The Georgia Daylily


The Georgia Daylily
The Georgia Daylily
Region 5
Fall 2013\Winter 2014
Volume 62 Number 3
Popularity Poll Winner H.”Dorothy and Toto”
Hybridized by Katisue Herrington
Fall Fling 2013—Awards, Speakers, Friends, Auctions and more!
Table of Contents
Region 5 Fall Fling
AHS Officers & Region 5 Officers and Committees
inside front cover
Region 5 Club Presidents
A Message from Claude Carpenter, RP
A Message from Scott Elliott, RPD
Region 5 Winter Minutes
Bits and Blooms
Treasurer’s Report
Down Memory Lane
Tim’s Trivia
Club Reports
Birdhouse Contest Winners
Spring Regional
Attention Daylily Enthusiasts
Region 10 Mid-Winter Symposium
Ask the Ombudsman
Springtime in Savannah
Hyvridizing Arts
Attention all Hybridizers
Nicole’s Beauties
Fall Regional Registration Form
Popularity Poll Photos
Back Cover
The Georgia Daylily is a tri-annual
subscription for Georgia residents and
is included with a AHS membership.
However, Region 5 requests a $5.00
annual donation from each Georgia
recipient to help offset the publication
cost. Club members may pay their
club treasurer.
Georgia Daylily
Sue Calbreath
(770) 972-3556
[email protected]
Check-out our
April 1, 2014
Please e-mail all articles and
pictures to Georgia Daylily Editor
[email protected]
Subscription Rates
Out of Region—US
Out of US
$ 15.00
$ 20.00
Checks payable to: AHS Region 5
Mail to: Region 5 Treasurer
American Hemerocallis Society Staff
National President
Julie Covington
4909 Labradore Drive
Roanoke, VA 24012-8537
[email protected]
Executive Secretary
Pat Mercer
P.O. Box 10
Dexter, GA 31019
[email protected]
AHS Region 5 Officers
AHS Region 5 Liaisons
AHS Board of Director Region 5
Barbara Kirby
102 Haag Drive
Warner Robbins, GA 31093
478-355-9370 (cell)
[email protected]
Region 5 Exhibition Judges Liaison
Joann Stewart
2300 Simonton Bridge Road
Watkinsville, GA 30677
706-424-1079 ; [email protected]
Regional President
Claude Carpenter
6075 Vickery Pont
Cumming, GA 30040
678-469-4731 (cell)
Regional Publicity Director
Scott Elliott
658 Edward Smith Rd.
Ellabell, GA 31308
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor—Sr. Editor
The Georgia Daylily
820 Connell Lane
Lawrenceville, GA 30044
678-637-2069 (cell)
Editorial Staff
Pat Bonner 229-436-3753
Tim Herrington 478-272-8794
Stan Woo 912-897-3563
Regional Treasurer
Jack Rigsby
3180 West Somerset Court, SE
Marietta, GA 30067
404-316-9412 (cell)
[email protected]
Regional Secretary
Doris Bishop
35 Northwoods Drive, NW
Cartersville, GA 30121
[email protected]
Regional Garden Judges Liaison
Sheila Woo
15 Twelve Oaks Drive
Savannah, GA 31410-2220
[email protected]
Regional Membership Liaison
Ron Bonner
2125 Stanley Drive
Albany, GA 31721
229-436-3753 ; [email protected]
Regional Ways and Means
David Bishop
35 Northwoods Drive, NW
Cartersville, GA 30121
770-386-0438 ; [email protected]
Regional W.E. Monroe Endowment Fund
and Joe W. House Scientific Fun Liaison
Ralph and Jane Carson
883 Oconee Springs Rd., SE
Eatonton, GA 31021
706-485-2175 ; [email protected]
Regional Awards and Honors
Tim Herrington
1617 Bellevue Road
Dublin, GA 31021
478-272-8794 ; [email protected]
Electronic Media Liaison
Charles Shaw
2541 Lumpkin Road
Augusta, GA 30906
706-790-9428 ; jfshaw@comcast. net
Portal Coordinator
James Fennell
320 Pitts Road
Hawkinsville, GA 31036
478-988-5582 : [email protected]
Editor of the Daylily Journal
Meg McKenzie
1936 Wensley Ave.
El Centro, CA 92243
[email protected]
Earnest Yearwood
136 Meier Circle, SE
Milledgeville, GA 31061
Tom Wise Award
Frances Gray
1410 West Street
Bainbridge, GA 39819
Dennis Calbreath
820 Connell Lane
Lawrenceville, GA 30044
678-787-9440 ; [email protected]
Tom Fletcher Photography Contest
Dennis Calbreath
820 Connell Lane
Lawrenceville, GA 30044
678-787-9440 ; [email protected]
Regional Youth Liaison
Winfred and Janie Huff
146 Henson Road
Hawkinsville, GA 31036
478-987-3763 ; [email protected]
Parlamentary, Policy, Procedures and
Ron Bonner 229-436-3753
Tim Herrington 478-272-8794
Charlie Shaw 706-790-9428
Regional Fall and Winter Meetings
Morris and Barbara Kirby
102 Haag Drive
Warner Robbins, GA 31093
478-922-8416 ; [email protected]
Scientific Advisor/Plant Pathologist
Scott Elliott
658 Edward Smith Rd.
Ellabell, GA 31308
[email protected]
Albany Daylily Society
Chattahoochee Valley Daylily Society
Cobb County Daylily Society
John “Buddy” Melvin, President
113 Pioneer Trail
Warner Robins, GA 31008
[email protected]
Dorothy (Dot) Meadows, President
31 Lake Burton Way
Cataula, GA 31804
[email protected]
Mark Franklin, President
15230 Birmingham Hwy
Alpharetta, GA 30004
770-410-0548 ; 770-403-4685 (cell)
[email protected]
Daylily Society of Greater Atlanta
Daylily Society of Greater Augusta
Dublin Hemerocallis Society
Patty Franklin, President
15230 Birmingham Hwy
[email protected]
Vernon Johnson, President
P.O. Box 397
Mesena, GA 30819
[email protected]
Steve Mercer, President
420 Springhaven Road, P.O. Box 10
Dexter, GA 31019
[email protected]
Flint River Daylily Society
Middle Georgia Hemerocallis Society
North Georgia Daylily Society
Carole Bradshaw, President
120 Marlon St.
Thomaston, GA 30286
[email protected]
James Fennell, President
320 Pitts Road
Hawkinsville, GA 31036
[email protected]
John Solomon, President
329 Timber Ridge Lane
Auburn, GA 30011
[email protected]
Northwest Georgia Daylily Society
Ogeechee Daylily Society
South Georgia Daylily Society
Patty Acree, President
115 Chelcy Drive SE
Calhoun, GA 30701
[email protected]
Scott Elliott, President
658 Edward Smith Rd.
Ellabell, GA 31308
[email protected]
Marilyn Waters, President
5782 College Avenue
Blackshear, GA 31516
[email protected]
Southwest Georgia Daylily Society
Thomson Iris and Daylily Society
Valdosta Daylily Society
Jackie Nicholson, President
726 Oak Drive
Colquitt, GA 39837
[email protected]
Vernon Johnson, President
P.O. Box 397
Mesena, GA 30819
[email protected]
Tim Bell, President
1305 Griffin Road
Sycamore, GA 31790-6502
229-256-1234 (no e-mail)
Hosting the Spring Regional 2013
Alpharetta, GA 30004
770-410-0548 ; 770-815-1902 (cell)
Region and local clubs is important
in order to keep everyone up-todate.
Savannah Daylily Society
Tina Sikes, President
16 Blueridge Ave.
Savannah, GA 31404
[email protected]
This information is updated as of
January 1, 2014
Deadlines/Dates To Remember
1 March
13-15 June
25-28 June
Regional Winter Meeting—Middle Ga. College
Region 5 Spring Regional—Canton, GA
AHS Convention—Ashville, NC
Please let your Region 5 Editor, Sue
President ,Claude Carpenter know
of any changes in your officers and
primary contact person; include:
addresses, telephone numbers, and
email addresses.
See contact information for the
Region 5 Editor and President in this
Greeting from the RP
Claude Carpenter
As 2013 draws to a close, I will have to pronounce it a very good year for Region 5 daylily people. We had 15 active daylily clubs and just
added a 16th club that meets in Statesboro and will be known as the Ogeechee Daylily Society. They had their first meeting on November
12th with I believe 14 charter members present. They will have their first show on May 31, 2014 which is very ambitious for a first year club.
We wish them well as they invite surrounding gardeners to join them in growing our favorite flower. There is more information about this
new club in this issue.
Some of Region 5’s accomplishments in 2013 are:
Joiner Gardens and Maneki Neko Gardens sponsored “Springtime in Savannah” a celebration of Daylilies and Hydrangeas on April 27th.
The Valdosta Daylily Society hosted the 2013 Region 5 Spring meeting and did another wonderful job hosting our meeting and
provided four great gardens for our members to tour.
Region 5 clubs hosted 11 daylily shows which is the most shows for a region in the AHS.
Region 5 is home to a host of outstanding daylily hybridizers as evidenced by the multitude of national awards presented to them at
the 2013 National Convention in Minneapolis. In addition, the 2013 Garden Judges Ballot had the following entries from Region 5
hybridizers; 5 Stout Medal Candidates, 22 Award of Merit candidates, 12 Honorable Mention candidates and 9 candidates for the
Special Awards Categories.
Approximately 25 Region 5 members attended the National Convention in Minneapolis which was second to the host region in
The 2015 National Convention Committee (Greater Atlanta and Cobb County Daylily Clubs) hosted the Region 5 Fall Symposium in
Atlanta. In conjunction with the meeting they hosted the AHS National Officers and Directors meeting. It took place in the Renaissance
Atlanta Waverly Hotel which will be the host hotel for the 2015 National Convention. The AHS President, Julie Covington, and the
Board of Directors were highly complementary of the event and the 2015 National Convention facilities.
Region 5 AHS membership increased over the year in a period when the National membership decreased.
As I stated during our Spring Meeting in Valdosta, I believe I can truly say that Region 5 (Georgia) is Daylily Mecca.
I want to congratulate Tim Bell for winning the 2013 Georgia Hybridizer’s Award for his introduction H. “Linda Bell”. Tim continues to
introduce award winning daylilies every year.
Don’t forget the Region 5 Winter Meeting on March 1, 2014. Nicole DeVito will be our guest speaker and will have some of her great
daylilies to auction. More information on this in this issue.
I am looking forward to the Region 5 Spring Meeting that will be hosted by the Northwest Georgia Daylily Society. I believe this will be the
first time this club has hosted a Region 5 meeting and they are working hard to make it a memorial event. Tim Bell is donating $1000 worth
of daylilies that will be given away during the weekend of June 13-14. They have four great tour gardens lined up and they are working
hard to have them in tip top condition for our garden tour. There is much more information and a registration form in this issue.
The 2014 AHS National Convention will be held close to home. It is being hosted by Western North Carolina Daylily Society in Asheville,
North Carolina. The event is June 25 – 28. This is a beautiful area of the country in the foot hills of the Appalachian Mountains. I know you
won’t want to miss this event.
And speaking of close to home. The 2015 National Convention Committee (Greater Atlanta and Cobb County Daylily Clubs) is working
diligently on all the activities needed to host the 2015 AHS National Convention. Their commitment is to make this the best National
Convention ever. They will need a lot of volunteers from across the region to help out before and during the convention and if you would
like to participate please contact David or Camilla Arthur (770-919-2668 or [email protected]).
Hope to see you in Macon on March 1, 2014 at the Region 5 Winter Meeting.
Greeting from the RPD
Scott Elliott
Region 5 Minutes
Doris Bishop
The Fall Meeting of Region 5 of the American Hemerocallis Society was held October 11-12, 2013 at the Renaissance Atlanta
Waverly Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia as the Fall Symposium and in conjunction with AHS Board of Directors Meeting. Region 5
President Claude Carpenter called the business meeting to order October 12 at 11:30 a.m. All members were welcomed, and
special recognition was given to the AHS Board of Directors present and the two first-time meeting attendees.
Roll Call by Club/# Present (led by Doris Bishop)
Albany Daylily Society 7
North Georgia Daylily Society 2
The Daylily Society of Greater Augusta 0
Northwest Georgia Daylily Society 8
Chattahoochee Valley Daylily Society 0
Ogeechee Daylily Society 2
Cobb County Daylily Society 22
Savannah Daylily Society 0
Dublin Hemerocallis Society 3
South Georgia Daylily Society 0
Flint River Daylily Society 0
Southwest Georgia Daylily Society 1
The Daylily Society of Greater Atlanta 17
Thomson Daylily Society 3
Middle Georgia Hemerocallis Society 10
Valdosta Hemerocallis Society 5
The Georgia Daylily Deadline
The deadline for submitting items for the next issue is November 15. All submissions should be sent to Sue Calbreath. Claude
Carpenter congratulated Sue on the last issue noting that it was the best one yet and filled with color.
AHS Photo Contest Deadline
The deadline for submitting photo entries is November 1.
AHS Director Report
Region 5 Director Barbara Kirby reported that the AHS Board of Directors Meeting was held here on Thursday and Friday. AHS
President Julie Covington had already briefed the meeting attendees in her earlier presentation. Barbara shared that she had heard
many compliments about the hotel and symposium. As the AHS Exhibition Chair, Barbara reported that Region 5 had the largest
number of daylily shows (11) with Region 6 (Texas) following close behind with 9. The Hattiesburg club (MS) had the largest show
with over 400 blooms. The Cobb County Daylily Society and Daylily Society of Greater Atlanta's joint show followed closely behind.
One of the most prestigious AHS show awards is the Ophelia Taylor Award which can only be awarded to the same person once in
his/her lifetime. To win this award a person must score 95 or higher on five scapes submitted for this award. Region 5 had four
Ophelia Taylor Awards in 2013 which were the only ones awarded in the entire AHS this year. The winners were:
Cont’d from p.8
Heather Herrington (Middle GA Show)
Scott Elliott (Savannah show)
Tim Herrington (Savannah Show)
*Mark Franklin (Cobb County-Greater Atlanta show) *Mark submitted three different entries and won all three scoring 97 or
above. Mark could only get credit for one entry since the Ophelia Taylor Award can only be won one time.
These winners will be recognized at the 2014 National in Asheville, North Carolina.
The next Region 5 meeting will be the Winter Meeting to be held March 1 at Macon State College (undergoing a name change).
Nicole Harry DeVito will be the guest speaker. A registration form will be in the next issue of The Georgia Daylily.
Region Publicity Director (RPD)
RPD Scott Elliott announced the 2013 Popularity Poll results:
5th Place H. 'Amanda's Little Red Shoes' (44 votes)
4th Place H. 'Everybody Loves Earnest' (50 votes)
3rd Place H. 'Orange Velvet' (53 votes)
2nd Place H. 'Sebastian The Crab' (54 votes)
1st Place H. ' Dorothy And Toto' (87 votes)
The Savannah Daylily Society (28 ballots) had the highest voting percentage at 40.1%. The Daylily Society of Greater Atlanta (26
ballots) and Valdosta Hemerocallis Society (25 ballots) followed. Scott pointed out that only AHS members can vote in the Popularity
Poll, so it is important to keep your AHS membership current.
There is a new daylily club in Region 5. The Ogeechee Daylily Society named for the Ogeechee River has twelve AHS founding
members and will have its first meeting November 12 in Pembroke, Georgia. Future meetings are planned for Statesboro, Georgia
as the meeting site. May 31, 2014 will be the Ogeechee club's first daylily show. Vases are needed for the show if any club has
extras to loan. Also, Scott requested plant donations for a special auction and bargain table to be held May 3 at "Springtime in
Savannah" to raise funds for the new club.
Achievement Medals
Region 5 had the most Achievement Medals awarded in the AHS this year.
Albany Hemerocallis Society Show (presented by Pat Bonner)
H. 'Summer Pearls' - Tim Bell
H. 'Gone With The Wine' - Scott Elliott
Middle Georgia Hemerocallis Society Show (presented by Barbara Kirby)
H. 'You Gotta Have Faith' - Tim Herrington
H. 'Katisue Herrington' - Heather Herrington (This medal will be presented to Heather at the upcoming winter meeting when she can
be present to receive it.)
Savannah Hemerocallis Society Show (presented by Scott Elliott)
H. 'Big Fuss' - Jan Joiner (will be presented at a local club meeting)
H. 'Pepperoni Man' - Tim Herrington
H. 'Zora The Belly Dancer' - Scott Elliott (presented by Barbara Kirby)
Thomson Iris and Daylily Society Show (presented by Barbara Kirby)
H. 'Triple Trouble' - Tim Herrington
Cont’d from p.9
Secretary's Minutes
Minutes of the Spring Meeting were approved as printed in The Georgia Daylily as submitted by Region Secretary Doris Bishop.
Treasurer's Report
Region 5 Treasurer Jack Rigsby reported that the Region 5 bank balance was $37,340 prior to this weekend's Fall Symposium. Jack
commented on the high publication costs of The Georgia Daylily at $2600 for each edition with three editions printed each year.
He encouraged clubs to make donations to lower these costs to the region. Jack also praised Sue Calbreath for the fantastic job
she does as the editor. Sue noted that the additional color added to the copies has not caused an increase to the publication
costs. David Arthur suggested checking into putting The Georgia Daylily online to reduce printing costs. Sue added that the
format would have to be changed if this is done. President Claude replied that it may be discussed at a later time to determine
the feasibility of having our region newsletter online.
Old Business
Photo Contest
Dennis Calbreath announced that this presentation will be made at the March 1 Winter Meeting.
2013 Hybridizer Award Winner
Tim Bell - H. 'Linda Bell'
New Business
2014 Region 5 Spring Meeting June 13-14
This meeting will be hosted by the Northwest Georgia Daylily Society at the Holiday Inn in Cartersville, Georgia. Co-Chair David
Bishop issued an invitation to all present and announced two club incentives to encourage others to come to the meeting. The
club with the highest percentage of members attending and the club with the most miles travelled to the meeting will each
receive a recent introduction. Don and Nancy Eller will be the guest speakers. There will be lots of giveaways. The first individual
incentive registration deadline is October 31 to win one of two Bill Waldrop's 2013 Introductions. The second incentive
registration deadline is December 31. October 31 is the deadline for adding seedlings to the Enman Joiner Seedling Bed in the
Bishops' garden. The registration cost is $99 per adult and $74 per youth with the hotel night rate of $79 which includes
breakfast. Registration forms are at today's meeting. Doris Bishop will accept registration forms and payment. Northwest
Georgia Daylily Society members attending this meeting are wearing T-shirts to advertise this region meeting. Anyone wanting to
order a T-shirt for $10 should see Doris.
There being no other new business, President Claude adjourned the business meeting at 12:03 p.m. for lunch.
A special "Thank You" goes to ALL who donated auction plants, to the Bells and Bonners for their donations to the bargain tables,
and to the auctioneers each evening.
Bits and Blooms
Sue Calbreath (daylilysue)
The Calbreath’s are finally seeing the move to Missouri in the spring. We will be living, as Dennis
calls it, in the “Tiny Little House on the Prairie” which is the small home we own (hope to find a bigger one when our house sells).
The plan is to live part of the time in Georgia and part of the time in Missouri until we decide to sell our home in Georgia. Kind of a
scary thing to leave our home and friends of 37 years. And not sure it is such a wise decision as my daughter currently snowed-in in
Missouri. Worst weather since she has lived there. We started this process several years ago and have about 200 daylilies currently
residing there. We look forward to seeing what daylilies grow well in southwest Missouri (zone 6) and to be introduced to a whole
new group of daylilies that have been hybridized and grown in the Midwest. We will, also be introducing them to our great Georgia
daylilies. New gardens to see, new daylily friends to meet and daylilies to buy. While we may have two addresses, our mid May
and June calendar will be filled with Georgia activities like show judging, Region 5 regional, and the National in Asheville. And we
definitely will be in attendance for the 2015 National in Hot’lanta!
Treasurer Report
Jack Rigsby
Balance Forward 7-1-13
Newsletter Income
Newsletter Donations - Individual (2)
Regional Meeting Income
Plant Auction Sales 10-11&12-13
Boutique Plant Table Sales 10-11&12-13
Registration Income 10-11&12-13
Total Income
Newsletter Expenses
Albany Printing Company 9-23-13
Sundance Press Printing Spring TGD 9-9-13
Regional Meeting Expenses
Regional Speaker Expenses 10-11&12-13
Reniassiance Waverly Hotel Facilities & Meals 10AHS National Convention 2013 Travel Allowance
Regional Travel Allowance
Square Credit Card Processing Fees
Total Expenses
Funds Available as 11-15-13
Don’t miss out— Sign-up to attend the AHS 2014 Convention, June 25-28 in Ashville, SC.
If you’ve never been to a convention, take advantage of it being close. Ashville is beautiful.
Down Memory Lane: A Look Back to Region 5 in 1993
Tim Herrington
God gave us memories that so we might enjoy daylilies and their activities in January and that a certain high-quality
memory is but the nail on which the picture hangs. We have made some great memories in Region 5 in 2013 and it is
hard to believe another year is coming to an end. Let us look back 20 years ago to a few important memories in our
region in 1993.
Nell Jessup, AHS President 1993: Our own Nell Jessup was the President of AHS. She also was completing her last year
of her six years as serving as our director on the AHS board and 2nd year as AHS President. 1993 capped off many years
of service for her on the local, regional and national level. Her resume includes local club president, regional publicity
director and president, garden and exhibition judge and instructor, along with her national positions and committees.
Her love of daylilies and daylily people began in 1977 when she joined the Savannah Hemerocallis Society. In 1984 she
moved to the Atlanta area after the untimely death of her husband Roger. She became a member of the Greater
Atlanta Hemerocallis Society and was very active with that club. In 1997 Nell was awarded the Region 5 Service Award
and in 2002 was the recipient of the HELEN FIELD FISCHER GOLD MEDAL, the Society's highest honor and is the official
recognition for distinguished and meritorious service rendered the AHS by a member on the national level. She has
always been a tireless promoter of the daylily and daylily activities. Nell is presently retired and living in Grayson,
Spring Regional Meeting 1993: This annual event was hosted by the Middle Georgia Hemerocallis Society and held in
Macon. Saturday gardens on tour were Doll Brazell, Windy Smith, Jim Saddler, Jack & Diane Joiner, Mary Jones, Mark &
Jean Swann, and the Georgia hybridizers bed at the Agricenter in Perry. Banquet speaker was Judith Weston. Sunday
tours were the gardens of Earnest Yearwood, Joe & Janet Watson, Cody & Velma Brett and Lee & Tracy Hicks.
Regional Officers 1993: President, Nell McCreery; Editor of the Georgia Daylily, Fred Whitten; Publicity Director, Ray
Stephens; Secretary, Jack Joiner; Treasurer, Pat Prokop (balance as of 4/30/93=$8,847.24),Youth Coordinator, Jean
Swann; Garden Judges Liaison, Earnest Yearwood; and Exhibition Judges Liaison, Edward McDowell,Jr.
Popularity Poll Winners in 1993; 1) BARBARA MITCHELL (Pierce 1984), 2) MARY'S GOLD (McDonell, H. 1984),
SCATTERBRAIN (Joiner 1988) 3) PAPER BUTTERFLY (Morss 1983) 4) BROCADED GOWN (Millikan 1979) 5) JANICE
BROWN (Brown, E.C. 1986) 6) SMOKY MOUNTAIN AUTUMN (Guidry 1986), FAIRY TALE PINK (Pierce 1980), 7) ORANGE
A Few Daylily Show Winners in 1993; Chattahoochee Valley: Best Large, MOONLIT MASQUERADE entered by Johnny
Daniel, Best In Show, SILOAM FAIRY TALE entered by Glenn Ward. Dublin: Best Small, UNLOOSED DREAMS entered by
Jack Joiner, Best Spider/Variant, MISS JESSIE entered by Ruth Killingsworth. Greater Atlanta: Best Double,
SCATTERBRAIN entered by Cody Brett, Best Spider/Variant, LOIS BURNS entered by Mary Howard. Augusta: Best Small,
PETIT BALLET entered by Jane Waldrop, Best In Show, PERSIAN PATTERN entered by Earnest Yearwood. North
Georgia: Best Miniature, AUTUMN LACE entered by Tracy Hicks. Savannah: Best Double, HEATHER HERRINGTON
entered by E.R. Joiner, Best Spider/Variant, GREEN DRAGON entered by Tom & Jean Wise. Southwest Georgia: Best
Large, SPANISH MASQUERADE, entered by Emily Hawthorne. Valdosta: Best Miniature, COUNTRY CHIT CHAT entered
by Hyta Mederer, Best In Show, BURSTING LOOSE entered by Tim Bell.
Members with AHS Display Gardens in 1993: Jesse & Mary Lois Burgess, Covington; Tim Bell, Sycamore; Tommy & Lisa
Bryan, Broxton; Charles Bruce, Savannah; Doll Brazell, Warner Robins; Emily Gandy, Cairo; Lillian & Frank Easterlin,
Louisville; Mary Jones, Warner Robins; Mary Lou Hutchins, Clarkston; Lillian & Erling Grovenstein, Atlanta; Tracy Hicks,
Eatonton; Mark & Jean Swann, Warner Robins; Charles & Blanche Thaden, Albany; Elmer & Ivelyn Brown, Dublin; Mike
Godwin, Valdosta; and Jackie & Marvin Threewitts, Albany.
Tim’s Trivia Time:
The War On
Slugs and Snails
By Tim Herrington
Remember this quote by General William T. Sherman, “War is hell?” We all know what he did to Georgia in his march
to the sea in 1864. Now fast forward to 2013, which was a great year for our daylilies, and we see many skirmishes in
the peach state between growers and another invader using Sherman’s tactics to destroy our lovely daylilies. The
blooms were great this year due to the excessive spring rains so by mid spring I found myself taking the early morning
stroll around the garden with a salt shaker in hand. Yes, I had declared war on the slugs and snails. As you know they
can turn most any type of vegetation into swiss cheese over night and return to the safety of their hideaway, leaving
you to wonder what the heck happened. As slugs/snails ramble about, doing their evil little deeds, they leave behind
them a trail of slime which amounts to nothing less than a road sign for themselves and every other slug to follow to
the grand feast. To make the state of affairs even worse, slugs are hermaphrodites, they each have both male and female reproductive systems. In the privacy of their own abode, each slug will literally single handedly produce two to
three dozen ravenous offspring several times a year.
We may never completely win the war by destroying every last snail and slug, but we owe it to our daylilies to fight
them with every effective and safe method we can find. Take it one encounter at a time and remember that for every
slug you destroy, you are preventing countless generations of that slug's offspring. In developing a battle plan talk to
daylily growers you know and see what they are doing. Someone even told me a good Rhode Island Red would enjoy
helping you out as this chicken loves to dine on slugs. Also read articles about the prevention of these slim bags. In my
war I personally tried to be a combination of Vince Lombardi, Steve Jobs and Sir Isaac Newton. Here are a few of my
battle plans;
1) If you don’t like to squeeze them with your fingers, be creative and make some slug pokers. Keep them stuck around
the garden at random. Meet your enemy, one on one. Your weapon is at hand, stab them!
2) For every weed that is pulled, you remove a potential slug/snail outpost.
3) Prune the branches of any shrubs which are lying on the ground. Keep the old leaves and such cleaned out. By doing
this you will have destroyed yet another slug/snail haven!
4) Destroy the eggs... whenever and wherever you find them! A good shake from your salt shaker will quickly do the
job! The egg clusters look like little piles of whitish jelly filled, 'BB' sized balls.
5) The sharp edges of crushed eggshells around daylilies will cut and kill slugs. The calcium in the eggshells is a good
soil amendment anyway!
6) Fill a jar lid or small bowl with beer. Put it in the areas where the slugs are active. The beer attracts the slugs and
they drown.
7) Keep all decaying matter cleaned out of your garden beds. While leaves make good mulch, once they begin to compost they become food and shelter for slugs and snails.
8) When the situation cannot be resolved organically, go ahead and use an appropriate chemical treatment. Commercial slug bait products can be purchased in the form of meal, pellets, powder, granules, liquid and gel.
As you wage your war on slugs and snails, you are almost certain to be 'slimed' at least once. Mix up a little warm water and vinegar, and use this formula to remove the slime from your hands like magic. The war against slugs will go on
as long as there are gardens. You will never completely win, but you can keep them under control. Every small battle
won means that hundreds of future slugs will never hatch.
CVDS generally meets on the 1st Saturday of every other
month (Jan, March, May, July, Sept., & Nov.) except when
the meeting date falls on a holiday weekend, which then we
meet the following weekend. Our meetings are held at the
Columbus Hospice, 7020 Moon Rd., Columbus, GA, at
10:00AM in the large conference room.
2014 Event Dates:
June 7
CVDS Daylily Show
2014 Club Contacts:
President………………………….Larry Miller
1st Vice President…………….David Kirkland
Club Reporter…………………...Glenn Ward
(706-987-2507) [email protected]
CVDS Club Website:
Club News:
Our club generally meets on the 1st Saturday of every other month
(Jan, March, May, July, Sept., & Nov.) except when the meeting
date falls on a holiday weekend, which then we meet the
following weekend. Our meetings are now being held at the
Columbus Botanical Garden, 3603 Weems Rd., Columbus, GA.
Our annual daylily auction and plant sale was held at our
September meeting and Scott Elliott (Hybridizer from Savannah,
GA), was our guest speaker. Scott gave a very interesting program
on his hybridizing program and he brought some of his
introductions to auction off during the daylily auction. Many of
our Club members brought daylilies, as well as other types of
plants to be sold at the plant sale. Thanks to Scott and our many
club members who brought plants, we had one of our most
successful plant sales and auctions.
Thanks to Larry Miller, we are now going to have our meetings at
the Columbus Botanical Gardens. This place is a horticulture
paradise and the perfect place for a daylily meeting. (You can visit
their website at
Our November meeting was kicked off by Dot Meadows
(President), introducing our 2014 – 2015 club Officers.
(Installation of officers was done by Ellen Averill)
President – Larry Miller
1st Vice President – David Kirkland
2nd Vice President – Beverly Tant
Secretary – Carmon Cobb
Treasurer – Walter Williams
Larry Miller recognized Dot Meadows for her outstanding
leadership as President for the past 2 years and she was given a
CVDS life membership from the club.
At our November meeting we had two outstanding speakers.
Morris Smith, who gave a very excellent presentation on “Entering
Daylily Shows”. Morris was like a cheerleader and was constantly
motivating the membership with every slide. You would think we
were at a pep rally. Following Morris’s presentation, he showed
everyone around the inside of the building and showed how our
daylily show would be laid out and where the grooming room
would be. There was also a very big kitchen area the club could
use to prepare the food for the judges luncheon.
Our next speaker was Glenn Ward, Who gave a presentation on
“Judging Daylilies”. Glenn went over the process in which judges
point score registered cultivars, as well as seedlings. Glenn
stressed the importance of grooming and how it could make the
difference in how your daylily placed in the show. He also went
over grooming tools and how to properly transport flowers to a
CVDS is partnering with Columbus Botanical Gardens in having
our first two day daylily festival on June 7th and 8th , 2014. On June
7th we will have an AHS approved daylily show and plant sale. In
conjunction with our show we plan on having a symposium with a
well-known gardening expert. His name will be released in a few
more weeks. There will be other plant venders in attendance as
well as the CVDS daylily and plant sale table. On June 8th we will
have a daylily display with daylilies “on scape” as well as “off
scape”. This will be primarily for the public, so that they may see
additional daylilies that they weren’t able to see the day before.
In conjunction with the daylily display will be a venue on many
plant venders and the CVDS daylily sales table. Along with the
daylily display and plant sales, we will have another symposium
with a well known daylily hybridizer. This person’s name will also
be released in a few more weeks.
CVDS is very excited about the two day daylily festival and we
hope that many of our Region 5 daylily friends will put this event
on their calendar. These great speakers should draw people in all
areas of interest in gardening and horticulture.
At the conclusion of our meeting, Larry Miller took us on a tour
of the Columbus Botanical Garden’s newly planted dayliliy beds
that many of the members helped to plant. The daylilies for the
beds were donated by several of the club members.
Cobb County Daylily Society
Daylily Society of Greater Augusta
Our meetings are held on Sundays at 2:00pm in room 252 at The club meets the 2nd Sunday of alternate months at
the First Methodist Church, 56 Whitlock Avenue, Marietta, 2:30pm at National Hills Baptist Church.
GA. All Visitors are welcome.
2014 Event Dates:
2014 Event Dates:
June 21
Cobb County & DSGA Daylily Show, Cobb Galleria
2014 Club Contacts:
President…………………………………..Vernon Johnson
2014 Club Contacts:
President…………………………………...Mark Franklin
Vice President…………………………….Steven Verner
Club Reporter……………………………...Mark Franklin
(770-410-0548) [email protected]
Club News:
Dear Daylily Friends,
1st Vice President……………….…….Vernon Johnson
Club Reporter………………….…………Arleigh Mansfield
[email protected]
Club News:
The Daylily Society of Greater Augusta met Sunday July 14th
at National Hills Baptist Church. As with much of the area
we have had rain and more rain that suddenly stopped to
leave us dry as sawdust. In July we were still soaked.
The CCDS has had a busy summer and fall since we last
reported. In August we held our Popularity Poll party. We
President Vernon Johnson led the meeting, appointing a
had a nice turnout and enjoyed pizza and daylily talk.
nominating committee of Larry Welch, Amanda Willard and
September brought a great general meeting with our guest Linda Ellis to suggest new officers. The co show chair Dr.
speaker, Barbara Kirby, giving us some insight into the world Nancy Burkhalter reviewed the show, mentioning Best in
of the AHS and how we are an important part in the
Show winner Charlie Shaw for Baby Girl. There was a
picture. Barbara also announced at the meeting that during
the joint 2013 CCDS and DSGA daylily show, Mark Franklin suggestion to show photos of Design Division entries with
won the Ophelia Taylor Horticulture Award. In September, comments from the judges so that entrants would know
we also held our annual picnic and plant sale/rewards what was important to design judges.
program. We had a terrific turnout and everyone got an
opportunity to bid on and purchase some wonderful
A motion was made and approved to raise membership
Maryott plants.
dues to $10.00. Then Larry Welch spoke on the use of
November’s meeting was highlighted by a different but fertilizers for daylilies, discussing binding and non-binding
really entertaining Mini Garden/Fairy Garden program. Sue
and the balance of different minerals.
Calbreath and Pam Haffner gave an enthusiastic program on
how to plan, organize and start to create a Fairy Garden of
your own.
The fall picnic and auction was graciously hosted by
Charles and Debra Shaw at Sunshine Daylily Gardens on
December brings us to our annual Christmas party. The
event is scheduled for December 8th. All this brings us back September 21st. Thirty three people had a fun time as they
to the start of a New Year and another exciting daylily ate good food and bid on auction items. Our major
season. We wish all of you a great Holiday season and a fund-raiser for the year was a success.
Happy New Year. Enjoy some time to rest.
We would love to have you come and visit one of our daylily
Daylily Society of Greater Atlanta
North Georgia Daylily Society
Meeting location and times are on our website at
The club meets on Sundays at 2:00pm at Family Life Center,
First Baptist Church, 751 Grant St. NE, Gainesville, GA.
2014 Event Dates:
2014 Event Dates:
June 21 DSGA & Cobb County Daylily Show, Cobb Galleria
June 21
N Georgia Daylily Show
2014 Club Contacts:
President…………………………………...Patty Franklin
Vice President…………………………….Claude Carpenter
Club Reporter……………………………...Felicity O’Neal
[email protected]
Club News:
2014 Club Contacts:
President…………………………………...John Solomon
Vice President…………………………….Elaine Kelley
Club Reporter……………………………...Lynn McAllum
[email protected]
Club News:
Members enjoyed a great Ice Cream Social at Mark
and Patty Franklins’ home, with lots’ of great
homemade ice cream and loads of other goodies to
eat. It was a wonderful way of getting everyone
together to vote in the Popularity Poll.
The NGDS held our annual daylily auction on Sunday,
September 15th at the home and garden of David
Hoechst. Members enjoyed a covered dish picnic
outdoors and went home with lots of potted daylilies at
bargain prices.
Our annual Duluth Fall Festival Plant Sale went
extremely well. With the weather behaving admirably
for us, we sold all our donated plants. Thanks to all our
Club Members who gave plants and worked at the
The club voted for a new president and vice president
for 2014, with other officers remaining the same. Our
new president will be John Solomon, and new vice
president will be Elaine Kelley. We are looking forward
to a great year and a new lineup of speakers and
Congratulations are in order to Bobbie
Higginbotham, our Youth Coordinator and one of our Jack Templeton and David Hoechst will be chairing/colong time club members, who is now Mrs. Milton chairing our 2014 Daylily show at the beautiful venue
of the State Botanical Garden in Athens. Our show will
be held on Saturday, June 21st.
Welcome to Oren and Gerry Rector our newest
Our December meeting will be held on the 7th, with
members sponsored by David Healy.
members enjoying a covered dish Christmas lunch and
Winter is almost upon us. The days are getting a presentation given by Tim Bell.
shorter and the nights are getting cooler, and there
seems to be more to do in the garden than ever. Once We welcome new member, Charlene Montonaro of
again, I am hoping for a good cold one, I would like to Dahlonega.
get rid of some of those pesky snails which for some
Please be sure to visit our club’s website for up to date
reason or another (probably because of the rain) have information on upcoming programs. We would love to
multiplied ten fold this year and are having a field day have you join us at any time:
on my plants. It is a good excuse to buy a lot of beer!
Northwest Georgia Daylily Society
Ogeechee Daylily Society
Meets the fourth Saturday each month except June (Daylily
Show), August (Hypertufa Activity at Shady Rest Gardens, 35
Northwoods Drive NW, Cartersville), November and December in
the Stiles Auditorium of the Olin Tatum Agricultural Building, 320
W. Cherokee Ave., Cartersville, GA 30120. Check our website and
Facebook page for up-to-date information on meeting and activity
dates and times. Hit “LIKE” on the Northwest Georgia Daylily
Society organization page on Facebook; we will “LIKE” your page
Meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each month at
7:00 P.M. at the Pembroke Public Library with plans to locate
them in Statesboro in the future.
2014 Event Dates:
May 31
Daylily Show
2014 Club Contacts:
2014 Event Dates:
President…………………………………...Scott Elliot
January 25
Vice President…………………………….Jan Joiner
Jim Mullins
February 22 Ruby Sunday
Club Reporter……………………………...Tim Herrington
March 22
Tim Bell
[email protected]
April 26
TBA/Prepare for region meeting
May 24
TBA/Prepare for region meeting
June 13-14 REGION 5 Spring Meeting @ Cartersville Holiday Inn
June 21
Local Garden Tour (5 daylily gardens for $10)
July 26
Region Meeting Debriefing/Ice Cream Social
August 23
Hypertufa Activity @ Shady Rest Gardens
September 27 MARS Covered Dish Meal & Auction
October 25
Clive Smart
2014 Club Contacts:
President…………………………………...Patty Acree
Vice President…………………………….Beth Ward
Club Reporter……………………………...David Bishop
[email protected]
NW GA Website:
Facebook: Northwest Georgia Daylily Socieity
Club News:
The Ogeechee Daylily Society held its first meeting on November
12th, 2013, at the Pembroke Public Library in Pembroke, GA. The
first order of business was to approve the Constitution and
By-Laws which had been previously prepared by several
members. The next order of business was to elect officers which
are; President, Scott Elliott; Vice-President, Jan Joiner; Treasurer,
Mike Curlin; and Secretary/Reporter, Tim Herrington. Other
founding members are Garrett Criswell, Donna Long, Sue Stevens
Cliett, Deborah Curlin, Tommy Fuller, Douglas Royer, Royce Joiner,
Dominique Elliott, Hans Herrington, and Heather Herrington. Their
1st daylily show was set for May 31, 2014 in Statesboro. The last
order of business was a drawing for two new daylilies and the
winners were Mike Curlin and Garret Criswell. Refreshments were
provided by Jan Joiner.
Meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each month with
plans to locate them in Statesboro in the future. Readers of The
Georgia Daylily that enjoy gardening and growing flowers and live
close to the two main branches of the Ogeechee River; mainly
Statesboro, Pembroke, Ellabell, Vidalia, Claxton and anyone else
who desires to drive a little are invited to join the club.
The Ogeechee Daylily Society is dedicated to the promotion and
enjoyment of daylilies at all levels, from the beginner to the most
Most of our meetings include refreshments, door prizes, and a advanced hybridizers. We have a core group of daylily lovers that
bargain table. First time visitors and new members receive a free are committed to promoting daylilies and welcome everyone,
daylily. We hope to see you at one of our meetings soon.
especially new growers and those that love growing plants and
just want to see if daylilies are for them. Any of the members can
be contacted for information about the meetings and activities.
The NWGDS will be hosting the 2014 Spring Region Meeting June
13-14 at the Holiday Inn in Cartersville (Exit 293). The registration
form, schedule of activities, and garden tour information can be
found on our club website. Regular registration ($99 per adult
and $74 per youth) deadline is April 15.
Club News:
South Georgia Hemerocallis Society
Southwest Georgia Daylily Society
The South Georgia club meets the 3rd Tuesday of each Our club meets the 1st Tuesday of each month from Sept.–
month. January through June, and in September and May at the Decatur County Senior Center, 402 W. Water
October at the Ag. Bldg. 711 Henry St. Blackshear, GA at St., Bainbridge, GA at 6:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us.
7pm. New members and guests are always welcome.
2014 Events :
2014 Events :
May 10
SW Georgia Daylily Show
2014 Club Contacts:
President…………………………………...Marilyn C. Waters
Vice President…………………………….Billy Stafford
2014 Club Contacts:
President…………………………………...Jackie Nicholson
Club Reporter……………………………...Marilyn Waters
[email protected]
Vice President…………………………….David Elkins
Club News:
Club Reporter……………………………...Mary Netherton
229-723-6703 [email protected]
South Georgia Daylily Club started the fall with fun and great
fellowship. In September Tim Bell made a trip from over
Sycamore to entertain us with his wit, charm, and daylilies.
Members enjoyed the “To be announced” slides of his
magnificent garden how his garden started and where it has
come. An auctioned followed the program which meant that our
members were able to increase the daylilies in their personal
gardens. We can hardly wait until spring to see the daylilies
blooming for us.
For the month of October were went on a garden tour of New
England courtesy of Merry Harris and her husband Allen. The
couple enjoyed their summer vacation in New England and took
pictures which they graciously shared with our club. It was very
interesting to see and hear the differences in gardening from
north to south. We learned that certain plants have a longer
bloom season in the north ,as strange as that seems, but we do
have such a long growing season that we are able to grow a wider
variety of plants. I’ll take the south any day, heat, humidity, and
Our club also elected officers for the next biennium. They are:
President -- Marilyn Waters
Vice-President --Billy Stafford
Secretary -- Margaret Outlaw
Treasurer -- Vickie Vincent
Corresponding Secretary -- Lynn Barber.
Club News:
Looking back, we are so thankful to all who worked so hard
in putting on our best show in recent years this past May
and to all our wonderful members who have been so
hardworking and faithful in making our club very vibrant
again. Hope we can all continue the good work.
Since we don’t meet in the summer months, we started our
new fall session in September. It’s always so much fun to
see our friends again and to find out what excited them this
summer in their gardens. After our delicious covered dish
supper, plans were discussed for the coming year. Our
guest speaker was Opal Howell from Tallahassee along with
her buddy, Maryzell Roberts. Opal gave an informative talk
on what she’s doing now in her garden. She then held a
lively auction on the daylilies she brought and also on some
donated from Doug Hawthorne’s garden. It was a great
time and we went home with some new treasures to plant.
As always it seems, our October get-together began with a
buffet of delicious goodies.
After a brief business
discussion, our guest speaker James Fennell of Hawkinsville,
GA, gave us some great examples of how and why to
hybridize. The crux of his presentation was to have fun
raising daylilies or move on to another hobby. The daylilies
he brought were then auctioned to benefit the club and
each of us with our new finds.
During November and December we take time off to make plans
We’re looking forward to our upcoming meetings. Tim
for another year. We already have a full calendar of programs for
Herrington will give his usual entertaining program in
the winter and spring months and eagerly anticipate the new
November and then we’ll have our Christmas party in
December. Come join us!
Thomson Iris and Daylily Society
Albany Hemerocallis Society
The club meets at Thomson-McDuffie Co. library, 338 Main
St. Thomson, GA every third Sunday; January through
August .
The club meets on the third Saturday of the month at noon
in the Phoebe Putney Northwest Conference Center on
Dawson Road. If you are visiting our area and plan to
attend a meeting, we would love to have you visit. Contact
our President, Buddy Melvin for further information.
2014 Events :
June 8
Thomson Iris Daylily Show
2014 Event Dates:
January 18
February 15
2014 Club Contacts:
March 15
April 19
President…………………………………...Vernon Johnson
May 24
Vice President…………………………….Steve Willard
September 20
October 25
Club Reporter……………………………...Vernon Johnson
November 15
706– 361-2196 c; 706-559-4215 [email protected]
December 13
Phoebe East - Rooms A & B
Phoebe NW - Rooms B & C
Phoebe East - Rooms A & B
Phoebe NW - Rooms B & C
A lbany Daylily Show at the Albany Mall
Phoebe NW - Rooms B & C
Phoebe NW - Rooms B & C
Phoebe East - Rooms A & B
Phoebe NW - Rooms B & C
2014 Club Contacts:
Club News:
President………………………….Buddy Melvin
We meet every month from Jan. to Aug. at the public library at
2;30 pm. The one exception is when we are to have an 1st Vice President…………….Kaye Fearneyhough
exceptional speaker who cannot come on Sunday. Then we meet
Club Reporter…………………...Jan Melvin
on Saturday.
(478-988-2622) [email protected]
President...............Vernon Johnson
vice-president.......Steve Willard
Secretary .............Paul Ligon
Treasurer..............Linda Ellis
We are also; an iris society and several of our members travel to
Milledgeville regularly to attend meetings of the Oconee Valley
Iris Society. This club has a show in the spring and fall. There are
very few fall shows. Last year they were the only Fall show
accredited in the United States. Earnest Yearwood is one of the
sponsors of these shows. He is known by everyone in the flower
world for his work in all things horticultural.
Club News: No news this issue
Dublin Hemerocallis Society
The club meets the 4th Monday of each month at 6:40pm at
the New Bethel Baptist church on HWY 257 and 1-16. We
enjoy good cook’s covered dishes and door prizes at each
Right after Christmas our thoughts turn to spring and our much
loved flower shows . Our Thomson daylily show will be held on 2014 Event Dates:
June 8 th.
2014 Club Contacts:
President…………………………………...Steve Mercer
At the Fall fling, Tim
Herrington , on behalf of
N.A Shucks from Region 5,
gave an award to Ken
Cobb to present to A.W.
Shucks in Region 15.
Vice President…………………………….Jack Joiner
Club Reporter……………………………...Jane M. Carson
[email protected]
Club News: No news this issue
Flint River Daylily Society
Savannah Hemerocallis Society
The club meets the 3rd Sunday of every other month at The Savannah club meets the 3rd Thursday each month at 7:00 PM
2:00 PM at the Morning Star Lodge, North Center ST (Hwy at The Coastal Gardens and Bamboo Farm, Hwy 17 S., Savannah,
19), Thomaston, GA.
2014 Event Dates:
2014 Club Contacts:
President………………………….Carole Bradshaw
1st Vice President…………….James “Termite” Merritt
Club Reporter…………………...Jan Melvin
[email protected]
2014 Events :
May 24
Savannah Daylily Show
2014 Club Contacts:
President…………………………………...Tina Sikes
Vice President…………………………….Carol Koffroth
Club Reporter………………………………TBA
Club News: No news this issue
Club News: No news this issue
Middle Georgia Hemerocallis Society
Valdosta Hemerocallis Society
Unless otherwise noted, the club meets at the Centerville
Lions Clubhouse at noon. Meetings are normally covered
dish lunches beginning at noon and consist of a business
meeting, speaker, auctions, bargain table, and door prizes.
Youth eat with the speaker and participate in garden related
Our club meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30pm at
2014 Event Dates:
2014 Club Contacts:
President…………………………………...James Fennell
Vice President…………………………….Doll Brazell
the Ole Times County Buffet, 193 N. St. Augustine Rd. Valdosta,
2014 Events :
2014 Club Contacts:
President…………………………………...Tim Bell
Vice President…………………………….Gene Wynn
Club Reporter……………………………...Jessica Clinard
[email protected]
Club News: No news this issue
Club Reporter……………………………...Miles McMillan
[email protected]
Club News: No news this issue
Welcome to Region 5’s newest club;
Ogeechee Daylily Society
2014 Region 5 Daylily Birdhouse Contest
Spring Regional in Cartersville, Georgia
1. Who can enter and where will it be? The contest is open to any attendee at the 2014 Spring Region 5 meeting to be held in
Cartersville on June 13-15, 2014. There is no entry fee or cost for the participant.
2. Entry forms. To allow sufficient time for planning the staging of the competition at the hotel in Cartersville, an entry form must be
received no later than Wednesday, June 1, 2014. An entry form is below and will be in The Georgia Daylily, mailed to individual clubs,
or can be obtained from Sue Calbreath or Tim Herrington, contest coordinators.
3. Design. Your birdhouse can be a traditional, decorative, functional or an original design utilizing a daylily theme of some sort. It
must have a daylily/daylilies on it by either some painted art, decoupage, or some other device or mechanism. You may purchase an
unfinished birdhouse from a crafts store and decorate it or you can build one from scratch. Your birdhouse must be able to be
displayed upright on its own or on a stand. The stand will not be considered as part of the overall dimensions mentioned in the next
4. Dimensions. The birdhouse cannot exceed the following dimensions: 20” x 20” x 20”. A volume of 8 cubic feet will be considered
acceptable to allow for a little extra height or width but no 7-8-foot high birdhouses please.
5. Materials. You can make or decorate your birdhouse out of practically anything: wood, metal, plastic, cardboard, flea market finds,
craft store items, or unlikely things found in grocery or hardware stores. You are limited only by your imagination.
6. YOU must build/decorate the birdhouse. All birdhouse construction and/or decoration must be done by the individual entering the
competition. Assistance with power tools is acceptable. For safety, young competitors may be supervised by parents or guardians;
however, as much as possible, children should make their own entries. You may not enter a birdhouse made by someone else or
purchased from a store unless it is an unfinished birdhouse from a crafts store that you decorate as mentioned in item #3 on design.
7. Personal Identification. Put your name on the underside of the birdhouse. DO NOT put your name or any identifying information
on the birdhouse where it can be seen.
8. Submitting your entry. Bring your birdhouse to the conference registration table before 5:00 p.m. June 13 and it will be assigned a
number. Participants may keep their entry or have it auctioned Saturday night with proceeds going to Region 5. It is very
understandable if you do not want to donate it. Please indicate your choice on the entry form.
9. Judging. All attendees will have an official birdhouse voting ballot in their packet and will have until Saturday at 4:00 p.m. to cast
their vote for their choice of the most outstanding birdhouse in the ballot box at the convention hotel.
10. Awards. 1st Place winner will receive $100.00. 2nd and 3rd place winners
will receive some great daylilies. All winners and participants will be
announced at the Saturday night banquet. (Award sponsors are $50 Northwest
Ga. Daylily Club, 50$ Tim Herrington, and daylilies Sue & Dennis Calbreath.)
11. Questions? For information contact Tim Herrington ( [email protected] , 478-272-8794) or Sue Calbreath
( [email protected] , 770-770-3556).
------------------------ENTRY FORM 2014 Region 5 Daylily Birdhouse Contest---------------------------Name ____________________________________________________e-mail or phone#_____________________
Address, City, Zip _______________________________________________________________________________
(Participants may choose to keep their entry or have it auctioned Saturday night with proceeds going to Region 5.)
Would you like to donate your entry for the auction? (please check one) _____YES _____NO
Mail to: Sue Calbreath or Tim Herrington
AHS Region 5 Spring Convention
June 13-15, 2014 Cartersville, GA
Sponsored by Northwest Georgia Daylily Society
Registration fee: $99 adult per person and $74 youth per person (After April 15, 2014, $124 and $99) No registrations
accepted after May 15, 2014.
Make checks payable to: Northwest Georgia Daylily Society (NWGDS)
and mail to Conference Registrar: Jan Annee, 363 Hearthstone Trail, Canton, GA 30114
Phone: 770-479-5360 e-mail: [email protected]
PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE -- Print name as it will appear on name tag(s)
Name 1: ____________________________________________________________________________
Name 2: ____________________________________________________________________________
Additional Names: ___________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
E-mail: _________________________________
Region and Club Affiliation(s): _________________________________________________________
Hotel reservation made in the name of: ___________________________________________________
Amount enclosed: $____________
(Registration does NOT include lodging—make reservations directly with hotel. For a
discount rate of $79 per night (per room) at the Holiday Inn, Cartersville, GA, mention the code “Northwest Georgia Daylily
Society”. For reservations at Holiday Inn, call 770-386-0830. Other hotels are available nearby at higher rates.)
Clinics: Please indicate the number of attendees. Fees of $5 per person or $3 audit fee will be collected at each clinic.
Garden 1 ____________
Garden 2 ____________
Exhibition 1 ____________ Exhibition 2 ____________ Exhibition Refresher ____________
Registration Reminder:
Register before October 31, 2013, and be entered into a Saturday night drawing for a Bill Waldrop recent introduction three
times. Register by December 31, 2013, and be entered two times, and after that date once. Deadline for registration will be April
15, 2014; after that date, there will be a $25 late registration fee. No registrations accepted after May 15, 2014.
Attention Daylily Enthusiasts
Felicity O’Neal
I am desperately seeking your help. I am looking for any of these plants; all hybridized by members of the Daylily Society of
Greater Atlanta (DSGA), past and present. Can you help me find them? Do you know of anyone else who might be willing to part
with a couple of fans? I thought it might be nice to have a collection of plants produced by our club members, for our club
members and visitors in 2015 to view. Sadly, so many of these plants have gone by the wayside, never to be seen again. I am not
proud!!! I will take anything by any of these guys!!!
Rhett Butler, Dbl – Mary Lester 1970
Rare Ruby – Pat Jones 1968
Pepper – Harold McDonell 1982
Liselotte – Sara Ann Housworth 1985
Martha’s Yellow Cadillac – Martha Wheeler 1994 (or anything from her ‘La Vista’ series)
Serene Green – Irving Schulman 1971 (The only plant he hybridized.)
Ruby Red Violet – Thelma Hatcher 1995
Hightower – M. Bowen 1993
Virginia Lee Johnson – Anything from her ‘Hawthorne’ series
Mary Cheves – Anything
A.T. Newsome – Anything
J. Conrad Meaders – Anything
Fred Kloman – Anything
Clyde Anderson – Anything
Riley Barron – Anything
Ira Pegues – Anything
Lendell White – Anything
Ron McClure is attempting to get a couple of fans of his introduction ‘Carrie Turberville’ from his sister, and also a couple of
Tom Fletcher’s introductions (He did a series beginning with ‘Peachtree’.).
I am also looking for a few plants for the Stout Medal Bed. Some of them appeared looking like ‘Kwanso’ !!! Not good.
Dauntless – Stout 1935
High Noon – Millikan 1947
Mulltinomah – Kraus 1954
Francis Faye – Faye 1957
Hortensia – Branch 1964
Ruffled Pinafore – Millikan 1948
Along with these, I also need the latest and greatest !!!
J.T. Davis – Grace 1999
Northwind Dancer – Schraben 2001
Carnival in Mexico – Santa Lucia 2000
And, I will need whatever the winner is in 2013.
I will be forever in your debt if you can help me. If you can help, please e-mail me at [email protected]
WE Hope your Christmas was Merry and that your
New Year is Blessed!
ASK THE OMBUDSMAN –Why Host A Flower Show (part two)
By Donna Peck – AHS Ombudsman
I hope all of you have read Part One on Why Host A Flower Show. I had mentioned that I write a column when I have
received numerous questions from AHS members on the same subject. The last couple of years, and also on the Daylily
Robin, this subject has come up often. So I asked Nikki Schmith (Chair of Photographic Media) from Region 2, Joann
Stewart (Chair of Exhibition Judges Records) from Region 5 and Gwen Pennington (member of the Ombudsman
Committee) from Region 6 for their thoughts on why a club should hold a daylily show, and for this part of their response,
how a club can make the show more fun and interesting for the public and club members.
Joann Stewart writes “education is the key to getting the public involved.” She suggests having easels with information
about judges (i.e. judges are accredited after taking classes and serving an apprenticeship) and ‘rules for judging’ located
close to the exhibit tables, not off to the side where no one sees the information.
These can be focal points for an impatient public while judging is taking place (and will give onlookers something to read
while they wait). There should be an explanation somewhere about the ribbons and their significance, and about the
significance of the head table entries.
Most people aren’t aware that hybrid daylilies are registered. If, however, the public is made aware that entries are
judged by their adherence to registered characteristics, the judging process makes instant ‘sense’ to them, even if they’ve
never seen a registration. Samples of daylily registrations might also be on an easel, with the AHS point of points shown
beside it along with the explanation that exhibits are judged only in comparison to others in the same name class, not
against ‘all other entries’ till they reach the head table.”
Joann wants to make sure to “get the public involved. Have a big sign saying PEOPLE’S CHOICE. Ask onlookers to vote for
their favorite daylily. Make up containers for tickets at each exhibit, and after judging is concluded put them out at
exhibits in a central location. Give out a limited numbers of tickets to onlookers with instructions to drop their tickets in
their choice in each division. (gives you a chance to explain the divisions of a show) and give a prize (ideally a club or AHS
membership) for a name on a random ticket drown out of the cup containing the most votes.”
The reason for the prize won’t matter. It just adds to the potential interest and helps keep people’s attention long enough
to get them interested. If you don’t think a selection by division is appropriate you can ask the public to pick ‘the best
red’, ‘the best yellow’, etc.
At our Albuquerque Daylily show we have a ballot that we give the public that has them write in their favorite daylily and
daylily design. It is a little simpler than what Joann suggests. So whatever you decide to do, the public really enjoys
choosing their favorites.
Joann also suggests to “give the most outgoing person in the club the job of standing near the education table, handing
out information, smiling and explaining. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of SMILING at passersby, and engaging
them if you can.”
The Albuquerque Daylily Club has a potluck the night before the show for our judges. Since we get our judges from out of
state, they usually arrive the day before the show. So as judge’s chair, I host a ‘Gourmet Potluck.’ Our club member’s
sign up for what they are going to bring and it is always one of the best meals of the year. We have it early in the evening
so the members can get back home to prepare for the next day.
Cont’d from p.25
For our winners, we give a daylily nursery gift certificates which the members love spending! Many clubs give crystal
or other prizes, but we know our members would rather get a daylily so the gift certificates are perfect. And all the
commercial nurseries have them.
Some of our members have small gardens and are reluctant about cutting a scape for a show. So we have added a
photography exhibit. Gwen also mentions that “this is a way of allowing members to share other interests.” The
photography exhibit can also be in various categories. This year not only did Albuquerque have a class on Single
Flower or Clumps of Growing Daylilies but one for Landscape/Design featuring Daylilies and one for Special Effect
featuring daylilies. The Photography Division has been very popular with many of the spouses.
Joann has another idea of adding incentives for club participation. “Daylily clubs have a limited number of members
who are actively engaged in club affairs, and these members generally feel overworked and underappreciated by the
end of the year. Shows do take energy! Some clubs have member benefits (like bonus points) to reward workers. If
your club doesn’t have this system there are other incentives a club might offer to get more members involved.”
Joann goes on to say “Determine your show goals (more people to help set up, take down, enter exhibits, become
clerks, etc.) and find ways to entice helpers. This might be as small as a $5 gift certificate to MacDonald’s or Chick-fil-A
for people helping set up or take down or as large as a drawing for an AHS membership, a really nice daylily or a nice
bottle of wine. The gift might be instead a volunteer who spends two hours weeding for them, or helping divide
clumps for a plant sale.”
Nikki gives some ideas about how to get the exhibitors enthused and organized. She suggests to having the chair “get
the tags early from AHS and distribute them. Have a quick learning session on how to fill them out correctly and
completely. Have a grooming clinic a couple of weeks before the show. Add an off-scape section.” She also suggests
adding a photography contest. “Add a novice section that allows first-timers to enter without too much fear. Carpool
to nearby shows (if possible) to see what’s being done. Offer a raffle prize of good value (a new introduction, AHS
coffee table book, 3-year memberships in AHS, etc.) to all exhibitors. Offer them one chance to win for every scape
they enter.”
In closing this discussion Joann writes “Once they’ve done it, and realized that the companionship and sense of
accomplishment is there in putting on a good show, they’re likely to repeat the experience. Above all, having fun is the
most important part of a show, so try to create ways in which to achieve that goal.” Nikki adds “The purpose of a
daylily show is to get people inspired about daylilies and we can’t do that if our members don’t bring in a few to share.
I promise, if you bring scapes to the show and participate with an open mind, you will have a GREAT TIME. You will
have connected with the club, you will have connected to the national organization, and you will have connected with
the other dayily fans like yourself. Having a show for your local gardening public IS A TRADITION WORTH THE
P.S. Since writing this article, I’ve been to the National Board meeting where this subject about daylily shows was
discussed. The discussion centered on having non AHS daylily shows. Some of the clubs have more “unorganized, nonjudged shows.” Many of the members don’t want to cut their scapes during bloom season, so they only bring in their
flowers, minus the scapes. If your club has never had a show, I think this is a good way to start. But many of us during
this discussion felt the members and public miss a good deal by having a show this way. There was a committee
formed to discuss this further. So keep posted and you’ll be hearing more about various daylily shows.
Barbara Kirby’s Mother has been ill and in the hospital. She is home now. During this time, Barbara
was ill too. Remember them both in your prayers.
The Hybridizing Arts of Members of The Daylily Society of Greater Atlanta
By Felicity O’Neal
The art of hybridizing is truly amazing to me, what else amazes me are the results that
come from simple and yet sometimes complicated steps in the process which hybridizers take to reap such beautiful designs in the plant world.
Here in Atlanta we have had, and still have today, some pretty prolific
I took on the job of gathering up and recording every possible
introduction by the Charter
Members and Members of the Club since its inception in 1962, and I am
amazed at what I found.
One of our Charter Members Mrs. Hugh Lester (Mary) hybridized and introduced at least 122 plants over a 23-year
period. One of her introductions was a yellow spider named ‘Fairy Wings’ (1953), which went on to win the
prestigious Stout Medal Award in 1960. Mildred Owen another Charter Member introduced ‘Shady Lady’ in 1961, a
beautiful yellow with a red eye zone, which is still an eye-catcher today. Clyde Anderson an early member introduced
at least 41 plants from 1969 – 1998. Frank Childs, a very well known hybridizer produced plants between 1951 and
1982 with such notables as ‘Stoplight’ (1953) - a wonderful orange red spider, ‘Catherine Woodbury’ (1967), ‘Ice
Carnival’ (1967). ‘Jessica Lillian’ (1970), and my favorite, ‘Trahlyta’ in 1982 – a beautiful grey violet with a dark purple
eye zone
Martha Wheeler lived on La Vista Road in Decatur, one of her introductions was called La Vista Road (1983) I am of
the mind that La Vista Road was a bit quieter in 1983 than it is today. When I hear the traffic reports on the radio
about back-ups on I-285 around La Vista Road I shudder, and give thanks that I am north of all that mess.
A number of our hybridizers used their hometown names for their introductions. Clyde Davidson used Decatur, as in
‘Decatur Spectator’ (1974) and ‘Decatur Fortune Teller’ (1985) still a well known daylily today, which he
co-introduced with Fred W. Kloman another club member and hybridizer. Lillian and Erling Grovenstein use
‘Briarmoor’ indicative of the road they live on – ‘Briarmoor Enchantment’ (2009), is a lovely salmon pink DBL with a
cream edge. Joe Hulsey, a member and Show Judge introduced a series of daylilies beginning with ‘Possum Hollow’,
notably Possum Hollow Sweetie Memaw’ in 2003. Virginia Johnson who lives on Hawthorn Drive used Hawthorn, as
in ‘Hawthorn Beauty’ (1989) a dark velvety red.
All of these names are very distinctive.
Earnest Lunsford came up with ‘Smokerise’ I do not know. Mrs. Lavern “Trudi” Petree introduced an impressive
series beginning with ‘Atlanta’. Many of which are still well loved today – ‘Atlanta
Moonlight’ (1982), ‘Atlanta Orchid Mist’ (1984) and ‘Atlanta Superstar’ (1985) being
just a couple of drops in the bucket.
Just to name a few more, because the list goes on. Patricia Seaman’s series begins
with ‘Pinegarden’, for example - ‘Pinegarden Heavyweight’, ‘Pinegarden Two Squared’
and another of my favorite daylilies ‘Pinegarden Raggedy Ann’. (2000), a coral self with
a big yellow throat. Bill Waldrop lives up around Kennesaw Mountain and his
hometown is Marietta, hence some of his introductions reflect those
names - ‘Kennesaw Mountain Hayride’ in 2007 and Marietta Full House’, (2008), a pretty
yellow ruffled flower.
Kennesaw Mountain Hayride
Photo courtesy of Diana Waldrop
Cont’d from p.28
Some hybridizers introduce daylilies named after children,
grandchildren and friends, which is a lovely way to fondly
remember some special person in our lives.
Mary’s Gold
Photo courtesy of Harold McDonell
Miracle of St Jude
Photo courtesy of Claude Carpenter
Our own Harold McDonell hybridized ‘Mary’s Gold’ (1984) for
Mary Howard, a neighbor, good friend and also a fellow club
member. That introduction is still one of the most popular
plants almost 20 years later. Bruce Kovach named one of his
very attractive Bright Yellow Doubles after his granddaughter –
‘Sydney My Sunshine”, (2007).
Sydney My Sunshine
Photo courtesy of Bruce Kovach
We also have our ‘quiet’ hybridizers who may only introduce a few daylilies, like Harold Verner, who has made an impact with ’Miracle of St.
Jude’ (2007). A lovely dark pink and rose blend with a darker pink eye,
which he will generously give away if the recipient sends a donation to St.
Jude’s Hospital for Children in Memphis.
Another quiet hybridizer is our own Ron McClure
who has introduced 3 daylilies. One is named
after his mother, ‘Carrie Turberville’ (2005), a
raspberry rose blend with a burgundy eye. Every
time I think of it, it reminds me of
Tess of the d’Urbervilles, by the English writer
Thomas Hardy, do not ask me why, I guess it is an
English thing, or is it a Felicity thing!
Carrie Turberville
Photo courtesy of Ron McClure
Over the years we have had, that I know of, at least 35 hybridizers in the club, we also
have some up and coming ones, namely Mark Franklin who has some introductions in the works. I am wondering
what he will be naming these plants. My thoughts are, that as he is an avid golfer, he will call them Golf Links, or Tee
Time or The Nineteenth Hole, who knows, I am sure he will surprise us. Ms. Karen Mowry, our illustrious Secretary is
experimenting for the fun of it. I’m thinking that as she is a mad Corgi dog lover, and in good company with Queen
Elizabeth II, another mad Corgi dog lover, she would start her names with ‘Corgi” this or ‘Corgi’ that, time will tell.
Mark your calendars, send in your registration form, and
make your hotel reservations for Region 5 Spring Regional
in Cartersville, Ga.,
Photos this issue provided by: Dennis Calbreath, Claude Carpenter, Scott Elliott, , Tim
Herrington, Bruce Kovach Ron McClure, Harold McDonell, Diana Waldrop, and Glen
Nicole Divito Region 5 Winter Regional Meeting Speaker
A few beauties to
#! Dorothy and Toto
Deadline for the next issue is April 1, 2014 . No Fooling!!
Attention All Georgia Hybridizers!!
You are invited to nominate one or as many of your daylilies as you like for the Georgia Hybridizers Award for the year 2014. The rules
for eligibility are 1) The cultivar must be registered by a Georgia Hybridizer; 2) The cultivar must have been registered in the last ten
(10) years; and 3) The cultivar must not have won the award in previous years.
Procedure: Please send your nomination/nominations on a separate sheet of paper to: Claude Carpenter, Regional President, 6075
Vickery Point, Cumming, GA 30040-8756 by January 31, 2014 or you may e-mail him at [email protected]. The name of
the cultivar and the hybridizer must be listed as it is officially registered using the AHS registration guidelines. It is the hybridizer’s
responsibility to make sure the eligibility rules of the cultivar/cultivars nominated are accurate. The submitted nominations from all
hybridizers will be combined into one ballot listing all cultivars nominated while also allowing for a space for a write-in nomination. This
ballot will be published in the spring issue of The Georgia Daylily. This way all Region 5 members would know which cultivars are
contending as they visit gardens and observe nominees during the peak bloom season. As in the past the ballots must be received by
August 1 and signed by the member voting. The Region 5 Hybridizers Award would then be presented by the RP at the fall meeting as it
has been done in the past.
Meeting date: 01 March 14
Meeting location: Macon State College, Theatre Arts Complex
A Registration/Lunch Fee of $13.50 per person will be charged for this meeting. A registration
form is provided at the bottom of this page.
Agenda is as follows:
9:30AM: Registration
10:00AM: Call to order, current issues, intro new officers, club news
10:15AM: Officer/Chair reports
10:30AM: Northwest Georgia Regional
10:45AM: 2015 National/Fall Symposium Update
11:15AM: Awards: Tom Wise, Selma Timmons, Photo Contest Winner, New Business
12:00PM: Cafeteria: Cold Deli Buffet Lunch
12:45PM: Nicole Harry DeVito Hybridizing Program/2014 Intro’s
1:30PM: Auction (Nicole’s plants plus donations)
2:15PM: Special (Board) Meeting as required
2:30PM: Exhibition Judges Workshop III (Refresher)
NOTE: Auction donations (plants, etc...) are always welcome and appreciated! Remember, one man’s trash is another man’s
Directions from Southbound I-475, get off at Exit 3, turn right, go thru traffic signal and take first right onto College Station,
then second left into the parking area. Arts Complex is on the left.
From Northbound I-475, get off at Exit 3, turn left, go under the overpass through second traffic signal; take first right on to
College and follow directions above.
From Southbound I-75, get off at Exit 162 (Eisenhower Pky/Hwy 80), turn right, drive 4.7 miles, go under the I-475 overpass,
thru two traffic lights and turn right on College Station; follow directions above.
From Northbound I-75, get off at Exit 162, turn right and drive 4.8 miles. Go under I-475 overpass, go thru two traffic signals
and right onto College Station; follow directions above.
Region 5 Winter Meeting – Macon State College, 01 March 2014
Registration Form
Name: _________________________________
Other attendee(s) included in check: ______________________________
NOTE: Register by 15 Feb and you will be eligible for a drawing of a $100 daylily….
Send this registration form and check (made out to Region 5 AHS) to: Barbara Kirby, 102 Haag Drive, Warner Robins, GA 31093 to arrive by 23 February. You may contact Barbara at (478) 922-8416 or [email protected]
ATTENTION EXHIBITION JUDGES: An Exhibition Judges Workshop III (Refresher) will be offered provided three people sign up by 15 Feb.
Sign up here:________________________________
AHS Region 5
Claude Caarpenter
6075 Vickery Pont
Cumming, GA 30040
#2 Sebastian the Crab
#4 Everybody Loves Earnest
Non Profit Org
US Postage
Permit 41
Albany GA
#3 Orange Velvet
#5 Amanda’s Little Red Shoes