team finland visit to ghana and nigeria on february 1.
team finland visit to ghana and nigeria on february 1.
INVITATION November 19, 2015 TEAM FINLAND VISIT TO GHANA AND NIGERIA ON FEBRUARY 1. - 4.2016 Dear Madam/Sir, Mr. Matti Anttonen, Under-Secretary of State for External Economic Relations, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland will visit Accra Ghana and Abuja Nigeria with a Team Finland Business Delegation on February 1. – 4.2016. Finpro is inviting Finnish companies to join the Business Delegation in connection with this visit. The invitation is extended to Finnish companies working on the following industry sectors: • ICT – Telecommunication & Digital Services • Education – Digital Education Solutions, Vocational Training, Corporate Personnel Training • Cleantech – Waste-to-energy, Wastewater Treatment • Healthcare. Finpro is responsible for the program of the Business Delegation. During the visit business delegates will have an opportunity to attend meetings and networking events as described in this invitation and introductory message, and to suggest sectoral meetings with local business leaders, organizations and authorities, which Finpro will organize in cooperation with the Embassy of Finland in Abuja and other local partners. Finpro provides the following services for participants in the Business Delegation: Arranging program as described; Sector-specific group meetings with authorities and business leaders; Invitations to your company’s customers or other contacts to the networking events; Inclusion of your company in the business delegation brochure which will be widely distributed during the visit; Background information on Ghana and Nigeria; Block reservation for the hotels in Accra and Abuja; Group ground transportation in Accra and Abuja by bus; and Services of Finpro’s Industry Experts and Project Manager. To cover the expenses, Finpro will charge a maximum participation fee of: Small businesses and SMEs: EUR 1300 + 24% VAT per person Major companies: EUR 1700 + 24% VAT per person. Finpro will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs of arranging the above mentioned program and offered services. The invoiced fee does not exceed the amounts mentioned above. The participation fee includes arrangements in Accra and Abuja for 1. – 4.2.2016. A 50 percent discount of the participation fee will be granted for each additional representative of your company. If the company will be represented by a person stationed in Ghana or in Nigeria, a 25 percent discount will be granted. The discounts are not accumulative. The participation fee does not include flights or accommodation of the participant nor meals outside the business delegation program. Finpro ry Porkkalankatu 1, P.O.B. 358, FIN-00181 Helsinki, Finland. [email protected], Phone +358 294 6951, fax +358 294 695 201. VAT 0202317-7 1 INVITATION November 19, 2015 To express your interest in participating in this Team Finland visit, please register through this link by Friday, December 4, 2015: While filling in information via the registration link, please note that all fields are mandatory in order to successfully complete your registration form; this includes e.g. your photograph for the business delegation brochure. The system will send you automatically a confirmation note after your registration has been completed successfully. The Finpro terms and conditions are included in the electronic registration form. The registration is binding. Preliminary program framework: Sunday, January 31 Helsinki – Accra Ghana Monday, February 1 Accra Ghana Tuesday, February 2 Accra Ghana Departure from Finland for Accra Internal Briefing Sectoral Meetings Official Meetings Official Meetings Sectoral Business Meetings Networking Reception Official Dinner with government representatives Wednesday, February 3 Accra – Abuja Nigeria Thursday, February 4 Abuja Nigeria – Helsinki Friday, February 5 Departure from Accra for Abuja Official Meetings Arrival in Helsinki Internal Briefing Sectoral Business Meetings Official Meetings Business Luncheon Sectoral Business Meetings Departure from Abuja for Helsinki Networking Reception For more information on this visit, please contact: Ms. Kirsti Tarvainen, Manager, Phone: +358 40 34 33 434 Ms. Lotta Eiroma, Project Coordinator, Phone: +358 40 716 2628 Mr. Olu Raheem, Head of Trade Center, Finpro Nigeria, Phone: +234 803 198 9181 Email: [email protected] Finpro ry Porkkalankatu 1, P.O.B. 358, FIN-00181 Helsinki, Finland. [email protected], Phone +358 294 6951, fax +358 294 695 201. VAT 0202317-7 2