2012-13 - Central Community College


2012-13 - Central Community College
Community College
Go Green in 2013
Annual Report
Go Green in 2013
The Central Community College Foundation was established in
1989 as a separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. The mission of
the Foundation is to assist students in pursuing their educational
goals by providing monetary and advisory support to Central
Community College.
Fiscal 2013 was a very strong year for the Foundation based on our
donor support with respect to our successful campaigns, events,
planned giving, and strategic direction. Our assets are approximately $6.5 million with deferred and/or expectant gifts right at
$2 million. The Legacy Society is building annually with all
our donors supporting Central Community College (CCC) and their
commitment to education and career development.
Dean Moors
This year’s theme is “Go Green in 2013,” which signifies not only new and enhanced dollars
from our donors but growth in our funds and assets and, yes, sustainability within the Foundation.
We sincerely thank all our donors and hope to continue our strong funding of scholarships and
programs through CCC.
Dean Moors
Executive Director
College President’s Report
Foundation Board President’s Report
Hall of Fame
Legacy Society
Planned Giving
CCC Retiree Association
Endowed Scholarships
Scholarship Spotlight
Donor Honor Roll
Gifts in Kind
CCC Employee Donors
Foundation Board of Directors
Audited Financial Report—Balance Sheet
Audited Financial Report—Income Statement 23
Direct Scholarship Graph
Foundation Activities
Alumni Association
Matching Corporate Gifts
Design: Marilyn Reynolds
Print: Central Community College / Hastings Printing and Creative Services
College President’s Report
At Central Community College student access and success are at the
core of our role and mission. We strive to assure that our students meet
their learning objectives and educational goals in a friendly, supportive
environment. CCC attempts to keep education affordable and within
reach of all who desire it. In this endeavor the CCC Foundation plays a
key role within our community, providing crucial financial support for
The CCC Foundation’s work advances our common goal of placing
Dr. Greg P. Smith
students first by assuring private support for high quality, low cost
public education. The men and women who contribute their time,
energy, and expertise to the Foundation’s Board of Directors deserve our special thanks. This talented
board is a unified body whose commitment benefits all those who look to CCC to help fulfill their hopes
and dreams. The members of the board set an example for others last year with 100% of them personally
contributing funds to the Foundation.
With CCC experiencing overall enrollment growth in the last five years, the work of the CCC Foundation
is increasingly important. Our dual challenge is to offer programs, facilities, and opportunities that enable
a diverse array of men and women to improve their lives and their communities while making those
opportunities as affordable as possible.
We can all be proud that thousands of men and women of all ages, from across our 25-county area and
beyond, turn to CCC each year with high educational expectations. There is an implicit agreement entered
into each time a student enrolls that CCC will provide learning environments conducive to success and that,
in return, the student will invest the energy and effort necessary to achieve success.
This agreement is possible in large part due to support from individuals, businesses, and organizations
dedicated to improving our overall quality of life through generous contributions to provide financial aid,
programs, and facilities for our deserving students. I speak for all affiliated with CCC and the communities we serve when I express heartfelt gratitude to the numerous private donors listed in this report for their
past benevolence. Thanks to you, we look forward to a continued relationship of mutual support for CCC’s
future students.
College Highlights 2011-2012
• Total population in the 25 county service area (2012
• Number of full-time equivalent students at CCC
estimated census) was 305,513
was 4,214. One full-time equivalent equals 30
semester hours of credit
• Courses (credit & non-credit) were offered in 90
• Part-time students enrolled at CCC were 9,636
• Central Community College offered 34 programs
• Students who took both on-campus and distance
of study
courses at CCC were 2,928
• Number of students enrolled at CCC was 23,464
• Number of students who took distance courses was
• Number of students enrolled full-time at CCC was
• Average award of financial aid to CCC students
2,978 (unduplicated)
was $4,124 per student; 75% of full-time students
receive financial aid
Foundation President’s Report
Something special happens at each of our Board of Directors
meetings. At each meeting a student who has benefited from a
scholarship through the Central Community College Foundation
tells us a little about their background and how the scholarship
has helped them. Sometimes what we hear can shake us up.
Often, this is a very emotional time. I wish that every donor and
potential donor could hear these messages. It is a great reminder
of why the donations and the work of the Foundation are so
important to Central Community College.
Jack Schreiner
Without your help, many of these students would not be able to get an education. We all know
that education can make a significant difference in lives. It also shapes our communities, the
nation, and the world.
There are many meaningful ways to give. When our daughter passed away a few years ago, we
started a Memorial Scholarship in her name through the Foundation. We found it to be a rewarding
way to remember her. Please contact the Foundation office if you would like to learn more about
how you can make a difference.
Scholarship funds are, once again, slowly increasing. Improvements in the investment markets
are starting to help. Employees and Alumni of Central Community College are recognizing the
value of scholarships through their generosity. We are starting to see more people considering
Planned Giving through the Foundation as part of their legacy.
Overall, it has been a good year. Dean and his staff are doing a remarkable job. The college
administration and the Foundation Board of Directors take their job very seriously. We will all
continue to work hard to help even more students in the future.
Graduation Highlights
The following graduation information is from the 2011-2012 Employment Graduate Report:
• 2,026 career and technical awards (degrees,
• 89% of the graduates who responded were either
diplomas, and certificates) were granted
employed or continuing their education at CCC or
at another institution
• 185 academic transfer degrees were granted
• 85% of the respondents who were either employed
• 96% of the graduates surveyed responded
or continuing their education remained in the 25
county area
• 96% of the graduates remained in Nebraska
Hall of Fame
The Central Community College “Hall of Fame” was established by the CCC
Foundation to honor individuals or couples who have demonstrated exceptional
support for Central Community College and its mission over the years.
Criteria for selection is focused in three areas: philanthropy, service to Central
Community College and/or Central Community College Foundation, and community service. Selection must meet the minimum criteria guidelines, but may
be based on emphasis in one specific area.
Instrumental in creation of the
Central Community College
system. He was a member of
the CCC Board of Governors
from its inception in 1966 until
his death on August 20, 2004.
Strong supporter of Central
Community College for more
than 25 years. Mrs. Behlen was
a leader of the CCC Foundation
kick-off campaign.
Lois Behlen
Ken Wortman
Columbus, Nebraska
Inducted 1993
Aurora, Nebraska
Inducted 1994
Recognized for early and
continuing support for Central
Community College and the
CCC Foundation.
Cited for his leadership in the
formation of the Columbus
Ken Torczon
Wuanita Butler & Butler Family
Columbus, Nebraska
Inducted 1995
Hastings, Nebraska
Inducted 1997
Established a small business incubator loan fund to
provide low interest loans
through CCC’s Small Business Institute on the Hastings
Campus to assist startup
Honored for outstanding leadership in a successful capital
improvement campaign on
the Grand Island Campus.
Jim & Norma Merrick
Dale & Dolores Watley
Grand Island, Nebraska
Inducted 1997
Sioux Falls, SD
Inducted 1998
Hall of Fame
Cited for their long-standing
support of Central Community
College and the CCC Foundation,
most notably through their ongoing
commitment to the development
and improvement of the Central
Community College-Columbus
Honored for their support in
development of the Central
Community College-Kearney
Center and establishment
of the Ron and Carol Cope
Foundation Scholarship Fund
for CCC nursing students.
Ron & Carol Cope
Bud & Rita Fleischer
Kearney, Nebraska
Inducted 2000
Columbus, Nebraska
Inducted 2001
Honored for his 32 years of
dedicated service to Central
Community College, including
18 years as College President,
and in grateful appreciation
for his ongoing support of
CCC students through the
endowment of the Preusser
Scholarship Fund with the CCC
In grateful recognition and
appreciation for their ongoing
support of Central Community
College and the establishment
of the June Yost Nursing
Scholarship Fund.
Dr. Joseph W. Preusser
Dr. Jack & June Yost
Fairfield Bay, Arkansas
Inducted 2002
Hastings, Nebraska
Inducted 2004
In appreciation of his support
of the allied health programs at
Central Community College,
including the establishment of
the Ken Morrison Endowed
Scholarship for students in
health care related fields.
In grateful recognition and
appreciation for his support of
Central Community College
and his longtime leadership in
the development and growth of
the Central Community College
Ken Morrison
Jack Crowley
Hastings, Nebraska
Inducted 2006
Hastings, Nebraska
Inducted 2008
S. N. (Bud) & Gloria Wolbach
Grand Island, Nebraska
Inducted 2011
In recognition and appreciation of Bud & Gloria’s commitment to Central
Community College and the Foundation, along with their support to philanthropy
and community service in Grand Island and the surrounding area.
The Legacy Society...
An Investment in the Future
The Legacy Society allows the donor to leave a gift in the form of a bequest naming
Central Community College Foundation as a beneficiary in his or her will. This
can be done by a percentage of or a fixed amount of their estate. Other methods
of donating to the Legacy Society include life insurance policies or other planned
giving programs.
For more information as to how you can become a member of the Legacy Society,
contact Dean Moors, Executive Director, at [email protected] or 402-460-2153.
The donors listed below are members of the CCC Foundation Legacy Society. Those marked
with an asterisk were added in 2012-2013.
Stuart & Virginia Huber—Kearney
Dr. Steven & Barbara Hultman—Lithia, FL
Dorothy R. Jacobsen—Juniata
Bernard & Oriel Kinley—Hastings
Drs. Robert & Kathleen McPherson—
Bradenton, FL
William March—Hastings
Dean & Brenda Moors—Hastings
Bliss M. & Virginia A. North—Hastings
Dr. Joseph W. Preusser—Fairfield Bay, AR
Lenard Reckling—Grand Island
Leon & Barb Sanders—Columbus
Carol A. Taczek—Columbus
Michele Uzendoski—Columbus
Doris Van Dyke—Columbus
Diana Watson—Holdrege
Henry & Frieda Wendt—Hastings
S.N. (Bud) & Gloria Wolbach—Grand Island
Dr. John & June Yost—Hastings
Richard (Abe) Abraham—Columbus
Lois Behlen—Columbus
*Gene L. Burmester—Hastings
Nell Burnham—Columbus
Larry Butler—Hastings
Wuanita Butler—Hastings
Ron & Carol Cope Foundation—Kearney
Jack & Judy Crowley—Hastings
Duane D. Curtin Trust—Grand Island
Robert & Verdella Emerson—Columbus
W. T. (Chip) & Vonda Essex—Hastings
Lucille Filipi—Columbus
Mathew (Bud) & Rita Fleischer—Columbus
Dr. LaVern & Connie Franzen—Hastings
Dr. Wayne & Celia Ganow—Hastings
Robert Glenn—Hastings
Earl & Myrtle Grimminger—Grand Island
Alan & Dorothy Hartley—Doniphan
Sid & Irene Hellman—Kearney
My employment with Central Community College began in 1969-70 in Columbus.
The campus was in its infancy when I was asked to teach an accounting course
at night; at that time I was teaching accounting at Columbus High. In the fall
of 1970 I became a full-time accounting instructor at Platte College and taught
accounting the next four years. I served as an administrator from 1974 until my
retirement in 2006. My administrative duties included cluster chairperson,
Associate Dean of Instruction and Interim Dean.
Leon and Barb Sanders
Barb also had connections with the campus working part-time from 1972 to
1990. Her duties during that time included community education night classes,
managing the NPPD Learning Center, teaching computer workshops and
substituting during a maternity leave. Barb’s second career was as an insurance
agent for State Farm from 1990 to 2009.
Since both of us spent a good share of our lives with campus students, faculty and staff, it seemed appropriate to
make plans to continue that relationship with the college by naming the CCC Foundation as a beneficiary in our
personal estate plan. By contributing a future gift to the Foundation, we are assured that one or more students will
be able to further their education and, in turn, make a contribution to society. It is gratifying to know that having
a local college makes higher education more affordable and a reality for many. The CCC Foundation makes a
difference in the lives of many, many students each year, and we encourage others to help support their efforts.
Planned Giving
A bequest is one of the simplest forms of planned giving for individuals and families and can
be one of your most effective tools for protecting the security of your loved ones.
When you create a will or living trust, you have the ability to decide how your assets will be
distributed at your death. You can include provisions, or bequests, that indicate to whom you’d
like to give specific assets or amounts.
Besides naming family members and other loved ones, you can also include bequests to charitable organizations such as the Central Community College Foundation. When you include a
gift to the Foundation in your estate plans, you join a group of instrumental supporters whose
donations support Central Community College programs along with scholarships.
Advantages of a Bequest
It’s easy to do. Making a bequest is as simple as inserting a few sentences into your will or
living trust.
You can change your mind. Your estate plan can be changed at any time. With a bequest, you
are not actually making a gift until your death. Until then, you are free to alter your plans,
eliminating the worry that you might make a commitment you could later regret.
It may reduce the taxes on your estate. If you choose to make a bequest to the Central
Community College Foundation, you’ll receive valuable tax benefits in addition to feeling
good about helping others. Your estate is entitled to an unlimited estate tax deduction for
bequests to qualified charitable organizations.
How it Works
Your estate planning attorney can help you structure a gift so your wishes for your loved ones
and favorite causes will be accurately fulfilled. You can include charitable bequests when you
create your will or living trust, or you can add a bequest later by means of a codicil to your will
or an amendment to your trust.
Just a few sentences, called bequest language, in your will or living trust are all that is needed.
You can give us a specific item or amount, or you can give us a percentage of what is left of
your estate after others have received their share. A percentage allows your gift to remain proportionate to your estate size.
Although not necessary, notifying us that we are being named in your will or trust documents
helps ensure that your bequest will be executed in the manner you intended and allows you to
become a member of our “Legacy Society” recognized in our annual report.
There are various ways and strategies to make a bequest to us, but please discuss these with
your estate planning attorney as you prepare to create or update your estate plan. You need
someone who understands the laws in your state, as well as federal law, and someone who can
translate your wishes appropriately.
Remember, CCC graduates help fuel Nebraska’s economy as over 80% of the graduates stay
in the 25-county CCC area and over 95% stay in Nebraska.
We’re happy to send you a copy of our official bequest language or answer your questions
about bequests and other planned giving options. Please give us a call at (402)-460-2153
or email at [email protected].
CCC Retiree Tuition Program
In 1994, the Foundation Board of Directors unanimously approved to institute a tuition
program for retired Central Community College (CCC) employees and/or spouse who desire
to continue their education at CCC.
The following criteria were established at that time:
• Retiree/Spouse must have attained the age of 55 years
• Employee must have completed a minimum of 10 years of continuous full-time
employment at CCC
• “Retirement” must be indicated on their personnel action document at the CCC
Human Resources Department
• A maximum of 5 credit hours each for retiree and spouse is allotted per year
Please contact the CCC Foundation office for further information and requirements for this
The Foundation Board of Directors is appreciative of the increasing and ongoing support given
to the Foundation by this group of individuals and feels it is important to offer this program
to CCC retirees. Below you will find a personal account from Walt Miller, retired Drafting
instructor from the Hastings Campus, who has benefited from this program since his retirement
in 2001.
I taught Architectural Drafting at CCC in Hastings from 1970 to 2001
in three different buildings. The campus is the headquarters area for
the former Naval Ammunition Depot built in WWII and operated until
1966. The brick buildings are elegant architectural treasures is Jeffersonian style like the University of Virginia. As an architect I appreciate
these buildings more than words can say. The joy of being able to savor
them daily as a CCC employee has been priceless.
The CCC Retiree Association over the last 12 years has been a perfect
format for me to maintain an ongoing relationship with the College and
staff, be informed of the latest changes and growth, and interact with
former fellow employees. I still feel welcome and a part of CCC.
Walt Miller
The CCC Foundation retirement tuition reimbursement program has been a marvelous benefit
to me. Nearly every year I sign up for a class at CCC, especially in drafting where I have been
able to stay current with all the latest CAD updates. It has made it possible to develop the ongoing
Original NAD Building Plaque Project. Soon each of the original brick CCC buildings will
have an exterior bronze plaque with photos and narration of its use by the U.S. Navy. A milelong campus walking trail past these plaques is a very distinct possibility in the future.
Working with the campus’s Veterans & Military Services Director, Travis Karr, and Facilities
Management Director, Ed Long, to restore historic NAD monuments has been a very gratifying
Student Scholarship Support–Endowed Scholarships
A number of permanently endowed funds have been established for student and college support over the
years. Monies in these endowed funds are invested, with scholarships and support awarded from investment earnings only. The principal of the endowed funds remains intact to continue providing scholarships
and support for future students and the programs at Central Community College.
The Foundation also coordinates a number of other scholarships that have not been permanently endowed.
They are too numerous to list in the annual report. If you or someone you know would like to set up or receive information about either an endowed scholarship or another type of scholarship, please contact Dean
Moors, Executive Director of the Central Community College Foundation.
The following is a list of the endowed scholarships that the Foundation oversees. For a broader synopsis of
these scholarships, please visit the Foundation’s website, cccneb.edu/foundation.
Alumni Heritage Endowed Scholarship—College-wide
Merle & Dorothy Anderson—Hastings Campus
Karen Baird Scholarship Fund—College-wide
Herbert P. “Mike” & Lois V. Behlen Memorial
Scholarship—Columbus Campus
Fred Bosselman Memorial Scholarship—College-wide
Linda Bowden Scholarship—Grand Island Campus
Burke Estate Scholarship—Hastings Campus
Donovan Butler Endowment—Hastings Campus
CCCF General Endowment Fund—College-wide
Coca-Cola Express Endowment Fund—Hastings Campus
Columbus Memorial Scholarship
Ron & Carol Cope Foundation GED Scholarship Fund—
Ron & Carol Cope Foundation Nursing Fund—
Grand Island Campus
Ed R. Crowley, Jr. Memorial Scholarship—College-wide
Dana Corporation Scholarship—Hastings Campus
Dawson County Scholarship—College-wide
Dowd Family Endowment Scholarship—College-wide
Dvoracek-Woodward Scholarship—College-wide
Lucille & Dr. Ed Fillipi Scholarship Fund—
Columbus Campus
Fine & Performing Arts Endowed Fund—Columbus Campus
LaVern Franzen Scholarship—College-wide
Alvena Garrido Endowed Scholarship—College-wide
Dr. Chester Gausman Scholarship—College-wide
Mary J. Graf Fund—Columbus Campus
Grand Island Memorial Scholarship
Myrtle B. Grimminger Endowed Scholarship—
Hartley Family Scholarship Fund—Hastings Campus
Vicki Harvey Scholarship—Grand Island Campus
Hastings Elk’s Scholarship
Hastings Faith Lutheran Church Scholarship
Hastings Memorial Scholarship
Hastings Rotary Club Scholarship
Hastings St. Cecilia Parish Scholarship
Hastings YMCA Scholarship
Sid & Irene Hellman Scholarship—Grand Island Campus
Richard & Marlene Hinrichs Scholarship—College-wide
Dorothy Jacobsen Scholarship—College-wide
Kaufman-Cummings Trust Scholarship—College-wide
Larry Kaus Memorial Scholarship—Columbus Campus
Haskell Kirkland Memorial Culinary Arts Scholarship—
Hastings Campus
Vince Lempke Scholarship—Columbus Campus
Lindsay Welding Scholarship—Columbus Campus
Martha E. & Robert Lund Scholarship—Columbus Campus
Memorial Scholarship—College-wide
Jim & Norma Merrick Scholarship—Grand Island Campus
Ken Morrison Health Occupation Scholarship—
Nebraska Open Scholarship—College-wide
Don Nelson Memorial Scholarship—Grand Island Campus
New Business & Technology Center Scholarship—
Columbus Campus
Bliss & Virginia North Scholarship—Hastings Campus
Nursing & Allied Health Faculty/Staff Development
Roy & Mary Pearson Nursing Scholarship—College-wide
Pepsi Cola Scholarship—Hastings Campus
Paul Peterson Memorial Fund—Columbus Campus
Dr. Joseph W. Preusser Scholarship—College-wide
Paul Rebrovich Memorial Scholarship—
Columbus Campus
Jim & Marilyn Reier Scholarship—College-wide
Edgar Reynolds Foundation—Grand Island Campus
Dr. Peter D. Rush Memorial Scholarship—
Columbus Campus
Larry & Barbara Schnase Family Endowed Scholarship—
Amanda K. Schreiner Memorial Scholarship—
Service Award Foundation Endowed Scholarship—
Buz Shultz Memorial Scholarship—College-wide
Skilled & Technical Science Scholarship—Grand Island & Columbus Campuses
Drs. Greg P. & Marilee Smith Scholarship—College-wide
Mike Swanson Endowed Memorial Welding Scholarship—
Hastings Campus
Ben Teller Memorial Scholarship—Columbus Campus
Truck Driving Scholarship—Hastings Campus
Dr. Dennis Tyson Scholarship—College-wide
S. N. (Bud) & Gloria Wolbach Nursing Scholarship—
Grand Island Campus
Ken Wortman Memorial Scholarship—College-wide
June Yost Central Community College Endowed Nursing Scholarship—College-wide
Scholarship Spotlight
The Central Community College Foundation manages over 200 accounts which include restricted and
endowed funds. Many of the funds we manage can be added to by other donors. We would like to highlight
a few of our funds for your review and consideration.
Central Community College Foundation General Endowment Fund
In 2012, the Board of Directors set a direction to permanently endow this fund in perpetuity in order to
receive donations for the purpose of self-supporting the operations of the Foundation. At an endowed level,
the Foundation will be able to generate earnings from the endowed fund to pay for all annual operating
expenses so every dollar raised can go towards scholarships and programs for Central Community College.
Memorial Scholarship Funds
The Foundation has separate restricted and endowed memorial funds to fund scholarships for students going
to any of CCC’s campuses or Learning Centers. Individuals and families can set up specific memorial funds
to honor the memory of a loved one for a specific year, program, and location. The Foundation will also set
up Memorial Endowment Funds to honor the memory of the loved one(s) in perpetuity.
Service Award Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund
This fund was set up for employees when they reach 15 years of service. They can receive a gift, or in lieu
of a gift, donate to the Foundation ranging from $50 to $300 depending on the years of service. Over the
years, these donations have generated scholarships for students attending CCC. The fund continues to grow
and make a difference in the lives of CCC students.
This week my daughter’s car broke down. A timing belt went out, which in effect
caused the engine to fail rendering the used car inoperable. I see the CCC Foundation
a little like that timing belt. It is not the part of the College that is regularly highlighted
or considered for vital maintenance, yet its existence and performance provides a necessary function in the health and advancement of our campuses. Specific examples of the
Foundation’s support for the Columbus Campus area include:
Professional development funds to allow faculty and staff to learn
advanced knowledge in their field
Support of our Fine Arts programs through the Theater Seat scholarship fund and support for our Spectrum students to perform in
Carnegie Hall
Expansion of our athletics program with the addition of Women’s
Softball, and reinstatement of Men’s Golf, Men’s Soccer and Women’s Basketball
Purchasing a simulation manikin for use by our nursing students in cooperation with
Columbus Community Hospital
Co-sponsoring youth, leadership and small business events as part of a U.S. Department of
Agriculture grant for Valley, Sherman and Greeley counties
Recognition of outstanding students, faculty, staff, retirees and donors
Adult Education, Veterans and “Students at a Distance” Scholarships
Matt Gotschall
Columbus Campus
Future opportunities where the CCC Foundation donors will play a key role include efforts to update and expand
our East Education Building for use by the Science and Nursing students, update equipment for Manufacturing
students and implementing Student Success strategies. Personally, I am a CCC Foundation donor and will continue
to support the Foundation as an essential part of the College. Just like that timing belt, I have grown to greatly
appreciate the hard work of the Foundation donors, director, staff and Board in keeping the CCC engine running
and operating at peak performance.
Donor Honor Roll
Over the years, thousands of individuals and organizations have designated Central Community College and the CCC
Foundation as recipients of their contributions. This support has come in a variety of ways—through grants, capital
campaigns, memorials, scholarships and other fund raising activities. Our Donor Honor Roll reflects gifts from patrons
to the CCC Foundation.
Due to the rising costs of printing and to participate in CCC’s Sustainability Education and Economic Development
(SEED) Pact, the Foundation has gleaned the Donor Honor Roll to include the following categories:
Board of Governor’s Club–Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze, President’s Society, and Foundation Builder’s Club include
lifetime contributions, must fall within the designated monetary values, and the most recent gift must have been within
the past three fiscal years. Dean’s Club, Faculty Club, Century Club, and Campus Club include lifetime contributions and
the most recent gift must have been within the past fiscal year.
*Legacy Donors are listed on page 6 of this annual report.
**NOTE: Every effort is made to place each donor in the proper giving category. However, with thousands of donor accounts,
errors sometimes occur. If you feel that your account is listed incorrectly, please contact the Foundation office.
Board of Governors Club—
Board of Governors Club—
Board of Governors Club—
Pledges or Gifts Exceeding
Pledges or Gifts $50,000 to $99,999
Pledges or Gifts $25,000 to $49,999
Behlen Manufacturing Company—
Willard E. Borchers Family Charitable Foundation—Hastings
James M. Cox Foundation—Omaha
Jack & Judy Crowley—Hastings
Mathew & Rita Fleischer—Columbus
Grand Island Community Foundation—
Grand Island
Grand Island Education Foundation—
Grand Island
Hamilton Community Foundation, Inc.—
Hastings Irrigation Company—
Lincoln Community Foundation—
Nebraska Community Foundation, Inc.—
Nebraska Trucking Foundation—
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co.—Hastings
Homer & Margaret Pierce—Hastings
Wendell & Frances Starr—Hastings
Tasty Toppings Inc.—Columbus
Thermo King Corporation—Hastings
T-L Irrigation Company—Hastings
Wood River Rural Schools—
Wood River
Wuanita I. Butler—Hastings
CCC Grand Island Scholarship—
Grand Island
Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce—
Compass Group USA, Inc.—
Charlotte, NC
Davis-Chambers Scholarships—
Dramco Tool Co.—Grand Island
Dutton-Lainson Company—Hastings
Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka —
Topeka, KS
Lyle & Diann Fleharty—Hastings
Alvena Garrido GED Scholarship—
Grand Chapter of the Order of
Eastern Star—Fremont
Heritage Bank—Hastings
Elmer E. Hester Fund—Benkelman
Richard & Marlene Hinrichs—
Republican City
Calvin & Jane Johnson—Hastings
Susan & Karem Kawmy—
Great Falls, VA
Mary Lanning Memorial HealthCare
Aurora COOP—Aurora
Becton-Dickinson Inc.—Holdrege
The Susan Thompson Buffett
EducationQuest Foundation—Lincoln
Kaufmann-Cummings Foundation—
Grand Island
Loup Power District—Columbus
Merrick Foundation, Inc.—Central City
Kenneth Morrison—Hastings
NE Open Scholarship—Columbus
Nebraska Machinery Co.—Omaha
Peter Kiewit Foundation—Omaha
Phelps County Community
Foundation, Inc.—Holdrege
St. Francis Medical Center—
Grand Island
Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software, Inc.—Maryland Heights, MO
Weller Foundation Inc.—Atkinson
Warren & Velda Wilson Foundation—
We can all relate to the financial challenges faced by students. Everything, including a
college education, costs more than in past years and it has become harder to make ends meet.
Many students and their families are overwhelmed and intimidated by the cost of education. Due to the recent economic downturn and unforeseen circumstances, parents have found that
they are no longer able to contribute as much as they had planned towards the cost of their
child’s education. Non-traditional students, who may be raising a family or who have other
financial obligations, are understandably reluctant to take on additional debt to fund their
education. Other students find they are not eligible for any other types of financial aid other
than scholarships. I know from personal experience the difference scholarships make in a student’s life. And,
during my years in higher education, I have heard many testimonials from students expressing what scholarships have meant to them. A scholarship often bridges the gap in funding
needed to start or finish college.
Bill Hitesman
Hastings Campus
Contributions to the Central Community College Foundation benefit not only individual students but also positively
affect our communities, area businesses and industries. I hope you will commit to helping our students accomplish their
educational goals—it’s a great return on your investment! 11
Donor Honor Roll — cont’d
Nebraska Aluminum Castings—
NE Mfg. Extension Partnership—
Platte County Agricultural Society—
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Preusser—
Fairfield Bay, AR
Principal Financial Group Foundation—
Des Moines, IA
Productivity Inc.—Omaha
ScholarshipAmerica—Saint Peter, MN
School District 117 Foundation—
Virginia Smith Scholarship Fund—
Vern & Esther Taylor Charitable Trust—
Grand Island
The Tyson Family Foundation, Inc.—
Springdale, AR
United States Bowling Congress/SMART Program—Arlington, TX
VFW Post 3704—Columbus
Wells Fargo Bank Nebraska N.A.—
Wells Fargo Bank—Grand Island
S. N. & Gloria Wolbach—Grand Island
Board of Governors Club—
Pledges or Gifts $10,000 to $24,999
AKSARBEN Friendship Circle—
American Legion/Hartman Post 84—
American Red Cross—Chicago, IL
Dorothy & Merle Anderson—Hastings
Bertrand Community School Foundation—
Tim & Maryann Bolton—Doniphan
Bosselman, Inc.—Grand Island
Linda F. Bowden—Doniphan
Deborah & Bill Brennan—Grand Island
Larry & Uschi Butler—Hastings
Butler Volland Funeral Home—
Art & Clara Butts Scholarship—
Career Education Foundation of
Carriage House Foundation—Lincoln
CCC All College In-Service Raffle
Central Community College Dental
Hygiene Alumni Assoc.
Chief Industries—Grand Island
Earl & Maxine Claussen
Charitable Trust
Coca Cola Bottling Co.—Grand Island
Columbus Bank & Trust Company—
Cornerstone Bank—York
Covidien Medical Supplies—Norfolk
Custer County Foundation, Inc.—
Broken Bow
Maureen E. Eggert—Grand Island
Fairbanks International, Inc.—
The Federated Church of Columbus
Foundation Inc.—Columbus
First National Bank & Trust Co.—
Five Points Bank—Grand Island
Flowserve Pump Division—Hastings
Fluke Corporation—Everett, WA
Franklin County Community
Dr. & Mrs. LaVern Franzen—Hastings
Fullerton Schools Foundation—
Grand Island Campus Support Staff—
Grand Island
Grand Island Express/GIX
Logistics, Inc.—Grand Island
Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Nebraska—
H & H Distributing—Grand Island
Alan & Dorothy Hartley—Doniphan
Vicki Harvey—Greeley
Hastings Community Foundation, Inc.—
Hastings Rotary Club—Hastings
Hornady Manufacturing Co.—
Grand Island
Industrial Irrigation Services—
Dorothy R. Jacobsen—Hastings
JBS Swift, USA—Grand Island
Sylvia & Eric Jones—Grand Island
Kearney Area Community Foundation—
Kenesaw Public Schools Foundation—
Ed & Cora Loutzenheiser—Juniata
McDermott & Miller—Grand Island
Messiah Lutheran Church—
Grand Island
Mid-Nebraska Community
Foundation Inc.—North Platte
Nebraska Truck Center—Grand Island
Henry K. & Wilma Orthman
Scholarship Program—Lexington
Paraclipse, Inc.—Columbus
Pinnacle Bank—Columbus
Ponca Tribe of Nebraska—Niobrara
The Jim & Marilyn Reier Scholarship—
Lona & Donald Ristine—Liberty, MO
Lee & Eileen Saathoff—Hastings
The Salvation Army Western
Sandy Creek Educational Foundation—
Sandy Creek Public Schools—Fairfield
Jack & Lisa Schreiner—Hastings
Drs. Greg P. & Marilee Smith—
Grand Island
Society of Plastic Engineers, Inc./Nebraska Chapter—Omaha
Southern Valley Scholarship Foundation—
State American Legion Auxiliary—
The Stueven Charitable Foundation—
Sutton Educational Foundation—Sutton
Teammates Mentoring Program—
TEAMMATES of Nebraska—Hastings
James & Jean Thom—Hastings
Wayne Vian—Grand Island
Werner Construction Co.—Hastings
Wilkins Hinrichs Stober
Architects, LLC—Kearney
York General Health Care Services—
President’s Society
Pledges or Gifts
$5,000 to $9,999
The American Legion—Lincoln
Arnold Public School Foundation—
Richard & Barb Averett—Columbus
Karen & James Baird—Clay Center
Bellevue University—Bellevue
Merikay Berg—Lexington
Bert’s Pharmacy—Hastings
Bethany Home Foundation, Inc.—
Big G Stores—Hastings
Dr. Lynn & Joan Black—Grand Island
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Bohlke—Hastings
Bran, Inc.—Omaha
Cardinal Tool & Die Inc.—
Grand Island
Centennial School Foundation—Utica
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma—
Durant, OK
Colfax Foundation, Inc.—Schuyler
Colorado Mold Supply, Inc.—
Denver, CO
Columbus Area Retired Teachers—
David City
Columbus Community Hospital
Columbus Platte County Convention & Visitors Bureau—Columbus
Columbus United Federal Credit Union—
Duo-Lift Manufacturing Co. Inc.—
Eakes Office Plus—Grand Island
Edgar Lions Club—Edgar
Elwood Area Foundation—Elwood
Robert & Verdella Emerson—
Fairbanks International, Inc.—Holdrege
First Presbyterian Church—
Grand Island
First United Methodist Church—
Follett Higher Education Group—
Oak Brook, IL
Dr. Donovan & Kathy Foote—Hastings
Franklin State Bank—Franklin
Geneva State Bank—Geneva
Gessford Machine Shop, Inc.—Hastings
Larry & Cheryl Glazier—Grand Island
Good Samaritan Society—Albion
Good Samaritan Society-Hastings
Dr. Matt & Michele Gotschall—
Grand Island Sunrise Rotary Club—
Grand Island
Jack Gutierrez—Columbus
Hastings Area Council on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Inc.—Hastings
Hastings Internal Medicine—Hastings
Hastings State Bank—Hastings
Bruce & Carol Hendrickson—Holdrege
Home Federal—Grand Island
Betty & Don Hulme—Hastings
Insurance Services—Columbus
Dolores & Herb Kahookele—
Denver, CO
Kenesaw American Legion Post #268—
Kiwanis Club—Hastings
Robin Menschenfreund—
Longmont, CO
Modern Methods—Cheyenne, WY
Nebraska Health Care Foundation—
Nebraska Hospital Association—
Arlene Nelson—Grand Island
Nemaha Valley School Foundation, Inc.—
Nuckolls County Foundation—Superior
Oglala Sioux Tribe—Pine Ridge, SD
Oregon Trail Equipment—Hastings
Osceola Public Schools Foundation—
Palmer Public School—Palmer
Tom & Ann Pattno—Hastings
Donor Honor Roll — cont’d
Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma—
Pawnee, OK
Matthew & Stephanie Pershing—
The Rosen Family Foundation—
Fairmont, MN
St. Paul Public School—St. Paul
Neal & Jolene Suess—Columbus
Superior Die Set Corporation—
Oak Creek, WI
Carole & Mark Tharnish—
Grand Island
Trinity Methodist Church/
Grant Foundation—Grand Island
United Tribes of Kansas & Southeast
Nebraska, Inc.—White Cloud, KS
Vintage & Classic Wheels of
Grand Island, Inc.—Grand Island
Vishay World Headquarters—
Malvern, PA
Dr. Ben & Marilyn Vrana—Columbus
Dr. & Mrs. John C. Welch—Hastings
Woodwards Disposal Service—
York Community Foundation—York
Foundation Builders Club
Pledges or Gifts
$1,000 to $4,999
George & Colleen Adam—Hastings
Adams Central High School—Hastings
Adams Bank & Trust—Ogallala
Adams County Bank—Kenesaw
Doug Adler—Grand Island
Adult & Continuing Education Assoc. of Nebraska—Lincoln
Linda & Fred Aerni—Columbus
Albion Education Foundation—Albion
Alliance Public Schools Foundation—
Allmand Bros. Inc.—Holdrege
AM Islander Kiwanis Club—
Grand Island
The American Legion #153—Ansley
American Legion Auxiliary #119/
St. Paul—Dannebrog
American Legion Bolton Post #19—
American Legion Burrowes #48—
Loup City
American Legion Marran Post 166—
Kensington, KS
American Legion Oratory Contest—
Ameritas Investment Corp—Lincoln
Alan & Mary K. Anderson—Hastings
Jeff & Lori Anderson—Hastings
Lafe Anderson—Hastings
Animal Health Services PC—Hastings
Anonymous (2)
Applause Video—Hastings
Arcadia Public Schools—Arcadia
ARL Credit Services, Inc.—Columbus
Arnold Rotary Club—Arnold
Roger & Donna Augspurger—
James & Lisa Baird—Golden, CO
Robert F. Baker—Brunswick, GA
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Baker—Hastings
Kathryn Ballobin—Columbus
Dr. Gary W. Barth—Hastings
BD Medical Systems—Columbus
Beaver City Alumni Assoc.—
Beaver City
Sharon & Bob Becker—Columbus
Bierman Contracting—Columbus
Blue Hill Community Public School—
Blue Hill
Bob Sass Flowers Inc.—Hastings
Beth Bohrer—Hastings
Tim & Tricia Boyd—Hastings
Chuck Breunig—Hastings
Broken Bow Lions Club—Broken Bow
John Brooks—Hastings
Justyn Broweleit Memorial Fund—
Linda & Lloyd Brown—Hastings
Bruckman Rubber Co.—Hastings
Charles & Joy Bruckman—
La Quinta, CA
Buffalo County Farm Bureau—
Nell Burnham—Columbus
Central Community College Foundation Report from Grand Island Campus
Central Community College touches lives every day and the impact is lasting. We
live in an increasingly complex and competitive global environment. To engage
successfully in an ever-changing society requires a quality education. Today’s
employers are seeking innovative individuals who can think in multifaceted ways to
solve complex problems and work in partnership with others. The Central Community
College Foundation inspires, empowers and transforms students’ lives through donations towards student scholarships.
On the Grand Island Campus students supported by the Foundation are everywhere.
They are in our health science programs, technical programs and taking transfer
courses. First generation college students, veterans, single parents, and returning adult
students are enrolled with the ultimate goal of changing and improving their lives.
Michael Calvert
Grand Island
Campus President
I offer a couple of testimonials: A first generation college student stated, “I remember getting the letter in
the mail saying that I had been accepted into the college of my choice.… I went to show my mom and her
excitement didn’t match mine. She had a sharp response of, “How are you going to pay for that?” I froze.
I knew that if I wanted something, I was going to have to work for it. Between my job and through dollars
from the CCC Foundation, I am able to pursue my dreams and attend college.” Another student said,” I
am one of the few members in my family to ever graduate from high school and go on to college. There
has been so many obstacles and negativity from many people in my life. Teachers telling I would never be
someone in society, to others who said, “You’re always going to be a bum.” I took all that frustration out
on my studies, and I was on a mission to prove everyone wrong.” These examples are a small sample of the
significant impact Foundation scholarships make on the Grand Island Campus.
Central Community College would not be what it is today without support from our many friends through
the CCC Foundation. The amazing generosity of our donors has been and will continue to help to ensure
Central’s continued distinction as an outstanding educational institution.
Donor Honor Roll — cont’d
Sandy Burris—Grand Island
Steven Buss—Ayr
Mike & Marie Butler—Hastings
Jerry & Marilyn Buttell—Hastings
BW Telcom—Benkelman
Callaway Education Foundation, Inc.—
Callaway Hospital District Foundation—
Dr. Doug Camplin—Grand Island
Cargill Meat Solutions—Schuyler
Elton & Donna Carper Memorial—
Casey Industrial—Westminster, CO
Margaret & Jim Cassey—Grand Island
CCC Hastings Scholarship Committee—
Patrick A. Cecil—Hastings
Centennial Plastics—Hastings
Central Community College Student
Activity Fund—Columbus
Central Dental Group P.C.—Hastings
Central Nebraska Auto Club—Kearney
Chartwells Dining Service—Hastings
Dr. Gary & Evelyn Chingren—
Kelly Christensen—Kearney
City of Escher Fund—Beaver City
Wanda Cloet—Sutton
Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce/
Linkages Scholarship Program—
Columbus Area Human Resource
Columbus Education Association—
Columbus Family YMCA Foundation—
Columbus Hydraulics—Columbus
Columbus Noon Rotary Club—
Community Bank—Alma
Blain & Dorothy Condreay—
Platte Center
Control Management, Inc.—Omaha
Contryman & Associates Properties—
Grand Island
Contryman Solutions Group—Hastings
Cornerstone Bank—Columbus
Craig HomeCare LPN Scholarship—
Sedgwick, KS
Credit Management Morledge & Assoc.—
Grand Island
Crete Area Health Care Foundation—
Sean M. Daly D.D.S.—Hastings
Dana F. Cole & Company, LLP—
Grand Island
Deaf Services Foundation, Inc.—
Grand Island
Decatur Cooperative Association—
Oberlin, KS
Sherry L. Desel—Wood River
Marie Desmarais—Hastings
Deweese Community Club—Deweese
Nathan Paul Dicke Memorial—Omaha
Paul J. Dietze Ophthalmology PC—
John & MaryAnn Dobrovolny—
Dollars for Scholars—Overton
Doniphan Education Foundation—
Doniphan-Trumbull Schools—
Sekiko Doolittle—Grand Island
Dorchester Scholarship Account—
Dr. Judy Dresser—Vancouver, WA
Rob Druse Memorial Scholarship—
Eakes Office Plus Inc.—Hastings
Larry & Mary Eastwood—
Grand Island
Ed Eaton—Grapevine, TX
Edgar Alumni Association—Edgar
Edgerton Explorit Center—Aurora
Electronic Contracting Company—
Electronic Systems, Inc.—Hastings
Gerald & Don Eller Memorial—
Ellerbrock-Norris Insurance—Hastings
Ernst Auto Center—Columbus
William & Ruth Erwin—Monroe
Chip & Vonda Essex—Hastings
Stan Essink—Glenvil
Farris Engineering Inc.—Omaha
Dennis Feary Memorial
Scholarship Fund—Kansas City, MO
Maryjan Fiala—North Bend
Fillmore County Hospital Auxiliary—
First National Bank—Holdrege
First Nebraska Bank—Columbus
First Presbyterian Church—Norfolk
James & Cheryl Fisher—Columbus
Gregg & Dawn Foote—Columbus
Foundation for Knowledge,
District OR-1—Lincoln
Bernie Friedrichsen Memorial Fund—
Friend Public Schools Foundation, Inc.—
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Friend—Hastings
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Friend—
Gene Friesen—Aurora
Mr. & Mrs. David Fulton—Columbus
Mark Funkey—Hastings
Wayne & Celia Ganow—Hastings
Kim Garretson—Columbus
Gene Steffy Ford—Columbus
Gibbon Baptist Church—Gibbon
Gibbon Boosters—Gibbon
Gibbon Education Foundation—Gibbon
Gibbon Educational Association—
Gibbon Public Schools—Gibbon
Richard C Giblin—Sedgwick, KS
Giltner Public High School—Giltner
Bob Glenn—Hastings
Global Industries Inc.—Grand Island
Matthew L. Golter—Hildreth
Dan & Jenny Gompert—Hastings
Donald & Kerry Graff—Osceola
Grand Island Area BPW Club—
Grand Island
Grand Island Independent—
Grand Island
Darrell & Lavonne Grassmeyer—
Grayson Tool Co—Minden
Greater Kansas City Community
Foundation—Kansas City, MO
Charlie Gregory—Grand Island
Rita Guenette & Michele Miller—
Hall County Dental Association—
Grand Island
Hamilton Telecommunications—
Harlan County Community Foundation—
Harvard Public School—Harvard
Harvest of Hope Foundation—
Gainesville, FL
Hastings Area Chamber of Commerce—
Hastings Grain Inspection Company—
Hausmann Construction—Lincoln
Dan & Alicia Haussler—Grand Island
Heartland Builders Co.—Columbus
Heartland Latino Leadership
Steve & Rosie Heinisch—Columbus
Barbara & Gordon Hinrichs—
William Hitesman—Hastings
Jennifer Hoagland—Ayr
Lori & Bill Hodtwalker—Columbus
Brian Hoffman & Dr. Kittie Grace—
Mary Lou & Jim Holmberg—Omaha
HTRS School District 74-0070—
Huston & Higgins Attorneys—
Grand Island
Idea Bank Marketing—Hastings
Iowa-Nebraska Farm Equipment
Assn., Inc.—West Des Moines, IA
Alvin A. Istas Living Trust—
Concordia, KS
Jackson Services Inc.—Columbus
Dale Janitscheck—Hastings
Kimberly & Phil Johansen—Kenesaw
Johnson County Central Public Schools—
Dee Johnson—Columbus
Holly Johnson—Columbus
Dr. Lionel D. Johnson—Hastings
Marjorie A. Johnson—Clarkson
Junior Regional Tournament—Bellevue
Howard & Belva Junker—Juniata
Patricia A. Karsk—Columbus
Katana Summit LLC—Columbus
Keith & Diane Keller—Harvard
Kerr Chevrolet Co.—Hastings
Jaye Kieselhorst—Grand Island
Kimmel Foundation—Lincoln
Marianne Kindsfater—Kearney
Terry & Susie Klatt—Hastings
Ron & Carol Kluck—Schuyler
Knights of Columbus No. 2040—
Knights of Columbus—York
Pete & Marcia Konen—Hastings
Eric J. Kothe—Giltner
Jim & Cathy Krebsbach—Hastings
Lillie Krick Scholarship—Minden
Paul & Lynette Krieger—Hastings
KRS Engineering—Omaha
Linda Kruse—Grand Island
Kucera Painting Inc.—Kearney
Vicki Kucera—Lawrence
Lacy Construction—Grand Island
Ladies Auxiliary of the Fire Department—
Courtney Lamberson—Grand Island
Dan & Barb Larson—Palmer
Lauritsen, Brownell, Brostrom & Stehlik P.C., LLO—Grand Island
Tim & Barbara Lebsack—Hastings
L-H Manufacturing Co. Inc.—Hastings
Linweld Supply Co.—Hastings
Little Blue NRD—Davenport
Vicki J. Mackenstadt—Grand Island
Major Plastics Inc.—Omaha
Monte Malouf, Jr.—Hastings
Duane J. Matson—Rising City
Shari Maul—Hastings
Linda & Jon Mayberry—Omaha
McDermott & Miller—Hastings
Mead Industries, Inc.—Wood River
Vincent T. Mendez, Jr.—Grand Island
Allen & Leanne Meyer—Juniata
Ronny & Lynn Meyer—Doniphan
Terry & Beth Millard—Columbus
Steve Millnitz—Grand Island
Minden Public Schools—Minden
Donor Honor Roll — cont’d
Dean & Brenda Moors—Hastings
Multi-Culture Scholarship—Schuyler
Norman & Mary Ellen Nackerud—
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation—
Emmitsburg, MD
National High School Rodeo
Foundation—Lilburn, GA
Nebraska Academic Decathlon
Nebraska Cable Communications
Nebraska High School Rodeo
Nebraska Rod & Custom Association—
Nebraska Softball Foundation—
Nebraskaland Distributors LLC—
Grand Island
Lori & Craig Neid—Columbus
Nelson Community United Church
of Christ—Nelson
Karen M. Niedfelt—Grand Island
Robert J. Niemann—Grand Island
North Shore Assembly of God—
Northwest High School—Grand Island
Northwest Education Foundation—
Grand Island
Northwestern Mutual Foundation—
Princeton, NJ
Doug & Lorri Oakeson—Hastings
Oakeson, Steiner & Lindsteadt—
Lester & LaVergne Oelschlager—
Office Net—Columbus
Old Settlers—Indianola
Ord Public School Foundation, Inc.—
Osceola Lions Club—Osceola
Dianna Parmley—Columbus
Rhonda Pauley—Hastings
The Peoples Bank—Smith Center, KS
Peoples-Webster County Bank—
Red Cloud
Perkins County Schools Foundation—
Dr. John & Cathy Pershing—Hastings
Linda & Chris Petroff—Hastings
Phelps County 4-H Foundation—
Pinnacle Bank—Arnold
Platte Valley Playhouse—Columbus
Platt-Duetsche Corp—Grand Island
Pleasanton High School—Pleasanton
Alice Plettner—Columbus
Dale & Janet Pohlmann—Kearney
Sherri Portenier—Hastings
Prairie Title—Hastings
Presbyterian Church—Superior
Bonnie & Leland Preston—Hastings
Pamela L. Price—Grand Island
Primrose Retirement Communities, LLC—Aberdeen, SD
Productivity, Inc.—Minneapolis, MN
Elizabeth & Clint Przymus—
The Public Education Foundation—
Las Vegas
B. Colleen Quadhamer—Minden
R.T.H.S. Alumni Association—
Kings, IL
Rob & Mary Jo Randels—Omaha
Craig & Carol Ratzlaff—Aurora
Ravenna High School—Ravenna
Ravenna Lions Club—Ravenna
Red Cloud Alumni Association Inc.—
Red Cloud
Red Cloud Lions Club—Red Cloud
Red Raiders Boosters—Loup City
Red Willow County 4-H Council—
Norma Reed—Trinidad, CO
Retiree Association for CCC
Ken & Peg Rezac—Lincoln
Doug & Karin Rieger—Columbus
RMH Charities of Siouxland, Inc.—
Sioux City, IA
Rose Bowl Playhouse, Inc.—Franklin
Rose Lane Nursing Home—Loup City
Rosene Machine, Inc.—Firth
Charlene Ross—Grand Island
Patricia A. Rush—Columbus
St. Francis Medical Center Foundation—
Grand Island
St. John Nepomucene & SS. Peter & Paul Catholic Churches—Howells
St. Joseph’s Villa & Court—David City
St. Paul, NE Educational
Foundation, Inc.—St. Paul
Sandy Samuelson—Hastings
Sandhills Open Road Challenge—
Wayne & Sherry Sasges—
Grand Island
Steve Schoening Scholarship
Charitable Trust—Omaha
David & Bev Schreiber—Columbus
Jack & Joyce Schultz—Grand Island
David C. Schultz—Hastings
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Schupbach—
Schuyler Community Schools—
Security First Bank—Elwood
Seiler & Parker P.C.—Hastings
Servi-Tech Inc.—Dodge City, KS
Shelton High School—Shelton
Shelton United Methodist Church—
Chuck Shoemaker & Lynne Friedewald—
Elmer & Lillian Shuck Farms, Inc.—
Silver Lake Community
Scholarship Fund—Roseland
Pat Sinnard—Hastings
Sleep Inn & Suites Hotel—Columbus
Cassandra & David Smith—Lexington
Gregg & Kathlene Smith—Hastings
Shannon Smith—Mount Vernon, WA
South Platte Public Schools—Brule
Southern Valley Schools—Oxford
Southwest Public School Foundation—
Southwest Public Schools—Bartley
George & Glenda Steinsberger—
Joan Stephens Scholarship—Harvard
Harold & Rogalyn Stevens—Columbus
Renus & Donna Strait—Columbus
Jim & Kay Strayer—Aurora
Robert W. Stroup—Grand Island
Stuart Alumni Association—Stuart
Stubbendick Implement Co.—Syracuse
Sunrise Rotary Club—Grand Island
Sutton Volunteer Fire Department—
Ray & Carol Szlanda—Hastings
Teammates of Sandy Creek—Fairfield
Burdette & Darlene Thomsen—
Ann M. Thorndike—Grand Island
Three Eagles Communications—
Tri-State Generation & Transmission—
Denver, CO
Tri-Valley Medical Foundation, Inc.—
Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc.—
Dakota Dunes, SD
United Methodist Church—Arnold
United Methodist Presbyterian Church—
St. Edward
Vaughans Printers—Hastings
Vetter Health Services, Inc.—Elkhorn
Jett Vincent-Osman—Juniata
VisualEdge, Inc.—Kokomo, IN
Chris & Amy Wahlmeier—Hastings
Mike & Susan Walenz—Hastings
Darlene Wallace Scholarships—
Robert Wallace—Hastings
Twila Wallace—Columbus
Wal-Mart #1326—Grand Island
The Walnofer Family Scholarship—
Tea, SD
Gary & Jo Warren—Aurora
Diana Watson—Holdrege
Tracy Watts—Wood River
Marvin & Jeanne Webb—Grand Island
Weeping Water Public School
Foundation—Weeping Water
John C. Welch Ophthalmology, P.C.—
Wells Fargo Wealth Management Group—
Frieda G. Wendt—Kenesaw
Stacy Werner—Minden
West Holt Medical Services Foundation—
Whoopers & Hoopers—Hastings
Widdowson Scholarship—Gibbon
Ron & Beth Wissing—Hastings
VVnW, Inc. & The Veterans Coalition/
Post KS-01—Holcomb, KS
Kathryn Woitaszewski—Wood River
Jenny Wurdeman—Columbus
Dr. & Mrs. John Yost Multi-organizational Endowment Fund—Hastings
Mary & Joel Young—Columbus
Zanadu Inc./Arby’s of Grand Island—
Grand Island
Rachel T. Zeiger—Grand Island
Edward Ziemba—Hastings
“I am writing this letter to thank
you very much for the scholarship
you have gifted me. The Employee
Gifts Scholarship worth $500 is an
overwhelming amount that will be
very useful for me next semester.
I am very humbled to the fact that
you accepted me as the recipient of
this honor. The ways it will help me
is unexplainable. The fact that I am
a single mother, any help I receive
for college is greatly appreciated.
I do not have to worry about how
I will pay for school and raise him
the way I want him to be raised. I
feel I cannot express my gratuity
in this letter enough. All I can keep
saying is thank you, thank you, and
thank you again.”
Donor Honor Roll — cont’d
Dean’s Club
Pledges & Gifts
$500 to $999
Steven & Merry Ablott—Inland
Virginia S. Ahlschwede—Grand Island
Diane M. Alden, RDH—Atkinson
Anonymous (20)
Josh & Tiffany Arrants—Phillips
Steven C. Arrants—Grand Island
Bank of Marquette—Marquette
Barney Abstract & Title Co.—Kearney
Bruce & Theresa Bartos—Hastings
Kerry C. Belitz—Columbus
Mike & Cheryl Benedict—Bellwood
Craig & Debra Boroff—Kearney
Laura Bulas—Juniata
Burlington Northern Santa Fe
Foundation—Ft. Worth, TX
Michalee Burmester—Hastings
Larry Carmann—Grand Island
Carmichael Construction—Hastings
CCC-Grand Island Employees—
Grand Island
Ann Chambers—Grand Island
Ron Christensen—Grand Island
Joan & Dale Clark—Grand Island
Cline Williams Wright Johnson &
Oldfather, L.L.P.—Lincoln
Linda Cobb—Hastings
Columbus Community Hospital—
Comfort Inn—Hastings
Conway, Pauley & Johnson PC—
Karen M. Cox—Grand Island
Jodi Cramer & Family—Lincoln
Troy & Pam Davis—Hastings
Paul Dubas—Hastings
Eakes Office Plus—Columbus
Laura V. Emde—Grand Island
Environmental Direct, Inc.—
Grand Island
Kathy & Gary Ewers—Columbus
Leon P. Finecy—Columbus
Cynthia S. Foxhoven—Doniphan
Cynthia R. Gaskill—Aurora
Lisa L. Gdowski—Columbus
Neal & Joyce Grothen—Hastings
Harold W. Hamel—Hastings
Jesse Heiner—Hastings
Everett Hinton—Hastings
Susan Hooker—Grand Island
Barry J. Horner—Aurora
Huey Long Co., Inc.—Grand Island
Willis & Betty Hunt—Hastings
Kimberly J. Hurt—Dannebrog
IAFF Local 647—Aurora
Invest In Others Charitable Foundation—
Princeton NJ
Jensen Lumber Company—York
Wesley Johnson—Garland, TX
Chris & Marcie Kemnitz—Hastings
Lenore J. Koliha—Columbus
Shelly Kort—Grand Island
George L. Landgren DDS—Hastings
Sharon & Jim Liske—Grand Island
Michelle Lubken—Hastings
Dr. Gerald W. Luckey—David City
Doris & Norman Lux—Columbus
Beverly J. Mackie—Columbus
Susan Mahlin—Columbus
Gene M. Manhart—Grand Island
Kathy Marble—Prosser
Patricia A. Marquis—Columbus
Dr. Susan McDowall—Kearney
Timothy & Debra McGinley—
Pearland, TX
Michel McKinney—Juniata
Jamie & Steve Meyer—Grand Island
Jack & Helen Moors—Lincoln
Dianne & Glenn Moural—Schuyler
Julie A. Mullen—Hastings
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer G. Murman—
Coleen Murray—Hastings
Nelson Financial Services, Inc.—
John & Michele Northrop—Hastings
Doug & Joan Pauley—Columbus
Deb Pedersen—St. Paul
Thomas Peters—Grand Island
Pinnacle Bank—Gretna
Peg Radke—Grand Island
Joni K. Ransom—Grand Island
Steve Reiter—Bellwood
Fred & Kaila Roeser—Grand Island
Ronda L. Ryan—Columbus
DeWayne Saathoff—Grand Island
Charles Sanders—Central City
Joni R. Schlatz—Trumbull
Debbie J. Schmitz—Hastings
Michele Schroer—Hastings
Michelle Setlik—Grand Island
Craig Shaw—Roseland
Robert & Lynn Sjuts—Columbus
Rita & Bradley Skiles—Huntley
Ronald E. Smith—Juniata
Marty & Pat Stange—Juniata
State Bank of Scotia—Scotia
Deb Thompson—Hastings
Nancy Travnicek—Columbus
Jay & Jeanine Trofholz—Columbus
Dennis & Kathy Utter—Hastings
Dianne Vorderstrasse—Grand Island
Christopher Waddle & Heidi Farrall—
Christine L. Wagner—Columbus
Edna May Wierenga—Hastings
Linda Wilke-Heil—Rockville
Margaret Williams—Grand Island
Stuart Williams—Phillips
Linda Wiltrout—Juniata
Roger & Judy Wurdeman—Columbus
Josh Yost & Amy Skalka—Hastings
Larry & Laura Zabloudil—Hastings
Faculty Club
Pledges or Gifts
$250 to $499
Nathan & Krescene Allen—Juniata
Larry & Jean Anderson—Columbus
Hylee Asche—Aurora
Jim & Jere Baldwin—Columbus
Terry Beahm Family—Hastings
Tamra & Robert Bengtson—Lincoln
Michelle & Don Bentz—Columbus
Kevin & Beverly Brostrom—
Grand Island
Kent Brown—Grand Island
Kathy L. Brownell—Grand Island
Robin R. Buckallew—Hastings
CCC - Adams Bldg. Hastings Campus Jeans for Scholars—Hastings
Dennis Cetak—Columbus
Michael & Kelli Cielocha—Columbus
Stan & Karen Coleman—Grand Island
Jason & Heidi Davis—Hastings
Roger & Karen Doerr—Hastings
Kurt Eloge—Rising City
Ronald & Ann Ernst—Columbus
Kara & Ron Faber—Blue Hill
Nick & Becky Freelend—Marquette
Golden Living Center—Columbus
Cindy Hahn—Grand Island
Hastings College Basketball Camp—
Hastings Vision Clinic—Hastings
Andrea Hays—Columbus
Wade Hilker—Columbus
Diana Hines—Grand Island
Mike & Marti Honke—Columbus
Ward Hooker—Columbus
Gary Horne—Grand Island
Anthony C. Jones—Doniphan
Michelle Jones—Hastings
Travis Karr—Grand Island
Bernie Keber—Columbus
Donna Kershner—David City
Vernon & Betty Kooy—Hastings
Mary Patricia Kuehler—Columbus
Fred Kuta—Edgar
Susan Kuta—Edgar
Terry & Deb Labenz—Hastings
Linda Lautenschlager—Sutton
Edward L. Long—Kenesaw
Rae Ann Lurk—Harvard
Keith A. Manak—Columbus
Randy Manning—Shelton
Leslie Marsh—Kearney
Debra & Robert Martinez—
Grand Island
David & Karen Maurstad—
Ashburn, VA
John & Linda McPhail—Columbus
Carole Meyer—Hastings
Sondra Meyer—Hastings
Patricia A. Muth—Grand Island
Nebraska Association of SkillUSA, Inc.—
Nelson’s Furniture—Hastings
Kimberly & Duane Ostdiek—
Sharan Ostdiek—Blue Hill
Deb Parr—Columbus
Rhett & Megan Psota—Grand Island
Chyrel Remmers—Madison
Julie Rican—Grand Island
Kim Richman—Hastings
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Rueschhoff—
Daniel Rumsey—Columbus
Sharon L. Samuelson—Grand Island
Kimberly Schawang-Smith—Hastings
Gary Senff—Columbus
Mike Sobota—Schuyler
Janet J. Sorahan—Grand Island
Jeff & Deanna Soulliere—Columbus
Dave & Peg Speicher—Columbus
Gary & Mary Speicher—Columbus
The State Bank of Riverdale—
Shelly Stump—Funk
Fernetta & Byron Swanson—Campbell
Rebecca Utter—Hastings
Vital Signs—Hastings
Linda Wenn—Grand Island
Dr. Tom Werner & Lynne Werner—
Grand Island
Sandra & Pastor C. L. Wimer—
Xilinx Inc—San Jose, CA
Dan & Vera Zabloudil—Hastings
Scholarship Recipient
“Thank you greatly for selecting
me to get this great scholarship.
This will help me out so much. I
pay for school myself because I do
not qualify for financial aid and I
can’t tell you how much this excites me. Thank you so much!”
Donor Honor Roll — cont’d
Century Club
Pledges or Gifts
$100 to $249
Kent Adamson—Columbus
Brent E. Adrian—Hastings
Tracy Adrian—Hastings
Stephanie L. Anderson—Riverdale
Christopher & Allison Atkinson—
Oakland Park, FL
Roland & Doris Augspurger—
Rock & Deb Augustin—Osceola
Tanya K. Babel—Lindsay
Susan M. Baer—Columbus
Ed & Sherry Ballweg—Columbus
Drue L Bamesberger—Grand Island
W. David & Diann Barnes—
Grand Island
Barbara Beck—Grand Island
Jeff Bexten—Grand Island
David E. Black—Washington DC
Steven K. Black—Lincoln
Vaughn Blum—Columbus
Christine C. Bochart—Loup City
Ronald & Kathy Boehler—Hastings
Todd R. Bosak—Genoa
David & Lisa Brandt—Hastings
Darrin L Brumbaugh—Marquette
Jeanne Cadwallader—Grand Island
Michael Calvert—Grand Island
Lael Churchill—Holstein
Christine Clark—Hastings
Sam Clinton—Omaha
Dan Coffey—Hastings
June Collison—Kearney
Don & Lisa Cox—Hastings
Dr. Jeffrey P. Curry—Columbus
Daniel D. Davidchik—Columbus
Philip De Sousa—Houston, TX
Roger DeVries—Hastings
Diane Dicke—Ewing
Don Svoboda Plumbing—Hastings
Wanda Faimon—Lawrence
Bill Flint—Columbus
Bill & Ann Gannon—Columbus
Michael Garretson—Hastings
Gary Thompson Agency—
Grand Island
Gene Steffy Ford—Columbus
Robert George—Columbus
Jay E Gnuse—Grand Island
Fred Goering—Grand Island
Joseph Green—Minden
Debra L. Greenwalt—Grand Island
Guarantee Roofing & Sheet Metal—
Douglas R. Hann—Columbus
Rod Hassebrook—Platte Center
Tom & Kay Hassler—Columbus
Hastings Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Specialists, PC—Hastings
Jeff & Lindsay Higel—Kenesaw
Kay Hoffman—Juniata
Marsha Jaeger—Grand Island
Mel J. Janousek—Columbus
Becky Johnston—Juniata
Margaret J. Jorgensen—Hastings
Kathy Joynt—Hastings
Craig & Lesa Kautz—Hastings
Kearney Clinic PC—Kearney
Wendy Keezer—Grand Island
Randy Knapp—Hastings
Robin & Ann Koozer—Hastings
Denise & John Kracl—Schuyler
Gilbert E Kuntz—Grand Island
Erica Leffler—Columbus
Brian & Karen Lierman—Lincoln
Elena Lineberry—Hastings
Wayne Littrell—Hastings
Liz Luna—Grand Island
Lynch Fluid Controls Inc.—
Mississauga, ON
M & O Metals/Overhead Door Company—
Dan & Nancy Martensen—Columbus
Doug & Pam McCartney—Hastings
Michael & Tracy McGahan—
Grand Island
Beth Mueller—Columbus
Donna J. Murphy—Hastings
Nebraska Public Power District—
Nebraska Softball Association—
Marni J. Nelson-Snyder—Marquette
Paper Dragon—Grand Island
John & JoDell Payne—Kearney
Pediatric Dental Specialists of Greater Nebraska—Hastings
Vicki Peterson Truksa—Osceola
Sunny Peterson—Aurora
Pat Phelan—Grand Island
Wilfred J. Piitz—Columbus
William Puckett—Columbus
Colt Quadhamer—Hastings
Bonny & Randy Rainforth—Prosser
Marilyn Reynolds—Blue Hill
Joe Roberts—Harvard
Dr. Alan & Elizabeth Robertson—
Rod Schmidt—Grand Island
Larry & Jolene Schmitt—Grand Island
Marvin & Dee Schultes—Hastings
Jim & Carol Scow—Columbus
Elizabeth Smith—Grand Island
Bryce Speed—Columbus
Kyle Sterner—Doniphan
Norris & Joan Swan—Hastings
Craig & Carolyn Swann—Keller, TX
Steve & Deb Troudt—Nelson
Doris M. Van Dyke—Columbus
Ricky A Washburn—Hastings
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weerts—Osprey, FL
Mr. & Mrs. Dana Wert—Aurora
Cathern Wiehn—Columbus
Marcene & Ardell Wurdeman—
Jackie Zeckser—Hastings
Dale & Annabell Zikmund—Kearney
Mabel Gentry Gade Scholarship
“I am writing to thank you for the $1,000 Mabel Gentry Gade Scholarship. I was
very excited when I found out I was chosen to receive this generous gift. It has been
my goal to become a registered nurse through the Nursing Program at Central
Community College. I will have completed all my General Education courses once
I complete Microbiology this summer. I have been accepted into the Nursing
Program for this upcoming fall semester. I am anxiously anticipating this next
chapter in my life. Again, I very much appreciate being chosen as the recipient of
this scholarship.”
Donor Honor Roll — cont’d
Campus Club
Pledges or Gifts Up to $99
Deb Adkisson—Columbus
Georgene J. Allen—Hastings
Anonymous (12)
Mike & Dianne Atchity—Hastings
Mike & Linda Blanchard—Columbus
Russell Boyd—Cedar Rapids
Jerome & Barbara Brand—
Grand Island
Raymond & Joyce Brandt—Hastings
Bill & Linda Bryant—Panama
Jason & Erin Cafferty—Hastings
Stephanie & Luke Carlson—Genoa
Edward E. Cassel—Glenvil
Central Community College—Hastings
Laura Cline—Ayr
Sam & Kathleen Cowan—Stromsburg
Mr. & Mrs. John Cromwell—Columbus
Mark & Rita Czaplewski—
Grand Island
Joan de Deu—Columbus
Nathan & Melissa DeLaet—
Grand Island
Dept. of Veterans Affairs—
Grand Island
Denette Drum—Columbus
Pat & Jeanne Duggins—Hastings
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Duren—Columbus
Steven R. Eisele—Juniata
ESU 9—Hastings
Sarah & Mark Evans—Roseland
David H. Fisher—Hastings
Nancy L. Fisher—Grand Island
LuAnn & Jim Fitzgerald—Glenvil
Robert & Jane Foote—Hastings
Bryant & Kristina Foth—Ord
GE Foundation—Fairfield, CT
Sherry Gerken—York
Emily Gildersleeve—Cairo
Mick & Janelle Grabowski—Ravenna
Guarantee Electric Company—
Mark & Dahn Hagge—Ord
Sheila Hansen—Grand Island
Hastings Federal Credit Union—
Hastings Tribune—Hastings
Glenda Heath—Grand Island
Kathy Hemberger—Roseland
Robert & Janice Herbek—Hastings
Kristin Hoesing—Columbus
Susan E. Holsten—Grand Island
Jerry Hull—Hastings
Laurie & Steven Jaixen—Gilbert, AZ
Gary & Terri Jelinek—Schuyler
Chuck & Ellen Johnson—Holdrege
Kevin Julesgard—Grand Island
Keith’s Drive-In Drugs, Inc.—Hastings
Mark & Betty Keller—Columbus
Patricia Kirkegaard—Hastings
Mary M. Klein—Lincoln
Richard D. Kubicek, D.D.S.—Friend
Kubler Management—Columbus
Carol Kucera—Hastings
Lu E. Lansman—Ord
Cindy Lothrop—Grand Island
Rebecca L.A. Maddox—Hastings
Gregg Magee—Hastings
Kathy Margheim—Columbus
Lorna Martensen—Humphrey
Brian McDermott—Hastings
Dennis & Diane Meier—Grand Island
Shelly Mendez—Grand Island
Beth & Don Meyer—Grand Island
Jeanne Micek—Columbus
Lavon E. Montey—Ft. Collins, CO
Shirley Mueller Memorial—Columbus
Randy & Pam Neujahr—Osceola
OB/GYN Association—Hastings
Drs. Susan & William Oliver—
One Good Adguy LLC—Holdrege
CoLynn Paprocki—Humphrey
Pauley Lumber Company—Hastings
Ellen S. Pennell—Hastings
David & Margaret Peterson—Hastings
James E. Plambeck—Hastings
Quirk Land & Cattle Co.—Hastings
Robert & Mary Raitt—Columbus
Monte J. Rasmussen—Lincoln
Andrew & Ruth Raun—Hastings
Angela Reynolds—Wood River
Eldon Rhodes—Juniata
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Rood—Columbus
Russ’s Market—Hastings
Judy Ryan—Hastings
Eugene F. Saunders &
Roberta L. Saunders, Ph.D.—Columbus
Ronald & Eilene Saylor—Hastings
Linda C. Schmidt—Columbus
Paul & Michele Schumacher—
Margaret (Peg) Slusarski—Columbus
Jean Sobota—Columbus
Dean & Colleen Soulliere—Columbus
Robert & Phyllis Spanel—Grand Island
Raylene Stephens—Stamford
Shayla & James Stock—Columbus
Bob & Jean Stowell—Ord
Hazel C. Stueck—Columbus
Rebecca J. Swanson—Omaha
Martin & Judith Taylor—Grand Island
Beverly Tollefsen—Aurora
Tooley Drug & Home Care—Columbus
Keith Vincik—Grand Island
Duane Waddle—Ericson
Whelan & Scherr—Hastings
Ryan W. Woehl—Columbus
Kevin & Paige Wycoff—Hastings
Scholarship Recipient
“I would like to thank you for the Employee Gifts Scholarship I received towards my tuition at Central Community College. I am a single mom raising
two kids and going to school full-time, so every little bit helps me to finish my
degree. It is greatly appreciated and thank you again.”
Gifts in Kind
Donations of services, materials and equipment have played an important role in
support of Central Community College and its mission over the years. The following
companies and individuals have made “in-kind” contributions during 2012-2013:
Covidien Medical Supplies—Norfolk
Jesse Heiner—Hastings
Anthony Jones—Doniphan
Sylvia & Eric Jones—Grand Island
Katana Summit LLC—Columbus
Kearney Clinic PC—Kearney
Kucera Painting Inc.—Kearney
Lynch Fluid Controls Inc.—Mississauga ON Canada
Tooley Drug & Home Care—Columbus
Xilinx Inc.—San Jose, CA
Employee Donors
Support from employees of Central Community College is instrumental in the success of the CCC Foundation.
While the dollars contributed by the employees are important, even more significant is the loyalty, commitment, and
dedication these donors represent.
The following list represents 327 part-time, full-time, and community education employees who have contributed to
the CCC Foundation 2012 Employee Appeal, paid to participate in the 2012 Pro-Am Golf Tournament, and/or paid
to attended the 2012 Appreciation Luncheon.
Please accept our apologies for any inaccuracies or unintentional omissions.
Deb Adkisson
Brent E. Adrian
Tracy Adrian
Nathan Allen
Stephanie L. Anderson
Anonymous (37)
Josh Arrants
Steven C. Arrants
Hylee Asche
Deb Augustin
Tanya K. Babel
Susan M. Baer
Jim Baldwin
Kathryn Ballobin
Ed Ballweg
W. David Barnes
Bruce Bartos
Terry Beahm
Barbara Beck
Bob Becker
Mike Benedict
Michelle Bentz
Jeff Bexten
Dr. Lynn Black
Kathy Boehler
Ronald Boehler
Beth Bohrer
Maryann Bolton
Craig Boroff
Todd R. Bosak
Deborah Brennan
Chuck Breunig
John Brooks
Linda Brown
Robin R. Buckallew
Laura Bulas
Sandy Burris
Steven Buss
Dr. Mike Calvert
Stephanie Carlson
Edward E. Cassel
Patrick A. Cecil
Ann Chambers
Kelly Christensen
Ron Christensen
Lael Churchill
Christine Clark
Laura Cline
Wanda Cloet
Linda Cobb
Stan Coleman
June Collison
Blain Condreay
Dorothy Condreay
Karen Cox
Dr. Jeffrey P. Curry
Daniel D. Davidchik
Jason Davis
Sherry L. Desel
Marie Desmarais
Roger DeVries
Sekiko Doolittle
Denette Drum
Maureen E. Eggert
Steven R. Eisele
Doris Elifritz-Lux
Kurt Eloge
Laura V. Emde
Chip Essex
Stan Essink
Sarah Evans
Kathy Ewers
Wanda Faimon
Heidi Farrall
Maryjan Fiala
Leon P. Finecy
Nancy L. Fisher
LuAnn Fitzgerald
Cynthia Foxhoven
Nick Freelend
Gene Friesen
Mark Funkey
Kim Garretson
Michael Garretson
Cynthia R. Gaskill
Lisa L. Gdowski
Emily Gildersleeve
Larry Glazier
Bob Glenn
Dan Gompert
Dr. Matt Gotschall
Charlie Gregory
Jack Gutierrez
Cindy Hahn
Harold W. Hamel
Douglas R. Hann
Sheila Hansen
Alan Hartley
Vicki Harvey
Tom Hassler
Andrea Hays
Glenda Heath
Rosie Heinisch
Steve Heinisch
Kathy Hemberger
Lindsay Higel
Wade Hilker
Diana Hines
Everett Hinton
Bill Hitesman
Jennifer Hoagland
Lori Hodtwalker
Kristin Hoesing
Brian G. Hoffman
Kay Hoffman
Susan E. Holsten
Marti Honke
Susan Hooker
Gary Horne
Barry J. Horner
Jerry Hull
Don Hulme
Kimberly J. Hurt
Marsha Jaeger
Dale Janitscheck
Mel J. Janousek
Dee Johnson
Holly Johnson
Marjorie A. Johnson
Becky Johnston
Eric Jones
Michelle Jones
Margaret J. Jorgensen
Kathy Joynt
Kevin Julesgard
Travis Karr
Bernie Keber
Wendy Keezer
Marcie Kemnitz
Jaye Kieselhorst
Marianne Kindsfater
Patricia Kirkegaard
Ron Kluck
Lenore J. Koliha
Betty Kooy
Shelly Kort
Eric J. Kothe
Jim Krebsbach
Linda Kruse
Carol Kucera
Vicki Kucera
Mary Patricia Kuehler
Fred Kuta
Susan Kuta
Terry Labenz
Courtney Lamberson
Lu E. Lansman
Juan Lara
Barb Larson
Linda Lautenschlager
Erica Leffler
Elena Lineberry
Sharon Liske
Wayne Littrell
Edward L. Long
Cindy Lothrop
Michelle Lubken
Liz Luna
Rae Ann Lurk
Beverly J. Mackie
Susan Mahlin
Keith A. Manak
Gene M. Manhart
Randy Manning
Kathy Marble
Kathy Margheim
Patricia Marquis
Duane J. Matson
Shari Maul
Brian McDermott
Dr. Susan McDowall
Michel McKinney
Vincent T. Mendez Jr.
Beth Meyer
Carole Meyer
Jamie Meyer
Ronny Meyer
Sondra Meyer
Jeanne Micek
Steve Millnitz
Dean Moors
Dianne Moural
Beth Mueller
Julie A. Mullen
Coleen Murray
Patricia A. Muth
Lori Neid
Marni J. Nelson-
Karen M. Niedfelt
Robert J. Niemann
Dr. Susan Oliver
Kimberly Ostdiek
Sharan Ostdiek
CoLynn Paprocki
Dianna Parmley
Deb Parr
Doug Pauley
Deb Pedersen
Thomas Peters
Wilfred J. Piitz
James E. Plambeck
Sherri Portenier
Elizabeth Przymus
Rhett Psota
B. Colleen Quadhamer
Colt Quadhamer
Peg Radke
Bonny Rainforth
Joni K. Ransom
Craig Ratzlaff
Steve Reiter
Chyrel Remmers
Angela Reynolds
Marilyn Reynolds
Ken Rezac
Eldon Rhodes
Julie Rican
Kim Richman
Karin Rieger
Joe Roberts
Fred Roeser
Judy Ryan
Sandy Samuelson
Sharon L. Samuelson
Charles Sanders
Kimberly Schawang-
Larry Schmitt
Debbie J. Schmitz
Bev Schreiber
Michele Schroer
David C. Schultz
Gary Senff
Michelle Setlik
Craig Shaw
Pat Sinnard
Margaret (Peg)
Cassandra Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Dr. Greg P. Smith
Gregg Smith
Ronald Smith
Mike Sobota
Janet J. Sorahan
Deanna Soulliere
Bryce Speed
Mary Speicher
Peg Speicher
Pat Stange
Kyle Sterner
Shayla Stock
Jim Strayer
Shelly Stump
Fernetta Swanson
Carole Tharnish
Deb Thompson
Ann Thorndike
Deb Troudt
Rebecca Utter
Jett Vincent-Osman
Keith Vincik
Dianne Vorderstrasse
Christopher Waddle
Christine L. Wagner
Amy Wahlmeier
Diana Watson
Tracy Watts
Linda Wenn
Stacy Werner
Cathern Wiehn
Linda Wilke-Heil
Margaret Williams
Stuart Williams
Linda Wiltrout
Ryan W. Woehl
Kathryn Woitaszewski
Jennifer Wurdeman
Judy Wurdeman
Marcene Wurdeman
Mary Young
Rachel T. Zeiger
Edward Ziemba
Foundation Board of Directors
Jeff Anderson
Gale Beirow
Kevin A. Brostrom
Larry Butler
Contryman & Associates
Hastings Irrigation Pipe Co.
Lauritsen, Brownell,
Brostrom & Stehlik
Grand Island
Doug Camplin
Bob Emerson
Grand Island First Dental
Grand Island
Chip Essex
Kara Faber
Mathew “Bud” Fleischer
Don Hulme
Leslie Marsh
Museum of Nebraska Art
Blue Hill
Columbus Bank & Trust
Small Business Institute
Lexington Regional Health Center
Terry Millard
Rhonda Pauley
Homer Pierce
Smith Hayes
Pauley Group
Foundation Vice-President
Foundation Board of Directors
Dale Pohlmann
Bonnie Preston
Roland Rueschhoff
Jack Schreiner
Foundation Secretary
Alumni Association Representative
Foundation President
Bruckman Rubber Co.
Jim Scow
Michael Calvert
Ex-Officio Director
Campus President
CCC-Grand Island
Jay Trofholz
Lynne Werner
Platte Valley State
Bank & Trust
Grand Island
Dr. Matt Gotschall
Bill Hitesman
Ex-Officio Director
Campus President
Jack Crowley
Director Emeritus
Ex-Officio Director
Campus President
Dr. Greg P. Smith
Ex-Officio Director
College President
Central Community College
Grand Island
Dr. LaVern Franzen
Dr. Joseph W. Preusser
Director Emeritus
Director Emeritus
Fairfield Bay, AR
Audited Financial Report
Central Community College Foundation
Central Balance
Year Ending
June Funds
30, 2013
Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2013
June 30, 2013
June 30, 2012
*June 30, 2013
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Loans Receivable
Charitable Remainder Unitrusts
Accrued Interest Receivable
Pledges Receivable
Allowance for Doubtful Pledges
Cash Value – Life Insurance
Fixed Assets, net of depreciation
Total Balance Sheet Assets
Accounts Payable
Deferred Income
Gift Annuities Payable
Total Liabilities
Fund Balances
Total Liabilities & Fund Balance
*Consolidated Audited Financial Statement. CCC Foundation became affiliated with another Foundation as of
January 1, 2013. IRS approval is still pending.
Tech Prep Scholarship
“Thank you so much for choosing me as a recipient for the Tech Prep Scholarship. I am
honored to think my achievements at Central Community College are worthy of your
recognition. I am very grateful for your generous college assistance. I have had a
wonderful first year of college. I have learned many new welding techniques that I would
not have been able to accomplish without some great instructors. It is a great feeling
knowing I am closer to obtaining my Associate of Applied Science Degree in welding. My
future plans are to find welding employment in the Hastings area. This scholarship
will help relieve some of my financial burden. I look forward to someday being able
to give back to my community exactly like you. Thanks again!”
Audited Financial Report
Central Community College Foundation
Income Statement—All Funds
Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2013
REVENUE Gifts Interest & Dividends Net Gains (losses) and Increase in Fair Value of Investments Fund Raising Proceeds Other Income Gifts Returned In‐Kind Revenue from CCC Total Revenue EXPENDITURES Scholarships – CCCF Funds & Indirect Funds Returned Gifts Trustee Fees Operating Expenses Fund Raising Expenses CCC Program Support Expenses Transfers to CCC Other Total Expenditures Net Increase/Decrease in Fund Balance June 30, 2013
CCC Foundation $625,619 132,969 June 30, 2012
CCC Foundation $564,437 121,936 507,691 (174,310) 182,685 91,567 0 214,650 $1,755,181 182,390 58,600 0 226,877 $979,930 *June 30, 2013
Combined $625,619 173,860 666,903 182,685 104,004 11,396 214,650 $1,979,117 $406,492 $298,864 $684,121 0 37,600 399,118 81,310 22,564 57,935 77,500 $1,082,519 $672,662 12,967 35,209 394,695 88,072 24,756 82,972 79,094 $1,016,629 ($36,699) 0 61,941 532,438 81,310 57,935 77,500 $1,495,245 $483,872 *Consolidated Audited Financial Statement. CCC Foundation became affiliated with another Foundation as of January 1, 2013. IRS approval is still pending. Chester Gausman Scholarship
“I am very honored to receive the Chester Gausman Scholarship for 2013-14. Following my
graduation from Columbus High School in May, I will attend Central Community CollegeColumbus this fall. After receiving my Associate’s Degree, I plan to transfer to a
4-year university in Nebraska to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Pathology. My
goal has been to receive my education as a Speech Pathologist and work in a hospital
or school in Nebraska and this scholarship will help me to further my education toward
my dream career. I’m excited to attend CCC as a full-time student as I feel the small
class sizes, personal attention, and close proximity to home will make my college
experience very positive. I have also been selected to represent CCC on the Raider
Dance Team, which I am looking forward to. Thank you for this honor and this scholarship will be put to good use.”
Direct Scholarship Graph
The following graph is a reflection of scholarship funds generated
through donations made directly to the CCC Foundation and from
earnings on endowed scholarship accounts. Over the past 25 years,
the Foundation has distributed $1,612,830 in scholarships to
students at all CCC locations.
Direct Scholarships from CCC Foundation by Year
Cumulative Direct Scholarships from CCC Foundation
“Don’t give until it hurts. Give until it feels good!”
Author Unknown
Over the years numerous memorial gifts have been given to the CCC Foundation,
with scholarships awarded from these funds.
The following is a list of donors who have contributed to a memorial during the past
fiscal year:
Merle Anderson Memorial
Dorothy Anderson
Ryan Erickson Memorial
Marjorie A. Johnson
John Nonamaker Memorial
Patricia A. Muth
Karen Baird Memorial
James Baird
Vernon & Betty Kooy
Kimberly Schawang-Smith
Christopher Waddle & Heidi Farrall
Joan Ernst Memorial
Ronald & Ann Ernst
Les Oelschlager Memorial
LaVergne Oelschlager
Francis Farley Memorial
Linda & Jon Mayberry
Dorothy Becker Memorial
Central Community College-Columbus
Bill Gannon Memorial
Ann Gannon
Dr. Matt & Michele Gotschall
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Preusser
Dr. Ben & Marilyn Vrana
Ray Plankinton Memorial
Bill & Ruth Erwin
Robert & Mary Raitt
Pat Rush
Jean Sobota
Dean & Colleen Soulliere
Anthony Blum Memorial
Andrea Hays
Mark Boettcher Memorial
Mr. & Mrs. John Cromwell
Dr. Matt & Michele Gotschall
Darrell & Lavonne Grassmeyer
Insurance Services of Columbus
Mark & Betty Keller
Kubler Management
Dennis & Diane Meier
Beverly Tollefsen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weerts
Jim Cassey Memorial
Margaret Cassey
Shirley Czuba Memorial
Mark & Rita Czaplewski
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Duren
Mary Lou & Jim Holmberg
Laurie & Steven Jaixen
Doris & Norman Lux
Dan & Nancy Martensen
Lorna Martensen
Randy & Pam Neujahr
Alice Plettner
Pat Rush
Eugene F. Saunders &
Roberta L. Saunders PhD.
Linda C. Schmidt
Dave & Bev Schreiber
George & Glenda Steinsberger
Doris M. Van Dyke
Phyllis Gene Dryer Memorial
Jamie & Steve Meyer
Dvoracek-Woodward Memorial
Tim & Maryann Bolton
Peter DeVries Sr. Memorial
Doug & Karin Rieger
Robert W. Guenette Memorial
Rita Guenette
Michele Miller
Mills & Ellamae Hill Memorial
Marti & Mike Honke
Herbert Honke Memorial
Marti & Mike Honke
Cliff Hopp Memorial
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Schupbach
Larry Kaus Memorial
Tom & Kay Hassler
Haskell Kirkland Memorial
Philip De Sousa
Debbie Schmitz
Larry Kuncl Memorial
Bill & Ruth Erwin
Gerald Leetsch Memorial
Lavon E. Montey
Vince Lempke Memorial
Ed Eaton
Patricia Marquis
Dr. Ben & Marilyn Vrana
Steve Reiter
Martha E. & Robert Lund Memorial
Gene Steffy Ford
Doug Milbourne Memorial
Dr. Gerald W. Luckey
Shirley Mueller Memorial
Pete Rush Memorial
Dianne & Glen Moural
Pat Rush
Amanda K. Schreiner Memorial
Tamra & Robert Bengsten
Bonny & Randy Rainforth
Jack & Lisa Schreiner
James & Jean Thom
Robert Wallace
Bob Schunuelle Memorial
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Preusser
Charlotte Smith Memorial
Jodi Cramer & Family
Shannon Smith
Mike Swanson Memorial
Kay Hoffman
Donna Kershner
Linda Lautenschlager
Sherri Portenier
Sandy Samuelson
Fernetta & Byron Swanson
Ben Teller Memorial
Susan Mahlin
Dennis Utter Memorial
Kathy Utter
Dr. Emily J. Uzendoski Memorial
Kathy & Gary Ewers
Denise & John Kracl
Steve Reiter
Dave & Peg Speicher
Darlene Wallace Memorial
Trish Willmes
Foundation Activities
Annual Appreciation Luncheon
The final “Did you know?” themed Appreciation Luncheon was held on October 30th in Columbus.
The employees of the Columbus Campus and the Foundation hosted a wonderful event. Several local
businesses, organizations, and individuals took time from their busy schedules to come to the campus
to learn more about what is happening in their backyard. Following a great lunch, Dr. Greg P. Smith
updated everyone on the happenings at the College, Dr. Matt Gotschall informed everyone about all
the great things on the Columbus Campus, Jack Gutierrez and Tyler Zentner spoke in regards to the
Foundation and their scholarship efforts and awards. The event concluded with tours for those wishing
to see more of the campus.
Columbus Campus Appreciation Luncheon
PRO/AM Golf Tournament
September 17, 2013, at the Columbus Elk’s Golf Course and Country Club, the 22nd Annual CCC
Foundation Pro Am Golf Tournament was held. There were 30 teams of golfers and pros. The event
was sponsored at various levels by businesses, organizations, and individuals:
$1,000 Green Sponsors—Ameritas, Contryman Solutions Group, 1st National Bank & Trust,
GIX Logistics Hausmann Construction Inc., Heartland Builders, JLC Inc., Northwestern Mutual
Wealth Management, Wells Fargo Wealth Management, and Wilkins Hinrichs Stober Architects.
$600 Fairway Sponsors—Columbus Community Hospital, Control Management, Inc., MathesonLinweld and OfficeNet.
$350 Tee-box Sponsors—T-L Irrigation, Golden Living Center, Woodward’s Disposal Service, Inc.,
Huston & Higgins Attorneys, H & H Distributing, Duo-Lift, Smith Hayes Advisors, Good Samaritan
Society-Hastings Village, Jackson Services, Pinnacle Bank, Carmichael Construction, Columbus
Hydraulics, Central Bookstore, McDermott & Miller CPA’s, Dana F. Cole & Co. LLP, Chartwells,
Centennial Plastics, Inc., Columbus Bank & Trust, Cline Williams Wright Johnson & Oldfather, and
Doug and Lorri Oakeson.
Winning the event with Low Gross was the team consisting of Doug Camplin, Jay Gnuse, Jim
Camplin, and Krae Dutoit; Low Net consisted of William Puckett, Tom Pirnie, Carolyn Brandt, and
Brian Ferguson. Winning pros were Garret Jones of Rewey, WI, and Patrick Duffy of Appleton, WI.
Low Net Team
Low Gross Team
Winning Pros
Alumni Association
Association Highlights
Every year at the Spring Graduation ceremony, each campus honors a graduate from years past as
an Outstanding Alumnus. The criterion for this honor is as follows:
•Nominee must have received a degree or diploma from Central Community College
•Nominee must have graduated at least five years before year of award
•Nominee must work directly in the vocational field for which he/she was educated or in a
directly related field
•Nominee cannot be a current CCC employee
•Other determining factors are a nominee’s leadership performance, community involvement and
continuing education
This year the awardees were Patrick Rea for the Columbus Campus; Aaron Ross for the Grand Island
Campus; and Juan C. Velasco for the Hastings Campus.
Patrick Rea was selected as the 2013 Outstanding Alumnus for the
Columbus Campus. Patrick received an Associate of Science Degree in
2000. He continued his education at the University of Kansas and in 2002
received his Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre and Film with a minor in
He is currently an Independent Filmmaker and has his own production
company called “SenoReality Pictures.” He has directed several films,
which have been screened at numerous national film festivals. Patrick’s
first full-length film, “The Empty Acre,” was completed in 2006 and was
released nationally on DVD in 2007. His award-winning horror film,
“Nailbiter,” was released on DVD May 2013.
Patrick and his wife and daughter reside in Shawnee, KS.
Patrick Rea
Aaron Ross was selected as the Grand Island Campus Outstanding
Alumnus for 2013. Aaron received an Associate of Applied Science
Degree in Human Services in 2001. He continued his education at Bellevue
University, graduating in 2010 with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in
Human and Social Service Business Administration.
Since 2004 he has served as the Executive Director of the Friendship
House, Inc. Previously he had worked at the Friendship House as a drug
and alcohol counselor.
Residing in Grand Island, Aaron and his wife, Marcie, are the parents of
a 4 year old son, Max, and 9 month old twin daughters, Grace and Ella.
Juan C. Velasco—2013 Outstanding
Aaron Ross
Alumnus for the Hastings Campus is
Juan C. Velasco. He completed his
Engineering Drafting Degree in 2005.
Juan transferred to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2006 and
completed his Industrial Engineering Degree in 2008.
Juan is a Quality Engineer at Novartis Consumer Health in Lincoln.
He and his wife, Danita, live in Omaha with their two daughters,
Jacque and Olive.
Juan C. Velasco
Foundation Staff
Left to right: Chanda Essink, Administrative Assistant; Sharon
Liske, Foundation Treasurer; Pat Stange, Foundation/Alumni
Coordinator; Dean Moors, Executive Director.
Scholarship Recipient
Scholarship Recipient
“I would personally like to thank you
for your generosity in awarding me a
scholarship to use towards my college
education. I greatly appreciate it and
am honored to have been selected. I look
forward to beginning my college career
at Central Community College and this
award will definitely help me to achieve
my educational goals. I am truly honored
and appreciative of your thoughtfulness,
kindness and generosity.”
“Thanks for giving me this scholarship. This means the world to me. I’m
going to use this scholarship to pay
for things for college and I won’t let
you down. I’m going to college to become an elementary teacher so I can
help people like people helped me.
Thank you once again for helping.
This means a lot.”
Corporate Matching Gifts
Corporate Matching Gifts
BD-Washington DC
BNSF Railway Foundation—Ft. Worth, TX
GE Foundation—Fairfield, CT
Invest in Others Charitable Foundation—
Princeton, NJ
Northwestern Mutual Foundation—Princeton, NJ
Principal Financial Group—Des Moines, IA
*All Green. The cover and pages of this printed annual report are all green. The company which
produced this paper, CLASSIC CREST, is FSC certified. This means the paper is made with pulp from
sustainable sources.
Go Green in 2013
With Your Help
2727 West 2nd Street–Suite 211
Hastings, Nebraska 68901
Phone: 402-460-2151
Email: [email protected]