Report: FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English
Report: FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English
Report: FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English Index 1. Feedback on FUAS Summer studies 2015 ................................................................................................. 1 2. Results ....................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1. Background information.................................................................................................................... 2 2.2. Informing ........................................................................................................................................... 5 2.3. Reasons for participating ................................................................................................................... 6 2.4. Courses .............................................................................................................................................. 7 2.5. Course offerings............................................................................................................................... 10 2.6. Enrolment ........................................................................................................................................ 10 2.7. Execution of Studies ........................................................................................................................ 11 2.8. E-learning in FUAS Summer studies ................................................................................................ 12 2.9. Completing the courses ................................................................................................................... 13 2.10. Other feedback and ideas for development ................................................................................... 14 3. Development of FUAS Summer studies .................................................................................................. 15 FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English 1 1. Feedback on FUAS Summer studies 2015 Federation of Universities of Applied Sciences (FUAS) is a strategic alliance of Häme University of Applied sciences (HAMK), Lahti University of Applied sciences (Lahti UAS) and Laurea University of Applied sciences (Laurea). Summer studies are one form of the cooperation between the member institutions and organising the joint summer studies started in 2010. The students can take courses free of charge from any of the member institutions and the number of students participating in the Summer studies has increased year by year. As the current feedback tools of the member institutions do not able the students to give course feedback to other than their home institution. This is why the opinions of the moving students (students who take courses from other than their home institution) have been surveyed annually through feedback on FUAS Summer studies. In the summer 2015, altogether 3 000 students took part in the FUAS Summer studies and about 30 % of the students took part in Summer studies organised by other than their home institution. The students completed altogether over 10 000 ECTSs. The feedback on FUAS Summer studies was sent via email to all students who enrolled on a course organised by other than their member institution (email addresses from Ohari-system). The feedback was open from 8 to 23 September 2015 and the students were encouraged to answer the feedback by two reminding emails. The emails were in Finnish and English as well as the feedback form. The form included 3 questions related to the background of the student, and 21 questions (both structured and text fields) related to the summer studies. FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English 2 2. Results Altogether 233 students answered the survey. 224 students answered in Finnish and 9 in English. The results for each question are presented in the following chapters. In addition to the structured questions the students were asked to give open feedback on how to improve different aspects of the Summer studies. In addition to ideas for development, the students wrote plenty of comments. When analysing the comments, those were considered as ideas for development. E.g. for the question ”If insufficient, how would you improve the course offerings?”, the comment “I couldn’t get a place on all the courses I wanted” was categorised: “Courses should take more students.” and the comment “I think there were too few courses” was categorised: “The number on courses offered should be increased”. 2.1. Background information Your starting year of studies 0% 10% 2015 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 18% 2014 48% 2013 22% 2012 7% 2011 4% Figure 1 Respondents by starting year of their studies, percent. In which university of applied sciences do you study? 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Laurea 40% 45% 45% HAMK 30% Lahti UAS Figure 2 35% 25% Respondents by home UAS, percent. 50% FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English 3 0 HAMK - Your degree programme? 5 10 15 Sairaanhoitaja 18 Liiketalous 14 Kestävä kehitys 7 International business 6 Tietojenkäsittely 6 Konetekniikka 4 Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka 4 Liikenneala 2 Liiketoiminnan kehittäminen (YAMK) 2 Sosionomi 2 Bio- ja elintarviketekniikka 1 Business management and entrepreneurship (YAMK) 1 Maaseutuelinkeinot 1 Social and health care development and management… 1 Terveydenhoitaja Figure 3 1 Respondents from HAMK by degree programme, number Lahti UAS - Your degree programme? 0 5 10 Liiketalouden koulutus 15 20 25 23 Sairaanhoitajakoulutus 8 Sosionomikoulutus Figure 4 20 6 Energia- ja ympäristötekniikan koulutus 5 Fysioterapeuttikoulutus 5 Degree Programme in International Business 3 Tietojenkäsittelyn koulutus 3 Degree Programme in Nursing 1 Liiketoiminnan logistiikan koulutusohjelma 1 Muotoilun koulutus (YAMK) 1 Prosessi ja materiaalitekniikan koulutus 1 Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan koulutus 1 Respondents from Lahti UAS by degree programme, number. FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English 4 Laurea - Your degree programme? 0 10 20 Liiketalouden koulutus 19 Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma/Sairaanhoitajakoulutus 14 Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma/Sosionomikoulutus 13 Turvallisuusalan koulutus 5 Tietojenkäsittelyn koulutus 4 Tietojärjestelmäosaaminen (YAMK) 3 Palvelujen asiakaskeskeisen kehittämisen koulutus… 2 Tulevaisuuden tietojohtaminen sosiaali- ja… 2 Yrittäjyyden ja liiketoimintaosaamisen koulutus (YAMK) 2 Degree Programme in Business Management 1 Degree Programme in Facility Management 1 Degree Programme in Security Management 1 Hotelli- ja ravintola-alan liikkeenjohdon koulutusohjelma 1 Kauneudenhoitoalan koulutus 1 Palvelujen tuottamisen ja johtamisen koulutusohjelma 1 Palveluliiketoiminnan koulutus 1 Figure 5 40 33 Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma/Terveydenhoitajakoulutus Sosiaalialan koulutus, perhekeskeisen… 30 1 Respondents from Laurea by degree programme, number. FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English 5 2.2. Informing Where did you get the information about the Summer Studies? 0 50 Multiple choice 100 Website of my own University of Applied Sciences (Inc. public website and internal websites) From the personnel at my own University of Applied Sciences 120 101 Announcement that was sent to my e-mail 73 website 55 From the other students 51 Other newsletter or announcement 11 From somewhere else, where? FUAS Campus website Figure 6 150 9 3 Informing by channel, multiple choice, numbers. Was the given information about the summer studies sufficient or insufficient? Sufficent Insufficent Figure 7 23% 77% Sufficiency of information, percent. The respondents who considered the information insufficient were asked to write down ideas for the development of the informing. Altogether 53 students answered the question. The respondents suggested mainly more comprehensive informing overall (12 mentions) and informing the details of the courses more punctually (12 mentions). In addition the information was suggested to be clearer and the enrolment times and popularity of the Summer studies to be pointed out better. The respondents suggested the suitability of the studies, timetables, the contact information, place and method of implementation and tasks and elearning platforms to be mentioned in the details of the courses. In addition the students suggested the teachers to take more active role (7 mentions), the systems to be improved (5 mentions) and improvement of the enrolment (4 mentions), e.g. e-mail confirming the enrolment or before the beginning of the course. In addition 3 students suggested earlier informing and 3 students mentioned that searching for the information had been difficult. FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English 6 2.3. Reasons for participating Why did you participate in summer studies? Multiple choise 0 50 100 150 I wanted to speed up my studies 170 Content of the courses interested me 105 I wasn’t working 73 Implementation method of the courses… 67 I had a part time job 6 I needed compulsory studies 4 I needed incomes via studying 3 I needed ECTSs Figure 8 17 Other reason, specify I wanted to spend my summer at the location of… 200 3 2 Reasons for participating, multiple choice, numbers. FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English 7 2.4. Courses The respondents participated altogether on 90 different courses. Courses you took from Häme University of Applied Sciences, HAMK 0 5 10 15 Henkilöstöjohtaminen 14 Ikääntyneiden hoitotyö 11 Henkilöverotus 10 Asiantuntijaviestintä 9 Ikääntyneiden terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin edistäminen 9 Maksukyvyttömyysmenettely 9 Seksuaaliterveyden edistäminen 9 Pukeutumisesta poweria 8 Ikääntyneiden hoitotyön osaaminen 7 Organization Development, FUAS Summer Valkeakoski 6 Ruoka- ja ravitsemusturva 6 Taulukkolaskennan tehokäyttö 6 Change Management, FUAS Summer Valkeakoski 5 Projektin hallinta 5 Pukuhistoria Figure 9 4 Mobiilipelin ohjelmoinnin perusteet 3 Ravitsemus elintarviketeollisuudessa 3 Tietoturva 3 Tools for Project Work (FUAS Innovation School) 3 Yrittäjämainen toiminta 3 Elintarvikealan erityiskysymykset 2 Kuluttajakäyttäytyminen elintarviketeollisuudessa 2 Musiikki hyvinvoinnin edistäjänä 2 Arkkitehtuurin ja sisustamisen historia 1 Johtaminen ja hallintomenettely 1 Kokeileva käsityö 1 Liikennesuunnitteluprojekti 1 Strategiatyön perusteet ja menetelmät 1 Tasting Europe 1 Courses the respondents took from HAMK, numbers. FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English 8 Courses you took from Lahti University of Applied Sciences 0 5 10 20 Hyvinvoiva organisaatio 15 Mielenterveystyö 15 Johtaminen ja laatu 11 Asiantuntijaviestintä 8 Taloushallinto 8 Ympäristölainsäädäntö, osa 1 8 Innovaatiojohtaminen 7 Julkishallinto ja julkisten hankintojen pelisäännöt 7 Laadullisen ja määrällisen tutkimuksen aineiston… 7 Laadullisen ja määrällisen tutkimuksen analyysi ja… 6 Pk-yrityksen tietoturva 5 Prosessi- ja projektijohtaminen 5 Siemens logiikkaohjelmointi 5 Informaatiolukutaito 4 3D tulostus 3 Intercultural communication course 3 Ympäristölainsäädäntö, osa 2 3 Yrittäjyysopinnot 3 Fysiikan laboraatiot 2 Muotoilun perusteet 2 Otetta osaamiseen -yrittäjyysosaaminen 2 Responsible Business 2 Constructors of Well-being - General Perspective 1 Desing Pop Up Store 1 Elävän mallin piirustus 1 1 Kivien istutuskurssi 1 Master thesis camp 1 Tietoisuustaidot ja hyvinvointi 1 Vasarointitekniikat korumuotoilussa 1 Figure 10 15 Courses the respondents took from Lahti UAS, numbers. FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English 9 Courses you took from Laurea University of Applied Sciences 0 5 10 15 20 Naistentaudit ja synnytykset 18 Kestävän kehityksen haasteet 15 Geriatria 14 Sijoitus- ja finanssikirjallisuus 12 Työelämän ajokortti verkko-opinnot 12 Ravitsemustiede 11 Kaupan toimintaympäristö ja kilpailukeinot 10 (Tourism) Business Online Visibility 8 Hyvinvointiyrittäjyys 8 Mikrobiologia ja tautioppi, virtuaalitoteutus 8 Social media marketing 8 Viron kielen perusteet 8 Business Simulation 6 Johtaminen ja esimiestyöskentely 6 Osaston henkilöstön ja myynnin johtaminen 6 Ruotsin kielen perusviestintä 5 Tietotalouden uudet markkinat 5 E-logistiikka 4 Ravitsemus hyvinvoinnin tukena 4 Vastuullinen johtajuus 4 Building internet enabled markets 3 Kuvantamismenetelmät 3 Social media marketing 3 Tunnusluvut ja johtaminen 3 Voimaa perheestä ja läheisverkostosta 3 Toimintatutkimus ja osallistavat menetelmät Figure 11 2 HRM Basics for Everyone 1 Intensive Basic Finnish 2 1 Kitaransoiton alkeet 1 Käytettävyyden arviointi ja testaus 1 Tapahtumatuotannon kehittäminen… 1 Virve - viranomaisverkko-opinnot 1 Courses the respondents took from Laurea, numbers. FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English 10 2.5. Course offerings Were the course offerings sufficient or insufficient? Sufficent 35% 65% Insufficent Figure 12 Sufficiency of course offerings, percent. The respondents who considered the offerings insufficient were asked to write down ideas for the development of the offerings. Altogether 30 respondents answered that more students should be taken to the courses and 10 respondents mentioned that the number of courses should be increased. 11 respondents suggested increasing the number of compulsory or field-specific studies and 6 respondents suggested increasing the number of courses offered online. Topic-wise the respondents suggested courses on the following topics: languages or courses in foreign languages (12 mentions) inc. English, Swedish and French, social services (7 mentions), business administration (6 mentions), leadership and management -studies (5 mentions), environment (3 mentions), technical (3 mentions), information technology (2 mentions), nursing (2 mentions), security (2 mentions) and sustainable development (2 mentions). in addition 2 respondents suggested more master’s level courses. 2.6. Enrolment Was the course enrolment executed well ? Yes 32% No Figure 13 68% Execution of enrolment, percent. The respondents, who answered that the enrolment was not executed well, were asked to write down ideas for the development of the enrolment. Altogether 77 students answered the question. 28 of the respondents mentioned having technical problems when enrolling as the systems had jammed at the beginning of the enrolment. As ideas for improvement, the respondents suggested changing the time of enrolment (16 mentions) and informing the students more quickly on if the enrolment has been accepted or rejected (9 mentions) and confirming the enrolment for the students (2 mentions). In addition the respondents suggested clarifying the instructions (5 mentions) and 5 respondents stated that SoleOPS is difficult to use. 4 respondents argued that the actual time of enrolling mattered on receiving a study place and 2 respondents pointed out that the lack of detailed course information had hindered the enrolment. FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English 11 2.7. Execution of Studies The respondents were asked to assess the overall quality of Summer Studies according to the FUAS member institution which organised those. How would you rate the overall quality of Summer Studies organised by HAMK (if you didn't study at HAMK this summer proceed to the next question) 1 4 5 Poor Moderate Good Excellent Respondents Average 2015 7% 11 % 3% 28 % 28 % 16 % 49 % 41 % 56 % 14 % 17 % 26 % 115 112 113 3,64 3,57 4,04 4% 17 % 56 % 23 % 113 3,96 10 % 16 % 49 % 20 % 113 3,69 3,85 6% 13 % 4% 20 % 20 % 20 % 42 % 46 % 54 % 31 % 18 % 21 % 113 114 112 3,96 3,64 3,92 3,96 3,57 3,91 2 3 4 5 Unsatisfactory Poor Moderate Good Excellent Respondents Average 2015 Average 2014 2% 2% 1% 5% 4% 4% 19 % 10 % 12 % 46 % 50 % 54 % 27 % 35 % 30 % 114 113 114 3,92 4,11 4,08 21 % 42 % 37 % 112 4,14 6% 60 % 26 % 114 4,03 3,78 5% 19 % 15 % 60 % 39 % 55 % 31 % 34 % 27 % 114 114 114 4,16 3,99 4,06 3,79 3,72 3,74 2 3 4 5 Poor Moderate Good Excellent Respondents Average 2015 Average 2014 9% 7% 1% 13 % 23 % 12 % 44 % 42 % 43 % 30 % 26 % 43 % 138 135 138 3,90 3,83 4,25 3% 14 % 49 % 34 % 137 4,12 9% 15 % 43 % 30 % 137 3,88 4,04 1% 7% 2% 18 % 22 % 18 % 42 % 35 % 53 % 36 % 34 % 26 % 137 137 137 4,11 3,93 3,99 4,14 3,77 3,93 Unsatisfactory 3% Guidance and support 4% Assessment and feedback 0% Schedule The content of the course in relation to the pre infor1% mation (2014: no question on the topic) Correlation between work amount and credits (2014: 5% Correlation between work amount and earned credits) 1% Functionality of the implementation method 3% Activity of the teacher 1% My own contribution Table 1 Overall quality of HAMK’s Summer studies, percent. How would you rate the overall quality of Summer Studies organised by Lahti UAS (if you didn't study at Lahti UAS this summer proceed to the next question) 1 2 3 Guidance and support Assessment and feedback Schedule The content of the course in relation to the pre infor0% 1% mation (2014: no question on the topic) Correlation between work amount and credits (2014: 2% 6% Correlation between work amount and earned credits) 1% 4% Functionality of the implementation method 2% 5% Activity of the teacher 1% 2% My own contribution Table 2 Overall quality of Lahti UAS’s Summer studies, percent. How would you rate the overall quality of Summer 1 Studies organised by Laurea (if you didn't study at Laurea Unsatthis summer proceed to the next question) isfactory 3% Guidance and support 2% Assessment and feedback 1% Schedule The content of the course in relation to the pre infor1% mation (2014: no question on the topic) Correlation between work amount and credits (2014: 3% Correlation between work amount and earned credits) 1% Functionality of the implementation method 1% Activity of the teacher 1% My own contribution Table 3 Overall quality of Laurea’s Summer studies, percent. Average 2014 3,54 3,63 3,85 3,62 3,7 3,78 3,82 3,63 3,86 FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English 12 2.8. E-learning in FUAS Summer studies Did your FUAS Summer Studies include studies with the help of online tools / e-learning systems? 13% Yes No 87% Figure 14 Studying with the help of online tools / e-learning systems, percent. Which of the following online tools were 1 utilised in the studies online and how did Very those suit for studying? badly Learning environment (e.g. Moodle or Opti1% ma) Online meeting tools (e.g. AdobeConnect, 3% Webex or Lync) 3% Video material and online recordings Reppu Fair share 1 Google docs Youtube Ylen arkistot Google Adwords Cesim Table 4 Use of online tools, percent/number. 2 3 4 5 Badly Modestly Well 1% 10 % 55 % 34 % 188 4,22 3% 26 % 46 % 23 % 70 3,83 3% 1 1 25 % 49 % 1 20 % 2 117 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 3,78 Very well Respondents 1 1 1 1 1 Average The students were asked to write down ideas on how to improve the use of online tools. The students suggested better guidance (5 mentions) and suggested e.g. sending a link to the instructions before the beginning of the studies. In addition the students suggested having a better platform for student-to-student communication (4 mentions), making the access to systems and data easier (3 mentions) and increasing the utilisation of videos (3 mentions) e.g. on lectures or slides. Though the students pointed out that more attention to the sound quality of the videos should be paid. Regarding different systems the respondents suggested increasing the utilisation of Webexin and Adobe Connectin (3 mentions). 8 of the respondents pointed out that Opitima is difficult to use and 2 respondents said the same about Reppu. 3 respondents pointed out that the systems are currently utilised well. Was the teacher’s guidance and support sufficient or insufficient? Sufficent Insufficent Figure 15 25% 75% Sufficiency of guidance and support, percent. FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English 13 How well did you manage the teamwork with other students online (if it wasn’t relevant part of the studies proceed to the next question)? 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% Very well 25% 30% 27% Poorly 10% Very poorly 4% Teamwork online, percent. Completing the courses Do/Did you complete the courses? 10% Yes Partly 24% No Figure 17 45% 42% Modestly 2.9. 40% 18% Well Figure 16 35% Completing the courses, percent. ¨ 65% FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English 14 If not, what was the reason for dropping out? Multiple choice 0 10 20 30 The studies are not yet completed as I wait for the… 60 24 A problem in combining different courses 14 The difficult level of the studies 14 A problem in combining holiday and studies 13 Something else, pleace specify 10 Problems related to the execution of the studies 9 Lack of guidance 7 Falling ill 7 Problems related to the implementation method of… Figure 18 50 51 A problem in combining work and studies Enrolment declined/course full 40 7 3 Course incomplete 2 A problem in timing 2 Reasons for the course being incomplete, number. 2.10. Other feedback and ideas for development At the end of the feedback, the students were asked to write down how the Summer studies could be further developed. Some of the answers contained ideas mentioned on the earlier questions (information, offerings, enrolment and utilisation of online tools) but in addition to those the students suggested the following ideas. Concerning the content of the courses, 5 respondents wished for clearer assignments, pair and group work were considered poor (4 mentions) and the respondents suggested more personal assignments (3 mentions). The students wished for better-prepared materials (2 mentions) and 2 respondents pointed out that the access to the materials needs to be assured for all students. In addition they wished for distributing the assignments for a longer period (2 mentions) and increasing the use of video materials (2 mentions). The respondents wished the teachers would take more active role in both the communication and guidance of the students (4 mentions) and they wished their emails would be answered at least once a week also on the holiday season (3 mentions). In addition the students wished for more feedback and explanation of both the grades of the courses and individual assignments (5 mentions). The respondents suggested checking the content and number of ECTSs of the courses (3 mentions), informing the students on the different practices of the member institutions (2 mentions) and organising a live meeting on the first lecture of the virtual courses (2 mentions). In addition 2 respondents noted that the teachers should pay attention to the possible summer holidays of the libraries. In addition to the comments and ideas of development, the students mentioned that the summer studies were a great opportunity for them and thanked for it (5 mentions). FUAS Summer studies feedback 2015, shortly in English 15 3. Development of FUAS Summer studies The group responsible for coordinating and developing the FUAS Summer studies (inc. personnel from all member institutions) assessed the development done since Summer studies 2014 on base of the feedback received. The group discussed the development workbook done on base of the feedback in 2014 and created a new development workbook for the development of FUAS Summer studies. The development workbooks of FUAS include the central development targets and more detailed development activities as well as the defined members of the personnel in charge of these activities. In addition the development workbooks include the method and scheduling of assessing the effectiveness of the development targets. The main development targets for Summer studies were decided to keep as in 2014: 1) Increasing the number and diversity, 2) improving the information and 3) improving the enrolment. Thus a lot of development had been done, on base of the increased demand in summer studies, focusing on the mentioned areas of development was seen still necessary. The development activities include e.g. further developing the FUAS-webpages, specifying the course information in SoleOPS/WinhaWille and further developing the information aimed for students, teachers and student counsellors. The group responsible and other personnel continue the development of FUAS Summer studies to broadening the educational provision offered for students and to make the opportunity to study throughout the year possible. The presidents’ collegium of FUAS set already in august the goal of offering 150 different courses in the summer 2016.