American Legion Post 3, 401 N Irwin Street, Hanford, California 93230


American Legion Post 3, 401 N Irwin Street, Hanford, California 93230
Commander FmOy Bumhu
t St Vice James Landolt
Adjutant Jim Unt
Scribe Sunny Frazier
Sgt at Arms Rkhard Garda
Chaplin Lany McDonald
Finance Officer Marc Mathes
Execptfye Board
Alwana Joatsd
Clmdc Kelly
Joesph Gates
President Ocni LeflfiT
I St Vice Andrea McDonald
Scc/Treasore Margaret Tipton
Chaplin Pat Flotten
Sgt at Amu Claudia CAncons
Riden ChaptB-3
President David Ritter
Vice President Pat CBiien
Secretary Alwana Jostad
Road C^itain Robert Stover
Sgt at Amu James Landolt
Chqilm Bed! Ritter
JAO Sieve Driver
Sens of The American Legion
Commander John Ritter
Chaplin Sk^ Harkiw
Af^utant Al Martinez
Sgt at Amu Skip Horiow
Advisor Dave Ritta
Hello Comrades,
We have had a two amazing months. June IJ"* Flag day was a
huge success. We honored Jack Schwartz a 100 yr old WW2
veteran. We also installed two new officers, James Landolt and
Scott Holwell. Assemblymen Rudy Salas and Senator Andy
. trrn
Vidak's office presented us with a resolution for the 90***
birthday of our Veterans Memorial Building. Members attended the California Convention in Ontario, where we received a plaque for 100% membership and Hanford police
officer Jean Bidegary was honored for his community service
to our great city.
In July ,though the days were hot and humid we had a great
time selling fireworks . Our customers are so loyal to us and
their support every year is so greatly appreciated. A big thank
you to ail who volunteered in our booth this year. We also attended The Lemoore Races , it was a family night full of fun
and excitement. We must do this again. Next races will be in
August and free to American Legion members and family.
Call the office for the date and time 559-583-1169 or my cell at
God Bless
Commander Emily Burnias
Every Monday at the
Veterans Memorial
Doors open at 10 a.m
with early bird starting at
WCC Plumbing
, UBuiteEtMiksnl j
A m e r i c a n L e g i o n Post 3, 4 0 1 N I r w i n Street, H a n f o r d , C a l i f o r n i a 93230
( 5 5 9 ) 583-1169 Office or E - m a i l : [email protected]
O r call C o m m a n d e r B u m i a s at (559)852-6207
* * * * * O f f i c e H o u r s : M o n d a y , Wednesday and F r i d a y 1pm to 3 p m * * * * *
M e e t i n g days are-every 1st Tuesday o f the m o n t h at 6:30 p m
H e l d at the Veterans M e m o r i a l B u i l d i n g 401 N . I r w i n Street
American Legion Post Adjutant
Well the New Year is here and I hope we have as much flin as last year.
Starting in August 14 we are having a membership appreciation night hosted by the Great Alwana Jostad. This will be
a game night and pot luck with the post supplying the meat. Starts at 5:30. September 15 is a pork chop dinner with all
the fixings. We will be hearing from our Girl and Boys State's about what they did. Cost will be $10.00 for adult and
under 10 year o f age $5.00 So get your reservation in early. We need your e mail address so sent it to
[email protected]. Dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Lastly once again I ask all members to submit their dues as soon as they can so maybe we get the early bird again. No
not maybe we will get it (smile)
Also the Posts cannot do PUFL (paid up for life) anymore you have to contact National 1-800-433-3318 or
Congrats Salvation Army
On your new Corp Officers
L t Luke Betti
Lt Edgar Azueta
Our Boy Scouts Troop and Cub Scouts 432 Have
had a great summer, camping, earning merit badges. Badges will be presented on Monday
7/27/2015. Events included swimming, cooking,
communication, trailing and boating events. First
-aid , archery and target shooting. Congrats to all
who earned their badges
American Legion Riders Chapter 3
Meeting every 2"'' Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m
At 401 N. Irwin Street Veterans Memorial Building
J u l y was w o n d e r f u l we a s s i s t e d w i t h t h e f i r e w o r k s b o o t h a n d we h a d our a n n u a l f u n d a y
p i c n i c a t Smokey's. We h a d o u r m e e t i n g a s s c h e d u l e d ; we a r e q u i c k l y a p p r o a c h i n g t h e
A m e r i c a n L e g i o n R i d e r s C a l i f o r n i a R a l l y 2015 a n d we h a v e many t h i n g s t o g e t a c c o m p l i s h e d
to h a v e a s u c c e s s f u l e v e n t .
We s t i l l need t o l o c k down some d e t a i l s b u t i t ' s coming
t o g e t h e r . We a r e a s k i n g a l l r i d e r s t o r e e n g a g e a n d come o u t a n d j o i n o u r e v e n t s , r i d e s ,
and m e e t i n g s . We a r e a s k i n g e a c h member t o go o u t a n d s o l i c i t d o n a t i o n s f o r t h e R a l l y ; a
copy o f t h e f l y e r and L e t t e r t o m e r c h a n t s h a s a l r e a d y been e m a i l e d o u t .
Our A u g u s t r i d e w i l l b e t o S h a v e r L a k e . The r i d e w i l l b e on A u g u s t 1 5 ^ 2015; l e a v i n g
from t h e V e t e r a n s Memorial b u i l d i n g a t 9:00 a.m. a n d a s a l w a y s e v e r y o n e i s welcomed. Our
r u n i s a f u n r u n a n d we a l w a y s go on an e x c i t i n g r o u t e .
I t i s t h a t t i m e a g a i n f o r dues t o be p a i d .
I n o r d e r t o be c u r r e n t f o r t h e n e x t y e a r and
make t h e p a i d r o o s t e r a l l d u e s n e e d t o be p a i d no l a t e r t h a n September 30, 2015. Dues
f o r t h e y e a r a r e $10.00. Your L e g i o n dues must a l s o be p a i d t o f o r you t o be c o m p l e t e
for the year.
Our n e x t m e e t i n g i s A u g u s t l l " ' 2015. I f y o u have n o t t a k e n y o u r o f f i c i a l p i c t u r e p l e a s e
wear y o u r w h i t e s h i r t , v e s t and b r i n g y o u b e r e t so we c a n h a v e t h e b o a r d
Check u s o u t on Facebook a t A m e r i c a n L e g i o n P o s t 3 H a n f o r d Ca. P l e a s e come o u t a n d j o i n
us e v e r y s e c o n d T u e s d a y o f t h e month a t 6:00 p.m. a t t h e V e t e r a n s B u i l d i n g .
R i d e s a r e e v e r y 3 r d S a t u r d a y o f t h e month. Anyone who r i d e s i s welcomed t o j o i n u s .
CcXX^rUx}^ S-hxH- RcUXy
Registration fee includes: All rally events, siaturda) and
Sunday mornfrig breakfasts. Saturday lunch and dinner.
Rally patch or year rocker and an. official ral'" *'
Saturday nightentertairiment.
•• ""1
CoO Weclh
Laurie Wdch
/r-t* ".cf fK<- A*t#C*vafur»i-, "tf- L . ( r r t i * - ji
their families.
Let's have fun iattiA
laffaa;sun and camaradene with fellow ridefijn
Craig Johnson,
Pre-regisiration tickets (non refundable) are S40 if reclcvrtby August
14 and S45 alter August 14 or in person at the event.
Honied bv A L R C b a p l r r 3 H a n r o n l
For more information: [email protected]
( 5 5 9 ) 3 8 1 - 6 5 3 0 Or AL Office ( 5 5 9 ) 5 8 3 - 1 1 6 9
Welcome New Members
FretJerick Smith
David Nikles
Stephen Arnold
John Meadows
Jack Alford
Frank & Jennifer Cortez
Sal Pina
John Patterson
September Pork Chop Dinner
Date:September 14,2015
Time: 6:30
Cost: $10.00 Children $5 includes dessert
Veterans Memorial HaU 401 N Irwin St Hanford Ca 93230
Number attending
CaU 559-583-1169 or mail this sUp to American Legion Post 3 401 N Irwin St. Hanford Ca 93230
Member name
Supporting businesses
The Cannon is now be featuring businesses that support our Military, our Veterans and their families. Contact
the American Legion If you are interested in supporting what we do best. Veterans sen/ing Veterans and our
great community. Our number is (559) 583-1169 or (559) 852-6207 and ask for Emily Bumias for more information.
Richard & Kim Iverson
Fax 559-582-6285
102S.Douty Street
Hanford, CA 93230
[email protected]
Corral Automotive
t.. (559)585-8675
325 N Jessie St Suite A
Hanford Ca 93230
& Design
Danlord, f A 93230
:..T. facebook
Daniel U m i t i a , M . D .
American Board of Family Practice
LICENSE #971721
355 Campus Dr., Suite A
Hanford. C A 93230
Matt Davidiiin
[email protected]
Telephone: (559) 584-2721
Fax: (5591584-4784
American Legion Auxiliary
Another year has begun for the Auxiliary and although we are traditionally dark for the month o f July it doesn't seem
like we got much o f a break. Delegates to convention this year were myself. Andrea McDonald, Candace Wilson and
our alternate was Margaret Tipton. We had a great time in Ontario learning about different programs and upcoming
events for the year .Our new California Department President is Suzie Tozier her theme will be Growing the Legion
Family for Our Veterans,being so it is farm based since farmers nurture and grow .More information will be given out
at meetings and via e-mail through out the year. Next year the convention will be held in FRESNO!!
In July, the Auxiliary was there to work the fireworks booth we had a great time and thankfully it wasn't as hot this
year. Thank you to all who volunteered to work, bring food or supply gift cards to purchases items to help us. A team
effort always makes for an enjoyable event.
On July 18, District 14 held a Installation o f District Officers. It was a wonderful time. Our officers were Installed before this event took place. Your 2015-2016 officers are: President - Geni Lefler, 1st Vice - Andrea McDonald, 2nd Vice
- Mary Loyche, Treasurer - Margaret Tipton, Secretary - Glenda Davis, Sgt. at Arms - Claudia
Chafin-Ancona, Chaplin - Carol Roberts and Historian Sam McDonald. Congratulations to all! I f you are interested in
serving on a committee there are openings and they will be discussed at the August meeting.
Our fellow member and friend Candace Wilson has officially left the state o f California and is now residing in Washington state. She will be remaining a member o f our unit and will try to visit when possible. On Saturday August 15th
and Sunday August 16th there will be a California Department Workshop held at the Clovis Veterans Memorial Building. I will send out more information as it becomes available. Please mark your calendars now. Last year we leamed
tons and had a great time. We will continue to have our crafl/potluck nights every third Wednesday o f the month. Everyone is welcome to join us. We meet at 5:30pm at the Veterans Memorial Building downstairs in the back of the
building. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be on August 5th at 5:30pm. Bring a friend i f you would like. The
more the merrier. Membership is off to a great start! That being said it is time for dues to be paid again. I f you have a
hardship and need help with your dues please let us know. We have grown a lot over the last few years and I hope to
see it continue.
I hope you all have a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you all soon. If you are not on the e-mail list please send me
your e-mail address. If you don't do e-mail and would like a hard copy sent please let me know Communication is key to success!
Love, Nurture and watch it grow! Geni LeflerPresident Unit [email protected] 559-707-2457
Veterans Corner
Eligibility for VA benefits in general requires that the claimant or the person on whose service a claim is based have been discharged from service under honorable conditions. With certain exceptions, an honorable discharge or a general discharge under
honorable conditions is binding upon VA for all benefits purposes. If the discharge was less than honorable, VA will determine if
the discharge was under other than dishonorable conditions, so long as it was not issued for any of the reasons constituting a statutory bar to benefits, such as a discharge or dismissal by reason of sentence of a general court-martial, or a resignation of an officer
for the good of the service, etc. If VA determines that the discharge was issued under other than dishonorable conditions, the
claimant is eligible to proceed with the claim for benefits. Otherwise, the claim must be denied.
Persons whose discharge from service was under other than honorable conditions may choose to apply for a review and upgrade of
the discharge by the Service Department. This may be either by a Discharge Review Board or by a Board for Correction of Military Records. The Discharge Review Board is empowered to determine whether the discharge or dismissal in an individual case
should be changed, corrected, or modified under reasonable standards of regulations and discipline for that branch of service. The
board does not have the authority to reinstate the applicant to service, nor can the board change reenlistment codes to permit the
applicant to return to service. In addition, if the other than honorable discharge was based on having been AWOL for more than
180 days, a recharacterized discharge by the board is not binding upon VA. An application must be filed not later than 15 years
after the discharge or dismissal from service.
Boards of Correction of Military Records are established to correct any military record, for the purpose of correcting an error in the
record or to correct an injustice. Correction of a military record may include review of a discharge that was directed by a court
martial. A recharacterization of a discharge by a board as "honorable" or "general, under honorable conditions" is final and binding on VA for all veterans' benefits purposes.
The Kings County Veterans Service Office issues Veteran l.D. cards to honorably discharged veterans. Contact Joe Wright if you
would like to receive periodic veteran's information by email. There are many state and federal benefits and programs available to
veterans and their dependents. To find out if you are eligible for any of these benefits, visit or call our office. We can and will assist you in completing all required application forms. You can get information on the Web from the Kings County Veterans Service Office webpage at
American Legion
Department o f California
401 N Irwin Street
Hanford Ca 93230
Hanford Ca 93232
Owner Mike Grain Office: (559)582-4336 Fax (559) 582-4338
Email: [email protected]
American Legion Post 3 would like to thank Grain's for their GENEROUS Donation of an
air conditioning unit for our Veterans Memorial Hall. It was so badly needed to cool not
only our Members as we cook but the refrigeration units we have in the kitchen. Mr Grain
we as Veterans/Seniors can not thank you enough. God Bless you and your crew.
Commander Emily V Bumias