Forår 2015 - Institut for Statskundskab


Forår 2015 - Institut for Statskundskab
Pensum i Almen Statskundskab
Institut for Statskundskab
Københavns Universitet
Forår 2015
B : Bog opstillet på semesterhylde ved CSS Studiebibliotek og fakultetsbiblioteket
K : Materiale findes i kompendium som sælges i Akademisk Boghandel
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OA : Betyder open access på internettet
ABS: Materiale tilgængeligt på Absalon under faget
K 1Almond, Gabriel A. & Sidney Verba (1963). An Approach to Political Culture. In: The Civic
Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in five Nations. London: Sage, pp. 1-41.
K 2Almond, Gabriel A. (1996). Political Science: The History of the Discipline. In: Robert E.
Goodin & Hans-Dieter Klingemann (eds.): A New Handbook of political Science. Oxford
University Press, pp. 50-89. (I alt 39 sider).
E Bachrach, Peter & Morton S. Baratz (1962). Two Faces of Power. American Political Science
Review, vol. 56(4), pp. 947-952. (I alt 6 sider). (E-tidsskrift i REX)
K 3Beetham, David (1991). The legitimation of power. London: Macmillan, chapt.: Towards a
Social-scientific Concept of Legitimacy, pp. 3-25. (I alt 23 sider).
OA Bell, Stephen (2002). Institutionalism. In: John Summers (Ed.): Government, Politics, Power
And Policy In Australia. 7th ed., pp. 363-380 NSW Australia: Pearson Education Australia. (I alt 17
E Blumler, Jay G. & Dennis Kavanagh (1999). The Third age of Political Communication:
Influences and Features. Political Communication, vol. 16(3), pp. 209-230. (I alt 19 sider).
(E-tidsskrift REX)
K4 Carmines, Edward G. & Robert Huckfeldt (1996). Political Behavior: An overview.
In: Robert E. Goodin and Hans-Dieter Klingemann (eds.): A New Handbook of Political Science.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 223-254. (I alt 28 sider).
K5 Clegg, Stuart (1989). Frameworks of Power. London: Sage, pp. 50-65. (I alt 16 sider).
K6 Dahl, Robert A. (1961). Who Governs? Democracy and Power in an American City. New
Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 223-228, 271-275, 305-325. (I alt 32 sider).
B Dahl, Robert A. (1989). Democracy and Its Critics. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 106131, 213-224, 242-264, 311-341 [noter s. 353-355, 361-365 & 370-371]. (I alt 90 sider).
K7 Downs, Anthony (1957). The basic logic of voting. In: An Economic Theory of Democracy,
Harber Row, pp. 36-51. (I alt 15 sider).
K8 Dryzek, John & Patrick Dunleavy. (2009). Theories of the democratic state. London:
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 35-78. ISBN: 9780230542877
K9 Dye, Thomas & Harmon Ziegler (1996). The Irony of Democracy. In: Eva Etzioni-Halevy:
Classes and Elites in Democracy and Democratization. N.Y.: Garland Publishing. pp 155-159.
(I alt 5 sider).
K10 Elklit, Jørgen (2013). Valgsystemerne. I: Jørgen Grønnegard Christensen og Jørgen Elklit
(red.). Det demokratiske system. Hans Reitzels Forlag, pp. 29-63. (I alt 34 sider).
K11 Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1990). The Three Political Economies of the Welfare State. In: The
Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 9-34. (I alt 26 sider).
B Gallagher, Michael, Michael Laver & Peter Mair (2011). Representative Government in
Modern Europe: Institutions, Parties, and Governments. (5.ed). Boston: McGraw Hill, pp. 23-78,
195-321, 326-407. (I alt 252 sider).
E Gomez, Brad T., & Thomas G. Hansford (2014). "Economic Retrospection and the Calculus of
Voting." Political Behavior, vol. 36, pp. 1-21. (I alt 20 sider). (E-tidsskrift i REX)
E Robert E. Goodin & Hans-Dieter Klingemann (1996). Political Science: The Discipline. In:
Robert E. Goodin & Hans-Dieter Klingemann (eds.). A New Handbook of political Science. Oxford
University Press, pp. 3-37. (I alt 34 sider). (E-bog REX)
E Hall, Peter A. & Rosemary C.R. Taylor (1996). Political Science and the Three New
Institutionalisms. Political Studies, vol. 44(5), pp. 936-957. (I alt 22 sider). (E-tidsskrift i REX)
K12 Hansen, K. M.. Hoff, J. & Kosiara-Pedersen, K. (2014). ”Kandidaternes kampagner” pp.
67-88 in Hansen, K.M. & Kosiara-Pedersen, K. (eds.) (2014) Folketingsvalgkampen 2011 i
perspektiv. Kbh.: DJØF-forlag. (I alt 20 sider).
K13 Hansen, K. M. (2014). ”Konklusion – valgkampens karakteristika, effekter og fremtid” pp.
407-414 in Hansen, K.M. & Kosiara-Pedersen, K. (eds.) (2014) Folketingsvalgkampen 2011 i
perspektiv. København: DJØF-forlag. (I alt 7 sider).
E Harmel, R., & K. Janda. (1994). An integrated theory of party goals and party change. Journal
of theoretical politics, 6(3), 259-287. (I alt 28 sider). (E-tidsskrift I REX)
E Helmke, Gretchen & Steven Levitsky (2004). “Informal Institutions and Comparative Politics:
A Research Agenda. Perspectives on politics, vol. 2 (4), pp. 725-740.
(I alt 15 sider). (E-tidsskrift I REX)
E Hume, David (1985). “Of the Origin of Government”, I: “Essays: Moral, Political and Literary.”
Liberty Fund: Indianapolis, pp. 37-41). (I alt 4 sider). (E-bog I REX)
E Inglehart, Ronald (1981). Post-materialism in an Environment of Insecurity. American Political
Science Review, vol. 75(4), pp. 880-900. (I alt 19 sider). (E-tidsskrift i REX)
E Karlsen, R. (2009). Online and Undecided: Voters and the Internet in the Contemporary
Norwegian Election Campaign. Scandinavian Political Studies, 33(1), pp. 28-50. (I alt 22 sider).
(E-tidsskrift i REX)
E Katz, Richard S. & Peter Mair (1995). Changing Models of Party Organization and Party
Democracy: The Emergence of the Cartel Party. Party Politics, vol. 1(1), pp. 5-28. (I alt 22 sider).
(E-tidsskrift i REX)
K14 Kurrild-Klitgaard, Peter (2005). Individ, stat og marked: Studier i rationalitet og politik.
København: Forlaget Politiske Studier, pp. 69-100 og 139-143. (I alt 39 sider).
E Laver, Michael (1997). Private Desires, Political Action: An Invitation to the Politics of
Rational Choice. Sage, pp. 18-68. (I alt 50 sider). (E-bog I REX)
K15 Levi, Margaret (2002). The State of the Study of the State. In: Ira Katznelson & Helen V.
Milner (eds.): Political Science: State of the Discipline. N.Y: W. W. Norton, 2002, pp. 33-55.
(I alt 23 sider).
E Lipset, Seymour Martin (1959). Some Social requisites of Democracy: Economic Development
and Political Legitimacy. American Political Science Review, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 69-105.
(I alt 36 sider). (E-tidsskrift REX)
K16 Lukes, Steven (2002). Lukes. In ddrag redigeret af Mark Haugaard (2002). Power: a Reader.
Manchester: Manchester University Press. pp. 38-57. (I alt 20 sider).
K17March, James G. & Johan P. Olsen (1989). Rules and the Institutionalization of Action. In:
Rediscovering Institutions: The Organizational Basis of Politics. New York: the Free Press, pp. 2138. (I alt 18 sider).
K18 Mouritzen, Poul Erik. "Spændinger i velfærdsstaten? 13 udfordringer til den danske
velfærdsstat. I: Jørn Henrik Petersen; Klaus Petersen (red..). Odense : Syddansk Universitetsforlag,
2004. (2004): 77-91. (I alt 16 sider).
K19 Møller, Jørgen & Svend-Erik Skaaning. (2013). Democracy and Democratization in Comparative
Perspective. N.Y.: Routledge, chapt. 3: Typologies of Democracy and Autocratic Regimes, pp. 39-49. (I alt
16 sider)
E Needham, Catherine (2005). Brand leaders: Clinton, Blair and the Limitations of the Permanent
Campaign. Political Studies, vol. 53(2), pp. 343-361. (I alt 15 sider). (E-tidsskrift REX)
K20 North, Douglas C. (1981). “Chapter 3: A Neoclassical Theory of the State” i “Structure and
Change in Economic History." New York: Norton, pp. 20-33. ( Ialt 13 sider).
K21 Norris, Pippa (2007). Political Activism: New Challenges, New Opportunities. In: Charles
Boix & Susan C. Stokes (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. Pp. 628-649. (I alt 17 sider).
K22 Olson, Mancur. (1965). Logic of Collective Action: Public goods and the theory of groups.
Harvard University Press, pp. 5-52. SBN:674537505
B Ougaard, Morten (2011). Nicos Poulantzas. København: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag.
(I alt 60 sider).
K23 Pedersen, Søren Hviid (2011). Carl Schmitt. Jurist- Økonomforbundets Forlag, pp. 9-34 og
pp. 101-111). (I alt 33 sider).
E Petrocik, J. R. (1996). Issue ownership in presidential elections, with a 1980 case study.
American Journal of Political Science, pp. 825-850 (I alt 25 sider).
K24 Pierson, Paul & Theda Skocpol (2002). Historical Institutionalism in Contemporary Political
Science. In: Ira Katznelson & Helen V. Milner (eds.): Political Science: The State of the Discipline.
New York: W.W. Norton & Company. pp. 693-721. (I alt 29 sider).
E Przeworski & Limongi (1997). Modenization: Theories and Facts. World Politics, Vol. 49, No.
2, pp. 155-183 (appendiks er ikke pensum). (I alt 20 sider).
E25 Putnam, Robert D. (1995). Bowling alone: America’s declining social capital. Journal of
Democracy, vol. 6(1), pp. 65-78. (I alt 14 sider).
K25 Putnam, Robert D. (1994). Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy.
Princeton University Press, pp. 163-186. (I alt 23 sider).
E Schudson, M. (2002). The News Media as Political Institutions. Annual Review of Political
Science, 5, 249-269. (I alt 20 sider).
K26 Schumpeter, J.A. (1950). Another Theory of Democracy: In: Capitalism, Socialism, and
Democracy (3. ed.). London: George Allen & Unwin, pp. 269-283. (I alt 15 sider).
K27 Slothuus, Rune (2010): ”Framing og politiske partier: Kan den rette indpakning gøre politiske
forslag mere spiselige?”, Politica 42(3), pp. 345-360. (I alt 15 sider).
E Strömbäck, Jesper (2008). Four Phases of Mediatization: An Analysis of the Mediatization of
Politics. Press/Politics, Vol. 13:3, pp. 228-246. (I alt 19 sider).
E Strömbäck, Jesper (2005). In Search of a Standard: Four Models of Democracy and Their
Normative Implications for Journalism. Journalism Studies, 6, pp. 331-345. (I alt 14 sider).
K28 Stubager, Rune og Kasper Møller Hansen (2013). Social baggrund og partivalg, i: Stubager,
R., Hansen, K. M., & Andersen, J. G. (Eds.). (2013). Krisevalg - Økonomien og folketingsvalget
2011. Copenhagen: DJØF forlag, pp. 61-88. (I alt 28 sider).
E Taber, C. S. & Lodge, M. (2006). Motivated skepticism in the evaluation of political beliefs.
American Journal of Political Science, 50(3), pp. 755-769. (I alt 12 sider).
E Tilly, Charles (1985). War Making and State Making as Organized Crime. In: Peter Evans,
Dietrich Rueschmeyer & Theda Skocpol (eds.). Bringing the State Back In. Cambridge University
Press, pp. 169-191. (I alt 22 sider). (E-Bog REX)
E Warren, Mark E. (1999). What is Political? Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol. 11(2), pp. 207231. (I alt 24 sider).
K29 Weber, Max (2003). "Politiske og hierokratiske sammenslutninger", I.: Max Weber (2003).
Udvalgte tekster, Bind 2, Hans Reitzel, pp. 237-239. (I alt 3 sider).
K30 Weingast, Barry R. (2002). Rational-Choice Institutionalism. In: Ira Katznelson & Helen V.
Milner (eds.): Political Science: The State of the discipline. New York: W.W.Norton, pp. 660-692.
(I alt 33 sider).
K31 Zaller, John R. (1992). Information, Predispositions, and Opinion. In: The nature and origins
of mass opinion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 6-39. (I alt 34 sider).
K32 Zuckerman, A. S. E. (2005). The social logic of politics. Personal networks as contexts for
political behavior, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp.3-20. (I alt 17 sider).
Obligatorisk pensum: ca. 1300 sider.
Supplerende pensum: ca. 230 sider