Hartlev, M 2012 - EAHL 2015 Conference of the European


Hartlev, M 2012 - EAHL 2015 Conference of the European
Mette Hartlev – selected publications
Valgårda, S., Nielsen, M.E.J., Hartlev, M. and Sandøe, P.,’ Backward- and forward-looking responsibility for obesity:
policies from WHO, the EU and England’, European Journal of Public Health, 2015 (forthcoming)
Jaqueson, C. and Hartlev, M., ‘Sygdomsbehandling I EU – en ret for de få? – Om Danmarks anstrengte forhold til
patienters fri bevægelighed’, Juristen, 2014, pp. 191-202.
Hartlev, M, ’Stigmatisation as a Public Health Tool against Obesity – A Health and Human Rights Perspektive’, European
Journal of Health Law. Vol. 21, pp. 365-386
Hartlev, M 2013, ’Om retten til egen livsstil – og dens grænser’, Kirsten Ketscher; Kåre Lilleholt; Eivind Smith & Aslak
Syse (ed.), Velferd og rettferd : Festskrift til Asbjørn Kjønstad 70 år, Oslo, pp. 227-239.
Hartlev, M 2013, ’Hemmeligheder i sundhedsretten’, Karl Harald Søvig; Sigrid Eskeland Schutz & Ørnulf
Rasmussen (red.), Undring og erkjennelse. Festskrift til Jan Fridthjof Bernt. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-450-12538. Kapittel. Pp. 177-188.
Hartlev, M, Hybel, U & Mortensen, PB 2013, Sundhed og Jura - Sundhedsretlige perspektiver på sundhedsvæsen,
sundhedspersoner og patientrettigheder, Copenhagen, pp. 538
Hartlev, M 2013, ‘Equal Access to Health Care on a Non-Discriminatory Basis - Reality or Aspiration?’, European Journal
of Health Law. Vol. 20, pp. 343-346
Toebes, BCA, Hartlev, M, Hendriks, A & Herrmann, JR (eds.) 2012, Health and Human Rights in Europe. Intersentia
Uitgevers N.V., Cambridge - Antwerp – Portland, pp. 310
Hartlev, M 2012, 'Patients' rights'. B Toebes, M Hartlev, A Hendriks & JR Herrmann (red), i: Health and Human Rights in
Europe. Intersentia Uitgevers N.V., Cambridge - Antwerp - Portland, pp. 111-144.
Hartlev, M 2012, 'Healthy Ageing - A Patients' Rights Perspective' European Journal of Health Law, vol 19, pp. 141-155.
Ulfbeck, VG, Hartlev, M & Schultz, M 2012, 'Malpractice in Scandinavia' Chicago - Kent Law Review, vol 87, no. 1,
Chicago, pp. 111-129.
Hartlev, M 2011, 'Banks, Repositories and Registries of Stem Cell Lines: The Challenges to Legal Regulation'. K Hug &
G Hermeren (red), i: Translational Stem Cell Research: Issues Beyond the Debate on the Moral Status of the Human
Embryo. Springer Publishing Company, New York, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, pp. 251-264.
Hartlev, M 2011, 'Forwards or Backwards? New Directions in Danish Patients' Rights Legislation' European Journal of
Health Law, vol 18, pp. 365-374.
Hartlev, M & Jacqueson, C 2011, 'Frit valg på alle hylder? Ret til hospitalsbehandling i dansk og EU-retlig belysning'. S
Troels Poulsen & S Jørgensen (red), i: Frit valg - Velfærd i den Europæiske Union: Velfærd i den Europæiske Union.
Djøf / Jurist- og Økonomforbundet, DJØF,Copenhagen, pp. 93-119.
Hartlev, M 2011, 'Jura og praksis - døendes rettigheder'. KM Dalgaard & MH Jacobsen (red), i: Humanistisk palliation:
Teori, metode, etik og praksis. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen, pp. 152-161.
Rynning, E & Hartlev, M (eds) 2011, Nordic Health Law in a European Context: Welfare State Perspectives on Patients'
Rights and Biomedicine. Liber AB, Malmö / Leiden, pp. 1-310
Sundby, A & Hartlev, M 2011, 'Sundhed - et frit valg?'. ST Poulsen & S Jørgensen (red), i: Frit valg: Velfærd i den
europæiske union. Djøf / Jurist- og Økonomforbundet, København, pp. 181-203.
Hartlev, M 2011, 'The raison d'étre of Nordic Health Law'. E Rynning & M Hartlev (eds), i: Nordic Health Law in a
European Context: Welfare State Perspectives on Patients' Rights and Biomedicine. Liber AB, Malmö / Leiden, pp. 4966.
Hartlev, M 2010, 'Diversity and Harmonisation. Trends and Challenges in European Health Law' European Journal of
Health Law, vol 17, pp. 37-50.
Rynning, E, Mjöll Arnardottir, O, Hartlev, M, Sinding Aasen, H & Soini, S 2010, 'Recent Developments in Nordic Health
Law' European Journal of Health Law, vol 17, pp. 279-294.
Hartlev, M 2009, 'Coercive Treatment and Human Dignity'. H Sinding Aasen, R Halvorsen & A Barbosa da Silva (red), i:
Human Rights, Dignity and Autonomy in Health Care and Social Services: Nordic Perspectives. Intersentia Uitgevers
N.V., Antwerp, pp. 129-144.
Hoeyer, K, Nexoe, S, Hartlev, M & Koch, L 2009, 'Embryonic Entitlements: Stem Cell Patenting and the Co-production of
Commodities and Personhood' Body & Society, vol 15, pp. 1-24.
Hartlev, M 2008, 'Børns ret til sundhed'. S Jørgensen & J Kristiansen (red), i: Socialretlige udviklinger og udfordringer.
Djøf / Jurist- og Økonomforbundet, Copenhagen, pp. 135-151.
Hartlev, M 2007, 'At the Frontier of Human Rights Law: Human Rights and Biotechnology'. RF Jørgensen & K Slavensky
(red), i: Implementing Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Morten Kjærum. Danish Institute for Human Rights,
Copenhagen, pp. 257-269.
Hartlev, M 2007, 'Is It Science?: How to Delimit Science in Cases of Scientific Dishonesty' Jahrbuch fuer Wissenschaft
und Ethik, vol 12, pp. 5-20.
Hartlev, M 2007, 'Legitimering af stamcelleforskning: Samspil mellem lovgivning og teknologi'. L Koch & K Høyer (red), i:
Håbets teknologi: Samfundsvidenskabelige perspektiver på stamcelleforskning i Danmark. Handelshøjskolens Forlag,
Copenhagen, pp. 45-66.
Hartlev, M 2007, 'Mellem principper og pragmatisme: Om regulering af bioteknologi i Danmark'. U Görman, C-G Andrén
& G Hermerén (red), i: Att forma vår framtid: Bioteknikens möjligheter och problem. Nordic Academic Press / Svenska
historiska media AB, Lund, pp. 165-178.
Hartlev, M 2007, 'Striking the Right Balance: Patient's Rights and Opposing Interests with Regard to Health Information'
European Journal of Health Law, vol 14, pp. 165-176.