Cuba - Ecuador - Bolivia - erfaringer fra rejser og rejseledelse
Cuba - Ecuador - Bolivia - erfaringer fra rejser og rejseledelse
Cuba - Ecuador - Bolivia - erfaringer fra rejser og rejseledelse Økologiske temarejser • Cubas grønne revolution, i samarbejde med Dansk Cubansk Forening og La Fundación Antonio Núñez Jiménez de la Naturaleza y el Hombre • Another World, Bolivia-rejse som del af højskolekursus i samarbejde med Brandbjerg, DIB og Dialogos • Ecuador-Galapagos, for Senior College Rejseformer CUBA TEMAREJSE NATUR - KULTUR – ØKOLOGI Cubas historie Cubas grønne revolution Cubas grønne revolution Another World - Bolivia Another World - Bolivia Another World - Bolivia Ecuador & Bolivia THE PLURINATIONAL LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF BOLIVIA DECREES: ACT OF THE RIGHTS OF MOTHER EARTH The law defines Mother Earth as "...the dynamic living system formed by the indivisible community of all life systems and living beings whom are interrelated, interdependent, and complementary, which share a common destiny”; adding that Mother Earth is considered sacred in the worldview of Indigenous peoples and nations. CHAPTER I - OBJECT AND PRINCIPLES Article 1. (SCOPE). This Act is intended to recognize the rights of Mother Earth, and the obligations and duties of the Multinational State and society to ensure respect for these rights. Article 2. (PRINCIPLES). The binding principles that govern this law are: 1. Harmony. Human activities, within the framework of plurality and diversity, should achieve a dynamic balance with the cycles and processes inherent in Mother Earth. Ecuador Ecuador Galapagos – tæt på dyrelivet For tæt….? Økologiske temarejser • alternative turist-rejser • inspirationsrejser for fagfolk • rejser som en del af læringsforløb