The Realty Review - Northwoods Association of REALTORS
The Realty Review - Northwoods Association of REALTORS
The Realty Review Volume 5, Issue 6 June 2015 Northwoods Association of Realtors® & Greater Northwoods MLS® The Buzz: President’s Message 2015 Golf & Election Dinner Patty Werner, NWAR Recap, Results & Photos Classes & Resources for New Hello Fellow REALTORS, I Just finished a Professional Standards Seminar taught by Tracy Rucka of the WRA. What was so interesting was that the Milwaukee Board has about 50 ethics hearings in a year. I am proud to say that when talking to our Professional Standards Chairman Rick Zoerb, he told me that we had ZERO hearings last year. Kudos to us! I think that we in the Northwoods realize what is necessary to do business and also we know the right thing to do when working as an agent here. We follow the Golden Rule (no, not the one “he who owns the gold makes the rule”) but the Golden Rule which is to treat others as we would wish to be treated ourselves. This is the ethics that we in the Northwoods subscribe to. Interface Desktop Update This is my 40th year as a REALTOR, and over the years I have learned: Never burn your bridges as you may have to cross that bridge again. So I would like to say that working in the Northwoods is an honor and pleasure, we have great people, great property and a great way of life. OK, now I don’t want to get too sentimental, so let’s have a great (and ethical) time and play well with others. Live Long and Prosper! Patty Werner by MLS Coordinator Lon Fisk As you probably know, June is the month to update your offline Interface program. After June the old copy will no longer add new listing information. The new version adds more security to the internet transfers and makes it function better with the newer Windows operating systems and with higher resolution screens that modern computers are using. Some things to know – while it is recommended that you uninstall the old version first, your old data should not be erased, but doing a backup is always a wise practice before major computer changes. The installer creates a shortcut on your desktop to the Interface Saved Items folder to give you easy access because Windows often hides the new folder location. If you are using Windows 7, there is a good chance the installer was not able to copy your old Saved Items. Close and restart Interface and if your saved lists, CMAs and column arrangements did not transfer to the new program, close Interface then go back to the Express Resources tab and run the Saved Items Import program. Microsoft ended support for XP a year ago and the stronger security encryption used in Interface does not work with XP. If you choose to continue using XP, you will need to use the online Interface Express where your browser is responsible for handling encryption and data safety. Closing Timeframes Rule MLS News - Interface, Zillow & Trulia *New* Affiliate Spotlight Located in Minocqua, Northwoods Property Management manages a wide variety of lakefront and offwater vacation rental properties as well as long and short term rentals - from cute and cozy cabins to large and luxurious homes or condominiums. Whether you have a potential buyer interested in sampling the “Up North” lifestyle or an owner looking for some extra income, we can help - just give us a call! Sue Morris, Owner Ph: 715-356-3178 The Train Station Shops 611 Oneida Street, Minocqua Welcome to Relaxation! Inside This Issue: GNMLS President’s Message 2 Affiliates & Sponsors 3 MLS Memo & AE Corner 3 Member Recognition & Events 4 REALTORS on the Move 4 Board of Directors 5 About NWAR/GNMLS 5 Golf/Election Dinner Recap 5 Page 2 Volume 5, Issue 6 President’s Message John Misina, GNMLS Hello and Happy June to you all! Most if not all of the schools are out for the summer and the tourist season in the Northwoods is getting into high gear. As I said in last month’s newsletter, the MLS board continues to work on a long term agreement with the Trulia/ Zillow group, and a subcommittee has been established to help the board handle this issue and listing syndication in general. A big thank you to Joe Flanders, Julie Winter-Paez and Mark Wagner who volunteered for this committee. This is a very complicated issue and their guidance will be a huge help! Congratulations also to the newly elected MLS Board. These new board Director. I want to thank all these people for stepping forward to serve on our MLS board! members will begin their term on October 1st: President – Bonnie Byrnes, President Elect – Mark Wagner, Treasurer – Adam Redman and Directors – Ed Choinski, Cheryl Eskridge, Joe Flanders, Scott Freimuth, Dan Pudlo and Julie WinterPaez. NWAR President-Elect John Morris will join them as an ex officio REALTOR Family Scholarships Awarded Finally, SentriLock has announced that the SentriSmart app is now available for your smartphone free of charge. With the SentriSmart app, you can access an e-box at any location without using your SentriCard, you can generate one day codes, assign a lockbox to a property and a whole host of other functions! SentriSmart is available via Google Play or the Apple app store. That’s all for now. Summer is here so as my father always says: “Get it while you can..!!!” John by Scholarship Chair Marcia Pluess The NWAR scholarship program, a member benefit, is a way to give back to the families that have given so much to the organization. The recipients must be a child or legal ward of a member in good standing of NWAR for at least one year, may come from any type of secondary instruction, and may be headed to any postsecondary educational/training program. This year’s NWAR REALTOR Family Scholarship recipients are: Lillian Johnson, Madeline Koengeter, Bailey Ramesh, Jack Sarama, Marjorie Weitz Applicants were required to answer questions intended to be contemplative, selfexamining and insightful, indicative of the level of thinking needed for success. On the side of success, we asked the students to offer their definition of “success,” or what principles they think are needed to obtain “success,” and they offered the following ideas that they learned from watching you: L --> R: Shelly & Bailey Ramesh, Madeline & Randy Passion, having fun and being entrepreneurial Koengeter Humility & grace, community service and compassion/support for others Responsibility, discipline and understanding the correlation between hard work and positive outcomes As you know, the ability to stay focused in school will be difficult for these students without the parental boundaries they had in high school. Even so, we can be confident that our dues will not be wasted because the recipients have already thought about the tip-offs that indicate they need help, and they have already identified where they will go to get that help. You can be proud of your students’ responses, and you can take pride in the fact that they have learned these values from you, their Realtor parents. “Thank you” to the parents who have done a great job and to all of our NWAR Members for helping fund the scholarship program. Thank You (Again) RPAC Supporters! by RPAC Chair Cheryl Eskridge I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the contributors for our very successful RPAC fundraiser. It is with everyone’s help we make this event a success. Whether you give an item for auction, purchased an auction item or joined the iPad drawing, your contribution is most appreciated. For those who did not attend the auction you still have an opportunity to give to RPAC when you pay your dues in September. It would be most appreciated if you would consider the $35.00 + $10.00 to RPAC. Also remember if you give $100.00 you can put it into Direct Giver and decide how your money is spent. We as an organization need the political clout we have through WRA to ensure the best legislation for our buyers, sellers, and agents. Every donation is appreciated no matter how much. A special thanks to Shelly Cole for stepping in for me during the auction along with our super staff of Matt and Lon, Denise Goldsworthy and Stephanie Von Holdt who helped in my absence. It is the members together who make up a successful event. Thank you all! Page 3 Volume 5, Issue 6 Affiliates Affiliate Company NWAR thanks our Affiliates and Sponsors for their support! Location Affiliate Name Phone Associated Title & Closing Services Ironwood MI Roy D’Antonio 906-932-6340 BMO Harris Bank Wausau Deb Duncan 715-358-9025 First National Bank of Eagle River Eagle River Theresa Sullivan 715-479-4406 Gowey Abstract & Title Minocqua Mike Brandner 715-356-3000 Knight Barry Title Service Minocqua Patrick Hugunin 715-439-4114 Northern Title & Abstract Rhinelander Al Mancl 715-365-5000 Northwoods Property Management Minocqua Sue Morris 715-356-3178 Northwoods Title & Closing Eagle River Maryann Fath 715-479-6459 People’s State Bank Eagle River Val Dreger 715-479-1794 People’s State Bank Minocqua Tim Sanderson 715-358-7070 River Valley Bank Minocqua Jan Santarius 715-358-9313 Shoreline Title Services Rhinelander Greg Peckels 715-369-3934 The Cayo Group at Inlanta Mortgage Minocqua Dee Cayo 715-358-9700 Tomahawk Community Bank SSB Tomahawk Shelly Cole 715-453-5354 US Bank Home Mortgage Minocqua LeAnn Hayden 715-358-3516 US Bank Home Mortgage Weston Dean Kolden 715-218-8007 VanDyk Mortgage Corp Arbor Vitae Lee Simanek 715-439-4052 Vilas Title Service Eagle River Rick Ernst 715-479-4070 MLS Memo Lon Fisk - [email protected] Interface Express offers Saved Searches. For example if you want a ready list of current distressed properties available you may run a search using the Finance field and any other criteria, such as location, property type, on or off water, etc. and then save that search for quick access anytime, from any computer with internet access. Express properties now have a Favorites star if you want to check regularly on a specific property. Interface Express also allows you to save a list of properties if you are watching for status changes, price changes, etc. on a group of properties for a customer or client. Zillow Update: The GNMLS has signed an interim agreement to send listing data through October for firms making that choice. Our data began going to Zillow / Trulia on May 18. MLS Tip: “I feel the best use of money spent is always on past clients — not random expired sellers”, Hank Bailey, Why My CRM is More Valuable Than Buying Leads. Local Professionals* All About Septics & Soil Testing ENV Property Solutions Ph: 715-272-1200 Em: [email protected] Ph: 715-661-0561 Septic and well inspection and installation Mold/lead/asbestos investigations, soil/groundwater testing & more ServiceMaster Specialty Restoration Svcs - Rhinelander VS Home Inspections Ph: 715-362-3433 Water/Sewage, Fire/Smoke & Mold/Biohazard Cleanup & Mitigation Ph: 715-356-6343 Rhinelander Fifield Minocqua Protect your family and your investment * These are non-member paid advertisements that are not specifically endorsed or promoted by NWAR. WRA 2015 Annual Convention September 15-16, 2015 | Kalahari Resort | Wisconsin Dells Upcoming Classes/Events Register for these & other classes online at: CE3 - WI New 7/29 Developments Sheboygan 8/5 CE1 - WI State-Approved Madison Listing Contracts 8/5 CE2 - WI State-Approved Madison Offers to Purchase 8/12 CE3 - WI New Developments Madison 8/12 CE4- Ethics & Fair Housing in WI Madison 8/13 CE1 - WI State-Approved Pewaukee Listing Contracts 8/13 CE2 - WI State-Approved Pewaukee Offers to Purchase 8/19 CEA - Disclosures in WI Transaction 8/19 CEC - Inspections & Madison Testing in WI Transactions Madison Seattle - Aug 17-19 Charlotte - Sep 22-23 Details: AE Corner Matt Seegert - [email protected] WRA Winter Convention: Save the dates of January 26-28 (Tue-Wed-Thu) for the WRA Winter Convention that returns to Lake of the Torches in 2016. The 3-day convention will feature several exhibits, a welcome party with DJ & karaoke, several workshops and guest speakers, six different CE classes, a CRS designation class, and the famed NWAR Chili Cook-Off which this year will include a bean bag tourney to help you burn off some calories. Call Lake of the Torches at 715-588-9200 to reserve a room (1/25 thru 1/27) before they’re gone and if you would like to be an event sponsor or donate a prize for the cook-off, please call or email me. Sales Pre-License Referral Discount: If you have a friend who is considering becoming a licensed real estate salesperson soon, please have them contact me to get a NWAR referral that can save them up to $200 off the WRA pre -license sales course fees. AE Tip: I have become smitten by a free, simple online & mobile-friendly to-do list called Get help managing your to-do list at Page 4 Volume 5, Issue 6 REALTOR Anniversaries Lockbox Leaders Congratulations to the following NWAR Members celebrating a quinquennial anniversary this month: NWAR Committees 2014-15 Office & Percent Assigned 35 Years: Inge Knauz, Owl’s Nest Realty - Eagle River Gary Javore, Coldwell Banker Mulleady - Minocqua 20 Years: Mike Mulleady, Coldwell Banker Mulleady - Minocqua 15 Years: Connie Brayton, Lake Country Realty - Elcho Thank You! Jan Santarius for sponsoring our new member orientation lunch on June 8th Many thanks to the following individuals who helped keep our busy golf/election/auction event on schedule: Cheryl Eskridge & our many auction donors for helping us beat our 2014 RPAC auction total by $700 Redman Realty Group 91% Absolute Realtor Sure Realty 90% Flanders Realty Group 90% Re/Max Property Pros 89% C21 Greater Northwoods 85% Compass Land Consultants 83% Eskridge Real Estate 83% Integrity Realtors 80% Lakeland Land Company 80% Re/Max Northwoods 79% Shelly Cole for a little (okay - a LOT) of everything Denise Goldsworthy and Stephanie Von Holdt for helping set up & clear out the auction prizes Diana Giardina, Peggy Johnson-Wiessner, Jackie Leonhard, Dan Meier, Mike Mulleady & Ron Welnetz for tallying election ballots Need a refresher? View SentriLock lockbox training guides, tip sheets and more at: NWAR Affiliate-Hosted Closing Timeframe Classes Over two dozen turned out for our special Lunch & Learn in June covering the disclosure and closing timeframe changes taking effect August 1st. We thank NWAR Affiliates Shelly Cole and Patrick Hugunin for a fine job instructing and hope everyone in attendance enjoyed the class. For those unable to attend, course training docs are available at the following link: The new closing docs and timeframes effective 8/1 is a very important change to prepare for, so if you have not yet attended a class then we strongly urge you to signup for a class hosted by a NWAR Affiliate over the summer - links and registration details at right. If you are a NWAR Affiliate and would like to host a class, please contact the board office and we will gladly help you promote it. Chairperson By-Laws Review John Morris Christmas Party Linda Long Wohlleber Education Andy Harris Fair Housing Adam Redman Finance Sonny Reeder Golf Outing Erik Johnson Legislative Bud Arnold Strategic Planning Jerry Burkett Membership/Orientation Cheryl Eskridge Personnel Patty Werner Prof. Standards Rick Zoerb Public Relations Bonnie Byrnes RPAC Cheryl Eskridge Scholarship Marcia Pluess Upcoming CFPB Classes Date / Time Host / Instructor Registration Details Contact Jan Santarius July 14th River Valley at jsantarius@River - Noon Bank - Minocqua or 715-358-9313 Visit for additional resources REALTORS ® on the Move New GNMLS Subscribers Committee 1 New NWAR REALTOR ^ Closed MLS Office * New MLS Office Transfers & Releases Name Office Name From Thorpe Biegel1 Pamela Bodart Neil Dominy Teah Egan1 Kathy Flannery Melissa Goodenough1 Amy Loka1 Jess Morgan1 Faith Newberry1 Jamee Peters Christopher Stevens Rachel Watson Lori Writz1 Century 21 Burkett - Eagle River Signature Realty - Lakewood Century 21 Pine Point - Rhinelander Re/Max Property Pros - Eagle River Integrity Realtors - Antigo Tebo Lakewood Realty Key Insight - Rhinelander Century 21 Greater Northwoods - Minocqua Re/Max Action North - Mercer Signature Realty - Lakewood RealHome Services & Solutions RealHome Services & Solutions First Weber Group - Eagle River Jane Bay Re/Max Northwoods - Minocqua Jaclyn Martinson Century 21 Pine Point - Rhinelander To “Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door.” - Emily Dickinson Page 5 Volume 5, Issue 6 Next Board Meetings: Board of Directors 2014-15 (Area code 715 unless otherwise noted) Northwoods Association of REALTORS® Greater Northwoods MLS® Officers (Term^): Officers (Term^): Patty Werner, President (623) 696-5942 Meetings are the third Thursday of each month - Members welcome! John Misina, President 479-4431 John Morris, President-Elect 356-2121 Bonnie Byrnes, President-Elect 686-2481 Sonny Reeder, Treasurer (2) 477-2510 Mark Wagner, Treasurer 762-3291 Erik Johnson, Past President 356-3207 Jerry Burkett, Past President Directors (Term-Year^ - limit 2-2): Jean Butler George Gunderson Andy Harris Julie Manthei Jim Olsen Judi Schmidt-Arnold Jerry Burkett Rick Zoerb ^ + (2-2) (1-2) (1-2+) (1-1) (1-1) (1-2) (1-1) (2-1) (2) 479-3090 Directors (Term-Year^ - limit 2-2): 892-7518 358-0450 476-2111 358-7873 356-3207 543-2300 479-3090 365-3028 Thursday, June 18th NWAR / GNMLS Board Office GNMLS: 8:30am | NWAR: 8:00am Ed Choinski (1-1) 493-7827 Joe Flanders (1-2) 420-1110 Scott Freimuth (1-1) 282-7130 Larry Foltz (2-2) 428-2350 Adam Redman (2-1) 358-0450 Julie Winter-Paez (1-2) 480-4333 President, President-Elect and Past President terms are 1 year each; Treasurers may serve up to two 1-year terms. Appointed to 1-year term, eligible for election in 2015 to a single two-year term. The National Association of REALTORS® created the MVP Program to encourage members to take Actions that will benefit NAR and its members, as well as to reward members for being an active participant in their Association. Register online by June 30th for the e-PRO certification day 1/day 2 bundle an online CIPS designation course and you will receive a $20 Apple or Google Play e-gift card. Take advantage of this offer at: Northwoods Association of REALTORS ® & Greater Northwoods MLS® PO Box 377 320 Oak St, Suite B Woodruff, WI 54521 Phone: 715-356-3400 Fax: 888-399-2118 [email protected] Office hours are 8am-5pm Monday through Friday About Us The Northwoods Association of REALTORS® was founded in 1953 as a non-profit organization dedicated to serving real estate brokers and agents in the Northwoods area. NWAR provides a central hub for Board Office Location: Use East entrance (double doors by drive-up window) our 320+ members to communicate, establish policy, receive training and implement new solutions to better serve their clients. Greater Northwoods Multiple Listing Service®, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NWAR, is dedicated to providing our members with first-rate service and support in listing and viewing properties and conducting business in accordance with the ethical standards of the industry. GNMLS currently serves more than 170 member offices comprised of over 450 brokers, agents and appraisers. NWAR & GNMLS on the Web: Homepage: Member Forum: Page 6 Volume 5, Issue 6 2015 NWAR/GNMLS Golf Outing & Election Dinner Recap An idyllic day in early June at the beautiful St Germain Golf Course and Whitetail Inn was the setting for our 2015 NWAR/GNMLS Golf Outing. With nearly 80 golfers and 150 dinner guests, this was the biggest event in several years! While everyone left with a full belly, many guests also left with full arms and pockets! The night’s biggest winners were birthday girl Trudy Campbell who won the iPad Air 2 drawing and Bill Steigerwaldt who snagged the iPad Mini door prize after winning the golf scramble. Five dinner guests also scored $50 Visa gift cards, Rick Bina netted $230 in the putting contest and Linda Kaiser took home $260 in the 50/50 drawing before donating much of her winnings to RPAC - thank you Linda! In addition to a few deer fly bites, each golfer took home some nice swag and several foursomes won gift certificates of up to $40 per golfer courtesy of our generous golf event sponsors listed below. Congrats to the team of Bill Steigerwaldt, Calvin Hettwer, Jeff Olson and Dan Schummer for defending their title and hoisting the Jim Tait Memorial Cup - one more and people will be talking “dynasty”! Also recognized at the dinner were scholarship recipients Madeline Koengeter and Bailey Ramesh and new REALTORS Jerry Annis, Charity Boldebuck, Jeff Shenk, Cliff Kolinsky, Stephanie Von Holdt, Nicole Berkey and Tarah Rappley. Anniversary pins were given to 10-year REALTORS Elli Gutbrod, Denise Hervey, Todd Johnson, Adam Redman and Linda Wohlleber, 15-year REALTORS Lynette Jacobson and Judy Mixis and 20-year REALTOR Mike Mulleady. We hope everyone had fun and invite you to join us again at Reuland’s Conference Center in Minocqua on September 22nd for our annual Installation Dinner! 2015 Board of Directors Election Results PresidentElect: NWAR GNMLS Judi Schmidt-Arnold Schmidt-Haus Realty Manitowish Waters Mark Wagner Hilgart Realty Park Falls Treasurer: Denise Goldsworthy Re/Max Property Pros Minocqua Adam Redman Redman Realty Group Minocqua Directors: Sheri Benson Headwaters Real Estate Presque Isle Cheryl Eskridge Eskridge Real Estate Conover Shelly Cole Tomahawk Community Bank - Tomahawk Joe Flanders Flanders Realty Group Rhinelander George Gunderson Redman Realty Group Minocqua Dan Pudlo Appraisal Associates Land O Lakes Jon Long Northwoods Community Realty - Tomahawk Julie Winter-Paez Re/Max Property Pros Eagle River Golf Outing Sponsors The Cayo Group at Inlanta Mortgage - Minocqua Northwoods Title & Closing - Eagle River CB Mulleady REALTORS MNQ-ER-RL-MW Peoples State Bank Eagle River Gowey Abstract & Title Woodruff Re/Max Property Pros Eagle River & Minocqua Homestead Inspections Eagle River Redman Realty Group Minocqua Knight Barry Title Minocqua River Valley Bank Eagle River Northern Title & Abstract Rhinelander Tomahawk Community Bank - Tomahawk US Bank Home Mortgage - Minocqua RPAC Auction Donors* Affiliates/Sponsors Local Biz (cont’d) REALTORS First National Bank of Eagle River Hartman Well Drilling Conover Century 21 Burkett & Assoc. - Eagle River Nicolet National Bank Eagle River Hedberg Well Drilling Eagle River Century 21 Burkett & Assoc. - Eagle River Northern Title & Abstract - Rhinelander Indianhead Ski Resort Wakefield MI Coldwell Banker Mulleady - Eagle River Northwoods Title & Closing - Rhinelander Northern Coffee Haus Rhinelander Eskridge Real Estate Eagle River Peoples State Bank Eagle River Northwoods Real Estate Mag. - Rhinelander First Weber Group Rhinelander River Valley Bank Minocqua NRG Media Rhinelander Headwaters Real Estate - Presque Isle Shoreline & Lake Country Title - RL/ER Lakeland Times Minocqua Hilgart Realty Park Falls Tomahawk Community Bank - Tomahawk Northwoods Home Showcase Mag. - Tomahawk Lake Country Realty Elcho US Bank Home Mortgage - Minocqua Oneida Title & Abstract Rhinelander Redman Realty Group Minocqua Vilas Title Service Eagle River Prime Choice Meat Market - Eagle River Re/Max Property Pros Minocqua ProHome Inspection Services - Rhinelander Schmidt-Haus Realty Manitowish Waters Local Businesses Advanced Therapeutics - Eagle River Spotlight Studios Rhinelander Custom Landscaping Eagle River Vilas County NewsReview - Eagle River Eagle River Roasters Eagle River WRJO/WERL Eagle River THANK YOU DONORS!!! * All donations are made personally by business owners and/or employees Page 7 Volume 5, Issue 6 Golf Outing & Election Dinner Photo Gallery To view and download all event photos, visit our Dropbox gallery at NWAR President Patty Werner kicks off the evening with a roast of President-Elect John Morris who stood tall and took it even better than Justin Bieber. Trudy Campbell takes a break from her part-time job as human traffic cone to enjoy a round of golf on her birthday. Happy birthday Trudy! Dave Bickle displays a textbook putting stroke despite failing to make actual contact with the ball. Live at Whitetail Inn: The New Kids on the Block Several REALTORS celebrate their quinquennial anniversaries while a clever buck sneaks in and pulls off a worldclass photobomb. Shelly Cole’s money skirt proved prophetic as we raised over $6500 for RPAC. Thanks for all your help Shelly and welcome to the board of directors! Laurie and Ron Welnetz decide to spice things up with an impromptu limbo contest. You’re doing it wrong, Laurie! Bill Steigerwaldt and his golf group defend their claim to the Jim Tait Memorial Cup. To level the playing field next year, their team has agreed to go for the threepeat in flip-flops with pirate eye patches. Marcia Pluess and Patty present scholarships to future billionaire land barons Madeline Koengeter and Bailey Ramesh.
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