June 2015 - Vietnam Veterans of America
June 2015 - Vietnam Veterans of America
Boo Coo News Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 VVA154.com Mount Clemens, Michigan JUNE 2015 WELCOME HOME! VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER 18025 E. 15 MILE ROAD CLINTON TOWNSHIP MI 48035-2403 586-776-9810 PHONE 586-776-9683 FAX MONDAY - FRIDAY 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. STOP BY. HANG OUT & HELP OUT. *** GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS 7 P.M. SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH AT AMERICAN LEGION POST 4, 401 N. GROESBECK HIGHWAY SOUTH OF ELIZABETH ROAD *** BOO COO NEWS DEADLINE: PREVIOUS MONTH’S MEETING TO SUBMIT ITEMS, PHOTOS, AD COPY: MAIL, FAX OR DELIVER TO THE VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER 1,627 AMERICANS STILL MISSING IN SOUTHEAST ASIA 49 FROM MICHIGAN Building Dedication Here are photos from the dedication of the new vet center held on April 25. It was well-attended and made our presence known in the community. Thanks to all who helped out. Member of the Year Awards t the May chapter meeting, two chapter members were presented with the prestigious “Member of the Year” award. These annual awards are presented to members who have contributed their time and service to the chapter, above and beyond the call of duty. This year, Greg Bowman and Ron Squires were presented with plaques, thanking them both for their efforts getting the new vet center up and running. Greg Bowman was instrumental in locating the building and, from the time of taking ownership of the building, spent countless hours there working and supervising all the work that was required to get the building up and running. Through his contacts (Greg knows everybody in the world in the trades) he was able to get most of the construction done at little and, in some cases, no cost to the chapter. Ron Squires, likewise, spent untold hours at the new building, working on construction of walls, hanging doors, dry walling and all the other details that needed to be completed. He set aside his personal life at times to make sure things proceeded forward at the required schedule. Ron was also a standout at assisting with the motorcycle raffle in the past. No one can sell raffle tickets like this guy! These well-deserved awards are presented with the thanks of the entire chapter for two members who have put everything on the line for the betterment of the chapter. Congratulations to Greg and Ron. A President’s Message t certainly has been a busy time for the chapter during April and May. I’m looking forward to getting into June so hopefully the pace will slow somewhat. It seems like since October 27, when we took over the new facility, spare time has been at a premium. Coupled with all the chapter and civic events, there’s been no time to get into trouble. The Agent Orange Town Hall meeting was a resounding success. National was very complimentary of the panel of speakers that Steve Bago put together, and the entire meeting was captured on video. Copies of the final video should be available soon, and will be shared somehow with anyone wishing to see it. We had somewhere in the neighborhood of 150-175 people that showed up, and the entire program was well received. A job well done by Steve! A week after the AO meeting, we had our building dedication and open house. Gary Purcell chaired a small committee that pulled it off flawlessly. Thanks go out to Gary, Donn Sinclair, Phyllis Claunch, Marge Schoenherr and Mike Schneider who did everything including some outside grounds work to pretty up the center. The Associates, as usual, jumped in with both feet and presented a nice buffet of food for all attendees and plenty of sweets to satisfy anyone’s palate. The day of the event, the vet center was jammed with people looking through our museum display and viewing the Michigan memorial that was set up in the rear area of the building. I’m not sure on estimates of attendees, but the shuttle bus driver thought he moved 400 people back and forth from the offsite parking lot. That sounds like more than I estimated, but I was so busy that I didn’t take time to do a more accurate count. Regardless, it was done professionally, from the greeters to the honor guard to the hosts and hostesses inside the building, getting Chapter 154 off on a good footing with the township. Thanks to all who made it a success. Clinton Township taped the entire ceremony for their local cable station, and they will provide me with a YouTube link and a DVD so any of you who could not be there can see the event. Pictures taken at the event are shown in this newsletter. The Wall That Heals is in as this newsletter goes to press, so more will be reported out on that in the next issue of the Boo Coo News. As I reported on at the last chapter membership meeting, there are two bills that have been introduced, one in the Senate and one in the House, called the Toxic Exposure Research Act that simply must get signed into law. I sent out notices on this awhile back via email, but don’t know how many of you have acted on it. These bills will create the framework for how future military veterans will be compensated for toxic exposure, along with necessary oversight of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren who will continue to suffer from our exposure to Agent Orange. This is possibly the most important legislation to come down the road in awhile, but it needs your support to get through both the House and Senate. You need to contact your legislators and let them know you want these bills passed into law. To do nothing tarnishes the legacy of the Vietnam veterans by saying “we knew, but we didn’t do anything about it.” This isn’t about you, it’s about your offspring, and this needs your attention NOW. I Details: Contact: House Bill HR 1769, Senate Bill S901 Senator Debbie Stabenow 202-224-4822 Senator Gary Peters 202-224-6221 Representative Sander Levin 202-225-4961 Representative Candice Miller 202-225-2106 ~ Brian Bobek ~ 20th Engineering Brigade (Combat) Vietnam, 1967-68 VVA CHAPTER 154 OFFICERS President Brian Bobek 1st VP Gary Purcell 2nd VP Woody Horne Secretary Mike Schneider Treasurer Mike Jacobi BOARD OF DIRECTORS Greg Bowman (2016) Gil Claunch (2016) Ron Drdul (2016) Dave Schoenherr (2016) Jim Watts (2016) Leo Lalonde (2017) Larry May (2017) Donn Sinclair (2017) Gary Stephens (2017) Robert Steward (2017) 586-524-3806 586-243-6293 248-379-1086 586-567-0731 586-504-0781 586-850-1800 586-854-7842 586-899-7112 586-940-2568 586-524-9705 586-838-9851 586-790-0008 586-243-0222 586-747-8149 586-321-9847 Boo Coo News Publisher The Board of Directors Boo Coo News Editor Brian Bobek Typesetting ~ Linda May Thank you! to all of our sponsors. TRUSTEES Mike Gardner (2016), Gary Sox (2017), Tim Ignash (2018) 2011-2012 STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS Community Service Leo Lalonde Constitution/By-Laws Donn Sinclair ETABO Robert Steward Finance Mike Jacobi Government Affairs Ron Drdul Membership Larry May Minority Affairs Chris Franklin Nominating Committee Gary Sox, Mike Bilyk, TBD Public Affairs Brian Bobek Veterans Affairs Gary Stephens Veterans Benefits Brian Bobek Women Veterans Jim Watts POW/MIA Tom Duff Agent Orange/Dioxin George Sawyer Incarcerated Veterans Dave Schoenherr Veteran’s Health Care Gil Claunch State Delegates Brian Bobek, Mike Schneider, Chris Franklin SPECIAL & AD HOC COMMITTEES AVVA Rep Phyllis Claunch Color Guard Jim Watts Food Pantry Gil Claunch Hospitalized Vets Tom Duff Lottery Jim Auito Merchandise Tim Ignash Michigan Memorial Dave Schoenherr Scholarship Woody Horne Speakers Bureau Ed Zysk Webmaster Larry Sauger Welcome Home Mitch Argyris Operation Christmas TBD Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JUNE 2015 - Page 2 ASSOCIATES OF VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA http://www.avva.org The Mission and Vision of the Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. is to advance the work of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. through cooperative projects and/or programs, to facilitate, enhance and improve communication with our members and the general public and to continue legislative efforts to ensure the rights of and benefits for all veterans and their families. Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., are dedicated to the aggressive advancement of realistic goals with integrity and in the spirit of unity that reflects our commitment of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., all veterans, their families and communities. JOIN THE ASSOCIATES! We meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. AT THE VET CENTER The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM by Phyllis Claunch, President with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. The officers were introduced. Members who have not signed up for the chapter email were asked to sign a list so that they will be included in all emails by the Associates as well as the chapter itself. OPEN HOUSE The Associates were thanked for the outstanding job that they did at the open house. Everyone was impressed with the beauty of the facility as well as the food that was provided. POST OFFICE DRIVE Those who helped with the drive were thanked for their efforts. Their help was greatly appreciated. THE WALL THAT HEALS The arrival of The Wall was discussed. Those who were there today at its arrival said it was a very impressive event. The Wall will be set up tomorrow at 9 a.m. Anyone wishing to help can come and do so. Its location is between the Clinton Township Civic Center and the Clinton Township library. The smudging by the Native American vets will take place at 5:45 p.m. There are to be no pictures taken. The opening ceremony will be at 6 p.m. The Wall will be open for visitation 24/7. #154 will provide night security. There will be the reading of the names at 7 p.m. on Friday. For those wishing to help read, come a little earlier and see Brian Bobek who is passing out the names. There will be the closing ceremony on Monday at 4 p.m. Volunteers are still needed to be pathway guides and/or computer locators. A list of needs was passed around and those able to help signed up. People can still sign up by going to Clinton Township and then The Wall That Heals within their site. CAR SHOW This event will be August 22. It will be held at Gibraltar Trade Center. Mike Jacobi is the chairperson. Donn Sinclair has stepped down from the chairmanship. He is looking for people or organizations that will be willing to sponsor a trophy at the show as well as gift donations. It was thought that the cost of the trophies ranged from $15-$25. It was voted on unanimously that the Associates would sponsor a trophy. More information to follow about the car show. GOLF OUTING This event will be August 29. Dave Schoenherr and Mike Schneider are the chairmen. The cost of the tickets, it was told, will be $80. They are looking for hole sponsorships, baskets for a silent auction. As in the past, the outing will be held at Hickory Hollow. More information to follow. It was voted on unanimously that the Associates would sponsor a hole. LANDSCAPING Marge, Carole and Pat have been working with the Master Gardener and have cleared many of the beds. The Master Gardener is advising what plants would work best with the soil and environment. United Landscaping will be cutting the grass at the center. They have donated 16 plants for the front of the building. They should be coming Friday. There will be mulch delivered soon too. All gardeners are asked to come and help with this project. All that you need to bring is your gloves and hand tools. Everyone was invited to come and play in the dirt. Please come about noon on Friday, May 22. SUMMER MEETINGS Normally we don’t meet in the summer. However, it was thought, for various reasons, that this should change. As a result, we will meet in June, July and August. JUNE Pat Drdul has offered to have a “Meet and Greet” at her house. It will be at our regular meeting time, 7 p.m. on June 17. It will be a casual meeting with more interaction among the members. Pat lives at 25 Mile between Hayes and Romeo Plank. Her address is 54908 Laurel, Macomb 48042. For directions, you might want to mapquest but it is very easy to get to her home. A notice with directions will be sent out closer to the date. JULY There will a picnic at the center. It will be a barbecue. Meat will be provided by the Associates and all attendees are asked to bring a dish to pass. The date is the regular meeting date of July 15. We will meet at 6 p.m. because of dinner. Spouses are invited. However, if a spouse is coming please let Phyllis know so that meat provisions are made. More information to follow. AUGUST Karen Mack has offered her cottage in Forestville (two hours away) for this month’s meeting. The date will be August 15. It is on Lake Huron so if you are going swimming, because the lake has so many boulders and stones water shoes might be a good idea. This will be an all-day event. People coming will be asked to bring a dish to pass. More information to follow. OPERATION CHRISTMAS Gary Purcell once again is the chairman of the event. The dance will be chaired by Pat & Ron Drdul. The dance will be at Fern Hill this year. The date is December 5. Doors will open at 6 p.m. but Associates will be asked to arrive by 5:30. More information to follow. RIDE FOR HOSPITAL VETS This ride will commence at Wolverine Harley-Davison on July 25. They will start to line up at 10 a.m. and the ride will start at noon. They will ride to the hospital. Cars may follow. All participating are asked to bring a paper, not plastic, bag full of toiletries or contribute $10 that will be used to take a vet in the hospital on a little field trip. It was mentioned that the vets in the hospital really enjoy coming out, those that are able, and looking, touching and even sitting on the bikes. WOLVERINE RIDE FOR FREEDOM This event is no longer a chapter event. But the ride will be on June 28. The ride will help to raise money for the Veterans Returning Home Shelter as well as the recreational services at the VA hospital. MINUTES CONCLUDED ON PAGE 4 Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JUNE 2015 - Page 3 # HONOR GUARD REPORT- Jim Watts, Commander ince my last report out on March 11, 2015, the honor guard has conducted the following details: S Total of 10 Funerals: 3 Navy, 4 Army, 2 USMC, 1 USAF 6 Vietnam, 3 WWII, 1 Korea Name Robert Mastin Edmond Bojakowski Richard Dorherty Edward Poldowicz Roger Fachini Carlin Bayer Tom Prisby Steve Depa Chester Talaszewski Earl Goike Branch USAF Army Army Army USMC USMC Navy Navy Army Navy War Vietnam Vietnam Korea WWII Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam WW II WWII Jim Watts Steve Bago John Mohan Gary Stephens Ted Szymanski Ron Drdul Glen Cash Commander Vice Commander Treasurer Armorer Armorer/Property Officer Chaplain Assistant Chaplain Other Details & Functions Honor guard also participated in: • Clinton Twp. Police Honor Guard Fundraiser Dinner • Building dedication for Chapter 154 • Posting colors at Thrilla at the Villa Conclusion of AVVA minutes from previous page WOLVERINE FUND RAISER One June 22 at the Cloverleaf bar on Gratiot, Wolverine will have a fundraiser for their Children’s charities. A flyer is needed to participate. If interested, as we get closer, the flier will be sent out. FUNDRAISERS It is thought that we need to have some fundraisers so that money can be replenished. Some ideas were put out there, Carson’s Community Days: sell coupon books and we keep the whole $5 the book costs. No wash car wash: tickets are sold and the winner receives a gift card to a car wash. Both ideas will be discussed in greater detail next meeting. It was asked of all Associates to think of possible fundraisers. NEW MEMBERS Two new members attended this meeting. They were Debby Stefani and Barb Walsh. Debby asked the question, “Who are the Associates”? The reply was: we are a part of Vietnam Veterans 154. We are non-voting members. We are made up of wives and significant others of Vietnam vets. But some of us have no connection to any of the members. We are all members because they believe in the organization. Our primary purpose is to help the chapter in any way possible. Our biggest event that we help with is Operation Christmas. However, we try to help whenever and however we can. There was a motion to adjourn and was second at 7:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karen Mack Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JUNE 2015 - Page 4 VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER 18025 E. 15 MILE ROAD CLINTON TOWNSHIP MI 48035-2403 FREE SERVICES 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. MONDAY - FRIDAY ! 586-776-9810 MACOMB COUNTY VETERANS AFFAIRS OFFICE SERVICE OFFICERS (FILE CLAIMS AND ANSWER QUESTIONS) MARY BARRETTE ~ TUESDAYS ~ FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS CAROL ANN TURNER ~ THURSDAYS ~ APPOINTMENTS ONLY HELP WANTED: VOLUNTEERS TO STAFF THE VET CENTER AND WORK ON THE FOOD PANTRY. ***** SICK CALL & CONDOLENCES Contact Ron Drdul Hospital Report [email protected] or 586-899-7112 Submitted by Tom Duff If you know of a death or illness of a chapter member or their family, please notify Ron Drdul so that we may get the information in the Boo Coo News in a timely manner. All of the kind thoughts and prayers offered up by our membership are truly appreciated by these folks, and apparently are working to help them through their tough times. Keep ‘em coming. n May 13 Carol Gernand, Pete Gernand, Gil Claunch, John Hages, Carlene Cremin, Don Cremin, Linda Baisden, Harry Wisniewski, Bobby Steward, Heather Okum, Richard Link and I went to the VA Hospital. We went to wards A-3 North and A-4 North, the substance abuse ward and the dialysis ward. We visited with 64 vets. We passed out personal items bags, magazines, crossword puzzle books, Boo Coo newsletters, blankets, lap robes, wheelchair bags, bananas boxes of assorted candies, bananas, pretzels, chips, Cheese-Its and Hostess products. We had a great time and, most of all, we let 64 vets know that we care and they are not forgotten. Sick Call • • From Roger “Popeye” Krzeminski: I received some great news yesterday at the doctor’s office. Last week I had a C-SCAN and they compared it to one that was taken three months ago. The mass on the pancreas has SHRUNK by a quarter (1/4). The doctor said that is awesome for one cycle of chemo. I am into my second cycle (three months) of treatments now. THANK YOU for all your PRAYERS and support. Jerry Clara continues his struggles with his cancer. Taps Chapter member Ted Szymanski lost his father in law, Bill Parker, who was a veteran. The honor guard did a military service for him on May 16. Many other members are still struggling with their ailments, and your continued prayers and words of encouragement are greatly appreciated by all of them. O The next hospital visit will be on June 10, leaving the vet center at 8 a.m. Election Correction #Brian Bobek t has been brought to my attention that an error was made in the counting of ballots in last month’s election of officers. The ballot indicated that three votes could be cast for the nominating committee candidates. However, there were only two that appeared on the ballot resulting from the nomination process. As voters were allowed to vote for three people, two voters had written in a third candidate, that being Leo Miller. The nominating committee simply missed the fact that there was a write-in candidate, so Leo was not named as the third winner during the election announcements. When this came to light, Gary Purcell and I met with Leo, apologizing for what was a simple oversight. Leo accepted the explanation, and then immediately declined the position on the nominating committee. As it stands now, there are still only two members on the committee. The president has the discretion to appoint an additional member if he so chooses. We had a discussion at the last board meeting and are reviewing the write-in candidate process to see if it is a contradiction of our by-laws. The by-laws state that a ballot must be finalized one month prior to the general election, so any last-minute write-in candidate would not be in compliance with that rule. In addition, there are other requirements (i.e., accepting or declining a particular position in order to get on the ballot, being a paid-up member, submitting a valid DD-214 and, lastly, the write-in candidate even wishing to have the position.) For those reasons, we believe it serves the best interest of the chapter to consider eliminating write-in candidates in future elections. More to follow. I Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JUNE 2015 - Page 5 Minutes of General Membership Meeting 5/13/15 ~ Submitted by Mike Schneider eeting called to order by President Brian Bobek at 1900 hours. Pledge of Allegiance recited and moment of silence observed. New members: Dan Zelnick, Army, Ed Choike, Army, Vietnam ‘70, Tom Bell, Army, Vietnam ‘67-‘68 and Rick Jaeger, Vietnam ‘71-‘72. Welcome home men and welcome to the chapter. Motion made by Mitch A, seconded by Ben E to suspend regular business to present Veteran of the Year. Motion made by Gary S, seconded by Ed Z to return to regular business. Reading of motions passed at last board meeting were read and approved by membership. Motion made by George S, seconded by Harry W to accept minutes as published in the Boo Coo News. Treasurer’s report by Mike Jacobi: our last big expense was for the new freezer/refrigerator and we should be incurring fewer large outlays for the center. Report was audited and motion made by Gil C, seconded by Greg B to accept report. M COMMITTEES: Hospital, POW/MIA, Honor Guard to follow. No merchandise report. Speakers Bureau The guys were busy at Richmond, Utica, Dakota, Chippewa Valley and Roseville High Schools. The teachers assured them that they would be invited back to make presentations in the future. Food Pantry We took care of 50 families and a total of 154 people. There will be an ice cream social at the Veterans Home in Grand Rapids on June 4 which the chapter agreed to donate the cost of the ice cream and a number of our members are going to visit. Thanks to all who helped at the Shelby Post Office for the letter carriers food drive. We received two and 1/2 gaylords of goods. Scholarship A total of eight responses were turned in and awards will be given at June general meeting. Agent Orange People who served in the Philippines, at Subic Bay have been approved for compensation for exposure to Agent Orange. Two ships, USS Arlington and USS White Plains have been added to the list of ships on the registry. Traveling Memorial The memorial was at John Glenn High School in Westland for a USO dance sponsored by the students and teachers and to honor veterans, especially the Vietnam veterans. The history teacher who was behind this was named the History Channel’s “History Teacher of the Year.” They did a fine job. We also were at the Oakmont Senior Center and in Mackinaw City. Associates The associates have begun to landscape around the building, if you would like to help. Car Show Mike Jacobi has agreed to be the chairman. He reminded everyone that forms for trophies and car registrations are at the vet center. Raffle prizes are also being accepted. Membership Larry May stated that we have 654 members, 446 life and Associates have 70, 25 life. OLD BUSINESS: We helped escort the wall to Clinton Township. Mattresses from the VA were delivered to vets. Wolverine HOG Chapter is holding a fundraiser at Cloverleaf Pizza to help their children’s charity; please attend. The Ride for Freedom will take place on June 28. The proceeds will go to Recreational Services at the VA Hospital and to the Vets Returning Home facility in Roseville. Ride to the VA Hospital will take place in July. Attendance at the Agent Orange town hall meeting was 150-175 people. The event was videotaped but we do not have copies as yet. We received many positive comments about the event. The dedication went well thanks to some hard work by many. United Lawnscape will take care of cutting the grass. The national convention is in July in Springfield, IL. Brian, Steve Bago and Chris Franklin will attend. The outside double door for the food pantry was added. New cement poured on the side and front walk. Still working with Home Depot for lighting grant. NEW BUSINESS: The suite at Joe Louis Arena which belongs to the late Bud Lynch is available for veterans for all home games. We will look into this for next season. The color guard presented colors at Villa Penna for the “Thrilla at the Villa” and a donation was made to the chapter. Thanks to all the members and associates who helped at the Shelby Post Office for the food drive. Motion made by Gary P, seconded by George S to donate $200 to the Young Marines for their help that day. The phones at the vet center are still a work in progress and hopefully the bugs will be worked out. The chapter needs to hold a main fundraiser to help keep us viable, please submit some ideas. We participated in a Memorial Day service at Cadillac East cemetery which is part of the MCCVO organization’s duties. Thanks to all who attended and maybe next year it will be even bigger. American House Elmwood in Auburn Hills held a celebration for veterans and the honor guard was there along with chapter members and their vehicles. Avondale Middle School students also participated in the ceremonies. Carol Turner from the Macomb County Veterans Services is retiring and Lisa Marie will take her place. Thank you Carol for all that you have done for veterans. At the State Council meeting, Phil Smith, the VVA rep asked if he can place a service officer at the vet center. We will have more information later. We have freezers and refrigerators at the vet center that will go to the highest bidder by silent auction. Stop by the vet center if interested. Guardian Alarm was asked for a quote to alarm the freezer in case of power failure of any kind. We are having the sprinkler system inspected to see if it is usable. Humana Health Care was not aware that diabetes, heart disease or prostate cancer are Agent Orange related, who else? 50/50 ticket #884845 won by Mary Squires. Motion to adjourn made by Bob S seconded by Larry M. Golf Outing August 29 at Hickory Hollow. We need teams, hole sponsors and raffle items, please. Forms are available at the vet center or ask Dave Schoenherr or Mike Schneider. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JUNE 2015 - Page 6 POW/MIA Reports Submitted by Tom Duff REMEMBER THE MICHIGAN POW/MIAS FOR MAY YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN! REMEMBERING THE POW/MIAs from MICHIGAN for JUNE * Bruce Johnson Harbor Beach, MIA 6/10/65 South Vietnam, Army POW/MIA Welcome Home! 1,627 Missing 49 Michigan •“I was prepared to be wounded --- prepared to be captured --even prepared to be killed. I was not prepared to be abandoned by my country.” •Former POW U.S. Navy Captain Eugene “Red” McDaniel •A man is not dead until he is forgotten. We will never forget. Welcome Home! •“When one member of the armed forces is not worth the effort to be found, then we have lost our honor.” ~~ VVNW *** Support your POW/MIAs. Fly your POW/MIA flag. Display a POW/MIA decal. If you need a POW/MIA decal for your car, truck or bike, or certificate of appreciation for flying a flag, see Tom Duff. If a company or homeowner is flying a POW/MIA flag, let Tom Duff know so we can give them a certificate. Donald King Muskegon, MIA 6/14/66 North Vietnam, Air Force James Kooi Fruitport, MIA 6/11/67 South Vietnam, Marines Jamen Nelson Ludington, MIA 6/11/67 South Vietnam, Army Thomas Riggs Farmington, MIA 6/5/73 South Vietnam, Army WWII Flight Officer Arthur LeFavre, Army Air Force, MIA 12/23/44, Germany, accounted for 1/22/15 2nd Lt. Alvin Beethe, Army Air Force, MIA 11/26/44, Germany, accounted for 1/28/15 2nd Lt. Stephen Biezis, Army Air Force, MIA 12/23/44, Germany, accounted for 2/3/15 2nd Lt. John Herb, Army Air Force, MIA 4/13/45, Germany, accounted for 2/19/15 2nd Lt. Edward Baker, Army Air Force, MIA 9/30/44, New Guinea, accounted for 3/4/15 2nd Lt. Harry McGuire, Army Air Force, MIA 1/30/44, Italy, accounted for 3/10/15 Korea Cpl. Linsey Lockett, Army, MIA 12/1/50, accounted for 1/26/15 Sgt. Floyd Jackson, Army, MIA 12/12/50, died in captivity 2/13/51 Sgt. Arnold Audring, Army, MIA 2/4/51, accounted for 1/28/15 PFC John Bowers, Army, MIA 2/14/51, died in captivity 5/3/51 PFC Lotchie Jones, Army, MIA 2/28/51, accounted for 2/26/15 Sgt. Wallace Dawson, Army, MIA 2/14/51, accounted for 3/7/51 PFC Kenneth Darden, Army, MIA 2/13/51, accounted for 3/23/51 Sgt. John McLaughlin, Marines, MIA 12/2/50, accounted for 4/18/15 Cpl. Ben Brown, Army, MIA 12/2/50, accounted for 4/8/15 Cpl. Elmer Richard, Army, MIA 2/21/51, accounted for 4/11/15 PFC Eugene Erickson, Army, MIA 5/18/51, accounted for 4/13/51 Vietnam Lt. Richard Clark, Navy, MIA 10/24/67, accounted for 2/2/15 LTJG Neil Taylor, Navy, MIA 9/14/65, accounted for 2/4/15 SSgt. Bunyan Price, MIA 5/2/70, accounted for 2/25/15 Sgt. Rodney Griffin, Army, MIA 5/2/70, accounted for 3/30/15 Major Dave Richardson, Army, MIA 5/2/70, accounted for 3/30/15 Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JUNE 2015 - Page 7 MORE DEDICATION PHOTOS Agent Orange Town Hall Meeting Here are photos from the April 18 Agent Orange Town Hall Meeting held at the American House in Roseville. We extend our thanks to American House for hosting this meeting and providing food for all the attendees. It made an impact on everyone who attended, and helped to spread the word about the lasting effects of Agent Orange. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JUNE 2015 - Page 8 Volunteer Acknowledgments he following chapter members and the representative from the Macomb Master Gardener program worked on the landscaping at the vet center on May 14: Nancy Porter, Judy Shirey, Pat Drdul, Gary Sox, Dave Schoenherr, Marge Schoenherr and Nancy Ehrke (MMGP.) They focused on the front of the building first and will delve into the area along the side in the near future. Thanks to everyone for pitching in to make the vet center stand tall. T Car Show News t's my sad duty to report, for personal reasons, I've stepped down as car show chairman. Mike Jacobi has agreed to carry on in my stead. Please direct any/all car show business to Mike. I have every confidence the show won't lose a step under Mike's stewardship. Fraternally, Donn Sinclair I The car show is August 22 at Gibraltar Trade Center North. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JUNE 2015 - Page 9 21184 Cass Ave. Clinton Twp. Buy Direct • Quality Granite & Bronze Cemetery Monuments • War & Civic Memorials • Rock Engraving & Cremation Urns • Free Local Delivery Company of Macomb County 586-463-9551 Re/Max Suburban Inc. “Since 1987" Residential & Commercial Real Estate Private Sales – Short Sales – Bank-Owned - HUD ! Ray Nadolski Realtor and Chapter 154 member •Office 586-262-2000 • Cell 248-705-3794 [email protected] Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JUNE 2015 - Page 10 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 4 Service Officer? Call first Memorial at Ferndale Historical Society June 5-7 Saturday JUNE 2015 1 Pointman Ministries 2 Service Officer? Call first 3 Board Meeting 5 6 D-Day 1944 12 13 19 20 26 27 Al Anon 7 8 9 Service Officer Honor guard meeting 14 15 16 Service officer 10 Hospital visit Chapter meeting 17 Associates Meeting 7pm 11 Service Officer United Military Families Memorial at Local 6000 Al Anon 18 Service Officer Memorial at Rolling thunder Manistee June 19-21 Al Anon 21 28 22 Wolverine Fundraiser Cloverleaf Resraurant 29 23 Service officer 30 Service Officer 24 25 Service Officer Al Anon Memorial at Stars & Stripes Festival Freedom Hill June 25-28 Looking ahead: July 5-7 Memorial at Bay City; July 11 Memorial at VVA 133 picnic; July 24-25 Stanton, MI Aug. 22 car show Gibraltar Aug. 29 golf outing Hickory Hollow RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 18025 E. 15 Mile Road Clinton Township MI 48035-2403 OPEN to read the GOOD NEWS about Chapter 154 WWW.VVA154.COM a VVA CHAPTER OF THE YEAR! JUNE 2015 issue of BOO COO NEWS Veterans Support Center 18025 E. 15 MILE ROAD ~ CLINTON TOWNSHIP MI 48035-2403 (586) 776-9810 ~ (586) 776-9683 fax Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. All Volunteer-Run Chapter Business Center Veterans Food Pantry Employment Assistance Veterans Benefits Service Officer Free Counseling Information Camaraderie Drop In & Hang Out & Help Out 1,627 still unaccounted for; 49 from Michigan
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