1965 Jewett Family of America Yearbook
1965 Jewett Family of America Yearbook
INDEX The Officers and Directors 5 The President '8 Re,port 7 Report of the Twenty-Third Reunion, Rowley 8 New Members 9 Notes 10 Births 12 Treasurer's Report 13 Report of ,the Fiftietlh Gathering at M,Mon 15 l\'1arriages .18 Other R·eunions 19 Necrology 20 Descendants of Willard Jewett 22 .. 3 - Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Jewett Golden Wedding Anniversary - June 25, 1962 - 4 - THE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS THE JEWETT FAMILY OF AMERICA, INC. President Emeritus Theo S. Je,vett, Laconia) Ne,v Hanlpshire President Roger ~J ewett, Wil1iamsto,,'"n, ~lassachusetts Vice President E,dgar B. Jewett, III, North Salem, Ne,v York Recording Secretary a.nd Treasurer Everett D. Jewett, Rovvley, Massachusetts C,nrresponding Secretary Mrs. Edna P. Jewett, Rowley,Massa0husetts Auditor Porter Jewett Perkins, Wenham, Massac1husetts Everett D. Jewett, Rowley, Massachusetts Historia:n DIRECTORS The President, Vice Pres:ild'enrt and Recording Secretary Theo S. Jewett, L,aconia, Ne,v Hampshire Raymond D.Jewett, Springfield, M,ass,achusetts E. Tilson Pe,ahody, Birmingham, Michigan Herschel C. Jewett, Mason, Michigan Shep,ard L. Jewett, Lynn, M!a:ssachusetts Porter J. Perkins, Wewham, Massachusetts George Harold Pflau, Tuscon, Arizona Donald C. Jewett, Clevelan:d, Ohio Alfred D. Jewett, Rowley, Mas'sachusetts Albert W. Haley, R,owley, Mlassachusetts $2.00 Annual Dues $20.00 Life Membership $1.00 Yearbook Subs1cription The Jewett Family of America, Inc. P. O. Box 251 Rowley, Massachusetts - 5 - Twenty-third Reunion, Jewett Family of America, Rowley, Massachusetts July 11, 1964 THE PRESIDENT'S REPORT Hopper Road Williamstown, Mass. December 27, 1964 To the Jewetts of America: Greetings! The year 1964 has been one of leiss travel for your president, and con'siderable thought being given to trying to get a Memorial Library under w,ay. This Yearhook will include a report on the Reunion held in Rowley during the past summer as p,art of the 3'25th anniversary of the founding of the town. Weare ple,ased to introduce to you our new vice president, Edgar B. Jewett, III,a great gran,dson of the first president of the Jewett Falnily of America. He is a busy young man, as he travels about the country as viee president of J. W. Clement C,ompany, printers. He and his attractive young family live in North Salem, Westchester County, Ne,v York, where they have a stable of riding horses, wihich suggests one sport hobby; the other being skiing. It has been deemed advis'able for some time to find a way in which contributions to the Jewett Memorial Library would be considered tax exempt by the Federal Government. This ,vas one of the principal reasons for establishing t~he Jewett Memorial Library, Inc. We discovered that one way was to give th,e library to the town as a municipal library. This eouid be done under certain conditions, but these eonditions might inclu:de limitations on gifts made to the town directly. So it appears better to seek contributions ultinlately to be made to the Jewett Mem'orial Library, Inc., for ,ve would then have control of the funds to be used to build a town library. As late as this December 18th, a revised application for the exemption has been filed which we h'ope will be acted upon favorably by the Federal government. You shall hear from us soon after we receive the anticipated exemption. There is a limited supply of Castleton China plates, with Jewett Coat-of-Arms in eolor, offered at $8.50, including insured mailing. Send your request to me. Toujours Ie meme Roger J e,vett - 7 - REPORT OF THE BUSINES,S MEETING OF THE JEWETT FAMILY OF AMERIC A, INC. at the Twenty-thi:vd Reunion July 11, 1964 Rowley, Mass. Morning Session Organ Prelude, Selections from .Dup,re and Guilrnant lVIrs. Sarah F. Peabody Call to Order :President Roger Jewett Invocation Rev. i}eorge L. (J,ory iThe "Je,vett '8 'Patriotic Song .A..lssembly rDhis '~Nas composed H. ~J. Prentiss for the 1855 'Reuni'on. (}reetings from the Tovvn of :Rowley l\1r. \IN"arren C. G~over, Selectman R,esp,onse to (ireeting,s Mr. ]~.THson Secretary and Trea.surer's Reprortls Me :Everett D. Jewett LibraryProg,r-ess Rep,or,t Mr. Tilson .i1.ppreciation of Inembe~s present by a show of hands in u~nanimous agreem.ent. TheNominating C;ommittee - IVriss ~Iari,an 'rodd, (j'hairman Harri1s T,od:d and Mrs. 'Dorothy Brigham ,- offered the followin,g' slate of office~s for the ensuing year: for president, (appointed by the Board of Directors) Rioger ~Jewett; vice president, Edgar ,B. Jewett, III, 'North S,alem, .New York recording secretary an'et treasurer, D. R,owley, Mass.; eorresponding secretary, Mrs. E}dna . ,Jewett .Porter I.'J ewett Pelrkil1iS, 'Wenh:am, IVlass.; historian, Everett R,owley, Mass.; Theo S. ~Jewett, L'aconia, :N. II. Raynlond "Jewett, Sp,ringfielid!, Ma'ss.; E. Tilson Peabody, :Birminghanl, Michigan flers chel C. M!ason, Mlich Shepard L:. Jewett, IJynn, M'ass. ; .Porter ~J. 'Perkins,':Nenhaul. 'N[aI8s.; Georg'eHarold 'Piau, "rUlscon, Ariz. I)onald <J. Jewett, ·(jleveland, ()hio; A l f r e d i v L a s s . , W. IIaley, ,MaS's. It wa,s moved and seconidled that the nominations be cl,osed au,d the above names ~leclared eleeted. The miotion walS passed. Throsemembers '\vho had passeld aWiay since last we met were remembered 1Nith a mornent of silent prayer. The Secretary noted that thi,s'Nas hilS eighteent'h attendance at a reunion, and the shortest busines!s meeting in whicih he had p.articipated. The Family "'Nas read aloud by the . A.:ss,embly. Rev. George The ~meetingadjournedat 11 ~15 vvith a Benediction L. (Jory. i 1 Afternoon Session R,ev" (i-e1orge L. fJorygave the invoeatilon at 12 :30 P. M. F.ollowing t'he dinner, which "raiS served the men andw,omen of the Ro\vley Congre-gattional Church interesting addre,ss 1JVas by M,r. ~Tohn <!J.'\Vith·erspoon. The presIdent presented honorary membership to "Mrs. Hazel·Wells of Orange City, ]~lorida. Letters of best 'wisheis were - 8 - NEW MEMBERS CALIFORNIA 379 J,ohn W. Wattenbarger GEORGIA 8565 Clau'de S. Bridges, III Atlanta MAINE 950 MDS. Helen Noyes M'acKay Stonington MASSACHUSETTS 15,19 R·ussell Jewett Clinton 1519 M~s. Elinor Markeneines Clinton MISSOURI Harolid N. Jewett NEBRASKA R·ev. Robert L. Jewet!t Dakota City NEW YORK 93'2 Granton L. Jewett Earlville 932 Charles J. Norman Mattydale 932 Mrs. D'oris I. Normlan Mannsville Mrs. D\orothy H. Magruder Staten Island Joseph E. Jewett, Jr. Larchmont Junius C. Jewett Berkshire SOUTH DAKOTA Flanrdlreau Marshall Jewett VERMONT 9227 Pa.ul 'E. Jewett, Jr. Bennington Numbers preceding the nam,e:s are the connection in the Jewett Genealogy. DIRECTOR'S MEETING T(he Board of Directors of the Jewett Memorial Library, Inc. met at 3 :30 P. M. with Mr. E. Tilson Peabody presiding. Mr. Roge,r Jewett, was nominated an,d -electelCE president of the Corporation for the coming year. The presi,dent reporrted on his activities duri'ng the p,as:t year, a.n,d on the many calls which he had m'.ade on members of the Association through,out the country. Actions taken by the president were reviewed an,d approv,ed. It was sugge1sted that as soon alS convenient a new Library Committee be formed eomprising the president and clerk of the corporation, Mr. Albert Haley, Mr. E. Tilson Peabody, t'he chairman of the Planning Board of R:owley, a member of the Libr,ary Trustees, tlhe Town Solicitor, and a member of the R·owley Selectmen. The business meet,ing adjourned at 4 :30 P. M. Everett D. Jewett, Clerk - 9 - NOTES We are attempting to trace the ancestors of Harold N. Jewet,t of St. Joseph, Missouri. Bris great gI'landfather was C'hristop\her Columbus Jewett, born in Ohio on June 7, 1838. He lived at One time near Riverton, Iowa, and later homesteaded near Ord, N ebrask1a. He served in the Secon:d Illinois Cavalry during the Civil W1ar. Mr. Jewett's great great gr,andparents were Au:gust (or AU,gustus B.) and Joan Jewett. Can anyone help UJs.1 Dr. Ann E. Jewett, Director of Physical Education for Women, Springfield Oollege, S:pringfield, Mass., ha\s been ;named a vice president of the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. Dr. Jewett received a BA from OberlinOollege in 1941, an MA from the U1nive~sity of Michigan in 1947, and her PlJl'D: from Stanford lJn,iversity in 1951. She i:s a member of m1any honorary fraternitie1s and sororities, and a member of many edueational associations. An imp,res:sive portrait of Dr. Euge,ne Jewett ,of Orlando, Florida wa1s on t1he Coover of the Florida Magazine of June 21, 1964. The ma.gazine also features an article ahout Dr. Jewett and his wife, Dr. RUlth J ewet!t. We are please\d to receive a copy for our archives. Rodney A. Jewett of Orchard Park, New York, reports that his great grandfather and family embarked fflom Ringland for America on an Americ:an ship in 1857. The family consisted of the father, mother and a thirteen year old daughter. Mr. Jewett's grandfather, J oseph Jewett, was horn a\t sea, and his grea.t grandfather died at sea. On arrival in this country the m,other settled with her family in what is. now Lackawana, N,ew York. Any assistan1ce in loca.ting the early records of this family would be appreci1a:te1d by the secretary. Mrs. Mabel E. BlaiT has moved from Brookfield, Illinois to Burlingam,e, Kansals. After living forty-seven yeaI'ls in the Chicago area, she is gLad to return to a sm'all town. Her :son-in-law, after twenty-two years in the Air Force service is now ret,ired, and also lives in Burling'ame with hilS family. W,e are please,d to receive the family rec,ord of William G. Jewett of Gardner, Mass. for our files. We do regret the lack of space prevents our publi'shing it this year. We alls,o appreciate the other family recordR "rhich were sent to us for our archives during 196·4. 'Mr. and Mrs. E,.W. Wiggins of Antw,erp, New York, celebrated their fiftieth weld-ding annive,rsary on Sept. 19, 1964. M,~s. Wiggins writes th,atE:he is feeling much better after her recent illnesl8. Mrs. Roy "Jewett of Eni,d, Oklahom,a has a.greed to donate to the JewettFamily the genealogical recordrs compiled by her late husband as Boon als a fire proof pl'ace has been pI'lovided ~or them. The Secretary and Mrs. Jewett \vish to use this space to acknowledge the many eardf; of greeting "Thich were received during the Chrisltmas Season, and to th,ank all vvho relnembered us, not only vvith cards but with the ffi,any family leiters 'iVere sent to us. The Jewettls migrated to Masls. in 1639. Since then the wan'derlust fever has stayed with descendants. We have received rep'orts of trips in 1964 by our members into all part~ of the country, and to many places in and Asia. Truly the activities of our falnily are rem'arkable. to receive visits from a nu'mber rneHlbers the past year. lvfr. and M·rs. Ralph J~. Itl'orrill of Ann . and Mrs. Merielr \vith their t"yO child.ren frorn . and lVIrs. Malburne J'evvett anfd . an.d M1'lS. Mack,ay of Stonington, and Mr. Quebec vvere a few ,,y'ho 1 "1i':\l.l:lO,C :D.J'i to find confined f~rom the W 'aldob.oro, Maine dated M"arch 1\rIr.s. v\Tinifred J Otseph,soll., refeI"1s -bo the the of Head Tide Dam and Alan Jewett Mrs. .l\.lice A was eonstru·eted at the site as as 1763. L'umber, and fulling rnills h'ave all from the dam. The last, a lumber mill "vas fire the 'so J.\rlr. J ewet,t has been working, since 1956 to relstore the area to its forrner I\fembers of the AJssociation in 'M,aine should on a to the site in Alna. .nrlJ·-""'>J"ll,.. ..",....".. Pattison Ivliss H'awa:ii. to has mloved from An article in a Stonington, Maine news'paper of October refers to the second hand books-hop oWIled j,ointly by your ret,ar:y' and your C'orresp,onding secretary. Kane~ 1964 see- Col. Ed Jewett is the Public- Informati!on Officer at the l)avisM,oultean Air I1"o~ce Baise nea.r Tueson, Ariz,on·a. Dr. "Stephen P. Jewe1tt, formerly professor of Neurology an-d C:hairman iof the Department for m'any years, and now Professor E:meritus of the New York Med1ical College, was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Science by that college in 1960. He is now retired, and resides in West Falls, New York. Helen I. Jewett has moved from Mia nJh att1an, Kansas to S'onorta, Ariz1ona. Harlan E. Jewett of Geneva, Ohio, graduated from Fenn College, Ohi,o on June 1964. He received his B'Rchelo.r of S'cience degree in ~HVUjL~D'IUL of Algona, Iowa reports that her SOIl Robert He and his fam.ily, whic'h includes reside in ..A.marillio, Tex1as. 'rhea S. tJewett of n1"CH:::!:/::'l~7-o.ri N. H. ll'as built I.J'H conia ahout bv ~J aeob as a nUlseum the citizens of that Riehard 'T\...... ,(lT'\,jr\c<O.r1l Jewett wa,s eleeted President of the We,stminster S,chool October 1964. !fr. Jewett and attended C~'olumbia with his wife alid t,v'O ·u~, . Alumlni ","Association '>J -..... Robert J. Young of New Orleans, Louisiana w,a:s one of the many visitor.s that we entertained last year. He is compiling a very impressive reeord of his family lines. Eric Jewett of Long Beach, Calif. gra;duated in J,anuary 1964 at Arizona State University, Temple, Ariz,ona, with a B. S. degree in Business Administration and M,anagement. Dlo Ylou know of anyone who should j'oin the F'amily Association? Nearly every state is represented in our members,hip, but there is strength in numbers, a,nd only by increased membership can w,e grow. We have' new applicati,on forms for prosp,ective members and will be please1d to send them to any,one intlerelsted. Write to your corresponding sec1retary, Mrs. Edna P. Jewett, Rowley, M,ass. BIRTHS RE,PORTED IN 1964 William H. Jewett, formerly of Eureka, C1alifornia, reports that his Marcia aUld her husband, Wallace R,edfield Cooper, are th,e parents of two boys, not previously recorded, Wa:llace Mlac,Donald 'Cooper, born Oetober 8, 1956 and Davis Blaker Cooper, born August 27, 1963. grandau~hter, Mr. anld Mrs. Albert L. Jewett of Erast Hampton, New York report rthe birth of Sally Winifred Jew,ett. The date of her birth was June 2, 1958. A son, D'avid Scott, wrus bor,n to James Francis and Lucia V. (Foster) Adams onlMla,rch 29,19'64. Ijucia is a descendant of Philomelia Jewett who mar.rierd Moses Johnson No. 962 in the J'ewett Generalogy. Michelle Dee L,aw,rence W,3,S born July 18, 1964. Her parents are Edward J. and D'Vee (Jewett) Lawrence of Maple HeighttS, Ohio. Mrs. Lawren,ce is a des:cen'dant of J'os.eph Jewett through Frank Jewett No. 32'87. JUJdy Lynn Kelliar watS born September 1, 1964. She is the daughter of Jackie Lou Kellar, the gra,nddau,ghter of Mary Lou (Jewett) Gorski of Cinc:inna1ti, Ohio, and the great granddaughter of the late E'arl R. Jew:ett No. 7735 jin the Jewett Genealogy. Mr. and Mrs. S. }fac:kenzie P31ige of Windslorr, Quebec, Canada, report that they a<re the grandparents of twin boys born November 16, 1964. Mr. Paige is Idescended from B,enj"amin Jewett No. 180 in the Genrealogy. A daughter w:aAS born to Harlan a.nd Delo~es Jewett of Geneva, Ohi'O, on D'ecember 15, 196-4. Her name is Jennifer Ann. Harlan is a plant ehemist at the General Tire and Rubber 'Clompany, Astabula, Ohio. Other births reported: Tamara J{) J e,vell, "J anuary p'arents, James anrd N,ancy Jew'ell of Leslie, ~ilichigan Diane G,raves, Seprt. 18, 1964, parents, GeT a1d and Elaine Graves Flint, Lynn Albert Jewell, April 6, 1963 in Lansing, and Sc,ott Allen Jewell, .Ap'ril 3, 1964, prarents, Mr. a.n.d Mrs. Clayton Jewell, Jr.; and Lisa Ann, Nov. 11, 1963, parents, R·oland and Janet Brown of Monroeville, Penn. 1 TREASURER'S REPORT September 19, 1963' to September 19, 1964 $ 279.89 Balance on hand September 19, 1963 Receipts : Dues, including new melmbers Life Memberships Donat1ons Sale of YearbookiS Sale of Coat'S-of-A'rms Sale of Reunion Dinner Ticketls $ 496.00 80.00 25.00 40.00 5.00 gO.50 T'otal R,eceipts 736.65 $ 1,016.54 E:xp'endi,tures : Bostage Cuts for Yearhook Publi'cation of Yeiarhook, including envelopes Register of Copyright Oorporation Tax, Commonwealth of Massachusetts F,or the Reunion: Badges Meetinghouse R,eurrion Dinner Reunion P,rogr1ams Printer, Applica,tion Bl'anks Bank C'harges $ 87.50 15.05 480.00 4.00 5.00 10~OO 25.00 175.00 28.00 13.50 2,.78 Total Expenditures * Balance on hand September 19, 1964 in First Nlational Bank, Ipswich, Mass. Edgar B. J ewe:tt Fund B'alance on hand S.eptember 19, 1963 Interest Balance on hand September 19, 1964 Suffolk Savings Bank, Boston, Mass. 758.33 $ 170.71 $ 358.28 14.98 $ 373.26 AUDITOR'S REPORT Jan. 28, 1965 The above accounts have been audited by me. I find th'at the receipts, bank balance and records agree with the above report. Submitted, Po:vter J. Perkins, Auditor - 13 - Golden Anniversary Gathering - Jewett's of Mason, Michigan - July 26, 1964 Account of the Fiftieth Celebration of the Jewett Family Mason~ Mich. since 1914, the J-ewett's of Mason, Michigan, deseendwho settled in Ingham Cou_nty nearly one hundred held a gathering on the la~t Sunday of C;.A!vC;~JltJ_~LJJLJL~ and so we celebrated our golden annihome Mr. and Mrs. E'mery H. Jewett on Sun.da.y the 122 was Mrs. Arlene Ericksen of I~(anRex D. Jewett tw'O grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs EmJ. Eriksen and Rodney D. Jewett. Alnrl.vv"' .............. ery C:hairs and tables were arranged under the century old maple trees and ar,Qund the flower bed'S. Aldlditional flower arrangements were furnished from the Jewett ]"11ower Shop by Mrs. Murryne Jewett. A golden cODsage of nlemory yellow roses was presented to each la:dy, anld a specilal table displayed. the ninety golden rose arrangements of yellow r08es donated by Mrs. Lindsay in memory of her parents, Mr. an,d MI"'s. Arthur W. Je1vett, Sr., and of her bI"'other, the late Richard C. Jewett. A hUlge golden tiere,d cake, furnished by the host ankll hos,tess, held the p,l'ac,e of honor. O'n large table:s, pictures, heirlooms and mementos, loaned for the members of the Mason Jewett fa'milie,s, were on di.splay. Included among thelse items vvas the powder h,orn carried by Ichabod Jewett during the Revolutionary War, anld a bronze medal won by Arthur W. Jewett, Sr., for floral displays at the World Columbian Exposition in 1893. occ~si'On by The decorated cake contest, with seventeen entries, was won by Mrs. Arthur W_ ~Jewett. The judge, Mr. Wilfred L. Jewett, suggested thalt there was very little choice - eaC'h cake looking so beautiful. The dinner of hOll'e cooked food wals served bv the ladies of the family after M'I1s. Alton (lone A. ) Jewett h,ad asked G~d 's ble:s:sin,g on the group assembled. F,ollowin:g" the repast the businesls m'eeting was called to order by the President, Herschel C. Jewett. A prayer comp,oiS'ed by Mrs. Alton Jewetlt was read by the Rev. Ronald E. Benson, of the Wesley Methodist 'Church, Warren, Mich. This prayer will be used a,t future gatherings of the ,group. MDS. Eva Haskell Morse was remembered as the originator of the Jewett gathering in 1914. Her home, ,v,here the gathering took place, is ,still standing. M'r. George W. Jewett of Eaton Rapids, Mich., brou!ght to Mason for the occasion by his daughter, M,rs. Carrie J. Lane, was honored wit,h a. gollden V3Jse of yellow rosels for bein,g the oldest person p:re:sent. He will celehrate his ninety-ninth birthday on August 30, 1964. Mr. ~Tewett, noted for hi'S speaking ability, entertaine,d all with his recitations and philosophical remarks. o - 15 - First Gathering - Jewett's of Mason, Michigan - 1914 .... LL.JL'-/.LJLJL,...U.'.X.L roses ,vas presented Mr. and ~Irs. Lester for displaying a 125 year old brass lamp, the late Dr. Jeremliah P. Je,vett ,..,LC:.,I...LI.'"i..LtLM,I.i.l:.i.'l/.J.. • ....... n A melHorial submitted hi's Mrs. Mlardelon ~""JL""'.-', (~,..,.."'+ .. roses was presented to Mr. and M'rs. Emery hos!t and hostess. siketch of Arthur W. J'ewett, Sr., was }1--'., Wilfred 1.1., Arthur W., Emery Mrs. E-'lorence J e,vell. U.J.,,"'s;.;;..LUrj..)".1..J.A·\JUd. ...'JI.""'.Y of the life of lVf1attie Bell Mixter was sublnitM~s.Besslie D'ernlondy, Benson and l\Irs. aliSO contributed poems and writings 's genealogical records. "'..·L.., ...........L ... V.,,/.L'kJ. sketch of ICfharlels A.. l)amon ~ras presented by his. M~I{jnley, Mrs. Betty Gwge a:nd 1\1:~s. ~lary For·~lfis. Gertrude KeppenofGaleta, 'C'aI. wrus unahle D,am'On wars :Dam'ous for hi!s skill '\vi.rth firearm'S. He in tr;avelling Wild \\Test Sho"rs, and at the Chicago W arId '8 where he was featurejd as "Left I-Iand Charlie" the 'V arId '8 champion shot. His eoJlection of firearms, indian etc." are on display Et S11Ull1 'B1USeUfil in F~enton, ~fichigan. Jack veterans of fhe first effortls in rnaking Applauded were Mr. and Mrs. J e~lse F. Miller. They now reside on the original Jew·ett homestead in OheLsea, Mic'higan, settled in 1836 by Eleazer and Submit (Porter) Jewett. The b'aby novelty for the youngesrt ·giTl present went to Lamora J 0 Jewell, born January 30, 1964, daugh;ter of Mr. and MI'ls. James Jewell of Leslie, Mieh. T'he youngest boys prelS'ent were LaValleCeilon Lamphere, son of Gary and Judith (Jewett) L,amphere, born August 31, 1963; and Scott Al~en, son of Mr. and M~s. Clayton L. Jewell; Jr., of Lansing, Mlich. S00tt was born April 3, 1964. Entertainment for the children inclulded a bubble gum c:ontest, won by Miss Carol Jewett of Detroit, aUld a watermelon eating c.ontest won by John Richert of Wrushington, D. C., Steven and Rodney Jewett of Jackson Michigan. The prizes were donated by E:mery Jewett. Seven of those attending trace their line hack to Deacon Mlaximillian Jewett who settled in Rowley, M1asis, in 1639. They ,vere Mr. Lester A. Snell, M.r. E,dward Kelley, Mrs. Barbara Dorn, Jean, Pa't, Marvin and Tim'my Dorn. The others present of Jewett deiS'cent tDace their ancestry to J O'S'eph Jewett, the brother of Maxinlilian, and also one of the first settle~s of Rowley. Representing theCh.an.dler Jewett family of Robin Hood, Me. was Mrs. A. 'Mackenzie and family of Mt. Morriss, Michigan. Mrs. Mackenzie is the daughter of S'tanley B. Jewett. In all twenty.,six biographieal sketches of Jewetts and Jewett descendants were submitted to the secretary. It ]s hoped th,a.1 these records may at some future time be. published in book form. M'any letters of regret wer,e received from those who were unable to be present. The meeting adjourne,d after tribu!tes had been plaid to those me'mbers and friends of the family w'ho were no longer with us. Fo}lowing the close of the meeting, friends and relativeiS spent tho remainde:rof the afternoon looking at the mementos anld pictures and reminiscing about old times. Touj ouns Ie M,eme Madelon (Jewett) Lin'dsay Secretary - 18 - MARRIAGES Mis'S Panlela J e"Tett, daughter of Lt. Col. and Mrs. John H. J e,vett, and Joseph A. Panella, Jr. were married in Kelly Airforce Base Chapel on September 19, 1964. Elizabeth K. Je,vett of Quincy, M,ass., daughter of l\frs. Dorothy Bovven J e,vett of South Weym,outh, Mass., and Aubrey E. Elms of Abington, M,as:s., were married) March 28, 1964. Lucia V. Foster, youngest dau:ghter of David S. and Mary J. (Johnson) Foster ,vas rnarried to James F'rancils Adamson June 15,1963. Mrs. Adams is a descendant of Philomelia Jewett No. 962 in the genealogy. Your secretary reports the marriage of his fourth and younges't son, Eldward Jewett to Mliss Arline Smith, daughter of A. Huntley and Gertrude Smith of Ipswich, Mass., on MlaTch 15, 1964. They are residing in East Liansing, Michigan, where Edward is attending Michigan State University. AliSO the marriage of hilS younge1st daughter, Natalie Jew,ett to Glenn D1ougl,as Bruce, son of Mr. and Mr,s. Robert Bruce of Brandford, Conn., in the By£ield Parish Church, South Byfield, Mass. on June 21, 1964 Miss Gay L,esoro Benson, daughter of Mrs. Mary Bens.on of Miami, F1lorida, and Kenneth F. Kielbania of the United States Air Force vvere married in the Epi!sc:opal Church, Miami, February 1, 1964. They are residing in Europe. Miss Leilani R,ossman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Rossmlan of Parma, Michigan, an'd Mr. Thomas Deatrik were m,arri€ld July 5, 1964. They are residing in Parma. Miss M,ary Ann Fredericks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fredericks of Mason, Miehig1an, and Mr. Davild F. Cox were married in the M. E. Church, l\1:ason on August 15, 1964. Mrs. Cox teaches in Detroit, and Mr. C/ox is eontroller at the Dearborn Inn, Dearborn, Mrichigan. - 19 ~ OTHER JEWETT GATHERINGS 1964 Jewett Family Reunion at Hampton, Connecticut. The 26th annual Je,vett Fa111ily reunion \yas held on Sunday, July 26th, 1964 at the h0111e of Arthur E., and Mr. and ~f!rs. Arthur B. Pearl on Hampton Hill. Some fifty adults and numerous children gathered on one of the most pleasant days vve have had this summer. The festivities began shortly after 1 :00 P. M. vvith the singing of the "D'dx'Ology" and "America the Beautiful", prior to our sitting do,vn to our mid-day meal. Upon completion of the meal, some time vvas spent in picture taking and determing who \vere the oldest and the y10ungest members present. The oldest wrus Arthur E. Pearl, 86 years; and the youngest, his grandson, Kevin E. Pearl, 2 years old. T.he meeting wrus finally brought to order by the President, Viola J. Clapp at 2 :30 P. M. and the Secretary's and Treasurer's rep10rts were rea,d and ap,proved. The Secretary then read letters from Mary Stone of Keene, New Hampshire, and Everett D. Jewett of Rowley, Mass., and a Night-letter from Roger Jewett of WilliamistowTI, Massachusetts; t,he latter two gentlemen being Secretary and Pre8ident of the Jewett Fiamily of America. All expressed their regrets at being unable to be with us. Carl Jewett mentioned that he had just received a letter from the Palmer's from Florida, who sent their greetings to all present. Cards were signed -by the group and sent to M'rs. Reginald Thayer at the Hartford Hosp-ital, and to Mlary W. Jewett at a Nursing Home in Abington, Oonn. Mary is our oldest living member and is the mother of Vice President Carl Jewett, and Mrs. Vera Hoffman, with whom she had ma:de her home until recently. T;he llleeting conclu,ded wi;th the heads of familie:s, or in many cases their more talkative spouces, giving a report on the family'8 activities for the past year. The meeting adjourned at 3 :30 P. M. with the understanding that we w'ould return to the Pearl homestead on the last Sunday in July, next year. Respectfully submitted Ulmer M. J ewet1t, Secretary Descendants of Charles and Harriet Louise (Cowles) Jewett The fi£th annual reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I..Jue R. Merriam in Wellsburg, New York on August 2, 1964. Berkshire Vermont Family Reunion The seventh annulal gathering of the J ewetts of Berkshire, Vermont was held at Witch Cat Falls, East Bakersfield, on September 6, 1964. - 20 - NECROLOGY Mrs. Marion Drake died in San Fra,ncLseo, March 19, 1964 at the age of 76. Her Jewett line walS EdwiaI'ld, M!aximillian, Ezekiel, Maximillian, S-arah (Jewett) Picka.rd, Jeremiah Pickard!, Amos Pickard, Jeremi'ah Pickard, Sara:h Elizabeth (Pick-arid) Green. Mr. E'dward C. Jewett passed aw,ay December 16, 19'63. He was horn in Westmorelan,d County, New York, anidl died in Elg~n, Illinois. He h,ad been 'retired from the Elgin Post Office :tor fourteen years. He was of the Maximilian line throu.gh James Gage Jewett N;o. 2035. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Gertrude Jewett, a daugihter Virginia, and a s.on Clarence of Kingsville, Texas. S-cott Rexford Brown, son of Geo~ge and Na,talie Pru,dence (Scott) Brown,died in' C'alrnornia, June 18, 1964. His wife ils the former M'aida Fuller-ton. lM::r. Br.own w,rus a descendant of John Jewett, and his line is N,o. 160 int'he 1962: Yearbook. Praul Wilfred Ensign of Julian, California, passed away June 1, 1964. He "vas ~malirieidl to Ethel Edna Stevens of the line of J ewetts which was published in the 1962 Yearbo.ok. Mr1ss Alice B. Jewett of New Hartford, New York, died August 27, 1964. Sh,e had been a member of the Association since 1953, and was a descendant of J,am·es Ga.ge Jewett No. 2035. MDs. Ethelwyn (Keyes) Marshall, ,vidow of G-eorge MlaI'lsha.ll of Hartford, C-onn., died th,ere November 27, 1964. She was a. faithful sup· porter of the Jewett Family of America, and one of those who joined the Association in 1910. Her line is earried in the Genealogy No. 7530. Mrs. Marion (Stevens) Hughes died at Island Pond, Vermont, Mlay 27, 1964. She W3JS the, wlife of William C. Hughes, and a de:scenda.nt of John Jewett. Her line was publilshed in the 1962 Yearbook. Mrs. ~Julia (Jewett) Lawrence pas,sed away in the summer of 1964. Her line w.aJS Edward, Joseph, JeremiaJh, Eleazer, Ichabod, Benjamin, M:arculs L., Homer Lyon Jewett. She WHS born in Win,dom, Minnesota, Apiril 17, 1881. IMI:vs. Io,n:e A. Jewett, wife of Alton Jewett of M1ason, Mieohigan, died there November 14, 1964. She was the mother of our p,ast p,resident, Herschel C. Jewett. Dr. Everett P. Jewett, Main Street, M'arion, MassaCihuset'ts, formlerly of Worcester aUld Shrewsbury, died at his home, July 20, 1964. He w'as horn in Gardner, Mass:a!chusetts,graduated from Tufts Medical School in 1915, intern:ed at City Hospital, Ohapin Memorial Hospit!al in Providence, Rhode Island and. at Boston Lying-in-Hospital. He did graduate w,ork at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, 1Vlinnesota.. Dr. Jewett served as senior p;hy:sici!£tn at Plymouth C·ounty Hospital in Hanson. During World War 1 he s-erved as medical officer with the United States Medical Reserve in Canada and overseas. He wa.s clalleld into aetive service in World Wlar II, and served as Lt. Com. in the Miedical Oorps, U. S. N. R. - 21 - Horace Hull J,ewet't, age 74 1964. He was born in Oneida City, Hattie J. (Kelly) Jewett. Survivor,s of S~alem and Mm. C,hmstabel Kraps of Plortland; two br,otheDs, ardC. J,ewett ,of Portland, and Howard Jewett of GentralPoint, Oregon. George Hull Jewett died July 6, 1944; his wife Hattie J. (Kelly) ,Jewett :med October, 1934. .L....... v' ... UL ....4 V George Swift Kyle, age 74, died in October 1964 at Columbus, Georgia. He was of a prominent S'ou,thern textile family, and the brother of our membeT Mrs. Henry B. Cra,vford of Columbu:s.. Mr. Kyle wlas a descendant of Samuel Jewett No. 1509. He had been a ill.ember of our Assocciation for m,any years. D. Herbert Jewett, age 85,died! December 21, 196·4 in Mannsville, New York. He was an uncle of our new member, Mrs. Doris I. Norman, ,and a descendant of Eizekiel Jewett who set,tled ne-a,r Watertown, New Y'ork about 1800. H,e had been a m:ember of our Family Ass'oci,at.ion since 1956, and lived in San:dy Creek, New York. N'o. 5423 G. Frank Jewett, age 94, a livelong residen~t of M\ilford, New Hamps:hire, died October 11, 19;64 at a nUJrsing home there. Sur~ viVlors include M.auri'ce S. Jewett of Nashu,a,New Hampishire, four grand.chil'dren, and eight great grandchildren. George N. Angell, of Portland, O'regon, died October 26, 1964. He ,vas very active in the 4-H and Future Farmers of America organizatiions in Oregon. He was editor of the P,acifi'c Northwest Farm Trio, 'and an active member of Portland Kiwanis Club, joining in 1927, and in the twenty years follovving, vilsited 358 clubs in the United States and C:anada. Jewett members may remember his 'a:r.ticles on genealogy in past issues of the Yearbook. He was a descendant of Capt. Caleb Jewett No. 228 in the genealogy. MDS. H. Murryne Jewett, wife of Rex Jewett, formerly t,he wife of the late Rich,ard C. Jewett, died at her home in M,ason, Mich., October 11, 19'64. She leaves t'hree children, Mrs. Joan Butterfield of Lansing, Mrs. Judy Lamphere of Mason an:d Ronald Jewett of El Paso, Texas; and four grandchildren. William C. Jewett, age 75, of Jefferson, New H'ampshire, died. in the Weeks Memorial Hospital, L:aneaster, New Hamp,shire on September 2, 1964. Survivors include a son, E,d"vard~Tewett of EI C,ajon, California, three granldchildren and three great grandchildren. Arthur W. Jewett, aged 97 years, a native of D,anbury, N·ew Hampshire, died in the New London, New Hampshire, Hospital, November 20, 1964. For 65 yea.~s he was a member of the Cardigan Lodge, I. O. O. Fl. and Promise R,ebekah, both of Bristol, New Hampshire. Mr. Jewett is survived by a number of nieces and nephews. Walter R. C'arveIl, aged 79, of Holt, Michigan, died there September 25, 1964. He was th,e husband of the late Blanehe (Jewett) Carven. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Frances Runyon of Holt, two grandchilldren and ten great grandchlildren. - 22 . . HISTORY AND GENEALQGY of my Branch of The J ewetts of America 1580 - 1963 By Edward L. Jewett of S.ullivan, New Hampshire EDIWARDl JEWETT, was born in Brad£ord, West Riding of Yorkshire, England, about 1580. He m'arried there O'ct. 1, 1604 M,ary Taylor, daughter of William Taylor. This marriage is recorded in the Bradford Parish Re,gister. He lived in Bradfo~d, England, where he was a cloth lli1anuf'acturer and where he died. D;ea00n MAXIMILLIAN2 JEWE'TT, son of Edward,l was b,orn in Bradford, West Riding of York1shire, Engla.nd; w,as bap,tized there Oct. 4, 1607. He with his wife Ann, and his brother Josep'h sailed from Hull, Enghmd in 1638 in the ship John, with a col,ony, all Puritans, under the leadership of Rev. Ezekiel Roge~s. They arrived at Boston ahout the first of December, 1638, spent the winter in Salem, and in the spring of 1639 foull:ded the town of Rowley, Mass. His wife Ann ,vas buried in R,owley N,ov. 9, 1667, and he died there Oct. 9, 1684. 9 children, Deacon EZEKIEL3 JEWE'TT, son of Maximillian2, wals born in Rowley, Maiss., 5; 1 Mo. }643, and died there Sept. 2, 172'3. He m\arried, Feb. 2,6, 1663-64, Faith Parratt, daughter of Francis and Elizabeth Parratt of Rowley. She was born in Rowley 20; 1 Mo. 16·42 and died there Oct. 15, 1715. They had ten children. Ezekiel Jewett succeeded his father as deac.on of the Rowley church; was ord,ained Oet. 24, 1686, and served until hilS death. Deacon FRANCIS4 JEWETT, son of Ezekiel3, ,vas born in Rowley, M·ass., March 15, 1665. He married in Bradford, M1a:ss., June 20, 1693; Sarah Hardy, daughter of John Hardy. She was born there March 25, 1673, and died there F'eb. 3, 1744. Buried in Groveland, Maisls. He was diS'missed from the Rowley Church to the Bradford C,hurch June 19,1692, and became deacon of that Church. He died in Bra.dfor-d Sept. 19, 1751. Buried in Groveland. Ten children born in Brad£ord Mass. SAM1JEL5 JEWETT, son of Fra,ncis4, was born in Bradford, Mass., Ap,ril 26, 1694. He married there Oct. 23, 1718, Ruth Hardy. They had fourteen children. EZEI(IEL6JEWETT, son of Samue1 5, was born in Bradf'ord, Mass., May 28, 1736. He early removed to Hollis, N. H., where he lived until 1767, vf',hen he removed to Temple, N. H., where he died July 25, 1818. He marrie(l in Hollis, Feb. 23, 1758, Lucy Townsend, daughter of Nathaniel and Susannah (Damon) Townsend, of Hollis. She died about 1763-64. He llHllTied (2nd) in Hollis, Feb. 28, 1765, Anna Williams. - 23 - Ezekie1 8 J e"\vett ,va.,; one of the influentia"l rnen of was prominent during the Revolution and served on the of safety of that town. lIe had ten children, thf'ee by Lucy and. seven Anna. ISAAC 7 JEW:f~Trr, son of July 5, 1763. His boyhood ,vas spent in left "\\Tlhen he becarne of age. He ma.rried Mary Chandler, eldest daughter of Ebenezer and ler of Wilton. They settled on a farnl in Nelson, N. Dec. 11, 1845. lIe died 1852. rrhey also all born in Nelson. WIIJLARD8 JEWETT, son of- Isaac 7 , was born in N,ov. 22, 1805. He m'arried there his cousin, Elvia Blodget, N,athaniel and Hannah (Chan,dIer) Blodget. She died soon, and rnarried ~Ia.ry Kittre,dge. Mr. J'ewett was a Larmer and lived in Nelson. had nine children. CHARLES F.9 JEWETT, son of Willard 8 , was born in M,ay 22, 1849. He married Nov. 26, 1874, Olive R. lvIor'se. six children. EDWARD LJo . J EWETT, son of Ch,urles ]'.9, wals born Vian, N. H., J"uly ~31, 1890. He married, June 25, 191'2, Beslsie C. They have three children. I~~.or a rnore complete recond of these lalst th,ree the follovving pages. Being nlindful that the Hist,ory and etlts of America, (the only one of its kind know-n to heautifully compiled by one ]1"1rederick Clark . J ewett M. the year 1908, it impels this writer to continue that descendant. In writing this we choose to go back a little to one, Willard ,vho vvas of the eighth genera.tion in our line of the Jevvett of Arnerica, and the parental of ]J·dvvard IJ ..Jevvett the er of the £'ollovving pages, us up to about the year Key to the method of compiling. I::>lease note earefully, eacih and every descendant has his ovvn ifying nUlnber. We shall follo~~ children according to age. It is the saIne nlethod used Dr. Frederick Clarke ference being he started \vith the year as No. ,yhere as "\vc navv start \vilth ant, as 1. The descendants of vVillard 1. "Villard J ey\yett ,vas of the }~dyvardl the father of 1:'hi8 aneestral "ras born Yorkshire~ F~ngland, about 1580, , He nlarried there Oct. 1, 1604 Taylor. They had four children, t,vo of ill 1638. dants of Anlerica. ;Jew~ett WillaI'ld Jewett (the eighth child in a family of ten) was the son of Isaac Jewett, (seventh in the ancestral line) who w,as born in Hollis, N. H., July 5, 1763. r:Dhe boy 1saac lived in Temple, N. H., until he became 25 years of age,.and soon after, on Nov. 27,1788, married in Wilton, N. H., Mary Chandler, eldest daughter of Ebenezer and Mary (Burnap) Chandler of Wilton. They settled on a farm in Nelson, N. H., situated on a hill about midway on the cros,s road between Munsonville (a p'art of Nelson) and Nelson villa.ge, where they had ten children,and where she died Dec. 11, 1845. He died there Nov. 20, 185 2. The place where they were buried is unknown to this writer, but since a e:areful survey of both the Nelson C:enter and MUIlJsonville cemeteries has not revealed any indicaJtion of being buried in either pl,ace, it is quite na:tural to p1resume that they were taken to Hollis, N. H., where he w'a.s born, and where many of his ancestral rel'atives are buried. Willard Jewett wa,s born in Nelson, Nov. 2'2, 1805. He m·arried Isrt., May 2,9, 1832, in N'elson, his c.ousin; Elvire Blodget, daughter of Nath1aniel and Hannah (Chandler) Blodget, born Aug. 5, 1808. She died in N el:son Aug. 5, 1836, jUrst 28 years old. He married 2nd., June 13 , 1837, Mrs. Mary (Kittredge) Livermore, born Jan. 19, 1812,and died--in Nelson, May 18, 1883, at the age of 71 years and 4 months. He h'ad nine chiLdren, two by his fir.st wife, and seven by his second wife. He was a farmer and his hom(estead was near the junction of the Co:ncord, Nelson Ce,nter, and Olld Nelson roads, and was long in the f.amily. But the house now standing there is not the original, that burned down in a tragic fire, Nov. 15, 1865. Quite interestingly I found record·eld;·~in one of, Father '8 old diaries on a memoranda page; "This was whal wasp,ut int6.,the paper. Nelson. T'he dwelling house of Mr. Willard Jewett, WHIS destroyed by fire on Wednesday night last, while the £amily were all absent. All of Mr. J erwett '8 grain and part of his hou'sehrold goods were burned. N,o insurance". Father very thoughtfully clipped and saved that newspaper item, it wrus in the flap-pockert of his dirary cover, where he had put it. Feather wa1s only seventeen years old at the time and it made a deep impression on him, this we know becaulse he goes on to write; "I w'as second to go into the house, Mr. Taylor first, the wind was southwest at the time, in a few hours we were burned out of house and home. We were turned out doors in the middle of the night with no plac,e we could call OUIhome." On the opposite page in his diary he wrote; "Guess it will be better to write it with ink. Father's house was burnt to the ground on the evening of Nov. 15th 1865. We had gone away. Father and mother had gone to Mr. Hardy's and I was to Mr. Pages. I saw it soon after it brooke out, it broke out in the south side of the house at the window in the kitClhen. Frank, Nancie and A.sshel had ~one tlo Hillsboro. A few things were s'aved. No insurance. ..Loss was thot to be 2,000 dollars. We lived at Frank Hardy's after t'he hou:se was burnt". It was rebuilt the follo'ving summer and was ready for occup'ancy by the first of O'cto-ber. This new house was designed for tw,o ramilie,s, with an ell and kitchen on each end. After Frank K., his son was married, he moved intrO one tenement where he live,d and cared for his parents as long as they lived. Soon afterw,ards he sold the old homestead and moved to Keene in order that his dau,gh.ter might have better school advantages. Will have more detail on this under nu'mber six (6). 1 - 25 - lVIr. Je,vett died in NeIlson Dec. 9,1889, 84 years and 18 They were buried in the Je,vett family lot in Munsonville ' - / ' J J L.............. V V .... Children by first ,vife born in N el'Son : 2. AnS'on W., born July 11, 1833, married Emily Sa'i\ryer.* 3. Oh'ancy B., born Aug. 10, 1835; died in infancy, Jan. 1836. Children by second wife born in Nelson 4. William D., born Sept. 2, 1838; died Sept. 20, 5 Frederick B., born May 14, 1840; died Nov. years - 6 months. 6. Franklin K., born Oct. 29, 1842; married Mary I-louise 14 yrs. 7. Juliana M., born Feb. 29, 1844; died ~{ay 7, 1858, 2 months 7 days. 8.N'ancy E. born May 1'0, 1846; died April 14, 1866, aged about 20 years. g. Charles F., born May 2'2, 1849, married Olive Rosetta Morse.* 1'0. Alfred S., born O'ct. 4, 1852; died Oct. 12, 1857, aged 5 years 8 days. Willard Jewett's second wife, Mary Kittredge, w'as the wido"\v of Daniel Liverm'ore, whom she married May 1, 1834, and by ,vhon1 she had a. daughter, Lizzie M. Livermore, born Aug. 11, 1835 in Nelson, and died there N,ov. 15, 1854, just under 20 ye.aI'1S of age, unmarried. She \vas buried in Mun!Sonville. Mr. I~ive,rmore died May 22, 1835. His of burial is not kno"\vn to us. 2. Anson W. 2 Jewett, son of Willard l was born in Nelson, "July 1833. He wrus married :B-'eb. 15, 1855, to Emily s.awyer, born in J affery, Dec. 13, 1834. He died Mar. 9, 1880, aged 46 years 7 months and 29, days. and :she died 'Sept. 27, 1888, aged 53 years, 9 nlonths and 14 days. They liverdin J'affery and are probably buried there. They had one child, a little daughter who died at the age of five yearls and 8 mlonths. 11. SUIsie 3 Jewett, dau,g,hter of Anson W.2, "vas born Feb. 29, 1856, and died Oct. 29, 1861. 6. F,ranklin Kittredge 2, (In later years he officially signed his name Frank K.) Jewett, son of Willard!, vvas born in Nelson, N. fl., ()ct. 29, 1841. He married in Gill, ~lass., Oct. 3, 1866; ~f,ary Louise Stacy; born in Gill, Mruss., March 21, 1842; daughter of Harrison G-., and Mary (Barnes) Stacey. She was a school teacher and taught _school in the old brick schoolhouse at N eliSion Center before she was married. Frank K2 took his bride home to the new hou'se which replaced the old J ewet,t Hamesteadwhere he was born, and they lived in the east side tenement. A'ceording to tihe diary record; on Sept. 28, 1866, his father dee.ded h:alf of the farm to him. He operated the farm and cared for his Father and Mother as long as they lived, thiis obligation being fulfilled the full title of the farm came to him. This left him free to sell the place, which he did in the year 1890, an,a removp,,(1 to Keene, N,. lI. rus has alrea.dy been stated. In Keene he bee-arne active in civic affairs. He was the assessor for 20 years. Both Mr. and :Nlrs. J"ewett ,vere rnembers of Court Street Congreg.ationalChurch and were grangers, - 26 ,~ held high Pomona office. She died in Keene, Aug. 20, 1924, aged 82 years 5 month'S lacking 1 day. He died there Jan. 9,1937, aged 95 years, 2 months and 11 days. They were buried in the Jewett-Wyman family lot in the nortiheast corner part of Woodland Cemetery Keene, N. H. Four children born in Nelson, N. H. 12. Harry Willard,3 born July 2S, 1869; married Fannie M. Hardy.· 13. Infant son born an,d died July 12, 1873. (Bible family record). 14. M ary3, horn June 16, 1880, and died July 1st.; aged 15 days. 15. Edi,th L·ourise,3 born Oct. 17, 1882; ID'arr\ied Charles A. Wym·an. 12, H,arry Willard 3 , Jewett son of Frank K.,2 Wias born July 28; 1869, in Nelson, N. H., where he spent his boyhood days. He married, June 29, 1892, F1annie Madre Hardy, d'Rughter of Franklin B. and Emliy Chris:tiania(Jen~ins) Hardy. She was born in Nelson July 18, 1870. Their marriage eememony wa;s, at Muu 8onville, by R·ev. M. F. Hardy of Nelson, a coulsin of the hride. They lived in Keene, N. H., an,d he was a traveling salesman for a grocery company there. r He died in Keene, June 28, 1918, aged 48 years and 11 months, and she died there July 12, 1918, aged 48 years lacking 6 days. They were buried in his father's lot, Woodland Cemetery. Twu children born in Keene, N. H. 16 Dorris,4 born Nov. 21, 1901; died 2 days old, buried in Mlunsonville. 17. Margaret Frances,4 born Dec. 18,1906 and died Dec. 18, 1918 on her twelfth birthday, a victim of the epidemic of influenza which was raging that year. She was buried in Keene, in the family lot in Woodland Cen1ctery. 15, Edith Louise 3 Jewett, d:aughter of Frank K2., ,vas born in Nelson, Oct. 17, 1882. She a1ttended elementary school in ~t[uns,onville and Keene, and ils a valedictoriangradu,ate of Keene High, Class of 1900. She taught elementary s:chool for three years. She was married in Keene, N. H., Oct. 3, 1906, by Rev. W,illis Hadley, of Keene, to Charles Algernon Wyman, born in Keene ~tay 4, 1878; son of George S. and Mary Lucretia (Mathews) Wyman. They lived in Keene. He w'as a carpenter for a fe,v years, and a market gardener for many year1s. Both were membe~s of the Court Street Congrega,tional Church. He .died in Keene Oct. 7, 1962, aged 84 yrs. 5 months, 3 days, and was buried in the Jewett-Wyman lot, Woodland Cemetery, Keene, N. H. Six children born in Keene, N. H. Paul Jewett Wyman,4 born Jan. 2, 1908. married Ruth Oppill.Stacy Jey\rett Wyman4, born Apr. 3, 1912, married Martha, Johnson.* Gilbert H'arry Wyman,4 born Jan. 19, 1914, marDied M,ary Ellen 'Walker. * 21. Stanley Charles Wym'an,4 born Feb. 13, 1916, married ~Iary Elizabeth Breen. # 22. IVlary Louise Wyrnan 4 , born Aug. 12, 1919, married Albert H. Webber.23. Margaret Nelda Wyman,4 bornJ'uly 30, 192;2, married Robert W. Lantz.* 18. 19. 20. 27 - 18, Paul Jewett Wym'an,4 son of Edith Frank K.2 Jewett, was born in Keene, Jan. 2, 1908. W'ws married Manchester, N. H., Jan. 1, 1937, to Ruth Oppill; born in lVlanchester; Oct, 22,1914. They have three children 24. 25. 26. R·onal,d Paul Wym'an,5 marrie'd Jane Loring.· Carlene Ruth Wyman,5 married Kendall Menard.· Dean Chlarles Wyman,5 born in M1anehester, Jan. 3~ 1947. 24. Ronald Paul Wyman,5 born in Manchester Oct. 6, 1937. He was married in Keene, A·pr. 21, 1962, to Jane Loring of N°. J. They have one child 27. Doma Wyma.n,6 b,orn in Newport, N. H., Oct 2, 19,62. 25, Carlefne RU thWyman,5 born in M'anchester, June 6, 1940. She was marrie'd in Manchester, Aug. 12, 1961, to K'endall Mena~d. of Walpole, N. H. 19, Stacy Jewett Wyman,4 son of E,dith L. Wyman,3 daughter of Frank K. Jewett,2 W3JS born in Keene, A'pr. 3, 1912. He was marrie'd in Peterbo~o, N. H., Aug. 18, 1951, to Ma:vtha J ohuS'on; born Nov. 18, 19'25, daugh,ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson. They have two children 1 28. 29. Constance Ann Wym'an,5 born in Keene, Jan. 17, 1953. Ja.ne Stacey Wyman,S born in Keene, Sept. 15, 1955. 20, Gilbert Harry Wym:an, son of E,dith L. Wyman,3 daughter of Frank K. Jewet t,2 was born in Keene, Jan. 19, 1914. He was married in Keene, June 25, 1933, to M,ary Ellen Walker of Boston. Five children were born to them 1 30. Gilbert Harry Wyman Jr.,5 born in Keene, Dec. 26, 1933, and died there Sept. 1937. 31. Robert Gene Wyman,5 horn in Keene, Aug. 8, 1935. 32. ~Iarilyn Wym'an,S married L,eo Cote· 33. Wendy Lee Wyman,S born in Keene, Mar. 24, 1948. 34. N,ancy Jane· Wym,an,5 born January 2, 1953. 32, M,arilyn Wyman,S born in Keene, Apr. 25, 1939; she WlalS married in Keene, Aug. 2, 1958 to Leo Cote of Keene .. They have three children 35. 36. 37. Heidi Cote,6 born in Keene June 18, 1959. Amanda Lee Cote,6 born in Keene, June 2, 1961. Jeffrey Cote,6 born in Keene, Aug. 5, 1962. 21, Stanley Charles Wyman,4 son of E.dith L. Wyman,3 daughter of Frank K. Jevvett,2 was born in Keene, Feb. 13, 1916. He w'as married in Keene, July 18,1953, to l\fiary Elizabeth Breen, born in Keene, June 27 1925; daughter of Mr. and l\;Irs. Leo Breen. The-y have one child by adoption 38. John Charles Wyman,S born May 4, 1961, 22, Mary Llouise Wyman,4 daughter of Edith L. Wyman,S dau'ghter of Frank K. Je\vett,2 vvas born in Keene, Aug. 12,1919. She was married in Keene July 12, 1947, to Albert H. Webber, of Holden, Mass. They have three children by a,doption 39. Stephen Webber,5 born Dec. 22,1952. - 28 - 40. 41. C,arole Wehber,5 born Dec. 28, 1955. S'cott Webber,5 born Sept. 24, 1959. 23, Margaret Nelda Wyman,4 daughter of Edi,th L. Wyman,3 daughter of Frank K. Je'wett,2 was born in Keene, July 30, 1922. She was marrie.d in Keene, Aug. 3, 1945, to R10bert W. Lantz, of Keene. Operat;or of La,ntz Jewelers. They have two children by adoption 42. Lori JeanLlantz,5 horn June 11, 1959. 43. Robert W. Lantz Jr.,5 born Feb. 5, 1961. 9, Charles Frederick 2 Jewett, son of Willard,l w'as born in Nelson, N. H., Miay 22, 1849, he was married in Nelson at the home of the bride, N,ov. 26, 18'74, by R,ev. Mark Gould ,of NeIlson, tJO Olive Rosetta (sometimes recorded Rosannah, but finally called Rose) Morse born in Danville, Vt., Dec. 14, 1851. She was the daug'lhter of D:ea. Jewett and SUisan White (S,kinner) Morse, who walS born in HaddaiIYl, Oonn., Nov. 14, 1822; and was married to Jewett M'orse Jan. 13,1841, rut Burke, Vt., by Rev. Thomas Willson Dunean. Dea. Jewett Morse, one of a family of twenty-one children, was born in Danville, Vt., Apr. 12, 1815. After their maTrilage they lived at fi:[~st in Burke, Vt., and removed to Danville, Vt., Where Olive w;as born. Mr. Mo~se wrus a relative of Prof. Samuel F. B. Morse, inventor of the electric telegraph. B'oth men being descendan,ts of one man, Anthony Morse, \vho w:as born in Marlboro, England, Mlay 9, 1606, and sailed for America, 1635. Dea. tTewett and SUrsan Morse came to Nelson, N. H. f~om Vermont about 1861 to care :tor SUts-an's foster parents, The Rev. and Mr.s. Thomas Duncan. The following is a quotation from the Duncan Family Bible. " Thomas W. Duncan was born at Antrim, N: H., M;ar. 3, 1791. Lucy North was born at Berlin, Conn., O'c.t. 22nd, 1790. We were married at Fly Creek, Otsego Co., N. Y., June 5, 1882. Susan W. Skinner was horn at Hadda.m, Conn., N,ov. 14, 1822, and became a member of our family Sept. 1828." Mrs. Lucy Duncan died Apr. 7, 1865, aged 74 years 5 months and 15 day,s, and he died May 5, 1876, aged 85 yeaDs 2 IDlonth:s and 2 days, and were the first ones buried in the Monse-Jevvett cemetery lot in Munsonville. N ow that Dea. Mlorse h,ad fulfille,d his obligation in caring for the Duncans, it left him free to settle in a new place if he should choose to. Early in 1880 the Mors€ls di,d remove to Sullivan, N. H., where they became active members of the Sulllivan Congregational Church by letters from the Congregational Church of Nelson May 2, 1880. lIe wa.s elected deacon of the Sullivan Church, Sept. 3, 1880, and served until he died in Sullivan, Apr. 2, 1900,. aged 85 years lacking 10 day'S. She died there Mar. 12, 1904, aged 81 years 3 months and 26 day,s. They were buried in the M"orse-Jewett lot in Munsonville 'C'emetery. After Charles and Olive were married they lived for four and a half years in their home town of Nelson in a house (called the Baker Place) in the village at the Center. - 29 - A£ter bought a farm in ahout 115~ in 1808-9 Mr. Woods Woods' son-ul-la"w, thirty year-so Mr. Kemp S'old the farm, 24, to Alonz'O fi1arrar and Locke, an,d they solid it Oct. 19, saUle year, to Hubbard. Mr. Hubbard remained on this place for only a few anel siold Mar. 28, 1868 to Dea. Asa E. Wils'on. Charles F. Jewett boug,ht th~s farm of Dea. "Tilson, N'ov. for the sum of 1500 dollars, and. it has been in t!he ~Jewett family ever since, making it the Sullivan Jewett Old Homestead for many, many yea.rs, total of 83 at this writing. Charles and Olive ID;oveld into this new home lli Sullivan, on lVIar.. 4, 1880, where they united with the Congregational Church, b~y" letters from the Nelson Church, May 2, 1880. Olive '8 fjather sold his farm in Nelson, Dee. Atwood, for 1000 dol1,a.:r.s to be paid for on the first on the same da.y (Jlan. 1, 1880) he a half-interest in . . -'.. ~..~"'_'.A Iivan Farm, and move,d into one side of the Mar. toge'ther carried on the ••<CV The h'alf-interest in the farm owned by the Morses reverted to Mr. Jewett after he had fulfilled his commitment to care for them during ;1Jheir natural lif.etime. Six children were horn to them 44. Ida May~ born in Nells:on, Feb. 12, 187'6; she became a member of the S'ullivan Congregational Church, Jan. 4, 1891. S~he died in Sullivan, Feb. 20, 1892, aged }6 yea.r,s an,d 8 days. She was buried in her father's family lot, MUllsonville cemetery. 45. Lizzie L'ouise 3 horn June 20, 1877; married Lewis W. Smith.46. Willard Morse,3 born Feb. 11, 1879; mar.ried Ada R. Kempton· 47. Frank Everett 3 horn Aug. 17 1882; married Lenora M. Siawyer.· 48. Clarence Charles,3 born in Sullivan, Feb. 1, 1887. He was baptized Sept. 24, 1922, and on the same date he joine,d the Sulliv'an CongregationalChurch by confession of faith. He died in Keene, N. H. June 29, 1956; u!nmarried, aged 69 yea~s, 4 mont!hs and 28 days, WRtS buried in Munsonville Cemetery, by his request, besi,de his sister I,da May. 49. E'dw'ard L!eslie,3 horn July 31, 1890; married Beis:sie C. Priest.They also adop1ted "Blan,che Olive", born in Manchester, N. H., July 24, 1893, who married Archie H. Beckwith, of Gilsum, N. H., Jan. 30, 1909. N,othin,g more of her whereabouts is known to this writer. 45, Lizzie Louise 3 Jewett, daughter of Oharles F.,2 w:as born in Nelson, N. H., June 20, 1877. She hecame a member of the Sullivan Congregational ChurCfh, Jan. 4, 1891; transferred by letter to the Methodist Episcop,al Church in Keene, July 11, 1897. She was an Elementary School teaeher, starting to teaerh when only sixteen. She W3JS marrie,d in Sullivan, N. H., at the home of her parents, July 3, 1897, by Rev. M. S. Pendexter of Kee.ne, to Lewis Wilard Smith, born in Sullivan S€pt. 11, 1874, :son of George Dana and Gertrude L,aura (Thayer) Smith. Lewis W. Smith became a member of tlhe S,ullivan C'ongregational Church Jan. 4, 1891, was baptized Jan. 18, 1891, and transferred by letter to the Methodist Episcopal C:hurch in I{eene, July 11, 1897. He was a butter maker by trade and worked in creameries in Keene, Piermont anid Milford, N. H., North D'anville, Vt. and Cassadaga, N. Y. He died in Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 8, 195-2, and she died in Dunkirk, N. Y., Mar. 9, 1963. He was 78 years, 1 month and 27 days old, and she was 85 years 8mon ths and 17 days old. They were buried in the family cemetery lot, Calss3idaga, N. Y. Three children were born to them l 50. 51. S2. Olive Elizabeth S'mith;4 married Oscar Harvey 8ears.* Hazel Louis.e Smith;4 married Louis Johnson.· Gl,adys May Smit,h;4 married ADthur J. W. Tong.· 50, Olive Elizabeth Smi,th,4 daughter of Lizzie L. Smith,3 daughter of Charles F. Jewett,2 was born in Keene, N. H., Sept. 21, 1898. She is an excellent cook and has served aiS cook at the Cassa,daga S'chool Cafeteria. She was ma,rried, in C'assiadaga, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1916, to OIS,car Harvey Sears. 5.3. Bernice L:ouise Sears;5 married Lester Nunn.· 54. Juanita Alberta Sear.s;5 married Gilbert P,almer Ha.mm'Oll,d,.• - 31 - 53, Bernice L'ouise Sears,5 daughter of Olive E. Sears,4 daughter of Lizzie L. Smith,3 d'aughter of C:harles F. Jew'ett,2 wais born in Cassadaga, N. Y., Apr. 20, 1919. She m,arried (1) Albert I.rri:sh; O'ct. 3, 1936; killed in World W,ar 2; married (2) Lester Nunn, Mlar. 11, 1945. O,ne f~hild adopted by first husband 55. Marlene BI,ancih Ir.rish,6 was born Apr. 12, 1941, married in Calif., Oct. 18, 195'9, to Frank J'a'mes Dorsett. T,hey have two children 56. 57. Robin t,ouise D,orsett,7 born Oct. 24, 19!60. Frank James Dorsett, Jr.,7 born Sept. 20, 1961. 54, Juanita Alberta Sea~s,5 was born Dec. 14, 192'2 and was married to Gilbert Pal~mer Hammo.nd, in Ca~adag.a, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1943. They have three children 5-8. 59. 60. Gilbert Palmer HamtIDond, Jr.,6 horn Sept. 9, 1944. Pamela Elizabeth Hammond,6 born M'ay 20, 1957. Bruce Edward H'ammond,6 born N,ov. 25, 1959. 51, Hazel Louis Smith,4 daughter of Lizzie L. S'mith,3 daughter of Ch:arles F. Jew,ett,2 was born in Keene, N. H., Sept. 19, 1900. She is a talented pianist. She w,as m'arried in Oassadaga., N. Y., June 24, 1920. to Iiouls Johnson of Cassad'ag.a. They ha.ve three children. 61. Bessie M,ay Johnson,5 was born in Cassa;daga, Apr. 9, 1921. She was married in 'Cassadaga, June 11, 1944, to Lester Quinby Walters, born Aug. 24, 1920. They have no children. 62. Rexford Louis Johns'On,5 married Betty Jean Town.· 63. Evelyn Blazel Johnson, 5 m,arrie,d James Allen Salhoff.:I: , 62, Rexford Louis JohnJSon,5 was born in Cassadaga, N. Y., Jan. 13,J924. He was married in L'aona, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1949, to Betty Je,an Town, born Sept. 15, 1928. They h'ave four children 64. 65. 66. 67. Karen Jean Johnson,6 born June 28, 1950 David Loui,s Johnson,6 born Nov. 3, 1953. Steven Lynn Johnson,6 born Aug. 24, 1956~ Susan Ann Jo~hns'On,6 horn Feb. 16, 1959. 63, Evelyn Hazel Johnson,5 w,as horn in Cass'adaga, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1925. She w'as married in Cassadaga, June 11, 1944, to James Allen Sal.. hoff, horn O'ct. 31, 1923 '.Dhey have two children 68. 69. Allen Louis Salhoff,6 born July 29,1946. Doreen Ru,th Salhoff,6 born Apr. 15, 1954. 52, Gladys May SmHJh,' daughter of Lizzie L. Smith,3 daughter of Charles F. Jewett,2 w'alS born in Milford, N. H., Apr. 10, 1911. She is a ~ifted Yoc1ali:st, having a stron,g clear voice. She was married in Buffalo, N. Y., June 5, 1937, to Arthur J. W. Tong, born Apr. 13; 1909. They have one child. - 32 - :Ronald "Janles Tong,5 born lVIar. 7, 1948. 416, TWillard l\forse Jewett,3 Sion of Charles }1-'o,2 was born in ]~el:son, N. H., Feb. 11, 1879. design his name contains the n anl€iS of bo'th his grandfathers, Jewett .Morse allid "Villard I!Jew'et,t, was baptized at the Nelson Church Nov. 1879. i I~e spent his at hils father's home Sulliv!an, but 'when became of age wanted to be a macihinist. 80 he \iVent to Win'c'hendnn, lVI:as'S., obtained a position at the Baxter D. \V hitney Machine Shop, at Olle dollar per day.. l\fter '\viQrki'ng a sh,or't time he deci,ded '~;lV'anted to learn the trade, so he served hils apprenticeship, at the fabul10us price of 70 cents per Eventually this price raised. 1 ''!'~Villard 'iValS Inarried, firs!t, in Winchendon, 1905" then of Orange, lVlass., to AdaR,ose Kemp1ton, .L~pr. 1880 daughter of Forest W. and Ella ~I. became a :me:mber of the Baptist Chureh inWinchena,ndw'as immersio~n, 1918. She died .,and ,vas buried in tb e ~J ewett burial ~MunsO'nvil1e C;'emetery aged 57 yea,~s, 2 months and 2'2 days. .i\... marI'lie:d second, inWine'hendon, lVI'ay, 1939,E'dith "White, born In ,r\.ug. 1895, daughter of Frederick .and Carrie M. (Hall) 'Vhite, She died in 1,NinchenJdlon, 14, 1947, and was buried there; aged !52 years lacking 1 .month. ~,)\Tilla~d and 24 died in Winchendon, jtu.g. 4, 1958 aged 79 years 5 Inonths an,d was buried in Nlun!Sonville C'emetery. ehild y first wife E~dith M!ass.~ Willard M.~3 ",vas born in Winchen()let. Hittended school in 'Vin{~,ihen,don, gra:d\u'ated l\furdlock lIigh, (Jlass of 1924, and trained to be a nurse at Newton I-Iosrecei ving her Class of 1928. She ,vas Inarried, in "Vint>June-l, 1935, 'Rev. 1Nilliam N obbs, of Winchendon, to Oliver horn in :Mich., Oct. 1913 ; son of (}eorge (j·oleman. l~"'!our children were born to them,. ,,,XA..,..,..L..L,A.'V' ..., .... '"_.JV'l.\JILLlC-l.J..i, 72. 74. 75. ~Je~"ett IVrerriam ()oleman;5 In'arried Lois I. Cohoon* M;ark Oliver (;olem'an,5 born in (}ardner, Mas!s.s ~Feb. 4, 1942. 1Vlarietta C,o lenlan,5 born in Weymouth, 'N[a:siS., ()ct 1944. horn in "Neym:outh, rvrass., Mar. 16, 1947. Merriam C'01eman,5 ,son of Viola C;olem'a n,4 claug.hter of ".1,r as born in -Winchendon, June' 1937. I-Ie l\1lwsl~L, School and College, Bevmusic is an accomplished piano player. '\ivas married in Cjordan fJollege C,hapel, Feb. 6, 1960, by the Rev, 'VVilliamN. to Liols daughter of "Frederick and R.uby Farms, IVIass. (Johoon, of have two children 33 - 76. Joel Douglas C'oleman,6 son of J. 1\1. Coleman,5 son of Viola Coleman,' daughter of Willard 'M.3 Jew;ett, was born in Fort Dix, N. J., Feb. 21, 1961. 77. HeidiColeman,6 daughter of J. M. Coleman,5 son of Viola Coleman,4 daughter of Willard M .. 3 Jewett, was born 'in Newbruecke, Germany, Mar. 25., 1962. . 47, Frank Everett 3 Jewett, son of C;harles F.,2 w:as b:orn in Sullivan, N.H., Aug. 17, 18B2. He was baptised Nov. 9, 1882 at the, Sullivan; C,ongregation'al Chureh and became a member of that Church, Jan. 7, 1900. At his request, it, was v'oted by the Church, Sept. 23, 19'23, to grant him' a letter of dismission and of recommendation to tl1e Gilbert Memorial Congregational'Ohureh of Georgetown, Oonn. In 1925 h'e joined the S'alvation Army in Me.riden, ,Conn. He w,alS Oorps Treasurer of the Mid·dletown, Conn., Salvation Army, fnom 1936 to 1947. In 1948 he joined the Bethel C'onvenant C!hurch of Mi'ddletown. He was married in K.eene, Jan. 7,1911, by Rev. J. L:. Seward, D.D., of Keene, to Lenora M:au'd Sawyer, born in Al1stead, N. H., June 23, 1878; daughter of David Webster and Laura Ann (Parkhu:vst) Sawyer. She j'oined the Salvation Army in Keene, N. H., in 1900. She died Ap'r. 15, 1949, in Middletown, Conn. and was bu,ried there. For many years Mr. Jewett was employed on dairy, poultry and fruit farms in New York State and Connecticut. N ow is retired and lives with hiS' daughter in Cromwell, C'onn. Four children were born to them 78. Winfred Charles,4 born Sept. 10, 1911;. married Laura Walh,ert.· 79. Laura May,4 born Apr. 8, 1913; married Herbert Williamls Evans.1: 80. Dunean,4 born Apr. 13, 1915; died Aug. 18,1915 aged 4 months 5 days 81. Esther,4 born Dec., 1916, and died aged 6 days. 78, WinfredCharles 4 J e,ve:1Jt, son ,of Frank E.,3 was born in Boston, Mass., Sept. 10, 1911. He attende!d! Meriden Technical Sehool aUld is a graduate of Windham High Sc1hool, Willimatic, C:onn., class of 1940. Also Dale Ca:vnegie C1ouJ}se in Hartford, Conn., in 1947. He was m'arried in Mid'dlet-own, Conn., May 14, 1936, by M,ajor E:dgar R. Keenz of the Salvation Army, to Laura Lina Walth,ert, born in Dover, Ohio, Dec. 4, 1913 daughter of C;hristian an·d Adeline Naomi (Keenz) Walthert. H·er father was born in SWitzerland, and her mother was born in Ohio. They are currently living in the C'ollege Town of Storrs, Conn. They have two children 82. 83. Charles Everett,5 born Dec. 2, 1936; married Evelyn Joan Morrison.· Lenora Naomi,5 born ·Apr. 3, 1943; married John Patrick Konow, Jr.· 82, C,harles Ev,erett 5 Jewett, son of WinfredC'harles,4 was born in Hart:£ord, Conn., Dec. 2, 1936. He is graduate of Windham High School, Willimatic, Conn., ellass of 1955, and t'he Salvation Army Training College of New Y:ork City in 1956. Currently atten,ding the University of Hartford and working at the Aetna Insurance Co. He was married in Stanfo:vd, Conn., Jan. 27, 1962, to Evelyn J·oan M,orr.ison; horn in Hartford, Conn., July 13, 1939; daughter of }I~jor - 34 - (Salva:tion Army) John DuBois and Evelyn Florence (Harvey) ~Iorri son. She is a graduate of the Stanford, Oonn., High School and of the Beaver College in GleIlJSide, Pa., 1961. They have one child 84. Rebecca Ann 6 Jewett, daughter of Clla:rlels E.,5 born in Hartford, C,onn., Nov. 18, ~9,62. 83, Lenora Naomi 5 Jewett, daughter of Winfred C'harles 4 , w:as born in Willimatic, C,onn., Apr. 3, 1943. She is a grarduate of Windh'am High S,c:hool, ellalss of 1960, and has worked for th,e S'ouithern New England Telephone C;o., as an operator. She w'as married at Willim,atic, ,C:onn., in St. Mary's R. C. Church, May 4, 1963, by Rt. Rev. St. Onge, to John Patrick Konow Jr., born in New Jersey, son of J'ohn Patrick and Helen (Zak) Konow. A graduate· of Windham High School. 79, Laura M'ay Jewett,4 d:aughter of Frank E.,3 was born in Keene, N. H., Apr. 8, 1913. She is a gra:duate of Meriden, Conn., High School, She class of 1931, and of Meriden Hospital School of Nursing in 1934. also had a Post Gradu'a:te Course in ObstetriC's in Elizabeth Steele Magee Hospital in Pitt,sburgh, Pa., in 1937. She wafS married in lMid,dletown, Conn., Ju,ne 6, 1938, by Major Edgar R. Keenz, to Herbert William Evans, born in'Oil City, Pa., son of William Morgan aIlJd Minnie (Snow) Evans. He is a gra,duate of the Salvation Army Training C:ollege year 1928; and graduated from the Army Music School in Washington, D. C., in 1935. Now a reti'red musician in the U. S. Army. They have three children. 85. Herbert Willi'am Evans Jr.,5 son of Lau,ra May Evans,4 daughter of Frank E.3 Jewett, was born in Burlington, Vt., Ap,r. 28, 1939. 86. Ruth Lenora Evans,5 married Warren Allen Brown.87. Margaret Laura Evans,5 daughter of L!aura M'ay Evans,4 d1aughter of Frank E.3 Jewett, vvas born in Watertown, New York, Aug. 18, 1941. She is a graduate of Cromwell High S,chool, Cromwell, C:onn., clasrS of 1959, and also of B'ob Jones University of Greenville, So. C,arolina. 86. Ruth Lenora Evan,s,5 d'aughter of Laura ~Iay Evans,4 daughter of Frank E.3 Jewett, was born in Winooski, Vt., Sept. 12, 1940. She is 'a gradu'ate of Middletown, Conn., High School and the Hartf.ord Airline Personel Sehool. She was married in the Wethersfield Community Church, Wethersfield, C,onn., June 8, 1963, to Warren Allen Brown. A g;raduate of Hartf'Ord Regional Technical School, arnfdl has had four years· service in the U. S. N:avy. T:hey are presently living at 39 2 M'ain St., C:romwell, Conn. 49, E,dward Leslie 3 Jewett, son of Ch'arles F.,2 was born in Sullivan, N. H., July 31, 1890. He was baptized first Jan. 18, 1891; second time by confes'sion of faith, Sept. 11, 1904. At which time he became a member of Sullivan's Congregational Church, and was elected deacon Dec. 21, 1943. He was maNied at the home of the bri,de in NeIlson, N. H., June 25, 1912, by Rev. W. O. C'onrad of Keene, to Bessie C'arolyn Priest, horn in NeLson, Apr. 25, 1892, daughter of Homer F. and Ethel M. (Martin) Priest. 1 - 35 - He brought his bride home to the Old Jewett Homestead where he was born, and they live in that pa,rt formerly occupied by his grandfaJther Morse. At t,his time E'dward '8 father retired leavi.ng t,he op'eration of the farm ,to him, with hi!s brother Clarence to help. Clarence lived with his parents until tiheir death, afterwlards with Bessie anld E:dwarrd until he died in 1956, h'aving s:penthis e,ntire lifetime of over 69 yeaDs at the place of his birth; excepting the lalst 4 weeks at the RoS'pital in Keene where he died. Edwiard L. Jewett served a,s a town select'man for 16 years. Has bee.n tow,n moderator since 1940, and. a Tru'stee of Trulst Funds since 1937. His wife, Bessie, is a g:va1du'ate of NelS'on elementary school and of Keene High,clwss of 1910. For a sh{)rt, time she taught sehool in Sullivan and boar,ded at th.e J ewetts, where she soon became a mem/ber of the family. She became a member of the Sullivan Congregational Cihurch by letter from the Nelson Church, Dec. 29, 1912, andhaiS served as clerk since the Churc'h first ele,cted' her, Feb. 6, 1921. She S'erved as a mem.ber of the school board for 18 years. After her mother-in-law died, ·she 'assumed the duties of the post office, and received her commistsion a!s postm1aster from Herbert C. Hoover, the then President of the United States, Apr. 5, 19'29. She kept the office for 30 years, until she retired in 1959. ThUis making the Old Jewett Homestead in Sullivan also the Post Office for over 51 consecutive years. At this time the Post Office Department 'decided to permanently close the Sullivan, N. H., Post Office. Leaving the E'3'st ,Sullivan Post Office the only one in town, with the Star Route mail carrier serving r03Jdsi1d\email boxes thru Sullivan C'enter once a day. Upon the termin'ation of th·e p,ost office here in Sulliv,an, Jan. 31, 1959, Bessie received a retirement citation for .service well performed, from the Post Office Dep,artment, -signed by Arthur E. Summerfield, Postmaster General, 'Vashingt,on, D. C. This Mr. Jewett was of the tenth generation in the line of the Jewetts !of America. He begot three daughter,s, but, alas - no son, so this tiny bran'ch of his great family tree, becoming broken, came to an end in name. Strange this long line of posterity should begin with "Edward Jewett and end with Edward Jewett. After the death of his parents, Edward L. Jewett by virtue of his father's will became the owner of the Jewett Homestead. But on Sept. 25, 1943, he madie it a joint ownership w,ith his wife, Bessie C~ Jewett, with the right of survivorship. Chilldren born to them Ethel Morse Jewett 4 born M'ay 18, 1915; married W. OBc,ar Frazer.* Elsie Elizabeth Jewett 4 born June 26, 19'25; married George W. Wa:lsh.* 90. Mary Kittredge J ew:ett 4 horn J'an. 17, 1928; married Theodore E. Parker.* 88, Ethel M~o~se4 Jewett, daughter of E,dward L.,.3 was born in Sul-, livan, N. H., May 18, 1915. She is a gradu,ate of the Sullivan elementary sch·ool anld of Keene High; claStS of 1932. She joined the Sullivan. CongregationalChureh Sept. 1, 1927, Hnd was transferred by letter, Mar. 27, 1949, ) to the Congre.gational ChurCih of M,arlb1oro, N. H. 88. 89. - 36 She ,vas married, in Sullivan at the home of her parents, Aug. 24, 1935, by Rev. Oliver :\1. Frazer, to William Oscar Frazer, born in Economy Indiana, Aug. 16, 1913; son of Rev. Oliver 1\1. and Laura (Ste,,,'art) Frazer. He is a school te.(l~eher, a graduate of Oak''''ood S<'hool, Poughkeepsee, N. Y., and of Keene Teachers College, ,,,,here he received his B. E. and 1\1:. E.degrees. He has taught school for 31 years~ Elenlentary in several New Hampshire to,vns and hft,s live!cl in ~f\arlboro, N. H., since 1946, where he taught science in Marlboro High Sehnol, until Febru·ary of this year, 1963, when he accepted a position teaching science in the Junior High School of Keene, N. H. He ils a memlber of the S'ociety of Friends in Weare, N. H., since 1929. They have tw,o children 91. Philip Oscar Frazer,5 son of Ethel M.4 Frazer, daughter of Ed:w'ard L. Jewett,3 w;as born in Keene, N. H., Feb. 4, 1940. He is a member of the Congregational Church of Marlboro, N. H., and a gradu'ate of Marlhoro I-ligh School, clarss of 1958. He majore,d in forestry at the University of Ne,vRampshire, grad~ uating in 1962, and received hilS malste,riS degree at the Yale School of forestry June 10, 1963. 92. Edward Jewett Frazer,5 son of Ethel M.4 Fraze:r, daughter of Ed'\vard L. Je"\\!ett,3 was born in C'oncord, N. H., Nov. 15, 1944. He graduated at Marlboro High ?3eh'ool, June 19'62, and entered Keene Teachers College in September, where he is maj,oring, in Industrial .A.rtis. He ils also a member of the Marlboro C,ongregational Church, and plays clarinet in Keene bra1s,s band. 89, Elsie Elizabeth 4 Jewett, daughter of Edward L.,~ was born in the Hospital Keene, X. I-I., June 26, 19'25. S:he j'oined(~the SullivanC.ongreoJ' gational'Church June 26, 1938, and on July 1, 1959, was dis.~i.ssed tb St. ~Jolhn's Church of Silyel' Spring, Md. She is a graduate};;;,;of~the Sullivan elementary school, valedictorian graduate of Keene JIigh,'·.-cla,ss of,1942, and h3JS her M. E. degree, Unive~sity of New Hampshire, 1945. She hag tang·ht elementary school in New H'ampshire to"r,ns of Marlboro, Keene and Exeter. :~l j,A~';O She was married in Keene,Aug. 20, 1949, by Rt. Rev. J: A., B~!f.ord at St. Bernard '8 Church, to Georg~" Whitten Wal'sh, born in Lowell, M'ass. Mlar. 31, 1920, son .of Thomas J. and Helen V. (Grooves) Walsh. He is a member of St. John's R. C. Church of Silver Spring, Md., a gradllate of Belm'on't, Ma,ss., High School, claEs of 1938, and graduated N·ort.hea,stern University in 1943. He put in one summer of German Math at Harvard but the c.all.of duty, Worlidl War 2, disrupted further study. He became an officer, and for two years served as First L,ieutenant, Infan,try 35th and 84th Divisions. After this he spent two years, 1948 and 1949, at the "University,gf New H,ampshire. He i:s a qualified e:lectronic1s engineer, and currently with the Bureau of Standards Washin,gton, D. C., but Ihis home is in Silver Sp.ring, Md. They have eight chil'dren 93. Deborah Anne Walsh,5 daughter of Elsie E. Walsh,4 daug,hter of Ed'Yard L. Je,vett,3 born in Exeter, N. H., June 12, 1950. - 37 - 94. Goor~-e Th;omas Walsh,5 son of Elsie E. Walsh,4 daughter of Edw;ard L. Jewett,3 born in S'an Die.g-o, Cal., Mtay 30, 1952. 95. J()hli Eliot- Walsh-,5 SOlI of Elsie E. Wal'Sh,4 daughter of Edlward L. Je\vett,3 born in Glendale, Ca1., Nov. 15, 1953. 96. William Robert Walsh,5 son of Elsie E. W'altSh,4 daughter of Edward L. Jewett,3 :born in W'ashington, D'. C., Nov. 2:5,1954. 97. Christopher Edward Walsh.,5 son of EI'Sie E. Walsh,· daug,hter of Edward L. Jewett,3 born in Washington, D. C., July 20, 1957; 98. James Whitten Walsh,5 son of Elsie E. Walsih,· daughter of Edward L. Je,vett,S born in Washington, D. C., July 29, 1959. 99. M-ary Eliz'abeth Walsh, 5 daughter of Elsie E. Walsh,· d,aughter. of Edward L. Jewett,S born in Washington, D. C., Dec. 6,1960. 100. David An!d:rew Walsh,5 son of EJsie E. Walsh,· daughter of Edward L. Jewett,S born in Washington, D. C., April 24, 1963. 90. M'ary Kittredge 4 Jewett, daug;hter of Ed,vard L.,3 was born in the Hospital Keene, N.H., Jan. 17, 1928. She beca.me fa member of ,the Sullivan Con-gregational Chu-rch June 23, 1940. She is a graduate of Sullivan elementary sch-ooI, of Keene Hi~h-, class of 1945, and is a. graduated' nurse, Elliot Community H·o.~pital of Keene, N. H., 1948. She was _married in the Sullivan Con~egational Church, Sept. 18, 1948, by Rev. Theodore B. Hadley. then of Sullivan, to The-od·oreErwill Parker, born in Keene" Dec. 7, 1921, son of Harold E. and Bessie E. (Erwin) Parker. He is 'a member of the Court -St. 00 n,gregational Ohureh, Keene, N. H. A graduate of Keene High Sehool,"class of 1941, and a Veteran of W:orld War 2. He had enter&~ Weni,v{)rth Institute of Learning, Roston, Mass., but the call of duty to his 'Country interrrupted this, -the evil of ··W·ar. He served under the 8th Air Force, 78th Fighter gr{)up, 83ra Fighter squadron ; and statiQneJd' at DuxfQrd England for twepty-t,,,"o months. They live in East Sullivan, soon after they \vere married they b9ught the Nettie E. Foster plac-e tiherein the village, ,vhic;h they h'ave remodeled 3,ud greatly imp.roved. 'Nley have t,vo children by· adoption 101. 102. Stephen Theod~re Parker, born in Nashua, N. H., Aug. 31, 19a2. Marya.nn Parker, born in Manehester, N. H., Mar. 2, 1958. -·38 •.