/ SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San francisco, California .". Regular Meeting of May 11, 2010 RESOLUTION TO ISSUE FINAL CERTIFICATED LAYOFF NOTICES WHEREAS, 'pursuant to Education Code sections 44949 and 44955, .on February, 23, 2010, the Governing Board adopted a Resolution to decrease the number of certificated employees due to reduction in particular kinds of services; and WHEREAS, the Superintendent or his designated representative was directed to send a notice of recommendation not to re-employ to those affected certificated employees; and WHEREAS, the certificated employees listed on Exhibit A received such a notice and were informed of their right to request a hearing; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held on April 5-15, 2010, to determinewhether cause .existed for the nOn re-employment of certain certificated employees; and WHEREAS, a Proposed Decision, attached as exhibit B, dated May 6,2010 was issued by the Administrative Law JUdge, David Benjamin, authorizing the Governing Board to reduce Its certificated staff by a total of 502 full time equivalents; and WHEREAS, after the Board directed the layoff of 502 employees, the District completed central and site budgets and made reductions in both; and WHEREAS, after the Board directed the layoff of 502 employees the District received more accurate Information about vacancies and staff attrition as well as information about student enrollment numbers for next academic year; and WHEREAS, the Board has duly conllidered the Proposed Decision and finds that said Proposed Decision should be hereby adopted, except as modified below /n light of the newly informafion and proposed cost saVing measures, as the decision of this Board. in accordance with Education Code section 44949. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Proposed Decls/ol') is .hereby adopted. as the decision of the Governing Board of the San Francisco UilifiElQ School District, except to the extent that the number of positions to be elimi[1ated shall be reduced from 502 to 348.72, in the PKS areas as indicated in Exhibit C. • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the employees listed on Exhibit C will not be re-employed for the ensuing 2010-2011 school year; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Superintendent is hereby authorized to give notice on behalf of the Governing Board as required by Education Code sections 44949 and 44955 to the affected employees; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this DeCision is effective immediately. Duly and regularly adopted May 11, 2010 by the following vote: AYES: 6' I NOES: ABSENT: I ~~,m201 ~". SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco County, California I, Carlos A. Garcia , Secretary to the Board of Education ofthe SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced, passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees at Its meeting held on May 11, 2010. -:fI:: 16~-// SO/ ~~~oLtTT8N~e:J~"Jo~~:JJ~fH~~M~~I~~ EDUCATION OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANC'::O /T ITS REGULAR MEETING HELD ON .5!.!1 _10· BYAVOTEOF.s= AYES --'L-;.~NAYS ~ IN ABSENT. M.) <\ Master Layoff List 03/15/2010 ,'xill' '. ~r~'1~~ Sf '< ~, i(;>, ~~ ~:f>;.. . ,t" ?,' Aaland,Jessalyn Christine Abdallah,Amy Catherine Abdelhamid,Rahima Abell,Jane JI Yun AbemathY,Karena Michelle Abulencla,Noreen A.Weddle Adams,Dana H Adams,Klmberly Christine Adams,Sheila L Adcock,Tanayah Marie Adlsa,Karimah N. Afflick,Stacy Ann Agulao,Lindsav8. Akram,Susan M A1almo,Molly Jo E. Alexander,Wendy Ann AlOarln·Tanaeman,Hope A1len,Rehema B. A1tshuler,Dana S Alvarado,Crystal A1varez,Diana l Amador,Omar Amsler,Terrance R. Andrade,Marla Cecilia Andren,Shira U Angell,Allson H. IADplln,Angela Perez Arabla,Hugo Boris Aragon,Catherlne Mercedes Aravamudhan,Harini Archer,Bradley Cole Archer,Bradley Cole Archer,Marvlvnn Rulh Archer,Megan Arletta,Jennv R Arinwlne,Anthony Glenn Atklnson,Eml1y A Attaway,Matthew Wade Audap,8usan Margaret Avlla,Peter Anthonv Babcock,Arlanne Marie Bablera,Djuna Ecanna Ballantyne,leah 8. Bamberger,Terry l Bamberger,Terrv l Bank,JoanM Barbary,Michelle Bernadette Barnes,Ellzabeth C.Hull Barton,James David Bass,Steohen l Bassinet/e,Robert l Becker,Brian Adam , "",,,, 0.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.6 0.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 0.8 1 0.8 0.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of 14 '.'{"'-':f{~ , ,~ 1 ~,1'l '~ '~'6t~ ie:;' .\fE~LI!mv,; 11/16109 09/04/07 08119/09 08120/08 08120/08 08/23106 11/07/07 03112107 09114/09 08122107 10/21/09 08120/08 08120/08 01120/09 09/05/08 08120/08 08122107 08119/09 08119/09 08l19/09 08120/08 08120/08 08122107 08123/06 08120/08 08122107 08123/06 09/08109 08122107 '08120/08 08120/08 08120/08 01124/08 08120/08 09/08109 08122107 08120/08 11/13/08 11112109 08122107 08123/06 08120/08 08117/09 08122107 08122107 08/26196' 08120/08 08123/06 08119/09 08122107 03/16109 08119/09 EXHIBIT A 1105-11801 Master Layoff List 03/15/2010 EXHIBIT A ., Beckwith,Troy Allen Beeler,Caroline Rahneda Beetem,Elizabeth R. Belllglio-Gold,Laura Lynn Bell,Ananda Benjamin Godwin Bell-Davls,Teleah J. Bennett,Sara M Benzer,T1ffany Lynn Berensteln-SlbleY,Clndy Berman-Schroll,Naoml B. Blggs,Sarah Jean Bjorklund,Amelia Beth Black,Jesslca A Blackett,Georglna I. Blankenshlp,Ethan A Bliquez,Judl Beth Blume,Adam Arthur·John Booth,Anna Marie Boran,Candace R Borowskl,Matthew R. Borowskl,Matthew A. Boslwick,Katherine R Boyd,John Douglas Braxton,Anthony James Bray,Jessica A. Brennan,Molly Canlin Briggs,Stuart David Brook,Lori Renee Brooks,Judith Marie Brooks,Judlth Marie Brown,Gregory Paul Brown,TImothy Martin Bryant,Shannon E. Burdlck,L1ndsey M Burke,Catherlne T. Byrd Jr.,Dennis Nathaniel Calioway,Erlc C Caminos,Hannah Ines Camplsano,Kimberley Anne Campisano,Klmberley Anne Carlisle,L1ndsay A Carlisle,L1ndsay A Carrera,Jose A. Carrillo,Chrlstlna Elaine Cary,Christopher Anselmo Casallas,Edwin Yesld Casey,Angela M. Castro,Lenln Danllo Castro,Marlanelia Calalinl,Antonlo D. Cavagnaro,Rebecca L. Cervone,Monlna C·S 2 of 14 '1· 0.3118 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.75 1 1 1 0.6 0.2 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.6 0.4 0.75 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 ,I ' . -,~~ 09/06/07 ; 10/23109 08/18/08 08/23106 09/24/09 10/14/08 08119/09 08119/09 08119/09 08/23106 08118108 08119109 08120/08 08117/09 08119/09 08122107 08120/08 12103107 08125/08 12107/09 12107/09 01/20/09 08120/08 12119/08 08119/09 08119/09 08122107 08123106 08123106 08123106 10/20/08 01/21/10 08122107 08120/08 08120/08 08119/09 08120/08 08123106 08124/98 08124/98 11/04108 11/04/08 08119109 08120/08 08122107 08120/08 11114105 08120108 08119/09 08120108 08122107 08120/08 • Master Layoff List 03/15/2010 " %'t Ii'"'co >"d1dM ,IjJ\>1 . Chal,Ja~e S~ml ,"."" <' r~r . '~<"~ 18 . " Chan,Christina Shau len Chan,Ella Mei Chan,Esther Chan,Flora Fl Chechile,Cory Neil Chen,Sylvia Pan Chena,Lance lew Chi,Demetria Phllena Chiarchlaro,Jesslca A Chinn,Vivlan Chlu,Clarissa Choy,Tina lee Chubln,Wayne W, Chung,Christine Kandolyn Coghlan,Patrick F Colan,Jason A Coleman,Rashaida Nicole Colker,Jennlfer M ColleU,Jennller Marie Colvin,Jessica Stein Copeland,Patricia Corda,Helana Marie CorslnoUl,David leonard Cortez,Karen T, Costantinl,Serglo CourtneY,calenla Ivel Cravens,A1lce M Crew,lauren Blnnia Crlswell,Margaret A, Cuevas-AnUllon,Jorge Arnalda Culrlz,Raul1 Curcio,Nicole Rose Currln,Bethany lyn Curtln,Jennller R Curtls-Wesley,Deonne lashaun Dahm,Emily W. Dal Porto,Stephanie Rose Danforth,Brlan Dave,Minauli P Dawn Gonzales French,Sunny De Bruin,Jesslca Dawn De Folco,Therese Michelle Neider De Folco,Therese Michelle Neider De Folco,Therese Michelle Neider De loza,Mlguel Angel de Sousa,Karen W de Sousa,Karen W Delgado,Chela M. Dlaz,Arlana Dicharry,Ellse Noelle Dl'ulio,Katherlne 3 of 14 ,I R . 1 Oiii23i06 0,5 08/24/09 1 01/29/08 1 09/25/09 1 08/22107 1 0B/20/08 1 0B/22107 1 0B/19/09 1 02125108 1 0B/22107 1 0B/20/08 1 03110108 1 0B/25/04 1 09/22109 1 01130/06 1 0B/19/09 1 01129/08 1 0B/19109 1 0B/22107 0.4 0B/19/09 1 12101108 1 09/01/06 1 0B/19/09 1 0B/20/08 1 0B/20/08 1 0B/20/08 1 0B/23106 1 0B/19/09 0,6 0B/20/08 1 0B/20/08 1 07/01108 1 0B/22107 1 0B/23106 1 0B/23106 1 0B/19/09 1 08120/08 1 08122107 1 0B/23106 0,8 0B/23106 1 01/06110 1 08120/08 1 08119/09 0,5 0B/19109 0.4 08119/09 0.1 0B/19/09 1 04110/07 0.5 08131109 0.5 08131/09 1 0B/19/09 1 0B/20/07 1 08120/08 1 0B/20/08 EXHIBIT A Master Layoff List 03/15/2010 g~~polI,l~a Angela Doetch,Amanda L . Dolgln,Slephen M Donovan,Kalllln E Doyle,Jack Erwin Dovle,Marlena D Doyle,Mlranda Simone Drum,Mlchael John Dudash,Tavmya R Dunbar,Emma K. Duran,Jose Juan Duskln,Zoe Max Urquhart Dvorak,JeffreY P Dvhrberg,Llselotte EarlY,Bridget Kathryn Edwards,Deborah Stanley Eldred,Stelanle Noreen Ellsalde,Marv F. Elllott,Rachel Ellls,Elalne B Elmansouml,Delrdre Arlene Emlilanowlcz,KimberIV E Enger,Megan Denali Erlckson,Brlttany N Eros,Rebecca SteebY Ervin,S1ephanle Merle Escobar,Carios E Esoldo,Anthonv Cario EsDarza,Rosallnda Evans,Rebekah Phyllis Evenhouse,Genevleve Falgenbaum Deborah Helene Fannlna,Kevln P l"arrell,Erln Elizabeth Faleml,Klan B. l"edorchuk,Deborah Ann Felbus,KrislV LYnn Fell,Joana D. Fenlon,Jeanlne Ferdon,Kathleen Fitzoerald Feria,Deslrae Marie Fernandez,Crlstal Ferreboeuf,Marfelie L. Fetzer,Lori Ellen Fewell,William H I"lnkelsteln,Ellza Flx,Jacqueline Rose l"olan,Adrlenne Marie Fono,Rosa A. l"orsytll,Rhonda Gail Fox,Dennls Wayne Francls,Andrea Kathrvn 4 of 14 1 08119/09; 1 08123199 1 08120/08 1 08126109 1 09/25108 1 12/11106 1 08122107 0.4 0.8 1 1 09/28109 08120108 09/14109 08122107 1 WW08 1 1 0.4 0.75 O.E 1 1 1 08120/08 08120/08 08125108 08125108 09/15108 10/29/07 09130/09 08122107 1 08120/08 1 12103107 1 08120108 1 08119/09 1 01121/09 1 08120/08 1 08119109 1 08125104 1 08120/08 1 02109/09 1 07/01105 1 01/21/09 1 01/21109 1 11/23109 o.e 10/10106 1 08123106 1 11/03109 1 11113107 1 09120105 1 08122107 1 08120/08 1 08120/08 O.E 08122107 1 08120/08 OA 08119109 1 08119/09 1 08123106 1 09107/94 1 01104110 1 01/07/92 0.8 08122107 EXHIBIT A '. .. Master Layoff List 03/15/2010 .. - Francls,Andrea KathMl Frandle,Jody Faith Frazee,Julie K Freed,lInda Ann Frosl,Daniel B Fujlwara,Emma Seklko Galnes,Peria L Gallo,Shawna Leigh Garahan,Amelia B, Garcla,Carlos R. Garcla,Luclane V, Garcla,Manolete C, Garcia,Sara E Garrett,Martln Matthew Gascon,A1ba N, Gaver,Chad Coleman Gee,Pamela Tew Gee,Robvn Kristine Jensen Geerdes,SoDhia Elizabeth Geiges,Emliv A. Gelser,Chrlstian E Gerbic,Davld John Gerrity,Shannon M, Ginsberg,Melissa A. Gipson,Steven Glen Glttleman,Nancy Gall Glttleman,Nancy Gait Glasser,Nicholas R. Gomez,Maya L Gomez,Michael A, Gonzales,lIndsay Ann Gonzalez,A1lcla M Gordon·Risz,Amy Beth Grande,Emilv Theresa GrimsleY,Marley R. Gross,Aimee Elizabeth Guenza,Michael M, Gushlken,Kelth M Gutierrez,Danle Guzman,Marcelia Hall.Tefel Hamdard,Shawn Hamliton,Anna Jane Phan Thi Dinh Hamilton.Wllliam A. Hammond,Sarah Beth Hankle,Sleven P Hankle,Steven P Hanna,Tracy Shelton Hanna,Tracy Shelton Harker,Sunny Kathleen Harrlnglon,Alllson Nicole Harrls,Jessica C 5 of 14 0,2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,5 0,5 1 1 1 1 1 0,5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,6 0.4 0,7 0,3 1 1 1 08/22107 08/22107 08/19/09 08126102 08120108 08119/09 08120/08 08122107 08120/08 08121102 08119/09 03105107 01/02107 08120108 08119/09 08123108 08123108 08120/08 01105109 11/03108 09/08106 08120/08 01/02108 08120/08 08122107 10113104 10113104 09/15/08 08119/09 08120/08 08122107 12101108 10/16108 08120108 08119109 08120/08 01/29/08 08122107 08121/02 10/16106 08123106 08110/09 08122107 08130/02 08122107 08119/09 08119/09 09/29/08 09/29/08 10/02106 08119/09 08123106 EXHIBIT A Master Layoff List 03115/2010 .. '" ~L "J ~~\~' Harris,Yukendra Louise Hayes,Anne Serena Hayes,Tara J. Heffernan,Tracy O'Neil Helmers,Jessica Anne Henderson,Tess L. Herrera,Mark N Hi991nbotham,Andre R Hlgglns,Matthew Wallon Hllmoe,Krlsten Ann Hinckley,Colette J. HO,Victor Sool Beng Hoang,Ly Mal Hoang,Robert Andrew Hoelscher,Tlna Hogan,Heather A Horowitz,Talya R. Hoshlbata,KrlslI M Houseman,Nora S. Howell,Kristen Mary Huang,Ching-Fen Huang,Jesslca Nicole Huang,Jesslca Wei Hunt,Jacklyn Lisa Hutchinson,John Larson Hutchinson-Szekely,Vanessa P. Huynh,VI Trl Imperato,Matthew T Ina,Ceclly S. Isola,Raymond Iwanfsch,Rebecca A. Iwaszewicz,Elizabeth Alexander Jacobsen,Paul David Jameson,Brlan Eric Jazayeri,Nader Jemlgan,Douglas Stuart Johnson III,Davld Felda Johnson,Maggle J Jones,Julla L. Jones-Davls,Taffany L Jordhelm,Jenna L. Juncker,Michael S. JUPlfer..Jones,Annle Kaloustian,Suzy D. KamenY,Susan Ruth Karney,Anna Katharlna Karney,Anna Katharina Kasner,Kimberly E. Kasper,Catherlne D. Kauffman,Benjamln W Kawall,Darren Anthony Keane,Kristin Nlchole 6 of 14 .' -- -~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 0.6 0.2 1 1 1 1 1 08122107 08123106 10/14108 10/24/05 08/19/09 08119/09 08/20/08 10/08108 08120/08 08123/06 08119/09 08122107 08119/09 08122107 08122107 03116109 08120/08 03117/08 08120/08 08120/08 08120/08 08120/08 08128105 08122107 08128106 08120/08 11116/09 08120/08 08120/08 07/01199 08119/09 08120/08 07/01106 04122108 08120/08 08/20/08 08123108 08120/08 01/29/08 08120/08 09/22109 08123108 11130/09 01/09/09 08125/08 08122107 08/22107 08120/08 08122/07 08120/08 08119/09 08120/08 EXHIBIT A '. Master Layoff List 03/15/2010 .. Keane,Kristine M Kehoe,Dylan C. Kelder,Andrew S. Kenny,U Plna Khaykln,A1la Kimura,Kyoko King,Denise Faye Manaols Klng,Nlcole Emily Kltiennan,A1llson Knlght,Marlah Joann Ko,Jae Nam Koblenz,Palrlcia Ann Koehler,Llana M Korngold,Shem Kotleba,Sarah A. Krajewskl,Chrisline Krasner,Jennifer H Krause,Natalie Namlko Kuhr,Jennifer Kumar,Sandeep Vljay Lal,Marlssa T. Lam,BikY Lam,Douglas W Lam,Rebecca Lam,TalWal Lam,TinaC. Lambert,Melissa Anne Larlos,lndlra Lelicla Larkln,Joy A. Lamsa,Elizabeth A. Laurence,Leslle Shayna Lauricella,Michael J Laurlcella,Mlchael J Law,BenJamin S. Law,Jacqulyne Kok·Chl Le,Jacqueline Lee,Allison Usa Lee,AmyS Lee,Cassandra Lee,Chrlstine Maiko Lee,Jane Lee,Jane Lee,Usa M. Lee,Rlchard Towsend Lee,Sharon Lemon-Jones,Kanlkah M Leofantl,Carolyn Leontle,Heidl VanEck Lepe,Sylvia Esther Levlen,Zereen Anjall Paonen U,Katie Vue Sum Ugh,Cassandra Alys 1 1 1 1 1 0.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.9 1 1 0.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 O.f 0.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 1 0.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 of 14 .'. . .. 09/30/09 08120/08 08120/08 09/18109 01102108 11/06/07 08/19/09 01/02107 10/23106 08122107 08122107 08119/09 02117109 02101110 01/28109 10122107 08120/08 12103107 07/01109 08119/09 01/05/09 08123106 08122107 08119/09 02105/07 08122107 11/30/09 11110/08 08123106 08122107 08122107 08120/08 08120/08 09/01/09 08120/08 08119/09 01/26107 08122107 09/08181 11/03108 08119/09 08119/09 09113106 11/23109 09/18106 06116104 08119/09 08/25/03 06113108 08122107 08/19/09 08/20/08 EXHIBIT A Master Layoff List 03/15/2010 ~~. ~'$ - EXHIBIT A ~~ j~'! ~ tv )'':.')'=~ :, , ' i i i " "~ ,.ltOO 1 OB/22107 1 08l20/0B 1 10121105 0,4 08122107 0.4 08/19/09 1 08120/08 1 08119/09 1 09/07/01 1 08120/08 1 01121/09 1 08123199 1 OB/23106 1 09/21109 1 OB/20/08 0,6 09/02108 0,4 09/0B/09 1 02116110 1 08120/0B 1 10116106 1 OB/20/0B 0,5 08123106 0,5 08123106 1 0B/20/0B 1 0812510B 1 08122107 1 OB/22I07 1 11/02109 1 02104/08 1 0B/23106 1 0B/19/09 1 0B/23106 1 0B/25/04 1 0B/20/08 1 11/14/90 1 0B/19/09 1 0B/20/0B 0,6 0B/23106 0.6 09/15/0B 0.4 09/15/0B 1 0B/20/08 1 0B/20/08 1 08/20/08 1 0B/20/08 1 02117/09 1 0B/20/08 1 0B/20/08 1 0B/20/08 1 08125/04 1 08122107 1 08/19/09 1 0B/22107 1 0B/19/09 0" Lindl,Courtney B. Ling,Hanon Linker,Sharon E L1u,Wendy L1u,Yang LO,Bonnle W, Locketl,Viroillee lono,Klmberly longnecker,Michael G, looez Gonzalez,Ramon Orlando lopez,Rosalia loule,Kingston Jensen low,Meiquin Mellisa lowrv,Bryan T lU,Kim Shao Xla lU,Victoria ludwlg,Rose Thomas Ly,loan Kim Ma,Constance L MacClain,Ellzabeth L Macfarlane,Cynthla Macfarlane,Cynthla Madhavan,Harlnl Vasantha MagsanaY,Matlhew S, Mahto,Shlrvan Chrtstopher Majka,Angela Jean Makeba,Talibah-Awele Ruth Makovec,Breanne T Mankinl,Anthonv Paul Mansfleld,Deborah I, Manllus,Robin C. Manzo,Mia Marcocclo,Margaret Lusk Markarlan,Danlel J Marlowe-Woad,Marlna Thomas Marsh,Whitney Rose Marshall,Tamra Frederick Martln,Gilbert Joe Lee Martln,Gilbert Joe Lee Martin,Thomas Michael Martinez,AIlison Martlnez,Marla A. Martinez,Marla C Martllng,Casev Ray MasseY,Nicole M Matlice,Steven Patrick Maybaum,Natalie Suzanne Mayoral,Luclnda Maria McCall,Russell C. McClaln,Mary S McCormac,Catherine McDaniel,Tamara Lvn B of 14 , ., Master Layoff List 03/15/2010 • -.,,:;. McGarrah,Karen Johnston . McGlrr,Heather McKeever,Amy D. McMahon,Megan Lynn Mehrlng,Roy John Mehring,Roy John Mellon,Micah Don Mercurlo,Me~an L Meyers,Nlcholas Drew Mlchelsbn,Wendy Miller,Monlca M. Mlistead,JIII Dianne Mlistead,JIII Dianne Mln,Helen Okee Mlranda,Christopher A Mlranda,Christopher A Mlronov,Jason Moless,Jennlfer Joan Momjlan,Betty Erin Monaghan,Josephine Pearl Moore,Chrlstopher Leonard Moore,Stephen A. Morgan,Susanna Kathleen Morgan,Todd D Morrls,Caltlin Marie Morrls,Caltlln Marie Morris,Darby Ann Morton,Laura C Mousakhani,Sepldeh Mueller,Monica C, Muldoon,Mary Courtney Muller,Kathryn E Mullln,Erlk E Mullln,Kellle Amber Nakamoto,Galina Nankln,lIana Deborah Naughton,Stephen Paul Nehm,Charlotte Marie Nehm,Chartotte Marie Nelson,Christina May Nelson,Katherlne Dawn Nelson,Vanessa A Nevls,Amelia R Newllng,Mary-Loulse Newton,Sarah Marla Nguyen,Blch Thl Nguyen,Ho Hal Nauven,Mal·Tien Viet Nlckelson,Yalanda Manley Noceda,Roberto Nocedal,Marla Lourdes Sanl/ago Noouchl,Yukari :&'jf'~l' '~if <.~,,,.;.l;:Il;,,~ i~: 'cllr'i-, •• ~,(;. 9 of 14 TRIQ1Wc OBtr:vl!!' 1 1 08119/09 1 01/20/09 1 08126105 0.5 08123106 0.5 08/23106 1 08123108 1 08123106 1 08120/08 1 08122107 1 09/15109 0.6 08120/08 0,4 08120/08 1 08119/09 0.4 01/21/09 0.2 01/21/09 0.8 08123106 1 08122107 1 08123106 1 08119/09 1 08122107 1 08119/09 1 08122107 1 03114/08 0.6 08120/08 o.~ 08120/08 1 08123106 1 02119/08 1 08120/08 1 08/20/08 1 08122107 1 08119/09 1 08122107 1 08120/08 1 08120/08 1 08119/09 0.2 11112109 0.6 12103107 0,4 12103107 1 08122107 1 08124106 1 08120/08 0.4 08119/09 1 07/01/09 1 08122107 1 08106107 1 08120/08 1 01/05109 1 08120/08 1 08/19/09 1 08120/08 1 08122107 EXHIBIT A "'~t~l Master Layoff List 03/15/2010 f#tRt:~,n~k EXHIBIT A 't~ ~:~~~Ie Quinlan Norris,Julie Lynne Northup,Harvest Ann Novack,Ryan Arthur O'Connor,Richard C O'Connor,Shelia Renee Odle,Kevin C. Ogden Danlel,Carmen M Ogden Danlel,Cannen M Okila,Brian K. O'Leary,Phyllis Catherine Olexo,Nancy Ryerson Oliva-Sullivan,Mellssa J Olmedo,Cynthla I. Olson,Kathryn K. Olson,Roger Stig O'Neill,Margaret Orlando,Corey B O'Rourke,Sarah Christine Osborna,Carrie Keelikolani Osorno,Jaime S. Osomo,Jaime S. Olero,Ana Marla Ouyang,Jian Fu Padllla·Sremmelen,Monica Gabriela Palarca,Hansel Santos Palmieri,Angela Papagnl,John D. Patrone,Jason Giancar/o Paw,Nelson Peoples,Tracy Michele Perkiss,Evan Michael Haynes . PersleY,Shannon Brett PetercuPo,Nancy Peters,Gaela Suzanne Peters,Jacqueline Peters,Sabrina T PeWlord,Helen Agripina Pettllord,Ralph G Phipps,Brlglue M. Plack,Leah Podhoreckl,Mark E Pon,Christina K. Pooner,Sarah Mala Conde Portlllo,lsmael Powers,Mary Margaret Rose Prejean,Masharlka S. Preyer·Watts,Mary-Mlchael Price,Hllary E. Prlngle,Catherlne WoOd Prlngle-Dressler,Rachael Katherine Proclor,Moraan leFay 10 of 14 1 1 0.4 1 1 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.4 1 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 08t20/0~l 08126/05 02108110 08120/08 10/21/05 09/04/09 08122107 01129/08 01/29/08 08120/08 09/23103 01103107 04/21/09 09/12105 08122107 08119109 11/07/05 08122107 08120/08 12113105 08120/08 08120/08 08119109 08131/09 08120/08 08120/08 08117109 01105/09 08119/09 08120/08 08120/08 08120/08 08122107 08125/04 08120/08 08123106 08120/08 07/30108 09/22108 09/12106 08122107 09110/80 09/17/07 08123106 09/29/09 08122/07 08/20/08 10/22107 08122107 01128108 08120/08 12101/06 ·, Master Layoff List 03115/2010 . '. EXHIBIT A ,'U 'ili : t " -;-~ :r".' ,. Proctor,Nlcholas R. Prola,Kenneth J, Quezada,Ruben QUillin,Leslle RandoJDh,Asa Phillip Rankin,Robert K Ratlanavllay,Kyphet Raupers,Ellzabelh N Read,Mellssa Kay Reed,Lancelot William OWen Reld,Mark J. Rellly,Brendan C. Rellly,Brendan C. Relss,Davld Gunther Rensman,Sarah B, Rlchardson,Dale Thomas Richardson,Jenny M. Rlechel,A1mee Sue Rlggs,Kelll Anlla Riley,Dylan A Rlpley,Kalherine Lynne Rlsi,Brian Andrew Rodriguez,Erlc Dyan Rodrlguez,L1l1a Rodrlguez,MOiiVRuth Rolfson,Autumn Lvnn Romano,Chrlstina Marie Rosclgno,Christi N. Rosen,Elena Casel Rosenfeld,Jesslca Rosenmen,Davld A Rounkle,Lauren Elizabeth Rozum,A1lcia Rublo,John Joseph Ruiz,Kandy M. Rulz,Lucla M Russo,Dominic Anlhony Sabatlnl,Joanna Budney Sacks March,Danla A Sakura,A1ko Salva,Asunclon Tolentino Sambrone,Amber E Sanchez,Jose Luis P Sanchez,L1ndsay M Sanchez,Mark Sanger,Catherlne E Sarikey,Curtlss M Sarile,Christina M Sarlle,Christina M Sarilh,Soratha Mom Sarver,Stephanle Sasada,Karl 11 of 14 .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.4 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,5 0.4 1 1 1 . ...~"""' 08120/08 02110/10 08123106 03123106 12103109 08120/08 08120/08 08122107 08/22107 09/17/07 08122107 10/06108 10/06108 08123106 08123108 08123/06 03103108 08123/06 08120/08 08120/08 08122107 08120/08 08119/09 08122107 08/19/09 10/23106 01/02107 08125/04 08123/06 08123/06 10/21105 08120/08 08119/09 07/01/98 08119/09 01125/10 08120/08 08123106 08120/08 08120/08 08120/08 08122107 08119/09 11/03108 04/16109 08119/09 08120/08 08119/09 08119/09 08120/08 08122107 01/04/10 Master Layoff List 03115/2010 EXHIBIT A ;J::i Im: Sass,Russeli J ' Sasso,Steven N Satow,Valerie Olivia Schaper,Andrew D SChaid,Teresa L. SChickenberg,Michael Hugo Schlff,Gael Schlax,Lyndsev Anne Scoff,Tadd See,Michelle Marlsa Seligson,Walker K Sendejo,Chrlstlna Shapiro,Adlna Beth Shehan,Claudla P Shepard,Susan Sherfey,Barbara S Slebert,Tana Michelle Slmard,John R. Slnal,Vanessa S. Slnn,Wilson Slvakumaran,Chandra Sekaran Skrivanich,MalY Ann Small,Nicole Anne Smllh,Davld Harris Smlth,Heather L. Smllh,Stefanie Kristin Smllh,Stephanle R. Snyder,Rebecca Hulton Soltls,L1ndaJ. Somasunderam,lIana M Sorro,Giulio Slvador Spencer,A1lson McClure Splva,Derrlck D. Spurchlse,Lauren Beth Sroka,Peter C. Stack,Erln Sinead Stanlon,Kathleen M Stam,Krlsllne E. Stelnbach,KathlYn Ann Steinbeisser,Erwin Stelnberg,Amy Emily Stelnfels,Jacqueline Samantha Stelnhelmer,Kate Sheridan Stewart,Emmanuel S Stewart,James J Stoddard,Juslin D. Stoltz,Megan Ann Stone,Chrlslina V. Slones,Rachel Esther Storm,Chrlstian Michael Storm,Clalre M. Strain,Robert M. 12 of 14 , " "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 O.€ 0.74 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 09/i7/0~ 08123/06 06/20/06 06122107 09/08104 08122107 10/20108 03110108 08120108 06/23106 10/06109 10/14/09 06120/06 06123106 08124196 06119109 01/29/08 06/19/09 08119/09 08123106 09121109 08119/09 OS/22106 11127106 01120/09 11116109 09/26105 08119/09 10/19187 08119109 08123106 08120/06 01120109 08122107 06/20108 08120108 08120/06 08120/06 09/23109 08124/09 08119/09 09102109 08122107 08121/02 08127/07 08123106 09/02109 08123106 06/19/09 08120108 08119/09 08120106 '. Master Layoff List 03115/2010 _~f~~~ir~~.~;~~~ , ." idlifflfi "(ill>~.). ~ ..:1: 1"1',/_' > t-< -'\ ,.. ,_ - c i'·'«H{.~i+?'" ~" ~',~' It~W,1ti;:~··-5i;l3,(;{g}m~r:~:' ~. ,',_ Slrong,Kalina lalne 0.5 08120108 Sugano,Ava 1 08120108 Sumner,Nlcole Ariane 0.2 08120108 Sumner,Nlcole Arlane 0.6 08120108 Sylvester,Richard Norman 1 08122107 Talbot,ScoI Whitney 1 08119109 Tappmeyer,Karie Baum 1 08122107 Tavarez,Ricardo Juan 1 01129107 Teper,Mlna 1 08122107 Teper,Vlada 0.5 08119109 Terry,Kimberly Ann 1 08122107 Teslal,lul H. 1 08120/08 Thlara,Balra] K. 1 07101105 Thomas,Ayana lIcla 1 08123106 Thomas,Rlck Alan 1 09130/08 Thongma,Melhinee 1 08119109 Thomton,Antolnelle Nicole 1 08122107 TIetz,Katrina l. 1 08120108 TIlston,lauren D 0.7 1011tl/06 Todd,Grey Christopher 1 08127107 Toor,Jasblr Andrea Kaur 1 11/23109 Tovar,Gabriel A. 1 09122108 TOV,Cherlse Kimberly 1 04113107 Traver,Elizabeth A 1 09109109 Traverso,Victoria l. 1 04103106 Traylor,Katrlna 1 02114106 Tretheway,Jamie Michele 1 08120108 Truong,SI TIen 1 08119109 Tukloff,Wendv Sakazakl 1 07101108 Twlest,Sarah Elizabeth 1 08119109 Tyree,David Charles 1 03106/07 Tyson,Jesslca l. 1 08120108 Ung,Vlcky 1 08120108 Valdes,Mltzlia 1 08122107 Valkevlch,Jean M. 1 08120108 Van Dyke,Emliy M 1 08122107 Van Engers,Max 1 08123106 Van Velsor,Sarah F. 1 08120/07 Varalli,Marlsa Daniela 1 03105107 Vargas,Andrea C. 1 08120108 Varoas,Juan M 1 08122107 Vedder,Emlly M 1 08122107 Vela,Karlna Vloleta 1 08123106 Velez,Amadls Raul 1 10117/07 Vera,Chrlstopher S. 1 01/29107 Vieira,Krlstoffer 1 08120108 Villlcana,Maxlmlllano 1 08123106 Visser,Briana 1 08119/09 Vuong,Baya 1 09105106 Wade,Heather Jean 1 03/23109 Wallace,Morgan A 1 08120108 Walsh,Katherlne M. 1 08120108 13 of 14 EXHIBIT A ",;"w.w. Master Layoff List 03/15/2010 ""~'tl'~ "'i,y, , "c0·'\1t4 "lilt" ·~N'~lf?,t 1(f~~}1}t '. '/:'~~J 1l1Ii' ~~!~, ~ ~~: ".1J t -,." '\; Wana,MhiOYu Wano,Pel·Fen Wantorek,Mlchael David Wantorek,Mlchael David Ward,Kathlean E Watklns,Deedra G. Watson,Davld Lee Wax,LeslieM Waaver,Jodle M. Barber Weaer,Mlcah D. Welner,Malnn M. Welnsteln,Lorl M. Welss,Clalre Aubum Wermuth,Josette E Wheeler,Erln Mane Whelan,Stephanle Beth Whlle,Adam Howard Wllke,Jennlfer Michele Wllllams,Megan I. Wllllams,Samuel Wong,Elizabeth L. Wong,Ellen H. Wona,Saohla Tsz Noan Woo,Johanna Hua Yackzan,KImberlv Chnstine Yasuda,Armalia M. Yee,Chandra Yee,Jennller Yee,Kennv Pul Gil YIldlz,Suzan F. Yoder,Kenneth A Yoshlisugu,Graca Youna,Manuel R, Youna,Steohanle Yuke Hoono larate,Oscar Humberto Zavala,Remon Ricardo Zena,YI Zhao,AnnF. Zoll,EthaJi Zuechl,James Josenh 14 of 14 1 1 0,6 0,2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 0,2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , '"8_ : ~1< 02118109 09/23109 08122107 08122107 08120106 08122107 08123108 11/03108 08122107 10101108 09122106 08119/09 08120106 11/14107 08123108 08119109 08123106 08128105 08119/09 01130/08 08123106 08125104 09108109 08119/09 08119/09 08123106 08123106 04101106 06118108 08122107 11/12108 01/05109 01108109 08117/09 11130/09 01/19/09 08119/09 08119109 08122107 08123108 ' EXHIBIT A ., •• OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 11105-11SO1 GENERAL IV RISDICTION mVISIoN Slate of Callforr Department of General ServfCI 1515 Clay Slraat, SUite 206, Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 622·2722 phonal (510) 622·2743 fax May 04, 2010 Governing Board of the San Francisco USD 555 Franklin St, 3rd PI San Francisc,o, CA 94102 RE: In the Matter of San Francisco USD OAH No. 2010020406 Dear Board Members: ./ Enclosed with: this letter are the administrative law judge's proposed decision in the abovereferenced case, the form for the agency order of adoption, and Exhibits I through 32, I, A though N, and A through E. Please return a copy of the order of adoption after the Board adopts its final Decisiort. . Governing Board must submit a copy of the proposed decision to all teachers who were respondents in the hearing in accordance with Education Code section 44949. Very truly yours, "iff} . r1 )iAA/~ Helen C. Tsai . Office of Administrative Hearings State of California Enclosures _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Raglonat Offlcas Sacramento 2349 Gateway Oaks Orlva Suite 200 Sacramenlo. CA 95833 (918) 263-0550 (916) 263·0554 fax Los Angale. 320 West Fourth Street suite 830 Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213) 578·7200 (213) 576-7244 fax San Diego 1350 Front Slraal Sulla 6022 San DIego, CA 92101 (619) 525·4475 (619) 525-4419 fax _ Laguna Hilla 23046 Avenlda De La Carlota Sune 750 Legune Hills. CA 92653 (949) 596-5850 (949) 596-5880 fax Van Nuys 15350 Sherman Way Suna 300 Van Nuys, CA 91408 (818) 904·2363 .(816) 904-2360 lax , ,. BEFORE THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHO,OL DISTRICT In the Matter of the Accusation Against: JESSALYN CHRISTINE AALAND, et al. OAH No. 20I0020406 Respondents. DECISION The attached Proposed Decision of the Administrative Law Judge is hereby adopted by the Governing Board of the San Francisco Unified School District as the Decision in the above-entitled matter. This Decision shall become effective on IT IS SO ORDERED ~ / ~ fj)10 , Car 0 A. Garcia Secretary, Board of Education . . • BEFORE THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT In the Matter of the Accusation Against: JESSAL YN CHRISTINE AALAND, et al. OAR No. 20 I0020406 Respondents. PROPOSED DECISION Administrative Law Judge David L. Benjamin, State of California, Office of Administrative Hearings, heard this matter in San Francisco, California, on April 5-8, 13 and 15,2010. Laura J. Schulkind and Rachel C. Gardunio, Attorneys at Law, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore, represented the San Francisco Unified School District. Stewart Weinberg, Attorney at Law, Weinberg, Roger & Rosenfeld, represented all of the respondents who are members of the United Educators of San Francisco (UESF). Robert D. Links, Attorney at Law, Siote & Links, represented all ofthe respondents who are members of the United Administrators of San Francisco (UASF). Respondent Noreen Weddle Abulencia appeared on her own behalf. There was no appearance by or on behalf of any remaining respondents. The record remained open for the submission of written briefs by the district and UESF; they were to file simultaneous opening and simultaneous reply briefs by email. UESF's opening briefwas marked as Exhibit M and the district's opening brief was marked as Exhibit 30. UESF's reply brief was marked as Exhibit N and the district's reply brief was marked as Exhibit 31. The district's reply briefwas filed approximately 15 minutes late; after hearing argument on the matter, the document was accepted over UESF's objections. A declaration by Angie Sagastume, dated April 23, 2010, was filed and served by the district with its reply brief; there were no objections to this document, which was marked as Exhibit 32 and admitted into evidence. Respondent Abulencia filed'a reply brief on April 23 and a further reply briefon April 26, 2010; there were no objections to these documents, which were marked as Abulencia D and Abulencia E, respectively. The record closed and the matter was deemed submitted on April 26, 2010. 1 FACTUAL FINDINGS I. Complainant Carlos A. Garcia issued the accusation in his official capacity as Superintendent of the San Francisco Unified School District (district). 2. Respondents are certificated employees of the district. The respondents are identified on Appendix A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. On February 23, 2010, the district's governing board adopted Resolution 102-23504, in which it resolved to reduce or discontinue particular kinds of services for the 2010-201 I school year, and directed the superintendent to give notice to certificated employees that their services would be terminated at the end of the 2009-2010 school year (the PKS resolution). The services to be reduced or discontinued are identified on Appendix B, attached hereto .and incorporated herein by this reference. The resolution states that "a total of 163 FTE in administrative services and 482 FTE in instructional services (as listed on Exhibit A) shall be reduced or eliminated ...." (Original emphasis.)' Exhibit A to the resolution identifies the particular services to be reduced or eliminated. The reductions in administrative services called for in Exhibit A total 163 FTE, but the reductions in instructional services set forth in that document total 502 FTE, as opposed to 482 FTE. The reason for the discrepancy was not explained. Because the text of the resolution calls for reductions in services as set forth in Exhibit A, which specifically identifies the reductions to be'made, it is determined tharExhibit A controls and that the entry of 482 FTE in the text of the resolution was an error. 4. As a general principle, permanent and probationary certificated employees must be laid off in inverse order oftheir seniority. (Ed. Code, § 44955, subd. (c).) Under Education Code section 44955, subdivision (d), however, a district may deviate from seniority and "skip" junior employees under certain circumstances. Board Resolution 102-23504 establishes the district's skipping criteria. The resolution states: (PJursuant to Education Code § 44955(d)(l), it will be necessary to retain the services of certificated employees in the 20 I0-20 II school year regardless of seniority, who possess credentials and qualifications needed for and who are actually assigned to render service in the following programs: Math, Science, Special Education and Bilingual Education. To be considered qualified and credentialed to serve in the District's Bilingual Education Programs, the retained employee must hold a BCLAD. I PTE means "full-time equivalent." 2 5. Under Education Code section 44955, subdivision (b), no pennanent employee may be tenninated "while any probationary employee, or any other employee with less seniority, is retained to render a service which said pennanent employee is certificated and competent to render." The process by which a senior employee displaces ajunior employee is commonly referred to as "bumping." On February 23, 20 I0, the board adopted Resolution No. 102-23506, concerning the bumping rights of senior employees. It states in relevant part: [T]he following criteria will be used to detennine competency for retention in the position: I. Credential in the discipline(.] 2. EL Certification: a. b. BCLAD CLAD 3. Service for at least one complete, continuous school year in the last five school years in the same assignment. 4. At least one year of prior experience teaching in the discipline to which the employee seeks to move within the last five years. 6. Under Education Code section 44955, subdivision (b), the governing board of a district must detennine the relative seniority of employees with the same seniority date based "on the needs ofthe district and the students thereof." On February 23, 20 I0, the governing board adopted Resolution No. 102-23505, establishing tie-breaking criteria. The resolution states: One point will be added for each of the following credentials or authorizations: I. Cross Cultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD) Certification. 2. Emergency CLAD or current (as of 1/29/2010) enrollment in CLAD Certificated Program(.] 3. Possession of a Bilingual Cross Cultural Language and Academic Certification (BCLAD). 3 4. Breadth of credential(s). (Point awarded only if the employee also holds CLAD or BCLAD.) Breadth is defined as follows: two or more credentials where at least one is math, science, or special education. Any ties that may occur after application of these criteria shall be resolved by lottery. 7. On or before March [5,2010, respondents were timely served with written notice ofthe superintendent's recommendation that their services will not be required for the 2010-2011 school year. 2 The reasons for the recommendation were set forth in these preliminary layoff notices. Each respondent timely requested a hearing to determine if there is cause for not reemploying him or her for the 20 I0-2011 school year. The district issued an accusation against each respondent, and each respondent filed a timely notice of defense. All prehearing jurisdictional requirements have been met. 8. Based on the governor's proposed state budget for Fiscal Year 2010-2011, the district faces a two-year projected budget deficit through Fiscal Year 2011-2012 of$[ 13 million. The district had hoped to avoid reductions that affected its classrooms but, after thoroughly examining its budget, came to the conclusion that it could not do so. Without the reductions called for by the PKS resolution, the district will be bankrupt. 9. Angie Sagastume is the district's Executive Director for Certificated Recruitment and Staffing. She has been with the district for 18 years, and has been involved in all of the district's layoffs since 2003. Sagastume and her staffimp[emented the board's resolution to reduce services. To summarize and oversimplifY a complex process, Sagastume began by updating the district's seniority lists of probationary and permanent teachers. Every teacher was asked to verifY or identifY discrepancies in the district's records regarding his or her seniority, credentials, and assignment; the teachers' responses were researched and the seniority lists were updated. Sagastume applied the board's tie-breaking criteria to determine the relative seniority of teachers with the same seniority date. Sagastume identified those employees who might be subject to layoff by examining the seniority list with reference to the board's PKS resolution and then, starting with the least senior probationary employee, continuing up the list until the necessary reductions were achieved. In doing so, Sagastume and her staff identified those employees who had a right to bump junior employees and those employees who were entitled to be skipped under the board's resolutions. In the course of this process, the district prepared draft bumping charts and shared them with UESF. Sagastume testified that the bumping charts are necessarily "works in progress" until rescissions have been 2 Respondent Brian Adam Becker testified that he did not receive a preliminary layoff notice. The evidence establishes, however, that a preliminary layoff notice was timely served on Becker by mail, at his last known address, in the manner prescribed by Education Code section 44949, 4 accounted for and until the various claims presented in the hearing have been resolved. Sagastume testified further that when final layoff notices are sent out, no probationary employee, and no other junior employee, will be retained to render a service that a permanent employee with more seniority is certificated and competent to render. Sagaslume's testimony was credible and no contrary evidence was presented. Rescissions 10. The district has rescinded, or will rescind, the layoff notices issued to the following individuals: Maria Andrade Joan Bank Georgina Blackett Judith Brooks Kimberly Campisano Christine Chung Desiree Feria RosaA. Fong Carlos A: Garcia Jessica Huang Indira Ramon Larios Wendy Liu Gonzales Lopez Rosalia Lopez Roy Mehring Carrie Osbourne Hilary Price Kyphet Rattanivilay John J. Rubio Susan Shepard Wilson Sinn Nicole Small Stephanie Smith Padilla Stemmelen Marisa Varalli Karina Violet Vela Gonzales Lopez Samuel Adam Williams Sophia Wong These individuals are no longer respondents in this proceeding. Administrators 11. The district and UASF reached stipulations on various matters concerning respondents represented by UASF. The parties' stipulations are set forth in District/UASF Joint Exhibit L Bumping issues 12. UESF challenges the district's bumping criteria, which require the senior employee to demonstrate service for at least one complete, continuous school year in the same assignment, and one year teaching in the discipline to which the employee seeks to move, all within the last five years. UESF argues that these competency criteria preclude many otherwise highly-qualified individuals from bumping, including respondents Judi Bliquez, Patricia Ann Koblenz, Christina Nelson and Kevin Odie. UESF contends that the district's criteria are arbitrary and capricious, and therefore invalid. 5 The governing board has broad discretion to establish standards of competency for the purpose of exercising bumping rights. (Duax v. Kern Community College Dist. (1987) 198 Cal.App.3d 555,564-567.) Whether the board has acted arbitrarily and capriciously '''is measured by the standard set by reason and reasonable people, bearing in mind that such a standard may permit a difference of opinion on the same subject. ,,, (Campbell Elementary Teachers Assn. v. Abbott (1978) 76 Cal.App.3d 796, 808.) The fundamental requirement of competency criteria is that they must relate to the skills and qualifications to teach. (Duax v. Kern Community College Dist., supra, 198 Cal.App.3d at pp. 556-557.) In Duax, the governing board adopted a competency standard that prohibited a senior employee from exercising bumping rights unless he or she could demonstrate one full year of teaching in the junior employee's subject area within the last 10 years. The district's assistant chancellor testified that he recommended that standard to emphasize tasks important to teaching, such as teaching skills, development of course material, interaction with students, knowledge of student abilities, and evaluation of student work. The court held that the board's standard clearly related to the skills and qualifications to teach and, "since it requires only one year of teaching in the last ten, not one in the last two or three, we are not persuaded that it too narrowly defines competency." (Id. at p. 567.) In this case, Deputy Superintendent Richard Carranza testified that the district's bumping criteria are designed to emphasize teaching skills and subject matter competence. In the district's view, serving for one continuous year in a teaching assignment demonstrates that the teacher has been required to develop and implement lesson plans, communicate with parents, assess student mastery, and develop working relationships with colleagues, all on a long-term basis. Teaching in the junior employee's subject matter for one year within the last five years is designed to assure that the teacher is current in the subject matter. As was the case in Duax, the board's standards are clearly related to the skills and qualifications to teach. It is true that the board's standards in this case are narrower than those upheld in Duax. An argument could be made that the board's criteria are too strict, and that the board should have allowed teachers to demonstrate their skills over the past 10 years, or over the past six years. But this is an area' that lies within the board's discretion. It cannot be said, based on the present record, that the competency criteria adopted by the board are unreasonable. The criteria are not arbitrary and capricious and are not invalid. 13. Respondent Judi Bliquez is a peer resource teacher at Roosevelt Middle School, where she trains students to serve as peer mentors and tutors in math. She also trains conflict managers and provides peer education. She is tenured at 0.75 FTE. It appears that she was identified for layoff due to reductions in "Teachers on Special Assignment - Peer Resources." Bliquez came to the district in 2007 with extensive experience teaching math to at-risk math learners. As UESF acknowledges, however, Bliquez has not taught a subject matter in a classroom for a full year. The evidence also fails to establish that Bliquez has one 6 year's experience in the past five years teaching in the discipline to which she would like to move. The evidence does not establish that Bliquez is eligible to bump ajunior employee. 3 14. The PKS resolution identifies reductions in a program entitled "Teachers on Special Assignment - Academic Development Program" or "TSA - ADP." There are reductions in TSA's at the elementary, middle and high school levels. Respondents James Zucchi, Michelle See, Kristy Feibus, Elizabeth C. Hull Bames, Justin Stoddard and Kathryn Ann Steinbach are classroom teachers. In a layoff list published by the district on March 16, 2010, which on its face identifies layoffs by subject, these respondents found that they were identified for layoff under the category "TSA - APD." None of them is a teacher on special assignment. At hearing, they questioned whether they had been properly identified for layoff. Sagastume testified that respondents Zucchi, See, Feibus, Barnes, Stoddard and Steinbach were identified for layoff because they were bumped by more senior teachers in the TSA - ADP program; that is why their names appeared under TSA - APD on the March 16, 20 I0 list. No contrary evidence was presented. 15. Respondent Jenny Arietta is a probationary math teacher but she appears on the March 16, 2010 layoff list under the category of "Librarian," a service identified for reductions in the PKS resolution. She questions whether she was properly identified for layoff. Sagastume testified that respondent Arietta was identified for layoff because she was bumped by a more senior librarian; that is why she appears on the March 16,2010 list under Librarian. No contrary evidence was presented. 16. Respondent Kyle Noone teaches physical education at James Lick Middle School. Noone testified that he had reviewed certain documents that led him to believe that two physical education teachers junior to him were being retained. The evidence established that the two teachers he identified were probationary teachers who have been nonreelected for the 2010·2011 school year. The evidence does not establish that there are any teachers junior to Noone who are being retained to provide services that Noone is certificated and competent to render. 17. UESF argues that the district failed to meet its burden of proof because it did not introduce into evidence a bumping chart that identifies each employee to be laid off. UESF does not offer any authority to support this argument, and it is not persuasive. A district is not required to identifY the number ofteachers to be terminated or the specific positions to be eliminated, much less the names of the specific teachers to be laid 3 In view of these findings, it is not necessary to address the district's additional argument that, as a part-time employee, respondent Bliquez is not entitled to bump a full-time employee. 7 off, when it sends out preliminary layoff notices in March. (San Jose Teachers Assn. v. Allen (1983) 144 Cal.App.3d 627,632-633.) And in a case like this, which involves challenges to the district's bumping and skipping criteria as well as numerous other claims which potentially affect the order of termination, the particular teachers to be terminated cannot be determined until those claims are finally resolved. To meet its burden of proof, a district must come forward with credible and persuasive evidence that it will meet its obligation under Education Code section 44955, subdivision (b); that is, that it will not terminate any permanent employee while any probationary employee, or any other employee with less seniority, is retained to render a service that the permanent employee is certificated and competent to render. The district has met its burden in this case through the credible and uncontradicted testimony of Sagastume (Finding 9) and the documents that support her testimony. Skipping issues 18. UESF argues that the district's skipping criteria are invalid. It asserts that Education Code section 44955, subdivision (d), "specifies the only way that a senior employee can be denied the ability to bump ajunior employee. That is when the junior employees has 'special training and experience necessary' to provide a particular kind of service that is not being cut that the senior employee does not possess." Subdivision (d) of section 44955, however, does not concern the right of a senior employee to bump ajunior employee; it concerns the district's right to deviate from seniority and skip ajunior employee who would otherwise face layoff. UESF goes on to argue that section 44955, subdivision (d), "does not require that the senior employee be 'actively' engaged in rendering the service at the time the decision to reduce or eliminate services is made. Adding the requirement that the senior employee must be 'actually assigned to render the service' goes beyond the authorization by the Legislature to allow a District to keep a senior employee from 'bumping' ajunior employee." Again, the district resolution at issue speaks to skipping, not bumping; it does not purport to limit the right of a senior employee to bump a junior employee. The district's requirement that a skipped employee must be "actually assigned" to render the needed service is consistent with, not contrary to, the requirements of section 44955, subdivision (d). (See Alexander v. Board a/Trustees (1983) 139 Cal.App.3d 567, 576.) UESF's argument that the district's skipping criteria are inconsistent with state law is not persuasive. 19. UESF argues that the district improperly retained Philip Pasmanick, who is not a respondent in this proceeding. Pasmanick is a bilingual classroom teacher at Hillcrest Elementary School. He holds a multiple subject credential, a single subject credential in Spanish, and a bilingual certificate of competence. (He also holds various designated subject adult education credentials, including one in health occupations and one in English and Speech Arts; these credentials, however, do not authorize him to teach at the K-12Ievel.) Pasmanick is a permanent employee with a seniority date of August 19, 2009. The reason 8 . . for his recent seniority date is that he was employed by the district as a permanent teacher, left district employment, and then returned on August 19, 2009. Under Education Code sections 44931 and 44848, a teacher who leaves district employment and returns within 39 months is entitled to retain his tenure, but loses his original seniority date; his seniority date becomes the date he is reemployed. (San Jose Teachers Assn. v. Allen, supra, 144 Cal.App.3d at p. 641.) Sagastume testified that Pasmanick was retained because the district laid off probationary employees before permanent employees. It is her understanding that all probationary employees in a particular kind of service, regardless of their seniority, must be terminated before a permanent employee rendering the same service is terminated. Her understanding is correct. (Ed. Code, § 44955, subd. (b).) UESF acknowledges that Pasmanick is properly classified as a permanent employee 'but asserts that, under Allen, he "[does] not get to exercise the rights of permanency" in a layoff. Allen does not so hold. The reemployed employees in Allen were classified as permanent employees. The court held that their seniority dates changed when they were reemployed, but did not hold that they were misclassified or that they were not entitled to the rights of permanent employees under Education Code section 44955. UESF asserts that the PKS resolution calls for the elimination of 10 middle school English teachers and 20 high school English teachers, and that there are 96 teachers with English credentials senior to Pasmanick and 13 who share the same seniority date. Pasmanick, however, is a bilingual classroom teacher, not an English teacher. UESF states that Pasmanick is the most junior employee with a health credential, while others with health credentials are being laid off. Pasmanick's designated subject adult education credential, however, does not authorize him to teach in elementary school and he is not a health teacher. The evidence fails to establish that the distrlct improperly retained Pasmanick. 20. UESF argues that the district improperly retained Liana Jane Wong, who is not a respondent in this proceeding. Wong is a high school counselor. 'She is a permanent employee with a recent seniority date of August 31, 2009, because, like Pasmanick, she attained permanent status with the district, left district employment, and was reemployed within 39 months on August 31, 2009. Sagastume testified that Wong did not receive a layoff notice because probationary counselors were laid off before she, as a permanent employee, was reached. UESF asserts that the PKS resolution authorizes the elimination of seven middle school counselors and 18 high school counselors and there are only eight counselors on the layoff list junior to Wong, and 43 who are senior to Wong. UESF does not state the factual basis for its assertion, and does not address the fact that there are over 35 probationary counselors. Probationary counselors must be terminated before any permanent counselor, such as Wong, is terminated. The evidence fails to establish that the district improperly retained Wong. 9 21. Respondent Christina Romano is a reading recovery and literacy specialist at Bryant Elementary School, a bilingual school. She has a multiple subject credential, a BCLAD, a CLAD, and a reading recovery certificate. She works with first through fifth grade students on a pull-out or push-in basis. For the students in grades one and two, she instructs in Spanish; she introduces instruction in English to second grade students about half-way through the semester. For third grade students, she typically instructs in English and by the fourth grade her instruction is entirely in English. Romano received a layoff notice under the provisions of the PKS resolution that call for a 4.0 FTE reduction in "Resource Teachers - Literacy," a program identified in the resolution as a "non-classroom program." Romano contends that she should be skipped under the provisions of the PKS resolution that allow the district to deviate from seniority to retain teachers who are "actually assigned to render service in the Bilingual Education program." Sagastume testified, however, that the bilingual program refers to the teaching program, and that the position of Literacy Specialist is not part of the district's bilingual program. The PKS resolution supports Sagastume's testimony. Romano is not entitled to be skipped. It is recognized that she works in a bilingual school and uses Spanish in her work as a literacy specialist. The district, however, may deviate from seniority only when it can demonstrate a need to retain teachers for a particular course or course of study. (Ed. Code, § 44955, subd. (d).) The evidence does not establish that literacy specialists teach a course or course ofstudy, and the district has not identified a need to retain literacy specialists. 22. Respondent Erin Stack is an Instructional Resource Facilitator (IRF) at Monroe Elementary School, where she works half-time as a literacy coach and half-time as a school advocate. In essence, she works with teachers to help them improve classroom education. Stack contends that she should be skipped because she holds a BCLAD. Stack, however, does not meet the skipping criteria because she is not actually assigned to provide bilingual education. Stack is not entitled to be skipped. Seniority issues 23. The general rule is that a certificated employee's seniority commences "on the date upon which he first rendered paid service in a probationary position." (Ed. Code, § 44845.) 24. Respondent Christine Maiko Lee holds a certificated position as a counselor. She has been assigned a seniority date of November 3, 2008. Lee asserts that she is entitled to an earlier seniority date by virtue of her prior service to the district as a Wellness Coordinator. Prior to November 2008, Lee worked for the district as a classified employee. In Fall 2002, Lee accepted a position with the district as a Health Worker IV (Class 2588), commonly known as a "Wellness Coordinator." As a Wellness Coordinator, Lee coordinated 10 mental health services, counseling services, and workshops and promoted health awareness activities and events. She worked under the School Health Program. This position did not require a Pupil Personnel Services credential, but Lee obtained her PPS credential in June 2005. In Spring 2006, the district and UESF encouraged all of the Wellness Coordinators to obtain a PPS credential and become certificated employees of the district. It appears the district had learned that, because of their direct contact with students, some Wellness Coordinators and Learning Support Consultants (LSC's) were required by state law to be credentialed. Lee was not informed that she would lose her job if she failed to become certificated, but she and all of the other Wellness Coordinators were encouraged to make the switch because it would mean more job security. In June 2006 Lee applied for a certificated position as a Wellness Coordinator. Her transition to a certificated position was delayed for over a year while the district corrected a mistake in Lee's salary level. The first day she rendered paid service to the district in a probationary capacity was November 3, 2008, the day the district has assigned to her as her seniority date. Lee acknowledges that, as a general rule, classified service may not be tacked on to certificated service to establish an earlier seniority date. Lee asserts that she falls within an exception set forth in Education Code section 44066, which reads as follows: A governing board ofany school district ... or other appointing authority shall not require an employee or applicant to possess any certification, license, or other credential unless the possession of such a certification, license, or other credential is required by statute or is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification. It is the intent of the Legislature that any person who had served in a position for which certification, license, or other credential not necessitated by statute or bona fide occupational qualification, had been required, and in a position which was designated by the governing board as a position requiring certification qualifications, shall be deemed to be an employee in a position requiring certification qualifications for as long as he or she holds such position and it is further the intent of the Legislature that such position shall be deemed to be a certificated position for as long as such person holds such position. Lee claims that she was required by the district to obtain a credential and that, under section 44066, she is entitled to seniority for all of the time she served as a Wellness Coordinator. 11 Lee's argument is not persuasive, for two reasons. As Lee acknowledged in her testimony, although the district encouraged the Wellness Coordinators to become credentialed, it did not require them to do so; Lee herself was already credentialed in the spring of2006. More fundamentally, section 44066 addresses employees who were wrongly required to become credentialed. It expresses the Legislature's intent that such an employee shall be deemed certificated for the period that he or she was required to have a credential that was "not necessitated by statute or bona fide occupational qualification." Even if Lee and the other Wellness Coordinators were required to become credentialed, there is no evidence that the credential was not necessitated by statute or that it was not a bona fide occupational qualification. The only evidence on that point suggests that the credential was required by state law. Lee argues that, at the least, she should be given an earlier seniority because the district's salary errors prevented her from assuming a certificated position earlier. Lee cites no authority, and no authority has been found, for the proposition that administrative errors estop the district from applying the seniority rule set forth in Education Code section 44845. Lee's assigned seniority date of November 3, 2008, is correct. 25. Respondent Sandeep Kumar has an employment history with the district that is similar to respondent Lee's. Kumar is a certificated Learning Support Professional (LSP). He provides mental health perspectives to students and staff at his assigned schools. He has been assigned a seniority date of August 19,2009, the first date that he rendered paid service to the district in a probationary position. From August 27, 2007, 'to August 19, 2009, Kumar worked for the district in a classified position as an LSP. In 2007 and 2008, the district encouraged the LSP's to become certificated in the same way that it encouraged the Wellness Coordinators. At a meeting with the LSP's, district employee Meyla Rewin stated that within three to five years, they would not be able to continue in their jobs without a certification. Kumar went back to school and earned his PPS credential in December 2008, and presented it to the district in July 2009. (He delayed presenting it to the district to preserve his health benefits over the summer.) Like respondent Lee, Kumar contends that he is entitled to seniority for his classified service. It is not clear that Kumar was required to obtain a PPS credential; giving employees "three to five years" to obtain a certification appears to be an expression of encouragement as opposed to ajob requirement. But, even if the district required Kumar to get a PPS credential, Kumar has not shown that the requirement was not based on statute or that it was not a bona fide occupational qualification. Kumar's assigned seniority date of August 19, 2009, is correct. 26. Respondent Kathleen Ferdon is a literacy specialist at Paul Revere Elementary School. Her assigned seniority date is September 20,2005. She seeks an earlier seniority date based upon her work as a day-to-day substitute for the district during the 2004-2005 school year, when she worked 183 days. Under certain circumstances, an employee may tack on her earlier service as a substitute to establish an earlier seniority date, but that benefit 12 does not apply to service rendered as a day-to-day substitute. (Ed. Code, § 44918, subd. (d).) Ferdon's assigned seniority date is correct. 27. Respondent Noreen Abulencia is an elementary school teacher. She challenges her assigned seniority date of August 23, 2006. Abulencia became a permanent tenured teacher in the district's Child Development Program on February 12, 1992. (Child Development Programs are described in Education Code section 8360 et seq.) On August 12,2006, pursuant to a provision in the collective bargaining agreement between UESF and the district, Abulencia transferred to the district's K-12 program and became an elementary school teacher. According to Abulencia, she was told by district staff that she would keep her 1992 seniority date when she transferred to the elementary school classroom, and she believes another child development teacher in her situation was allowed to do so. However, she was assigned a new seniority date of August 12, 2006. She believes her seniority date should be February 12, 1992. In their briefs, the district, UESF, and Abulencia analyze the Education Code provisions that are relevant to Abulencia's situation. (UESF supports Abulencia's claim.) None ofthe briefs, however, discusses San Jose Teachers Assn. v. Allen, supra, 144 Cal.App.3d 627, which appears to be on point. Eight of the appellants in Allen had transferred from the district's child development program into the regular education program. The trial court concluded that their seniority commenced with their service in the regular education program, not the children's center program. The issue addressed by the court of appeal was "whether prior service in the children's center program must be considered in fixing the first date of paid service in a probationary program." The court held that such service must be considered. The court reasoned that the appellants were "permanent" employees within the meaning of Education Code section 44884 (now section 44929.21) because children's center employees serve in positions requiring certification qualifications. As permanent employees, their seniority is measured from the date they first rendered paid service to the district in a probationary position. Therefore, the court held, the appellants' probationary service in the children's center must be counted in determining their seniority. It follows from the court's holding in Allen that Abulencia's assigned seniority date of August 12,2006, is incorrect. Her seniority date should be the date she first rendered paid service to the district's Child Development Program in a probationary position. It is not clear whether that date is February 12, 1992, or an earlier date. The district witl be ordered to review its records and determine the correct date. 28. It was stipulated at hearing that respondent Laura Belfiglio-Oold's seniority date is August 23, 2006. 29. Respondent Roberto Noceda is a Spanish bilingual teacher who has been assigned a seniority date of August 19,2009. From 2004 to 2009 Noceda taught at a charter school in the district. He contends that he is entitled to tack on his earlier charter school teaching experience to establish an earlier seniority date. Noceda offers no authority for his 13 contention, and none has been found. As noted above, a teacher's seniority commences on the date he "first rendered paid service in a probationary position." (Ed. Code, § 44845.) Charter schools,however, are not subject to this provision, as they are generally exempt from the laws governing school districts. (Ed. Code, § 47610.) The evidence does not establish that Noceda's as.signed seniority date is incorrect. Core Substitutes 30. The PKS resolution proposes to eliminate 15.0 FTE in Core Substitute Services. This represents all or substantially all of the Core Substitute positions. (The number of Core Substitutes is not clear from the evidence: UESF asserts that there are 15, while one district document appears to state that there are 16.) There is a case pending in the court of appeal in which the district and UESF are litigating the proper classification of Core Substitutes. For the sole purpose of administering the present layoff proceeding, however, the district and UESF stipulate that the Core Substitutes shall be treated as probationary employees. UESF asserts that the effect of this stipulation is that Core Substitutes are "by and large immune from layoff because of their seniority." The Core Substitutes, however, are probationary employees in a service that the district has chosen to substantially reduce or eliminate entirely. They are not immune from layoff. In this proceeding, no Core Substitute has asserted the right to bump a junior employee, or claimed that he or she has been improperly denied that right. Classification issues 31. The district has classified certain certificated employees as temporary employees. Temporary employees are not entitled to the due process protections afforded by Education Code sections 44949 and 44955. (Kavanaugh v. West Sonoma County Union High School Dist. (2003) 29 Ca1.4th 911,916-918.) The district, however, sent "precautionary" layoff notices to temporary employees in the event any such employee wished to challenge his or her classification. The respondents classified by the district as temporary ate identified on the district's Exhibit 11. (Exhibit 11 was created before the district and UESF stipulated that Core Substitutes would be treated as probationary employees; pursuant to the parties' stipulation, any Core Substitutes identified on Exhibit 11 are probationary, not temporary employees, for the purpose of this layoff.) 32. Respondent Jean-Pierre Ryan De Oliveira first came to work for the district in August 2009 as a coordinator in the "GEAR UP" program, a federally-funded program that encourages middle and high school students to go to college. The district classified De Oliveira as a temporary employee in a categorically-funded program. (Ed. Code, § 44909.) The district has chosen not to renew De Oliveira's contract because of cutbacks in the GEAR UP program. 14 De Oliveira contends that he cannot be terminated because, although there may be cutbacks in GEAR UP, the program has not been completely eliminated. De Oliveira relies on Bakersfield Elementary Teachers Assn. v. Bakersfield City School Dist. (2006) 145 Cal.AppAth 1260, to support his argument, but his reliance is misplaced. In Bakersfield, the court found that certain employees in categorically-funded programs had been misclassified. Because ofthat misclassification, they were entitled to be treated as probationary employees and could not be laid off unless the funding for their programs ended. In this case, however, the evidence fails to establish that De Oliveira was misclassified. He is a temporary employee. De Oliveira can be released whether or not the funding for GEAR UP continues. He is not entitled to the protections of Education Code sections 44949 and 44955. 33. Respondent Cheryl McDavid was hired as a physical education teacher under a temporary contract for the 2009-20 I0 school year. Like De Oliveira, McDavid contends that she should be treated as a probationary employee and she relies upon the same legal authority. As in De Oliveira's case, the evidence fails to establish that McDavid was misclassified as a temporary employee. She is not entitled to the protections of Education Code sections 44949 and 44955. 34. Respondent Jennifer Kennedy was hired under a temporary contract for the 2009-2010 school year after previous employment with the district as a day-to-day and a long-term substitute. Kennedy does not contend that she was misclassified, and the evidence failed to establish that she was misclassified. 35. No other temporary employees challenged their classification. Other matters 36. The cause for the reduction in particular kinds of services relates to the welfare of the schools and the pupils thereof. 37. Except as otherwise permitted by statute, no permanent employee is being terminated while any probationary employee, or any other employee with less seniority, is being retained to render a service which the permanent employee is certificated and competent to render. 38. Any contentions raised by respondents and not discussed above have been found to be without merit and are hereby rejected. LEGAL CONCLUSIONS I. By reason of the matters set forth in Finding 27, cause exists to require the district to change the August 23, 2006 seniority date it has assigned to respondent Noreen Abulencia, and to veritY her correct seniority date. 15 2. By reason of the matters set forth in Findings 31 through 35, the employees identified on the district's Exhibit II (with the exception of Core Substitutes) are temporary employees. Because the provisions of Education Code sections 44949 and 44955 apply only to probationary and permanent employees, they are not entitled to the protections afforded by those sections and it is not necessary to decide whether there is cause for not reemploying them for the 2010·2011 school year. The district may, but is not required to, give them notice that their services ~iIl not be required for the 2010·2011 school year. 3. As to the remaining respondents, cause exists because of the reduction or elimination of particular kinds ofservices pursuant to Education Code sections 44949 and 44955 to give notice to respondents in 665 PTE positions (163 FTE in administrative services and 502 FTE in instructional services) that their services will not be required for the 2010·2011 school year. The cause relates solely to the welfare of the schools and the pupils thereof within the meaning of Education Code section 44949. ORDER I. The district shall correct the seniority date of respondent Noreen Abulencia, as set forth in Legal Conclusion I. 2. Notice may be given to respondents in 665 FTE positions (163 FTE in administrative services and 502 PTE in instructional services) that their services will not be required for the 2010-2011 school year because of the reduction or elimination of particular kinds of services. DATED: H,~ 4 ! to/O tQtdw-----Administrative Law Judge Office of Administrative Hearings 16 APPENDIX A Aaland Abdallah Abdelhamld Abell Abernathy Abulencia Adams Adams Adams Adcock Adisa AffUck Aauiao Akram Alaimo Alexander Aillarin-Tanoeman Allen Altshuler Alvarado Alvarez Amador. Amsler Andrade Andron Anoell Angus Applin Arabia Araoon Aravamudhan Archer Archer Archer Arletta Arlnwlne Armslrono Arroyo Atkinson Attaway Audap Jessalyn Amy Rahlma Jane Karena Noreen Dana KimberlY Sheila Tanayah Karimah Stacy Lindsav Susan Molly Jo Wendy Hope Rehema Dana Crvstal Diana Omar Terrance Maria Shira Alison Kathleen Angela Hugo Catherlne. Harlnl Bradley Marylynn Meoan Jenny Anthonv Christine Kyonq-Joo Vincent EmilY Matthew Susan Avenis Avila Ayala Babcock Babiera Baker Ballantyne Bamberoer Bank Banks Barbary Baroagna Barnes Barton Bass Basslnelle Becker Beckwith Beeler Beetem Belfiolio-Gold Bell Bell-Davis Bennett Benzer Berenstein-Sibley Berman-Schroff Biqos Bjorklund Black Blackett Blankenship Blaschak Bliouez Blume Bonanno Bonanno Booth Boran Borowski Bostwick 17 Leonida Peter Robert Arlanne Diuna Kell Leah Terry Joan M Randie Michelle Chiara Elizabeth James Steohen Robert Brlan Troy Caroline Elizabeth Laura Ananda Beniamin Teleah Sara Tiffany Cindy Naomi Sarah Amelia Jessica Georgina Ethan Sara Judi Adam Annette Annette Anna Marie Candace Matthew Katherine Bourquin Bowen Boyd Braxton Bray Brennan Briaas Brook Brooks Brown Brown Brown Bryant Burdick Burke Byrd Callahan Calloway Caminos Camolsano' Carlisle Carrera Carrillo Cary Casallas Casey Castro Castro Catallnl Cavagnaro Cervone Chai Chaires Chan Chan 'Chan Chan Chau Chechile Chen Cheng Chi Chiarchiaro Chinn Chiu Jennifer Julie John Anthony Jessica MollY Stuart Lori Judith Gregory Marleen Timothy Shannon Lindsey Catherine T. Dennis Matthew Eric Hannah Kimberlev Anne Lindsay Jose Christina Christooher Edwin Anaela Lenin Marianella Antonio Rebecca Monina Jane Daniel Christina Ella Esther Flora Kimberly Cory Sylvia Lance Demetria Jessica Vivian Clarissa Chiu Choi Chong Choy Chubin Chung Clark Coghlan Coahlan Colan Coleman Calker Collett Colvin Cooeland Corda Corslnottl Cortez Costantini Courtney Crabtree Cravens Crew Criswell Cuevas-Antillon Culriz Curcio Currin-Womack Curtin Curtis-Wesley Dahm DalPorto Danforth Dave Dawn Gonzales French De Bruin De Falco De La Torre De Loza De Oliveira de Sousa Delaado Diamond Diaz 18 Connie Flora Fang Tina Lee Wayne Christine Sandra Sue Denise Patrick Jason Rashaida Jennifer Jennifer Jessica Patricia Helana David Karen Sergio Celenia Stephanie Allee Lauren Margaret Jorge Raul Nicole Bethany Jennifer Deanne Emilv Stephanie Brian Minautl Sunny Jessica Therese Ileana Miguel Jean Pierre Karen Chela Sara Arlana · . Dicharry Dick Dijulio Dinapoli Doetch Doiain Donovan Doyle Doyle Doyle Drum Dudash Dunbar Duran Duskin Dyorak Dyhrberg Early Edwards Eldred Elisalde Ellet Elliott Ellis Elmansouml Emilianowicz Emw Erickson Eros Ervin Escobar Esoldo Esparza Evans Eyenhouse Faiaenbaum Fanning Farrell Farrell Fatemi Fedorchuk Feibus Feit Fenton Ferdon Elise Stuart Katherine Lisa Amanda Stephen M Kaillin Jack Marlena Miranda Michael Tawnya R Emma ose Zoe Jeffrey Lise/otte Bridget Deborah StefanIe Mary Andrew Rachel Elaine Deirdre KimberlY Megan Brittany Rebecca Stephanie Carlos Anthony Rosalinda Rebekah Geneyieye Deborah Kevin Catharine F. Erin Klan Deborah Kristy Joana Jeanine Kathleen Ferguson Feria Fernandez Feraz Ferreboeuf Feller Fewell Fields Finkelstein Fitzsimons Fix Flanaaan Folan Fona Forsyth Foster Fox Francis Frandle Frazee Freed . Frost Fuiiwara Futol Gaines Galleaos Gallo Garahan Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Gardner Garrett Garza Gascon Gaver Gee Gee Geerdes Geiges Geiser Gerblc Gerrltv Ginsberg 19 Kyla Deslrae Crlstal Rie Manelle Lon William Tamara Eliza Matthew Jacqueline Steve Adrienne Rosa A. Rhonda Althea M. Dennis Wayne Andrea JodY Julie Linda Ann Daniel Emma Jhulsanv Perla Erica Shawna Amelia Carlos Luclane Manolete C. Sara George Martin Julieta Alba Chad Pamela Robyn Sophia Emily Christian David Shannon Melissa Glovannelli Gipson Gittleman Glasser Gomez Gomez Gonzales Gonzalez Garcia Gonzalez Gordon-Risz Grabel Grande Grimsley Gross Guenza Gushiken Gutierrez Guzman Hall Hamdard Hamilton Hamilton Hammond HankIe Hanna Harker Harrington Harris Harris Hartigan Hartley Hayes Hayes Heffernan Helmers Henderson Henning Herrera Higginbotham Higgins Hill Hilmoe HinckleY Hinojosa Ho Catherine Steven Nancv Nicholas Maya Michael Lindsay Jose Alicia Amy Rachel Emllv Marley Aimee Michael Keith Dante Marcella Tefel Shawn Anna WililamA. Sarah Steven Tracy Sunny Allison Jessica Yukendra Carolyn Kenneth Anne Tara Tracy Jessica Tess Paula S Mark Andre Malthew Aimee Kristen Colette Carla Victor Hoana Hoang Hoelscher Hogan Holtz Horowitz Hoshibata Houseman Howell Hsuan Huang Huang Huang Hunt Hutchinson Hutchinson-Szekely Huynh Ibabao Imperato Ina Inglis Isola luen Iwantsch Iwaszewicz Jacobsen Jameson Jazayeri Jensen Jernigan Jilek Johnsen Johnson III Johnson Jones Jones-Davis Jordhelm Juncker Jupiter·Jones Kaloustian Kameny Karney Kasner Kasper Kauffman 20 Ly Robert Tina Heather Mara Talya Kristi Nora Kristen Shao-Chun Ching-Fen Jessica Jessica Jacklyn John Vanessa VI Cheryl Matthew Cecily Natalie. Ravmond Bronwen Rebecca Elizabeth Paul Brian Nader JeffreY Douglas Jennifer Hans David Maggie Julia Taffany Jenna Michael Annie SUZY Susan Anna Kimberly Catherine Beniamin Kaune Kavananh Kawali Keane Keane Kehoe Kelder Kelly Kennedy Kenny Khaykin Kifer Kimura King Kina Kitterman Knight Ko Koblenz Koehler Kornnold Korp Kotieba Krajewski Krasner Krause Kuhr Kumar Kwong Lal Lam Lam Lam Lam Lam Lambert Lancaster Larios Larkin Latasa Laubner Laurence Lauricella Lauten Law Aundrea Stael Darren Anthonv Kristin N Kristine M DYlan Andrew Kathleen Jennifer Li Pinn Alia Kristina Kvoko Denise Nicole Allison Mariah Jae Patricia Liana Shem Christa Sarah Christine Jennifer Natalie Jennifer Sandeep Allison Marissa BlkY Douglas Rebecca Tat Tina Melissa Anne Amber Indira Joy Elizabeth Jeannine Leslie Michael Erin Ben/amin Law Le Leary Ledesma Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lemon·Jones Leofantl Leontle Lepe Levien Li Lie Ligh Lindl Ling Linker Liu Liu Lo Lockett Long Lonanecker Lopez Gonzalez Lopez Louie Low Lowry Lu Lu Lucey Ludwig Luger LUQO Mendoza Ly 21 Jacaulvne Jacqueline Jessica Aleiandro Allison Amy Cassandra Christine Elizabeth G Endora Jane Jonathan Lisa Michelle Richard Sharon Kanikah M Carolvn Heidi Svlvia Zareen Katie Raymond Cassandra Courtney Hanon Sharon E Wendy Yang Bonnie Virgil Kimberly Michael Ramon Rosalia Kingston Melauin Bryan Kim Victoria Elizabeth Rose Joseph Liliana Loan Ma MacClaln Macfarlane Madhavan Madrioal Maasanav Mahto Maika Makeba Makovec Mankini Mansfield Manlius Manzo Maog Marcoccio Markarian Marlowe-Wood Marsh Marshall Martin Martin Martinez Martinez Martinez Martllng Massey Mattice Mavbaum Mayoral McCall McClain McCormac McDaniel McDavid McGarrah McGirr McKeever McMahan McMahon Mehrino Melton Mercurio Metivier Mevers Constance Elizabeth Cynthia Harinl Nancy Matthew Shirvan Anaela Talibah-Awele Breanne Anthony Deborah Robin Mia Marie Christine Maroaret Daniel J Marina Whitnev Tamra Gilbert Thomas Michael Allison Maria A Maria C Casey Nicole Steven Natalie Lucinda Russell Marv Catherine Tamara Cheryl Karen Heather Amv Jeffrey Meaan Roy Micah Meoan Sandra Nicholas Michelson Micklev Miller Miller Milstead Min Miranda Mironov Moless Momlian Monaghan Moore Moore Moore Morgan Moraan Morris Morris Morton Mousakhanl Mueller Mueller Muldoon Muller Mullin Mullin Nakamoto Nankin Nauohton Navarro Navarro Neoron Nehm Nell Nelson Nelson Nelson Nevis Newling Newton Ngo Nauven Nguyen Nguyen Nickelson 22 Wendy Kate Judith Monica Jill Helen Christopher Jason Jennifer Beltv Josephine Christopher Conrad Stephen Susanna Todd Caitlin Darbv Laura Sepideh Brenda Monica Mary Kathryn Erik Kellle Gallna lIana Stephen Charles Sheila Jennv Charlotte Sean Christina .Katherine Vanessa Amelia Mary-Louise Sarah Dat Blch Ho Mal-Tien Yolanda Noceda Nocedal Noauchl Noone Norris Northup Norton Novack Nunez O'Boyle O'Brien O'Connor O'Connor Odie Ogden Daniel Oaden Daniel Okila O'LearY Olexo Oliva-Sullivan Olmedo Olson Olson O'Neill Ona Orlando O'Rourke Osborne Osomo Otero Ouyang Padiila-Stemmelen Palarca Palmieri Papagni Papatolicas Patrone Paw Peoples Perkiss Persley Petercupo Peters Peters Peters Roberto Maria Lourdes Yukari Kvle Julie Harvest Donald Rvan Damian Cashel George Richard C Sheila Kevin Carmen Carmen Brian PhYllis Catherine Nancy Melissa Cynthia Kathryn Roaer Margaret Melvin D Corey Sarah Carrie Jaime Ana Jian MonIca Hansel Angela John Shane Jason Nelson Tracy Evan Shannon Nancy Gaela Jacqueline Sabrina Pettiford Pettiford Phipps Pitre Plack Podhorecki Pon Pooner Portillo Powers Prejean Preyer-Watts Price Prinale Pringle-Dressler Proctor Proctor ProIa Quan Quezada Quillin Raeder Randolph Rankin Rattanavilay Rauoers Read Reed Reid Reillv Reiss Rensman Richardson Richardson Ricketts Rlechel Riggs Riley Ripley Risi Rodriguez Rodriauez Rodriguez Rolfson Romano 23 Helen Ralph Brigitte Felicia Leah Mark E Christina Sarah Ismael Marv Masharika Marv-Michael Hilary Catherine Rachael Moman Nicholas Kenneth La'Tricla Ruben Leslie Jennifer Asa Robert Kyphet Elizabeth Melissa Lancelot Mark Brendan David Sarah Dale Jenny Bessie M. Aimee Kelll DYlan Katherine Brian Eric Lilia Molly Ruth Autumn Christina Rosclgno Roselil Rosen Rosenfeld Rosenman Ross Rounkle Rowley Rozenoer Rozum Rubio Ruiz Rulz Russo Sabatini Sacks March Safavi Safavi Sakura Salva Sambrone Sanchez Sanchez Sanchez Sanger Sarikey Sarile Sarith Sarver Sasada Sass Sasso Satow Schaper Scheid Schlckenberg Schiff Schlax Scott See Seligson Sendeio Shapiro Sheehan Shehan Christl Sarah Elena Jessica David A Nia Lauren Maraaret Nadine Alicia John KandY Lucia Dominic Joanna Dania Farzaneh Farzaneh Alko Asuncion Amber Jose Lindsay Mark Catherine Curtiss Christina Soratha Steohanie Kari Russell Steven N Valerie Andrew Teresa Michael Gael Lyndsey Tadd Michelle Walker Christina Adina Claire Claudia P Shepard Sheppeck Sherfey Shimizu Siebert Simard Sinai Sinah Sinn Sivakumaran Skrivanlch Small Smith Smith Smith Smith Snyder Soltis Somasunderam Sorro Spencer Spiva Spurchise Sroka Stack Stanton Stam Steinbach Stelnbelsser Steinbera Stelnfels Steinheimer Stewart Stewart Stoddard Stoltz Stone Stones Storm Storm Strain Strona Sugano Sumner Sylvester 24 Susan Alicia Barbara Lacie Tana John Vanessa BobbY Wilson Chandra Mary Ann Nicole David Heather StefanIe K Stephanie R Rebecca Linda J. lIana Giulio Alison Derrick Lauren Peter Erin Kathleen Kristine Kathrvn ElWin Amy Jacqueline Kate EmmanuelS James Justin Megan Christina Rachel Christian Claire Robert Kalina Aya Nicole Richard Talbot Tappmever Tavarez Teper Teper Terry Tesfai Thiara Thomas Thomas Thongma Thormann Thornton Tietz Tilston Todd Toofer Toor Touch Tovar Tov Traver Traverso Travlor Tretheway Truona Tsang Tuchman Tucker Tukloff Twiest Tyree Tyson Una Valdes Valkevlch Van Dyke Van Enaers Van Velsor Varalli Varaas Varaas Vedder Vela Velez Scot Karle Ricardo Mina Vlada Kimberlv LuI Balrai Ayana Rick Methinee Gabrielle Antoinette Katrina Lauren Grey Doreen Jasbir Chatree Gabriel Cherlse Elizabeth VIctoria Katrina Jamie Si KwokK Sivan DomInique Wendy Sarah DavId Jessica Vicky Milzila Jean Emily Max Sarah Marisa Andrea Juan Emily Karina Amadls Vera Vieira Villicana Visser Vizier Vuona Wade Wallace Walsh Wana Wang Wantorek Ward Wamer Waterbury Watkins Watson Wax Weaver Weger Weiner Weinstein Weis Weiss Wentworth Wermuth Wheeler Whelan White Wieder Wilks WIlliams Williams Wong Wona Wong Woo Woo Yackzan Yam Yamamoto Yasuda Yee Yee Yee 25 Christopher Kristoffer Maximiliano Briana Ryan Baya Heather Moraan Katherine Mlna Pel·Fen Michael Kathleen Timothy Janneth L Deedra David Leslie Jodie Micah Mairin Lori Aaron Claire Colleen Josette Erin Stephanie Adam Sarah Jennifer Megan Samuel Elizabeth Ellen Sophia Esther Johanna Kimberly Helen Michelle Armaita Chandra Jennifer Kenny Yildlz Yoder Yoshilsugu Youna Young Yuzbash Zamora Zamula Zarate Zavala Zeng Zhao Zhao Zoll Zucchl Suzan Kenneth Grace Manuel Stephanie Irada Laura Annelise Oscar Ramon Yi Ann Sandra Ethan James 26 APPENDIXB Particular Kind of Services f. Equivalent posltlone Including preparation and travel periods Administrative Services Reduce Associate Superinlendent· Academlo &Professional Developmenl Reduce Assoclale Superlnlendent - Leadership, Eqully, Achievement &Design ReduceAssodale Superinlendent- Student Support Services 1.00 1.00 1.00 Reduce Asslslant Superintendent- Aoademlcs &Professional Development Reduce Assistant Superintendent- Elementary School Operations Reduce Assistant SUperintendent ,High School Operallons 1.00 3.00 1.00 Division Total 3.00 5.00 Reduce Sr. Execullve Dlreclor - Academics &Professional Development Teaching & Leamlno Reduce Sr. Executive Director· Human Resources: Classroom Services Reduce Sr. Executive Direotor - Labor Relations Reduce Sr. Execullve Dlreolor - Student Services &Support 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 Reduce Executive Director - Academics &Professional Development Special Educallon Services Reduce Execullve DIrector - Allemalive Educallon Services Reduce Execullve Director - Charter/Small School by Design Reduce Execullve Director - Child Development Program Reduce Execullve Director - Educallonal Placement Center Reduce Exeoullve Dlreclor - Human Resources Certificated Operallons Reduce Execullve Dlreclor - Leadership for Eqully Reduce Execullve Dlreolor· Oflloe of Eqully Assurance Reduce Exeoutive Director· Reform &Aocountablilty 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Reduce Dlreclor - Aoademlcs &Professional Development Leeming Support &Equity Reduce Dlreclor - Academics &Professional Development Secondary Programs Reduce Director· Academics &Professional Development State &Federal Programs Reduce Director· Child Development Program Reduce Dlreclor - Human Resources Strateglo Planning Reduce Dlreolor • Leadership, Equity, Achievement &Deslgn·Family Voice Reduce Dlreclor - Polloy &Operallons Reduce Direclor - Pupil Services 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Reduce Supervisor· Aoademlcs &Professional Development AVID Program Reduce Supervisor· Academics &Professional Development Career Technical Educalion Reduce Supervisor - Academics &Professional Development County &Court Schools Reduce Supervisor. Academics &Professional Developmenl Eduoallonal Technology Reduce Supervisor -Academics &Professional Development English Learner Support Services 1.00 1.00 1.00 9.00 8.00 27 1.00 1.00 2.00 Total Reduce Supervisor - Academics &Professional Development Learning Support & EQuity Reduce Supervisor· Academics &Professional Development Professional Learning & Leadershlo Reduce Supervisor - Academics &Professional Development SCreening &Assessment Reduce Supervisor - CAHSEEISchool Operallons & Instrucllonal Support Reduce Supervisor - Human Resources Business Analysis &Informetion Technology Reduce Supervisor - Leadership, Equity, Achievement &Deslgn·Coachlng & Oroanlzallonal Reform 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 12.00 Reduce Program Admlnlslrator· Academk:s & Professlonel Development BTSA Reduce Program Administrator· Assessment &Accountability Reduce Program Administrator· Academics &Professional Development English Leamer Support Reduce Program Administrator· Academics & Professional Development Master Teacher Proaram Reduce Program Administrator· Academk:s &Professional Development Math & SCience Reduce Program Administrator -Academics &Professional Development MUllillngual Reduce Program Admlnlslrator - Acadamlcs &Professional Development Physical Education Reduce Program Administrator -Academics & Professional Development State & Federal Proarams Reduce Program Admlnlslretor - Polley &Operallons Reduce Program Administrator - Research, Planning &Accountability: Achievement Assessments Reduce Program Administrator - Siudent Support Services Counseling &Social Services Reduce Program Administrator - Student Support Services Intervenllon 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 17.00 58.00 Reduce Child Development Sile Managers 7.00 Reduce Elementery School- Principals Reduce Elementary SChool· Assistant Principals 31.00 11.00 7.00 42.00 Reduce Middle School- Principals Reduce Middle School- Assistant Principals 9.00 12.00 Reduce High School- Principals Reduce High School - Assistant Principals 11.00 24.00 21.00 35.00 105.00 Subtotal for Administrative Services 163.00 Total for Administrative Services II. Elementary School Program (K·8) Reduce Computer Technology Integrallon Specialist 163.00 4.00 28 163.00 Reduce Instructional Reform Facllltalor Program Reduce librarians Reduce Nurses Reduce Resource Teachers·lIteracy Reduce Social Workers Reduce Teacher on Special Assignment-Academic Professional Development Program Reduce Visual Arts and Performing Arts Program·Star Initiative SUbtotal for Elementary School Non·Classroom Programs 10.00 4.00 5.00 4.00 15.00 25.00 12.00 79.00 Reduce the Classroom Prooram as follows: Art Proaram Music Proaram Physical Education Reduce Kinder Services Reduce 1st Grede Services Reduce 2nd Grade Services Reduce 3rd Grade Services Reduce 4th Grade Services Reduce 5th Grade Services Subtotal for Elementary School Classroom Proarams 1.00 1.00 3.00 50.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 12.00 12.00 174.00 Total for Elementary School Programs III. 253.00 Middle School Program Reduce Computer Technology Integration Specialists Reduce Counselors Reduce Instructional Reform Facilitator Program Reduce L1brarlens Reduce Nurses Reduce Social Workers Reduce Teacher on Special Asslgnment·Academlc Professional Development Program Reduce Teacher on Special Asslgnment·Peer Resources Reduce Teacher on Special Assignment-Student Support Services Subtotal for Middle School Non·Classroom Programs 2.00 7.00 5.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 15.00 2.00 2.00 42.00 Reduce the Classroom Program as follows: Art (Secondary Level) Dance (Secondary Level) English (Secondary Level) Music (Secondary Level) Physical Education (Secondary Level) Social SCience (Secondary Level) Reduce 6th Grade Language Arts/SocIal StUdies Core Reduce 7th Grade Language Arts/Social Siudies COre Reduce 81h Grade Language Arts/Social Siudies Core Subtotal for Middle School Classroom Proarams 5.00 1.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 66.00 Total for Middle School Programs 29 108.00 253.00 108.00 IV. High School ServIces Reduce Compuler Integration Technology Specialists Reduce Counselors Reduce Instructional Reform Facllilalor Program Reduce librarians Reduce Nurses Reduce Teacher on Special Asslgnmenl·Academlc Professional Development Program Reduce Teacher on Special Assignment·Peer Resources Reduce Teacher on Special Asslgnment·Sludent Support Servlces Subtotal for HIgh School Non·Classroom Programs Reduce the Classroom Program as follows: Art (Secondary leVel) Canlonese (Secondary level) English (Secondary level) Heallh (Secondary level) Home Economics lIellan (Secondary level) JROTC • Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps MandarIn (Secondary level) MusIc (Secondary level) Physical Education (Secondary level) Sodal Science (Secondary level) Spanish (Secondary level) Reduce Vocational Educational Programs: 1. culinary Arts 2. Hospllallly, Tourism, Recreation 3. Buildlna & Construction 4. Archlleclural Deslon 5. Finance & Business Subtolal for High School Classroom Programs 2.00 18.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 15.00 3.00 2.00 48.00 5.00 1.00 20.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 '10.00 20.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 78.00 Total for High School Programs V. Core Substitute ServIces 128.00 15,00 TOTAL REDUCTIONS FOR All PROGRAMS 30 126.00 15,00 685.00 Revised PKS Resolution· Exhibit C 05111/2010 Original PKS lis 212312010 Re",'sed PKS 0511112010··.·. I. Elementary School Program (K-ll) Reduce ComDUIerTechnolo!lV Integration Specialist Reduce Instructional Reform Facintator Program Reduce Librarians Reduce Nurses Reduce Resource Teachers-U1eracv Reduce Social Workers Reduce Teacher on Special Assignment-Academic Professional Development Program Reduce Visual Arts and Performing Arts Program-Star Initiative ·Subtcilalfor Elemenlary School No",Classroom Programs 4.00 10.00 4.00 5.00 4.00 15.00 25.00 12.00 79.00 2.60 4.50 1.00 5.00 3.90 0.00 10.00 1.00 28.00 Reduce the Classroom Program as follows: Art Program Music Program Physical Education Reduce Kinder Services Reduce 1st Grade Services Reduce 2nd Grade Services Reduce 3rd Grade Services Reduce 4th Grade Services Reduce 5th Grade Services ·.>Sublolal fOrElelllen1arV.SchooIClassroomprOgraII1s 1.00 1.00 3.00 50.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 12.00 12.00 174.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 50.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 12.00 12.00 172.00 Particular Kind of Services ....... e; .... .... ~ .... J 2010 05 11 PKS revised v5 1013 5111/2010 3:27 PM Revised PKS Resolution· Exhibit C 0511112010 Original PKS #s 212312010 .Revised PKS II. Middle School Proaram Reduce Comouter Technoloav Inteoration Soecialists Reduce Counselors Reduce Instructional Reform Facil~ator Proaram Reduce Ubrarians Reduce Nurses Reduce Social Workers Reduce Teacher on Soecial AssiQlU1lent-Academic Professional Develooment Proaram Reduce Teacher on Soecial Assionment-Peer Resources Reduce Teacher on Special Assianment-Student Support Services ... Sublotalfor Middle SChool Non-Classroom Programs ." 2.00 7.00 5.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 15.00 2.00 2.00 42.00 0.00 7.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 5.00 1.50 2.00 21.50 Reduce the Classroam Proaram as follows: Art (Secondarv Leven Dance (Secondarv Leven Enolish (Secondarv Leven Music (Secondarv Levell PhvsicaI Education (Secondarv Levell Social Science (Secondarv Leven Reduce 6th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies Core Reduce 7th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies Core Reduce 8th Grade Language ArtsJSocial Studies Core .... .. ' Subtotal for Middle School Classroom Programs 5.00 1.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 66.00 3.00 1.00 5.00 2.20 2.00 5.00 6.50 6.00 6.00 36.70 Particular Kind of Services . ' 2010 05 11 PKS revised v5 .. 2013 0511112010 5111/2010 3:27 PM Revised PKS Resolution - Exhibit C 05/1112010 Original PKS #s 212312010 Revise<!PKS Particular Kind of Services Reduce Computer Integration Technology Specialists Reduce Counselors Reduce Instructional Reform Facilitator Program Reduce Ubrarians Reduce Nurses Reduce Teacher on Special Assignment-Academic Professional Development Program Reduce Teacher on Soecial Assionment-Peer Resources Reduce Teacher on Soecial Assianment-Student Suocor! Services ., Subtotal for.High School NOn'ClassroornProarams 2.00 18.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 15.00 3.00 2.00 48.00 0.00 18.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 0.52 2.00 31.52 5.00 1.00 20.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 2.00 4.70 0.00 8.00 0.00 1.00 1.40 0.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 12.00 1.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 78.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 44.00 15.00 15.00 05111/2010 III. High School Services .......... Reduce the Classroom Program as follows: Art (Secondarv Levell Cantonese (Secondarv Levell Enalish ISecondarv Levell Health (Secondarv Levell Home Economics Italian (Secondarv Levell JROTC - Junior Reserve Officer Trainina Corns MandarmlSecondaryLevel) Music (Secondary Level) Physical Education ISecondary Level) Social Science (Secondary Levell Spanish (Secondary Levell Reduce Vocational Educational Programs: 1. Culinarv Arts 2. Hosottalitv, Tourism, Recreation 3. Building & Construction 4. Architectural Design 5. Rnance & Business .•·Stibtotal.1orHigh·.School••Classroom.Programs IV. Core Subslitute Services 'TOTALREDUCTIONS FOR ALL PROGRAMS" 2010 05 11 PKS revised v5 3 013 ...... .... 502.00 - ..... .348.72 5111120103:27 PM Exhibit D #105·11501 Certificated LayOff List· 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT: ,ART By Seniority Name I\ppType Job Title FTE Seniority Randolph,Asa Phillip Emotionally Handicap Teacher 1.00 12103/2009 Naughton.Stephen Paul Regular Classroom Teacher 0.20 11/1212009 Weinsteln,Lori M. Regular Classroom Teacher 0.50 08119/2009 Doetch,Amanda L Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 09123/2008 Edwards,Deborah Stanley TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 0.40 08125/2008 Cr8w,Lauren Blnnla TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 0.60 08/20/2008 TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 0.40 08120/2008 TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 0.60 0812012008 Burke,Catherlne T. TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/2012008 Archer,Megan TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/2012008 ----~---- Oyhrberg,Llselolle TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/20/2008 EmHianowicz,Kimberly E TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Kasner,Kimberly E. TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/20/2008 This list includes individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List - 2009-2010 5/11/2010 SUBJECT: • Core Subs By Seniority Name Job Tille FTE ------ Seniority Stelnbelsser,Erwin Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08124/2009 Linker,Sharon E Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 10/21/2005 O'Connor,Richard C Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 1012112005 Rosenman,David A Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 1012112005 Choy,Tlna Lee Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812512004 - - - - - _ .... ~_.- --- Petercupo,Nancy ~ 1.00 0812512004 ---- Lemon-Jones,Kanlkah M Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 0611612004 Hamllton,Wllllam A. Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/30/2002 ------ --Freed,Unda Ann Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08126/2002 Gutierrez,Dante Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08121/2002 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812311999 Fox,Dennls Wayne Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 01/07/1992 Markarlan,Danlel J Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 1111411990 SoIUs,L1nda J. Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 10/19/1987 Podhoreckl,Mark E Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 09/10/1980 Dolgln,Stephen M ------- ----- -~---~.. ~ - - - - - - - - ---- This list includes individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009-2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT: .. COUNSELOR By Seniority Name _~l'Type Job Title _ ------------- FTE Seniority Hamdard,Shawn ADM Program Administrator 1.00 07/0112010 Adisa,Karimah N. TPR1 Counselor 1.00 10121/2009 Sendejo,Christina TPR1 Counselor 1.00 1011412009 ~~- -~~~~~~- Jordheim,Jenna L. TPR1 Counselor 1.00 0912212009 Ouyang,Jlan Fu TPR1 - - - - - - ------TPR1 Cheng,Lance lew Counselor 1.00 08131/2009 Counselor 1.00 0811912009 De Bruln,Jessica Dawn TPR1 Counselor 1.00 0811912009 Carrera,Jose A. TPR1 Head Counselor 1.00 0811912009 Kumar,Sandeep ViJay TPR1 Counselor 1.00 0811912009 --- --- ~---- ----- - --------- Berensteln-SlbleY,Clndy TPR1 Counselor 0.50 0811912009 SherfeY,Barbara S IT Counselor 1.00 0811912009 Hoang,Ly Mal IT Counselor 0.50 0811912009 Castro,Marianella TPR1 Counselor 1.00 0811912009 Hogan,Heather A TPR1 Counselor 1.00 0311612009 Smith,Heather L TPR1 Counselor Colvln,Jesstca Stein TPR1 Counselor 1.00 12/0112008 TPR1 Counselor 0.50 1110412008 TPRl Counselor 0.50 11104/2008 Lee,Christlne Maiko TPR1 Counselor 1.00 1110312008 Hayes,Tara J. TPR2 Counselor 1.00 1011412008 Weger, Micah D. TPR2 Counselor 1.00 1010112008 -------- ~ - - - - - - - - TPR2 0.30 0912912008 Counselor TPR2 Counselor -- _ . ~ .. _ _ ~ TPR2 - Doyle,Mariena D 1.00 0112012009 ------- •... , 0.70 09129/2008 1.00 09125/2008 ---------- Tovar,Gabrlel A. TPR2 Counselor 1.00 0912212008 Sass,Russell J TPR2 Counselor 1.00 0911712008 Boran,Candace R TPR2 Counselor 1.00 0812512008 Jones-Davls,Taffany L TPR2 Head Counselor 1.00 0812012008 This list includes individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT: "CTIS By Seniority Name AppType Chubin.Wayne W. Job Title TPR1 FTE ;S:~Qiorlty. Technical Resource Tch 1.00 09122/2009 Regular Classroom Teacher 0.20 0112112009 Regular Classroom Teacher 0040 01121/2009 Curriculum Technology Integrat 1.00 0812512008 -- (~J~9,~~J§,~r:~"~2R~~r~~S:) ;:L~<l TPR1 --- TPR1 .-"-~~~~~- KamenY,Susan Ruth TPR2 ~-'-'-"'''~~~~~~~ This list includes Individuals who were displaced (I.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT: • DANCE By Seniority Name Job Title AppType --{;~~~~;~~~ ------- ~ TPR2 TPR2 - FTE Seniority Regular Classroom Teacher 0,40 12103/2007 Regular Classroom Teacher 0.60 1210312007 - -',.--_ ..-' - This list Includes Individuals who were displaced (I.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009-2010 0511112010 SUSJECT:-ENGLISH Sy Seniority Name App!ype Job Title . FTE Seniority ..... - _._-~_., -~ Ludwig,Rose Thomas IT Regular Classroom Teacher Dave,Mlnaut! P TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 01/06/2010 TPRl Regular Classroom Teacher 0.60 12107/2009 TPRl Regular Classroom Teacher 0.20 12107/2009 Aaland,Jessalyn Christine TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 0.60 11/1612009 Patrone,Jason Giancarlo TPRl Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08119/2009 Curtin,Jennlfer R TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08119/2009 Flx,Jacqueline Rose TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08119/2009 Wade,Heather Jean TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 03/23/2009 Fanning,Kevin P TPR1 Splva,Derrick D. TPR1 Yoder,Kenneth A TPRl Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 11/1212008 Schlff,Gaer TPR1 1.00 10/20/2008 Lowry,Bryan T TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher . . . . _ . ._ - - - - - Regular Classroom Teacher -------------- 1.00 01/21/2009 Classroom Teacher 0.60 01/20/2009 ._-_Regular .... -_._-- _._- ._--..._- ------- ..... _ - - - _ . _ - - Novack,Ryan Arthur TPR2 1.00 02116/2010 - -- ...... ' .. 1.00 08/20/2008 _--------- Regular Classroom Teacher . . . .- ---._ .. - _ . _ - - 1.00 08/20/2008 This list includes individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT::.·HOME.ECONOMICS By Seniority Name Lee,Cassandra AppType TPER Job Title Regular Classroom Teacher .~------_._ .... _.. FTE ~eniorlly 1.00 0910811981 This list includes Individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List - 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT:dRF By Seniority Name AppType Chan,Esther FiE Seniority Job Title TPR1 InstructionalReformFacilitator 1.00 09125/2009 ----Twlest,Sarah Elizabeth TPR1 InstructionalReformFacllltator 1.00 08119/2009 Mln,Helen Okee TPR1 InslructionalReformFacilltator 1.00 08119/2009 ------ ~ --~~~- - - - - - Esoldo,Anthony Carlo InstructionalRefonnFacilltator TPR1 -~~ 1.00 08119/2009 -----~ ~--~ -~~~~-~-- Simard,John R. TPR1 InstructIonalReformFacilltator 1.00 08119/2009 Young,Stephanie Yuke Hoang TPR1 InstructlonalReformFacllltator 1.00 08117/2009 -----------~--------------------- Kotleba,Sarah A. TPR1 InstructlonalReformFacilitator Akram,Susan M TPR1 InstructJonalReformFacilitator ~ ~------~.- 1.00 0112812009 ---------_._----- ------~--- 1.00 01120/2009 -~--~~----~ Kaloustlan,Suzy D. TPR1 InstructJonalReformFacilitator 1.00 01/09/2009 Gordon-Risz,Amy Beth TPR2 InstructlonalReformFacilltator 0.50 10116/2008 Herrera,Mark N TPR2 InstructionalReformFacilltator 1.00 08120/2008 This list includes Individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List - 2009-2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECm:';,ITAt.IAN· By Seniority __ ~~.~~~~_"_~~_. __ ~. AppType Job Title [R:~Iff?J,Je9}t®[~-~'MI(:j1~jI~iN]) TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher Nevls,Amella R IT Regular Classroom Teacher 0.40 0811912009 This list includes individuais who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List - 2009-2010 05/11/2010 SUBJEGT:-,L1B,RARIAN' By Seniority _ _ _ _--=-:N=am"'e"- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'---FT..E'---"'l3. e.ni91i!L. --=-:Ap"p"'T'-'-y'::pe"- -----=Job Tille Pettiford,Ralph G TPR2 librarian 1.00 09/22/2008 Adams,Dana H TPR2 Oison.Kathryn K. TPR1 Librarian 1_00 08/2212007 ----- _ ----------,----------librarian 1_00 11/0712007 ------------- - - This list Includes Individuals who were displaced (I.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT: "MANIilARIN By Seniority Name _ _ _ _ AppType Job Title LU,Vlctoria TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher lIu,Yang TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 0.40 0811912009 LU,Klm Shao Xia TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 0.20 09/02/2008 ----------~--- _._-- .. _ - - - - ------------------ This list Includes Individuals who were displaced (I.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009-2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT: - MULTIPLE SUBJECT By Seniority AppType Name ADM Newfing,Mary-Loulse ~~~- _______. Job TIlle .FT.~ Seniority SupervIsor 1.00 07/0112010 -~~~~- Ervin,Stephanie Marie ADM Supervisor 1.00 07/01/2010 Pettiford,Helen Agriplna ADM Supervisor 1.00 07/0112010 Zavala,Ramon Ricardo ADM Supervisor 1.00 07/0112010 Northup,HarvestAnn TPR1 Learn Hdcp Resource Specialist 0.40 0210812010 Sasada,Kari TPR1 Program Specialist 1.00 01/04/2010 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~_.~~~---_.-- Zarate,Oscar Humberto TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 11/30/2009 Fatemi,Kian B. TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 11/23/2009 Toor,Jasbir Andrea Kaur TPRl Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 11/23/2009 Portlllo,lsmael TPR1 Bilingual Classroom Teacher 1.00 09/29/2009 Aseverely Handicap Teacher 1.00 09/2312009 ~~~~ Stelnbach,Kathryn Ann ~~~--~~~--~~~- Kenny,Li Ping Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 09/21/2009 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 09/18/2009 -~--~~~~~~~~-_ .._.-.-- Miller,Monfca M. Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 09/15/2009 Traver,Elizabeth A Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 09/09/2009 Regular Classroom Teacher 0.50 09/0212009 Stoltz,Megan Ann --._--_.- Law,Benjamln S. Chan,ChrisUna Shau Len TPR1 - --- _ •.. ~~~~--~~~_.~~~~- TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 09/01/2009 TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 0.50 08/24/2009 ~~~~~~~~~~- Eros,Rebecca Steeby TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/19/2009 Whelan,Stephanle Beth TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 0.20 08/1912009 Woo,Johanna Hua TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/1912009 Le,Jacqueline TPR1 Title 1 Class Size Reducllon 1.00 0811912009 TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/1912009 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/1912009 ~~~~ ------ Muller,Kathryn E McGlrr,Heather TPR1 -----~ _._----.- Brennan,Molly Caitlin IT Eld Classroom Teacher 1,00 08/1912009 King,Denise Faye Manaols TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/1912009 Dinapoli,Usa Angela TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/19/2009 .----------- ~~- Helmers,Jesslca Anne IT Regular Classroom Teacher 1,00 08/19/2009 Barton,James David IT Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08119/2009 McClaln,Mary S TPR1 EJd Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/19/2009 Regular Classroom Teacher 0.40 0811912009 Regular Classroom Teacher 0.50 08/19/2009 This list includes individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those selVices, Certificated LayOff List· 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT: "MULTIPLE SUBJECT By Seniority Name AppType Monaghan,Josephlne Pearl TPR1 Byrd Jr.,Dennls Nathaniel IT Job Title FTE Eld Classroom Teacher Senlorll}' 1.00 08119/2009 1.00 08119/2009 0.50 0811912009 0.50 08/19/2009 Nankln,lIana Deborah 1.00 0811912009 Harrington,A111son NIcole ~~~ Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08119/2009 Becker,Brian Adam IT Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08119/2009 Hinckley,Colette J. IT Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08119/2009 ~~~~~~~- Stones,Rachel Esther IT RegUlar Classroom Teacher 1.00 08119/2009 Iwanlsch,Rebecca A. TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08119/2009 Truong,Si TIen TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08119/2009 Yacl<zan,Klmberly Christine TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08119/2009 ~~~~~~- Corda,Helana Marle IT 1.00 08/19/2009 Thongma,Methlnee TPR1 1.00 08/19/2009 Frazee,Julie K TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher Stelnberg,Amy Emily IT Regular Classroom Teacher ~~~~~ 1.00 08/19/2009 1.00 08/1912009 .. ~~~- - --------_.~~~ Leofantl,Carolyn TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0811912009 McDanlel,Tamara Lyn TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/19/2009 --._--~~- ~~~- ~-- Abdelhamld,Rahlma TPER Eld Classroom Teacher Sinai,Vanessa S. TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/19/2009 1.00 08/19/2009 -~~-~~~~~~~- ~~~~~ Garcla,Luclane V. TPR1 Rodriguez,Molly Ruth TPER Regular Classroom Teacher ~~~~- ~~~- ------- -- -------- ------ 1.00 08119/2009 RegUlar Classroom Teacher 0.50 08119/2009 -----------~~~~~- Kuhr,Jennlfer ADM1 Assistant Principal Middle Sch 1.00 07101/2009 Sanchez,Mark ADM1 Prindpal Mfddle School 1.00 04/1812009 Koehler,Uana M TPR1 1.00 02117/2009 ------ ~ ~ - --------~--------- ~~- Martllng,Casey Ray TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher _. Eld Classroom Teacher Bost\YIck,Katherine R TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher ~~~--~--- ~~~~- 1.00 02117/2009 0.50 01/20/2009 ~~~~~ -- McKeever,Amy D. TPR1 Efd Classroom Teacher 1.00 01/20/2009 lal,Marissa T. TPR1 Efd Classroom Teacher 0.50 01/0512009 Nguyen,Mai-Tien Viet TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 01/05/2009 Yoshltsugu,Grace TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 01/05/2009 Braxton,Anthony James ADM1 ~~~- -----Assistant Principal Middle Sch 1.00 12119/2008 This iistlncludes individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT: FMULTIPLESUBJECT By Seniority Name AppType Gonzalez,Alicia M ADMl Geiges,Emlly A. A1almo,Molly Jo E. Job Title FTE Seniority Principal Elementary 1.00 12101/2008 TPRl Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 11/03/2008 TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 09/05/2008 Pre}ean,Masharika S. TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Massey,Nlcole M TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher Maybaum,Natalle Suzanne TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Sarith,Soratha Mom TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 1,00 08/20/2008 ---- - _._-------_._-- 1.00 08120/2008 ----- ............. --- .. _---- - - - - - - . - - _ ..... Howell.Kristen Mary TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher Fewell,Wllllam H TPRl Eld Classroom Teacher 1,00 08120/2008 ---- ----,,~----------- Erickson,Brittany N TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Mullin,Kellie Amber TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/20/2008 Perklss,Evan Michael Haynes TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher .. ......- .. _- _.. - - - - - - TPR2 Palarca,Hansel Santos Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 1.00 08/2012008 Nocedal,Marfa Lourdes Santla TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/20/2008 Djcharry,Elise Noelle TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher - _. . . . _ - . - - Mousakhanl,Sepldeh ............._ - - - - - - - - - -------- Nakamoto,Galina 1.00 08/20/2008 ..._ - - - - - - 1.00 08/20/2006 1.00 0812012008 - - - - - - -- .... Nelson,Vanessa A TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher Casallas,Edwin YesJd TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/20/2008 Shaplro,Adina Beth TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/20/2008 Valkevlch,Jean M. TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812012008 Proctor,Nlchoias R. IT Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 06/2012008 Rankln,Robert K IT Riggs,KeJli Anlla TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/20/2008 ......--_ ... - - - - - ~ Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/20/2008 Imperato,Matthew T TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812012008 Marcoccio,Margaret Lusk TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/20/2008 Donovan,KalUln E TPR2 ESL Teacher RlleY,Dylan A TPR2 ----- -- . .- 1.00 08/2012008 _._.__ -.. -------- ----- Eld Classroom Teacher ---. Agulao,L1ndsay S. ... _._.... Carrillo,ChrlsUna Elaine TPR2 1,00 08120/2008 -------- Eld Classroom Teacher ---~ . . . . . . TPR2 1.00 08/20/2008 ... _ - - - - - - - - - _-_ 1.00 08120/2008 .....- - - , , - - Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 ..-_.. --- - -_ .....-1.00 08120/2008 "- Salva,Asuncion Tolentino TPR2 Bilingual Classroom Teacher Longnecker,Michael G. TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher -_ -- 1.00 08/20/2008 .. _--- .. --- . _ - - - - This list includes individuals who were displaced (I.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List - 2009-2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT: ."MULl'IPLESUBJECT By Seniority Name AppType FTE Job Title Seniority Sroka,Peter C. TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Black,Jesslca A TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812012008 Dawn Gonzales French,Sunn TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Iwaszewicz,Elizabeth AJexand TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 GarreU,Martin Matthew TPR2 Technical Resource Tch 1.00 08120/2008 Testal,Lul H. TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Sugano,Aya TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Keane,Kristln Nlchole TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Rounkle,Lauren Elizabeth TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Frost,Danlel B TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812012008 Abernathy,Karena Michelle TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher Spencer.AJlson McClure TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher Walsh,Katherine M. TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher Grande,Emlly Theresa ._-. ---- 1.00 08/2012008 ---_ .. -._~" - - - 1.00 0812012008 1.00 08120/2008 --- ~--_.. - - - - - Strain,Robert M. TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Strong,Katlna LaIne TPR2 Equity Release Teacher 0.50 08120/2008 Welss,Clalre Auburn TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Prlngle-Dressler,Rachael Kath TPR2 ntle 1 Class Size Reduction 1.00 08120/2008 Evans,Rebekah Phyllis TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812012008 Cortez,Karen T. TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Tletz,Katrina L. TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Criswell,Margaret A. TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Huang,Jesslca Nicole TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Peoples,Tracy Michele ADM1 Assistant Principal High Sch. 1.00 08120/2008 La,Bonnie W. ADM1 Princfpal Elementary 1.00 08120/2008 ----- --------- ---- - - _ .._ - - - - - ,,-- -~--_._-- Ugh,Cassandra Alys -- - - " --~------ - - TPR2 1.00 08120/2008 Gerble,Davld John Regular Classroom Teacher ---TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher Ina,Gecfly S. TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Houseman,Nora S. TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2008 Mattice,Steven Patrick TPR2 Biggs,Sarah Jean TPR2 1.00 08/20/2008 ---- 1.00 0812012008 1.00 08118/2008 -Yee,Jennlfer TPR2 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 04/01/2008 This list includes individuals who were displaced (I.e. "bumped") by mDre senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009-2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT: "MULTIf'LE.SUBJECT By Seniority FiE Seniority 1.00 0311 0/2008 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 03/03/2008 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 02119/2008 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 01/0212008 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 12103/2007 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 12103/2007 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 10129/2007 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 1012212007 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 09/17/2007 - - - - _ .._._._._- --------------_._---._---------- Pon,Chrlstfna K TPER Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 09/1712007 Stewart,James J TPER Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812712007 Todd.Grey Chrtstopher TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08127/2007 Zolt,Ethan TPER Noguchl,Yukart TPER RegUlar Classroom Teacher --_._ .•.. Eld Classroom Teacher - _._- _._. - - - Regular Classroom Teacher -----------_. -_. __ HO,Vlctor Sool Beng TPER _. . _ ~ . _ - Newton,Sarah Maria __ 1.00 08/2212007 1.00 0812212007 1.00 0812212007 ._--------- Eld Classroom Teacher TPER Gonzales,L1ndsay Ann TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 -1.00 0812212007 Arinwine,Anthony Glenn - - •..• - -.---_ .. __....•. ---.- TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Watklns,Deedra G. TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 -----_... --~._-- ------- - - - - - Weaver,Jodle M. Barber TPER _. - - - - - - . - - Regular Classroom Teacher Frandle,Jody Faith Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/2212007 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/2212007 1.00 0812212007 ... TPER ----_._---- ---~~ Mahto,Shlrvan Christopher TPER ---McCall.Russell C. TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Moore,Christopher Leonard TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Cavagnaro,Rebecca L. TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/2212007 Tappmeyer,Karle Baum TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Chen,Sylvla Pon TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/2212007 Hunt,Jacklyn Lisa TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/2212007 Hamilton,Anna Jane Phan Thi TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/2212007 Hammond,Sarah Beth TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/2212007 Hoelscher,Tina TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/2212007 MaJka,Angela Jean TPER ESUBllingual Teacher 1.00 08/2212007 --- ---"--- ----- - - - - .---_.. -.- ... _ - - _ .. -_._-- - - _ . - . - - - -----_. This list includes individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List - 2009-2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT: • MULTIPLE SUBJECT By Seniority AppType Name ._--- Thomton,Antoinette Nicole ..--.,,'-- ._-_ .. ~-_ .. .~~--_ .. _- Eld Classroom Teacher .. '" Bryant,Shannon E. TPER Oahm,Emlly W. .~._--_ 1.00 0812212007 _- Eld Classroom Teacher -----_. __ ._-~_. 1.00 0812212007 __ ... - TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 ___ · . · _ ~ ~ o Drum,Michael John ..__ ElmansQuml,Delrdre Arlene TPER ----------- - Plack,Leah A1garfn·Tangeman,Hope -_._-,. - 0 .. --------- - --------,._-- Brtggs,Sluart Oavld ~~-_ -" _--""- TPER Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 1.00 0812212007 ----- ',-"-----_._- _ _ • _ _ ••• Valdes,Mltzlla TPER Regular Classroom Teacher SafVer,Stephanle TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/2212007 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/2212007 . _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ 0 . --' _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 _ ~ _ . , - Eld Classroom Teacher ._---- _ TPER . TenY,Klmberly Ann _ TPER - Kasper,Catherlne D. - .~o ~~~~~_~.c.F=TE. Seniority Job Title TPER 1.00 0812212007 .• _.,- RegUlar Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Reld,Mark J. Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/2212007 Slelnhelmer,Kaie Shertdan Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 TPER Ortando,Corey B --- Chlarchlaro,Jesslca A .. --~ _----- TPER Muldoon,Mary Courtney TPER Knlght,Marlah Joann TPER -------- . . . . -~--~~_._-~-_. Lam,Douglas W TPER ----- ------~ Bass,Stephen L TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 -----~ Vargas,Juan M TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Sambrone,Amber E TPER Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Y1ldlz,Suzan F. TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Lee,AmyS TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Mullin,ErikE TPRZ Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Harris,Yukendra Louise TPER Eld Classroom Teacher .~ 1.00 0812212007 - _ _0 _ 0 ° Laurence,leslle Shayna TPER Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Moless,Jennlfer Joan TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Levfen,Zareen Anjall Poonen TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Avlla,Peler Anthony AOM1 Principal Elementary 1.00 0812212007 Casey,Angela M. TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812212007 Van Velsor,Sarah F. TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08120/2007 This list inciudes individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List - 2009-2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT:-MULTIPLE SUBJECT By Seniority Name _ _-cNguyen,Blch Thl Falgenbaum,Deborah Helene --- AppType __ ~~ ~ Job Title ._. FTE :Sj;nlorlly :.:.-:...w:="'- TPER Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 06/0612007 ADM3 Prindpal Elementary 0.50 07/01/2007 ----- This list Includes Individuals who were displaced (I.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services, _ Certificated LayOff List· 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT: ~MUSIC By Seniority Name Moore,Stephen A. Young,Manuel R. Gross,A1mee Elizabeth ---- ~ 1.00 01/0812009 TPR2 Music Teacher 0.50 10/06/2008 TPR2 Music Teacher 0.40 10/06/2008 TPR2 Music Teacher 0.60 08/20/2008 TPR2 Music Teacher 0.40 08/20/2008 TPR2 Music Teacher 1.00 08/20/2008 ~ -----~-----~-------- Sakura,Aiko TPR2 Music Teacher 0.70 08/20/2008 BabJera,DJuna Ecarma TPR2 Music Teacher 0.80 08/20/2008 IT Music Teacher 0.60 08/20/2008 ~=a~-~~~;~~-----------~~ ._ -._.... __ .. IT Regular Classroom Teacher _.~~ .. "- 020 08/20/2008 This list Includes Individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers Who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUBjECT: ,NURSE By Seniority Name . . . .'_"'_ Ap"'p:..:T"'yp':.:e:.....____ Job Tille ___ .-£..~~" _~~~cniority_~ Lam,Rebecca TPR1 Nurse 1.00 08119/2009 Mansfleld,Deborah I. TPR1 Nurse 1.00 08119/2009 Evenhouse,Genevieve TPR1 Nurse Satow,Valerle Olivia TPR2 Nurse 1.00 08120/2008 Nickelson,Yolanda Manley TPR2 Nurse 1.00 08120/2008 Ward,Kathleen E -------~ •._. 1.00 02109/2009 ----- 1.00 08120/2008 Nurse __TPR2 ..._ - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _......_- Barbary,Mlchelle Bernadette TPR2 Nurse 1.00 08120/2008 Preyer-Watts,Mary~Mlchael TPER Nurse 1.00 1012212007 ----- .... ------- --- This list includes individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List - 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT:" PE By Seniority Name AppType Olson,Roger SU9 TPR1 Job Title __ .. _.__..._.I'TE Seniority Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/19/2009 Coleman,Rashalda Nicole TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08119/2009 KawaJl,Darren Anthony TPR1 Eld Classroom Teacher 1.00 08119/2009 Papagnl,John D. TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 01105/2009 AtlawaY,Matthew Wade TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 11/13/2008 TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher 0.60 0911512008 Regular Classroom Teacher 0.40 09/15/2008 TPR2 - - - ' - - - - - ' - - - - --- - - , Atklnson,Emlly A TPR2 ---- Noone,Kyle Quinlan TPR2 --- 1.00 08120/2008 1.00 08120/2008 This list includes individuals who were displaced (Le. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List - 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SU!3JECT:.·.RE:SOl:l.RCE/LiTERACY By Seniority Name Koblenz,Patricia Ann AppType_ TPR1 Job Title ---- Bilingual Classroom Teacher ._~---~-- ~ FTE lieniority 1.00 0811912009 -- Collett,Jennlfer Marfe TPR2 Literacy Specialist 0.40 0811912009 Teper,Vlada TPR1 Literacy Specialist 0.50 08119/2009 Literacy Specialist 1.00 0811912009 ------Skrivanlch,Mary Ann TPR1 ---~ Spurchlse,lauren Beth TPER Literacy Specialist 0.74 08/2212007 ._-_.----- This list includes individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT:<'-SOCIALSCIENCE By Seniority Name AppType Seligson,Walker K Job Title FTE Seniority TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 10/0812009 Arabia,Hugo Boris ADM1 Assistant Prlncipal High Sch. 1.00 09/0812009 Altshuler,Dana S TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/19/2009 TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/19/2009 ---- ---Li,Katie Vue Sum . ' __ 0---' _ Coghlan.Palrick F TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08119/2009 Delgado,Chela M. TPR1 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 08/1912009 Hfgglnbotham,Andre R TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher Glasser,NichoJas R. TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher MagsanaY,Matihew S. TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher Jemlgan,Douglas Stuart TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher --- ---- --~-- _. -_.- .. - - 1.00 10/08/2008 ------1.00 09/1512008 1.00 08125/2008 -- -_._---_._-1.00 08120/2008 ~- •• _o Regular Classroom Teacher Un9.V1cky 1.00 08120/2008 0.60 0812012008 0.40 08/20/2008 Jazayerl,Nader Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 0812012008 .~---- Ly.Loan Kim TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher Amador,Omar TPR2 Regular Classroom Teacher - - - - _ . ---_ ... _. -- - - - - - - - - TPR2 Tyson,Jessica L. . Regular Classroom 'feacher 1.00 0812012008 ... ~----- ADM1 1.00 08/20/2008 ---~ - Lepe,Sylvla Esther 1.00 0812012008 _ - - _._-- Principal Elemenlary ' - - - 1.00 08/13/2008 ------ This list includes individuals who were displaced (I.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009-2010 05/1112010 SUBJECT:·. SPANISH By Seniority _ _ _ _ _~Na=me AppType Cuevas-Antillon,Jorge Arnalda ADM Job Title FTE Seniority~.,,-. _ _ Supervisor 1.00 0710112010 Regular Classroom Teacher 1.00 01125/2010 ~~ Ruiz,Luda M ET This list includes individuals who were displaced (I.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009·2010 0511112010 SUBJECT:-TSA APD By Seniority This list includes individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List - 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT: -TSAPEERRESOURCES By Seniority Name AppType Job Tille FTE ls~iili?(ltY, Jupiter·Jones,Annle TPR1 Peer Resource Teacher 0.50 11/30/2009 Bjorklund,Amelia Beth TPR1 1.00 08119/2009 Brown,Gregory Paul TPR2 Peer Resource Teacher .-.. _. Peer Resource Teacher _._--_ .. ~-._--._- --------- 0.75 10120/2008 This list includes individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009·2010 05/11/2010 iSUBJECT:· TSASSS By Seniority Name --------- AppType Job Tille :s.~:rllority . _FTE - Rlsl,Brian Andrew TPR2 Teacher Special Assign 1.00 08120/2008 VieJra,Krisloffer TPR2 Teacher Spedal Assign 1.00 08120/2008 Dvorak,Jeffrey P TPR2 Teacher Spedal Assign 1.00 03/03/2008 Archer.Marylynn Ruth TPR2 leacher Special Assign 1.00 0112412008 --- ----_.- This list Includes Individuals who were displaced (I.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009-2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT:-VOCATIONAL ARCHITECTURAL By Seniority Name Olmedo,Cynthla I. ApI'T~~ TPER Job TIlle Regular Classroom Teacher FTE Seniority 1.00 09/1212005 This list includes individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUaJl:CT:·VOC,t\TIOfll,t\LCUPfIlf\RY ay Seniority Name Lee,Sharon AppType TPER ~~-<-~~- Job Title FTE Seniority <~~---<~~~--'---'-~=-:-~ Regular Classroom Teacher 0.60 0911812006 This list includes individuals who were displaced (I.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT: .VQCATIONALFIr-/;t\NQEi&!B By Seniority _ _ _N",ame Wong, Ellen H. . . _~pType ADM1 Job Title Assistant Principal High Sch. HE Seniority . 1.00 0812512004 This list includes individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services. Certificated LayOff List· 2009·2010 05/11/2010 SUBJECT: • VOCA1110f\lAL..HOSPlirALlTY By Seniority _ _ _ _ ~~.!___._.__. Cravens,A11ce M App~yP_e TPR1 J_o_b_T_ltI_e_ _ __.. Regular Classroom Teacher F!E_. Seniority 1_00 0811912009 This list indudes individuals who were displaced (i.e. "bumped") by more senior teachers who are certificated and competent to render those services.