First Presbyterian Church Battle Creek, IA GOOD NEWS April 2014
First Presbyterian Church Battle Creek, IA GOOD NEWS April 2014
GOOD NEWS NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID BATTLE CREEK, IA PERMIT # 1 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 600 3rd Street BATTLE CREEK IA 51006 Return Service Requested Ministers: (YHU\0HPEHURI)LUVW3UHVE\WHULDQ&KXUFK%DWWOH&UHHN,$ Elders: --DPHV)XQGHUPDQQ6WXDUW.HOOH\5XVW\6DGOHU'HURQ6FKPLGW -/RUUDLQH'DYLV/DUU\0DUNHUW9LUJLQLD5LFNDEDXJK'HE9DQ+RXWHQ -.DUHQ.UD\HQKDJHQ5RELQ/RUHQ]HQ1DQF\5RJJH'LDQH6FKUHLEHU <RXWK(OGHUV-+DQD%HUU\-XVWLQ9DQ+RXWHQ &OHUNRI6HVVLRQ-'L[LH%UXHFN Deacons: -%DUE0HLHU/LVD6RUHQVHQ9D/DXUD7DUU ±9LF-HSVHQ.HYLQ0HIIHUG3HJJ\6ZDQVRQ -.DWH.HOOH\-DUHG3HWHUVHQ/LQGD:LQJHUW <RXWK'HDFRQV-6XPPLW1LHOVHQ7D\ORU<RXQJ 7KLVSXEOLFDWLRQFRPHVWR\RXIURP )LUVW3UHVE\WHULDQ&KXUFK UG6W %DWWOH&UHHN,$ -- 3DVWRU5HY.HYLQ)UHHVH- &OHUNRI6HVVLRQ'L[LH%UXHFN 6HFUHWDU\7UHDVXUHU/LVD6RUHQVHQ &XVWRGLDQ0DH+HGEHUJ (PDLOEFSUHV#IURQWLHUQHWQHW :HEVLWHZZZEDWWOHFUHHNSUHVE\WHULDQFRP Sunday School Superintendent: &DURO6DGOHU7UDFL5LHVVHQ DJ’s Leader: 7DPP\5XVFK DOG’s Leaders: 3DVWRU.HYLQ:DQGD)UHHVH Cherub 5HQHH)ULW] Choir: Young Ambassador 5HQHH)ULW] Choir: First Presbyterian Church Battle Creek, IA GOOD NEWS April 2014 Table of Content Pastor’s Letter Session Highlights Church Calendar Presbyterian Women Greeters Schedule Ushers 6 Candle lighters Music Schedule 9 Communion servers Taping Schedule Financial Report Good News April 2014 Page 15 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR February 2014 (INCOME) (DISBURSEMENTS ) GENERAL FUND Pledges, gifts, loose offering $ 10,635.39 Initial Offering $ 20.00 Sunday School Offerings $ 21.92 Mission Support $ 639.00 Use of Church $ 75.00 Misc deposit. $ 30.25 Community Basket $ 70.00 Total Income for the month $ 11,491.56 YTD Income $ 20,484.17 Pastor Salary $ 3,004.08 Housing Allow. $ Pension/Health Insurance $ 1,428.29 Mileage Reimbursement $ 238.56 Professional Expense $ 75.92 Secretary Salary $ 694.72 Custodian Salary $ 749.20 Musicians $ 224.70 Postage $ 56.44 Office Supplies $ 33.50 Copier Service Contract $ 210.89 Water $ 31.94 Presbytery/Synod/GA $ 416.67 Per Capita/Mission Support $ 832.80 Video Ministry $ 64.00 CE Supplies $ 47.94 Janitorial Supplies $ 55.07 VBS $ 180.19 Music supplies $ 18.39 Taylor Estate Interest $ 5,500.00 Pulpit Supply $ 137.16 Magazines/Subscription $ 306.60 Misc Expense $ 10.00 Total Expenses: YTD expenses: $ $ 14,650.39 34,144.95 May 2014 Good News articles and information are Friday, April 18th Cherub Sings Choir for Worship 333.33 due Register for camp today! There are registration forms in the back of the church or you can apply online at Sunday, April 6 “There Were Twelve Disciples” Check it out today! Good News April 2014 Page 14 Bible Verse forGolden April Horizons Thursday, April 1 John 1:9 at 2:30 pm. If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgi our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Pastor Kevin will UDTS Council of Tuesday, April Wednesday, April April Community Basket need pastoral ca Galva, Iowa time, please c Deb Van Houten -2515 at or Date changed church secreta April 10th instead of April 17th Lisa -4938. at 365 because of Maundy Thursday. Thought “Only a for risen the Savior month… can save You can now order Easter Lilies in memory or in honor of your loved ones to decorate our church sanctuary this year at Easter. Our Senior High Youth Group (D.O.G.S.) is now taking orders for Easter lilies as a fund raiser for their ongoing mission projects and trips. Arrangements have been made to purchase top-quality 6 inch potted Easter lilies with five or more blooms at a reduced rate. The lilies will be delivered and placed in the church by our Senior Highs for Easter Sunday, April 20th. You will be able to take your lily/lilies home to enjoy after Easter if you wish. Please fill out the order form below and return it to the church office with your payment no later than Sunday, April 6th. Thank you for your support! I would like to order ________ (# of plants) at $10.00 each Given in memory of ____________________________________by __________________________________ Given in honor of ______________________________________ by __________________________________ To the Glory of God by _________________________________ Good News April 2014 Page 13 Special Thanks to Austin, Carol, and Justin Sadler for their gift of special music and leading worship on Sunday. Thank you! We look forward to the next time. Each Thursday Richard Bush, Jack Rohlk, Peggy Swanson, and Dale Abbott (pictured right to left), from Ida Services Incorporated, faithfully fold the worship bulletins for Sunday morning. We thank them for their dedication and great work. Thank You! Easter Pictured left to right: Richard Bush, Peggy Swanson, Dale Abbott, and Jack Rohlk. Easter Sunday Holy Communion April 20, 2014 Sonrise Service a Worship at 9:30 a Lilies D.O.G.S are selling Easter Lilies 2014 Per Capi $10.00 a plant (Mission Suppor per member. Please fill out the order form Your gift p included in this newsletter and of ret annual per cap to office no later than Sunday, appreciated. April 6th Good News April 2014 Page 12 Holy Baptism...on Sunday, March 16, the Baptism of Kylie Jean Petersen, daughter of Jason and Melonie Petersen and Dastyn Landyn Reitz, son of Trevor and Sabrina Reitz. Elder Karman Reitz assisted . We rejoice in their baptism. Pictured on the left: Jason, Kylie, and Melonie Petersen with Pastor Kevin; pictured on top: Karman, Dastyn, Sabrina, and Trevor Reitz with Pastor Kevin. New Members...on Sunday, March 2nd, Kathy Campbell, Jessica Wallace, and Jaci and Chris Nichols were received into church membership. Jessica by Affirmation of Faith, Kathy by letter of transfer from Westminster Presbyterian Church in Ida Grove, and Jaci and Chris by letter of transfer from First Presbyterian Church in Grand Island, NE. Welcome Kathy, Jessica, Jaci, and Chris! New Members...on Sunday, March 16th, Jason and Melonie Petersen, and John Tarr were received into church membership by Affirmation of Faith. Welcome Jason, Melonie, and John! Good News *Elders who prepare elements Sunday, April 6, 2014 *Robin Lorenzen *Deron Schmidt Karen Krayenhagen Deb Van Houten Nancy Rogge Stuart Kelley James Fundermann Justin Van Houten April 2014 Page 10 *Elders who prepare elements Sunday, April 20, 2014 Sunrise *Hana Berry *Justin Van Houten Sunday, April 20, 2014 Easter Sunday *Karen Krayenhagen *Larry Markert Deb Van Houten Nancy Rogge Deron Schmidt Rusty Sadler Virginia Rickabaugh *Elders who prepare elements Maundy Thursday, April 17 (Intinction) *Diane Schreiber *Lorraine Davis Hana Berry Justin Van Houten Please note this Communion will no on Palm Sunday Sunday April 13 Maundy Thursday Thursday April 17th at 8:00 pm Worship with Holy Communion Service of Tennebrae Good News Date Wednesday, April 2 Carol Sadler, Piano April 2014 Time Page 9 Event 7:00 pm Lenten Service #5 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:15 am Worship/Holy Communion/Cherub Choir anthem Cherub Choir Rehearsal Young Ambassador Rehearsal Wednesday, April 9 Dixie Brueck, Organ 7:00 pm Lent Service #6 Sunday, April 13 Dixie Brueck, Organ 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:15 am Worship/Sunday School Program Cherub Choir Rehearsal Young Ambassador Rehearsal Thursday, April 17 Mary Jo Watson, Piano 8:00 pm Maundy /Holy Communion Service of Tennebrae 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:15 am Worship Cherub Choir Rehearsal Young Ambassador Rehearsal 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:15 am Worship Cherub Choir Rehearsal Young Ambassador Rehearsal Sunday, April 6 Mary Jo Watson, Piano Sunday, April 20 Carol Sadler, Piano (morning) Mary Jo Watson, Piano Sunday, April 27 Dixie Brueck, Organ “The First Palm Sunday” ³7KH)LUVW3DOP6XQGD\´SURJUDPZLOOEHSUHVHQWHGGXULQJZRUVKLSRQ3DOP6XQGD\$SULO WK,WZLOOLQFOXGHWKH&KHUXE&KRLUDVVROGLHUVVLQJLQJ³7KHUH:HUH7ZHOYH'LVFLSOHV´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ood News April 2014 Page 7 Sunday School Faithful Attendance For November Pre-K thru 2nd Grade: Olivia Riessen Natalie Tarr 3rd thru 6th Grade: Nathaniel Tarr Congratulations! Elevator/ Atrium /LVD6RUHQVHQZDVWKH ZLQQHURIWKHOXFN\NH\FKDLQIRUWKH PRQWKRI)HEUXDU\<RXFDQVWLOO SXUFKDVHDNH\FKDLQIRUDGRQDWLRQ 1XPEHUVZLOOEHGUDZQRQWKHVHFRQG :HGQHVGD\RIHDFKPRQWKGXULQJHDFK 6HVVLRQ0HHWLQJLQ7KHRZQHURI WKHNH\FKDLQPDWFKLQJWKDWQXPEHUZLOO EHDZDUGHG 2QFHDQXPEHULVGUDZQLWZRXOGEH UHWLUHGIURPIXWXUHGUDZLQJV +HOSVXSSRUWWKLVIXQGUDLVLQJHYHQWWRGD\ &RQWDFWDQ(OHYDWRUIXQGUDLVHUFRPPLWWHH PHPEHURU/LVDDWWKHFKXUFKRIILFH If you or someone you know is in the hospital, or has a hospital stay scheduled, please let Pastor Kevin know. The hospital may or may not contact the church, so it is best for you to contact Pastor Kevin as he would like to know you’re in the hospital so he can stop by for a prayer or at least give you a call of encouragement. Fundraiser … Sunday, April 20, 2014 Sonrise Service at 7:00 am Easter Breakfast to follow. Easter Sunday Service at 9:30 Mini -Musical Palm Drama P Sunday, April This program will include all children Pre-K through 8th grade. Rehearsals will be during Sunday School time on March 30 and April 6. Good News April 2014 Page 6 Each congregate member is assigned a week to be greeter at the Sunday morning worship service. These names will be listed in the Good News each month. Also, there is a sign up sheet in the vestibule if you would like to be an “on call” greeter. If you cannot greet on your scheduled week, please find a replacement from the “on call” list or switch with those scheduled on another week. Thank You!! Those scheduled for April: April 6~Bill & Charlotte Uhl April 13~Aaron & Amanda Van Houten & family April 20~Bonnie Van Houten & Karen Krayenhagen April 27~Doug & Deb Van Houten & Justin & Irene Van Houten Those scheduled for May: March 2~Josh & Christie Van Houten & family March 9~Marc & Cheryl Van Houten March 16~Chris & Angie Wallace & family March 23~Larry & Terri Wallace March 30~Lee & Jessica Wallace & family April Ushers Head Usher: Jimmy Lewis April April April April 6~Summit Nielsen, Ryder Meek, Peyton Young, & Taylor Young 13~Hana Berry, Danielle Meyer, Justin Van Houten, & Cole Rhea 20~Alex Rehse, Dalton Williamson, Jordyn Hedberg, & Trista Williamson 27~Danielle Meyer, Ethan Young, Domenic Fritz, & Devon Fritz Aril Candle Lighters April 6~Riley Meek & Nathaniel Tarr April 13~Abby Nichols & Garrett Nichols April 20~Rylie Hedberg & Jesse Lundeen April 27~Conner Wallace & Austin Petersen Good News April 2014 Page 5 Please remember in your pray Remember with a prayer, card or visit, our people who have been ill or members who are nursing home residents: :LOORZ'DOH&DUH&HQWHU$SWV +HOHQ/HKPDQQ %RQQLH'H-RQJ 'RORUHV0RGUHOO /ROD9DQ+RXWHQ 0DULO\QQ0HIIHUG 0RUQLQJVLGH&DUH&HQWHU,GD*URYH 3HWH1LHOVHQ *ODG\V%RZHU *ROGHQ+RUL]RQ$VVLVWHG/LYLQJ 0\UOH1LHOVHQ 5REHUW3DWWHUVRQ 9LUJLQLD5LFNDEDXJK-5'DYLV*OHQQ)UHHVH'HUULFN /HZLV.DUHQ.UD\HQKDJHQ'LFN0HLHU%RQQLH9DQ +RXWHQ5RELQ/RUHQ]HQ0DULO\QQ0HIIHUG$QG\0DUWHQ 0\UOH1LHOVHQ/ROD9DQ+RXWHQ.LP+LHEHU9HUQD 0DUWHQ%RQQLH'H-RQJ/LQGD7LHWVRUW0DU\OLQ.X\SHU -DVRQ3DUNRV.ULVWD.UXHJHU¶VKXVEDQG'DUFL%DUUHWW 'HE+XWVRQ$P\/XQG¶VPRWKHU5\DQ.UD\HQKDJHQ &RHWWD:KLWOH\'HDQ5RELQVRQ¶VDXQWDQG'LDQD%HDQ Also those who serve in %HFFD6RFNQDW$XVWLQ-HVVLH$UPVWURQJ (ULFD-RKQVRQ0DWWKHZ5HLW]DQG&KULVWRSKHU6PLWK 0DSOH9DOOH\1XUVLQJ+RPH0DSOHWRQ 2OJD'RPHQLFN *RRG6DPDULWDQ+ROVWHLQ +HOHQ6DOHV Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another. Hebrews 10:25a $OEHUW&LW\1XUVLQJ+RPH +HOHQ'XUVWRQ 'LDQH5HLW]DW6PLWKODQGZLWKKHUSDUHQWV Glenda Tyner Obituary Mrs. Glenda Lois ‘Jones’ Tyner passed away late Saturday morning, June 29, 2013, at Farmington Presbyterian Manor, at the age of 96 tears, 9 months, 28 days. Glenda was born on September 1, 1916, in Farmington, and was the daughter of Zeno and Margaret ‘Crawford’ Jones. Also preceding-in-death were: her husband, Rev. Stanley Tyner; 1 sister, Helen Jones & two brothers-Leslie “Buck” Jones and Harold Jones. Glenda was a longtime member of Farmington Presbyterian Church. She was also a member of PEO and the Monday Club. Survivors include: 3 nieces-Sharon (Jones) Cleve; Gloria (Jones) Kochis and Pamela (Jones) Sebastian, 3 great nieces; 5 great nephews, great nieces and nephews. Also surviving are many friends and her church family at Farmington Presbyterian Church. Funeral Services were Monday, July 2, 2013 at the Farmington Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Paul Bembower officiating. Interment was at Hillview Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Farmington, MO. Memorials to United Presbyterian Women of Farmington and /or the American Cancer Society. Mrs. Tyner and her husband, the Rev. Stanley Tyner served First Presbyterian Church from December 1, 1971 to November 30, 1980. the Good News April 2014 PW Lions Club April 1st at 1:30 pm Afternoon Gathering April 2nd @ 12:00 pm Chairperson: page 4 Nancy Krueger Workers: Jean Wilcke, Donna Schmidt, Pat Jensen And Judy Schmidt. Contributors: Georgine Krayenhagen, Nancy Rogge, Shirley Morrice, and Jean Wilcke. Devotions: Shirley Morrice Bible Study: Nancy Krueger Hostesses: Shirley Druivenga and Lucille Mason Willow Dale Communion April 10th @ 2:00 pm Tuesday, April 15th Willow Dale Bingo at 6:30 pm Hostesses: Diane Schreiber, Beneta Witt, Nancy Krueger, Janiece Lehmann, & Kate Kelley Serving Communion ~ Deacons Barb Meier Serving Lunch ~ Lucille Mason and Shirley Druivenga PW Notes…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ood News April 2014 Page 3 April 2014 Sun Mon Tue a3: a/LRQV&OXE a&RQILUPDWLRQ &ODVV a&RQJUHJDWLRQDO /LIH0HHWLQJ a/HQW6HUYLFH a0XVLF3UDFWLFH a:RUVKLS&KHUXE&KRLU +RO\&RPPXQLRQ a&KHUXE&KRLU5HKHDUVDO a6XQGD\6FKRRO&ODVVHV a$GXOW&ODVV (DVWHU([SHULHQFH a$PEDVVGRU5HKHDUVDO a:RUVKLS6XQGD\6FKRRO a%XLOGLQJDQG 3URJUDP )LQDQFH0HHWLQJ a&KHUXE&KRLU5HKHDUVDO a6XQGD\6FKRRO&ODVVHV a$PEDVVGRU5HKHDUVDO a'2*6 Passion/Palm a:RUVKLS+XPRU6XQGD\ a&KHUXE&KRLU5HKHDUVDO a6XQGD\6FKRRO&ODVVHV a$PEDVVGRU5HKHDUVDO a'2*6 Sat a06&&'HYRWLRQV a&RQILUPDWLRQ &ODVV a'-V a/HQW6HUYLFH a6HVVLRQ0HHWLQJ a:LOORZ'DOH &RPPXQLRQ a&RPPXQLW\ %DVNHWDW*DOYD 0HWKRGLVW&KXUFK a&RQILUPDWLRQ &ODVV a'HDFRQ0HHWLQJ a0DXQG\7KXUVGD\ 6HUYLFH+RO\ &RPPXQLRQ &KXUFKRSHQIRUSHUVRQDO SULYDWHGHYRWLRQVDQG SUD\HU Good Friday Maundy Thursday a&RQILUPDWLRQ &ODVV a:RPHQ¶V%LEOH 6WXG\&ODVV a*ROGHQ+RUL]RQ 'HYRWLRQV *$ Good News info due 2ULHQWDWLRQ in Secretary’s office &DOYLQ&UHVW )UHPRQW1( Easter Great Hour of Sharing Fri Sunday Thu All Church Offices Closed a6RQULVH6HUYLFH +RO\&RPPXQLRQ a(DVWHU%UHDNIDVW a:RUVKLS +RO\&RPPXQLRQ a&KHUXE&KRLU5HKHDUVDO a6XQGD\6FKRRO&ODVVHV a$PEDVVGRU5HKHDUVDO One Wed a0DLO*RRG1HZV a&RQILUPDWLRQ &ODVV
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