experience sedona 2012
experience sedona 2012
EXPERIENCE SEDONA 2012 ADVERTISER INDEX COMPANY NAME Adventures Out West Segway Arizona Safari Jeep Tours Best Life Media Bearizona Wildlife Park Best Western Arroyo Roble Best Western Inn of Sedona Cheers Cliff Castle Casino El Portal Inn Sedona Enchantment Resort & Spa Going My Way - Shuttle Grand Canyon Railway Hilton Sedona Resort & Spa Junipine Resort Kokopelli Suites Matterhorn Inn Maverick Helicopters Northern Light Balloon Expeditions Oakcreek Country Club Out of Africa Pink Jeep Tours Poco Diablo Resort Red Agave Resort Red Rock Balloon Adventures Sedona Arts Center Sedona Chamber of Commerce Sedona International Film Festival Sedona Magazine Sedona Marathon Sedona Offroad Adventures Sedona Pines Resort The Sedona Wine Tour Therapy on the Rocks Tlaquepaque Arts & Crafts Village Wildflower Inn AD PG 9 1 9 23 3 33 41 19 41 33 41 23 13 25 29 37 37 IFC 11 37 BC 4 33 & 41 17 27 31 & 52 51 37 39 36 5 21 35 27 29 WEB SITE ADDRESS www.azsegway.com www.safarijeeptours.com www.callofsedona.com www.bearizona.com www.bestwesternsedona.com www.innofsedona.com www.cheersofsedona.com www.cliffcastlecasinohotel.com www.elportalsedona.com www.enchantmentresort.com www.flagstaffsedonashuttle.com www.thetrain.com www.hiltonsedonaresort.com www.junipine.com www.kokopellisuites.com www.matterhorninn.com www.flymaverick.com www.northernlightballoon.com www.oakcreekcountryclub.com www.outofafricapark.com www.pinkjeep.com www.pocodiablo.com www.redagaveresort.com www.redrockballons.com www.sedonaartscenter.com www.visitsedona.com www.sedonafilmfestival.com www.sedonamagazine.com www.sedonamarathon.com www.sedonaoffroadadventures.com www.sedonaactivitycenter.com www.thesedonawinetour.com www.therapyontherocks.net www.tlaq.com www.sedonawildflowerinn.com DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O NorthernLightBalloon.com Untitled-2 1 1/8/2008 9:48:26 AM !2%9/52%!$9&/24(% !$6%.452%/&!,)&%4)-% %XPERIENCE!RIZONAWITH THEPEOPLEWHOKNOWIT BEST3ELECTFROMOVERA DOZENCUSTOMIZEDTOURS FROMMILDTOWILD7HICH WILLYOUCHOOSE s2IM2UN%XTREME OURMOSTPOPULARTOUR s$IAMOND"ACK%XTREME s7ILDLIFE3AFARI s!RCHAEOLOGY4OUR s'HOST4OWN'OLD-INE !S,OW !S s(ORSEBACK!DVENTURE s6ORTEX6ISIT s7INERIES4OUR s'RAND#ANYONANDMANYMORE WWWSAFARIJEEPTOURSCOMs WWWSAFARIJEEPTOURSCOMs .!4)6%!-%2)#!. */52.%93 'RAND 6ISITTHEBOTTOMOFTHE 'RAND#ANYONTOTHE #OLORADO2IVERTOURTHE SECLUDED(OPI-ESAOR DISCOVERHISTORIC)NDIAN RUINSWITH.ATIVEGUIDES WHOKNOWTHEAREABEST /&&2/!$2%.4!,3 #ANYON !S,OW !S WWWNATIVEAMERICANJOURNEYSCOM 'RABAMAPANDGETREADYFORSOME AMAZINGREDROCKSOFFROADINGON YOUROWN4OMCARSSEATTWOORFOUR ANDAREAVAILABLEFORHALFDAYOR FULLDAYADVENTURES !S,OW !S WWWSAFARITOMCARCOM Welcome to Sedona Given the variety of beautiful places to see in America, the Sedona Chamber of Commerce is pleased you have In This Guide 1]c`bSagASR]\O1VO[PS`]T1][[S`QS chosen to visit this spectacular spot. One of the chamber’s most important responsibilities is to provide services to approximately 3 million annual visitors. The Sedona Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center is located in Uptown Sedona at the corner of State Route 89A and Forest Road and is open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sundays and holidays; closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. This official visitor center is the place to obtain maps and various publications; purchase a Red Rock Pass or national passes, including Senior or Access passes, which may be required for parking in the national forest; and receive directions and suggestions from well-informed, courteous staff members and volunteers. The center provides information about sightseeing, hiking, recreational and cultural activities, special events, weather, climate, history, driving distances, transportation options, and environmental conditions. Additionally, the staff and volunteers can answer questions about Sedona demographics, churches, schools, local government and media, Sedona Film Office services, the Sedona Marathon event, civic and nonprofit organizations and facilities, historical sites, Coconino National Forest, state or national parks and monuments and nearby Native American ASR]\O1VO[PS`]T1][[S`QSDWaWb]`1S\bS` communities. Also, please use the Visitor Center’s 24-hour interactive kiosk for assistance with your dining, accommodation, activity or information needs. For more information, call (800) 288-7336, e-mail [email protected], or search at VisitSedona.com. $ SEDONA INTRO A32=</16/;03@ =41=;;3@13 D7A7B=@13<B3@:=1/B7=<( C>B=E<A32=</ !!4]`Sab@]ORASR]\O/H&$!!$ ' & & %% & &&%!!$ W\T].aSR]\OQVO[PS`Q][ eeeDWaWbASR]\OQ][ /2;7<7AB@/B7D3=44713( "#Ac\aSb2`WdSASR]\O/H&$!!$ ' & " ! eeeASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ A32=</47:;=44713( "#Ac\aSb2`WdSASR]\O/H&$!!$ ' & " ! eeeASR]\O4WZ[=T¿QSQ][ ;/7:7<5/22@3AA( >=0]f"%& ASR]\O/H&$!!' 1VO[PS`]T1][[S`QSAbOTT >@3A723<B13= 8S\\WTS`ESaaSZV]TT 27@31B=@=4;3;03@A67> 2OdWR9SSPS` 27@31B=@=4;/@93B7<5 ;WQVSZZS1]\eOg 27@31B=@=4D7A7B=@A3@D713A :SaZWS6c\b 27@31B=@=4B=C@7A;23D3:=>;3<B AOQVWY]AOR] >C0:71@3:/B7=<A1==@27</B=@ 9SUO\6OZZA^SQb]` =44713;/</53@ 2]\\O@SbSUO\ D=:C<B33@1==@27</B=@ B`OQW6O\Q]QY D7A7B=@13<B3@AB/44 3`WQHS\Y/Z2OV[O 0O`PO`O:SeWa;WQVOSZ>]`b\]g 1V`Wa1]f:SeWaA]Y]Z]TT & LODGING & HISTORY !DINING AND WINERIES OUTDOOR AND FAMILY ADVENTURE ! SPAS AND WEDDINGS 1/::13<B3@AB/44 @WbO0]\R:W\ROAQVSS`S` " HIT THE TRAILS !"SPIRITUAL AND PERSONAL ENRICHMENT 3F>3@73<13A32=</ $ SIGHTSEEING !$LIVING IN SEDONA LOCAL INFORMATION DAY TRIP S 27@31B=@=4/2D3@B7A7<5 8]V\8]V\a]\ !& THE COMMUNITY /2;7<7AB@/B7D3;/</53@ AOZZg;OZZ]\ "CALENDAR OF EVENTS "GETTING TO SEDONA " BUSINESS DIRECTORY $ ARTS AND CULTURE, SHOPPING #! DINING AND LODGING GUIDES A3<7=@23A75<3@ B`Sd]`@]PS`a]\ A/:3A@3>@3A3<B/B7D3 ;]\bg1]]^S` #$SEDONA MAP 1=<B@70CB=@A 6]gb18]V\a]\B][8]V\a]\ >V]b](B][8]V\a]\ 1=D3@>6=B=0G;O`YAV]`b DWaWbT]b]U`O^VTfQ][b]dWSe []`S]T;O`Y¸a^V]b]U`O^Vg 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\OWa^cPZWaVSRPgASR]\O>cPZWaVW\U1][^O\g %DO\2S`S\@]ORASR]\O/`Wh]\O&$!!$ ASR]\O>cPZWaVW\U1][^O\gWaOacPaWRWO`g]T 5O\\Sbb>OQW¿Q>cPZWQObW]\a7\Q 1]^g`WUVb ASR]\O>cPZWaVW\U1][^O\g7\Q /ZZ`WUVba`SaS`dSR @S^`]RcQbW]\]T[ObS`WOZW\eV]ZS]`^O`bWa^`]VWPWbSRA][S W\T]`[ObW]\Q]\bOW\SRW\bVWa^cPZWQObW]\Waac^^ZWSRT`][O\R caSReWbV^S`[WaaW]\]TASR]\O1VO[PS`]T1][[S`QS >cPZWaVS`Oaac[Sa\]`Sa^]\aWPWZWbgT]`S``]`a]`][WaaW]\a BVSb`ORS[O`Yaµ3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O¶O\Rµ=T¿QWOZ5cWRS]T ASR]\O1VO[PS`]T1][[S`QS¶O`S`SUWabS`SRPg ASR]\O1VO[PS`]T1][[S`QS 4]`ORdS`bWaW\UW\T]`[ObW]\Q]\bOQbASR]\O>cPZWaVW\U1][^O\g 0]f 'ASR]\O/H&$!!'' & & ' 4/F' & & '%#" aSR^cPQ].aSR]\O[OUOhW\SQ][ 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ PLUS Arroyo Roble Hotel & Creekside V illas =\=OY1`SSYW\bVS6SO`b]TC^b]e\ASR]\O 1`SSYaWRSDWZZOa]TTS` PSR`]][a PObVa TcZZYWbQVS\ ¿`S^ZOQSa^ObW]aPOZQ]\WSa OZZZ]QObSR`WUVb]\bVSPO\Ya]T=OY1`SSY 9W\UO\RR]cPZS_cSS\`]][aeWbV[OU\W¿QS\b`SR `]QYdWSeaT`][^`WdObSPOZQ]\WSaO\R]`^ObW]a /eO`REW\\W\U ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ 4`SScaS]TTcZZgS_cW^^SR¿b\Saa`]][ W\]cbR]]`^]]Zaa^Oa<Se UO[S `]][eWbVOW`V]QYSgbOPZSaVcTÀSP]O`R ^W\U^]\U<W\bS\R]EWWO\R[]`S 4@33TcZZV]bP`SOYTOabPcTTSb >`W[SZ]QObW]\\Sfbb]aV]^aUOZZS`WSa >`WdObSPOZQ]\WSaO\R]`^ObW]a 3\X]g$TSSb]T^`WdObST`]\bOUS ]\=OY1`SSY ◆ A^SQbOQcZO``SR`]QYdWSea T`][#ab]`WSa ◆ :cfc`W]caAW[[]\a^WZZ]eb]^PSRa ◆ 4W`S^ZOQSaeVW`Z^]]ZbcPaOdOWZOPZS ◆ 4`SSVWUVa^SSR7\bS`\SbW\OZZ`]][a PSabeSabS`\aSR]\OQ][ 4]`@SaS`dObW]\a&%%!!$$ "<AbObS@]cbS&'/◆ASR]\O/H&$!!$ <]bOdOWZOPZSeWbVO\g]bVS`]TTS`a=TTS`Sf^W`Sa8O\cO`g! ! A>317/: =443@ 0==9G=C@ @3A3@D/B7=< 1/:: B=@3137D3 A>317/: >@717<5 CA31=23 3A5 www.PocoDiablo.com 1752 State Route 179 Sedona, Arizona 86336 928.282.7333 877.282.5755 Discounted Activities for the Entire Family! Starting @ only $65 Starting @ only $39! Starting @ only $55! One Stop Shopping for Your Sedona Experience! Sedona Activity Center sedonaactivitycenter.com 1-888-543-1785 . 2015 W. Hwy 89A, Sedona AZ 86336 Mention this ad and receive a FREE daily Red Rock Pass Coupon Code SAC 37 Activity prices and features subject to change without notice. Taxes and gratuities not included. Additional restrictions may apply. $3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ sedona is situated in a unique geological area that has mesmerized visitors for decades. DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ >V]b](B][8]V\a]\ >V]b](;O`YAV]`b The picturesque city, surrounded by beloved red-rock monoliths named Coffeepot, Cathedral and Bell — even Snoopy — because their massive shapes resemble these distinctive objects, rates as the country’s most beautiful place. Sedona lies at the mouth of beautiful Oak Creek Canyon, a breathtaking chasm that even today, remains wildly wonderful. Rising high above Sedona and its hallmark canyon is the Mogollon Rim, a 2,000-foot escarpment formed from ancient deposits of limestone, mudstone and sandstone when the area was the west coast of a still-emerging continent. The awesome rim serves as the southwestern boundary of the vast Colorado Plateau, which extends into five other states, and is home to the largest contiguous stand of ponderosa pine trees in the world. Sedona’s impressive natural endowments also include the 1.8 million-acre Coconino National Forest, which essentially engulfs this city and encompasses seven precious wilderness areas. The list of sightseeing and recreational amenities, including state parks and national monuments, is extensive. Sedona visitors can spend a day hiking, horsebackriding, on Segways, or bouncing in an off-road vehicle on the trails and dirt roads that crisscross the area, and then enjoy the comfort of a deluxe hotel, country inn or an acclaimed resort at night. Yes, this is the paradox and enchantment of Sedona: wonderful accommodations, unique shops, impressive art galleries and fine restaurants nestled in an unusually rugged canyon surrounded by an expansive national forest. 1]TTSS>]b@]QY 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O % Sedona History attraction more than 100 years later. James, who moved here in 1879, named Bell Rock and Steamboat Rock, among others. In 1876, the same year that Thompson settled in Oak Creek farmed and fished nearby and harvested wild desert plants, like the Canyon, Beaver Head Stage Station was built near Dry Beaver yucca, for medicinal and practical uses. Yucca, abundant in what Creek, 12 miles south of what now is Sedona. The station was is now Sedona, provided fiber, food and soap to the Verde Valley’s located on the road from Winslow to Yuma, which branched off the original craftspeople. Their homes, occupied between 550 and 1400 route of what would be the Santa Fe Railroad and Route 66. Later, A.D., are now ancient ruins that still dot the area today. Honanki and a rough road extended from the stage station to Big Park (which was Palatki Archaeological Site, Montezuma Castle and Montezuma Well named Village of Oakcreek in 1968). The road continued northward to the area that was to be Sedona, and also branched west to Red Rock, a settlement on Oak Creek between what we now call Red Rock Crossing and today’s Red Rock State Park. Other notable settlers would soon make their claims along lower Oak Creek, including John Lee, Henry Schuerman and Margaret Ann Jackson. T.C. and Sedona Schnebly were attracted to Upper Oak Creek or Camp Garden — both names were being used — by the area’s beauty. In 1902, with their children, Ellsworth and Pearl, the couple joined T.C.’s brother, Dorsey Ellsworth Schnebly, who had been captivated by the area while traveling the West in search of a healthful climate. The couple purchased an 80-acre site from Frank Owenby on which T.C. constructed a handsome house with two AQV\SPZg6][S stone fireplaces. On the site, near present-day Los Abrigados Resort and Tlaquepaque Arts and Crafts Village, the Schneblys grew fruit and produce, operated a general store and ran a hotel in their home. national monuments, Tuzigoot National Monument and V-Bar-V T.C. carted his fruit to sell in Flagstaff and often returned with Heritage Site offer the public a glimpse into pre-Sedona life. visitors who stayed at the Schnebly house. While in Flagstaff, he also Centuries later, homesteaders like J.J. Thompson claimed property picked up the mail for locals. When the under the Homestead Act. In 1876, small settlement’s residents — members of Thompson, one of the earliest white the Owenby, Dumas, Schuerman, Armijo settlers in the Upper Oak Creek area, and Chavez families — complained to T.C. had taken squatter’s rights to a parcel of about slow and infrequent mail service, he land across from today’s Indian Gardens filed an application for the establishment of Trading Post, where a year earlier, a post office. scouts from Fort Verde — now, Camp T.C. suggested several post office names, Verde — had captured a small band of but the Postmaster General in Washington Tonto Apache Indians. rejected the names because they were too Thompson found the Indians’ long to fit on a cancellation stamp. Dorsey deserted gardens and a healthy spring, Schnebly then suggested the name of his which encouraged him to build a log sister-in-law, Sedona, telling T.C. that “in cabin. He called his home Indian ASR]\OO\RB1AQV\SPZg the person there was a character that would Gardens Ranch, but later shortened it stand well as a symbol for the community.” to Indian Gardens. More canyon settlers followed, coming to raise Postal officials approved the name and on June 26, 1902, the post horses and cattle. They dug irrigation ditches for orchards. During offi ce was in business — in the back of the Schnebly home. the ensuing decades, the trails and cowpaths in the canyon became dirt roads. This attracted more people, including Frank Pendley, the most notable farmer in the history of Oak Creek Canyon. His engineering skills enabled him to construct an innovative irrigation system that brought him unparalleled success. His apples and pears were sold at markets in Jerome, Cottonwood, Phoenix and Los Angeles. Today, Pendley’s irrigation system still is used at Slide Rock State Park, site of his early homestead. South of J.J. Thompson’s Indian Gardens, the Abraham James family earned the distinction of being the first residents of Camp Garden, which would later be called Sedona. The community can thank James for making it a popular tourist &3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O HISTORY 67AB=@G An Old-Fashioned Experience /<=:24/A67=<323F>3@73<13 BVS ASR]\O 6S`WbOUS ;caSc[ Wa Z]QObSR W\ C^b]e\¸a 8]`RO\ BVS ASR]\O 6S`WbOUS ;caSc[ Wa Z]QObSR W\ c^b]e\¸a 8]`RO\ 6Wab]`WQOZ >O`Y O\R TSObc`Sa bVS V][S ]T ^W]\SS` TO`[S` EOZbS` 6Wab]`WQOZ >O`Y O\R TSObc`Sa bVS V][S ]T ^W]\SS` TO`[S` EOZbS` 8]`RO\OaWbeOaW\'!DWaWb]`aQO\S\X]gOUZW[^aS]TSO`ZgASR]\O 8]`RO\OaWbeOaW\'!DWaWb]`aQO\S\X]gOUZW[^aS]TSO`ZgASR]\O bV`]cUVOdO`WSbg]T=ZRESabO\R^W]\SS`SfVWPWbaOASR]\O[]dWS bV`]cUVOdO`WSbg]T=ZRESabO\R^W]\SS`SfVWPWbaOASR]\O[]dWS `]][O`SR`]QYPO`\bVObV]caSaO\O\bW_cST`cWba]`bW\U[OQVW\S `]][O`SR`]QYPO`\bVObV]caSaO\O\bW_cST`cWba]`bW\U[OQVW\S O\R=OY1`SSY1O\g]\¸a¿ `ab¿`SS\UW\S3\X]g¿`ab^S`a]\ab]`WSa]T O\R =OY 1`SSY 1O\g]\¸a ¿`ab ¿`S S\UW\S BVS [caSc[ O\R Z]QOZ ASR]\O]\VO\RVSZROcRW]RSdWQSaBVS[caSc[O\RZ]QOZO`bWaO\ O`bWaO\UWTbaV]^O`S]^S\O[!^[ROWZg1OZZ' & & %!& UWTbaV]^O`S]^S\O[!^[ROWZg1OZZ' & & %!& DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ >V]b]aQ]c`bSag]TASR]\O6Wab]`WQOZA]QWSbg6S`WbOUS;caSc[ Long before Sedona Schnebly settled near Oak Creek, the Sinagua Indians DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O ' Recreation the outdoor recreation experience Red Rock Country and the Mogollon Rim offer the perfect mix of spectacular >V]b](;O`YAV]`b sights and outdoor recreation, so much so that it’s almost impossible to experience one without the other. Whether you’re looking to hike in the colorful shade of a canopied canyon, to cool off in the waters of Oak Creek, to cycle over smooth sandstone surfaces, to camp in the majestic solitude of the world’s largest ponderosa pine forest, or to climb a spectacular red-rock spire, there is no end to the opportunities that await in Sedona’s great outdoors. For more information on any area activities or outfitters, refer to the business directory. =OY1`SSY (928) 203-2900 for information, or visit redrockcountry.org, and check the directory for private campgrounds and RV facilities. >V]b](B][8]V\a]\ FISHING AND BOATING AZWRS@]QYAbObS>O`Y CAMPING & PICNICKING Northern Arizona is brimming with water recreation. Sedona’s enclaves of creeks and eddies offer up renowned fishing spots. The Verde River lends itself to fishing, water play and whitewater rafting. Electric boats can test the waters of Goldwater and Willow lakes near Prescott. Gasoline-powered boats are welcome north of Sedona at Upper Lake Mary. Fishing licenses are required and can be purchased at Arizona Game and Fish offices, most sporting goods stores and local grocery stores. For more information, call the Arizona Game and Fish Department, (602) 942-3000, or visit azgfd.gov. STATE PARKS The Sedona area is home to two of Arizona’s beloved state parks and within an hour’s drive of four others. Slip slide away at Slide Rock State Park — a natural water slide carved into the slick-rock surface of Oak Creek Canyon — or roam and relax around Red Rock State Popular day-use sites provided by the Forest Service are located at Call of the Canyon, near the trailhead at West Fork; Crescent Moon Ranch, headquarters for a world-famous view of Cathedral Rock; and EVS\ ^O`YW\U W\ a][S Z]QObW]\a ]\ 1]Q]\W\] <ObW]\OZ 4]`Sab ZO\R dWaWb]`a O`S `S_cW`SR b] Grasshopper Point, a smaller RWa^ZOg O @SR @]QY >Oaa ]` 4SRS`OZ 7\bS`OUS\Qg AS\W]` ]` /QQSaa >Oaa W\ bVS eW\RaVWSZR site near Midgley Bridge. ]TbVSW`dSVWQZS/^OaaWa\]b\SQSaaO`gT]`VWYW\UPWYW\U]``WRW\UV]`aSPOQYeVS\^O`YW\U Designated picnic areas O dSVWQZS Wa \]b W\d]ZdSR O\R \]b T]` OQbWdWbWSa bVOb O`S W\QWRS\bOZ b] b`OdSZW\U bV`]cUV bVS named Encinoso, Banjo Bill, T]`SabacQVOaab]^^W\Ub]bOYSO^V]b]U`O^VBVSTc\RaUS\S`ObSRPgbVS@SR@]QY>Oaa Bootlegger and Halfway are ^`]U`O[O`ScaSRT]`Q]\aS`dObW]\`Sab]`ObW]\O\R^`SaS`dObW]\]TbVST]`Sab2OWZgeSSYZg creek-side haunts in Oak O\R O\\cOZ ^OaaSa T]` # # O\R O\R OZZ 4SRS`OZ 7\bS`OUS\Qg ^OaaSa O`S OdOWZOPZS Creek Canyon, as are Cave Ob O R]hS\ aSZTaS`dS [OQVW\Sa Ob bVS ASR]\O 1VO[PS` ]T 1][[S`QS DWaWb]` 1S\bS` Springs, Manzanita and Pine bVS @SR @]QY @O\US` AbObW]\ DWaWb]` 1]\bOQb 1S\bS` O\R =OY 1`SSY DWabO =dS`Z]]Y A][S Flat campgrounds. Call the `Sab`WQbW]\a[OgO^^Zg District Ranger Station at PARKING You Might Need A Red Rock Pass! 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O ! But to see everything the area has to offer — pristine canyons, vortex sites and ancient ruins — consider booking a tour. Local companies offer a variety of entertaining ways to experience Red Rock Country — in Jeeps, airplanes, helicopters, hot-air balloons, dune buggies, even scenic railroads. Not only will you totally be amazed at the sights, you’ll learn a lot about the area. Tours to the Grand Canyon are also offered. >V]b](B][8]V\a]\ GOLF & TENNIS If you’re a golf buff, tee it up at highly rated championship courses open to the public. But beware! You might end up taking more shots with your camera than your clubs. If you enjoy a short course, play a round on a couple of conveniently located executive courses. If tennis is your racquet, Sedona serves up a good game year round. If you’re new to either sport or just want to hone your skills, many resorts offer professional instruction and scheduled competitions on top-quality courses and courts. EXTREME SPORTS It’s human nature to want to conquer Mother Nature. For those who are more content to surmount the world than just see it, Red Rock Country offers much more than a walk in its many parks. Adrenaline junkies can find jolts in a variety of forums, from riding endless miles of famed slick and steep mountain-biking trails or the scenic route along SR179 in this designated bike-friendly community, to kayaking the cool waters of the Verde River, to canyoneering, to climbing the area’s more than 20 red-rock spires. Feel your pulse quicken as you take in the scenery from the back of a motorcycle or All-Terrain Vehicle. For a different kind of rush, make a run for the Sedona Marathon, whose 26.2 miles span the area’s scenic streets and forests. For more information, call the District Ranger Station, (928) 203-2900. >V]b](;O`YAV]`b KID ACTIVITIES Park, a haven of hiking and stunning red-rock vistas. For more water fun, visit Dead Horse Ranch State Park along the Verde River in Cottonwood. To catch up on Arizona history, head for Jerome Historic State Park in Jerome, Fort Verde State Historic Park in Camp Verde, or Riordan State Historic Park in Flagstaff. Arizona State Parks Passes are available for $5-$65 and may be purchased from all Arizona State Parks. For more information, call (602) 542-4174, or visit azstateparks.com. TOURS & EXCURSIONS Sure, you can see some of the famous red rocks like Snoopy and Steamboat while walking down Sedona’s main street, and you can look down at winding Oak Creek from spots in the Uptown area. 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O When accompanied by a parent, kids can participate in almost every type of adventure that Sedona offers. But let’s face it, parents can be exhausting and sometimes kids just need a break from the grown-up scene. Fortunately, area resorts host kids-only camps and clubs designed specifically for the younger generation to enjoy, while the adults take a little “time-out.” Activities range from science and nature walks to treasure hunts, to mini golf, to arts and crafts projects, to youth cooking classes. See the directory for a list of resorts. Kids can also participate in the Junior Ranger program offered by Arizona State Parks and the U.S. Forest Service. Call (602) 542-4174 or (928) 203-2900, or visit azstateparks.com. BIRDING Sedona is situated at an elevation of 4,500 feet, at the upper margin of the Sonoran Desert. According to the Northern Arizona Audubon Society, this elevation, combined with a distinct change of seasons and rich riparian areas, results in a varied population of birds, which means good birding opportunities abound any time of the year. In April, avid birders flock to Cottonwood for the Verde Valley Birding and Nature Festival for three days of activities and educational programs celebrating and supporting our feathered friends. Call (928) 282-2202. Additional birding information is available at the District Ranger Station in Sedona, (928) 203-2900. DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ FUN FOR THE FAMILY Quality Time >V]b](;O`YAV]`b 0SQOcaS]TWba[O\gZcfc`g `Sa]`ba`][O\bWQQ`SSYaWRS Q]bbOUSaO\Ra^W`WbcOZ`Sb`SOba ASR]\O[Og\]baSS[WRSOZT]` OTcZZ]\TO[WZgdOQObW]\=\bVS Q]\b`O`gASR]\OWa]\S]TbVS PSabTO[WZgRSabW\ObW]\aW\bVS A]cbVeSab<]b]\ZgO`SbVS`S []`SbVO\OVO\RTcZ]TV]bSZa bVObO`SVO^^gb]OQQ][[]RObS QVWZR`S\O\RSdS\^Sba[O\g ]TbVSZ]QOZ`Sa]`ba]TTS`ROg QO[^aO\R`SQ`SObW]\OZYWRa¸ ^`]U`O[[W\U7Tg]c¸`S\]bbVS V]bSZ]``SabOc`O\bbg^SbVS`S O`S^ZS\bg]TQO[^U`]c\Ra@D ^O`YaO\R^WQ\WQa^]babV`]cUV ]cbbVSO`SO :]]YW\Ub]Q`SObSg]c` ]e\TO[WZg^`]U`O[-ASR]\O O\RbVSDS`RSDOZZSgQO\¸b PSPSObT]`bVSW`ZWab]TOZZ OUSOQbWdWbWSaeVWQVW\QZcRS VWYW\UV]`aSPOQY`WRW\UPWYW\U aeW[[W\UOZZbS``OW\b]c`a P]ObW\U¿aVW\UPW`ReObQVW\U bS\\WaOUV]abb]e\OaYObS ^O`YO\/T`WQO\eWZRZWTS^O`Y b`OW\`WRSaEWZRESabRW\\S` aV]eaU]ZT[W\WObc`SU]ZT [caSc[U]W\U[OUWQaV]ea ^]bbS`g^OW\bW\UO\R]cbR]]` QVSaa4]`SRcQObW]\OZTc\bVS O`SO¸a\c[S`]caabObS^O`Ya ]TTS`OdO`WSbg]TUcWRSReOZYa O\Re]`YaV]^aOZ]\UeWbVO 8c\W]`@O\US`^`]U`O[A][S Z]QOZO`bUOZZS`WSaSdS\]TTS` Q`SObWdSg]cbVQZOaaSaA]P`W\U bVSTO[WZgO\R^ZO\]\abOgW\UO TSeROgaPSQOcaSaW[^Zg^OaaW\U bV`]cUVQ]cZR[SO\^OaaW\Uc^ g]c`[]ab[S[]`OPZSdOQObW]\ 4]`[]`SW\T]`[ObW]\ QOZZ' & & %% ]` & &&%!!$ DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O ! Hit The Trails hiking, biking, MODERATE horseback riding Devil’s Bridge 0.9 mi. one way; the trailhead is 1.5 miles north on FR 152 on Dry Creek Road (high-clearance vehicle required for trailhead access). Red Rock Country offers spectacular trails for hiking, biking and horseback riding. Their special Jordan Trail 2 mi. loop; access this trail at the end of Jordan Road in Uptown. Courthouse Butte Loop 3.9 mi. loop; this trail starts and ends at the Bell Rock Pathway kiosk on State Route 179 in Village of Oakcreek. attractions are as varied as their degrees of difficulty, unique locations and historical significance. Some lead to high elevations, some hug winding creeks, some afford awesome views of distant vistas, while others simply offer intimate beauty. Sedona is designated a bike-friendly community, however, not every trail allows for all three activities, especially in designated wilderness areas, where biking is prohibited. Other trails permit hiking only, hiking and biking only, or hiking and horseback riding only. Remember to “leave no trace”, and that you might need a federal or Red Rock Pass (see page 10 for details) if parking a vehicle on Forest Service land. For a complete list of local trails and permissible activities, visit redrockcountry.org or call Coconino National Forest, Red Rock Ranger District: (928) 203-2900. For outfitters, supplies and rentals, refer to the business directory. Schuerman Mountain 1 mi. one way; the trailhead is on Upper Red Rock Loop Road. Huckaby Trail 2.5 mi. one way; starts at either Midgely Bridge or on a trailhead where the pavement ends, approximately a mile up, on Schnebly Hill Road. Brins Mesa Trail 3 mi. one way; access this trail at the end of Jordan Road in Uptown Sedona. Turkey Creek Trail 3.4 mi. one way; the trailhead is located at Verde Valley School Road and Turkey Creek Road. Munds Wagon Trail 4 mi. one way; the trailhead is located where the pavement ends approximately a mile up Schnebly Hill Road. West Fork 3 mi. one way; park at Call of the Canyon in Oak Creek Canyon. Fee required. >V]b](;O`YAV]`b STRENUOUS trails 1ObVSR`OZ@]QY A.B. Young 2.4 mi. one way; ford the creek at Bootlegger Campground and climb to the old road to start your hike. Bear Mountain Trail 2.5 mi. one way; the trailhead is located on FR 152C off Boynton Pass Road. Map and trail information courtesy of Coconino National Forest, Red Rock Ranger District. EASY Bell Rock Pathway 3 mi. one way; the three trailheads are at Little Horse, Bell Rock Vista and Courthouse Vista. Margs Draw Trail Baldwin/Templeton/Cathedral Rock Trail 2 mi. one way; the trailhead is at the end of Verde Valley School Road. Jim Thompson Trail 2.4 mi. one way; access this trail at the end of Jordan Road in Uptown. Vultee Arch 1.7 mi. one way; this trail starts at the end of Forest Road 152 (high-clearance vehicle required for trailhead access). Red Rock State Park Various distances; this park is located off Red Rock Loop Road. Fee required. "3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O 1]c`bSagASR]\O1VO[PS`]T1][[S`QS 1.7 mi. one way; trailhead is on Sombart Lane, off Schnebly Hill Road. DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ Red Rock Country DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O # # 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O Sights the sightseeing Sedona may be on the way to a lot of places, but its natural beauty, historic sites and metaphysical and recreational hot spots have made it the ultimate destination for travelers from around the world. Noteworthy sights in Northern Arizona are seemingly without end and whether you stay in the area for a few days, or even a few weeks, odds are you won’t manage to see them all. But anchoring yourself in Sedona is an easy and enjoyable way to get through the list. Here are a few favorite sights to get you started. For information and maps of more scenic drives in the Sedona area, go to VisitSedona.com. >V]b](;O`YAV]`b experience red rock crossing One of the most photographed scenes in the country, this spot is where # Cathedral Rock, this area’s majestic natural icon, is fronted by Oak Creek. Located just off Upper Red Rock Loop Road. Historic Crescent Moon Ranch is nearby. Fee required. red rock state park Follow Upper Red Rock Loop Road through a beautiful, pristine area to >V]b](B][8]V\a]\ $ chapel of the holy cross =OY1`SSY1O\g]\ this unique 286-acre state park. This environmental center offers exhibits, classes and outdoor activities. Fee required. (928) 282-6907. palatki and honanki heritage Sites % Built into the walls of Red Canyon, the ancient Sinaguan ruins of Palatki and Honanki are beautiful to behold and offer impressive displays of rock art dating back Featuring a reinforced cross that juts from a 1,000-foot high rock wall and soars 90 feet into the air, this 56-year-old, view-studded chapel is located 3 miles south of the intersection of State Routes (SR) 89A and 179 on Chapel Road. (928) 282-4069. sedona heritage museum Located at Jordan Historical Park in an old apple orchard, this museum depicts a century of Sedona’s history in pictures and words. 735 Jordan Road, (928) 282-7038. oak creek canyon ! Site of Oak Creek Recreation Area, this canyon features great hiking, good fishing, convenient camping, a natural water slide at Slide Rock State Park and one of the richest riparian areas in the country. Drive north of Sedona on SR 89A. schnebly hill road and vista Take a tour of the backcountry, beginning right in town, by driving Forest Service Road (FR) 153, 6 miles up rugged Bear Wallow Canyon to scenic Schnebly Hill Vista, overlooking the Verde Valley and Sedona. Enjoy the thrill ride up this former cow trail in your own four-wheel-drive high-clearance vehicle, or take a tour and leave the driving to someone else. (928) 203-2900. $3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O >V]b](;O`YAV]`b " DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ >V]b](>`OgS`W6O``Wa]\ >V]b](B][8]V\a]\ 6,000 years. Travel 9 miles west on SR 89A to FR 525, a dirt road. Follow signs approximately 7 miles to Palatki and the visitors center. Continue another 3 miles to Honanki. Red Rock Pass required. Reservations required at Palatki. (928) 282-3854. v-bar-v heritage site & This picturesque canyon site along the banks of Beaver Creek is home to the Verde Valley’s largest collection of ancient petroglyphs (rock art etched into stone walls). Originally part of historic V-V Ranch, the property is located 3 miles east of Interstate 17 (I-17) on FR 618. A Red Rock Pass isrequired and can be purchased at the on-site visitors center. Visit redrockcountry.org for hours of operation. montezuma castle national monument ' One of the largest and oldest cliff dwellings in the entire Southwest, this fascinating ruin was a home to Sinagua Indians, who farmed at the base of the tall structure. Montezuma Well, an immense sinkhole that provided water to the Sinagua, is nearby. Take I-17 25 miles south of Sedona to Exit 289. Fee required. (928) 567-3322. camp verde Once the headquarters of Gen. George Crook during the Apache Indian campaigns in the 1870s, Fort Verde State rural West. Call ahead for hours. (928) 567-3275. Out of Africa Wildlife Park features more than 100 acres of wilderness where animals from across the globe enjoy spacious enclosures remarkably akin to their native habitats. The wild kingdom exhibits professional trainers interacting with and soothing such notoriously savage beasts as Bengal tigers, African lions, hyenas and a rhino. Take a safari tour and get close with a kissable giraffe, or take a walkabout and get a closer glimpse of all the animals. Fee required. (928) 567-2840. tuzigoot national monument This widespread prehistoric pueblo was built by the Sinagua Indians starting around A.D. 1000. Currently comprised of 42 acres, the site’s 110 rooms, including second- and third-story structures, was once a hub of agriculture and trade for the ancient tribe that disappeared from the area around 1400. Located south of the Verde River between Cottonwood and Clarkdale. Fee required. (928) 634-5564. cottonwood ! Historic Park is located in the small town of Camp Verde and gives visitors an interesting look at Arizona’s early military life and the &3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O ;]\bShc[O1OabZS In the early 1900s, farmers provided fresh produce to miners who lived in Jerome, Arizona’s third-largest city at that time. First established as a military DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ LOCATION ELEVATION DESTINATION Close to it all... 4232/43(/&%$/.!=2"%!43)&4,%$/#+2!.$.%23,%$).3(%(%!13/&1)9/.!=2 3(1)5).'%1$%!,,%8).%/4.3188/4=,,>.$,)&&!23,%!2).//3%,1)9/.!=2 #!2)./&/1/5%1!$%#!$%!.$3(%0%1&%#3%.3%13!).-%.3$%23).!3)/. ; 3!3%/&3(%!132,/32 ; %'!2238,%,!#+*!#+!.$/+%1 ; /3%,0!#+!'%2!.$#/.&%1%.#%#%.3%1 ; )5%%.3%13!).-%.3 ; 6!1$6)..).'3/183%,,%123%!+/42% ; )$24%23"/6,).'!.$!. !1#!$%&/1(/412/&&!-),8&4. #,)&&#!23,%#!2)./(/3%,#/ :4232/43(/&%$/.!;7)3 1/4$,8/6.%$!.$/0%1!3%$"83(% !5!0!)0!#(%!3)/.,%!2%0,!81%20/.2)",8<,)&&!23,%!2).//3%, camp and named for a stand of nearby cottonwood trees, this is where one of the main crossings of the Verde River was located. The Cottonwood Historic Commercial District — Old Town — is a favorite site for local shopping and dining, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. clarkdale " Once a company town built in 1914 to process ore from Jerome mines, Clarkdale is now best known as the headquarters of the Verde Canyon Railroad. Called Arizona’s longest-running nature show, this popular train’s scenic route along the Verde River offers views of otherwise inaccessible ancient ruins, nesting bald eagles and massive rock formations. jerome # this precariously perched “City in the Sky” was one of the most famous mining camps in the country. It endured devastating fires, landslides and every sin imaginable. When the boom went bust, the population plummeted to 100 and Jerome became a ghost town. Still, the quirky little settlement on Cleopatra Hill survived. Today, Jerome boasts a renowned art community with several switchbacks’ worth of inviting shops, galleries, restaurants and inns. Jerome State Historic Park houses the town’s fascinating history and displays of early mining at the Gold King and Cleopatra mines. grand canyon $ The South Rim of Arizona’s No. 1 attraction is only two-plus hours from Sedona. For an exceptional, historic treat, travel to Williams and take the Grand Canyon Railway to this popular national park. The depot is near the famed El Tovar Lodge on the edge of the canyon. For information about Grand Canyon National Park, call (928) 638-7888. >V]b](B][8]V\a]\ During its lucrative mining boom when its population peaked at 15,000, 5`O\R1O\g]\´=\Zg #V]c`aT`][ASR]\O relaxing and tasting the wine while looking over rolling fields of vines or gazing at red-rock spires. Overnight hotel packages and wine tours are available or just take a drive along Oak Creek and you’re sure to see a wine bar in a romantic setting. Wineries are located in Sedona, Page Springs and the surrounding communities. For additional information about sightseeing and day tours, visit VisitSedona.com, sedonaverdevalley.org and experiencewilliams.com williams % Williams is a picturesque mountain town with Route 66 as the Main Street. Less than an hour from Sedona, Williams offers many things to do, with miles of hiking trails, fishing, horseback riding, and skiing. While in Williams, visit Bearizona, where you will experience animal wildlife the way it was meant to be, in a natural environment and all from the comfort and safety of your own vehicle. Your family will enjoy the wide variety of wildlife, from majestic bison and nimble big horn sheep to stealthy mountain lions and adorable bear cubs. (928) 635-2289.You also can ride The Grand Canyon Railway. Ride the train to the Grand Canyon, one of the world’s natural wonders, and enjoy singing cowboys, great Arizona scenery, and a walk along the South rim of the Canyon. (800) 843-8724. wine country & Sedona and Verde Valley wineries offer unique and tasteful wines in one of the most beautiful places in the world. You can experience making the wine, stomping the grapes or just 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ Local sunrise & sunset 2012 8O\cO`gab %(! O[#(!^[ 4SP`cO`gab %( "O[$(^[ ;O`QVab$(#%O[$( #^[ /^`WZab$($O[$("'^[ ;Ogab#("O[%(^[ 8c\Sab#( O[ %(!!^[ 8cZgab#( O[%(" ^[ /cUcabab#("O[%( &^[ AS^bS[PS`ab$( O[ $(#"^[ =Qb]PS`ab$( O[$(#^[ <]dS[PS`ab$("%O[ #(!$^[ 2SQS[PS`ab%("O[#( ^[ /`Wh]\OSfQS^bT]`<ObWdS/[S`WQO\ `SaS`dObW]\aR]Sa\]b]PaS`dS ROgZWUVbaOdW\UbW[SASR]\O¸abW[S OZeOgaWa;]c\bOW\AbO\RO`RBW[S population '' & ASR]\O%% !% 1]Q]\W\]1]c\bg'$#'!#$! 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ASR]\O4W`S2Wab`WQb ' & & $&3[S`US\Qg' ASR]\O;OUOhW\S ' & & ' DD;SRWQOZ1S\bS`ASR]\O1O[^ca ' & "!3[S`US\Qg' ASR]\O1VO[PS`]T1][[S`QS ' & & %% ASR]\O>]ab=T¿QS ' & & !# ASR]\O>]ZWQS ' & & !3[S`US\Qg' ASR]\O>cPZWQ:WP`O`g ' & & %%" ASR]\O@SR@]QY<Sea ' & & %%'# ASR]\OC`US\b1O`S ' & !"&!3[S`US\Qg' GOdO^OW1]c\bgAVS`WTT ' &#$%%% DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O Day Trips day trips from sedona verde valley loop Take State Route 179 (SR 179) through Village of Oakcreek to Interstate /`Wh]\O[O^caSRPg^S`[WaaW]\/`Wh]\O@]OR@SQ`SObW]\/bZOa !0S\QV[O`Y;O^aeeePS\QV[O`Y[O^aQ][ 17 (I-17) and head south toward Camp Verde. Exit the interstate on Middle Verde Road (Exit 289), travel east and watch for signs to Montezuma Castle National Monument and Montezuma Well, where visitors can spy ancient ruins and walk through an inviting riparian area. Continue to Camp Verde and Fort Verde State Historical Park. Take State Route 260 toward Cottonwood to Out of Africa Wildlife Park, where more than 100 acres of wilderness houses animals in their natural habitats. Continue west on SR 260 to Cottonwood, where you’ll drive through “Old Town” and follow the original road to Clarkdale for a couple of miles before turning north on Tuzigoot Road, which leads to Tuzigoot National Monument, a prehistoric Indian ruin. Continue on the old road to Clarkdale and follow signs to the Verde Canyon Railroad depot. Here, you might want to take a trip on this historic train before continuing through Clarkdale, which was established as a company town when the railway serviced a large smelting operation. Drive north to State Route 89A and climb the twisting road up Cleopatra Hill, the spectacular must-see setting of Jerome where you can discover Jerome State Historical Park and Jerome Historical Society’s Mine Museum. Return to Sedona, soaking in distant views of Flagstaff ’s San Francisco Peaks and Sedona’s massive red-rock formations as you descend Cleopatra Hill, and continue through Cottonwood on SR 89A. grand canyon loop Travel north on SR 89A through beautiful Oak Creek Canyon. As you approach Flagstaff, you will parallel I-17. Join I-17 and continue north to Interstate 40 (I-40). Take I-40 west toward Los Angeles to the picturesque mountain town of Williams. Take time to drive through Williams on one of the best preserved stretches of Route 66 in America and enjoy a walk among the historic downtown shops and restaurants. Also consider a driving tour through Bearizona (pg 20), before proceeding north on State Route 64 to Grand Canyon Village. After enjoying some of the most famous and spectacular views in the world, travel east along SR 64 to Desert View, stopping at numerous scenic overlooks along the way. Turn around and head back to Grand Canyon Village and then south on SR 64 to U.S. Route 180. From here, drive south-east to Flagstaff, skirting the majestic San Francisco Peaks, Arizona’s highest mountains. Go through Flagstaff to I-17 and SR 89A and return to Sedona. flagstaff loop >V]b](B][8]V\a]\ The highlight of this day tour is the winding and wonderfully scenic trip up Oak Creek Canyon. Every rock- =OY1`SSY1O\g]\ 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O bordered curve, every tree-formed tunnel, every climbing turn of this road features more natural beauty than the one before. The canyon also abounds with historic landmarks — like Midgely Bridge; Indian Gardens, where early settlers farmed; the former site of Mayhew Lodge, which attracted presidents and movie stars; and an old lodge where Zane Grey wrote “Call of the Canyon.” As you approach Flagstaff, note Northern Arizona University on your right as you continue along the former US Route 66 into the city’s historic downtown area, abundant with charming shops and restaurants. Consider a visit to Lowell Observatory (where Pluto was discovered), Riordan Mansion State Historic Park, and Arizona Snowbowl ski resort atop the San Francisco Peaks, where Mount Humphreys reaches the state’s highest elevation of 12,000 feet. Stop at the chamber of commerce office in downtown for complete information. On your way back to Sedona, stay on I-17 as you drive south through the Coconino National Forest; exit west on SR 179 (Exit 298) and travel north through Village of Oakcreek on this recently designated All-American Road. DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O ! Getting o Sedona the way to T sedona FROM LAS VEGAS FROM PHOENIX Total distance: Approximately 120 miles Estimated total time: 2 hours OPTION A Take Interstate 17 (I-17) north toward Flagstaff (98 miles) Take Exit 298 Turn left (west) onto SR 179 Proceed on SR 179 to Sedona (14 miles) OPTION B Take I-17 north toward Flagstaff (89 miles) Exit at State Route 260. Proceed west toward State Route 89A (16 miles) Turn right onto SR 89A and continue to Sedona (19 miles) FROM FLAGSTAFF PULLIAM AIRPORT Total distance: 25 miles Estimated total time: 45 minutes Take Airport Rd./Shamrell Blvd. to John Wesley Powell Blvd (0.3 miles) Turn left on John Wesley Powell Blvd. and follow over I-17 to SR 89A (0.3 miles) Turn left onto SR 89A and follow south to Sedona (24.4 miles) Total distance: 275 miles Estimated total time: 5 hours Take Interstate 515 (I-515) U.S. Route 93 toward Hoover Dam/Arizona (20 miles) Continue on U.S. 93 toward Kingman, AZ (6 miles) Turn left onto U.S. 93/Interstate 40 (78 miles) Proceed east on I-40 toward Flagstaff, AZ (145 miles) Take I-17 south (Exit 195) (3 miles) Take SR 89A (Exit 337) Proceed south on SR 89A to Sedona (23 miles) FROM LOS ANGELES Total distance: 428 miles Estimated total time: 7 hours, 30 minutes OPTION A Take Interstate 10 east to Loop 101 north Take Loop 101 north to I-17 north Follow option A or B from Phoenix OPTION B Take I-40 east toward Flagstaff Take I-17 south (Exit 195) (3 miles) Take SR 89A (Exit 337) Proceed south on SR 89A to Sedona (23 miles) For more information call (800) 288-7336 or VisitSedona.com. B/93B63/::/;3@71/<@=/2 7\ #bVS%#[WZS@SR@]QYAQS\WQ0geOgAbObS@]cbS %'eOaQV]aS\PgbVSCA2S^O`b[S\b]TB`O\a^]`bObW]\b]PS /`Wh]\O¸a¿`abO\R]\Zg/ZZ/[S`WQO\@]OReVWQV[SO\aWbWaO \ObW]\OZµRSabW\ObW]\c\b]WbaSZT¶BVS@SR@]QYAQS\WQ0geOgWa bVSUObSeOgb]ASR]\O¸ae]`ZRTO[]ca@SR@]QY1]c\b`g BVSPgeOgPSUW\aaV]`bZgOTbS`g]cSfWb '&]TT7\bS`abObS %O\RTSObc`SaaSdS`OZaQS\WQ^cZZ]cbaBVS`]OReW\RabV`]cUV 1]Q]\W\]<ObW]\OZ4]`SabO\RO`]c\R ^`SVWab]`WQ`SR`]QYT]`[ObW]\a W\QZcRW\U0SZZ@]QYO\R1ObVSR`OZ @]QY´OZa]TO[]cad]`bSfaWbSa <SO`Pg^O`YW\UWaOdOWZOPZSO\ROZZ ZSdSZa]TVWYW\UO\RPWYW\Ub`OWZaOeOWb bV`]cUV]cbbVSO`SOBVSPgeOgOZa] eW\RabV`]cUVbVSQVO`[W\UDWZZOUS ]T=OYQ`SSYV][Sb]ASR]\O¸a]\Zg ^cPZWQU]ZTQ]c`aSa SEDONA, ARIZONA /@=C<2E35= 6]eb]2`WdSO@]c\ROP]cb AZ]eR]e\gWSZRb]b`OT¿QT`][bVSZSTb EOWbT]`OUO^W\bVSb`OT¿QO\R^`]QSSRO`]c\Rb`OT¿Q QW`QZSb]g]c`W\bS\RSRRW`SQbW]\3fWb`WUVbT`][bVS b`OT¿QQW`QZSb]eO`Rg]c`W\bS\RSRRW`SQbW]\2]\]bab]^ W\`]c\ROP]cb !=PSg]\SeOgaWU\aab]^W\Q`]aaeOZYaT]`^SRSab`WO\a O\RPWQgQZWaba "<]bSbVObZSTbbc`\aO\RCbc`\aO`SQ][^ZSbSRPg b`OdSZW\UO`]c\RbVSQS\bS`WaZO\R "3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ Festivals Sedona Area Festivals ASR]\O7\bS`\ObW]\OZ4WZ[4SabWdOZ EVOb(4WZ[aO\Re]`YaV]^a EVS\(4SP`cO`g 7\T](' & & %%) aSR]\O¿Z[TSabWdOZQ][ DS`RSDOZZSg0W`RW\UO\R <Obc`S4SabWdOZ EVOb(0W`ReObQVW\Ue]`YaV]^a EVS\(/^`WZ 7\T](' & & )PW`RgdS`RS]`U ASR]\O0ZcSU`Oaa4SabWdOZ EVOb(0ZcSU`Oaa[caWQ EVS\(8c\S 7\T](' & " "#) QVO[PS`[caWQaSR]\O]`U 2W\SW\ASR]\O@SabOc`O\b4Sab EVOb(1cZW\O`gb]c`]TASR]\O EVS\(8c\S 7\T](& &&%!!$) RW\SW\aSR]\OQ][ 4SabWdOZ]T<ObWdS/[S`WQO\1cZbc`S EVOb(<ObWdSVWab]`gO`baQ`OTba EVS\(AS^bS[PS` 7\T](' & &""%$")\OTSabWdOZ]`U @SR@]QYa;caWQ4SabWdOZ EVOb(1VO[PS`ÀO[S\Q][caWQ EVS\(/cUcabAS^bS[PS` 7\T](&%%%!!% #%) `SR`]QYa[caWQTSabWdOZQ][ 4WSabORSZBZO_cS^O_cS EVOb(;SfWQO\7\RS^S\RS\QS T]]RRO\QS[caWQ EVS\(AS^bS[PS` 7\T](' & & "&!&)bZO_Q][ ASR]\OEW\S4Sab EVOb(EW\SbOabW\UO\RS\bS`bOW\[S\b EVS\(AS^bS[PS` 7\T](' &!!'&)aSR]\OeW\STSabQ][ ASR]\O8Ohh]\bVS@]QYa EVOb(8Ohh[caWQT]]Ra^W`Wba EVS\(=Qb]PS` 7\T](' & & '&#)aSR]\OXOhhQ][ ASR]\O>ZSW\/W`4SabWdOZ EVOb(=^S\OW`^OW\bW\U EVS\(=Qb]PS` 7\T](&&&'#"""" ) aSR]\OO`baQS\bS`Q][ ASR]\O/`ba4SabWdOZ EVOb(4W\SO`bT]]R[caWQ9WRh]\S EVS\(=Qb]PS` 7\T](' & "'"#$) aSR]\OO`baTSabWdOZ]`U ASR]\O0]]Y4SabWdOZ EVOb(A^]bZWUVb]TA]cbVeSabOcbV]`a EVS\(=Qb]PS` 7\T](' & & &") aSR]\OP]]YTSabWdOZQ][ ASR]\O1SZbWQ6O`dSab4SabWdOZ EVOb(AWUVbaO\Ra]c\Ra]T1SZbWQ VS`WbOUS EVS\(AS^bS[PS` 7\T](' &!&!$) QSZbWQVO`dSabTSabWdOZQ][ 4SabWdOZ]TB`SSa EVOb(4W\SO`bV]ZWROgb`SSOcQbW]\ EVS\(<]dS[PS` 7\T](' & & "&!&)bZO_Q][ 4SabWdOZ]T:WUVba EVOb(:c[W\O`WOaV]ZWROg[caWQ EVS\(2SQS[PS` 7\T](' & & "&!&)bZO_Q][ DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O # Arts the arts & Culture and cultural name a few. Ongoing world-class arts programming is presented year-round by Chamber Music Sedona, Northern League of Arizona Opera, Canyon Moon Theater and several other theater groups, making it easy to understand why lovers of art and culture are drawn to Red Rock Country. For more information about Sedona Gallery Association or Sedona Events Alliance, contact the chamber at (800) 288-7336 or check out VisitSedona.com. experience Arts and culture go hand-in-hand with the inspiring scenes around Sedona. And no city of its size has a finer heritage than >V]b](;O`YAV]`b Sedona. In 1964, the most successful art organization in American history, Cowboy Artists of America, was founded in a back booth at what now is the Cowboy Club on Uptown’s main street. And the Sedona Arts Center was established more than 50 years ago. This artful community has been home to Western art legends Joe Beeler, Charlie Dye, John Hampton and Jim Reynolds, and also the internationally famous Max Ernst, whose works paved the way for surrealism. But as important as the past is the future, and among Sedona’s current artists are many who are, or definitely will be, legendary. In fact, this city, which not too long ago had 500 residents, now has at least that many artists, plus more than 80 galleries, and several annual arts festivals that First Friday Gallery Tour attract recognized exhibitors ASSASR]\O¸a^`S[WS`UOZZS`WSaPgb]c`W\UbVS[]\bVS¿`ab4`WROg]TSOQV[]\bVT`][ from throughout the Southwest. # b] & ^[ eVS\ ASR]\O 5OZZS`g /aa]QWObW]\ V]aba bVS ab 4`WROg 5OZZS`g B]c` ;O\g Annual arts festivals include A5/UOZZS`WSa`SdSOZ\Se^WSQSaW\bVSW`Q]ZZSQbW]\aO\RV]abSfVWPWb]^S\W\UaO\RO`bWab the Sedona Arts Festival, Sedona `SQS^bW]\aObbVSab4`WROgSdS\ba/`bWabaO`S]\VO\Rb]RWaQcaabVSW`e]`YeVWZSUOZZS`g Plein Air Festival, Sedona U]S`a S\X]g eW\S V]`a R¸]Scd`Sa O\R SdS\ ZWdS [caWQ 4]` W\T]`[ObW]\ O\R O [O^ ]T International Film Festival and ^O`bWQW^ObW\UUOZZS`WSaU]b]aSR]\OUOZZS`gOaa]QWObW]\Q][ Sedona Jazz on the Rocks, to FIRST FRIDAYS Shopping the shopping experience enough to challenge the most ambitious collectors and buyers. Several major business areas serve shoppers. Areas include the original Uptown, which is a favorite of visitors, and the nearby Shops at Hyatt Piñon Pointe; West Sedona, a “real town” that is the historic site of Old Marketplace; Tlaquepaque Arts & Crafts Village, a collection of Spanish-style buildings reminiscent of a Mexican hamlet; the State Route 179 corridor, which includes Hillside and Hozho, and sometimes is called the gallery district; and Village of Oakcreek, south of Sedona. Walking the streets in Uptown Sedona is a wonderful experience, because not only is this area historically significant, it boasts an eclectic collection of shops and the Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center — and the stylish Shops at Piñon Pointe. Down the road, cobbled streets, intimate courtyards, wrought-iron gates and balconies and large wooden doors create the appealing Old World charm of Tlaquepaque, where you’ll find galleries and gift shops. In contrast, the State Route 89A strip in West Sedona is a more $3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O >V]b](;O`YAV]`b Sedona is full of prestigious galleries and fashionable shops, traditional shopping and service area, offering home-grown goods and organic treats between galleries and gas stations. A Sedona shopping experience is an exploration leading to nooks and crannies that are fun to find. And wherever they are, shoppers find themselves in spots with scenery that is among the most beautiful in the world. DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ F I NE AR T G A L LE RY SCHOOL OF THE ARTS Deanne McKeown Joe Beeler Elizabeth St. Hilaire Nelson Paper Painting Workshop Workshops & Field Expeditions to exotic locations Tuscany, Grand Canyon, Hilton Head Island and more Year Round Community Classes All Ages - All Levels - All Mediums Jennifer DeFoe GALLERIES | SCHOOL | EVENTS Open Daily 10 am – 5 pm | New Exhibitions Monthly Opening Receptions | First Friday of the Month | 5 – 8 pm 15 Art Barn Road | North end of Uptown Sedona | 928.282.3865 DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ Special Events - Save the Date! Sedona Fine Art Auction - May 5, 2012 Sedona Photofest - June 7 - 10, 2012 Sedona Plein Air Festival - Oct 20 - 27, 2012 www.SedonaArtsCenter.com Sedona Arts Center B R I N G YO U R I M A G I N AT I O N T O L I F E ! 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O % Lodging the lodging experience Say you just finished an exciting Jeep tour, a lazy trail ride or challenging hike. You’ve put all your energy into exploring the geology, archaeology and history of this spectacular land and now you’re sweaty, dirty and physically exhausted. Maybe you’re looking forward to getting back to your cabin or cottage, BUSINESS Sedona Means Successful Meetings and Conventions >ZO\\W\UO[SSbW\UW\QS\bWdS^`]U`O[]`TO[WZg`Sc\W]\- @SR @]QY 1]c\b`g QO\ ac[[]\ a^SQbOQcZO` `SacZba ASR]\O [Og PS O a[OZZ b]e\ Pcb Z]QOZ `Sa]`ba O\R V]bSZa O`S W\ bVS PWU ZSOUcSa eVS\ Wb Q][Sa b] V]abW\U O\R Q]]`RW\ObW\U SdS\ba 0caW\SaaSa O\R ]`UO\WhObW]\a ]T OZZ aWhSa eWZZ S\X]g ASR]\O¸a QcbbW\USRUS O[S\WbWSa Q][^SbS\b abOTT U]c`[Sb QObS`W\U c\^O`OZZSZSR U`]c^ OQbWdWbWSa O\R UZ]POZZg Q][^SbWbWdS `ObSa eVWZS ObbS\RSSaeWZZ`SdSZW\bVSO`SO¸a`S\]e\SR[]bWdObW]\OZ Ob[]a^VS`S 4]` []`S W\T]`[ObW]\ ]\ Q`SObW\U O\ c\T]`USbbOPZSU`]c^SdS\bZ]U]\b]DWaWbASR]\OQ][ cozy bed & breakfast inn or quiet motel; on the other hand, you might be anticipating the luxurious comfort of an awardwinning resort or timeshare property with internationally touted spa services. One of the attractions for the millions of visitors who love coming to Sedona is the town’s character. Though the community is nestled in a rugged canyon surrounded by national forest lands and wilderness areas, it boasts more than a hundred inns, motels, hotels, resorts and timeshare properties. And among these facilities, several are AAA Four-Diamond winners. There’s a sampling of nationally known franchise hotels, as well as independently owned resorts, hotels, B&Bs and timeshare resorts tucked into various hideaways that invite maximum relaxation. The choice is yours! For information about all lodging options, including short term and vacation rentals, call (800) 288-7336 or check out VisitSedona.com. BED&BREAKFASTS Bed & Breakfasts Ensure Unique Experience 7[OUW\SeOYW\Uc^b]bVSW\dWU]`ObW\UO`][O]TT`SaVP`SeSRQ]TTSSO\RbVSaWUVb]T[OXSabWQ`SR`]QYT]`[ObW]\a O\RbVS\\]bWQW\UW\dWbW\UbVWQY`]PSaVO\UW\UW\bVSPObV`]][´OPa]ZcbSZg^S`TSQbOTbS`ORW^W\bVSV]bbcPBVS\ g]c`S[S[PS`bVObO\Sf^S`WS\QSRQVSTWaR]e\abOW`a^`S^O`W\UOa^SQWOZU]c`[SbP`SOYTOabO\RO\S\bVcaWOabWQ W\\YSS^S`WaeOWbW\Ub]VSZ^g]c^ZO\O\SfQWbW\UROg¿ZZSReWbVORdS\bc`SO\R`SQ`SObW]\ 1O\¸b ^WQbc`S Wb- BVS\ g]c VOdS\¸b abOgSR Ob O QVO`[W\U PSRO\RP`SOYTOab W\ ASR]\O 1]\acZb bVS >`S[WS` 0SR 0`SOYTOaba ]T ASR]\O eVWQV `S^`SaS\ba []`S bVO\ ]T ASR]\O¸a ¿\Sab 00a b] QV]]aS O `S[]bSZg Z]QObSR T]`Sab Q`SSYaWRS ]` `SR`]QY W\\ 3\X]g a^SQWOZ b]cQVSa O\R R{Q]` bVS[Sa O\R bVS `SOZ b`SOb ]T O U]c`[Sb P`SOYTOabaS`dSRW\g]c``]][]\O^`WdObSbS``OQS^ObW]]`RSQY^]]ZaWRS]`W\OQVSS`TcZRW\W\U`]][<][ObbS` eVOb _cOZWbWSa g]c S\X]g g]c¸`S P]c\R b] PS ^ZSOaO\bZg ac`^`WaSR Pg bVS 00a ]T ASR]\O O\R bVS ac``]c\RW\U Q][[c\WbWSaeVS`SbVSab]`gP]]YaSbbW\UaO\RW\\]dObWdSQ]]YW\UO`SOaRWdS`aSOabVS^S]^ZSeV]Q][Sb]dWaWb 1OZZ' & &"" #]`dWaWbPPaSR]\O\Sb &3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ Dining the dining experience Despite its small size, Sedona offers dining choices for nearly every taste — from vegetarian and raw-food cafes to cowboy-style steakhouses and everything in between. Visitors and residents enjoy French, Mexican, Italian, Chinese, Southwestern, Japanese, Indian, and classic American restaurants, plus high-end grocery store delis and sweetly sinful bakeries — all ranging in style, from sophisticated to casually elegant, to simply casual or come-as-you-are. Choices of setting include dining by the creek, atop a ridge, on a garden patio, on a deck or near a wall of glass affording red-rock views. With award-winning chefs and restaurateurs at the helm of these outstanding spots, diners are sure to find superb food, satisfying service and ideal eating environments wherever their cravings carry them. Sedona is quickly becoming a destination for tasting Arizona’s world-class wines, especially with several award-winning vineyards and wineries located nearby. The relaxed atmosphere and foamy ferments of local breweries are another area draw as are the growing number of intimate cocktail lounges featuring live music. Wine the new wine country No time for a sit-down dinner? No problem. Nationally known fast-food franchises might not sport traditional, brightly colored signs and logos in Sedona, but they can still be found throughout the area, along with a tasty variety of sandwich and coffee shops, pizza places and gourmet delis. Whatever you’re hankering for, you won’t go hungry in Sedona. For a sampling of everything the area has to offer, catch the annual Dine in Sedona event in June. Visit dineinsedona.com for details. Nearby Page Springs and the surrounding Verde Valley are developing a growing reputation for their reds, too — and rosés and whites. It might seem hard to imagine, but the water and soil of this region are prime for producing wine. Savvy grape growers who happened upon the area in the past couple of decades not only took notice, but took advantage of available, fertile acreage where they set about planting the seeds of their dreams. Now, more than five vineyards and wineries have sprung up along the banks of Oak Creek and the Verde River. The burgeoning industry has not only been a dream-come-true for winery owners — many have won national and international vintner’s honors — but the local community has also been reaping the rewards with sustainable agricultural entities, increased tourism and the pride of knowing that many up and coming cabernets, zinfandels, sangioveses, syrahs, chardonnays, viogniers and sauvignon blancs are coming not just from Napa Valley, but our own Verde Valley as well. For a list of local vineyards, wineries, tastings and tours, contact the Sedona Chamber, (800) 288-7336, or visit vvwinetrail.com. !3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O >V]b](9ObVS`W\S1ZO`Y Want to see some renowned reds? Don’t just look to Sedona’s famous rock formations. DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O ! Spas the spa experience “May you walk in beauty above you, beauty below you, beauty behind you, beauty surrounding you.” The words of this ancient Native American prayer aptly describe the local spa experience. Visitors are always surrounded by beauty here, but local spas go beyond the visual splendor to help their guests experience Sedona’s beauty from the inside out. The area’s luxurious and modern spas rank among the country’s best, employing top therapists who excel in facilitating wellness, relaxation and renewal. Enjoy a variety of individual or couples massage techniques — from Swedish, cranial sacral and deep tissue, to reiki, stone and water therapies — and a wealth of traditional and cutting-edge treatments for the body, mind and spirit — from herbal wraps, facials and peels, to ayurvedic detox, chakra boosts, meditation and even hypnotherapy. Local spas also offer complete lines of bliss-inducing body and healthcare products to keep you walking in beauty long after you leave. Weddings the wedding experience than magical, mystical Sedona. Not only does Red Rock Country provide a treasure trove of beautiful and sacred backdrops for tying the knot, the community itself offers up a wealth of people who specialize in making fairytale weddings come true. More than 100 wedding experts are committed to helping couples create the wedding of their dreams in Sedona and can tailor a wedding around virtually any budget. Find everything you need from wedding planners and officiants to renowned photographers and videographers, to florists and decorators, to DJs and musicians, to nationally acclaimed caterers and wedding-cake designers, to stunning attire and luxury transportation — all right here. Beyond picturesque locales of creek-side and red-rock resorts, churches and chapels, the area also offers fantastic options for those who like to think outside the storybook. Ever thought about exchanging vows in a hot-air balloon or a helicopter? How about on a train, a trolley, a mountain bike or in a Jeep? Maybe atop your favorite hiking trail with red rocks in view? There are no limits to the kind of wedding and reception you can have here. And the options are not limited to weddings. Sedona’s ! 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O >V]b](0]P1]ObSa Looking for the perfect setting for your dream wedding? Look no further spectacular surroundings and services can also create a most memorable engagement, honeymoon, anniversary or milestone celebration. For more information on creating your perfect event, refer to the business directory or log on to VisitSedona.com. DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O !! Enrichment the inspirational experience >V]b](8OQY8]V\a]\ Centuries ago, native people established spiritual connections with this sacred land and its mystical properties. Today, a new age of people from around the world come here seeking similar connections. The birth of Sedona’s “new age” is traced to a range of experiences. In the 1980s, a locally based, internationally known psychic counselor expressed that people needed to read the Earth’s If you’re seeking such an experience in Sedona, contact the natural energies in the same way that a psychic reads a person. Sedona Metaphysical Spiritual Association, a highly respected The counselor emphasized that though “hot spots” of natural organization whose goal is “to connect spiritual seekers with energy are found all over this planet, Sedona was an ideal site for the metaphysical practitioners and related businesses who can reading that energy because all of the three known types of hot best assist them in their journey.” Call (928) 300-7796 or visit spots, or vortexes, exist here. Sedona has since become a hot spot sedonaspiritual.com. for metaphysical and spiritual activities, as well as a premier location for coaching and lectures in the metaphysical realm for What is a Vortex? meetings and groups. ESPabS`RS¿\SaOd]`bSfOaµO[Oaa]TÀcWReWbVOeVW`ZW\U]`QW`QcZO`[]bW]\ Local vortex and Native American history bVObT]`[aOQOdWbg]`dOQcc[W\bVSQS\bS`]TbVSQW`QZSO\RR`Oea]`dOQcc[a tours are popular here, as are the worldP]RWSaacPXSQbb]WbaOQbW]\¶7\ASR]\OOd]`bSfWaOV]ba^]b]T\Obc`OZS\S`Ug class inspirational mind and body therapies bVObR`OeabV]caO\Ra]TdWaWb]`aSOQVgSO`BVSd]`bSfSaO`SPSZWSdSRb]Q`SObS offered by several spas. Well-known spiritual ^]aWbWdS\SUObWdSO\R\Scb`OZ`SZSOaSa]TbVS3O`bV¸aS\S`UgO\RSd]YSPOZO\QS centers and metaphysical practitioners offer OVSWUVbS\SRaS\aS]TOeO`S\SaaO\RO\OeOYS\W\U]TbVSa^W`Wb divine educational seminars and conduct a variety of spiritual experiences. VORTEXES Stay Connected want to stay connected to sedona? In addition to this official 2012 edition of Experience Sedona Guide, there are numerous ways to learn about complementary activities, events and exceptional happenings scheduled throughout the entire year. VisitSedona. com, the official Sedona Chamber of Commerce Tourism Bureau’s website, features places to stay, play and dine – and while you’re at this site, sign up for the chamber’s monthly e-newsletter in order to receive additional information. You also can go to “Visit Sedona“ on Facebook, and Like Us, to access chances to win various prizes and sweepstakes! And you can follow us on Twitter@SedonaAZ. Additionally, when you arrive in Sedona, stop at the chamber’s official visitor center located at the intersection of Forest Road and SR 89A, where you will find an internet kiosk available 24/7. This kiosk is a touch-screen resource used to browse businesses – and even book a room. Also, don’t forget to enter your mobile number at the kiosk so the chamber can text you on-the-go tidbits and special offers during your stay in this area. Obviously, there are many ways !"3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O to stay connected to Sedona; be sure to take advantage of them in order to make the most of your Sedona experience! @SedonaAZ Don’t forget to download our free Welcome To Sedona app. Visit Sedona & Sedona Marathon DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ www.therapyontherocks.net Living experience living in sedona Location, location, location. Natural wonders and smalltown ambience with a high-end bent make local real estate a hot commodity for buyers from around the world. Potential residents and investors have an incredible choice of amenities, homestyles and settings, and choices for prime locations abound. Sedona boasts a variety of unique in-town homes and hiking trails and resort-style pools, while others offer maximum condominiums, remote ranch-style properties and fine residential privacy. Whether you’re looking to make a life here or simply an communities with homesites that feature panoramic views and so investment, Sedona properties promise heavenly returns. much more. Almost every choice of lot imaginable is available, Luxury Homes Ignite Special Realty Group from those that sit on EVWZS [cZbW[WZZW]\R]ZZO` V][Sa VOdS PSQ][S Q][[]\^ZOQS W\ @SR @]QY 1]c\b`g O\R bVS high hills or blend into DS`RSDOZZSgbVS^`]QSaa]TPcgW\UO\RaSZZW\UacQV^`]^S`bWSaWaO\gbVW\UPcb`]cbW\SBVOb¸a rolling ridges, to ones eVg Z]QOZ `SOZ SabObS Sf^S`ba VOdS bSO[SR b]USbVS` b] Q`SObS ASR]\O :cfc`g @SOZ 3abObS that are hidden in cozy >`]TSaaW]\OZaOQ]ZZOP]`ObW]\]TVWUVZgSf^S`WS\QSRb]^^`]RcQW\UOUS\baeV]a^SQWOZWhSW\bVS little canyons or that hug Z]QOZZcfc`gV][S[O`YSbBVSW`Q]]^S`ObWdSSTT]`b]TTS`aOTÀcS\bV][SPcgS`aO\RW\dSab]`a the cliffs of Oak Creek. ¿`abQZOaaaS`dWQSO\RPS\S¿babVObU]OP]dSO\RPSg]\RbVSOdS`OUSOUS\Qg Some of the communities 4]`OZWab]TO`SO`SOZSabObSOUS\baaSSbVSPcaW\SaaRW`SQb]`g]`dWaWbDWaWbASR]\OQ][ feature clubhouses, parks, LUXURY REAL ESTATE !$3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ B][8]V\a]\ 8S`][S med El Tovar Lodge on the edge of the canyon. For information out Grand Canyon National Park, call (928) 638-7888. r additional information about sightseeing and day tours in the Verde lley, visit sedonaverdevalley.org. For Information Call 928.282.9022 “There is only one Sedona Magazine!” 0 4> 7 25274 79068 5 FALL 2009 $6.95 CANADA $8.95 Enjoy Sedona Year-Round! sedonamagazine.com Subscriptions to Sedona Magazine are restricted to United States addresses. DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O !% ]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ Community the community at a glance welcome to all Sedona welcomes people from all walks of life with open arms. The Sedona Oak Creek Joint Unified School District includes Sedona Red Rock High School, West Sedona Elementary School and Big Park Elementary School, located in Village of Oakcreek. Private elementary and college prep schools also serve students in this area, as well as Yavapai Community College, Zaki Gordon Institute for Independent Filmmaking and Coconino Community College. The state’s universities are Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona State University in Tempe, and University of Arizona in Tucson. medical facilities Verde Valley Medical Center, part of Northern Arizona Healthcare, is located in nearby Cottonwood, 17 miles south of Sedona. VVMC is a full-service, not-for-profit hospital that includes complete inpatient services, as well as 24-hour emergency care and an on-site medical helicopter. VVMC Sedona Campus, located on State Route 89A in Sedona, is an outpatient facility specializing in primary healthcare, cancer treatment and operation of a 24-hour Emergi-Center. Numerous skilled practitioners also operate in private offices and at Sedona Urgent Care, open seven days a week. community facilities Sedona’s community-oriented services and structures are a sourceof local pride and include Sedona Public Library, Sedona Center for Arts & Technology, Sedona Community Center, Sedona Historical Society, Sedona Main Street Program, Boys & Girls Clubs of Northern Arizona and the Humane Society of Sedona. The area also features numerous city recreational havens like scenic Posse Grounds Park and Sunset Park; six area state parks, including Red Rock and Slide Rock; a dog park; and a public pool. Sedona also boasts a long list of charitable, volunteer organizations. sedona film office Currently, the Sedona Film Office makes film production in the area easier than everby coordinating all on-location production for major and independent features, television programs, commercials, still photography, student films and more. The film office offers services such as a location library, coordination of all permits and logistics, facilitating communication between local residents/merchants and film crews, and conducting safety reviews of proposed on-location productions. Visit sedonafilmoffice.com for more information. !&3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O >V]b](B][8]V\a]\ educational facilities B][8]V\a]\ Area businesses and facilities specialize in everything — from recreation to relaxation, art to accessories, fine dining to fabulous views, kid camps to retirement communities and education to enlightenment. Whoever you are, wherever you’re coming from, and no matter how long you plan to stay, know that Sedona offers something for everyone. ASR]\O/W`^]`b public transportation Verde Lynx buses run from the Municipal Parking Lot in uptown Sedona to Garrison Park in Cottonwood. Service operates Monday — Saturday, 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and Sunday, 7:45 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. All vehicles are wheelchair accessible in accordance with ADA rules. In addition, all buses are equipped with bicycle racks. Fares are $2.00 per ride. verdelynx.az.gov. places of worship More than 25 places of worship and meditation are housed in beautiful buildings and landscapes specifically oriented to capture inspirational views, are located in Sedona. taxes Coconino and Yavapai countiesdiffer in tax rates, but are considered reasonable on both sides of the line. Taxes on residential properties total approximately 1 percent of the selling price. Contact the county assessor or a real estate firm listed in the directory. special needs Most newer facilities comply with requirements imposed by ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). The Lynx transit is equipped with modern wheelchair lifts, ramps and tie-downs. Additional venues such as recreational sites, restaurants and lodges, theaters and tour companies strive to meet the requests of visitors with special needs. The Sedona Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center has an extensive list of facilities with accessibility information. pets Pets and owners will find a pleasing array of local lodging options. For pet-friendly accommodations, refer to the Lodging Guide. For pet-oriented activities, visit the Sedona Dog Park (featuring large- and small-breed enclosures), or hit one of the many animal-friendly hiking trails. Owners are asked to observe leash laws on city and national forest property and to pick up after their pets. DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ Calendar calendar of events 2012 festival. Presented by the Zaki Gordon Institute for Independent Filmmaking — Sedona’s Film School. zgi-yc.com (928) 649-4257 february feb. 4 Sedona Marathon For the 7th year in a row, more than 2,500 runners will participate in 5K, 10K, Half or Full Marathon races which will take the runners through the scenic Coconino National Forest District, known for its magical red rock formations. Spectators, supporters and participants will also be treated to an expo featuring vendors, artists and live performers that will entertain and inspire. sedonamarathon.com (928) 204-1123 feb. 18 Sedona Bridal Fair Local businesses show off their wedding services and wares, from photography to floral arrangements, wedding cakes and more. sedonabridalfair.com feb. 20 – 27 Sedona International Film Festival Now in its 18th season, the festival will showcase films highlighting filmmakers and actors from around the world. Workshops and a series of kid-friendly films for families will be presented. Screenings are open to the public. sedonafilmfestival.com (928) 282-1177 march mar. 3 St. Patrick’s Day Parade The Sedona St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Festival — an AZ Centennial Celebration, will be held on Saturday March 3, 2012. A parade begins at 10:30 am along Jordan Road in Uptown Sedona. Live music and entertainment, free children’s activities, food booths and a beer garden. Free to attend, presented by Sedona Main Street Program with the Green Team and NAU Parks and Recreation Management Program. sedonamainstreet.com (928) 204-2390 april apr. 14-15 Bike MS: Ride the Vortex Join us for Bike MS: Ride the Vortex, Arizona’s premier cycling event! We have route options for every level of cyclist, ranging from 30 to 100 miles, so you will surely find a route fit for you. Come enjoy delicious meals and strong support, with frequent rest stops. When you finish, a fantastic festival awaits you with great food, music, a beer garden, massage tent and fun games. [email protected] (480) 968-2488 apr. 22 – May 1 Verde Valley Birding & Nature Festival Fostering awareness of the natural world for the enrichment of all life in the Verde Valley, the annual festival is held at Dead Horse Ranch State Park in Cottonwood and features educational workshops, recreational activities and area vendors. birdyverde.org (928) 282-2202 may may 25-27 ZGI Shorts Film Festival Enjoy two full days of independent short films, a special feature presentation and the Career and Gear Fair on Friday night at this 12th annual "3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O june june 3 Sedona Bluegrass Festival 2012 Grammy Award winning Bluegrass titans Tim O’Brien and Bryan Sutton, an exciting new group The Sleepyman Banjo Boys, and the ever popular Muskellunge Bluegrass are the featured performers for the sixth Sedona Bluegrass Festival. chambermusicsedona.org (928) 204-2415 Dine in Sedona Restaurant Fest A 16 day culinary tour of Sedona with participating restaurants offering prix-fixe pricing and menu selection. dineinsedona.com (928) 204-1123 Sedona Taste A creek side celebration at Los Abrigados Resort & Spa of fine food and drink benefiting the Boys & Girls Clubs of Northern Arizona. (928) 282-0122 july National Day of the Cowboy Celebration Enjoy an American Cowboy Parade that takes place in Uptown Sedona. See live performances by world champion gunslingers, trick ropers, bullwhip crackers, western actors and two stepping with live Western music. [email protected] (928) 204-2390 august Red Rocks Music Festival Featuring world-class chamber and flamenco music, orchestral performances, master classes and workshops throughout the week. redrockmusicfestival.com (877) 733-7257 Sedona Hummingbird Festival The most beautiful spot in America will show off its heretofore unknown natural resource hummingbirds. Presentations, tours, banding—much more. hummingbirdsociety.org (800) 529-3699 september Moonlight Madness Street Festival This street festival includes free music and entertainment, children’s activities, and sidewalk sales in numerous locations along SR 89A & SR 179 in the Main Street District. sedonamainstreet.com (928) 204-2390 sept. 8 Fiesta del Tlaquepaque Fun, food, music and merriment set in the beautiful courtyards of Tlaquepaque Arts and Crafts Village. tlaq.com (928) 282-4838 Sedona Airport Family Fun Da y Enjoy a great day of fun with the whole family. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.. Airplanes on display, Classic cars from around the state on display, Camp Soaring Eagle’s Kid Zone with crafts, entertainment, and fun for kids. Food, Airplane Rides and more. At Sedona Airport. More info at sedonaairport.org/events Sedona Winefest Taste wines from Arizona wineries, enjoy gourmet food, live music, plus art with the Sedona Arts Center. 11am-6pm Saturday, Sept 24, 11am-5pm Sunday, Sept 25 at the Sedona Airport, call 928-301-0398 or visit sedonawinefest.com sept. 22 Celtic Harvest Festival Sedona The Celtic Harvest Festival Sedona emphasizes rich Celtic heritage. celticharvestfestival.com (928) 300-8360 sept. 28 – oct. 2 Festival of Native American Culture A three day celebration of the culture of the Natives of Arizona and the southwest. Highlights include a film festival, music and dance festival, fine arts and crafts festival and much more. nafestival.org october Sedona Book Festival A celebration of local authors sponsored by Well Red Coyote and Verde Valley Caregivers Coalition. Events will include author presentations, readings, book signings, receptions, and entertainment. For more information call (928) 282-2284 or (928) 300-5839 Sedona Jazz on the Rocks Back by popular demand, this favorite local festival features great jazz complemented by Sedona’s famed red rocks. sedonajazz.com (928) 282-1985 Sedona Arts Festival Rated “one of the nation’s top art festivals,” this cultural celebration features fine arts and crafts, and cuisine from Sedona restaurants at Sedona Red Rock H.S. sedonaartsfestival.org (928) 204-9456 Sedona Plein Air Festival The Sedona Arts Center hosts this annual event celebrating painting in open air and featuring many of the country’s finest plein air artists. sedonaartscenter.com (928) 282-3809 november nov. - dec. Red Rock Fantasy Twenty five displays and nearly 1 million lights are featured at this 22nd annual holiday spectacular at Los Abrigados Resort & Spa. redrockfantasy.com (877) 444-8044 december dec. 7 Holiday Tree Lighting Watch the annual tree-lighting ceremony, listen to holiday music and visit with Santa in uptown Sedona. Sponsored by the City of Sedona, Sedona Main Street Program and the Sedona Chamber of Commerce, sedonamainstreet.com (928) 282-7722 or (928) 204-2390 dec. 8 Festival of Lights Thousands of glowing luminaries light up Tlaquepaque Arts and Crafts Village during this 35th annual celebration. Entertainment includes musicians and dancers. tlaq.com (928) 282-4838 Dates and times are subject to change. Call or visit websites for up-to-date information. Need more to do? Go to VisitSedona.com for a complete list of Sedona events. DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O " Business Directory business directory The Business Directory represents members of the Sedona Chamber of Commerce Tourism Bureau as of January 6, 2012. For a current list of members, go to VisitSedona.com ;/8=@1/B35=@73A Accommodations .........................................Page 42 Arts & Culture ...................................................... 43 Associations & Organizations ................................ 44 Attractions & Entertainment ................................. 44 Business & Financial Services ................................ 44 Churches & Places of Worship .............................. 44 Community & Professional Services ....................... 44 Conference & Travel Services ................................ 44 Construction Services ........................................... 44 Media Services ..................................................... 44 Medical Services ................................................... 45 ACCOMMODATIONS Bed & Breakfasts A Sunset Chateau of Sedona LLC s asunsetchateau.com Adobe Grand Villas s adobegrandvillas.com Adobe Hacienda Bed & Breakfast Inn s adobe-hacienda.com Adobe Village Graham Inn — 4 Diamond s adobevillagegrahaminn.com Alma de Sedona Inn s almadesedona.com Apple Orchard Inn s appleorchardbb.com Baby Quail Inn s babyquailinn.com Boots & Saddles Romantic Bed & Breakfast s oldwestbb.com Briar Patch Inn on Oak Creek s briarpatchinn.com Camp Verde Cottage s campverdecottage.com Canyon Villa Bed & Breakfast Inn of Sedona s canyonvilla.com The Canyon Wren Cabins s canyonwrencabins.com Casa Sedona Inn s casasedona.com Creekside Inn at Sedona s creeksideinn.net " 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O Desert Rose Bed and Breakfast 928-646-0236 desertrosebandb.com El Portal Sedona Hotel s elportalsedona.com Garland’s Oak Creek Lodge 928-282-3343 garlandslodge.com Grace’s Secret Garden Bed & Breakfast s gracessecretgarden.com Inn on Oak Creek s innonoakcreek.com Kokopelli Suites s kokopellisuites.com Lantern Light Inn s lanternlightinn.com Lodge at Sedona A Luxury B&B Inn s lodgeatsedona.com Moestly Wood Bed & Breakfast s moestlywood.com The Penrose Bed & Breakfast s thepenrose.com Premier Bed & Breakfasts of Sedona 928-284-1425 bbsedona.net RavensCosmicPortal & Dreamweaver Events 928-554-4420 ravenscosmicportal.com Sedona Bear Lodge s sedonabearlodge.com Sedona Cathedral Hideaway s sedonacathedralhideaway.com Meeting & Event Services ..................................... 45 Metaphysical & Spiritual Services .......................... 45 Outdoor Recreation .............................................. 46 Personal Enrichment ............................................. 47 Photography & Photographers .............................. 47 Real Estate & Relocation ....................................... 47 Restaurants, Food & Beverage .............................. 48 Retail Shopping .................................................... 49 Tours & Sightseeing .............................................. 50 Transportation ...................................................... 50 Wedding Services ................................................. 51 The Sedona Dream Maker Bed & Breakfast s sedonadreammaker.com Sedona Views Bed & Breakfast s sedonaviewsbb.com Southwest Inn at Sedona s swinn.com Vista Ridge Sedona 928-300-8582 vistaridgesedona.com Cabins Briar Patch Inn on Oak Creek s briarpatchinn.com Camp Verde Cottage s campverdecottage.com The Canyon Wren Cabins s canyonwrencabins.com Forest Houses Resort 928-282-2999 foresthousesresort.com Garland’s Oak Creek Lodge 928-282-3343 garlandslodge.com Lo Lo Mai Springs Outdoor Resort 928-634-4700 lolomai.com Oak Creek Terrace Resort s oakcreekterrace.com Red Agave Resort s redagaveresort.com The Sedona Dream Maker Bed & Breakfast s sedonadreammaker.com Sycamore Springs Guest House 928-300-6813 ssguesthouse.com Hotels / Motels / Resorts Adobe Grand Villas s adobegrandvillas.com Amara Hotel, Restaurant & Spa s amararesort.com Baby Quail Inn s babyquailinn.com Bell Rock Inn s diamondresorts.com/bell-rock-inn Best Western PLUS Arroyo Roble Hotel & Creekside Villas s bestwesternsedona.com Best Western PLUS Inn of Sedona s innofsedona.com Canyon Villa Bed & Breakfast Inn of Sedona s canyonvilla.com Casa Sedona Inn s casasedona.com Cathedral Rock Lodge and Retreat Center 928-300-5701 cathedralrocklodge.com Cedars Resort On Oak Creek s sedonacedarsresort.com Cliff Castle Casino Hotel s cliffcastlecasino.net Cove Parkway Rentals 928-634-3026 coveparkwayrentals.com Days Inn Kokopelli s kokopelliinn.com Days Inn Sedona s daysinnsedona.com Desert Quail Inn s desertquailinn.com DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ El Portal Sedona Hotel s elportalsedona.com Enchantment Resort s enchantmentresort.com Forest Houses Resort 928-282-2999 foresthousesresort.com Garland’s Oak Creek Lodge 928-282-3343 garlandslodge.com Hampton Inn Sedona s sedona.hamptoninn.com Hilton Sedona Resort & Spa s hiltonsedonaresort.com Junipine Resort s junipine.com Kings Ransom Inn s kingsransominn.com Kokopelli Suites s kokopellisuites.com La Quinta Inn Sedona LQIS.com La Vista Motel s lavistamotel.com L’Auberge de Sedona s lauberge.com Los Abrigados Resort & Spa s diamondresorts.com Matterhorn Inn s matterhorninn.com Mii amo Destination Spa at Enchantment s miiamo.com Oak Creek Terrace Resort s oakcreekterrace.com Orchards Inn s orchardsinn.com Poco Diablo Resort s pocodiablo.com Premier Bed & Breakfasts of Sedona bbsedona.net Red Agave Resort s redagaveresort.com Rodeway Inn & Suites Iris Garden s choicehotels.com Rose Tree Inn s rosetreeinn.com Sedona Cathedral Hideaway s sedonacathedralhideaway.com Sedona Pines Resort s sedonapines.com Sedona Real Inn & Suites s sedonareal.com Sedona Rouge Hotel & Spa s sedonarouge.com Sedona Springs Resort s MYVACATIONCOM Sedona Summit s diamondresorts.com Sedona Super 8 s sedonasuper8.com Sky Ranch Lodge s skyranchlodge.com Southwest Inn at Sedona s swinn.com Star Motel The Views Inn Sedona viewsinn.com Village Lodge s sedonalodge.com Villas at Poco Diablo s MYVACATIONCOM Vista Ridge Sedona 928-300-8582 vistaridgesedona.com White House Inn Sedona sedonawhitehouseinn.com Wildflower Inn s sedonawildflowerinn.com Manufactured Home Communities Oak Creek Mobilodge oakcreekmobilodge.com Sedona Shadows s equitylifestyle.com Reservations / Information Alliance Reservations Network s reservetravel.com Krazy Kyote Activities & Tours s krazykyote.net RV / Camping / Hostels Lo Lo Mai Springs Outdoor Resort lolomai.com Oak Creek Mobilodge oakcreekmobilodge.com Rancho Sedona RV Park s ranchosedona.com Short Term Rentals / Retreats A Foothills Property Management Co s foothillsrentals.com Baby Quail Inn s babyquailinn.com Cove Parkway Rentals coveparkwayrentals.com Desert Mountain Brokers 928-204-5995 desertmountainbrokers.com Desert Rose Bed and Breakfast desertrosebandb.com Messick Enterprises Accommodations Red Rock Realty Vacation Home Rentals s redrockrealty.net Rose Tree Inn s rosetreeinn.com Sedona Elite Properties Management s sedonaeliteproperties.com Sedona Springs Resort s MYVACATIONCOM Vacation Homes at Canyon Mesa golfpropertiesinsedona.com Villas at Poco Diablo s MYVACATIONCOM White House Inn Sedona sedonawhitehouseinn.com ARTS & CULTURE Art / Cultural Centers Arcosanti / Cosanti Foundation arcosanti.org Sedona Arts Center s sedonaartscenter.com Sedona Performing Arts Center Art Galleries ALT Gallery altgallerysedona.com Arcosanti / Cosanti Foundation arcosanti.org El Prado Galleries elpradogalleries.com Exposures Int’l Gallery of Fine Art s exposuresfineart.com Gallery of Modern Masters s galleryofmodernmasters.com Goldenstein Gallery goldensteinart.com Hillside Sedona 928-282-4500 hillsidesedona.net DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ James Ratliff Gallery jamesratliffgallery.com Kuivato Glass Gallery s kuivato.com Lanning Gallery lanninggallery.com Mountain Trails Galleries s mountaintrails.com Renee Taylor Gallery reneetaylorgallery.com Rowe Fine Art Gallery rowegallery.com Sedona Arts Center s sedonaartscenter.com Tlaquepaque Arts & Crafts Village 928-282-4838 tlaq.com Artists Ian Whitehead Photography ian-whitehead.com Education Sedona Arts Center s sedonaartscenter.com University of Sedona and University of Metaphysics s universityofsedona.com Festivals / Events Celtic Harvest Festival celticharvestfestival.com Chamber Music Sedona chambermusicsedona.org Department of Parks and Recreation sedonaaz.gov/parks National MS Society Arizona Chapter s arizonams.org Plein Air Festival s sedonaartscenter.com Red Rocks Music Festival redrocksmusicfestival.com Sedona Arts Festival sedonaartsfestival.org Sedona Events Alliance sedonaeventsalliance.org Sedona Hummingbird Festival s hummingbirdsociety.org Sedona International Film Festival & Workshop sedonafilmfestival.com Sedona Jazz on the Rocks Inc sedonajazz.com 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O "! Performing Arts / Performers / Teachers Canyon Moon Theatre Company 928-282-6212 canyonmoontheatre.org Chamber Music Sedona 928-204-2415 chambermusicsedona.org Red Rocks Music Festival 877-733-7257 redrocksmusicfestival.com Sedona Jazz on the Rocks Inc 928-282-1985 sedonajazz.com Sedona Performers Guild — Studio Live 928-282-0549 studiolivesedona.com ASSOCIATIONS & ORGANIZATIONS Arts Groups Sedona Events Alliance 928-203-0668 sedonaeventsalliance.org Sedona Gallery Association 928-282-6865 sedonagalleryassociation.com Charitable Organizations National MS Society Arizona Chapter s arizonams.org City / County / State / Tribal City of Sedona 928-204-7127 sedonaaz.gov ATTRACTIONS & ENTERTAINMENT Arcade, Bowling, Family & Other Entertainment Blazin’ M Ranch Western Dinner Theater s blazinm.com Celtic Harvest Festival 928-300-8360 celticharvestfestival.com Out of Africa Wildlife Park 928-567-2840 outofafricapark.com Sedona Hummingbird Festival s hummingbirdsociety.org Casinos / Gaming Cliff Castle Casino Hotel s cliffcastlecasino.net Entertainers Entertainment by Tom & Shondra 928-282-3530 tomandshondra.com Sedona Performers Guild Studio Live 928-282-0549 studiolivesedona.com ""3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O BUSINESS & FINANCIAL SERVICES Museums Sedona Heritage Museum 928-282-7038 sedonamuseum.org Consulting / Marketing / Planning / Training Night Clubs Sedona Performers Guild — Studio Live 928-282-0549 studiolivesedona.com SusanMilligan.com — Certified Health Coach 740-732-6514 susanmilligan.com Parks / Gardens Distributors The Arboretum at Flagstaff 928-774-1442 thearb.org Bearizona Wildlife Park 928-635-2289 bearizona.com Department of Parks and Recreation 928-282-7098 sedonaaz.gov/parks Out of Africa Wildlife Park 928-567-2840 outofafricapark.com Slide Rock State Park 928-282-3034 azstateparks.com Oak Creek Brewing Company 928-204-1300 oakcreekbrew.com CHURCHES & PLACES OF WORSHIP Churches Chapel of the Holy Cross 928-282-4069 chapeloftheholycross.com Places of Worship Railroads Grand Canyon Railway s thetrain.com Verde Canyon Railroad s verdecanyonrr.com Theaters / Dinner Theaters Blazin’ M Ranch Western Dinner Theater s blazinm.com Canyon Moon Theatre Company 928-282-6212 canyonmoontheatre.org National Geographic Visitor Center 928-638-2468 explorethecanyon.com Sedona Performers Guild — Studio Live 928-282-0549 studiolivesedona.com Sedona Performing Arts Center 928-204-6800 Wineries / Wine Tasting Arizona Stronghold Tasting Room 928-639-2789 azstronghold.com Javelina Leap Vineyard & Winery 928-274-0394 javelinaleapwinery.com Oak Creek Vineyards & Winery 928-649-0290 oakcreekvineyards.net Page Springs Vineyard & Cellars 928-639-3004 pagespringscellars.com Zoos / Farms Bearizona Wildlife Park 928-635-2289 bearizona.com Out of Africa Wildlife Park 928-567-2840 outofafricapark.com Ashram of Enlightenment 928-649-3335 enlightenmentashram.com Chapel of the Holy Cross 928-282-4069 chapeloftheholycross.com John of God Casa 401-419-6087 johnofgodcasa.com Kunzang Palyul Choling of Sedona (KPC) 877-788-7229 amitabhastupa.org Temple of Bhakti Yoga 928-274-8225 drshubhranandaswami.com University of Sedona and University of Metaphysics s universityofsedona.com COMMUNITY & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Engineering / Surveyors / Research Shephard - Wesnitzer Inc s swiaz.com Interior Decorating / Design Azadi Fine Rugs 928-203-0400 azadifinerugs.com Mailing / Postal Services Hansen LightWorks Inc s hansenlightworks.com Printers / Duplicating Services Capitol Litho Printing Corporation 928-284-0819 capitollitho.com Schools/Tutoring Zaki Gordon Institute 928-649-4284 zgi-yc.com Storage M & M Property Management Group 928-282-9748 sedonaofficerentals.com Training The Vortex Playground — The Abundance Coach 866-836-3609 vortexplayground.com CONFERENCE & TRAVEL SERVICES Chambers of Commerce / Convention Bureaus Sedona Chamber of Commerce s VisitSedona.com Destination Management Atlas America International, Inc. 928-203-4383 atlas-america.com Sedona Luxury Weddings & Events LLC 928-282-4811 sedonaluxuryweddings.com Travel Agencies / Concierge Services Sedona Concierge by Cobalt Escapes s cesedona.com Sedona Concierge Services 928-282-5090 sedonaconciergeservices.com Travel Websites Alliance Reservations Network s reservetravel.com Arizona Key Magazine s arizonakey.com Arizona Pride Guide s gayarizona.com Sedona.Net 602-748-4524 sedona.net CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Contractors / Home Builders Eagle Cliff Development 928-284-3161 eaglecliffdevelopment.com MEDIA SERVICES Graphic / Web Design Capitol Litho Printing Corporation 928-284-0819 capitollitho.com DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ Public Relations / Marketing Info Sedona Discount Coupons 928-282-2443 infosedona.com Publications / On-line Magazines & Information Arizona Key Magazine s arizonakey.com Arizona Pride Guide s gayarizona.com Art Scene redrocknews.com Best of Sedona Productions 928-282-3489 sedonabest.com Red Rock Country Visitors Guide redrocknews.com Sedona Magazine 928-282-9022 sedonamagazine.com Sedona Red Rock News redrocknews.com Sedona Visitors Guide 928-282-9022 sedonavisitorsguide.com Sedona.Net sedona.net Sedona3DMaps.com 480-277-9689 sedona3Dmaps.com Publishing Companies Best Life Media bestlifemedia.com Phone Directories Company Inc s pdcpages.com Radio / TV / Cable Red Rock TV - Channel 16 sedona.tv Sedona NOW Network sedonanow.com MEDICAL SERVICES Alternative / Chiropractic / Wellness Ambaya Gold ambayagold.com Counseling / Weight Los SusanMilligan.com — Certified Health Coach susanmilligan.com Facilities / Laboratories / Physical Therapy Therapy On The Rocks 928-282-3002 therapyontherocks.com MEETING & EVENT SERVICES Catering / Cakes Cowboy Club 928-282-4200 cowboyclub.com Cucina Rustica cucinarustica.com Dahl & DiLuca Ristorante Italiano dahlanddiluca.com Troia’s Pizza Pasta Amore’ troias.com Event Planning / Equipment Rentals Ceremony of Love ceremonyoflove.net Verde Valley Rentals / Verve Events & Tents s verdevalleyrentals.com Florists Sedona Fine Art of Flowers sedonafineartofflowers.com Music / Disc Jockeys Entertainment by Tom & Shondra tomandshondra.com Photographers / Videographers Photography by Janise Witt sedona-photographer.com Teambuilding / Facilitators Red Agave Resort s redagaveresort.com Transportation Sedona Hotel Shuttle 928-203-9300 sedonahotelshuttle.com White Tie Transportation, Limousine & Tours s whitetietransportation.com Venues / Facilities A Sunset Chateau of Sedona LLC s asunsetchateau.com Amara Hotel, Restaurant & Spa s amararesort.com Bell Rock Inn s diamondresorts.com/bell-rock-inn Best Western PLUS Arroyo Roble Hotel & Creekside Villas s bestwesternsedona.com Blazin’ M Ranch Western Dinner Theater s blazinm.com Casa Sedona Inn s casasedona.com Cathedral Rock Lodge and Retreat Center cathedralrocklodge.com Creekside Inn at Sedona s creeksideinn.net Enchantment Resort s enchantmentresort.com Hampton Inn Sedona s sedona.hamptoninn.com The Heartline Cafe heartlinecafe.com Hilton Sedona Resort & Spa s hiltonsedonaresort.com La Quinta Inn Sedona LQIS.com L’Auberge de Sedona s lauberge.com Lodge at Sedona A Luxury B&B Inn s lodgeatsedona.com Los Abrigados Resort & Spa s diamondresorts.com Oakcreek Country Club s oakcreekcountryclub.com Page Springs Vineyard & Cellars 928-639-3004 pagespringscellars.com Poco Diablo Resort s pocodiablo.com Red Agave Resort s redagaveresort.com Sedona Golf Resort s sedonagolfresort.com Sedona Heritage Museum 928-282-7038 sedonamuseum.org Sedona Real Inn & Suites s sedonareal.com Sedona Rouge Hotel & Spa s sedonarouge.com Sedona Super 8 s sedonasuper8.com Sound Bites Grill soundbitesgrill.com Tlaquepaque Arts & Crafts Village 928-282-4838 tlaq.com METAPHYSICAL & SPIRITUAL SERVICES Astrology / Human Design Sedonana Tours by Japanese Guide nanadream.net DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ Aura Readings HeartWalk Center sedonaheartwalk.com Mystical Bazaar mysticalbazaar.com Clairvoyants / Card Readings Accurate Psychic Readings by Nirup 928-300-8338 psychicnirup.com Center for the New Age Inc sedonanewagecenter.com Higher Self Discovery with Craig Junjulas higherselfdiscovery.com Madame Bonnie’s Psychic Center of Sedona 928-282-3207 sedonapsychiccenter.com Portals of Transcendence portalsoftranscendence.com Rhonda L Gerard, LMT “Ko’ Ko” sedonamassagebykoko.com Sedona Story Classes / Instruction The Vortex Playground — The Abundance Coach 866-836-3609 vortexplayground.com HeartWalk Center sedonaheartwalk.com Higher Self Discovery with Craig Junjulas higherselfdiscovery.com University of Sedona and University of Metaphysics s universityofsedona.com A Sedona Psychic Medium sedonahope.com Michael L. Brown, MSSW — Past Life Regression dejaviewpastlives.com Only in Sedona/ Sedona Psychic Wisdom sedonapsychicwisdom.com Sanctuary at Sedona s thesanctuaryatsedona.com Temple of Bhakti Yoga drshubhranandaswami.com Energy Healing / Reiki Crystal in Sedona — Private Organic Spa 928-399-0887 crystalinsedona.com 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O "# Healing From The Heart 928-821-0989 healingone.net HeartWalk Center 928-204-5589 sedonaheartwalk.com HIDAMARI in Sedona 602-743-9198 erilovesedona.com Kathleen’s Sedona Healing Sanctuary 928-284-4172 kathleenarmstrong.com Only in Sedona/ Sedona Psychic Wisdom 928-203-1194 sedonapsychicwisdom.com Peace Place s reikiclasses.com Retreat and Heal 928-282-5237 retreatandheal.com Shamangelic Healing with Anahata 928-274-6282 shamangelichealing.com Spirit Light Healing 928-301-6298 spiritlighthealing.com Holistic Centers / Information Angels of Enlightenment 928-282-8887 angelsofenlightenment.com Crystal Magic 928-282-1622 crystalmagicsedona.com Sedona Crystal Vortex 928-282-3388 sedonacrystalvortex.com Sedona Metaphysical Spiritual Association 928-300-7796 sedonaspiritual.com Massage / Body Work A Spa for You, Sedona Day Spa & Massage Services 928-282-3895 aspaforyou.com Adagio Massage Therapy 928-301-2503 adagiomassagetherapy.com HeartWalk Center 928-204-5589 sedonaheartwalk.com Namaste Spa 928-554-4946 namastespasedona.com NAMTI Massage & Bodywork Clinic 928-282-7737 namti.com Rhonda L Gerard, LMT “Ko’ Ko” 928-204-9975 sedonamassagebykoko.com Sedona Crystal Vortex 928-282-3388 sedonacrystalvortex.com Stillpoint...Living in Balance 928-301-0830 stillpointbalance.com "$3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O Meditation / Spiritual Awakening Accurate Psychic Readings by Nirup 928-300-8338 psychicnirup.com Healing From The Heart 928-821-0989 healingone.net John of God Casa 401-419-6087 johnofgodcasa.com Sedona Spirit Center 928-282-1266 sedonaspiritcenter.com Spirit Light Healing 928-301-6298 spiritlighthealing.com University of Sedona and University of Metaphysics s universityofsedona.com Psychics / Intuitives A Sedona Psychic Medium 928-282-9181 sedonahope.com Accurate Psychic Readings by Nirup 928-300-8338 psychicnirup.com Center for the New Age Inc 928-282-2085 sedonanewagecenter.com Healing From The Heart 928-821-0989 healingone.net Heavenly Weddings 928-204-0077 Higher Self Discovery with Craig Junjulas 928-282-8981 higherselfdiscovery.com Madame Bonnie’s Psychic Center of Sedona 928-282-3207 sedonapsychiccenter.com Mana Lea in Sedona 928-821-1845 blueheaven.ocnk.net Mystical Bazaar 928-204-5615 mysticalbazaar.com Only in Sedona/ Sedona Psychic Wisdom 928-203-1194 sedonapsychicwisdom.com Portals of Transcendence 928-274-2265 portalsoftranscendence.com RavensCosmicPortal & Dreamweaver Events 928-554-4420 ravenscosmicportal.com Sedona Crystal Vortex 928-282-3388 sedonacrystalvortex.com Sedona Healing & Hypnotherapy 928-282-9777 sedonahealingandhypnotherapy.com Sedona Metaphysical Spiritual Association 928-300-7796 sedonaspiritual.com Sedona Story 928-282-3875 Retail Angels of Enlightenment 928-282-8887 angelsofenlightenment.com Golden Word Books & Music s goldenwordbooksandmusic.com Mystical Bazaar 928-204-5615 mysticalbazaar.com Peace Place s reikiclasses.com Sedona Crystal Vortex 928-282-3388 sedonacrystalvortex.com Retreats Angel Valley Sedona s angelvalley.org Crossing Worlds NativeNature Journeys s crossingworlds.com Free Soul Mind/Body Education 928-282-9425 freesoul.net Grace Grove Retreat Center 928-649-0456 gracegrove.com Retreat and Heal 928-282-5237 retreatandheal.com Sedona Concierge Services 928-282-5090 sedonaconciergeservices.com Sedona Soul Adventures Inc s sedonasouladventures.com Sedona Spirit Yoga & Hiking s yogalife.net Vortexes / Tours A Day In The West s adayinthewest.com Crossing Worlds NativeNature Journeys s crossingworlds.com Free Soul Mind/Body Education 928-282-9425 freesoul.net HIDAMARI in Sedona 602-743-9198 erilovesedona.com Mystic Tours with Rahelio 928-282-6735 rahelio.com Mystical Bazaar 928-204-5615 mysticalbazaar.com Portals of Transcendence 928-274-2265 portalsoftranscendence.com RavensCosmicPortal & Dreamweaver Events 928-554-4420 ravenscosmicportal.com Retreat and Heal 928-282-5237 retreatandheal.com Sedona Adventure Tours s sedonaadventuretours.com Sedona Spirit Journeys 928-282-8966 sedonaspiritjourneys.com Sedona Spirit Yoga & Hiking s yogalife.net OUTDOOR RECREATION Biking / ATVs / Motorcycles / Segways Absolute Bikes s absolutebikes.net Arizona ATV Adventures 800-242-6335 azatvfun.com ATV Rentals of Arizona 928-204-2ATV atvsofarizona.com EagleRider Motorcycle Rental Sedona s redrockrider.com Sedona Off-Road Center 928-282-5599 sedonaoffroadcenter.com Segway Tours Adventures Out West s azsegway.com Climbing Centerfocus Adventures 928-301-3211 thecenterfocus.com Fishing / Skiing Rainbow Trout Farm 928-282-5799 Slide Rock State Park 928-282-3034 azstateparks.com Forest Information The Arboretum at Flagstaff 928-774-1442 thearb.org Sedona Chamber of Commerce s VisitSedona.com Golf / Tennis Canyon Mesa Country Club 928-284-0036 canyonmesacountryclub.com Oakcreek Country Club s oakcreekcountryclub.com Sedona Golf Resort s sedonagolfresort.com Hiking / Running / Rafting Canyon Spirit Botanical Ventures LLC 928-284-9626 canyonspiritventures.com Centerfocus Adventures 928-301-3211 thecenterfocus.com DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ Hike House 928-282-5820 thehikehouse.com Pygmy Guides LLC s pygmyguides.com Sedona Adventure Tours s sedonaadventuretours.com Sedona Marathon s sedonamarathon.com Sedona Red Rock Adventures s sedonaredrockadventures.com Horseback Riding A Day In The West s adayinthewest.com M Diamond Ranch, LLC mdiamondranch.com PERSONAL ENRICHMENT Beauty & Health Products & Services A Spa for You, Sedona Day Spa & Massage Services aspaforyou.com Best Life Media bestlifemedia.com Coaching / Counseling Accurate Psychic Readings by Nirup psychicnirup.com The Vortex Playground — The Abundance Coach vortexplayground.com Sanctuary at Sedona s thesanctuaryatsedona.com SusanMilligan.com Certified Health Coach susanmilligan.com Education & Training Centers Sedona Spirit Center sedonaspiritcenter.com University of Sedona and University of Metaphysics s universityofsedona.com Healing Treatments / Therapies BR Clinic magohealing.com Healing From The Heart 928-821-0989 healingOne.net Kathleen’s Sedona Healing Sanctuary kathleenarmstrong.com Mana Lea in Sedona blueheaven.ocnk.net Michael L. Brown, MSSW — Past Life Regression dejaviewpastlives.com Retreat and Heal retreatandheal.com Sedona Healing & Hypnotherapy 928-282-9777 sedonahealingandhypnotherapy.com Shamangelic Healing with Anahata shamangelichealing.com Healing Treatments / Therapies A Sedona Psychic Medium 928-282-9181 sedonahope.com Massage / Bodywork / Stress Management A Spa for You, Sedona Day Spa & Massage Services aspaforyou.com Adagio Massage Therapy adagiomassagesedona.com Afterglow of Sedona Massage Therapies & Spiritual Counseling s glow-now.com Body Bliss Factory Direct 928-282-1599 bodyblissfactorydirect.com Crystal in Sedona — Private Organic Spa crystalinsedona.com NAMTI Massage & Bodywork Clinic namti.com Rhonda L Gerard, LMT “Ko’ Ko” sedonamassagebykoko.com Sedona’s New Day Spa 928-282-7502 sedonanewdayspa.com Spa at Sedona Rouge s sedonarouge.com/spa Stillpoint...Living in Balance stillpointbalance.com Therapy On The Rocks therapyontherocks.com Retreats Angel Valley Sedona s angelvalley.org Ashram of Enlightenment enlightenmentashram.com Baby Quail Inn s babyquailinn.com Grace Grove Retreat Center gracegrove.com Healing From The Heart 928-821-0989 healingOne.net Only in Sedona/ Sedona Psychic Wisdom sedonapsychicwisdom.com Retreat and Heal retreatandheal.com Sedona Soul Adventures Inc s sedonasouladventures.com Spas / Salons A Spa for You, Sedona Day Spa & Massage Services aspaforyou.com Crystal in Sedona — Private Organic Spa crystalinsedona.com Hilton Sedona Resort & Spa s hiltonsedonaresort.com Hilton Sedona Spa hiltonsedonaspa.com Mii amo Destination Spa at Enchantment s miiamo.com Namaste Spa namastespasedona.com Retreat and Heal retreatandheal.com Sedona Spa at Los Abrigados Resort s losabrigados.com Sedona’s New Day Spa 928-282-7502 sedonanewdayspa.com Spa at Sedona Rouge s sedonarouge.com/spa Stillpoint...Living in Balance stillpointbalance.com Yoga / Tai Chi / Qi Gong BR Clinic magohealing.com PHOTOGRAPHY & PHOTOGRAPHERS Commercial Ian Whitehead Photography 928-821-1078 ian-whitehead.com Portrait Photography by Janise Witt sedona-photographer.com DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ REAL ESTATE & RELOCATION Developers / Planners Eagle Cliff Development eaglecliffdevelopment.com Property Management A Foothills Property Management Co s foothillsrentals.com Desert Mountain Brokers desertmountainbrokers.com Diamond Resorts International s krazykyote.net M & M Property Management Group sedonaofficerentals.com Red Rock Realty Vacation Home Rentals s redrockrealty.net Sedona Elite Properties Management s sedonaeliteproperties.com Realtors - Commercial Buyer’s Broker Russ Lyon Sotheby’s Int’l s sedonarealestate.com Coldwell Banker First Affiliate s cbsedona.com Realty Executives Northern Arizona realtyexecutivesaz.com Sedona Luxury Real Estate Professionals slrep.com Sedona Realty Claudine Pinto, Broker s sedonarealty.com Sheri Sperry, RE/MAX Sedona s esedona.biz Realtors - Residential A. Lee Congdon, RE/MAX Sedona leecongdon.com Bruce Tobias, RE/MAX Sedona brucetobias.com Buyer’s Broker, Russ Lyon Sotheby’s Int’l s sedonarealestate.com Coldwell Banker First Affiliate s cbsedona.com Karen D Dunlap, Coldwell Banker First Affiliate karendunlap.com Realty Executives Northern Arizona realtyexecutivesaz.com 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O "% Rick Wesselhoff, Coldwell Banker s sedonahomesandland.com Sedona Buyers Agency Exclusive Buyer Representation 928-301-4692 sedonabuyersagency.com Sedona Luxury Real Estate Professionals slrep.com Sedona Realty Claudine Pinto, Broker s sedonarealty.com Sheri Sperry, RE/MAX Sedona s esedona.biz Residential & Commercial Rentals / Investments Eagle Cliff Development 928-284-3161 eaglecliffdevelopment.com Rick Wesselhoff, Coldwell Banker s sedonahomesandland.com Retirement Living A. Lee Congdon, RE/MAX Sedona leecongdon.com Sedona Winds Independent & Assisted Living 928-284-1021 sedonawinds.com Time Shares / Fractional Ownership Diamond Resorts International s krazykyote.net Messick Enterprises Accommodations Sedona Pines Resort s sedonapines.com RESTAURANTS FOOD & BEVERAGE Catering Barking Frog Grille & Reserve Room 928-204-2000 barkingfroggrille.com Cucina Rustica 928-284-3010 cucinarustica.com Dahl & DiLuca Ristorante Italiano dahlanddiluca.com Javelina Cantina 928-282-1313 javelinacantina.com Mago Cafe / Korean Restaurant magocafe.com Manzanita Restaurant themanzanitarestaurant.com Mesa Grill at Sedona Airport 928-282-2400 mesagrillsedona.com "&3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O Plaza Bonita Family Mexican Restaurant myplazabonita.com Secret Garden Cafe at Tlaquepaque sedonasecretgardencafe.com Shugrue’s Hillside Grill shugrues.com Thai Palace Uptown 928-282-8424 thaipalacesedona.com Wildflower Bread Company 928-204-2223 wildflowerbread.com Cocktail Lounges / Taverns Golden Goose Cafe & Bistro goldengoosecafe.com The Hideaway Restaurant & Lounge 928-282-4204 thesedonahideaway.com Ken’s Creekside Restaurant kenscreekside.com Maria’s Restaurant & Cantina marias-restaurant.com Marketplace Cafe the Restaurant mpcsedona.com Oak Creek Brewery & Grill 928-282-3300 oakcreekpub.com Oak Creek Brewing Company 928-204-1300 oakcreekbrew.com Oaxaca Restaurant & Rooftop Cantina oaxacarestaurant.com Olde Sedona Bar & Grill oldesedona.com Picazzo’s Organic Italian Kitchen 928-282-4140 picazzos.com Stakes & Sticks Sports Bar & Grill diamondresorts.com/losabrigados-resort-and-spa-dining Szechuan Restaurant & Martini Bar 928-282-9288 szechuansedona.net Taos Cantina taoscantina.com Coffee Shops Cafe Jose 928-282-0299 sedonacafejose.com Heart of Sedona Coffee Pink Java Cafe 928-282-0249 pinkjeeptours.com/pink-java-cafe Delis / Bakeries Black Cow Cafe 928-203-9868 New Frontiers Natural Marketplace 928-282-6311 newfrontiersmarket.com Delivery Services Domino’s Pizza 928-203-0303 pizzasedona.com Pago’s Pizzeria & Italian Cuisine 928-284-1939 pagospizza.com Health Food / Produce ChocolaTree Organic Oasis chocolatreecafe.com New Frontiers Natural Marketplace 928-282-6311 newfrontiersmarket.com Zainey’s Yogurt zaineysyogurt.com Restaurants / Dining Barking Frog Grille & Reserve Room 928-204-2000 barkingfroggrille.com Blazin’ M Ranch Western Dinner Theater s blazinm.com Blue Moon Cafe 928-284-1831 bluemooncafe.us Cafe Jose 928-282-0299 sedonacafejose.com Canyon Breeze Restaurant & Bar 928-282-2112 canyon-breeze.com ChocolaTree Organic Oasis chocolatreecafe.com Cowboy Club 928-282-4200 cowboyclub.com Cucina Rustica 928-284-3010 cucinarustica.com Dahl & DiLuca Ristorante Italiano dahlanddiluca.com Domino’s Pizza 928-203-0303 pizzasedona.com El Rincon Restaurant Mexicano 928-282-4648 elrinconrestaurant.com Enchantment Resort s enchantmentresort.com Famous Pizza & Beer azfamouspizza.com Golden Goose Cafe & Bistro goldengoosecafe.com Harry’s Hideaway Restaurant 928-639-2222 harryshideaway.com The Heartline Cafe heartlinecafe.com The Hideaway Restaurant & Lounge 928-282-4204 thesedonahideaway.com Hundred Rox Restaurant s amararesort.com Javelina Cantina 928-282-1313 javelinacantina.com Ken’s Creekside Restaurant kenscreekside.com L’Auberge Restaurant on Oak Creek s lauberge.com Mago Cafe / Korean Restaurant magocafe.com Manzanita Restaurant themanzanitarestaurant.com Maria’s Restaurant & Cantina marias-restaurant.com Marketplace Cafe the Restaurant mpcsedona.com Mesa Grill at Sedona Airport 928-282-2400 mesagrillsedona.com Oak Creek Brewery & Grill 928-282-3300 oakcreekpub.com Oaxaca Restaurant & Rooftop Cantina oaxacarestaurant.com Olde Sedona Bar & Grill oldesedona.com Open Range Grille & Tavern 928-282-0002 openrangesedona.com Pago’s Pizzeria & Italian Cuisine 928-284-1939 pagospizza.com Picazzo’s Organic Italian Kitchen 928-282-4140 picazzos.com Plaza Bonita Family Mexican Restaurant myplazabonita.com Reds s sedonarouge.com Rene’ at Tlaquepaque rene-sedona.com Secret Garden Cafe at Tlaquepaque sedonasecretgardencafe.com Shugrue’s Hillside Grill shugrues.com Simon’s Hot Dogs 928-496-0266 simon-hot-dogs.com Sound Bites Grill soundbitesgrill.com Stakes & Sticks Sports Bar & Grill diamondresorts.com/losabrigados-resort-and-spa-dining Szechuan Restaurant & Martini Bar 928-282-9288 szechuansedona.net DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ T Carl’s at Poco Diablo Resort s pocodiablo.com Takashi Japanese Restaurant 928-282-2334 takashisedona.com Taos Cantina taoscantina.com Thai Palace Uptown 928-282-8424 thaipalacesedona.com Troia’s Pizza Pasta Amore’ 928-282-0123 troias.com Wildflower Bread Company 928-204-2223 wildflowerbread.com Specialty / Candy / Ice Cream Black Cow Cafe 928-203-9868 Candy Corral s candycorral.info Harry’s Hideaway Restaurant 928-639-2222 harryshideaway.com Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory 928-282-3383 rmcf.com Simon’s Hot Dogs 928-496-0266 simon-hot-dogs.com Zainey’s Yogurt 928-554-5319 zaineysyogurt.com Wineries & Wine Tasting Arizona Stronghold Tasting Room azstronghold.com Javelina Leap Vineyard & Winery javelinaleapwinery.com Oak Creek Vineyards & Winery 928-649-0290 oakcreekvineyards.net Page Springs Vineyard & Cellars 928-639-3004 pagespringscellars.com RETAIL SHOPPING Accessories / Leather Goods Altai Leather s altaileather.com Richard David Building s richarddavidformen.com Antiques ALT Gallery altgallerysedona.com Apparel & T-Shirts Canyon Outfitters 928-282-5294 sedona.net/shop/canyon Cheers s cheersofsedona.com Crystal Magic 928-282-1622 crystalmagicsedona.com Dahling It’s You 928-282-1003 dahlingitsyou.com Hike House 928-282-5820 thehikehouse.com Richard David Building s richarddavidformen.com Sedona Outdoors s cheersofsedona.com Sedona’s Talk of the Town Del Sol delsolsedona.com Lanning Gallery 928-282-6865 lanninggallery.com Lark Art 928-282-5545 twolarks.com Mountain Trails Galleries s mountaintrails.com Renee Taylor Gallery reneetaylorgallery.com Rowe Fine Art Gallery rowegallery.com Zonies Galleria 928-282-5995 zoniesgalleria.com Art & Photography Supplies Sedona Photo Express 928-282-6606 sedonaphoto.net Beauty & Health Ambaya Gold ambayagold.com Bookstores / Stationery Crystal Magic 928-282-1622 crystalmagicsedona.com Golden Word Books & Music s goldenwordbooksandmusic.com E-Commerce Indigenous Arts, LLC s-!3+3 indigenous-arts.com Florists Sedona Fine Art of Flowers 928-284-2331 sedonafineartofflowers.com Footwear Hike House 928-282-5820 thehikehouse.com Galleries / Art & Sculpture El Prado Galleries elpradogalleries.com Exposures Int’l Gallery of Fine Art s exposuresfineart.com Gallery of Modern Masters s galleryofmodernmasters.com Golden Lotus Gallery 928-282-5269 golden-lotus-gallery.com Goldenstein Gallery goldensteinart.com James Ratliff Gallery 928-282-1404 jamesratliffgallery.com Kuivato Glass Gallery s kuivato.com Gifts / Collectibles Garland’s Navajo Rugs garlandsrugs.com Joe Wilcox Indian Den s joewilcoxsedona.com Sedona Heritage Museum sedonamuseum.org Wild West Warehouse wildwestwarehouseusa.com Zonies Galleria 928-282-5995 zoniesgalleria.com Jewelry / Beads Body Bliss Factory Direct 928-282-1599 bodyblissfactorydirect.com Dahling It’s You 928-282-1003 dahlingitsyou.com Garland’s Indian Jewelry 928-282-6632 garlandsjewelry.com Hoel’s Indian Shop 928-282-3925 hoelsindianshop.com Native Americans for Community Action Inc. 928-526-2968 nacainc.org Ninibah 928-282-4256 houseoftheshalako.com Sedona’s Talk of the Town Del Sol delsolsedona.com Turquoise Buffalo s turquoisebuffalo.com Zivney Collection 928-254-1006 zivneycollection.com Knitting / Quilting / Crafts Quilter’s Store Sedona quiltersstoresedona.com DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ Native American Arts / Ethnic Goods Garland’s Indian Jewelry 928-282-6632 garlandsjewelry.com Garland’s Navajo Rugs garlandsrugs.com Hoel’s Indian Shop 928-282-3925 hoelsindianshop.com Joe Wilcox Indian Den s joewilcoxsedona.com Kachina House s kachinahouse.com The Naja Inc s thenaja.com Native Americans for Community Action Inc. 928-526-2968 nacainc.org Ninibah 928-282-4256 houseoftheshalako.com Turquoise Buffalo s turquoisebuffalo.com Wild West Warehouse wildwestwarehouseusa.com New Age / Metaphysical Crystal Magic 928-282-1622 crystalmagicsedona.com Mystical Bazaar 928-204-5615 mysticalbazaar.com Sedona Crystal Vortex 928-282-3388 sedonacrystalvortex.com Photo Finishing Sedona Photo Express 928-282-6606 sedonaphoto.net Pottery / Ceramics Esteban’s 928-282-4686 tlaq.com Kachina House s kachinahouse.com Products for the Home Azadi Fine Rugs 928-203-0400 azadifinerugs.com Lark Art 928-282-5545 twolarks.com Zivney Collection 928-254-1006 zivneycollection.com 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O "' Shopping Centers / Districts Creekside Plaza 928-282-4636 creeksideplaza-sedona.com Hillside Sedona 928-282-4500 hillsidesedona.net Matterhorn Shoppes Inc 928-282-7176 Sedona Center 928-204-4378 sedona-center.com Shops at Hyatt Pinon Pointe 928-254-1006 theshopsathyattpinonpointe.com Tlaquepaque Arts & Crafts Village 928-282-4838 tlaq.com Specialty Candy Corral s candycorral.info Indigenous Arts, LLC s-!3+3 indigenous-arts.com Sporting Goods Canyon Outfitters 928-282-5294 sedona.net/shop/canyon Hike House 928-282-5820 thehikehouse.com Sedona Outdoors s cheersofsedona.com Western Wear Joe Wilcox Western Wear 928-282-1348 TOURS & SIGHTSEEING Air Tours Arizona Balloon Works Inc. 928-399-9833 sedonahotairballoons.com Arizona Helicopter Adventures LLC s azheli.com Maverick Helicopters s maverickhelicopters.com Northern Light / Sedona Balloons s northernlightballoon.com Papillon Grand Canyon Helicopters s papillon.com Red Rock Balloon Adventures s redrockballoons.com Sedona Air Tours s sedonaairtours.com Sky High Balloon Adventure s skyhighballoons.com #3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O Balloon Rides Arizona Balloon Works Inc. 928-399-9833 sedonahotairballoons.com Northern Light / Sedona Balloons s northernlightballoon.com Red Rock Balloon Adventures s redrockballoons.com Sky High Balloon Adventure s skyhighballoons.com Ground / ATV / Hummer Tours / Segways A Day In The West s adayinthewest.com Antelope Canyon Tours, Inc. s antelopecanyon.com Arizona ATV Adventures s azatvfun.com Arizona Winery Tours 623-498-6929 azwinerytours.com ATV Rentals of Arizona !46 atvsofarizona.com Condé Nast Top Travel Specialist Bruce Sawyer s allaboutgrandcanyon.net Crossing Worlds NativeNature Journeys s crossingworlds.com EagleRider Motorcycle Rental Sedona s redrockrider.com First Class Charter and Tours LLC s firstclasscharterandtours.com Grand Canyon Railway s thetrain.com Great West Tours s greatwesttours.com Krazy Kyote Activities & Tours s krazykyote.net Mystic Tours with Rahelio 928-282-6735 rahelio.com Native American Journeys 928-284-4735 nativeamericanjourneys.com Pink Jeep Tours s pinkjeep.com Red Rock Western Jeep Tours s redrockjeep.com Sedona Concierge by Cobalt Escapes s cesedona.com Sedona Drive Tour 928-284-1733 sedonadrivetours.com Sedona Hummer Tours 928-282-6656 sedonaoffroadadventures.com Sedona Spirit Journeys 928-282-8966 sedonaspiritjourneys.com Sedona Tours & Guide Services Wine Country Tours 928-554-4072 sedona-tour-guide.com Segway Tours Adventures Out West s azsegway.com Verde Canyon Railroad s verdecanyonrr.com White Tie Transportation, Limousine & Tours s whitetietransportation.com Jeep / Trolley Tours A Day In The West s adayinthewest.com Arizona Safari Jeep Tours 928-282-3012 safarijeeptours.com Barlow Jeep Rentals s barlowjeeprentals.com Pink Jeep Tours s pinkjeep.com Red Rock Western Jeep Tours s redrockjeep.com Sedona Adventure Tours s sedonaadventuretours.com Sedona Hummer Tours 928-282-6656 sedonaoffroadadventures.com Sedona Trolley 928-282-5400 sedonatrolley.com Specialty / Cultural Tours Arizona Winery Tours 623-498-6929 azwinerytours.com Condé Nast Top Travel Specialist Bruce Sawyer s allaboutgrandcanyon.net First Class Charter and Tours LLC s firstclasscharterandtours.com Out of Africa Wildlife Park 928-567-2840 outofafricapark.com Pink Jeep Tours s pinkjeep.com Revolution Tours, LLC 928-554-4592 myrevolutiontour.com Sedona Adventure Tours s sedonaadventuretours.com Sedona Red Rock Adventures s sedonaredrockadventures.com Way of the Ancients 928-282-4345 wayoftheancients.biz Tour Guides A Day In The West s adayinthewest.com Antelope Canyon Tours, Inc. s antelopecanyon.com Arizona Safari Jeep Tours 928-282-3012 safarijeeptours.com Atlas America International, Inc. 928-203-4383 atlas-america.com Canyon Spirit Botanical Ventures LLC 928-284-9626 canyonspiritventures.com Condé Nast Top Travel Specialist Bruce Sawyer s allaboutgrandcanyon.net Great West Tours s greatwesttours.com Native American Journeys 928-284-4735 nativeamericanjourneys.com Pink Jeep Tours s pinkjeep.com Pygmy Guides, LLC s pygmyguides.com Sedona Adventure Tours s sedonaadventuretours.com Sedona Chi-Q Tours 928-203-0477 Sedona Drive Tour 928-284-1733 sedonadrivetours.com Sedona Hummer Tours 928-282-6656 sedonaoffroadadventures.com Sedona Red Rock Adventures s sedonaredrockadventures.com Sedona Tours & Guide Services Wine Country Tours 928-554-4072 sedona-tour-guide.com Way of the Ancients 928-282-4345 wayoftheancients.biz Virtual Tours / Drive Tours Red Rock TV - Channel 16 928-282-1636 sedona.tv Revolution Tours, LLC 928-554-4592 myrevolutiontour.com TRANSPORTATION Air Transportation / Airports Arizona Helicopter Adventures, LLC s azheli.com DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ Going My Way Shuttle, LLC 928-451-6186 flagstaffsedonashuttle.com Airport Shuttles Red Rock Transportation 928-593-9672 redrocktransportation.com Sedona Chi-Q Tours 928-203-0477 Sedona Hotel Shuttle 928-203-9300 sedonahotelshuttle.com Sedona Phoenix Shuttle Service Inc 928-282-2066 sedona-phoenix-shuttle.com White Tie Transportation, Limousine & Tours s whitetietransportation.com Bus / Charter / Limo Red Rock Transportation 928-593-9672 redrocktransportation.com Sedona Hotel Shuttle 928-203-9300 sedonahotelshuttle.com White Tie Transportation, Limousine & Tours s whitetietransportation.com Trolleys / Taxis Sedona Trolley 928-282-5400 sedonatrolley.com Vehicle / Scooter Rental Barlow Jeep Rentals s barlowjeeprentals.com Sedona Off-Road Center 928-282-5599 sedonaoffroadcenter.com WEDDING SERVICES Catering / Cakes Cowboy Club 928-282-4200 cowboyclub.com Cucina Rustica 928-284-3010 cucinarustica.com Dahl & DiLuca Ristorante Italiano 928-282-5219 dahlanddiluca.com Troia’s Pizza Pasta Amore’ 928-282-0123 troias.com Event Planning / Equipment Rentals Ceremony of Love 928-852-0120 ceremonyoflove.net Verde Valley Rentals Verve Events & Tents s verdevalleyrentals.com Florists Sedona Fine Art of Flowers 928-284-2331 sedonafineartofflowers.com Ministers / Clergy Affordable Sedona Weddings 800-834-4998 affordablesedonaweddings.com Ceremony of Love 928-852-0120 ceremonyoflove.net Heavenly Weddings 928-204-0077 Music / Disc Jockeys Entertainment by Tom & Shondra 928-282-3530 tomandshondra.com Photographers / Videographers Photography by Janise Witt 928-204-5534 sedona-photographer.com Transportation Sedona Hotel Shuttle 928-203-9300 sedonahotelshuttle.com White Tie Transportation, Limousine & Tours s whitetietransportation.com Venues / Facilities A Sunset Chateau of Sedona, LLC s asunsetchateau.com Amara Hotel, Restaurant & Spa s amararesort.com Bell Rock Inn s diamondresorts.com/bell-rock-inn Best Western PLUS Arroyo Roble Hotel & Creekside Villas s bestwesternsedona.com Blazin’ M Ranch Western Dinner Theater s blazinm.com Casa Sedona Inn s casasedona.com Cathedral Rock Lodge and Retreat Center 928-300-5701 cathedralrocklodge.com Creekside Inn at Sedona s creeksideinn.net Enchantment Resort s enchantmentresort.com Hampton Inn Sedona s sedona.hamptoninn.com The Heartline Cafe 928-282-0785 heartlinecafe.com Hilton Sedona Resort & Spa s hiltonsedonaresort.com La Quinta Inn Sedona 928-284-0711 LQIS.com L’Auberge de Sedona s lauberge.com Lodge at Sedona A Luxury B&B Inn s lodgeatsedona.com Los Abrigados Resort & Spa s diamondresorts.com Oakcreek Country Club s oakcreekcountryclub.com Page Springs Vineyard & Cellars 928-639-3004 pagespringscellars.com Poco Diablo Resort s pocodiablo.com Red Agave Resort s redagaveresort.com Sedona Golf Resort s sedonagolfresort.com Sedona Heritage Museum 928-282-7038 sedonamuseum.org DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ Sedona Real Inn & Suites s sedonareal.com Sedona Rouge Hotel & Spa s sedonarouge.com Sedona Super 8 s sedonasuper8.com Tlaquepaque Arts & Crafts Village 928-282-4838 tlaq.com Wedding Planners / Publications Affordable Sedona Weddings 800-834-4998 affordablesedonaweddings.com Arizona Weddings in Sedona s weddingsinsedona.com Ceremony of Love 928-852-0120 ceremonyoflove.net Sedona Luxury Weddings & Events, LLC 928-282-4811 sedonaluxuryweddings.com Weddings By L’Auberge s lauberge.com 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O # Price Cuisine Type Seating Capacity Seasonal Outdoor Dining Lounge / Bar Area Beer & Wine CUISINE CODES: A American M Mexican V Vegetarian C Continental J Japanese X Other F French O Oriental I Italian S Southwestern Cocktails azstronghold.com javelinaleapwinery.com oakcreekvineyards.net pagespringscellars.com Catering 928-639-2789 928-274-0394 928-649-0290 928-639-3004 Reservations Advised Arizona Stronghold Tasting Room Javelina Leap Vineyard & Winery Oak Creek Vineyards & Winery Page Springs Vineyard & Cellars Entertainment Location Code E 7<3@73A Brunch 27<7<5E7<3@73A Locations: CV Camp Verde FL Flagstaff GC Grand Canyon Dinner Out of Area CD Clarkdale CN Cornville CT Cottonwood Lunch 27<7<55C723 Uptown & Oak Creek Canyon SR 179 & Village of Oakcreek West Sedona JM Jerome PS Page Springs WL Williams Breakfast TO LOCATE BUSINESSES, SEE MAP CODES & COLORS ON PAGES 64-65 F4 N3 CT L9 G3 N3 I4 N3 K10 G4 M4 M5 A1 E4 F3 A5 J3 M4 N3 M5 M4 M4 M3 CN K9 K10 J6 J3 M5 N2 J4 O2 H4 N3 H3 G3 J9 M5 N3 M5 M5 G3 M4 M5 Barking Frog Grille & Reserve Room 928-204-2000 barkingfroggrille.com s s s s s s s s s Black Cow Cafe 928-203-9868 "LAZIN-2ANCH7ESTERN$INNER4HEATER s blazinm.com s s s "LUE-OON#AFE 928-284-1831 bluemooncafe.us s s s s s s s s #AFÏ*OSE2ESTAURANT 928-282-0299 sedonacafejose.com s s s #ANYON"REEZE2ESTAURANT"AR 928-282-2112 canyon-breeze.com s s s s s s s s s -!8 #HOCOLA4REE/RGANIC/ASIS chocolatreecafe.com s s s s s Cowboy Club 928-282-4200 cowboyclub.com s s s s s s s !36 #UCINA2USTICA 928-284-3010 cucinarustica.com s s s s s s s s ) $AHL$I,UCA2ISTORANTE)TALIANO 928-282-5219 dahlanddiluca.com s s s s s s s s ) %L0ORTAL3EDONA(OTEL s elportalsedona.com s %L2INCON2ESTAURANT-EXICANO 928-282-4648 elrinconrestaurant.com s s s s s s s -6 %NCHANTMENT2ESORT s enchantmentresort.com s s s s s s s s s s !3 Famous Pizza & Beer 928-282-5464 azfamouspizza.com ) 'OLDEN'OOSE#AFÏ"ISTRO goldengoosecafe.com s s s s s s s s !)36 (ARRYS(IDEAWAY2ESTAURANT 928-639-2222 harryshideaway.com 4HE(EARTLINE#AFE heartlinecafe.com s s s s s s s s s !#36 4HE(IDEAWAY2ESTAURANT,OUNGE 928-282-4204 thesedonahideaway.com ) (UNDRED2OX2ESTAURANT s amararesort.com s s s s s s s !) *AVELINA#ANTINA 928-282-1313 javelinacantina.com s s s s s s s s -3 +ENS#REEKSIDE2ESTAURANT kenscreekside.com s s s s s s s s s s !# ,!UBERGE2ESTAURANTON/AK#REEK s lauberge.com s s s s s s s s s s !&) -AGO#AFEAND+OREAN2ESTAURANT magocafe.com s s s s s s -ANZANITA2ESTAURANT 928-634-8851 themanzanitarestaurant.com s s s s s s s s -ARIAS2ESTAURANT#ANTINA marias-restaurant.com s s s s s s s s s -ARKETPLACE#AFETHE2ESTAURANT mpcsedona.com -ESA'RILLAT3EDONA!IRPORT 928-282-2400 mesagrillsedona.com s s s s s s s s s s !36 .EW&RONTIERS.ATURAL-ARKETPLACE 928-282-6311 newfrontiersmarket.com s s s /AK#REEK"REWERY'RILL 928-282-3300 oakcreekpub.com /AXACA2ESTAURANT2OOFTOP#ANTINA oaxacarestaurant.com s s s s s s s s s -36! /LDE3EDONA"AR'RILL oldesedona.com s s s s s s s s s !3-) /PEN2ANGE'RILLE4AVERN 928-282-0002 openrangesedona.com s s s s s s s 0ICAZZOS/RGANIC)TALIAN+ITCHEN 928-282-4140 picazzos.com s s s s s s s !)68 Pink Java Café 928-282-0249 pinkjeeptours.com/pink-java-cafe 0LAZA"ONITA&AMILY-EXICAN2ESTAURANT myplazabonita.com s s 2EDS s sedonarouge.com s s s s s s s s s s s !#36 2EDSTONE'RILL0ATIO 928-284-1010 redstonedining.com s s s s s s s s s s s 2ENÏAT4LAQUEPAQUE 928-282-9225 rene-sedona.com s s s s s s s s s 2OCKY-OUNTAIN#HOCOLATE&ACTORY 928-282-3383 rmcf.com 3ECRET'ARDEN#AFÏAT4LAQUEPAQUE 928-203-9564 sedonasecretgardencafe.com s s s s s s 68! 3HUGRUES(ILLSIDE'RILL 928-282-5300 shugrues.com s s s s s s s s s s !#6 3IMONS(OT$OGS 928-496-0266 simon-hot-dogs.com s s s s s s s s 6!8 3OUND"ITES'RILL soundbitesgrill.com s s s s s s s s s !36 3TAKES3TICKS3PORTS"AR'RILL diamondresorts.com/los-abrigados- resort-and-spa-dining s s s J3 L6 N2 N3 N3 H4 M4 3ZECHUAN2ESTAURANT-ARTINI"AR 928-282-9288 szechuansedona.net s s s s s s s s s */ 4#ARLSAT0OCO$IABLO2ESORT s pocodiablo.com s s s s s s s s s !3 4AKASHI*APANESE2ESTAURANT 928-282-2334 takashisedona.com s s s s s s s *6 4AOS#ANTINA taoscantina.com s s s s s s s -3 4HAI0ALACE5PTOWN 928-282-8424 thaipalacesedona.com s s s s s s 4ROIAS0IZZA0ASTA!MORÏ 928-282-0123 troias.com s s s s s s 7ILDmOWER"READ#OMPANY 928-204-2223 wildflowerbread.com s s s s s !#68 928-282-8123 zaineysyogurt.com H4 :AINEYS9OGURT DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ s s s s 3- 8 !3 !)-3 s !-36 s 63#8 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s !3 !3 !/ #8! !- s s s s s s s s s !36 s s s s s s s s s ! !3 s 8 s s s s - 68 s !# 6!# 8 s s s s s !#6 8 )#6 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O #! Meeting Room(s) Lounge/Common Internet Access Cable TV/Movies Fireplace Room Service Kitchen/Kitchenette Pool Hot tub/Whirlpool Pets Welcome CV #AMP6ERDE JM *EROME FL &LAGSTAFFWL7ILLIAMS GC 'RAND#ANYON Rate Range (2 pers.) Seasonal Rates Incl. 032 0@3/94/ABA Handicap Unit Location Code Out of Area Locations: CD #LARKDALE CN #ORNVILLE CT #OTTONWOOD Uptown & Oak Creek Canyon SR 179 & Village of Oakcreek West Sedona # of Units Cabin/Cottage TO LOCATE BUSINESSES, SEE MAP CODES & COLORS ON PAGES 64-65 :=257<55C723 H5 A Sunset Chateau of Sedona LLC s ASUNSETCHATEAUCOM s s s s s s s N2 A Touch of Sedona Bed & Breakfast s TOUCHOFSEDONACOM F3 Adobe Grand Villas s ADOBEGRANDVILLASCOM s s s s s s s s s s K10 Adobe Hacienda Bed & Breakfast Inn s ADOBEHACIENDACOM s s s s s K9 !DOBE6ILLAGE'RAHAM)NN$IAMOND s ADOBEVILLAGEGRAHAMINNCOM s s s s F3 Alma de Sedona Inn s ALMADESEDONACOM s s s s s s s N2 Apple Orchard Inn s APPLEORCHARDBBCOM s s s s s s F3 Boots & Saddles Romantic Bed & Breakfast s OLDWESTBBCOM s s s s s s OCC Briar Patch Inn on Oak Creek s BRIARPATCHINNCOM s s s s s s s s CV Camp Verde Cottage s CAMPVERDECOTTAGECOM s s s K9 Canyon Villa Bed & Breakfast Inn of Sedona s CANYONVILLACOM OCC The Canyon Wren Cabins s CANYONWRENCABINSCOM s F3 Casa Sedona Bed & Breakfast Inn s CASASEDONACOM K9 Cozy Cactus Bed & Breakfast s COZYCACTUSCOM s s s s s L6 Creekside Inn at Sedona s CREEKSIDEINNNET s s s s s CT $ESERT2OSE"EDAND"REAKFAST DESERTROSEBANDBCOM s s s s L9 Grace’s Secret Garden Bed & Breakfast s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s GRACESSECRETGARDENCOM M5 Inn on Oak Creek s INNONOAKCREEKCOM F4 Lantern Light Inn s LANTERNLIGHTINNCOM H4 Lodge at Sedona - A Luxury B&B Inn s LODGEATSEDONACOM s s s s s s E9 Moestly Wood Bed & Breakfast s MOESTLYWOODCOM s s s s s K9 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s SEDONABEARLODGECOM s s s s s Sedona Cathedral Hideaway s SEDONACATHEDRALHIDEAWAYCOM s s s s s s L10 4HE3EDONA$REAM-AKER"ED"REAKFAST s SEDONADREAMMAKERCOM s s s s s s s OCC Sedona Views Bed & Breakfast s SEDONAVIEWSBBCOM s s s s s s E4 Southwest Inn at Sedona s SWINNCOM s s s s s s s s s CN Sycamore Springs Guest House SSGUESTHOUSECOM s LOLOMAICOM OAKCREEKMOBILODGECOM s RANCHOSEDONACOM @D A 3@D713A s s s s s MO s s s s Hot tub/Whirlpool Pets Welcome Full Hookups Shower Facility Kintchen/Kitchenette Laundry s Pool s s s Dumping Station Cable TV/Movies Trailer Clubhouse Internet Access Handicap Access @D1/;>7<51/07<A PS Lo Lo Mai Springs Outdoor Resort M5 Oak Creek Mobilodge M5 Rancho Sedona RV Park Meeting Room(s) Sedona Bear Lodge E9 Rate Range (2 pers.) D3 # of Tent Units BBSEDONANET # of Cabin/Cottage THEPENROSECOM # of RV Units s Location Code The Penrose Bed & Breakfast Premier Bed & Breakfasts of Sedona s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s Full hookups at RV resorts include sewage lines for registered guests, however, if you are just passing through, the Giant gas station at 999 S. Main Street in Cottonwood has a free RV dump station. Call (928) 634-8459 or visit sanidumps.com for more information. @ 3A3@D/B7=< A 3@D713A Alliance Reservations Network Krazy Kyote Activities & Tours s s ALLIANCERESERVATIONSCOM KRAZYKYOTENET A 6=@B B 3@; @ 3<B/:A A Foothills Property Management s FOOTHILLSRENTALSCOM Baby Quail Inn s BABYQUAILINNCOM Cove Parkway Rentals COVEPARKWAYRENTALSCOM Desert Mountain Brokers DESERTMOUNTAINBROKERSCOM Desert Rose Bed and Breakfast DESERTROSEBANDBCOM Messick Enterprises Accommodations #"3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O Red Rock Realty Vacation Home Rentals s Rose Tree Inn s REDROCKREALTYNET ROSETREEINNCOM Sedona Elite Properties Management s SEDONAELITEPROPERTIESCOM Sedona Springs Resort s Vacation Homes at Canyon Mesa Villas at Poco Diablo s MYVACATIONCOM GOLFPROPERTIESINSEDONACOM MYVACATIONCOM DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ F3 Adobe Grand Villas s ADOBEGRANDVILLASCOM s s s s s s N3 Amara Hotel, Restaurant & Spa s AMARARESORTCOM s s s s s s s s J4 Baby Quail Inn s BABYQUAILINNCOM s s s K9 Bell Rock Inn KRAZYKYOTENET s s s s s s s s s N2 Best Western Plus Arroyo Roble Creekside s BESTWESTERNSEDONACOM s s s s s s s s s s s J3 Best Western Plus Inn of Sedona s INNOFSEDONACOM E9 Cathedral Rock Lodge and Retreat Center CATHEDRALROCKLODGECOM s M4 Cedars Resort On Oak Creek s SEDONACEDARSRESORTCOM s s s s s F4 s s s s s s s s s s Days Inn Sedona s DAYSINNSEDONACOM s s s s DESERTQUAILINNCOM s s s s s M4 El Portal Sedona Hotel s ELPORTALSEDONACOM s s s s s A1 Enchantment Resort s ENCHANTMENTRESORTCOM s s s s s s s s s OCC Forest Houses Resort FORESTHOUSESRESORTCOM s OCC Garland’s Oak Creek Lodge GARLANDSLODGECOM s s CN Grace Grove Retreat Center GRACEGROVECOM I3 s s s s s s K10 Desert Quail Inn Tennis Golf/Mini Golf (MG) Pets Welcome Hot tub/Whirlpool Pool Exercise Equipment Kitchen/Kitchenette Fireplace Cable TV/Movies Internet Access Meeting Rooms Rate Range (2 pers.) Seasonal Rates Incl. Handicap Units Locations: CV Camp Verde FL Flagstaff GC Grand Canyon Cabin/Cottage 6=B3:A;=B3:A @3A=@BA Out of Area CD Clarkdale CN Cornville CT Cottonwood Uptown & Oak Creek Canyon SR 179 & Village of Oakcreek West Sedona JM Jerome WL Williams # of Units Location Code TO LOCATE BUSINESSES, SEE MAP CODES & COLORS ON PAGES 64-65 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s Hampton Inn Sedona s SEDONAHAMPTONINNCOM s K10 Hilton Sedona Resort & Spa s HILTONSEDONARESORTCOM s s s s s OCC Junipine Resort s JUNIPINECOM s s s s s s M5 Kings Ransom Inn s KINGSRANSOMINNCOM s s s K9 Kokopelli Inn s KOKOPELLIINNCOM s s s s E4 Kokopelli Suites s KOKOPELLISUITESCOM s K9 La Quinta Inn Sedona ,1)3COM s O2 La Vista Motel s LAVISTAMOTELCOM s M4 L’Auberge de Sedona s LAUBERGECOM s s s s s s M5 Los Abrigados Resort & Spa KRAZKYOTENET s s s s s s s s s s ss (MG) s O2 Matterhorn Inn s MATTERHORNINNCOM A1 Mii amo Destination Spa at Enchantment s MIIAMOCOM s s s s s s s s N3 Orchards Inn s ORCHARDSINNCOM s s s s L6 Poco Diablo Resort s POCODIABLOCOM s s s s s K9 Premiere Vacation Club at Bell Rock s BELLROCKSUITESCOM s K9 Red Agave Resort s REDAGAVERESORTCOM s s s s s s s N2 Rodeway Inn & Suites Iris Garden s CHOICEHOTELSCOM s s s s N2 Rose Tree Inn s ROSETREEINNCOM s s s s A5 Sedona Pines Resort s SEDONAPINESCOM s stimeshare s s E4 Sedona Reãl Inn & Suites s SEDONAREALCOM s s s s s s s s G3 Sedona Rouge Hotel & Spa s SEDONAROUGECOM s s s s s s s s s I4 Sedona Springs Resort s MYVACATIONCOM s s s s s s s s s timeshare D4 G4 Sedona Summit Resort KRAZYKYOTENET s 3EDONA3UPER s SEDONASUPERCOM s J6 E4 Sky Ranch Lodge s SKYRANCHLODGECOM s s Southwest Inn at Sedona s SWINNCOM s s s s s N3 H3 K10 K10 Star Motel 928-282-3641 s s s s Sugar Loaf Lodge s SEDONASUGARLOAFCOM s s The Ridge on Sedona Golf Resort KRAZYKYOTENET s The Views Inn Sedona VIEWSINNCOM s L6 Villas at Poco Diablo s MYVACATIONCOM s timeshare F4 K9 K9 White House Inn Sedona SEDONAWHITEHOUSEINNCOM s s s Wildflower Inn s SEDONAWILDmOWERINNCOM s s s s s Village Lodge s SEDONALODGECOM s s s s s DWaWbASR]\OQ][ASR]\O1VO[PS`Q][ASR]\O4WZ[=TTWQSQ][ s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s (MG) s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 3f^S`WS\QSASR]\O ## ■ ■ ■ ■ Spectacular Jeep Tours Magnificent Grand Canyon Tours Corporate & Team Building Events Group Outings & Special Events You gotta see it! Introducing the exclusive Tour Trekker, the ultimate Grand Canyon tour vehicle. For information & reservations: ssWWWPINKJEEPCOM Jeep® and the seven slot grille design are registered trademarks of Chrysler LLC, used under license. Tours permitted and conducted in Coconino National Forest.
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