
a) Articles in Scientific Journals - refereed
Metsämuuronen J & Tuohilampi L (2014). Changes in Achievement in and Attitude toward Mathematics of the
Finnish Children from Grade 0 to 9—A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Educational and Developmental
Psychology, 4(2), 145–169.
Slotte S, Sääkslahti A, Metsämuuronen J, & Rintala P (2014). Fundamental movement skill proficiency and
body composition measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry in eight-year-old. Early Child
Development and Care, DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2014.936428.
Metsämuuronen J (2013). Total factor productivity in lower secondary education – A Finnish perspective.
International Journal of Educational Research, (Accepted but for some reason not published yet)
Metsämuuronen J & Mattsson M (2013). Effect of repeated testing to the development of Vocabulary,
Nominal Structures, and Verbal morphology. Journal of Educational and Psychological Development, 3(2)
November. DOI: 10.5539/jedp.v3n2p89.
Metsämuuronen TM & Metsämuuronen J (2013). A Comparison of Nepalese and Finnish Teachers´
Perceptions of Good Teaching. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (AJHSS). 1(2), August.
Metsämuuronen J, Kuosa T & Laukkanen R (2013). Sustainable leadership and future-oriented decision making
in the educational governance – A Finnish case. International Journal of Educational Management,
Metsämuuronen J (2013). Effect of repeated testing to the development of Biblical Hebrew language
proficiency. Journal of Educational and Psychological Development, 3(1)
Metsämuuronen J (2013). A New Method to Setting Standard for the Wide Range of Language Proficiency
Levels. International Education Research, 1(1),
Metsämuuronen J (2013). Grounded Theory Method with a Historical Dataset. Scottish Journal of Arts, Social
Sciences and Scientific Studies, 7(2), 71–92. .
Metsämuuronen J, Svedlin R & Ilic J (2012). Change in Pupils’ and Students’ Attitudes toward School as a
Function of Age – A Finnish Perspective. Journal of Educational and Psychological Development, 2(2)
Metsämuuronen J (2012). Comparison of Mental Structures of Eighth-Graders in Different Countries on the
basis of Fennema-Sherman test. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 4(4) December, 1–17.
Metsämuuronen J (2012). Challenges of the Fennema-Sherman Test in the International Comparisons.
International Journal of Psychological Studies, 4(3) September, 1–22.
Haverinen-Shaughnessy U, Turunen M, Metsämuuronen J, Palonen J, Putus T, Kurnitski J, Shaughnessy R
(2011). Sixth Grade Pupils’ Health and Performance and Indoor Environmental Quality in Finnish School
Buildings. British Journal of Educational Research, 2(1), 4 –58.
Metsämuuronen J (2009). Synagoogakoulun eetos ja käytänteet ajanlaskumme alussa [Ethos and Practices of
the Ancient Synagogue School in the Beginning of the Common Era]. Kasvatus & Aika 2(2), 20–40. [In Finnish]
Fågelholm M, Stigman S, Huisman T & Metsämuuronen J (2007). Physical fitness in adolescents with normal
weight and overweight. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 18(2), 162–170.
Metsämuuronen J (2006). Tulevaisuusorientoituneisuus suomalaisessa kasvatuskentässä ja Schooling for
tomorrow! –hanke [Futures orientation in Finnish educational sector and Schooling for tomorrow
project]. Futura 1/2006, 6-22. [In Finnish].
Metsämuuronen J (2000). Uuden vuosituhannen haasteet sosiaali ja terveysalalla [Challenges of the new
millennium in Social welfare and health care]. Futura 2/2000, [In Finnish].
CV – Metsämuuronen Jari 2015
Metsämuuronen J (1999a). Pehmeät kvalifikaatiot sosiaali- ja terveysalan työssä ja koulutuksessa [Soft
qualifications in the work and education of Social welfare and health care]. Aikuiskasvatus 2/1999, 140150. [In Finnish]. Summary at
Metsämuuronen J (1999b). Asiantuntijoiden mielipide prosessina – tasapainojakauma ja heikot signaalit
[Opinion of an expert as a process – distribution of equilibrium and weak signals]. Futura 2/1999, 16–24.
[In Finnish].–
Metsämuuronen J (1998). Tulevaisuuden osaamistarpeiden luokittelu painon ja muutosintensiteetin avulla
[Classification of futures qualifications by weight and intensity for change]. Futura 3/1998, 30–37. [In
b) Articles in Annals and Scientific Proceedings - refereed
Acharya DR & Metsämuuronen J (2014). Nepali Achievement at Grade 3 in NASA 2012. In J Metsämuuronen,
SP Acharya, S Shakya & DR Acharya (eds). Where Are the grade 3 and 5 students now? Student
achievement in Mathematics, Nepali and English at grade 3 and 5 in 2011. Ministry of Education,
Kathmandu, Nepal. Manuscript.
Acharya, DR, Metsämuuronen J & Adhikari H (2013). Nepali Achievement in NASA 2011. In J Metsämuuronen
& BR Kafle (eds). Where Are We Now? Student achievement in Mathematics, Nepali and Social Studies in
2011. Ministry of Education, Kathmandu, Nepal. 113–170.
Acharya SP & Metsämuuronen J (2014). Mathematics Achievement at Grade 5 in NASA 2012. In J
Metsämuuronen, SP Acharya, S Shakya & DR Acharya (eds). Where Are the grade 3 and 5 students now?
Student achievement in Mathematics, Nepali and English at grade 3 and 5 in 2012. Ministry of
Education, Kathmandu, Nepal. Manuscript.
Acharya S, Shakya S, & Metsämuuronen J (2013). Diversity and Educational Equity in Nepal. In J
Metsämuuronen & BR Kafle (eds). Where Are We Now? Student achievement in Mathematics, Nepali
and Social Studies in 2011. Ministry of Education, Kathmandu, Nepal. 228–258.
Acharya SP, Metsämuuronen J & Koirala, S (2013). Mathematics Achievement in NASA 2011. In J
Metsämuuronen & BR Kafle (eds). Where Are We Now? Student achievement in Mathematics, Nepali
and Social Studies in 2011. Ministry of Education, Kathmandu, Nepal. 54–112.
Acharya SP, Metsämuuronen J & Metsämuuronen TM (2013). Teacher Effect in Learning. In J Metsämuuronen
& BR Kafle (eds). Where Are We Now? Student achievement in Mathematics, Nepali and Social Studies in
2011. Ministry of Education, Kathmandu, Nepal. 281 – 316.
Haverinen-Shaughnessy U, Turunen M, Paanala A, Metsämuuronen J, Palonen J, Putus T, Kurnitski J,
Nevalainen A, Shaughnessy R. (2010). Assessment of health and learning outcomes of sixth grade
students and indoor environmental quality in Finnish elementary schools. In: Proceedings Clima 2010,
Turkey, Antalya, 2010.
Metsämuuronen J (2014). English Achievement at Grade 5 in NASA 2012. In J Metsämuuronen, SP Acharya, S
Shakya & DR Acharya (eds). Where Are the grade 3 and 5 students now? Student achievement in
Mathematics, Nepali and English at grade 3 and 5 in 2011. Ministry of Education, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Metsämuuronen J (2013). Student Effect in Learning. In J Metsämuuronen & BR Kafle (eds). Where Are We
Now? Student achievement in Mathematics, Nepali and Social Studies in 2011. Ministry of Education,
Kathmandu, Nepal. 353 – 392.
Metsämuuronen J (2013). Pitkittäisaineistoon liittyviä menetelmäratkaisuja [Methodological Solutions of the
Longitudinal Dataset]. In J Metsämuuronen (Ed.), Perusopetuksen matematiikan oppimistulosten
pitkittäisarviointi vuosina 2005–2012.[Longitudinal analysis of the Mathematical Achievement in the
CV – Metsämuuronen Jari 2015
Compulsory Education in 2005–2012.] Koulutuksen seurantaraportit 2013:4. Opetushallitus. Tampere:
Juvenes Print – Suomen Yliopistopaino Oy. pp. 31–64. [In Finnish].
Metsämuuronen J (2013). Matemaattisen osaamisen muutos perusopetuksen luokilla 3−9. [Change in the
Mathematical Achievement in grades 3–9 in the compulsory education.] In J Metsämuuronen (Ed.),
Perusopetuksen matematiikan oppimistulosten pitkittäisarviointi vuosina 2005–2012.[Longitudinal
analysis of the Mathematical Achievement in the Compulsory Education in 2005–2012.] Koulutuksen
seurantaraportit 2013:4. Opetushallitus. Tampere: Juvenes Print – Suomen Yliopistopaino Oy. pp. 65–
172. [In Finnish].
Metsämuuronen J (2012). National Assessment of Student Achievement from the test theory viewpoint.
Invitational article. Śikṣā (Education), 2012, 212 – 220.
Metsämuuronen J (2010a). Pitkittäisaineistoon liittyviä menetelmäratkaisuja [Methodological Solutions of the
Longitudinal Dataset]. In EK Niemi & J Metsämuuronen (Eds.), Perusopetuksen matematiikan
oppimistulosten pitkittäisarviointi vuosina 2005 – 2012 (Longitudinal evaluation of Learning Outcomes in
Mathematics in Compulsory education in 2005 – 2012). Koulutuksen seurantaraportit 2010:2.
Opetushallitus. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino. [In Finnish].
Metsämuuronen J (2010b). Changes in Mathematical achievement and attitudes during the first years in
compulsory education. In EK Niemi & J Metsämuuronen (Eds.), Perusopetuksen matematiikan
oppimistulosten pitkittäisarviointi vuosina 2005 – 2012 (Longitudinal evaluation of Learning Outcomes in
Mathematics in Compulsory education in 2005 – 2012). Koulutuksen seurantaraportit 2010:2.
Opetushallitus. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino. [In Finnish].
Metsämuuronen J (2010c). Omvandlingen av poäntal till färdighetsnivåer I det receptive provet I materialet I
A-finska och Modersmålsinriktad finska. In Outi Toropainen, Utvärdering av Läroämnet finska I den
Grundläggande utbildningen. Koulutuksen seurantaraportit 2010:2. Opetushallitus. Helsinki:
Yliopistopaino. [In Swedish].
Metsämuuronen J (2007). The change in the total factor productivity in the secondary education. VATT
vuosikirja 2007. 245–262. [In Finnish].
Metsämuuronen J (2000). The world is changing – How changes the social welfare and health care? In
Lääkäripäivät 2000. [In Finnish].
Metsämuuronen J (1999). Basic skills in social welfare and health care. In P Tiihonen & S Söderlund (eds.),
Work in the Future. Eduskunnan tulevaisuusvaliokunta, Tulevaisuustutkimuksen VerkostoAkatemia ja
Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskus. 62–78. [In Finnish].
Metsämuuronen J (1998). Measurement of Qualification in the Area of Social Affairs and Health Care. In The
Anticipation Methods and Practices. Edit. by Keijo Mäkelä & Kimmo Heinonen. Objective 4 programme
of the ESF Finland. Ministry of Labour Finland 11/1998. n:o 16. In
Metsämuuronen J & Acharya SP (2014). Mathematics Achievement at Grade 3 in NASA 2012. In J
Metsämuuronen, SP Acharya, S Shakya & DR Acharya (eds). Where Are the grade 3 and 5 students now?
Student achievement in Mathematics, Nepali and English at grade 3 and 5 in 2011. Ministry of
Education, Kathmandu, Nepal. Manuscript.
Metsämuuronen J & Acharya SP (2014). Methodological Solutions in NASA 2012. In J Metsämuuronen, SP
Acharya, S Shakya & DR Acharya (eds). Where Are the grade 3 and 5 students now? Student
achievement in Mathematics, Nepali and English at grade 3 and 5 in 2011. Ministry of Education,
Kathmandu, Nepal. Manuscript.
Metsämuuronen J & Acharya SP (2013). Methodological Solutions in NASA 2011. In J Metsämuuronen & BR
Kafle (eds). Where Are We Now? Student achievement in Mathematics, Nepali and Social Studies in
2011. Ministry of Education, Kathmandu, Nepal. 17–52.
Metsämuuronen J, Acharya SP & Aryal, H (2013). Setting Standard in Nepali Language – CEFR levels. In J
Metsämuuronen & BR Kafle (eds). Where Are We Now? Student achievement in Mathematics, Nepali
and Social Studies in 2011. Ministry of Education, Kathmandu, Nepal. 393–422.
Metsämuuronen J, Acharya SP, Shakya S, & Acharya DRJ (2014). Introduction to NASA 2012 In J
Metsämuuronen, SP Acharya, S Shakya & DR Acharya (eds). Where Are the grade 3 and 5 students now?
Student achievement in Mathematics, Nepali and English at grade 3 and 5 in 2011. Ministry of
Education, Kathmandu, Nepal. Manuscript.
Metsämuuronen J, Huisman T, Niemi EK & Silverström C (2013). Poikkeuksellisen kansallisen
pitkittäisarvioinnin taustaa. [Background for the exceptional national longitudinal study.] In J
Metsämuuronen (Ed.), Perusopetuksen matematiikan oppimistulosten pitkittäisarviointi vuosina 2005–
2012.[Longitudinal analysis of the Mathematical Achievement in the Compulsory Education in 2005–
CV – Metsämuuronen Jari 2015
2012.] Koulutuksen seurantaraportit 2013:4. Opetushallitus. Tampere: Juvenes Print – Suomen
Yliopistopaino Oy. pp. 21–-30. [In Finnish].
Metsämuuronen J & Silverström C (2013). Förändringar i matematikkunskaperna under årskurserna 3–9 i
svensksprakiga skolor. . [Change in the Mathematical Achievement in grades 3–9 in the compulsory
education in the Swedish speaking schools.] In J Metsämuuronen (Ed.), Perusopetuksen matematiikan
oppimistulosten pitkittäisarviointi vuosina 2005–2012. [Longitudinal analysis of the Mathematical
Achievement in the Compulsory Education in 2005–2012.] Koulutuksen seurantaraportit 2013:4.
Opetushallitus. Tampere: Juvenes Print – Suomen Yliopistopaino Oy. pp. 295–334. [In Swedish].
Metsämuuronen TM & Metsämuuronen J (2013). A Good Teacher – A Comparison of Nepalese and Finnish
Teachers’ perceptions of What Constitutes a Good Teacher. In J Metsämuuronen & BR Kafle (eds).
Where Are We Now? Student achievement in Mathematics, Nepali and Social Studies in 2011. Ministry
of Education, Kathmandu, Nepal. 259 – 280.
Shakya S & Metsämuuronen J (2014). Nepali Achievement at Grade 5 in NASA 2012. In J Metsämuuronen, SP
Acharya, S Shakya & DR Acharya (eds). Where Are the grade 3 and 5 students now? Student
achievement in Mathematics, Nepali and English at grade 3 and 5 in 2011. Ministry of Education,
Kathmandu, Nepal. Manuscript.
Shakya S, Metsämuuronen J & Upadhaya, SP (2013). Achievement in Social Studies in NASA 2011. In J
Metsämuuronen & BR Kafle (eds). Where Are We Now? Student achievement in Mathematics, Nepali
and Social Studies in 2011. Ministry of Education, Kathmandu, Nepal. 171–226.
Thapaliya T & Metsämuuronen J (2013). School Effect in Learning. In J Metsämuuronen & BR Kafle (eds).
Where Are We Now? Student achievement in Mathematics, Nepali and Social Studies in 2011. Ministry
of Education, Kathmandu, Nepal. (in press). 317 – 352.
c) Scientific Monographs (Refereed)
Metsämuuronen J, Acharya SP, Shakya S & Acharya DR (Eds) (2014). Where are the grade 3 and 5 students
now? Student achievement in Mathematics, Nepali and English at grade 3 and 5 in 2011. Ministry of
Education, Kathmandu, Nepal. Manuscript.
Metsämuuronen J & Kafle BR (Eds) (2013). Where Are We Now? Student achievement in Mathematics, Nepali
and Social Studies in 2011. Ministry of Education, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Metsämuuronen J (Ed.) (2013). Perusopetuksen matematiikan oppimistulosten pitkittäisarviointi vuosina 2005–
2012. [Longitudinal analysis of the Mathematical Achievement in the Compulsory Education in 2005–
2012.] Koulutuksen seurantaraportit 2013:4. Opetushallitus. Tampere: Juvenes Print – Suomen
Yliopistopaino Oy. [in Finnish]
Niemi EK & Metsämuuronen J (Eds.) (2010). Learning Outcomes and Changes in Achievement in Mathematics.
Oppimistulosten arviointi 1/2010. Opetushallitus. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino. [In Finnish].
Metsämuuronen J (2009). Methods assisting the assessment. Oppimistulosten arviointi 1/2009. Opetushallitus.
Helsinki: Yliopistopaino. [In Finnish].
Metsämuuronen J (2006a). Changes in the achievement and attitudes of secondary education pupils in the
subject of Mother tongue (Finnish language). Oppimistulosten arviointi 3/2006. Opetushallitus. Helsinki:
Yliopistopaino. [In Finnish].
Metsämuuronen J (2006b). Förändringar i kunskapnivån i ämnet modersmål och litteratur under de högre
årskurserna i den grundläggande utbildningen. [Changes in the achievement and attitudes of secondary
education pupils in the subject of Mother tongue (Swedish language)]. Utvärdering av inlärningsresultat
4/2006. Utbildningsstyrelsen. Helsinki. [In Swedish].
Metsämuuronen J (2006c). Changes in the achievement and attitudes of secondary education pupils.
Viewpoints of mother tongue of Finnish and Swedish language. Technical report. Oppimistulosten
arviointi 5/2006. Opetushallitus. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino. [In Finnish].
Löfström E, Metsämuuronen J, Niemi EK, Salmio K & Stenvall K (2005). Local assessment of education in year
2004. Oppimistulosten arviointi 2/2005. Opetushallitus. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino. [In Finnish].
Rautiainen R & Metsämuuronen J (2005). Teachers ready for Information Society – The Final evaluation of
OPE.FI project. Monisteita 24/2005. Opetushallitus. [In Finnish].
Metsämuuronen J (2001). Seeking the future of social welfare and Health care. International Methelp Ky,
Viro. [In Finnish].
Metsämuuronen J (2000). The world is changing – How will change the social welfare and health care. 2.
tarkistettu painos. Helsinki: Oy Edita Ab. [In Finnish].
CV – Metsämuuronen Jari 2015
Metsämuuronen J (1997). Independent learning and motive structures. Opetushallitus. Tutkimus 3/1997.
Yliopistopaino, Helsinki. [In Finnish].
Metsämuuronen J (1995). Interests and independent learning. Commitment, motivation, and coping. Doctoral
Thesis. Helsingin yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitos. Tutkimuksia 146. Tummavuoren Kirjapaino Oy,
Vantaa. [In Finnish].
d) Text books
Metsämuuronen J (2016a). Basics of Research Methods in Human Sciences. Volume 1: Elementary Basics. 1
International Edition SAGE Publications Inc.
Metsämuuronen J (2016b). Basics of Research Methods in Human Sciences. Volume 2: Multivariate Analysis. 1
International Edition SAGE Publications Inc.
Metsämuuronen J (2016c). Basics of Research Methods in Human Sciences. Volume 3: Advanced Analysis. 1
International Edition SAGE Publications Inc.
Metsämuuronen J (2011). Handbook of basic research methods in human sciences. e-Edition based on 4
Edition (Researchers’ Edition) International Methelp Oy. [In Finnish]. 1 630 pp.
Metsämuuronen J (2011). Handbook of basic research methods in human sciences. e-Edition based on 4
Edition (Students’ Edition) International Methelp Oy. [In Finnish]. 970 pp.
Metsämuuronen J (ed.) (2011). Handbook of Practical Qualitative Research. e-Edition based on the 1 edition.
International Methelp Oy. [In Finnish]. 850 p.
Metsämuuronen J (2009). Handbook of basic research methods in human sciences. 4 Edition (1 Edition
2002, 2 edition 2003, 2006, 3 edition 2006) International Methelp Oy. Jyväskylä: Gummeruksen
kirjapaino Oy. [In Finnish]. 1 600 p.
Metsämuuronen J (ed.) (2006a). Handbook of Practical Qualitative Research. International Methelp Oy.
Jyväskylä: Gummeruksen kirjapaino Oy. [In Finnish]. 850 p.
Metsämuuronen J (2002-2008). Methodology series 1.–13. International Methelp Oy. Gummeruksen kirjapaino
Oy, Jyväskylä. [In Finnish].
e) Relevant presentations in the scientific conferences
Metsämuuronen J & Valkama K (2011). Effect of repeated testing on the development of Biblical Hebrew
language proficiency – lessons learnt. Presentation at SBL London meeting 6th July 2011.
Metsämuuronen J (2010). Jesus’ teachings from the Cognitive and Constructive psychology viewpoint. Paper
presented at SBL Atlanta meeting 21. Nov. 2010.
Metsämuuronen J (2010). Effect of repeated testing to the development of Biblical Hebrew language
proficiency. Paper presented at SBL Atlanta meeting 22th Nov. 2010.
Metsämuuronen J (2010). Why Jesus Used Parables? Paper presented at Science day of Behavioral faculty of
Helsinki University 17.4.2010.
Metsämuuronen J (2009). Seuraava aalto? Menetelmätrendit ERIC-tietokannassa. Paper presented at Science
day of Behavioral faculty of Helsinki University 2009.
Metsämuuronen J (2009). Why Jesus used Parables? Mnemonic tools Jesus used in his speeches to help
listeners to remember what was said. Presentation in Rothberg International School, Jerusalem, Bible
translation course 27.3.2009.
Metsämuuronen J (2008). The Next Wave in the Educational Research? Some decreasing and rising trends in
themes of educational research on the basis of ERIC database. Esitys OECD:n Grasping The Future
seminaarissa 2008.
Metsämuuronen J (2008). Synagogakoulu yleisen oppivelvollisuuden lähtökohtana. Esitys Kasvatushistorian
päivillä 2008.
Jari Metsämuuronen (2008). Metodologinen paradigmasota numeroiden valossa – Määrällisen ja laadullisen
tutkimusotteen historialliset trendit ERIC-tietokannassa. Esitys Kasvatustieteen päivillä 2008.
Metsämuuronen J & Mattsson M (2007). Miten kansainväliset julkaisusarjat haastavat
menetelmätietämyksen? – Kuka tietää epäsymmetrisistä luottamusväleistä ja efektiko’oista… Esitys
Kasvatustieteen päivillä 2007.
Metsämuuronen J (2006). Miten äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden osaaminen muuttuu yläluokkien aikana? Esitys
Kasvatustieteen päivillä 2006.
CV – Metsämuuronen Jari 2015
Metsämuuronen J (2004). Täyttä hepreaa – metodioppimisen kompastuskiviä. Esitys Kasvatustieteen päivillä