1 OPTIMA: LEARNING ENVIRONMENT ”Tutkijakoulu” ACADEMIC AFFAIRS / Registrar´s services and Oodi support / Titta Koski 26.3.2015 WHAT IS OPTIMA? • Optima is a learning environment used mainly for distance education or online studying and teaching or projects. • Optima is a versatile, adaptable web-based learning platform that supports learning, teaching and fluent project management. • Optima is developed by the company Discendum Oy. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS / Registrar´s services and Oodi support / Titta Koski 26.3.2015 2 3 WHAT CAN YOU DO IN THE ENVIRONMENT? • You can carry out courses or projects in ‘workspaces' in an Optima environment. • In a workspace you can perform various tasks in according to the teachers will. You can • find different types of documents and webpages. • complete assignments and fill out forms. • create various documents by yourself or in groups. • take part in discussions by reading other people's messages and by sending your own messages. • Etc. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS / Registrar´s services and Oodi support / Titta Koski 26.3.2015 4 BASIC STRUCTURE Environment, Search, Instructions (help), Language and Logout buttons Your own settings, work management, messages, results etc. Workspace classes, workspaces and courses material and tasks The main frame (the working area in the middle of the screen) displays, for example, documents that you choose to view from the left frame and different kind of forms or tools. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS / Registrar´s services and Oodi support / Titta Koski 26.3.2015 5 HOW DO YOU LOGIN TO THE SERVICE? • https://optima.oulu.fi -> ”Oulun yliopisto” and ”Tutkijakoulu” • Login to the Optima environment by using your university´s login name and password. • You can also find the link on students’ web page in http://www.oulu.fi/english/studying under Tools & Forms Helpdesk: [email protected] (problems sing in) ACADEMIC AFFAIRS / Registrar´s services and Oodi support / Titta Koski 26.3.2015 6 THANK YOU! If you have questios, please contact: Titta Koski Coordinator Academic Affairs Registrar´s services and Oodi support [email protected] tel + 358 (0) 294 48 7312 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS / Registrar´s services and Oodi support / Titta Koski 26.3.2015