
The cultural context, mindset and priorities in the USA,
Russia, the Netherlands and Great Britain are very different. So a
company which wants to promote its goods in these countries should
adapt the sales promotion program to the cultural differences.
Volkswagen Company deals with the task in the best way. Their
advertisements are bright, laconic and creative and are appropriate
for the chosen target audiences. Thus there are no interferences in
such communication process.
1.Антонов В.В. Реклама в международном маркетинге //
Маркетинг в России и за рубежом, 2003. - №12. – С.27.
2.Синицина Е. Реклама и менталитет // Практика
рекламы, 2002. - №10. – С.17.
3.Jean-Marie Dru. Disruption: Overturning Conventions and
Shaking Up the Marketplace// John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. –p.120
4.Конспект экономиста [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим
доступа: (дата обращения:
Аннотация. В статье представлен сравнительный анализ
телевизионных рекламных роликов известного европейского
автомобильного бренда Volkswagen, которая направлена на
целевую аудиторию США, Нидерландов, Великобритании и
социокультурным различиям влияет на качество связи между
производством и потенциальным клиентом. Реклама,
направленная на европейскую аудиторию, как правило,
обращается к таким традиционным ценностям, как надежность и
безопасность. Телевизионные рекламные ролики в США и
России, как правило, склонны к преувеличению. Реклама в
США является творческой и основана на семейных ценностях. В
России реклама подчеркивает социальный статус автомобиля и
его владельца.
коммуникация, реклама, рекламный ролик, рекламное
Summary. The comparative analysis of TV commercials of
a famous European automobile brand Volkswagen targeted for the
audiences of the USA, the Netherlands, the UK and Russian is
presented in the article. The adjustment of advertising message to the
socio-cultural differences impacts the quality of communication
between a manufacture and a prospective customer. Advertising for
European audiences tends to appeal to such traditional values as
reliability, customs, safety. The TV commercials in the USA and
Russia tend to exaggerate things. The US commercial is more
creative and based on family values. The Russian commercial
emphasizes the social status of the car and its owner.
advertising, commercial, message
UDC 33
Natalia Samodarova
2 year student, Accounting, analysis and audit Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Olga Oboyshchikova
Scientific advisor, senior instructor,
Roman and German Philology Department,
Sevastopol State University
Now, given the realities of the modern economic world
investments are very important for the development not only
individual companies but also the economy as a whole. The aim of
this work is to analyse the investment risks.
This question is actual, because any companies need funds
for the development and expansion, which they can get from
investors. However, any investment involves risks.
Investment risk is the risk of depreciation of invested capital
(loss of original cost) as a result of inefficient management of the
enterprise or the State, or not receiving the expected income (profit)
There are a few basic types of investment risk, which
depends on the scope of activity of the enterprise [3]:
– economic: risk depends on many factors that may affect the
economic side of investing. This rate depends on the condition of the
state economy, the cyclical development, tax, fiscal and financial
– technology: this rate is determined, taking into account
technical factors such as complexity of production, quality of
equipment, production process automation, the introduction of new
–political: is determined by factors that affect political
components of foreign policy, political course of the State, the
pressure of the authorities;
– social: is determined by the factors that are associated with
social-conflict, moral and material benefits, availability of dating and
relationships, social tension in society;
– legal: is determined by the following factors as the quality
of the tax system, the existence of a perfect legal framework, state
– environmental: is determined by factors that affect the
ecological environment, disaster, radiation levels, environmental
programs, the degree of environmental pollution.
There are two extremes of attitude to investment risk. Some
investors try to invest in only the most reliable and risk-free
(however, in practice such assets does not exist). Others are taking a
big risk or do not think about risk, focusing only on high revenue.
First investors lose the opportunity to obtain a high income, while
the latter are able to lose all of your investment [1, p.157].
Currently in the legislation, judicial practice and legal
science has not developed a clear legal criterion to determine the
range of relationships that related to the category of investment,
therefore, there are no clear laws protecting the investor from a total
loss of their property [4].
To solve this problem, it is advisable to carry out the
following activities:
– development of insurance system of investment risks.
Today, most investors are trying to best protect themselves and make
out the insurance of investment risks, which should be reviewed, as it
is not effective [5, p.11].
–increasing the responsibility of the organizer of the
investment, it is less the walrus to suffer from losses;
–improvement of investment legislation to ensure the rights
of both the investor and the organizer of the investment;
–careful examination of the financial condition of the
–the risk of making a mistake can be reduced constantly,
improving investment skills and knowledge. The more the investor
know about specific investment instrument, the more his competence
in a particular investment, the less risk to lose the invested funds.
1. Единое экономическое пространство: новые вызовы и
решения: сб. ст. Второго Молодёжного научного форума. – Уфа,
2013. – 288 с.
2. Инвестиционные риски: [Электронный ресурс] //
URL: / (дата обращения:
3. Инвестиционные риски: понятие, виды, страхование:
[Электронный ресурс] // Блог Финансиста, 2012–2015. URL:
[Электронный ресурс] // ООО «Стади Групп», 2014–2015. URL: (дата
обращения: 26.02.2016).
5. Шишенко М. С. Правовые проблемы минимизации
инвестиционных рисков в законодательстве Российской
Федерации / М. С. Шишенко, Волгоград, 2011. – 37 с.
Аннотация. Статья
деятельности и рискам, которые неразрывно связаны с ней.
Уточняется, что такое инвестиционные риски и с чем они
связаны. Большое место в работе занимает рассмотрение типов
инвесторов в зависимости от степени уверенности в надежности
компании, в которую он вкладывает. В статье на основе анализа
правовой системы Российской Федерации показано, что
принятые законы не гарантируют защиту имущества
инвесторов. В статье рассматриваются пути и методы решения
проблемы защиты инвесторов от частичной или полной потери
вложенного имущества.
Ключевые слова: инвестиционные риски, защита
инвесторов, потери.
Summary. The article is devoted to investment activities and
risks that are inextricably linked. The definition of investment risk is
specified and what they are connected to. Great attention of the
author is paid to consideration of types of investment risks.
Characterized by the behavior of investors depending on the degree
of confidence in the reliability of the company in which he invests.
In the article based on the analysis of the legal system of the Russian
Federation it is shown that, the adopted laws do not guarantee
protection of property investors. The article considers ways and
methods of solving the problem of investor protection from partial or
complete loss of the invested property.
Keywords: investment risks, protecting investors, losses.
UDC 33
Maria Sarafanova
3 year student, Financial managementDepartment,
Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg
e-mail: [email protected]
Irina Stikhina
Scientific advisor, senior instructor,
Department of Business Foreign Languages,
Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg
Currently, in the context of globalization, management is
becoming increasingly important; scientists around the world are
trying to find the most rational solutions for the management.
However, it is impossible to come up with a single, the only true
model of management, since each country has its own peculiarities.
Management is a kind of human activity, which has general
and specific features. Common features reflect the stages of
development of civilization, the level of scientific and technological
progress, and are described in various scientific approaches. Specific
features reflect the national and historical characteristics, geographic
conditions, the level of socio-economic relations, culture.
The current stage of development of management thought is
characterized by a marked increase of interest in the differences in
style and management practices in different countries and causes that
give rise to these differences.
In the world practice, it is distinguished between American,
Japanese and European management model. However, the question
arises: where Russian management can be attributed? And maybe it
is unique, and it should be considered as another style - the
"Russian" one?
To begin with, we’ll try to define each of the world’s
management style.
Japanese management style is considered one of the most
efficient in the world, largely due to the policy of collectivism. It is
important that all staff units have equal rights in decision-making and
share responsibility for their implementation. The Japanese
management style builds consensus or general agreement. It is timeconsuming.[1]
The manager must be an expert in all areas of the company,
to replace any absent employee if necessary. Emphasis is on creation
of an effective horizontal power structure, where the direct exchange
of information and mutual employees’ help are mandatory. It is the
psychological conviction of job and income security that underlies
this approach. Another important “secret” of the Japanese economy
might be cheerful willingness on the part of employees to accept
continuing changes in technology and processes, and to regard
increasing productivity as good for everybody. [2]
In contrast to the collectivism inherent in Japanese
management, personnel policy of US companies is based on the
principles of individualism and a clear division of labor.
For example, American Management Systems Specialists are
always narrowly formed, so moving up the career ladder is possible
only vertically. One of the qualitative shortcomings of this approach
is the high turnover of staff in the organization.
All power to the unit is in the hands of one man, who, after
receiving instructions from "the top", is solely responsible for the
performance of their employees. An important advantage of this
approach is the speed and finality of the decisions. American
management style can be described as "every man for himself."
The characteristics of the European model of management
differs significantly from other similar models, developed in the
United States and Japan, due to more stringent approach to personnel
In Europe, as in the US, a very important role in the
economy is played by small and medium-sized enterprises. This is
thanks to some peculiarities of the European management. For small
firms the need for survival is more urgent, so you need to respond to
any, even the slightest change more quickly when you need to adjust
to it.
The European model of management can be identified by
respect for expertise, promoting training, management loyalty,
technical preparedness of managers, expanded the scope of
responsibility and authority, effective labor relations, quality and
innovation, formal production management. In general, the European
model of management occupies an intermediate position between the
two management cultures: Japanese and American.
And now let us try to define “Russian management style”.
On the one hand, assuming that "management has begun" in
the Taylor era, many experts admit clipping of many stages of the
centuries-old Russian management practices from the base of
scientific analysis. Thus, the concept of "Russian management" does
not cover the period of Soviet control. However, this stage,
especially during the first decades of Soviet power, is the most active
phase of the transformation of management theory and practice. The
pre-Soviet period is also not included, although the traditional
analysis of management development in the world covers a longer
period of the administrative tradition in the development of mankind.
Taking into account the rich national cultural and historical
traditions, it is necessary to recognize the significant events of the
"pre-Soviet" period, which could be taken into consideration by
researchers of managerial aspects of business practice.
On the other hand, there are many attempts to compare
Russian management and Russian managers with the relevant
American, European, Japanese samples. The dominant presence of
non-Russian "guru" of management in the theoretical sources
determines clearly losing the position of national science. It must be
acknowledged that a significant impact in this case has the process of
economic transformation of the last few decades. Step admiration
around the non-Soviet economic life was replaced by a period of
pragmatic attention to large companies’ management practices that
develop business in Russia. Recent bring in Russian economy their
methods of management and theoretical justification for the proposed
managerial traditions. The situation in Russian management is rather
complicated, so it is not surprising that the majority of comparisons
results are not interpreted in favor of the Russian management.
Western approaches to the management have therefore a significant
number of supporters and followers objectively.
As for the characteristics, the authoritarian management style
prevails in Russian companies, where power is centralized and
adhered to the policy of closed doors. However, currently there is a
tendency of transition towards a democratic one. However, the
rigidity in the management should be more intense, as the lack of it
will negatively affect the employees’ motivation to work, because
not all put personal development above all preferring the unstressed
stable operation.
As it has been stated, management tends to be centralized
and directive. The boss - especially the 'big boss' - is expected to
issue direct instructions for subordinates to follow. Little
consultation will be expected from people lower down the company
hierarchy. Indeed too much consultation from a senior manager
could be seen as a sign of weakness and lack of decisiveness. [3]
In general, many businesses retain a strong hierarchical
structure. Employees show respect to those in positions of authority.
Managers tend to be dictatorial and autocratic. They expect their
subordinates to follow established procedures without questions. [4]
Thus, as in other management cultures there are some
disadvantages. For example, in domestic companies, there is not
enough attention to work with the staff. Employers do not consider it
necessary to provide their employees anything other than the
possibility of material and career growth. Many experts know almost
nothing about the company's activities outside their local actions and
therefore they cannot disclose their full potential
Other problems can be described like the lack of long-term
business development goals, lack of awareness of social
responsibility management, weak legal framework and lack of ability
to form a team and to select personnel.
In conclusion, it’s necessary to add that Russian management
style is not fully formed. Managers are looking for methods,
techniques and tools that will be convenient for any company
surviving in the Russian economic realities. Of course, there is a big
influence of world managerial culture such as American and
Japanese. Nevertheless, the history proves that Russia has its own
1. Fundamentals of management [Текст]: учеб. Пособие/
И.А.Софронова; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации,
Урал. гос. ун-т. – Екатеринбург: [Изд-во Урал. гос. экон. ун-та],
2014 – 84 с.
2. Harvard Business Review[Электронный ресурс] -Peter
F. Drucker - What we can learn from Japanese management –
Режим доступа: (дата обращения17.02.2016)
3. World business culture [Электронный ресурс] Russian
доступа: (дата обращения 17.02.2016)
4. Kwintessential [Электронный ресурс]- Intercultural
ml (дата обращения 17.02.2016)
Аннотация. В данной статье автор исследовал основные
международные стили управления и выделил их основные
характеристики. Также был рассмотрен такой смежный стиль
менеджмента, как европейский. Автор попытался ответить на
вопрос: стоит ли отнести «российский» стиль к одному из
международных или обозначить его в самостоятельный. Также в
статье затрагиваются проблемы, которые присущи российскому
стилю управления.
менеджмент, Американский, Японский, Европейский стиль
демократичный стиль менеджмента, культура менеджмента.
Abstract. In this article, the author analyses the main
international management styles that are applied by managers all
over the world. The main characteristics of each management style
are highlighted. European style of management is also considered in
this paper. The author tries to answer the question: whether to rate
the "Russian" style as one of the international or mark it as an
independent one. Inherent problems of Russian management style
are also mentioned in this article.
Key words: globalization, economy, management,
American, Japanese and European management style, authoritarian
management style, democratic management style, management
UDC 65.658
Vadim Snegirev
1st year postgraduate student, Management Department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Natalya Shcherbakova
Scientific advisor, PhD in Economics,
Management Department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
In the process of forming market relations the Russian
economy faced the problem of a slowdown in the renewal of fixed
assets. Wear rate of industrial equipment is about 60 %. There are
many abandoned factories, which were the leading enterprises of the
CIS countries. Moral and physical deterioration of equipment is so
high that it makes the work on such equipment inadmissible.
Absence of investors does not allow developing the sector of
economy in terms of production.
The problem of reproduction of fixed assets in the “Polus”
LLC is considered as an example within the framework of the
research. The company installed the equipment of the old samples
with high moral and physical deterioration. In connection with work
on extruders past years, the transition to another type of film
production is performed manually. This is a time-consuming process,
which leads to loss of time and downtime. To find replacement for
breaking spare parts at a market is difficult. Faced with such
problems “Polus” LLC carries huge losses of time due to the
downtime of other parts of chain manufacturing plastic production.
As a result of studies to solve the problems identified, the
management of “Polus” LLC was proposed to acquire a versatile
three-layer extruder and to select manufacturing shop satisfying
important characteristics (production area, height, location and road
Unfortunately today investment in reproduction of
equipment for many businesses is complicated because of the growth
of interest rates on loans and leasing.
In general, investment in reproduction of fixed assets is a
complex process that requires considerable financial resources
contributing to the solution of many problems of industrial
функционирования производственных
систем методами
оперативного управления // Вестник НГУЭУ. – 2012. – № 4. – С.
Щербаков В.А., Щербакова Н.А. Стоимостная
технологического оборудования // Обработка металлов. – 2006.
– № 3. – C. 32-35.
Щербаков В.А. Оценка стоимости предприятия
(бизнеса) / В.А. Щербаков, Н.А. Щербакова – М.: Омега-Л,
2006. – 288 с.
Щербакова Н.А., Организация производства и
надежность производственных систем // Наука и практика
организации производства и управления (Организация-2015):
материалы междунар. науч.-практ. конф. (Барнаул, 6-8 мая 2015
г.). – Барнаул : Изд-во АлтГТУ, 2015. – С. 264–267.
Аннотация. В работе выделены проблемы обновления
основных фондов в условиях кризиса современной экономики.
Рассмотрены особенности воспроизводства основных фондов.
Проблемы воспроизводства основных фондов изучены на
примере компании с ограниченной ответственностью «Полюс».
возобновления основных фондов.
Ключевые слов:. oсновные фонды, воспроизводство
основных фондов, производство, расширенное воспроизводство
основных фондов, инвестирование.
Summary. The questions of renewal of fixed assets in
today’s economic crisis are identified in the article. The features of
renewal of fixed assets are considered. The problems of renewal of
fixed assets are studied on “Polus” LLC case study. The value of the
restructuring in the process of fixed assets renewal is determined.
Keywords: fixed assets, reproduction of fixed assets,
production, expanded reproduction of fixed assets, investment.
UDC 331.101.24
Anastasia Sokolova
4th year student, Foreign Studies Department,
the Affiliate of MSLU, EaLI, Irkutsk
e-mail: [email protected]
Olga Kuznnetsova
Scientific advisor, PhD in Philology,
Foreign Studies Department,
the Affiliate of MSLU, EaLI, Irkutsk
It cannot be denied, that amongst people there have always
been gaps based on sex, race, age, social position, etc., that leads to
inequality and discrimination, which can be found in different fields
of our lives. Employment discrimination is considered to be one of
the most prevalent examples to reflect this fact.
The United States is the most "advanced" country in terms of
having laws that protect people from discrimination in employment.
Analysis of the current US legislation allows us to make a
list of regulations prohibiting employment discrimination, and its
basis at the federal level consists of three acts:
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964;
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of
These acts prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color,
sex (including pregnancy), national origin, religion, age, and
disability. Other federal acts in some way complement the ones that
were named before [1, p.12].
In order to implement Title VII in 1964, the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was created,
which is still functioning today, is responsible for enforcing federal
laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an
1960's Civil Rights Movement also led to many changes in
respect to discrimination in the society. One of the movement’s
significant outcome resulted in the creation of the Affirmative
Action policy. This policy is intended to provide equal educational
and employment opportunities for women and members of minority
groups regardless of their race, belief, color, or national origin.
Affirmative action seems to be one of the most effective
tools for combating the injustices and historic discrimination against
women and people of color, but the issue remains controversial as
taking affirmative action may infringe on the liberty of the other
Talking about employment discrimination, it is necessary to
mention terms such as Glass Ceiling and Sexism. Sexism is a
prejudice or discrimination based on a person’s gender, while Glass
ceiling on the other hand, is an intangible barrier within a hierarchy
that prevents women or minorities from obtaining upper-level
positions. Through these two terms, we can see a gender inequality
in workplaces. According to the statistics, women working full time
earn significantly less money than their male peers, and this shows
that gender discrimination still exists.
The U.S. unemployment rate by age in 2001-2012 shows that
employees, who are 40 years of age and older, are not prone to being
discriminated based on their age that much. On the contrary, the
unemployment percentage of people belonging to this group declined
from 8 percent in 2010 to 6 percent in 2012 [2].
For people with disabilities, the same positive trend is not
observed. The employment rate of people with disabilities has
gradually reduced since 2010, while the employment rate of
Americans without disabilities in 2013 - 2014 retained its position
with a percentage of 76. 2% [3].
The calculated estimates of unemployment on the basis of
race and ethnicity in 2007 - 2014 clearly portrays discrimination
against certain groups of the population; the rate of employing
Asians and white people is considerably higher than that of
Hispanics and African Americans.
Employment discrimination results in significant financial
harm on businesses, introducing inefficiencies and high turnover
costs. It is caused by either forcing out employees based on nonwork-related characteristics or by creating a hostile work climate that
makes employees resign on their own. This process takes a
significant amount of time and money since employers must then
find, recruit, and re-train employees to replace the departing ones [4,
According to the estimates, the costs of replacing a departing
employee is somewhere between 93 percent and 200 percent of the
departing employee’s salary. Replacing an entry-level worker can
cost somewhere between $5,000 and $10,000, while replacing a
highly skilled or high-level manager who makes an annual salary of
roughly $100,000, can cost up to $211,000.
Besides that, discriminatory practices at workplaces can also
damage a company's reputation by losing respect from its own
workers and clients from an ethical point of view. It can also limit its
internal competition due to bias treatment that would result to the
lack of motivation to strive. Ultimately the business loses since
productivity suffers [5].
Thus, there is a contradiction to the federal laws and the
claim that equal protection of people from discrimination under these
laws is not accomplished in a way that it is supposed to be. Even
though the EEOC as a federal regulatory authority and the
government takes all the possible measures to achieve equality in the
USA, the real practice shows that employment discrimination is not
entirely eliminated, causing noticeable financial harm on American
1. Исаева, Е.А. Дискриминация в сфере труда: теория и
практика // Научнопрактический сборник. – 2008. – С.12;
2. Bureau of labor Statistics// [Электронный ресурс] The
U.S. unemployment rate by age – 2001/2012 Review in Graphics:
nt-rate-is-7-8 (дата обращения 24.02.2015);
3. Kessler Foundation and the University of New Hampshire
Institute on Disability// [Электронный ресурс] National Trends in
Disability Employment – 2013/2014 Review: сайт. – URL:
IDE (дата обращения 25.02.2015);
4. Crosby Burns. The Costly Business of Discrimination:
The Economic Costs of Discrimination and the Financial Benefits of
Gay and Transgender Equality in the Workplace [Электронный
ресурс] / Crosby Burns. – March 2012: сайт. –
5. Karlyn Borysenko. What Was Management Thinking?
The High Cost Of Employee Turnover [Электронный ресурс] /
Karlyn Borysenko. – April 22, 2015: сайт. – URL: (дата обращения
Аннотация. Неравенство и дискриминация очень часто
наблюдаются в различных областях жизни нашего общества,
мешая человеку в полной мере пользоваться своими правами.
Данная статья рассматривает один из ярких примеров,
отражающих данную действительность – дискриминацию в
сфере занятости в США. На основе изученного материала
выявлено, что даже страна, которая признана самой развитой
страной в плане защиты от дискриминации на рабочих местах,
не может защитить своих граждан от неравенства. Результаты
статистики дают понять, что существующее законодательство,
нормативные акты и меры, предпринимаемые правительством,
дабы устранить дискриминацию в США, не могут ее побороть,
американскому бизнесу.
Ключевые слова: дискриминация в сфере труда,
дискриминационная практика, сексизм, неравенство на рабочих
местах, текучесть кадров, американский бизнес
Summary. The main topic of the article is the U.S.
employment discrimination. The text provides the readers with the
information about American inequality at workplace, the U.S.
legislation, aimed to fight it and the statistics on the U.S.
unemployment rate by age, race and disability. It also mentions the
terms such as Sexism, Glass Ceiling and Affirmative Action.
Further, the article talks about high financial costs and loses of
American business that can be caused by discriminatory practices.
Keawords: employment Discrimination, Discriminatory
Practices, Sexism, Workplace Inequality, Employee Turnover,
American Business
UDC 65.659
Soshnikov Dmitry
1st course of a magistracy, department of management,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Evgeniya Gorevaya
Scientific advisor, PhD in Economics, associate professor
Management department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
There is no doubt that the use of standard marketing
approaches to complex high-tech products market has serious
limitations. First of all, this is due to the specific purpose of
commercial products and a very high level of risk associated with its
purchase. Factors such as the importance of the product, its technical
complexity, the high purchase price are integral components of risk
and appear depending on each situation. This has a significant impact
on the use of marketing tools, and makes a number of specific
features associated with the realization of the marketing strategy of
high-tech products.
For example, the company Merz, one of the branches, which
is located in Novosibirsk, were considered the features of marketing
research of this company.
Due to the fact that the company is the developer of
professional products in the field of dermatology, the possibility of
realization of the research is limited to the comments, interviewing
experts, spreading of the results of clinical trials and the feedback of
experts in the field of dermatology (cosmetics), which can give a
realistic assessment of a particular product. The company carried out
marketing research for the market assessment of the prospects for
Glytone drug.
Merz Company in the course of this research, a set of
research tools was used, sharing distribution, which in 2015 is shown
in Fig. 1.
Figure 1 - The shared distribution of research methods
Analyzing the efficiency and optimality used research tools,
the company concluded that the most appealing tool is the interview.
Interview allows you to get individual feedback from each specialist,
and having a sufficient number of experts interviewed, it allows
forming an objective view of the market potential.
For example, sphere of cosmetology, representatives of the
company Merz carry out interviews with beauticians before
launching of a new product on the market, to identify for what price
segment this product may be of interest, possible purchase
frequency, etc.
In 2015, in the city of Novosibirsk, Merz company carried
out interviews with 12 of beauticians on Glytone product. Besides,
every third month, the company held a conference in the Marriott
Hotel for the presentation of their products. However, interview does
not solve all research problems due to the complexity of the sales
For a better representation of market opportunities need to
use double-sided research: except beauticians, for which equipment
companies Merz is the means of production, necessary to conduct the
survey and analyze the end-customer needs, that is, consumers of
beauty clinics.
To create a competitive company, it is necessary not just to
modernize the production and management, but also know exactly
what is being done, what is to be achieved. One of the highlights is
marketing research. Results of the research are significant «guide»
for the firm. They help to prevent the collapse of the company and to
develop a strategic plan.
1. Препарат Glytone компании Merz в Новосибирске
[Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
(дата обращения: 23.02.2016)
2. Голубков Е.П. Маркетинговые исследования: теория,
методология и практика. – М.: Финпресс, 2008. – С.408–409.
3. Дихтль Е. Маркетинговые исследования. – СПб.:
Питер, 2007. – 392 с.
Аннотация. Исследование рынка играет важную роль в
современной концепции маркетинга. Эти исследования
являются основой разработки стратегии и тактики выступления
на рынках целевой политики продукта. Исследование рынка
представляет собой сбор, обработку и анализ данных с целью
уменьшения неопределенности, сопровождающей принятие
воздействию элементов внешней и внутренней среды
предприятия. Эти данные позволяют более глубоко раскрыть
состояние отдельных элементов рынка и маркетинговой
деятельности предприятия.
Ключевые слова: исследование рынка, хай-тек
продукты, косметологические клиники, интервью, косметологи.
Summary. Market research has an important role in modern
marketing concept. These studies are the basis now developed the
strategy and tactics of the performances in the markets of the
targeted product policy. Market research is a collection, processing
and analysis of data in order to reduce the uncertainty accompanying
the adoption of marketing decisions. Research exposed to the
elements of the external and internal environment of the enterprise.
These data allow us to more deeply to reveal the status of individual
elements of the market and marketing activities of the enterprise.
Keywords: marketing research, Hi-tech products, beauty
clinics, interview, beauticians.
UDС 65.658
Trofimova Kristina
3rd year student, Management Department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e- mail: [email protected]
Natalya Shcherbakova
Scientific advisor, PhD in Economy,
Management Department
Novosibirsk State Technical University
The importance of planning the activities of enterprises and
organizations is not reduced, but rather enhanced, since the success
of the operation in market conditions is impossible without a full and
clear picture of the prospects and consequences of decisions, without
the development of reliable preliminary benchmarks and a realistic
action plan. Market conditions require clearer development of goals,
objectives and ways to achieve them. Under the conditions of the
market and fierce competition the company must be able to react
quickly and appropriately to changes in the external environment and
within the company itself, which is important for the value-oriented
enterprise management [3].
The business plan is a precise, concise, accessible and
understandable description of the proposed business. It allows you to
see a wide variety of situations that allow you to select the most
promising solutions. The business plan development is carried out
business plan from concept to completion [1].
In the beginning of drawing up business plans for those or
other business projects rather approximate answers are based on the
implementation of the integrated calculations by economistsmanagers. In the future requires specialists detailed or revised
calculations of the main planning and economic indicators. The
content of the business plan, its composition and the degree of detail
are determined by the interaction of factors such as the type and
volume of production, the value of market supply and demand, the
level of development and the scale of production, business financing
source and solvency of the company, etc.
When the analytical work with the business plan it is
important to comply with several conditions:
- you need to set clear objectives sought by the company;
- an open position that represents the benefits of the project
and the expected results of its implementation;
- to carry out monitoring of competitors and an analytical
report on the state of the industry;
- lead criteria that achieve competitiveness;
- to assess and predict risks, to develop measures for risk
management and so on.
In all of the above it can be concluded that the business
contributes to the efficiency of the project and the positive results of
its implementation. Developing and presenting a business plan in
English helps to involve foreign investors.
1. Р. Уолтерс, Грэм Сидуэлл, Эндрю Вуд и др. Финансы.
Толковый словарь. – 2-е изд. – М: «ИНФРА-М», «Весь Мир»,
2000. – 496 с.
2. Бизнес-планирование: Учебник для вузов / Под ред.
В.М Попова, С.И. Ляпунова, С.Г. Млодика. – М.: Финансы и
статистика, 2012. – 816 с.
3. Межова Л.Н., Щербакова Н.А. Ценностноориентированное управление современным предприятием //
Проблемы теории и практики управления. Международный
журнал. Официальное издание Международного научноисследовательского института проблем управления. – 2014. – №
3/2014. – С. 103-108.
Аннотация: Бизнес-план является одним из основных
инструментов управления предприятием, определяющих
эффективность его деятельности. Для составления успешного
бизнес-плана нужно учитывать, что в настоящее время связи с
обострившейся экономической ситуацией в стране выгодно
сотрудничать с другими странами и работать на экспорт.
Следовательно, на сегодняшний день очень важно знание
английского языка для введения бизнеса или получения
престижной работы, востребовано при составлении бизнеспланов.
Ключевые слова: бизнес-план, экономика России,
планирование, управление предприятием, рыночные условия.
Summary. A business plan is a major enterprise
management tools that determine its efficiency. For the preparation
of a successful business plan should take into account that now due
to the aggravated economic situation in the country is favorable to
cooperate with other countries and to work for export. Therefore,
today it is very important to speak English to introduce the business
or getting a well-paid job, it is claimed in the preparation of business
Keywords: business plan, Russia's economy, planning,
business management, market conditions.
Anastasia Firulina
2d year, faculty of Economics
Moscow Region State University
email: [email protected]
Tatiana Syrina
Scientific supervisor, senior tutor
Department of foreign languages
Moscow Region State University
Nowadays advertising has become an integral part
ofeveryday life. As a rule, most advertisements are commercial, that
promote goods and services, trying to influence on consumer
behavior. However in modern Russia a new form of advertising –
social, noncommercial advertising, which aims to change public
behavior, to influence the formation of a new, moral and highethical
citizen has recently appeared.
The first problem we are going to deal with is the difference
in terms. European countries and the USA use the term “public
service announcement” (or PDA) that, according to Macmillan
Dictionary is “an important message, usually from the government,
that is read on television or radio so that many people will hear it”
Meanwhile, the term social advertising, commonly used in
Russia, means “media messages designed to educate or motivate
members of a public to engage in voluntary social activity such as
community service, energy conservation, recycling.” [1] Comparing
both definitions we may come to the conclusion that the term ‘social
advertising’ aims to motivate society to act and participate in special
programs, usually connected with nature protection and PDA focuses
on simply informing people.
Obviously, most fresh ideas come from the Westand social
advertising is not an exception. The official history of social
advertising starts at the beginning of the XX century. In 1906 the
public organization "The American Civic Association" created the
first social advertising, calling to protect Niagara Falls from harm of
energy companies.
Despite the official time of social advertisement usage in
Russia, that most sources date back to the beginning of the XXI
century, we have found out that after the October Revolution of 1917
the Soviet government created the special program for production of
social advertising. The feature of this program was the focus on the
illiterate urban population and peasants who had to be «infected»
with revolutionary ideas.
The role the analyzed type of advertising plays in the process
of social development can’t be underestimated. During war time or
periods of crises, social advertisement becomes the only tool of
cheering the national character and soul. Sometimes social
advertising took the form of songs, movies. For example, the famous
song "Let there always be sunshine!" can be regarded to a form of
social advertising. Soviet films, for example, "The Height", "The
Girls" advertise some new professions, the way of life of ordinary
Soviet citizen, his character and national values.
The mid 90-ies of XX century was time of the first
democratic electionsand new economic relationships with the outer
world. During this period, the most common social issues were
unemployment, non-payment of salaries, pensions, social benefits,
sickness and even famine - have becomea number one problem for
most Russians. Many large political campaigns in Russia (starting
with 1996 Presidential Elections) have been conducted using social
advertising technologies: “I Trust. Love. Hope”, “We Will Give
Birth – Who Else Can Do It But Us”, “Putin’s Plan Is Russia’s
It is hard to call social advertising in Russia unprofitable for
the state. The reason is this: the government that usessome social and
cultural values for advertising, pursues its commercial goals (e.g.,
raise the prestige, reputation and, of course, material interest).
Here it seems proper to note that even in democratic systems
one can see distortions in social advertising projects implementation,
behind which political or commercial advertising is masked. When
such mimicry in advertising takes place, one finds how a commercial
company’s or a political party’s logo is hiding behind a socialhumanistic slogan or script. This situation is typical of modern
Russia where business tries (either directly or implicitly through
public relations) to use social advertising for commercial purposes.
In its turn, government also attempts making social advertising an
instrument of political propaganda [3].
Research of instruments for the political system stabilization
is particularly relevant in modern Russia. In the first place, it is
connected with the influence of the world’s financial crisis over the
political and economic system in the country. Usage of social
advertising provides opportunity to effectively participate in
identifying and solving social issues not by the state bodies only, but
also by the civil society entities. Along with supporting or rejecting
state power initiatives, the society can independently form the
agenda and come as an ordering party of social advertising.
Recently social advertising in Russia is becoming more and
more popular. It can be seen on the streets, in public places, on the
Internet and on television. Festival of social advertising, where the
advertising agencies and everyone are welcomed to show advertising
masterpieces on social themes. Overall, however, social advertising
is a relatively small place among all ad space, full of commercial
The main topics of social advertising in modern Russia are:
a healthy lifestyle (advertising against Smoking,
alcohol and drugs, against the spread of HIV-infection prevention
personal safety);
prevention of personal safety (observance of traffic
call for the fulfillment of civil obligations (paying
taxes, military service);
environmental protection (respect for nature);
Patriotism and love of country, strengthening of
family relations (love for the native city, the country, the care of the
older generation, promoting the birth of children).
The level of social advertising in Russia remains quite low
because there are few specialists that lead to ineffective power social
advertising has on society. The usage of social advertising is an
indication of progressive society, the position of citizens in relation
to socially significant values, the pursuit of the common good, not
just for personal gain.The long-term perspective of social advertising
is behavioral change that will lead to social prosperity and unity.
URL: (Accessed: 12.02.2016)
URL: (Accessed: 25.02.2016)
3. Nikolaishvili G. Social Advertising in the Political Process
SECTION_ID=107 (Accessed: 26.02.2016)
Аннотация: Статья рассматривает новый тип рекламы в
современной России – социальную рекламу. Автор сравнивает
термины социальной рекламы з рубежом и в России, приводит
словарные дефиниции. Предпринята попытка проследить
историю появления социальной рекламы в России, а так же
способы её представления (кинофильмы, песни и другие жанры
искусства). Роль социальной рекламы неоценима во время
военных действий и кризиса, сложных политических ситуациях.
Используя правильные механизмы, с помощью социальной
рекламы возможно изменить модель ценностей гражданина.
Ключевые слова: социальная реклама, гражданские
ценности, развитие общества, социальная защита
Summary: The article deals with a new type of advertising
in modern Russia - social advertising. The author compares the
social advertising terms abroad (PDA) and in Russia (social
advertising), taking into account the dictionary definition. An attempt
was made to trace the history of social advertising in Russia, as well
as ways of its presentation (movies, songs and other genres of art).
Social advertising is invaluable role during the war time and crisis,
the difficult political situations. Using proper mechanisms social
advertising may change the model of citizen’s values.
Keywords: social advertising, civil values, development of
society, social protection
UDC 338:796
Anastasia Shemeneva,
2rd year student, Management Department,
Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Sevastopol
e-mail:[email protected]
Nadezhda Kozhukhova
Scientific advisor, Senior Lecturer,
Management Department,
Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Sevastopol
In the modern IT world, the issue of youth engagement into
mobile sports has acute relevance as never before. Playing sports
helps to raise the intellectual activity, to live an active lifestyle, to
improve the physical and moral people state and other positive
economic and social repercussion. European basketball
championship will be held in 2017. It has already been called
At first, this championship had to take place in Ukraine but
due to political events, the terms of the championship were changed.
Since 2017 continental championships will be held every four year –
in 2017, 2021, 2025 etc. and will have the system of qualification
similar to the world championship system.
Basketball refers to a sport game and considers as the most
wide-spread game in sport community. Basketball gained the major
popularity in America. Games competitions collect the greatest
number of fans at the stadiums and have demand on TV channels.
Analysis of the activities of professional sport organizations
leads to the conclusion that sport plays role of important social
phenomenon, it is an integral global policy instrument, significant
sector of the world economy. The federal city Sevastopol has its own
professional Basketball club “Musson”. Consisted of different age
players, it takes part in international competitions. Basketball teams
are also formed in institutions of higher education, colleges and
schools. Thus, as a sport basketball gains more and more popularity.
The origin of basketball goes back to the Aztecs of 16
century A.D. Modern basketball was invented in Canada by the
college teacher, Doctor James Naismith, in 1891 as a mobile and safe
game for teachers and students. A basket for collecting peaches was
used as the first ring mesh.
The works of outstanding native and foreign scientists such
as M.S. Brutin, V.V. Alyoshin, V. Andreft, G. Bourg, M. Brooks,
P.U. Butov, S.I. Guskov, V.I. Zholtak, M.Y. Joffe, V.V. Kuzin,
V.A. Lednev,
I.A. Mischenko,
B. Mullin,
I.I. Pereverzin, S. Rise, B. Raider, S.G. Seiranov, M. Tomich,
H. Fisher, K. Hampeck, F. Schaaf were dedicated to the research of
sports economics and to the activity of professional sports
organizations. Issues of accounting and analysis of the activity of
professional sports organizations were considered in the works of
A. Vilk, D. Daite, D. Jones, A. Dressi, S. Clark, G. Leonard,
K. Lewis, R. McCormick, M. Malone, C. Motley, V. Nill,
M. Wright, G. Scully, S. Smith, D. Stewart, M. Khaduri, D. Hunt,
N. Hiroshi, D. Ferguson. The questions of individual objects
accounting and analysis of the activity of sports organizations were
raised in the works by N.M. Basiliy, T.N. Banasko,
N.N. Batyscheva,
L.A. Burstein,
I.A. Bigdan,
F.F. Butynts,
B.I. Valuyev, L.T. Gilyarovskaya, S.F. Golova, Y.V. Davidyuk,
O.V. Yefimova, G.G. Kireytsev, O.V. Kantaeva, V.V. Kovalyova,
L.I. Kravchenko, E.I. Krylov, I.I. Krishtop, S.F. legenchyuk,
N.P. lyubushyn, N.M. Malyuga, E.A. Markaryan, M.V. Melnik,
E.V. Mnikh,
T.V. Polevaya,
G.V. Savitskaya,
E. Helphert,
L.V. Chizhevskaya, A. Sheremet, S. Shulga[2].
The participation of professional sports teams as economic
entities in different competitions is the main distinguishing
characteristic. The results of professional sports teams work can be
qualitative and quantitative.
The qualitative characteristics include achieving of high
tournament results. Breakeven costs are the quantitative
characteristics. In practice the second aim very often acts as
secondary one because despite the obvious commercialization of the
industry sporting ideals (faster, higher, stronger) still prevail[1].
Sport gives a meaningful social impact including promotion
of healthy lifestyles, relaxation and discharging for fans as well as
self-realization of a man as a person. First of all fans evaluate the
effectiveness of the activities of the clubs by seasonal results which
include the place in national championship, stage in Cup and
European Cup draw. The distinguishing characteristics of
professional football clubs come out in the connection of financial
teams’ results with their achievements in the tournaments as well as
with the reaction of the society to their activity. Being researching
the methods of analysis of financial results and rate of professional
football clubs, we should admit that according to the international
standards of financial statements the indicators of professional
football clubs activity not always depict the real situation in the
sports arena. These issues require further theoretical and practical
Thus, analyses of financial indicators of professional sports
teams should be carried out in connection with the sporty and “nearsporty” factors, and they should depict the influence of social and
psychological impact of sport into the society. Formation of
analytical aspects of the activities of a professional basketball team
can be carried out in the context of the three groups of factors. These
are factors of external and internal environment as well as factors
determined by the specifics of the sector in which basketball teams
functionate: sporty and «near-sporty» factors. «Near-sporty» factors
namely any event of direct relevance to the club except direct results
of the tournament , purchase of a famous basketball player ,
successful performance of one of the players of the club as part of
their national team, waiting for the main match play the major role.
Кущенко С.В. «Организационно-методические
аспекты деятельности профессионального баскетбольного
клуба» (на примере ПБК «ЦСКА» г. Москва): Автореф. дис.
канд. пед. наук. – Москва, 2005. [Электронный ресурс] – Режим
Феофанов Н. Ю. Анализ финансовых результатов
деятельности профессионального спортивного клуба: Автореф.
дис. канд. эк. наук. – Новосибирск, 2007. [Электронный ресурс]
– Режим доступа:
Аннотация. Индустрия спорта является сегодня одним
из динамично развивающихся рынков сферы услуг,
соответственно появляется необходимость достоверной оценки
эффективности деятельности спортивных клубов. В статье
раскрыты основные вопросы формирование аналитических
аспектов деятельности профессиональной баскетбольной
особенности проведения анализа финансовых результатов
баскетбольной команды с учетом не только обязательных
"околоспортивных" факторов, а также влияния социальнопсихологического воздействия спорта на общество.
Ключевые слова: баскетбол, профессиональный
спортивный клуб, показатели эффективности, аналитические
аспекты, факторы эффективности.
Summary. The sports industry is today one of the fastest
growing markets in the services sector, accordingly there is a need
for an accurate assessment of efficiency of activity of sports clubs.
The article reveals the main issues of the formation of the analytical
aspects of professional basketball teams, identifies the main
indicators to measure the effectiveness of basketball clubs. The
features of the analysis of the financial results of the basketball team
were considered taking into account not only the mandatory
economic factors, but also sports and "sport-related" factors as well
as the influence of socio-psychological impact of sport on the
Keywords: basketball, professional sports club, indicators of
effectiveness, analytical aspects, factors of effectiveness
UDC [330.34:622.323(470+571)] = 111
Elina Shilova
2 year student, Accounting, Analysis and Audit
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Olga Oboishchikova
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Roman and German Philology Department,
Sevastopol State University
The outgoing year was memorable for the collapse rise of oil
prices by more than 35 %. The weakening of the ruble led to the
sharp decline in real income and consumer demand. The importers of
goods and services were the most affected ones. The fuel-energy
complex is the main economic sector of our country. But the events
of 2015 have shown that the energy sector is the most vulnerable
component of the Russian economy.
Today under conditions of falling world oil prices Russia is
quite problematic country to develop projects with high cost of
production. These are projects of development of the Arctic shelf and
deposits of deep oil. Our economy is not as great as it may seem. It
ranks the fifth place. But Russia has huge reserves of oil, gas and
other raw materials. Most of them are exported to other countries.
Major companies in oil production sphere are Rosneft, LUKOIL,
Surgutneftegaz, Gazprom Neftand others (figure 1).
Fig. 1. The largest oil companies of Russia, million tones [3]
One ton of oil production in Russia grew up from 7491,9
ruble in 2012 to 8603,4 rubles in 2014.
The following development trends affect the oil industry:
 depletion of West Siberian deposits and necessity of
petroleum resources development of the Arctic shelf and the Far
 expansion of total production share of hardly renewable
 increase in the number of integrated oil and gas fields;
 rise in the cost of oil transportation.
For the first nine months of 2015 oil production in the world
increased by 1.8 % to 74.2 million barrels per day. This is due to the
fact that the largest oil producers decided to increase its production.
They attempt to keep their market share and to minimize the losses
associated with a strong decline in oil prices. Saudi Arabia was the
main reason of price fall. It won first place in oil production in 2015.
Every day Saudi Arabia produced about 10,19 million barrels. And
Russia produced about of 10,12 million barrels a day [2].
Supply exceeded demand. The sharp decline in oil prices
began. The elimination of sanctions against Iran made the situation
far worse. The price of one barrel of Brent crude oil fell below $ 28
per barrel for the first time in 13 years.
The situation has taken a turn for the worse because of
sanctions imposed by Ukraine, the USA, the European Union and
other countries. They aimed to restrict the presence of Russian state
companies in all segments of the global market. Sanctions limit
opportunities of our country to sell oil and natural gas on the world
market. It is the threat to the energy industry. So, Russia will be
forced to cut investment programmes, optimize price policy and to
conduct geographical diversification of their markets.
The influence of external factors has led to the rise in prices,
decline in production, devaluation of the ruble and increase of taxes.
In 2015 the ruble against the dollar has already declined 27 %, from
56 to 71 rubles per dollar [1]. The ruble weakened more slowly than
the fall in the oil price. However, this weakening was enough reason
for the sharp reduction of import of Russian goods and services.
However, according to some oil market experts, the surplus
of oil in 2016 will start to decline because of the growth of demand
and the reduction in production of shale oil in the United States.
Thereby it is possible that the oil price will go up to $ 60 or even
$ 80 per barrel. This will not influence the growth of the Russian
economy in the short run, but will negatively affect its long-term
prospects. The necessary structural reforms will certainly be
necessary in future.
1. Пирожков А. Прошла ли экономика России дно
кризиса [Электронный ресурс] // Газета «Деловой Петербург».
(дата обращения: 27.02.2016)
2. Саудовская Аравия заняла первое место в мире по
добыче нефти [Электронный ресурс] // Нефтетранспортная
URL: (дата обращения 28.02.2016)
3. ТЭК России – 2014 / Аналитический центр при
Аннотация. В статье говорится о Российской нефтяной
промышленности, которая за последний год пережила обвал
Российской экономики. Рассмотрена динамика спроса и
предложения на рынке нефти. Объясняются причины
ослабления российской валюты. Обсуждается негативное
влияние санкций на российскую экономику.
Ключевые слова: спрос, предложение, нефтяная
промышленность, санкции, ресурсы.
Summary. Russian oil industry, which experienced the
collapse of oil prices last year, is considered in the article. The main
problems of Russian economy are studied. The supply and demand
dynamics in oil market is given. Reasons of weakening Russian
national currency are explained in the article. The negative impact of
sanctions to the Russian economy is discussed.
Keywords: demand, supply, oil industry, sanctions,
UDC 004.9.33
Anastasiya Shumovskaya
1st course of a magistracy, department of management,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Evgeniya Gorevaya
Scientific advisor, PhD in Economy, associate professor
Management department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Workers’ innovative activity is one of the most important
factors of effective innovation company. The article deals with the
modern tools used for the management of employees’ innovative
Many large companies are directly funded research teams
and third-party research firm involved in the development of
innovative projects. All this have a logical explanation, innovation is
able to give so much impact that will take a leading position in the
market and to break away from the competition.
The research’s relevance results from the high importance in
modern Russian conditions the innovation perspective, which rightly
links the major expectations research and practical.
Innovative activity is one of the manifestations of interest in
his work therefore its stimulation reduces alienation of workers and
increase motivation. Stimulation of innovative activity designed to
bring the staff to innovative development, to engage in pioneering
work to solve problems not by instruction, and creative ways.
There are so many motivational tools. Modern tools of
innovation activity development staff have grown considerably in
recent years due to the introduction of new IT solutions.
There are some IT - tools such as: forums, mailboxes for
collection of innovative and brilliant ideas, google dox and one of the
most difficult management tool "Pryaniki."
Forums are used by almost every company. For example,
employees of the company «Unilever Rus» are using «LinkedIN»
forum. Where a huge number of international companies post news,
achievements and even the job of the company.
But "Pryaniki" is an online service that allows you to create a
program of non-material motivation in minutes. Finished tools allow
managers to quickly gather the effective recognition of the program,
to organize a contest or inspire creative feats. "Carrot" is already
used by such companies as "Ural Bank", "Rosatom", "the
Microsoft", "MVideo", "Johnson & Johnson", "Altoros", "TSystems" and others.
In conclusion, we can say that these services are very useful
for the management of innovative activity of employees and to
improve the atmosphere in the team. According to research by
American psychologist Shore Achora, happy employees work 31%
more efficient.
Корпоративная социальная мотивационная сеть
URL: (дата обращения: 25.02.2016)
Поляков В. В. Бизнес и Власть // Нематериальная
мотивация сотрудников: миф или реальность - 2015 год
Крупнейшая в мире сеть профессиональных
URL: (дата обращения: 28.02.2016)
Аннотация. Инновационная активность работников
является одним из важнейших факторов эффективной
рассматриваются современные инструменты, используемые для
управления инновационной активностью работников.
Ключевые слова: инновационная активность, ITинструменты, мотивация, исследования, новаторская работа.
Summary. Workers’ innovation activity is one of the most
important factor of effective innovation of company’s activity. This
article discusses traditional and modern instruments used for the
management of innovative employees’ activity.
Keywords: innovation activity, IT-tools, motivation,
research, innovative work.
Секция «Банковское дело»
UDC 336.717
Daria Ilyunina
front office specialist
e-mail: [email protected]
Oleg Lunyakov
PhD in Economics, Professor, Finance and Credit Department
Sevastopol State University
Currently, it is worth underlying the fact that the essential
element of the successful activities of any commercial bank is the
policy of its deposit base formation. This factor plays a fundamental
role in the implementation of passive bank transactions in relation to
its active operations. Deposit operations of banks form the largest
part of bank resources, that’s why the stability of any commercial
bank depends on their competent organization.
Consequently, the question of commercial bank resource
potential increase and creation of stable conditions for its activities
through the effective management of liabilities are currently
becoming particularly urgent.
The term “deposit” supposes money transferred to the bank
by the owner to save it and depending on the conditions of the saving
is kept on a certain bank account [1].
Each year bank customer raised funds tended to increase but
it should be noted that from year to year accumulation process
decreased, so that in 2011 an increase was 28 % over the previous
year and in 2014 – 6.18 %. At the same time, experts predict the
growth of no more than 6 % in 2016. Meanwhile customers more
and more prefer keeping their savings in foreign currency due to the
instability of the ruble.
Based on the data given by the Central Bank of the Russian
Federation [2], it should be noted that the volume of legal entities
raised funds during the period from 2010 to 2015 increased by
145.92 %. This growth was erratical. The biggest upswing at
31.89 % compared to the previous year was in 2014. Regarding the
funds of individuals it can be indicated that their growth for the
entire period of analysis was 120.09 %, and in fact accumulation
grew smaller every year – from 20.87 % in 2011 compared to the
previous year to 12.51 % in 2015. Such dynamics can be explained
by a number of tendencies on the market.
Firstly, in 2012 and 2015 there was an increase in utility
tariffs, which led to a reduction in available funds of the population
that could be potential savings on bank accounts.
Secondly, the unstable situation in the market has led to the
process of reduction of the consumer lending market volume, which
led to the reduction of fund ramp up and decrease in interest rates on
Despite the fact that this situation is mainly affected the
largest Russian banks, the policy of Central Bank of the Russian
Federation was based on a forced reduction of interest rates by
medium and small banks, if they exceeded the rates of the largest
banks by more than 2 percentage points. As a result the incentive of
the population to carry the money to the bank began to decline, as in
present conditions the interest rate of commercial banks on deposits
does not cover the inflation rate.
When analyzing the structure and dynamics of the raised
funds of Russian commercial bank customer one can come to
conclusion that the formation of the deposit base of any commercial
bank is connected with the large number of problems both of
subjective and objective nature.
In the scientific literature [3] the objective problems of
commercial bank deposit base formation are:
 existence of both direct and indirect influence of the state
and government body on commercial banks;
 impact of macroeconomics, as well as strong influence of
global financial markets on the state of the Russian monetary market;
 the state of modern monetary and financial market of
Russia and the raised rate of inflation, which cannot be covered by
interest rate of the banks on deposits;
 falling ruble, which provokes population excitement in the
market of consumer goods i.e. people prefer not keeping free savings
but purchasing goods;
 a serious interbank competition;
 insufficient development of legal insurance mechanism
and protection of bank deposits.
Also the following subjective factors can be marked out:
 scope of activities and weak capital base of Russian
commercial banks;
 insufficient level and the quality of higher and middle
 the absence of the developed science-based concepts of the
deposit policy in most of Russian banks;
 shortcomings in the organization of the deposit process:
absence of appropriate subdivision in the Bank; low level of the
deposit market marketing research ; limited range of the deposit
services offered, etc.
1. Васюренко О.В. Депозиты как основной источник
привлечения средств коммерческими банками / О.В. Васюренко
// Финанси Украины. – 2006. – № 11. – С. 88-92.
2. Официальный сайт Центрального банка Российской
Федерации [Электронный ресурс]: – Режим доступа:
3. Формирование депозитной политики коммерческих
доступа: (дата обращения:
Аннотация. В статье рассмотрено понятие депозитных
ресурсов коммерческого банка. Произведен анализ динамики
изменения объемов депозитной базы в период с 2010 года по
2015 год, в том числе в разрезе физических и юридических лиц.
На основании полученных результатов анализа были выделены
причины соответствующего поведения депозитных ресурсов
банков в этот период. Основываясь на современных тенденциях
развития экономики были выделены основные проблемы
коммерческих банков России в сфере формировании депозитной
базы, возникающие под влиянием объективных и субъективных
факторов сегодня.
Ключевые слова: банки, депозит, депозитные ресурсы,
депозитная база, проблемы формирования депозитной базы.
Summary. The concept of deposit resources of a
commercial bank is considered in the article. The analysis of the
dynamics of change in volume of deposit base in the period from
2010 to 2015 including individual and legal persons is made. Based
on analytical results, the causes of corresponding behavior of deposit
banks’ resources in a given period have been marked out. The main
problems of Russian commercial banks in deposit base formation
arising under the influence of today’s objective and subjective
factors have been identified on the basis of current economic trends.
Keywords: banks, deposit, deposit resources, deposit base,
problems of deposit base formation.
UDC 336.71
Maria Khlopunova
PhD student,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Alexander Rymanov
Scientific advisor, PhD in Economics,
Finance and Tax policy Department,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
There were five banking crises in the Russian Federation
since establishment the market type banking sector . In 1995 there
was systemic banking crisis, the 1998 crisis, the 2004 bank run , and
the 2008-2009 financial crisis. The latter was triggered by the global
financial crisis with epicenter in the USA. Despite of the fact that
this crisis came from the overseas, the Russian economy went
through it worse than other countries. Some signs of a new crisis
arose at the beginning of 2014. Then a significant event, namely, the
ruble crash, was happened.
The 2014 crisis is usually considered as a currency crisis. A
weakening of ruble was not only in December, but during all that
year. This crisis also can be considered as the financial, the debt, or
the banking crisis. That situation when both the banking crisis and
the currency crisis were happened considers in scientific literature as
a «complex» or a «double» crisis.
According to the A.Demirguc-Kunt’s and E. Detragiache’s
approach it is possible to consider a situation in banking sector as a
systemic banking crisis if at least one of the following conditions
was satisfied [3, p. 90-91]:
The share of problem assets approaches to 10%
before the crash;
Bailout costs were estimated at 2% of the GDP;
Bank runs;
Government bank deposit insurance mechanisms
were involved;
Banks’nationalization as a result of problems in the
banking sector.
There was a speculative attack at the ruble market during the
deterioration of external conditions in December 2014. The period of
bank runs was in December 17-19. Unlike the 2008 crisis, in the
2014 there was a reduction not only ruble deposits, but also the
currency ones. It is evidence of losing the trust not only to the
national currency, but also to the banking system. In December 2014
most depositors reduced the volume of currency deposits, giving
preference to the foreign currency in cash.
Outflow of deposits began after ruble crash. The quality of
credit portfolios deteriorated. Losses in group «problem banks»
increased even more. Amount of the credit institutions liquidated in
2014 reached the highest rate.
According to the anti-crisis plan, as well as in the last crisis
of 2008, the main object of application of anti-recessionary measures
is a banking system. About 1 trillion rubles was provided to the
Systemically important banks for recapitalization. It is remarkable
that there is no point on counteraction to the currency speculation in
the plan.
Nowadays problems in the Russian banking sector are
evidenced. There are mass revocations of bank licenses since 2013.
Unlike the 1990th years deposits of individuals are insured, and
banks are sanified. That allows clients to reduce losses or even to
avoid them. However the money which disappeared in anywhere
doesn't arise from nowhere. Compensation for individuals is made
from money resources of the Deposit Insurance Agency which the
Bank of Russia is always ready to recapitalize through its credits.
As we know the deterioration of external conditions
proceeded to December 2014:
complexity of the relations with the western
reduction of the oil prices;
disappearance of opportunities of attraction of
external financing;
sanctions against the Russian companies and banks;
process of decrease in credit ratings of Russia.
Debt problems also arose. Sanctions have impact on level,
dynamics, structure of an external debt of Russia. A usual practice of
refinancing of external debts was interrupted. But actually the
western countries helped to stop forming of a debt pyramid of the
Russian economy.
Outflow of deposits from the banks was less large-scale, than
in the last crises. However problem of bad debts was more
significant. By the April, 2015 every fifth credit in Russia wasn't
served, every tenth was a bad loan.
Table 1 - Credit and loan debt arrears, billion rub. [2]
01.01.2013 01.01.14. 01.01.15. 01.04.2015
One more risk is that the part of external loans contains so
called «covenants» clauses. It allows creditors to demand repayment
of a debt in case of the essential deterioration of a financial and
economic situation of the debtor before its due time [1, p. 130].
Russia at the moment have enough experience not to make
the previous mistakes, namely to consider crisis as short-term and to
place emphasis on short-term «fire» measures which in absence of
the strategic plan can be inefficient and expensive. Possible steps to
the stabilization may include the cancellation of amendments of 2007
to the Federal Law «On Currency Regulation and Currency Control»
to prevent currency speculations, the diversification of currency
reserves of the Russian Federation, to change the geographical
structure of placement of reserves. Measures for improvement of a
banking system have to be considered in the context of a wider
program than simple injection of money to it.
1. Катасонов В. Сталинский ответ на санкции Запада.
Экономический блицкриг против России: хроника событий,
последствия, способы противодействия. – М. : Книжный мир,
2015. – С. 130.
2. Обзор банковского сектора Российской Федерации
[Электронный ресурс] // Официальный сайт Центрального Банка
Российской Федерации. – 2015. – № 151. – Режим доступа:
3. Demirguc-Kunt A., Detragiache E. The determinants of
banking crisis in developing and developed countries // IMF Staff
Papers. – 1998 – № 45. – P. 81–109.
Аннотация. Банковская система России пережила
несколько серьезных потрясений. Это проблемы с Кассовым
союзом в 1993 году, «черный вторник» 1994 года, кризис
ликвидности в 1995-м, кризис в 1998-м, банковская паника в
2004 году. Вскоре Россия столкнулась с новым потрясением –
финансово-экономическим кризисом 2008-2009 гг., эпицентром
которого были США. Цель данной работы - выявление причин
возникновения банковского кризиса, механизмов и каналов его
распространения. Для достижения цели была поставлена задача
проанализировать состояние банковского сектора в России в
период текущего кризиса, определить основные риски
банковского сектора во время этого кризиса.
Ключевые слова: банковский кризис, валютный кризис,
финансовый кризис, банки, антикризисный план.
Summary. The Russian banking system endured several
bank crises. There were problems with the Cash union in 1993,
«black Tuesday» of 1994, the 1995 liquidity crisis, the 1998 crisis, a
bank panic in 2004. Soon Russia faced a new shock – the 2008-2009
financial and economic crisis. The purpose of this article is the
identification of the reasons of emergence of bank crisis,
mechanisms and channels of its distribution. The research problems
are the analysis of condition of the banking sector in Russia during
the current crisis, the specification of the main risks of the banking
sector during this crisis.
Keywords: banking crisis, currency crisis, financial crisis,
banks, and anti-crisis plan.
Секция «Психология и педагогика»
Psychology and Pedagogy
UDС 372.881.111.1
Diana Ablezgova
9-form student,
Sevastopol, school#54
e-mail: [email protected]
Yekaterina Maslieva
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Roman and German Philology Department,
Sevastopol State University
Learning foreign languages in school is very important,
because of formation of secondary linguistic personality, what is an
actual problem of our time. Unfortunately, in practice, there are a lot
of organizational problems in foreign language education, which are
particularly occurred during the foreign language testing.
Results of testing often do not meet the requirements to the
development of student communicative speech. Also, because of
high stress factor control often doesn’t reflect the real level of
students' skills and abilities. Students are afraid of testing, they make
a lot of mistakes or try to avoid testing because of self-doubt and fear
of it. Unfortunately, being a student, I can notice that foreign
language teachers can't solve this problem alone. Only solution to
this problem for me is the training of teachers in the using a game
form of testing[1:28]
Experimentally proved, that in a situation of some absentmindedness sometimes easier to persuade a person to accept a new
point of view .Therefore, educational games can help people to learn
any information easier, thus, the learning process becomes more
effective. Let us start by considering the facts.
Learning foreign languages in a playful form by the activity
relates to intellectual (mental) games. Game testing by the nature of
the pedagogical process relates to the training, supervising and
generalizing type; during testing cognitive and creative aspects of the
process can be involved too.
The most important part of the game testing is a discussion,
during which students talk and analyze progress and results of the
game, draw an analogy between the game (imitation) model and
reality, as well as exercise training and game interaction.
Pedagogical game characterized by such features as:
-educational and cognitive orientation
-learning purposes
-pedagogical results
Games form of testing simulates a special situation in which
the perception and transmission of information are carried out by the
learning material.
In this form of training is convenient to define the main
• didactic aim / purpose of the training is put to students in
the form of game task, what greatly motivates participants
of the learning process.
• game rules complement and subordinate training activity
(to the basic student's model of behavior added game model that
dominates with teacher permission)
• educational material is a foundation for the game testing,
because participants use it during the competition process.
So the didactic task becomes game task.
Age groups.
Examples of game activity:
Testing objects:
Examples of game-based learning:
Young age (6 to 11)
(Piaget suggested the hypothesis that children up to 11
should be trained on specific things and examples. They are able to
carry out operations on its environment and develop logical thought.
However, it still requires concrete examples, being unable to think in
abstract terms.)
The game should form the child's sensorics .In this age is
required to pay special attention to pronunciation and sounds
remembering, the basic grammar.
Children listen to the dialogue in English, write and
remember the key words, and then, based on the received
information create their own mini-dialogue. The teacher can arrange
the competition between students: win the team that more accurately
recreate auditioned material. Exercises like this help to increase the
concentration during audition. Pupils learn to perceive English
speech and select main information.
The Mime
Miming is an excellent way for students to practice their
tenses and their verbs. One student choose an action from the bag
with tasks and mime the action to the class. The first student to shout
the correct answer will be the next mime.
Is it sunny?
Students should answer questions about their favorite
seasons, while teacher draws the sun on the board. One correct
sentence - one ray.
Flowers and watering cans
Teacher divides students in two groups: “flowers” and
“watering cans”(maybe girls and boys).Watering cans should
complement “flowers”, take care of them, ask about their health and
matters. Flowers should answer questions and give thanks. At the
end teacher and students choose the best “watering can”.
The child at this stage learn basics of language through
listening, singing, speaking, reading and writing. To increase
effectiveness of learning process, teachers often use educational
games, but they must remember that this age category needs specific
examples, so the game has to be built on remembering and
processing information.
Middle age (11 to 16)
Teenagers are more focused and organized than younger
students, but they are more difficult to interest in learning subjects.
Teacher should attract student's attention, systematize and
consolidate their knowledge, before giving new material.
Easy level
Wow/World of words
-The teacher gives a word and asks a student to spell it, and
then a second student should say a word beginning with the last letter
of the word given. The game continues until someone makes a
-A student mentally chooses a classmate/object (in
classroom) and describe it using antonyms. When he/she describes a
person/object the rest of the class draws the person/object.
Medium level
-A student should write 3 statements about himself on the
board, two of which should be lies and one which should be
true.Other students ask questions about each statement and then
guess which one is the truth.
High (16 to18)
At this stage, teacher should give students the opportunity to
learn a language as an aspect of their future profession.
Medium level
What's My Problem?
This is a brilliant educational game to practice giving advice.
Teacher should write some problems on post-it notes and stick one
post-it note on each student's forehead. Students should be able to
guess their problem based on the advice they get from their peers.
Teacher also can write celebrity or character, maybe even
Hard level
Call the police
-Teacher divides students into groups/teams of four or five.
First team, which called "criminals", consist of lawyers and robbers;
Second team," the police",-victim(s) and detectives. Other students witnesses and jury. The teacher-judge. He tells a short story about
the robbery in the beginning, then the trial begins. (The teams also
can call for evidence someone from the class).The teams ask each
other questions, tell their version of events. At the end, the jury
(other students) choose a favorite among the teams
In conclusion, I can say that these games will keep students
engaged and happy as they learn- the main teacher's target! As for
me, I would like testing to be easier psychologically. I think the
study will be more interesting if teachers begin to use the game
1. Маслиевa Е.С. Особенности построения комплексной
сценарной игры как формы тематического контроля иноязычной
школьников//Збірник наукових праць. – Одеса, 2013. – С. 26-30.
Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена проблеме
отсутствия навыков у учителей иностранного языка в
проведении обучения и тестирования в игровой форме. В то
время как ученые считают, что игра
является наиболее
эффективной формой обучения и контроля успеваемости
студентов. Примеры таких игр представлены в статье с учётом
особенностей игрового контроля у разных возрастных групп,
целей и задач, которые ставит перед собой учитель,
организовывая учебный процесс или/и внеклассную игровую
деятельность, направленную на повышение навыков и умений в
области изучаемого языка. Статья также рассматривает
психологическое состояние учеников в момент формального и
неформального (скрытого) контроля.
Ключевые слова: учителя иностранного языка,
контроль, образовательный процесс, игра
Summary. This article is devoted to the problem of foreign
language teacher skills lack in a game form education and testing
organization. Nevertheless, scientists consider a game to be the most
effective form of educational process, and the process of student
progress testing. In the article there wereexamples of such games
with reference to game testing peculiarities of different age student
groups. Objectives and tasks of teachers organizing teaching learning and out-of-class activityprocess with the help of game
aimed to increase theskill level of English are presented in the article.
Student Psychological state while formal /informal (implicit) testing
is also described in the paper.
Key words: foreign language teachers, testing, education,
UDC 37. 032
Anastasiya Vahrushina
4th year student,English Philology Department
Institute of foreign philology
Taurida Academy
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Natalia Knyaseva
Scientific advisor, PhD in Philology
English philology department
Institute of foreign philology
Taurida Academy
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Teaching of foreign languages, especially English, has
changed significantly in recent years due to the development of its
socio-cultural content. Being the focus of public attention, English is
needed as live and efficient means of communication. It is evident
that its actual use largely depends on the cultural background of the
user. Thus for the moment a most important principle concerning
ELT turns out to be the emphasis on developing cross-cultural
awareness of learners. It is assumed that three areas of socio-cultural
competence be included: socio-linguistic competence as an aspect of
communicative language component related to social conventions of
style and patterns of behaviour; socio-cultural knowledge covering
general cultural background; intercultural skills as ability to bring
close the native and foreign cultures by using a variety of strategies
in communication.
Practice shows that learning rules of grammar or vocabulary
is not enough to enable pupils to communicate effectively, using
active skills, exactly skills of speech production with the purpose of
speaking or writing. For instance, learning words invariably leads to
extra-linguistic reality, i.e. the native speakers’ world of authentic
images, customs, mode of living, moral codes, stereotypes, values,
conventions, behaviour – all the items reflected by the language.
Development of skills in this way is exercised on the basis of
motivation to get involved in life-like communication. The idea
behind this is the following: to reflect everyday life of native
speakers, in particular, to enlarge socio-cultural competence, for
example, by promoting awareness of “Family life” (as most suitable
for intermediate pupils)
related to: Generation gap, Living
conditions, Accommodation, Household chores, etc. Pupils are
expected to demonstrate a model of effective communication,
practising fluent speech as well as accurate language in use. In order
to achieve this, different types of tasks are provided, guided or free:
making predictions\inferences, evaluating tasks, giving response,
problem-solving activities, recycling of vocabulary, grammar
discovery techniques, - trained in multiple choices, matching,
labelling. identifying specific information, filling in a table,
completing a form, open-ended short answers, warm-up activities,
role-plays, pair and group work.
For the purpose of illustration, special emphasis is placed on
the mode of speech ethic of politeness showing how the language
reflects the English national character concerned about the feelings
of the individual: Don’t be too categorical. Don’t overstate. Don’t
sound blunt. Pupils are expected to be finding proper forms of
linguistic expression of polite attitudes in their attempt to get to
know important aspects of social culture and social behaviour. In this
respect, a set of exercises has been produced on the basis of the
scheme suggested by Safonova V.V.:
I. Cognitive search and culturally induced exercises
1. Choose words and phrases of speech etiquette with a
cultural connotation which differs from direct dictionary meaning:
How are you? Of course. Let’s have lunch some time. Bon
appetite! Please. Pardon? Excuse me. Sorry.
2. Continue the alphabetic beginning of the word "polite",
using adjectives in association with politeness:
3. Read and translate the proverbs which are often used in
the English-speaking countries; near write cultural values laid by in
them; do you feel shades of politeness?; describe situations where
they could be used:
Good fences make good neighbours.
It’s better to give than to receive.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
Look before you leap.
Deeds not words.
East or West home is best.
II. Communicative search exercises
1. Compare behaviour types, verbal\ non-verbal language,
also present a dialogue with positive assertive effect:
Types of behaviour: aggressive, submissive, assertive.
Body language: good eye contact, pointing fingers, looking
down, standing too close, open gestures, folded arms, looking away,
nodding, feet apart, hand over mouth, relaxed.
Speech patterns: Come on! What do you think? I want…
It’s your fault. I’d like to know…No problem. Have you got any
idea…? It doesn’t matter, thanks. It was very kind of you. I’m sorry
about that. You must… Why don’t you…Let me get this clear. If
you don’t….I can’t explain why.
2. Study remarks with different degree of politeness: arrange
them in the following line: rude\officious – not very polite – trying to
be polite and helpful - polite and often charming.
Can you speak more slowly, please? Give me a coffee.
Excuse me, I wonder if I could have this book, please. I don’t want
to answer that. Mind your own business. Do you know where the
railway station is? That’s your problem. Would you like me to go to
the shops for me? No, that’s all right, thank you.
III. Communicatively oriented exercises
1. A. Read statements about cultural values and relations:
English should be accepted as the universal language of the
world. Some of the world’s populations have not yet reached the
higher stages of civilization. Foreigners who go to live in a new
country should give up their habits and adapt to the new country as
soon as possible. Minority members of any population should
conform to the customs and values of the majority.
B. Fulfill the following tasks concerning the offered
statements, following rules of polite etiquette:
- choose a social problem and motivate the choice through
it…Firstly…secondly…lastly. In my view…In my opinion…All in
- make a dialogue-discussion on a problem subject,
observing the corresponding communicative courses: persuasion
(Don’t you see…But isn’t it a fact that…Wouldn’t you agree
that…?), soft objection (You seem to be forgetting the fact that…I’m
afraid you’re missing the point that….Sorry. What about…),
concession (That’s true, I suppose. That may be true but…In a way,
yes, but…), trying to convince (What point are you making? What
do you really mean by…It depends on what you mean),
agreement\disagreement (I certainly agree with that. I agree
completely. I’m afraid I don’t agree. I’m sorry but I disagree),
request for opinion. (What do you think about…What is your
opinion of…How do you fell about…). All things considered, the
problem of teaching socio-cultural skills chosen for investigation
obviously stands out. Hopefully, presented above attempt can
encourage pupils to develop themselves on the way towards
understanding socio-cultural implications of English as an
international means of communication.
Гальскова Н.Д. Межкультурное обучение:
проблема, цели и содержание обучения иностранным языкам //
Иностранные языки в школе. - 2004. - №1 - С.38-46.
Ларина Т.В. Категория вежливости в английской
и русской коммуникативных культурах. - М.: Изд-во РУДН ,
2004 – 345 с.
иностранным языком: Изучение, обучение, оценка (русская
версия). – М.: МГЛУ, 2005. – 247с.
Пассов Е.И. Коммуникативность: прошлое,
настоящее, будущее // Русский язык за рубежом. – 2010. - №5. –
Сафонова В.В. Проблемные задания на уроке
иностранного языка. – М.: Еврошкола, 2000. – 272с.
Аннотация. Представленные тезисы посвящены
социокультурной компетенции. В центре внимания находятся
актуальные проблемы, связанные со сферой образования, а
именно, социокультурному аспекту. Результаты проведенного
исследования показали, что именно ориентация на диалог
культур приводит к эффективному результату осуществления
социокультурного образования в процессе со изучения языка и
коммуникативного подхода к преподаванию иностранных
Ключевые слова: социокультурная компетенция,
образование, диалог культур, упражнение, коммуникативный.
Summary. The theses deal with socio-cultural competence.
Special attention is paid torelevant topics in education sphere,
especially, sociocultural sector. The aim of the studies is to give a
deep insight into socio-cultural education in aspect of cultural
dialogue. The main area of the research coverseducation sphere.
Findings given in the theses illustrate the main context of
communicative approach in education.
Keywords: socio-cultural competence, education, cultural
dialogue, exercise, communicative.
UDC 37.036.5
Margarita Vovk
6 year student, Department of pedagogical skills and
management named after I. A. Ziaziun
Poltava State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Natalia Sas
Doctor of Education, associate professor,
assistant professor of the Department of pedagogical
skill and management named after I. A. Ziaziun
Poltava State University
Transience of events of the modern world requires from the
head of an educational institution other management methods. The
winner is the leader with a high level of susceptibility to the new, the
one who is able to respond faster to any new changes both in
education and society, to perceive them, reflect, put plans into
G. Altshuller, A. Bandura, T. Wujec, V. Nikolko, N. Sas, A.
Sitnikov, A. Shevyrev researched the concept, possibilities, methods
of development of susceptibility to the new in daily activities and
during the studies at the university. Personal susceptibility to the new
can be developed by means of an algorithm of creating ideas,
creative problem solving method, special exercises and techniques
which are based on the principles of non-linear thinking [1].
The most famous individual ways of finding new ideas are:
direct analogy, personal analogy, fantastic analogy [3].
Direct analogy – ready-made solutions to similar problems
are used in other areas of knowledge, with their subsequent
adaptation. For example, in medicine an analogue of a salt shaker is
saline (the same salt but dissolved in water), which is usually
injected into the body through a needle of a syringe or a dropper.
Well, there is already an idea of a new salt shaker with a
concentrated salt solution that is squeezed through a narrow opening,
and this fruitful idea can be developed further.
Personal analogy – you are required to grow into the role of
an object that you want to invent, to focus on the feelings and ways
of solving problems. Imagine yourself as a salt shaker with a holed
metal cap on your head and listen to your inner feelings. So, it is not
really nice when you are shaken upside down above a plate of hot
soup. It is much more comfortably to stay in a natural position. There
it is! A new salt shaker should have a dose-meter and a hole from the
bottom side – press the button on top, lid is opened from below and
an appropriate portion of salt is poured into a plate. It is very rational
and there is no risk of getting burned.
Fantastic (fabulous) analogy suggests introducing fantastic
means or characters into the task: “Sit back, I’ll tell you a tale. It
happened in those far-off days when people had no salt shakers. And
when they needed salt, they came to the giant of the Salty cliff and
with huge axes cut off pieces of rock salt from it, and then at home
smashed the pieces with a hammer into smaller ones. A poor family
run out of salt but there was no one to go to the steep because the
father worked and the mother was ill. Then two small children went
to the steep themselves but not enough strength had they to cut off
even a tiny piece. At first they grieved but then thought for a while
and decided to sing a humorous song. The Rock laughed, so much it
laughed that tears streamed from its eyes and each tear turned into a
salty bead. Smart kids collected the beads and took them home. And
this is how another idea came into the world.
But it is not that easy to use analogies, and, most
importantly, this method does not deprive of painful creative
S. Silvanovich V. Sitnikov believe that the formation of an
effective innovative orientation of the person is possible on the basis
of the development of psycho-physiological technologies aimed at
abilities: to exercise self-programming, to replace one or another
quality, to block oneself from the accumulation of negative
emotions; to use internal resources effectively; to motivate, being the
head, both yourself and your subordinates to achieve long-term
goals; to carry out a view from the future. NLP (neuro-linguistic
programming) techniques can be particularly effective for the
activation of creative thinking, and the easiest one – “anchoring of
resources”. The essence of this technique is to raise and use your
psychological resources, such as the state of creativity, skill,
perfection consciously and at the right time. In order to create an
“anchor”, it is necessary to recall events from your life when this
resource was the most intense: situations in which we gushed with
ideas, easily generated brilliant solutions, were overwhelmed with
creative powers and inspiration. Then we plunge into memories,
reproduce that resource state and experience it again. Then we select
an anchor – a kind of a “button” which will run the required state. It
may be a tactile sensation, sound, visual image. Then we return again
to emotional experience of creativity resource state, and after having
waited for the peak of its intensity, place an anchor, for example,
touch a spot on a left hand. Repeat several times. Check – if the
anchor is placed – a touch to a selected spot on the left hand
automatically reproduces the resource state of creativity. Next – gush
with ideas.
A more profound technique is a reframing. The word
“reframing” literally means “to insert a new frame”, it is used in NLP
to describe the process of changing the perception of a situation.
“Going beyond” one’s and collective stereotypes is a basis of any
creativity. For the reframing some training or assistance of NLPer is
One of the tenets of NLP says – what at least one person in
the world can do, other people are capable of repeating. NLPers
study creativity of prominent figures and make models from them.
Walt Disney’s strategy of creativity, a description of which can be
found in special psychological literature, can be very useful.
Effectiveness of this strategy is proved by the whole W. Disney’s
career, who rose from a poor multiplier to the creator of a multibillion empire and became one of the most successful businessmen in
the world.
1. Сас Н. Основи інноваційного управління навчальними
закладами : навч.-метод. посіб. / Н. Сас. – Полтава : СПДФО
Гаража М. Ф., 2013. – 178 с.
2. Сильванович С. Ф. Креатив для пользы дела:
управление творческим потенциалом компании
/ С. Ф. Сильванович. – Минск : Гревцов Паблишер, 2007. –
208 с.
3. Ситников А. П. Акмеологический тренинг: теория.
методика, психотехника/ А. П. Ситников. – М.: Технологическая
школа обучения. – 1996. – 428 с.
Аннотация: Изменчивость современных событий
мотивирует поиск методов, приёмов и способов развития
восприимчивости к новому. Личностную восприимчивость к
новому можно развить освоением алгоритма создания идеи,
технологии творческого решения проблем, специальными
упражнениями и техниками, в основе которых лежат принципы
нелинейного мышления. В статье авторы раскрывают такие
способы поиска новых идей как: прямая аналогия, личная
аналогия, фантастическая (сказочная) аналогия, техники НЛП
(нейро-лингвистического программирования).
Ключевые слова: восприимчивость к новому; методы
развития восприимчивости к новому; индивидуальные способы
поиска новых идей; прямая аналогия, личная аналогия,
фантастическая (сказочная) аналогия; техники НЛП (нейролингвистического программирования).
Summary: Changeability of contemporary events sensitize us to seek
which are based on the principles of non-linear thinking. The article
deals with such ways of finding new ideas: direct analogy, personal
analogy, fantastic analogy, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming)
Keywords: susceptibility to the new; methods of
development of susceptibility to the new; individual ways of finding
new ideas; direct analogy; personal analogy; fantastic analogy, NLP
(neuro-linguistic programming) techniques.
UDC 371.38
Victoria Goncharova
3rd year student, Management of Organizations Department,
Institute of Economics and Management,
Crimean Federal V.I.VernadskyUniversity
E-mail: [email protected]
Irina Shitova
Scientific advisor, PhD in Pedagogy,
Taurida Academy of Crimean
Federal V.I. VernadskyUniversity
In today's world, major resources in the activity of any
individual are time and information.
Depending on how we work with the information, structure
and process it, we may manage the content of our work and the
quality of our decisions. Inability to work with information leads to
the loss of the second important resource – time. A lot of time is lost
in search for ideas and attempts to create something new.
The aim of our research is to reveal peculiarities of using
mind maps as a tool for processing and systematization of
information in the everyday life of the modern individual.
"Mind Mapping - a graphical way to organize and store
information, allowing the main highlight using key words and
images, each of which contributes to the emergence of certain
associations, the emergence of new thoughts and ideas" [1, p.100].
To identify the peculiarities of the use of mind maps, we
conducted a pilot study in which we developed and tested training
"Mind Map: out of the Labyrinth." The main objective of the training
was to master the skill of creating mind maps for processing and
systematization of information in everyday life. The participants of
the training group were students who did not have professional
experience and people working in different fields.
In the preparation of teaching materials for training sessions,
we used the work of Tony and Barry Buzan, Horst Müller, Sergei
Bekhterev and the materials of the National Open University
INTUIT []. The content of the sessions was to acquaint participants
with features of human mental activity, in particular, with radiant
thinking;to understand the essence of the constructing "mind map"
aimed at the visualization of information; to practice creating mental
The work of training group was conducted in two stages with
an interval of two weeks. On the first stage of training, after
presenting theoretical material to the students, they were given the
opportunity to practice making individual mind map on the example
of the category "Happiness". Making such a map was not difficult.
After analyzing the results of this exercise, each of the participants
recognized that if it was necessary to write about what happiness is,
there would be a lot of difficulties, it would take a lot of time, and
some wouldn’t manage to do it. But with the help of mind maps,
each coped with the task in 5 minutes, the time, given to them. Some
participants noted that they even received new knowledge about
themselves from this simple exercise.
Then the participants had to identify the themes for the
compilation of general intelligence map. Using the method of
"brainstorming", the group opted for the problem of "How to
improve the work efficiency." During a group discussion, aimed at
developing solutions to that problem, we fixed all the raised
proposals. In the process of working together on a common theme,
the intelligence map was created, with its largest branch of "Rest."
The result of group work can be attributed to several reasons.
First of all, there was not correct formulation of the problem for the
inhomogeneous group, as it wasn’t specified what kind of work we
need to improve. Secondly, perhaps, the fact that most significantly
influenced the audience, was just pressing problem with the choice
of forms of "rest" and the restoration of the physical and intellectual
forces necessary for the effective implementation of any job.
During the break between the first and second phase of
training, team members received as homework the task to put the
acquired knowledge and skills into practice in everyday life, in the
real world.
At the second stage of training, in the process of discussing
the results of homework, team members admitted that in making
mind maps, while performing tasks under the guidance of coach, it
didn’t cause too much difficulty, otherwise independent work on
mind-mapping caused difficulty. Therefore, the second stage of our
work with the group was focused on practical exercises to simulate
the skill of constructing mind maps.
During group work, we used the analogy as a constructive
method to explain the essence of the theory of mind maps. Using the
results of the previous sessions of individual work, the group
members together made general mind map on the basis of individual
maps "Happiness". We used at the same time two ways of mapping
in designing the general mind maps. First, the individual map –
"from the center to the periphery," and then general map by the
algorithm "from the periphery to the center."
Also, the participants were proposed a universal algorithm
for solving any problem using a mind map as a way of processing
information. The algorithm is a sequential search for answers to a
series of questions: How? (can I reach the goal) Why? (I need it),
what hinders? (to reach the goal) What? (can I use to achieve the
objective) The result? (what result should it be). Thus, we get the
necessary information to achieve the stated objectives.
We developed this algorithm in search of forms for
introducing the teaching material and conducting training sessions. It
was also revealed that the majority of the group at the first stage of
the work with the mind maps considered words and meaning
inherent in them very important, ignoring the pictures and images.
When they developed techniques of constructing mind maps, the
importance of the figurative perception was increasing.
Thus, the mind map is not only a powerful graphic
technique, but also an effective tool for the visualization of thinking.
Mind map is made on the basis of associations, with the use of
graphic images, drawings, various colors.
Mind map technique has several advantages: it saves time,
using a brief recording and search keywords that are consolidated in
a single vision field, linked by clear and relevant associations, and as
such are more visible and are perceived more easily, with high
concentration of attention on the issues. It is easier to perceive and
memorize colorful multi-dimensional mind map than a monotonous,
line compendium that only blunt our attention. In addition, this
method corresponds to the natural tendency of the brain to the
wholesome and complete perception and, in general, to new
1. Бьюзен Т. Руководство по развитию памяти и
интеллекта / пер. с англ. Н.В. Жулаева. – Минск: Попури,2014. –
2. Бьюзен Т.Б. Супермышление / пер. с англ. Е.А.
Самсонов; 2-е изд. – Минск: Попури,2003. – 304 с.
3. Бехтерев С. Майнд-менеджмент: Решение бизнесзадач с помощью интеллект-карт / Под ред. Глеба
Архангельского. – М.: Альпина Паблишерз, 2009. – 308 с.
4. Мюллер, Хорст. Составление ментальных карт: метод
генерации и структурирования идей. – Москва: Омега-Л,2007. –
126 с.
5. НОУ ИНТУИТ. Эффективная обработка информации.
ge=1(дата обращения: 10.01.16)
Аннотация. Способность грамотно распоряжаться
информацией и временем является одним из главных
конкурентных преимуществ современного человека.В статье
апробированию тренинга «Ментальные карты: выход из
лабиринтов». Цель тренинга заключалась в освоении навыка
построения ментальных карт для обработки и систематизации
информации в повседневной жизни. В работе тренинговой
группы принимали участие студенты, не имеющие опыта
профессиональной деятельности и люди различных сфер
деятельности. Сформулирован вывод,о том, что ментальная
карта не только мощный графический метод обработки и
систематизации информации, но и эффективный инструмент для
визуализации мыслительной деятельности.
Ключевые слова: алгоритм, интеллект карта,
информация, мозговой штурм, радиантное мышление.
Summary. The ability to use information and time properly
is one of the main competitive advantages of modern man. The
article describes the results of the pilot study on the approbation of
the training "Mind Map: out of the Labyrinth." The purpose of the
training was to master the skill of creating mind maps for processing
and systematization of information in everyday life. The participants
of the training group were students who did not have professional
experience, and people working in different fields. A conclusion is
made that the mind map is not only a powerful graphical tool of
information processing and systematization, but also an effective
method for visualization of mental activity.
brainstorming, radiant thinking.
UDC 372.881.111.1
Gulbis Tat'yana
1-st year student, Pedagogical Departament
P. K. Menkov Sevastopol industrial and pedagogical college
e-mail: [email protected]
Okhota Dmitriy
Scientific advisor
P. K. Menkov Sevastopol industrial and pedagogical college
Nowadays, according to the 2005 Education Act, a foreign
language is studied at schools since the second grade, whereas
previously a foreign language was taught only since the fifth grade,
after the transition to the Middle School. At the same time, if the
school is not a highly specialized and can give the choice to study
several foreign languages, parents are given the right to choose the
language specialty. Usually it’s English, French, Spanish or German.
The most popular language chosen by parents is English, because
from the XVI century English has become the international language.
English is chosen because of its popularity and worldwide
prevalence. According to Forbes, English is spoken by almost one
and half billion people, which is a quarter of the entire population of
the Earth. More than 70% of the population in North America
speaks English which is essential for those people who wish to get an
education abroad. Also, the higher education in United States
provides you with an international diploma which can help to find a
job in any country, including Russia.
As it's been mentioned above, teaching foreign language is
usually started in Primary School and in some private kindergartens
it can begin even earlier. A famous scientist Glenn Doman has
proved that it's better to start learning a foreign language at the time
of the brain growth period (about three -four years). Also, the
researchers found that children whose parents teach the child a
second language from an early age, or who grew up in a bilingual
family, show higher level of mental abilities, because studying
languages develops horizons, helps in better understanding the native
language by teaching and learning different dialects of countries
which also speak it. For example, US English, you can be easily
recognized from the classic British English for frequent cuts,
changed rules, different pronunciation of the syllables. Even more
striking differences we can see within the Australian dialect of the
English language. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand for
those who are not acquainted with language peculiarities of any
particular country. For example, Australians do not say the usual
"afternoon", they say "arvo" instead.
Thanks to close trade cooperation between the Englishspeaking countries and Russia, the popularity of the English
language constantly grows because "only with a help of effective
communication so many events are able to appear in society" [1, p.
12]. It grows accordingly to the demand for qualified personnel, who
would be able to teach children English well enough to let the child
express himself freely by the end of the school. In addition, the
demand for English teachers is growing also because every year
more and more children tend to take the state exam on this subject,
and by 2020 the English exam will be one of the principal, together
with the Russian language and Mathematics. Another reason why the
demand for English teachers constantly grows is that the government
tends to complicate the task for the state exam every year. However
in some regions of the country many schools are not able to provide
a high-quality English education. Therefore many parents have to
hire tutors for their children. According to the recent survey the price
of tuition has risen by 15% since January 2015. This figure is a
fundamental indicator of the relevance of studying English since the
early age. If the English language is taught in school on a sufficient
level, parents do not have to spend thousands on a tutor for their
child. In addition to this, making English language a mandatory
subject can also provide many unemployed translators with working
places in schools.
Thus, by analyzing all of the above arguments, it is easy to
conclude that the studying and teaching English language becomes
more popular every year. The basic argument for this conclusion is
that the Russian labor market does not have enough qualified English
teachers. Therefore studying and later getting a profession in this
specialty will help a young teacher to find a good job both in private
and in public schools.
1. Почепцов Г.Г. Теория коммуникации. – М.: Рефл-бук.
– 2001. – 656 с.
2. Рогова Г.В. Методика обучения английскому языку на
начальном этапе в средней школе: Пособие для учителя /
Г.В. Рогова, И.Н. Верещагина. – М.: Просвещение. – 1988. – 224
Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена актуальности
преподавания английского языка
рассматриваются причины и потенциал изучения иностранных
языков с раннего возраста. Государственный экзамен ставит
школам задачи, для выполнения которых требуется
квалифицированный персонал, способных вывести учащихся на
соответствующий уровень знания иностранного языка. В статье
приведены аргументы, почему преподавание английского языка
сейчас актуально, и почему потребность в учителях с каждым
годом возрастает.
Ключевые слова: английский язык, педагогика, школа,
преподавание в школе.
Summary. The article is dedicated to reference of teaching
English language at schools. Also the purposes and the potential of
studying foreign languages from the early age are considered. The
State exam sets such goals to schools that could be achieved only by
qualified specialists who can bring the students to the sufficient level
of English language skills. The article sets out arguments for
reference of teaching English language and for the growing demand
for English teachers.
Keywords: English language, pedagogy, school, teaching at
UDC: 37.015.3+316.454.5
Anastasiya Dolgaya
Taurian Academy Crimean Federal University name V.I.
social psychology course 4 group A
Рsychology and Pedagogy
e-mail: [email protected]
Nataliya Yaksa
Head of the Department of Pedagogy, doctor of Pedagogy
sciences, professor
The work is considers influence of anxiety of the primary
school student on his life and, specifically, – on the sociometric
status of the child in the class.
The sociometric technique is using for diagnostics of the
interindividual and intergroup relations. Anxiety is individual
psychological quality, which is showеd by the tendency of the person
to frequent and intensive experiences by a condition of inquietude.
The studying of this problem is really on topic, because the
anxiety is one of the typical problems which any teacher or school
psychologist can clash with. Researches of factors which influence,
first and foremost, on the system of the relations " pupil — pupil"
and " pupil — teacher" acquire the particular value.
The problem was studied by such scientists as: N. V.
Grebennikova, I.V. Maltsev, A.M. Prikhozhan, Ya. Moreno, T.V.
Dragunova, Ya.L. Kolomensky, A.V. Kirichuk, etc. Many of them
emphasized that sociometric status had a great influence on the level
of anxiety. Thus, the problem of anxiety is very important and
demands more detail studying.
The majority of teachers know about the problem of
increasing of the anxiety in modern school and about its influence on
the child development.
Therefore, they make some attempts to reduce the negative
impact on emotional condition of a child. The process of the creating
of an environment of the friendly atmosphere, individual approach,
creating of situation of success could be attributed to such attempts [
1, p. 217 ].
Let us accept the view of Zakharov, who considered that, at
primary school age, the majority of children fears were associated
with school (up to 92 percent). Thus, we can see the contradiction
between the attempts of reducing of the level of anxiety and its high
percent at most of pupils [ 2, p. 304 ].
A number of key issues had arisen from this statement. And
one of them was the question what level of sociometric status we
could observed if the child had high level of anxiety. One can make
an assumption that a high level of anxiety is factor in the low
sociometric status.
The second class of the general education school №1
Belogorsk regional administration had become the experimental base
of research during 2015-2016 academic year. 32 persons took part in
The technique « Diagnostics of level of school anxiety» and
the anxiety test (R. Temml, M. Dorki, V. Amen) was chosen as a
basic technique for the determination of level of anxiety of primary
school pupil.
The analysis of received results indicated that the group had
possessed the average level of anxiety in general (at only 15% of
children – the increased level of anxiety). The technique "Two
houses" and "My portrait in sun beams" was used for the definition
of relationship with contemporaries. The results of this techniques
showed that there were eight pupils with status of "stars» in class
(25%), they received from 10 to 13 select points; 10 pupils had the
status of "preferred" (31%), they received from 6 to 9 select points;
11pupils received the status of "accepted" (34%), they had from 1 to
5 elections and 3 of them "not accepted" (9%), or were not elected at
Correlation analysis by means of coefficient of correlation of
Pearson was carried out, which was based on the psychological
research of the anxiety level and sociometric status. The problem that
we faced was the studding of the relationship of two metric variables,
measured on the same sample that is interaction of anxiety and
sociometric status in the early school years. That is the problem of
interaction of uneasiness and the sociometric status at younger
school age. The probability of a deviation showed р<0,001 so the
distinctions were reliable without any doubts.
Thus the results of the techniques on detection of anxiety and
a technique on detection of the sociometric status showed us that the
level of anxiety, in general, was lower at those members of a class
who were "preferred" (10 people, 31%) in group (class) and it
remained at the average level. The "stars" had the average (with a
tendency to low) level of anxiety. From our point of view it could be
explained with their self-confidence. Those children who enjoyed the
authority in group of contemporaries were the leaders in the games
and other children pretended to have the friendly terms with them.
Those who had an average (with a tendency to high) level of anxiety
(11 pupils, 34%) got the status of "accepted" and "not accepted" (3
persons, 9%). They were as a rule active, mobile, rather sociable, but
often conflict children who could easily enter the game, but easily
squabble, often took offense and offended others, and easily forget
At the result of our research, it was concluded that that the
level of anxiety depended on the sociometric status. It was indicated
that if the sociometric status was higher, the anxiety level become
less. It was founded that if the sociometric status was higher, the
level of anxiety was lower, although there were some exceptions
which were reflected in the fact that the low social status of the
observed promoted average (with a tendency towards lower) level of
1. Айзенк Х. Психологические теории тревожности //
Тревога и тревожность: Хрестоматия. — СПБ., 2001. — 217 с.
2. Прихожан А. М. Тревожность у детей и подростков:
психологическая природа и возрастная динамика. — М.:
Московский психолого-социальный институт; Воронеж:
Издательство НПО «МОДЭК», 2000. — 304 с.
Аннотация. Работа рассматривает влияние тревожности
младшего школьника на его жизнь и, конкретно
– на
социометрический статус ребенка в классе. Задача которая
перед нами стояла это изучение взаимосвязи двух метрических
переменных, измеряемых на одной и той же выборке. Т.е.
взаимодействие тревожности и социометрического статуса в
младшем школьном возрасте. Особое значение приобретают
исследования факторов, влияющих, в первую очередь, на
систему отношений «ученик — ученик» и «ученик — учитель».
Одним из таких факторов выступает самооценка личности.
Результаты исследования позволили сделать вывод о том, что
уровень тревожности зависит от социометрического статуса.
Выяснено, что чем выше социометрический статус, тем меньше
уровень тревожности, хотя есть и исключения, выражающиеся в
том, что при низком социальном статусе наблюдается средний
(с тенденцией к низкому) уровень тревожности.
Ключевые слова: тревожность, социометрический
статус, младший школьный возраст, система отношений.
Summary. The work is considers influence of anxiety of the
primary school student on his life and, specifically, – on the
sociometric status of the child in the class. The problem that we
faced was the studding of the relationship of two metric variables,
measured on the same sample that is interaction of anxiety and
sociometric status in the early school years. That is the problem of
interaction of uneasiness and the sociometric status at younger
school age. Researches of factors which influence, first and foremost,
on the system of the relations " pupil — pupil" and " pupil —
teacher" acquire the particular value. At the result of our research, it
was concluded that that the level of anxiety depended on the
sociometric status. It was indicated that if the sociometric status was
higher, the anxiety level become less. It was founded that if the
sociometric status was higher, the level of anxiety was lower,
although there were some exceptions which were reflected in the fact
that the low social status of the observed promoted average (with a
tendency towards lower) level of anxiety.
Keywords: anxiety, sociometric status, primary school age,
a system of relations.
UDC 372.881.111.1
Kalinichenko Alexey
3 year student, Translation Theory and Practice
Sevastopol State University
E-mail: [email protected]
Osadchaya Irina Yuryevna
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Translation Theory and Practice Department,
Sevastopol State University
The relevance of our research is confirmed by the need to
reform the language teaching in a secondary school by means of
determination of the aims and content of education.
The aim of the study is to show the peculiarities and benefits
of using functional method inteaching grammar in a secondary
school. To show the role of communication in studying process.
The strengthening of communicative skills transforms the
aims and the content of teaching of foreign languages. We speak not
only about language comprehension, but about the ability to use it in
a real conversation, in other words the practical use of a language. In
this case, grammatical skills and abilities take the leading place in
achieving this goal. The communication is only possibleif there
exists a linguistic competence, which consists of grammatical
knowledge, skills and abilities [1]. Therefore, teaching of
grammatical aspect of a speech is, nowadays, quite anurgent issue.
Unfortunately, the traditional way of the grammatical competence
formation is being paid less attention to. That is why it is necessary
to find the methods of teaching which would meet the modern
requirements. One of such methods is the functional method, which
shows not only the interaction of language units of different levels
but also gives the opportunity to teach pupils to choose the right unit
for the needs of communication.
The main problem of teaching grammar in a secondary
school is that the most grammatical meanings are given separately,
sometimes even in different parts of a textbook. In this case pupils
are to choose what constructions and date-time group should they use
while speaking. In order to perform a decent speech, a pupil has to
make a selection of proper meansto express a given situation. That is
why pupils should be taught grammar which is approximated to the
to the real-life conversation, that is when the comparison of units of
different levels will stimulate the language, what later on will
strengthen the motivation to learn its communicative direction [2].
While teaching grammar it is important to show the pupils
how this or that language meaningshould be used in a speech.
Consequently, the advantage of the functional method is that it
allows to teach through communication. In speaking exercises, the
fast accumulation of the great amount of words and grammar
combines with the instant realization, because they are used instantly
during the activities. Pupils need to perform a communicative task –
to ask something, to induce to act - and while they are doing so, the
grammatical and lexical competencesare being formed. It is
important to notice that during the study, the topic of the
conversation, speech partners and the conditions are constantly
changing. This ever-changing novelty causes pupils to memorize
material automatically. The effectiveness of the study rises even
more when pupils cooperate in a group.
Regarding the new grammatical material, it is recommended,
at first, to demonstrate it, which means to show the models being
used in the speech. It is better to begin explanation of new material
with homogeneous phrases, which assist in automatic speech
formation. Aural perception is followed by visual examples.
For Example:
How long have you been playing tennis?
How many times have you won the game?
I suppose you have been taking exercises 5 times a week?
Your eyes are red. Have you been swimming in the pool?
After giving certain visual examples, a teacher asks some
questions to specify the form and functions of the grammatical
meaning. Pupils are asked to single out the examples of usage of
Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous. Thereby, the
grammatical materialis given in a practical way. All the chosen
exercises must be close the real-life environment, the more they are
similar, the more it is useful. Moreover, the exercises must be made
to accomplish a goal, which in this case is for pupil to use a certain
grammatical meaning. Here are some examples:
Imagine yourself in the following situations and tell us what
would you do…
-if you won a lot of money?
-if you found a lot of money in the bus?
-if you received a present you didn`t like?
-if you saw someone stealing from the shop?
The next group of exercises is aimed at the correspondence
of the grammatical meaning to the suitable forms and structures. For
Underline all forms of Present Perfect in this dialogue and
answer the questions below.
What modern technology do you take for granted and find it
hard to live without?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of texting and
chatrooms for young people?
Do you think that modern technology means that more and
more people will work from home?
The third group of exercises is based on the choice of
language meaning. The pupil must use the language material
correctly, considering communicative aims. For example:
Imagine that you are a chef of a big computer company. A
journalist asks you some questions. Please answer them:
If the company had invested more when they started,
their profits would have been bigger now, wouldn`t they?
If the company had invented new products every
season, their quality and the company reputation would have
increased by now, wouldn`t they?
Based on what is mentioned above we can make a certain
conclusion. First, the biggest part of the exercises at the functional
method are situational exercises. The micro text is the basis for such
exercises[3]. Second, substitutive and imitative exercises form the
formal and functional sides of the skill. Such method helps to
develop logical and associative thinking, grants language and
communicative sense, teaches to choose language meanings
consciously, raises interest towards foreign language and meets the
modern requirements of teaching a foreign language.
Гальскова Н.Д. Теория обучения иностранным
языкам: Лингводидактика и методика: Учеб. Пособие для студ.
лингвист. ун-тов и факульт. нн.яз.выш. пед.учеб. заведений //
Н.Д.Гальскова, Н.И. Гез. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия»,
2004. – 336 с.
Пассов Е. И. Коммуникативный метод обучения
иноязычному говорению / Е.И. Пассов. – [2-е изд.] – М.:
Просвещение, 1991. – 223 с.
Скалкин В. Л. Коммуникативные упражнения на
английском языке: пособие для учителя / В. Л. Скалкин. – М.:
просвещение, 1983. – 125 с.
Аннотация: в статье идёт речь о необходимости
перестройки преподавания иностранных языков в средней
школе, о проблемах возникающих при обучении учеников, а
также рассматривается новый подход, основанный на связи
коммуникативного значения и грамматики. Указаны три вида
упражнений в рамках функционального подхода и приведены
соответствующие примеры.
упражнение, коммуникативная направленность, лексическая и
грамматическая компетенция, речевой стереотип.
Summary: The study tells about the necessity of reforming
foreign language teaching in a secondary school, about the
problems, which are to be found while teaching, and discussed a new
method based on the connection of communicative meaning and
grammar. Three kinds of exercises are mentionedwithin the
functional method and the proper examples are given.
Keywords: functional method, exercise, communicative
direction, lexical and grammatical competence, automatic speech.
UDC 37.017.7
Mary Kruk
1 year student, Management and Innovation Technologies
Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social
Southern Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Anna Opryshko
Scientific advisor, PhD in Pedagogy,
Foreign Language Department,
SouthernFederal University
Nowadays social nets give many opportunities for becoming
a member of charitable organizations [4]. To be a volunteer or not to
be that is the question young people face. Somebody thinks that it is
impossible to work free and doesn’t understand altruists, who do
that. Others are neutral for the voluntary work, but when somebody
gets to the event or to the meeting by chance and sees friendly
atmosphere of the people of different age and places of studying or
working, his stereotypes change. Volunteering is a special view of
life [2].
In many countries voluntary labor is an everyday practice
[1].So, what are advantages of being a volunteer? After
communicating with other volunteers, I can conclude, that there are
many reasons. For example, new experience, new communications,
bright emotions, wish to do good, the sense of being a part of a big
event and getting memorable souvenirs sometimes.
Expect getting applied experience of doing something,
volunteers are learning to communicate with other cultures. The
peculiarity of mass cultural and sport events is getting a part of
representatives of different cultures [3]. So, here we can see an
educational function of the volunteering. People just get pleasure of
their «job», but developing of inter-culture skills is going like
concealed, invisible process.
This thesis is the most important reply on question: “Why is
it important to develop the volunteering at universities”. The
university is the place of meeting young people with different
cultures, religions from all over the world. And a volunteer won’t
have problems with a person of another culture, because a volunteer
has been taught how to behave. So developing of this trend is a good
preventive action of solving inter-culture problems. Well-trained
volunteer understands the notion of tolerance, because before mass
events he gets knowledge of being friendly and polite, respecting
another opinion.
But volunteers get from their hobby not only skills of
tolerance. To be a volunteer is a good way of getting new knowledge
about cultural specificities, other cities, countries. Making new
friends from another cities allows you to travel and visit your friends
Important thing for a student-volunteer is getting work
experience. If he gets fixed up in a job, his volunteer experience will
consider like work record card, because when a volunteer helps with
routine paper-work, helps in a call-centre, coordinates people, cleans
up, plays with children, he or she understands specific of that work.
That person will adapt for his job easier. For those students who
lackexperience it is a start in their lives.Communications, useful
contacts always can help a person.
Volunteering doesn’t give any money, but emotions,
experience, contacts are more expensive than money you can earn.
1.Кравченко А.В., Кумов А.М., Карантыш Г.В.,
Менджерицкий А.М Волонтеры.Волонтерская деятельность в
области спорта: Учеб.пособие / А.В. Кравченко, А.М. Кумов,
Г.В. Карантыш. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2015. – 44 с.
2. Носова Ю.И. Роль молодежных добровольческих
объединений в современном социуме / Ю.Л. Носова // Вестник
КазГУКИ. – 2010. – №1. – С.36–39.
3.Санина М.К. Функции этнокультурных знаний в
деятельности волонтеров культурноспортивной направленности
/ М.К. Санина, Г.В. Палаткина // Известия ВГПУ. – 2011. – №1.
– С. 81–84.
4. Reza A. The study of self-concept between volunteer and
non-volunteer students in sport of universities / A. Reza, G.R. Asieh,
B. Nooshin // ППМБПФВС . – 2013. – №3. – С.73–77.
Аннотация. В статье рассматривается важность
вовлечения студентов в волонтерское движение. Преимущества
быть волонтером выдвинуты на первый план,авторами
продемонстрировано, что работа добровольцев имеет большое
влияние на поведение студентов, которые взаимодействуют не
только друг с другом, но со студентами из других стран и
рассматривается в статье как один из наиболее важных
образовательных функций добровольчества.
межкультурная коммуникация, благотворительность, опыт.
Summary. The importance of students’ involvement in
volunteer movement is considered in the article. The advantages of
being a volunteer are highlighted. It is shown that volunteer's job has
great influence on students’ behavior who interact not only with each
other, but with the students from other cities and countries.
Developing cross-cultural communication skills is viewed as one of
the most important educational functions of the volunteering.
communication, charity, experience.
UDC 372.3/.4
Kuchina Yana Andreevna
student of Kamensk-Uralsky branch of
theUrals Institute of Economics Management and Law
Kamensk-Uralsky, Russia
Komarova N.S.
e-mail: [email protected]
Oriental dance has become very popular today. More and
more people want to learnthis kind of dance.
The peculiarity of oriental dance is that its performance does
not require special physical skills.Ithas a positive effect onthe female
body at any age:young, middle and old. And there is no harm to
women’s health. That is why this dance is getting more and more
popular among little girls.
Girls usually begin their training at a very young age. As a
rule, when they are three or four years old.
Demand creates supply.For this reason, it is necessary to
develop special methods of oriental dance training forgirls of a
young age.
First of all, teacher must not forget that she works with little
children.Therefore dance classes should beheld in a friendly
atmosphere. They also must have a short break for playing games.
According to experience, basic primitive motionsshould be
described on the analogy of animals or some otherthings which are
familiar to a child. It will help to speed up the process of
understanding and learning bodymovements in dancing. For
instance, the figures of eight movements can be explained on the
analogy of a snake creeping up and down the hill, as well as hip
movements called“plateau”can be compared with an ordinary plate
which fell to the floor and it’s turning. This kind of associations
helps children to memorizebasic dance motions much easier.
It is not recommended to take very sharp movementssuch as:
strong beats, shakings, head rotations.To do these movements girls
should grow up approximately to the age of nine or eleven. Thus, till
this age a simplified versionof these movements with slower beats
and rhythmscan be given.
Music plays a veryimportant role in oriental dance training.
Eastern music hasspecial rhythms [1], their knowledge helps to tell
style of one song from another and to choose correct pattern of a
The study of melodies and rhythms of Arabian music gives
children an opportunity to improvisefreely,it fosters in them a sense
of rhythm and develops musical taste.
The process of learning Arabic rhythms should be organized
from the simple to the complex. Practice shows that preschool girls
do not remember the name of complex rhythms, butregular listening
to the music helps them to discernthe difference between these
rhythms by ear.
During the training it is necessary to narrate the history of
dance for the children. This should be done in a simple
andaccessibleform. For instance, a short oriental fairy tale or a
passage from a story adapted for the child's perception can be toldfor
the duration of a five minute break.
It is also very important to tellthe children about folk
directions, to give fragments of performances in different styles, to
show various costumes for each direction. Children should know
features of these performances.
There is no need to tell children about all folk
styles.Somestyles are allowed to be executed only by adults. The
most suitable for little girls such styles as: muvashahat, saidi,
Performances on the stage also play a very important role.
They help children to assert themselves, to overcome complexes and
to socialize.
Every child hasindividual peculiarities. Some children feel
comfortable on the stage even at the age of four. While others have
stage fright. They need to grow up in order to overcome this fright.
It is necessary to remember that theprocess of learningis
voluntary. There is no need to force children, as well as to hold them
Thus, oriental dance classes are a good choice for a child
who enjoys dancing.It can be an excellent pastime and enjoyable
hobby which promotes physical and moral development,encourages
a love of music, dancing, life, peoples. It is very important in the
modern world.
1. Arabic rhythms [electronic
Аннотация. Как показывает многолетний опыт,
восточный танец – одно из самых популярных направлений
танца среди девочек разных возрастов. В данной статье автор
рассказывает об особенностях обучения восточному танцу детей
воздействии восточного танца на организм, психику и
мироощущение детей. Также автор рассуждает о фольклорных
стилях восточного танца, ритмах арабской музыки. В статье
подчеркнута значимость сценических выступлений, рассказано
о том, как правильно подготовить к ним ребёнка, как
сценические выступления влияют на социализацию.
психология, педагогика, дети, ориенталь, фольклор, ритмы.
Summary. As the experience of many years, Oriental dance
is one of the most popular dance styles among girls of all ages. In
this article the author tells about the features of learning Oriental
dance preschool children, discusses the beneficial effects of Oriental
dance on the body, the psyche and attitude of children. The author
also discusses the folkloric styles of Oriental dance, the rhythms of
Arabic music. The article underlines the importance of stage
performances, show how to properly prepare your child, as stage
performances affect socialization.
Keywords: оriental dance, music, psychology, pedagogy,
children, Oriental, folklore, rhythms.
UDC 37.013.42
Julia Medvedeva
4th year student, English Philology Department Institute of
foreign philology
Taurida Academy
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Natalia Knyaseva
Scientific advisor, PhD in Philology
English philology department
Institute of foreign philology
Taurida Academy
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Foreign language learning as part of cultural activity is
basically associated with an introduction to culture. Therefore the
socio-cultural domain makes up an important part of the curriculum
in language development. Under the circumstances, the process of
learning might be called preparation for life in the view of
developing personal identity through socio-cultural knowledge
extended by language. A pupil is expected to increase one’s cultural
awareness being exposed to images and symbols, conventions and
patterns of behaviour, customs and traditions, stereotypes and
expectations, values, beliefs and attitudes. These things enlarge the
knowledge coming along with skills produced in different kinds of
interactive activities: greeting, apologizing, asserting, reasoning,
complaining, suggesting, agreeing, complementing, opening\closing
conversation and so on.
Socio-cultural competence built by the mentioned items is
termed by most language teachers as kind of aspect of
communicative ability involving those specific features of a society
and its culture that are manifested in the communicative behaviour of
members of this community. The degree of familiarity with them
required for successful communication depends on conditions in
which communication takes place. As stated in “Curriculum for
English Language Development in Universities and Institutes”,
language and culture are closely interlinked in foreign language
learning, the fact that is reflected in the two components of sociocultural content: linguistic component (words related to realia and
cultural background; conventions governing socializing and
interaction) and non-linguistic component (spheres of social activity;
body language; social roles and relationships; information about
historical, geographical, contemporary development of English
speaking countries). It is important to note that the process of sociocultural acquisition is organized according to specific features of
level of study as reflected in its aims and objectives. As far as
intermediate level is concerned, it is focused on acquiring crosscultural awareness with an insight into some aspects of historical,
social and cultural background of English speaking people,
concentrated on the “Human life” block of topics. This will enable
pupils to pass effectively stages of socialization due to the oral
approach, teaching simple, straight forward and correct English
speech as the ground-work of all other linguistic activities. Hence, on
the Intermediate stage English is treated as a ‘skill subject’ and not as
a ‘content subject’: vocabulary is to be carefully chosen to make sure
it is easily remembered with a high motivation to communicate in
certain speech strategies; grammar is recommended to be taught
through drilling in sentence-patterns rather than rules.
Further on, ability of learners to use socio-cultural
knowledge in appropriate way enhances development of skills
defined as practical and intercultural. Practical skills are: social
(ability to act according to the situation), living (ability to carry out
daily activities), professional and vocational (ability to perform
specialized mental\physical actions so as to do duties) and leisure
(ability to perform actions suitable for leisure activities); intercultural
skills include: being able to relate native and foreign culture; being
able to use strategies for authentic communication; being able to deal
with intercultural bias.
In conclusion, the methodology of teaching English by
bringing out socio-cultural competence focuses on activities centered
on personality of a pupil. The technique must be originally
communicative as it is based on performance of the tasks that could
help pupils learn verbal skills and develop ability to apply them in
communicative acts. Being person-oriented, that kind of technique
gives the learner some communication skills fostering positive
attitudes to another culture and its people.
1. Гальскова Н.Д., Гез Н.И. Теория обучения
иностранному языку: лингводидактика и методика. – М.:
Академия, 2007. – 336с.
2. Литвинов А.В. О структуре межкультурной
компетенции // Язык, сознание, коммуникация: сб.ст / отв.ред.
В.В. Красных. – М.: МАКС Пресс, 2004. – вып.28. – С.52-55.
3. Методика преподавания иностранных языков. Общий
курс/под ред. А.Д.Шамова. – М.: АСТ МОСКВА, 2008. – 253с.
4. Соловова Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным
языкам: Продвинутый курс. – М.: Астрель, 2008. – 271с.
5. Curriculum for English Language Development in
Universities and Institutes. – Kyiv: Kyiv State Linguistic University,
2001. – 245p.
Аннотация. Представленные тезисы посвящены
социокультурной компетенции учащихся среднего уровня.
В центре внимания находятся актуальные проблемы,
связанные с изучением процесса мышления учащихся среднего
уровня; их особенностями восприятия и усвоения информации;
поиском наиболее подходящих методов сбора и подачи
информации для более эффективной работы; составление
учебной программы для среднего уровня обучения,
соответствующей целям и задачам овладения социокультурной
Результаты проведенного исследования показывают, что
эффективное обучение иностранному языку с ударением на
овладение социокультурной компетенцией производится при
учете личностных качеств учащегося и его интересов.
Исследование проведено в контексте школьной и
университетской программы обучения иностранному языку.
Ключевые слова: социокультурная компетенция,
учебная программа, личностные качества, навыки, умения,
иностранный язык, деятельность, коммуникация, развитие.
Summary. The theses deal with the studying and
highlighting the development features of socio-cultural competence
for intermediate level students.
Special attention is paid to the analysis of the process of
intermediate students’thinking; peculiarities of perception and
assimilation of information; discovering the most suitable methods
for the recollection and presentation of information for more
productive functioning; creating a training program for intermediate
level that would be consistent with the objectives and tasks of
mastering the social and cultural competence.
Results of the research show that the effective teaching of
foreign languages with an emphasis on the acquisition of sociocultural competence could be possible in a way of taking into
account student's personal features and interests.
The study was conducted in the context of the school and
university foreign language teachingcurriculum.
Keywords: sociocultural competence, curriculum, personal
features, skills, abilities, foreign language, activities, communication,
Vilen Mordvinov
4 year student of the Institute of
Foreign Philology TA CFU
[email protected]
Yuliya Gavrilenko
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Docent, associate professor.
TA Crimean Federal University, Simferopol
The problem of connection of Area Studieswith foreign
language training has become the subject of particularly active
discussion in the education systems of different countries in the
second half of the XX century. The urgency of this problem is
caused not only by linguacultural but also social reasons.As the
analysis of different aspectual trends shows, the identification
anddefinition of Area Studies can be done in different ways: on the
one hand, by analyzing this concept as a method of teaching, and on
the other - compatibility and functionality of this phenomenon from
the perspective of general geography [1].
ofLingvodidacticconception has taken shape recently. Throughout
the history of language teaching it determinednon-indifference to all
allopathic issues of language and society, language and culture,
based on which sociolinguistics developed.The term "Area Studies"
is already firmly established in the practice of teaching foreign
languages. Thus it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts
of geography and area studies. The first concept has its roots in
Natural History and area studies in Philology, considering the
semantic and linguodidactic features of speech and text [2].
The main objective of Area Studies is to ensure the
communicative competence, through the perception of speech
interlocutor, and the original texts, designed for native speakers.
Area Studies provide the solution to a number of problems, in
particular, the main philological problem of adequate understanding
of a text, so it acts as a linguistic basis, not onlyof linguodidactics,
but also of the translation.
One of the important trends of modern Linguistics is the
study of the relationship between language and culture. The
particularly noteworthy attention is given to culturally marked
lexicon, because it is the richest source of information about the life
and worldview of native speakers.The cultural component is
considered by researchers as the semantics of the language
depending on the cultural environment of the individual; of nationalspecific perception of this or that people of any reality, fragments of
reality and even pure constructs of national consciousnessreflection
in the meaning ; something different from its lexical meaning. The
nature of the cultural component, which provides its functional
purpose, is to be the means of transmission of the background
information. The cultural component is the part of the content of the
sign, in which knowledge of the culture is reflected [3].
There are several classifications of culturally marked
lexicon: thematic, syntactic, temporal, as well as the division of
reality and background lexicon.The cultural component "associated
with the national culture of the people concerned, inseparable from
it, and limited by scope of the well-known cultural and linguistic
community" is called area studies cultural component [2].Correlating
elements of the content of foreign culture with aspects of learning a
foreign language, you can determine the components of culture as
learning objectives:1) Educational aspect - social purpose content.
This aspect involves the acquisition of a foreign language as a means
of interpersonal communication and the acquisition of skills of
independent work as a process of improving the level of foreign
language culture;
2) Cognitive aspect – linguacultural target content. It is used
as a means ofenriching the spiritual world of the individual andis
realized mainly on the basis of receptive activities: reading and
listening;3) Developing aspect - psychological purpose contents.
This aspect includes the main goal - the development of speech
abilities, mental functions, the ability to communicate, a certain level
of motivation that must be aggressively and systematically develop;
4) Educational aspects - pedagogical objective content. Learning a
foreign language is a means of cultural education of all parties[4].
Education with the help of means of a foreign language
involves the knowledge of the culture, history, traditions and realities
of the country the language of which is studied (area studies,
geography). It involves students into the dialectic of cultures, the
development of human culture, in recognition of the role of spoken
language and culture in the mirror of other people's culture.Thus,
Area Studiesis an aspect of methodology of teaching a foreign
language, which investigates techniquesof familiarization of new
language learners with a new culture through the language. Outside
the human reality is given in the form of nature and culture. Broad
cultural background contributes to both the development of linguistic
skills (vocabulary enrichment, skill translation activity, the ability to
work with phraseology), and introduces the student to specific
aspects of foreign language culture.That is, each English class is a
practice of intercultural communication, since each foreign word
reflects another world and another culture.In this context it refers to
the implementation of area studies approach in the foreign languages
educational process.So, mastery of a foreign language in the
secondary school requires the activity of the student. One of the
factors ensuring student performance is the relevant motivation.
Among the aspects that increase the level of motivation is the interest
of students to the process of mastering a foreign language, its
effectiveness. Ability to communicate in a foreign language, that is
language learning as a means of intercultural communication, is the
purpose of learning [5].
The problem of shortage of vocabulary students and
Linguacultural aspect are the ones of the most acute at the senior
stage of training. In order to avoid difficulties in learning spoken
language related to this issue, the following methods give the
positive effect: 1. Associative and illustrative method while learning
new vocabulary and the initial consolidation (be sure to use three
main receptors: visual, auditory, tactile); 2. The repeated return to
words hard to memorize;3. Carrying out a dictation for the whole
class as the consolidation of vocabulary topic (a coherent text with
the presence of new words with the installation of success is given);
4. Conducting integrated lessons (theRussian language –a foreign
language, literature - a foreign language).
So, when teaching a foreign language students acquire new
means of communication for direct access to the culture and values
of the world civilization, in particular, to the cultural traditions and
customs of the country of studied language: its history, science,
geography, literature, art.Thus, the formation of students'
linguaculturologicalcompetence includes not only learning about the
history, traditions and prominent people of the country the language
of which is studied, but primarily should provide knowledge that will
be useful to the student directly in communication situations.
Therefore, we distinguish three general concepts: 1.Intercultural
communication includes familiarity with the mentality of the people
of the country the language is studied. 2. Intercultural
communication includes the language of everyday communication.
3. To understand a foreign culture, it is necessary, first of all, to
examine one’s own.
In order to participate in the direct and indirect dialogue of
cultures it is necessary to introducegradually the target language
through the history and contemporary life of the country whose
language is studied, its traditions and culture.Thus, the process of
formation of intercultural competence in school should include three
essential components: the formation of an adequate supply of
background knowledge about the national culture of the country of
studied language, the formation of an adequate and friendly
perception of a foreign language and its reality and, finally, practical
training in cross-cultural communication.
There is no doubt that the choice of a text for reading is not
just due to the presence or absence of interest in the object or
phenomenon, to which the selected text material is dedicated. As a
rule, there are deep-seated reasons for the preference of the story,
passage or topic .
Therefore, proceeding with the selection of linguacultural
material, it is advisable:
- to analyse textbooks, programs, textbooks in various
subjects in terms of their representation of background knowledge of
native and foreign culture;- explore the interest of teenagers to the
culture of foreign peers;- examine authentic material;- evaluate and
take note of lexicographical sources form the word that is different
from its pronunciation that often interferes with recognition of the
word in oral speech, because of the greater clarity and strength of the
first .
According to Ter-Minasova: "Each lesson of a foreign
language is a crossroads of cultures, it is the practice of intercultural
communication, because each foreign word reflects the foreign world
and the foreign culture: every word is due to the national
consciousness view of the world" .Assimilationof lingucultural
knowledge creates strategic linguacultural competence, which is
understood as an integral system of representations about the realities
of the country the language is spoken. In this way: 1.foreign
language training in the secondary school at the senior stage is aimed
at the study of language as a means of communication at the
international level. Students should not only know the language of a
particular country, but also the traditions and customs of the country
of the target language.2. The process of formation of intercultural
competence in school should include three essential components: the
formation of adequate background knowledge about the national
culture of the country of studied language, the formation of an
adequate and friendly perception of a foreign language and its reality
and, finally, practical training in cross-cultural communication.3.
Mastering linguacultural material, an essential component of
communicative competence, creates linguacultural competence,
which is understood as a holistic system of ideas about national
customs, traditions and realities of the country the language is
spoken and to achieve full communication [5].
The study concludes that at the current stage of development
of our society when everywhere there is numerous cultural
cooperation, inevitably there is a redistribution of values orientation
and motivation in the education system. Universal approach to the
system of education becomes training intercultural communication.
Successful implementationof linguacultural approach to teaching
foreign languages at school at the middle stage is largely dependent
timely and proper selection of the material, allowing the
development of communicative competence of students.The
implementation ofliguocultural approach in teaching will enhance
motivation, activity, child initiative in the classroom, and therefore
there is a need to gain knowledge and mastery of skills and abilities
in a foreign language.
1. Ахмeтов Е. Б. Оснoвные положения формирования
личности / Е. Б.
А. Б.
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С. 7-11
2. Бакaнова Ю. В. Развитие межкультурной компетенции
будущих лингвистов-переводчиков / Ю. В. Бакaнoва // Вестник
ВГУ: лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация. – 2008. – №
2. – С. 116-120
3. Гальскoва Н. Д. Теория обучения иностранным
языкам. Лингводидактика и метoдика: Учеб. посoбие для студ.
лингв, ун-тов и фак. ин. яз. высш. учеб. заведений. 3-е изд., стер.
/ Н. Д. Гальскова, Н. И. Гез. – М.: Издательский центр
«Академия», 2007. – 336 с.
4. Гурикова Ю. С. Понятие лингвострановeдения и
возможности лингвострановeдческогоподхoда при обучении
иностранному языку [Текст] / Ю. С. Гурикова // Педагогическое
мастерство: материалы V междунар. науч. конф. – М.: БукиВеди, 2014. – С. 6-9.
5. Дюмeтц Ж. Кросс-культурная кoммуникация. / CrossculturalCommunication / Ж. Дюмeтц, А. М. Сосновская //
Управленческое консультирование. – 2013. – № 8. – С. 83-90
Аннотация. Исследование посвящено изучению
лингвострановедческого подхода к преподаванию иностранного
языка. Актуальность состоит в том, что вопросы применения
лингвострановедческого подхода в изучении английского языка
в школе исследованы недостаточно, что отрицательно
сказывается на качестве образования в данной сфере. Новизна
работы заключается в проведении комплексного анализа
лингвострановедческого подхода к преподаванию иностранного
языка в школе, выявлены положительные и отрицательные
стороны, которые необходимо учитывать при составлении
учебников по английскому языку. Методология исследования
лингвистических аспектов в единстве. Это позволяет сделать
вывод о содержании лингвострановедческого подхода, который
включает в себя понимание культурно маркированной лексики,
фоновых знаний, вторичной языковой личности, языковой
картина мира, коммуникативной компетенции.
коммуникативная компетенция, культурный компонент,
фоновые знания, языковая личность.
Summary. The research is devoted to study of the issues of
formation of theoretical assumptions of area studies approach to
teaching aforeign language. The topicality is evident because the
issues of area studiesapproachare not investigated enough that
negatively affects the quality of education in this area. The novelty of
this work lies in the comprehensive analysis of area studies
approaches to teaching a foreign language at school, reveals positive
and negative aspects that must be considered in the preparation of the
English language textbooks.Research methodology involves the use
of cultural and linguistic aspects in unity. This leads to the
conclusion of the area studies approach content, which includes
understanding culturally marked vocabulary, background knowledge,
the secondary language personality, language picture of the world,
communicative competence.
Keywords: area studies, communicative competence,
cultural component, background knowledge, language personality.
UDC 373.5
Yuliya Orekhova
post-graduate student
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after
email: [email protected]
Mariya Averina
Scientific advisor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after
The realization of new federal educational standards (FGOS)
in the school system had made a lot of changes, the most important
of which is a changing of the educational paradigm. The transition
from paradigm of knowledge to the paradigm of competencies
affected all disciplines studied in a secondary school. The
competence-based approach can be present like a triad: the ability to
act - the ability to have - the ability to live [1, p.87].
New federal educational standard had changed the
requirements to the language preparation of pupils in a secondary
school. The modern teacher must understand that the main aim of
school language education is to develop abilities of each student to
learn independently. The students also learn to organize their
activities, produce the necessary knowledge, analyze, organize and
put into practice, set aims and achieve them, appreciate their activity
[2, p. 44].
Pupils can have good theoretical knowledge, but do not
know how to apply them in practice, because they do not have some
competences (communicative and sociocultural) necessary for
intercultural communication. The use of competence-based approach
helps to remove the gap between theory and practice, and to restore
the balance between education and life. So, the students will be ready
to cross-cultural communication and will apply their knowledge in
real-life situations. For example, use of method course “English”
(authors V. Kuzovlev, N. Lapa and others) helps to develop
necessary competencies at the lesson of foreign lesson in a secondary
school. There are some tasks which illustrate the realization of
competence-based approach.
1) Value-semantic competence can be developed by
activation of personal experience of the students when they need to
express their own point of view.
7th form, topic “Can people do without you?”
Task: What charity organizations do you want to help? Why?
Give 5 arguments.
2) Cultural competence whose aim is to join the students to
the world culture.
6th form, topic “Whatever the weather”
Task: How do you understand the proverb «It’s raining cats
and dogs»? Give the Russian equivalent. Chose from the list one of
English proverbs about the weather and draw the illustration.
3) Educational (cognitive) competence includes elements of
logic, methodological and general educational activities. At the
moment of goal-setting in the beginning of the topic students and
teacher discuss the scope of its application in real life. In the unit
“Are you happy with your friends?” students get acquainted with the
notion of “pen friend”. They are free to determine the advantages of
this type of communication and they also learn to write personal
letters in accordance with the requirements of a personal letter.
4) IT competence develops the ability to use the Internet for
educational purposes, which enriches the linguistic and socio-cultural
knowledge of students. Educational Internet resources are used to
form communicative and social-cultural competences of students.
Table 1 Series of lessons with educational Internet resources
on the topic ‘Do you have an example to follow?’ (7th form)
Topic of the
Who are you
proud of?
What people do
you admire?
Who is your
Type of
Treasure Hunt
Supply Hotlist. Add 23 web sites on the
Create multimedia
collection on the topic.
Do the tasks of
Treasure Hunt. Use the
web sites of Hotlist.
Why are they
Project lesson
“Great people of
my country”
Treasure Hunt
Fill the table about a
great person.
Make power point
presentation and
present them.
5) Communicative competence. Its development is the
main aim of linguistic education in a secondary school. It is formed
through the implementation of all four types of speech activities,
different work forms, modern method course and use of ICT. At the
last lesson of each unit students use their theoretical knowledge.
Students can do a project, take part in a competition, create a web
page on the Internet. So, it can be oral or written answer which
reflects their personal meaning and vision of a problem. For
example, at the last lesson of the unit “What is best about your
country?” whose theme is “I'm proud of my country!” students will
take part in a role-playing game. They will ask and tell about the
symbols, traditions, national cuisine, famous sights of their country
and hometown, favorite football teams and players. For the
conversation they will use the questions from Teaser Hunt and
Subject Sampler.
6) Social competence is related to communicative
competence. The student should be able to conduct a dialogue and
use the skills of social activity. This competence can be developed by
different cross-cultural projects. During project lessons students
express their personal opinions and give arguments according to the
Russian and British communication rules.
7) Competence of personal self-improvement. For each
lesson teacher must prepare the tasks which develop the personal
culture and correct world view of students. For example, working on
themes “Are you a good sport?” or “A healthy living guide” students
have the opportunity to analyze the information about doping or
unhealthy food.
8th form, topic “A healthy living guide”
Task: Write a letter to your pen friend. Tell him/her about
the rules of healthy lifestyle you follow. Ask about his/her good and
bad healthy habits.
The realization of new approaches in a secondary school
helps to achieve high results in learning of foreign languages.
Teachers pay attention to communicative and socio-cultural
approaches and competency approach. Use of the competence-based
approach helps to develop key competences necessary for
intercultural communication.
1. Зимняя, И. А. Ключевые компетенции — новая
парадигма результата современного образования / И.А. Зимняя
2. Орлова, С.В. Компетентностный подход: особенности,
проблемы реализации / С.В. Орлова // Материалы региональной
научно-практической конференции «Проблемы реализации
компетентностного подхода: от теории к практике». – URL:
образования изменила цели обучения иностранным языкам в
средней общеобразовательной школе. На сегодняшний день
главной задачей языкового образования является формирования
ключевых компетенций, необходимых для осуществления
поликультурном мире. Реализация компетентностного подхода
наряду с коммуникативным, социокультурным и личностноориентированным подходами позволяет сделать процесс
ориентированным и способствует формированию необходимых
для иноязычного общения компетенций.
Ключевые слова: компетентностный подход, система
школьного образования, ФГОС, урок иностранного языка,
ключевые компетенции, средняя школа.
Summary. The reorganization of the system of school
education has changed the aims of teaching foreign languages in a
secondary school. The main aim of the language education is to
develop the key competencies, which are necessary for
communication in a multicultural world. The implementation of
competence-based approach along with communicative, sociocultural and student-oriented approaches allows us to make the
process of learning a foreign language more practice-oriented and
promotes the formation of necessary skills for foreign language
Keywords: competence-based approach, system of school
education, FGOS, lesson of foreign language, key competencies,
secondary school.
UDC 370 + 157.0
Maria Poddubnaya
2 year student, Finance and Credit Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected],
Svetlana Motornaya
Doctor of psychology,
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate professor,
General and Applied Psychology and Pedagogy Department,
Sevastopol State University
Career is a chain of events, which is life, consistency of
professional training and other life roles, which together express the
human commitment to act in accordance with its generalized model
of self-development. Career is its path - a man builds himself, in
accordance with the features of the intra- and reality and most
importantly – with their own goals, desires and attitudes [1, p. 58].
Everyone at some point begin to think seriously about my
future, about the future career. Knowledge about what a career, what
are the different types and models of career, how to manage a career,
as well as knowledge of their abilities, strengths and weaknesses will
help him to choose to work in an organization that provides him with
opportunities for professional growth and improve living standards;
receive a higher degree of job satisfaction; more clearly represent the
personal job prospects, to plan other aspects of life; purposefully
prepare for future careers; increase the competitiveness of the labor
Career is important for high school graduates who after
graduation come to get a job. Having the ability and the possibility of
their full implementation, high educational and cultural level are the
decisive factors in the appointment of young professionals for
leadership positions, is no less important qualities such as the ability
to lead a team, the ability to influence people outside the service
relationship. These features require the prior development and
training that is implemented effectively in the learning process in
higher education.
Student environment is most favorable for the manifestation
of leadership qualities, not only the students, having them at school,
but also those who previously did not show such activity. Therefore,
the student group gives all equal starting opportunities in the future
"struggle" for leadership. A student who effectively combines study
with social activities is much more likely to subsequently become, if
not the head of the team, its informal leader, someone who can
influence the psychological atmosphere.
It is also in the process of investigating the nature of the
student leadership established that the basis for the formation of
leadership qualities of future leaders are communicative
characteristics, such specific personal qualities like balance,
judgment, sensitivity, intuition, empathy, imagination, desire to help
people, tolerance, a sense of humor, lightness nature optimism,
courage. Leadership among the students is determined not only by
the presence of objective qualities that make up the necessary socalled "leadership set." Equally important is a subjective setting
student leadership. For example, more than 30 % of respondents,
with all the data to be leaders, to this do not seek [2, p. 234].
Leadership - an essential component of effective leadership.
Leader – a symbol of community and group behavior pattern. It
contributes to the dynamic development of the team. The leader, who
grew up in the student environment is more likely career after
graduation. Understanding the importance of building leadership
skills, the use of the recommendations and to identify them and the
timely development of methods is crucial for the constructive
dialogue and the development of the person in the team, which, in
turn, will ensure the progressive development of society and culture.
In the modern scientific literature the problem of leadership is
considered by N.S. Zherebov, E. Kristofer, L. Smit [3, р.221], E.V.
Ostrovsky, leadership aspects have also been considered by M.A.
Guliyev [4, р.24], S.N. Epifantseva, S.E.Samygina. Also language is
important for a successful career development. Russian linguists:
V.V. Vinogradov, G.O. Winokur, A.M. Peshkovski, E.D. Polivanov,
A.I. Selishchev, L.P. Yakubinsky et al. made a significant
contribution to the development of sociological problems of
The percentage of school children who have
leadership qualities
younger group
middle group
senior group
middle group
1 – group
The final results of the survey among school
However, analysis of the scientific literature on the topic of
research has shown, that the study of leadership issues among the
youth and the role of his professional career represented. Therefore,
the aim of our study was to investigate the presence of leadership
skills among pupils and students and comparing them. For the
experiment, children 5, 6, 8, 10 classes and 2nd year students were
selected, "Finance and Credit" and "Economics of the enterprise".
Final results of the survey among school children are
presented in Figure 1. The results of the research groups of students
showed that in both groups 40 % of students have strong leadership
skills, in the third group – only 20 %. Since all of the students of the
same age and the same direction of training, they can be merged into
one statistical group. As a result of the 62 respondents – 20
leadership qualities were identified, accounting for 32 %.
Comparative analysis of the survey results of pupils and
students showed that among the students interviewed 23 % of
potential leaders and, most of the accounts for seniors and students
among the respondents – 32 %. Thus, the decisive factors in the
formation of leadership qualities began to age and level of education
of the respondents. We believe that the students surveyed are mainly
graduates of schools of Sevastopol, and, consequently, to educate
and train in the same environment as the surveyed students.
The age factor is essential in the formation of leadership
skills: the students compared with students, adults and independent
people are more responsible for their actions [5]. No less important is
the level of education: students clearly represent the future features
of the profession they have chosen deliberately, as opposed to the
school, which is still to be done. So after graduation, a person begins
to build his career. Good luck in finding a job in a dynamic
environment can be achieved only one who is open to change,
sociable, developed a capacity for constant training and retraining
and exhibit leadership qualities.
1. Гвишиан Д.М. Лидерство // Научные доклады высшей
школы. 1998. № 5. – 58 с.
2. Психотерапия и лидерство. – М.: Наука, 1991. – 234 с.
3. Кристофер Э., Смит Л.. Тренинг лидерства. – СПб.:
Питер, 2001. – 221 с.
4. Островский Э.В. Психология управления: учебное
пособие. – М.: Инфра-М, 2008. – 224 с.
5. Моторная С.Е., Шариш И.И. Лидерские качества как
один из компонентов «Гражданина своей страны»//
Гражданственность : Материалы Международной научной
конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных, г.
Севастополь, 22–23 апреля 2015 г. – Севастополь : Рибест, 2015. –
128 с. – С.18-24.
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются вопросы карьеры
выпускников высшей школы. Проведено сравнение лидерских
качеств школьников 5, 6, 8, 10 классов и студентов 2 курса
специальности «Финансы и кредит» и «Экономика
предприятия». Решающими факторами в формировании
лидерских качеств стали возраст опрашиваемых и уровень
образования. Выявлены личностные качества, которые
позволяют строить успешную карьеру. Это открытость к
изменениям, коммуникабельность, способность к постоянному
обучению и переобучению, лидерские качества.
Ключевые слова: карьера, лидерство, студент,
школьник, лидерские качества
Аnnotation. The article deals with the graduates of high
school career. The comparison of school leadership qualities 5, 6, 8,
10 classes and 2nd year students of the specialty "Finances and
Credit" and "Economics of the enterprise" was performed. The
decisive factors in the formation of leadership qualities began to age
and level of education of the respondents. Personality traits that
allow you to build a successful career were revealed. This is
openness to change, communication skills, the ability to continuous
training and retraining, leadership qualities.
Keywords: career, leadership, student, school children,
leadership qualities.
UDC 372.881.1
Alyona Polovnikova
4th year student, Russian and West European Philology
Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute
Artyom Dubakov
Scientific advisor, PhD in Pedagogy,
Russian and West European Philology Department,
Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute
e-mail: [email protected]
Teaching foreign languages at contemporary schools is
characterized by global and intensive use of information and
communication technologies. The use of modern foreign language
teaching technologies is directed to the improvement of foreign
language teaching process at different types of educational
establishments. Information and communication technologies are
used in educational information transmission, let teachers organize
an effective support in teaching different kinds of speech activity and
speech aspects, serve as a means of students’ cognitive activity
actualization and control of speech and language skills level.
Nowadays different kinds of information and communication
technologies are usedin teaching foreign languages. Among these
kinds of information and communication technologies a special
attention should be focused on WebQuests. In the context of this
article we’ll analyze the essential characteristics of WebQuest
technology, its functions in the foreign language teaching at
comprehensive schools.
Quest, within the frame of pedagogics, means a problemsolving task with the elements of role-playing. To do such a task the
Internet resources are used. The creators of WebQuest as educational
phenomenon are Bernie Dodge and Tom March (San Diego State
University, 1995). Since then, WebQuest technology is used in
teaching different subjects both in secondary education and
professional training. Nowadays it is rather widely used in teaching
foreign languages.
B. Dodge defines WebQuest as “inquiry-oriented activity in
which most or all the information used by learners is drawn from the
Web [1],[2].
WebQuest is an internet page created by a teacher of foreign
languages on purpose. It is used to reach different goals. WebQuests
are usually made up on the basis of a certain topic, as guides for a
project or series of projects creation. Educational WebQuest which is
used in foreign language teaching can be considered as a series of
connected steps helping students to reach final results planned by a
teacher. In most of the cases WebQuest is a logical strategy of
students’ didactic actions, the algorithm of working on a project.
WebQuest is not only a creative product but a means of students’
skills check. WebQuest always means that “most or all the
information that students explore and evaluate comes from the World
Wide Web” [4].
“WebQuests are the most structured, accessible, and
promising applications of constructive thought in the field of online
education” [3].
As V. Fernandez points out WebQuests belong to blended elearning approach. It means that in this case “teachers and students
will combine online with face-to-face activities to reach the stated
objectives” [2].
Taking into consideration the researches devoted to the
problem [1],[2],[4],[5],[6],[7] we came to conclusion that the
structure of educational WebQuest includes the following
components: introduction; tasks; process; evaluation; teacher’s page;
comments; links, conclusion. Each of the parts mentioned has
particular functions.
To create WebQuest a teacher should be competent in the
field of information technologies possessing by a practical literacy in
site creation. Nowadays there exist several free of charge website
builders (,,,, etc). These
builders are rather simple and even their free versions allow to create
high-quality web products including WebQuests. The limitation will
be seen only in graphical design and some other points which are not
very noticeable. Using such website builders a teacher may create
WebQuest without any help – one needs just some hours of work to
make up its menu, add necessary text information, photos, videos,
widgets and design the page properly.
As usual the lesson based on the WebQuest is given at the
end of a definite topic under study. A teacher may define the parts of
the topic which were not touched during the lessons, the most
pressing questions which can encourage the students to reflect and
speak. WebQuests help students study various aspects of the topic
with a fullness of detail. In majority of the cases WebQuest can be
positioned as a means of project method realization. The result of
WebQuest will be multimedia slide-show presentation project, often
of sociocultural and information character.
The major objectives of WebQuest are practical, educational,
pedagogical and developmental. The practical objective is directed to
the teaching of different language aspects: teaching grammar,
teaching vocabulary, teaching to speak, teaching to listen, teaching to
read and write. The educational objective is directed to the
development of general cultural outlook by means of foreign
language learning. Pedagogical objective stands for the formation of
respective attitude to the cultural peculiarities of the country of the
language studied. Developmental objective is directed to the
development of different mental processes, namely, memory,
thinking etc.
Let us pay a more detailed attention to the description of
WebQuest structure. Within the frame of the first WebQuest
structural component (introduction) a teacher proves the importance
of WebQuest topic giving background information and anticipating
the process of students’ work. At the end of such a message to
students some directions for the future work are given (e.g. …..
That’s why let’s have a virtual journey to get to know a lot of
interesting facts about…….Well then, let’s surf the Internet and
gather as much information as possible) [6].The students read the
intro and concentrate on the topic and forthcoming work. This
component shows all the importance of the topic under study, the
necessity of its analysis.
Further on the students pass over to the following part –
tasks. Here all the tasks of students’ work are described in general
(e.g. You can work in groups of two or individually. Your task is….).
At the end of the item a teacher points out that students should
illustrate the results of their work in multimedia slide-show
presentations. This component approaches the students to the tasks
they will do to create a project.
The following component (process) reflects step-by-step
algorithm of students work. It is a process during which the students
do some researches, accomplish the tasks and present their results in
a form of a project. Here different exercises and tasks are given.
These exercises, at the same time, are directed to train different
language skills and differ WebQuests which are used in foreign
languages teaching from the ones in other subjects. Such exercises
are connected with the topic of future projects. A teacher puts here
web references to the sites students will use in the process of work.
“Students spend their time using information not looking for it”
[quoted 4]. Thus the formation of students’ sociocultural competence
and cultural outlook will be realized (e.g. While answering the
questions (doing the tasks) you may use the Internet references given
below…..). So, the students do all the tasks and exercises. Later on a
separate lesson based on the web quest is given. During the lesson a
teacher checks up the results of students’ work. The key line of the
lesson is a defense of projects. The students do public speeches
presenting the results received. A teacher should always think over
such lessons, include and use different techniques of cooperation.
The following component of WebQuest is evaluation. The
students can evaluate their projects by themselves. The criteria of
project evaluation and the scores are presented here.
The following components may be teacher’s page,
comments, links and conclusion. Within the frame of teacher’s page
the aims of WebQuest are presented. Final results may be also
forecast. A teacher can create a special page where the students can
leave their comments. The creation of such a component as links is
necessary to avoid plagiarism. Anyway a teacher uses different
Internet resources for a WebQuest creation. All these resources
should be presented because Web Quest is an original product
created by a teacher who accounts for it. Moreover this component
helps to form students’ information culture.
By way of conclusion we may state that WebQuests can be
positioned as a means of foreign language teaching. WebQuests
contain a set of exercises and tasks directed to the teaching of
different kinds of speech activity. On the other hand WebQuest can
be considered as innovation means which is used to provide the
effectiveness of teaching foreign languages. Practice shows that the
students usually take interest in doing WebQuests and present highquality projects. WebQuests also help students work in groups,
cooperate with each other, extend their independent and critical
thinking, inspire to learn foreign languages.
1. Dodge B. FOCUS: Five rules for writing a great
2. Fernandez V. WebQuests: How do students approach their
integration in the foreign language classroom / V. Fernandez
3. Martin B. Using WebQuests for Constructivist Learning
4. WebQuests Explanation. Concept to Classroom
5. Быховский Я.С. Образовательные веб-квесты / Я.С.
6. Дубаков А.В. Технология веб-квест в процессе
практической языковой подготовки будущих переводчиков /
технологии в обучении иностранным языкам : сб. науч. ст. / отв.
ред. А.В. Дубаков ; Шадр. гос. пед. ин-т. – Шадринск : ШГПИ,
2012. – С.3 – 7.
7. Романцова Ю.В. Веб-квест как способ активизации
Аннотация. Статья посвящена анализу возможностей
технологии веб-квест в обучении иностранному языку. Авторы
обращают внимание на целевые установки веб-квеста в
обучении иностранному языку, детализируют его сущностные
характеристики, раскрывают структуру феномена.
Ключевые слова: веб-квест, структура веб-квеста по
иностранному языку.
Summary. The article is devoted to the analysis of
WebQuest technology in foreign language teaching. The authors pay
attention to the objectives of WebQuest in foreign language teaching,
specify its essence characteristics, disclose the phenomenon
Keywords: WebQuest,WebQuest in teaching foreign
language structure.
UDC 37.036.5
Elizaveta Rusnakova
3rd year student, «Journalism and slavic philology»
Sevastopol State University
[email protected]
Irina Tyalleva
Scientific advisor, PhD in Pedagogy
department "Foreign languages and methods of teaching"
Sevastopol State University
[email protected]
The characteristics of modern society are being prescribed as
a "crisis of spirituality". In spite of the fact that due to the Internet
modern schoolchild can use any information from scientific sphere,
the cultural level of the young people of the XXI century has become
relatively lower.
Active development of the social and economic processes
requires the formation of a highly culture developed personality
capable to take an active position in society. Society makes demands
to education, which is influenced by the production requirements of
science and technology, needs and interests of society and the
individual in the learning process.
This article is considered the role of drama (including school
theatre) as a means of personality development of the modern
Personal-oriented education content is aimed at the
development of the whole person: his natural and social features, and
cultural characteristics of the subject. Thus, the development of
natural, social, cultural origins launched in the context of the content
of education.
The task of the modern educator is to find appropriate
methods of teaching and upbringing. The methods will be the best
help to the child to become a fully developed personality. Each child
has some certain abilities which should be revealed. One way to
integrated development of the child is using drama during the class
or as extracurricular activity.
This method of child’s personal qualities development has
been considered by many outstanding scientists and teachers. In
psychological and educational literature there is no universal
definition of drama activity in school. L.Vygotsky considers
children's theatrical work as dramatization. E.L.Trusova describes
such terms as "theatrical play", "theatrical play and creativity" and
"game-dramatization" as synonyms. M. Vasilyev and D. Elkonin
think that the term “theatrical game” is close to the art and therefore
is often referred as "creative".
The most comprehensive definition that reflects the purpose
and function of conducting theatrical art in school was presented by
E. Ganelina. School theater is "a special process of becoming a
widely erudite, widely developed personality, able to use the
acquired skills and the fundamentals of aesthetic ideology in
virtually every sphere of activity, regardless of professional
orientation" [6].
Theatrical game provides a wide range of activities aimed at
the development of many abilities. According to the theory of
multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner, there are 7 kinds of
intelligence, each of which is responsible for certain human abilities:
Logical/mathematical - the ability to use numbers
effectively, to see abstract patterns, and to reason well.
Visual/spatial - the ability to orient oneself in the
environment, to create mental images, and a sensitivity to shape,
size, colour.
Body/kinesthetic - the ability to use one's body to
express oneself and to solve problems.
Musical/rhythmic- the ability to recognize tonal
patterns and a sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, melody
Interpersonal - the ability to understand another
person's moods, feedings, motivations, and intentions.
Intrapersonal – the ability to understand oneself and
to practice self-discipline.
Verbal/linguistic- the ability to use language
effectively and creatively [5].
This scientific school establishes personal identity, culture
formed feelings, ability to communicate, skill to master one’s own
body, voice, plastic expressiveness of movement. Using the approach
helps students develop a sense of proportion and taste which is
necessary for a person to succeed in any field of activity. O. Lapinа
said that the theatrical aesthetic activity which is organically
included in the educational process is a universal means of
development of personal human abilities [2].
Based on this belief and on the theory of G. Gardner, it must
be said that the use of theatrical art in school contributes to the
development of all kinds of the child's intelligence. Preparation for
the performance and presenting it include a variety of operations that
are required from the student to perform the role. Theatrical game
uses every kind of intelligences with the help of following activities:
1. Logical / mathematical: understanding the themes and
ideas of the text, highlighting the main points, the choice of the best
way to express their emotions;
2. Visual / Spatial: the perception of the senses, emotions,
colours and shapes visually and transform images obtained during
the execution of the role;
3. Body / kinesthetic: body use to convey their emotions,
control their own movements plastics;
4. Musical/rhythmic.: The ability to understand and the
generation of sounds to convey meaning through music;
5. Interpersonal: sharing information with others using
verbal and non-verbal;
6. Intrapersonal: the formation of responsibility, self-esteem
of their capabilities, identify oneself in the group, the ability to
control oneself;
7. Verbal / Linguistic: activation of the phonetic, semantic
and syntactic speech components.
In addition to this, a theatre promotes the development of
self-confidence, eradicates the fear of public speaking, coaching the
child's speech (intelligible expression of their thoughts, clear diction,
correct placement of intonation, vocabulary, use of different syntax),
attaches the student to world cultural heritage, forms a vital
reference, morals, common values. Developing children’s skills to
work in groups and learning interpersonal interaction contribute to
the unity of the class as a group.
It must be said that the use of such techniques in the study of
foreign languages is appropriate, as a theatre sets the main purpose –
forming communication skills.
Thus, studying the literature on the topic, as well as on the
basis of the work done, we can draw the following conclusions.
School Theatre - is a platform for unlocking the creative potential of
the student, his self-realization. Such public statements help to
overcome a number of psychological complexes, inherent to the
child in the primary, secondary school and student life. The using of
school theatre in the study of foreign languages, as well as drama
game has an impact on the formation of the child's communication
skills. Using drama in the teaching process stimulates all kinds of
intelligence and creates a complete, fully developed personality.
1 . Ганелин Е.Р. Школьный театр: прогр. обучения детей
сценического искусства, метод. пособие. СПб., 2002.
URL: (дата обращения: 24.02.2016)
2. Лапина О.А. Школьная театральная педагогика – опыт
междисциплинарного синтеза. // Диалог в образовании. Серия
“Symposium”, Выпуск 22.
конференции СПб:
URL: (дата обращения:
3. Сластенин В.А. Педагогика: учеб. пособие для
студентов высш. пед.
учеб. заведений / В. А. Сластенин, И. Ф. Исаев, Е. Н.
Шиянов; под ред. В.А.
Сластенина. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия»,
2002. – 576 с.
4. David Cole. Student Theatre In China. Forum. Vol 36 No
3, July - September 1998 p.27-30
5. Gardner, H. (1995). Reflections on multiple intelligences:
Myths and messages. PhiDelta Kappan, 77, 200-209
6. Larsen-Freeman D. Techniques and Principles in
Language Teaching. – Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1986. – 398
театрализованная игра как средство развития интеллекта у детей
школьного возраста. Проанализированы способы комплексного
развития учеников
в рамках использования театрального
творчества в процессе обучения. Для классифицирования
способностей ребенка выбрана Теория множественного
интеллекта Г.Гарднера. Автор повествует о том, какие виды
деятельности в рамках школьного театра направлены на
развитие каждой части человеческого интеллекта.
Ключевые слова: школьный театр; театрально-игровая
деятельность; театрализованная игра; теория множественного
интеллекта Г. Гарднера.
Summary. This article considers drama as method of
intelligence development in children of school age. Complex
children development analyzed in the framework of the use of
theatrical creativity in the learning process. G.Gardner`s theory of
multiple intelligences was chosen for abilities classification of the
child. The author tells about such types of activities in the school
theater which focused on the development of each part of the human
Keywords: school theatre; drama; theatrical game;
G.Gardner`s theory of multiple intelligences.
UDC 372.881.111.1
Elizaveta Ryazhina
3rd year student, Translation Theory and Practice
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Irina Osadchaya
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Translation Theory and Practice Department,
Sevastopol State University
Acceleration of socio-economic development of this country
raises standards for the person’s qualities. Will, imagination,
independence to take decisions and other qualities can’t appear in
itself. They must be moulded deliberately. Hence it appears that we
should scheme the educational process to form all above-mentioned
If we want to teach a student to speak a foreign language, we
must do it under conditions of the simulated communication. It
means that our teaching must be organized to resemble a
communication due to its qualities and features [3].
As is well known, there’re different types of communication,
such as socially oriented communication, group subject-oriented and
personality-oriented communication. The function of communication
in the process of group practice has increased nowadays, as
independence and initiative of each participant of the public
undertaking is welcome[1].
Involving a student into a foreign function of communication
is a very important practical task. The approximation of foreign
language educational process at the university to the present needs is
closely connected with the gradual engagement of a student in such
educational and vocal situations when he is to be the subject of
activity, the initiator and the organizer in the process of interaction
with other participants of the activity.
As scientists think [2:134], the level of foreign language
proficiency is determined in many respects by qualitative and
quantitative side of speech interaction. It’s defined by students’
contribution to the unprepared speech during the discussion of
various problems. There’s no need to express their off-topic
opinions, define facts more exactly or sum up information when a
group of students discuss a problem.
There’re three groups of special work methods which
provide a common mechanism of a group communication. The first
group includessome methods, oriented at studying to inquire
information (a request to inform something of a fact as a whole or to
specify separate details).
The second group of methods are directed to the
maintenance of group communication. They provide connection of a
group speech interaction and a logical change from one expressions
to the others. People, who take part in the conversation should use
special words and word combinations to involve others into
conversations or to discover similar or opposite points of view
according to the topic. These communicative actions can be fulfilled
-remarks of consent or dissent, such as Right, I think the
same; As for me, I think; As I see it; To my mind; I am afraid you
are mistaken…;
- remarks, which supplement or broaden speaker’s opinions:
More than that; Besides; To make the things worse…;
- qualifying phrases: As for me, I think; Well, I suppose; I
- qualifying questions: And what’s your idea about this?
What makes you think so, I wonder? Where have you got your
- pieces of advice and promises to each other: Next time I’ll
be more careful; I think you must be more tolerant; I’m always ready
to help you; You’re welcome.
- resumptive judgment: On the whole; In general; Summing
up all you’ve just said; Let’s come to the conclusion; So what is the
- emotional reactions; That’s rather strange; Brilliant; Just on
the contrary; But I do think so.
The third group of methods are directed to the formation of a
skill to take a final decision about the issue under discussion. The
participants of the conversation must know how to sum up all points
of view said in the process of discussion. For instance, So, I think we
are right. He’s too ambitious to fulfill this task.
We hold the opinion that training discussion, as a form of
speech game, is the most productive way to organize the group
communication during the lesson, as each participant of the
communication can express his point of view. The role play lets
people make the communication interesting and natural.
The role discussion lets the students escape the
communicative barriers and help to plan their own point of view. The
role play has great opportunities to create different relationships
which people in real life get into. The play allows to take into
account students’ interests, widens context of their activity, appears
as an effective means to create foreign language dialogue. The
communicative situation, simulated in the role play, allows to
approximate speech activity at the lesson to a real communication
and gives an opportunity to use a language as a communicative
means. Thus the role play favours a common method principal
realization of a communicative studying a foreign language.
1. Леонтьев А. А. Педагогическое общение / А. А.
Леонтьев. – М.: Знание, 1979. – С.5–61.
2. Носенко Э. Л. Пути реализации коммуникативного
подхода к развити умений и навыков иноязычной речи (на
материале исследований, проводимых в англоязычных странах)
// ИЯШ. – 1990. – №2. – С.40-45.
3. Пассов Е. И. Коммуникативный метод обучения
иноязычному говорению / Е. И. Пассов. – М.: Наука, 1985. – 168
Аннотация. Статья посвящена обучению говорению
студентов первого курса языковых специальностей с помощью
ролевой игры. В статье подчеркивается важность общения в
процессе совместной деятельности и необходимость включения
студента в иноязычную функцию общения. Представлены
приемы работы, которые обеспечивают общий механизм
группого общения. В статье приводятся доводы о том, что
ролевая дискуссия является наиболее продуктивным способом
организации группого общения на занятии.
взаимодействие с другими участниками деятельности,
групповое общение, ролевая игра, речевые умения.
Summary. The present study is devoted to the formation of
speaking skills of the first year language department students with
the help of role play. The necessity and importance of
communication in the process of group practice and of involving the
student into a foreign function of communication are emphasized in
the article. The work methods which provide a common mechanism
of group communication are represented. Various reasons are given
to present that the role discussion is the most productive way of
organization a group communication at the lesson.
Keywords: simulated communication, interaction with other
participants of activity, group communication, role play, foreign
language skills.
UDC 378.0
Irina Sevastyanova
Post-graduate student,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Svetlana Motornaya
Scientific advisor, PhD in Pedagogy,
General and Applied Psychology and Pedagogy Department,
Sevastopol State University
The aim of the higher education proves to be the formation
of highly intellectual and highly moral personality with innovative
thinking whose professional activities will bear fruit to mankind.
Professional competence, personal resources and deep penetration
into the standards of high culture are intended to be a boon to
mankind and a turning point for climbing the career ladder.
In the law "About Education in the Russian Federation" the
importance of "satisfying the needs of personality for intellectual,
cultural and moral development, expansion of education, scientific
and pedagogical qualification" is highlighted. Much attention is paid
to creation of educational process on basis of the moral principles,
historical and cultural customs that entail successful communication
in the polycultural world.
The scientist E.N. Dmitriyeva dwells on "the essence of
professional development which is carried out in the process of
studying in higher education institution can be considered as highquality transformation of the student personality, shaping a
professional picture of the world in his consciousness which is based
on intellectual acquirement of educational content and the system of
values and implications" [1, p.108].
There is no doubt that the main task of the higher education
system, in particular sea profile education, is set to be shaping of a
professional picture of the world. An important condition of shaping
a professional picture of seamen lies in overcoming cultural and
language barriers. Use of a foreign language is caused by application
both in professional purposes and in the sphere of polycultural
communication. In scientific thesis V.N. Zykova points out that "the
navigator must be able to make correct decisions in difficult
professional situations in a split second, to carry out cross-cultural
foreign language communication at a high level as the destiny of all
crew and the vessel often rests on his shoulders" [2, p.10]. Moreover,
it means that "professional language training can be realized only on
basis of professional skills in technical disciplines" [3, p.98]. To
prevent dangerous situations at sea it is essential to consider
professional competence of sea profile specialists, formation of
personal qualities, ability to think in extreme situations. Due to
increasing requirements of safe navigation there is an urgent need of
employing short, laconic statements in English which exclude
misinterpretation of the statement and prompt to take timely actions
in various situations, including extreme. As one of the fundamental
factors defining navigational safety is supposed to be the
standardization of the language used in communication when
entering the port, in harbors, etc. and also during cross-cultural
communication in foreign crew. To make it clear, standard phrases
come across as language of safety aimed at disseminating and
exchanging significant information between sea profile specialists
from all countries. Consequently, professionally-oriented
communication of sea profile specialists has a wide scope of
application and, undoubtedly, is closely connected with sociocultural communication.
From our perspective, the formation of personal qualities of
seamen, professional competences and language skills based on deep
immersion into culture serves the guarantee of climbing career ladder
for sea profile graduates. The necessity for performing professional
duties at a high level evokes awareness of cultural paragons of the
world. Today, undisputedly, foreign language skills are not the
purpose, but the tool while cross-cultural communication appears as
means of thinking and transferring not only information, but also
cultural values. Dialogue between representatives of different
cultures is the main component of culture and it poses a new
paradigm in the higher education system [3], including sea profile
education. Thus, the main task of the higher education and the
purpose of professional training of the sea profile graduates is not
just acquirement of professional knowledge but, first of all,
formation of moral qualities, penetration into cultural heritage. For
instance, the scientist E.V. Tsibulskaya emphasizes that "language of
the first stage is English, language of the second and third – mental
language" [4, p.78] since language, existing in two forms – verbal
and nonverbal, is the tool for creation of material and spiritual
To sum it up, high-level achievements of the higher
education system are caused by professional training of the sea
profile graduates who acquire innovative thinking and a set of
values. These crucial issues are reflected in the model of
conceptosphere of the sea profile graduates. The sea profile graduate
possessing above-mentioned qualities, competences and skills
appears to be a competitive personality and, precisely, has the
advantage of reaching the top of the career ladder.
1. Дмитриева Е.Н. Смысловая парадигма как
педагогическая детерминанта
управления качеством профессионального образования в
вузе. Вестник ННГУ. Выпуск 1(5). – Нижний Новгород, 2004 –
С. 107-110
профессионально-коммуникативной компетенции студентов
судоводительских факультетов : Дис. ... канд. пед. наук :
13.00.02 : Санкт-Петербург, 2002 – 159 c.
3. Моторная С.Е. Роль культуры в развитии нравственноэтической сферы конкурентоспособной личности будущих
выпускников технического вуза в процессе профессиональной
подготовки // Вестник СевГТУ. Вып.105. Педагогика: Сб. науч.
тр.- Севастополь, 2010. С.7-12
4. Цибульская Е.В. Теория и методы профессионального
языкового образования морских судоводителей : Дис. ... д-ра
пед. наук : 13.00.08 : Новосибирск, 2001 – 391 c.
Аннотация. В статье рассматривается важность
формирования профессиональной картины мира моряков,
способствующей преодолению культурных и языковых
барьеров. Cформированность личностных качеств моряка,
профессиональных компетенций, основанных на приобщении к
высоким эталонам культуры, является залогом карьерного роста
морского специалиста.
Ключевые слова: высшее образование, выпускники
морского профиля, культура, язык, профессиональная картина
Summary. The importance of forming seamen’s
professional picture of the world which helps to overcome cultural
and language barriers is brought to light. The formation of seamen’s
personal qualities, professional competences based on immersion
into high culture standards proves to be the guarantee of career
development of sea profile graduates.
Keywords: higher education, sea profile graduates, culture,
language, professional picture of the world.
UDC 370 + 157.0
Valentina Skoritskaia
9rd year pupil, Gymnasium №1 them. Pushkin,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected],
Svetlana Motornaya
Doctor of psychology,
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate professor,
General and Applied Psychology and Pedagogy Department,
Sevastopol State University
A man in the professional activity has to contact with people.
Without association, he will not be able to fulfill his professional
duties. Largely the ability to associate is conditioned by the inter
understanding and depends on the personality. It is especially
important in the career of people whose profession is connected with
interpersonal contact. If people understand each other, then they can
do without conflict and peacefully solve everything, to find a
compromise. You should also understand and cultivate your own
empathy for the correct construction of verbal association, a
competent expression you’re their feelings and for observance of
speech culture.
To build a professional career you should understand the
emotional language, to be able to understand the state of mind,
experiences of other people and to follow the mental state of a person
or an employee of the organization.
An analysis of the scientific literature showed that K.
Rodzhers described empathy as follows: "Being able of the empathy
means to perceive the inner world of another person accurately,
preserving emotional and sensible connotations. It's like you become
this other, but with no loss of sensation "as if" [1, p.38]. Study in
detail the phenomenon of empathy, S. Rubinstein [2, p.416].
considered it as a phenomenon of emotional attitude to surroundings,
V. Boyko considered the empathy to be a form of rational-emotionalintuitive reflection of the other person, B.M. Teplov [3, p.64] singled
out ability for empathy as a and sign function "vivid imagination",
which makes it possible for truly sensitive attitude to others, A.A.
Bodalev [4, p.250] indicates that empathy, "appears as a very
complex psychological education, in which the cognitive and
emotional processes are related to each other by close relation",
J.Mead defines empathy as "the ability to take the role of another
person" [5 , p.64]. S. Motornaya considers the relationship of
empathy with a key factor of human evolution [6, p.190].
However, the question of empathy at this stage despite its
relevance is not well learnt. The basic problem isn`t of empathy still
solved, it, is the inability of many people to experience it although
empathy is very important for developing society, but still not solved
the basic problem of empathy, is the inability of many people to
experience it. We must try to change ourselves, to sympathize with
somebody and understand the others. Our future depends ourselves
our future depends on. So, the goal of our work – is the role of
empathy for the professional development.
Empathy – is the human is capacity to experience emotions,
similar to the feelings of the interlocutor. One of the main human`s
purpose in life is to be happy and full happiness is impossible
without compassion. Facial expressions of the association is difficult
to notice, you needy vast experience to achieve it. Gesturing a man
also shows signs of interest and communication. The main
characteristic of facial expressions is its integrity and dynamism.
Empathy is manifested in it culture, differently as among different
peoples have different faith and understanding. It means that the
empathic qualities will be expressed in different ways.
Even babies have some empathic responses: if one starts
crying, the chorus of children who are close by supports him. Young
children are capricious or sad if someone in the household has a
problem the. Diagnosis of empathy is possible already in the earliest
childhood. Some babies are filled with tears when hearing the child
crying outside they, actively respond to the emotional state of the
mother and the other households. For example, the whim without
cause, if in the family somebody is in a depressed state, and he can
be observed with secondary signs of empathy, such as heart
palpitations, etc.
Magill in his study compared the reaction of students to
painful stimuli under different scenarios: alone; with friend; with a
stranger; between two strangers who after taking drugs; and between
the two, playing video game strangers who together for15 minutes.
Participants were offered to dip his hands in to ice the water, and to
assess their pain. However, the pain is actually increased when these
immersed students’ hands in to ice the water next to each other.
«It turns out that playing video games can move people out
of "the zone to the friendly one and increase the level of empathy", –
said Maggi». These results raise many questions, as we know that the
failure of empathy plays a central role in various psychological
disorders and even in social conflict on a personal and societal level.
It is even surprising that empathy works the similar same in both
mice and humans".
Figure 1 – The main factors influencing the formation and
development of empathy
Empathy is not only creates decent, pleasant personality to
talk and the Humane Society, but affects the very specific human
achievements in his social and personal life. The main tasks empathy
consist of understanding who you really are and to learn to
empathize with other people, as in spite of the fact that empathy is
determined from the birth, a man has the power over his own destiny
and can change everything he wishes he even can become indifferent
to others (you only need to want). So, we should learn to
communicate, understand and trust each other.
On the basis of theoretical analysis, we have identified the
main factors influencing the formation and development of empathy,
which are presented in Figure 1.
The performed theoretical study makes it clear how
necessary empathy as a tool vector and career development of man, it
points to the need for special programming disciplines training
lessons that will shape the future competence of university graduates
in the process of higher education.
Роджерс К. Эмпатия // Психология эмоций / Под
ред. В.К. Вилюнса, Ю.Б. Гиппенрейтер. — М.: Изд-во Моск. унта, 1984. — 288 с.
Рубинштейн С.Л. Проблемы общей психологии.
– М.: Педагогика, 2008. – 416 с.
различий. – М.: Дрофа, 2009. – 536 с.
Бодалев А.А. Личность и общение.
Международная педагогическая академия, 1995. – 328 с.
Мид Дж. Интернализированные другие и
самость. /Дж. Мид // Американская социологическая мысль: –
М.: Международный институт бизнеса и управления, 2006. – С.
Моторная С.Е. Ключевой фактор эволюции
человечества и его формирование в высшей школе // Вектор
науки Тольяттинского государственного университета. № 3 (14).
Серия «Педагогика, психология». – Тольятти, 2013. – С.189-193.
Аннотация. Контакты между людьми сегодня
становятся многочисленными. Поэтому необходимо не только
учиться взаимопониманию, но также и помощи другим людям.
Эмпатия важна не только для карьеры, но также и для
представляет собой чувствительность, способность понять и
испытать эмоциональные чувства, подобные чувствам
собеседника. Отсутствие эмпатии может быть вызвано
несколькими факторами, которые нами были разделены на
исследование даёт понять насколько необходима эмпатия как
инструмент и вектор карьерного развития человека, указывает
на необходимость составления программ специальных
университета в процессе получения высшего образования.
Ключевые слова: oбщение, общество, карьера, язык,
Summary. To improve career need to contact with people,
to be able to express the right thoughts. If you conduct business in
peace, the better chance of avoiding conflict. Contact us in our time
become numerous, so it is necessary not only to learn to association,
but also to help other people. Empathy is essential not only for a
career, but also for the correct construction of the speech community.
Empathy – sensitivity, the ability to understand and
experience the emotional feelings, similar to the feelings of the
interlocutor. Empathy studied by many scientists and psychologists.
Of these, Rogers described empathy as follows: "Being able to
perceive the empathy is the inner world of another accurately, while
preserving and emotional connotations.
Nevertheless, there is still a lack of empathy, which is
triggered by several factors, which can divide into external and
internal. Based on the study, you can determine what empathy is
influenced by various factors, emotional sphere of personality. And it
is necessary to monitor the level of empathy of society.
Keywords: education, career, language, leadership,
UDC 37.035.8
Margarita Smirnova
3rd year student, Pedagogical Department,
P. K. Menkov Sevastopol industrial and pedagogical college
e-mail: [email protected]
Dmitriy Okhota
Scientific advisor
P. K. Menkov Sevastopol industrial and pedagogical college
The XX century has brought its adjustments in the
development of social relationships. Only knowing the language
becomes less essential. When it comes to practice, the presence of
linguocultural competence becomes vitally important. Therefore, as
the world becomes more complicated and pluralistic, the significance
of the research connected with cross-cultural communication
constantly grows. The ability to socialize despite cultural barriers
affects our life both at work and at university, in everyday life and
among family and friends.
"communication" in general have been defined by many scientists.
Edvin R. McDaniel believes that communication is "the ability to
understand and to be understood" [4]. Certainly, the professionals
who study the cross-cultural communication under their particular
disciplines (teachers, professors, psychologists, linguists, etc.) use
more familiar definitions and understand each other very well. Also
Russian speakers, surely, can understand any of the terms mentioned
above. Only some aspects, accessible only for specialists, are left
beyond the average human's cognition. Anyway, the ambiguity of the
term "culture" gives reasons for creative definition of cross-cultural
In general, the cross-cultural communication is a human's
interaction, the brokering of knowledge, ideas, thoughts, concepts
and emotions between representatives of different cultures. The term
"cross-culture" covers those peculiarities of human communication
when it needs to overcome the differences between cultures. If we
take a look at the books connected with intercultural communication
which are published abroad, we can see that their headings also
include such expressions as "on the edge of cultures", "when the
cultures cross", etc. Thus we can clearly see the essence of the
problem of cross-cultural communication, which focuses on
differences between cultures, but not on the similarities.
Because of the stereotypes like "all human beings are the
same" even more problems can occur. Certainly we are similar in
biological, emotional, physiological way but it's also worth to say
about the national imprinting phenomena. The thing is that most
people behave in a very special way and perceive the world through
the prism of their national imprinting. In psychology imprinting is
considered as "the first impression" which makes the basis for the
entire life plans. This parameter gives the main difference. And once
again we face the popular stereotype like "the globalization has
come, all borders are erased". Talking about physical borders, we can
say that they have become less essential (it's become quite easy to
move to another county, to start learning the foreign language, to
work in the international team) whereas the mental borders are still
left and we keep defining what's normal and what is absolutely weird
to us. Suppose in Europe, in America and in Canada open forthright
behavior is considered to be the positive trait of character. If you
behave so sincere in Asian countries, people can take you as a
parvenu, it can spoil all communication. In Asia sincerity is an
ability to keep silence or to escape talking direct in order to show
respect to your companion. Also there are cultures that are less or
more flexible about the time. Being late in Germany, America or
Japan is considered as a bad behavior. Whereas being late in Italy or
India is almost normal. Surely it is very important to be careful with
non-verbal communication. The language of gesture has its own
peculiarities in different countries. The same gesture can have
absolutely opposite meaning in different cultures. The good example
of this phenomenon is a gesture "Victory" which means peace and
success. In 1992 the American president George H.W. Bush made a
cultural shock and hit the headlines of all Australian newspapers. At
the time of his official visit to Canberra he decided to greet a group
of local farmers who were on a strike with a "peaceful" gesture: he
turned the back of his hand towards his audience which means the
extreme disregard and neglect in Australia and in some other
countries. As a result the American president had to make a public
excuse for this incident. Therefore it makes sense to observe, analize,
regard and imitate the necessary communication style both at the
time of face-to-face communication and talking over the phone or
writing an E-mail. The interlocutor doesn't even know that he
suggest the right way to act by his own behavior.
Talking about cross-cultural education it's worth to say that it
has become rather popular in our country. The ideas of cross-cultural
communication were studied by many scientists such as E. T. Hall,
R. D. Lewis, G. Hofstede, and F. Trompenaars. These researchers
regard cross-cultural education as an essential way of escaping
conflicts at schools and in society. Nowadays it's not enough for
successful education to teach in a traditional way. When the students
come across the situations when they have to speak foreign language
with representatives of another culture many problems can occur.
Therefore it's very important to form cross-cultural competence of
students. To get higher progress in this area the teacher has to use
modern approaches, implement educational process with
informational technologies and of cause pay a strong attention to
studying the traditions and other cultural peculiarities of another
1. Льюис Р.Д. Деловые культуры в международном
бизнессе: от столкновения к взаимопониманию / пер. с англ. 2-е
изд. М.: Дело, 2001. – 448 с.
2. Селевко Г.К. Современные образовательные
технологии: Учебное пособие. – М.: Народное образование,
1998. – 256 с.
3. Терминасова С.Г. Язык и межкультурная
коммуникация. – М: Слово, 2000. – 624 с.
4. McDaniel E.R. Intercultural communication: 14th edition /
L.A. Samovar, R.E. Porter, E.R. McDaniel. San Diego: – A Reader.
– 2015. – 528 p.
Аннотация: в данной работе рассмотрено понятие
кросс-культурной коммуникации, раскрыты его сущность и
содержание. Выявлены и проанализированы некоторые из
проблем, способствующие возникновению конфликтов при
общении с представителями иного языка, иной культуры.
Предложен эффективный путь решения данных проблем, что
является важным моментом на современном этапе развития
общества в различных сферах деятельности. Особое внимание
отведено кросс-культурному образованию, актуальность
которого, несомненно, возросла в последнее время.
Ключевые слова: кросс-культура, иностранный язык,
образование, коммуникация, проблема.
Summary: In this article we have considered concept of
cross-cultural communication, defined its essence and contents.
Some problems which can cause conflicts at the time of
communication with representatives of other language or culture
have been revealed and analyzed. The effective solution to these
problems has been offered as it is an important point at the present
stage of development of society in various fields of activity. The
special attention is paid to cross-cultural education, which relevance,
undoubtedly, has recently grown.
Keywords: cross-cultural, foreign language, education,
communication, problem.
UDС 372.881.111.1
Anastasia Soina
5th year student, Translation Theory and Practice Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Yekaterina Maslieva
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Roman and German Philology Department,
Sevastopol State University
The relevance of our research is confirmed by a number of
problems connected with the very form of assessment in class the
students faced with during their school practice. The aim of the
present study is to help prospective and young foreign language
teachers to organize the formative assessment at primary school in
the most effective way. By such way we mean a game, a series of
gaming exercises that allows checking the level both of verbal and
writing skills of the pupils.
In the methodological literature the issues on assessments of
pupils’ command of a foreign language is less studied than, for
example, different methods of teaching it. The attention is also
focused on studying the effectiveness of the assessment (validity,
reliability, practicality), but not the form of it [2]. Moreover there are
few issues divided to the problem of future teacher training to the
assessment realization. That’s why we observe difficulties in
practice. The previous analysis has shown that it is the game that is
the most effective assessment form.
The research «Experimental efficiency check of the
thematical assessments organization methodological approach of
primary school pupils’ progress with the help of scenario game»
exhibited the propriety of using games, namely scenario game,
during educational process [1]. Observing children's behavior before
the assessment of any kind, it was noticed that almost all of them
were worried, felt uneasy waiting for the formative assessment and
tried to avoid the assessment by any means, the motivation level was
quite poor. After a game was put into the lesson, the motivation
became extremely high, the pupils concentrated on the game process
We interviewed 40 young foreign language teachers, from 20
to 30 years old, teaching primary school pupils. School teachers,
foreign language center teachers, private tutors and group tutors were
among them.
The result of our poll demonstrates that the majority prefers
to use different kinds of tests for the formative assessment. School
teachers, private tutors and some foreign-language center teachers
explain that they follow strict program demands and find it necessary
to teach the pupils how to pass tests (State Final Examination, KEY
for schools etc.) from the very beginning, even from the primary
school. However a college teacher, who teaches both teenagers and
primary school children, creates different kind of games to assess
even the college students. According to the teacher’s words, the
result of assessment is better when an element of a game is present.
Group tutors and other foreign-language center teachers combine
various types of tasks for an assessment: games, interviews and tests.
Actually we insist on using the game when assessing
children in order to help them to cope with the fear of assessment. In
accordance with the poll result, most teachers suggest guiding the
education process, determining the pupils’ attention, never pressing
them, exactly what a game gives. Some teachers encourage using it
regularly. Almost all the teachers played a game with their pupils at
least once. The school teachers specified, these initiatives are usually
hold during out-of-class time.
The greatest difficulty to the interviewed teachers is to
motivate their pupils, to arouse an unflagging interest, to be on
wavelength with them. Both the research and the poll prove, the
game is what they need. Consequently, the theoretical and practical
analysis has shown that it is the game that is the best form of any
formative assessment when speaking about primary school pupils. In
view of the aforesaid, we would like to give an example of using a
game assessing grammar rules of the Present Simple and the Present
Continuous tenses for 4-year primary school pupils.
To understand the language correctly we must assimilate the
grammar of the language studied. No speaking is possible without
grammar. What we need in any primary school is the basic grammar
that meets the school requirements. And this grammar must be
simple enough to be grasped and held by any pupil [3]. Moreover we
need high learning motivation by the pupils in order they absorb the
grammar, given in a simple way and we should check their success
in understanding it.
It is commonly known, any assessment requires tough
reading and preparation not only by the pupil. This time a teacher (or
teachers) should first of all motivate the pupils to the assessment:
“Next time I’ve got a surprise for you, please, be ready for the
lesson” etc. Actually, the kind of the game depends on the
psychological type of the pupil and can be varied from the group.
Also to get ready to the game the teacher should find or invent this
game her/himself. One should include the preparation to it:
video/audio material, printable resources, toys and so on.
For example, the “cosmic” theme for a small group of
students. Before the assessment the teacher and the pupils may watch
the video about the chosen theme to get the children involved into
the subject. Then the teacher explains the “story”: in the XXII
century two families, one from Mars and other from the Earth, talk to
each other over the phone. They are very good friends. Today they
have a call again and now they are talking together. The teacher
divides the pupils into two groups and distributes to everyone both
the badges with the names of the story characters and some costume
elements: masks, coats, tentacles to make the game vivid. Next the
teacher organizes the game itself, motivates the pupils to pronounce
or to write on the blackboard or to fill in the blanks (on the
previously printed paper) different sentences using the Present
Simple or the Present Continuous. The teacher can be one of the men
or aliens, (for ex., the head of the family), he or she observes the
game, encourages participation. The very task may be the following:
Earth family get papers with keywords or sentences with blanks and
ask questions in turns using this paper. Each sentence consists of the
words, denoting the Present Simple or the Present Continuous (every
day, every month…always, seldom, often, at the moment, now etc).
One of the pupils of the Mars family shows the action Earth family
ask about and make the other member of Mars family answer in a
proper way:
Member of Earth family: Hi! What is Minini doing now?
The pupil who pretends to be Minini from Mars family
shows that he is reading a book.
Member of Mars family: Hello! Minini is reading a book at
the moment.
The teacher ticks right questions and answers of the team on the
blackboard and observes the success of every pupil. It is important to
give everyone a chance to ask and to answer. Then it won’t be
difficult to assess every pupil’s achievements.
Generalizing stated above, we came to the following
conclusion. First, a suitable game motivates primary school pupils to
get involved into the subject, to concentrate and to show all their
knowledge in the nonstress atmosphere. The young teachers who use
the game regularly, affirmed its effectiveness. So, a game may serve
as one of the possible way of the formative assessment in primary
school. Second, it is necessary to teach the students how to create
such kind of game in order to prevent the difficulties they face with
during their school practice. One must bear in mind, a game depends
on the psychological type of the pupil and can be varied from the
1. Маслиева Е.С., Эксперимертальная проверка
эффективности методики организации тематического контроля
учебных дострижений младших школьников в форме сценарной
игры // Проблемы современного педагогического образования.
Сер.: Педагогика и психология. – Сб. статей. – Ялта: РИО ГПА,
2015. – Вып. 49. – С. 184–190.
2. Маслієва К. С., Тематичний контроль рівня
сформованості мовної компетентності молодших школярів з ІМ
// Вісник СНТУ, збірник наукових праць. Серія: педагогіка,
випуск 144/2013. – Севастополь, 2013. – С. 130–137.
3. Рогова Г. В., Methods of teaching English // Учебное
пособие для педагогических институтов и факультетов
иностранных языков. – Л.: Просвещение, 1975. – 312 с.
Аннотация. Статья посвящена практическому аспекту
организации текущего контроля. В статье подчёркивается
необходимость обучения студентов-филологов созданию и
использованию игры как наиболее эффективному средству
организации текущего контроля по иностранному языку в
школе. Представлены результаты опроса 40 будущих и молодых
учителей английского языка, свидетельствующих о наличии
трудностей в организации контроля учебных достижений по
иностранному языку из-за недостаточно сформированных
знаний и умений по данному вопросу. В статье также
приводятся доводы о том, что игра является одним из лучших
способов осуществления текущего контроля. Приведен пример
использования игры для проверки понимания грамматических
времён the Present Simple и the Present Continuous у
Ключевые слова: cтуденты-филологи, педагогическая
практика, форма текущего контроля, ученики начальной школы,
Summary. The present study is divided to the practical
aspect of the formative assessment organization. The necessity of
teaching Philology Department students how to create and to use an
appropriate game as one of the most effective ways of the formative
assessment in foreign language is underlined. The poll results of 40
both prospective and young English teachers are given. The results
expose the difficulties in foreign language assessment organization
due to the lack of knowledge and skills when it goes to the
assessment method. The game is approved to be the best way of the
formative assessment in the research. The example of using a game
checking the grammar rules of the Present Simple and the Present
Continuous tenses for 4-year primary school pupils is shown.
Keywords: Philology Department students, school practice,
formative assessment method, primary school pupils, motivation.
UDC 37.03(4)
Polina Tatarinova
4 student, Foreign Studies Department,
the Affiliate of MSLU, EaLI, Irkutsk
e-mail: [email protected]
Elena Kalish
Scientific advisor, Candidate of Philological Sciences,
Foreign Studies Department,
the Affiliate of MSLU, EaLI, Irkutsk
The United States is known over the world as the most
liberal and democratic country. Indeed, throughout more than 200year history the US was staggered by several movements in defense
of rights of slaves, women and Afro-American citizens. Even the
very first American settlers fled the Great Britain to obtain religious
freedom in the new land. In 2015 the world society knew how far the
American democracy went when the American Supreme Court after
long hearings legalized same-sex marriages within the whole
country. Such active and not indifferent attitude to one’s own
position in society is rooted in the Constitution, especially, the Bill of
Rights. A little earlier Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of
Independence that «all men are created equal», that may be
interpreted that all people have the right to be equally informed. The
authors of the Constitution were convinced that they would create a
new nation which would not be modeled after conservative Europe,
and could accept new ideas including sex education.
Despite the fact that US was the first to declare the high
value of democratic traditions, sex education as an academic
discipline was officially introduced into schools only in the 20 th
century since the country had kept conventional views on family,
education and many other spheres for many generations.
Before the 19th century sexual relations and sex-related
practices were intimate and limited in American society because
Christianity played a significant role in American lives. The religion
was one the main social regulator along with laws and customs. The
first immigrants were strictly brought up in a Christian manner,
which meant the existence of the same traditions in the new society.
The Pilgrims or Puritans were the followers of Martin Luther so they
believed that sexual relations were not a sin as St Augustin and St
Paul had preached for a long time. However, private relationship
between men and women were considered the gift of the God as long
as they were in the framework of marriage. Other non-marital and
non-reproductive sexual activities were forbidden, including pre- and
extra-marital sex, homosexual sex, masturbation and oral or anal sex.
Besides that, obtaining sexual pleasure was limited even between
spouses and open discussion of sexual relations were prohibited.
Violations of the rules were punished by fines, whipping, public
shaming ostracism and even death. Different women’s and men’s set
of rights and responsibilities patriarchal family system led to double
standards of sexual relations. Men’s promiscuity was neither allowed
nor prohibited so men could have an intercourse with women of low
class or slaves since female chastity was protected especially among
women of high class. In this environment youngsters were expected
to follow family, social and religious norms [1, p.25-26].
Even though conversations about sexual relationship were
not allowed, they still happened rarely and reluctantly so many
children were able to know about it from their parents. These
lectures emphasized abstinence and were conducted under the
Biblical morals. At that time there were not many schools, and they
were far away from each other, which hindered the educational
process. Besides that, sexual relations could not be a school subject
for several reasons. It could undermine parents’ authority, and since
schools were attended by students of different age and cultural
background sexual enlightenment could not be appropriate and
medically correct. [2, p.12]
The 19th century brought many new progressive and
controversial ideas about sex and sexual relations due to the work of
American and European philosophers, physiologists, sociologists,
psychotherapists and other scientists who pioneered in this field.
However, American family kept being conservative and patriarchal
thus female and male roles were not revised yet. Children were
taught by their parents to follow the same moral principles that were
popularized before in the colonial period. It was common among
schools and parents to use «McGuffey Readers» based on biblical
ethics and morality. One of the main ideas of these books was to
develop and maintain healthy relationships with other people [2,
The last twenty years of the 19th century and the first twenty
years of the 20th marked a period of great transformation of the
United States. People started to talk about sex openly, and they were
not afraid of society’s reaction. The first attempts to adopt sex
education in schools were made in 1912 and 1914 when the National
Education Association (NEA) passed resolutions. Chicago became
the first major city to implement sex education for high schools in
1913. Proponents recognized that this undertaking would fail without
broad cooperation with households, church and community [2, p.33].
The program did not last long because the Catholic Church soon
launched a campaign against this initiative. Only in 1920s sex
education supporters started to stand for sex education acceptance as
a formal part of a school program. In 1922, the Public Health Service
published a manual for high schools. By 1927, 45% of schools
offered some type of sex education, and only few parents were aware
of the matter [2, p.34].
In 1920-1930s among the federal organizations that
supported sex education, the Public Health Service paid a great
attention to venereal diseases, and abstinence before marriage was
considered to be an effective method of contraception. Sex education
classes included public health and morality. Sometime later World
War II showed the importance of contraception propaganda because
at that time STI peaked to the highest level [4, p.17-18].
In the middle of the 20th century the US Office of Education
started to publish the corresponding materials and train teachers, also
courses in human sexuality began to appear on college campus. In
1964 Mary Calderone, a medical director of Planned Parenthood,
founded the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the
United States (SIECUS). SIECUS became a competitive power to
the American Social Hygiene Association, which then dominated
sex-education curriculum development [5].
The Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s staggered
American society. Young people opposed their families or
government, and they did not rely on their parents in the matters of
sex and sex education. In the 1980s the AIDS and HIV pandemic
began, which was the result of new subculture and new adolescents’
world view, which was formed two decades ago. Imprudent sexual
intercourses seemed to be a common thing, and sex education
proponents strengthened their position. By the mid-1990s, every
state had passed mandates for AIDS education (sometimes tied to
general sex education and sometimes not). But some form of sex
education became inevitable in the HIV and AIDS period,
conservatives launched a movement to rebrand sex education as
«abstinence education». Religious conservatives helped add
provisions for abstinence education to the 1996 Welfare Reform Act,
and the Federal government directed several million dollars to
abstinence-education programs for the first time. According to the
statistics of Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, in the mid1980s about 80,000 HIV diseased people were diagnosed while in
2011 there were 30,000 [3 p.18]. Undoubtedly, it is a good rate, but
at the same time the number of the diseased continues to be high.
Changes which occurred in American society and diverse
attitudes to this subject caused the creation of different sex education
programs. These programs were classified by SIECUS. There exist
the following types:
 Abstinence-only sex education programs focus on
abstinence as the standard and preferable lifestyle for youth and
emphasize the benefits of refusal from intercourse. STDs and HIV
are mentioned as the result of sexual activity, but unintended
pregnancy, condoms and birth control methods are censored and
almost excluded.
 Abstinence based programs include information about
contraception and condoms in the context of strong abstinence
 Abstinence-only-until-marriage programs emphasize
abstinence from all sexual behaviors outside of marriage. If
contraception or disease-prevention methods are mentioned,
programs present their failure. Marriage is shown as the only morally
correct context for sexual activity.
 Fear-based sexual education programs combine
abstinence-only and abstinence-only-until-marriage programs to
control young teenagers’ sexuality by instilling fear, shame and guilt.
These programs rely on negative messages about sexuality, distort
information about condoms and STDs, and promote biases based on
gender, sexual orientation, marriage, family structure and pregnancy
 Comprehensive sex education programs tell about many
topics related to sexuality and typically combine information about
contraceptive methods, such as abstinence, condoms and others, as
well as education about STI.
The content of sex education curricula in America varies
widely by region, by school district, and sometimes by classroom
because there is not any federal law that can determine uniform sex
education program. However, in 2012 the Future of Sex Education
Project (FoSE) published the National Sexual Health Education
Standards (NSES). According to this document, children should be
taught sex education from the 2st through the 12th grade.
1. Bruess C.E., Greenberg J.S. Sexuality Education. Theory
and Practice / C.E Bruess, J.S. Greenberg. – 4th edition. USA,
Sadbury: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2004. – 322 p.
2. Huber V.J. A Historical Analysis of Public School Sex
Education in America Since 1900 [Электронный ресурс] / V.J.
Huber. – 2009. Систем. требования: Adobe Acrobat Reader. URL:
20&context=education_theses (дата обращения 21.12.2014)
3. McGhee E.D. Sex Education: History, Controversy, and
Deliberation. How we can learn from the past and deliberate the
future [Электронный ресурс] / E.D. McGhee. – 2014. Систем.
_Sex_Education.pdf?sequence=1 (дата обращения: 25.14.2014)
4. Lauber H.F. In Bed with the Fed: The Battle Over K-12
Sex Education in the United States [Электронный ресурс] / H.F.
Lauber. – 2012. Систем. требования: Adobe Acrobat Reader. URL:
ontext=cmc_theses(дата обращения: 22.12.2014)
5. Sex Education in America. Summary [Электронный
ресурс]. Систем. требования: Adobe Acrobat Reader. URL: (дата обращения: 19.12.2014)
Аннотация. Половое воспитание - достаточно новый
учебный курс в США, проблемы которого мало освещается в
российской литературе. В данной статье рассматриваются
ключевые этапы развития полового воспитания как школьной
дисциплины в американской системе образования. Особое
внимание уделено анализу влияния общественных процессов,
происходивших в США, социально-культурных и религиозных
взглядов на становление полового воспитания. На основе
изучения выявлено, что последствия такого взаимодействия
отражаются в существовании нескольких программ полового
Ключевые слова: история американской школы,
половое воспитание, протестантская этика, общество и религия,
семейное воспитание
Summary. Article reveals the crucial points for development
of sexual education. The history of sexual education is considered
along with religious and cultural views existed in American society.
Keywords: family education, history of American school,
sexual education, protestant ethics, religion and society.
UDC 159.99
Olga Tikhonova,
2nd year student, Psychology Department,
Lomonosov Moscow State University Branch in Sevastopol,
e-mail: [email protected]
Zinaida V.Borisenko,
Scientific advisor,
Senior lecturer of Psychology Department,,
Lomonosov Moscow State University Branch in Sevastopol,
Ekaterina I. Sorokina,
Linguistic advisor, PhD in Pedagogy,
Foreign Languages Department,
Lomonosov Moscow State University Branch in Sevastopol
A lot of researches is devoted to study of creative thinking.
The psychologists have not yet reached common understanding of
“creative thinking” definition. However, in most cases by creative
thinking they understand the ability to look at the items, which
surround us, even to find a groundbreaking solution of problematic
situations from a different angle.
E.P. Torrence singles out four basic parameters that
characterize creative thinking:
facility is rapidity of implementation of textual tasks;
flexibility is the number of switches from one object
to the other in the course of responses;
originality is minimum frequency of this answer for
a homogeneous group;
precision of fulfilment of tasks. [2]
This kind of thinking is an opposite of stereotyped one when
a person is suited for resolution of assigned tasks on well-known
way. Unlike the stereotyped thinking, creative one gives a person the
possibility to depart from banal ideas and come to an original
solution of the task or situation.
However, today not so many people can approach creatively
for solution of a problem. This is a reason of educational system:
when a child goes to the school, he/she is taught to follow
instructions, work per sample. Hereafter a child is taught to the
society samples. However, it should be noted that they (children) are
called to find non-standard solutions of assigned tasks. Retention of
patterns is encouraged by good marks, though, and even by
privileges, a child ceases to be original in his thoughts.
Despite such way of education, creative and unusual ways of
problem solving are very important in the modern world. People who
are able to think non-standardly, creatively are in demand. Therefore,
to be successful in the future life, it is very important to develop
uniqueness of thinking as early as possible and then there will be
more possibilities to achieve more in life.
According to different theories (V.N. Druzhinin and
V.I. Tututnina; J. Wohlwill, S. Low; P.J. Galperin and other) one can
talk about the fact that two directions of a problem of creative
thinking development exist:
1) effect of conditions of education and everyday life;
2) of an experiment developing holding.
Growth is made by training and education. It forms during
interaction with the world by means of assimilation during training
of material and mental culture content, art. Therefore, we can talk
that creative thinking could be deliberately formed. For this, abilities
such as generation of ideas, logical evaluation and critical
consideration of ideas among all similar ideas must be developed.
The person also needs to cover inner barriers for creation, such as:
Conformism, i.e. the person fears to speak out
unusual ideas because of fear to seem comic or not very clever.
Censorship (especially internal one), i.e. the people
are afraid of their own ideas passively react to an environment and
do not try to creatively solve arising problems.
Rigidity, i.e. typical school methods help to enshrine
knowledge received today, but it is not allowed to teach to set and
resolve new problems, as well as improve already existing solutions.
Desire to find an answer at once, i.e. excessively
high motivation often contributes to making of haphazard,
inadequate decisions. [4]
P.B. Blonsky noticed that creative activity directly
depending on wealth and the diversity of the experience; it means
that the many-sided and the more completely skills of a person have,
the richer his fantasy is, the more realistic his ideas are, and, the
more complex tasks the person performs.[1]
For solution of problematic problems or situations
contributing methods, to come to a right decision exist. Method of
“brainstorming” (A.F. Osborn, 1937) and “synectics” (J.J. Gordon,
1950s) are sufficiently popular among them.
The brainstorming method is the expeditious method of
problem resolution on the basis of creative activity stimulation when
the participants of discussion are suggested to express the large
number of variants of solution even fantastic ones. Then from among
the total numbers of outspoken ideas the best ideas that can be used
in practice are selected. [4]
Synectics is suited both for a group process of resolution and
for individual one. A basic property of analogies is used in
“synectics”: comparison of a complex object (process) to simple one.
At the same time properties of a complex object are realized better
and understood.
Direct analogy is used when it is possible to compare
an object with well familiar ones. The analogy has a special value
when objects from absolutely other fields of knowledge or practical
activity are taken.
Personal analogy (empathy) is used when people put
themselves in the object studied to the object's place.
Symbolic analogy allows to map an object that is
studied in symbol form, choose such symbols (symbols) that reflects
its basic regularities.
Fantastic analogy presupposes comparison of objects
that are explored to fabulous, fantastic characters. It allows to
concentrate on still impossible, but desired properties and signs. [3]
In view of the aforementioned, we can conclude creative
thinking is the main way of progress, because with its help one can
look to things from another angle, decide assigned tasks in an
original way, invent something new, unusual.
Creative thinking can be developed with help of
“brainstorming” and “synectics” methods that help overcome inner
barriers (conformism, censorship, rigidity, desire to find an answer
more quickly), develop the inner ultimate abilities such as generation
of ideas, logical consideration, critical evaluation and choice the
ideas among the familiar ones.
1. Блонский П.П. Избранные педагогические и
психологические сочинения. Т.2. - М., «Политиздат», 1979 г.
2. Козырев, А. Ю. Лекции по педагогике и психологии
творчества / А. Ю. Козырев. – Пенза : НМЦ ПГОО
3.Общая психология: Учебник / под общ. ред. проф. Л.
В. Карпова. – М.: Гардарики, 2005 – 232с.
4. Психология мышления / под. ред. Ю. Б. Гиппенрейтер,
В. А. Спиридонова, М. В. Фаликман, В. В. Петухова – 2-е изд.,
перераб. и доп.- М.: АСТ: Астрель, 2008. – 672с. – (Хрестоматия
по психологии).
Аннотация. Статья посвящена развитию творческих
способностей человека. В ней рассмотрены основные
параметры, характерные для творческого мышления. На
основе проведенных исследований были выделены
методы, которые способствуют развитию творческих
способностей. Существуют также внутренние барьеры,
отрицательно влияющие на проявление творчества, а
также способности, развитие которых положительно
повлияет на оригинальность мышления.
Ключевые слова: методы творчества, методы, развитие,
творческая активность, мозговой штурм, синектика.
Summary. The paper studies the ways of development
creativity from childhood. Characteristics of creativity and inner
psychological barriers are studied in detail. The key methods of
creativity development and types of analogy are described.
Keywords: creativity techniques, methods, development,
creative activity, brainstorming, synectics.
UDC 372.8
Karine Khamoyan
5th year student, Translation Theory and Practice
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Tatyana Klepikova
Scientific advisor,Associate Professor of Translation Theory
and Practice Department
Roman and German Philology Department
Sevastopol State University
At a present moment there is no doubt that the knowledge of
a foreign language can provide a person with a great number of
opportunities. Nowadays the majority of companies require a
command of a certain foreign language, so we can say that the
obtaining of a well-paid job directly depends on the ability to speak
other languages. According to the official statistics the most spoken
language in the world is Chinese with its 1.307 bln of speakers, the
second place takes Spanish (405 mln), English the third one (365
mln) and Japanese goes on the ninth (125 mln). [3] Despite the fact
that Japanese doesn’t occupy the first place some drastic changes are
observed in its usage all around the world. Due to the process of
globalization the interchange in various spheres between countries
has increased greatly in recent years and Japan is not an exception.
Today the most of Japanese corporations have their branches all over
the world and they tend to hire people who are able to speak
Japanese. Thus even the knowledge of it on the elementary level
won’t do harm, especially if we take into account that in most cases
Japanese companies offer their employees rather high salaries and a
wide row of possibilities for career development. The need of
Japanese can be explained by the technological development and
some social and political factors. It also can be proved by the fact
that specialists from different spheres of science are interested in
learning it today.
On the whole the main difficulty in Japanese presents its
writing system that consists of Chinese characters that are also
named kanji and the phonetic scripts called kana. On the one hand
such a mixed system may confuse and even frighten learners but
frankly speaking each type of writing serves its own functions. In
other words they complement one another.
The Chinese characters were the first writing symbols that
the Japanese started applying in their own language. They were not
only used to write texts in the Chinese style, but also were employed
for writing texts according to the Japanese syntax. Chinese characters
contributed a lot to the formation of Japanese. Nevertheless the
reason why modern writing system doesn’t include only kanji is
quite simple. The syntactical, grammatical and lexical systems of
Chinese and Japanese had nothing in common, so the usage of the
writing system that had been created for the other language
inevitably caused difficulties while trying to write or read the texts
written in such a way. That’s why people started using some writing
systems that helped to simplify the process of learning and
comprehension. One of the most famous and significant systems was
man’yogana. It presented a set of signs that were written above the
Chinese characters and served as phonetic symbols for Japanese
syllables.[2, p.730] One can say for sure that man’yogana was
important as for the first time it gave the Japanese an opportunity to
show off the peculiarities of their own language. We should also
point out that man’yogana served as a basis for kana developing.
In general kana is a common term for two syllabic writing
systems developed in Japan. These syllabic writing systems or
phonetic scripts are called hiragana and katakana. Both scripts in
their standard form present systems of 48 syllabic writing units. The
first one that is hiragana is used for writing indigenous Japanese
words and often Chinese loanwords that cannot be written with the 1,
945 characters officially approved for general use. [2, p. 730]
Hiragana also serves for putting down inflectional endings and
grammatical particles. In its early forms hiragana was used by
women, while the unsimplified Chinese characters were used by
men. By the end of the 9th century it ceased to be a system limited
only to women and became and gained full acceptance. At modern
Japanese schools hiragana is the first script that children learn.
Sometimes we can observe hiragana symbols written above Chinese
characters. In such case they function as explanatory notes that are of
great help for learners. The second kind of kana presents katakana.
This phonetic script serves for writing non-Chinese loanwords,
onomatopoeia, emphasized words and the names of flora and fauna.
[2, p. 731] Almost all katakana symbols present a simplified version
of Chinese characters. In its earlier stages katakana was used for
pronouncing Buddhist texts written in Chinese and it was mainly
used by men. By the end of 12th century katakana was used together
with Chinese characters in the official documents and anthologies of
Japanese verse. Broadly speaking katakana is a script that provides
access to a large amount of immediate information, from street and
shop signs and menus to timetables and schedules. Given its
usefulness, and the fact that it has the same number of basic syllables
as hiragana, it is surprising that a lot of language learners struggle
with reading and writing it.
Hiragana and katakana present well-organized and unique
forms of writing. What is most important is that they can ease the
process of learning, that’s why their knowledge is a top priority for
every language learner. Speaking about the order of learning we can
observe that usually students have to deal with hiragana firstly and
later they can set to kanji. Teaching two syllabic writing systems
requires a special attention because of their importance in written
communication. There is a number of techniques and methods for
learning it. Among them the most efficient is an Association method
that was firstly suggested by Hiroko C Quackenbush in 1972. It
enables students of Japanese to learn it in a more exciting way and
not to be bored by the task. The Association method is used to assist
students memorise the shapes and the sound of a character with a
familiar word, image or concept. [1, p.3] For example, to remember
the hiragana character あ[a], students imagine a television antenna,
up on the roof, with a lose wire and in order to learn the character
[ki] learners can compare it with an old key and a lock. Due to the
fact that kana signs have more simplified form than kanji it doesn’t
take students a great deal of time to learn it. Nowadays a wide range
of association systems exists and students can choose the way that is
most appropriate for them. They can draw special flashcards for
memorizing kana, use special handwriting worksheets for mastering
their writing skills or they can choose a number of computer
applications that are available today.
In conclusion we’d like to add that learning Japanese isn’t
such a difficult task as it might seem from the first sight. It’s
interesting to mention that after WWII some Japanese and foreign
scientists questioned the necessity of such a complex writing system.
They even proposed to eliminate kanji and kana and change them
with Latin script. But fortunately this idea wasn’t supported by the
majority. Due to such kind of system Japanese texts possess fixed
and unique form that helps to distinguish Japanese from all other
languages and reflect its peculiarities.
1. Hiroko C Q. Hiragana/Katakana in 48 minutes: Teacher
Guide / C.Q. Hiroko // Ref. Libr. – 1999. 74 p.
2. Japan An Illustrated Encyclopedia. – Tokyo: Kodansha,
1993. – P. 730 – 731.
3. Summary by language size [Электронный ресурс]. –
Режим доступа: (дата
обращения: 13.03.16)
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются особенности
системы японской письменности, которая состоит из трёх
элементов: китайских иероглифов (т.е. кандзи) и двух видов
каны (т.е. слоговых азбук). Объяснена роль каны в современном
японском языке и выделены наиболее подходящие методы для
её изучения. Отмечено, что слоговые азбуки служат для
выполнения множества функций, и они во многом облегчают
процесс освоения, как самой письменности, так и всего языка в
целом. Также в работе представлены основополагающие
принципы развития японского языка в современном мире, и
Ключевые слова: изучение иностранного языка, кана,
фонетическая единица, канзи, ассоциативный метод
Summary. The article concerns the writing system of the
Japanese language that consists of Chinese characters also known as
kanji and phonetic scripts named kana. The main idea of the article
focuses on the role of kana and the most appropriate ways of
teaching it, as it presents an essential part of the modern writing
system in Japan and may serve for different functions. The article is
also aimed to consider the main features in the development and the
usage of the Japanese language and point out the peculiarities of
phonetic scripts learning.
Keywords: learning foreign language, kana, phonetic script,
kanji, Association method.
UDC 331.1
Chajko Elena Sergeevna
3-rd year student, department of management,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Natalya Shcherbakova
Scientific advisor, Cand.Econ.Sci, associate professor
department of management,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
The relevance of this work is lies in the fact that many HRmanagers don't really know what is important for their employers
and why the level of staff turnover is high.
When I worked in IT-company, which based on outsourcing
I faced with such problems as high level of actually turnover (more
than 10%) and potential turnover.
After some investigation, I found out the most common
reasons of this situation.
First of all, employers are not satisfied with the ability of
self-development which included such points as:
-learning different languages (Especially English because the
company focuses on overseas customers and clients)
-study of effective project management
- learning new programming languages
To solve these problems it is advisable to increase financing
and send employees for training in various directions, such as:
- refresher courses
- teambuilding courses
- team leader courses
- publicspeakingcourses
- etc.
[1-2], but often this is not enough.
Secondly, lots ofpeople are not satisfied with the ratio of
wages and work they done. In my opinion, the primary cause of this
situation was the lack of documentation, which prescribes the
responsibilities of each employee. It is fact that for person
psychologically difficult to do the job which he doesn’t understand
the borders of his responsibilities.
Thirdly, another important point is respect from colleagues,
which significantly increases the productivity.
In conclusion, I have to say, that psychology plays a really
big role in HR and recruitment. Primary becauseit is work with
people. Nevertheless, many HR-managers forget about special
components and recruit specialists not focusing on their
psychological characteristics. That may cause significant harm to the
entire company. For example, even in 2014 company lost more than
2 million rubles due to lower productivity and idle jobs. What could
have been avoided, at least focusing on primary psychological needs
of employed workers.
1. Борисова А.А. Конкурентоспособность и профильная
занятость выпускников вузов: вопросы теории и методологии. –
Новосибирск: Изд-во НГТУ, 2015. – 510 с.
2. Киселева М.М., Щербакова Н.А. Организация
самостоятельной работы студентов как фактор формирования
личных профессиональных качеств специалиста // Актуальные
вопросы образования. Информационно-образовательная среда
как фактор устойчивого развития современного инновационного
общества: сборник материалов Международной научно-
методической конференции, 27 февраля-1 марта 2013 г.,
Новосибирск. В 4 ч. Ч.2. – Новосибирск: СГГА, 2013. – 214 с.
Аннотация. Актуальность изучения особенностей
подбора персонала подтверждается тем, что в большинстве
случаев система найма персонала является стандартизированной
и неприспособленной к специфическим требованиям отдельного
предприятия и HR-менеджеры зачастую упускают такой
важный момент, как психологические характеристики
сотрудников, что может повлечь за собой не только снижение
производительности труда, но и нанести ощутимый ущерб
самой организации.
Ключевые слова: подбор персонала, психологические
психологически-комфортная атмосфера в коллективе.
Summary. The relevance of studying the characteristics of
recruitment by the fact that in most cases the recruitment system is
standardized and not adapted to the specific needs of individual
companies. HR- managers often overlook this important point, as the
psychological characteristics of employees, which may entail not
only the decline in labor productivity, but also cause significant
damage to the organization.
Keywords: recruitment, psychological characteristics of
comfortable atmosphere in a team.
Секция «Лингвистика»
UDC 83'373.6
Tatjana Aleksandrova
1 year student, Management Department,
Taganrog Management and Economics Institute
e-mail: [email protected]
Elena Nuzhnova
Scientific advisor, PhD in Philology,
Humanities Department,
Taganrog Management and Economics Institute
The main aim of this study is to trace the etymology of
several economic terms in modern English. The scope of this work
allows us to consider only some words, they are to amortize, budget,
capital, cash and transaction. All of them are loanwords, so we will
define such notions as term and loanword, examine the reasons for
borrowing and regard the “fate” of each word in detail.
Term is a word or a word-group which is specifically
employed by a particular branch of science, technology, trade or the
arts to convey a concept peculiar to this particular activity [1, p.33].
Scientific and technical terms make up about 41 % of borrowings
[2], or loanwords, i.e. words taken over from another language and
modified according to the patterns of the receiving language [5, p.6].
Borrowing words belonging to professional terminology is
stimulated by the development of sciences and international cultural
There are some reasons why words are borrowed from
another language. Sometimes the aim is only to fill in the gap in the
vocabulary. New objects and notions appear and languages need
words to name them. Or a word can be borrowed because it
represents the same concept in some new aspect, supplies a new
shade of meaning [1, p.53; 2]. One linguistic aspect facilitates the
process of borrowing: the closer the two interacting languages are in
structure, the easier it is for words of one language to penetrate into
the other and the easier is the process of assimilation of new lexical
Many languages (Celtic, Greek, Russian, Italian, Spanish,
Arabic) contributed to the development of the English vocabulary,
but most English loan words came from Latin, Scandinavian and
French. The most effective way of borrowing is direct borrowing
from another language as the result of contacts with the people of
another country or with their literature. But a word may also be
borrowed indirectly not from the source language but through
another language [5, p.7]. Most of the words considered in this work
were borrowed from Latin through French. Let’s study them in
AMORTIZE: intimately related to death. When we say we
are going to amortize a debt or an intangible asset, we are referring to
the systematic reduction or writing off of a particular account over a
specified number of time periods. This use of the term is relatively
modern (since late 19th century) and is derived from the French,
amortir une dette. It is interesting to note the interrelatedness of the
French word dette and the English “debt,” which in Middle English
was spelled in the same way as the French. Returning to the word
“amortize,” in Middle English amortisen, we find that it has found its
way into English from the Old French amortir. The French form
came from the Vulgar Latin, admortire meaning to deaden or
extinguish. Admortire is made up of ad-, expressing direction toward
something, and mortuus, dead or mors, death. The original meaning
of the word was simply to kill or destroy. The term “mortgage,”
which comes from the Old French of the same form, translated
literally into “death pledge.”
BUDGET: it was just a leather bag or wallet. In the Middle
Ages, French merchants carried their money around in a bougette, a
small bag. This word descended from the Latin bulga, a leather bag.
The English word “bulge” comes from the same source, carrying the
idea of swelling. In times past, a storekeeper who made up his budget
opened his bag to find out what were his resources. The Chancellor
of the Exchequer, in making his annual statement to the British
House of Commons, once opened his budget by saying: “This bochet
[budget] with othre lettres conteigned in the same” (early 16th
century). The controller of a modern American corporation does not,
obviously, carry a bougette of any sort except his personal wallet
which may be surmised to contain credit cards, without which he
does not dare to leave home.
CAPITAL: caput or, simply, head. In the sense of wealth, the
word “capital” comes ultimately from the Latin caput meaning head.
The Latin root of caput appears in scores of English words, some of
which have come to us through the French and others directly from
the Latin. Both of our words “capital” and “cattle,” for example, are
from caput, for in early days a man’s wealth was reckoned in chattel,
a doublet of cattle. Interestingly, we still speak of a herd of a
thousand head. The Latin adjective capitalis meant pertaining to the
head, whereas capitale in Late Latin referred to stock or property.
Aside from its meaning “pertaining to the head,” capitalis also meant
chief, first. The latter meaning has found common use in accounting
terms such as capital asset, capital budget, capital gain, and capital
expenditure. In reference to wealth, capitalis implied a man’s
principal or chief substance. [4, p.235]
CASH: came from the till. “Cash” came either from the early
modern French casse or Italian casse. In turn, both of these words
came from the Latin capsa. They all meant chest, box, case, or
repository. Later on, casse came to mean the money, or cash itself.
Speaking of money, this term has an interesting origin. It comes to us
from a Roman goddess, Juno Regina, queen of the heavens. Juno
assumed many divine responsibilities but most of all she was the
goddess of warning. The Romans were so grateful to Juno for telling
them about the dangers ahead on various occasions that they built a
temple to her, and when coinage was devised they set their mint in
her temple, and thus Juno came to be known as Juno Moneta,
guardian of finances. Her name Moneta was derived from the Latin
word moneo, warn, and finally entered Old French as moneie and
thus eventually became our word “money.”
TRANSACTION: agreement by mutual concession. Among
other meanings, to transact has meant to do business, treat, carry
through, and manage. The noun “transaction” has its origin in the
Latin transactus, past participle of transagere. The latter is a
compound of trans- meaning across, beyond, to the other side,
through and agere meaning to drive, to set in motion, to do. Thus
transagere variously means to carry through, to achieve, to
accomplish, to come to agreement, to settle. We can see the
connection between transactus and transaction. A transaction is
indeed the result of an agreement reached by two independent
parties. It is this result which makes it the basic stuff or material of
accounting analysis [3].
In this work the notions term and loanword have been
presented, the reasons for borrowing words have been disclosed,
some economic terms in modern English and their origin have been
considered. All the terms were borrowed from Latin or French, the
languages that gave a great amount of professional terminology to
the English language. These examples show that meanings of words
can change greatly. Sometimes the origin of the words is evident, but
there are cases when it is difficult to identify the etymology of a
linguistic unit.
a) 1. Антрушина Г. Б., Афанасьева О. В., Морозова Н.
Н. Лексикология английского языка: Учеб. пособие для
студентов. — М.: Дрофа, 1999. — 288с. URL:
обращения: 25.02.2016)
b) 2. Лексикология английского языка: Учебник для
ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз./Р. 3. Гинзбург, С. С. Хидекель, Г. Ю.
Князева и А. А. Санкин. — 2-е изд., испр. и доп. — М.: Высш.
(дата обращения: 27.02.2016)
c) 3. Baladouni V. Etymological Observations on Some
Accounting Terms. URL: (дата обращения: 25.02.2016)
d) 4. Klein E. Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of
the English Language. 2 vols. Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing
Company, 1966. – 1776 p.
e) 5. Lectures on English Lexicology. Курс лекций по
лексикологии английского языка. Учебное пособие для
студентов иностранных языков. – Казань: ТГГПУ, 2010 - 92 с.
(дата обращения: 27.02.2016)
Аннотация. В статье рассматривается этимология
некоторых экономических терминов. Представленные слова
являются заимствованиями из латинского и французского
языков, из которых происходит большая часть экономической
терминологии английского языка. Раскрываются причины
заимствования слов из других языков и условия, облегчающие
этот процесс. Затрагивается вопрос о прямых и непрямых
заимствованиях. Слова исследуемой выборки показывают, что
значения могут измениться настолько, что будет невозможно
проследить этимологию отдельных лексических единиц.
происхождение слов, этимология, заимствованная лексика,
изменение значения
Summary. In this study some economic terms and their
etymology are considered. The words regarded are borrowed from
Latin and French, the languages from which the bulk of English
economic terminology derived. The reasons for borrowing words
from other languages and the conditions facilitating this process are
disclosed. Direct and indirect borrowings are touched upon. The
words of the sample demonstrate that meanings develop and can vary
so drastically that one can never trace the etymology of certain
lexical units.
Keywords: economic terms, origin, etymology, borrowing,
loanwords, development of meaning
UDC 81'37(045)
Maria Batrakova
Graduate student, Department of Linguistics,
International Institute for Humanities and Linguistics
e-mail: [email protected]
Olga Karachina
Scientific advisor, PhD in Linguistics
International Institute for Humanities and Linguistics
Nowadays scientists believe that emotions are integral part of
human thinking and linguistic awareness of people of different
linguo-cultures. Emotiology focuses on the study of emotions in
cooperation with other branches of science. One of its relevant
problems is the study of emotions in language, texts and
communication. Russian scientists have made a great progress in
studyingthisquestion by forming the idea of emotional behavior
standards, emotional/emotive lacunarity in communication emotional
sphere of concepts in general. Such scientists as I.V. Arnold, V.A.
Maltsev, M.D. Gorodnikova stood at the origins of this branch. A
range of emotion related problems is elaborated in works of N.A.
Krasavsky, V.I. Shakhovsky in Russia and A. Wierzbicka abroad.
Emotions play a very important role being a kind of
“mediator” between the world and its reflection in the language of a
person. But this reflection is selective, because people mostly reflect
what is vital to them. Emotions as a psychological phenomenon
reproduce an emotional attitude of the person towards the world [4,
An emotion is contained in a word in the form of the idea.
Thus, emotions get into words, being contained and fixed in them,
and if it is necessary they are expressed and outwardly indicated by
these words. So, emotions are an object of linguistics study, but to a
lesser extent than that of psychology, philosophy and physiology that
are a kind of background helping scientists to look into linguistic
problems of emotions. Existing conceptions of emotions are not
exhaustive, but what is good they are not mutually contradictory, but
complementary[1, p.5].
Emotions are conceptualized and verbalized in the language
of every nation. The fundamental emotions are distinguished, but in
different cultures we can observe their specific emotional experience.
Also, the norms of emotions’ expression are not stable. They change
from culture to culture, from epoch to epoch inside one culture, and
from one social class to another. But besides the actualization in
language by nomination, expression and descriptionemotions have
different forms of physiological exteriorization (shivering, laugh,
tears, etc.)[3, p.47-58]. Moreover, we can recognize an emotion by
facial expression. Thus, we deal with two semiotic systems at least:
body language and verbal language, and science has to study and
describe their correlation.
In language emotion exists in the form of a concept. There
are a lot of definitions of concepts by E.S. Kubryakova, S.A.
Askoldov, D.S. Likhachev, G.V. Stepanov, S. Kh. Lyapin and others.
Taking into account the characteristics of concepts’ essence, the
notion “emotional concept” is defined as follows:
Emotional concept is ethnically and culturally determined
complicated structural-semantic mental and as a rule lexically and
phraseologically verbalized formation based on the notional basis. It
includes an idea, cultural values and what replaces objects (which
people treat subjectively) of the world (in the wide sense) during the
process of reflection and communication [4, p.49].
In our work we have applied the method of component
analysis to the concept “anxiety”/“тревога”distinguishing sematic
features of words and comparing them in both languages. The
material - synonyms and vocabulary entries - were selected from the
English and Russiandictionaries such as “The modern Thesaurus of
Synonyms”, Cambridge International Dictionary of English, The
Living Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language,
Oxford Dictionary of Psychology, Словарь русского языка
Ожегова, Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка В.
Даля, Большой словарь синонимов и антонимов русского
языка,etc. and a number of online sources.
The appliance of the component analysis method is based on
an assumption that a lexicon of every language has a system
character. This system is subdivided into different micro-systems, for
instance, lexical sets, synonymic rows, or antonymic pairs. The study
of these micro-systems allows us to elicit semantic peculiarities of
one language or other. But the uniqueness of language depends not
so much on the number of semes which form “semantic space” as on
peculiarities of semes grouping within the framework of lexis and
grammar. That is why the component analysis could give us
interesting results concerning synonymic rows if we compare microsystems based on two or more languages [2, p.115].
The study of that type is attractive, not only because we
could elicit common and distinctive features of compared languages,
but we could study more profound a language by the comparison of
linguistic factors.
The component analysis relates to paradigmatically-oriented
The component analysis begins from the decomposition of
semes, i.e. constituents, which are determined with the help of
dictionaries. It is evident, that analysis of that type is challenging
when we work with synonyms, i.e. words which are similar in
meanings, or a synonymic row. In the synonymic row there is a) a
nuclear or base word (also known as a dominant word), around
which other synonyms form up, b) system of features (semes), which
form a specific meta-language, by which we can specify the position
of a synonym in a synonymic row or lexical set.
One of the most accurate variant of the component analysis
is one, which bases on the material of explanatory and synonymic
dictionaries. It is explained by the fact that dictionary definitions
represent the decomposition of a word meaning into its components.
Presence or absence of a certain semegives an opportunity to
draw a line between the meanings of lexical items. But often these
definitions are incomplete and have a subjective connotation. Thus, a
lot depends onthe experience of the researcher who complements
definitions given in the dictionaries. Another drawback is that
sometimes dictionaries artificially differentiate more meanings and
connotations than speakers use, in other words, these meanings do
not exist as a concrete linguistic phenomenon. Besides, we should
pay attention to the fact, that semes have their specific roles in the
structure of the word meaning. A semes variety includes archisemes
(generic semes), which represent categories and differential semes
(specific semes), which specify other semes. Generic semes subdue
differential semes, i.e. less common semes, which specify them and
this assigns hierarchical character to the seme structure of a word
(word meaning). Moreover, there are features which have a
character of so-called potential semes in meanings of some words.
We can distinguish them in particular contexts, where a metaphor is
A detailed analysis of the synonymic rowsin both languages
has allowed us to compare the seme structures of concepts “anxiety”
and “тревога” distinguishing some similarities and differences. For
instance, in both languages we have common archisemes“feeling”,
“state”/”condition”, “act” and “trait”. Also “anxiety” does not have
only emotional and cognitive components, but also a differential
seme “a signal/warning sound” (e.g. fire-alarm) in English and
Russian. In both languages we can trace a positive tendency of the
concept actualized by words “care” and “забота”. “Anxiety” and
“тревога” denote a psychological disorder accompanying by an
excessive physiological exteriorization. Also we have distinguished
common differential semes as “emotional state characterized by an
unpleasant feeling of expectation”, “uncertainty”, “fear”, “tension”,
“embarrassment”, etc.Talking about differences, we can say that a
number of archisemesprevails in the English variant (seven
archisemes in English and four archisemes in Russian). Furthermore,
we elicit the component of “aspiration” in English, which we do not
have in Russian. Concept “anxiety” hassemes “irritation” and
“беспомощность”,“торопливость”, “разочарование”, which do
not cross in two languages.
Based on the results of the analysis we can conclude, that
“anxiety” and “тревога” have much more common components than
distinct. This analysis can be used in further work with contexts,
which reveal broadly and more explicitly the peculiarities of this
1. Вилюнас В.К. Основные проблемы психологической
теории эмоций (вступительная статья) // Психология эмоций:
Тексты. – М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1984 – 288 с.
2. Кобозева И. М.Лингвистическая семантика:
Учебник.Изд. 6-е. – М.: ЛЕНАНД, 2015. – 352 с.
3. ШаховскийВ.И. Категоризация эмоций в лексикосемантической системе (на материале английского языка) :дис.
д-ра филолог. наук. – М., 1988. –С. 47-58
4. Шаховский В. И. Эмоциональные концепты в
немецкой и русской лингвокультурах. – М.:Гнозис, 2008. –
416 с.
Аннотация: Статья посвящена эмоциям в лингвистике и
анализу концепта «тревога» в английском и русском
языках.Учитывая, что изучение эмоциональных концептов
эмоций,т.е.эмотиологии,важной задачей является описание
необходимости этой уникальной отрасли науки и роли эмоций в
нашей жизни.Также данная статья преследует своей целью
выявление элементарных единиц значения (сем) при анализе
синонимических рядов с доминантами “anxiety” в английском
языке и «тревога» - в русскомязыке,ипоследующеесравнение
результатов анализа.
эмоций,эмотиология, эмоциональный концепт, компонентный
анализ, сема, синонимический ряд.
Summary: This article is devoted to emotions in linguistics
and analysis of the emotional concept “anxiety” in English and
Russian languages. Taking into account that the study of emotional
concepts is part and parcel of linguistics of emotions, i.e.emotiology,
it is important to describe the necessity of this unique branch of
science and the role of emotions in our life. Besides, it is aimed at the
identification of elementary meaning units (semes) in the analysis of
the synonymic rows with the dominant words “anxiety” in English
and “тревога” in Russian, and the subsequent comparison of the
Keywords: emotion, linguistics of emotions, emotiology,
emotional concept, component analysis, seme, synonymic row.
UDC 811.11-112
Zhanna Beletskaya
3th year student, tourism department
Omsk state institute of service
Anastasia Bystrushkina
3th year student, tourism department
Omsk State Institute of Service
Tat’yana Dolgova
Scientific advisor, tourism department
Omsk State Institute of Service
People living in different countries interact with each other
by means of commercial, economic, cultural and political relations.
In the course of the natural process, the lexical structure of the
language is constantly updated with new words.
The emergence of borrowings is the result of the historical
ties between the people, saving the values of linguistic and nonequivalent for the new words in the original language. Lexically
mastered word is considered when there is nothing that would
indicate its foreign origin in it [1].
The aim of our work is to study of modern tourism
terminology in two languages: English and Russian; to identify ways
and time of penetration of foreign concepts in the Russian language.
Borrowing in the Russian language is used by us in contact
with the speech-native Russian words. It makes no sense to prevent
the emergence of borrowings and trying to get rid of the alreadyestablished: a laptop, shopping, shows, license, presentation, ratings
and many others who came to the Russian from the English.
Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary defines «borrowing» as
the element of a foreign language transferred from one language to
another as a result of language contact.
Writing of foreign words - it is urgent and unresolved
problem in Russia, which is explained by the introduction of several
ways of borrowing in the Russian language. There is a system on
which the classification is based. It includes 4 ways to borrow: 1)
transfer (self-care, rest home), 2) transplantation (animation), 3)
transliteration (animator), 4) transphoning (camping, catering) [2].
We performed analysis of the literature, mostly dictionaries, in order to obtain and examine the information on the
time of appearance of certain terms of tourism in the Russian
language. The following words were taken: tour, tourism, animator,
animation, visa, hotel, catering, camping, service voucher, Duty
Free. Borrowing "animation" only appears in the dictionary 2004,
concepts «catering», and «duty free» and «reception» is not found in
any of the dictionaries, except for a glossary of terms in the tourist
business. Borrowing «tourism» and «visa», on the other hand are
available at all proven sources, «camping» and «service» are fixed in
all dictionaries, except for 2002, "Tour" will appear in the dictionary
of 2005 and 2008, "hotel" in the dictionary, 2002, and a «voucher» in
dictionary of 2002, 2004, 2005 he. The words above is used in its
original meaning in the Russian language.
There is a group of concepts in tourism sector which have
become obsolete and have been replaced by non-native counterparts.
Existed before «tour bureau» is called now «travel agency»; Tourist
card of admition - a tourist voucher; group leader – tour leader,
accompanying the tourist group is now transfermen. "Incoming"
terms are often used instead of "inbound tourism", "autgoing" instead
of "outbound tourism". A number of terms stored in English writing,
for example? « duty-free», «bed & breakfast» or «hubs & spokes».
The use of such English terms can be justified only by the special
sphere of their use, as in a professional environment where speed and
accuracy is valued [2, 3, 4].
The results of borrowing are ambiguous, on the one hand,
they may complicate the understanding and clog it, the
inappropriateness of using borrowing leads to absurd phrases,
foreign words overwhelmed it, pushing the initial russian words. But
on the other hand there is a natural process, contributing to the
development of language vocabulary. Successful developing
countries have the greatest impact on the world stage, so the Russian
language has a huge number of Anglicisms and Americanisms.
Adaptation of a new word comes naturally, but to explain
this process is quite difficult. The process of borrowing and
assimilation is reflected in dictionaries is not as fast as it is in speech,
this period may be up to twenty years.
1. Маркова Е. И. Заимствованная лексика в сфере
туризма/ Е. И. Маркова, И. Д. Маркова// Молодой ученый.2014.-№1.-684с
английского языка. Учебное пособие. Изд-во лит-ры на
иностранных языках.- М: 1959с.
3. Hornby A.S. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of
Current English / A.S.Hornby. - Oxford University Press. - 2000.1540 p.
4. Большой глоссарий терминов международного
туризма/ Под ред. М.Б.Биржакова, В.И.Никифорова - СПб.:
Издательский Дом Герда, 2006. - 936 c.
Аннотация. В данной работе рассматривается такое
явление в лингвистике, как заимствования. Их изучение
способствует повышению культурного уровня и грамотности, а
так же является важным аспектом изучения иностранного языка.
Ключевые слова: заимствования, термины, туризм,
адаптация, иностранные языки
Summary. In this text we consider the borrowing as a
phenomenon in linguistics sphere. Their studying contributes the
development of the cultural level and literacy, as well as an
important aspect of learning a foreign language.
Keywords: borrowings, terms, tourism, adaptation, foreign
UDC 811.111`24/ `25 : 651.7
Yulia Grisha
2 year student,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Mariia Varlagina
Scientific advisor, Senior lecturer,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy,
Sevastopol State University
The problem statement of the given research is based on the
fact, that a large amount of students and young professionals are
unable to create a successful CV. In the article the author makes an
attempt to cover the most common and fatal mistakes in writing
professional CV and highlights what is important to write a
competitive CV in the professional market. The major part of the
research is focused on the translation services and professional goals
in the field.
First, a resume or CV should be brief, clear and logical. It
must be vivid and well-structured. An employer does not have
enough time for reading a detailed CV about the daily life of the
prospective employee.
It is very important that all information should be highly
relevant to the position specified in the objective. When one applies
for a job of translator, the information about finishing professional
cooking courses several months ago or the pottery ones should be
An ideal CV must have a clear structure and must be written
in business English with good grammar and syntax. It is obvious that
one should start his/her CV with the introduction. It is “the head” of
any CV. Thus, there should be one`s full name, address, telephone
number and additional contact information, as an e-mail address and
Skype. The use of abbreviations and nicknames in the section
“Personal Information” is prohibited.
The spelling of an e-mail and its general look also plays an
important role for recruiting process. Attention should be paid to
what information an e-mail contains, no play of words or ambiguity
should be hidden there, in order not to misinform you potential
It is recommended to state only one position in the section
“Objective” and one should be exactly aware of the name of the
position he/she applies for. If there are doubts what post the applicant
wants to have, he/she should indicate his/her professional
An important rule must be observed – the applicant should
not embellish his/her skills and experiences. Employers know
common set-phrases, which are used for writing CVs by the
inexperienced specialists. Reliability of the provided information is
required. Flat and banal phrases, which don’t emphasize the one
among backgrounds of other employees, should be avoided.
The section “Work experience” is one of the most important,
because it shows what experiences a candidate possesses exactly. An
employer analyses the abilities clearly in this or that sphere.
One can also indicate his/her date of birth (DOB); interests,
activities and hobbies; marital status and accomplishment as an
additionally information. It depends on the prospective post. When
one points his/her interests, the choice should be done carefully. It
should be thought over what an employer should know about the
hobbies. It will be quite ridiculous if a translator, who is going to
work in a huge, famous company, points that his/her hobby is
hunting or throwing knives. An employer can make a false
impression and discover hidden danger or other negative meanings.
References can be available upon request. This statement is
indicated in the end of CV. But if one wants to point references, two
referees are sufficient: from an academic advisor or tutor and another
from a previous employer.
Recently it has become wide-spread to make and use an
electronic CV, where one should additionally post his/her own photo.
A great attention should be paid to the photo used in a CV. It must be
a neutral photo, which does not carry any particularly information
about you. It must be photo, which does not concern with your
hobby and others things. Most of employers estimate job-seeking
visually, according to the photo. And if your photo is impropriate, an
employer will not even read your CV.
Try to update your CV as frequently, as possible, adding
some information or editing some things, according to your current
life and professional career.
Every student faces the need to compose a successful CV
sooner or later. The difference should be made due to its main
purposes. The first category is academic and academic CVs are
required for scholarships and application to educational institutions.
The second category is professional and relates to job-seeking
process. The general requirements are common though, the
difference exists but it is not dramatic. The article helps to achieve
great success in writing a CV and helps to become competitive in
modern world.
1. How to succeed at writing applications (Part II: CVs and
Covering Letters): учебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине
«Перевод официально-деловой документации» для студентов 2
курса специальности 45.05.01 «Перевод и переводоведение» /
сост. М. В. Варлагина. – Севастополь: Изд-во СевГУ, 2015. – 26
2. Applying for a job [электронный ресурс].-Режим
доступа: (дата обращения: 22.02.2016)
Аннотация. В данной статье автор подчеркивает самые
распространенные и серьезные ошибки в написании
профессионального резюме. Помимо этого, автор также
описывает важные элементы конкурентоспособного резюме на
рынке труда. Бо́льшая часть исследования сосредоточена на
анализе аутентичных примеров резюме, рассмотрены их
сильные и слабые стороны. Первый тип резюме – академическое
резюме, которое необходимо для получения стипендии или
поступления в какое-либо учебное заведение. Второй тип –
профессиональное резюме, которое используется для поиска
рабочего места. Для этих типов резюме действуют общие
главные требования. Несомненно, существуют различия, но
каждый должен знать, как адаптировать резюме для двух сфер.
Эта статья помогает написать успешное резюме как студентам,
так и молодым специалистам. Знание основных критериев
составления резюме помогает стать конкурентоспособным в
современном мире.
Ключевые слова: резюме, молодой специалист,
структура, желаемая должность, работодатель
Summary. The author highlights the most common and fatal
mistakes in writing professional CV and indicates what is important
to write a competitive CV in the professional market. The major part
of the research is focused on the analysis of authentic CV samples
and their strong and weak points. The difference should be made
according to its main purposes. The first category is academic and
academic CVs are required for scholarships and application to
educational institutions. The second category is professional and
relates to job-seeking process. The general requirements are common
though, the difference exists but one can learn how to adjust a CV to
both fields. The article helps to achieve success in writing a CV and
helps to become competitive in modern world for students and young
Keywords: CV, young professional, structure, objective,
UDC 81-119
Marina Demura
3 year student, Philology Department,
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Branch in Sevastopol
e-mail: [email protected]
Yuri Sitko
Associate professor, PhD in Philology,
Philology Department,
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Branch in Sevastopol
The language has a special place in human life. It is a
product of activity, together with which it has a target orientation.
Speech is often understood as language in action.
The issue of the difference between language and speech is
widely debated and it has resulted in significant amount of special
literature, the value of which can not be overestimated. It is hardly
possible to find even two linguists, who would agree on the
interpretation of this problem which makes it difficult to enumerate
and describe all existing points of view on the opposition of language
and speech.
In this study we have considered the origins of the issue and
attempted to describe the most important options for solving it in a
chronological sequence.
Aristotle (384-322 BC) in his ‘Metaphysics’ writes: “For the
action is the end, and the actuality (ἐνέργεια / energeia) is the action
(ἔργον / ergon). And so even the word 'actuality' is derived from
'action', and points to the complete reality” [0, p. 294-295]. From this
point of view, the definition of ergon is approaching the modern
understanding of the language, and energeia is close to that of the
speech. Their relations are almost equal to the relations between
ideal and material.
Another scientist of antiquity Marcus Terentius Varro (11627 BC) in his treatise ‘De Lingua Latina’ attempts to systematic
exposition information about the Latin language. The main attention
he pays to studying speech – oratio. We can assume that he had
already formed an understanding of the ‘language’ as a separate
object of scientific study.
Wilhelm von Humboldt, basing on Aristotle's distinction,
describes the language as an activity of the human spirit (energeia),
which creates a product (ergon), but that product is dynamic,
affected by changes and it exists in the form of live speech. This
conception of language can be seen as a pre-formulation of the
problem of dichotomy.
It is generally agreed that the theoretical formulation of the
problem of language and speech in the history of linguistics usually
associates with the name of Ferdinand de Saussure. Karl Bühler
claimed that there was no linguist since de Saussure who has not
expressed a number of thoughts about la parole and la langue and
we have to admit that scientist has a point in this.
The essence of the teachings of de Saussure, expressed in
summary form, is the distinction between language (langue) and
speech (parole). The rest of the theory is the logical conclusion of
this thesis. The main points in Ferdinand de Saussure's ‘Course in
General Linguistics’ are: “Doubtless these two objects are closely
connected, each depending on the other: language (la langue) is
necessary if speech (la parole) is to be intelligible and produce all its
effects; but speech (la parole) is necessary for the establishment of
language (la langue), and historically speech facts always come
first… Language and speech are then interdependent; the former is
both the instrument and the product of the latter” [0, p. 57].
Saussure’s idea has been criticized for the fact that the
division was too sharp. For example, Leonard Bloomfield and Albert
Sechehaye in their works try to neutralize the opposition of language
and speech. As we can see, the denial of differences of language and
speech is connected with the positivist installation on the study of
The representatives of functionalism accept the difference of
language and speech. Alan Henderson Gardiner enters even in
polemics with Otto Jespersen on the pages of one of his works.
Karl Bühler, starting from Saussure's distinction and
bringing it to the Wilhelm von Humboldt’s energeia and ergon,
considers it insufficient and singles out four parts instead of two: 1)
speech activity (Sprechhandlungen); 2) speech acts (Sprechakte); 3)
4) language
(Sprachgebilden) [0, p. 22-28]. In this way scientist gains two
crossed dichotomies.
In one of his studies Vladimir Andreyevich Zvegintsev
comes to the graphical solution of the problem relationship between
language and speech [0, p. 100] (see picture 1).
Picture 1. Graphical representation of the relationship of language
and speech
It shows that we can have separate units of speech and
language on the free parts of the line that creates the illusion of
autonomy, but in reality it turns out that each of the units is located at
the crossing point, so applies to the language and speech. That is why
they are able to "replace" each other.
The arguments we have presented suggest that on the basis
of existing work on this issue we can identify the following ranks of
the most significant characteristics of language and speech, which
are naturally within its range in close contact with each other and
even partially overlap each other.
These characteristics can be presented in a table (see table 1).
psychic phenomenon
social phenomenon
committed to static
depending on the causal
It can not be described by a
strictly formal rules
linguistically ‘irregular’
depending on the
functional relationship
It allows the application
formal rules
linguistically ‘regular’
tends to be an abstract
Table 1. The main differences between speech and language.
1. Аристотель. Метафизика. Переводы. Комментарии.
Толкования / Сост. и подготовка текста С. И. Еремеев. – СПб.,
2002. – 832 с.
2. Бюлер К. Теория языка. Принципы изучения языка, в
кн.: Звегинцев В. А., История языкознания XIX—XX вв. в
очерках и извлечениях, ч. 2. – М., 1965. – с. 22-28.
3. Звегинцев В. А. Теоретическая и прикладная
лингвистика – М.: «Просвещение», 1967. – 338 с.
Ситько Ю. Л.
функциональнопрагматической методологии в отечественном языкознании 60-х
годов XIX века I-ой половины ХХ века (на примере понятия
части речи). – Севастополь: Рибэст, 2007. – 140 c.
5. Соссюр Ф. де, Курс общей лингвистики, в его кн.:
Труды по языкознанию – М., 1977. – 696 с.
Аннотация: В статье рассматривается широко
дискутируемое противопоставление языка и речи, приводится
обзор точек зрения ученых от античности до ХХ века.
Сознательная теоретическая постановка проблемы языка и речи
в истории языкознании связывается с именем Фердинанда де
Соссюра, однако уже в работах В. фон Гумбольдта содержится
препостановка вопроса дихотомий, восходящая к «Метафизике»
Аристотеля. Автор статьи соотносит взгляд на данную проблему
с установкой на изучение языка. Представленные в работе
аргументы позволяют определить наиболее существенные
противопоставленные характеристики языка и речи, создающие
взаимообусловленность этих явлений.
Ключевые слова: язык, речь, противопоставление речи
и языка, Фердинанд де Соссюр, дихотомия.
Summary: The article considers widely debated opposition
of language and speech. Describing in a chronological sequence the
most important linguists’ opinions we find the origins of the issue.
The theoretical formulation of the problem of language and speech in
the history of linguistics usually associates with the name of
Ferdinand de Saussure, but in Wilhelm von Humboldt’s work we see
the pre-formulation of the problem of dichotomy which is based on
Aristotle's distinction from his ‘Metaphysics’. The arguments
presented in this study can identify the most significant
characteristics of language and speech.
Keywords: language, speech, opposition of language and
speech, Ferdinand de Saussure, dichotomy.
UDC 81'221.2
Zaizzeva Valeria
1st year student,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Ekaterina Peschanskaya
Scientific advisor, PhD in philology,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Sevastopol State University
A person has a set of ways to express what he thinks or feels,
and each of these ways possesses its own language: spoken language,
literary language, sign language, language of music, dance, painting,
etc. The purpose of this article is reflection of negative emotion
"fear" in the English context. The text fragments are taken from H.P.
Lovecraft’s short story, which is called "The Moon-Bog" served as a
material of research, it is a poetic and frightening story based on
Traditionally there are two main types of communication. In
every day’s speech people can use either verbal or nonverbal
components. For humans verbal communication is universal way of
speaking that is people can transfer their information with the help of
natural language. Everything can be expressed by it; feelings,
emotions, etc. The question of different ways of transfer of
information has been studied. According to the linguistics
investigations natural language is not enough for transmission,
people must use one of the most important way of communication –
nonverbal components. The scientists have come to conclusion that
most information is transferred be means of nonverbal components,
including gesture system. Gestures can substitute for example any
greeting for a nod by a head or a shat eve hands. Also we should take
individual cultural characteristics of gestures into consideration. For
instance a nod by a hand up and down means agreement in Russian
culture. On the contrary in Polish culture the same sign means
This study investigated the hypothesis that different
emotions are most effectively conveyed through specific, nonverbal
channels of communication: body, face, poses, intonation, and touch.
For example, by means of them for anger, disgust, fear, happiness,
and sadness participants use their faces; and touch for love and
sympathy. Emotion identification in restricted conditions is most
accurate when participants viewed emotions displayed via the
emotion’s preferred channel. This study provides converging
evidence that some emotions are communicated predominantly
through different nonverbal components. Further analysis of these
channel-emotion correspondences suggests that the social function of
an emotion predicts its primary channel that is the body channel
promotes social-status emotions, the face channel supports survival
emotions, and touch supports intimate emotions.
Scientific interest in the field of emotions has risen at
scientists long ago, in the period of Antiquity, but the linguistics has
turned its attention to the problem of emotions later than other
sciences in the 20th century. "In domestic linguistics an outstanding
contribution to studying of language of emotions was made by V. I.
Shakhovsky and the Volgograd linguistic school headed by him. The
term "emotiologiya" used by V. I. Shakhovsky is understood as
"linguistics of emotions". It is the discipline created on a junction of
psychology and linguistics, and studying the connection of emotions
and language. The special place among the problems of studying of
language of emotions belongs to research of communication of
emotions and peculiarity of their representations in different text
types [3, p. 8].
Each language possesses own set of such means which are
formed by the carrier in the course of assimilation of language and
respectively, the carrier doesn't think what emotions to use. But if to
speak about the text, especially about art, then here and forms and
functions the emotive meaning of units more difficult and in many
respects depend on skill of the author. Therefore the special place
among problems of studying of language of emotions belongs to
research representation of emotions in different text types. The same
emotion can be expressed by different means: lexical, grammatical,
stylistic, and paralinguistic. Therefore with the help of mimics,
gestures and poses people can express their emotional states to other
people, inform them about their attitudes towards them. Mimics,
gestures, poses, intonation are “emotional language of humans”,
means of communication of thoughts, emotional states. Emotion
"fear" represents one of the strongest emotions experienced by the
person. In English there are a number of words having this
semantics: «Fear is an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have
when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful,
or bad that is happening or might happen». Traditionally in English
the notion "fear" is denominated by the following words: terror,
horror, phobia, shake, fright, dread, awe, dismay, funk, intimidation,
trembling, angst and pavor.
"The emotional state can be represented by the verbal
language (the direct nomination: fear, love, anger), and the nonverbal
(description of a pose, features of the speech and voice, look,
movements, etc.)".
As a rule, fear is transferred by the following paralinguistic
means: opened eyes with terror, a freezing heart, heart racing, the
shivering of hands and legs, a trembling voice, shudder with horror,
loss of consciousness [1, p.116]. All this and many other things are
widely represented in works of the classic of mystical literature H.P.
Lovecraft. Lovecraft uses a verb “shudder” several times. According
to the dictionary definition “shudder” means to tremble with a
sudden convulsive movement, as from of horror, fear, or cold”: “And
now I shudder when I hear the frogs piping in swamps, or see the
moon in lonely places. “I almost shuddered to see the high turrets of
the castle gilded with fire” [4]. The following verb "to flee" is used
by the write for expression of emotional state of a hero. According to
the dictionary explanation, the verb "to flee" means " to escape by
running away, especially because of danger or fear”: “But in time
there came troubles, and the peasants ceased to bless him, and fled
away instead as from a doom”. Also the phrase "touch of fear" is
applied to put emphasis on mentality and the physiological reactions
of the person: “For the first time felt a touch of the same kind of
fear that had driven the peasants away” [4].
"The fear serves as the warning of the forthcoming danger, it
allows to concentrate attention on its source, evokes to look for ways
of avoiding it. In a case when the fear reaches power of affect (panic
fear, horror), it becomes capable of imposing behavior stereotypes
(flight, catalepsy, protective aggression)" [2, p. 74]. In the following
sentence a hero of the story feels so deep shock at certain moments
that he isn't able to take any actions: “The wide plain, the golden
moonlight, the shadowy moving forms, and above all the shrill
monotonous piping, produced an effect which almost paralysed
In the following episode the main character even draws a
conclusion that the torpor has helped him to keep his mind in the
conditions of incessant impact of the terrifying events and
phenomena: “Not knowing whether I was mad or sane, sleeping or
waking, I was saved only by a merciful numbness”.
An attempt to avoid a nightmare is presented in two
following text fragments: “I thought as I lay there of Denys Barry,
and of what would befall that bog when the day came, and found
myself almost frantic with an impulse to rush out into the night,
take Barry’s car, and drive madly to Ballylough out of the menaced
lands”. However as a result, the main character just falls asleep,
without taking any actions, but soon the same feeling comes to him
again. This skillful reorganization of emotional structure makes the
story unforgettable: “My immediate actions were peculiar for such a
situation, but it is only in tales that a man does the dramatic and
foreseen thing. Instead of looking out across the bog toward the
source of the new light, I kept my eyes from the window in panic
fear, and clumsily drew on my clothing with some dazed idea of
escape” [4].
One more expressive mean is gradation, increase of intensity
of feeling in each subsequent episode. The example demonstrates the
shock expressed by total loss of coherent thinking and utter
exhaustion: “As I thought of him new terrors convulsed me, and I
fell to the floor; not fainting, but physically helpless… At some time
during this shocking period the cold wind and the screaming must
have roused me, for my next impression is of racing madly through
inky rooms and corridors and out across the courtyard into the
hideous night. They found me at dawn wandering mindless near
Ballylough, but what unhinged me utterly was not any of the horrors
I had seen or heard before” [4].
The eyes say frankly about human inner feelings. Widely
opened eyes are one of mimic signs that express fear which is
absorbed in the minds of the individual. The writer uses this method
to convey the hero’s feeling of the total helplessness in front of the
incomprehensible otherworldly forces and then resorts to the stylistic
device of Simile to intensify the impression: “There my eyes dilated
again with a wild wonder as great as if I had not just turned from a
scene beyond the pale of Nature, for on the ghastly red-litten plain
was moving a procession of beings in such a manner as none ever
saw before save in nightmares” [4].
Lovecraft's style language has generated a lot of imitations,
polemics, admiration and criticism. The use of a large number of
impersonal sentences, difficult metaphors, polysemantic nouns, use
of Old English language is his characteristic.He filigrees packs
obsolete, old-fashioned words and archaisms with an actual slang
and modern scientific terms. It he tries to obtain very strong effect of
the influence combining dry realism with poetry of mystical. Central
fundamental his works is emotion of fear. He masterly owns both a
semantic component of this concept and original art ways of its
transfer. The arsenal of his verbal and nonverbal means of expression
of emotions is very rich and scantily explored.
In the conclusion it should be noted that H.P. Lovecraft
absolutely deserved to be recognized as the classic of mystical
literature. His language and style are the immense wells for literary,
psychological, philological and linguistic researches. Due to one of
his short stories we managed to conduct such an interesting research
and to show how various language aspects are subtly interconnected
with human expression and perception of emotions.
Вилюнас В. К. Психология эмоций. – СПб.:
Питер, 2004. – 496 с.
монография. – К.: ИД «Освита Украины», 2014. – 190 с.
Филимонова О.Е. «Эмоциология текста. Анализ
репрезентации эмоций в английском языке»: Учебное пособие. –
Спб.: ООО «Книжный дом», 2007. – 448 с.
обращения: 22.02.2016)
McArthur Tom, McArthur T.G. Longman Lexicon
of Contemporary English. – London: Addison-Wesley, 1981. –
928 p.
Аннотация. Данная статья написана в русле
исследований невербального аспекта коммуникации. Объектом
изучения являются мимика и жесты, сопровождающие речь.
Данное исследование посвящено проблеме выражения эмоции
«страх» посредством компонентов невербальной коммуникации
в английском контексте. Статья отражает особенности
номинации таких средств невербальной коммуникации, как
мимика и жесты, и раскрывает их особенности вербальной
экспликации в английском контексте. Изучены кинетические
средства как ведущие средства невербального общения в
английской культуре.
Ключевые слова: жест, мимика, невербальная
коммуникация, эмоция, страх.
Summary. The article is written in the direction of studies of
nonverbal- communication. The object of the investigation is mimics
and gestures which accompany the speech. The article is devoted to a
problem of verbalization by means of nonverbal communication of
emotion FEAR in the English context. The article reflects the
peculiarities of the lexical nomination of such means of nonverbal
communication as mimics and gestures, and reveals its features of
verbal manifestation in English context. Kinetic means as leading
components of nonverbal communication in English culture are
Keywords: gesture, mimics, nonverbal communication,
emotion, fear.
UDC 81'276.6:34
Viktoriya Ignatenko
2 year student, Law Department,
Taganrog Management and Economics Institute
e-mail: [email protected]
Elena Nuzhnova
Scientific advisor, PhD in Philology,
Humanities Department,
Taganrog Management and Economics Institute
The aim of this study is to examine lexical peculiarities of
the language of law in modern English such as the use of
terminology, borrowings from Latin and French, archaic words,
doublets and triplets.
Legal English is not a language of everyday use by all
people. It is a specialized language of legal norms and related
discourse. Its distinctiveness may be seen in a number of
characteristics that differentiate it from the language of ordinary use.
Legal English is a system- and culture-bound language for special
purposes. It is the style of English used by lawyers and other legal
professionals in pleadings, legal writing and the drafting of written
material. Different dimensions of the language of law are 1) legal
documents: contracts, licences etc; 2) court pleadings: summonses,
briefs, judgments etc; 3) laws: Acts of parliament and subordinate
legislation, case reports; 4) legal correspondence.
Legal English has traditionally been the preserve of lawyers
from English-speaking countries which have shared common law
traditions. However, due to the spread of English as the predominant
language of international business, as well as its role as a legal
language within the European Union, the language of law is now a
global phenomenon. It is also referred to casually as lawspeak.
The most important difference that sets off legal language
from ordinary language is its lexicon. One of its peculiarities is the
use of technical terminology. A technical term is a word or a phrase
that is used exclusively by a particular trade or profession or used by
professionals in a way that differs from its normal meaning and the
term that has a relatively well-defined sense [5]. There are two kinds
of terms, purely-technical and semi-technical [4].
Purely-technical terms are found exclusively in the legal
sphere and have no application outside. They can be one-word terms
(solicitor) or whole phrases (Act of Parliament). Some of the
theorists argue that these terms are so closely related to the legal
system that they cannot be translated, but only adapted.
Semi-technical terms are words and phrases that belong to
everyday lexicon which has gained extra-meanings in the legal
context. For example, the familiar term consideration refers, in legal
English, to contracts, and means ‘an act, forbearance or promise by
one party to a contract that constitutes the price for which the
promise of the other party is bought’ (Oxford Dictionary of Law).
Other words found in unusual contexts in legal English include:
construction (interpretation); redemption (used in relation to the
repayment of debts secured on property); furnish (to provide e.g.
documents) [2, p.41]. Technical terminology adds to formality of
legal English and imparts specific semantic preciseness. Its function
is to emphasize that a proceeding is separate from ordinary life.
A noticeable feature of legal English is the existence of
Latinisms, or Latin terms, in its terminology. There are certain
reasons for this. One of them is the influence of Latin which was
supported by the power of the Roman church over Europe at that
time, and another is its widespread use throughout this place of earth
as a language of learning and literature [1].
Here are some Latin phrases and words in common use:
- Res judicata (an issue adjucated). For example: “…Judicial
Notice … evidences that the Bankruptcy Court approved the
Bankruptcy Conformation hearing “without prejudice” showing that
there has been no Res Judicata.”.
- Actus reus (guilty act). For example: “The DPP observed
that the actus reus of section... required a statement to be directed at
a group of persons on account of, inter alia, race, colour, national or
ethnic origin and religion”.
- Bona fide (good faith or in good faith). For example: “…
bona fide third parties may apply to the Court to assert an interest in
the realizable property.”.
Like Latinisms, the existence of legal French terms within
English legal language is also apparent. After the Norman Conquest
in 1066, the language of the invaders gained an undeniable position
in the legal sphere of England, bringing with it a wealth of legal
French terminology. The following terms are originally French:
contract, proposal, schedule, terms, conditions, policy, alias, quash
and so on [1]. Latin and French words are regarded as indispensable
by lawyers because they express a legal idea much more succinctly
than could be achieved in English.
Archaic words and expressions are in frequent use in legal
documents. For instance, professional lawyers often use “imbibe” as
an alternative of “drink”, “inquire” rather than “ask”, “peruse”
instead of “read”, “forthwith” as a substitution of “right away” or “at
once” and so on. There also exist some archaic adverbs, they are
actually a mixture of deictic elements: hereafter and heretofore,
herein, hereto and hereby, thereof, hereinafter, thereto and
whatsoever . These have extremely limited practical meaning and
exist as a result of legal tradition only [2, p.39]. Another example is
the use of the verb ‘witnesseth’ with the preservation of an ‘eth’
ending for the third person singular of the present tense as an
alternative of the current morpheme “es” in “witnesses”.
There are special reasons behind this tendency towards
archaic words. Legal language often strives toward great formality, it
naturally gravitates towards archaic language [5]. Besides, the use of
antiquated terminology is driven by the need to avoid troublesome
changes as far as legal lexical meaning is concerned, to make a
lawyer’s speech safe and convenient. What has been tested and found
adequate is best not altered [1]. That is, what was workable before
can be workable again. Despite the so called usefulness of the
archaic touch within legal language, its functionality is still
debatable. It is evident from the examples given previously that
certain outdated terms and constructions make legal language
inaccessible for public reader or more specifically to those who are
mainly concerned with legal matters and noticeably such terms
render comprehension difficult.
There is a historical tendency in legal English to string
together two or three words to convey what is usually a single legal
concept. Examples of this include null and void, fit and proper,
perform and discharge, dispute, controversy or claim, and promise,
agree and covenant. These word combinations are often called
‘doublets’ or ‘triplets’. They should be treated with caution, since
sometimes the words used mean, for practical purposes, exactly the
same thing (null and void ); and sometimes they do not quite do so
(dispute, controversy or claim) [2, p.34]. This is applied for the sake
of precision and avoidance of loopholes, sometimes for the sake of
reverence to tradition [3, p.235].
This study shows that Legal English differs from Standard
English in a number of ways. The most important of these
differences are as follows. The vocabulary is formal and standard
complying with the norms of the style to the highest degree. It is
supported by the presence of literary language. A lot of specific terms
unfamiliar to ordinary people are employed in the language of law.
The terms are purely-technical terms, i.e. only applicable in the legal
sphere but nowhere else, and semi-technical terms, i.e. belonging to
everyday lexicon which has gained extra-meanings in the legal
context. Much of this vocabulary is borrowed from Latin and French.
These loan words are regarded as indispensable by lawyers because
they express a legal idea much more succinctly than could be
achieved in English. Archaic expressions are frequently used in legal
English to avoid troublesome changes in legal lexical meaning, to
make a lawyer’s speech safe and convenient. There is a tendency in
legal English to use doublets and triplets, two or more elements that
are semantically same or are similar somehow. Their primary
function is clarity and preciseness.
1. Bouharaoui A. Some lexical features of English legal
URL: (дата
обращения: 23.02.2016)
2. Haigh R. Legal English. London and New York, 2009.
URL: (дата обращения:
3. Nawaz N. et al. Language of law: stylistic analysis of a
legal document // International Journal of Research in Management.
– 2013. Vol. 2. Issue 3. – P. 221-243. URL: (дата обращения:
4. Syntactical Structure Of The Language Of Law. URL:
5. Tiersma P. Legal Language. University of Chicago
M (дата обращения: 23.02.2016)
рассматривается и классифицируется терминология данной
примерами. Особое внимание уделяется терминам латинского и
французского происхождения, которые помогают максимально
точно выразить мысль юристу. В исследовании представлены
устаревшие выражения, часто используемые в юридическом
английском, а также такие явления, как дублеты и триплеты,
объясняются причины этих особенностей, характерных для
юридической коммуникации.
Ключевые слова: юридический английский, лексика,
юридические термины, латинизмы, устаревшие слова, дублеты
Summary. This work is devoted to lexical peculiarities of
legal English. Some specific terms unfamiliar to ordinary people are
considered, classified into groups and exemplified. Special attention
is paid to Latin and French terminology indispensible for lawyers to
express legal ideas more succinctly. A number of archaic expressions
frequently used in the language of law as well as such phenomena as
doublets and triplets are also presented in this study. The reasons for
these characteristic features are explained.
Keywords: legal English, lexicon, legal terms, terminology,
Latinisms, archaic words, doublets, triplets
UDC 81'11
Anastassia Kalinina
4th year student, Philology Department,
Chelyabinsk State University, Kostanai branch
e-mail: [email protected]
Natalya Geiko
Scientific advisor, Senior Lecturer of Philology Department,
Chelyabinsk State University, Kostanai branch
The toponyms are the geographical names, proper names of
geographical objects [2, p. 63]. The main function of toponyms is a
“naming”, the individualization of a geographical object with the aim
of distinguishing it from several others.
If you look at the world map, atlas, or look into a
geographical encyclopedia, you can notice that all the names of
countries, cities, elements of our planet relief – everything what is
defined by the science as place names - have already been translated,
therefore, they are not interesting for linguists. Another matter are
the fictional place names appearing in films or literature. Their
authors create their own worlds, and give them their own names,
which cannot be found in encyclopedias and dictionaries.
While translating bélles-léttres, especially written in the
fantasy genre, the translator gets difficult task to translate correctly
and accurately what has been expressed before by means of another
language. Thereby the main problem of the translation of toponyms
is to keep not only their stylistic function, but also pragmatic one.
When working with the names used in the literature, and especially
in the literature of fantasy genre, first of all translator must define
their functions, and only on the basis of the received information to
select a method of transmitting the name from the source language to
the target language.
Thus, the process of translation of toponyms has 3 stages:
1. Detection of toponym’s pragmatic function;
2. Selection of the most appropriate means of transmission of
the toponym to the target language.
3. Actually translation of the toponym.
Often toponyms created by the author for a particular
fantastic book have not only nominative function, but also pragmatic,
i.e. they are “speaking” names. In this case, the translator has a
question: how to translate?
Linguists distinguish four main ways of translation of
toponyms from one language to another: transcription,
transliteration, transposition and calking.
At the present time it is accepted to transmit most proper
names by transcription. Transcription (from the Latin “transcription”
- “rewriting”) is the transfer of foreign proper names, place names
and terms in accordance with their pronunciation in the source
language [5].
Transliteration (from the Latin “trans” – “through” and
“littera” – “letter”) is the transfer of foreign words (mostly proper
names and place names) in accordance with their writing in the
source language by replacing letters of one alphabet by letters of the
other [3]; a literal imitation of the form of the original word.
Transposition in the practice of translation of proper names
at the moment is still poorly understood. Transposition is transferring
of proper name by using the other name, which has a common
linguistic origin, but is different in form. Usually this method is used
in the transmission of names in closely related languages, which do
not have a practice of direct transliteration.
The method of calking is the replacing of component parts of
words or phrases by their direct correspondence in the target
language [6]. This method can be used in cases when the
transliteration is not possible for one reason or another (semantic,
aesthetic etc).
To study the ways of translation of toponyms appearing in
the framework of the works of such a genre as fantasy, from English
into Russian, we chose series of books written by a famous British
writer Terry Pratchett called “Discworld”, consisting of more than 30
works. We analyzed more than 10 books and selected 50 names
related to the geography of the Discworld.
The article explores the most interesting problems for
translator and provides options in cases where the translation,
proposed in the Russian-language edition, is not entirely successful.
Toponym Audit Alley was transmitted into the Russian
language by the calking - Аудиторская аллея. However this street is
connected with the Street of Bookkeepers, which name also was
transferred to the Russian language with the help of calking, but
using more obsolete words: not Бухгалтерская улица, but улица
Счетоводов. Thus, in order to maintain a single style, we suggest
using such a name as аллея Ревизий.
Toponym Bitwash Street is an interesting challenge for
translator, because in the English-Russian dictionary the article
“bitwash” is not given. Translator also rejected the using of
transcription or transliteration. The word “bitwash” was decomposed
into two components “bit” and “wash”, which, in turn, were
subjected to translation: “bit – кусочек, доля” and “wash – 1)
мытье, стирка; 2) помои” [4]. Using the obtained meanings, the
translator by the method of semantic development came to such a
name as улица Обмылков.
Another interesting case is the toponym Genua. In the
Russian translation of the book series the name Генуя, as one might
assume, is absent. Instead the name Орлея is used. This replacement
is the result of background knowledge of translator. The author
himself said in various interviews that the prototype for the city
Genua became not only the eponymous Italian city, but also New
Orleans. According to the geography of Discworld, city Genua is
located on the river Vieux also nicknamed Old Man River. In our
world, such a name belongs to Mississippi River, and the city of
New Orleans is in its mouth. Using background knowledge about the
geography of the planet Earth, and guided by the above facts, the
translator decided to use the name Генуя to save a reference to real
Name Howondaland has two corresponds in Russianlanguage editions. In the book “A Hat Full of Sky”, translated by
Elena Khomutova, the place-name is translated by transcription Говандолэнд. However, in an earlier book “Hogfather”, the
translator of which is Svetlana Uvbarh, this country appears under
the name Очудноземье. We think that the second variant is more
successful, because in the first case, transcription Говандолэнд does
not cause the same associations that in the English text, so the
pragmatic function is lost. A second translator, who offered the
variant Очудноземье, was able to determine the origin of the place
name from the phrase «How wonder land». Thus, literary translation
Очудноземье corresponds to the original connotation of the name
Howondaland and it is more acceptable variant.
Toponym Krull was transferred by transliteration Крулл.
However, during the study, it was observed that the name Krull is a
modified form of the word “cruel” – «жестокий, ужасный». Thus,
the method of transliteration does not take into consideration the
pragmatic function of the name. We suggest using in the Russian text
a name Ужос, because it arouses the same association among the
Russian-speaking readers, that Krull arouses among Englishspeaking readers.
Toponym Sniggs Alley was translated as Ухайдачная аллея.
But in the printed dictionaries entries “sniggs” or “snigg” are absent.
However, in one of the online dictionaries located on the site [1], it is pointed out that the word “snigg” is a dialect
form of the word “snig”, which in turn is a form of the word “sneak”
– «подлец, воришка». Therefore, guided by this chain of reasoning,
we suggest our own translation, based on the calking – аллея
Presumably, the place-name Tin Lid Alley, translated as
аллея Латунных шлемов, was transferred to the Russian language
by the calking. However the word “lid” doesn’t have such a meaning
as «шлем». Name Tin Lid Alley is a parody of Tin Pan Alley in New
York, which, like the fictional street was the center of musical
culture. Because the conventional translation of Tin Pan Alley is
улица Жестяных кастрюль, we believe that offered translation
улица Жестяных крышек is more precision.
Toponym Wyrmberg was translated by the calking as
Червберг. However, in Old English dictionary, presented on the
website Glosbe [7], the word “wyrm” has such meanings as «змей,
дракон». We believe that the use of this meaning for the calking is
more justified, since the people who settled the mountain inside –
Dragons riders, while using in the title of the root «черв-» arouses
associations different from the original. Thus, we suggest such a way
of translation as the calking Змейберг.
The study identified four main ways of translation of
toponyms: transcription, transliteration, transposition and calking.
However, the method of transposition was not used by the translator
while translating the works of fantasy genre. The analysis of the
practical material consisting of 50 place names revealed the
22 toponyms were translated by the calking;
7 – by stylistic transformations;
5 – by mixed translation (transliteration and calking);
4 – by the method of semantic development;
3 – by the transliteration;
3 – by the transcription;
3 – by mix of transliteration and transcription;
2 – by mix of calking and transcription;
1 – by using the established tradition.
As a result, we determined that the most productive way of
translation of toponyms in fantasy genre is a calking and least used
way is the translation according to the established tradition.
1. [Электронный ресурс] // URL:
2. Комиссаров, В. Н. Общая теория перевода [Текст] / В.
Н. Комиссаров. – М.: ЧеРо, 2000. – 136 с.
3. Крысин, Л. П. Толковый словарь иноязычных слов
[Текст] / Л. П. Крысин. – М.: Эксмо, 2008. – 944 с.
Мюллер, В. К. Большой англо-русский и русскоанглийский словарь. 450000 слов и словосочетаний. Новая
редакция [Текст] / В. К. Мюллер. – М.: ООО «Дом Славянской
книги», 2011. – 960 с.
5. Нелюбин, Л. Л. Толковый переводоведческий словарь
[Текст] / Л. Л. Нелюбин. – М.: Флинта: Наука, 2003. – 320 с. – 3е издание, переработанное.
6. Федоров, А. В. Основы общей теории перевода
(лингвистические проблемы): Для институтов и факультетов
иностр. языков. Учеб. пособие. [Текст] / А. В. Федоров. – М.:
ООО «Издательский Дом «ФИЛОЛОГИЯ ТРИ», 2002. – 416 с.
Аннотация. Статья посвящена изучению основных
проблем перевода топонимов, а также выявлению наиболее
часто встречаемых приемов перевода имен собственных на
материале жанра фэнтэзи. Среди основных переводческих
Калькирование при переводе топонимов материалов в жанре
фэнтэзи преобладает.
Ключевые слова: фэнтэзи, лексические особенности,
топоним, переводческие трансформации, калькирование.
Summary. This article examines the main problems of the
translation of toponyms and place names and translator’s
transformation. The toponyms are the geographical names, proper
names of geographical objects which have their own features of
translation especially in a fantasy genre. There are major ways of the
translation of place names on the material of fantasy works:
transcription, transliteration, transposition and calking, but generally
used is calking, less used is dictionary translation.
Keywords: fantasy, lexical features, toponym, translation
transformation, calking.
Olga Kaminskaya
1 year student, Theory and Practice of Translation
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Ekaterina Peschanskaya
Scientific advisor, PhD in philology,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Sevastopol State University
Today advertising is an integral part of our lives. Advertising
affects the human mind and gives him a particular setting, and it does
not matter whether the potential buyer needswhat he is offered with
passion.Due to their psychological and physiological features women
are more likely to believe in advertising in comparison with
men. Female audience is the most grateful and generous, that’s why
the creators of the advertisement don’t skimp in the creation of
commercialswhich present products for women. For many years
women's magazine has covered leading position, so we focus our
research on publications based on women's magazines, which are
commonly used by female audience. The thematic objects of
advertising in women's magazines are perfumery, namely cosmetics,
clothing and accessories, vehicles, a variety of vitamins and
supplements, household items, products for home care. This kind of
advertising is able to influence the image of a modern, self-confident
woman, who is able to deal with any difficulties, whether it is a mess
in the house (commercial cleaning products, household appliances),
or cosmetics (skin care, hair care). As a rule, the text of magazine
advertising is persuasive information that describes the capabilities
of a particular advertised product. As their purpose is to influence
human mind, advertising uses a rich spectrum of means of
expression of speech at all language levels.
The novelty of this work is to identify the linguistic means
and stylistic devices used in advertising texts of women's
cosmetics. The objectof this investigation is a magazine designed
special for female audience. The material for our study is the
commercials from the British magazine «Cosmopolitan»in which
both verbal and nonverbal components are presented clearly.The
subject of research is the use of linguistic features in advertising
cosmetics for women. Thepurpose of this article is to investigate
verbal and nonverbal characteristics of female advertising.To achieve
this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
to analyze the interpretation of the concept
to identify lexical means for creating female
advertising texts;
to describe their linguistic and stylistic features.
Let´s study the use of non-verbal components in the text
fragments in which the information is presented through images,
without speech and language components provided in a straight line
or a symbolic form.
Advertisers use all kinds of means, including a variety
of eye-stoppers - elements, as well as a variety of print and color
variations (images, backgroundetc.). The science of visual language
of human behavior is called okulesika. Print is an example of
nonverbal components. Successfully selected type does not draw
attention as they do not interfere with the perception of advertising
idea, but still creates the mood and attitude. There are not many
different types in print advertising; more attention is paid for
bolding. To select a particular information text the following
allocation is used. The selection of individual words or sentences is
called italic: “Packed with more beauty tips than you can possible
handle!” [4, p.15]. The use of italics allows emphasizing the most
important information, to the advertiser's opinion, the information
that will interest the reader without doubt.The most commonly used
in advertisements is thick print. Boldface indicates the most
“Cosmo'sHappyList”[4, p.19].“New pure color lipstick!” [4, p.3].
Color is also a part of nonverbal communication because it affects
not only vision, but also the soul and the innercondition of the
person. It can carry a variety of information about the subject and
advertising’s product.The main functions of color in the advertising
areto attract attention, to create an image, to convey mood. Color
combination promotes the creation of company image, makes
advertising more attractive. A wide variety of colors in different
combinations is used in print advertising of cosmetics. Most often it
is a bright, contrasting color that attracts the reader's attention.
Mr. Clarke says: “the choice of color in advertising one of
the main components of the manufacturing process of the
message. The advertisement should be considered an object of
production and contents of the text (in the case of print advertising)
[5]. For example, pink is the most romantic and delicate color. It also
has a calming effect. Studies say that the pink color makes people
more relaxed and soft, more attentive, affectionate and
sensitive. This color can be widely used: in advertising perfumes,
goods for women and children, services of marriage agencies and
family centers [3, p. 231]. In many countries, pink is associated with
femininity. Therefore, it is logical that it is widely used in the
advertising of goods for women. In our magazine the advisers use
this color for selling hair shampoos and conditioners and face creams
[4, p.38].
An attractive cover is the most important for magazine. If the
cover has a lot of bright images and eye-catching signs, the people
will certainly be interested to buy it. On the covers of women's
magazines women "standard" is portrayed: a model or a star of show
business, fashionably dressed. On the cover of the magazine, which
served as our research material, a famous American singer, music
producer, actress, dancer and model Beyoncé is shown.
The science of language of smells, senses, including
nonverbal communication is called olfaktsiya. On the pages of our
magazine we can often see the advertising of spirits which gives us
the ability to smell by rubbing the page in a specific location with
your hand.
Let’s investigate the following form of advertising, in which
the information is available with the help of speech and language
resources – verbal communication. In our study we come across the
following stylistic means: metaphor, epithet, parcelling, and
exaggeration. Creating a vivid and memorable promotional image,
advertising developers have resorted to revolutions, in which a word
or expression is used in a figurative sense in order to achieve greater
effectiveness of advertising messages.
Often advertisers use parceling welcome speech. According
to the dictionary, parceling is intonation and stylistic figure: syntax
highlighting individual parts or phrases of words (mostly
homogeneous terms) as independent proposals with a view to
strengthening their sense of emotional stress [1]: “Make a lasting
impression. Brush-perfect
finish. No
caking. Nofoundation
fingers. Lasts up to 24 hours. Because you're worth it”[4, p. 25]. Due
to the parceling basic information is given briefly. Advertisers focus
women’s attention on the quality of foundation, the perfect brush
will help put the cream flat, your make will last up to 24 hours.Also
advertisers use epithets – definitions are added to the name of an
object or person for more artistic expression [2, p.1524,]: “A perfect
smoky eye look” [4, p.22]“Natural looking”,“Permanent color”
[4, p.61]. The following stylistic type used by advertisers is
metaphor. According to the dictionary definition, metaphor is “the
use of words or expressions in a figurative sense, based on the
similarity, comparison, analogy”[2, p.537]: “Everyone you kiss will
turn to gold with this blingin 'spring trend. We love this expensive
look that does not cost the earth!” [4, p.19]. In this text fragment
lipstick of golden color is advertised, sellers put two emphaseson the
great effect of luxurious lips and on the trend in spring.
Let’s examine more interesting and unusual, to our minds,
stylistic device – oxymoron. It is a stylistic technique, a combination
of words with opposite meanings [2, p.711]:“All the drama without
the drama” [4, p.22]. The next important device, producing
emotional effect, is anaphora – the style of technique, consisting of
the repetition of the same words, sentences, sounds at the beginning
of adjacent or closely spaced lines, verses or phrases [2, p.39]. This
method is mostly often used in advertising headlines: “Three
moisturises. Three
Advertisements, containing hyperbole, create an enthusiastic,
positive atmosphere. In the following example hyperboliceffect is
shown to advertise the L'OREAL, demonstrating smoothness and
youthful appearance of woman’s skin: “Radiant looking skin”,
“Smoother feeling skin”, “Younger looking skin” [4, p.32]
Having analyzed the commercials from the woman’s
magazine, we can come to conclusion, that with the help of verbal
and nonverbal components advertisers manipulate the mind of the
buyer to make sure that their product will be purchased. By using
different stylistic means in combination with pictures that increase
the expressive andemotional effect on the text, involve the customers
in the virtual world of images.
Белокурова С.П.
Словарь литературоведческих терминов – СПб, 2005.–320 с.
Большой толковый словарь русского языка. Ред.
Кузнецов С.А. СПб.: Норинт, 2000.– 1536 с.
Шуванов В.И. Психология рекламы 3е изд.,
Ростов-на-Д.: Феникс, 2003. – 320 с.
URL:дата обращения 25.02.2016)
Миронова Екатерина. Воздействие цвета в
рекламе. URL:дата
обращения 25.02.2016)
Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается
использование вербальных и невербальных компонентов в
женском журнале.В статье анализируется употребление
различных стилистических приемов, которые увеличивают
выразительность текста; показаны визуальные средства
выражения, оказывающие эмоциональное воздействие на текст,
тем самым привлекающие клиентов в виртуальный мир
изображений. В статье описываются невербальные компоненты
(шрифт, цвет, запах), а также рассматриваются вербальные
компоненты, используемые рекламодателями в целях создания
позитивной атмосферы.
Ключевые слова: реклама, вербальные и невербальные
компоненты, женский журнал, стилистический прием, языковые
особенности, шрифт, цвет, запах.
Summary. This article deals with the usage of verbal and
nonverbal components in women’s magazine. In the article the use of
various stylistic devices that increase the expressiveness of the text is
analyzed; the visual means of expression, which have an emotional
impact on the text and attract the customers into the virtual world of
images, are shown. Nonverbal components (print, color, scent) are
described; also verbal means, used by advertisers for creating
positive atmosphere, are taken into consideration.
Keywords: advertising, verbal and nonverbal components,
women’s magazine, stylistic device, linguistic features, print, color,
UDC 8.81
Daria Kochetova
3rd year student, English philology department
Kuban State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Katermina V.V.
Scientific advisor,PhD in Philology,
Romanсe and German Philology Faculty
Kuban State University
Gender linguistics is one of the promising areas of modern
linguistics which is in the process of finding its methodology and
research methods, due to the lack of generally accepted
terminologyandestablished approaches in the area. In spite of this
fact we believe that the study of language and speech in
thelinguogenderaspect is able to identify new and essential features
for understanding language and speech which must be considered
only in close connection with other fields of human knowledge:
philosophy, sociology and psychology, with the phenomena of social
life (in particular, feminist movement). And they are
somehowreflectedin notions of socio-cultural roles of men and
Justification and development of linguistics of emotions –
another field of linguistics– determined new approaches to the
review of genderology in the implementation of male and female
emotions in literary texts.
The term "non-verbal" is generally understood as "nonverbal language." It includes not only the body movement and
acoustic speech modality but the different elements of the
environmentand even the appearance of various fields of art.
"Non-verbal communication (lat. Verbalis - oral and
Latincommunicatio - to communicate.) −a form of communication,
which is a behavior that signals the nature of the interaction and
emotional states of communicating individuals" [1, p.
Gestures, facial expressions, gazes, voice colouringsare
usually referred to non-verbal speech.
The problems associated with their representation in writing
and related non-verbal signs and patterns of nonverbal behavior in
artistic literarytexts are considered in the works of many scholars
(E.D.Polivanov, G.V.Kolshansky, V.I Shahovsky). One can select
the general idea –the choice of nonverbal components depends on the
pragmatic purposes which the author of the text has.
Speaking about gender differences reflected in the nonverbal behavior, it might be noted that certain gestures and even
entire styles of nonverbal behaviorstarted to be assessed as
women’sandconsequentlymen's regardless of the actual gender of the
In this article we will pay attention to such kind of nonverbal communication as facial expressionsbecause that is the most
frequent in the study work –John Steinbeck's novel "The Grapes of
Wrath." As a result, we have been able to identify the following
expressions denoting non-verbal behavior of the male characters.
Sb’s face lits up − non-verbal means of describing a
quick change of emotions, usually sadness to joy, "enlightenment".
When Al got near, he recognised Tom's face and his face lit
Sb's eyes smile at sb− this facial expression of
emotions − look − is an alternative to the usual "smile" but gives
some emotion significance.
Tom watched her working in the kitchen and his eyes smiled
at her.
Sb's face smiles −a similar mimic gesture. The verb
«to smile / smile"
is also used a great number of times.
The thin man’s face smiled.
The examplesreviewedin the listillustratethat with the help of
facial expressions men show joyfrequently. It should be also noted
that a "smile" as a means of reflection and evaluation of joy is quite
often used by the author which can be explained by the idea of the
work itself. It can be assumed that the "human" emotion acts contrast
with the "non-human" reality in which the characters are put.
The author resorts to mimicry and expression of other
characters’ feelings:
Sb's eye stare angrily − a manifestation of
aggression, restrained look.
Sb's mouths hang open −a mimic gesture of
expressing surprise and extreme fatigueas in this example.
The tired man watched, their mouths hanging open.
Thus, the use of non-verbal communication in a literary text,
first of all, depends on the goalswhich the author of the text wants to
achieve. In the novel the description of male characters’ non-verbal
means most frequency occurs while manifesting joyandsmiles. So
mimicryhelps to intensifywhat is said by characters and to evaluate
the events.
1. Леонтьев, Д.А. Психология общения [Текст] / Д.А
Леонтьев. – М.: Академия, 2008. – 368 с.
2. JohnSteinbeck. The Grapes of Wrath [Электронный
2.pdf (дата обращения: 16.02.2016).
Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена рассмотрению
невербальных средств у героев мужского пола в романе Джона
Стейнбека «Гроздья Гнева». В статье отмечается, что
невербальная коммуникация в художественном тексте зависит
от целей, которые автор текста ставит перед собой, а также тот
факт, что автор данного романа часто использует невербальные
средства, мимику, при описании радости и улыбки. Таким
образом, с помощью мимики мужские персонажи проявляют в
большинстве случаев радость, что контрастирует с содержанием
Ключевые слова: эмоции, гендер, невербальная
коммуникация, мимика, язык тела
Summary. This article is devoted to thereview of non-
verbal means of male characters in John Steinbeck's "Grapes of
Wrath". The article emphasizes that non-verbal communication
in fiction directly dependson the author’s purposes of the text
which were set, and the fact that the author of the novel often
uses non-verbal means, body language, while describing joy
and smile.Thus, male characters express joy with the help of
mimicry in most cases which makes a contrast with the content
of the novel.
Keywords: emotions, gender, non-verbal communication,
mimicry, body language
UDC 81-26
Anna Krainova
2 year student, department of oriental languages,
Omsk State Pedagogical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Anna Shestova
Scientific advisor, PhD in Philology,
The English language department,
Omsk State Pedagogical University
The English language is an international language.
According to 2009 data, there are more than 410 million people for
whom English is a mother tongue. English is spoken in the USA, the
UK, Canada, Australia etc. In 2012 there was an opinion poll among
the students who want to learn English. It showed that more than 60
% prefer Great Britain and the USA for learning English. Besides,
there are a lot of countries where people speak English as their native
language, but the UK and the USA are the most “ENGLISHSPEAKING COUNTRIES”.
In spite of the fact that Americans and British people speak
English, there are some differences between British English and
American English. Recently, this problem has become the subject of
scientific researches. The differences between American English and
British English are treatedin the research works byE. V. Timashova,
O. V. Medvedeva , O. V. Pervashova.
E.V. Timasheva analyses the common and differential
features of the American and British variants of the English
language: the author of the article is concerned with the differences
in phonetics, grammar and vocabulary, focusing her attention on the
differences in vocabulary. For instance, the Russian word
«каникулы» can be translated in the following ways – holiday (BrE)
vs vacation (AmE); the opposition billion (AmE) vs milliard (BrE)
illustrates how one and the same figure can be represented etc. The
synonyms of the phrasal verbs such as ante up (AmE) vs cough up
(BrE) are treated in the article by O. V. Medvedeva. O. V.
Pervashova analyses the status of the British and American variants
of the English language in modern society.
Having analyzed the research works mentioned above, we
have found the most noticeable between American and British
language in vocabulary. This difference can be vividly shown in
literature. There are a lot of books translated from British English
into American English and vice versa.
The “Booktrust” made a survey revealing small children's
preferences for reading books by making a list of 100 books that
children should read before they are fourteen. When the foundation
staff chose the books, they took into consideration interesting and
ingenious fiction, the author’s parlance, the design, popularity, the
ability to broaden the minds of the readers. The book “Harry Potter”
occupied the top position in the list. The book series “Harry Potter”
is translated into 65 languages.
“Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone”, first published in
1997 by Bloomsbury, is the first novel in the “Harry Potter” series
and J. K. Rowling's debut novel. In 1998 the book was published in
the United States as “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone by Scholastic Corporation”.
The analyses of the British English and American English
versions of the novel shows the following oppositions.
Table 1.
The oppositions between the British English and American
English versions of the novel “Harry Potter”
The UK Edition
The USA Edition
Dear Mr.
Happy Christmas
learns spells off
by heart
Merry Christmas
learns spells by
minister for
minister of Magic
Sorcerer’s Stone
The first opposition in greeting – the UK edition Dear MR.
Dumbledore vs the USA edition Professor McGonagall – can be
explained by the rules of writing the British letters: British people
prefer to say “Dear Madam or sir” while Americans mention the title,
or the rank, or the profession of a person without adding the
adjective dear.
The second difference is connected with holidays. Americans
wish somebody “Merry Christmas”, while the British say “Happy
Christmas”. Merry Christmas and Happy Christmas are both
greetings used at the end of December, around Christmastime. The
first component of each phrase is capitalized only when used as a
greeting. Merry Christmas began to be used as a saying in the 1500s.
It was recorded in a letter as a wish that God would send the
recipient “merry Christmas”. It became a set expression with the
meaning of greeting in Charles Dickens' great work “A Christmas
Carol”. Queen Elizabeth II, for whatever reason, did not use
Dickens’ phrase. Instead, she used the phrase Happy Christmas in
her broadcasts to her subjects. After being used by the Queen, the
phrase gained popularity and is still common in Great Britain and
The difference in idioms is illustrated by the examples to
learn off by heart vs to learn by heart. In the Cambridge Dictionary
Online to learn off by heart means “to learn something in such a way
that you can say it from memory”. That’s why in the British version
of the book we find: “He, Ron, and Hermione kept to themselves,
working late into the night, trying to remember the ingredients in
complicated potions, learn charms and spells off by heart, memorize
the dates of magical discoveries and goblin rebellions”. In the
American’s version the author writes “… learn charms and spells by
heart…”. The American dictionary (Merriam-Webster) defines to
learn by heart as “to recite from memory explanation” and illustrates
it by the following example: “She learned the poem by heart”.
The next difference is connected with the lexemes
denoting the post office: letter box (BrE) vsmail box (AmE).
Cf.: Letter box – a small hole in a door that letters are put vs
Mail BOX – a private box on or near a house in which mail is
placed when it is delivered.
The following examples illustrate the difference in
prepositions. Cf.: the minister for Magic (BrE) vs the minister
of Magic (AmE). The preposition FOR is “intended to belong to,
or be used in connection with: equipment for the army; a closet for
dishes”; the preposition OF is “used as a function word to indicate
belonging or a possessive relationship “king of England”.
The last opposition concerning the title of the book
(Philosopher’s Stone vs Sorcerer’s Stone) shows how one and
the same phenomenon can be defined in two different ways.
Cf.: philosopher is “an alchemist or devotee of occult
science” vs sorcerer is “a person who practices sorcery:
The analyses of the two versions of the first book “Harry
Potter”, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone” and “Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by Scholastic Corporation”, lets us
come to the conclusion that in spite of being English, British and
American English have a lot of differences in vocabulary. The
differences concerning historic events, evaluation, etiquette,
greetings reflect the peculiarities of the British and American culture,
which is vividly shown in literature.
1. Медведева О.В. Особенности синонимии фразовых
глаголов в американском и британском вариантах языка (anteupcoughup) // Киберленинка: научная электронная библиотека.
2013. URL:дата обращения: 27.02.16)
2. Первашова О.В.
Британский и американский
стандартные варианты английского языка в современном
языковом континууме // Киберленинка: научная электронная
библиотека. 2005. URL:дата
обращения: 25.02.16)
3. Тимашова
Е.В. Американский и Британский
английский: сходства и отличия // Киберленинка: научная
URL:датаобращения: 27.02.16)
4. Rowling J.K. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. –
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2004. – 336 p.
5. Rowling J.K. Harry Potter and the Sorcery’s Stone. –
Scholastic Paperbacks publishing, 2008. – 320 p.
Аннотация. Английский язык является лидером
мирового общения. Около 410 миллионов людей являются
носителями английского языка. На английском языке говорят
жители США, Соединенного Королевства, Канады, Австралии и
США и Великобритания возглавляют список
англоговорящих стран. Несмотря на наличие общего
Великобритании говорят на совершенно разном “английском
языке”. Значительно количество расхождения прослеживается в
лексическом составе. В данной статье рассматриваются отличия
британского варианта английского языка от американского
варианта путем сравнительного анализа британской и
американской версии книги “Гарри Поттер и Философский
Ключевые слова: британский вариант английского
языка, американский вариант английского языка, Гарри Поттер,
разница, лексика
Summary. The English language is an international
language. More than 410 million people speak English as a mother
tongue. English is spoken in the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia etc.
and the USA. There are some differences between British English
and American English. The most noticeable difference between
American and British language is the vocabulary. In the article the
differences between American and British are treated by comparing
two versions of the book “Harry Potter. Part1”
Keywords: BrE, AmE, Harry Potter, differences, vocabulary
UDC 811.111’373.2
Krylova V.A.
4th year student, Foreign Philology Institute,
Crimean Federal V.I. Vernadsky University
E-mail: [email protected]
Vovk N.A.
Scientific advisor, Senior Lecturer,
Foreign Philology Institute,
Crimean Federal V.I. Vernadsky University
e-mail: [email protected]
The work is dedicated to the study of the specifics of the
functioning of ergonyms in the texts of financial and economic
The topicality of the work lies in the fact that this class of
onyms is still insufficiently studied. There is no consensus among
scholars as to how to define the concept “ergonym”. At present the
question what onyms exactly should be rated as belonging to the
ergonymy sphere remains the subject of the scientific debate. In the
research studies attempts have been made to highlight the subclasses
of ergonyms and characterize them within this class. Also, as a rule,
various aspects of these proper names are studied separately from the
context in which they function[2].
The purpose of this work is to study the specifics of the
functioning of ergonyms in the texts on financial and economic
The ergonyms from several issues of the American
periodical Wall Street Journal have been used as the material for this
The theoretical value of the work lies in the fact that it
addresses the topical issues of ergonymy.
In onomastic literature the concepts of “appellative” and
“onoma” (“onym”) are used to designate the units which result from
the processes of appellativation and onymisation. The onym (onoma,
proper name) is a word or word combination which serves to
distinguish the object named by it among other objects, its
individualization and identification, including anthroponym,
toponym, zoonym and others.
In the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary under the
editorship of Akhmanova O.S. the following definition is given to
the term “onomastics”: “Onomastics is a section of linguistics
studying proper names. The term “onomastics” also refers to a set of
proper names also denoted by the term “onymiya” [1].
In this work, we use the definition of ergonym by
Podolskaya N.V.: “Ergonym is a category of onym. The proper name
of a business association of people, including union, organization,
institution, corporation, enterprise, society, establishment, circle.”
The term “ergonym” is fixed by Podolskaya N.V. to indicate
the name of business association of people, while the term
“ergonymy” is to designate the totality of names of business
associations of people. By the “business association of people”, the
researcher means any unions, organizations, institutions,
corporations, enterprises, societies, establishments and circles [3].
Ergonyms function in media texts which are studied by
media linguistics. As follows from the term itself, which unites two
basic components, “media” (“mass media”) and “linguistics”, the
subject of this new science is studying the functioning of the
language in the mass communication sphere. That is, media
linguistics studies a certain speech use sphere, i.e. the language of
mass media.
The term “media text” (“media construct”) can be defined as
a message containing information and stated in any media kind and
genre (newspaper article, television programme, video clip, film,
In media texts ergonyms perform nominative, text-forming,
information and content-related function and the function of
1. Ахманова О.С. Словарь лингвистических терминов /
Ахманова О.С. - М. : Сов.энциклопедия, 1966. - 608 с.
2. Кондратьева Т.Н. Метаморфозы имени собственного:
Опыт словаря / Кондратьева Т.Н. –Казань: Наука, 1983. – 342 c.
3. Подольская Н.В. Словарь русской ономастической
терминологии / Подольская Н.В. – М.: Наука, 1988. – 192 с.
Аннотация. Крылова В.А., Вовк Н.А.Особенности
финансовоэкономической тематики.
В работе выделяются функции эргонимов(наименований
деловых объединений людей) в текстах финансовоэкономической тематики. Анализ текстовых фрагментов
показывает, что в медиа-текстах этот тип онимоввыполняет
информационносодержательную функции, а также функцию убеждения.
Ключевые слова: oномастика, имена собственные,
эргоним, медиа-текст, функции эргонимов.
Summary. Krylova V.A., Vovk N.A. The Specifics of
Ergonym Functioning in the Texts of Financial and Economic
Functions of ergonyms(names of a business association of
people) in the texts of financial and economic issues are singled out.
The analysis of the text fragments illustrates that in media-texts this
type of onyms performs the nominative, text-forming, information
and content-related function and the function of persuasion.
Keywords: onomastics, proper names, ergonym, media-text,
functions of ergonyms.
UDC 81
Ekaterina Kurakina
1st year student, Theory and Practice of translation
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Ekaterina Peschanskaya
Scientific advisor, PhD in philology,
Theory and Practice of translation Department,
Sevastopol State University
Irony like humor is a comic category and involves all aspects
of human life. E. Lapp states that comic phenomenon is universal,
confirmed by the number of comic universals which can be referred
to the subject matter, genre of comic discourse. On the other hand
comic phenomenon is ethosocial national humor, ridiculous
moments of surrounding reality. Thus, irony must be considered in
universal human ability as cultural-national aspect [3, p.167].
Irony is a figure of speech in which words are used in such a
way that their intended meaning is different from the actual meaning
of the words. It may also be a situation that may end up in quite a
different way than what is anticipated. It is a difference between the
appearance and the reality [3].
The material of this research is texts’ fragments from the
novel "The Great Gatsby" of Francis Scott Fitzgerald. The novel is
constructed on irony. Before analyzing it, let’s point out that in 1925
Fitzgerald created "The Great Gatsby", the most perfect fiction n
which the author acts as the artist "voting" against the American
capitalism, separating the ideal of beauty and morality from esthetic
and moral standards of the American ruling classes. "The Great
Gatsby" has shown force and depth of talent of Fitzgerald, but didn't
make commercial success in the USA.
Let’s treat to the contents of the novel. When Nick Karrauey
firstly meets the cousin Daisy in the house of her husband Tom, she
is completely dressed in white: “She dressed in white, and had a
little white roadster, and all day long the telephone rang in her
house and excited young officers from Camp Taylor demanded the
privilege of monopolizing her that night. Anyways, for an hour!”;
“When I came opposite her house that morning her white roadster
was beside the curb, and she was sitting in it with a lieutenant I had
never seen before. They were so engrossed in each other that she
didn’t see me until I was five feet away. …" [1]. White color can be
interpreted as beauty, purity, wealth, innocence, feminity and
laziness. On the face of it contradictory treatment has under itself
quite real reasons if to remember the author’s attitude towards wealth
from F.S. Fittsdzherald's biography. But the fact that first it seemed
to him externally attractive, actually was deeply gloomy as if rotten
within. Daisy's innocence is just a deceptive external cover behind
which rather dark side is hidden. First of all the girl’s name means in
English a flower which white petals surround yellow core. Yellow
color at Fittsdzherald bears negative factor, it is a symbol of
madness, the evil. Daisy is as if this flower: she is gentle and fragile
in outward appearance, "absolute minor dream", but her soul doesn't
know pity, she is cruel. She kills Mirtl Wilson, her husband’s lover.
On the other hand, the house where Daisy lives with her husband is
situated in East-Egge (East Egg). We may consider this name to be
very symbolical as egg means "egg" which has egg white outside
(innocence and purity), but inside there is egg yolk that means be
The author ‘s irony is transferred by positive white color
that means purity, innocence, kindness – he gives a grotesque shade
when it loses the initial quality and in the context of work is treated
as a fake under virtue, cover of the real face hidden by a beautiful
mask. Tom Buchanan ("gruffy polite", "arrogant eyes"), his wife
Daisy and Jordan Baker always wear white clothes and live in white
houses, but inside they are deeply spiritless: "Sometimes she and
Miss Baker talked at once, unobtrusively and with a bantering
inconsequence that was never quite chatter, that was as cool as their
white dresses and their impersonal eyes in the absence of all
One more characteristic which shows that the author
ridicules of people’s communication:"They can’t get him, old sport.
He’s a smart man" [1]. In this example it is possible to observe
positive ironical relation to the speaker. Therefore, expression "old
sport" bears in itself psychological meaning which serves for
representation of the positive spirit of the speaker.
The following example demonstrates the description of the
house in which Mr. Gatsby lives. The description of the house is the
author’s ironical manifestation, the author shows us a huge house,
but in spite of it Gatsby always remains a single person and neither
loud parties no crowds of people will substitute his loneliness:
"The one on my right was a colossal affair by any standard it was a factual imitation of some Hotel de Ville in Normandy, with a
tower on one side, spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy, and a
marble swimming pool, and more than 40 acres of lawn and
garden"[1]. The author describes the house of the main character, but
due to its description we understand the attitude of the author
towards the hero, and we make the idea of the hero. In this example
the writer uses the metaphor “colossal affair” to emphasize the size
of the house.
In the first chapter of the novel the author gives a lot of place
to the description of parties in Gatsby's house: At high tide in the
afternoon I watched his guests diving from the tower of his raft, or
taking the sun on the hot sand of his beach while his two motorboats
slit the waters of the Sound, drawing aquaplanes over cataracts of
foam [1]. The author allocates the well-known festivals at Gatsby's
house. The author doesn't approve of festivals, but also the owner. In
this example due to the use of oxymoron the author draws the main
character as the person who seems to be decent firstly, but actually it
doesn't meet standards of society at all: He’s a regular tough
underneath it all. He is, in effect, a decent savage [1].
Having analyzed the nоvel, it is possible to draw a
conclusion that the author tries to represent his thoughts ironically,
using the following stylistic means: metaphor and an oxymoron.
Great Gatsby":
обращения 12.02.2016)
2. Galperin I.R. Sketches on English stylistics. M, 1958
3. Lapp. E. Linguistic der Ironie. Narr. Tubingen, 1992.
Аннотация. Статья рассматривает иронию как одну из
категорий культуры. Согласно лингвистической теории ирония
является стилистическим приемом повышения выразительности
речи и ее эмоциональной насыщенности. Также ирония является
содержательной категорией, связанной с мировоззрением
писателя. В данной статье рассматривается ирония в романе
Скотта Фицджеральда «Великий Гэтсби». Исследуется ее
функционирование в различных тестовых фрагментах.
Анализируется компоненты экспрессии, стилистические
Ключевые слова: ирония, стилистический прием,
контекст, мироввозрение, средства экспрессии.
Summary. In the article irony is considered as one of the
cultural categories. According to the linguistic theory irony is a
stylistic device of the growth of speech’s expressiveness and its
emotional richness. Also irony is a meaningful category, connected
with the author’s worldview. The article explores the irony employed
by F. Scott Fitzgerald in his novel "The Great Gatsby". Its functions
are exposed and illustrated by ample examples in different contexts.
Numerous expressive means, stylistic devices are emphasized and
Keywords: irony, stylistic device, context, worldview,
expressive means.
UDC 81
Alina Medvedeva
2rd year student, Medical Faculty
Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky
CFU named V.I. Vernadsky
Larisa Yagenich
Scientific advisor, PhD in Methodology,
Tavrida Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky
CFU named V.I. Vernadsky
e-mail: [email protected]
Nowadays doctors’ behavior is not understandable very
often. Their speech is difficult for acceptance by patients. So we are
interested in analyzing and comparing medical term in English and
Russian. The AIM is to investigate medical slang, to analyze
speech of doctors, to classify medical slang. There are a lot of
scientists have already investigated the problem of slang: Coleman J.
(2004), Crystal D. (2008), Drucker J. (2003), Eble C. C. (1996),
Green J. L. (2002), Hladký J. (1994), Hotten C. J. (2008), Hubáček J.
(1988) Chloupek J. (1974), Karlík, (2002) Křístek, V. (1973) and
The average American reads and speaks at an 8th or 9th
grade level, yet doctors with 20 years of education not only use
jargon, but assume that their patients will understand their
communication. The misunderstanding appears between doctor and
patient [1]. Health care professionals must become "medically
bilingual," that is, learn to speak both medical jargon and plain
language [2, 3]. The understanding of speaker’s language is very
important problem.
Elements of a colloquial variant of professional or social
group are called slang. Slang is a style-shifting and sociability;
controversial, spectacular social phenomenon [4, 5]. Slang words
cannot be distinguished from other words by sound or meaning. In
fact, most slang words are homonyms of standard words, spelled and
pronounced just like their standard counterparts, as for example slang
words for money such as beans, brass, dibs, dough, wards; the slang
synonyms for word head are attic, brain-pan, hat peg, nut, upper
storey; drunk- boozy, cock-eyed, high, soaked, tight, and pot
(marijuana) [6].
Medical Slang is a form of slang used by doctors, nurses,
paramedics and other hospital or medical staff. Its central aspect is
the use of simple but impressive-sounding acronyms and invented
terminology to describe patients, co-workers or tricky situations.
In many countries there are some limitations on use
acronyms which are now considered unethical and unacceptable, and
patients can demand access to their medical records. Another reason
for the decline is that acronyms could be confused with medical
terms and that could cause the wrong treatment administration.
As a result, medical slang tends to be restricted to oral use
and to informal notes or E-mails which do not form part of a
patient’s formal records. It may also be used among medical staff
outside of the hospital. It is not found on patients’ charts and often
not used in front of patients themselves.
Another classification of medical slang gives us the
information about the ways in which the doctors call patients: Benny
= patient on benefit, Betty = a patient with diabetes, Burger =
sunburned patient, Banana = patient with jaundice, Father Jack =
confused and elderly patient who constantly shouts and tries to get
out of bed, Lobster = sunburned patient, LOL = Little Old Lady and
the way they call Each other: Baby catcher = obstetrician, Masochist
= Trauma surgeon, Sadomasochist = Neurosurgeon Freud Squad =
psychiatrists, Molar masher = dentist, Boneheads = orthopedics,
Cock Doc = urologist, Dose Sponge - Radiology Worker.
Although, the doctors often use slang just for fun.
The slang often makes humorous reference to characteristics related
to patients or patient care. But sometimes, the commentary is
sarcastic, angry or hurtful. The language of medicine is filled with
hundreds, perhaps thousands, of abbreviated reference to medical
diseases and funny examples of misadventures. For example DQ
means Drama Queen while Expensive care means intensive care.
Some folks call medical slang an art form. Other folks may consider
it unethical [4].
FABIANS = Felt Awful But I'm Allright Now
FLK w/ GLM = Funny Looking Kid with a Good
Looking Mother
VIP = Very intoxicated person
Airwolf = air-ambulance
In different countries there are special slang.
Let's begin with UK. Regional dialects abound, even in the world of
the medical abbreviation. In the north of England, the TTR (Tea
Time Review) of a patient is commonplace, but not in the south.
And the number of terms for patients believed to be
somewhat intellectually challenged is enormous. The increasing rate
of litigation means that there is a far higher chance that doctors will
be asked in court to explain the exact meaning of
FLK = Funny looking kid;
GROLIES = Guardian Reader of Low Intelligence in Ethnic
BBCS – Bumps Bruises Cuts and Scrapes (i.e. no serious
Talking about the USA I must admit that Some of the
acronyms are region-specific and have differing meanings in US and
Lancelot = a medic who drains abscesses (called Pokemon in the
It is noticeable that the US have numerous acronyms and slang terms
relating to gun-shot injuries [3].
In opposite, in RF the use of slang is not common but some
doctors prefer abbreviations to difficult medical terms. For example:
вертолёт – gynecological chair; дискотека – siren of ambulance;
бабка-нарушка – old woman with violation of brain blood
circulation; консервы – patients on conservative treatment; ПМЖ –
regional policlinic; гармошка – medical ventilator; детство –
pediatrics department.
Research is in this topic by asking the Crimean doctors about
medical slang. They extend my vocabulary with such words as:
реставрация – reanimation; конвульсиум – consultation;
сахарница – patient with diabetes; федералы – worker of the
department; белка- alcoholic deliria; дрова- heavy patient;
The doctors from Crimean republic hospital were asked: SurgeonChernyavskiy E. A., Psychiatrist- Shurigina D. A., NeurologistChumskiy A. A., Endocrinologist- Medvedeva S. A.,
Anaesthesioligist- Gilkin E.A)
CONCLUSIONS. Medical slang is a dynamic and diverse
form of communication. Slang can remain an effective means of
conveying information between professionals of any select group and
provide release and social integration, as it has done over many
decades. In future it will be necessary to investigate the
morphological and grammatical properties of medical slang.
английского языка. - М.: Высшая школа, 1986, 295 с.
2. Dumas, Bethany K. and Lighter J. "Is Slang a Word for
Linguistew York: Speech, – 1978. – p. 5-53.
3. Fox Ad.T., Cahill P., and Fertleman M. (2002?
2003). "Medical slang" (PDF). British Medical Journal.
4. Goldman B. The Secret Language of Doctors, London:
Public Press. – 1996. – 216p.
5. Thorne Tony. Dictionary of Contemporary Slang.-third
edition.; A.C. Black, London, 2007. – 513 p.
Аннотация. Медицинский сленг используется в
неофициальной терминологии, чтобы описать пациентов,
другой медицинский персонал и медицинские понятия.
Некоторые условия - бранное слово. В английском,
медицинском сленге вошел в массовую культуру через
телевизионную больницу и драмы судебной медицины.
Функциональная прагмалингвистика позволяет нам исследовать
языковые маркеры, тактики и коммуникативные стратегии в
речевой деятельности врача. Основная ситуация, которая
актуализирует использование разновидности языка, – общение в
пределах специальной сферы (наука, техника, производство,
управление, сельское хозяйство, транспорт, связь, медицина,
дипломатия и др.). Специальная тематика, специальные целые
профессиональный язык.
Ключевые слова: сленг, медицинский дискурс, речевая
деятельность врача.
Summary. The article is devoted to theoretical study of
academic medical discourse and the use of medical slang. The slang
often makes humorous reference to characteristics related to patients
or patient care. But sometimes, the commentary is sarcastic, angry
or hurtful. The language of medicine is filled with hundreds, perhaps
thousands, of abbreviated reference to medical diseases and funny
examples of misadventures. The theory of pragmalinguistics is
connected with the communication and any speech act with
illocutionary function. Doctors as lectures have their communicative
strategies and tactics. Each activity pushes people to be oriented to
their special professional language.
Key words: slang, academic discourse, medical discourse,
doctor’s speech activity.
UDC 81'367.622.12
Alisa Melnikova
1st year student,
Theory and Practice of translation Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail:[email protected]
Ekaterina Peschanskaya
Scientific advisor, PhD in philology,
Theory and Practice of translation Department,
Sevastopol State University
The object of our research is meaningful proper names in the
"Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," the
subject is their semantics functions and symbolism. The purpose of
this study is to investigate the importance of proper names belonging
to the main characters. It is known, significance of proper names in
linguistics is determined by their special role in the provision of full
communication process. Linguists always pay attention to the issue
about the origin of meaning, its functions and connection with
notion. One of the main specific features of proper names is that they
represent that portion of the lexical system, in which problems of
language and culture are crossed. Besides, proper name
individualizes the subject regardless to the situation. Referents of
proper names can be people, animals, companies, geographic objects,
pieces of art and etc. In everyday life we come across a proper name
Anthroponymies are proper names, which belong to a
definite person. D.I. Ermolovich separates anthroponomy into single
(names of people who is well-known) and multiple (names don’t
have any connection with a definite person) [4, p.56]. Very often
proper names have traditional, fixed meanings in dictionaries.
However, you can use one of the variant of translation: 1)
transliteration – a formal letter by letter recreating the original lexical
unit with the help of the alphabet language, a literal imitation of the
original word form; 2) transcription; 3) transposition – proper names
have different forms in different language with common linguistic
origin, they correspond to each other regularly [4, p.57]; 4) calquing
or mixed method (a combination of transcription and semantic
translation), often used in cases where a part of the name includes
significant word, and 5) combination of these methods. Nevertheless,
each proper name should be considered individually, to make a
correct translation.
Let’ start with a title "Narnia". It is a onim. According to the
dictionary, onim is a word that is used to select an object they are
called among other objects and identification of this object. The
writer calls Naria a beautiful magical country where fauns, satyrs,
dryads, maenads live. At the same time they are “free from all bodily
and grossly cruel, connected with ancient
myths” [3, p.316].
Landscapes of Narnia are landscapes of our world, only ennobled
without factory chimneys and oil slick in the rivers. Besides, Narnia
has a prototype in the real world. Narnia which is mentioned on texts
of 299 before our era was part of the real world just as it is a modern
Narni. The name «Narnis» means as a "connecting link", the purpose
of which is to join author’s fiction with our reality and emphasize
clarity and fragility of the boundaries between them. This title is
closely related to the symbolic function: author’s choice of element
of real Italian toponymy for calling magical country serves like
implementing one of the main ideas of heptateuch –idea of two
The creator of Narnia is the lion, who has nine names –
Aslan, the Great Lion, the son of the Emperor of the Sea, Lord of the
Forest, the King of Kings, Glorious. However, «The Chronicles of
Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe», he appears exactly
like Aslan. The Turkic languages Aslan means "lion"[1, p.2]. Lewis
found out the name during his trip to the Ottoman Empire, he was
impressed by the elite guard of Sultan, which was also called Aslan
because of their courage and loyalty. Aslan had created song from
darkness, but not out of chaos and in contrast to the concept of "God"
there is the Witch Jadis. In the cycle "Chronicles of Narnia" Witch
wasn’t created by Aslan’s song, she had come from a different
world. Jadis is known as White Witch, who is the latest queen
Czarna and self-proclaimed Queen of Narnia. According to the
memoirs of Lewis, he imagined Jadis under the influence of the book
White Witch Rider Haggard's "She". In this book characters of
Haggard and Lewis have a lot of common: they are cruel tyrants and
witches, antagonists in their compositions. Even the name «white
witch» is mentioned in Haggard’s book [2]. The word "White Witch"
means "death" in Persian [2].
Let’s take a look at the names of the main characters: Lucy,
Susan, Peter and Edmund Pevensie. Lucy is 8 years old, and she is
the first who discovered Narnia. Lucy is named after Lewis’s
beloved goddaughter Lucy Barfield [2]. The name «Lucy» has
French origin and is translated «luminous» [5, p.299]. Among all
main characters of "Chronicles" Lucy is the most idealistic, openhearted person and she always keeps the faith in miracles. Edmund is
the third of Pevensie’s children. The name «Edmund is originated
from the Anglo-Saxon words "health" and "protection" [5, p.353].
The character is reasonable, brave, lion-hearted. Susan is the second
child of Pevensie family. The name Susan has Jewish roots and
means "rose"[5, p.398]. Susan is clever and well-educated girl with a
strong character. Peter is the eldest child of Pevensie. The initial
draft of the book «The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe » started:
«This story is about four children, whose names are Ann, Martin,
Rose and Peter. But more about Peter, the youngest of them”. Peter
is a single name, which was left without changes, however in the
final version it belongs to the eldest of four. The name «Peter» has an
ancient Greek origin – Πέτρος, that means a stone [5, p.420]. The
young boy is resistant, strong, brave, but at the same time is
incredibly caring, especially with young Lucy.
To sum up, we can say that etymology of the names
mentioned above correspond to the characters of the main heroes and
the choice of these onims by the author of Narnian cycle is largely
stipulated with the contents, as well as the features of the writer's
personal interests and beliefs.
1. Кошелев С.Л. К.С. Льюис и его страна чудес // Льюис
К.С. Хроники Нарнии. М.: Космополис, 1991. С. 1-8.
2. Страна Нарния [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: (дата обращения 20.02.2016)
3. Шешунова C.В. Образы античных богов в творчестве
К.С. Льюиса //Вестник Нижегородского университета им. Н.И.
Лобачевского. 2013. № 6 (2). C. 316-320.
4. Manser M. Dictionary of Eponyms/M. Manser//London –
1988. – P. 56-58.
5. Hensleigh W. A dictionary of English etymology/W.
Hensleigh /Paternoster row. – 1872- P.230-450.
Аннотация. В статье отражены значимые имена
собственные в романе Клайва С. Льюиса «Хроники Нарнии»;
представлены их семантические функции и символизм в
контексте. В статье рассматривается проблема перевода
значимых имен собственных, их характеристика и роль в
формировании подтекста художественного произведения. Автор
сосредотачивает свое внимание на этимологии и анализе
адекватного перевода имен собственных на русский язык.
мифологической образности.
Ключевые слова: имя собственное, семантика, омоним,
символизм, этимология.
Summary. In the article significant proper names in “The
Chronicles of Narnia” by Clive Staples Lewis are analyzed, their
semantic functions and symbolism are performed in the text. The
paper outlines the problem of translation of significant proper names,
its features and role in creating the subtext of the fiction. The author
focuses on the etymology and the analysis of appropriate
interpretation of proper names into Russian. Mythology of various
backgrounds is concerned in the structure of the novel.
Keywords: proper name, semantic, homonym, symbolism,
UDC 81.42
Sofya Petrenko
1 year student, Faculty of Economics, Service & Tourism
Foreign Language Department,
Omsk State Institute of Service
e-mail: [email protected]
Svetlana Neyman
Scientific advisor, Associate Professor,
Candidate of Philological Sciences,
Foreign Language Department,
Omsk State Institute of Service
We decided to study the English advertisements related to
the promotion of tours and tour packages, in order to analyze their
language, as well as the structural organization of the advertising
texts alongside with the visuals. The main goal of ads is to attract
potential clients, so we are to determine the language and text
components, which successfully operate on the goal. Such approach
provides the opportunity to improve the language of the domestic
tourist advertising for consumer tourism market and to determine the
linguistic features, stylistic peculiarities, as well as practice of
organizing successful advertising texts. As for practical source
material, we have analyzed advertising texts promoting such tourist
destinations as the Crimea. To our surprise we have discovered the
existence of a certain set of ads in the English language, concerning
the Crimean destination; the texts which were not originally written
in Russian, and then translated into English. The relevance of our
research is based on the fact that currently travelling to the Crimea is
actively progressing in our country, and not only as a summer beach
vacation. Travel industry sets the tasks for tour agencies to compete,
for example, traditional biases of the Siberian consumer touristmarket, mostly oriented towards Turkey or Thailand. A comparative
analysis of the English and Russian texts of the tourist ads for the
Crimea could help solve these problems.
The poll survey of the older generation of travelers and
young people discovered that youth expected new friendships and
adventures, excursions, visits to historical places from a vacation in
the Crimea (18% of voted); four percent interviewees chose
shopping; 29% among the older generation preferred rest as the main
purpose of their trip to the Crimea, the second important factor was
recovering and improving health. A large number of two categories
of respondents would travel there to get new tourist impressions [3].
In 2015 the tourist flows in the Crimea increased by 40%,
advertising playing a significant role in this tributary. So in the
year 2013 it was decided to advertise the Crimean resorts in London
by opening the Crimean tourist office with the help of the Ministry
of Great Britain [4]. The prestigious magazine "National
Geographic" called the Crimea among the best destinations of the
year 2013.
Topical information in the English ads is organized around
certain attractions, familiar to Western tourists, such as ancient
monuments or prehistoric finds (a Pharaoh-like sarcophagus), wine,
sea, exotic places located close to Europe. It seems that such
approach is not accidental and it is not also the result of lack of
knowledge, but aims to generate sustainable presentation of the
destination and develop topoi that occur to a consumer mind when
the word Crimea gets to pronounce. This feature distinguishes
structure of the English advertising texts from the Russian ones,
which are oversaturated with a great scope of different information.
Content analysis of English advertising texts dedicated to the
Crimea, identifies another special feature: the desire to associate
advertised attractions and places of natural beauty of the peninsula
with English realities and historical facts related to the UK to be
perceived and thus make the ads sound more familiar and attractive.
For example, the obligatory mention of the fact that one of the
architects of the Alupka Vorontsov’s Palace was Edward Blore, who
took part in the construction of the Buckingham Palace in London. A
tourist from the UK Robert Dodd visited the Museum of the history
of the Crimean War opened October 20, 2012 in Evpatoria and he
offered his assistance to increase popularity of the Crimean sights in
the UK. In order to attract foreign tourists the Englishman advised to
attach annotations in English to the exhibits of the Museum because
they can be easily understood virtually by all Europeans including
the English especially [1].
Sloganis now almost a mandatory element of any advertising
text. In tourism industry advertising along with photos can serve as a
theadvertisingof the Crimea: Playground of the Tsars (National
Geographic), Windsurfing Paradise(BTFA), a Hidden Gem of a
Tourist Spot (The Week), Little London: Balaklava (BTFA), Best of
the World – Swallow Nest Castle(National Geographic), Treasure
Island: the Crimean riviera (blacksea-crimea com.). Analyzing the
tour package offerswritten in Russian, we rather come across the
less-expressive names of tours such as the “KachinValley Legends”or
such slogans, as“Maximum of vivid impressions in a short time”,
than more vivid and attractive ones, such as the "Kaleidoscope of
Foreign travel agencies seek to capture the attention of the
customers, hit them with the help of various speech tactics, such as
«an appeal to honesty and reliability»:“All the offices perform to
national and regional standards, offer free help and advice from
trained tourism experts and will allow you to access priceless local
knowledge” orvice versa–to create feeling of anxiety
anddangerousromance: “take a tour of the Black Sea paradise at the
centre of the Ukraine-Russian standoff”.
It should be noted that the British skillfully use various
language expressive means to attract customers.We can give as an
Crimeaonthe"Crimea is acountry of striking beautyrolling, fertile countryside, with fruit farms and vineyards in the
centre gives way to the forested gorges and rocky escarpments of the
mountains". Colorful epithets that describe the nature of the Crimea,
allow a visitor of the site to better understand the advertised
destination, and later buy the tour.
The English-language advertising deserves attention in the
use of tropes, means of expression. It is a well-known fact that
human consciousness commits processes that allow digesting the
familiar information and the new one for accessing knowledge is a
complex process. One way of packaging knowledge is considered to
be cognitive metaphor. The most common approach considers
metaphor as the vision of one object over or through another and in
this sense it is one of the ways to represent knowledge in a language
form. In Linguistics the metaphor is understood as mental operation
that allows you to assimilate the new information [2].
Cognitive metaphor in tourism texts permits you to draw
attention to the high level of service for example, or to the features
and properties of the advertised tourist product:"Place of Spiritual
Power: it is no accident brand for esoteric teaching of various
countries considers Koktebel pilgrimage. Here come the yoga,
Qigong Buddhist fans who have long felt that this is where you can
get a powerful boost of energy".
The tourism industry has a significant impact on various
sectors of the economy, serves as a catalyst for cultural, social and
economic development; it is often the main source of State budget
for many countries. Advertising plays the important part for that.
Language study of the ads taking into account cultural diversity
provides professional competence for future specialists in tourism
business. The report presented discusses the initial stage for the
future research in the field.
1.Евпаторийский музей Крымской войны будут
рекламировать в Британии [Электронный ресурс]. – URL:
обращения: 27.02.2016)
моделирования в англоязычной рекламе туризма [Электронный
j_reklame_turizma/ (дата обращения: 28.02.2016)
3. Итоги сезона – 2015 в Крыму оказались
4. Крым начал рекламировать свои курорты в Лондоне
Аннотация. В докладе рассматриваются возможности
компаративного анализа рекламных текстов, продвигающих
туристические направления, в двух разных культурах с целью
русскоязычной туристской рекламы. На первом этапе
материалом для анализа послужил массив оригинальных
английских рекламных текстов, посвященных Крыму как новой
международной дестинации. Это направление широко
продвигается в отечественной индустрии туризма и нуждаются
в современном рекламном сопровождении. В докладе
разбираются структурные и тематические особенности
английских рекламных текстов в сравнении с русскими,
актуальные речевые стратегии и тактики привлечения
потенциальных клиентов, экспрессивные языковые средства,
используемые в англоязычной рекламе и, в частности,
когнитивная метафора.
Ключевые слова: англоязычные и русскоязычные
туристские рекламные тексты, сравнительный анализ, языковые
и структурные компоненты текста, речевые тактики,
туристического направления Крым.
Summary. The report concerns the problems related to the
promotion of the Crimea tours and tour packages to the Russian,
namely, the Siberian customers. A comparative analysis of the
English and Russian tourist ads for the Crimea could help improve
the language of the domestic advertising for tourism market and to
determine linguistic features, stylistic peculiarities, as well as
practice of organizing successful ads. The language and text
components analyzed include topical information structures,
expressive means in slogans, speech tactics, different tropes such as a
cognitive metaphor alongside with content analysis and cultural
diversity study.
Keywords: English and Russian tourist ads, Crimea tour
promotion, comparative analysis, language and text components,
cognitive metaphor
UDC 811.111
Eduad Sviridenko
4th year student,
Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Diana Sabirova
Scientific advisor, PhD in Pedagogy,
Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Already the first linguists working on analysis of Canadian
English proved that the English language in Canada has its own
distinctiveness. Amongst them are Henry Alexander, Walter Avis,
Matthew Scargill and etc. Avis notes that “Taken as a whole, the
English spoken in Canada is neither British nor American: it is
distinctively Canadian” [2, p. 50]. According to the scientist
“Canadian English, then, is a dialect which resembles American
English in some respects and British English in others and includes,
at the same time, a great deal that is significantly Canadian” [3, p. 7].
Stefan Dollinger writes that “In the historical Canadian dictionary
project, four basic types of Canadianisms are recognized: type 1:
form origins in Canada; type 2: preserved in Canada; type 3: having
undergone semantic change in Canada; and type 4: culturally
significant terms” [5].
The lexicon of the English language in Canada was formed
in different ways: by borrowing from Indian languages and French,
by new formations of the material of the English language, using
different methods of word formation, and by rethinking of the
already existing words. Canadian English has borrowed many words
from Aboriginal languages, mostly to label aspects of the North
American natural world or of Aboriginal cultures that were not
familiar to Europeans when first encountered [4, p. 113]. Many
Canadian place names are of Aboriginal origin, including the names
of several major cities (e.g. Mississauga, Ottawa, Saskatoon,
Toronto, Winnipeg), of six provinces and territories (Manitoba,
Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan and Yukon) and of Canada
itself. Words of different semantic fields have also been included in
the English in Canada: barboka (device for frying or smoking meat,
a word that the English in the United States borrowed from Canadian
English in the form of barbecue barbecue); dunch (bread not
properly baked); huggerum buff (fish and potatoes fried in cakes);
lassie loaf (bread and molasses); shad (a light fall of snow); rampole,
rampike or ranpike (the trunk of a dead tree); abito, bito, aboideau (a
sluice so arranged that water can flow through a dike at low tide);
frazil (ice on the river bottom); bog-slad (sleds for transportation of
logs); shack (hut); gobby (crazy); puckerin' or turned over (sick in
bed); cowly (hard, severe); slinky (thin); slovey (soft); lund (calm); to
fathom out (to explain); to glutch (to swallow); to heck it (to walk
quickly); moolie, mulley (poll-cow); airsome (cold, stormy); cozy
(energetic, fast); to fist (to grasp); hocks (boots); raw (bumpkin);
smack (a short time); batch (a fall of snow), pandy (almost); lop
(wave) [1].
Some English words have received another meaning in
Canada: proud means “glad”, while in British English it means
“swollen” (about the surface); tidy – “fast”, in British – “neat”;
saddle – “to agree”, in British – “(part of) a saddle”; rack – “a
haircomb”, in American English – “bed”; scheme – “mischief”, in
British – “official plan”; blanket – “to apply for withdrawal of land”,
in the British variant – “illegitimate (child)”; tranny – “driveline”, in
British – “cafe for motorists”; Thanksgiving Day – “the harvest
festival (second Monday in October)”, in the American variant –
“Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November); creek – “small
river, stream”, in the British variant – “bay, river mouth”, glare –
“smooth, transparent and slippery (about the ice)”, in British –
“bright light”, etc. [1]
Along with the new words, stable combinations based on
general English source material also appeared. Their share accounts
for about 28% of the new English meanings, first emerged in
Canada. Structural type of these sustainable locally-marked phrases
is: 1) noun + noun, for example, cottage roll (prepared ham in a roll
form); box-heater (wood stove); basin-hole (ice-hole for fishing
nets); 2) adjective + noun, for example, civil block (building, which
houses the City Hall and other municipal institutions). Here are some
examples of other phrases: go jump in the lake (to get out); moose
pasture (valueless mining); go to oil (to become a nonentity); live
fast (against) (to be angry at someone); make fire (to row); make
wonder (to surprise); mercy flight (an aircraft flight to bring a
seriously ill or injured person to hospital from an isolated
community); name a member (to make someone leave the meeting);
open-and-shut (capricious and changeable – about the weather); on a
pig's back (in good condition); oatmeal savage (Scotsman) [1].
Stefan Dollinger writes that “Historically speaking, about 70
percent of Canadianisms, which are defined as terms ‘native or of
characteristic usage in Canada’, are comprised by noun compounds
that are especially difficult to spot: for instance, butter and tart are
‘ordinary’ words, but butter tart ‘pastry shell with a filling of butter,
eggs, sugar and raisins’ is a ‘type 1’ Canadianism” [5]. Terms like
washroom “public bathroom’, all-dressed pizza “pizza with all the
available toppings on it”, garburator “in-sink garbage grinder”,
parkade “car parking structure” or the ubiquitous toque “woolen hat”
are easy to find and are sometimes used as ad-hoc identity markers in
Canadian regions. Modern standard Canadian English is
characterized by the usage of not only Canadianisms, but also a large
number of Americanisms, Briticisms and elements of the general
English vocabulary. This is due to the fact that the English language
in Canada is under the double influence of British English and
American English. Official institutions, schools and universities keep
in contact with England, while trade, printing, radio and film
industries – with the United States. According to the lexicographical
textbooks, published in Canada, the norms of the standard English
language in Canada establish clear boundaries of the locally-marked
(Americanisms and Briticisms) and general English lexical units
variation and quite strictly dictate the selection of these elements.
Some objects and phenomenon in Canada have the same
names as in England: tin (in the American variant – can); tram (in
American – streetcar); summer holidays; meat-pie. Others are
identified the same as in the United States: tailgate; shack town;
shopman (in British – seller); sidehill; sourdough; jello (in British –
jelly); labor union (in the British variant – trade union); merchant;
meat-loaf. Dollinger writes: “The British connection did leave a
trace on Canadian English in some isolated tokens. One of these is
the use of tap for what Americans generally call faucet (the knob that
turns on water). This term came in use in the mid-nineteenth century,
when the first houses were equipped with running water. As a
colony, Canada’s close economic ties to Britain ensured that not only
British plumbers, but also their terms were imported. To this day, it
is the majority term (about 80 percent and more) from coast to coast
to coast and a Canadianism” [5].
In some cases, one and the same object in England, the
United States and Canada have different names: for example,
kerosene – paraffin (in England), kerosene (in the US), coal oil (in
Canada). Some typical American expressions did not take root in
Canada. For example, the English word lift, not the American
elevator, is widely spoken in Canada; Canadians use the word pram
or perambulator in contrast to the American baby carriage; braces
instead of suspenders. However, a common core of Canadian and
American English is much bigger than that of the Canadian and
British variants, as, being under the influence of similar living
conditions, Canadians also use the expressions that are inherent in
the English language in the United States. Noting the substantial
cultural and economic impact of the United States on Canada, some
linguists consider the trend of a possible replacement of the
distinguishing features of the elements of Canadian English with the
elements of American English. Although the modern Canadian
variant of the English language has much in common with the
American variant of English, there is no identity between them,
because these variants have been developed under the influence of
unequal extralinguistic factors. The Canadianisms stand as evidence
of the difference between Canadian and American culture. Features
that are common for Lexical and Semantic of modern Canadian
English allow us to consider it as a standalone variant of the English
1. Матюшенков В. С. Dictionary of Americanisms,
Canadianisms, Briticisms and Australianisms. Англо-русский
словарь особенностей английского языка в Северной Америке,
Великобритании и Австралии. – Москва: Флинта: Наука, 2002. –
514 с.
2. Avis W. S. The English Language in Canada // T. A.
Sebeok (ed.), Current Trends in Linguistics, vol. 10: Linguistics in
North America. – The Hague: Mouton, 1973. – Pp. 40 -74.
3. Avis W. S. Canadian English in its North American
context // Canadian Journal of Linguistics. – 1983. – № 28. – Pp. 3–
4. Boberg C. The English Language in Canada: Status,
History and Comparative Analysis. Cambridge University Press.
2010. xvii + 272 pp.
5. Dollinger S. Canadian English // 2013. URL: (дата обращения: 29.02.16)
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются лексикосемантические особенности канадского варианта английского
языка. Словарь английского языка в Канаде формировался
путем заимствований из индейских языков и из французского
языка, возникновения новых образований из материала
английского языка с использованием различных способов
словообразования, а также в результате переосмысления уже
существующих слов. Английский язык в Канаде находится под
двойным влиянием: языка Великобритании и Соединенных
канадизмов, но и большим количеством американизмов,
бритицизмов и элементов общеанглийской лексики.
Ключевые слова: канадский вариант английского
языка, национальный языковой вариант, лексическая единица,
лексико-семантический вариант, канадизмы.
Summary. The lexicon of the English language in Canada
was formed in different ways: by borrowing from Indian languages
and French, by new formations of the material of the English
language, using different methods of word formation, and by
rethinking of the already existing words. Contemporary Canadian
English is double influenced: by the language of Great Britain and
the United States. Therefore, the English in Canada is characterized
not only by the use of Canadianisms, but also by a large number of
Americanisms, Briticisms and general English vocabulary items.
Keywords: Canadian version of the English language,
national language version, lexical unit, lexical-semantic variant,
UDC 811.111-115 : 811.161.1-115
Shasne Suleimanova
2rd year student,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Mariia Varlagina
Scientific advisor, Senior lecturer,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy,
Sevastopol State University
Nowadays the definition of cross-cultural communication is
widely known as the way to connect with other people, who have
different views on world. At the head of an increasing number of
conversations, this popular theme is the priority of discussions. In
modern world cross-cultural communication becomes the essential
form of mutual understanding, contributes to increased awareness of
tolerance. This is a very popular determination for our new-behaved
generation and society, which are hardened by endless wars.
At all times, the communication between countries, which
were closely bounded by diplomatic, economic or social
relationships, needs to build some kind of “bridge of understanding”.
The characteristic properties are thoroughly learnt by speakers to
understand the main feelings or mentality, which are peculiar to
other nationalities.
Cross-cultural communication shows us safe-behavior
contact of persons, who live in different ethnic groups and produce
the meaning of other folks, but the chief task is based on total
understanding of foreign cultural values inherently and respect for
the dignity of distinctions.
As a rule, the relationships between countries are closely
presented in official business, without appraisals and in-depth
examination of language or mental abilities, which are not useful by
the meanings of opponents. One should be aware of main
differences, because our contact depends upon the skill to feel our
interlocutor. The language is the main possible way to introduce
oneself and make the conversation, if one tries to communicate
taking some useful information or establishing partnership. An
overwhelming majority of people keep in touch by means of
language abilities. A wrong word can lead to a war conflict or
become the matter of international glaring contradiction.
To know some concepts of other languages and nationalities
is very necessary and important nowadays, we choose the correct
meaning to express what we are going to explain or take information.
Cognition comes through comparison. Let the author
compare two cultural phenomena, namely the Russian and English
languages. The nationalities are different and the meanings of the
same words can be different too. The aim of this analysis is to
present a unique feature, which creates the picture of some language
concepts. The concept plays the primary role in “image making” of
majority of nationalities. As we know, Russians are famous for their
tenderness of feeling, the problems of their companions arouse pity
in their minds, and they never fail to lend a helping hand in
misfortune. The Brits are less kindhearted and the national character
shows their individualism and moderation in all endeavors. The
British try to leave their problems in a tightly knit family group at
best; mostly they face alone all kinds of troubles and emotional
experiences. Sometimes they are very selfish and choose the way of
coping with hardships on their own. The Brits keep it together, when
some difficulties shatter peace and quietness of their internal
experiences, therefore the sincerity and open-hearted manner, which
are common for Russian nationality, are absolutely misunderstood by
Speaking of distinctive features, there is the need to draw
attention to the issue of popular linguistic concepts. They say: “Soul
is a mystery”. During the comparison we need to focus on
emotionally charged meanings of the word “soul”. So called “dusha”
in Russian can be translated vary greatly in English, but sometimes
the importance, which is underlay by Russians, is not meant by the
English mentality. Seemingly, the same things, but they are
perceived by nationalities as different sides of the same coin.
To refer the internal world of the person – we use a word
“soul”, for example “Another person’s soul is a mystery” = «Чужая
душа — потемки».
1. To convey the personal characteristic of personality, the
word “dusha” is not introduced into the discussion as “soul”meaning, in English it is used “heart” as the first meaning. That is,
in accordance with Russian tradition “dusha” expresses the direct
meaning, but the English try to put in the main point the figurative
meaning. For instance, big hearted = великодушный; with an open
heart = с открытой душой; whole-hearted = вкладывающий
душу; a heart of gold = золотое сердце — a heart of stone =
каменное сердце.
When the Russians talk about charity and tenderness, they
are accustomed to doing all things for other people, thinking about
troubles and feeling sorry for their hard-luck. On the contrary, the
English language perceives this word simpler, and we can find such
phrases as to pull at smb’s heartstrings = брать за душу, one’s
heart goes out to smb. = от души сочувствовать; чутко
относиться к людям.
2. As a huge contrast, the Brits use the meaning “soul” for
designation of negative qualities, which are meant in Russian for
morality. The associated question is: How is it possible to tie
together high-sounding word with down to earth acts? Compare and
consider: to take a sin upon one’s soul = взять грех на душу; to spit
upon smb’s soul = плевать в душу; to climb into someone’s soul =
лезть в душу; to have no soul = быть бездушным; to lose one’s
soul = загубить душу.
It is important to remember, that the world of emotions,
feelings and passions is various.
To show our mood we use such phrases with the word
‘heart’, which corresponds to Russian “dusha”, underlining our
deep perception of nature: after one’s heart = по душе, не по душе.
The passions in Russian traditions are mostly connected with
an inner emotional experience: smth heart is heavy = камень на
душе; smb’s heart burns = душа горит; it wrings one’s heart =
душа болит; have a soft corner in one’s heart = испытывать
душевное влечение; to go deep into smb’s soul = = западать в
In Slavic culture a lot of initial senses are tightly bounded
not with our heart or mind, especially with our soul, which perceives
all things too personally. And one of the interesting examples, the
English use the word “mind” to express feelings, which in Russian
culture is connected with heart-felt experiences, for instance,
отвести душу = disburden one’s mind.
That is another example, that there is a huge difference in
psychology between two nationalities, and the languages are the
mirrors of national worldview.
1.Варданян Л.В. Концепт «душа» в английских, русских
и эрзянских фразеологизмах// Интеграция образования. – 2006. –
№4. – С. 201–204.
2.Хайруллина Р.Х., Айчичек М., Бозташ А.
государственного университета. Серия 2: Филология и
искусствоведение. – 2011. – №3. – С. 1–6.
Аннотация. Концепт таких понятий как «душа»,
«сердце», «разум» повсеместно известны как эквиваленты
единому русскому слову «душа», иногда эти понятия имеют
разные значения. Мы привыкли не обращать внимания, что одно
слово в разных языках может заметно отличаться лексическим,
прямым и переносным значениями. Это зависит от
мировосприятия, жизни, религиозных порядков, семейных,
национальных обычаев и традиций, которые почитаются в
любой стране. Главная цель статьи – доказать, что устойчивые и
крылатые выражения должны переводиться не дословно с
иностранного языка, фразу следует переводить согласно
культурным особенностям страны. Сравнивая устойчивые
выражения двух языков, мы провели анализ, и пришли к
выводу, что национальные ценности каждого народа имеют
влияние на формирование картины мира. Это происходит из-за
того, что большинство наций вобрали в свою культуру языковое
разнообразие и богатство, из-за этого значения некоторых слов
сильно отличаются.
Ключевые слова: концепты, душа, сердце, разум,
межкультурная коммуникация
Summary. The concept of the notion “soul”, “heart”, or
perhaps “mind” is widely known as Russian word “dusha” and
sometimes very changeable. People usually do not focus their
attention on the fact that meanings of one Russian word can differ
remarkably from the lexical, literal, direct and figurative word’s
meanings. It depends upon world outlook, existence, religion habits,
family, customs and traditions, which every country has at the heart
of culture. The main aim of the article is to prove that the set
expressions should be translated not in accordance with phrase of
another-language, but it should have been realized from the
language-of-other-country mentality. Comparing the same setphrases in both languages, we analyzed and came to the conclusion,
that national values of every folk have an influence in formation of
some word meanings. It comes on condition that an overwhelming
majority of nations are absolutely at the opposite ends of a linguistic
Keywords: сoncepts, soul, heart, mind, cross-cultural
UDC 811.111’373.2
Fialkovskaya V.O.
4th year student, Foreign Philology Institute,
Crimean Federal V.I. Vernadsky University
e-mail: [email protected]
Vovk N.A.
Scientific advisor, Senior Lecturer,
Foreign Philology Institute,
Crimean Federal V.I. Vernadsky University
e-mail: [email protected]
The subject of the present research is the specificity of
functioning of firmonyms in financial and economic texts.
The relevance of the research is grounded on the controversy
concerning the proper names from the point of view of linguistics.
The dispute concerns both theoretical preconditions and practical
analysis of the concrete types of proper names [3]. The latter deals
with the necessity of singling out into a separate class the names of
the commercial organizations which represent in themselves a
numerous class of proper names [2]. Firstly, there is no unanimity as
to the terminology of this group of onyms. The present research
suggests application of the term “firmonyms”. Secondly, the
functional aspect has not been thoroughly analyzed in financial and
economic texts.
The objective of the research is to examine the peculiarities
of firmonym functioning in financial and economic texts.
The analysis of the relevant proper names has defined the
theoretical value of the research.
In the Modern English there exists a peculiar world of words,
performing a function of emphasis and individualization, which
consists in the great variety of names – proper names [1]. In order to
refer to the proper names of commercial enterprises, the present
research suggests application of the term “firmonym”. On the basis
of the analysis of the term “firm”, firmonyms were defined as
follows: the category of the onyms, the proper name of the
commercial enterprise, including an industrial or trade one, who has
the rights of the legal entity. This category of the onyms is often used
with the hyperonym word. Among the hyperonyms we can mention
the word “firm” itself, and also types of the commercial enterprises,
such as “company”, “trust”, “incorporated enterprise”, “leasing
enterprise”, “holding”, “concern”, etc.
The functions performed by firmonyms in financial and
economic texts are rather diverse.
In the present research the following functions are singled
The nominative function is based on designation of one or
another commercial enterprise:
Ahold unveiled a fresh deal to restructure its ICA
Scandinavian joint venture in a move expected to contribute
hundreds of millions of euros towards the Dutch grocery group's
debt reduction plan [4, p. 15].
As we can see from the example above, the firmonym
“Ahold” designate the corresponding company. Text-forming
function is also peculiar to firmonyms.
One of the conspicuous features of firmonyms is the
formation of certain information around themselves, which is
considered to be their informative function. For example, in the
following extract the information concerning share prices of Martha
Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc. is given:
Investor booked profits in Martha Stewart Living
Omnimedia, sending the shares down 6.4 per cent to $11.06. The
stock soared 36.7 per cent on Friday after its founder received a
lighter-than-expected sentence for lying to federal prosecutors [4, p.
The persuasive function is actualized implicitly by means of
facts or verbs. In Table 1 we can see an example of those parts which
form recipient’s negative perception of the information.
Table 1
“Negative” components in the text in the process of Yukosfirmonym characterization
Yukos yesterday lost its
[Yukos] lost its latest
latest bid to stall payment of a
bid to stall payment
$3.4bn tax bill that the Russian oil
group has warned could push it into
bankruptcy [4, p. 16].
A Moscow court set
[Yukos] would have
September 6 for Yukos to appeal
to comply with the order for
against an earlier ruling that it had to immediate payment
pay the bill. But it also said that
until the hearing Yukos would have
to comply with the order for
immediate [4, p. 16].
The September Hearing will
A court order to pay
be Yukos's second appeal against a
R99bn ($3.4bn) in taxes and
court order to pay R99bn ($3.4bn) in finesfor the 2000 financial
taxes and fines for the 2000
year for [Yukos]
financial year [4, p. 16].
A separate attempt by
Yukos to appeal against the tax
ministry's claim of back taxes also
failed when proceedings were
suspected in the same court because
the judge stepped down [4, p. 16].
A separate attempt by
Yukos to appeal against the
tax ministry's claim of back
taxes also failed
According to the analysis, the elements with negative
components are used for the representation of the information
creating a negative picture regarding this company. Consequently,
those related to the Yukoscompany realize that it is going through a
period of difficulties and needs noticeable changes in the attitude
towards it.
Thus, executed analysis of the firmonyms from several
issues of the periodical The Financial Times clearly illustrates the
specifics of their functioning in financial and economic texts.
1. Подольская Н.В. Словарь русской ономастической
терминологии / Подольская Н.В. – М.: Наука, 1988. – 192 с.
2. Рум А.Р.У., Колесников Л.В., Пасечник Г.А.
Великобритания: Лингвострановедческий словарь. 9500 единиц
/ А.Р.У. Рум, Л.В. Колесников, Г.А. Пасечник и др. – М.:
Рус.яз., 1980. – 480 с.
3. Суперанская А.В. Языковые и внеязыковые
ассоциации собственных имен / А.В. Суперанская //
Антропонимика:сборник статей. Ред. В.А. Никонов и А.В.
Суперанская. – М. Наука, 1970. – С. 7-17.
4. The Financial Times. – Tuesday, July 20, 2004. – P. 1531.
Аннотация. В тезисах рассматривается специфика
функционирования фирмонимов в текстах финансовоэкономической тематики. Данная категория онимов выполняет
различные функции в текстах финансово-экономической
тематики, а именно: номинативную, текстообразующую,
Ключевые слова: фирмоним, гипероним, имя
финансовоэкономической тематики.
Summary. Fialkovskaya V.O., Vovk N.A. The Specifics of
Firmonym Functioning in Financial and Economic Texts
The subject of the present article is the specifics of the
functioning of firmonyms in the financial and economic texts. The
given category of the onyms performs various functions in financial
and economic texts, which are as follows: nominative, text-forming,
informative and persuasive.To illustrate this English factual material
is used.
Keywords: firmonym, hyperonym, proper names,
functioning, financial and economic texts.
UDC 81
Christina Chernaya
1 year student, Theory and Practice of translation
Sevastopol State University,
Ekaterina Peschanskaya
Scientific advisor, PhD in philology,
Theory and Practice of translation Department,
Sevastopol State University
The concept is one of the most popular and definitely the
least definirely terms of modern linguistics. It is associated primarily
with the anthropocentric paradigm in linguistics and cognitivepragmatic methodology and is used with such key concept as
"worldview", to represent philosophical, intellectual, and emotional
intentions of the individual, reflected in its creations – texts. A
concept is a unit describing worldview – the mental unit that contains
the language and cultural skills. Y.S.Stepanov defines the concept as
"a clot of culture in human consciousness; then, in the form of which
culture enters the mental world” [3,p. 15].This article deals with the
concept “love”.
According to the dictionaryof Ozhegov, love is 1) deep
emotional inclination, strong heart feeling, 2) a deep feeling of
liking, selfless and sincere affection, 3) steady, strong inclination,
passion , 4) the object of love ( a person who loves and is loved and
attracted attention)[2].Consider the interpretation of the concept
"Love" in English lexicographical sources. In American English
Dictionary “love” refers to something that you like very much, or
that you enjoy doing very much. Someone who you have romantic
feeling about [5, p.22]
Philosophers and psychologists, consider love to be a
psychological need of man in the most varied forms: “Love is the
great creative force.”Modern philosopher and psychologist Erich
Fromm identifies five criterion of true love:1) Unselfishness, that is
true love asks for nothing in return. It’s unconditional. We love
people who they are, creating favorable conditions for their
development. Love is incompatible with selfishness;2) Respect. Even
if you disagree with people, your comment should be made
appropriately and correctly;3)Take care of a person;4) Take
responsibility for him;5) Knowledge of his strengths and weakness
(objective perception). This is necessary in order to work together to
improve person’s qualities of each other. [4, p.53]
The sphere of emotions is a favorable field of action for
study, since it is most fully expressed in peculiarities of national
consciousness. But love as a basic sense, transferring the psychoemotional state, and concept manifesting itself in any culture,
becomes an important object for any research and for identification
of national peculiarities. This is the actuality of this investigation.
In the structure of the English lexeme “love” there is no such
a component as love affair, love relationship (romance). English
interpretations of the concept of «love» are the tendency for semantic
representation of concepts through synonyms. A synonymic range,
used for the interpretation of the concept "love" in English, is
represented by the following lexemes "affection, adoration, fondness,
devotion, passion, like"[1,p.77]
From childhood we have known and liked the cartoons of
the company "Disney" whichcolored our happy and carefree
childhood. Company "Disney" has always been the best factory for
the production of high-quality cartoons and has left its competitors
behind for many years. "Walt Disney Company", is a full name of
this giant animation industry and thisentertainment industry was
created in 1923 by Disney brothers. Its history began with a small
animation studio and today they have achieved breathtaking levels in
the network of amusement parks for kids and a large network for TV
and American channels. Every new cartoon is a unique story that you
have never seen before. All of these cartoons are connected with one
thing – they are all about love. As far as we know,love can be
different. We can feel it to your parents, to relatives, to friends, to
nature, to the opposite sex, to animals and to hobby.
Let’s consider the concept of love with the help of the
animated film "Brave". The main character – Merida is a willful
teenager and a part-time Princess, daughter of the king of Scotland,
Fergus the huge barbarian and graceful, intelligent Queen Elinor.
Many girls dream about being a Princess one day, but the life of a
Princess is not really so simple as it might seem on the face of it. A
Princess must set an example to his citizens and behave properly, and
it means to be infringed upon own interests and desires. Merida
doesn’t look like other princesses, she loves to ride horses and climb
mountains, and even Robin Hood envies her talent of archery.
Merida's mother doesn’t take her daughter’s childish tricks into
consideration. She thinks that her daughter wastes her time on trifles.
She considers her behavior to be inappropriate for a young lady.The
motto of the cartoon "Change your fate" - is the plot. During the film
Merida proves her parents that she is determined to go against the
oldest Scottish tradition:” The lords are presenting their sons as
suitors for your betrothal… - I won't go through with it. You can't
make me.”
Out of love, Merida’s mother tries to arrange his daughter's
life, we can see it in the monologue that she wanted Merida hear:
“Merida, all this work, all the time spent preparing you, schooling
you, giving you everything we never had. I ask you what do you
expect us to do? I understand this must all seem unfair. But we can’t
just run away from who we are. But are you willing to pay the price
your freedom will cost? If you could just try to see what I do, I do
out of love”.
Merida’s mother wishes happiness to her child. Therefore,
after some trials, the mother realized that her daughter was special.
Merida expressed the final decision moms: “My mother, the Queen,
fells in her heart that we be free to write our own story, follow our
hearts and find love in our own time. The Queen and I put the
decision to you, my lords. Might our young people decide for
themselves who they will love?”
Merida's father also shows his love, but his love is
manifested in his actions. Exactly father was a man who has
imparted practical skills of archery to his daughter from her
childhood. He calls gently his daughter "sweetheart", "sweetie".Also
we can note Merida’s intention to freedom. Her desire to change
their destiny reflected in a final monologue:“There are those who say
fate is something beyond our command that destiny is not our own.
But I know better. Our fate lives within us. You only have to be brave
enough to see it.”Having analyzed the concept of love in this
cartoon, we can make a diagram of the versatility of love.
Basing on the diagram, we can observe that in "Brave" love
can be to parents, to occupation, to freedom, to desire to change
one’s fate.
1. Большой толковый словарь русского языка. Справочное
издание. – СПб.: Норинт, 2000. – 1536 с.
2. Ожегов С. И. , Шведова Н. Ю. Толковый словарь
русского языка: 72500 слов и 7500 фразеологических
выражений / Рос. АН, Ин-т рус. яз., Росс. фонд культуры. М.:
Азъ, 1992. – 192 с.
3. Степанов Ю.С. Константы: Словарь русской
культуры. М., 2001. – 990с.
4. Фромм Э. «Искусство любить. Исследование природы
любви».М.: Pedagogy, 1990. – 160с.
5. McArthur Tom, McArthur T.G. Longman Lexicon of
Contemporary English. – London: Addison-Wesley, 1981. – 928 p.
Аннотация. Объектом анализа в статье является
концепт «любовь» как элемент индивидуальной картины мира
мультфильма «Храброе сердце», его художественно-образное
содержание и смысловые составляющие, изучение особенностей
словесного воплощения концепта «любовь» в индивидуальноавторском стиле, а также рассмотрение теоретических вопросов,
связанных с понятием «лексико-семантическое поле в системе
идиостиля». В данной статье предпринимается попытка
раскрыть понятие «любовь» как разностороннее чувство.
многозначность,картина мира, понятие, идиостиль.
Summary. In this article the object of investigation is the
concept “Love” as an element of individual worldview of the cartoon
“Brave”; its artistic images of the content and semantic component
are reflected; the peculiarities of world realization of the concept
“Love” in the author’s individual style are studied, connected with
the notion “lexical-semantic concept” in the system of own style.
The article discusses the concept of love; an attempt is made to
reveal the concept of "love" as a broad sense.
Keywords: concept, love, polysemy, worldview, notion,
own style.
UDC 81'38
Vladislav Shylin
4 year student, English Philology Department
Crimean Federal V.I. Vernadskiy University
e-mail: [email protected]
Elena Mazina
Scientific advisor, PhD in Philology
English Philology Department
Crimean Federal V.I. Vernadskiy University
The topicality of the present research is supported by
growing popularity of videoblog as a new genre of Internet
communication intended for mass audience.
Videoblog is a completely new genre of Internetcommunication, thus there is a number of problems to be solved in
the course of research. Theoretical concepts have not been singled
out. Vlogs have not been classified and their functions remain
undetermined. Moreover, videoblogs belong to a specific type of
text, the peculiarities of which are to be studied.
Consequently, the present research sets the following
objectives: to study some peculiarities videoblog suggests as a
genre; single out a classification of the latter; analyze structuralfunctional aspect of videoblog as a type of Internet-text; carry out a
linguo-stylistic analysis in order to determine linguistic peculiarities
of vlog-texts.
I. Videoblog can be defined as non-synchronic genre of
Internet communication, which requires an author to place video
messages in chronological order and in accordance with thematic
group. The user-recipient is able to leave comments and videoresponses.
The most specific linguistic characteristic of videoblogs
include: colloquial style; application of degraded vocabulary; use of
interjections to convey emotional background of utterances;
numerous neologisms; elliptic constructions both in the texts of vlogs
and commentary; optional use of punctuation; various kinds of
contractions to optimise writing (acronyms); frequent application of
emojis as a way of graphic presentation of emotions.
II. The main characteristic of videoblog is its content.
Therefore, videoblogs have been classified on the basis of their
thematic grouping. The following types of videoblogs have been
singled out: educational; political; life-vlog; travel vlog;
fashion/beauty vlog; music vlog; informative-analytical one.
III. Vlogs have a rather complex structure, which consists of
three main components: pre-communicative self-presentation
(nickname, avatar, information about the author, etc.); vlog per se
(video message); dialogical text part (commentary, video responses).
IV. The functions of videoblogs are diverse: communicative;
the function of self-presentation; the function of making and
maintaining social connections; the function of information
accumulation (memoirs); function of self-development and
reflecting; psychotherapeutic function.
V. The linguo-stylistic analysis has shown that the
peculiarities of vlog-texts are determined by their thematic grouping.
The vast majority of vlog-texts can be described as belonging to
colloquial style. Nevertheless, some thematic groups of vlogs
necessitate the application of official and scientific styles
(educational, political and informative-analytical vlogs).
The most illustrative characteristic of the language of vlogs
is frequent application of stylistic devices to perform a number of
functions and fulfill objections specific to each topic (type of vlog).
Educational vlogs predominantly aim at delivering
information to the recipient, stimulating interest to the introduced
information, and creating humorous effect in order to facilitate the
educational process.
This type of vlogs is characterized by the abundant use of
metaphor as a means of image-creation. (Vocalwise, belting is the
foundations of your vocal chords which let them stay firm on the
ground [goodVoice]; The world history appears to be an apple from
the tree of knowledge, consuming of which may help you understand
the present).
Such metaphors help to visualize the informative element of
the utterance, making information delivery more expressive and
easily memorable.
Simile is frequently used in order to lighten the process of
knowledge acquisition by means of humorous collision of similar
notions (I understand that you don’t want to do this, but studying is
more like making yourself vomit – you refuse to do it, but feel
relieved when you manage to [PerfectEng]; Learning English
grammar is like rewinding the worst period of your life over and
over again [PerfectEng]).
Hyperbole is often used in order to take the stain off the
situation due to its comic effect (Learning a hundred words is harder
than persuading your inner self to jump off the roof while committing
a suicide).
The main objective of political vlogs is manipulation of
human consciousness in order to shape up perceptions and views
concerning a state policy, a politician or a political situation in
In this type of vlog, metaphor is used in order to intensify
utterances and characterize the objects from a rather negative
perspective. This, furthermore, shapes and the perception of the
audience, imposing the subjective opinion of the speaker (The roads
in Russia are a highway taking your straight to hell; Same-sex
marriage legalization is religiously considered to be a venomous
snake biting the core of traditional beliefs for it to be annihilated
[InsideView]) and a person (Putin is a devil dressed in an expensive
suit [TrueT]).
Pun may be occasionally applied with the purpose of shaping
a negative attitude towards a person or a situation by means of
humorous humiliation (People wanted him to restore their
confidence, and he desperately restored his pockets).
Oxymoron is intermittently used to modify opinions
concerning political process (He was continuously attempting to
corruptively save the state’s budget).
As to life vlogs, their coverage of daily events is set as the
main objective. Consequently, the stylistic devices perform and
image-creating function and help to achieve humorous effect
(metaphor – “His screams have been thunders falling from up above
to hit my deserted soul” [shane]; simile – “I remember that girl from
my school whose reading speed was as slow as my old 88-year-old
grandma walking while crossing the street”[trishaW] ; metonymy –
“When I was a child, that womb I love never allowed me to go out
with friends” [shane]).
Travel vlogs register places and events, the impression of
which may be emphasized by means of using similes (“The statue of
liberty is as majestic as my Mom going out of the kitchen with a pie
in her hands” [ellenV]), metaphors (“The Hollywood sign is a badge
reminding you that you’re not famous enough to live in this
marvelous place” [shane]), periphrasis (“This live device of
destruction has just attempted to bite my finger” [travisLA]), and
epithets (“We were given a pick-up-a-guy-and-come-have-wild-sex
hotel room”; “The wedging-everywhere sand didn’t let us enjoy the
romantic dinner long enough” [trishaW]).
The main objective of fashion/beauty vlogs is the
advertisement of clothes lines and make-up products. Moreover,
beauty vlogs may sometimes have the objective of detailed
description of effects produced by make-up products. Consequently,
metonymy is often used to refer to a product by naming its
manufacturing firm (“Avon gives you incredible eye-lash
separation” [avon]). Similes and metaphors are applied to
accentuate visual image (Your skin is going to shine as an wooden
table previously polished; This cream is air inside your lungs – you
know you’ve inhaled, but you can’t feel it [lookBB]).
Informative-analytical vlogs present a scrupulous analysis of
the information and problems concerning the given topic. The vast
majority of stylistic devices are used in this type of vlogs. The most
common ones are metaphor, simile, epithet, pun, zeugma, and
Metaphor is used to create a visual image in order to simplify
our perception of information (“Recent L2 acquisition research has
revolutionize language learning – the cemetery of unnecessary
teachers can finally be destructed” [PerfectEng]) Simile is most
commonly applied to create imagery and thus increase the intensity
of information transmittance (“Procrastination is as hard to fight as
to casually abstain from using H after years of severe addiction”
[shane]). Phrase and sentence epithets are frequently used to render
personal attitude of the speaker and characterise the object of the
description, thus making a statement easily memorable (“Your Ithink-one-hour-a-month-is-enough manner of learning languages is
by far the least effective” [PerfectEng]). Pun is used to create
humorous effect, thus allowing to be in tune with the audience
(People always ask whether I had to sacrifice my living to learn that
many languages. I can’t quite go about it, where or whom do so
many people wanna leave?). Zeugma is used to create humorous
effect and engage the audience in active listening (To sing well you
have to coordinate your vocal chords and your mode of non-giftedjust-admit realization). Antonomasia is most frequently used to
render peculiar features of a notion or a person and to create some
humorous effect in order to bring about the audience engagement
(Have you ever felt you are becoming Mr. Bilingualism?).
Hence, linguo-stylistic analysis has revealed some
peculiarities of vlog-texts, among which are: belonging to
predominantly colloquial style, frequent use of degraded vocabulary,
contraction and interjections. Moreover, vlogs are characterized by
the abundant use of stylistic devices to perform a number of
functions. The choice of devices and their functions is linked to
original objectives of vlogs belonging to certain thematic groupings.
Thus, various stylistic devices may be viewed as a tool to achieve
objectives previously set by the author and thus reach out to the
audience, or somehow affect it.
1. Blood R.. Webblogs: A History and Perspective.
_history.html (accessed
10 October, 2015).
2. Crystal D. Language and the Internet. Cambridge:
Cambridge University
Press, 2006, 316 p.
3. Herring S.C. A Faceted Classification Scheme for
Discourse // Language at Internet: online journal.
November, 2015).
4. Vascellaro J. Using YouTube for posterity. (May 10,
2007) // The Wall
Street Journal. 2007. № 5. [Электронный ресурс].
(accessed 12 November, 2015).
Аннотация. Данное исследование рассматривает
вопросы типологии видеоблога как типа интернет-текста.
Выделяется классификация видеоблога на основе тематической
принадлежности. Анализируется функциональный аспект
онлайн-дискурса. Лингво-стилистический анализ аутентичных
текстовых фрагментов показывает, что стилистические приемы
выполняют характерные функции (создание образности,
характеристика объекта, манипуляция человеческим сознанием
и др.), которые неразрывно связаны с тематикой видеоблога.
Ключевые слова: видеоблог, влогосфера, влог,
стилистика, манипуляция сознанием, масс-медиа.
Summary. The subject-matter of the present research is
typology of vlog-texts as a type of Internet-text. The classification of
videovlogs is singled out on the basis of their thematic grouping.
Videovlog as a part of online-discourse is analysed from a functional
aspect. Linguo-stylistic analysis of the authentic text-fragments
discloses the main characteristic functions (image-creation,
humorous effect, emphasized characterization of an object, human
consciousness manipulation, etc.) performed by stylistic devices, and
reveals their interdependence with thematic grouping of vlogs.
Key words: videoblog, vlogosphere, vlog, stylistics,
manipulation of consciousness, mass-media.
Секция «Филология»
UDС 811.521'373.613 : 811.111
Kirill Verkhovinsky
2nd year student,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Mariia Varlagina
Scientific advisor, Senior lecturer,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy,
Sevastopol State University
Japanese as other languages has its loanwords. These words
are mainly derived from Chinese and American English. Loanwords
from English and other European languages are called gairaigo,
words which came from Chinese are called kango. Foreign words
started appearing in Japanese in XVI century. They were Portuguese
and Dutch words. In XIX Japan stopped the policy of isolation and a
large number of other European words came to Japanese. After WW
II most of gairaigo’s have American English origin and nowadays
the number of American English borrowings is still increasing. In
70’s of XX 94,1% of gairaigo was accounted for English
borrowings. Since that time its number has increased.
When English loanwords are borrowed to Japanese, they are
adopted according to phonetic of Japanese. The combination of
consonants is split by vowels. Vowels also are added to the last
consonant in the word. English –th is replaced by Japanese [s] and
[dz], for example: arugorizumu - algorithm. English combinations –
ar,- ir, -er, -ur are presented as –aa, for example: kaa – car, intaabu
– interview, etc.
Phonetic adaptation of English loanwords is the reason of
big number of homonyms having a common origin but different
meanings, for example: kurosu means cloth and cross, boruto means
bolt and volt simultaneously.
The gairaigo words are written by using katakana, not by
using hiragana or kanji (Japanese characters). Katakana is a
syllabary for loanwords. Loanwords have their own syllabary
because of their distinction in the way of adaptation to Japanese
phonetic. Sometimes gairaigo words are called katakanago, the
words are written by katakana. But rarely gairaigo words are written
by using hieroglyphs, according to original value and sound.
Many gairaigo words were composed in Japanese using the
English components and they also have the name wasei-eigo, which
means «the English which is made in Japan»: noo-airon – ‘do not
iron’ cloth (no + iron), noo-mai-kaa-de – the day when isn’t
recommended to use public transport, but it doesn’t apply to private
transport (no + my + car + day), amerikandogu is not rendered as
American dog, but hot dog.
Gairaigo constitutes not more than the tenth part of all
Japanese words, it is not much, but it has an important meaning for
language life of Japanese people. In most cases gairaigo`s are rarely
used in book texts. Gairaigo’s number is not presented largely in
documents and newspapers, especially about Japan. Also their
quantity is not significant in religious, political or legal vocabulary,
abstract vocabulary and humanitarian sciences. Gairaigo plays more
prominent role in technical sphere and natural sciences, but there are
more kango words. However the usage of gairaigo in management
totals 53%, in marketing – 75%, in trade – 80% and in computer
terminology – 99%. Most of gairaigo are involved in the sphere of
mass consumer production, where its usage has been constantly
increasing for recent decades. Such spheres as sports, fashion
industry, pop-culture and cooking and restaurant business almost
wholly use gairaigo. Certainly national traditional phenomena are
described by native words.
In modern Japan gairaigo tend to occupy bigger place in the
Japanese language. It is connected with worldwide processes of
globalization and English language expansion. Most of loanwords
came from American English. Even native Japanese words become
gairaigo, for example word mesi (rice) turned into raisu (derived
from English “rice”).
However the English language itself is not so popular in
Japan. Many Japanese people cannot speak English and they cannot
trace the origin of most gairaigo words. Often the usage of gairaigo
is associated with prestige, modern trends and prosperity, whereas
the usage of traditional Japanese words is associated with
backwardness and poverty. The main reason of this process may lay
in the cardinal feature of Japanese culture, based not on creating but
adopting some elements of foreign cultures. Japanese is not being
americanized, it just absorbs English vocabulary and adapts it to its
own purposes. Loanwords do not substitute native words but they are
changed and used in a line with Japanese ones. Nevertheless it is
expected that the amount of gairaigo words will present 50% of all
Japanese vocabulary in next 500 years.
1. Алпатов В.М. Англоязычные заимствования в
японском языке и американизация японской массовой культуры.
//Япония: культура и общество в эпоху НТР. М. 1985
2. Алпатов В.М. Грамматика японского языка: Введение.
Фонология. Супрафонология. Морфонология. — М.: Восточная
литература, 2000.— 149 с.
3. Алпатов В.М. Япония: язык и общество. М. 1988
Аннотация. Автор описывает процессы ассимиляции
иностранных слов в японском языке. В статье в основном
анализируются заимствования, пришедшие в японский язык из
британского и американского вариантов английского языка.
Проведен анализ фонетических изменений данных слов.
Автором выделены основные сферы употребления иностранных
заимствований. Особенность иностранных слов («гайрайго») в
японском языке такова, что они не вытесняют родные слова, а
функционируют в языке параллельно и часто комбинируются в
составные словосочетания с исконными японскими словами.
Данный феномен получил название «японского английского» и
представляет интерес для исследований, т.к. постоянно
пополняется новыми лексическими единицами. Результаты
данного исследования могут быть использованы в курсе
преподавания японского языка как иностранного, на занятиях по
компаративной лингвистике для студентов переводческих
Ключевые слова: японский язык, заимствование,
заимствованные слова
Summary. The author describes the processes of borrowing
foreign words to the Japanese language. The article is mainly
focused on English and American English borrowings in Japanese.
The analysis of phonetic changes is made. The most common areas
for such loanwords are also distinguished in the given paper. The
peculiarity of the process that foreign words or gairaigo do not
substitute the native words completely. They are used on parallel
basis and are often combined with other words of Japanese origin.
This phenomenon is known under the term Japlish or Janglish and is
important for research as new cases of application constantly arise.
The results can be used for Japanese language courses and
comparative linguistics course for the students of translation
Keywords: Japanese, loanwords, gairago, borrowings,
American English
UDC 81'255.4 : 811.111
Natalia Mironova
2nd year student,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Mariia Varlagina
Scientific advisor, Senior lecturer,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy,
Sevastopol State University
In the modern days of high technologies a critical need for
explanation of numerous actions and phenomena arises. It is
impossible without using special vocabulary and the special area –
the academic style.
The features peculiar to the academic style are its
informativity, logic (the strict sequence, direct connection between
the main idea and the details), accuracy and credibility and as a
result, clarity and perspicuity. To achieve this goal the terminology is
used. Terms are the words and word-groups that denote unique
objects and notions, which the specialists of the definite field of
science or technology apply. Therefore, the terminology should not
contain any emotional, metaphorical and associative coloring, etc.
The quality of the documents` translation in the scientific
sphere is a current problem today. The special feature of this type of
translation is sticking to the definite style. The authors of scientific
works avoid using these means of expression not to break the main
principle of the scientific language – the definite and clear line of
In scientific works the terminological vocabulary makes up
no more than 25%, the rest is neutral lexical units.
The author analyses the main requirements to the translation
of scientific style:
The translator should give the proper explanation of
the terms or common words used in their specific meaning.
Therefore, one of the main demands to the translator of such
literature is his/her awareness in the matter, detailed knowledge of
the terminology and its usage.
The problem in translation arises when a common
word is used in the narrow terminological grade: e.g. the German
word “Gewächs” means “plant” in the common lexis, but if it is
used as a term in the scientific text related to the botany this word
will have the meaning “struma”(«нарост»).
Another variety of the difficulties is a larger one.
They are so called composite or complex terms. It happens frequently
when some simple words of common lexis in combination with each
other form a very specific term, which is usually used in the
scientific texts. For example, the words “false”, “color” and
“image” are well-known in their neutral meaning, but in
combination with each other they form a quite unique and strictly
hyperspectralearth remote sensing and to some other scientific fields.
Another difficulty in translation that can occur not
only in scientific texts is the untranslatable composite terms. The
matter is that in some cases the translation of the definite expressions
is far from literally translation. For instance, the term “American
Township and Range surveying system” can hardly be translated into
Russian word-to-word. The most appropriate translation of this
composite term is “Американская система межевания земель”,
but obviously the words “township” and “range” are omitted in the
After all, a translator should care about simplicity of the text
to a common reader. The scientific style is also used in non-fiction
articles, which are oriented mostly to average readers who have no
special training and deep knowledge in the scientific terminology.
Consequently, it is possible to make a conclusion that the
main function of the scientific style is intellectual-communicative
and the others are optional. The purpose of the scientific style is
providing the necessary information and making the learning process
However, there are the other examples of application of the
scientific style. The comedy serial “The Big Bang Theory” and the
usage of scientific terminology as a stylistic device is analyzed in the
given article. The main characters of the widely-known American
sitcom are two young gifted physicists. In spite of their uncommon
thinking, they try to get on well with surrounding world.
The vocabulary used in the series helps to reveal the
characters` personality, their feelings and problems better. All
discussions related to other fields add up to the attempt to solve their
personal problems. That is why the alternative range of application
of scientific terms is observed.
The characters use such terms as “matrix, fringe pattern,
electron bunch”, describing their work. Some of them also use the
terms describing the processes of astrophysics (stellar dynamics) and
methods of testing (spectrometry).
One of the movie characters is a mechanical engineer. He
develops an equipment which can be used in NASA. That is why his
vocabulary contains numerous terms related to technical devices and
The psychology uses a wide range of terms mostly
comprehensible to the intelligent person. In the movie, such
vocabulary is used by both psychologist and another characters.
The characters of the sitcom use the formulae, equations, the
laws of nature regarding to the social problems. With the help of
unsuitable in the common speech terms the absurdity of the situation
is emphasized, so we can see the inadaptability of the characters to
the communication with people whose range of interests is far from
the science.
The author concludes that a safe bet of the scientific style
helps to simplify the learning process and is successfully used not
only for the purposes of science and communication, but in some
cases used as stylistic device.
1.Комиссаров В.Н. Теория перевода (лингвистические
для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. - М.: Высш. шк., 1990. – С. 110-111.
2.Орешкина С.И. Особенности англоязычной научной
лексики (на примере сериала «Теория большого взрыва»)
/Арзамасский филиал Нижегородского гос. Университета. –
URL: (дата обращения:
3.Особенности перевода научных текстов [Электронный
ресурс]. – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 24.02.16)
4.Челнокова Ю.А., Шабунько Л.Г. Научно-технические и
библиотека интеллектуальной собственности, ежемесячный
собственности «Патенты и лицензии. Интеллектуальные права»,
2007. URL: (дата
обращения: 22.02.16)
Аннотация. Особенности перевода научно-технического
стиля представлены в статье. Представлены определения
«терминологии» и «термина». Качество перевода документов в
научно-технической сфере - актуальная проблема. Особенность
данного вида перевода – в соблюдении определенного стиля.
Сложность перевода заключается в том, что научный текст
подразумевает точность и ясность изложения мысли. Цель
научного стиля – донести нужные сведения и облегчить процесс
познания. В данной статье рассматриваются альтернативные
случаи применения научной терминологии на примере
комедийного сериала "Теория большого взрыва" (США).
Ключевые слова: терминология, научный стиль,
перевод, стилистический прием, «Теория большого взрыва»
Summary. The peculiarities of translation of scientific style
are presented in the article. The definitions of “terminology” and
“terms” are given. The main problems in translation caused by the
specified and narrowed application of terms are analyzed. The main
features of scientific styles are described. The author makes the
attempt to analyze the usage of scientific style and terminology as a
stylistic device in “The Big Bang Theory” series (USA). The results
of the research show that the contrasting usage of complex and
narrowed terms in the speech of the characters of the series reveal
their personalities better and add humorous effect to the story in
general. Thus, the main function of scientific style is communicative,
but it has other functions, like in the mentioned above case.
Keywords: terminology, scientific style, translation, stylistic
device, “The Big Bang Theory”
UDC 81
Christina Petrenko
1st year student, Theory and Practice of translation
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Ekaterina Peschanskaya
Scientific advisor, PhD in philology,
Theory and Practice of translation Department,
Sevastopol State University
The bard song is a song genre that appeared in the middle of
the 20th century in the different countries. Its distinctive features are
the combination of the music’s author, the text and the performer in
one person, the guitar accompaniment, the priority of the text’s
importance before the music [3]. The purpose of the study is to
investigate stylistic devices of the creation of the emotional
expression that is used in the bard song. The material of this research
is the text fragments from the repertoire of the famous Mexican
singer Malukah: “Beauty of dawn”, “Three heats as one”, “Reignite”.
There often appears a question: “Why do people listen to
music at all?” The fact is that music is an integral part of the every
folk’s culture, like the life itself and the deeply rooted traditions. The
author’s song, like a professional performance, takes an important
place in the musical culture and has its own evident peculiarities.
Among them you can allocate: the ceremonies of the entourage, the
confessional beginning, the trust relationship between the
participants of the process, the close interaction of the singersongwriter and the listener at the moment of the song’s sound [4].
Among other things, the ultimate simplicity is one of the bard song’s
signs. This applies to both text and music. So the text, whatever the
profound meaning it has, should be clear for the ordinary man, the
poems should be written in a plain language. In addition to
simplicity, the author song has the wholeness so all verses and
choruses serve for the disclosure of the song’s single idea,
derogations are excluded. Another distinctive feature is the high
nobility and exceptional morality of the idea and the meaning that
are presented to the listener by a song [2]. Traditionally a song must
have a rhyme for submission of the poetic speech to some kind of the
pattern. According to the dictionary definition, a rhyme is a
repetition of similar sounds (or the same sound) in two or more
words, most often in the final syllables of lines in poems and songs
[3]. Let’s examine the techniques of artistic expression with the help
of the following examples:
Forged by war our story be told
No shackles can hold us whether moonstone or gold.
But then our three people knew what must be done,
To end the oppression our three became one.
Here we can observe the consonance of the words: told-gold,
done-one, that makes the song more pleasant to the ear and easier for
understanding. In addition we can see the use of the possessive
pronoun “our” in the text, directed to the emphatic allocation of the
subjectively meaningful in emotional disturbance information. Also
we can notice the use of the simple repetition “Three-three”, that can
indicate the emotional arousal of the lyrical hero, the inability of the
emotion’s developing and the replacement of it by the simple
repetition [1].
Let’s look at the following example:
Darkness strikes to blind the strong
But Faith will guide our swords
Loyal hearts we'll stand as one
And fight with shields of Hope.
This is a vivid example of the impersonation. Personification
is a figure of speech where human qualities are given to animals,
objects or ideas. It is the opposite of a metaphor but is very similar
[3]. These song lines are the appeal aimed for attracting attention.
The words are simple, clear and appropriate in order to imagine and
feel everything the author wants to convey.
Let’s analyze the next song:
Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound
Fear can claim what little faith remains
But I carry strength from souls now gone
They won't let me give in...
I will never surrender
We'll free the Earth and sky
Crush my heart into embers
And I will reignite...
I will reignite
Death will take those who fight alone
But united we can break a fate once set in stone
Just hold the line until the end
Cause we will give them hell...
According pragmatic context it’s getting clear that the lyric
hero – presumably a warrior – addresses to himself or to people who
listen to him. It is like a desperate plea to “hold the line” and it’s a
threat at the same time. It’s a threat to some powerful enemies, the
lyric hero’s promise “to never surrender” and “to give hell” any foe.
The text reflects the commitment of the main hero and is presented
by the following expressions: but I carry strength from souls now
gone, I will never surrender, cause we will give them hell (that is a
metaphor, by the way).
The following stylistic device used by the author is
a metaphor. It is a figure of speech that identifies something as being
the same as some unrelated thing for rhetorical effect [3]. The name
of the song “Reignite” is symbolic. Thanks to the metaphor «crush
my heart into embers» and the simple repetition «I will reignite» the
main hero’s readiness to sacrifice is emphasized. Using “never” is
one more feature and is applied for strengthening of the hardness [1].
Moreover, the use of the imperative sentence Just hold the line until
the end can specify the hero’s desire to reinforce a deep feeling that
he’s having at the moment [1].
Having analyzed the examples we can say with certainty that
the bard song is an interesting genre and without doubt it deserves
the careful and intensive research. A large number of means of
artistic expressiveness is used in the author’s song and it allows us to
see the main idea the author wanted us to see.
1. Селяев А.В. Выражение эмоций в английском языке:
Нижегородский государственный лингвистический университет
им. Н.А. Добролюбова. – Нижний Новгород, 2007. – 157 с.
2. Авторская песня – основные особенности и отличия
[Электронный ресурс] // URL: (дата
обращения: 22.02.2016)
3. Википедия [Электронный ресурс] // URL: https:// (дата обращения: 22.02.2016)
4. Особенности авторской песни [Электронный ресурс] //
URL: (дата обращения: 22. 02.2016)
Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается такое
явление как женская авторская песня, характерные для нее
ключевые моменты. Авторская песня характеризуется как
особый коммуникативный жанр, а также рассматриваются
основные ее функции в культурном аспекте. Музыкальный
компонент описывается как носитель определенного значения,
участвующий в формировании смысла песни, а также ее
формальной стороны. Анализируются стилистические приемы,
используемые для экспликации эмоциональной экспрессии. В
нравственности и морали. Делается акцент на особенности
исполнении песни автором.
Ключевые слова: женская авторская песня, высокая
нравственность, простой повтор, повелительное наклонение,
рифма, олицетворение, метафора.
Summary. The article considers phenomenon of the female
bard song, and its peculiarities. Female bard song is characterized as
a special communicative genre, and also its functions in cultural
aspects are reflected. Musical component is described as an
informant of the meaning, which takes place in creating a song’s
sense, and its formal side. Stylistic means of creating emotional and
expressive features are shown in the bard song. The issue of
conscience is taken into consideration. The specificities of the
author’s song performance are emphasized.
Keywords: female bard song, conscience, simple repetition,
imperative sentence, rhyme, impersonation, metaphor.
Секция «Межкультурная коммуникация»
Cross-Cultural Communication
UDC 81’221.24
Alexandra Buryak
1st year student, Translation Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Natalia Gulevets
Scientific advisor, PhD in Linguistics,
Translation Department,
Sevastopol State University
A sign language (also signed language) is a language which
chiefly uses manual communication and body language to convey
meaning, as opposed to acoustically conveyed sound patterns. This
can involve simultaneously combining hand shapes, orientation and
movement of the hands, arms or body, and facial expressions to
fluidly express speaker’s thoughts [6]. Signing is not only used by
the deaf, it is also used by people who can hear, but cannot
physically speak.
A common misconception is that all sign languages are the
same worldwide or that sign language is international. Aside from
the pidgin International Sign language, each country generally has its
own, native sign language, and some have more than one, though
sign languages may share similarities to each other, whether in the
same country or another one.
The purpose of the article is to trace cultural differences
between the USA and Japan basing on the sign language system of
each country. Several main American and Japanese signs taken from
the general national sign language systems represent the material of
the study [1].
Just like how Japanese is completely different from English,
Japanese sign language (hereinafter – JSL) is completely different
from American Sign Language (hereinafter – ASL). For one, JSL
uses mouthing to distinguish between various signs. ASL uses mouth
movements only a little, but not mouthing to this extent.
Fingerspelling is also used more in JSL than in ASL. Finger writing
(drawing Japanese characters in the air) is sometimes used in JSL.
Finger writing is never used in ASL [4].
ASL is the dominant sign language of the Deaf community
in the United States, in the English-speaking parts of Canada, and in
parts of Mexico. Even though the United States and the United
Kingdom both speak English predominantly, British Sign Language
and American Sign Language (ASL) are very different [2].
Below you can find the examples and further cross-cultural
analysis of several signs used both in ASL and JSL.
How to show (ASL): To sign ‘dad’, extend and spread out
your five fingers on your strong hand. Tap your hand on your
forehead [3]. According to G. Hofstede, the score of the USA on
Masculinity is high at 62, and this can be seen in the typical
American behavioral patterns [7]. So, that is why this sign is shown
in the highest point of our body.
How to show (JSL): put your index finger to your chin. Slide
your finger on your chin and form a fist and leave only your thumb,
as like you show a thumbs-up sign. A man is big and strong. So we
use the thumb [1].
How to show (ASL): To sign ‘mom’ extend and spread your
fingers apart. With your pinkie facing forward tap your thumb on
your chin. It shows a woman’s relation to a child or children to
whom she has given birth. The sign for ‘mom’ is the same as the sign
for ‘dad’. Female signs are often similar to male signs, but the male
variant is usually above the nose, and the female signs are formed
below the nose [3]. It may signify a historically more important
position of men in the society.
How to show (JSL): Do exactly the same you do showing
father’s sign, just not leaving your thumb, but a little finger. A
woman is smaller and shorter than a man. So we use the little finger
Both sign languages show mother and father using the head.
It means that in both cultures mother and father are the "head" of the
family and they are admired equally in both countries.
How to show (ASL): make the sign by extending your
fingers and cross your thumb in front of your palm. Now take the
hand, and start with your hand in front of your ear and extend it
outward and away from your body [3].
In the USA people always hug and shake hands all the time.
As Richard Lewis says, “They introduce informality immediately”,
or “They give the impression of being naïve by not speaking
anything but English and by showing immediate trust through ultrafriendliness” [5, p.181].
How to show (JSL): use your index finger of each hand and
curve them as like these fingers bow to each other. In the Japanese
culture people always bow when they meet. The Japanese go to
incredible lengths to be polite.
The sign ‘hello’ is completely different in the two sign
languages. In this case, it totally depends on the national cultural
Thank you:
How to show (ASL): To sign ‘thank you’, extend your
fingers and thumb. Touch your fingers to your chin and bring your
fingers forward. It is almost like you are blowing a kiss out, to thank
the person – but the sign is a bit lower. You need to smile, so they
will know you mean it [3].
How to show (JSL): Put your right hand on your left one and
just raise it.
Both sign languages contain a positive meaning, as the
upward and outward movements testify to the sincerity of a person
who shows it.
You are welcome:
ASL does not use this sign as a response to "Thank you”. It
might sound fine, if not strictly incorrect, in English, but it absolutely
does not look right in ASL.
How to show (JSL): hold your hand near your chest, and
wave quickly your palm. The Japanese sign looks like this because
Japan is a very polite country and that is why helping others is an
ordinary thing. Giving help is something that does not disturb
Japanese people. As R. D. Lewis mentions, modesty, shyness, sense
of duty, hospitality and ultra-politeness are the main values for
Japanese people [5, p. 510].
These signs are equally polite. It is not accepted to answer
"You are welcome" to "Thank you" in ASL. You need to say "thank
you", too. At the same time, the Japanese sign shows that you have
no problems in helping so the person does not have to feel
How to show (ASL): To make the sign for ‘friend’, hold out
both of your index fingers hooked in a C-shape. Holding one hand
with your C facing up, hook the second C into the first. Then reverse
the position for the hands and do it again. It is like your fingers are
the best friends and give each other a hug [3].
How to show (JSL): You just do the same you do in ASL,
only using not just your index fingers, but the whole palm.
The sign ‘friend’ is shown identically in both languages. A
friend is one of the most valuable and important people to any
person, whether you are Asian or American, a kid or an adult. In
every culture a friend means a person who you are closely related
with and whom you trust.
Thus, we can see a lot of differences in the American and
Japanese cultures, because the way of thinking is not the same. They
have different values, beliefs, customs and the ways of living.
However, in conclusion we can admit that there is a tendency to
understand and show the equally valuable things in one and the same
1. American and Japanese Sign Language. URL:
(дата обращения 28.03.2016)
URL: (дата
обращения 28.03.2016)
URL: (дата обращения
4. Japanese Sign Language (JSL). URL: (дата
обращения 28.03.2016)
5. Lewis R. D. When cultures collide: leading across cultures
/ R. D. Lewis // 3rd ed. Boston, L.: Nicholas Brealey International. 2006. - 595 p. 181, p. 510.
7. The Hofstede Center. Country Comparison. URL: (дата обращения 28.03.2016)
Аннотация. Статья исследует различие между Западной
и Восточной культурами на примере США и Японии. Эти
страны – самый яркий пример различия между двумя
культурами. Исследование основано на языке глухонемых двух
стран, который отражает особенности и ценности каждого
общества. Их следует принять во внимание, чтобы полностью
понять менталитет каждой группы.
Ключевые слова: культура, различие, язык глухонемых,
Summary. The article investigates the difference between
Western and Eastern cultures on the example of the USA and Japan.
These countries are the most striking instance of the distinction
between these two cultures. The analysis is based on the sign
languages of the two countries which reflect peculiarities and values
of each society. They should be taken into consideration in order to
understand fully the mindset of each group.
Keywords: culture, difference, sign language, values.
UDC 316.77; 33
Helena Masalskaya
2 year student, Department of Finance,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Ievgeniia Platukhina
Scientific advisor
Roman and German Philology Department,
Sevastopol State University
The Internet and modern technology have opened up new
possibilities allowing people all over the world to promote
businesses to new locations and cultures. However, people from
different cultures often find it rather difficult to communicate not
only due to language barriers, but also because of culture styles, so,
in this new world, a future specialist, especially in the field of
economics, needs to acquire necessary skills for an effective
communication with foreign partners.
The article deals with the term “cross-cultural
communication”, aspects of international communication and skills
necessary for an effective cross-cultural communication.
First of all, it should be pointed out that cross-cultural
communication is a field of study that looks at how people from
differing cultural backgrounds communicate, in similar and different
ways among themselves, and how they tend to communicate across
cultures. With globalization, especially the increase of global trade,
it is unavoidable that different cultures will meet, conflict, and blend
Some of the aspects of culture directly affect the
communication process in an international business setting, they are
the following: language, environmental and technological
considerations, social organization, contexting , authority conception,
nonverbal communication behavior and time conception. These
seven items form the acronym LESCANT.[1]
Knowledge of these factors provides a foundation on which
one can construct a framework for understanding the businesspeople
from other cultures. In short, these seven factors represent an
approach for asking the right questions needed to see the most
significant cultural differences and similarities. The answers to those
questions vary according to the individual experiences of those
Consequently, to be effective in the global economic field,
future specialist needs to be aware of the major cultural values that
have implications for business relations and organizational
According to Karine Schomer, attention should be paid to
developing the ten winning skills for managing in a culturally diverse
Self-knowledge: understanding your own cultural
values and how they affect your attitudes and behaviors.
Global thinking: staying informed on global trends
and events.
Cultural curiosity: observing cultural behaviors in a
non-judgmental way.
Flexibility: adapting gracefully to a wide spectrum of
operational practices, business styles, and social environments.
Inclusivity: making people of different backgrounds
feel at ease, understood, and valued for their perspectives.
Managing diversity: getting people who are from
different backgrounds to work together effectively as unified teams.
Interpersonal communication: expressing yourself
persuasively while genuinely hearing what others are communicating
to you.
Motivational leadership: leading in ways that inspire
employees to take responsibility and initiative, collaborate, and
contribute the creativity of their differences.
trustworthy behavior, and candor in all your interpersonal dealings.
Patience: working with other people’s needs and
timetables, keeping your focus on long-term goals, and not wasting
your goodwill capital on getting immediate results.[2]
In conclusion, it must be highlighted that business has turned
more and more to an integrated world market and the difficulties of
communicating at a global level have become increasingly
widespread, so acquisition of skills for an effective cross-cultural
communication becomes a must for a graduate of University.
1. David A. Victor. Cross-cultural/ International
Communication. – [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: (27.02.2016)
2. Karine Schomer. Ten Key Cross Cultural Management
Skills. – [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим
3. William Gudykunst and Young Yun Kim. Communicating
With Strangers: An Approach to Intercultural Communication. –
[Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
Аннотация. В статье рассматривается понятие
межкультурной коммуникации, ее важность в современном
мире международных контактов, определяются ключевые
проблемы, возникающие при взаимодействии представителей
различных культур, приводятся основные навыки и умения,
необходимые будущему специалисту в экономической сфере
для успешной межкультурной коммуникации, знание которых
способствует эффективному общению
и работе
конкурентоспособным на рынке труда.
Ключевые слова: межкультурная коммуникация,
международные отношения, будущие экономисты, менеджеры,
навыки и умения
Summary. The article deals with the term of cross-cultural
communication, its importance in a modern world of international
relations, defines the key problems between representatives of
different cultures, and presents the main skills necessary for a future
specialist in the economic sphere for an effective cross-cultural
communication, highlights that knowledge of these skills contributes
to an effective interaction and work on the international level and
makes graduates of the University competitive on the labour market.
Keywords: сross-cultural communication, international
relations, future economists, managers, skills
UDC 81`221(73+52) = 111
Anastasiia Mironova
2nd year student,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Mariia Varlagina
Scientific advisor, Senior lecturer,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy,
Sevastopol State University
The universal body language can be used anywhere to
express emotions or thoughts of people without words. There are
some gestures which are allowed in one country, but are prohibited
in a different one. One should be careful abroad with gestures or he
can find himself in the comically awkward or even tragic situations.
The knowledge of the body language of various countries is
especially important in the interpreters` career.
The majority of people do not pay attention to the body
language consciously. But the statistics shows that people get up to
65 % of information not from their words but through gestures and
body movements, so the ability to understand them correctly is one
of the conditions for the success of an interpreter. The same gesture
in different countries has a different meaning. Some countries have
their own gestures which one may never see before. It would be
difficult for an inexperienced communicator person to understand the
communicative context. The author of the given article presents the
important information about non-verbal peculiarities in Japan and the
USA using the method of comparative analysis.
The Japanese and U.S. communicative situations are under
analysis. They are: greeting, acquaintance, business card exchange
and some other significant gestures in communication with native
speakers of Japan.
Greeting in the USA. Americans are very sociable. This
characteristic facilitates the greeting and in addition to a friendly
handshake they use a shoulder pat to the familiar or not very familiar
Greeting in Japan. In Japan, a handshake is not accepted. It
is particularly unacceptable for women. The Japanese avoid direct
close look which in handshake is unavoidable and they do not like
the manner of touching each other.
Acquaintance in the USA. Men and women equally shake
hands. Mutual kissing and kissing the hands of the ladies here are not
accepted. In author`s opinion it might be considered as gender`s
inequality and even sexual harassment.
Acquaintance in Japan. It is usually accompanied by
standard bows. This is supported by politely sympathetic face, open
smile is not required.
Business card exchange in the USA. In the USA, a
business card etiquette is very loyal. One can put the card into his/her
pocket without a card-holder even. But dirty and sloppy business
cards are strictly prohibited.
Business card exchange in Japan. The Japanese give
business card with both hands, bowing. The higher the rank of the
recipient, the lower bow. In the country of the Rising Sun the culture
of the business cards is highly developed. For example, a European,
who received a card from the partner in Japan and put it in his pocket
is considered to ignore the card. It is better to put them in a special
leather case or other container. Your partner will appreciate it. The
first “meishi” (Japanese name for business cards) date back to the
middle of the 19th century (Edo period).
The survey was conducted on how many students of Theory
and Practice of Translation Department (Sevastopol State University)
are acquainted with the meaning of certain Japanese and American
gestures. The results for Japanese gestures are as follows:
1) The gesture with the meaning "Please, do me a favour" or
"I am sorry" - only 8 out of 20 surveyed gave correct answer.
2) The gesture with the meaning "Come here" - only 6 out of
20 gave correct answer.
3) The gesture with the meaning "No way!" - only 7 out of
20 gave correct answer.
4) The gesture with the meaning "It is an exaggeration" only 5 out of 20 gave correct answer.
5) The gesture with the meaning "Me?" - only 7 out of 20
gave correct answer.
The survey showed that only 35 % of respondents are
acquainted with the real meaning of Japanese gestures. The most
recognizable gesture was "I am sorry" and the most unknown gesture
was "It is an exaggeration". There is an obvious relation between the
importance of the communicative context in daily life and its
In multicultural communications the importance of nonverbal language is of equal importance to the verbal one. Not only
the job of interpreter requires its knowledge, but also common
people should pay attention to it to avoid misunderstanding and to
achieve better results in communication. The lectures on non-verbal
communication and its peculiarities should be included as part of
major language courses at translation departments.
1.Тумаркин П.С. "Жесты и мимика в общении японцев"
"Русский язык", 2002 — 18—31с.
2.Марк Нэпп, Джудит Холл "Невербальное общение"
2004 (дата обращения: 19.02.2016)
3.Невербальная коммуникация: жесты в разных странах
обращения: 19.02.2016)
4.Лабунская В.А. Невербальное поведение: структура и
функции - Ростов: Изд-во Ростов, ун-та, 1986 — 5—35 с.
5.Eurogates — Жесты: невербальное общение за
границей URL: (дата
обращения: 21.02.2016)
Аннотация. В статье представлен сравнительный анализ
распространенных жестов в японском и американском
коммуникативных контекстах. Понимание невербального языка
облегчает процесс коммуникации во многих сферах
культурных различий в языке жестов необходимо знать как
профессиональным переводчикам, так и иным лицам,
контактирующим с иностранными партнерами. В ходе
исследования был проведен опрос и в статье представлены его
результаты. Можно сделать вывод, что знание жестов и
делового этикета, присущих для Японии и США, полезно в
сфере деловых коммуникаций.
Ключевые слова: невербальная коммуникация, жест,
«мейси», японский язык, США
Summary. The comparative analysis of common gestures in
Japanese and U.S. communicative contexts is presented in the article.
The understanding of non-verbal language simplifies the process of
communication in various fields. The aspects of cultural differences
in gestures are of equal importance to both interpreters and common
people who deal with foreign partners. The survey and its data are
given in the paper. The knowledge of Japanese and American nonverbal language and business etiquette is highly beneficial for
business people.
Keywords: non-verbal communication, a gesture, meishi,
the Japanese language, U.S.
UDC 811.111`38 + 811.521`38
Valeriia Naumova
2nd year student,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Mariia Varlagina
Scientific advisor, Senior lecturer,
Theory and Practice of Translation Department,
Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy,
Sevastopol State University
The letters people write are their faces, their business cards,
which tell the recipient a lot about the author. Business writing is an
essential tool in business communication and commercial activities.
At present, a business letter is a means of exchanging information in
the form of an official document, which may contain an offer,
confirmation, order, claim, and congratulations and therefore reply to
A business letter presents a clear structure and a specific set
of details. It is characterized by such features as the clarity,
conciseness, logical consistency, formality, neutrality, completeness,
standardize lack of emotional coloring. The vernacular, slang
expressions, modal verbs, interjections, nouns with suffixes of
subjective evaluation are strictly forbidden. The official business
language provides an objective attitude to present the facts, deprived
of emotion and subjectivity, and also reflects the logical sequence of
the text. Semantic precision is also one of the most important
conditions in writing a business letter.
The official business correspondence using a variety of
different speech clichés, which are used to prevent ambiguity of the
text. A set of standard phrases, clichés was developed as a result of
many years of practice in business correspondence. They help clearly
and concisely express thoughts. Such structures greatly facilitate and
accelerate the drafting of the letter, since you do not need to spend
time on the selection of the correct, appropriate language situation.
For the Japanese letters and greeting cards are not a waste of
paper and time, it is the whole story. To get a card for Christmas and
New Year, to write a letter to a friend, a family member or a boss - is
not just a tradition, it is the fact that human relations and
communication will never disappear even in the most highly
developed country in the world, it will never be replaced by digital
codes of computers, and the human values of communication will be
passed from generation to generation.
Differences Between Japanese and English Letters
Purpose of Writing
In both Japanese and English letters, the form and content
will vary a great deal depending on the purpose of the letter (e.g., a
business letter, a notice of change in address, a greeting card, a letter
to a friend, etc). In Japanese letters, however, the degree of the
variation is greater due to the necessity of using the proper level of
keigo or honorifics; this can be especially seen in the case of letters
requesting assistance, which place a social obligation on the
addressee. For each type of letter there are set styles and expressions.
Relationship Between a Writer and an Addressee
In addition to the purpose of the letter, the nature of the
relationship and the degree of familiarity between the writer and the
addressee will greatly influence the style of letters in Japanese. Also,
in the hierarchy of Japanese society, the writer’s age, sex, and
occupation often determine the writer’s choice of vocabulary and use
of keigo or honorifics. In letters, extra attention must be paid to
properly using humble and honorific expressions. In contrast to
English letters, the distinctive feature of Japanese letters is the large
body of set expressions and honorific language that must be properly
used by constantly keeping in mind the nature of one’s relationship
with the addressee.
Also, the emphasis on giving and receiving is clearly
reflected by the language. Verbs denoting giving or receiving (such
as kudasaru, itadaku) are often combined with other verbs. For
example, instead of saying “Kawasaki Sensei ga oshiemashita” for
"Prof. Kawasaki taught me,” expressions such as “Kawasaki Sensei
ga oshiete kudasaimashita”. Thus a high level of politeness in letters
is one way to express one’s gratitude and sense of indebtedness to
the addressee. When writing a letter be sure to maintain the same
politeness level throughout; for example, a letter with a very formal
opening and closing, but an informal body would seem strange to
most Japanese.
1) Set Expressions
When writing letters in English, originality in writing style
often creates a favorable impression on the addressee. However, in
Japanese letters the opposite is true; letters that correctly follow the
rules of style are more likely to create a favorable impression. One
such rule is the inclusion of seasonal greetings at the beginning of
letters. Whether it is viewing cherry blossoms or autumn leaves, the
seasonal changes have long been revered by the Japanese people, and
it seems abrupt to enter the main body of a letter without prefacing it
with the proper seasonal greeting, as is the case with English letters.
It could be said that the seasonal greetings, opening and closing
words, and other set expressions provide the framework for Japanese
letters. Even though almost all business letters are written on word
processors, they are still written with the various set expressions. For
example: “Although we say that spring will come soon, but it is still
going cold…” or “On this beautiful spring day…” or “Coming
season chrysanthemum flavor, but ...”.
2) Sex and Age Differences
The sex and age of the writer often influence the writing
style in Japanese letters, although this is changing. For example,
there are some words that only women use, such as the letter closing
word “kashiko” and there are, some words that only men use, such
as “shosei” which is sometimes used in place of “watakushi”. Also
there are certain words or phrases used by older people that might
seem strange if used by younger people.
Letter-writing Materials
1. Business letters are usually written with word processors
in horizontal style on white paper.
2. White envelopes are normally used for superiors.
3. Use black or blue ink. Black ink is used especially when
writing resumes or filling out forms. Red, green, and other colors are
not used, even on special occasions such as Christmas or birthdays.
Fountain pens and ball-point pens can be used, but not pencils or
magic markers.
4. Though used for New Year’s and summer greeting cards,
postcards are considered informal. When the occasion calls for
formality, use stationery, even if the content of the letter is short.
5. Note that depending on the addressee, a personal letter
written on a word processor is sometimes considered impolite. In
Japanese letters written on a word processor, one often signs his or
her name, as is done in English letters.
1. Фролова Е.Л. Учебно-методический комплекс по
дисциплине: «Личная и деловая переписка на японском языке»,
Новосибирск, 2012 - c.19-20
2. Ступин Л.П. Письма по-английски на все случаи
жизни: Учебно-справочное пособие для изучающих английский
язык: изд. «Просвещение», 1997 – c.3-4
3. Kikuko Tatematsu, Takashi Matsumoto, Yaka Tateoka,
Tsukasa Sato «Writing Letters in Japanese» (English translation: Jon
McGovern), The Japan Times, Ltd., 2002 – p.2-6
Аннотация. В статье приведены особенности написания
деловых писем на японском и английском языках. Автор
акцентирует внимание на основных требованиях и основных
различий в обоих языках. Понимание делового этикета является
ключом к солидной репутации. Не менее важно познакомиться с
особенностями культуры деловых партнеров. Как уже
упоминалось ранее, японское письмо - это больше, чем просто
формальность, это древняя традиция и специальный код
сообщения. В данной статье рассматриваются различия между
английскими и японскими деловыми письмами. Официальный
стиль является одним из самых сложных аспектов японского
языка. Жители Японии привержены традициям. Они чтят
культуру и эстетику языка. Хотя за эти годы четкие границы в
написании писем были потеряны.
Ключевые слова: деловые письма, японский язык,
клише, почтительные выражения, культурные различия.
Summary. The peculiarities of business letters writing in
Japanese and English are given in the article. The author focuses
attention on the main requirements and main differences in both
languages. The understanding of business etiquette is the key to
having solid reputation. It is of equal importance to get acquainted
with features of business partners ` culture. As mentioned earlier, for
Japanese a letter is more than just a formality, it is an ancient
tradition and a special code to the communication. This article
explores the difference between the English and Japanese business
letters. An official style is one of the most difficult aspects of the
Japanese language. The inhabitants of Japan are committed to
traditions. They honor the culture and aesthetics of the language.
Although over the years the clear boundaries in writing letters have
been lost.
Keywords: business letters, Japanese, clichés, honorific
expressions, cultural differences.
UDC 811.161.1
Polina Petukhova
4-th year student, Eurasia and East Faculty,
Chelyabinsk State University
e­mail: [email protected]
Alina Zaripova
Scientific advisor, PhD in Philology,
Oriental, Roman and German Languages Department,
Chelyabinsk State University
Intercultural communication is one of the most topical
subjects today. There are many researches about international
communication in various areas of science including linguistic
studies. A wrong interpretation of linguistic concepts may cause
conflict of cultures. Studying representation of concept in various
linguistic cultures helps nations to avoid these conflicts. That’s why
language is an important part of intercultural communication.
First of all, we have to clearly define the scope of “family”
concept to analyze realization of this concept in languages. Family is
a historically specific system of relationships between husband and
wife, between parents and children, as a small group, whose
members are related by marriage or family relations, community of
life, mutual moral responsibility and social necessity, which is due to
society's need for physical and spiritual reproduction of the
population [7: p. 309-313]. In our opinion, family is firstly people
who live together and have responsibility to each other.
Proverbs and sayings are depository of nations’ great social
experience. So, proverbs and sayings have become the subject of
linguistic studies recently. Analysis of proverbs and sayings furthers
to identify the most important moral values of Turkish and Russian
ethnic groups according to native speakers and to define their
specific character as a result of the interaction of history, culture and
mentality. Therefore, study of proverbs lets us determine “family”
concept’s content and specificity in Russian and Turkish nations’
mind. Our research has proved it.
Systematizing the results, we found both differences and
similarities in the understanding of the “family” concept by Russian
and Turkish people.
As for similarities first of all there are too many proverbs and
saying in both languages which condemn the lack of family.
Conclusion is that institution of the family is a significant component
of as a Turkish as Russian societies’ life. The futility and
meaninglessness of life only for themselves are very clearly
emphasized in both worldview.
И в раю жить тошно одному. Living alone is hard
even in paradise.
Bekarlık maskaralık. Bachelorhood is a mockery.
But marriage is not enough for happy and full-fledged life.
Children are necessary despite responsibility and difficulties which
parents face with. According to Russian and Turkish proverbs and
sayings kids are a lot of fun, children are firewood for family hearth.
Both communities blame families who are not going to have
Бездетный умрет, и собака не возьмет (не взвоет).
Nobody regrets about a man without children when he died.
Evlatsız yurt odunsuz ocağa benzer. A home without
children looks like hearth without firewood.
Unity and mutual understanding in a family are also
characteristic of “family” concept in Russian and Turkish cultures.
All quarrels and conflicts that will surely take place in the course of
married life the couple must solve themselves without involving
people from outside. Ability to find compromise is one more
component of family happiness.
Жену с мужем некому судить, кроме Бога. Just
God can judge husband and wife.
Karı koca ipektir, araya giren köpektir. Husband and
wife have the same interests and views.
According to Turkish and Russian proverbs every family has
patriarchal structure. A lot of proverbs tell about clear
differentiation of household duties. For example, a woman keeps
house, she is a domestic goddess. At the same time, a man is a head
of family, he solves problems, earns money etc.
От хозяина чтоб пахло ветром, от хозяйки
дымом. A good husband smells the wind, a good wife smells the
Yuvayı yapan dişi kuştur. Only a mother bird can
make a nest.
The second part of our research is relationships between
parents and their kids. There are features specified for both Russian
and Turkish worldview. The main similarity of understanding of
relationship between children and parents in both cultures is an
important parents’ role in their children’s lives. Proverbs teach us
that nobody must forget or leave his parents because every parent
(father or mother) is an exclusive and unique person for everyone.
Родительское благословение на воде не тонет, на
огне не горит. Parents blessing doesn’t burn in fire, doesn’t sink in
İnsana ata ana gibi yar olmaz. The father and mother
are the closest people for everybody.
Many proverbs and sayings of Turkish and Russian tell us
about the special role of the mother in the life of everyone. The main
reason is patriarchal system in families of these two nations. That’s
why mother spends more time with children, care about them. A
woman is first teacher for kids in families.
Нет такого дружка, как родимая матушка. A
mother is the closest friend.
Ağlarsa anam ağlar, kalanı yalan ağalar. Only
mother truly cries, others just simulate.
The next stage of ours research is identifying differences of
“family” concept understanding in Russian and Turkish worldview.
This knowledge is useful to solve some intercultural quarrels, and to
avoid conflicts between nations.
First important difference is directly related to the choice of
the future partner. Russian proverbs trend to supernatural destiny of
wife or husband. However, Turkish nation is characterized by the
important role of parents in the selection of spouses for their
Суженого ни обойти, ни объехать. Суженого и
конем (и на кривых оглоблях) не объедешь. A woman cannot
escape from the man who is destined to be her husband.
Bezi daha kozadayken kızına koca arar. Look for the
daughter's husband while she is still a child.
Most of the Turkish proverbs and sayings related to children
pay attention to the process of raising a child. Sons are prepared from
childhood that they have to earn money for their families, daughters
are taught to keep house. The conclusion is that Turkish people are
instilled specific family values from childhood.
Oğlunu seven hocaya, kızını seven kocaya. If you
love your son, send him to school, if you love your daughter, give
her in marriage.
Turkish men are gladder to have son than to have daughter
because a son is a new employee in the family, a bearer of the family
name etc.
Oğlu olan sevinsin, kızı olan dövünsün. Joy if you
have a son, regret if you have a daughter.
Results of our research make it possible to take a fresh look
at the attitudes and values of Turkish and Russian worldview.
Comparative analysis of Russian and Turkish proverbs showed that
there are many similar features in the understanding of the basic
cultural concepts like “family” despite the difference of Turkish and
Russian, Muslim and Orthodox cultures. First of all, the reason of
likeness is a fact that as Orthodoxy as Islam postulate a patriarchal
family system. Secondly, the fact that proverbs usually occur from a
peasant background and the life of the peasants of various ethnic
groups generally do not have big differences. To conclude it’s
necessary to say that all these similarities indicate the proximity of
our cultures. Intercultural contact can exist thanks to some common
understanding and comprehension of the family as a cultural concept.
Truly understanding of Russian and Turkish worldview can help to
avoid antagonism among civilians of both countries in light of recent
political events between Russia and Turkey.
Даль В.И. 1000 русских пословиц и поговорок. /
В.И. Даль; [сост. А.Н. Филиппов; вступ.ст Ю.П. Кириленко] //
М.: Рипол Классик, 2010. – 320 с.
Маслова В.А. Лингвокультурология. [Текст] /
В.А. Маслова // М: Академия, 2001. – 208 с.
Степанов Ю.С. Константы: словарь русской
культуры: опыт исследования. [Текст] / Ю.С. Степанов // М.:
Школа «Языки русской культуры», 1997. – 824 с.
Neslihan Kılıç. Atasözleri ve Deyimler Sözlüğü.
İstanbul, Yayın Yılı: 2004. S.688
Ömer Asım Aksoy. Atasözleri ve Deyimler Sözlüğü
2 - Deyimler Sözlüğü. İstanbul, İnkılap, 2007. S.526.
Аннотация. В работе представлены особенности
воплощения концепта «семья», находящие отражение в русской
и турецкой языковых картинах мира, и их сравнительный
Ключевые слова: межкультурная коммуникация,
языковой концепт, языковая картина мира, репрезентация
концептов, пословицы и поговорки.
Summary. The article presents the features of representation
of "family" concept, which are reflected in the Russian and Turkish
language worldviews. It also represents comparative analysis of
“family” concept’s representation in Russian and Turkish
worldviews. .
Keywords: intercultural communication, language concepts,
language worldview, representation of concepts, proverbs and
UDC 811.111:316.752
Katherine Prutskova
1 year student, Translation Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Natalia Gulevets
Scientific advisor, PhD in Linguistics,
Translation Department,
Sevastopol State University
The concept of value is widely regarded by native and
foreign researchers in numerous writings on philosophy and
sociology. (See works by C. Kluckhohn, C. Morris, M. Rokeach, F.
Strodtbek, F. Trompenaars, G. Hofstede, S. Schwartz, A. Edwards,
and others who proposed the original methods of studying and
comparing value systems of different cultures).
The purpose of the article is to find out how cultural values
of a society are represented in the national corporate discourse.
The material of the study is based on the text of "Our
Company" section of the corporate site of one of the major American
companies – “Tiffany & CO” (hereinafter – “Tiffany”). This section
gives general information about the company, states its mission,
vision and strategy, describes its history and / or provides other
information. This section introduces the company to the public, so
we can assume that its main values and, consequently, the culture in
which the company conducts its economic activities will be
represented in the linguistic material of this section (see also [1]).
American culture is activist, pragmatic and militant [3, p.
113]. It is one of the US national values, and it is reflected in the
interview of Michael J. Kowalski, Tiffany CEO: IRMA is in the final
stages of standards development and we are hopeful it can become
an assurance system that is widely embraced by all segments of the
jewelry industry, civil society, and most importantly by consumers
One of Tiffany missions is to be recognized as the world’s
most respected and successful designer [9] which is reflected in the
American values: “An important objective of business development
is the leading international presence” or “The objective of any
American company is money, financial benefit, success” [4, p. 180].
M. J. Kowalski speaks about it in his interview: A company of size
and stature of Tiffany & CO., operating in a highly fragmented and
largely “unbranded” jewelry marketplace, confronts both the
benefits and challenges of industry leadership… Tiffany workshops
are around the world [6]. Moreover, the other CEO of Tiffany –
Frederic Cumenal – says: This is our 292nd global store, and we are
only operating 31 of 292 stores in Europe, so Europe is still the land
of opportunities for us [7]. They both prove that the mission of the
company is connected to American national values.
The other Tiffany mission is to unfailingly honor their
commitments [9]: There is an immense sense of pride in what the
company has tried to accomplish and a belief that we can find a
place where moral imperatives and business imperatives act
synergistically to create an effective model for responsible behavior
[6]; It’s what our customers want. It’s about the business imperative
[8]. These words are shown in the American value: “Receiving the
award and being proud of the achievements are an integral part of the
business process and the value of the US society [4, p. 181; 5].
Individualism (individuality) and personal uniqueness are the
main values of the American society [2, p. 38; 4, p. 181; 5]. The
Tiffany Blue Book says, “For our employees, we will create an
environment that recognizes and rewards creativity, initiative and
dedication and respects diversity, dignity and the shared values of
community and family” [9]. Therefore, the company wants to be
trusted by the society . M. J. Kowalski says that they respect human
rights. Moreover, he says, “I do believe that Tiffany customers trust,
either explicitly or through assumption, that Tiffany – as part of our
brand promise – has in fact attended to those concerns” [6]. It is the
uniqueness of the company. They want to be creative and special.
Success in achieving the overall mission defined in terms of
specific product, service and stakeholder mission is another Tiffany
goal [9]. In addition, the company reaches extraordinary success
releasing The Tiffany Keys collection thus proving another value of
a masculine society [5]: New York is made up of energy, creativity
and influences from everywhere in the world [7]; Now, as a team, we
know what we stand for, we have clear priorities and know where we
want to go [7].
Product development continues to be a strength of the
company [9], and the American value is persistence in achieving
goals [4, p. 180]: But much works remains to be done before we can
achieve that [6].
The proposed study of linguistic aspects of the
implementation of the American national values in the text of the
corporate website indicates that currently there is a tendency to
preserve the main features of national culture and language, which is
then practiced by the business community. Individualism, profit,
originality and success are the core values of the American society
and, therefore, business.
1. Гулевец Н. А. Национальные ценности культуры:
реализация в корпоративном дискурсе // Язык. Культура.
Перевод. Коммуникация: Сборник научных трудов / Научный
редактор В. З. Демьянков. – М.: ТЕЗАРУС, 2015. – С. 433 – 437.
2. Ларина Т. В. Англичане и русские: язык, культура,
коммуникация. М.: Языки славянских культур, 2013. – 360 с.
3. Леонтович О. А. Россия и США: Введение в
межкультурную коммуникацию: Учеб. пособие. Волгоград:
Перемена, 2003. – 399 с.
4. Lewis R. D. When cultures collide: leading across cultures
/ R. D. Lewis // 3rd ed. Boston, L.: Nicholas Brealey International. 2006. – 595 p.
5. The Hofstede Center. National Culture. URL: (дата обращения: 25.08.2015).
Illustrative materials:
6. CEO of Tiffany & CO. On Ethical Sourcing, Responsible
URL: (дата обращения: 20.02.2016)
7. Lessons in Luxury: Frederic Cumenal. URL: (дата обращения: 20.02.2016)
8. Meet the Change Makers: Tiffany’s Diamonds and Gold
Add Greenish Sparkle. URL: (дата обращения: 20.02.2016)
URL: (дата обращения: 20.02.2016)
Аннотация. Что означает слово «ценности» для
общества? Национальные культурные ценности – это основа
любой страны. Они очень важны для общества, так как ни один
народ не может обходится без них. Даже семья основывается на
ценностях, традициях. Кроме того, они играют важную роль в
бизнесе. Известные мировые компании стараются использовать
знания о культурных ценностях, так как они хотят стать
успешными в своем деле. В статье исследуются особенности
американских культурных ценностей в национальном
корпоративном дискурсе. Анализ проводится на текстах раздела
«Наша Компания» корпоративного сайта американской
компании “Tiffany & CO” и интервью руководителей компании.
Ключевые слова: бизнес, корпоративный вебсайт,
культурные ценности, национальный корпоративный дискурс,
Summary. What does the word “values” mean to a society?
National cultural values is the foundation of any country. They are
very important for all people since no nation can do without them.
Even a family is based on values and traditions. Moreover, they play
an important role in business. The world’s famous companies try to
use the knowledge of national cultural values as they want to become
successful in their work. The article investigates the characteristics of
the American cultural values in the national corporate discourse. The
analysis is performed on the texts of the section “Our Company” of
the corporate website of the American company “Tiffany & CO” and
the interviews of the company’s CEOs.
Keywords: business, corporate website, cultural values,
national corporate discourse, society.
UDC 81'221.2
Anna Russu
1 year student, Theory and Practice of translation
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Ekaterina Peschanskaya
Scientific advisor, PhD in philology,
Theory and Practice of translation Department,
Sevastopol State University
Language is the main form of manifestation of national
consciousness, the keeper of spiritual culture. Since early childhood
a person has adopted cultural, national, and spiritual values of the
family by means of verbal communication. But in spite of all
importance and a great word meaning in human life it isn't the only
sign system used for communication by people. Verbal language
cannot always transfer all information which needs broadcasting
from one person to another. It is neсessary to supplement the speech
statement with gesture or mimics when it’s impossible express your
idea by words. For example the greeting “handshake” and the
consent "yes" can be expressed by a nod. The sign language bears in
itself the mass of information. Professor R. Berdsvil conducted
researches at Lunsvill's University which had shown that 65% of
information is transferred by means of nonverbal communication.
Gestures can be classified by the nature origin which in its turn can
be congenital and acquired, and by use in practical life that can be
informative and gestures of art of culture.
Nonverbal communication which component is gesture is the
most ancient form of communication of people. The sign language
can tell a lot of things about emotions, feelings and intentions of
people. The variety of many gestures mostly depends upon cultural
environment in which there is a person. That’s why it is necessary to
solve an important issue as the gesture manifestation. As verbal
language of different peoples differs, also value of gestures of
different cultures varies. For example, the up-down movement by the
head means a consent with something in Russian culture, and for the
Bulgarian people the same gesture has opposite meaning – denial,
disagreement. And the Chinese will be told nothing such gestures,
commonly used in our culture, how to twist a finger at a temple,
significantly to clap on a forehead or to thoughtfully scratch a nape.
Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion that a gesture obtains
national specific meaning.
The purpose of our research is investigation of the main
gestures of East Chinese culture. A lot of things in behavior of
Chinese for us are unusual and unclear, and sometimes and just
unpleasantly. Having shaken hands, kindly treating you Chinese
quite often long doesn't release her, sometimes begins to shake your
hand, to pat from above other hand, to pull slightly down. During
conversation many Chinese are accustomed to touch the interlocutor
for an elbow or a shoulder, to stroke or finger a sleeve, expressing
thereby the friendly attitude towards him. For the representative of
the Chinese nationality the forefinger extended in his party is if not
an insult, then in any case, expression of discontent or a sign of a bad
form. Gesture of approval at Chinese same, as, perhaps, and around
the world – the hand forefinger raised up. And here speaking about
something unworthy, insignificant or unpleasant, Chinese use
specific gesture – put a thumb small pillow to the top phalanx of a
little finger of the same hand. Some gestures have the most ancient
origin. We will review the following example. Custom to welcome
each other addition of both hands before a breast I was, will mention
in "Reasonings and conversations" of Confucius. Most often this
gesture is used in oriental martial arts when fighters showed
openness and respect before with each other. Was considered, for
example, that the opened palm of one hand and the clenched fist
clasped with her another is symbolized themselves by two opposite
beginnings of the Chinese philosophy – the yin and Yan. Others say
that such position of hands shows unwillingness to strike the first
blow and is a tribute to the opponent. Saying goodbye to the
Chinese, we won't see the habitual pendulum movement of a brush
here and there: this gesture still means denial in China. The Chinese's
hand in this situation can make short pushes a palm forward.
The system of "the manual account" differs at Chinese too.
The hand has to be turned by the back to the interlocutor. The raised
forefinger corresponds to figure "one", index and average fingers are
"two". For designation of figure "three" it is used average,
anonymous fingers and a little finger, "four" – all fingers except big,
"five" – the opened palm. Giving number "six", it is necessary to
squeeze a hand in a fist and to bulge two fingers – big and a little
finger. The figure "seven" is shown by means of the big, average and
index fingers put in a pinch, figure "eight" – by means of widely
divorced big and index fingers. "Nine" is the forefinger raised up and
bent. For designation of "ten" it is necessary to cross among
themselves direct forefingers of both hands.
Having analyzed nonverbal communication of the Chinese
culture, it is possible to draw a conclusion that the sign language is
language of an interior since gestures display his emotional state.
Therefore inclusion of system of gestures in a communicative
situation gives to communication some nuances, enriching him.
Монахова Е. Г. Социальная семантика жеста.
Журнал «Потенциал современной науки», Выпуск № 1, 2014. –
с. 11-16
монография. – К.: ИД «Освита Украины», 2014. – 190 с.
Язык жестов в Китае [Электронный ресурс]. –
Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 12.02.2016).
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются конкретные
средства китайской коммуникации, которыми являются жесты и
движения тела, принятые в Восточной культуре. Говоря о
важности жестов и поз в изучении личностных качеств, следует
подчеркнуть, что каждый человек имеет определенное
количество поз для выражения различных интеллектуальных,
эмоциональных и физических состояний. Жест является самой
древней формой общения. В статье описаны невербальные
компоненты, характерные для китайской культуры и
эмоционального состояния китайцев.
Ключевые слова: жест, мимика, невербальное общение,
язык жестов, общение китайцев, поза.
Summary. The paper addresses the specific means of
Chinese communication which are gestures and body movements
accepted in the East culture. Speaking about the importance of
gestures and poses for the study of personality traits, it should be
emphasized that every person has a certain amount of postures for
the expression of various intellectual, emotional and physical
states. A gesture is the most ancient form of communication. In the
article nonverbal components characterized for Chinese culture and
Chinese emotional states are described.
Keywords: gesture, mimics, nonverbal communication, sign
language, Chinese communication, posture.
UDC 81-276.6
Galina Tkachuk
4th year student, Department of English philology
Institute of foreign philology
Taurida academy
V.I.Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Natalya Knyazeva
Scientific advisor, PhD in Philology
Department of English philology
Institute of foreign philology
Taurida academy
V.I.Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
In modern reality business communication is claimed to
constitute a global whole viewed in its complexity, originating from
the mechanisms of human interaction in business and interplay of
corresponding registers. In this respect, it makes it possible to give
insights into a new challenging area of coverage represented by a
business presentation regarding conceptual, functional and linguistic
aspects, with a special emphasis on its communicative properties.
Basically, presenting is a communication process unfolded
through a series of communication actions generalized around the
following items: presenter delivering the message, possessed of
certain communication skills; message communicated like face-toface, written, electronic, intentional/unintentional, explicit, implied;
audience as kind of receiver implying those in attendance; feedback
as a reciprocal message in the form of the audience response;
channels of communication being like verbal\nonverbal, vocal and
visual; environment and surroundings as external conditions
consisting of temperature, noise, lighting, air quality, furniture,
colour of the walls, other people, etc.; influencing factors pertinent
to attitudes, culture, education, experience, gender, background,
intellectual abilities and like that.
The presentation is intended to produce a response and yield
a satisfactory outcome through persuasion, moving the audience to
act on the message. What are people persuaded to do? It depends on
the area in which information is disseminated, ranging from sales
presentations and marketing seminars to community programmes
and meetings. Thus, it makes sense to think about certain types of the
presentation, where the ultimate purpose to persuade is achieved
One of the most important principles to bear in mind is
target, setting on being successful to ensure that both the presenter
and the audience are working towards a common goal. This leads to
seeking certain communication tools, which will give the confidence
to make presentations effective. To follow Erica Williams’s
conception, proper foundations are to be laid, focused on the
linguistic aspect of the presentation constructed with a set of stages:
start with introduction techniques: meeting the people; WIIFM
(What’s in it for me) or reasoning; quotations or shocking
statements; enrolment/rhetorical questions; finish with finalizing
techniques: pausing to signal intention to finish; summary or a brief
overview; conclusion of three kinds like giving a call to action,
making recommendations, assuring that the audience is better
informed; closing remarks by thanking or asking for questions;
signposting with structuring techniques: verbal signals to keep up
the attention curve linking each point of the presentation (add,
express reason, result, give an example, conclude, emphasize, clarify,
make general statements, references, express similarity, particularize,
give personal opinion, bring up other points, etc.).
Hence, to produce an intended result from the presentation a
speaker must consciously attend to choices of verbal style:
vocabulary (words and phrases), sentences (structure and length),
grammar and figures of speech. So it is imperative to build up the
proper style of the presentation, founded on the four fundamentals,
namely, being clear, correct, concise and well-considered; in other
words, it is essential that the language is clearly defined for the
benefit of the message.
Taking everything into account, we must admit that
presenting in English is a communication skill, acquired and
practiced regarding linguistic options for a particular stage. A good
presentation proves to be a product of effort aimed at accurate use of
the language of message and the presenter’s style.
1.Arredondo L. Business Presentations. – McGraw-Hill, Inc.,
1993. – 334 p.
Comfort J. Effective Presentations. Cambridge Professional
English. – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1995. – 182 p.
2.Ellis M. Giving presentations. Longman Business English
Skills. – Longman, 1992. – 125 p.
3.Nazarova T. B. Business English. – Moscow : Astrel,
2009. – 272 p.
4. Williams E. Presentations in English. – Macmillan, 2008.
– 128p.
Аннотация. Представленные тезисы посвящены
речевым стратегиям бизнес презентации. В центре внимания
находятся актуальные проблемы, связанные с различными
аспектами, влияющими на бизнес коммуникацию. Результаты
проведенного исследования отражают презентацию как умение
Ключевые слова: речевые стратегии, презентация,
бизнес коммуникация, сообщение, коммуникационные средства,
этапы презентации, аудитория, коммуникационный процесс,
типы презентации.
Summary. The paper deals with speech strategies in
business presentation. The aim of studies is to give a deep insight
into various aspects effecting on business communication. Findings
given in the article illustrate the presentation as a communication
Keywords: speech strategies, presentation, business
communication, message, communication tools, presentation stages,
audience, communication process, types of presentation.
Секция «Журналистика»
UDC 070
Ekaterina Balko
3rd year student, Tourism Specialty,
Taurida College CFU
e-mail: [email protected]
Natalya Parfeniuk
Scientific advisor,
foreign languages teacher
Taurida College CFU
e-mail: [email protected]
In this paper we discuss the concept and essence of travel
journalism, the history of its formation and give some examples of
the impact of this trend on the society.
The main goal of this work is to expand the concept of travel
journalism and prove the prospects of development of this direction
in Russia.
What is travel-journalism?
Travel journalism is a special area of journalism that
provides mass consumer with travelling information and covers the
topics of history, geography, culture, arts, tourism, ethics, philosophy
and others [3].
What are the specifics of travel-journalism?
The first significant specificity of this direction lies in a
different presentation of information than in the typical sources and
program of the same type, such as standard educational travelling
program or the news.
Besides, in view of the fact that travel journalism is being
used for travel essays and lectures, educational films, and as a
modern television genre, it combines the elements of documentary
films, entertainment and talk shows with the participation a presenter
as well as the elements of a reality show [4].
Travel programs can be subdivided into several types. They
may be documentary, entertaining or consumer oriented, depending
on the author's communicative intent: to educate, entertain or help.
Despite the modern style, this genre has already been used
for a long time. This is evidenced by a large number of books written
by travelers about their journeys.
One of the brightest examples of travel journalism on
television is the program "Heads and Tails" [2]. It is these programs
that are appropriate for any target audience to attract a large number
of people and through this every year travel-journalism is developing
faster and faster adding to their welcome new members.
In addition to pre-registered shows, there are ordinary people
who love travelling, who in the future create to blog and browse
through tens of thousands of people. One of such people is Maria
Dubrovskay [1], a famous blogger. She is closer to the public than
TV celebrities – in fact, Maria has the image of an “ordinary person”
who just shares her impressions of the interesting places he visits and
activities she does in the form of an online diary, i.e. something
informal. This form has prove to be very successful: a lot of people
follow her blog every day
Thus we can safely say that travel journalism is a perspective
area and attracts an increasing number of professional authors.
There are thousands of professionals ready to create an
information product that meets all the needs of the audience. If
everything goes well, Russian travel journalism will attract the
attention of the local population to domestic tourism. Original texts
about small towns will attract reader's interest, and, as a
consequence, arise the desire to learn a little more about the country.
1. Дубровская Мария: «Жизнь в постоянном
путешествии». [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 23.02.2016)
2. Орел и Решка: о программе. [Электронный ресурс]. –
Режим доступа: (дата
обращения: 21.02.2016)
3. Что такое тревел-журналистика. Видео-уроки. URL:
(дата обращения: 09.02.2016)
4. Travel-журналистика. Начало: блог Григория
Кубатьяна. URL: (дата
обращения: 02.02.2016)
Аннотация. Трэвэл-журналистика – это особая сфера
журналистики, которая предоставляет массовому потребителю
информацию о путешествиях, затрагивает темы истории,
географии, культуры, искусства, туризма, этики, философии и
другие. Это специфический жанр, стоящий на стыке серьезной
журналистики и обычных дневниковых записей.
Актуальность этого направления заключается в том,
чтобы популяризировать внутренний туризм в России и а
развить данное направление среди молодых журналистов.
направление журналистики, которое является перспективным и
нуждается в постоянном развитии.
Ключевые слова: трэвел-журналистика, туризм,
молодое направление, развитие, жанр, целевая аудитория.
Summary. Travel journalism is a special area of journalism
that provides mass consumer with travel information, covers the
topics of history, geography, culture, arts, tourism, ethics, philosophy
and others. This is a specific genre that stands at the junction of
serious journalism and simple diary entries.
The relevance of this direction is to promote domestic
tourism in Russia and promote it among young journalists.
Travel journalism is a relatively young area of journalism,
which is promising and needs constant development.
Also, travel journalism is developing Russia as a tourist spot
and shows the appeal of journalism as a creative profession.
Keywords: travel-journalism, tourism, young area,
development, genre, the audience.
UDC 070
Anastasia Krichevskay
3rd year student, Tourism Specialty
Taurida College, Crimean Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Natalya Parfeniuk
Scientific advisor,
foreign languages teacher
Taurida College , Crimean Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Prior to the last several decades, French Revolutionary
historiography rarely focused on journalism as a key player in the
Revolution’s initiation or development. Instead, historians typically
relied on the French Revolution’s publications as research tools:
primary source materials providing chronological and sociological
assistance. Reasons for the recent proliferation in journalism-focused
French Revolutionary research include a divergence from the
classical Marxist interpretation of the Revolution, in addition to a
stronger focus on Revolutionary culture and its relationship to
politics. Studies of the French Revolution’s dynamic press output
now enjoy the spotlight due to changing perspectives in
historiographies: shifting focus away from the socio-economic and
into the “politico-cultural.” This puts the problem of culture–in this
case, pertaining to public opinion through the press – at the center of
the French Revolution’s history.
This annotated bibliography provides resources covering the
French press from the last days of the Old Régime into the French
Revolution, and a little beyond, into revived press censorship under
Napoleon. The annotated material includes primary sources focused
on the era’s most influential newspapers and their contributions to a
nation in flux. A thorough selection of secondary sources is also
included, providing extensive research on the Revolution’s
journalistic influences before, during, and after the French
Revolution. This bibliography excludes the “other” side of
publishing (i.e., the highly popular sensationalistic fiction of the era),
to focus primarily on its journalistic endeavors–arguably the more
publicly influential of the two publishing forms in terms of
impacting the French Revolution.
The first French newspaper, Gazette (afterwards called the
Gazette de France), started in 1615 under the patronage and with the
active co-operation of Cardinal Richelieu. The first editor and printer
was Théophraste Renaudot. The first weekly edition appeared in
May 1631. Each edition of the paper, which cost six centimes,
consisted of a single sheet and was divided into two parts. The first
page was entitled Gazette, the second Nouvelles ordinaires de divers
endroits. It commonly began with foreign and with national news.
Much of its earliest foreign news came directly from the Cardinal,
and often in his own handwriting.
In 1672 Jean Donneau de Visé established the Mercure
galant. Its title later changed to Nouveau Mercure (1717-1721), and
in 1728 to Mercure de France, a designation retained, with minor
modification, until 1853, when the paper finally ceased. It had many
prominent contributes and in 1790 its circulation rose rapidly and
reached a peak of 13,000 copies.
Under the Old regime, France had a small number of heavily
censored newspapers which needed royal licenses to operate. The
meetings of the Estates-General in 1789 fostered an enormous
demand for news, and over 130 newspapers appeared by the end of
the year. The next decade and the tumultuous events of the French
Revolution saw 2000 newspapers founded, with 500 in Paris alone.
Most lasted only a matter of weeks. Together they became the main
communication medium, combined with the very large pamphlet
literature. Newspapers were read aloud in taverns and clubs, and
circulated hand-to-hand. The French press saw a lofty role for itself:
advancing civic republicanism based on public service; it
downplayed the liberal, individualistic goal of making a profit.
The Moniteur Universel served as the official record of
legislative debates. Jean-Paul Marat gained enormous influence
through his powerful « L'Ami du» people with its attacks on scandals
and conspiracies that alarmed the people until he was assassinated in
1793. In addition to Marat, numerous important politicians came to
the fore through journalism, including Maximilien de Robespierre
and Jacques Hébert. During the conservative era of the Directory,
from 1794 to 1799, newspapers declined sharply in importance.
Napoleon took the final step: he allowed only four papers in Paris
and one in each of the other departments; all of them closely
Under Napoleon, the organ of official information was the
Moniteur (Gazette nationale, ou le moniteur universal), founded in
1789 under the same general management as the Mercure. Both
newspapers were sources of establishment messages and written for
an establishment audience, with the Moniteur representing the
majority view in the French assembly and the Mercure representing
the minority.
In June 1836 La Presse became the first French newspaper to
include paid advertising in its pages, allowing it to lower its price,
extend its readership and increase its profitability; other titles soon
copied the formula.
As a result of the work it is possible to conclude that the
journalism in France constantly develops more and more and has
great opportunities. In France the journalism is one of the most
important parts of life. That’s why it is paid a lot of attention to.
1.Данилова Ю. С. Аспекты деонтологии журналистики
Франции в условиях реструктуризации рынка СМИ и
предвыборной медиакампании // Зарубежная журналистика в
2011 году: сб.статей / науч. ред. А. С. Пую, Е. С. Георгиева.
СПб., 2012. С. 32-43.
2.Данилова Ю. С. Газетный рынок Франции:
особенности и современные тенденции // СМИ в современном
мире. СПб., 2011. С.164-166
Summary. The media that journalism uses vary diversely
and include: content published via newspapers and magazines
(print), television and radio (broadcast), and their digital media
versions — news websites and applications.
In modern society, the news media is the chief purveyor of
information and opinion about public affairs. Journalism, however, is
not always confined to the news media or to news itself, as
journalistic communication may find its way into broader forms of
expression, including literature and cinema. In some nations, the
news media is controlled by government intervention, and is not a
fully independent body. The article regards the case study of
journalism development in France.
The role and status of journalism, along with that of the mass
media, has undergone profound changes over the last two decades
with the advent of digital technology and publication of news on the
Internet. This has created a shift in the consumption of print media
channels, as people increasingly consume news through e-readers,
smartphones, and other electronic devices, challenging news
organizations to fully monetize their digital wing, as well as
improvise on the context in which they publish news in print.
Keywords: journalism, technology, independent, public
affairs, newspapers.
Аннотация. СМИ, которые использует журналистика,
чрезвычайно разнообразны и включают в себя: контент,
публикуемый в газетах и журналах (печать), телевидение и
радио (передача) и их цифровые версии СМИ — сайты новостей
и заявления.
информации - главный поставщик информации и мнения о
связях с общественностью. Журналистика, однако, не всегда
ограничивается средствами массовой информации или самими
новостями, поскольку журналистская коммуникация может
найти свой путь в более широкие формы выражения, включая
литературу и кино. В некоторых странах допускается
вмешательство властей в средства массовой информации,
которые, таким образом, не являются полностью независимыми
органами, что и рассматривается в статье на исторических
примерах развития журналистики во Франции.
Роль и статус журналистики, наряду с теми из средств
массовой информации, претерпели глубокие изменения за
прошлые два десятилетия с появлением цифровой технологии и
публикацией новостей в Интернете. Это создало изменение в
потреблении каналов печатных СМИ, поскольку люди все более
и более потребляют новости через электронные книги,
смартфоны и другие электронные устройства, сложные службы
новостей, чтобы полностью превратить в деньги их цифровое
крыло, а также импровизировать на контексте, в котором они
издают новости в печати.
независимый, связям с общественностью, газеты.
Секция «Литература»
UDC 82
Lenie Ablaeva
4th year student, English philology
Institute of foreign philology
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Lidiya Bondarenko
Scientific advisor, PhD in Philology
English philology department
Institute of
foreign philology
Taurida Academy
V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
The aim of structuralism in the literary criticism is to reveal,
describe and explain the structures of mentality which compose the
culture of the past and the present.
The literary text – is a structurally organized unity which
cannot be disrupt without losing its wholeness. While doing the
structural analysis, text is divided into the semantic units because the
author tries to make sense of the integral parts. The structural
analysis is based on three points: classification of the literary genres,
describing of the narrative transformations and analysis of the
literary interpretations.
Analyzing structure of the detective story, it is necessary to
define its thematic and stylistic features. Stylistically, having tracked
a chain of events in the work "Kiss the Girls" of Patterson J., it is
possible to speak about the linear structure of a plot characteristic of
a detective genre. Using a chronotope, the author wanted to
emphasize the American reality of the 90th years of the 20th century.
The composition of work is consecutive and corresponds to the
general plan of the author which is defined by the description, the
narration, system of images, dialogues, monologues of characters, a
landscape, and a plot of the narration. Style of the thriller "Kiss the
Girls" – narrative, with elements of monologues and dialogues of
characters. Thematically, as well as a peculiar composition of a
detective genre demands that, four main specific signs are presented
in this text: riddle, tension, conflict and unexpectedness.
The essential feature of the detective is the riddle. Patterson
J. inputs a secret as an event, and acquaints the reader with the
criminal in the exposition. The author gives to the reader an
opportunity to build his own versions estimate the facts in own way.
The expectation of the future events increases tension. In the
complication appears the typical protagonist – the special
investigator, doctor Alex Kross as well as the structure of a detective
genre supposes. Alex has a personal motive to find the criminal and
to solve a crime because his own niece is raped by the murderer
The integral element of any work of literature is the conflict.
The main role in conflict has the structure of contrasts. In the
detective "Kiss the Girls" Casanova has a friend, the rival, a
soulmate, the fan of "beauties" and cruel murderer – Gentleman
The fact that they act in the opposite states is of special
interest, Casanova – in Chepell-Gil that in Northern Carolina, and
Gentleman Caller in Los Angeles. In contrast to Gentleman,
Casanova has chosen more quieter and secluded scene of actions
having arranged "the house of horrors [2]" in a deep forest. Some of
Alex’s uneasiness had to do with the unfortunate history of these
woods and the surrounding farmlands. Tobacco farms had been
spotted all through here once upon a time. It was the slave farms.
The blood and bones of his ancestors. The extraordinary kidnapping
and subjugation of more than four million Africans who were
originally brought to America. They had been abducted against their
The author wanted to show the American reality by this
cultural code. In modern for Alex times Africans sometimes face
problems of racial discrimination which the author casually mentions
in his novel, by means of dialogues of characters. Dialogue, in itself,
is analog of oral informal conversation, and in this novel the author
displays the American society in all its variety, as if giving "soil" for
reflections about objective reality.
The French philologist R. Barthes has suggested to use a
structural method in the thematic and stylistic analysis of the text,
using at the same time system of "cultural codes [1]" through which
the semantic message is transmitted.
The structural analysis of this novel is based, on the
“narrative codes”, which are realized on the plot and composition
levels, in characters, on the linguistic and thematic levels and form
an indivisible and integral structure of the novel.
The detective story as s genre is defined by the existence of
certain signs which are realized at the stylistic and thematic levels.
The result of the structural analysis of James Patterson’s detective
story “Kiss the girls” displayed that the stylistic structure of this
novel defines its thematic content. Stylistic content of the novel is
characterized by the specific construction of the plot, composition,
formation of the characters and imagery, architectonics and
chronotopos. The stylistic field of the detective is based on all these
qualities and has structured composition, because it defines by linear
structure of the plot. In other words, all events and actions of the
novel occur logically. Thematic level of the construction of the plot
marks by specific imagery as: riddle or mystery, motive, tension,
conflict, unexpectedness, antagonists or agonists, supposed
criminals, victims, existence or non-existence of the witnesses. The
detective story is separated among other literature genres by its
stylistic and thematic features of structured composition.
1. Барт Ролан S/Z. Пер. с фр. 2-е изд., испр. Под ред. Г. К.
Косикова. — М.: Эдиториал УРСС, 2001. - 232 с. ISBN 5-83600211-8.
2. Patterson James “Kiss The Girls”. – Grand Central
Publishing, 2000. - 496 p. ISBN: 0446677388.
Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается проблема
структуры литературного текста. Структурный анализ основан
на трех элементах: классификация литературных жанров,
описание повествовательных трансформаций и анализ
литературных толкований. Неотъемлемым элементом любого
литературного произведения является конфликт, основная роль
которого имеет контрастную структуру. Детективная история,
как жанр, определяется наличием определенных знаков,
которые реализуются на стилистическом и тематическом
Ключевые слова: структурализм, литературные жанры,
повествовательные трансформации, детективные истории,
структурный метод, культурные коды, архитектоника.
Summary. This article presents the problem of the literary
text. The structural analysis is based on three points: classification of
the literary genres, describing of the narrative transformations and
analysis of the literary interpretations. The integral element of any
work of literature is the conflict, the main role of which has the
structure of contrasts. The detective story as s genre is defined by the
existence of certain signs which are realized at the stylistic and
thematic levels.
Keywords: structuralism, literature genres, narrative
transformations, detective stories, structural method, cultural codes,
UDC 82-1/-9
Valentina Azeeva
the 4th year student, Institute of
Foreign Languages
Federal University
[email protected]
Lidiya Bondarenko
Cand. of
Philological Sciences
Institute of
Foreign Languages
Federal University
For the first time the term "psychologism" was used in the
first half of the 19th century by the German philosophers Jacob Fris
and Friedrich Eduard Beneke for denomination of the philosophical
direction. Psychologism in logic is the doctrine that the semantic
content of logical terms is in some way a feature of human
psychology. In translation from Greek "psychologism" means "soul"
(psyche) and the "sense" (logos).
In the course of time the term "psychologism" acquires wider
meaning and value and becomes more and more popular also in other
areas, including literature. Throughout the history of literature
writers use psychologism as one of methods of belles art at various
The psychologism in literature has incontestable and
essential art and esthetic value, demonstarating author's world
outlook and ideology, vital concepts and system of values. In focus
of literature the man's mental world receives a specific assessment
and interpretation through writer's eyes.
In the 21st century the psychologism becomes the leader in
creation of art reality. The main idea of literature is embodied in
appealling to an inner world of the personality, to feelings and the
emotional states. The term "psychologism" has already received
many treatments. A.B. Yesin, a Russian scholar, notes that the
psychologism is rather full, detailed and deep image of feelings,
thoughts and experiences of the fictional personality (literary
character) through the use of specific means of literature. According
V. V. Kompaneyts the psychologism is considered not as a literary
device, but as the characteristic of belles-lettres including reflection
of psychology of the author.
According to Yesin, there are three main forms of the
psychological image. The first form of psychologism in is the total
designating psychologism form. The author explain feelings, gives
comments , and narrates about them in the form of the indirect
speech, uses psychological details, portrait, landscape, music. The
second one is the indirect psychologism. The external form of the
image of characters from the outside, or indirect psychologism is a
description of features of the speech, facial expression, gestures,
movements and other signs of external display of psychology. And
the third one is direct psychologism, imaging the characters
internally or in direct form of the psychological image. By selfrevealization the stream of thoughts and feelings appears in
consciousness and subconsciousness of a character (an internal
monologue, a consciousness stream, a dream, a confession, the diary)
[1, p. 27].
Stephen Edward King, a modern American writer, pays
focused attention to psychology of his characters. "Misery" of
Stephen King – the peculiar novel written in a genre of the
psychological horror. The writer is so psychologically naturalistic
that it is possible to make the assumption that King has an intention
to make the reader the full-fledged participant of the novel. The
author masterfully connects the various genre strategy, allowing the
reader to appreciate the subject line, experiences, feelings and
anxieties of the main character. The main character of this novel is
Paul Sheldon, a successful writer, the author of a cycle about Misery,
and another main character is his "rescuer" - Annie Wilkes.
One of distinctive features of this novel that analyzing
behavior of characters, at some moment the writer narrates nothing
about experiences of heroes and by that forces a reader to make the
psychological analysis by himself. The novel "Misery" is
distinguished by especial attention to the inner world of the
characters. The technical arsenal of the novel includes the internal
monologue, dialogues and stream of consciousness of the main
In "Misery" prevails the direct type of psychologism in the
form of introspection of the main hero by means of internal
monologue and a consciousness stream. An internal monologue of
the hero is the most widespread method of psychologism used by
Stephen King in this novel. Using a method of the psychological
analysis, the inner world of the person becomes clearer to the reader,
considering the purposes of his knowledge and self-knowledge. The
author analyzes psychological portraits of the characters, bringing all
logic of acts out of a psychological state of the heroes, describing an
inner world of the hero by certain artistic devices.
Through the dialogues Stephen King exposes relations
between two main heroes, Paul and his "tormentress". The author
draws the reader's attention to thoughts and ideas of the characters.
The psychologism is strengthened in the novel by reminiscence of
the main character. Being bedrid, subconsciously Paul began to do
revaluation of values, feeling threat for the life, he began to
appreciate it. The despair and suffering wanted to overcome the will
of the hero, but he did not give up. The scenes of amputation of the
foot, and the hand finger with which Annie decorated the cake
instead of a candle are so realistic that the reader has a feeling that he
is present in that house, that more strengthens the psychologism of
the novel.
In development of action Stephen King focuses attention that
despite psychological and physical pain the main character has desire
to live: "Yet, miserable or not (and he was), he still wanted to
live…". Thus, psychologism is both the main theme of S.King's
novel "Misery" and the author's favorite stylistic device used in
depicting the characters' personalities.
Considering the stylistic and thematic revelations of belles
psychologism in the novel “Misery” by S. King, come to the
conclusion that in the genre of psychological thriller the outer
psychologism definitely prevails finding its equilibrium howeve with
the inner one on the level of the characters’ individual identities.
1. Есин А.Б. Психологизм русской классической
литературы: Кн. для учителя / А.Б.Есин. – М.: Просвещение,
1988. C. 27-37.
2. Эткинд Е.Г. «Психопоэтика»//"Внутренний человек" и
внешняя речь (Очерки психопоэтики русской литературы XVIIIXIX веков)" //Искусство-СПБ, 2005. C. 47-55.
Аннотация. Для жанра психологический триллер, к
которому относится роман Стивена Кинга "Мизери",
характерны такие формы проявления психологизма, как
внутренний монолог, диалоги и поток сознания главного героя.
Особенностью романа является ощущение у читателя
полноценного соучастия происходящего, произведение также
вызывает яркие и сильные чувства сопереживания героем.
Одной из характерных черт психологического триллера
является динамичность, что определяет доминирование
внутреннего психологизма. Автор выводит всю логику
поступков из психологического состояния своих героев. Стивен
Кинг не случайно даёт название своему роману "Мизери", что
означает боль, муку, страдание, отчаяние и, в некотором роде
Ключевые слова: художественный психологизм,
внутренний монолог, сюжетная линия, жанровые стратегии.
Summary. As a genre, the psychological thriller, including
the novel Stephen King's novel "Misery", is characterized by such
forms of psychologism as the inner monologue, dialogues and stream
of consciousness of the protagonist. The striking feature of the novel
is the reader's feeling of the full complicity of what is happening, the
work also brings bright and strong feelings of empathy to the
protagonist. One of the characteristics of a psychological thriller is a
dynamism that determines the dominance of internal psychology.
The author displays all the logic behavior of the psychological state
of his characters. Stephen King has some reasons to give the name of
his novel "Misery", which means pain, torture, suffering, despair and
in some way doomness.
Key words: belles psychologism, psychological thriller,
stylistic device, interior monolog, narrative line, genre strategies.
UDC 82-225.821.111
Lydiya Balakova
student of 6th year, the specialty of Romance and Germanic
Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy (Branch)
Southern Federal University in Yalta
e-mail: [email protected]
Galina Lushnikova
Scientific adviser, Doctor of philological sciences, professor
Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy (Branch)
Southern Federal University in Yalta
Genre parody has a long and glorious history, in any way,
without losing its relevance in today's society and in literature.
Parody is miscellaneous aspect phenomenon. The term "parody"
itself has many meanings. Parody is understood as a comic imitation.
Usually it built on the deliberate mismatch stylistic and thematic
plans of art forms. Parody can be regarded as a literary genre and as
a stylistic device, and as a philosophical method, and how general
semiotic phenomenon possible in every sphere of cultural
communication. In the novel, Mr. Green's possible to observe a
significant variety of linguistic tools parody of the genre, which are
observed at all levels.
At the lexical level of parody is manifested in widespread
use semiotic allusions. In the novel uses a variety of semantic,
mental models, which expand the field, at the same time being
transformed: the poor knight - poor priest; servant squire - MayorCommunist; old horse - old car. That is, existing semiotic, mental
models used by Mr. Green, are developing dynamically in his novel,
acquire new features and generate new semantic models with
significantly enhanced content. In this process we can see how
originally constructed semantic and cognitive space «Monsignor
Quixote» novel.
At the level of statements by the author widely used the
Even the epigraph to the novel borrowed from "Hamlet", is
already a paradox: "... things in themselves are not good or bad, but
only in our assessment" [1, p. 146]. The paradox lies in the fact that
truth can elevate, but often leads to a drop hides "the essence", the
drama of humanity.
At the level of the text, Green creates a unique macrotext
allusion, when association with the already once "called" creates an
item of text, and a text. It should be noted that such examples in the
English-language literature bit.
Macrotext allusion is almost completely transferred to
another time and place of the events and characters previously
written works.
It is appropriate to cite the opinion of the French writer P.
Fontana, who believes that the essence of the allusion is to "give the
opportunity to catch a connection between one thing which they say
the other thing that does not say anything, but the concept of which
arises thanks to this communication" [3, p. 175]. This relationship
between the text of the novel and creates prototext G. Green.
The most important parody technique that applies Graham
Greene at the level of the text is to create contrasts and similarities.
This contrasts and analogies arise not only when comparing the text
of the novel with a prototext, but also in the content of the novel are
the contrasts. Thus, the contrast is created not only between
Monsignor Quixote and Don Quixote, but also with the Communist
Thus, the novel combination occurs throughout allusions
concerning novel "Don Quixote", in the same cognitive situation
with contemporary allusions, creating completely original effect. The
semantic space of Cervantes novel literally cuts the semantic space
of the novel G. Green, just as a plane can cross the other. And at the
intersection we see the dynamic development and expansion of the
model of the novel "Monsignor Quixote." Association and concepts,
that form and take shape in the process of dynamic development of
these mental models, can be considered cognitive prerequisite for the
successful implementation of the pragmatic effect of the novel as a
whole: building on available expertise and mental representations,
the reader perceives the depth of the semantics of the text space of
the complex work of art. And although the space of text for each
reader in a certain way limited by the totality of its mental
representations, we believe that the impact of such a rich within the
meaning of the novel as "Monsignor Quixote" has significant
aesthetic and mental developmental nature.
1. Голозубов А. Смеховые традиции в английской
социально-философской фантастике // [Электронный ресурс]
Режим доступа:
2. Грэм Грин Монсеньор Кихот / Г. Грин. – М. : Мол.
гвардия, 1989. – 240 с.
лингвостилистические особенности литературной пародии:
диссертация ... доктора филологических наук: 10.02.19 /
Лушникова Галина Игоревна [Место защиты: Кемеров. гос. унт]. - Кемерово, 2010. - 250 с.
Summary. This article describes a novel G. Green
"Monsignor Quixote" in terms of linguistic and stylistic features of
parody, as it is a parody of Cervantes' novel "Don Quixote", which in
turn has a parody of romance. Analysis of the works carried out at
three levels: lexical, level of speech and the textual level.
Keywords: parody, allusion, macrotext allusion, paradox, a
text, contrast, analogy, prototext, semantic space.
Аннотация. В данной статье описывается роман
Г. Грина «Монсеньор Кихот» в рамках лингвистических и
стилистических особенностей пародии, т.к. это пародия на
роман Сервантеса «Дон Кихот», который в свою очередь,
представляет собой пародию на рыцарский роман. Анализ работ
проводится на трех уровнях: лексическом, речевом и текстовом.
Ключевые слова: пародия, упоминание, макротекстное
упоминание, парадокс, текст, констраст, аналогия, протооекст,
семантическое пространство.
UDC 82-1/-9
Julia Kapshuk
4th year student, Institute of Foreign Philology,
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Lidiya Bondarenko
Scientific advisor,
Institute of Foreign Philology,
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Cinematic properties of a literary text are a result of a
difficult process of interaction of literature and cinema, in which
nature of modern cultural development is reflected.
American modern popular literature is created often in the
form of the screenplay suitable for the film adaptation. This feature
of popular literature is fully shown in the trilogy of the American
writer Suzanne Collins "The Hunger Games". Dynamic events, lack
of vast descriptions, sharp change of time and place — all this
captures the reader, immersing him in the world of the novel.
The concept "literary cinematic properties" is defined by
professor I. Martyanova as "the characteristic of the text with
composition montage technique in which by various, but first of all
by compositional and syntactic means a dynamic situation of
observation is represented" [1].
According to the classic of cinematology V. B. Shklovsky,
with emerging of cinema "the word obtained a rival - the image" [4].
The image has advantage before the word as it is easier decoded and
acquired. Thus, the cinematography creates an image of the XXXXIst centuries. The cinema actively participates in formation of the
cultural and psychological atmosphere where modern literature is
The fiction of the end of XX – the beginning of the XXIst
centuries is of special interest. Cinematic properies of novels in a
genre of "counterculture" and "thriller" is already almost
unconscious. At the height of popularity of the film industry the
whole generation of authors unconsciously writes cinematic fiction,
being brought up on cinema and television, but not on book culture.
Dynamics in cinematic work is expressed by means of such
devices as a montage of composition (creation of images and pictures
by interchange of visual plans, and also ability of the artist to create
and support a rhythm in the happening action), free usage of time
and space (a flashback, play with plans), lighting (the attention can
be focused not on all panorama, and on each subject separately),
repetition of phrases (allows to feel dynamism of a situation), lexical
means of cinematic properties realisation (the lexical means of
representation of action and lexical means which are pulling together
the literary text with the film script), etc.
The montage principle of composition is of great importance,
from the point of view of its cinematic properties in literature. By
means of montage of composition the writer shows that as well as at
cinema, the image in literature isn't limited to either time, or space,
i.e. it is represented in development, dynamics.
Cinematic character of portrait descriptions, their
completeness and reliability, is reached by means of such features as
laconicism and dynamism. Laconicism of the description of
appearance of characters is reached by means of successfully found
detail which is capable to replace the whole pages of vast
During creation of cinema effect the vocabulary reflecting
concrete and subject thinking of the author, giving sensory character
to the narration, the lexical means of representation of action and
lexical means which are pulling together the literary text with the
film script has the special importance.
A specific place in giving to the narration of sensory
character is held by the verbs designating sensory perception: to feel,
to see, to smell, to taste, to hear, etc.
Frequency use of verbs of visual perception in work allows
the author to bring closer the described events and the phenomena to
the reader's eyes, to direct his perception, directing the reader's look
for a look of characters and imprinting directly seen in a visual
memory of the reader. Thus, there is an effect of reader's presence
and participation in the events.
Dynamic reproduction of reality which is used by Susan
Collins in the trilogy gives to the reader an opportunity as if to see an
event and to judge him on the basis of own representations, but not
on the basis of direct statements and verbose descriptions. But,
naturally, this freedom presented to the reader is illusory — the
author foresees associations and hints which by all means will arise
at the reader in advance, and surely directs them. In other words, the
text of work represents record of a certain video series on the basis of
which the reader can restore the course of events.
So, the cinematic properties in "The Hunger Games" are
revealed through montage, time and space play, dynamic of the
images and the plot. In the trilogy such types and forms of cinematic
properties as lighting, flashback, sharp and fast change of shots,
laconicism and dynamism of the description, concrete and subject
vocablary, etc. are realized. These means are conscious imitation of
work of the cameraman.
1. Мартьянова И. А. Киновек русского текста: парадокс
литературной кинематографичности. – СПб.: САГА, 2002. –
224 c.
2. Можаева Т. Г. Языковые средства реализации
кинематографичности в художественном тексте: на материале
произведений Г. Грина, Э. Хемингуэя, М. Этвуд. – Барнаул,
2006. – 167 c.
3. Овчарова Е. Э. Рассуждение о литературной
кинематографичности в докинематографическую эпоху. – СПб.,
4. Шкловский В.Б. Как писать сценарии. – М. – Л., 1931.
Аннотация. Современный человек воспринимает
действительность посредством разорванных аудиовизуальных
образов. Стремясь к наиболее продуктивному взаимодействию с
читателем, литература использует приемы киноискусства,
динамизирующие события, и приближая их к реальности. Таким
образом, феномен кинематографичности возникает как
результат сложного процесса взаимодействия литературы и
кино. Данный прием широко используется в постмодернистском
трилогии «Голодные
кинематографичности проявляется в виде определенных
художественных приемов, таких как монтаж, игра времени и
пространства, динамика образов и сюжета.
Ключевые слова: кинематографичность, динамика,
монтаж изображения, игра времени и пространства,
кинематографическая проза.
Summary. A contemporary man tends to perceive the reality
through incongruous audio-visual images. Striving to effective
communication with the reader, the modern literature employs some
cinema art devices, making the narrative more dynamic and life-like.
Thus, cinematographic properties phenomenon arises as a result of a
complicated fusion of the cinema and literature. It is widely used in
postmodern novel. Cinematic properties are revealed in the “Hunger
Games” trilogy in the shape of certain literary devices, such as
montage, time and space play, dynamic of the images and the plot.
Keywords. cinematic properties, dynamic, montage, time
and space play, cinematic fiction.
UDC 82
Christina Kolb
3rd year student, Printing and Publishing Faculty
Belarusian State Technological University
Tokar Olga
Scientific Director, PhD,
Printing and Publishing Faculty,
Belarusian State Technological University
Culture and level of classical writers’ editions is an integral
part of the culture of each nation, as it shows society’s demand for its
creative heritage and also shows the level of its philological and
textual criticism research [1].
As the object of study two types of publications (work
collection, selected works) of Belarusian classic writer Kuzma
Chorny were selected. As it’s known, he enriched the national prose
by works, which re-established the broad picture of reality, created
diverse human characters, made profound philosophical
generalizations. Appointment of work collection is to give a holistic,
complete enough and comprehensive picture of the works of this
writer [2]. Selected works should include works that are needed by
the wide readership [2].
The publication of the State Publishing House L&A
(Literature and Art) "Selected Works" (1934) is the oldest one in the
Belarusian National Library fund. It is clear that the book is old, so
reference apparatus is represented only by content. Also there is no
annotation in the book. In collections which were issued later it can
often be found a link precisely to this publication. The book is part of
the "School series".
In 1947, another book of K. Chorny, "Selected Works",
edited by M. Klimkovich, was published in the State Publishing
House of the BSSR. Preface titled "Prominent Belarusian writer" was
made by V. Karpov. It is an article of literary-critical assessment of
the writer’s work and exactly works that are included in the
collection. There is a pointer in the publication of Kuzma Chorny
books, released at the time of publication of the book.
K. Chorny’s book "Selected Works" (2000), prepared by the
international public association "Belaruski knigasbor" and published
in the series "Belaruski knigasbor" (eleventh volume). The omnibus
includes the most significant works ― novels, novellas, short stories,
publicism and (in full variant without abbreviations) diary, which the
writer was keeping at the end of life. Reference apparatus is quite
developed. Biographical preface "Price of prophecies" was written
by M. Tychyna.
The most comprehensive and accurately verified works
collection in 8 volumes (1972-1975) became the main textual
criticism source for compiling the omnibus. As for the writer’s
"Diary", it was published in the magazine "Flame" (1988, №4),
where it was presented in authentic form for the first time. Another
part of the works was published using the autographs, which are kept
in the writer’s family archive, as well as in the State ArchivesMuseum of Literature and Art. M. Tychyna and J. Yanushkevich
made comments for it. In the comments’ part of the diary notes and
advices of J. Bryl, G. Kiselev, V. Lyakhovski, A. Sobolev was used.
In 1954-1955 a collection of works by K. Chorny was issued
in 6 volumes. The editorial board consisted of Y. Kolas, K. Krapiva,
I. Kudryavtsev (author of the foreword to the book). Reference
apparatus is simple. Besides the content and the preface, the
collection includes notes (comments), where the first publication of
each work is marked. This collection is an attempt to create proven
and accurate publication of K. Chorny works.
K. Chorny works collection in eight volumes (1972-1975) is
the first scientific publication of the Belarusian writer’s heritage. It
includes almost all the known works of the writer, which are
distributed in volumes in chronological order: 1 ― stories 19231927; 2 ― stories 1928-1944 biennium; 3 ― novels "Sister",
"Earth"; 4 ― story "Levon Bushmar", "Spring", "Go, go," and the
novel "Fatherland"; 5 ― story "Nastsechka", story "Luba
Luk’yanskaya" and the novel "Third Generation"; 6 ― story
"Skits’yovski Forest" and the novels "The search for the future",
"Milky Way", "The Big Day"; 7 ― dramatic works "Do Not Write
Devil Knows How", "3 dramas" (excerpt), "Liberation" (prologue to
the play), "Summer", "Fatherland", "Aksinya Chadavetskaya"
(unfinished drama), "The Bazylevichev Family", "Irynka",
unfinished novels: "The wind and the dust", "Thirty years",
"Conquest of the World", "the West and the East", "Judgement Day";
8 ― publicistic works, the chronicle of the life and work of Kuzma
Chorny, an alphabetical index of works, index of names. This edition
is the most comprehensive and accurate in textual relations. The
collection includes a lot of publicistic and critical articles.
The latest collections of the writer's lifetime are the source of
the main text. If a work is not included in the collections, it is given
from first publications or manuscripts. In addition to the content the
collection includes an alphabetical index. Foreword was written by
A. Adamovich. The comments have literary and textual information,
explanations of unclear words, text variants, and, for some works,
other releases.
K. Chorny Works Collection in 6 volumes was released by
"Mastatskaya Litaratura" in 1988-1992. The editorial board consisted
of S. Andreyuk, V. Vitka, M. Mushinski. Comments and texts were
prepared by A. Rogulya and R. Romanovskaya. M. Streltsov wrote
preface "Man is a whole world" (has 8 parts).
The collection includes stories and publicism of 20s. Most of
the art works were published in the first writer’s collections "Stories"
(1925), "Silver of Life" (1925), "September Nights" (1929).
As you can see, the creative heritage of K. Chorny is not
deprived of the attention of researchers. However, while the new
works collections of Belarusian classical writers (for example, Yanka
Kupala, Yakub Kolas, V. Karatkevich, etc) have been published with
new textual research in the past decades, the heritage of K. Chorny is
still waiting for its publisher.
1. Токарь О. В. Полное собрание сочинений Янки
Купалы: характеристика комментария // Книжная культура
Беларуси: взгляд через столетия: материалы конференции. ―
Минск: Национальная библиотека Беларуси, 2016.
2. Лихачев Д. С. Текстология: краткий очерк. ― М.:
Наука, 2006.
Аннотация. В статье сделан обзор изданных собраний
сочинений и избранных произведений белорусского писателя
Кузьму Чорнага. Отмечены недостатки и достоинства этих
изданий. Дана оценка научно-справочному аппарату изданий.
Были выпущены три издания избранных произведений, два из
них в первой половине XX века, и только одно издание в 2000
году. Все собрания сочинений относятся к советскому периоду
издательской деятельности страны. Наследие писателя еще ждет
своего издателя, который выпустит собрание сочинений с
учетом достижений современной белорусской текстологии и
Ключевые слова: текстология, собрание сочинений,
избранные произведения, белорусская литература, издательство.
Annotation. This article provides an overview of published
works and selected works of Belarusian writer Kuzma Chorny. It
notes the advantages and disadvantages of these publications. The
estimation of scientific reference publications unit. Three editions of
selected works have been released, two of them – in the first half of
XX century, and only one publication – in 2000. All works
collections belong to the Soviet period of country’s publishing
activity. Writer’s legacy is still waiting for its publisher, who will
release works collection with taking into account the achievements
of modern Belarusian literature and textual criticism.
Keywords: textual criticism, works collection, selected
works, Belarusian literature, publishing.
UDC 82
Anna Kontsova
3rd year student, Tourism Specialty,
Taurida College CFU
e-mail: [email protected]
Natalya Parfeniuk
Scientific advisor,
foreign languages teacher
Taurida College CFU
Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775, in Steventon,
Hampshire, England. English writer, who gave the first modern
novel in nature due to the introduction of his daily life. She was the
second daughter and the seventh child in a family of eight. Despite
the high mortality rate in those years, the Austin’s did not lose any of
their children.
Although Austin was read a lot while she was alive, but she
published her novels anonymously. Her most famous books - are
"Pride and Prejudice" (1813) and "Emma" (1816).
Austen started to write for family amusement as a child. Her
earliest writings are known from about 1787. After the death of her
father in 1805 she lived with her mother and sister in Southampton
and moved in 1809 to a large cottage in the village of Chawton.
There she started to write her major works, among them
‘Sense and Sensibility’, the story of the impoverished Dashwood
sisters Marianne and Elinor and their marriages, ‘The Pride and
Prejudice’, describing the clash between Elisabeth Bennet, the
daughter of a country gentleman, and Fitzwilliam Darcy, a rich
aristocratic landowner, who ultimately are united, ‘Mansfield Park’,
‘Emma’, written in comic tone and telling the story of Emma
Woodhouse, who finds her destiny in marriage, and ‘Persuasion’.
Austen's fiction is characterized by its focus on middle-class
provincial life with humour. She restricted her material to a narrow
range of society and events, which seems to have been dictated more
by artistic considerations than her own middle-class life circles.
Although, the writer held her whole short life in the
province, Steventon, Bath, Chotene, Winchester, only occasionally
leaving to London, with its big world events and disasters: wars and
revolutions - constantly broke in the outwardly calm and measured
existence of the priest's daughter.
Jane shows the provincial middle class life with humor and
understanding. It describes the small landowners, rural priests and
their families in which women's social status determines primarily
The desire not to go beyond certain limits defines novelist
desire for accuracy. While working on her own novels writer,
according to biographers, always used directories and calendars.
Even the little things she tried to give the impression that her work is
far from fiction.
Jane Austen never idealizes the reality of her surrounding,
her analysis differs in sanity and clarity. Nevertheless, the reader
takes out of her works the sense of beauty, pleasures of life because
beauty of the human relations, the power of love, sincerity of
feelings, decency, advantages are shown in a combination, contrast
and an antagonism to immorality, callousness, injustice and
meanness. The criticality of the author in relation to social
foundations of the time protection of human values are embodied in
this combination and contrast, which the writer sees in the statement
of certain moral principles.
She got into important universal problems, having recreated
by the means of subtle, original art not outer sides of the vital
phenomena, but their original essence.
1. Амелина Т.А. Проблемы реализма в творчестве Джейн
Остин: метод и стиль: дис. канд. филол. наук. – Рига, 1973. –
223 c.
Аннотация. В этой статье были рассмотрены основные
черты произведений английской писательницы Джейн Остин.
Она поражает меня невероятным сочетанием образования,
чувства юмора, умением точно передать чувства людей. Ее
работы вдохновили меня в моих собственных сочинениях.
Несмотря на то, что нас разделяет столетие, она была в
состоянии поймать людей в этом невидимом чувстве, что
называется любовью и составить слова в таком порядке, чтобы
передать это чувство читателю. Годы проходят, но люди
предают и презирают, ссорятся и любят все также как на
страницах бессмертных романов Джейн Остин.
слова: литература,
Джейн Остин,
Английский реализм, Романистика.
Summary. The article describes the main features of the
works of the English writer Jane Austen. She amazes me because of
incredible combination of education, sense of humor, the ability to
accurately convey the feelings of the people. Her works inspired me
in my own writings. Despite the fact that we share a century she was
able to catch people in this invisible feeling called love and make
words in this order to convey this feeling to the reader. The years
have passed but people betray and despise, quarrel and love all as
well as on the pages of the immortal novels by Jane Austen.
Keywords: literature, Jane Austen, English realism,
Romance philology.
UDC 821.111
Yekaterina Muschinskaya
4th year student, Institute of Foreign Philology
Crimean Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Lydiya Bondarenko
Scientific advisor, Candidate of Philological Sciences,
Associate professor,
Institute of Foreign Philology ,
Crimean Federal University
The Blind Assassin is a novel by Margaret Atwood, a
Canadian writer, first published in 2000, was awarded the Man
Booker Prize in 2000 and the Hammett Prize in 2001. It was also
nominated for Governor General's Award in 2000, Orange Prize for
Fiction, and the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award in
“The Blind Assassin” is a fragmented narrative in
which the sequence of events is jumbled up, challenging the
reader to piece the components together. Written on the verge
of the centuries, “The Blind Assassin” possesses features of
“a new type of fragmentation”, as a literary critic and essayist
Ted Gioia, terms it [2]. According to literary scholar Martin
Wallace, in his book "Recent Theories of Narratives," many
classic examples of fragmented narratives include the texts
from Homer’s “Odyssey” to James Joyce’s “Ulysses” [2].
“The fragmented novel has been recognized as the mainstay
literary tendency for the last century. But a new type of
fragmentation has come to the forefront in the 21 century novels,
such as Jennifer Egan’s “A Visit from the Goon Squad” (2010),
David Mitchell’s “Cloud Atlas” (2004), Roberto Bolano’s “2666”
(2004), Ian McEwan’s “Atonement” (2001), Geraldine Brook’s “The
People of the Book” (2008), Hari Kunzru’s “Gods Without Men”
(2002), T.C. Boyle’s “When the Killings Done” (2011), David Foster
“Wallance’s The Pale King” (2011), Zadie Smith’s “NW” (2012),
Audrey Niffenegger’s “The Time Traveler’s Wife” (2003), and other
recent works. Instead of relying on fragmentation as a means of
disjunction and dissolution, as many experimental novelists had done
in the past – Julio Cortazar, William Burroughs, J.G. Ballard, Gilbert
Sorrentino, and others – the new fragmented novel is holistic and
coalescent. It resists disunity, even though it appears to embody it
[3]”. And it is absolutely true in terms of the work of Margaret
Atwood, in which the story told by a 83 year old Iris Chase Griffin, a
romantic novel, presumably written by her younger sister Laura
Chase, and a fantasy story told by the man to his lover, whose
fragments are scattered throughout the main narrative, but in the end
they all form a coalescent narrative.
Another critic, trying to come to grips with this same
tendency, Michael David Lukas, has noted the emergence of a new
type of fiction distinguished by “multiplicity of voices”. But the term
is not new, as it was introduced by a prominent Russian philologist
Mikhail Bakhtin. Lukas calls this type of text “a strange literary
beast”, which is presented as “a hybrid of a short story and
traditional novel” and is termed “the polyphonic novel” (M.
Bakhtin’s term) by analogy to musical polyphony. “Instead of
“messy cacophony” these voices delight with their complicated
coherence [2]”. Thus, in Margaret Atwood’s novel under discussion,
the main voice of Iris is accompanied by that of Laura and Alex
Thomas, the author of “The Blind Assassin” gives the text its
polyphonic character, assisted by Iris’s daughter and Sabrina, her
granddaughter. No matter how brief the reader’s encounter with
them was, the minor voices’ view is taken into account on equal
terms as a contribution to the whole picture and it is by no means
less important than the major ones, forming non-linear net-structure
of the text which is one of the most characteristic features of the
modern fragmented narrative.
The novel begins in “media res’, translated from Latin as
“into the middle of things [2]”: “Ten days after the war ended, my
sister Laura drove a car off a bridge… Nothing much was left of her
but charred smithereens [3, p. 1]”. By starting in the middle of some
action, fragmented narratives catch the reader’s attention quickly and
hold it before eventually going back in a nonlinear fashion to provide
some significant background information on the narrative’s plot,
such as the story of Iris’s grandfather who had built a button factory
in the early 1870s, and a character in Laura’s book who entertains his
lover with bizarre stories of the planet Zycron. So, the fragments of
the background of the Chase’s family are intermingled with a parallel
world of “another dimension of space”, raising a problem of
authorship and slippery relation between real life and obscure border
of fiction, and the fragments are tied up in the end by Iris in the form
of her memoir and left for the representative of the following
generation as a message into the 21 century, meaning they will live
Atwood’s stories about writers consistently show that the
narrative is dangerous and difficult, and the narrative control is
dubious. Unlike in the traditional narrative, where the reader falls in
the habit to trust to the narrator, in the fragmented novel it is “try-toguess” relationship based on the play with the reader. “The Blind
Assassin” is a vivid example of this. It seems up to the reader to
judge as nobody, including the main narrator, knows the truth;
nobody possesses the key to the riddle of Laura’s untimely death.
Even Iris, having all the fragments in her hands, refuses to make a
statement: “You want the truth, of course. You want me to put two
and two together. But 2 and 2 doesn’t necessarily get you the truth
[3, p. 67]”. The truth remains elusive in Iris’s memoir, which sounds
rather Gothic, bringing out secrets of the dead, “the old wound”. The
truthfulness of her story is very doubtful as Iris is quite a complicated
and contradictory character whose writing is a mixture of memory
and imagination. Together with the old woman’s memory, that
switches from one event in her life to another, the characters of the
novel appear before the reader in certain fragments of their lives –
saintly Laura, a strange younger sister; Iris’s husband, Richard,
presented as a heartless rich villain and his “witch sister”; even their
house-keeper Renee, look “imprisoned in their stereotypical roles
into which the narrator has sent them for the story.
In his review of the book Ron Charles notes, that Iris’s
memoir is a memorial to her generation of English Canadians [4].
“But what is memorial, when you come right down to it, but a
commemoration of wounds endured? Endured and resented…Lest
we forget [3, p.45]”. So the polyphony of the novel is reduced to
Iris’s voice speaking eerily “from beyond the grave, from the written
page [4, p. 34]”. With Iris Margaret Atwood has created “a domestic
historian” of the best sort. She has been waiting for 50 years to find
out the truth about her sister’s death. But, from now and then, the
authorship of the “The Blind Assassin” becomes doubtful for the
reader and the skeleton in the cupboard is ultimately revealed so, of
what we had nothing but vague guesses, is unveiled unexpectedly –
is Alex Thomas had both sisters as his lovers and the story might
have been told to either of them too.
It is not clear-cut that the book Laura had written dwells
upon the fantasy story told her by Alex Thomas, as she too takes part
in coining the plot. On the other hand it is not stated directly it was
Laura Chase, could it not be her elder sister? This and many other
questions remain unanswered in the text leaving the thinking
perspective for the reader. Probably, it was Iris, not Laura, who had
written the fantasy novel “The Blind Assassin”, as the book was
published after her sister’s death. Laura attained cult-hero status for
the posthumous publication of her novel, “The Blind Assassin”:
“Professors still publish critical essays about Laura, and
lachrymose fans leave flowers on her grave [4, p. 23]”. Another
lie is about Iris’s motherhood, as ….. appears to be Laura’s
daughter and hence, Sabrina is not Iris’s granddaughter after all.
All the veils are drawn away and the truth seems quite
transparent when Iris, Richard and Winifred, even Renee change
their masks in the end of the novel and the fragments of the novel
acquire a new meaning.
The title of the novel is another tie which links the fragments
of the narrative, comprising a sub-novel, or rather sub-story told by a
fugitive Communist rebel - Alex Thomas, a lover of both sisters. The
blind assassin is the main character of the story he tells to Laura
during their short secret meetings. Simultaneously, the image of “the
blind assassin” acquires figurative meanings, symbolizing an
omnipotent power controlling the destiny and having all characters’
identities fixed for them, on the one hand and destroying power we
all have in us, on the other. Even all-powerful Richard longing for
prestige and power appeared to be destined for the scrap heap and
deprived of his social identity. And wasn’t that a hint that it might
be Iris, “the blind assassin”, consequently responsible for Laura’s
death and full of remorse. The text seems to be open for
interpretation as its fragments are full of incompleteness and
oblivious of the truth. Iris in The Blind Assassin says “you write
truth only when you think no one will read it [3, p. 35 ]”. It follows,
that the ability to formulate thoughts and create narrative is the last
bastion of resistance. In the course of time it becomes clear that the
gist in the sub-novel unfolds parallel to the lives of Iris Chase Griffin
and Laura Chase and that in the end the two stories intersect and
become one.
“The Blind Assassin” is not the only fragmented narrations
of the author, comprising both “flashbacks” and “flash forward”.
“The Blind Assassin” is a novel about a novel both of which are
presented in fragments, as the main character’s romance story
wouldn’t go according to the plan, reminding one of the subjects of
Lady Oracle (1976) by the same author. The words Joan says in this
novel become prophetic of the writer’s career. Atwood became a
world success with “The Handmaid Tale”, a “science fiction-like
horror story”, the story of a terrible imaginary place and society, a
dystopia. And in “The Blind Assassin” the interrupting tale, an
alternative text, is a kind of science fiction story of a dystopia [ ]. So,
“The Blind Assassin” is not only a blend of “flashbacks” and “flash
forwards” but a mixture of genres too.
All of the stories in the novel are held together by the main
narrative forming a frame connecting all other stories, which
otherwise would be just an unrelated jigsaw writing. The initial
narrative (Iris’s memoir) is used a set up for structural purposes, but
the secondary stories of Laura’s love affair and the fantasy story of
the blind assassin seem to be more important and eventually take on
a larger role. The “frame narrative” sets up the multilevel structure of
the text, organizing subtle connectors and transparent links between
the inner narratives. No doubt, Margaret Atwood’s novel is a vivid
example of “a hybrid of the short story and traditional novel”
(Michael David Lukas) sending the reader through an “enjoyable
labyrinth” of “sharp turns” and “apparent dead ends”[6] yet being a
“coherent narrative out of starkly juxtaposed bits and pieces” [6].
Thus, it follows that fragmentation has become a major type
of narrative in the modern novel as it is both the way of telling a
story or rather stories by more than the only narrator within the
framework of the novel and make it polyphonic as the event are
presented from different points at the same time and a number of
voices aim to be heard by the reader. Fragmentation in the new
postmodern novel can be seen as the structural frame of polyphony.
2. Fragmented Novel [ Электронный ресурс]. – Режим
3. Houppert K. The Blind Assassin' by Margaret Atwood / R.
Houppert. – Oxford:, 2014. – 230 p.
4. Books Review [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим
5. Этвуд М. Слепой убийца [Электронный ресурс]. –
6. Ron Ch. Classic review: The Blind Assassin / Ch. Ron //
Christian Science Monitor. – London: Jump up, 2014.
7. Бахтин М.М. Проблемы поэтики Достоевского / М.М.
Бахтин. – М : Худ. лит., 1972. – 560 с.
отличительной чертой эпической литературы и, особенно
постмодернистского романа. Новый тип художественной
литературы отличает «многоголосье», которое русский филолог
Михаил Бахтин называет «полифонией» и «попробуй угадай»
отношения построенные на игре с читателем. Фрагменты
нарратива изящно соединены между собой с помощью
стилистических приемов, интегрирующих различные уровни
последовательности в романе. Фрагментарность нарратива
проявляется на стилистическом и тематическом уровне,
усиливая развлекательный эффект текста.
фрагментарный нарратив, полифония, полифонический роман,
нарратор, читатель, социальная идентичность, нарративные
Summary: fragmentation has always been a distinguishing
feature of the epics and particularly of the postmodern novel. A new
type of fiction is distinguished by “multiplicity of voices” which is
termed “polyphony” according to M. Bakhtin and today the
fragmented novel is “try-to-guess” relationship based on the play
with the reader. The fragments of the narrative are delicately linked
by subtle stylistic links connecting various levels of narration, and
arranged in a certain sequence in the novel. Fragmented narrative
reveals itself on the stylistic and thematic levels, contributing to the
entertaining function of the text.
Key words: fragmentation, new fragmented narrative,
polyphony, polyphonic novel, narrator, reader, social identity,
narrative links.
UDC 930.1
2nd year student, Philosophy and Social Sciences Department,
Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy of
V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University,
email: [email protected]
Mikhail Masayev
Scientific Advisor, PhD in Philosophy, Professor,
Philosophy and Social Sciences Department,
V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
The philosophical problem of choice is rooted deeply in the
history of mankind. The most famous paradox, based on this issue, is
a parable of Buridan'sdonkey, which, forced by circumstancesto
choose between two equally appealingbales of hay, died of starvation
unable to make a choice. The finale of the story was, indeed,
deliberately exaggerated, but nonetheless, Buridan'sdonkey is firmly
engraved on the memory of many generations as a symbol of failure
to makea decision. In this context the problem clearly fits in with the
concept of paradigmatic images andsymbols of the eras, civilizations
and peoples[5].
It is worth noting that prior tothis zoological episode inthe
cultural history of mankind, same idea was offered byDante Alighieri
when writing “The Divine Comedy” [1; 310].
Thus, we can state that the problem of choice absorbing
people’s minds ascends toantiquity.Itisstill present in many works of
art, thus making the topic ofour discussion relevant. Our purpose is
to analyze the correlation of the character of the heroine with her
choice, as well as identifying thereasons of this choice. To achieve
the goal we will accomplish the following tasks:
1. Tosearch for the origins of moral and ethical dilemmaof
2. To give a brief description of the circumstances in which
the main character was committed to make a choice;
3. To analyze the decision-making process, its causes and
The objective of thisresearch is choice as a moraland ethical
phenomenon of human morality; the choice of Mary and its
underlying motive (social, philosophical, psychological) in the
novella“Up at the Villa” by W.S. Maugham being the main subject.
A new perspective ofchoice conceptin philosophy and ethics,
application of the paradigmatic images concept and the conceptof
symbols of eras, civilizations and peoples, constitute the scientific
value of this research [5].
Dante and Buridanhad a good reason to choose animals,
thecreatures, deprived of what Kant called “the moral law within”,as
illustrations totheir ideas[3]. Despite the fact that the above
comparison is often personified,a human being is still endowed with
high morals and ethical code, whichguide him or her in decisionmaking process.
We are going to observe the literary hero in the process of
making the momentous decision andtry to analyze both the process
andits result in terms of philosophy on the example of
Maugham’snovella «Up at the Villa».
The main character, Mary Panton, is a widow in her early
thirties, whois gradually losingher youthfulcharmsand nowfacingthe
first stage of a woman's unpleasant difficulties being single at a
certain age and causing universal condemnation. But her situation is
not hopeless as sheis being courted by twoantagonists: Rowley Flint,
a young man with a rather murky past and vague future, doubtful
appearance and fickle character, and Edgar Swift, the same age as
her late father, an attractive and reliable man whois about to become
a city governor, besides, attracted to her for many years.
Mary is being proposed by Edgar and takes a couple of days
to make up her mind. At this very time shegets into a quandary
whena man diesin her villa. She is forced to make a choice before
dawn, whose help to accept. Guided by the obvious reasons, the girl
choosesRowley, and together they get rid of the bodysuccessfully.
Once everything is done and the oath of secrecy is taken, one might
think that now shecould shake the young man’s hand, and become
the governor’s wife,but no...
Mary turns Edgar down and leaves with her accomplice. The
choice is made. But is it a free choice? Or is it imposed by the
circumstances? J.P. Sartre claims thatnecessityis the opposite of
freedom [2]. He believes that either freedom overcomesnecessity, or
necessity enslaves freedom. So was Mary obliged to choose her
savior? Were there the risks that after being rejected, he would take
the girl to the authorities? Or would he tell Edgar about the crime?
The answer is: no, there is not a single hint of such anoutcome inthe
text. Thus, we can conclude that Mary was not compelledto stay
withRowley. There was, on the contrary, a certain necessity to
choose Edgar: first, it would have rehabilitated the young widow’s
precarious financial status; secondly, marryingEdgar suggested
moving to another place, which Mary longed for; thirdly, Edgar was
a reliable man and he was ableto ensure the stability of a young
woman; and, of course, let us not forget that Mary had a
deepaffection for Edgar and he was the only person close to her after
the deathof her family.
What conclusion can we come to? “Liberty has overcome the
necessity!” as JP Sartre would say, but not inthis case, implying a
woman’s choice. A man’s decision-making is guided by the criteria
“necessary ornot necessary”, “better – worse”, etc. But a
womanchooses only between “necessary” and “the way I want it”.
This scale narrows the concept of freedom down to choosing the best
option and determines the need of not going beyond one’s
Hence, necessityenslaves freedom! - Sartre would say now
and would be wrong again. No, dear Jean-Paul, the necessity does
not enslave freedom, for it is not opposed to it; freedom is the great
privilege to choose your own necessity.
1. Алигьери Д. Божественная комедия. – Изд: АСТ,
Астрель, 2007. – 443 с.
2. Злыгостев А. В. Иммануил Кант. [Электронный
ресурс] / Алексей Злогыстев // Электронная библиотека по
философии. – Режим доступа:'
3. Кандалинцева Л. Е. Философия и общество //
Проблема свободы и выбора во французском экзистенциализме.
– 2001. – №2(23). – С. 39-48.
4. Масаев М. В. Философия истории. Учебнометодическое пособие / М. В. Масаев. – Симферополь: Доля,
2008. – 304 с.
5. Maugham W. S. Up at the Villa. – Published by Vintage
Classics, 2005. – 128 p.
Аннотация. Философская проблема выбора уходит
своими корнями глубоко в историю человечества. Наиболее
известным парадоксом, основанным на этой проблеме, является
сказание о буридановом осле, который, стиснутый
обстоятельствами, был вынужден выбирать между двумя
равными охапками сена, и умер от голода, не сумев одну
предпочесть другой. Конечно, финал данной истории нарочито
утрирован, но, тем не менее, буриданов осёл крепко осел в
памяти многих поколений как символ неспособности принять
какое-либо решение. В данном контексте заявленная проблема
достаточно чётко стыкуется с концепцией парадигмальных
образов и символов эпох, цивилизаций и народов.
Ключевые слова: проблема выбора, мораль, этика,
феномен, парадигмальные образы и символы.
Summary. The philosophical issue of choice is deeply
rooted in the history of mankind. The most famous paradox, based
on this issue, is the story of Buridan's donkey, which, squeezed by
circumstances, was forced to choose between two equal bundles of
hay, and starved to death, unable to prefer one to another. The ending
of the story is deliberately exaggerated, but, nevertheless, Buridan’s
donkey is settled permanently in memory of many generations as a
symbol of inability to make any decision. In this context, the
problem stated clearly fits in with the concept of paradigmal images
and symbols of epochs, civilizations and nations.
Keywords: problem of choice, moral, ethics, phenomenon,
paradigmal images and symbols.
Секция «Информационные технологии»
Information Technology
UDC 004.056.55
Dmitry Alekseev
4th year student, Institute of Computer
technologies and information security,
Southern Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Evgeniya Ischukova
Scientific advisor, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Associate professor,
Institute of Computer technologies and information security,
Southern Federal University
According to statistics of the losses incurred in organizations
from a variety of computer-related crime, the lion's share belongs to
the loss from the crimes committed by its own unscrupulous
employees. However, recently there has been a clear trend towards
an increase in losses from foreign intruders. In any case it is
necessary to protect both the disloyal staff, and the ability of hackers
to penetrate your network. Only a comprehensive approach to
information protection can instill confidence in its security [1].
Protecting data against internal threats
To protect the information circulating in the local network,
you can use the following cryptographic methods:
encryption of information;
electronic digital signature.
Data encryption helps to protect its privacy, i.e. It makes it
impossible to unauthorized acquaintance with it. Encryption is the
process of converting information into a closed open encrypted. This
conversion is done according to strict mathematical algorithms; in
addition to the actual data, the conversion of an additional element
involves the "key".
Electronic digital signature ensures the integrity and
authorship information. The scheme of the spreading of electronic
signature keys is the same as the scheme of asymmetric
cryptography: the private key must remain with its owner, the public
one - applies to all users who want to verify the digital signature
private key holder. It is necessary to ensure the inaccessibility of
yours private key, because an attacker can easily forge a digital
signature of any user, to access its private key.
To secure network transmission of any files, it is enough to
sign and encrypt them.
Protection against external threats
There are a lot of methods of protection against external
threats. The opposition against almost all hazards were found. The
only problem, which has not yet found an adequate solution, is
DDoS-attack. Let’s consider (VPN - Virtual Private Network)
technology of virtual private network, which allows using
cryptographic techniques to protect the information transmitted
through of Internet, and prevent unauthorized access to the local
network from the outside.
VPN technology is a highly effective protection, its
widespread adoption - only a matter of time. Proof of this is at least
the introduction of VPN support in the latest operating system of the
company Microsoft - starting from Windows 2000 [2].
VPN essence is following:
On all computers that have access to the Internet (there are can be
any other public network instead of the Internet), is put means that
implements VPN. Such means is usually called VPN-agent. VPNagents must be installed on all outputs in the global network.
Agents are VPN-automatically encrypts all information transmitted
through them into the Internet, as well as control the integrity of
It is known, the transmitted information in the Internet is a
set of IP packet on which it is broken before shipping and can be
repeatedly repartition on the way. VPN agents treated IP-packets.
The technology of the process is described below.
VPN-agent performs the following before sending the IP-packet:
It analyzes the IP-address of the packet. Depending on the location
and other information, the protection algorithms of the packet (VPNagents may simultaneously support several encryption algorithms
and integrity control) and cryptographic keys are selected. The
package can be dropped altogether, if such recipient is not listed,
VPN-agent provides settings.
It is calculated and added to the package of its imitovstavka.
The package is encrypted (as a whole, including the IP-packet
header, containing proprietary information).
There is formed a new packet header, where instead of the
destination address, the address of its VPN-agent is written. This is
called encapsulation. By using encapsulation, the data exchange
between the two local networks outside is represented as
communication between two computers with VPN-agents. Any
useful for external attack information, such as the internal network
IP-address is not available in this case.
By receiving of the IP packet the reverse action is happened:
From the packet header information is obtained about the VPNsender package. If a sender is not among the permitted adjustments,
the packet is discarded. The same thing happens when a packet is
received with either intentionally or accidentally damaged header.
Cryptographic algorithms and keys are selected according to the
Package is decrypted, and then is checked on its integrity. Packages
with impaired integrity are discarded.
At the end of processing the package in its original form is sent to
this destination on the local network.
All of these operations are performed automatically; VPNwork agents are transparent to the user. The only difficult thing is
VPN-setting agents, which can be performed only by very
experienced users. VPN-agent can be directly on the protected
computer. In this case it protects the data exchange only in the
computer on which it is set up.
The VPN-agents create virtual circuits between the protected
local networks or computers (such channels are usually called
"tunnel", and the technology of their creation is called "tunneling").
All the information goes through a tunnel in encrypted form only.
Incidentally, VPN users when accessing the remote computer from
the local network might not know that these are real computers and
they may be in another city. The difference between remote and local
computers in this case comprises only in the data rate [1].
From the description VPN-action agents it is seen that the
part of IP-packet is discarded. Indeed, VPN- agent filter packages
according to your settings (set of VPN-agent configuration is called
"Security Policy"). VPN-agent performs two main actions: the
creation of tunnels and packet filtering.
IP-packet is discarded or sent to a specific tunnel, depending on the
following values of its characteristics:
IP-address of the source (the outgoing packet - address specific
computer protected network).
IP-destination address.
Minutes of a top level to which the packet belongs (e.g., TCP or
UDP for the transport layer).
The port number from which or to which the packet has been sent
(e.g., 1080).
In conclusion during the studies the general principles of the
VPN function have been described. Also during the research the
basic cryptographic security methods – encryption and digital
signature – were reviewed and analyzed. The cryptographic analyses
of the main cryptographic algorithms are further directions of our
1. Безопасность локальных сетей [Электронный ресурс]
обращения: 27.02.2016)
2. Обеспечение безопасности в сети [Электронный
curity.html (дата обращения: 27.02.2016)
Аннотация. В данной статье представлены сведения по
обеспечению безопасности локальных сетей, представлены
основные способы и механизмы их защиты. В частности,
показана эффективность применения таких криптографических
методов, как шифрование, электронная цифровая подпись, а
также VPN. Наиболее детально представлены данные об
использовании VPN. В статье отражены основные принципы и
механизмы, на которых основывается работа VPN, показаны
основные этапы функционирования. Также в рамках статьи
рассмотрен механизм туннелирования.
Ключевые слова: сетевая безопасность, виртуальные
частные сети, туннелирование, шифрование информации,
электронная цифровая подпись.
Summary. This article provides information about the safety
of local networks. It presents the main methods and mechanisms for
their protection. In particular, it shows the effectiveness of such
cryptographic techniques as encryption, digital signature, and VPN.
The most detailed data are presented on the use of VPN. The article
describes the basic principles and mechanisms on which the work of
VPN is based, the main stages of the operation are introduced. In
addition, tunneling mechanism is investigated.
Keywords: network security, VPN, tunneling, encryption of
information, electronic digital signature.
UDC 004.925.5
Konstantin Andreyev
2nd year student, Information Systems,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Aleksey Nimrandjan
2nd year student, Information Systems,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
RGB (an abbreviation of the English words red, green, blue)
is an additive color model describing, as a rule, a way of color
synthesis for color reproduction [1].
The choice of primary colors is caused by physiological
features of color perception by a human eye retina. The color model
RGB has found broad application in equipment.
It is called additive because colors turn out by addition to
black color.
Any color is set by a combination of three numbers, each of
which reflects a share of one of three primary colors. Each share
occupies 1 byte and can vary from 00 to FF (in a hexadecimal
numeral system) or from 0 to 255 (in a decimal numerical system)
If color is set in a hexadecimal format, the lattice sign (#) is
put before the sequence of hexadecimal figures. The order of the
numbers specifying primary colors saturation has to be obeyed
strictly: 1) red, 2) green, and finally, 3) blue.
If color is set in a decimal format the keyword “rgb” is put
first, then decimal numbers of primary color saturation are put in
brackets over a comma.
For the most popular colors symbolical names have been
COLORREF is a 4 bytes-size standard type of color
representation in Win32. It is used for color determination in RGB.
Example of silvery color:
Img. 1.
Associative array of colors:
Red: Nervousness, force, sex, passion, speed, danger.
Yellow: Warmth, light, greeting, happiness
Orange: Playfulness, warmth
Blue: Trust, reliability, accessory, cool.
Green: Nature, new, abrupt, growth, abundance
Violet: Royal, spirituality, advantage
Pink: Soft, sweet, food, protection
White: Pure, virgin, young, moderate
Black: Sophistication, elegance, seducement, secret
Gold: Prestige expensive
Silver: Prestige, cold, scientific
In computer graphics a palette is the limited set of colors
available to graphic system of the computer [3].
Principle of action:
Any N (number) of colors with their coordinates are taken
from the wide spectrum and stored in a special table, or a palette.
The data of raster graphics using the palette represent the massif
where numbers (indexes) of colors are stored. The palette graphics
allows to combine broad color image coverage with a low memory
Img. 2.
The fact that the palette can be changed irrespective of the
buffer frame is widely applied in video games to achieve very fast
special effects. Here is a list of games with similar video effects.
Doom: flashes of the screen when the hero selects an item or
is wounded, and also change of color of the image when using a
space suit.
Warcraft II: water splash. It is interesting that in the Warcraft
II editor splash of water is also realized — certainly, only in the 256color modes.
Comparison with HighColor and TrueColor.
Advantages: Small amount of memory taken. Fast palette
special effects.
Shortcomings: Incomplete set of colors. Creation of an
optimum palette for the full-color image can demand huge
computing resources.
Palette files.
Palette, or indexed files, are graphic files arranged similarly.
As well as in the palette video modes, it is possible to recolor objects
by means of palette replacement.
The palette video modes are rarely applied with modern
computer monitors. Nevertheless, palette graphic files are still widely
used nowadays.
If 256 (or less) colors are used, palette drawing often is
smaller than the similar full-color one, with no quality loss.
Reduction of quantity of colors is a kind of compression
which implies losses.
Transparent color.
One or several colors can be made transparent. When
drawing such files pixels of completely transparent color aren't
drawn, there is a background instead.
The PNG graphics format allows the 8-bit alpha channel in
the 8-bit image.
Table of "safe" colors.
When creating an image for a network publication the main
problem is the correct color rendering on different types of monitors
and also in different browsers. When the browser isn't able to render
this or that color correctly, it selects a similar one or mixes several
nearest colors. As a result the user can see absolutely not what the
author wanted to present [4].
The color palette, recommended for screen design is offered
to your attention.
Any of 216 colors of a "safe" palette can be used for
graphics, text and backgrounds. These colors can be displayed
everywhere without distortions.
Img. 3.
1. Wikipedia: RGB. URL:
(дата обращения: 27.06.2016)
2. Web- technology: Table of RGB color URL:
URL: (дата обращения:
4. Web- Технологии: Таблица безопасных цветов. URL: (дата обращения:
Аннотация. В статье говорится об использовании
аддитивной цветовой модели в компьютерной графике.
Объясняется алгоритм комбинирования трех базовых цветов.
Приводится список компьютерных игр с видеоэффектами на
основе универсальной палитры. Показаны преимущества
аддитивной палитры перед другими средствами цветопередачи.
Дается краткий обзор основ растровой графики. Объясняется
важность правильной цветопередачи как на мониторах
различных типов, так и в различных браузерах. Статья содержит
примеры связанных с цветом эмоций. Авторы статьи
рекомендуют использовать «безопасную» палитру из 216
Ключевые слова: цветовая модель, цветовой синтез,
основные цвета, цветопередача, компьютерная графика,
Summary. The article dwells upon the additive color model
use in computer graphics. An algorithm of combining the three
primary colors is explained. A list of computer games with video
effects based on the uniform palette is presented. Advantages and
disadvantages of the additive palette over other means of color
representation are shown. A brief introduction in raster graphics
principles is given. The importance of correct color rendering on
different types of monitors as well as in different browsers is
explained. The paper contains examples of color-emotion
associations. The authors recommend a 216-color safe palette for
extensive use.
Keywords: сolor model, color synthesis, primary colors,
color representation, computer graphics, palette.
UDC 378.146+004.42
Ilya Gavrikov
1 year student, Business Informatics Department,
Institute of Economics and Management,
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Alexandra Georgiadi
Scientific Advisor, PhD in Pedagogy,
English Philology Department
Foreign Philology Institute, Taurida Academy
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
One of the factors in modernising the educational system is
integrating information technology into the educational process of a
university. With this in mind, applying computer-based testing
becomes one of the elements necessary for the standardisation of
education and improvement of its quality. Testing student knowledge
in the process of teaching a foreign language is a long established
form of knowledge control. However, applying computer-based
testing has not yet become the norm for most higher education
institutions. This is due to the lack of complete testing solutions
available to professors and students. However, creating a computerbased testing platform is entirely feasible through student-professor
The goal of this paper is to analyse the experience in
developing and applying computer-based testing in the process of
teaching English grammar.
The term “tests” is defined in the Paedagogical
Encyclopaedic Dictionary as “standardised tasks, the results of which
allow the assessment of psychophysiological and personal
characteristics of the answerer, as well as of their knowledge and
skills” [4, 289]. The chief purpose of testing in foreign language
education lies in receiving feedback and knowledge control, and the
closer the connection between the testing and educational processes,
the more effective the educational process and the higher the test
quality [3, 43]. The stages of test development include: 1) choosing
the task contents; 2) choosing the task presentation; 3) creating
instructions and a description; 4) practical assessment (collecting
empirical data); 5) processing the collected data; 6) interpreting the
processed data; 7) test quality assessment [1, In]. Control of student
knowledge via the Internet needs to be conducted with regard to the
following requirements: 1) duration; 2) promptness; 3) accessibility;
4) availability of feedback; 5) accordance with paedagogical
techniques currently in use; 6) agreement with educational material
contents; 7) authenticity [2, In].
In the 2015-2016 academic year, a new computer-based
testing system was introduced for purposes of teaching English as a
foreign language to first year business informatics students at the
CFU Institute for Economics and Management and first year English
philology students at the CFU Foreign Philology Institute. Online
testing is conducted for continuous control of knowledge in the
specified subject area, making use of the specially designed
UWebTutor computer-based testing system. Reasons for choosing
this subject are: 1) the computer-based testing format’s accordance
with the goals and contents of teaching grammar, and 2) the need for
efficient organisation of individual student work. Experience has
shown that employing a large amount of exercises in the topic being
studied, as well as organising different academic activities outside of
the classroom, makes the life of a first year student significantly
harder without yielding desired results. In order to help students
correctly plan their time, the authors have reviewed traditional
teaching materials and replaced some of them with media materials
and interactive exercises on specialised websites. Conducting testing
at weekends (between classes) was met with approval by the students
themselves and was in accordance with the stated goals: to
continuously control student knowledge, to incentivise students to be
more academically active, to perfect new ways of organising the
educational process, to rationally organise the students’ personal
The UWebTutor testing system is a web application written
in the PHP programming language with elements of JavaScript. Test
and user data is stored in a MySQL database powered by the InnoDB
engine. The system was implemented as a web application in order to
maximise accessibility, since creating native apps for each of the
platforms widely used today (PC/Mac, iOS, Android) would mean a
significant increase in production costs, namely because of the high
cost of production tools (as in the case of Mac and iOS) and the high
level of fragmentation among target devices (as in the case of PC and
Android) [5].
One of the important functions implemented in the
UWebTutor system is question mixing. Within the system, each test
taken by a student is in a way unique: questions are randomly
selected from a question bank (the number of questions in the bank is
higher than the number of questions presented in the test), and
answers to the questions are presented in random order. This
minimises the impact of student cheating by excluding the possibility
to memorise the exact order of questions and answers.
In order to achieve more precise control over the students’
academic results the UWebTutor online testing system includes the
ability to request detailed statistics of test completion by students.
Thus, a teacher is able to review the grades a student has received, as
well as the time they have taken to complete the test. Along with
statistics for individual students, the system also allows access to
overall statistics for groups and tests as a whole, which allows quick
assessment of the results of all students at a certain topic.
At the end of the semester, in order to assess the results of
the experiment, a survey was conducted among first year business
informatics students at the CFU Institute for Economics and
Management and first year English philology students at the CFU
Foreign Philology Institute. The results have shown that 88% of
participants find online testing to be more convenient that
conventional paper-based classroom testing, which shows that
students are prepared to use this resource for education. In addition,
70.5% of participants recognise the importance of introducing online
testing into the modern educational process. 50% of participants have
expressed a desire to adapt the computer-based format to module
control tests. The results of this survey not only confirm that students
are ready to use computer-based testing even now, but also
demonstrate the inadequacy of conventional forms of educational
process organisation as applied to current conditions.
Conducting testing online requires the students to possess
certain skills. According to our survey results, 17.5% of participants
feel “comfortable” completing tests in this fashion, and 65% consider
their skills “adequate”. These results allow viewing the situation as
conducive to implementing online testing.
Thus, the gathered data confirms the assumption that
students of both technical and liberal arts specialisations are fully
prepared to regularly make use of computer-based testing in the
process of learning a foreign language, as well as the assumption that
introducing computer-based testing into the process of teaching
English grammar is well-timed. In addition, the high level of
readiness among students that was revealed in the study
demonstrates the relevance of preparing corresponding study
materials and researching different areas of educational activity in
the context of the problem described earlier. The experience
described here confirms the feasibility of student projects, which
allow the modernisation of the educational process based on the
potential of new technologies.
1. Буланова-Топоркова М.В. Педагогика и психология
высшей школы: учебное пособие / М.В. Буланова-Топоркова. –
Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2002. – 544 с.
2. Интернет обучение: технологии педагогического
дизайна / [под ред. М.В. Моисеевой]. – М.: Издательский дом
«Камерон», 2004. – 216 с.
3. Конышева А.В. Контроль результатов обучения
иностранному языку / А.В. Конышева – СПб: КАРО, Мн.:
Четыре четверти, 2004. – 144 с.
4. Педагогический энциклопедический словарь / [гл. ред.
Б.М. Бим-Бад]. – М.: Дрофа: Бол. Рос. энцикл., 2008. – 528 с.
5. Han D. Understanding Android Fragmentation with Topic
Analysis of Vendor-Specific Bugs / D. Han, C. Zhang, X. Fan, A.
Hindle, K. Wong, E. Stroulia // Edmonton: University of Alberta,
2012. – 10 p.
Аннотация. Интеграция информационных технологий и
компьютерного тестирования в процесс обучения – важный этап
на пути к стандартизации образования и повышения его
качества. В 2015-2016 учебном году новая система
компьютерного тестирования была разработана и внедрена с
целью обучения английскому языку студентов-первокурсников
специальности бизнес-информатика в Институте экономики и
управления КФУ, а
специальности английская филология в Институте иностранной
филологии КФУ. В конце семестра с целью оценки результатов
эксперимента среди студентов был проведён опрос. Полученные
данные подтверждают предположение о том, что студенты
полностью готовы регулярно использовать компьютерное
тестирование в процессе изучения иностранного языка, а также,
что введение компьютерного тестирования в процесс обучения
английской грамматике своевременно.
изучение языка с помощью компьютера, обучение иностранным
информационные технологии.
Summary. Integrating information technology and
computer-based testing into the teaching process has become
necessary for the standardisation of education and improvement of
its quality. In the 2015-2016 academic year, a new computer-based
testing system was developed and introduced for purposes of
teaching English as a foreign language to first year business
informatics students at the CFU Institute for Economics and
Management and first year English philology students at the CFU
Foreign Philology Institute. At the end of the semester, in order to
assess the results of the experiment, a survey was conducted among
the students. The gathered data confirms the assumption that students
are fully prepared to regularly make use of computer-based testing in
the process of learning a foreign language, and that introducing
computer-based testing into the process of teaching English grammar
is well-timed.
Keywords: computer-based testing, computer-assisted
language learning, foreign language teaching, software development,
information technology.
UDC 57.081.23
Nikita Dereglazov
2nd year student,
Informatics and Computer Engineering Faculty,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Yulia Dyachenko
Scientific advisor,
Roman and German Philology Department,
Sevastopol State University
This article is about entirely new sort of interface between
the technologies and humans.
Recently we received an ability to control numerous devices
by voice and it seemed a real breakthrough! Software that can detect
and understand the spoken word has been around for years, with
research ongoing and performance improving all the time. Services
including Siri and Cortana are proof of that. We can notice that it is
quite convenient, but everybody around can hear us and it is not
appropriate at noisy places. Besides these disadvantages the
technology is not perfect because of the limitation of the dictionary.
That means that our device does not know all words that we tell or it
cannot recognize all of them.
It’s not a secret that most of us are really interested in others’
opinions or somebody’s minds. Sounds like a fantasy but we live in
the XXI century and this sort of fantasy is called science. Imagine for
a moment that you can control your device with the power of the
It seems to be impossible but the group of enthusiastic
scientists at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology disagrees. Their
immediate goal is creating a mind-reading device. They have
discovered brain activity patterns and converted the activity into text
[2]. The technology combines knowledge from Neuroscience,
Medicine, and Informatics and allows researchers to record brain
As we know the speech is produced using the cerebral cortex
of the brain. That means that with the right electrodes and system in
place we should be able to reconstruct speech just from brain waves.
Fig. 1 Gamma activity of the object while speaking
This invention came true due to 7 epileptic patients who
volunteered for the study [3]. Each of them had an electrode array
attached to the surface of their cerebral cortex in order to monitor
brain waves related to speech.
So, the main purpose is to detect certain words and to
separate them from other noises as it is shown at figure 3. These
waves demonstrate activity of the human brain during the process of
speaking inwardly.
Fig. 2 Reсordered brain waves
Between the decoded phones it is possible to select those
which contain valuable information and can be converted into
understandable text.
Fig. 3 Brain activity after program handling
It is significant to note that these researches are not just
theoretical. In the present time specialists put these ideas into
For instance, in image 1 there is a desktop computer and a
soldier, both wired to an electroencephalogram, communicating
effectively via the soldier’s thoughts. The device detects brain-wave
activity and allows the computer to identify which one in a series of
pictures the soldier was thinking about.
In the test, a series of images were shown to the soldier, each
of which fell into one of five categories: boats, pandas, strawberries,
butterflies and chandeliers. The soldier did not have to move or say
Img. 1 Dr. Anthony Ries shows a soldier how to play a computer
game using only his eyes.
anything, merely pick one of the categories and then count how
many images fell into that category. In two minutes the computer
identified that he was thinking about boats [1].
When this technology is developed enough, it might become
the most significant invention. We will be able to interact with our
devices such as computers, mobile phones and others without manual
contact or even voice commands but only via our thoughts.
Imagine that in the nearest future the communication
between people can get entirely different format. We will not need to
say anything aloud anymore, we will use the power of thoughts and
nobody will be able to know what we speak about.
Adl-Tabatabai S. Scientists Closer To Reading
Minds With ‘Brain-to-Text’ Technology. URL: (дата обращения: 27.02.2016)
Humphries M. Mind reading viable as scientists
reconstruct speech from brain activity. URL: (дата обращения:
MC Caney K. Mind-reading computer could boost
ISR image analysis. URL: (дата обращения: 27.02.2016)
Аннотация. В статье говорится о способности человека
управлять устройствами и общаться с другими людьми
посредством мыслей. Показано преимущество чтения мыслей
перед речью. Представлен обзор технологий считывания
мыслей. Обоснована важность комбинирования знаний из
неврологии, медицины и информатики для интерпретации
мозговых волн. Приведены результаты исследований среди
больных эпилепсией и солдат, демонстрирующие активность
мозга во время внутренней речи. Автор указывает на
возможность взаимодействия человека и человека, а также
человека и машины с помощью силы мысли в будущем.
Ключевые слова: когнитивные системы, распознавание
речи, чтение мыслей, мозговые волны, шаблоны мозговой
Summary. The article concerns the ability of people to
control devices and communicate with other people via thought. The
advantage of mind-reading over speech is stated. A review of mindreading technologies is presented. The importance of combining
knowledge from Neuroscience, Medicine and Informatics in
interpreting brain waves is shown. Study results among epileptic
people and military soldiers demonstrating human brain activity
while speaking inwardly are given. The author points out the
possibility of human-human and human-machine interaction with the
help of thought power in future.
Keywords: cognitive systems, speech recognition, mind
reading, brain waves, brain activity patterns.
UDC 004.78:025.4.036
Rodion Lizunkov
2 year student, Information Systems,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Mariya Maslova
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer, Information Systems,
Sevastopol State University
Svetlana Mirontseva
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer, Roman and German Philology
Sevastopol State University
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting
the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's unpaid
results—often referred to as "natural," "organic," or "earned" results.
In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page),
and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more
visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. SEO may
target different kinds of search, including image search, local
search, video search, academic search, news search and industryspecific vertical search engines.
As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search
engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or
keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are
preferred by their targeted audience. Optimizing a website may
involve editing its content, HTML and associated coding to both
increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to
the indexing activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase
the number of backlinks, or inbound links, is another SEO tactic. As
of May 2015, mobile search has finally surpassed desktop
search, Google is developing and pushing mobile search as the future
in all of its products and many brands are beginning to take a
different approach on their internet strategies
So what are the SEO elements? A website should be
designed to obtain favourable search engine ranking from popular
search engines. This is achieved through SEO optimization and by
using a combined variety of strategies to ensure high ranking. There
are several elements that should be considered when strategizing on
SEO optimization of the website for search engine. These elements
include keyword density, prominence, Meta tags, titles, and inbound
links [1].
A common element in the SEO is the keyword density,
which involves the use of relevant keyword to the website. Keyword
density is essential because the search engines are known to reward
websites that within the optimal keyword densities and those that fall
under the favourable search engine ranking. Prominence of the
keyword is the next element that should be considered. Finally, the
inbound links are essential links, which reside on other websites and
direct traffic to one’s website. These links are important as they add
to the value of the on inbound links since they are significant
examples of one website recommending another website.
How does SEO work? They have three steps: spiders,
algorithms and scores. Search Engine Spiders are software programs
that follow links posted from website to website, page to page and
index the information into databases. These databases are used later
for scoring and ranking. Search engine algorithms are basically a
unique formula that uses the data collected by spiders to determine
the significance of a web page. They determine if a web page is real
or just spam and many other features to rank and list results, making
an organized search engine results page. Finally, the website with the
highest score gets ranked first; the next is second, etc. But typically
no one looks for results after the first 2-5 pages. Using keywords
helps search engines to rank your page against your competition –
driving your business and help to increase your relevancy when
spiders are looking for you. Each page of a website van typically
target between 1-3 terms & words [2]. The more specific a keyword
phrase, the less competition you will have and the sooner the viewer
will find you. Start off your keyword strategy by brainstorming as
many words that have to do with your key products, services and
their various names, brand names and problems (e.g. LCD TVs, LED
TVs, TV installation, Plasma, 3D TVs, HD TVs, grainy LCD TVs,
unclear HD TVs…etc.) Also talk to your clients to figure out what
words they use to describe your products/services – they most likely
don’t know or understand your business lingo so why would you use
it for your keywords. Google Keyword Tool, Bing Keyword
Research Tool, WordTracker (free or paid) and Google Trends are
some of the most used planners to help with the entire process. OnPage Factors work along with your keywords in a way; they are the
details of what your website is about, these details are what you (as
the website owner) communicate to search engines (e.g. when you
read the short 1-3 sentence description under the website homepage
link-in the organic search results) [3]. These factors can be your title
tag (what’s shown at the very top of the screen above the URL
address and the ‘back & ‘forward’ buttons,) domain name, internal
anchor test (e.g. does your sidebar say ‘Electronics’ instead of
divining everything into ‘Cameras, Televisions, Accessories…etc.’)
headings, the first 50-100 words on a page, etc.
In conclusion SEO is about building appropriate content and
also about getting people to link to you. Information Technology
experts or those in training are well suited for the opportunities of
search engine optimization. This is because SEO is constantly
changing with the internet technology, and so experts in this field
will be able to familiarize with the technological changes, based on
their technological knowledge. IT experts should be creative in terms
of web content as it is very essential and is considered as the reason
to a major breakthrough, resulting in a long time value. Those who
operate their website for hobby or profit should use SEO as an
important tool in making their website popular.
] (дата обращения: 22.02.2016)
Аннотация. Эта статья посвящена поисковой
оптимизации: как это работает и как на это можно повлиять при
оптимизация (SEO) является процессом, влияющим на
видимость сайта или веб-страницы в неоплаченных поисковой
системы результаты, часто упоминается как "естественные" или
"органические" результаты. В целом, чем выше ранг на
странице результатов поиска, и чаще сайт появится в списке
результатов поиска, тем больше посетителей он будет получать
от пользователей поисковой системы. SEO могут быть
ориентированы на различные виды поиска, включая поиск
изображений, локальный поиск, видео, поиск академических
поиск, поиск новостей и отраслевые вертикальные поисковые
системы. Это жизненно важный инструмент для любой
стратегии интернет-маркетинга.
Ключевые слова: оптимизация, мета-теги, плотность
ключевых слов, веб-страницы, сканер поисковых систем.
Summary. This article is devoted to search engine
optimization: how it works and how it can be affected with
appropriate tools. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of
affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's
unpaid results—often referred to as "natural," "organic," or "earned"
results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results
page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the
more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. SEO may
target different kinds of search, including image search, local
search, video search, academic search, news search and industryspecific vertical search engines. It is a vital tool for any internet
marketing strategy.
Keywords: optimization, meta-tags, density keywords, web
pages, Search Engine Spiders.
UDC 004.75
Maxim Lisov
1st year magister student,
Information Technology and Computer Systems Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Dmitry Voronin
Scientific advisor, PhD in Information Technology,
Information Technology and Computer Systems Department,
Sevastopol State University
Currently cloud computing is a technology that has a huge
popularity. Cloud services in efficiency, cost saving and scaling [4]
are the main advantages of SaaS and IaaS technologies for IT
departments. However, these revolutionary capabilities give a new
set of problems due to which traditional methods of security have
become ineffective. The paradox lies in the basis of the new concept
of computing. On the one hand, the "cloud" is a friendly computing
environment having possibilities for customers to pay only for the
used resources. On the other hand, it has to deal with special
problems that are typical due to cloud computing.
In general, all information security risks in a cloud can be
divided into the following categories organizational, technical, loss
of availability.
A) Binding to the provider [4] is a rather serious risk. The
need of migration may be provoked by changing the politic of
provider (the usage fees increasing, better solutions on the market
emerging, etc.). The monetary and time costs can be too enormous.
Therefore, it is necessary to take a responsible attitude to the choice
of cloud provider.
B) The bankruptcy or acquisition of the provider [4]. If for
any reason the provider will become a bankrupt or will be absorbed
by a more successful company, it will stop to provide services or
change their list. A possible countermeasure to reduce this risk lies in
the following decisions: to make the process of selection more
thorough, to use multiple providers, to have a plan quickly provider
C) The question of anonymity [1]. All the necessary
information for cloud access is limited only by a credit card number
and some data. In this case the Information about the logged-in
person is limited only by his email and IP address. Thus, the chance
of attack increases. Possible countermeasure to reduce this risk lies
in the following decisions: establishment of stronger regulations for
initial registration and the user’s action control.
D) Malicious insiders [2]. Employees of organizations that
use cloud computing do not need to have a deep knowledge in
technical details of how the services are provided, in order to use
user data for personal gain. Strict control is required by the
organization for its corporate employees.
Technical risks are easier and may be presented more clearly
in the table below.
Table 1 –Technical information security risks
1.1 Difficulty in moving normal
servers in the cloud computing
1.2 Dynamic virtual machines
1. The major point of any
technical risks
1.3 Vulnerability in virtual
1.4 Perimeter protection and
delineation of the network
2.1 Data security. Encryption
2. Decisions on protection
against security threats from the
company CSA [3]
2.2 Data protection in the
2.3 Authentication
2.4 Isolation users
Loss of availability
The last threat, which is typical for clouds, is the economic
effect of a DDoS attack. It is the flip side of the benefits of cloud
computing – to pay only for the actual consumption [1]. When this
attack is carried out, the volume of outgoing Internet traffic increases
colossally. In the end, the client will be obliged to pay for all
consumed traffic.
It is Easier and clearer to present the conducted research in
the form of faceted classification (Fig. 1). It is a system of
classification, which uses semantic categories that are combined to
create the full classification entry.
The risks of cloud
Binding to the provider
The bankruptcy or
acquisition of the
The question of
Malicious insiders of the
Dynamic virtual
Difficulty in moving
normal servers in the
cloud computing
Vulnerability in Virtual
Loss of availability
Blocking communication
links and routers
Error in the
implementation of the
protocol stack
Overflow OS resources
Perimeter protection and
delineation of the
Figure 1 - The risks of cloud computing
The cloud technology has many advantages, so the interest to
this concept constantly increases. It can significantly increase safety
and reduce the loss of data by using the following methods: the use
of encryption for stored data and centralized management of control
data. In the article the proposed faceted cloud risks classification is
described. It differs from the hierarchical by the more relevant visual
data representation, and is flexible and multi-purpose.
1. Малюк А.А. Перспективы развития «облачных»
технологий. Информационная безопасность и защита
персональных данных в «облачной» среде // Вестник
Национального исследовательского ядерного университета
«МИФИ». – 2013. – №8. – C. 120-124.
2. Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) [Электронный ресурс].
Режим доступа: (дата обращения:
3. Cloud Computing Security Risk Assessment
обращения: 10.03.16)
4. The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing / USA NIST
Special Publication 800-145, [Gaithersburg] 20899-8930. URL: (дата обращения: 08.03.16)
Аннотация. В ответ постоянно растущие потребности
хранении и обработки данных в настоящее время существует
тенденция расширения области использования облачных
вычислительных сред. Наряду с этим использование парадигмы
облачных вычислений может иметь как положительные, так и
отрицательные эффекты. В статье уделяется внимание важным
известным на данный момент рискам облачных технологий.
Рассматриваются подходы по обеспечению безопасности
различных уровней архитектуры. Описывается фасетная
классификационная модель.
Ключевые слова: управление рисками, облачная среда,
фасетная классификационная модель, облачный провайдер.
Summary. In response to the ever-growing needs of data
storage and processing at the moment there is a tendency to expand
implementation of cloud computing environments. In addition, the
use of cloud computing paradigm may have both positive and
negative effects. The article focuses on important well-known risks
that are distinguished for cloud technology. Different approaches are
discussed to ensure security at various levels of the cloud
architecture. The faceted classification model is presented and
Keywords: risks management, cloud environment, faceted
classification model, cloud provider.
UDC 004.42
Andrei Malinov
4rd year student, Department of Computer Science and Computer
I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Tatiana Mitrofanova
Scientific advisor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical
Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering,
I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University
Internet-portal of the I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical
University is located at [1] and currently
includes more than 10 sites of faculties, departments and other units,
comprising about 1000 internet-pages.
To find the right phone person had to start over from the
main page of the official website, click on the banner "Telephone
directory" [2], which allows you to jump to the page with the phones,
then in a huge number of employees to seek desired one, in total – 3
clicks. The mobile app "Telephone directory of University" is easier
to communicate because the base will be in the same application.
The algorithm of the call through our mobile application is
as follows:
to create a database connection;
display the directory;
if necessary to produce the correct editing of database or database
to make a call.
The app works on all modern phones with the Android
operating system. After starting the application we see that there are
already 8 contacts in our database (Figure 1).
Figure 1. The base of mobile applications
Adding a new contact is possible by pressing a button
(Figure 2).
Figure 2. Creating a new contact
To add data to the database SCR is as follows:
public void addToDatabase(String text, String text2, String text3)
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
// Production base allocated to applications
SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
// prepare the data to be inserted in the form of pairs: Column
name - value
cv.put("fio", text);
cv.put("dolz", text2);
cv.put("phone", text3);
// insert record
long rowID = db.insert("contacts", null, cv);
One more great advantage is that in this application there is a
search. To do this, press the button, and then enter the "Name" of
someone to find. To make a call, you need to click once on a contact,
and there will be offered a choice after a software tool you can make
a call – Phone, Viber, WhatsApp, etc. Then one can dial the phone
number of the selected contact, and calling is realized.
To sum everything up this mobile application is
indispensable at university facilities.
1. Офицальный сайт Чувашского государственного
педагогического университета [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим
доступа: (дата обращения: 17.12.15)
2. Список телефонов должностных лиц ЧГПУ им. И.Я.
Яковлева [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 17.12.15)
Аннотация. В связи с постоянным ростом информации
сохранять и управлять доступом к данным. В ВУЗе существует
большое количество структурных подразделений, которые
взаимодействуют между собой. Для упрощения телефонного
взаимодействия между ними было разработано мобильное
приложение «Телефонный справочник ВУЗа». Программа была
разработана с помощью среды программирования Android
Studio с включающей в себя базой данных SQLite.
Разработанная программа является приложением баз данных,
предоставляющим пользователю средства по просмотру и
редактированию базы данных справочника, а также поиска по
Ключевые слова: мобильное приложение, Android,
телефонный справочник, процедура, база данных, контакты.
Summary. The continuous growth of information leads to
the need to effectively organize, store and manage data access. At the
university there is a large number of structural units, which interact
with each other. To simplify the interaction between them, telephone
mobile application "Telephone directory" has been developed. The
program was developed using Android Studio programming
environment including the SQLite database. The developed program
is a database application that provides users with tools for viewing
and editing the directory database, as well as on the basis of the
Keywords: the mobile application, Android, phone
directory, the procedure, the database, contacts.
UDC 004.942
Valeria Poletaeva
3rd year student, Informational Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Dmitry Voronin
Scientific advisor,
PhD Informational technologies
Informational technology and computer system Department,
Sevastopol State University
Larisa Merkulova
Scientific advisor,
Roman and German Philology Department.
Each year cloud technologies (CT) gain more and more
popularity: they are convenient as a business tool or individual
means of operations. Despite the fact that the concept of a remote
data processing is not an innovation, CT proved to be an effective
way of remote interaction between a user and a broker. It is
developing in three main areas such as:
SaaS ( Software as a Service);
Possible risk must always be associated with the general business
capabilities because it can be offset by these capabilities;
The risks of cloud computing should be compared with the risk of
project deployment using traditional IT. There is a range of situations
when they are equal or to prevent adverse situations in the CT is less
Cloud architecture greatly affects the negative scenario of CT;
PaaS(Platform as a Service);
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).
CT can compete with the classic means of project work due
to the following advantages: all resources are presented with a high
degree of abstraction; high-speed scalability and flexibility; fast
resource allocation; shared resources (databases, hardware, memory,
etc.); "Service on demand"; program management.
It is obvious that any of these advantages leads to the
unfavorable situation which can diminish all these benefits. When
the risks appear, the project loses all its convenience offered by CT
as well as security of sensitive data, their integrity, economic
benefits, etc. The development of risk reverberation methods makes
the project more difficult for realization. Therefore, there is a number
of factors to be taken into consideration when the cloud project is
If the risk threatens the whole project and leads to undermining the
reputation, serious damage or liability, the decision should not be
A client may pass on a part of the responsibility for the risks to a
provider by means of contract [1-3].
In order to assess the project opportunities adequately one
can introduce the ranking of risks using the following metrics: when
analyzing potential risks we make a rough estimation of its probable
occurrence (for example, very unlikely, unlikely, possible, often or
very often) and its possible impact on business (very low, low,
medium, high, very high). Then assign a quantitative measure to
each point (for example, unlikely - 0, often - 4, etc.). The level of the
risk is the sum of two criteria (see. Table 1 [1, p. 12]). If the level is
0-2, the risk has a low level, and there is no need to provide specific
mechanisms to prevent unacceptable situations in the project. If the
level is 3-5, then the risk is average, the project is required to provide
various scenarios. If the level is 6-8, the conceptual idea of the
project should be reviewed.
Table 1 - Risk Assessment
The frequency of occurrence
For competent parrying of the risks it is necessary to
implement a competent identification technology and to develop
criteria. For example, to analyze the risks according to the following
points: the area of origin and the type of risk generation (see Table
Table 2 – Risks analysis
Location risk
Economical risk
Segregation risk
Social risk
Technical risk
R10, R11
R6, R11
R3, R11
Location risk is associated with the physical representation
of data geoposition and political quality of the given territory.
Economic risk is associated with the economic component of
the client-broker relationship.
Segregation risk is associated with the failure of mechanisms
which control the separate storage of different users’ data,
computing, routing etc.
Social risk is associated with human factor.
Technical risk is associated with the malfunction of
hardware, provider, or broker.
Organizational risk is associated with the internal structure of
the cloud and the way of its implementation. Let us consider the
following risks [1-3]:
R1 – Lock-in [1]. Cloud services are often based on nonstandard data form and a unique code. This makes data and services
migration to another broker extremely difficult or impossible. Also
the client can lose both money and time. To protect the data client
needs to anticipate the special scenario. For example, to integrate
special data formats (Saas) or to develop unique and portable
architecture (Iaas).
R2 – Loss of governance [1]. When using cloud services, the
cloud client necessarily cedes control to the provider on a number of
issues. The provider and the user conclude an agreement on the level
of access and security. If provider does not comply with the contract,
customer’s data lose security and privacy. Therefore, during the data
transmission, the client must choose a provider whose data handling
policy is flexible or transparent with respect to the customer
R3 – Supply Chain Failure [1]. The main client cannot see
the whole structure of the cloud, so the brokers can outsource or
subcontract to another broker. This “product chain” can be very
harmful to the security procedures. The client should indicate all
critical sections, important data and protection methods.
R4 – Conflicts between customer hardening procedures and
cloud environment [1]. All cloud customers are in the same virtual
environment. The manipulations of several customers on the cloud
can be contradictory. Without clear data segregation this may result
in blocking of individual users or a common error and collapse of all
clouds. The client must choose a broker with adequate data security.
R5 – Social engineering attacks [1]. Due to the involvement
a large number of intermediaries in the process, the possibility of
data interception or damage increases markedly. The multilayer
structure of the cloud allows attackers to hide their presence from the
victim. The attacker has the ability to act transparently and to modify
the data. Disclosure of confidential data, or interference with the
high-precision computation process leads to an increasing risk of
failure of the customer. When choosing a provider, the customer has
to pay attention to his reputation and a method of securing data and
calculations. The information protection will evolve as a result of a
strong, comprehensive SLA (service level agreement).
R6 – Resource exhaustion [1]. As cloud services are ondemand services, there is a chance that the cloud will not be able to
meet an increasing demand in a certain shared resource or to
maintain a given service level. This results in a service unavailing.
Thus providers should have different scenarios of using the resource.
R7 – Isolation failure [1]. Depending on the structure of the
clouds, the likelihood of this risk increases from the private to the
public cloud. Processing power, resources, and network is shared by
several users simultaneously. Because of this there may be a loss of
security and integrity of critical or sensitive data. Also, when loss of
user history occurs, there is misinterpretation of previous user
actions, which in turn may lead to the fact that the provider fails to
provide services to the client.
R8 – Interception of data in transit [1]. The concept of cloud
computing means that data is always on the move, going from one
physical machine to another. Interception of data or its unintentional
loss can occur at any time.
R9 – Economic denial of service [1]. Poor budget planning
or attracts on vulnerable data can make the cloud service no longer
R10 – Loss of cryptographic keys. The loss or damage of
cryptographic keys used for encryption, authentication or digital
signature leads to data and time loss or financial damages.
R11 – Technical failures or attacks, the nature disasters.
Various types of failures (no Internet connection, no power, physical
damage of the equipment on the side of a provider) may lead to no
access to the working area, loss of data and time resources. It is
necessary to develop the policy of copying vital data to reserve
R12 – Political and legal ricks. Law enforcement agencies of
some countries may require the disclosure of private cloud provider
to search for evidence and seize physical media or electronic files as
evidences. In different countries the policies of data protection are
inconsistent. It is necessary to analyze the policy of the state, where
the provider is based. Otherwise, the third parties may access
confidential data.
Cloud computing services deliver us a lot of different
advantages, they have become a new economic model for the
investment and development. To reach the full potential promised by
the technology, cloud computing needs to provide information
security and, moreover, proper consideration and management of
risks [1].
Summing up, the comprehensive analysis of different
scenarios of ricks can be helpful in the deployment of the cloud
1. Sara Angeles. 8 Reasons to Fear Cloud Computing
URL: (дата обращения: 29.02.2016)
2. Lionel Dupré, Thomas Haeberlen. Cloud Computing.
Benefits, risks and recommendations for information security
[Электронный ресурс] // ENISA Rev. B – December, 2012.
URL: (дата обращения: 29.02.2016)
3. Toby Merrill. Cloud Computing: Is Your Company
Weighing Both Benefits & Risks? [Электронный ресурс] //
URL: (дата обращения: 29.02.2016)
кибербезопасности облачных технологий. Автор рассматривает
риски облачных проектов и предлагает оценивать их с учетом
местоположения, сегрегации, а также экономические,
технические, и организационные риски. Рассматривая облачную
технологию как новую экономическую модель для инвестиций и
включающую лок-ин, потерю управления, нарушение
логистической цепочки, конфликт между процедурами
повышения безопасности клиентской системы и облачной
средой, атаки с использованием социальной инженерии,
истощение ресурсов, перехват данных при передаче и т.д.
Ключевые слова: кибербезопасность, облачные
технологии, облачные проекты, оценка риска, сценарии риска.
Summary. The paper dwells upon the problem of
cybersecurity of cloud computing. It views the risks of cloud projects
and provides information on risk assessment which should be based
on the analysis of location risk, economic risk, segregation risk,
technical risk, and organizational risk. Viewing cloud computing
services as a new economic model for the investment and
development, the author considers such risk scenarios as lock-in, loss
of governance, supply chain failure, conflicts between customer
hardening procedures and cloud environment, social engineering
attacks, resource exhaustion, isolation failure, interception of data in
transit etc.
Keywords: cybersecurity, cloud computing, cloud projects,
risk assessment, risk scenarios.
UDC 004.77
Filyus Rafikov
4rd year student, Applied Informatics Department,
Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmullah
e-mail: [email protected]
Lineza Ziangirova
Senior teacher, PhD in Pedagogy,
Applied Informatics Department,
Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmullah
e-mail: [email protected]
One of the main trends in the development of information
technologies at the moment is the implementation of cloud
computing. The course "Cloud computing" is aimed at teaching
students enrolled in the direction "Applied Informatics", used in the
practice of teaching modern cloud computing technologies.
In the section "Theoretical Foundations of cloud computing"
provides a definition of cloud computing technologies, and a
classification of these technologies with explanations and examples
are discussed modern trends in the field of computing.
The service-oriented architecture (SOA) has formed a basis
of modern cloud computing service. The approach to development of
the software based on services using with the standardized interfaces
is understood as the service-oriented architecture [2].
"Cloud computing" is an alternative to the classical model of
education. Computer infrastructure and information services are
provided as a service "cloud" provider. The documents, programs, emails and other data involved in the educational process are stored
on remote servers’ provider. At the same time there is no need for the
institution include its own expensive IT-infrastructure and pay for
computing resources, which in most cases are not used to full
Significant contribution to the study of cloud computing
have D. Avresky, S. Ahson, B. Sosinsky, K. Hwang, G. Fox,
V.P. Potapov, V.V. Gubarev. There are a variety of service models
of cloud computing: model IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service, model
PaaS – Platform as a Service and a model SaaS – Software as a
Infrastructure as a Service. At this level, the user constructs
his own IT-infrastructure into the cloud and operate it. For example,
create virtual networks, adds virtual hardware (servers, storage,
database), sets required to operate the application software and
operating systems, ie. It uses a cloud as if it were a real ITinfrastructure of educational institution. IaaS-known solutions are:
Google Compute Engine, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Cloud
Platform as a Service. If the basis of class IaaS cloud
applications are virtualization technologies, the solutions of a class
"platform as a service" require additional tools to develop network
applications with greater efficiency and lower cost, in addition to
virtualization. Ways to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost of
application development can be a lot, and the technology underlying
the decisions PaaS, as are diverse [1]. At this level, a provider of
cloud services gives the user access to operating systems, data base
management, development tools and testing. Thus, the consumer is
able to cloud-based services and tools for self-build, test and operates
the software. The entire information infrastructure (computer
networks, servers and storage) managed by the provider. The most
famous PaaS-services: Google App Engine (for software
development languages Java, Python), Microsoft Azure (for
ASP.NET, PHP), Cloud Foundry (programming languages Java,
Software as a Service. At this level, provider allows users
clouds software. All data is stored in the cloud, and to access them
the user need only to have a web browser. This type of cloud
computing does not require additional costs for installing and
configuring the software. In most cases, payment for use of the
software under SaaS is calculated based on the number of users and
does not involve the so-called Enterprise-licenses allowing the use of
a certain service for any number of users without any restrictions.
Samples of free SaaS-solutions for educational institutions: Google
Apps for Education and Microsoft Office 365 for education. It
contains the functions of office package (work with documents,
tablesheets, and presentations), means effective submission of
information (in the form of presentations, videos) and
communication (e-mail, instant messaging).
In recent years, attracted the most attention hybrid "clouds",
Hybrid "clouds" are the introduction of a cloud computing, in which
part of the system is placed in the public "cloud", ie, based on the
data centers of cloud providers, and some – in a private "cloud", ie
on servers owned by the company itself. In fact, hybrid "cloud" is not
an independent type of cloud deployments, but only points to the
close integration of public and private cloud systems [1].
In recent years, major cloud companies are actively rebuild
its strategy with the "hybridization" of cloud computing. For
example, Amazon Web Services is planning to develop not only by
building their own services, but also by creating a community
partners and vendors, the services that will be integrated with the
cloud-based platform from Amazon [1]. Microsoft is moving toward
a hybrid model more consistent, which cloud strategy involves the
possibility of placing computing power of choice: in your own site,
in a public "cloud" or a service provider. Therefore, Microsoft allows
you to combine elements of public and private "clouds" in those
ratios, which are most convenient for the company. Under this
strategy, Microsoft has recently added the ability to own premises
generated virtual machine in the "cloud" Microsoft Azure [1].
In the "Basics of cloud services" provides an overview of the
most popular cloud services technologies, are examples of popular
cloud storage services.
Today on the Internet there are many free services cloud
storage. Each of others are offering the possibility for storage of any
type, from office documents and ending with multimedia
information. Nearly all of the providers of these services offer the
following services for free: the amount of free storage; automatic
synchronization of data stored across all the devices that are
connected to cloud services; security of storage in the "cloud"; the
possibility of public access through the Internet to files stored in the
cloud, to any person; data reliability.
In the "Choice of cloud services and the associated risks"
provides guidance on the use of cloud services. Also explains the
advantages and disadvantages of this approach, highlights issues of
organizational and legal changes that may occur as a result of the
implementation of cloud technologies in the educational process.
The use of cloud computing in the field of education has the
following advantages: cost-effectiveness, scalability, availability,
meeting the needs of users, reducing the impact on the environment
("green" technology).
Recommendations regarding the selection of the service
provider share the following areas: functionality, platform, technical
features, convenience and accessibility for users, contract costs.
Students also learn the basics of Moodle in the cloud and
create a teacher-led training courses and place them in a special
cloud. For example, in the cloud material is presented on the
following topics of the course "Computer systems, networks and
telecommunications", "Overview of computer systems, networks and
telecommunications. Classification of computer systems", "Physical
fundamentals of computing processes", "Fundamentals of
construction and operation of computers", "Functional and structural
organization of the computer", "Features of the functioning and
organization of computers of different classes", "Classification and
architecture of computer networks", "The structure and
characteristics of telecommunication systems", "Telecommunication
systems", "Design of Computer Networks", "IP-telephony over
computer networks", "Firewall", "The effectiveness of the networks
and their development prospects" [3]. The educational complex
theoretical information is represented on the design of computer
networks and laboratory work. Also the analysis of the
organizational and legal consequences of the use of cloud services is
carried. Under the guidance of a teacher, students make a list of
organizational and legal changes that would need to do in the work
of educational institutions.
Cloud computing – software and hardware, is available to
users via the Internet or LAN as a service. Cloud computing can
reduce the complexity of IT systems, through the use of a wide range
of effective technologies, managed independently and available ondemand within a virtual infrastructure.
1. Cloud services. "View from Russia", Ed. E.Grebneva.
Moscow, 2011.
2. Ziangirova L.F. Technologies of cloud computing.
3. Ziangirova L.F. Methodics of studying the theme
"Designing computer networks" while training students in areas of
training "Applied Informatics", Computer Science and Education,
2014, No №9 (258), pp. 58-59.
Аннотация. В статье представлено изучение курса
«Облачные вычисления» при обучении студентов по
Рассмотрены основные модели предоставления услуг облачных
вычислений (Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service,
Software as a Service), облачные платформы Microsoft Azure и
Amazon Web Services, преимущества и недостатки моделей
облачных вычислений, риски использования технологий
облачных вычислений, основы работы с облачными сервисами,
выбор облачных услуг.
Ключевые слова: облачные вычисления, модель
Infrastructure as a Service, модель Platform as a Service, модель
Software as a Service, виртуальная сеть, виртуальное
оборудование, информационная инфраструктура, сервисы
облачного хранения данных.
Summary. The article presents a study of the course "Cloud
computing" in the training of students in the direction of preparation
"Applied Informatics". There are considered basic model of cloud
computing services (Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a
Service, Software as a Service), cloud platform Microsoft Azure,
cloud platform Amazon Web Services, the advantages and
disadvantages of cloud computing model, cloud computing
technology risks, the basics of cloud services, and a choice of cloud
Keywords: cloud computing model Infrastructure as a
Service, Model Platform as a Service, Model Software as a Service,
virtual network, virtual hardware, information infrastructure, cloud
storage services.
UDC 004.582
Lyaysan Sabirova
master's student in Geographic Information Systems,
Ufa State Aviation Technical University
e-mail:[email protected]
Aydar Abdullin
Scientific advisor, PhD in Technical Sciences
Department of Geographic Information Systems,
Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Marina Myasnikova
teacher, department of Language Communication and
Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Millions of people use map services daily to search
necessary geographic locations, get directions or meet challenges
that they face at work. Popular services give access to web maps in
many countries around the world and provide users speaking more
than 90 languages with updated geographical data.
One of the challenges that mapping services have to meet is
multilingual map content, i.e. correct geographical names in different
languages. Thus, for English-speaking users a convenient web map
of the world should contain place names in English, and for Spanishspeaking users place names have to be in Spanish.
Let us consider how this task is solved by Bing Maps,
Yandex.Maps and OpenStreetMap services. Note that the language is
assigned basing on the user's Geo-IP service. Geo-IP is a service
which enables to obtain geographical coordinates of the device based
on the IP-address, and, if necessary, the accompanying information
(the name of the town, region, country, etc.) too. The preferred
language of the content is selected on the basis of the information
about the user’s country.
The above mentioned popular web mapping services are
characterized by different approaches.
Bing Maps service of Microsoft generates place names
across the world map in the user's language, defined by Geo-IP,
allowing the local language for special cases. The available
languages are state languages of most countries of the world [4]. For
example, consider the map of Brussels, where the names of
municipal locations are translated into Russian, and street names are
not (Fig. 1).
After the official launch of Bing Maps users started to notice
discrepancies in the names of some objects. For example, Gagarin
Street (улица Гагарина) is written in some cities like Gagarina,
while in others Haharina, despite the fact that this name is a global
Russian brand [2].
Fig. 1. Map of Brussels provided by Bing Maps service.
Yandex.Maps developers let users see a double legend
including their own language (the main legend), and the original
language (the legend below). When adapting maps for Russian users
Yandex.Maps has translated more than 7 million place names of 237
countries from 37 languages [3]. This required applying
transliteration rules from 37 languages (plus a variety of options and
dialects) in a computer readable format and careful check of the
translation results. The following map of Yandex.Maps shows the
same part of Brussels (Fig. 2).
On the map of Brussels it is shown that the names of parks,
subway stations and other municipal locations are given in Russian
and in the original language, and street names are given only in their
original language.
Yandex.Maps emphasizes that the translation of place names
was made automatically and it should be stated that sophisticated
machine learning systems processing data are not perfect. Due to
historical processes, some geographic features, even in two
neighboring countries may have very different names, e.g. translating
geographical features as the English Channel, Beijing, The Hague
needs correction, after the automatic transliteration is done.
Fig. 2. Map of Brussels provided by Yandex.Maps
In contrast to these two services Openstreetmap uses
permanent place names given for each region. The user sees the
legends in his or her native language only within the borders of his or
her country, and the legends on the territory of other countries are
provided in the original languages of these countries. In many ways,
this is due to the fact that the OpenStreetMap project is a non-profit
web-mapping project, supported by users that do not have sufficient
resources to translate names into many languages. In view of this,
OpenStreetMap is difficult enough to grasp, since map data is
updated by users of OpenStreetMap living in different parts of the
world. For example, the territory of the Arab countries are described
in Arabic, China is described in Chinese [1]. For comparison, the
same area of Brussels in OpenStreetMap is described in Dutch and
French (Fig. 4).
Another issue is that rivers, which are often natural
boundaries between two countries, may have different names in
neighboring countries. This creates a controversial situation for
OpenStreetMap, where all the names are given in the original
language. One example is the river Rhine which can be attributed
both to Germany and to France. In such situations, further work is
required to create an adequate, conflict-free geographic
Fig. 4. Map of Brussels provided by OpenStreetMap.
In conclusion we note that popular web maps are sufficiently
adapted to users from different countries and continue to improve.
However, when solving practical tasks spelling has become a serious
problem for surveyors and further work is required to create an
adequate geographic nomenclature. Thus, gaps and automatic
translation errors are being corrected, the number of languages is
being constantly increased, and also opportunities to rebuild the
historical names of geographical objects (ancient place names) are
being developed.
1. Википедия. Свободная энциклопедия. OpenStreetMap.
обращения: 10.03.2016)
2. Проекты Петербурга. Решения топонимической
(дата обращения: 10.03.2016)
3. CNews. «Яндекс» запустил «самую подробную
yu (дата обращения: 10.03.2016)
4. Microsoft | Developer Network. Language Support. URL:
обращения: 10.03.2016)
Аннотация. Интернет-пользователи, говорящие более
чем на 90 языках получают доступ к картографическим данным,
используя различные картографические сервисы каждый день.
Одна из проблем, с которыми сталкиваются сервисы это
пользователям для ориентирования. Эта задача решается с
помощью Bing Maps, Yandex.Maps и OpenStreetMap по-разному.
В статье рассматриваются эти 3 картографических сервиса с
точки зрения их подхода к решению этой проблемы, а также
некоторые орфографические проблемы, с которыми геодезисты
сталкиваются при заполнении карты подписями. Обзор 3
подходов сделан на примере части карты Брюсселя с улицами и
муниципальными объектами.
Ключевые слова: онлайн картографический сервис,
топоним, подпись, IP-адрес, локализация.
Summary. Internet users speaking more than 90 languages
access map data using various mapping services every day. One of
the challenges that mapping services have to meet is multilingual
map content in order to provide users with adequate directions. This
task is solved by Bing Maps, Yandex.Maps and OpenStreetMap
differently. The Article considers these 3 mapping services in terms
of their approach to meet this challenge and also spelling problems
that surveyors encounter while filling the map with legends. A part
of Brussels map with municipal locations and streets is considered to
give the overview of the 3 approaches.
Key words: on-line map service, place name, legend, IP
address, localization.
UDC 004.42
Vsevolod Starodubov
2nd year student, Information Systems,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Olga Mironova
Senior lecturer, Information Systems,
Sevastopol State University
Svetlana Mirontseva
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Roman and German Philology Department,
Sevastopol State University
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is designed to
collect an information system to store, process, analyze, manage and
present all kinds of spatial and geographical data. The GIS acronym
sometimes used to define the "geographic information science" or
"studies of geo-information." This refers to occupations or groups
that work with the disciplines Geoinformatics or called Geomatics
with geographic information systems and on a larger scale. What can
be observed on the simple concept of GIS is related to the spatial
data infrastructure.
In a more general sense, the term describes a GIS
information system that collects, integrates, analyzes and displays
geographic information [1]. GIS-related applications are tools that
allow users to create interactive queries, edit analyze spatial
information, and to manipulate data through maps and cartographic
answer. The science of GIS is the science that is applications,
concepts and geographic systems based.
GIS is a general term that refers to a range of technologies,
processes and methods. These are closely related to use,
infrastructure and network management, transport and logistics,
insurance, telecommunications, technology, planning, education and
research Country, etc. For this reason, GIS is the root of many
location-based services based on data analysis and visualization.
GIS also enables data link that can appear to be very remote
on the paper. Regardless of how objects and events to identify and
represent that illustrate our environment (coordinates, latitude and
longitude, address, height, time, social media, etc.), GIS brings
together all these dimensions to a single repository, the backbone the
information system.
Furthermore GIS can link information on using the position
as a key index variable in relationship. Locations or in the timespace-earth are extended as the date / time of occurrence are stored,
x, y and z, being respectively, the coordinates, longitude, latitude,
and altitude [3]. All location and extent of the space-time references
based on Earth should ideally be traceable to another and finally to a
"real" physical location or scope. The main feature of GIS enabled
new ways of scientific research to open.
GIS software is considered to include a wide range of
applications that involve the use of a combination of digital maps
and geo-referenced data. GIS software can be sorted into different
The development of open-source GIS software in terms of
history and a long tradition of software, a first system having
occurred in 1978. Many systems are available which cover all areas
of spatial data management.
The following open-source desktop GIS projects are
reviewed in Steiniger and Bocher (2008/9):
GRASS GIS – Originally introduced by the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers: a complete GIS software.
gvSIG – Written in Java. Runs almost on all operational
systems: on Linux, Unix, Mac OS X and Windows.
ILWIS (Integrated Land and Water Information System) –
Integrates thematic, vector and image data.
JUMP GIS / OpenJUMP ((Open) Java Unified Mapping
Platform) – The desktop GISs OpenJUMP, SkyJUMP, deeJUMP
and Kosmo all derived from JUMP.
MapWindow GIS – Free desktop application and
programming component.
QGIS (also known as Quantum GIS) – Runs on Linux, Unix,
Mac OS X and Windows.
SAGA GIS (System for Automated Geoscientific Analysis)
–- A hybrid GIS software that has a unique in its way Application
Programming Interface (API) and a rapidly growing set of
geoscientific methods, bundled in exchangeable Module Libraries.
uDig – API and source code (Java) available [4].
In addition, Geographic Resources Analysis Support System
(commonly called GRASS GIS) is a geographical information
system (GIS) software designed for managing and analyzing spatial
data, image processing, producing graphs and maps, temporal and
spatial modeling, and visualization. It can handle raster, topological
vector, image processing and graphics data. GRASS contains over
350 modules maps and images to make on the monitor and paper;
and manipulating raster data vector, including vectors networks;
Processing the multispectral image data; and creating, managing, and
storing spatial data. It is entitled, and released as free software and
open source under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It works
on many operating systems, including OS X, Windows and Linux.
Users can interact via other software like QGIS with the software
features a graphical user interface (GUI) or by plugging into
GRASS. You can also interface with the modules directly via a
custom envelope to launch the application or call individual modules
directly from a standard shell. The latest stable release (LTS) is
GRASS 7, which is available since, 2015.
We can’t help mentioning that the GRASS Development
Team is a multinational group of developers at numerous locations.
GRAS is one of the eight original software projects of the Open
Source Geospatial Foundation.
GIS is
an open
source GIS (mapping)
application and set of programmable mapping components. It has
been adopted by the United States Environmental Protection
Agency as the primary GIS platform for its BASINS (Better
Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources)
watershed analysis and modeling software [5].
MapWindow GIS application is distributed as open source
under the distribution license Mozilla Public License, while
MapWindow GIS enables different or more specialized tasks to be
reprogrammed. There are also plug-ins available to enhance the
compatibility and functionality.
We cannot but admit that the application is built
upon Microsoft .NET technology.
In conclusion these systems are sure to be indispensable in
many spheres of business, technology, science and life. Updates for
MapWindow GIS are regularly released by a group of student and
volunteer developers. These are further directions of our research.
em] (дата обращения: 25.02.2016)
обращения: 25.02.2016)
3. [] (дата
обращения: 25.02.2016)
4. Maliene V., Grigonis V., Palevičius V., Griffiths S.
Geographic information system: Old principles with new
capabilities. / V. Maliene, V. Grigonis, V. Palevičius, S. Griffiths. –
5. Sajeevan G. Customise and empower. / G. Sajeevan. –
6. Wise S. GIS Basics. / S. Wise // London: Taylor &
Francis. – 2002.
Аннотация. В данной статье рассматриваются
географические информационные системы и их типы.
Географическия информационные системы (ГИС) – это
управления и анализа геопространственных данных, обработки
изображений, графики производства и карт, временного и
пространственного моделирования и визуализации. Кроме того,
эти системы предназначены для сбора, хранения, обработки,
пространственных или географических данных. ГИС могут быть
основой для многих сервисов, использующих местоположения с
поддержкой услуг, которые полагаются на анализ и
визуализацию. Эта область исследований очень важна для
различных сфер бизнеса, технологий, науки и жизни.
Ключевые слова: геоинформационные системы,
геопозиционирование, цифровые карты, геопространственная
Summary. This article covers geographical information
systems and their types. Geographic on information system (GIS)
software is used for the management and analysis of geospatial data,
image processing, graphics production and cards, temporal and
spatial modeling, and visualization. Also these systems are designed
to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types
and location
intelligence applications can be the foundation for many location-
enabled services that rely on analysis and visualization. This area of
research is very important for a variety of spheres of business,
technology, science and life.
Keywords: Geographical System, open-source, information
System, information Software, gis, location service, digital maps,
geospatial data.
Секция «Физика»
UDC 621.311
Ksenya Efremova
2nd year student, Department of Thermal Power Stations,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Pavel Shchinnikov
Scientific advisor, D.Sc.(Technical),
Department of Thermal Power Stations,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
The issue of creating an algorithm for calculation of
technical-economic indicators for turbine units is very urgent.
According to our task methods of analysis and assessment of
indicators have been developed. They are to provide operation of
information-measuring and information-computational systems.
Automated data processing systems with calculation of technical and
economic performance data of turbine K-100-90 and T-88/10090/2,5 have been introduced. Also the structure of a data processing
system for calculation of energy characteristics of the technical and
economic performance turbine (TEP) units have been developed [1].
We have composed the scheme of structure of a data
processing system. It is aimed to illustrate the calculation of energy
characteristics of turbine and performance of the TEP units.
Picture 1. The structure of a data processing system for
calculation of energy characteristics of turbine and performance of
the TEP units [3].
The TPP calculation is over simplistic, starting with data
collection (data processing), the calculation of the TEP and
conclusion of the results. Commissioning organizations produce a
starting with data collection, and then the preparation (processing)
data produces a calculation of the energy characteristics of the
equipment, calculate the TEP and then goes to the output. We have
developed a system that helps to calculate technical and economic
indicators more accurately.
The system is sure to provide automation of the following
technological processes:
- calculation of the thermal scheme of power unit;
- calculation of technical and economic indicators of the unit;
- calculation of expenses for own needs of power unit;
- evaluation of deviations of actual values from the norm;
- forecasting and optimization of resources.
In conclusion this system is unique to simplify the
application of complicated technological calculations and to monitor
technical and economic indicators. We are going to investigate this
issue in our future work.
1. Щинников П.А., Сафронов А.В. Повышение точности
расчета технико-экономических показателей энергоблоков
путем корректировки основных измеряемых параметров на
основе согласования балансов.– Теплоэнергетика № 12, 2014. –
С. 56–62.
2. РД 34.08.550-95. Методические указания по
составлению отчета электростанции и акционерного общества
энергетики и электрификации о тепловой экономичности
оборудования. Министерство топлива и энергетики РФ. – М.:
СПО ОРГРЭС, 1995. – 109 с.
3. Shehinnikov P.A., Mikhailenko A.I. Power Plants Process
Control Improvement in Emergency. – Applied Mechanics and
Materials, 2015. Т.792.
рр. 386–392.
Аннотация. Целью исследования является разработка
автоматизированной системы обработки данных и расчета,
предназначенная для автоматизации процесса расчета
оборудования. Являясь полностью настраиваемой, позволяет
легко реализовать сложнейшие технологические расчеты и
обеспечить мониторинг технико-экономических показателей.
Расчет ТЭП является одной из основных задач эксплуатации
ТЭЦ. В рамках этой задачи ведут разработку методов анализа и
оценки показателей; обеспечивают работу информационноизмерительных и информационно вычислительных систем.
Ключевые слова: энергетические характеристики,
турбоагрегат, тепловая схема, энергоблок, мониторинг.
Summary. The aim of the study is to develop an automated
system of data processing and calculation, designed to automate
process of calculation of normative and actual characteristics of the
equipment. Being completely customizable, the system makes it easy
to implement complicated technological calculations and to monitor
technical and economic indicators. The calculation of TEP is one of
the main objectives of operation of the CHP. Due to this work,
methods of analysis and evaluation indicators have been developed;
the operation of information-measuring and informationcomputational systems is ensured.
Keywords: energy characteristics, turbine, heat scheme, the
power unit, monitoring.
UDC 62-175
Natalya Kirsanova
6 year student, Department of Thermal Power Stations,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Pavel Shchinnikov
Scientific advisor, D.Sc.(Technical),
Department of Thermal Power Stations,
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP) is a combined
installation, in which the cooperation of the gas turbine unit with
steam turbine unit (CCPP) appears. This study will consider the
installation of CCPP with supplementary firing.
In this type of CCPP exhaust gases after the gas turbine is
discharged into the furnace of a conventional boiler and as they
contain oxygen (air ratio after combustion chamber is considerable)
they are used for fuel combustion in the boiler furnace [1,
The composition of the CCPP of the Tyumen CHP-1 to
increase the generating capacity includes the equipment: steam
turbine T-130/160-12.8; gas turbine V64.3A and boiler TGE435/PGU (pic.1).
Picture1.The general scheme of the CCPP of the Tyumen
The new unit brought the Tyumen CHP-1 to a high level of
technical, economic and environmental indicators. The performance
of fuel consumption for electricity generation decreased by 17% and
amounted to 0.443 tce/Gcal. Greenhouse gas emissions were reduced
by 444 tons per year, NOx emissions decreased by 2.5-3 times. New
block efficiency in heating mode is 63% (before the reconstruction 55%). The utilization of fuel heat is 85% (for steam power units about 60%).
Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPPs) are taking a
significant part of the world's energy and, therefore, they should be
given special consideration when choosing the type of a power plant
for the modernization of existing power plants.
CCPPs have virtually no demerits except for special
restrictions and requirements for fuel and equipment. Such systems
work only with natural gas. However, when installing the gasifier it
is possible to use also other more available and cheap fuels [2,
p. 498].
To sum everything up the above given material is of vital
importance for the industrial world.
1. Матвеев А.А. Расчет показателей экономичности
газотурбинных и парогазовых установок. Томск: Изд-во ТПУ,
2014. – 40 с.
2. Цанев С.В. Газотурбинные и парогазовые установки
тепловых электростанций. / С.В. Цанев и др. // М.: Изд-во МЭИ,
2006. – 584 с.
Аннотация. Целью исследования является рассмотрение
генерирующих мощностей Тюменской ТЭЦ-1 за счет установки
ПГУ с дожиганием. На сегодняшний день ПГУ нередко
электростанций для увеличения мощностей. Новый энергоблок
увеличил общий объем производства электроэнергии до 662
МВт и теплоэнергии до 1640 МВт. Пуск энергоблока позволил
сократить расход топлива на производство тепло- и
стабилизировал тарифы в Тюменской области.
Ключевые слова: модернизация, парогазовая установка,
газовая турбина, дожигание топлива, ТЭЦ-1.
Summary. The aim of the study is to examine the results
obtained due to the expansion of generating capacity of Tyumen
CHP-1 by installing a CCGT unit with supplementary firing. Today
the CCGT often is used to modernize existing power plants to
increase capacity. The unit has boosted the plant's total electricity
production capacity to 662 MW and its heat production capacity to
1,640 MW. The start of new power unit has reduced fuel
consumption for the production of heat and electricity. Thus the
system has increased the reliability of electricity and heat supply to
consumers of Tyumen and has stabilized prices in the Tyumen
Keywords: modernization, combined cycle gas turbine unit,
gas turbine, supplementary firing, CHP-1.
UDC 534.231
Anna Papkova
First-year graduate student,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail:[email protected]
Julia Papkova
Scientific advisor, PhD in in Mathematics Education,
Department of Mathematics,
Sevastopol State University
Nowadays, the theory of layered media is the main area of
acoustics dealing with sound propagation in fluids. The importance
of this class of inhomogeneous media has resulted from the fact that
in a large number of geophysical and engineering problems, media
are actually layered or do not greatly differ from them [1, 2]. In this
work, using the theory of layered media is considered the effect on
the bottom losses characteristics of the sound field in a hydroacoustic
waveguide, in particular in the Black Sea hydroacoustic waveguide.
Formulation of the problem
In shelf acoustics, to find the sound field in a marine
environment, the normal modes method is widely used [2, 3]. In the
case of cylindrical symmetry, we use the Helmholtz equation:
 
c ( z)
 ( z  z0 ) (r )
where Δ is the Laplace operator, Ф(r, z) is the amplitude of the
velocity potential, δ is the Dirac delta function, and c(z) is the
vertical sound velocity distribution in the waveguide.
The surface of a hydroacoustic waveguide is simulated as
acoustically free, which corresponds to the boundary value condition.
As a first approximation of a real hydroacoustic waveguide, the wellknown model of a flat-layered waveguide can be used [1]. Let us
consider a two-layered model of a hydroacoustic waveguide, where
the bottom layer lies on an absolutely rigid base. Let us place the
origin of the cylindrical system of coordinates on the surface of the
waveguide about the sound source with the coordinates (0, z0); the
Oz axis is directed toward the bottom. Let the hydroacoustic
waveguide have radial symmetry and be limited to the free surface
and fluid bottom on an absolutely rigid base:
 0.
z z h
The sound field continuity conditions:
lim 1Ф  lim 2Ф;
z h 
z h 
 lim
z h  z
z h  z
where 1 is the density of the water layer and ρ2 is the density of
bottom sediments.
The general solution Ф(r, z) to the boundary value problem
satisfying both the boundary conditions is constructed as the sum of
normal modes:
 Ann ( z) H 0(1) ( n r ),
n 0
where H ( z )  J ( z )  iY ( z ) is the Hankel function ,
J (z )
Y (z ) are the Bessel functions of the first and second kind,
n n0 and n ( z)n0 are
eigenfunctions of the following boundary value problem:
 2
 
  2   0, 1 (0)  0,
 с 2 ( z)
lim 11 ( z )  lim  2 2 ( z ),
z h 
z h 
lim 1 ( z )  lim  2 ( z ),  2 (h1 )  0,
z h 
z h 
Here, Аn are arbitrary constants. After substitution of expression (1)
in the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation, taking into account the
orthogonality of eigenfunctions  n ( z )
in the space L2[0; h1]:
Аn 
i  ( z0 )n ( z0 )
4 h1  ( z ) 2 ( z )dz
As a result, the expression for the amplitude of the velocity
potential Ф(r, z) has the form:
Ф( r , z ) 
 ( z ) ( z )
 ( z0 )  h n 0 n
H 0(1) n r 
n 0   ( z )n ( z )dz
The solution of the problem (2) gives the dispersion equation
for determining the eigenvalues {n}:
tg 1h tg  i  2  k 2 (h1  h)    1 .
b12 2
where,, 1
 k12   2 ,. k1   / с1 , 22  k22   2 ,
k2 
(1  i ) , b12  1 ,
where η is the loss factor. Energy characteristic mode k numbers will
have the form:
sin( 21k h))
b12 2 sin 3 ( 1k h) exp( 2i 2k (h1  h)  1
Ek 
2(h1  h) cos( 1k h)
Thus, in this work, it is presented the solution of the
boundary value problem in the case of a two-layer waveguide with
constant speed and also including a loss factor. The presented
solution can be used for the analysis of sound signals in a
hydroacoustic waveguide, in particular for the analysis of acoustic
characteristics in the Black Sea.
1. Бреховских Л.М. Волны в слоистых средах. 2-е изд.,
перераб. и доп. М.: Наука, 1973. – 343 с.
2. Стиган И.М. Справочник по специальным функциям с
формулами, графиками и математическими таблицами/ И. М.
Стиган, А. М. Абрамовиц. - М: Наука, 1979. – 832с.
3. Buckingham M. J. and Giddens E. M. On the acoustic
field in a Pekeris waveguide with attenuation in the bottom halfspace/ M. J Buckingham, E. M. Giddens //J. Acoust. – 2006. Soc.
Am. № 119. – P.123–142.
Аннотация. Рассматривается влияние донных потерь на
характеристики звукового поля в волноводе. В большом числе
геофизических и технических задач среды являются слоистыми.
В данной работе при помощи теории слоистых сред
рассматривается влияние донных потерь на характеристики
звукового поля в гидроакустическом волноводе, в частности и
для Черноморского волновода. Представленное решение может
быть использовано для анализа распространения звуковых
сигналов в гидроакустическом волноводе, в частности для
анализа акустических свойств на шельфе Черного моря.
характеристики звукового поля, коэффициент данных потерь.
Summary. The impact of losses on the bottom
characteristics of the sound field in the waveguide is considered. The
importance of this class of inhomogeneous media has resulted from
the fact that in a large number of geophysical and engineering
problems, media are actually layered or do not greatly differ from
them. In this work, using the theory of layered media is considered
the effect on the bottom losses characteristics of the sound field in a
hydroacoustic waveguide, in particular in the Black Sea
hydroacoustic waveguide.
Keywords: the theory of layered media, hydroacoustic
waveguide, the Helmholtz equation, characteristics of the sound
field, bottom loss factor.
UDC 534.2
Marina Petrenko
2 year student, Translation Theory and Practice Department,
Sevastopol State University
[email protected]
Natalia Petrenko
Scientific advisor, PhD in Physics,
Departament of Physics,
Sevastopol State University
Synoptic anomalies of sound speed profile (SSP) can be
observed during summer, when heavy rain falls on the sea surface.
The combined effect of the thermal and haline factors leads to a
substantial decrease of sound speed at the surface [1, p. 125].
Background speed of sound profile and its
change, respectively: immediately after
rain; after 4 hours; 8 hours, is shown in fig.
1. For the purpose of study of synoptic
field influence on the acoustic field, SSP in
fig. 1 was “inscribed” into a shelf
waveguide with depth of h=90m, with a
minimum depth of z=60m, which
corresponds to Black Sea SOFARCANAL. Immediately after rain, sound
speed in the near-surface layer decreases
by 25 m/s. After that, the cold desalinated
water migrates downward, which forms a
narrow-wave anomaly in the background
profile c(z). With time, the cold water layer penetrates, and after 4
hours after rain the SSP anomaly transforms into a local waveguide
above the main SOFAR- CHANNEL, 7 m in width and axis at the
depth of z=10m. Afterwards, the local narrow waveguide penetrates
and transforms, which is accompanied by appearance of an anti-wave
anomaly 1.5-2m in width (after 8 hours), the positive extremum of
speed of sound of which differs from the background value by 1.01.5 m/s and subsequent gradual reforming of waveguide into an antiwaveguide, ending in 14-28 hours after heavy rain. Synoptic antiwaveguide stops existing after 8-29 hours, merging with the
background [1, p. 253]. A numerical algorithm, realizing the modalanalysis method, was used to calculate the acoustic field [2, p. 374].
The main factor, which impedes retention of energy by the
narrow waveguide, would not be a potential barrier – antiwaveguide, but a lesser, when compared to the main SOFARCHANNEL depth of potential well. As a result of tunneling, acoustic
energy will permeate through a potential barrier and concentrate in
global SSP minimum neighborhood .
Fig. 2 shows ray patterns for three events: after rain, source
at depth of zs=5m; after 4 hours, zx=10m, after 8 hours, zs=18m. As
is evident from the “after rain” patterns, all rays undergo reflections
from the surface, the ray critical glancing angle, which exists
“downwards” and experiences a bend of xc≈5.62°. The “after 4
hours” critical glancing angle: downwards xc≈4.89°, upwards
xc≈7.79°, however, rays with glancing angles more than xc≈4,48°,
after one bend are not retained by the channel and are “illuminated”.
sections at
section show attenuation during propagation, calculated as
TL=20∙lg(p(r,z)/p(r=1)). Dotted line shows the field level at
incoherent addition of modes.
It is evident that the incoherent field level on the anomaly
axis remains, in the event of presence surface agitation, and its
absence, presence. However, the interferential field structure fully
collapses, already starting with the distance of ≈ 2km. The contrast
of “synoptic tube”, as a result of surface wave presence, decreases by
≈10dB, the number of propagating modes decreases to 76, and the
modal absorption coefficients, starting with l > 40 increase more than
significantly, which leads to these modes “illuminated” from the
waveguide. Acoustic field calculations, taking into account agitation
for “after rain” event, even for σ=0.2m showed a total collapse of
field coherence, and the absence of a channel, starting with the
distances of hundreds of meters.
1. Дивизинюк М.М. Акустические поля Черного моря /
Севастополь: НИЦ «Государственный океанариум» МО
Украины и НАН Украины, 1998. – 351 с.
2. Jensen F.B. Computational Ocean Acoustics / F.B. Jensen,
W.A. Kuperman, M.B. Porter, H. Schmidt. – N. – Y.: AIP Press,
1994. – 578 p.
Аннотация. При выпадении сильного дождя в
прогретом приповерхностном водном слое образуются
аномалии профиля скорости звука узковолноводного типа
снижением скорости звука до 18 м/с. Рассматривается
изменение акустического поля при трансформации узкого
приповерхностного волновода, вызванного ливневым дождем
при наличии на профиле скорости звука основного звукового
канала Черноморского типа. Наличие под приповерхностным
каналом второго, основного канала, с меньшей скоростью звука
меняет структуру акустического поля. Повышенный уровень
поля на оси приповерхностной аномалии формируется за счет
сложения мод с высокими номерами. По мере заглубления
аномалии, устойчивость поля к ветровому волнению
повышается, но когерентность поля не сохраняется, а
модальные коэффициенты поглощения увеличиваются.
Ключевые слова: акустическое поле, профиль скорости
звука, локальный узкий волновод, предельный угол скольжения,
некогерентный уровень поля.
Summary. During large rainfall in a heated subsurface water
layer narrow-wave type anomalies of the speed of sound profile
form, with a decrease of sound speed up to 18 m/s. The change of
acoustic field during transformation of narrow subsurface waveguide
is examined, caused by cloudburst with presence of the main Black
Sea type sound channel in the speed of sound profile. Presence of a
second, main channel, under the subsurface channel, with a lesser
speed of sound alters the acoustic field structure. An increased field
level on the subsurface anomaly axis is formed due to high-number
mode addition. With increase of anomaly depth, field resistance to
wind waves is increased, but the field coherence does not remain,
and the modal absorption coefficients increase.
Keywords: acoustic field, sound speed profile, local narrow
waveguide, critical glancing angle, incoherent field level.
UDC 544.4
Victoria Salo
year student, Physics Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail:[email protected]
Olga Rogova
Scientific advisor, PhD in Physics,
Physics Department,
Sevastopol State University
One of the main tasks in the development of modern
biotechnology is to find the most efficient ways of modeling for
further application the complexes of low-toxic biocompatible nanomolecules for the treatment of common diseases.
Nowadays, the study of the effects of carbon nanostructures
on biological systems at various levels of organization is of great
interest. Particular attention is paid to one of allotropic carbon
modifications - fullerenes. Today, fullerene C60 was recognized as
one of the most promising and highly effective anti-tumor agents.
This carbon nanomoleculehas a relatively uncomplicated synthesis,
high mechanical strength and variouschemical modifications
ensuring optimal biological activity within the cell.
The latest data shows that in the presence of fullereneC60
antitumor effect of the aromatic antibiotic (doxorubicin) towards
malignant tumors in mice is enhanced. The same synergistic effect,
but in the presence ofmulti-shift carbon nanotubes was found in [1],
besidesthe authors believe that the mechanism for altering the
biological activity of the antibiotic is due to its non-covalent complex
formation with the nanotube.It should be noted that having a regular
aromatic surface formed by the conjugated carbon cycles, indeed
allows an efficient complexation of aromatic compounds. This
complexation is recently well-known, for example, with regard to
binding the components of nucleic acids by the nanotube [2], and
also complexation of aromatic molecules with one another [3].As
detailed quantitative data of aromatic compounds complexation with
fullerenes today are missing, their study remains relevant.
Availability of data about this kind of interaction allows to compare
various ligands according to their affinity to the carbon surface and
to assess its impact on the biological effect of the ligand.
The aim of this study is to investigate the complexation of
fullerene C60 with aromatic colorant methylene blue in aqueous
solution. The method of calculating the non-cooperative model of
interaction in the system "fullerene - colorant" is used.
To achieve this goal the following problemsneed to be
1. To analyze the experimental data obtained byspectrophotometric
2. To use the model of MG- C60complexation system.
3. To get the value of the complexation constant. Due to the high
symmetry of C60 fullerene structure there can be more than one
molecules of methyl blue on the surface of the C60 molecule.This
phenomenon should be taken into account in the corresponding
complexation model.
The optical density of the ligand and fullerene C60 is defined
A=(Em-Ec) [L] + Ec[L0] ,
EmиEcarecolorant extinction coefficients in the monomeric
and associated with fullerene state.
Parameter Em= 73460 l / (mole/cm) at a wavelength of 664.5
nm is known from previous studies of self-association of MG [4].
Thus, unknown parameters in (1) are acomplexation constant K and
the coefficient of the colorant extinction combined with fullerene Ec.
They can be obtained by minimizing the mean-square deviation
(discrepancy) of the calculatedcurve (1) from the experimental one.
The calculations are given in the SigmaPlotpack 12.0.
Data obtained:
Colorant extinction factor in conditionassociated with the
Ec =73084 l / (mole/cm)
The coefficient of the colorant extinction in the monomeric
Em=80627 l / (mole/cm)
Complexation constant: K = 2413 l / mole.
These parameters can be further applied to a model based on
dimerization MG.
С60, моль/л
Figure 1 - The results ofexperimentaltitrationcurve (point)
approximation, themodel does not include dimerization (solid line).
Approximation of the experimental spectrophotometric
titration curve is shown graphically in Figure 1. The best
approximation is achieved by the model (1) without dimerization
with parameters K = 2413 l / mole/cm and Ec = 73084 L / ( mol •
Sufficiently high constant involves effective interaction
between MG and fullerene C60 in saline. It implies the possibility of
modulating the biological activity of aromatic compounds by
introducing the fullerene C60 in the biosystem due to chelation.We
can also expect changes in medical-biological properties of MG as a
medication used in photodynamic therapy of cancer, when injected
together with fullerene C60.
Ali-Boucetta H., Al-Jamal K.T., McCarthy D. et al.
//Chem. Comm. 2008. № 4. P. 459.
Evstigneev M.P. DNA"binding Aromatic Drug
Molecules: Physico-chemical Interactions and Their Biological
Roles. Germany: Lambert Academic Publish" ing, 2010.
Glamazda A.Yu., Stepanian S.G., Karachevtsev
M.V. et al. // J. Phys. Chem. A. 2009. V. 113. № 15. P. 3621.
Prylutska S.V., Burlaka A.P., Klymenko P.P. et al.
//Cancer Nanotechnol. 2011. V. 2. № 1–6. P. 105.
фуллерена C60 с ароматическим красителем метиленовым
голубым в водном растворе. С использованием метода
спектрофотометрического титрования выявлено достаточно
сильное взаимодействие между молекулами МГ и фуллерена С60
с константой равновесия K=2413 л/моль. Использована модель
комплексообразования системы МГ – С60, учитывающая
распределение лигандов на сайтах посадки. Полученные
значения коэффициентов позволили получить аппроксимацию
титрования моделью без учёта димеризации.
спектрофотометрия, фуллерен, ароматический краситель,
метиленовый голубой.
Summary. The subject under study is the complexation of
fullerene C60 with the aromatic colorant methylene blue in aqueous
solution. Using the method of spectrophotometric titration revealed a
sufficiently strong interaction between molecules of MG
andfullerene C60 with the equilibrium constant K = 2413 l/mole. The
model of chelation system MG - C60 is used, which takes into
account the distribution of ligands on the landing sites. The resulting
values of coefficients allowed to get an approximation of the
experimental curve of spectrophotometric titration model without
considering the dimerization.
Keywords: complexation, spectrophotometry, fullerene,
aromatic colorant, methylene blue.
Секция «Морские технологии»
Marine and Naval Affairs
UDC [656.61:005.336.1]=111
Leonid Kirillov
4rd year student, Law Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Nikita Popov
4rd year student, Law Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Yuriy Moroz
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Roman and German Philology Department,
Sevastopol State University
Air Lubrication System is a method to reduce the resistance
between the ship’s hull and seawater using air bubbles. Also known
as the “Bubble technology”, it works on the principle of supplying
air to the ship’s underside in order to create a layer of tiny bubbles
that would help in reducing the friction between the hull and the
seawater [2].
The air bubble distribution across the hull surface reduces
the resistance working on the ship’s hull, creating energy-saving
effects. With the right ship hull design, the air lubrication system is
expected to achieve up to 10-15% reduction of CO2 emissions, along
with significant savings of fuel.
Also this reduces the frictional resistance between the water
and hull and improves the vessel’s operational efficiency, reducing
fuel consumption and associated emissions. The technology can be
added to a new build design, or retrofitted to an existing ship within
just 14 days.
CRP units consisting of different combinations of CLT and
conventional propellers are being analyzed in ballast and load
conditions for a retrofit and a new building scenario CRP design. The
RPM ratio between the main propeller and pod propeller was fixed to
1:1.17 for the retrofit scenario throughout whole speed range. This
fixed ratio is based on the shaft generator and RudderPod electric
motor pole number ratio which is 14/12. The selection of RPM lower
for the pod propeller than for the main one resulted in a significant
improvement of the efficiency in the pod propeller. The maximum
torque developed by the pod propeller was then a design constraint.
When the total propulsion power was considered, the mechanical
losses were estimated in about one percent for the direct coupling of
the main propeller. On the electric propulsion side the amount of
power generation losses is estimated to be around 5 percent. This
means that it is beneficial to keep the electric power share as low as
possible in order to minimize the power generation losses. It has
been estimated that in this kind of vessel power division of 80:20 is
very close to the optimum when the gains in hydrodynamic side and
overall losses are accounted for [2].
Among the other CRP unit advantages are: improved
maneuvering in ports and channels, vessel operation at lower speeds,
high propulsion efficiency, two independent propulsion systems
provide a high degree of redundancy, reduced levels of exhaust
emission from the optimally loaded power plant, high propulsion
efficiency provides better fuel economy, shipbuilding costs are
reasonable as there is less installed engine power Increased container
capacity (both space and weight).
Waste heat recovery. The newly adapted IMO EEDI rules
calls for measures that ensure optimal utilization of the fuel used for
main engines on board ships. Main engine exhaust gas energy is by
far the most attractive among the waste heat sources of a ship
because of the heat flow and temperature. It is possible to generate
an electrical output of up to 11% of the main engine power by
utilizing this exhaust gas energy in a waste heat recovery system
comprising both steam and power turbines, and combined with
utilizing scavenge air energy for exhaust boiler feed-water heating
The primary source of waste heat of a main engine is the
exhaust gas heat dissipation, which accounts for about half of the
total waste heat, i.e. about 25% of the total fuel energy.
Implementation of the waste heat recovery system results in
the total amount of intake air and exhaust gas is reduced. The
reduction of the intake air amount and the exhaust gas amount results
in an increased exhaust gas temperature after the main engine
turbocharger(s) and exhaust gas bypass. This means an increase in
the maximum obtainable steam production power for the exhaust gas
fired boiler – steam, which can be used in a steam turbine for
electricity production. Also, the revised pressure drop in the exhaust
gas bypass, which is part of the WHRS, can be utilised to produce
electricity by applying a power turbine.
Fuel reductions of between 4-11% are possible, depending
on the structure of the WHRS, main engine power level, electric
need at sea, operational profile, etc. The larger the engine power, the
greater the possible fuel saving. In addition to large fuel savings, a
WHRS gives large CO2, NOx, SOx and particulate reductions to the
benefit of the environment.
An Integrated Automation System (IAS) or Alarm and
Monitoring System (AMS) include functionality for advanced
automatic monitoring and control of both efficiency and operational
performance. Integrated Automation System (IAS) – TSS/Control
provides centralized control and monitoring, emergency alarm and
status alarm for the following equipment: main engine, dieselgenerator, electric power station, remote automated control, ER
auxiliary equipment (boilers, separators, etc), general alarm, engineer
call system, bridge navigational watch alarm system, deadman alarm
system, visual & audio alarms in ER (light columns). As well as
control over: cargo and ballast operations, pumps & valves of ballast
and cargo systems, other equipment.
The system integrates all vessel monitoring parameters and
controls all processes onboard, so as to operate the vessel at the
lowest cost and with the best fuel performance. Power drives
distribute and regulate the optimum power needed for propeller
thrust in any operational condition.
Engine optimization control, power generation & distribution
optimisation, thrust control and ballast optimisation give 5-10%
savings in fuel consumption.
Ship speed reduction. Sailing at lower speeds reduces fuel
consumption. The following table shows the relationship between
speed reduction and fuel consumption. In case of a 10% speed
reduction, fuel consumption is reduced by 19% per tonne-kilometre
Speed (% of design speed)
% of fuel consumption per kmt
In addition to fuel savings, pollutant emissions may also
reduce, depending on the engine type and specific settings. In the
case of cutting a cylinder, the NOx and PM emissions will reduce at
the same rate as fuel consumption. In case of lowering the engine
load, NOx emission may reduce, but the effect on PM emissions may
be limited, since a lower cylinder temperature has an increasing
effect on PM emissions. The reduction of sulphur emissions is linear
with fuel consumption reduction.
Voyage planning – weather routing [3]. There has been
substantial research over the years in the area of ship routing
algorithms. Most of the weather routing software uses variations of
the Dijkstra Algorithm, in which the program simulates a vessel
departing with full power toward the arrival port with different
headings. After each time interval, the ship’s dead-reckoned position
forms so-called “isochrones” until it arrives at the destination. A
route is then traced back from the earliest arrival time, and fuel
consumption is estimated using a tons-per-day rate.
The premise is that minimum time results in minimum fuel
consumption. The solution is fast, especially when only using speed
reduction curves and not taking into account ship motion responses
or engine overload. Unfortunately, the problem with such an
approach is that the algorithm ignores one important option: speed
management. As storms move across the ocean, it is possible for the
ship to slow down and let them pass and then catch up, instead of
sailing a longer distance to go around in bad weather. Such strategy
not only significantly reduces fuel consumption for a given arrival
time, it also reduces the risk of heavy weather damage when fully
implemented with ship response and engine overload.
1. Keld Kofoed Nielsen, Burmeister & Wain Shipyard, MAN
Diesel & Turbo SE, Basic Principles of Ship Propulsion,
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2011. – 43 p.
2. Chen H. Jeppesen Marine Voyage Optimization
Supersedes Weather Routing Ph. Chen H. Jeppesen D. Boeing
Associate Tech Fellow, 2007. – 80 p.
3. Varis J. CRP AZIPOD Propulsion Operational Experience
// Conference Papers of the Motor Ship's Annual Marine Propulsion
Conference, Bilbao, 2005. – 70 p.
Аннотация. В данной статье мы рассмотрим наиболее
эффективные методы повышения топливной эффективности
морских судов. Снижение потребления топлива и выбросов
соединений углерода в окружающую среду – два наиболее
актуальных вопроса в судостроении на сегодняшний день. От
альтернативных источников топлива до конструкционных
модификаций, судостроительная промышленность постоянно
пребывает в поиске наиболее прогрессивных технологических
уменьшение расхода топлива, экономия топлива, защита
окружающей среды, морские инновации.
Summary. This article is devoted to the most progressive
and effective methods for increasing the fuel efficiency of sea ships.
Reduction of the fuel consumption and carbon emissions are two of
the main concerns of shipping industry today. From alternate sources
of energy to design modifications, the industry has constantly
improved its technology for an enhanced form of sustainable
Key words: fuel efficiency, reduction of fuel consumption,
fuel economy, environmental protection, marine innovations.
UDC 344.632
Maksim Lunin
3ͩ year student, Navigation Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Ulia Sabadash
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Roman and German Philology Department,
Sevastopol State University
Piracy has always been a threat for the Global Shipping
Industry. The problem came from ancient times when merchant ships
were captured by bandits to make some profit using illegal and
inhuman acts. Nowadays, in global society this phenomenon places
plenty of obstacles for International Shipping. Due to this,
economical and material interaction between countries becomes
more limited and obstructed. Seafarers’ jobs tend to be more risky
and dangerous, that is why shipowners have to increase the financing
of ship security-related means.
According to statistics, the problem of marine piracy is as
relevant as ever nowadays. Nearly 240 armed attacks and piracy acts
occur annually. Therefore, all the ways to avoid the piracy threat
should be researched, systematized and introduced in the potentially
unsafe navigable areas. The current article contains a brief overview
of real statistics and already existing piracy countermeasures. But not
all preventive means are fully examined nowadays. It determines the
innovation of our research, which involves some new ideas to avoid
banditry onboard ships. Reports and conventions of trusted
international organizations created a basis for this work.
Let us consider some basic information related to the object
of research. The International Maritime Bureau is a non-profit
making organization, established in 1981 to act as a focal point in the
fight against all types of piracy on ships. The main sources of faithful
information about maritime crime and malpractice are annual reports
of the IMB. In 1992, Maritime Bureau established Piracy Reporting
Centre (PRC), which collects the information about piracy, armed
robbery or stowaway incidents from shipmasters and shipowners all
over the world. [2, p. 2]. We suppose that this information should be
taken into account in our research. According to the statistics, the
innovations in the sphere of ship security have remarkably positive
effect on the amount of incidents. The following diagram shows it
(Picture 1).
Picture 1. Number of armed robbery and piracy incidents against
As we can see from the diagram, the number of actual and
attempted piracy attacks continuously and welcome decreased for the
fifth consecutive year. We have found out that the number of vessels
successfully hijacked depends on the following global factors: the
stage of development of the coastal state; the intensity of the
shipping near the piracy and armed robbery prone areas; the amount
of the organizations concerned in secure shipping; the efficiency of
measures undertaken to protect the fleet from the danger of piracy.
But the necessity of new ideas and innovative anti-piracy preventive
actions to secure shipping is obvious.
Now, let us consult the scheme of the potentially dangerous
areas. Here is the geographical aspect of the researched problem,
according to the IMB (International Maritime Bureau) data [2, p. 6].
Number of incidents in various regions
Straits; 8
India; 13
Nigeria; 18
Malaysia; 24
Picture 2.Number of potentially dangerous areas all over the world
As seen from the table, the largest part of the potentially
unsafe area lies within the coast of India and Africa. Mariners are
warned to be extra cautious and to take necessary precautionary
measures when transiting these areas. But there are many subjective
factors which have an appropriate influence on the failed attack
defeats. The analysis of these factors reveals such aspects as slow
speed and freeboard; shortcomings of Ship Security Plan;
comparatively low training level of the team; lack of optional
security measures; panic, desperation and other normal reactions in
these cases.
These disadvantages can be easily eliminated on modern
fleet. For example, all the security-related duties are divided between
the qualified crew personnel. To avoid human factor, all the skills
should be obtained during drills, but not during real emergencies.
Researching briefly some points of potential piracy threat, we
propose to study the existing anti-piracy measures and promote new
The world community struggles against piracy with all the
available methods. Depending on the basis, they can be defined as
global and local. The main source of global compulsory regulations,
recommendations and security schemes in International Ship and
Port Facility Security Code is to minimize security arrangements
for ships, ports and government agencies. Here are the ways for
increasing the safety of shipping from this crucial document [4, p. 47].
This document states that: (1) every vessel and port facility
and the personnel there should be ready to work in three Security
Levels; (2) seafarers should be certificated with accordance of his
security duties on ship; (3) Security Officers should be appointed in
order to coordinate and monitor all the actions referred to security;
(4) every vessel should have its own designated Security Plan,
efficient alarming system, secured place for the crew, secret
emergency button and Security certificate [4, p. 9].
International Maritime Organization solutions and
recommendations also help to improve the security of shipping in
dangerous areas. They introduced Privately Contracted Armed
Security Personnel (PCASP) to recruit on the ships navigating in
High Risk areas [3, p. 1].
The next effective way is to carry out shipping in convoys in
dangerous areas. In this case, several merchant vessels navigate in a
raw, led by an armed peacemaker. To reduce the number of
successful pirate incidents dangerous areas are thoroughly checked
and patrolled by the naval ships of all concerned states. This is
available thanking to United Nations Organization. It initiated the
international cooperation in the sphere of terminating piracy threat.
As a result, security groups of quick response were created in order
to keep navigation in High Risk areas.
We suppose that specialized anti-piracy naval ships should
be designed and built in such a way in order to improve the situation.
These vessels should be compact, high-speed, armed and equipped
with precise systems to locate captured ships, to save hostages or
even to prevent pirate attacks on the early stages. Furthermore, there
is a prospect to develop special software, which coordinates the
routes of these patrol-vessels according to the frequency and position
of the reports. For example, the coast of Indonesia could be checked
more often according to the frequency of reports and their priority.
Similar systems have been already developed in the sphere of
meteorology (Dynamic System of Passage Planning) and safety of
navigation (Electronic Chart Display and Information System).
It is obvious that constructive measures of securing shipping
are becoming popular. For example, seafarers use barbed wire
protection, special armed points, emergency systems, advanced
sensitive radars to define suspicious speedboats and their maneuvers.
As a result, worldwide economical transaction gets rid of such
obstacles, as crime on sea.
To sum up, all of the ways contributed to the safety of
seafarers’ life, we believe that situation of shipping security will
become better and navigation in the High Risk areas will be less
dangerous. Further researches of the problem also have prospects for
developing in the nearest decade. Thus, scientists and seafarers can
introduce new ways to secure navigation, to make marine jobs less
risky and to make international merchant cooperation more costeffective. They are also useful to support the remarkable tendency to
lower the level of piracy, which was displayed on the scheme earlier.
1. Григорян В.Л., Дмитриев В.И. Пиратство, разбой и
терроризм на море. – М. : Академкнига, 2004. – 224 с.
2. Piracy and armed robbery against ships 2014 Annual
обращения: 18.02.16).
3. Revised interim guidance to shipowners, ship operators
and shipmasters on the use of privately contracted armed security
personnel on board ships in the high risk area
(MSC.1/Circ.1405/Rev.2 25 May 2012)
4. Mandatory requirements regarding the provisions of
chapter XI-2 of the international convention for the safety of life at
sea, 1974, as amended (SOLAS/CONF.5/34 ANNEX 1)
Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена проблеме
современного морского пиратства. В работе дана четкая
концепция мер, применяемых на судах торгового флота.
Проведен также анализ статистки безопасности судоходства.
Автор рассмотрел наиболее характерные черты и особенности,
присущие случаям морского пиратства и вооруженным
нападениям за последние 5 лет. Предложены новые методы и
меры, для которых есть перспектива развития в ближайшем
Ключевые слова: морское пиратство, охрана,
сотрудничество, кодекс ОСПС.
Summary. This article is devoted to the modern marine
piracy threat. A well-defined concept of anti-piracy measures
undertaken in the merchant fleet is given in this work. Shipping
security statistics is also researched. The author represents some
defining characteristics of the worldwide piracy and armed robbery
incidents. In the article we try to introduce some innovative
measures, which have a great prospect for developing in the nearest
Keywords: marine piracy, security of shipping, captured
vessels, military international cooperation, ISPS code.
UDC 681.5
Dmitrii Skliar
3 year student, Navigation Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Gennadii Bokov
Scientific advisor, Navigation Department,
Sevastopol State University
Ulia Sabadash
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Roman and German Philology Department,
Sevastopol State University
Technological development led to the increased marine
traffic, which caused navigation to become more demanding for deck
officers. Officer of watch should analyze a huge amount of
information which must be correctly assessed. Incorrect appraisal of
current navigational situation can lead to collisions often with very
tragic consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to support deck
officers in anti-collision decision-making process.
Nowadays onboard a vessel the function of anti-collision
system is accomplished with Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA).
According to the requirements of Safety of Life at Sea Convention
(SOLAS), enacted by International Maritime Organization (IMO), all
ships of 10 000 gross tonnage and over constructed on and after 1
July 2002 shell equipped with Automatic Radar Plotting Aid. ARPA
system provides the possibility to track automatically at least 20
targets. The system also generates dangerous target alarm which
indicates that the computed values of Time to the Closest Point of
Approach (TCPA) and Distance of the Closest Point of Approach
(DCPA) exceed the specified safe limits. ARPA system offers also a
collision avoidance support function called trial manoeuvre. By
using this function the deck officer has the opportunity to check the
effects of own ship planned manoeuvre. It enables simulation of
course change as well as speed change of own vessel. Therefore
there is still a possibility to improve performance of anti-collision
system by implementation of a decision support system
automatically determining the safe trajectory of own ship [5, p. 19].
Application of ARPA system will cause the number of ship
accidents to decrease, providing protection of human life and health,
transported cargo and natural environment.
Now we suggest you to scrutinize some proposals of
collision avoidance system. There are many collision situations
where the problems of finding safe and at the same time optimal
solution overburden a human brain power. Nowadays there is a
number of different devices which are useful for navigators to make
correct navigation decisions. However, the work range of these
devices is limited making the process automation insufficient. For
example, applying ARPA system we can easily determine safe and
optimal course or\and velocity maneuvers which often allow us to
avoid an imminent collision. Unfortunately, such a decision is far
less from being the best. Although the ARPA can display some
useful information, but it is not always sufficient to prevent collision
between ships because it does not give adequate judgment, decision
and maneuver orders for collision avoidance autonomously.
In order to meet these requirements effectively the next step
is to design an automatic system based on current information from
the traditional ARPA and from other navigational equipment GPS,
radar, gyrocompass, log (Fig.1).
Fig.1. Ψ – own ship course, V – own ship speed, Ψj – tracked target course,
Vj – tracked target speed, Nj – tracked target bearing from own ship, Dj –
tracked target distance from own ship, DCPA – tracked target Distance of
the Closest Point of Approach, TCPA – tracked target Time to the Closest
Point ofBy
means of this data the system will control the ship's
motion (rudder engine, autopilot) in a continuous way, along
curvilinear trajectory, in a safe and optimal way. It assists to avoid
collision accidents with other moving or stationary objects and to
return a vessel back to her track. The realization of this task is
possible by installing digital control system equipment onboard with
a shipborne computer as a central part of direct digital control (DDC)
[1. p. 267]. The main problem of such a control system design is the
necessity of specialized software availability.
The system, in the first phase of its implementation can be
utilized as a computer based pilot's decision aid structurally
integrated with and complementary to ARPA (Fig.2).
Fig. 2. Block diagram of decision support system. Ds – safe distance, Ψ –
own ship course, V – own ship speed, Ψj – tracked target course, Vj – tracked
target speed, Nj – tracked target bearing from own ship, Dj – tracked target
distance from own ship, ΔΨ – manoeuvre of course change, ΔV – manoeuvre
of speed change, Ps(ΔΨe, ΔVe, t) – safe ship trajectory
The paper attempts to prove that the computer technique
allows creating and then implementing of advanced control
algorithms which are able to determine and monitor of complex
moving objects (e.g. ships) even in vague situations caused by
random maneuvering of adversary targets. Designed decision support
system enables to determine safe maneuvers or safe trajectory
automatically with the use of data received from automatic radar
plotting aid. The system provides possibility to adopt different
methods of determining safe ship tracks applying dynamic
programming and verifying it in real navigational situation and in
real electro-navigational system onboard a ship.
1. Agnieszka L. Decision support system for collision
avoidance at sea / Polish Maritime Research // Special Issue, 2012. –
Vol. 19. – P. 19-24.
2. Lee S.-M., Kwon K.-Y., Joh J. A Fuzzy Logic for
Autonomous Navigation of Marine Vehicles Satisfying COLREG
Guidelines // International Journal of Control, Automation and
Systems, 2004. – Vol. 2. – No. 2. – P.171-181.
3. Perera L.P., Carvalho J.P., Guedes Soares C. Fuzzy logic
based decision making system for collision avoidance of ocean
navigation under critical collision conditions // Journal of Marine
Science and Technology, 2011. – Vol. 16. – No. 1. – P.84-99.
4. Pietrzykowski Z., Uriasz J. Knowledge Representation in
a Ship’s Navigational Decision Support System / TransNav
International Journal of Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea
Transportation, 2010. – Vol.4. – No.3. – P. 265-270.
5. Zhuo Y., Hearn G.E. A ship based intelligent anticollision decision-making support system utilizing trial manoeuvers
// Proceedings of 2008 Chinese control and decision conference
CCDC, Yantai, China, 2008. – P. 3982-3987.
Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается вопрос,
связанный с судовой компьютерной системой, основная
функция которой является управление навигацией в любых
сложных и потенциально опасных ситуациях. Автор раскрывает
предупреждения столкновений. Система данного типа
отслеживает движение судна автоматически, т.е. направляет
судно вдоль криволинейной траектории, чтобы избежать какихлибо столкновений с другими подвижными или стационарными
объектами на безопасном и оптимальном расстоянии.
Ключевые слова: безопасность судоходства, САРП,
предупреждение столкновения, система предупреждения
столкновения, безопасное управление.
Summary. This article is devoted to the problem of
shipborne computer systems the main function of which is to control
navigation in any complex or potentially dangerous situations. The
author reveals a concept of a new computerized collision avoidance
system. System of this type monitors the ship motion automatically,
i.e. steering her along the curvilinear trajectory to avoid any collision
incidents with other moving or stationary objects in a safe and
optimal way.
Key words: safety of navigational, ARPA, collision
avoidance, decision support system, collision avoidance system.
Erhard Shtengel
2nd year student, Navigation Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Svetlana Koroleva
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Roman and German Philology Department,
The issue of training well-qualified crewmember is always
being investigated thoroughly. The first thing that needs to be said is
that it was always a great honor to be a navigator, but not every
navigator is well enough prepared for his work. Such incompetence
can be related to different personal shortcomings, including the lack
of knowledge,experience, upbringing, etc. To define clearly what to
do and what not to do, we are going to list the basic requirements for
a good navigator.
Let’s start from the first impression – appearance. Remember
that navigator is a face of a crew, so he must match the status. Be
neat and tidy, his uniform must be clean and ironed, his face –
groomed, hair – washed, nails – cut, etc. For that reason in many
marine-oriented universities it’s necessary to wear special uniform,
and really big attention is given to students’ looks and discipline.
It goes without saying that responsibility and discipline are
the fundamental character traits of every future sailor who wants to
succeed. It is better for every student to work on his punctuality and
diligence fromearly years of studies. The future navigator is obliged
to demand from subordinates to maintain an exemplary order and
discipline, to educate sailors.
One cannot deny that strict discipline, maritime unity and
friendship on the ship makes any newly arrived crew member feel
that he came into a team that appreciates the good name of the ship.
A future sailor ought to have a sense of professional pride, to love his
ship, to be irreconcilable to every manifestation of carelessness,
neglect to ship's property, equipment, and devices. It is almost
necessary for navigator to be patient and attentive to crewmembers,
building friendly atmosphere. So it results in apleasant voyage and
safety of people, the holds full of fish and high wages [1].
However, it is obvious that the navigator must have a high
physical and psychological endurance: to suppress sleepiness, to be
able to notice quickly and correct errors, to adapt quickly to new
requirements, to endure unpleasant experience, shifting day and night
work, etc. Just as with responsibility there’s nothing university can
do. It’s just your choice.
Special attention is given to the health condition of the crew,
because there is no hospital onboard and everyone has to monitor his
health, vision, hearing, etc. by himself. There is also special problem
with alcohol – very discussible topic, but you wouldbetter just not
drink for any reason. That’s easy. One can do it, as practice proves.
Unfortunately, neither in universities, nor in marine companies,
people don’t pay enough attention to this problem.
Among the qualities that should be given to navigator, not
the least one is speed of reaction – ability to make decisions quickly
in the changing environment. This certainly does not mean that selfcontrol and determination can substitute a lack of experience,
knowledge and skills. On the contrary, knowledge and experience
enable us to assess properly the situation and to ensure the
correctness of the decision.
Where untrained sailor becomes agitated and falls into
confusion, the specialist acts confidently and calmly. To be sure of
himself, future navigator must be theoretically prepared and
braveenough to keep calm in case of emergency. For that very reason
we pass special courses at the university [2].
Talking about knowledge and skills, theNavigator is a
specialist in navigation, whose main task is to provide the safety of
the vessel on the desired route. He does not only navigate, but also
controls the activity of the crew. In addition to knowledge of sailing
and the technical means of navigation, such a specialist must
understand the fundamentals of nautical astronomy and meteorology.
Dealing with equipment and being responsible for the safety
of people and cargo on board, such specialist must possess technical
thinking and ability to make quick calculations. For that reason
future navigators learn high mathematics and physics. Despite the
total automation on board vessel, basic knowledge of Navigation,
Astronomy, Meteorology, Steering, even cargo stowage, etc. is
A qualified navigator must not only know the maneuvering
properties of the ship in theory, but also be able to control them, to
make predictions, being aware of the influence of wind and
currents.When precise target location and the course selection
visually is difficult, and sometimes impossible, the navigator should
know the chart method of navigation and the application of the
devices, tools, maps,compass, lots, logs, sexton, chronometers under
different conditions of navigation (the discipline called technical
means of navigation examines all above mentioned means).
Navigation methods are sure to be studied in a leading discipline of
The last, but not least – knowledge of English. To work
adequately and protect the interests of the ship-owner, the navigator
must be proficient in foreign languages, possess knowledge in
issues.Unfortunately, navigators don’t get as much English classes as
they need, but anyway, the only chance to learn that language – is by
After 5 years of university education, navigator learns about
carrying a navigational watch; preparation of charts and handbooks
on transition; operation of technical means of navigation, deck and
other mechanisms; keeping the navigation book, logbook and other
ship's documents; the navigation safety of navigation; management
of ship's night watch service; organization of work of staff;
maintaining the vessel in seaworthy condition; the organization of
work in the production of cargo operations; selection and planning of
optimal routes of transition depending on the specific situation;
participation in the evaluation of the economic efficiency of
production activities of the vessel; the safety of life at sea, safety on
Board; preventing pollution of the marine environment; warning of
crisis situations on the ship and their localization in the case of [4].
So we can conclude that it is very hard work to become really good
navigator.You need to be able to work with people, to find the right
approach to each member of the crew. Also you must possess all the
qualities of team leader, ought to improve your personal skills , must
be patient, careful,healthy,self-critical, keep cool mind and strict
discipline to provide the solution to any of the tasks set by the
company and the government.
1. Квалификационные требования к содержанию и
уровню подготовки выпускников по специальности:
180403 «Судовождение». – ГОУ СПО «Ломоносовский
морской колледж ВМФ» , 2001. [Электронный ресурс]
article&id=83&Itemid=143 (Дата обращения 26.02.16).
2. Организация службы на морских судах: конспект
лекций. Государственная морская академия имени
адмирала С.О. Макарова (ГМА им. Макарова)
[Электронный ресурс]. – URL:
(дата обращения 28.02.16).
3. Требования и обязанности капитана судна
доступа: (дата обращения
Аннотация. В данной статье говорится об основных
требованиях к штурманам и соответствующих методах
подготовки квалифицированных специлистов в высших
учебных заведениях. Выделены качества характера, которые
необходимо развить. Перечислены рутинные должностные
обязанности. Кратко описывается организация службы на
морских судах. Приводятся проблемы, с которыми могут
столкнуться судоводители. Акцентируется важность изучения
иностранных языков. В конце статьи представлены общие
рекомендации для будущих штурманов.
Ключевые слова: штурман, качества характера,
квалификация, совершенствование, требования.
Summary. This given article is dedicated to the basic
requirements for the navigators and methods of the University
training of relevant specialists. The character traits to be developed
are distinguished. The everyday duties and routine responsibilities of
the rank are enumerated. The ship’s order organization is briefly
described. The possible problems to be faced are stated. The
importance of learning foreign languages is stressed. The general
recommendations for future navigators are stated in the final part of
the article.
Keywords: navigators, character traits, qualification,
development, requirements.
Секция «История»
UDC 94(47)
Katya Erdokesko
2nd year student,
Branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol,
e-mail: [email protected]
Irina Mysak
Scientific advisor, senior instructor,
Foreign Languages Chair,
Branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol
e-mail:[email protected]
Rebellions in the navy of the Russian Empire occasionally
transformed into armed uprisings playing a special role in an eventape of the first Russian revolution (1905-1907). The mutiny on the
cruiser "Ochakov" which broke out in November, 1905, exemplifies
the case. Besides, the study of the Black Sea Fleet seamen’s
insurrection is very topical due to the lack of consensus in historical
science on what the main cause of that rebellion was.
A number of researchers, notably P. N. Nadinskaya, S.F.
Nayda, G.N. Ryzhonok, defend the idea that the performance on the
"Ochakov" had been carefully prepared by the Social-Democratic
Party, which introduced their members to the cruiser, and they, in
turn, launched an extensive propaganda among the sailors. The
others believe that the mutiny on the cruiser was not organized.
They recognise it as a natural phenomenon, which grew out of the
unbearable living conditions in the Navy, as well as a general protest
wave. This point of view is not only joined by such historians as E.B.
Altabaeva and V.V. Kovalenko, but also by one of the participants of
the Sevastopol uprising, I.P. Voronitsyn, who, meanwhile, was a
member of the Social-Democratic Party. Thus, the second point of
view makes us think about whether or not the conditions of service
were simply intolerable for the sailors. Consequently, they had no
choice but to raise a rebellion against the existing state of affairs in
the Navy, which however, has affected not only the cruiser
"Ochakov" but also some other vessels, staying in the roads of
Sevastopol bay at that time.
It is known, that the Black Sea Fleet sailors had raised a
rebellion a year before on one of the cruisers, which served as a
pretext for fleet commander’s-in-chief G.P.Chuhnin’s banning the
sailors from leaving the ship for the city. It effected in sailors’
dissatisfaction which caused the excessive outrage regarding the
authorities. The sailors gathered in the Lazarevski barracks courtyard
and demanded from the orderly officer for their right to leave for the
city. However, the sailors’ requirements were rejected. Ignoring
prohibition, the sailors went through. However, commander’s-inchief response succeeded immediately, and resulted in arrests of the
mutineers; others were condemned for a hard labor [4, p. 174-175].
Thereby, it is possible to notice that the authorities strove to suppress
any attempts to change the existing state of affairs in the Navy,
therefore, resentment and rage grew among sailors.
The situation, apparently, didn't improve after that failed
revolt. The unrest among the ships crews proceeded. A year later the
situation became particularly acute on the “Ochakov” after newly
elected commander, 2nd Rank Captain S. Glizyan, spoke in front of
the crew. In his speech, he declared that if the crew of the cruiser
suddenly decided to rebel, they would be treated as “Prut’s” crew or
Kronstadt’s sailors of whom, respectively, “some had already been
shot, and the latter would also be shot” [7, p.129]. As a result, the
sailors ceased to obey the commander at all. Moreover, when the
commander caused firemen on the deck drivers went out together
with them and began to shout "down with him". That call was
audible on other vessels [7, p. 130].
Agitation on the cruiser drew the attention of the authorities,
who directed the Naval Prosecutor with the purpose of clarification
the reason for sailors’ discontent. The driver, Gladkov, was sent to
him on behalf of the rebels, speaking with a complaint against the
commander and poor food [5, p. 63]. Thus, we have an opportunity
to observe one more reason for sailors’ grievances. However, that
visit had not led to an improvement in the service of sailors, the
excitement on the cruiser continued to grow, as well as
dissatisfaction with the authorities.
In addition, the important factors that caused the uprising
were the agitation among the sailors and the propaganda of SocialDemocratic Party representatives, who with even greater force
launched their operations in November 1905. Moreover, the leaders
of the initial phase of the uprising on the cruiser "Ochakov" belonged
to the Social Democratic Party, namely: komendor N.G. Antonenko,
conductor S.P. Chastnick and driver A.I. Gladkov, mentioned above
as a man having spoken before the naval prosecutor and having
charged the authorities of maltreatment of sailors. It is also worth
noting that all three of them entered the "Sailors’ Commission"
which was the executive body of the Council of Sailors’, Soldiers
'and Workers' Deputies of Sevastopol having been created two days
before the uprising on the cruiser (November, 11) [7], when the
rebellion swept the naval division.
At the same time, the decision to invite Peter Schmidt to a
role of the head of the revolt [2, c.80] belonged to Council of
Sailors’, Soldiers 'and Workers' Deputies of Sevastopol, in view of
Schmidt’s popularity among sailors, which he had won in his
previous speeches as well as at the meetings of the above Sailors’
Commission. Besides, Schmidt was a military and naval expert that
also played an essential role in their choice. However, Peter Schmidt
at first refused participating in a strike, but later he was convinced
and he agreed.
Having ascended aboard the insurgent cruiser, P. Schmidt
spoke to the sailors persuading them that their sole requirement had
to be the convocation of a Constituent Assembly. Moreover, they
sent a telegram to Emperor Nicholas II with the same purpose [7,
p.155]. Due to the fact that the emperor wasn't in a hurry to fulfill
their requirement, Schmidt put forward an initiative, which he
expressed during the uprising on the cruiser. His main suggestion
was that, in case Nicholas II refused to convene the Constituent
Assembly as a newly expressed demand of the mutineers, Peter
Schmidt promised to cut off the Crimea, which he would form in the
Republic, where he would play the role of a president and
commander-in-chief of the Black Sea Fleet and the Black Sea ports
[6]. Thus it becomes evident that Schmidt’s speech effected in his
followers abandoning him and their converting to the emperor’s side.
In addition, Peter Schmidt was a stranger to sailors’ economic
demands like salary increase, reduction of service term [6] that also
couldn't have promoted acquisition of supporters from the sailor's
environment. Therefore it became obvious why so few Schmidt’s
adherents eventually supported him, when he gave the signal of
“Commander-in-Chief of Fleet” [1], having bypassed a squadron for
the purpose of inviting the rest of the vessels to join the insurgent
cruiser. Moreover, after his befallen failure, Peter Schmidt fell into a
prolonged fit of hysteria [2, p.92], and thus missed a lot of time,
which was so precious for the rebellious sailors.
Along with it, P. Schmidt rejected the government’s
ultimatum about giving in which could possibly lead to fewer
victims. However, when "Ochakov" started a fire, his commander
was one of the first who had left the burning cruiser and made an
attempt to escape together with his son, but their torpedo boat was
captured [6].
Thus, the revolt on the cruiser "Ochakov" was suppressed,
and its participants and leaders appeared before the naval court. The
main leaders of the uprising, the senior storekeeper Sergey Chastnik,
a komendor Nikita Antonenko, the driver Alexander Gladkov and
Pyotr Schmidt were sentenced to death. On March, 6, 1906, that
resolution was carried out on the island of Berezan [1].
To sum it up, the leading role in the Sevastopol uprising
belongs to the Social-Democratic Party, and "Sailors’ Committee"
which, now and then, "added fuel to the fire," excited the minds of
the "lower ranks", urging them to revolt, promising service
improvement. In addition, a number of sources can serve as
evidence, which speaks directly of the subversive activities of the
RSDLP. So, as an example, various propaganda leaflets and
telegrams, which were distributed before, during the time of the
uprising, as well as after it, revealed the need for "overthrowing the
yoke of the present regime and the establishment of a democratic
republic" [7, p. 147]. Moreover, it is imperative to claim that the
leaders of the initial phase of the uprising on the cruiser "Ochakov"
belonged to the Social Democratic Party, consequently, the main role
of agitators among the crew was theirs. Regarding Peter Schmidt,
having become the head of the mutiny on the "Ochakov", he worked
closely with the Social Democrats, took part in the meetings
organized by the latter, what is more, according to I. P. Voronitsyn’s
report, Schmidt promised to take decisive action in adjoining other
ships to revolt [2, p. 83-84]. However, due to overestimating his own
opportunities, Peter Schmidt was unable to carry out his plan, as well
as all those who supported that revolt, which ultimately led to its
complete defeat.
1. Алтабаева Е.Б., В.В. Коваленко. Севастополь в 1905
URL: (дата обращения: 25.02.2016)
2. Вороницын И.П. Лейтенант Шмидт. – М.-Л.:
Госиздат,1925. –112 с.
3. Надинский П.Н. Очерки по истории Крыма. Часть 1 –
Симферополь: Крымиздат, 1951. – 230 с.
4. Найда
С. Ф.
Черноморском флоте в годы первой русской революции (1905—
1907 гг.). — Симферополь: Крымиздат, 1950. – 112 с.
5. Никольский Б.В. Севастополь, год 1905 [Электронный
– URL: (дата
обращения: 25.02.2016)
6. Рыжонок Геннадий. Севастопольский пожар
[Электронный ресурс] – URL: (дата обращения: 25.02.2016)
7. Севастопольское вооруженное восстание ноября 1905
года. Документы и материалы. - М.: Военное издательство
Министерства обороны Союза ССР, 1957. – 569 с.
Аннотация. В данной статье затрагивается тема,
относительно того, какова же была главная причина восстания
на крейсере «Очаков». Известно, что в исторической науке
сложилось два противоречащих друг другу взгляда на причину
сего мятежа, которые в целом можно свести к следующему: 1)
плохие условия службы на судне и 2) организованное восстание
под руководством партии социал-демократов, которые сумели
не только внедрить своих членов на данный крейсер, но и
развернуть широкую агитацию среди экипажа.
Автором анализируются различные источники, а также
историография, посвященные тем событиям. Благодаря этому,
удалось выяснить, что и в наши дни в исторической науке так и
не сложилось единого мнения по поводу того, какова же главная
причина восстания на крейсере «Очаков». Однако более
детальное исследование показало, что ведущая роль в данном
мятеже матросов Черноморского флота принадлежит партии
деятельностью создать брожение среди экипажей некоторых
кораблей, а затем, впоследствии, привести их к восстанию. Тем
не менее, данное восстание матросов Черноморского флота не
увенчалось успехом, а было подавлено, а его главные
предводители расстреляны на острове Березань в марте 1906
Ключевые слова: восстание на крейсере «Очаков»,
плохие условия службы, социал-демократы, запрет на
увольнение в город, речь С.А. Глизяна,
комиссия», П.П. Шмидт.
Summary. This article touches upon the theme of the main
reason for the uprising on the cruiser "Ochakov". It is known that
historical science has developed two contradictory views on the
causes of this revolt, which in general can be summarized as follows:
1) bad conditions of service on the ship and 2) a revolt led by the
Party of Social Democrats, who had not only managed to
inculcalcate their members on the cruiser, but also to develop an
extensive agitation among the crew.
The author analyzes various sources and historiography,
dedicated to that event. Due to this, the author has found out that in
nowadays historical science there is no consensus about the main
reason for the uprising on the cruiser "Ochakov". However, a more
detailed study has revealed that the priority in that sailors’ rebellion
on the Black Sea Fleet belongs to the Social Democratic Party, who,
by its preceding activities, managed to create unrest among the
sailors of the ships and later lead them to revolt. Nevertheless, this
uprising of the Black Sea Fleet sailors was unsuccessful, thus, it was
suppressed and its leaders executed on the island of Berezan in
March, 1906.
Keywords: an uprising on the cruiser "Ochakov", poor
conditions of service, the Social Democrats, the prohibition of
leaving the ship for the city, S.A. Glizyan’s speech, "Sailors’
Commission", P.P.Shmidt.
UDC 930.85
Helen Zatula
1 year student,
Philology- History Department,
Branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol
e-mail: [email protected]
Irina Mysak
Scientific advisor, senior instructor,
Foreign Languages Chair,
Branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol
e-mail:[email protected]
China is a country of traditions and history. The Chinese
have created a unique world, which comprises a variety of artistic
forms. These forms are revealed in diversity of everyday life. These
patterns and their existence are stipulated by the interaction with the
surrounding world. Mild climate contributed to the development of
civilization. China is rich in building materials; its bowels are full of
rocks of marble, granite and limestone. [1, c.209-242] From a variety
of building materials in China, the most used and most common was
timber. Such breeds as oak, fir, Weymouth pine, Korean pine and
bamboo were used for construction. Due to this, architectural
monuments of Shang, Zhou and Han Tsyn periods haven’t actually
The whole architecture of China is united by common
cultural and aesthetic aspirations and ideas. Typical frame-and-pillar
design is one of the main parts of Chinese architecture.[2, с.16-17]
To create this constriction, wooden pillars are fixed on a clay basis,
and then they are connected with cross beams. This design helped to
retain heat, and could withstand heavy loads.
Another feature in the architecture is the integration of
buildings into complexes consisting of multiple buildings, often with
common yard or fence. Private houses are surrounded by various
secondary facilities, which are distributed symmetrically and are
equidistant from the main building. Carving and various kinds of
shingles were also used for decoration. The roofs of the palaces were
covered with golden dye, and the roof colors of other citizens were
regulated depending on the belonging to a particular class.
Supporting pillars were covered with red paint and cornices with
blue or green.
Towns were built up exactly on certain canons. They were
distinguished by clarity of plan and gravitated to a rectangular shape.
The main axis took place from North to South and all the buildings
were facade oriented to the South. As a rule, the cities were walled,
and the gates location coincided with the cardinal points. The great
Palace complexes, built of wood, were surrounded by high walls.
Gardens were laid out inside the complexes. Constructions of various
shapes and appropriation often had several floors. Interior chambers
were decorated with wall paintings. Archaeological sources testify
that as various clay models of the Han era were discovered. They
evidently demonstrate turrets, houses, indoor gates and fence, gable
roofs with intricate decorations, etc. Clear planning and allocation of
a particular type building for every class of citizens was the main
feature of Chinese urban development.
One of the Chinese facilities of a home, a temple or a Palace
was a garden. [3] It didn’t submit to the architecture of the buildings,
but was a part of the ensemble. Its imagery and rhythm were
associated with age-old traditions. It was the image of nature, which
the Chinese perceived the world through. The garden represented a
certain system and it was impossible to simultaneously cover the
whole ground with the eyes. It was a complex creation, consisting of
a series of green galleries; the space revealed in a complicated
manner and unexpectedly from different points of view. The garden
was elaborately designed in its tectonics and symbolism, but his
main goal was to preserve the identity of nature.
Fortification was not an exception in causing the interest of
architectural thought. The Emperor of a new dynasty Qin, Shi
Huang, became famous for his military campaigns and successful
reforming efforts. The roads were built; uniform system of weights
and measures was introduced. After successful campaigns, the
Emperor used to construct grand buildings using rare trees brought
from all over the country. Qin Shi Huang’s attention did not pass the
construction of fortifications to protect the young nation from the
invaders. The Great Wall of China was reconstructed by slaves and
free commoners. It is one of the wonders of the world, which is still
standing guarding the Northern borders of no longer existing Empire.
The Great Wall of China was built in the Warring States period, 3 rd
century BC to protect from the Huns. The wall represents an
impregnable fortress and a clay adobe road. However, all its power is
submitted to the landscape, as well as the Chinese people, who drew
inspiration and strength from Nature’s images. There is no data about
the exact length of the wall length. It is approximately 4000 km. The
height of the wall, together with the teeth is 9m. About 20,000
towers have survived up to nowadays out of 60,000. The height of
each varies from 12 to 14 meters. Originally the wall was constructed
of crushed stone and earth and was later coated with stone. This
system of buildings crosses a number of Northern provinces and has
a number of branches. Fortifications in China combine the heavy
foundation made of sand, earth, gravel and stone and light wood top
canopies for the protection of soldiers (e. g. defensive walls of
Beijing and other cities).
Monuments of architecture of ancient China still amaze with
their great harmony. They are saturated with the traditions and deep
respect for nature.
Architecture has been regulating social and
administrative life of the Chinese state till nowadays. The
architecture of the ancient period was not only a mere stage in
history, but it also laid a tendency to the development of many areas
of the building design and enriched China with great masterpieces of
architectural art.
1. Виноградова Н.А. Искусство Китая. -М.: издательство
Изобразительного искусства 1988г. С. 7-57.
2. Гриненко Г.В. Хрестоматия по истории мировой
культуры. - М., Искусство, 1998 г.
3. Архитектура Китая [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим
доступа: (дата обращения:
Аннотация. Для изучения национально-культурной
традиции и специфики социального развития стран Востока
исследователями используются археологические и исторические
Археологические источники свидетельствуют о единой
идее и стиле в архитектуре Китая, выраженных в каркасностолбовой конструкции, а так же о традиции формирования
комплексов зданий. Градостроительство в Китае и методы
декорирования выражают принадлежность граждан к
определенному слою общества. Традиции обустройства сада
являются неотъемлемым элементом комплекса построек.
Фортификационные постройки также служат примером этого
подхода (Великая Китайская стена). Эти характеристики дают
информацию о развитии Китая в древние времена, и до сих пор
остаются актуальными в вопросах политики и ментальности.
В ходе исследования, были изучены труды Российских и
Китайских авторов, для глубокого понимания особенностей
восточной культуры. Кроме того, как источник, использовался
ряд археологических данных.
Ключевые слова: Архитектура, каркасно-столбовая
конструкция, фортификационные постройки, комплексы зданий,
Summary. In today's world, the East is increasingly playing
a prominent role. Modern researchers pay much attention to the
study of internal structure of Eastern countries, their national-cultural
traditions and the specifics of their social development. Thus, it is
important to use historical and archeological sources investigating
the course of today’s processes for the above mentioned purposes.
Architecture is one of such sources for the characteristics of
ancient period of Chinese history. Common aspiration and ideas lay
in frame-pillar construction and the tradition of dividing buildings
into complexes. In ancient times urban planning and decoration
methods in China were strictly assigned for various citizens of
particular classes. The tradition to plant a garden and make it one of
the parts of a complex has been kept till nowadays. Fortification
buildings followed the same style, e.g. the Great Chinese wall. All
these things are characterizing the development of China in ancient
times, but still can reveal mentality and policy trends.
In the course of research, the works of Russian and Chinese
authors has been studied to deeper understand the peculiarities of
Eastern culture. Also, a number of archeological sources, perfectly
describing the evolution of Chinese architecture have been used.
Key words: architecture, frame-and-pillar design, building
complexes, fortifications, gardens.
UDC 94
Rita Zenkovich
1styear student,
History and Philology Department,
Branch of Moscow state University in Sevastopol
e-mail: [email protected]
Irina Mysak
Scientific advisor, senior instructor,
Foreign Languages Chair,
Branch of Moscow state University in Sevastopol
e-mail: [email protected]
A state can be unified, only if it is united by a unified
concept. State ideology can consolidate different social classes
economically and politically, unite various worldviews of millions of
citizens and express the will of the people. Such ideology, which
complied with the historic events of the 15th-16th centuries, was a
concept “Moscow is the third Rome”. This concept was necessary
not only for the young united State, but also for an arisen
international situation.
In the research, some predominant ideological views have
been marked, which developed in different ways and they were
popular in different social environment. Nevertheless, they are united
by the same goal and objectives. Therefore, the main goal of my
work is to connect marked ideological views into a holistic
ideological picture of Moscow Kingdom’s policy. Moreover, it was
necessary to explore such aspects of the concept “Moscow is the
third Rome” as ecclesiastical-political, diplomatic, eschatological
and historical-literary ones. To achieve these aims, a number of
challenges were set such as to explore the origins of the concept
“Moscow is the third Rome” and to determine its real place and
value in the market place of ideas of Moscow Kingdom on the basis
the main tendency of international and domestic policy [3, p.216].
What is more, it has been of significance to identify the main
ideological trends and their application in political practice of
Moscow tsars in 15th-16th centuries.
Ideological views in Moscow during the 15th century had
been changing greatly. The idea of exceptional situation of the
Byzantine Empire, which had betrayed the true faith, became
unpopular. Thus the idea of succession to Byzantine heritage was
developing in the Moscow’s consciousness. Moreover, Moscow was
considered to be the last outpost of true faith and it acquired a
historical mission to unite Christians under the power of Moscow
tsars [1].
However, the greatest challenge for Moscow was the fall of
Byzantium. Precisely due to it, there arose questions about the role of
the emerging young state and a new center of true faith. Soon the
functional side of this conception appeared, which created a fertile
ground for consolidating all Orthodox Christians and substantiated
international policy towards the Balkan States. In fact, Moscow
government had an idea to free the Balkan States from the power of
the Turkish Empire.
In the course of the research and in the process of exploring
the works of different authors, a conclusion has been made that
corresponds to the following. Moscow Russ was the only state,
which saved the traditions of Orthodox Christianity after the
destruction of Byzantium. Moreover, this state had chosen a
messianic way. This was the way to the future, where the political
borders would meet the borders of worldwide Orthodox Christianity.
Nevertheless, the fame of the above mentioned conception has had a
historiographical origin [4, p. 72].
As for its origin, it is necessary to highlight that the
appearance of this concept was a result, on one hand, of domestic
events, such as formation of a centralized Moscow state and the
necessity of substantiation of the exceptional role of the head of state
as the Byzantine heritage successor. On the other hand, it reflected
succession of an international policy role by the young state. It was
also influenced international events like the Florentine Union and the
destruction of Byzantium. Moreover, various types of heresies were
spread in Moscow state due to Apocalypse theory, which later, in
1492, became unpopular. Therefore, it was necessary to create a new
doctrine of Christian empire [2, p.11]. What is more, just at the end
of 15th century the idea of a unified Christian empire was one of the
important aspects of history of The Grand Duchy of Moscow, which
eventually became a great state of Eastern Europe.
The concept “Moscow is the third Rome” substantiated and justified
the policy of Moscow’s government, which was aimed at creating a
strong centralized state and the formation of an ideological image of
Moscow state.
1. Дмитрий С. Москва - Третий Рим: источник доктрины
// Из истории русской культуры. Т.II. Кн.1. Киевская и
URL: (дата обращения: 24.02.16)
2. Дьяконов М.А. Власть московских государей. –М.:
Книга по Требованию, 2012. – С.8-12.
3. Синицына Н.В. Третий Рим. Истоки и эволюция
русской средневековой концепции. –М.: Индрик, 1998. – С.214232.
4. Усачев А.С. «Третий Рим» или «Третий Киев»?
(Московское царство XVI века в восприятии современников) //
Общественные науки и современность. – 2012. № 1. – С.69–87.
Аннотация. Идеологические воззрения Руси на
протяжении XV века претерпели сильные изменения; мысль об
исключительном положении Византийской империи, предавшей
истинную веру, отступала на второй план; в московском
византийского наследия, о том, что именно Русь – последний
оплот истинной веры, и она должна объединить христиан под
властью московских царей. Эти идеи отражает концепция
«Москва – третий Рим». Появление этой концепции было
следствием событий как внутреннего характера (формирование
централизованного Московского государства и необходимость
обосновать исключительную роль главы государства, как
преемника Византийского наследия), так и внешнего –
Флорентийская уния, а затем и падение Византийской империи.
концепция, целостная идеологическая картина, московские
цари, внешняя и внутренняя политика, православие,
историческая миссия, византийское наследие.
Summary. Ideological views in Moscow during the 15th
century were changing a lot. The idea of exceptional situation of the
Byzantine Empire having betrayed the true faith became unpopular.
The necessity of succession to Byzantine heritage was developing in
the Moscow consciousness. Moreover, Moscow was considered to
be the last outpost of true faith thus it was thought to have a
historical mission to unite Christians under the power of Moscow
tsars. These ideas are reflected in the concept “Moscow is the third
Rome”. This concept was a result of domestic events (such as a
formation of a centralized Moscow state and the necessity of
substantiation the exceptional role of the head of state as the
successor of the Byzantine heritage and succession of international
policy role by the young state), and international events like the
Florentine Union and the destruction of Byzantium.
Keywords: Ideological views, concept, holistic ideological
picture, Moscow tsars, international and domestic policy, Orthodox
Christianity, historical mission, the Byzantine heritage.
UDC 94
Komogaev Vadim
1 year student, Philology-History- Department,
Branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol
e-mail: [email protected]
Irina Mysak
Scientific advisor, senior instructor,
Foreign Languages Chair,
Branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol
e-mail: [email protected]
Russia has always been a great power which other countries
had to take into consideration be it the eighteenth century or the
twenty-first. The research is relevant to this day because after
studying the case of successful foreign policy of Catherine II and
Paul I, the best solutions can be chosen for resolving international
problems and challenges that have emerged in modern Russia at the
moment. The main objectives of this work are to review the major
foreign policy events in the second half of the eighteenth century and
to analyze them making comparison to the present day situation.
The second half of the eighteenth century is inextricably
linked with Catherine the Great who managed to turn the Russian
Empire into a world power. During Catherine’s reign active foreign
policy, that included strong actions on all fronts, was carried out in
the West, South, North and East.
The main issues of Russia's foreign policy in southern
direction were the exit to the Black Sea coast and ensuring security
in the region. But all knew perfectly well that the solution of these
problems would inevitably result in difficult and prolonged war with
the Ottoman Empire, which did not want to lose its influence in the
region. And that war began. Turkey, being pushed by France and
England, in the 1768 declared war on the Russian Empire. Russia
was not ready for the war with Turkey. Nevertheless that military
action had evolved favorably to it. So in 1770 the Russian army
under Rumyantsev’s command won a number of battles and came
out to the Danube. The navy under Orlov’s command broke the
Turkish fleet at Cesme. The Peace Treaty of Kucuk-Kaynarca was
signed after the defeat of the main Turkish forces near the village of
Kozludža. The Russian Empire received 4 million rubles
contribution, the steppes of the Black Sea and access to the Black
Sea under this Treaty, and the Crimean Khanate became
independent. Despite the Crimean Khanate was nominally
independent, it was bringing Russia even more hassle. In this regard,
Russia decides to join the Crimea. This event could not be ignored
by Turkey and in 1787 a new Russo-Turkish war began. But it was a
failure for the Ottoman Empire. Jassy’s Peace Treaty was signed
after a series of defeats on land (the taking of Ochakov and Ishmael),
as well as the defeat of the Turkish fleet at Cape Kaliakria. Turkey
recognized Russian patronage of Georgia and joining the Crimea by
that treaty. Therefore, during the two Russo-Turkish wars both of
these objectives were accomplished, the Crimean Khanate was
abolished and its territory became part of the Russian Empire [1].
The situation in the North of Russia was volatile due to
Sweden’s desire to return the lands lost during the Great Northern
war. Despite the fact that the main Russian forces were concentrated
in the South due to the war with Turkey, Sweden failed to achieve
their goals, and the battle went with varying degrees of success. As a
result, Verel’s Treaty was signed between Sweden and Russia, which
kept the old border. [2, p.p.60-62]
In the East, the Russian Empire had a huge territory and its main task
was not to acquire new territories, but to develop the old ones.
However, according to George's treatise, the Russian Empire took
Eastern Georgia under its patronage. [3, p.p.173-174]
Equally important in foreign policy was also the Western
direction where the main issue was Poland. After the three partitions
of Poland between its neighbours (Russia, Austria and Prussia), they
all respectively received huge territorial gains thus Poland lost
statehood and sovereignty for more than a century. [1]
It is significant to remember that one of the most important
international events of this period was North American colonies fight
for independence from England. There was discord between Russia
and England that naturally turned out to be a factor favourable for the
American Revolution. So in 1780 Russia adopted the "Declaration
on Armed Neutrality" which was also supported by a number of
European countries, that in the end did not allow England to organize
a naval blockade of coasts of the American continent and contributed
to the victory of the American Revolution. [2, p.p.57-58]
After the bourgeois revolution in France, Catherine the
second greatly feared the French contagion and took serious
measures to assist in the suppression of the revolution. However, the
events occurring at this point in Poland prevented Catherine from
direct speaking out against France. After Catherine's death her son,
Paul I continued her fight against the revolutionary France joining
the anti-French coalition led by Britain. The military operations took
place mainly in the Mediterranean Sea and in Italy. The Army under
Suvorov’s command managed to liberate Italy from French invaders
and fleet under Ushakov’s command freed the Ionian Islands. Things
were going favourably, but a number of contradictions began to
escalate inside the anti-French coalition. After England had occupied
Malta and Austria had not fulfilled its obligations to the Alliance,
Russia left the anti-French coalition and withdrew its army. [1].
In general, it can be claimed with confidence, that foreign
policy results in the second half of the eighteenth century had a
positive impact on the further development of Russia and its people.
The Russian Empire has grown into a world power, which other
countries had to recognise. None of the important international event
of that time went without Russia's participation as evidenced by the
words Bezborodko (one of the most prominent diplomats of that
period), "I do not know how to be with you, and with us no cannon
in Europe shot without our permission". [1].
1. Ключевский В.О. Русская история. Полный курс
[Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 27.02.16)
2. Павленко Н.И. Екатерина Великая [Электронный
ресурс]. – Режим доступа: (дата
обращения: 27.02.16)
3. Орлов А.С.История России.- М.: Проспект, 2014. 527 с.
Аннотация. Данная работа посвящена внешней
политике, которая проводилась во второй половине
восемнадцатого века в период правления таких видных деятелей
российской истории как Екатерина вторая и Павел первый.
Основными задачами этой работы являются: обзор основных
исторических событий, которые происходили в мире в
рассматриваемый период и их краткий анализ для того, чтобы
понять, каковым было международное положение Российской
империи на тот момент времени. Как показал анализ
источников, эта тема является интересной и актуальной уже не
одно столетие,
и многие историки (С.М.Соловьев, В.О.
Ключевский, Н.И. Павленко) не могут обойти ее стороной в
своих работах.
Ключевые слова: Российская империя, внешняя
международные события, великая держава.
Summary. This research is devoted to Russia’s foreign
policy, which was held in the second half of the eighteenth century,
during the reign of such eminent personalities in Russian history as
Catherine II and Paul I. The main objectives of this work are: to
overview major historical events that happened in the world during
that period, and their brief analysis to understand what the
international position of the Russian Empire was at that time. The
analysis of sources revealed, that this theme is topical and relevant
for many centuries, therefore many historians (S. M. Soloviev,
V.O., Klyuchevsky, N. I. Pavlenko) cannot bypass it in their works.
Keywords: Russian Empire, foreign policy, second half of
the eighteenth century, international events, a great power.
UDC 902
Stanislav Povolotskiy
2nd year student,
Information Systems Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Alla Mikhaylova
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Roman and German Philology Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
All our civilization is based on three pillars: technological
progress, culture and spiritual life. It is clear about technological and
spiritual parts, but it is not so easy concerning cultural. Culture is a
complex of different ranges of human activities, which, as a rule, are
intertwined with each other. They are music and painting,
architecture and sculpture, literature and history. This list can be
continued for a long time, but let us stop on history, because
historical problem has fluttered millions of hearts and has occupied
huge amount of brains since the time of civilization’s creation.
“Civilization is a kind of human society or culture; a sum total of the
arts, customs, habits, beliefs, values, behavior and material habits
that constitute a people's way of life. Specifically, a civilization is
usually understood to be a complex society characterized by the
practice of agriculture, settlements, a diverse division of labour and
an intricate social hierarchy. The term civilization is often used as a
synonym for culture and it also refers to society as a whole. Thus the
term can mean "refinement of thought, manners, or taste" [1, p. 7].
Historical consciousness, national self-determination or
simply searching for important objects, which were lost as the time
passes, are understood as the historical problem. The more historical
objects are found, the clearer our imagination concerning historical
periods is. Let us discuss how present scientists discovery past for
making feature better.
Science, which is specialized on excavations, is called
archeology. Archaeology, or archeology is the study of human
activity through the recovery and analysis of material culture. The
archaeological record consists of artifacts, architecture, biofacts or
ecofacts, and cultural landscapes [2]. Archaeology can be considered
both a social science and a branch of the humanities It is not only
always necessary, but also vital at moments, when researched people
did not have written language. Script has been existed for nearly
5000 years and all previous historical age is known only thanks to
archeologists. By the way, most scripts are found by archeologists.
Archeology took its beginning in 13th century. The most powerful
jump in its development was implemented in 18th-19th centuries,
when Chersonesus, Pompeii, Troy and Egyptian pyramids were
found. In search of profit and glory thousands of people went to
excavations in unknown places for them. This passion to glory,
adventure and adrenaline captured human`s brains without
dependence to the age and nationality. But never the less despite
personal benefits many scientists are motivated to discoveries by just
scientific interest. It means that every member of expedition must
understand each other for co-operation and bigger results. For this
point it is important to know at least 1 foreign language. It leaded to
the strong pulse of learning foreign languages among historians. As a
result, members of different nations could take part in one
In conclusion, it is worthy to note enormous role of knowing
foreign languages in such difficult field as a science. It can not only
help with work with aliens but also with documents, which have not
been translated yet. That is why it solves the problem of
misunderstanding what leads to great results and career growth.
1. Dr. Sahadeva-dasa. End of Modern Civilization and
Alternative Future. Soul Science University Press. 2009. Pp. 470 ULR:
2. Артамонов М.И. Первые страницы русской истории в
археологическом освещении // Cоветская археология – 1990. –
№3. – С. 271-290.
Аннотация. Автор исследует исторические проблемы в
аспекте науки. Историческое сознание, национальное
самоопределение или поиски важных объектов понимаются
автором как историческая проблема. Рассматривается роль
археологии в развитии науки. Автор доказал, что, несмотря на
личные выгоды, многие ученые заинтересованы в открытиях изза научного интереса. В заключение отмечена огромная роль
знания иностранных языков в науке.
самоопределение, археология, биофакты, непонимание.
Summary. The author explores historical problems in an
aspect of science. Historical consciousness, national selfdetermination or simply searching for important objects is
understood by the author as the historical problem. Archeology role
in scientific development is considered. The author proved that
despite personal benefits many scientists are motivated to discoveries
by just scientific interest. In the conclusion enormous role of
knowing foreign languages in a science is pointed.
Keywords: historical consciousness, self-determination,
archeology, biofacts, excavation, misunderstanding.
UDC: 9.94
Rodovich Mikhail
2 year student, History department,
Sevastopol Branch of Moscow State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Olga Kuzina
Scientific advisor, Assistant Lecturer,
Foreign Language Chair,
Sevastopol Branch of Moscow State University
e-mail: [email protected]
In the 30-40-ies of the 19th century discussions about the
historical fate of Russia began in the Russian philosophy. Among the
nobility there were two completely different socio-political trends.
These were the Slavophiles and the Westerners. The representatives
of these trends put forward different views on the civilizational way
of Russia, especially its political and legal experience compared to
the experience of Europe and its role and place among other nations.
The main issue which marked the beginning of centuries-long debate
was the question ‘Is Russia repeating the historical path of the West
or goes and develops in its particular historical way?’ We can speak
about similarities between the ideas of the Westerners and the
Slavophiles in relation to the past and the perception of the present,
but their views differ when it comes to the understanding of the
future. Also, two trends expressed dissatisfaction with the existing
regime, and were in opposition to the Russian autocratic power.
Nowadays differences between supporters and opponents of
these trends have turned into the contradictions between the liberals
and the conservatives. The answer to the question “Is Russia more
committed to the East or to the West?” has not received any answer
so far and remains up-to-date.
The material of this study is based on the works of the brightest
representatives of two trends – the Westerners and the Slavophiles.
Analysing these works the aim was to identify similarities and
differences in the views on the past and future of Russia.
The ideological dispute about the original Russian identity
development or just development of the Western model occurred at
the turn of the 30-ies – 40-ies, dividing the philosophical
representatives into the Westerners and the Slavophiles.
The Westerners believed that Russia due to the reforms of Peter the
Great became a part of the unified European cultural space and its
further development is impossible without the best values of material
and spiritual culture accumulated by the peoples of Europe. The
main value, the main achievement of the Western civilization was
considered to be the special status of the human being initially free,
independent, proactive, in respect of which the state and society was
supposed to play the role of "a guardian" of their liberty, their rights,
and not the role of masters and tyrants. The Westerners have studied
the philosophical and historical legacy of the thinkers of the
Renaissance, the French enlightenment, G. V. F. Hegel, I. Kant, L.
Feuerbach, then Nietzsche, Marx, etc, with the aim of understanding
the possibilities of development of Russia in westernized way. They
studied the philosophical heritage of thinkers of the Renaissance, the
French Enlightenment, G. W. F. Hegel, I. Kant, L. Feuerbach, then
F. Nietzsche, K. Marx, etc. Pro-Western liberals in the late 19th —
early 20th centuries played a significant role in the spiritual life of
the Russian society, but were almost powerless on the one hand, the
autocratic-bureaucratic machine, on another hand — the face of the
growing discontent of the lower strata of society promoted by the
leftist (Bolshevik) party. on the one hand, the autocratic-bureaucratic
machine, with another — the face of the growing discontent of the
lower strata of society promoted by the leftist (Bolshevik) party. The
Westerners in their views in different times were: T. N. Granovsky,
A. I. Herzen, N. P. Ogarev, S. P. Botkin, K. D. Kavelin and I. S.
Turgenev, S. M. Soloviev, I. I. Panaev, G. V. Chicherin, P. B.
Struve, S. L. Frank, M. I. Tugan-Baranovsky, P. N. Miliukov, M. M.
Kovalevskiy, V. O. Klyuchevskoy, G. V. Plekhanov.
The views of the Westerners were opposed by the
Slavophiles. The representatives of this trend negatively assessed
reforms of Peter the Great who made the split in the Russian society,
paused the harmonious development of Russia, its statehood and
culture. The West, in their opinion, poisoned the Russian
consciousness with the alien, anti-Orthodox spirit of hoarding. The
Slavophiles idealized the pre-Petrine, Patriarchal, Catholicautocratic, Orthodox Russia. They argued that the Russian people
and the Russian history had inherent original features, original fate,
culture, similar to neither any Eastern cultures, nor the culture of the
West. In this regard, any borrowings will breed in Russia only ugly
phenomena and destructive processes. Russia is made unique by its
geopolitical position, its vastness, the sense of cosmos, its abundance
of natural resources. Particular masculinity is the distinctive feature
of the Russian people constantly oppposing the aggression from the
East and West, that’s why nobody and nothing could break the
Orthodox spirit. Western values, according to the Slavophiles, such
as individualism, slavery to money, the narrowness of consciousness,
commercialism, aspiration, parliamentarism were in sharp contrast to
the native Russian, pre-Petrine values. The Slavophiles at different
times were such famous writers, poets, scientists, thinkers as A. S.
Khomyakov, the brothers Kireevskiy, and Y. F. Samarin, brothers
Aksakov, V. I. Dal, A. N. Ostrovsky, F. I. Tyutchev, and N. I.
Danilevsky. Brothers Trubetskoy,
O. P. Florensky, S.
Bulgakov, and L. Karsavin were also close in their beliefs to the
The groups of the Westerners and the Slavophiles ceased to exist
after February 19, 1861, after Alexander II signed the Manifesto
abolishing serfdom. Active debates between the currents never gave
a definitive, precise answer to the question about the ways of
development of Russia. But one can make an assumption that Russia
has taken the European way of development, which is strongly
defended Westerners. This is proved by the diminishing role of
communities and even their gradual disappearance, the abolishment
of autocracy and the transformation of the Church into a separate
independent state institute. However, to draw a strict distinction
between these two currents is next to impossible, as they despite all
the odds had a lot in common and they both resulted from a common
overwhelming love of country and desire to make it better. The
Westerners and the Slavophiles yearned for necessary, in their
opinion, changes in the country. The representatives of two trends
advocated the abolition of serfdom, condemned the administrative
and judicial tyranny and were particularly worried about the
possibility of revolutions in the near future. In addition, the
representatives of these trends maintained professional and personal
relations, as they were all representatives of the nobility.
The controversy that erupted between the currents of the Westerners
and the Slavophiles, contributed to the development of the society,
the reemergence of interest to the crucial social issues, the revival of
interest to the culture and history of the Russian people. Echoes of
the important historical, political, social disputes of the forties of the
nineteenth century were felt in the subsequent years and centuries
and are manifesting themselves in a modified form in the division of
parliamentary parties.
1. Платонов С.Ф. Учебник русской истории.
Славянофилы и западники при Николае I. - [Электронный
URL: (дата обращения 27.02.
2. Плеханов Г.В. История русской общественной мысли.
3. Цимбаев Н.И. История России XIX – начала
XX вв. – М.: АСТ: СЛОВО; Владимир: ВКТ, 2010. - 448 с.
4. Всемирная История в десяти томах. Академия
наук СССР. - [Электронный ресурс]. - URL:
534 (дата обращения 27.02. 2015)
Аннотация. В статье речь идет о философских течениях
в России в 30-40-х годах 19 века. Цель статьи, рассказать
читателю некоторые сведения о споре философских течений в
России. Какие наиболее серьёзные и важные вопросы волновали
представителей этих течений? Что это были за общества? Какие
они выдвигали идеи и предложения по решению этих вопросов.
Также в этой статье вы можете увидеть реакцию правительства
на текущий проблемы, и попытки их решить со стороны
западников и славянофилов. В конце статьи автор приходит к
выводу, что спор о пути развития России всегда была и остается
Ключевые слова: Россия, славянофилы, западники,
политики, идеи.
Summary. The article is about philosophical trends from
Russia in 30-40-ies of the 19th century. The article aims at providing
the reader some information about how to dispute philosophical
currents in Russia. What were more serious and important issues of
concern for their adherents? Who were these societies? What ideas
and proposals did they put forward to address these issues? Also in
this article the government's reaction to the current issues are being
discussed, and Westerners’ and Slavophiles’ attempts to solve those
issues. At the end of the article the author comes to the conclusion
that the dispute on the ways of Russia’s development has always
been and remains relevant to this day.
Key words: Russia, Slavophiles, Westerners, policy, ideas.
UDC 9.94
Elzara Shikhametova
2nd year student, Philology-History department,
Branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol
e-mail: [email protected]
Olga Kuzina
Scientific advisor, senior instructor,
Foreign Languages Chair,
Branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol
e-mail: [email protected]
The eighteenth century was a very important period in the
history of Russia. At that time, the young Russian Empire
considerably strengthens its position in the international arena, which
was lost in the second half of 16 – early 17 centuries. This became
possible thanks to an active policy of Peter I. In the future, the rulers
of the Russian Empire were required to maintain and strengthen the
country's position in Europe. The first significant advances in this
direction were connected with the reign of Elizabeth. During this
period there was an active foreign policy and a period of political
stability began. In particular, the relationships with France improved,
the territory of the Russian state expanded. Russia was also involved
in two major international conflicts: the Russo-Swedish war (1741 –
1743) and the Seven years' war (1756 -1763).
In the modern world there is the global fight against
terrorism and conflicts and confrontation between states. So, foreign
problems are becoming up-to-date because the parallels with past
events help to better understand the present. Question about the
personal influence of Elizabeth on the political processes is current,
too. In the historiography, the opinion prevails that the main political
vectors of development of the country were determined by the
favorites of the Empress, for example, A. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, A.
G. Razumovsky and others. As result, the personality of Elizabeth
seems not as significant as her father Peter I or Catherine II.
Thus, the purpose of this article is to analyze the influence of
the foreign policy of Elizabeth on the development of the Russian
state in general, as well as to determine the direct impact of the
Empress on the foreign policy decision-making. Today, for the
modern historian there is a large selection of scientific literature on
this issue. Foremost, the material for analysis were the works of the
Russian historians, who wrote about the Elizabeth`s period. These
are V. O. Klyuchevsky, S. M. Solovyov, N. M. Karamzin, N. I.
Kostomarov, S. F. Platonov. The works of E. V. Anisimov stand out
among modern research. He has a PhD in History, is a Professor,
leading researcher of St. Petersburg Institute of History, Russian
Academy of Sciences. The most famous of his works is «Афродита
у власти: Царствование Елизаветы Петровны» (Aphrodite in
power: the rule of Elizabeth), «Елизавета Петровна» (Elizabeth),
«Женщины на российском престоле» (Women on the Russian
E. V. Anisimov writes: «It seems that the works about this
almost forgotten period and its heroes will increase in amount
because there are no uninteresting times and boring characters in
history, it all depends on the author of the historical work» [1]. It
also adds to the relevance of this topic.
In the last two decades, the memoirs of contemporaries and
extracts from various diplomatic documents, letters from
ambassadors and international treaties have been published. The
source «Notes of Manstein about Russia», personal correspondence
of Elizabeth of Russia with Louis XV, and various contracts signed
during the Russo-Swedish war and the Seven years' war served as the
material for the research, too.
In the course of this study it was possible to determine that
foreign policy during the reign of Elizabeth was conducted quite
actively. In the first years of her reign, Russia waged war against
Sweden (1741-1743). Elizabeth defended the position of Russia on
the Baltic Sea. Military action in the coastal area of Finland was a
huge success for the Russian army. In addition, Abosky peace treaty
was signed in 1743. In contract, it was said that Sweden had lost to
Russia the Southeastern part of Finland. Victory in this war resulted
in the desire of many European countries to join the Union with
Russia. As a result, Russia strengthened its position in the
international arena. Elizabeth continued the expansion and
strengthening of Russia in the East. In 1740-1743, Middle Zhuz
voluntarily became a part of Russia. On the border of the Kazakh
steppe the fortresses of Orsk and Orenburg were built.
In 1756, Russia became the participant of Seven years' war.
Russia caused Prussia a number of serious defeats. As a result, East
Prussia was not only occupied, but annexed to Russia. However,
after the death of Elizabeth in 1761, Peter III came to the throne. He
was a supporter of Frederick II. Therefore, Russia made peace with
Prussia and returned all the conquered territories. Thus, Russia had
not received any territories and compensation for losses in the war.
However, it improved its credibility in Europe and demonstrated
military and political capabilities.
On the basis of the research material it was possible to
conclude that Elizabeth`s favorites helped her in making foreign
policy decisions. Chancellor A. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, who had a
great influence on the foreign policy of Russia during this period,
was an example of this.
So, during the Russo-Swedish war, when Chetardy and H.
Lestocq (people in attendance of Elizabeth) tried to end the war and
sign an unprofitable treaty with France, the A. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin
said he «would deserve the death if he was advised to cede even one
inch of land - we must continue the war» [2, р.155].
Then Elizabeth followed the advice of her favorite and
hostilities continued. However, the personal influence of the Empress
on these processes was also strong. Various acts, which are stored in
the state archives of France, the personal correspondence of
Elizabeth with French king Louis XV demonstrate this. In
correspondence, we may notice that between the Empress and the
French king there were friendly relations. «There have been friendly
relations between me and the king since our childhood. Moreover,
my feelings have not changed and I am always ready to give a proof
of my friendship» - wrote Elizabeth [3, р. 361]. Therefore, Russia
changes its foreign policy during Seven years’ war and becomes
close with France on the initiative of Elizabeth.
After the death of Elizabeth, Louis XV changed its policy
towards Russia. However, in his letter, he expressed sorrow: «The
Death of the Empress was a sincere grief for me due to the friendship
between us» [3, p. 364].
The French historian of the 19-20 centuries Albert came to
the following conclusion in his book «Louis XV et Elisabeth de
Russie...»: «Elizabeth felt, or rather, instinctively knew the true
benefits of their state. She sorrowfully saw a growing Prussia, and so
she wanted to overcome it... Her sympathy to France, her friendship
with King Louis XV and her hatred of Frederick II replaced her
political start and determined the way of her actions» [3, р. 365].
To sum up, we can say that the era of Elizabeth was an
important period in the Russian history. Thanks to the foreign policy,
which Elizabeth carried out personally, the Russian Empire managed
to expand its territory and strengthen its position in the international
1. Анисимов Е.В. Елизавета Петровна [Электронный
ресурс] // Электронная библиотека детективов: сайт. – URL: (дата обращения:
2. Милов Л.В., Цимбаев Н.И. История России XVIII –
XIX: учеб. для вузов; под ред. Л.В. Милова. – М.: Эксмо,2006 –
3. Ремизова И. Императрица Елизавета Петровна и
король Людовик XV// Исторический вестник, 1884. – Т. 16. - №
8. – С. 361-365.
Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена внешней
политике России в ХVIII веке. В статье ставится задача дать
некоторые сведения о влиянии внешней политики Елизаветы на
развитие Российского государства в целом, а также определить
непосредственное влияние императрицы на принятие
внешнеполитических решений. На основе проведенного
исследования, автор приходит к выводу, что эпоха Елизаветы
является важным периодом в русской истории. Благодаря
внешней политике, которую Елизавета проводила лично,
Российской Империи удалось расширить свою территорию и
укрепить свой авторитет на международной арене.
Ключевые слова: Россия, внешняя политика, Елизавета
Петровна, война, личное влияние.
Summary. The article is about the Russian foreign policy in
the eighteenth century. The purpose of the article is to give some
information about the influence of the foreign policy of Elizabeth on
the development of the Russian state in general, as well as to
determine the direct impact of the Empress on the foreign policy
decision-making. The author comes to the conclusion that the era of
Elizabeth was an important period in the Russian history. Due to the
foreign policy, which Elizabeth carried out personally, the Russian
Empire managed to expand its territory and strengthen its position in
the international arena.
Key words: Russia, foreign policy, Elizabeth, war, personal
UDC 94
Alexandra Yalkovskaya
1st year student,
Philogy- History Department,
Branch of Moscow state University in Sevastopol
e-mail: [email protected]
Irina Mysak
scientific advisor,
senior instructor,
Chair of Foreign Languages,
Branch of Moscow state University in Sevastopol
These days the interest in studying Russian history is
constantly growing. We are living in the era of great global changes.
The making of the history is well on the way in all spheres of life,
especially in political processes in which Russia is an influential
player in the world. Essential historical parallels can allow to
compare, analyse and make vital conclusions and decisions in the
current situations. Resolutions for today’s challenges can be found in
the country's past.
One of the most surprising changes which is often mentioned
was that seventeenth-century Russia having combined western
technological innovations and old traditions in a peculiar manner.
The new-model army was an example of such an adaptation of a
regular military system under the conditions of an autocratic
orthodox tsardom. [1]
The mechanism of the general development of Russia in 17th
century, as well as during its whole history, significantly differs from
the European ones, though they seem to be quite similar at first sight.
It was the 17th century that became the fertile ground for the
emergence of absolutely new events, which later appeared to be the
beginning of absolutely new period of the Russian History. While in
Europe this century was the time of extraordinarily serious changes,
the reforms were not entirely effective and sustainable.
A completely specific type of feudalism, typical for Russia
only, drew to a head. Serfdom was allocated. The process of
integration of the boyars and the nobles into one monolithic estate
began. Whereas conversely the feudal system finally collapsed in
Europe and establishing of the new class, bourgeoisie, occurred. [3]
Despite fairly permanent economic relations between Russia
and European countries, these two regions practically didn't depend
on each other. [1, p. 310] Russian economy of that period was
stagnationist, closed-circuit and unperceptive to any reforms.
Meanwhile in Europe, capitalism was actively evolving there due to
a huge amount of colonies. [3]
The position of the Russian State in the world arena and its
own foreign policy underwent profound changes during the 17th 18th centuries. V.O. Klyuchevsky was convinced that exactly the
17th century signalized the beginning of the western influence on the
Russia’s development [1].
The western influence, which was permitted by the Russian
government in view of burning reasons and which it regarded
sceptically, spread its impact on all areas of Russian society of the
17th century [2]. It was in the 17th century that Russia clearly
realized that the most significant problems of foreign policy and also
some domestic issues could not be solved on its own [2]. Large-scale
rearrangement of the Russian army was accomplished by attracting a
considerable amount of hired overseas high-rank officers, thereby it
helped to raise the regiments according to a foreign arrangement
pattern [2].
After the triumphant Great Northern War European states
had to admit Russia’s military superiority and also began to take its
word into account which influenced most significant world issues
Taking everything into account, the time from the 16th to
18th century entered the world history as the period of Russian state
expansion. Russia gained substantial territories, established a strong
army and modernized the economy [1]. This view on the Russia's
policy is the best proof of its efficiency.
1. Азаров В.Н. К вопросу об отношениях России и
Европы в XVII-XVIII веках // Научный диалог. - 2013. - №11. - С.
2. Ключевский В.О. Русская история : полный курс
лекций : в трех книгах / Москва : Мысль, 1995. С. 174-357.
3. История России [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим
доступа: (дата
обращения: 17.02.16)
Аннотация. Работа посвящена изучению положения
России на мировой арене в 17-18 веках и постепенному
изменению её политического статуса с точки зрения
европейцев: превращение из азиатского государства в
европейское. Главная цель статьи - проиллюстрировать
внешнеполитические стратегии, применявшиеся Россией в 16-18
веках, не потерявшие своей актуальности с течением времени,
несмотря на политические изменения. Для достижения
популяризировать историю России, продемонстрировать, что
длительный период от 16-го до 18-го века должен
рассматриваться как единая эпоха крупномасштабных реформ, а
также объяснить, почему политика России в 17-м веке не
должна восприниматься только через призму Петровских
реформ. Несмотря на изменение политического статуса России,
в Европе её никто не считал обычным Европейским
государством. Россия воспринималась и всегда будет
восприниматься как нечто отличное, внешнее по отношению к
Европе и её целям и ценностям.
Ключевые слова: международные отношения, Россия,
Европа, внешняя политика, масштабная реорганизация,
Западное влияние.
Summary. The research is devoted to studying the
transformation of Russia’s position in the world arena in the 17 th 18th centuries and changes in Russia’s political status gradual
conversion from Asian way of development into the European one.
[1, p. 175] Therefore, the main goal of the article is to justify the
issue of the consistent general strategies employed by Russia since
the period from the 16th to 18th centuries. It can be compared to
those observed even nowadays despite the times and political
institutions can be very different. This fact definitely proves the point
that if historical experience is not closely surveyed and applied, it
might repeat itself. To achieve these aimes, a number of tasks were
set such as to popularize Russian history, to convince the audience
that the long period from 16th to 18th century is regarded as a
monolithic time of large-scale reforms, to explain why Russia’s
policy in the 17th century should not perceived by many through the
prism of Peter the Great’s time and to illustrate how history and
international relations interact. To sum, the Russia's policy of 17th 18th centuries can be marked as a beneficial and efficient one.
Keywords: international relations, Russia, Europe, foreign
policy, large-scale rearrangement, Western influence.
Секция «Философия»
UDC 101.8
Anna Shendo
2nd year postgraduate student, Philosophy and Social Sciences
V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University,
[email protected]
Mikhail Masayev
Scientific Advisor, PhD in Philosophy, Professor,
Philosophy and Social Sciences Department,
V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Since philosophy is focused on cognition, as a key element
here is the search for truth, it should be treated as a process of
philosophizing (arguments, reflections on philosophical topics) as
the ability to philosophize. Teaching philosophy does not just mean
to master a dozen of philosophical thoughts, statements, although
this is important, but to develop the skills to rise to philosophical
generalizations. This skill is acquired in the process of reading
philosophical works. However, it is possible to form such a skill
consciously, assimilating philosophical methods of thinking. As a
methodological guideline of the above mentioned, an appeal to
certain holistic philosophical intentions can be indicative [4-5].
Method (Greek Methodos – Way of learning) – a set of
action rules (for example, set and sequence of certain operations), a
way a tool that contributes to the solution of theoretical or practical
problems. The method is based on the knowledge it is, after all, the
knowledge transformed into a certain sequence of actions. Since
philosophy is the most common knowledge, that its methods it tries
to figure out a way in which this knowledge is acquired, reveal the
mechanism of its formation.
Philosophy, as it is known, operates with the most general
concepts (matter, the law of progress, technology, etc), the essence of
which is not the subject of any specific science. If it uses ready-made
concept of science or other areas of human life, then it does not bring
anything new, and naturally there is a question of feasibility of such
a philosophy.
Dialectics is one of the philosophy methods, according to
which any phenomenon is in the process of change and development,
based on the interaction of opposites. It is the most widespread
among the philosophical methods. The term itself has changed its
content, but with him the Hegel times the meaning of philosophical
method has been firmly established, which recognizes the unity of
opposites, and considers things in development. Dialectics is fruitful
in the analysis of the general concepts of thinking, which reproduce
the universal properties of things, that is, categories. However, this
method is characterized by some drawbacks as well. Dialectics tries
to find out the content of general concepts, while remaining in the
concepts themselves (defining the concept through its opposite), the
reality is often not taken it into account. The dialectical method is
productive in the final stage of learning, when the content of the
concepts has already been formed in any way and it is necessary only
to show their interdependence, mutual transition, movement [2, p.
The main phenomenological method objective is the
formation of concepts, which philosophy operates with. According to
its supporters, this is done with intuitive appreciation (setting)
entities (total) in the unit. For example, the phenomenologist can
define the essence of a living, contemplating a specific living being;
it will change all possible in it; something that will not be subjected
to variations (which cannot be changed or rejected) and will be the
essence of living. Plants, animals, bacteria, fungi can take a wide
variety of external forms, but all living things inherent instinct of
self-preservation (the metabolism with the environment, purposeful
behavior, and reproduction), certain phases of development and
The essence of the transcendental method lies in the fact
that the definition of existence is given through disclosure subjective
conditions (principles) of its formation. As a person (subject) to a
certain extent is involved in the existence of all things, it is an
original co-author; this method may also have universal significance.
But it implies a certain angle of vision – the subject of acts «creator»
existence, that often borders on subjectivism [1, p. 98].
Hermeneutical method has widely spread recently. It
provides insight into the meaning of some phenomena based on
space and determines their function in culture, i.e. in the context of
culture. For example, the meaning of «live» turns on the basis of its
functioning in a particular culture (in Greece, for example, the whole
«cosmos» was understood as something living, mechanistic world
took it to the mechanism, etc.). Culture Spirit (integer) is the basis
for understanding the individuals (parts) [3, p. 65].
So, the philosophical methods a Analysis refutes the
outdated idea about the only method of dialectics. The existence of
different schools of thought in philosophy is explained by the variety
of philosophical methods.
1. Бабушкин В.У. О природе философского знания / В.У.
Бабушкин. – М., 1978. – 208 с.
2. Бибихин В.В. Язык философии / В.В. Бибихин. – М.,
1993. – 404 с.
3. Масаев М.В. О некоторых интенциях холистической
философии науки / М.В. Масаев // Гілея: науковий вісник:
збірник наукових праць / гол. ред. В.М. Вашкевич. – К.: ПП
«Видавництво «Гілея», 2014. – Вип. 91 (№ 12). – 425 с. – С. 203206.
4. Масаев М.В. Феномен холистической философии
науки в ракурсе проблем метаантропологии / М.В. Масаев //
Проблемы современного педагогического образования. Сер.:
Педагогика и психология. – Сб. статей: Ялта: РИО КГУ, 2014. –
Вып. 45. – Ч. 1. – 416 с. – С. 206-212.
5. Введение в философию. – 2-е изд. М., 2009. –346 с.
Аннотация. Поскольку философия ориентирована на
познание, а основным элементом здесь является поиск истины,
его следует трактовать как процесс философствования
(рассуждения, размышления на философские темы), как умение
философствовать. Обучение философии состоит не в усвоении
десятка философских мыслей, высказываний, хотя и это важно,
а в выработке умений подниматься к философским обобщениям.
Такое умение приобретается в процессе чтения философских
произведений. Однако его можно формировать и сознательно,
усваивая философские методы мышления.
Ключевые слова: особенности, метод, философия.
Summary. Because philosophy is focused on cognition, and
the main item here is the search for truth, it should be interpreted as a
process of philosophizing (reasoning, reflections on philosophical
topics) as the ability to philosophize. Training philosophy consists
not in mastering a dozen philosophical thoughts, sayings, though that
is important, and the development of skills to rise to the
philosophical generalizations. This skill is acquired in the process of
reading philosophical works. However, it can be formed also
deliberately, digesting philosophical methods of thinking.
Keywords: peculiarities, method, philosophy.
Секция «Медицина»
Ivan Volkov
4th year student
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Nicolay Chusovitin
Scientific advisor
PhD in Engineering
Novosibirsk State Technical University
e-mail:[email protected]
Presently, more than one million patients in the world are
bedridden. Their number steadily grows due to the high level of
morbidity, traumatism, number of operations, poisoning, on a
background of aging of population and worsening of ecology.
As in curative establishments there is no device allowing to
conduct maneuvering of a patient’s body, effective treatment of
immobile patients, according to M.D. professor Chechnin M.G.,
leading emergency physician of Meshalkina Scientific Research
Institute of Pathology of Blood, Novosibirsk, is impossible. The
turnings of immobile patients (fig. 1) presently are executed
manually. Obviously, the heavy physical activity and skilled medical
staff deficiency make the problem
of taking care of such patients
The research aim is
accumulation of theoretical grounds
of possibility of creating a curativeFig. 1. Immobile patients
rehabilitation complex for immobile
patients, allowing to accelerate recovery.
The essence of kinematics therapy is a change of position of
body for the removal of negative influence of earthly gravitation,
resulting in an improvement of health and speeding-up the patient’s
The base of the device is a light cart on wheels. In the
overhead zone of the device there is an underlayment for a patient –
АВ (fig. 2a).
In the lower part the vertical bars with a frame attached to
them come out of the cart. Inside the frame there are brackets for
mechanism settings, or actuators of moving (fig. 2b) connected with
a capsule with sizes allowing freely to place a patient.
For determination of terms of patient’s body motion on the ramp АВ
a motion of centre-of-mass theorem was applied:
maC 
 Fk
k 1
a and b
Fig. 2. Kinematics bed
A patient comes in motion, if Fslider> Ffriction, or mm
g·cos(90–α)>μFn, and further mm g·sinα>μ· mm g cosα. Note that
Fn=F·cosα и Fslider=F·cos(90–α) – projections of force of weight on a
normal to АВ and on the plane of slider motion of patient, and α is
the angle of slope of surface of capsule equal to the turn angle of
capsule (fig. 2).
If we accept the coefficient of friction of skidding μ=0.2, the
angle of slope of capsule with the patient’s lateral motion is equal: α
>11.310. Speed Vт of the patient at the moment of his touch with the
restrictive rib of the capsule, is defined according to a theorem of the
change of kinetic energy of body [1, 2].
Kinetic energy of patient’s body at his side-slip (fig. 2a, 3)
and subsequent rolling over in relation to points and lines of his
touch with the restrictive rib of BC (fig. 2a, 3), accordingly, equals
mт V 2
J т  2тТ
ЕB 
where Jm is the moment of inertia of body of a man,
т  тТ
the angulator of a human determined in relation to the lines of his
contiguity by the restrictive rib (BC) of capsule, accepting that
average width of shoulders of the grown man is 0.70 meter (m) [3].
Work of force of weight on an area ТR=АВ–(АТ+RB), equal
Aт  mт  g  h1 (3)
where g=9.81m/s is the free fall acceleration and maximum small
height of moving of body of a man
h1  TR  sinα ,
h1=0.039m, thus the size of the capsule’s verge equals АВ=0.9m as
sizes of walls of capsule are restricted by the size of doorways in the
chambers of clinics and rehabilitation centers.
As the force of friction Ffriction = μN, where normal reaction
N  mm  g  cos  , work of force of friction equals:
A friction  F friction  ТR ,
of support
and further
A friction    mm  g  cos   TR ,
A friction  38,48 J .
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Transformation (2), conducted with an account (4) and (5),
allowed to define speed of patient in the moment of contiguity of him
with the contiguous restrictive rib of capsule of
BC :
VтB  2 g  ( h1    TR  cos 1 ) ,
VтB  0,069 m / s
Force of co-operation of body of man and restrictive rib at
the end of its frontal
displacement makes:
m V
FтB  m тB
FтB  17 ,34 N
где t = 0,4 s – duration of contact of locomotive body from
the moment of touch of humeral joint with (BC) and passive
compression of muscles of patient [3].
At the rotation of capsule in the direction of clockwise
motion, a patient lying on the plane АВ occupies vertical position
(fig. 4). Further rotation of capsule will allow to roll a patient over on
the contiguous side of BC, that will make a corner with АВ, as
specified above, equal to 600 (fig. 5).
Angular velocity of rotation of the body relative to the edge
B of the capsule is determined by the expression:
J т  2тТ
 mm gh2 ,
where h2 = RB–RB·cos600 (fig. 5).
Because anthropometric data are individual (fig. 6), the
moment of inertia of a patient’s body at the moment of his rolling
over (rotation) is calculated approximately, as a sum of moments of
inertia of his separate parts of body of patient
J m  J ГВ  J Hлле.B  J Hппра.В  J Pлле.B  J Рправ.Н 
where JГВ и JТВ – moments of inertia of head and torso of a
man, JНleft.В, JНright.В – moment of inertia left and, accordingly, right
foot, JРleft.В, JРright.В – moment of inertia left and, accordingly, right
The moments of inertia of organs of a body are calculated in
relation to the centers of rotation of a body which are the ribs of B,
lines of rolling over. So, the moment of inertia of a human head are
found by the theorem of Huygens-Steiner
J ГВ  J Г  m Г  lOВ
J Г   m Г R Г2 is the moment of inertia of a
human head relative to the longitudinal axis of body, assuming that it
has a spherical form, lOB  lTB  rГ is the shortest distance
between the barycenter of head and rib of B, and rГ =90mm radius of
head of patient. If mass of head equals mГ =10 kg [3] then
2 ,
J ГВ  m Г  R Г2  lOB
J ГВ  1,34 kg  m 2 .
Fig. 6
We will simplify the task of determining the moment of
inertia of a patient’s body by means of presenting it as a
parallelepiped with sides a=0,50 m and b=0,25m. Taking into
account that mass of trunk makes mТ =36 kg, and the moment of its
inertia with respect to centre-of-mass is calculated by expression
JТ 
 mТ a 2  b 2
the moment of inertia of body with respect to the axis of
rotation of B is equal:
J TВ  J T  mT  lOВ
As a result of substitution 12 in 13, we get:
2 ,
J TВ  5,63 kg  m 2
J TВ  mT   a 2  b 2  lOВ
 12
By considering feet and hands of a patient as continuous
homogeneous cylinders with radiuses rH= 0,065m, rР= 0,050m, the
moment of inertia of the left leg of a patient with the mass mН = 18
kg and left arm’s mass mР=9 kg, the most remote from the axis of B
of rotation of patient
J Нлев   m Н rH2 ,
J Pлле.   m P rP2
Consequently, the moment of inertia of the distinguished
elements of a body with respect to the axis of rotation B
2 ,
J НлевB   m Н rH
 m H l BH
J Pлле.B   m P rP2  m p l BP
where lBH = 0,195m is the distance from the center of rotation
of B to the centre-of-mass of the left leg, lBР = 0,065m is the distance
from the verge of capsule B to centre-of-mass of the left arm.
2 ,
J НлевB  m Н   rH2  l BH
J НлевB  0 ,77 kgm
2 ,
J Pлле.B  m Р   rP2  l BP
J Pлле.B  3,81 kg m 2 .
Moment of inertia of the right foot and hand of patient
directly aligning the axis of rotation B of the body
J Нправ.B  m Н   rH2  l H2  ,
J Нправ.B  0,11 kg m 2
J Pппра.B  m Р   rP2  l P2 
J Pппра.B  0,03 kg m 2 .
Thus, taking into account the set moment of inertia of body
of a patient J m  11,69 kg m , we will express from (9) the
angulator of body at the moment of its contact with the verge of BC
of capsule
mT 
2mm g RB  RB cos 60 ,
mT  5,42 1
VmT   mT  RB ,
VmT  1,90 m . The force of contact of the body with the
supporting surface BC at the end of turning over equals:
m V
Fт  m mT . Fт  474,21 N
The analysis of dynamic terms of motion of a patient’s body
in a capsule allowed us to find out that, for example, turning a man
face-down is accompanied by comparatively significant physical
influences of speed on the borders at intervals characteristic to the
experimental setting.
The investigated theme is included in the sociallymeaningful package of priority researches of the Russian academy of
medical-technical sciences (RАМТS).
1. Targ S.M. Short course of theoretical mechanics. Train aid
/ S.М. Targ. – 18-е edition, stereotype. – М.: Higher school 2008. –
416 p.
2. Yablonskiy А.А. Course of theoretical mechanics.
Textbook for technical institutions of higher learning / А.А.
Yablonskiy, V.М. Nikiforova V.М. 8-е., stereotype. – S-Petersburg.:
Publishing house "Лань" , 2001. – 768 p.
3. Reference book of practical doctor : In 2-х books. Book.
2. / Y.I. Veltishev, А.I. Vorobyev, V.G. Artamonova and another.;
Сост. V.I. Brodulin; Under a release. А.I. Vorobyeva. – 9-е edition
is processed and complemented. –М.: "ОНИКС 21 century ": "
World and education ", – 2003. – (Modern medicine).–752 p.
Аннотация. В статье содержится информация об
устройстве пациент-кинематической кровати в современных
лечебных учреждениях. Дано детальное описание устройства.
Приводятся формулы, определяющие условия динамического
движения тела пациента со средним значением параметров
человеческого тела. Автор подробно описывает силы,
действующие на тело пациента в процессе переворачивания в
капсуле кинематической кровати, такие как инерционный
момент, скорость, угловая скорость вращения. В статье
подчеркивается необходимость учитывать этих совокупных
факторов в улучшении здоровья пациента.
Ключевые слова: кинематическая кровать, инерция,
переворачивание, кинематическая терапия, обездвиженный
пациент, антропометрические данные.
Summary. The article dwells upon patient-kinematic bed
system arrangement in modern curative establishments. A detailed
description of the device is given. Formulae determining the terms of
patient’s dynamic body motion together with average human body
dimensions are provided. The author gives a detailed description of
forces such as moment of inertia, speed, angular velocity of rotation
influencing the patient’s body during in the process of turning over
in a capsule of the kinematic bed. The importance of considering the
aggregate factors in improving the patient’s health is underlined.
Keywords: kinematic bed, inertia, rotation, kinematics
therapy, immobile patient, anthropometric data.
UDC 61
Marina Vorontsova,
2 post graduate student, Medical Institution Department,
Georgievsky Medical Academy,
Crimean Federal University named after V.I Vernadsky
email: [email protected]
Olga Mametova,
Scientific Advisor,
Medical Institution Department,
Georgievsky Medical Academy,
Crimean Federal University named after V.I Vernadsky
Introduction. In a number of certain sports, specific
trainings and competitive stress imposing a high demands on the
musculoskeletal and musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the athletes,
who often exceed the reserve capacity of the organism. The
compensatory developing hypertonicity of the body and
paravertebral muscles, formed in zones of tension and disturbances,
greatly reduces both the specific and the general performance of
athletes. From these positions, promising in the optimization of the
level of functional fitness of athletes appears to be elimination of the
local and common muscular hypertonicity in the receptive areas of
The purpose and objectives of the study. Optimize the
level of functional preparedness of athletes, eliminate muscular
hypertonicity in a muscular corset of the spine through the use of
paravertebral muscle relaxation in the aquatic environment, and
optimize the functional state of the cardio-respiratory system of
Materials and methods. In the present study it was
examined 60 male athletes aged 18 to 25 years, with the qualification
of the 1st category up to Master of Sports. 30 athletes involved in the
Greco-Roman wrestling (high glycolytic capacity), 30 athletes
football players (aerobic- anaerobic energy supply mode). All
athletes performed tonus correction of paravertebral muscles C3 Th8 zones by fixed postural traction (FCT) in the pool with
"noodle"- the foam tube 1.5-meter long, applyed for 30 minutes, 3
times a week, within 6 weeks of the transition period of the training
process. To determine data of variational pulsometry used 12channel ECG-complex Cardiolife. Before and after the paravertebral
muscle relaxation variational pulsometry indicators were registered
and calculated automatically according to the tachograph sheets and
standardized intervalogram.
Results and its discussion. The analysis revealed that the
studied spectral powers were within the normal range for a 5-minute
recording of RR-intervals until the FCT session in all subjects. In the
studied individuals involved in the wrestling, after a course of
paravertebral muscle relaxation, we observed a slight increase in the
influence of the vagus nerve in the autonomic mechanisms of heart
rate regulation. In athletes involved in football the indicators of the
spectral powers of variability suggested that after paravertebral
muscle relaxation in these athletes had no changes in the mechanisms
of autonomic regulation of heart rate. Athletes of both groups
expirience favorable decrease in the tone of the paravertebral
Conclusions. After the session, and the course of
paravertebral muscle relaxation athletes experience favorably
decreased paravertebral muscle corset tonus, and in the wrestlers
group registered significant influence of the vagus nerve
predominance in the autonomic mechanisms of heart rate regulation.
Аннотация. На 60 спортсменов-мужчин в возрасте от
18 до 25 лет, с квалификацией уровня от 1 разряда до мастера
спорта, из них 30 спортсменов участвующих в греко-римской
борьбе (высокой емкости гликолитических процессов) и 30
спортсменов футболистов (режим аэробной и анаэробной
энергии) после курса паравертебральных миорелаксаций
паравертебральных мышц. Кроме того, у спортсменов
наблюдается значительное увеличение влияния блуждающего
нерва в механизме вегетативной регуляции сердечного ритма.
Ключевые слова: миорелаксациия в водной среде,
адаптация сердечного ритма, борцы, футболисты.
Summary. At 60 male athletes between the ages of 18 to 25
years, with qualifications from level 1 up to master of sport-30
athletes involved in Greco-Roman wrestling (high glycolytic
capacity) and 30 athletes footballers (aerobic-anaerobic energy
mode) after a course of paravertebral miorelaxation favorable tone
reduction occurs paravertebral muscles. In addition, the athletesfighters observed a significant increase of the influence of the vagus
nerve in the vegetative regulation mechanisms of the heart rhythm.
Keywords: paravertebral miorelaxation in aquatic
environments, adaptation of heart rhythm, wrestlers, football players.
UDC 61
Anna Yefimova ,
1st year post graduate student Medical Institution Department,
Georgievsky Medical Academy,
Crimean Federal University named after V.I Vernadsky,
email: [email protected]
Gennadiy Moroz
Scientific Advisor, Doctor of Medicines, professor,
Medical Institution Department,
Georgievsky Medical Academy,
Crimean Federal University named after V.I Vernadsky
Vladimir Ponomarev ,
Scientific Advisor, Assistant Professor,
MPC and Sports Medicine Department,
Physiotherapy with a physical training course,
Georgievsky Medical Academy,
Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky
First of all health is known to be the foundationof human
capital which defines success ofthe individual, and opportunitiesfor
self-realization in postindustrial society. The strategy of WHO
Regional Office is aimed at further health strengthening and wellbeing of the region’s population, and consolidation of all resources
for making it effective [2].
Since ancient times climate has been known for its healing
effect, which strengthens health and improves rehabilitation after
injuries andillnesses. Crimea has considerable potential of seaside
climatic resorts whose resources are not all used to promote health
andwelfare of the inhabitantsof our region [3,4].
The necessary condition for the realization of WHO’s
strategy European policy for health - Health – 2020 is quality
training of medical students to the health protecting activities [2].
Aim:That is why the aim of the article is to evaluate the
knowledge of future doctors about the recreational potential of
climatic resorts and their readiness to apply the knowledge in
professional activities.
Over ten years ago Crimean scientists conducted
comparative research of the value of seaside climatic resorts for the
recoveryof various groups of recreants[1,5]. Actually it allowed to
rate the mostfamous resorts ofthe world. This rating is based on the
analysis of the recreational situation of the Black Sea –
Mediterranean region, Atlantic European coastline, the North and the
Baltic seas as well as the Canary Islands and Madeira. Crimean
resorts belong to the group of seaside climatic resorts [1,6].
The integral estimation of resorts recreational suitability in
different months has been worked out in regard to recreants with
different diseases. Seaside climatic resorts of Crimea are among the
three best resorts in the world [1,4].
On the table you can see the correlation between different
groups of patients and recommended months for staying to take care
of their health and comfortable recoveringon the coast of Crimea.
These months are marked by the sign plus in green. Crimean resorts
are sure to suit all groups of patients for considerable periods of the
year [1].
Table 1. I - healthy adults ; II - adults with chronic
nonspecific lung diseases and bronchial asthma in remission; III adults with kidney disease in remission without accompanying
nervous and cardiovascular pathology; pathology; IV - healthy
children up to 7 years and people older than 70 years; patients with
bronchial asthma moderate; hypertension stage I; ischemic heart
disease without severe angina; cerebral arteriosclerosis, neuroses,
diencephalic pathology; V - children with chronic nonspecific lung
diseases in remission; patients with rheumatic heart disease in
remission; VI - patients with essential hypertension stage II, coronary
heart disease with angina.
Materials and Methods. Students of Medical Academy
named after S.I. Georgievskyof Vernadsky CFU. The sample size
was 179 fifth and sixth year students, the age of the respondents
ranged from 20 to 24.
The questionnaire contained 10 questions which evaluated
students’ motivations and their knowledge in the field of balneology.
Here are the respondents ' answers.
Results. To the question “Do you think that a well-planned
vacation is an important condition to preserve and strengthen
patients’ health?” 72% of students gave affirmative answers. Please
have a look at next slide.
53% of respondents believe that family doctors should
consult patients in such questions as organizing and spending
The distribution of students' answers to the question “Do you
agree with the statement that it is necessary to consider the climatic
conditions and season when choosing a resort for a patient?”. 71% of
students agreedwith this statement.
Most of the students (63%) agreed with the statement that
doctors should know how much climatic resort parameters suit
certain people, their health and age.
58% of respondents believed that a family doctor should be
knowledgeable of the rehabilitation effect of certain climatic resorts
for patients with different diseases.
39% of undergraduates gave correct answer (The Canary
Island) to the question “Which of the mentioned resorts is the best
regarding to climatic parameters for recreation and rehabilitation in
Only 23% of undergraduates gave correct answers to the
question about the least favorable resort for this season (Baltic Sea
To the question about the month which is the best for having
a family holiday (healthy adults and healthy children) on the Canary
Islands 36% of undergraduates gave correct answers (June).
Students’ answers to the question about the acceptable air
temperature (˚C) for recreants suffering from coronary heart disease
andangina, and hypertension stage II reveal that only 37% of
undergraduates know the correct answer (22-26˚C).
Conclusions: Crimean climatic resorts are an important
resource in solving strategic tasks of health strengthening of our
population. The survey showed that future doctors are aware of the
climatic resorts’ potential for it. They are interested in learning more
about how to choose a health resort for an individual patient with
regard to the climatic conditions and the time of recreation. In other
words, it is necessary to provide such disciplines which enhance
students’ knowledge of disease primary prevention with the help of
1. Воскресенская Е. Н. Изменчивость климатических
характеристик курортных местностей Черного и Средиземного
морей под влиянием глобальных процессов в системе океанатмосфера //Экологическая безопасность прибрежной и
шельфовой зон. – 2003. – Т. 9. – С. 39.
2. Ефимова В. М. Валеологические основы рекламы
приморских климатических курортов // Труды Крымской
Академии наук.– Симферополь: Таврия. – 2004. – С. 34-39.
3. Солдатченко С. С., Ярош А. М. Курортноклиматическое лечение воспалительных заболеваний легких //
Укр. пульмонологический журнал. – 2003. – №. 2. – С. 35–37.
медикоклиматологическая характеристика основных приморских
курортных местностей Европы и прилегающих к ней регионов
Азии и Африки. – СОНАТ, 2000.
5. Health 2020: a European policy framework supporting
action across government and society for health and well-being:
Аннотация. Была проведена оценка знаний студентов о
Опрошено 179 студентов 5 и 6 курсов КМА им. С.И.
Георгиевского. Выявлено, что будущие доктора не достаточно
осведомлены о возможностях использования курортов.
Существует необходимость внедрять дисциплины, которые
повысили бы знания студентов о первичной профилактике
заболеваний с помощью бальнеологии.
Ключевые слова : студенты-медики, отдых, курорты
Summary. It was evaluated students' knowledge about the
characteristics of recreational seaside resorts. Interviewed 179
students 5 and 6 courses of
Medical Academy named
after S.I. Georgievsky. It was revealed that future doctors are not
sufficiently aware of the possibilities of using resorts. There is a need
to introduce disciplines, that would increase students' knowledge of
disease primary prevention with the help of balneology.
Keywords: medical students, rest, Coast Resorts.
UDC 61
Vyacheslav Losev,
2 year post graduate student, Medical Department,
Georgievsky Medical Academy,
Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky
email: [email protected]
Vladimir Ponomarev,
Scientific Advisor, Assistant Professor,
MPC and Sports Medicine Department,
Physiotherapy with a physical training course,
Georgievsky Medical Academy,
Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky
Given the ecological importance of geomagnetic activity, we
decided to determine its effect on manifestation of vegetative
vascular disorders (VVD) in human, reflecting the reduction in the
adaptation to changing weather conditions [1, 2].
Aim. The purpose and objectives of our research are to study
the nature of vegetative-vascular disorders and temporal structure of
the exchanges of catecholamines in patients with early lesions of
cerebral atherosclerosis at geomagnetic perturbations (GP), often
accompanied by weather-related vascular-vegetative reactions.
Materials and methods. Observation were carried out in
350 patients with cerebral atherosclerosis and VVD meteopathic
reactions. As a parameter reflecting geomagnetic activity was taken
Kp-index of geomagnetic field of the Earth. Research carried out by
the epoch folding method, where, in accordance with the selected
eleven days isolated peaks of geomagnetic activity distributed 92 out
of 350 (26.3%) observed patients in which the content of
catecholamines in the daily amount of urine was determined and
were carried clinical, neurological and electrophysiological rheoencephalography ( REG) and electroencephalography (EEG)studies.
Results. The studies revealed that up to 2 days up to a
maximum of geomagnetic activity (2-day) the content of the
hormone adrenaline maximized - 94,5+/-26,2 n.mol / L (P <0.05).
The next day (-1 day) increases the neurotransmitter noradrenaline
content to the maximum - 362,8+/-19,5 n.mol / L (P <0.001). The
following day, a maximum of geomagnetic activity (day 0) the
content of epinephrine and norepinephrine was decreased to baseline,
respectively - 38,9+/-7,1 n.mol / l (P <0,05) and 148,5+/-19,5 n.mol /
L (P <0.001). Then + 1st day marked hormonal activation unit
(adrenaline again risen to 81,4+/-14,2 m.mol / liter (P <0,05) and +
2-day activation of mediating in the exchange unit catecholamines
(noradrenaline again rose to 311,6+/-18.4 m.mol / L; (P <0.001).
Revealed biphasic sympathetic-adrenal activity in a big way
in 6 days - twice for 3 days (infradian rhythm) - with acrophase 1 day
and bathyphase 2 days sharing adrenaline and acrophase 2 days and
bathyphase 1 day exchange norepinephrine - understandable from the
point of serial interconversion of catecholamines at responding to
geomagnetic perturbations as a stress factor that causes in patients
with early cerebral arteriosclerosis infradian biological rhythm of
vegetative-vascular regulation, which is also accompanied by a
matching weather-related vascular-vegetative reactions.
The impact of the geomagnetic perturbations on the
formation of vegetative vascular disorders was revealed during the
six day period, with a maximum of sympathetic functions for 1-2
days to a maximum geomagnetic perturbations and after 1-2 days
after maximum of the geomagnetic perturbations. On the day of
maximum geomagnetic perturbations vegetative vascular disorders
were also expressed, but carried the opposite nature of the
Within 6 months of the summer-autumn, autumn-winter and
winter-spring period, when seasonal changes are most common in
living organisms and in the nature, the peaks of geomagnetic
perturbations were registered in 6-7 times more than in the remaining
6 months of the year. That is, the formation of additional infradian
biorhythm in such patients is maladaptive vegetative vascular
disorders [3].
Conclusion. It is advisable to take into account the
geomagnetic perturbations in the prevention of weather related
vascular-vegetative reactions, defining short and long term
meteopathic and even climatic forecast [4].
1.Bobrik Yu.V., Vasilieva V., Ponomarev V. Ethnical
peculiarities of the parameters of fisical capacity of young people //
Zdrowie I Sposeteczenstwo. – Radom. – 2012. – Tom 2. Nr 1. – S.
2. Пономарев В.А. Влияние неблагоприятных погодных
условий на качество курортной реабилитации // Таврический
медико-биологический вестник. – 2010.- Тоm 13. Nr 3. – С.160162.
3. Пономарев В.А. Дезадаптивные реакции биоритмов
под влиянием гелиогеомагнитных, лунных и земных погодных
факторов // Вестник физиотерапии и курортологии. – 2013. – №
1. – С. 92-93.
4. Пономарев В.А. Методика прогнозирования уровня
гелиогеомагнитных, луннных и земних погодних факторов по
В.А.Пономареву // Свідоцтво про реєстрацію авторського права
твір України № 51655 від 09.10.2013.
Аннотация. У 350 больных с церебральным
атеросклерозом и метеопатическими расстройствами методом
наложения эпох изучались вегетативно-сосудистые реакции под
влиянием гелиогеомагнитных возмущений. Было выявлено
воздействие геомагнитных возмущений на формирование
инфрадного биоритма. В течение 6 месяцев летне-осеннего,
осенне-зимнего и зимне-весеннего периодов, когда сезонные
изменения являются наиболее распространенными в живых
организмах и в природе, пики геомагнитных возмущений были
зарегистрированы в 6 - 7 раз чаще, чем в остальные 6 месяцев
инфрадный биоритм, вегетативно-сосудистые расстройства.
Summary. In 350 patients with cerebral atherosclerosis and
meteopathic vegetative vascular disorders by the epoch folding
method were studied the effect of geomagnetic perturbations on the
condition of vegetative vascular regulation. The effect of
geomagnetic perturbations on formation of infradian biorhythm was
revealed. Within 6 months of the summer-autumn, autumn-winter
and winter-spring period, when seasonal changes are most common
in living organisms and in the nature , the peaks of geomagnetic
perturbations were registered in 6 - 7 times more than in the
remaining 6 months of the year.
Keywords: geomagnetic perturbations, infradian biorhythm,
vegetative vascular disorders.
UDC 61.1
Dinara Muratova,
3 year student, Medical Institution Department,
Georgievsky Medical Academy,
Crimean Federal University named after V.I Vernadsky
email: [email protected]
Azime Abdurakhmanova,
Scientific Advisor, assistant of Medical Physical Culture and
Sport Medicine Department, Physiotherapy with course of physical
Georgievsky Medical Academy,
Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky
Nataliya Matveeva,
Scientific Advisor, PhD in Medicine,
Assistant of Medical Physical Culture and Sport Medicine
Department, Physiotherapy with course of physical education,
Georgievsky Medical Academy,
Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky
Important factors that maintain and improve mental and
physical activity, increases resistance to stress to the social problems
arising from students, are: the level of physical health and psychoemotional state[2,p.12]. Systematic monitoring of these parameters
may contribute to the development of preventive measures for the
restoration of physical health[3].Save the young generation's health
problem is especially acute in the conditions of demographic crisis.
Attitude to health, health-behavior are one of the most important
elements of society culture.
Aim: determining the level of physical health and psychoemotional characteristics of the processes of the students of the 2nd
year of study in higher education. Analysis of the above indicators.
Subjects and methods:We have examined 47 students of
2nd year of the Crimean Medical Academy after the winter session.
We investigated such factors as: the level of physical health (rapid
assessment by G.L. Apanasenko) the level of personality
manifestations of anxiety (psychological questionnaire Norakidze)
and self-reported health, the presence of depression (a shortened
version of the questionnaire Appels Maastricht).
Results: After analyzing the studied parameters, we found
that 21% of students have an average level of physical health, 30%
of health below an average, 28% - a low level of physical health, 8%
are exempt from physical training and 13% at the time of the study
complained of periodical pains in the cardiac region, dizziness, sleep
disturbance, and headache.
With that, analyzing the self-assessment of health students
obtained the following results: 60% of students rated their health as
good, 34% - as satisfactory and 6% - as extremely bad. At the lower
levels of physical health, the higher the students evaluate their
health.From the analysis of personality manifestations of anxiety
scales can be seen that 47% of students have an average level of
anxiety symptoms with a tendency to high, 28% - average with a
tendency to low, 23% have a high level of anxiety, and 2% - a very
high level of anxiety.
Given the logic of conditionality etiopato- variations in
health status and the presence of risk factor developed specific issues
incorporated to improve the lifestyle for every student. Results of the
study demonstrate a low level of physical health in this group of
students of 2-nd year and at the same time signs of permanent
psycho-emotional stress, in some cases - severe depression that
impels us to further study the issue.
1. Bobrik Yu.V.,Vasilieva V., Ponomarev V. Ethnical
peculiarities of the parameters of fisical capacity of young people //
Zdrowie I Sposeteczenstwo. – Radom. – 2012. – Tom 2. Nr 1. – P.
2. Pitta F, Troosters T, Spruit MA, Probst VS, Decramer M,
Gosselink R. Characteristics of physical activities in daily life for
people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.// American
journal of respiratory and critical care medicine . – 2010. – Nr.
171(9). – p. 972.
3. Vestbo J., Hurd S.S., Agusti A.G. et al. Global Strategy
for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of Chronic Disease,
GOLD Executive Summary // American journal of respiratory and
critical care medicine. – 2012. – Nr. 195 (10). – p. 234.
В статье рассмотрены проблемы
взаимосвязи между уровнем психо-эмоционального состояния и
проведено психологическое тестирование. В результате
показано снижение уровня показателей здоровья студентов
после психоэмоцинальных перегрузок по окончанию зимней
сессии, что в свою очередь позволит учитывать это для
разработки методов восстановления.
Ключевые слова: уровень физического здоровья,
психо-эмоциональное состояние, студенты 2-го курса.
Summary. В статье рассмотрены проблемы взаимосвязи
между уровнем психо-эмоционального состояния и физическим
здоровьем студентов второго курса. Проанализированы
показатели физического здоровья, проведено психологическое
тестирование. В результате показано снижение уровня
показателей здоровья студентов после психомоцинальных
перегрузок по окончанию зимней сессии, что в свою очередь
Keywords: the level of physical health , psycho-emotional
state, students of the 2-year students.
UDC 611.08$=57.08
Elsosli Salsabeel, Alkhawaja Ahmad
5 year students, InternationalMedical Department,
Georgievsky Medical Academy
Crimean Federal University named after V.I Vernadsky
e-mail: [email protected]
Yuriy Bobrik, M.D.
Scientific Advisor,
Professorof MPC and Sports MedicineDepartment,
Physiotherapy with a physical training course,
Georgievsky Medical Academy
Crimean Federal University named after V.I Vernadsky
e-mail: [email protected]
Actuality: The nervous system functions has some
correlations with the parameters of physical development of
individuals, which varies with different factors such as age, race,
nationality, nutrition, genetic constitution, etc.[3, p.15] In this study
we attempted to analyze the difference in the respiratory,
cardiovascular and nervous systems with respect to parameters of
physical development as it relates to individuals from Russia, Nigeria
and India [1, 2, 4].
Aim: The aim of this research is to analyze comparatively the
respiratory,cardiovascular and nervous systems of individuals from
Russia, India and Nigeria.
Materials and Methods: The parameters of physical
development (weight, height, chest circumference, dynamometry,
and spirometry) and functional tests of the respiratory,cardiovascular
and nervous systems (Orthostatic, clino-orthostatic, Stange and
Gench’s tests) were examined for 20 students from Russia,20
students from Nigeria,and 30 students from India within the age
range of 20-25 years. The results were analyzed comparatively using
statistical tools.
Results: The results of the parameters of physical
development showed that the students from Nigeria had an average
weight of 69.6±6.7 kg, Russian students had 58.2±7.8 kg, and Indian
students 62.1±5,6kg. Also this manifested in their height as the
Nigerian students had an average height of 169.9±11.3cm,
166.7±12.6 cm from Russia,166.1±10.1 cm from India. However the
reverse was the case, with respect to the chest circumference as the
Russian students had an average of 89±9.4cm, Nigerian students
with 86cm and Indians with 84 cm also in spirometry Russians had
3.7±0.5 L while Nigerians had 2.7±0.4 L and Indians had 2.8±0.3 L.
In Dynamometry Nigerian Students expressed a strong dominance
with an average of 102±7 kg, against 87±5 kg by Indians and 56±4
kg by the Russians. Now with respect to the functional tests, the
Russian students showed an average orthostatic heart rate of 7 bpm,
Indians had 8.8±0.4, while the Nigerians had 9±0.2 bpm, in clinoorthostatic test 5±0.6 bpm for Russian students,7.5±0.5 for Indians,
and 9±0.4 bpm for the Nigerian students. Although, the results of the
students from the three mentioned nationalities were within range,
but the Russian students showed better adaptability and response to
stress on the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems
compared to the Nigerians. In the Stange’s test the Russians had an
average of 53±1.9 sec, while Nigerian students had an average of
50±1.2sec,and Indians had an average of 49±1.7 sec. again revealing
better response and adaptation of the respiratory system to stress.
However, the results of Gench test showed the Nigerian students
having an average of 35±1.3 sec, while the Indians had 31±1.2
sec,and the Russians had 31±1.1sec, but all results are within range.
Conclusion: there is better response and adaptation of the
respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems functions of the
Russian students compared to the Nigerian and Indian students, even
though Nigerian students have a better parameters of physical
development compared to the Indians and Russians. And it’s quite
important to mention the current great sport program (GTO) that was
announced by President Putin V.V.
GTOis a really effective way of building a country based
upon health at the 1st place and we support and appreciate this
program.Therefore we strongly recommend further researches to be
carried out in this fieldto reveal more factors contributing to this
variance in functionality of vital functions of the body against a
background of normal parameters of physical development.
1.Бобрик Ю.В., Васильева В.В., Бабкин С.С.
кардиореспираторной системы и силових показателей у
отечественных, индийских и малазийских студентов //
МатеріалиIX Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції
«Сучасні досягнення спортивної медицини, лікувальної
фізкультури та валеології», Одесса, 2005. – С.37-38. (дата
обращения – 05.11.2015)
2. Мороз Г.А., Васильева В.В., Бобрик Ю.В. и
др.Теоретические и практические аспекты физической
реабилитации и спортивной медицины: учебное пособие для
студентов медицинских ВУЗов III-IV уровней аккредитации. –
Симферополь: Издат. центр КГМУ имени С.И. Георгиевского,
2013. – 268 с. (дата обращения – 07.11.2015)
3. Bobrik Yu.V.,Vasilieva V., Ponomarev V. Ethnical
peculiarities of the parameters of physical capacity of young people
// Zdrowie I Sposeteczenstwo. – Radom. – 2012. – Tom 2. Nr 1. – S.
91-94. (дата обращения – 10.11.2015)
4. BobrikYu.V. Comparative analyze of the parameters of
physical development and functional condition of cardio-respiratory
systems of Ukrainian and Nigerian students // Материалы 86-ой
«Теоретические и практические аспекты современной
медицины» – Симферополь, 2014 – С. 268-269.(дата обращения
– 15.11.2015)
Аннотация. Статья содержит информацию об
исследовании, анализирующем физическое развитие студентов
трех этнических групп по параметрам дыхательной, сердечнососудистой и нервной системы. Приводится сравнительный
анализ ортостатического, клино-ортостатического тестов и
пробы Штанге-Генча, в результате которых выявлено
преимущество показателей группы российских студентов перед
студентами из Индии и Нигерии в отношении адаптации и
реакции изучаемых систем. Автор делает считает, что
образовательная программа ГТО президента Путина В.В.
является эффективной в воспитании здорового населения
Ключевые слова: физическое развитие, дыхательная
система, сердечно-сосудистая система, нервная система, проба
Штанге-Генча, ГТО.
Summary. The paper contains information about the study
among three ethnical groupsof students concerning their physical
development in the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
A comparative analysis of Orthostatic, clino-orthostatic, Stange and
Gench’s tests were presented, the results being in favor of the
Russian students group as compared to Indian and Nigerian groups,
concerning response and adaptation of the systems under study. The
author concludesthe GTO sports education program announced by
President Putin be effective in building a healthy country’s
Keywords: physical development, respiratory system,
cardiovascular system, nervous system, Stange and Genche’s test,
Секция «Кораблестроение»
UDC 608.2
Pavel Zabrutsky
3rd year student, Shipbuilding and
Maritime Transport`s Department,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Svetlana Koroleva
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Roman and German Philology Department,
Sevastopol State University
The issue of improving the seaworthiness of any vessel is
always being investigated very thoroughly. Many scientists have
always been seeking a way to make the vessels more stable, rapid,
reliable and economical. Shipping companies are apt to cut the
expenditures for fuel and reduce the level of air pollution. This
article is dedicated to several cutting edge technologies aimed to
solve these problems.
Sea axe bow concept is sure to be indispensable in finding a
solution. Damen Shipyards Group is a globally operating company
with more than 50 shipyards. Since 1969, Damen has designed and
built more than 5,000 vessels and currently is creating up to 150
vessels annually (Picture 1).
It is obvious that in order to stay at the top, you need to
innovate. Damen vs Delft University of Technology managed to
create a ship that can maintain high speeds in strong winds and heavy
seas by developing of sea axe bow concept.
Picture 1. Damen "Sea Axe" Yacht Support Vessel
The vessels of this design exhibit superior motion behavior
and significantly lower resistance through the water. This results in a
cut in fuel consumption of 20% and, consequently, lower emissions
One more important issue to be mentioned is that Damen and
Marinvention patented Air Lubrication System for Ships and
called it ACES (an acronym for 'Air Chamber Energy Saving'). The
thing is if one constantly injects air bubbles under the bottom of the
ship there can be observed very useful phenomenon (Picture 2).
Picture 2. Operating principle of Air Lubrication System for
When a swarm of bubbles rapidly enters from the small holes
in the bottom of the vessel a 1-2 cm layer forms, covering the
bottom, which reduces the resistance, because the air has a density of
850 times lower compared to water. In certain limits there can be
made small deepening stripes or still somehow to reduce the air flow
it escapes to the sides. But you will not be able to make a large
cavity, because it will affect the behavior of the ship in a storm (see
figure 2). This system consists of several sets of pipes and
compressors, valves and gauges that supply air to tens of points at
the bottom of the vessel. So this layer aims are got out from the
bottom upwards to the sides and then are directed to the screw at
stern during vessel movement. However, maintaining the necessary
air pressure does not require much energy, which ultimately provides
a fuel savings of 5-10%. And since the fuel costs often account for
about half of the operating costs, the savings achieved in this case are
quite significant.
It goes without saying that the idea of the ship's bottom air
lubrication occurred over one hundred years ago, but until now it has
been used rarely and as a rule on small vessels [2]. The Japanese are
actively using this technology in recent years too, Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries company, in particular [3].
We cannot but present SkySails project, namely – Beluga
SkySails – the world's first commercial cargo ship with a flying sail
from the German company. The main difference from the SkySails
sailing ships of the XIX century is that the sail is more like a
paraglider that can fly away from the ship for hundreds of meters
ahead and hundreds of meters up to where the wind may be stronger
than at the surface (Picture 3).
Picture 3. SkySaiks paraglider
The assembled sail (in the unfolded state having a size of a
football field), takes up little space: it is much more compact than
any other similar system, which includes the mast, spars, rigging, etc.
The system allows repeated folding and unfolding itself. Speaking
about safety it should be noted that in an emergency the vessel can
be released from the system immediately. Under normal conditions it
creates almost no heeling moment, unlike the conventional sail.
Furthermore on the 18th of January of 2008 Beluga SkySails
was proud to make its first test voyage in the North Sea, in which the
work of the sail was tested. The vessel has successfully been
completing the voyage from Germany to Venezuela for two months.
The Sail with an area of 160 square meters was launched into the sky
on a long rope and controlled by computers that maximize the use of
wind, which is not always favorable. During the first voyage the sail
made of high-tech fabrics showed excellent output. The result was
exactly the same as it was predicted. According to Beluga Shipping
Manager, the ship consumed 20 percent less energy than without a
sail. So we can’t help mentioning the names of those who witnessed
the birth of the project, and today act as its main driving force:
engineer Stefan Sragen and economic manager Suzanne
MёksKarone [4]. In conclusion, we are deadly sure that these
inventions will proceed to be effectively used to enhance the
seaworthiness and provide optimal safety.
доступа: (дата обращения: 17.02.16).
2. Marine is sight [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим
доступа: (дата обращения: 15.03.16).
3. Membrana: Люди. Идеи. Технологии [Электронный
ресурс] – Режим доступа:
(дата обращения: 15.03.16).
4. SkySails [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 15.03.16).
Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена инновационным
судовым системам, направленным на улучшение мореходности.
Вводятся такие изобретения, как топорообразный нос, парус
SkySails и энергосберегающая воздушная камера (ЭСВК).
Объясняются отличительные особенности конструкции и
проектирования. Перечисляются преимущества использования.
Доказывается безопасность, надёжность и экономичность
данных передовых технологий. Акцентируется внимание на
возможности коммерческого применения. Описываются другие
способы использования.
Ключевые слова: система воздушной смазки, компания
Damen, топорообразный нос, парус SkySails, улучшение
Summary. The given article is devoted to cutting edge
shipping systems aimed to improve the seaworthiness. Such notions
as Sea axe bow, SkySails and ACES (‘Air Chamber Energy Saving’)
are introduced. Various specific features of construction and design
are explained. The advantages of implementation are enumerated.
The safety, reliability and economic efficiency of the innovative
technologies are effectively proved. The possibility of commercial
application is emphasized. Some methods of application are
Keywords: Air Lubrication System, Damen, Sea axe bow,
SkySails, Seaworthiness improvement.
UDC 608.2
Viktor Kuznetsov
3rd year student, Shipbuilding
and Maritime Transport`s Institute,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Svetlana Koroleva
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Roman and German Philology Department,
Sevastopol State University
There are a lot of innovations in marine engineering owing to
the fact that the issue of improving the seaworthiness and stability of
any vessel has always been very crucial. Many scientists are doing
their best to make the vessels more stable, rapid, reliable and
economical. Most shipping companies tend to cut the expenditures
for fuel and reduce the level of air pollution. This article is dedicated
to several cutting edge systems aimed to decide these problems.
This specific article is devoted to the innovations in ship
location jet control systems. They are called JETanchor and
HamiltonJet has recently launched its latest vessel positioning
system named JETanchor. The JETanchor system has been
developed and extensively tested over the past 18 months, in
response to strong market demand for small vessel positioning
Developed from the blueARROW (a new generation
electronic control system for HamiltonJet powered boats) control
platform JETanchor is considered to be the newest addition to the
HamiltonJet controls’ product range. Aimed predominantly at Pilot
boats, Fireboats, SAR, Patrol, Survey, DSV and small Offshore
Crewboats, the JETanchor system provides a cost effective
‘dynamic-positioning-type’ system for smaller vessels.
HamiltonJet Global Marketing Manager AlbearMontocchio
claims that the product has undergone rigorous and extensive testing
on two commercial vessels, an offshore crew-transfer vessel and a
coastal survey vessel. This comprehensive process has enabled the
designers to apply what they have learned: doing what they do best
of all, they’ve innovated and refined the JETanchor making it easier
to both manufacture and service in the field (Picture 1.) [2].
Furthermore, through the development of the JETanchor the
production company managed to advance several market leading
features of waterjet control system, which now incorporates these
Picture 1. JETanchor application
advantages. This exciting product launch is one of many to come in
the next three to four years as HamiltonJet has invested heavily in
R&D programs [3].
So this station keeping mode allows the vessel to
automatically hold a GPS position and heading. That is why the new
system is a new anchoring system using GPS location. It is
essentially a virtual anchor mode, which allows the vessel to
weathervane off a fixed GPS point under prevailing wind and sea
conditions. As a result the operator enjoys a hands-free vessel
positioning with comfortable vessel motion and at low engine rpm
minimizing fuel consumption.
Another smart design feature is a station keeping mode,
which allows the vessel to hold automatically a GPS position and
heading more accurately than can be done manually, allowing the
operator to be hands-free for other helm operations. In addition the
JETanchor system is set-up with an autotune routine, which
automatically tunes the control system to specific vessels’ dynamics.
One more advantage is that it is very easy to install.
In summary the manufacturers claim that the system will
provide commercial operators with valuable, tangible benefits
resulting in a significant reduction in operator workload and crew
fatigue especially on standby, a potential reduction in operational
crew numbers, an improvement in fuel consumption and accurate
positioning for survey work, ROV deployments, and standby-modes.
We can’t help introducing a system which is indispensable
when providing stable work of above mentioned JETanchor system.
The scientific world has recently welcomed technology, named
blueARROW. It is considered to be a real revolution in waterjet
control systems. So blueARROW is a new generation electronic
control system for HamiltonJet powered boats. With the intuitive
control (Picture 2.) provided by the Mouse Boat manoeuvering
controller, blueARROW allows even inexperienced boaters to
harness the full manoeuvering benefits of waterjets by providing
simple control of engine throttle, gearbox and waterjet reverse and
steering deflectors.
Unlike other electronic waterjet control systems,
blueARROW is a complete waterjet and controls package. It follows
that blueARROW incorporates single or twin waterjet units, jet
control interfaces, engine throttle and gearbox control interfaces,
together with helm station control devices. So basic specifications of
blueARROW are the following: vessel length – 8-16 metres;
vesselWeight – 3-30 tonnes; engine Input Power Range – 200900kW (270-1340hp); RPM Range (at waterjet mainshaft) – 1200-
Picture 2. Control adjustments constituents
3000rpm. Also we can’t but add that it is available with Hamilton
Waterjet models HJ292, HJ322, HJ364 and HJ403; and it is even
suitable for Single and Twin installations in monohulls or catamarans
To sum everything up blueARROW has many safety
features including multiple levels of redundancy and a fully
independent smart backup, together with comprehensive diagnostics
and alarms, making it the safest and most reliable control system of
its type. Besides, blueARROW is suitable for commercial
applications, workboats, military craft and pleasure yachts. Like all
of HamiltonJet’s quality propulsion products, blueARROW is
installed and supported by the company’s network of Distributors
and service agents in over 55 locations around the world.
That is why we believe that these innovations will be effectively
used to enhance the seaworthiness and provide optimal safety.
1. BLUEARROW [Electronic resource] // HamiltonJet:
website – URL:
(accessed date: 24 Feb 2016).
2. JETANCHOR [Electronic resource] // HamiltonJet:
website – URL: (accessed
date: 25 Feb 2016).
3. JETanchor [Electronic resource] //Maritime journal:
URL: (accessed date: 26 Feb 2016).
Аннотация. Данная статья рассказывает о новейшей
системе динамического позиционирования судна под названием
JETanchor и системе blueARROW, которая обеспечивает ее
эффективную работу. Представляются типы судов, для которых
эти системы являются приоритетными. Даются некоторые
отличительные особенности конструкции. Перечисляются
преимущества использования. Доказывается безопасность и
надёжность данных систем. Акцентируется внимание на
возможности коммерческого применения. Описываются другие
способы использования.
позиционирования, система маневрирования, водометный
движитель, взаимосвязанные системы, JETanchor, blueARROW,
компания HamiltonJet.
Summary. The given article is devoted to the cutting edge
system of the dynamic ship positioning named JETanchor and the
other one which ensures its effective operation – blueARROW.
Types of the vessels which apply these innovations with highest
priority are presented. Some smart design features are listed. The
advantages of usage are enumerated. The safety and reliability of the
given systems are proved. The possibility of commercial application
is stressed. Various methods of implementation are described.
Keywords: Dynamic positioning system, maneuvering
system, waterjet, interconnecting systems, JETanchor, blueARROW,
HamiltonJet Company.
UDC 629.12
Ekaterina Sotnikova
2 year student, Ocean Engineering and Shipbuilding,
Sevastopol State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Olga Ivanova
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Ocean Engineering and Shipbuilding
Sevastopol State University
Anna Rodkina
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Ocean Engineering and Shipbuilding
Sevastopol State University
Ulia Sabadash
Scientific advisor, senior lecturer,
Roman and German Philology Department,
Sevastopol State University
Similarity methods promote very powerful technique for
modelling offshore platforms. Such methods shall apply in the
situations when the wave-structure interaction process is complex,
and its modelling cannot be expressed by rigorous mathematical
formulations [3, p. 575]. Similarity Laws are related to the behavior
of prototype and scaled model in the following manner: structure
geometry (similarity in the structure geometry), fluid flow
(similitude in the fluid kinematics) and the interaction of the two
(similitude in the dynamics of the structure subjected to the fluid
flow around it) [4, p. 1004].
Structures become geometrically similar, when a small scale
testing model and a prototype have similarity in the shape and the
ratio of their linear sizes is a scale factor a:
= a,
are any two corresponding dimensions of
the prototype and the observed model and a is the scale ratio between
them. In this case, we can say that two structures are geometrically
similar. As a result, the ratio of these two similar dimensions will
establish the scale factor for the model (λ) [5, p.76].
The model is named kinematically similar if the ratio of the
fluid velocity and fluid acceleration are defined. Therefore, the ratio
of the prototype velocity to the respective model velocity will be a
constant. Analogous, the ratio of the acceleration will be another
constant. Their relationships can be determined from the Similarity
Laws [4, p. 1005].
In order for a model to truly represent the full-scale structure,
all three conditions, namely the geometric, kinematic and dynamic
similarities, must be maintained. Then only the model test data may
be scaled up to the full scale without any distortion. Hydrodynamic
Scaling Laws are determined from the ratio of forces.
Table 1 gives the most common Scaling Laws from the fluid
structure interaction problem. In most cases, only one of these
Scaling Laws is satisfied by the model structure. Therefore, it is
important to understand the physical process experienced by the
structure and to choose the most important Scaling Law which
operates this process.
Table 1. Common dimensionless quantities in offshore
Force ratio
Froude number
Euler number
Cauchy number
Carpenter number
In Table 1, D = member diameter, T = wave period, g =
gravity, u = kinematic viscosity, p = pressure, E = modulus of
elasticity and fe = vortex (eddy) shedding frequency. In the offshore
structure problem, the most common among the dimensionless
Scaling Laws (presented in Table 1) is Froude’s Law. It is the most
accepted method of modelling in hydrodynamics [4, p. 1006]. The
Froude model is indicated as satisfactory one to the internal and
external loading conditions and as an equality of the Froude number
too. Defining Fr as:
Assuming a scale factor of λ and geometric similarity, the
relationship between the model and full-scale structure for various
parameters may be established.
The model testing facility for offshore structures should
consist of the following capabilities such as model building,
instrumentation, simulation of environment and the software to
record and analyse data. The physical facilities should be fitted with
the basin, in which waves, wind and current can be generated.
A testing facility should have the following adequate
Tests at a reasonable scale (1 : 50 / 1 : 100 preferred);
Period of waves from 0.5 s to 4 s;
Height of waves from a few centimeters (inches) to about 0.6
m (24 in.);
Wind generating capability with a movable bank of fans;
Current generating capability with a return flow system;
Underwater video documentation capability [4, p. 1015].
Now we propose you to become familiar with based on the
similarity criterion calculations of Physical modelling in Offshore
Structures design which was made by the student of the Ocean
Engineering and Shipbuilding department of Sevastopol State
 Dimensions of the experimental model of semi-submersible
platform, archetype of which is drilling rig system «Shelf-1» was
calculated by use of the Froude similarity criterion [2];
 Physical models of deepwater offshore platforms of the SPAR
(Seagoing Platform for Acoustic Research) type (floating system of
oil production on the semi-submersible platform base with the
tension leg) and of the TLP (Tension Leg Platform) type (floating
system of oil production on the vertical buoy) was create on the
ground of mechanical similarity criterion of the Froude Model [1].
Picture 1. Deepwater offshore platforms of the SPAR type (a) and
TLP type (b)
The perspectives for further research are designated within
determination of the stability criterion of three-dimensional position
of Oceanic Engineering Structures under extreme weather conditions
(high waves and strong currents). For this purpose, the physical
model construction of fixed offshore ice-resistant off-loading
terminal and other modern technical means are required. It is also
necessary, to develop oil and gas shelf resources, including the
offshore rigs of various types: Jack-up Drilling Complex, Mobile
Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU), drilling vessels, etc.), mining
technology platforms, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) vessels,
according to the Energy Strategy of Russia until 2035.
1. Кушнир В.М. Гидродинамика глубоководных
платформ для условий Черного моря: монография / В.М.
Кушнир, В.Р. Душко, И.Н. Морева, О.А. Иванова //
Издательство СевНТУ, 2012. – 233 с.
2. Морева І.М. Гідродинаміка просторових коливань
напівзанурюваної платформи у штормових умовах / І.М.
Морева. – Дисертація канд. техніч. наук: 05.08.01:
защищена 22.04.09 / ОНМУ, Одеса. − 2009. −123 с.
3. Chakrabarti К. Subrata. Handbook of offshore
engineering / Subrata К. Chakrabarti – Great Britain : Elsevier
Ocean Engineerin, 2005. – 1268 p.
4. Shumin C., Swamidas A.S.J., Sharp J.J., Similarity
method for modeling hydroelastic offshore platforms // C.
Shumin, A.S.J. Swamidas, J.J. Sharp Ocean Engineering, –
Vol. 23. – No. 7.– pp. 575-595.
5. Yeon-Seung L., Soonhung H., Park K.C. A Scaling
Law for form drag coefficients in incompressible turbulent
flows // Ocean Engineering / L. Yeon-Seung, H. Soonhung,
K.C. Park – 2014. – Vol 92. – pp. 75-82.
Аннотация. Статья посвящена проблеме физического
моделирования морских сооружений с учётом геометрического,
кинематического и гидродинамического подобия. Выводится
коэффициент пересчёта модели и прототипа и рассматривается
практическое применение модели Фруда в проектировании
океанотехнических конструкций. Приводятся наиболее часто
применяемые безразмерные величины и их определение.
Рассматриваются экспериментальные модели полупогружных
Ключевые слова: критерии подобия, морские
сооружения, модель Фруда, коэффициент пересчёта, прототип.
Summary. The paper is devoted to the problem of the
physical modeling of offshore structures comprised of geometric,
kinematic and hydrodynamic similitude. The scale ratio of model and
prototype is carried out. The possibilities of the practical application
of Froude Model in the Ocean Engineering are considered. The most
common dimensionless quantities in offshore engineering and their
definition are provided. The experimental models of semisubmersible platforms are regarded.
Keywords: similarity law, offshore structures, physical
modelling, Froude Model, scale ratio, model testing.
Секция «Переводоведение»
Translation Studies
UDC 81.25
Elizaveta Kovaleva
2nd year student,
Department of Theory and Practice of Translation,
Chelyabinsk State University
e-mail: [email protected]
Tatiana Volkova
Research advisor, Candidate of Sciences (Philology),
Department of Theory and Practice of Translation,
Chelyabinsk State University
The process of translation is always entailed with certain
linguistic and extralinguistic difficulties than can often be solved by
using relevant additional materials and tools. These include
dictionaries (e.g., general, specialized, explanatory, bilingual, etc.),
technical tools (e.g., machine translation and translation memory
software which are effectively used for translation of specialized and
technical texts), auxiliary texts and information received from
experts and coworkers, etc.
This paper specifically focuses on two types of auxiliary
texts, namely comparative and background texts, and generally aims
at developing an algorithm for applying auxiliary texts in the process
of translation.
Our research is based on the classification of auxiliary texts
put forward by Christiane Nord. The researcher proposes the term
auxiliary texts to describe additional materials in the source language
(SL)1 and / or target language (TL) that translators use in the process
Here, SL – source language, TL – target language.
of translation [3, p. 171]. These materials can be “parallel texts (i. e.
TL texts on the same subject matter, belonging to the same genre as
the (ST)2), model texts (same subject matter, same genre, and even
same genre variety, which allows the parallel text to be used as a
model in lexis, sentence structures, and register features),
comparative texts (same subject matter, different genre), or
background texts (texts containing background information on the
subject matter, e.g. encyclopedic texts) etc.” [3, p. 171].
The definition of a comparative text proposed by Christiane
Nord implies that a comparative text differs from the ST in one
criterion, namely the text genre. For instance, the ST can be a news
release on a political issue, and a comparative text would be an
interview on the same issue or a broader topic. Another definition of
such texts is given by Jian-Yun Nie: “comparable3 texts are the texts
in two languages that concern the same topics without being strictly
parallel (i.e., translation one for another)” [2, p. 78]. Consequently,
both researchers concur that the basic criterion for selecting
comparative texts is a subject matter of the ST, considering that a
comparative text and the ST are not parallel. However, Christiane
Nord points out that a comparative text must be of a different genre,
thus giving a narrower interpretation of comparative texts. In this
context, comparative texts might be related to background texts in
some way since both comparative and background texts refer to the
same subject matter as the ST.
Luis Perez Gonzalez uses the same term as Jian-Yun Nie but
gives an opposite interpretation of a comparable text, suggesting that
“a comparable text is of the same text type, from the same time
period, on the same topic, and addressed to the same type of
Here, ST – source text.
The researcher uses the term comparable to emphasize the degree of
similarity between the ST and a comparative text: we suppose that in his
opinion, comparable texts are more related to each other than Christiane
Nord suggests.
audience as the ST, but it has been written in the TL” [4, p. 204]. For
instance, “if a translator is attempting to translate a software user
manual from English into French, a useful comparable text would be
a software user manual for a similar product that had been originally
written in French” (Ibid., p. 204). In this context the definition of a
comparable text proposed by the researcher corresponds with the
definition of a model text suggested by Christiane Nord, and
according to her classification comparative texts and model texts are
different types of auxiliary texts.
Another type of an auxiliary text is a background text.
Background texts refer to the same subject matter as the ST but they
differ in all other aspects – in the genre, register, style, etc. The
similarity in genre, register and style is not crucial as these texts are
intended to help translators to explore the subject matter of the ST.
“Background texts include various reference books and manuals,
encyclopedic articles, etc.” [1, p. 309]. On the one hand, it may be
assumed that translators refer to background texts before translating
a text in order to understand the subject matter of the ST, and only
after that do they consult parallel and model texts. On the other hand,
the “order” of consulting texts might be changed, and we would like
to reveal this regularity in our research. A take on background texts,
in contrast to comparative ones, is uniform among translation
researchers. For instance, both Christiane Nord and Sue Ellen Wright
postulate that background texts are additional materials on the
subject matter [5, p. 867].
Both comparative and background texts provide information
about various phenomena, situations, and events described in the ST.
However, in the process of translation, each of these two types aims
at tackling certain individual issues: lexical, syntactical, stylistic,
semantic, etc. For instance, background texts can provide sufficient
information in terms of vocabulary as different encyclopedias or
manuals can be referred to for specific terminology. According to
Nord`s classification, comparative texts are helpful in terms of genre
and register: these texts can help to reveal some regularities of genre
and register of the text in the TL. For instance, they can show how an
interview differs from a news release in style and format of
presentation, syntactical and lexical structure, etc.
In perspective, we plan to perform an experiment in order to
analyze how translation students and professional translators apply
auxiliary texts in the actual process of translation and aim to pinpoint
regularities and outline algorithms.
1. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk B., Thelen, M. (eds.).
Meaning in Translation / B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, M. Thelen
// Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford,
Wien. – 2010. Vol. 19. – 480 pp.
2. Nie J. Cross-language Information Retrieval / J. Nie //
Canada: University of Montreal. – 2010. – 125 pp.
3. Nord C. Text Analysis in Translation: Theory,
Methodology, and Didactic Application of a Model for Translationoriented Text Analysis / Ch. Nord // Amsterdam: Rodopi. – 2006. –
284 pp.
4. Perez Gonzalez L. (ed.). Speaking in Tongues: Language
Across Contexts and Users / L. Perez Gonzalez // Valencia:
Universidad de Valencia. – 2003. – 324 pp.
5. Wright Ellen S., Budin G. The Handbook of Terminology
Management: Application-oriented Terminology / S. Ellen Wright,
G. Budin // Amsterdam: John Benjamins B. V. – 2001. Vol. 2. – 566
Аннотация. Статья представляет собой краткий обзор
двух видов вспомогательных текстов – сравнительных и
фоновых. Автор опирается на классификацию вспомогательных
текстов К. Норд и предлагает характеристику выбранных
вспомогательных текстов, основываясь на взглядах и мнениях
зарубежных исследователей. Проанализированы определения
сравнительных и фоновых текстов в трактовках разных авторов,
предпринята попытка установить, какую роль выполняют
сравнительные и фоновые тексты в процессе письменного
перевода и в решении каких переводческих трудностей
оказываются наиболее эффективны.
вспомогательный текст, сравнительный текст, фоновый текст.
Summary. The paper reports on two types of auxiliary texts,
namely comparative and background texts. The author bases the
research work on Nord`s classification and proposes a description of
given auxiliary texts according to views of foreign researchers. In the
paper, we analyze various interpretations of comparative and
background texts existing in the foreign translation studies, and we
attempt to find out what functions given auxiliary texts perform and
what types of problems they help to solve in the process of
Keywords: translation, auxiliary text, comparative text,
background text.
UDC 81’255.2
Julia Kunitcina
4 year student, English philology department
Institute of foreign philology
Taurida Academy
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Natalia Knyaseva
Scientific advisor, PhD in Philology
English philology department
Institute of foreign philology
Taurida Academy
V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Сommonly, translation is defined as the process by which a
message in a source language is linguistically changed so that to be
comprehended by readers of the target language. During the process
of communication a translator regards as an active link. Moreover,
his communication skills are called to increase the effect of the
original message. So a qualified translator is challenged to transfer
knowledge efficaciously from one language to another, therefore he
must have be possessed of certain characteristics to accomplish
effectiveness of translation – the major one is deal with the
translation process and the translation strategies to be employed
while translating.
In this respect, translation competence means text reception
and analysis, text production, translation quality assessment,
linguistic and cultural competence both on the source and target side.
Proposing the target text as a replacement of the source text, the
translator must de seriously confirmed from the points of view of
structure, semantics, socio-cultural value and register. Thus his task
is not only to find equivalent terms in the target language by means
of dictionaries but be able to give translation according to the rules,
style, and grammar of the target language so that the translation does
not sound awkward and uncommon.
In such approach, peculiarity of translation strategies is
determined initially by so called external features in accordance with
genre and register, such as: text purpose, writer\reader relationships
and medium of communication, - which naturally have implications
for what is called internal features of the text, covering thematic and
ideological organization, layout, the author’s tone, syntax, lexical
choice and stylistic expressiveness.
The assumptions considered, the translation model includes
the following stages: defining the message content (what?) and
general purpose of the message (why?); distinguishing the recipients
(who?) and function (expected reaction of the recipients); planning
the quantity and order of content (What is assumed) and the
realization (what is expressed linguistically and what by some other
means). Let’s take for instance translation of a publicistic text,
namely “Restoring the American Dream” by Ringer R.J., so as to
develop the given above options: author’s intention (inform,
propagate, influence public consciousness, persuade, encourage,
evaluate), type of author (public\private), rational\emotional attitude
(explicit\implicit), publicistic universals (based on system of social
values expressed in stereotypes, world outlook, conventions,
symbols, personal, cultural, ethnic identities, etc.), language register
(genre peculiarities, choice of lexicon and syntax, compilation of
If to summarise, it is possible to single out some aspects of
translation strategies having linguistic consequences ( in terms of
Latyshev L.K.): equivalence (on denotative-significative,
connotative-expressive, pragmatic levels), genre-stylistic adequacy
(in accordance with stylistic and functional perspective), translator’s
proficiency (pursue of speech and language norms) and providing
pragmatic purpose.
It becomes evident that while translating, translators use all
the four approaches: communicative, pragmatic, cognitive and
linguistic, - to ensure that the final translated version suits the
culture, intelligence, context of situation and language level of the
target readers of the translated version. The competent translator is
supposed to be situated in his function as communicator, who being
an active interpreter of a text forges its meaning on the basis of its
personal, social and cultural context.
1. Бархударов Л.С. Язык и перевод. – М.:
Международные отношения, 1975. – 240с.
2. Брандес М.П. Стиль и перевод. – М.: Книжный дом
“ЛИБРОКОМ”, 2009. – 128с.
3. Латышев Л.К. Технология перевода. – М.: Академия,
2008. – 320с.
4. Dijk Teun A. van., Text and context. Exploration in the
semantics and pragmatics of discourse, 282p., (Longman, 1997).
5. Ringer R.J. Restoring the American Dream. – New York:
Fawcett Crest, 2003. – 346p.
6. Translation Theories – Eugene Nida and Dynamic
Equivalence – Online [Электронный ресурс]: онлайн статья –
2013. – Режим доступа:
Аннотация. Представленные тезисы посвящены
эффективности переводческих стратегий в публицистическом
тексте. В центре внимания находится переводческая модель и
некоторые аспекты публицистических стратегий, имеющих
языковую значимость. Результаты проведенного исследования
отражают специфику публицистики. Исследование проведено в
контексте актуальных проблем, связанных с трудностями,
которые возникают в переводе публицистического текста, в
частности публицистики Р. Дж. Рингера «Restoring the American
эффективность, модель, публицистический текст, стратегия,
контекст, восприятие, анализ, переводческая компетенция.
Summary. The theses deal with effectiveness of translation
strategies in a publicistic text. Special attention is paid to the
translation model and some aspects of translation strategies having
linguistic consequences. The main area of the research covers the
specificity of a publicistic text. Findings given in the theses illustrate
the difficulties that relevant to the translation, in particular, of a
publicistic text, namely “Restoring the American Dream” by Ringer
Keywords: translation, communication, effectiveness,
model, publicistic text, strategy, context, reception, analysis,
translation competence.
UDC 347.78.034
Kutnyak Natalia
4th year student, Linguistics Department,
Southern Federal University
e-mail: [email protected]
Danilova Irina Igorevna
Scientific advisor, Associate Professor,
Linguistic Department,
Southern Federal University
The modern world is characterized by broad application of
information in all spheres of activity of the person. Everyone
inevitably faces this phenomenon of the 21st century. It could be in
the daily speech, communication in social networks, professional
lexicon or texts that have undergone transformations. The translation
is a type of transformation. The translator adapts the text using
stylistic, lexical and grammatical techniques during the translation
from FL to IL. In view of the above, it can be concluded that the
topic is actual today. The entry-level translators often resort to
literalism that leads to a bureaucratic shade.
The aim of our study was to investigate officialese in the
translation. The theoretical base of research was made by K. I.
Chukovsky, Nora Gal, D. M. Buzadzhi's works.
First of all, we should consider the definition of such stylistic
phenomenon as "officialese".
Bureaucratese is a derogatory term for language that sounds
official. It is the "language of officialdom". Officialese is
characterized by a preference for wordy, long sentences, a preference
for complex words, code words or buzzwords over simple,
traditional ones.
According to D. M. Buzadzhi, officialeses are "bad illness".
They are, first of all, clichés, heavy phrases and bureaucratic lexicon.
This neologism was invented in the early sixties by K. I.
Chukovsky. In the work "Alive as life itself" the Russian translator
and the literary critic wrote: "Taking away our thought from real life,
obscuring her it with muddy phrases, this slang is immoral itself.
Dishonest, disgraceful slang" [2, В 15 т. T. 4].
Slang, clichés will never make our speech more beautiful.
Sentences with officialeses are lifeless, dry, and with a huge number
of nouns. Verbs in such sentences are almost excluded. They are
replaced by participial phrases. A verb in essence is the most brisk
part of our speech.
A verb must light the hearts of people. Not only writers and
translators resort to officialeses. Sometimes ordinary people tell
seemingly fascinating story, but in office language. And it turns to be
not such fascinating. Nora Gal, the translator and the literary critic,
have devoted the whole book to this creation of our language –
"Words Living and Words Dead". In her work she has given six
definitions to officialese: replacement of a verb; a heap of nouns in
oblique cases; abundance of foreign words where they can be
replaced with the Russian words; replacement of active phrases by
passive; heavy, unintelligibility, monotony, blurring, clichés. "Saying
briefly, officialese is lifelessness" [3].
"It is possible to refer high rate of subordinative
communications, abundance of pronouns, tolerance to repetitions and
weakening of a role of a verb in English. An office effect is
happened when translator literally translates English text into
Russian" [2, page 1].
In translations from Russian into English, officialeses appear
as a result of replacement of Russians "not subjective-predicate"
sentences by the passive and depersonalized constructions [2].
"Planet’s early life" should be translated not as
"представители органической жизни", but as "первобытные
организмы"; the English word "quality" is often translated as
"качество", but his meaning is "достоинство"; «Есть одна особа –
она добра, чиста, преданна, она любила бы меня». In the original
text it is the word "one", not "person". In Russian, it would be more
natural to say: Есть одна чистая душа – добрая, преданная.
One of the reasons why the translator uses officialese is the
aspiration to add excess words and duplicate information. Another
one is the uncertainty in his language opportunities. The translator
resorts to clichés to avoid the responsibility. But language is
"invaluable inheritance, which has been created by the people for
centuries and which has been developed, burnished and perfected by
Pushkin, Turgenev and many other best talents of our earth" [4, C.
Thus, officialeses are inappropriate constructions of speech.
The translator must feel the language into which he translates to
avoid them. It is necessary to run a risk and take the responsibility.
Also, the translator should take care of the language and treat it with
circumspection. Words, which in the European languages exist in the
daily use at us, receive official coloring and sound unnaturally in our
1. Бузаджи Д.М. Нехорошая болезнь. Диагностика и
лечение канцелярита в переводе, журнал "Мосты", №3, 2013, с.
2. Чуковский К.И. Живой как жизнь // Собрание
сочинений: В 15 т. Т. 4
3. Нора Галь. Слово живое и мертвое. от «Маленького
принца» до «Корабля дураков». – М.: Междунар. Отношения,
4. Нора Галь. Слово живое и мертвое. от «Маленького
принца» до «Корабля дураков». – М.: Междунар. Отношения,
2001. – С. 28-29.
Аннотация. В данной статье дается определение такому
языковому явлению, как «канцелярит». Канцеляриты – это
слова, устойчивые словосочетания, грамматические формы и
конструкции, употребление которых в литературном языке
рассматривает канцеляриты в текстах перевода и выделяет
несколько причин, по которым переводчик прибегает к
использованию таких языковых конструкций. На основе
проведенного исследования, были сделаны рекомендации, как
избежать использования канцелярита переводе.
переводчик, перевод, язык.
Summary. This article gives the definition of officialese or
bureaucratese. Bureaucratese is a derogatory term for language that
sounds official. The article considers these language constructions in
translations. Also, there are given several reasons why the translator
resorts to officialese construction. The main reason is uncertainty in
the language opportunities. But language is invaluable inheritance,
which has been created by the people for centuries. The translator
must feel the language into which he translates to avoid officialese or
Key words: officialese, bureaucratese, translator, transla