Exhibition of Occult and Alchemical Designs for the Cards
Exhibition of Occult and Alchemical Designs for the Cards
1t .";.,i ;ii Exhibition of Occult and Alchemical Designs for the Cards of the T'arot of the Egyptians EXHIBITION OF PLAYING CARDS THE TAROT (BOOK OF THOTH) 78 PAINTINGS ACCORDING TO THE INITIATED TRADITION AND MODERN SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT WITH OTHER OCCULT AND ALCHEMICAL DESIGNS a1u u{v. uw-.:ffiJr-uryo retters on man, and his best method. ot marupulating their forces. c.J I fi .. Jt appea,rs fro$ the classification that the system of the Tarot is that of the Febrew eabalah. eabadh *A;; " received," 'i.e., atradition receivöd. by meais of initiatiån. claims to be based, on the Qabalah tfe {epr-er1 eabalah. I! was supposed that Moses, the great, of the Ilebrews, [äd been initiateå tf ,n,; hierophants o-f that country. This theorv is confided b; strongly-marked traces of-Egyptian figrires ."a iau*"ä the .traditional designs theösälves, fioi th"*u is atso ma,rutolct e5pression of the influence of Indian reliqions. ln -pafticular, the fndian God Ardhanari ie represänted with _the four _weapons of the four suits, W;;ä;;-öö; Swords, and Diks. -ujgJlprran { I I I lqagrcian . ft seems, therefore, probable that Egyptian and. Indian adepts-were responsible Tor the pack inTls'primitive forö which is now loit. THE TAROT (Book of Thoth) I i I ,{ rfi ,ilt The origin of the Tarot is unknown, but in all probability it was introduced into the Mediterranean Basin not later than the end of the l4th century. \['e have existing packs in the lSth centwy. . It is generally admitted that the cards were a classifi_ cation or ma,p of the universe. The material universe has always been divided in the first instance into four, and, the number Four is the basis of the pack. There are four suits corresponding to t!" four elements, four quarters, four stations ofthe sun, four seasons and so on. Ä:rd the'other numbers involved in this classification are d.erived, directly from it. l+2+3+4 : W ' f I t cl I I I 10 3l 7l2Z 12) The number of the Trumps (22) is -accordingly that of the Atus, or Houses, or Kevi. Thö subiect of tiö cards and look (the Tarot is called ihe book of ihoth or Tahuti, the EgS4ptian Mercury) is the influence of the l0 numberå ald the twenty-two letters on man, and his best method. of manipulating their l : : : l+2 3+4 3x4 forces. . ft appeqs frop _the classification that the system of the Tarot is that of the Hebrew eabalah. eabalah -"rrn " received," 'i.e., a tradition receivöd by means of initiation. The Ilebrew Qabalah claims to be based, on the Egyptian Qabalah. It was supposed that Moses, lhe $eab yqagician of -th9 Hebrews, [åd been initiated tf tne hierophants of that country. This theorv is confided bv strongly_marked traces of Egyptian figåres and id.eas iä the traditional designs themsälves, 6ut there is also panilbld expression of the influence of fndian religions. ln _particular, the fndian God Ardhanari is represänted with of the four suits, Wanäs, Cups, -the four _weapons Swords, and Diks. _ It seems, therefore, probable that Egyptian and, fndian adepts.were responsible -for the pack inliJ primitive form, which is now lost. What is undeniable is, that it must have been put, together in its medieval form by Hebrew Qabalists. The general symbolism of the Atus is based on the ideas of C-hurch and State current in those times. This is manifest especiallv in the titles of such Atus 'as the X'ool, the Magiciai (Conjuror or Juggler), the-I'ema-le Pope, the Emperor, the EmFress, lhe Jop-g, t-he $ermi!' thd Hanged lfan, Justice, Death, the Devil, the Blasted, the Last Judgment. There is certain evidence of Grreco-Roman influence, and possibly Ass5rrian or Chaldean, for in the old packs the Emperoi was sometimes called Jup,iter; and we have the aströnomical triad of the Sun, the Moon, and the Star, while perhaps the Blasted. Tower may be taken as a s5rmbol of Agni, X'ire or Lightning. These mingled origins are, however, of no great signific&nce. I{hat is certain is that the pack, such as it was, was skilfully moulded by fnitiates as a means of_preserving and transniitting the tradition of the initiated wisdom ; safeguards against the betrayal of the secrets were intro' ducöd, especially with regafd to the attributions of the Atus or Trumps. It is hoped that an important book on these subjects will appear slortly in conjuiction with the reproduction of these-frctures in ihe traditional form of a pack of cards. The cards have been very famous for centuries' Eundreds of books have been rvi'itten about, them. They were used. by the " Bohemians " or Gipsies for telling fortunes, anci in a mutilated form are used for playm-g various games of cards in all Latin countries in bot'h hemispheies. But these are degradations of their t'ruo use in noSle contemplation of the Secret Energies of Nature. THE TWENTY-TWO TRUMPS No. ro. The Fool is Air or Vacuum or Puissqnt Innooence. He holds the male element of fire, the female element of water, the sword of air, and the disc of earth. He is the Green Man of Bprdnq, the great fiool, of tke Cel,ts, Dal,uah, and Parsifal. He is also Zeus Arrhenothel,us, D'ionysus Zagreus, Bacchu; Di,gthues and Baphomnt. 2t. TIre Magician or Juggler. Meraury, who ,i,s Wisilann, Wil,l, and Word, by whom the world. is created, symbolises the fl,uid,i,a basi,s of all transmi,ssi,on of acti,aity. Behind him and through him is the Ape, Hanumnn, which is a llindu conception. The Egyptian counterpart, Thoth, is also always followed by the Cynoaephalus Ape. # 3 II. $ The Priestess. She is again she is Artennis. Is,i,s, th,e eternal, a'irgi,n, and, It is for this reason såe is 'in the luminous ae,il of li,ght,light bei,ng ai,ewd not as the mani,festati,on, but as the ueil,, of the spiri,t. alothed, t .t TTT T4e Empress. She is seated in traditional posture. This posture represents salt, thoi,na,ati,ae princi,pl,e of na[,ure. The lotus typifies the"fe.mi,ni,ne or passi,ue f)ower. The Bees on the robe may be compared with the Fl,ew' d,e Lys, suggesting the n'rench oiigin of the 'f ; the belt ,i,s the Zocl,,iaa. The Pelican m,ag be id,enffied, with the Gre,at Mother and, her offspri,ng. It re_presents the continui,ty of l,i,fe and, ,i,nheri,tanae of gy"mtrol t blood, uniti,ng all forms of nature. The White Eagl,e typifi,es Al,chemi,aal, Balt, anil, tlue White Tincture, of tlw natru'e of si,luer. 5 rv. The Emperor. This card means Goverwnerrtby maans of two contrasting sgmbols. These are the Rari, wh,i,ah, whem w,i,l,il, is sol,itary anil, aotnageous, and, the Lam,b, whi,ah is d,oa,il,e and, aowaril,l,q, and is, in fact, the Ram by authority. The posture tpifies fäe of tÅi uninterse. The Red EagG represents"tlte Red, Tincture of the tamed Ataherni,cå\, ii. tii, ii ,T Ii ,{i il$ tr 'll Bulphur,ihn Tery Alnhemi,sts, ro'h;an 6V. å el,äment of the nature of gold,. The EieroBhant. The referenae in this card, ,i,s to Iatnus the Bwll, and its Indian equivalent, the Elephant. The pentagram with its -dancing male T '1,r 't1 : No. No. child symbol'i,ses the wh'i,alt, talces the symbolism New Aeon of the child' Eorus, is the Bpermatozoon tr'or [hat reason the card is called the Hermit. In the same order of ideas the Hermi,t hold,s the lamp whose aentre is the Sun.^ The Egg, surrounded by the coils of a snake, |ypr$"u the Universe, wåile the snalce si,gni,fi.es tke fluid,j,a essence of Light, whioh i,s thelife of thå Uni,uerse. us for 2,AA0 gears. The Hi'erophnnt rnoaes onl'y at intöraals of 2,000 years. The four masks are the guard,'ians of euerg m,ystery, aul'rninati,ng i,n the Granrl Mgstery of the uni,ting of m'i'uoaosm anil nxawaaosrn. The woman before the hierophant represents Venus, noufarmeil, and, mili,tant. Tlrc Wan'cl' with i'ts interlaceil rinis sh,ows the three Aeons of Isis, Os'iri,s and,,Horus. 7 VI. The Lovem. This specifieally alchemical card is a symbol, of procreat'ion, the swords drawing attention to the ptrocess of d,i,ui,si.on whi'oh actually talces place. Cain antl AbeI represent' tlte refusal of God' to hear tke cle,,i,ld,ren of Eue u,ntil, bloorl is shed'. Thi,s seem,s to be the symbolisati,on of erternal relig'ion. It, was by means of the shedd,ing of blood, and of erternal, rel'igöons that' Cain was able to have contact with his fellow men. In that sense the meaning of the card is tlte gi,ai'n'g of In this card are traces of the legend öf persephone. The serpent Wand, here seen -growine out äf the Abyss, is the Wand of Mercurv, the guirle of the soul through the lower regions. Thd letter yod llhe Cha.riot. The four Sphinxes on this card, drarving the chariot, are the Bttll,, the L'i'on, the Eagle, and' the Man, the uthole representinq the s'irteen sub-el,emen,ts. The function of the Charioteer is to bear the lloly Grail, in the centre of which is rad'iant bl'ood', sgmbol'i's,i,rry the presence of Light in Darlcness. I VIII. Ailjustment or traditionally Justice. This card represents the T4'ornan satisf'ed,. This condition is synbolised !y !tt" s-calgs, in whi_ch -she weighs the uruverse ; Alpha, the f,rst, e*aatly balatwes aga'i'nat Ontega, the last. These scales represent the two ' witnesses.' Eaah ' wi,tness' . is am authent'i'a man'i,festat'i,on of Maya, the one fulf'lli,ng the other bA a, proa,ess of contrad,'i'ation, for nature is not Just'i,ae-she is rather dhrough he" piäcess of equilibrium " la Justesse." Finally, this Woman is the original Harlequin, /or the w'i,ld bl'end' i,tsel,f f0 f,K. of col,owr a,nd' into an equi,l,ibri,um' of al'l' of mouement resol,aes possi'bil'iti'es of se'nsat'i'on. The Eermit. The letter, to which this card is attributed, is the letter Yod, the foundation of all the other letters of 'the Hebrew Alphabet. The oo means design. ux. ,tl ,,1 il j sai,ence to manlci,nd,, si,nce the rnurder symbolåses analys'is and, tho subsequent contact, synthes'i's. 8 Vtr. is that of the Creator of Li.fe and, his representatiue ltlnae of the Ol'd Aeon that has goaerned, a hand," and the hand. is the centre of the Fortune. Bv the attribution of this card to the planet Jupiter, it is made to represent the Uniuerse in its asytoot of conti,nual, cltange. -The appearance of all sorts of celestial phenomena emphåsises this. fn the middle is the ten-spoked wfeel, the accepted. symbol of Fortune. The tlree fiqures attacheä to lhe yh99f sy,mbol,i,se the three forms if energy, --ALerpresseitr i,1t. th.ea Hi1,Qr, Sgstem la the term the top Guna. the Sphinx, typifying intelligence and bahnå (Sattvas) ; Ilermanubis, in the semblanceof anape, represents the restlessness of brilliant, unstable reason (Rajas); -and at the bottom, almost falling {1om the,wheel, is tle reptile-headed Typhoi (Tamas), the symbol of destruction, sluggishitess, and ignorance. The alchemical attributös of the si-ts t Gunas are Sulphur, Mercury, and Salt. ',I rzixr. Lust. This It card, was formally catled, Btrength. ,i,m7ilies,-howeaer, not only strength,, but jq1 i,n-strenqth of the lion-are, respeotively, that of an angel, saint, poet, adulteåss, euerciseil,. The seven heads warrior, satyr, and lion-serpent. The central ffgure wocna,n, who has surremd,ered, herself to all the is the of areaft,i,on and, who rid,es astrid,e ai the Beast. h,9r l,eft_ha1td, she holrl,s th,e re'ins, as regtiesemt,i,ng the forces In slrc holds Wsfw? wkiah un'ites them, anil, in her right al,oft tpe Qw-p with l,oae and, tl,eatk. -afla_m,e are m,i,ngl,ed, the el,ements of the sowament In thi,s Cuyr of ttw AuA. In. the background are the blood,less figuree of the -wkotc sa'i,r.fts on wkom this mi,rage traua,i,ls, .fbr thedr li,fe has been absorbeil into the Holy Gråi,l. No. .ly'o. f 3 Xm. Li4hts ri,si,ng out of The trIangetl Man or Dying God. The posture of the drowned or hanged man is of the greatost significanrce. The legs are arossd, so that the ri'ght I'eg forma a right angl,e' wi,th the left l,eg, anil' the arrrts are stretohe'd, oul at shown aonsummation of tke zohole art of ,is procla'imed, in the glarg wi,th its i,nsarirytian .. VISITA INTENIORA TENNAE NECTIEI. CANDO INVENIES OCCULTNM LAPIDEM," The aounsel, to a'is'it the interior of the earth 'i's a recapi,tulati,on (on a higher gi.ane) of the fi,rst formala, of tlr,e W orlc. T he'i,mryortant word, is R E C T I F I C A N DO, i,t i,mqfli,es the right lead,i.ng of the new l'iai,ng substance i,n the path o.f the True Wil,l,. cauldron. The Alnhemg ai angl,e of siriy il,egrees, so as to form' an equi'lateral' triangl,e. This g'i,ues the symbol of the triangl" tof mountal, bg a cross, wkiah represents the d'escent of ,th,e tight i,nto d,arlcness 'i,n ttrd'er to red,eern 'i,t. The u:h,ol'e iilea of sacrifiae is a misaomaepti,on of %ature, qnd tl-n el,emeÄt of water to whi,alt' the card, i,s attri'bu'ted''is th,e element of illusi'on. f4 XIII. Death. The alchemical sense of Death is not so much il,estruction as chonge. Thus v'e have, in this card, the * lr t fO XV. Scorpion, representing pr'imiti,ae energy always_ read'g to comm'i't su'ia'id,e (aacord,ing to thelegend') whenheaai'l,g beset, bwt prepa,reil to unclergo ony transformatinm whi,ah wi,ll perm'i,t 'i'ts conti,nued' eri,stenae in o d'i,fferent form. -i,gni,ted, Thus potass'i,um, tltrown upon, water,,becom'es anil' aacepts the embraae of the hyd'roryl rad'i,cte. The fish and serpent, here represented, have been objects of worshiltin cults whåch @ryltt ttae d'oatri'nes of reswmect'i,om or re-incarma't'ion' The central figure ie exeouting the Dance of Death (skeleton and scytho are both Saturnian frgures), and on his head he wears the crown of Osiris. The influence of Saturn is , expressed in the negative aspect of Dealh as reryresenti"S those essenti,al forms whiah are not d,estroyed' by ihn ord,inary changes of natwre ; the positi,ae and creat'i'ae sid,e is seen 'in tlte sweep of the scytlrc, whi'ch calls i'rrto bei,ng bubbles, symbolisi,ng new liaes. The highest aspect t I 17 XVI. of the aard, is the Eagle, wh'i,ch represerrts A$, formerly called" Ternperance. The highest achievement of alchemy.was the affecting of change, card represents perfection, the perfecti,on of annihi,lnti,on by emanai,pation from the prison of organi,sed, l,i'fe. The dove and the serpent represent the femin'i,ne and mascultne 'impulses. In th,e language of Schopenhauer into their opposites. Thus in this card the red, lion has become white, the white eagle has become so on, The rainbow symbolises another stago in the alchemical process by the aura of mnny-colau'reil' The Sower or tho Blastetl Tower, or the House of God. This card, is ctttributed, to th'e llebreto letter P6, wltich means a mouth,. The card. which admits of two interpretations in one, is a manifestation in its rudest form, of pure destrucbion, the d,estru,ct'i,on of the old,-established, Aeon by li'ghtning, f,ames, and engi,nes of war. The other interpretation is drawn from the cult of Shiva. At the top of the card appears the Eye of Shiva. Acoording to this, the ra the transmuting of objects, qualities, colours and red.. In the main fi,gure, theblaak anÅ, tnhite personnqes wh'ich tnere the Loaers in Carcl, VL are.now 'i'nterahanged, and' fused' into am and'roggne f,gu're. This is the consummation of the Royal Marriage. The Devil is here represented in the traditional form of the Goat. The cult of the Goat represents the impul,se to realcless areation without ang regard, for result. Behind the Goat, stands the Tree of Li,fe, which pierces the Heauens 'i,n a medley of fantasti,a forms, recalling the markings on the planet Mars, always associated with the fiery material energy of creation. In the transparent roots the sap is seen, seething and leaping in every direction. The ring at the top is one of the rings of Saturn or Set, the Ass-headed god of ihe Egyptians. The sp'i'ral shape of the horns 'i,s an all,u,sion to the highest and, m'ost remote things. Zoroaster d,ef,nes God, as " haa'ing a spiral forae." eraltal,i'on aboae solid' matter. f5 XW. putrefaction. Putrefaction itsef is perched on a skull on tho by the raven " f 8 XVIL The WiIl to Liue and, the WilI to D'ie." $tar. Eaery form of .energy in the aaril i's spi,ral' ; this is in anticipation of the present Aeon, that of Horus, the crowned and conquering Child, successor The No. -llo. to the " dying god," Osiris. The il,epafiing ,i,s 22 Aean shown i,n the rectil,i,near forms of energy i,esui,nq Jrom the Lower cup. These forms stand for the now aband.oned Euclidean geometry. The figure of the goddess may be taken as a m,ani,festati,on of tke swmounil,,ing spaae fg XVm. fhe Moon. Nr6,. in the seri,es of which, these two aard,s are th,e begi,nninq and, the end,. The l,etter Tau symbol,ises a aompri,sed, fotnfold, entens'i,on, a1ryili,cable to the transoend'enae of spaae q,nd, t'i,m,e fuy a aontinu,ally self-com,pensati,nq change. The, letter is furthor attributed, to Saturm, the sl,owest of the planets, and, on that account associa.teil, of Heaaen. This card represents the state of impure horror, hidrlen darkness rvhich must be passed through before light can be reborn. The Moon ,i,s, there,fora, the rnost uniaersal of the planets, partalci,ng at onae of the lrigllest and, tlte louest. At the bottom of the card rnoves tha Bacrecl, Beetl,e, beari,ng the Sun of ni,ght. Above is the evil Moon. A stream, or path of Berum, The Universe. This card is attributed to the letter Tau. Together with the fi,rst aard,, the Fool, the woril Ath is spelled,, menning Essence. Thus al,l reali,ty i,s il uith the eletnent, of Earth. Saturm i,s the olcl, god,, the go'1 of fertili,ty. The presence of the letter Tau upon f the Tree of Life indieates a sta[e, of eoui!,ibri,umbetweem ah,amge and, stability. The glyph änihe card, therefore, synrbolises th,e, compl,etian of the Great Work. The image of tke Uniuerse is a ma,id,en, tlte final, letter of I'etragram,maJcn. She is represented as dancing with through tlrc il,arkness landscape of the ti,nged, wi,th blood,, fl,ows between two barren mountains. On the hills are dark sinister towers. On the threshold stands the jackal-headed god, Anubis, in double form; at his feet are the jackals waiting to d.evour those who have fallen by the way. 20 Xm. The Sun. This card represents the Loril, of tke nan Aeon,, the Lord, of Li,ght, Li,fe, Li,berty anil, Loae, and, the compl,ete entanc'i,ltati,on of the hum,am raae. Tke greem rlLounal, represents the fertil,e earth,, but the presence of a wal,l, shows that the new Aeon d,oes not nxea,m the nbsence of aontrol,. The twin children are represented as dancing outside the wall, because they typify tke new stage ön ltuman h,i,story, the stage of oomyflete freed,om from the restriati,ons ,imposed, by su,oh, id,eas as si,n and, d,eath. 2f XX. Ehe Aeon, or the Angel, or the Last Judgment. The card is girt about witlt, the bocl,y of N ui,t, thn star goil,il,eas, representi,ng wnli,mited, possi,bility. She surtound.s the globe of f,re, her mate, flad,i,t, stand,i,ng fm eternal, energy, In the mid.dle sits their child, Ilorus, also a $olar deity, rvho is the incarnation of the New Aeon. The left ltanil,, antend,ed, and, empty, rem,i,nd,s us God, has d,estroyeÅ, the old, Uni,aerse, but is, as young to forrn its suacessor. At the bottom of the card a,ppears the Hebrew Letter, Shi,n, that is attributed. to this card. The tltree Yoil,s are oacupi,ed by three human f,gu,res ari,s,i,ng to pa,rtake, of the Essence the Great spiral-forming Serpent or Sun. She is surrounded by ten symbols. About hp"r is an ellipse aomposed, of seuenl,y-two a'i,rcles for tlte quinaries of tke Zod,'iaa. At the corners of the card are the four Kerubim, showing the established. Universe. In the centro ,is the Wlzeel, of Life, i,niti,ati,ng the form of the Trea of Li,fe, whiah i,s uisible only to those of pwe heart. On the lower part of the card is the late J. W. N. Sullivan's well-known mao of the chemical t I elements. WANDS il $ 23 lWatter. 24 of the l{ew Aeon. Two of \dlands:Dominion. Cholimah Mars in Aries. suit, of Firo. Jirst steJt 'in the weati,ae, proaess. Three of Wanrls:\rirtue. Binah in the suit of the 25 Fire. Sun in Aries. The \4'ands take the f<rrm of the Lotus, estq,hl,'ishment of pri,meaa,l enargy. l0 in the Here are tivo dorjes crossod. The <iorje is the Tibetian symbol of destruction. But d,estruatiom m,a,U be regard,eÅ as that the ge:t, too Aco of Wantls ropresent's the essence of the elements of firo The flames are Yods, arranged in the form of the Tree of Life. I.t is pri,,mord,i,al, Energy m,anifesti,ng i,n ' in its inception. tl and. represemt lhe No. No. 26 !'our of Wantls:Completion. Chesed in the suit of Ffue. Venus in Aries. The Wands are headed by the Ram sacred to Aries, and, at the other end, the doves of Venus. The ori,gi,na,l Wi,ll, of the Two has been transmi,tted, throuqlr the Three, and, 'i's now bu'i,k up 'into a sol'id, system of oriler,law, and, goaernment. 27 Five of V/anils:Strifo. Geburah in the srrit of 33 horse. Noru.*No description of :r4 tr'ire. Saturn and Leo. These Wan<ls are of the Ch,åef Ad,ept or Cad,uceus, second, Ad,ept, sltow or Phani,u, thåril Ad,ept, or Lotus. F'iaed,oubleflames bal,anaed, 28 energy. Thi's is ptnely actitse force. 35 30 Eight of trllands:Swiftness. Hod. from equilibri,urn. 36 32 of Wands:Strength. Yesod in the suit, of Ten of Wanils:Oppression. Malkuth in the suit of tr'ire. The Wancl,s are arosseil,, slnw'i'ng the pouers of comgi,eteÅ emwgi,es of Fi,re, but they haue Lost their patents of rcbil,ify. In front are two d,orjes Lengtkend to bars. This card shows the Force d,etaalted, from its spi,ri,tual sources. g and, oolat'i'1,'i,s'i,ng . ancl. hold.s the Phenix Princess of Wanils:the earthy part of X'ire, or the'imes'i,sti'bl,e CUPS JJ 38 Ace of Cups:the element of Water in its searet and original' form. It is the feminine compliment of the Ace of Wands. This i,s a pri,mord,i,al, card, im the essent'i'al forrn' of the Hol,y Grail'. Two of Cups:Love. Chokmah in the suit of Water. Venus in Cancer. Thb card represents two cups overflowing on a calm sea. These are filled from a Lotus, floating on the sea, twined with two dolphins, showi'ng the harmony of the rnale and fernale i,nterpreted, ån the hi'gh,est and, brod,ilest serwe. X'ire. Moon and Sagittarius. The Wands have become arrows, eight in number, and one Master anow which has the Moon for its point, and the Sun for the driving force above it. This card gives the ful,l,est d,eaelnpment of the lorce in its relation to the Foroes aboae'i,t. t2 Prince of lVanils:airy part of Tire, wi'th its faaul,ty of of the combustible sustance. She has the plunaes of Justice streaming from her brow, and holds a Wand crowned bv the Sun. Ra'inbow, representing 'i'nterplay anil aorrelat'i,om. also shows fåe energy of h'i'gh ueloa'ity. Nine of the mysteries of Bacahus ahem'i,cal attractiom Um'i,uerse ås the 3l aome, suggesti,ue Wand of Power and, Energy. in the suit of X'ire. Mercury in Sagittarius. This card represents the Li,ght-Wanils turned' into aleotriaal, rays aonstituti,ng matter by thnir energy. Aboae thi"s restoreil It f,r IIö is seated. in a Chariot of X'lame $even of \[/4nds:Valour. Netzach in the suit of Firo. Mars in Leo. The Ad,eTtt's Wand,s are rel,egated, to the baalcgrounil, ; in front 'i,s a wuÅ,e, %%enen alub ; thefl,ames d,re d,'i,spersed'. This sh,ows il,egemeration of ini,ti,al Energy, and, d,eparture Wantls:watery part of Fire, i'ts fluid'i,ty and, col,our. The card shows a Queen with a crown of the winged globe. She is seated on a throne of fl'ame, orilered, 'i,nto geom,etr'i,cal' light by her materi,al power. Bhe carri,es a Wand' topped' wi'tlt expand,i,n Six of Wantls:Victory. Tiphareth in the suit of Fire. Juniter and Leo. Three Wands of the three Adepts in arranged order. Nine flames burn as lamps. flnergy, and, its recept'iom and, refl,eat'i,om 33. Queen of a, bg the Femi,n'i,ne, are typi'fi,ed,. 29 Knight of Fire:fiery part, of Tire. The card represents a warrior in complete armour on a black 39 Three of Cups:Abundance. Binah in the suit of Water. Mercury in Cancer. The Cups are pomegranates, bountifully overflowing in a calm sea, typifying the fulf.lm'ent of the Wil'|, to Loue. Cups:Luxury. Chesed. in the suit of Water. Moon in Cancer. The four Cups stand upon the sea, no longer stable but rufled. The Lotus has a multiple stem. The Dnergy of the El,ement, al,thouqh, orilereil', has lnst the orig'i,nal' pu,rity of the Four of aorweption, 13 No. .trflo. 4l Five of Cups:Disappointment. Geburah in the suit of Water. Mars in Scorpio. The Cups are empty. They are arranged in an inverted pentagram. They symbolise 42 43 49 of CuBs:airy part of Water, or its elnst'i,ai,tg qnd In this card he is seated in a chariot, surrounded liy clouds and drawn by an eagle. He carries a Lotus and-a Cup from which issues a spiral aol,ati,l,i,ty, anfl, tke eneigy the tri,um,pth, of matter oaer spi,ri,t. Six of Cups:Pleasure. Tiphareth in the suit of Water. Sun in Scorpio. The Lotus stems are grouped in an elaborate movement,. 'Water gushes into them; thoy are full but not overflowing. This shows the ,i,nf,uenae of the Bun on Water. His .fierae bät balanaed, power ofierat"t oå o @pe of yrutrefaction whtci is the basis of fertility. Seven of Cups:Debauch. Netzach in the suit of Water. Venus in Scorpio. The Lotuses have hecome poisonous ; green slime issues from them. They are arranged in two descending triangles, with a lower cup much larger than the rest. This shows erternal Prince of steam. serpent. 50 of Cups:earthy part of Water, ot its facul'ty of also its power to giue substanae to id,m', to söpgtort Life,'ani, to fofm a basi'i oJ chemi,aal, combi'naft'i,on. She is repiesented as'a dancing figure, and has a crest of a swan with open wings. She carries a Cup with a tortoise. Princess wgstal,l,i,sati,om, The dolphin s5'mbolises the power of creation. SWORDS splend,our and, internal, aorruptiom. 44 45 Eightof CuBs:Indolence. Hodinthesuit ofWater. Saturn in Pisces. The Lotuses droop, the Cups are ehallow and old, and are arranged in three rows. The upper row is empty. Nine of Cups:Happiness. Yesod in the suit of Water. Jupiter in Pisces. The nine Cups are perfectly arranged in a square. They are filled and overflowing with water. Thii is the moat bene,f,cent aspect 46 Ten of in 5l Ace of Swortls. This card represents tlte f,rst of the mired' elements, anil' 'i,s the resul,t of the Un'ion of Water and' Ai'r. In the centro is a sword ihplying kingship, which pierces a crown with twelve points for the twelve signs of the Zodiac. 52 Two of $wortls:Peace. Chokmab in the suit of of water. geometrical- which, ineaitabl,y, attaalcs eaery supposed, perfection 47 l(ttight of Cups:fiery part of Water, or water's power of sol,ution. The card represents him as a warrior in black armour, with whito wings, on a white horse. In bis hand he carries the Cup from which issues a Crab, sign of water in aggression. The peacock symbolises the brillianco of water. 4t8 Qugen of Cups:watery part of Water, or ito power of refl,eati,on reception She is enthroned on still water, and carries a shell-like Cup containing a cray-fish. fn her other hand. she amd, holds the Lotus of Isis. t4 pattern which suggests energy _a begond' the onsl,aught of the d,isrugttion of the i,ntel,lect. Pisces. over them. This typifies the d,i,srupttiue and, a,iolent forae Moon with five petals, which emits white rays pr_oducryg Cups:Satiety. l\falkuth in the suit of Water. Mars The Cups are arranged as in the Tree of Life, but they are unstable and qpill the water from the great Lotus that hangs Air. in Libra. In this card are two crossed swords united by a blue rose 53 Tbree of $words:Sorrow. Binah in the suit of Air. Saturn in Libra. The card represents the Great Sword of the Ma-gician, point uppermost, cutting the junction of the two short swords. Tirä background shows crystallisation and storm. This is tke d,arlcness of the Great Sea. Four of Swotils:Truce. Chesed in the suit of Air' Jupiter in Libra. The f,our swords in this card. are at the corner of a St. Andrew's Crcs. Their points are sheathed. in a rose of forty-nine petals. This-represents the establishme:rt of d,ogma and, äonnenli,om 'i,n theVeatm of i,ntell,ect. t5 No, öo .lflo. Five of Sworils:Defeat. Geburah in the suit of in Aquarius. Air. Venus 62 The hilts of the swords form an inverted. pentagram and are diverse, the blades broken and crooked, typrfying dntel,l,ecl enfee.bl,ed, b y sentiment. oo Six of Swoills:Science. Tiphareth in the suit of Air. Mercury in Aquarius. The ornamental hilts of the Swords form a hexagon in the card. Their points touch the outer petals of thä mental and, moral, faaul,ties, hard,ly won and, ,i,mpossi,bl,e interprets the idea of Science. ol Seven of Sworils:X'utility. Moon in Aquarius. Netzach the alear percept'ion of an åd,ea, tlte Li,berator of mi,nd,. 63 The Prince of Swortls:the airv part of Air. 64 Ihe Princess of Swortls:the earthy part of Atr; lhe f,rati'on o.f the aolati,le, or the materiali,sation of the ld,ea. She appearså tni* card in front of a barren altär, and llas a helmet' of red. rose upon a Golden Cross of six squares. Tlte perfeat balnnae of The Queen of Swortls represents the watery part 9f Air, that is its el,asti,aity an'il, transm'i'ss'iue power. She is t'hroned. on the clouds, andher helmet carries a child's head. fn ono hand a sword, in the other a head of a man. She represents to kold,, This card t;,pifies the Intellect.- The Prince is seat'ed in a chariot drawn by child-like faYs. Medusa on her head. in the suit of Air. The card shows six Swords with their hilts in crescent formation. Their points impinge on a much larger upthrusting Sword. Here uaai,llation and, compronr,ise are DISKS d,epicted,. öö Eight of Swortls:Interference. Hod in the suit of Air. Jupiter in Gemini. The centre of the card. contains two long Sword.s pointing down, -while six smaller ones suggesting Eastern weapons cross them, three on each side. The card suggests LaCIc of 65 fite Ace of Disks represents the last of the femi'nine symbol,s-; i,t is the twi,n si,ster o.f Ai,r, and, its brid,e. It i,s rnt only Earth, but matter as such.- Per aontra, the Dislc is the whi'rldng sgrylol' of Space. The Di,slc i,s wi'nged, to i,nd'i,cate i,ts spi,rihml, orbgbft. pers'i,steTtce'i,n intel,leatual, m,utters amd, accid,ental, interferenae. 59 Nine of Swords:Cruelty. Yesod in the suit of Gemini. Air. Mars in 66 6l el,emsh He is represented as a warrior with a helnqet bearing a revolving wing, and. mounted. on a maddened steed. He carries a Sword. and a Poniard. 16 Jupiter in Capricornus. TG card represents the two pentacles, one above the other, and are the Ohinese symbols Yang and Yin. About them is a green Serpent; he förms the figure 8. This card" symbol,'i,ses The nine Swords are of different lengths, pointing downwards, poison blood drip from their jagged points. The background is studded with tears and crystal forms. fn this card intellect is repl,aaed, bg heartl,ess pa,ssi,on. 60 Ten of Swonls:Ruin. Malkuth in the suit of Air. Sun in Gemini. The Swords are arranged. on the Tree ofLife, but the points one to fi.ve, and seven to nine, shatter the central Sword which represents the Sun, the Heart. The background. is aflame with explosive d.estruction. This card shows req,son rwm mail, and a rint of soul,l,ess meakani,sm. Ifuight of Swonls represents the fiery part of air, wind and storm; the ai,olent power of mpti,om appli,eil, to a mamageabl,e Two of Disks:Change. Chokmah in the element, of Earth. ihe d,oatri,ne Three of : Change is the sultport of stabi'li,ty. Disks:Work. Binah in the element of Earth. Mars in Capricornus. This card iepresents a pyramid viewed from above. The base is formed of three wheels which typify Mercury, Sulphur, Salt. Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas, Alep!, $ni1 an{ Mem. This means t'he m,ateri,al, establ,ish,ment of the i'd'ea of tlte uniaerse. 68 Four of Disks:Power. Chesed in the suit of Earth. Sun in Capricornus. The Disks a,re very large ancl solid, and suggest,a fortress. This card symboliies Låw an'd, Oriler, mai,ntaineitr by aonstq'rrt ai,gi,l,anae. t7 No, No. 69 five of Dis}6:Womy. in the suit of Earth. Geburah 76 Mercury in Taurus. This represgntg the five Disks in an inverted pentagram. The.general effect is one of ,stra,in, get the sgnfrol, is"ttnscontinued,,inaction. Its matural, meaning i,s i,ntedtigewe apffliöÅ Six of l)isks--Success. Tiphareth in the suit of Earth. Moon in Taurus. The Disks are in a hexagraT. The planets are arranged. in their usual attribution, in the centre the Sun as Rosä and Cross. This typifies the karmoni,ous establ,i,sbment of thn 77 Seven of Disks:I'ailure. Netzach in the suit of Earth. 72 Eight ol Disks:Prudence. Hod in the suit of Earth. Mercury in Virgo. The Dieks are arranged as the geomantic figure Populus, and the fnrit of a great tree. agili,ed, to materiq,l, matters. 73 Nine of Disks:Gain. Virgo. or fertildty. It Earth. Venus 78 Princess of Disks:earthy part of Earth, or the in Earth. of Life,,the tenth Disk being larger. The-image indicates tLre futility of matari,al, gai,n. Mounta,i,ns, _alao graui,tati,on, and, the aati,ai,ty of Eartk as a proil,uaer of Li,fe. He is clothed. as a wrrriorl aåd his helmet earthquakes-, is crested with a stag. Ile is armed with a flail, carries an exceptionally solid Disk, and is mounted on a shfue horse. l8 El,ernent on an altar resembling a wheatsheaf. She carries a Disk in Mercur5r in Virgo. The Disks are become coins, and are arranged on the Tree 75 Knight of Dislcs:the fiery part of Earth. th'e whose centre is the Chinese iileogram il,erwti,ng the tw'i'n spiratr Joroe of Creation in perfeat equi,li,bri,wm. hexagon. - This signifies the rrur,lii,pl,iaati,on-of the ori,gi,nal, ' Word,, the mi,ngl,ing of good, lualc and, good, noaruiqe,m,ent. in the suit of of thebri,nlc of Transf,guration. She is standing; her crest is the head of the rarn ; her sceptre clescends into the earth where its head becomes a diamond. Behind are a, grove of trees, and a_ Ten of Disks:Wealth. Malkuth swbstan'ce Bpi,rit itself . signifies intel,li,genae Yesod in the suit of She is Prince o1 pisfus:airy part of Earth or the f,orexaerwe ad frtrctifi,cation of that elemcnt. He is seated in a chariot drawn by a bull. His helmet is crowned by a bull; and he holds a Disk resembling a globe and marked with mathematical The Disks are arranged as an equilateral triangle of three, apex upwards, surrounded by a ring. Six larger Disks form 74 of Earth farth trom the Earth the uegetati,on whi,ak is the Saturn in Taurus. The Disks are arranged as in the geomantic fi.gure Rubeus. This card represents enfeeblemnnt and, blight. repr-esent par-b symbols. In his other hand he carries a sceptre surmounted by a cross. The card symbolises the functi,on of bringi'rq energy of tlte Elernent. 7l oI Disks:watery areat'ion, to labow. 70 Queen throned arrid vegetation and crowned with the spiral horns of the Markhor. IIer sceptre is surmounted by a cube, and she holds her proper Disk-a sphere of circles and loopn. She typifies ambi,tdon of'matter to take pwrt in the uwrk of l9