PROYECTO INTERDISCIPLINARIO PATAGONIA AUSTRAL 1ª Reunión Internodos Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project 1er Workshop Argentino 7 y 8 de octubre de 2010 Universidad Maimónides Fundación de Historia Natural Félix de Azara Buenos Aires, Argentina PROGRAMA Y RESÚMENES 1 La provincia argentina de Santa Cruz resulta particularmente atractiva para la comunidad científica internacional, no sólo por su geografía privilegiada sino también por la enorme riqueza y variedad de ambientes que posee. A pesar de ello, y comparada con otras regiones del mundo, ha sido relativamente poco estudiada. En su extremo austral, desde el río Chalía (50°S) hasta el estrecho de Magallanes, aflora el campo volcánico de Pali Aike. Sus manifestaciones eruptivas, generalmente alineadas en dirección noroeste, forman parte de un volcanismo fisural que cubre 7500 km2. La particular abundancia de maares, observables en superficie como cráteres de gran diámetro y escasa altura, es responsable de la singular topografía que caracteriza a esta comarca enmarcada por sucesivos arcos morénicos procedentes de los Andes y del estrecho de Magallanes. El interior de los maares está ocupado generalmente por lagunas donde se acumulan los sedimentos transportados por el agua de lluvia y de ablación nival, por lo que suelen ser de escasa profundidad. Sin embargo, como caso excepcional, el más grande de los maares de Pali Aike -la laguna de Potrok Aike- conserva aún un cuerpo de agua de 100 metros de profundidad. El Hemisferio Sur no cuenta con masas continentales emergidas más allá de los 40ºS, a excepción de Patagonia, de modo que los sedimentos lacustres preservados en Potrok Aike (52°S) constituyen uno de los escasos, y quizás únicos, registros capaces de revelar la historia paleoambiental de elevadas latitudes. Los estudios sísmicos realizados en la última década revelaron la existencia de un depósito sedimentario de 300 o más metros de espesor en el interior de la laguna. Resultó evidente, entonces que los sedimentos alojados en la Laguna Potrok Aike poseían una importancia relevante, ya que ellos constituirían un archivo continuo e imperturbado de todas las modificaciones climáticas y ambientales ocurridas desde el Pleistoceno medio hasta la actualidad. Su estudio permitiría documentar y reconstruir cuali- y cuantitativamente los cambios ocurridos en estas latitudes australes a lo largo de más de un ciclo glacial e interglacial. Esta fue la principal razón de la creación del proyecto internacional e interdisciplinario ICDPPotrok Aike Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project (PASADO), en el que participamos como investigadores principales (PI) algunos de los aquí presentes. En marzo de 2005 se realizó en la ciudad de Río Gallegos, el 1er Workshop Internacional ICDP-PASADO, al que fuimos convocados varios colegas argentinos, con especialidades científicas muy diversas y procedentes de distintas instituciones del país y aún algunos actualmente residentes en el exterior. Ante la inminente aprobación de PASADO, cuyas operaciones comenzarían a desarrollarse en 2008, nos enfrentábamos a la escasez de conocimientos publicados a nivel regional y local que sirvieran de base para las interpretaciones de los datos obtenidos de los estudios de un testigo de la magnitud del que se espera recuperar en la laguna Potrok Aike. Esa fue, entonces, la oportunidad de descubrir que teníamos intereses comunes, así como la voluntad de aunar esfuerzos para encarar un proyecto conjunto. Así fue como surgieron las bases de lo que luego sería el Proyecto Interdisciplinario Patagonia Austral (PIPA), que contó con el beneplácito de la Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica de la Nación y luego fue aprobado y financiado por la ANPCYT. Para alcanzar los conocimientos básicos necesarios para la comprensión del problema, se requería de un abordaje interdisciplinario en el que se combinara la información geológica con los aspectos biológicos (incluyendo los antrópicos) tanto del presente como del pasado. De esa manera, entonces, el objetivo principal de PIPA es reconstruir la historia natural de esta cuenca, a partir de la recopilación de la información existente, la obtención de los datos faltantes y la integración del conocimiento obtenido desde los distintos abordajes disciplinarios involucrados. 2 Independientemente de los resultados que se obtengan en el marco de PASADO, es indudable que el conocimiento generado por PIPA representará la línea de base a partir de la cual podrá encararse cualquier otro tipo de estudios en la región. Esta es la primera reunión de todos los integrantes de PIPA y de aquellos de nosotros que también participamos en PASADO y esta será la ocasión de presentar nuestros primeros resultados, compartir nuestros conocimientos, discutir distintos aspectos de nuestra tarea científica y sentar las bases para el trabajo que aún resta. Agradecemos el apoyo de varias instituciones, tanto las que financian nuestros proyectos (CONICET, ANPCYT, UBA, UNPA, ICDP), el respaldo brindado por la Subsecretaría de Medio Ambiente de la Provincia de Santa Cruz; como las que han brindado su auspicio para la realización de este encuentro: el Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”, la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica. y muy especialmente a la Fundación Félix de Azara. Les damos una cordial bienvenida a los miembros de los distintos grupos de trabajo involucrados en PIPA y a los representantes de PASADO y esperamos que esta reunión sea tan fructífera como lo ha sido cada vez que nos hemos encontrado. Nora Maidana Hugo Corbella 3 Program October 7th 13:00 13:30 Opening Technical Report About the Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project (PASADO) Zolitschka 13:50 Sediment core treatment in the PASADO project: On-site and Off-site core processing procedures Ohlendorf et al. 14:10 Charcoal Analysis: a methodology to reconstruct fires in natural landscapes at submillennial to decadal scales. Bianchi & Quintana 14:30 Geological sketch of Potrok Aike area. Pali Aike voLcanic Field, southern Patagonia , Argentina. Corbella et al. 14:50 Geomorphological characteristics of the Potrok Aike Lake area, Santa Cruz , Argentina Coronato et al. 15:10 Distribution of diatoms in surface sediments of 33 lakes in southern Patagonia, Argentina Echazú &Maidana 15:30 Coffe break 16:00 Preliminary results of paleosecular variations studies on bottom sediments from Laguna Potrok Aike ( Patagonia , Argentina ) Gogorza et al. 16:20 Magnetic characteristics of sediments from Laguna Potrok Aike Gogorza et al. 16:40 Paleoclimatic Variations during the Holocene through magnetic proxies on sediments from Laguna Potrok Aike (51°57’S, 70°24’W, Argentina ) Irurzun et al. 17:00 Geophysical preliminary results and new proposals for Laguna Potrok aike area Southern Patagonia - Argentina. Gogorza et al. 17:20 Multiproxy reconstruction of hydrological changes during the late Holocene in Chaltel Lake (Southern Patagonia, Argentina) Maidana et al. 17:40 Planktonic microcrustacean (Cladocera and Copepoda) assemblages from inland waters of the province of Santa Cruz , Argentina Marinone & Menu-Marque October 8th 9:00 The archaeology of Potrok Aike Borrero et al. 9:20 Modern and subfossil chironomid (Insecta: Diptera: Chironomidae) studies for quantitative paleoenvironmental reconstructions in southern Santa Cruz province, 4 Argentina Orpella & Massaferro 9:40 Silicophytoliths in sedimentary sequences in the Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina Osterrieth et al. 10:10 How to interpret pollen assemblages from the Patagonic steppe (49º-54ºS) Paez 10:30 Fire History Reconstruction of southern South America Quintana & Bianchi 10:50 Coffee break 11:10 Bioproxies of lacustrine sediments from Southern Patagonia: filling the gap on ostracod biodiversity in the southernmost tip of South America Ramon Mercau et al. 11:30 Paleoclimate reconstructions based on the pollen record from Laguna Potrok Aike Schäbitz & Wille 11:50 The diatom record of Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina Recasens et al. 12:10 Phytolith analysis for the Potrok Aike Lake Drilling Project: Sample treatment protocols for the PASADO Microfossil Manual Zucol et al. 12:30 Lunch break 14:30 Living microbial activity in Lake Potrok-Aike sediments and its role during early diagenesis Vuillemin et al. 14:50 Insights into late Pleistocene environmental dynamics – Lithology and preliminary dating of the lacustrine sediment record from the ICDP deep drilling site Laguna Potrok Aike, Province of Santa Cruz (southern Patagonia, Argentina) Zolitschka 15:10 Phytolith analysis for the Potrok Aike Lake Drilling Project: General methodologies for analysis. Zucol et al. 15:30 Phytolith analysis for the Potrok Aike Lake Drilling Project: Preliminary results and current studies Zucol et al. 15:50 Coffee break 16:10 Final discussions and closing remarks 5 The archaeology of Potrok Aike Luis A. Borrero*, Ramiro Barberena*, Judith Charlin*, Patricia Campan** * CONICET-IMHICIHU, Buenos Aires; ** Museo Manuel J. Molina, Río Gallegos The Potrok Aike lake -the most reliable freshwater source during the last 15,000 years- is located at the Pali Aike Volcanic Field, a region where some of the earliest south american human occupations were recorded. Since the area is extremely dry, this lake was a magnet for human populations. Two field seasons concentrated in the archaeological study of the lake and its immediate catchment were conducted. This research was part of the “Proyecto Interdisciplinario Potrok Aike” (PIPA). Previous information was limited to that provided by the excavation of the Potrok Aike rockshelter, with a date of 740 + 180 14C years BP (Gómez Otero 1993). The initial surveys were concentrated near the lake, where preliminary sampling took place. Given the Holocene pattern of predominant aeolian circulation from the W-SW quadrant (Mayr et al. 2007), there are contrasting sedimentary and taphonomic conditions in the different coasts of the lake. These variants are relevant for the archaeological assessment of this locality. The E-NE coast is characterized by the presence of sand dunes, which usually contains traces of human occupations related with both lithic provisioning and subsistence. Archaeological sampling stations and transects were selected taking into account variation in topography, substrate and distance to the lake. These recovery units also included taphonomic information, particularly on guanaco remains (Lama guanicoe). This data base will be used to expand the program of the Pali Aike regional taphonomy, which should be useful in the comparison with other regions (v.g. Borrero 2001). The study of the variation in the availability of lithic raw materials at Potrok Aike was an important goal of this project. Again, this study is only part of a larger effort that includes Pali Aike as well as other southern Patagonian regions (Charlin 2009a). Sampling stations for lithic raw materials were selected at different locations and distances from the lake, and variation in water energy was also taken into account (Figure 1). Abundance, size and quality of the rocks were the main recorded properties. These analyses were combined with a geoarchaeological assessment of the availability of rocks at the local fluvio-glacial deposits. The study indicates that the lake is a high ranking locus, particularly given the large size of the dark fine grain nodules (Charlin 2009a). These were the most used rocks at Pali Aike during the late Holocene. We are evaluating eventual changes in their availability through time. Peat samples covering some of the lithic deposits were collected and selected for radiocarbon dating. One sample from the north margin produced a Modern age (LP-2168), suggesting that the peat was formed during the last ca. 200 years. This is consistent with the finding of stratified horse and guanaco remains above present lake level dated 65 ± 35 (Poz3589) and 160 ± 50 14C years BP (Poz-3590) [Haberzettl et al. 2005]. A buried soil was also found. This soil was already recorded at several locations in the region and regionally circumscribed within the last 500 years (Favier Dubois 2003 , Barberena and Borrero 2010). An open-air stratified deposit was identified on the eastern coast of the lake and a test pit produced lithic and bone archaeological remains (Figure 2). A bone sample was sent for radiocarbon dating. In addition to the ongoing study of the recovered artifacts, we began the study of an unpublished collection obtained by Julieta Gómez Otero at Potrok Aike rockshelter. This collection is deposited at the CENPAT (Puerto Madryn, Chubut). The synthesis of the published and unpublished information from the rockshelter, together with the surface materials, will help our understanding of the role of the Potrok Aike lake in the history of human utilization of the Pali Aike Volcanic Field. Comparisons with Las Buitreras Cave (Charlin 2009b), La Carlota Cave (Campan et al. 2007) and unpublished samples, like 6 Pescadores Rockshelter, stored at the Museo Manuel J. Molina (Río Gallegos), will help to develop a cultural chronology for the area. The description of rock art discovered by T. Haberzettl (pers. comm.) and ourselves within the catchment of the lake was added to previous information recorded by Gómez Otero (1993). This information was recently discussed in comparison with that from the rest of Southern Patagonia (Charlin and Borrero 2010). Summing up, we expect that our studies will help expanding our knowledge of the archaeology of this region (see Barberena 2008). This study was sponsored by Proyecto Interdisciplinario Patagonia Austral (PIPA), PICT/REDES 2006 Nº 02338. References BARBERENA, R. 2008 Arqueología y biogeografía humana en Patagonia meridional. Buenos Aires, Sociedad Argentina de Antropología. ________ and L.A. BORRERO, 2010. Geoarqueología y distribuciones subsuperficiales de materiales arqueológicos: localidad Cabo Vírgenes. Arqueología de Pali Aike y Cabo Vírgenes (Eds. L.A. Borrero and J. Charlin), 103-122, CONICET-IMHICIHU, Buenos Aires BORRERO, L.A., 2001. Regional Taphonomy. Background Noise and the Integrity of the Archaeological Record. Ethnoarchaeology of Andean South America. Contributions to Archaeological Method and Theory (Ed.L.A. Kuznar), pp. 243-254, International Monographs in Prehistory, Ann Arbor ________ and J. CHARLIN. 2010. Arqueología del campo volcánico Pali Aike, Argentina. En: Arqueología de Pali Aike y Cabo Vírgenes (Santa Cruz, Argentina). Editado por: L. A. Borrero and J. Charlin, pp. 9-30. Buenos Aires, CONICET-IMHICIHU. ISBN: 978-987-02-4290-1 CAMPAN, P.A., F. CARBALLO MARINA and L.M. MANZI. 2007. Arqueología de Estancia La Carlota (Campo Volcánico Pali Aike, Argentina). En prensa en Morello, F., A. Prieto, M. Martinic and G. Bahamondes (eds.); Arqueología de Fuego-Patagonia. Levantando piedras, desenterrando huesos… y develando arcanos. Punta Arenas, Ediciones CEQUA. CHARLIN, J.E., 2009a. Estrategias de aprovisionamiento y utilización de las materias primas líticas en el campo volcánico Pali Aike (Prov. Santa Cruz, Argentina). BAR International Series 1901, Archaeopress, Oxford. ________ 2009b. A más de 30 años: otra mirada a la tecnología lítica de Las Buitreras 1 (cuenca del río Gallegos, Santa Cruz). Intersecciones en Antropología 10: 237-248 ________ and L.A. BORRERO. 2010 (in press). Rock art, inherited landscapes and human populations in southern Patagonia. In A Companion to Rock Art, Blackwell, London. FAVIER DUBOIS, C., 2003. Late Holocene climatic fluctuations and soil genesis in southern Patagonia: effects on the archaeological record. Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (12): 16571664. GÓMEZ OTERO, J., 1993. The Function of Small Rockshelters in the Magallanes IV Phase Settlement System (South Patagonia). Latin American Antiquity 4 (4): 325-345. HABERZETTL, T., M. FEY, A. LÜCKE, N. MAIDANA, C. MAYR, C.OHLENDORF, F. SCHÄBITZ, G. H. SCHLESER, M. WILLE AND B. ZOLITSCHKA, 2005. Climatically induced lake level changes during the last two millennia as reflected in sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia (Santa Cruz, Argentina). Journal of Paleolimnology 33: 283–302 MAYR, C., M. WILLE, T. HABERZETTL, M. FEY, S. JANSSEN, A. LÜCKE, C. OHLENDORF, G. OLIVA, F. SCHÄBITZ, G. SCHLESER AND B. ZOLITSCHKA, 2007. Holocene variability of the southern Hemisphere Westerlies in Argentinean Patagonia (52ºS). Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (5-6): 579-584. 7 Figure 1 Figure 2 8 Charcoal Analysis: a methodology to reconstruct fires in natural landscapes at sub-millennial to decadal scales. Preliminary results in the framework of PIPA (MINCyT)-PASADO (ICDP) María Martha Bianchi1 and Flavia Andrea Quintana2 1 CONICET- Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche (CRUB), Universidad Nacional del Comahue 2 (UNCO); CONICET-INIBIOMA-UNCO. Quintral 1250 (8400) San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. [email protected] Introduction Fire is a critical Earth System process with broad impacts on atmospheric and biogeochemical cycles (Bowman et al., 2009). Moreover, it is recognized as essential in most ecosystems. In recent decades fire activity has increased dramatically in many parts of the world, raising concerns about fire regimes with global warming. However, to fully understand fire’s role in the earth system it is necessary to examine its causes and consequences over multiple temporal and spatial scales Motivated by the need to understand recent large fires in many parts of the world, as well as by projections that fire activity will soon exceed 20th century levels, Paleofire science has experienced a considerable growth during the last two decades (Bowman et al., 2009, Whitlock and Tinner, 2010). High-resolution charcoal records from lake sediments offer the possibility to reconstruct fire histories at watershed-scale, providing information about long term interactions between climate and vegetation. New calibration methods have made possible to define fire regimes (fire frequency, size, seasonality, intensity and severity) and their changes in the sedimentary record (Long et al., 1998, Whitlock and Larsen, 2001, Higuera, 2008). Multiproxy studies can greatly increase our knowledge of how ecosystems respond to fire, providing information to preserve biodiversity, while the combination of multiple proxy, empirical and modeling approaches are increasing our understanding of fire as a keystone process in shaping the structure and function of ecosystems. Therefore, these insights are most valuable for land management planning at different scales (Whitlock et al., 2010). Previous research in Patagonia In Patagonia fire is an important natural disturbance, shaping vegetation and landscape structure, as well as a critical link between vegetation and climate change. The first charcoalbased fires histories in Southern South America were described by Calvin Heusser in Chile (Heusser 1983) and Vera Markgraf in Argentina (Markgraf, 1983). Since then fire history is been studied in many regions and most researchers suggest strong linkages between climate and fire with human influence being more localized (Moreno et al., 2010 and references therein). In Argentina, during the last two decades, projects nested in both national and international research programs are making possible to study fire dynamics at different latitudinal bands since latitude 34˚ to 52˚S (Bianchi et al., 2009 and references therein). Specific aims 1. To reconstruct the Holocene fire history of Patagonia. 2. To identify major interactions among fire activity, fuel conditions and vegetation at different latitudinal bands. 3. To make paleofire reconstructions and contribute to paleoclimate model simulations. Methods Charcoal particles are the result of the incomplete burning of plant biomass. When a fire is produced, charcoal fragments are dispersed into the atmosphere, transported at variable 9 distances, and deposited by gravity, rain and snow in lakes and bogs from where they can be recovered for study. Sediment cores are collected and described. High-resolution charcoal and pollen samples are extracted and analyzed using standard procedures (Whitlock and Larsen, 2001). Historical records and dencdrochronological data, if available, are used for calibration, while geochronological methods (210Pb, 237Cs,14C) allow to attach age - depth models to the charcoal record. Fire ecologists contribute to the interpretation with information on present fire regimes. Results Recent findings have been obtained in the following scientific Programs: PIPA: A network of 32 lakes have been sampled along a west-east transect to obtained charcoal surface samples for calibrating recent fires (Quintana and Bianchi, 2010). PASADO: Analysis of core PASADO 5022-2,2. A total of 645 samples are being analyzed. Preliminary results will be presented at the meeting. References BIANCHI, M. M., WHITLOCK, C., IGLESIAS, V., NAVARRO, D. AND QUINTANA, F. 2009. Firevegetation-climate linkages in Patagonia since Late Glacial times through pollen and charcoal reocords of lake sediments. 1st South American Symposium on Fire Ecology and Management, Fire Paradox 2009. 11- 13 June 2009. Centro Nacional Patagónico, Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Publicación en CD, Eufirelab e- Library: BOWMAN, D. M .J .S., BALCH, J. K., ARTAXO, P., BOND, W. J., CARLSON, J. M.,. COCHRANE, M. A., D’ANTONIO, C. M., DEFRIES, R. S., DOYLE, J. C., HARRISON, S. P., JOHNSTON, F. H., KEELEY, J. E., . KRAWCHUK, M. A., KULL, C. A., MARSTON, J. B., MORITZ, M. A., PRENTICE, C.I., ROOS, A. SCOTT, C., SWETNAM, T.W. , VAN DER WERF, G. R., PYNE, J. 2009. Fire in the Earth system. Science 324:481-484. HIGUERA, P. 2008. Mc Age Depth 0.1: Probabilistic age depth model for continuous sediment records. Montana State University. Available online from http:/ HEUSSER,C. J., 1983. Quaternary pollen record from laguna de Tagua Tagua, Chile. Science, 219: 1429-1432. LONG, C., WHITLOCK, C., BARTLEIN, P. J., AND MILSPAUGH, S., 1998. A 9000-year fire history from the Oregon Coast Range, based on a high resolution charcoal study. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28: 774-787. MARKGRAF, V. 1983. Late and Postglacial vegetational and paleoclimatic changes in subantarctic, temperate and arid environments in Argentina. Palynology 7: 43-70. ________ 2008. Late Quaternary vegetation and fire history in the northernmost Nothofagus forest region: Mallín Vaca Lauquen, Neuquén Province, Argentina. Journal of Quaternary Science. DOI:10.1002/jqs. 1233. MORENO, P., IGLESIAS, V., KITZBERGER, T. AND HOLTZ, A., 2010. Paleofires in southern South America since the Last Glacial Maximum. PAGES News, 18 (2): 75-77. QUINTANA F. A. AND BIANCHI, M. M., 2010. Macroscopic charcoal analysis from lacustrine sediments as a methodology to reconstruct fire history: First results from Santa Cruz (50°-52°S). Argentina. Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project Terra Nostra, Schriften der GeoUnion Alfred Wegener-Stiftung-2010 1: 56-57. ISSN 0946.8978 WHITLOCK, C. Y LARSEN, C. 2001. Charcoal as a fire proxy. En: Smol, J.P., H.J.B. Birks y M. Last (Eds.). Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediment. Volume 3: Terrestrial, Algal and Siliceous Indicators: 75-97. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht. The Netherlands. ________ BIANCHI, M. M., BARTLEIN, P., MARKGRAF, V., MARLON, J., WALSH, M., MCCOY, N., 2006. Postglacial vegetation, climate and fire history along the east side of the Andes (lat 41-42.5 S), Argentina. Quaternary Research 66: 187-201 ________ AND TINNER W., 2010. Editorial: Fire in the earth system. PAGES News 18 (2): 55-57. ________; HIGUERA, P. E., MC WETHY, D. M. AND BRILLES, C. E., 2010. Paleoperspectives on fire ecology: revisiting the fire regime concept. The Open Ecology Journal, 3: 6-23. 10 GEOLOGICAL SKETCH OF LAGUNA POTROK AIKE AREA, PALI AIKE VOLCANIC FIELD, SOUTHERN PATAGONIA, ARGENTINA. Hugo Corbella1, Pedro Tiberi2, Bettina Ercolano2. Andrea Coronato3. 1 MACN-CONICET-UNPA, Avenida Angel Gallardo 470, 1405 Buenos Aires; 2 Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, Unidad Académica Río Gallegos; 3 CADIC-CONICET-UNP San Juan Bosco, B. Houssay 200, 9410 Ushuaia. The Laguna Potrok Aike (LPA) area is located in the western flank of the Pali Aike volcanic field, in the Magellan Basin, 300 kilometres East of the Andean volcanic front. Most of the Pali Aike basaltic outcrops are part of a Pliocene-Holocene back-arc volcanic field. In Pali Aike, the predominant fault systems have a NW direction, later followed by faults of EW and ENE strike. The NW fault system coincides with the direction of the underlying Jurassic paleo-rift zone. The ENE and E-W structures were caused by a NW stretching due to a new stress field in the southern flank of the Magellan Basin. Finally, N-S lineaments seem to be younger structures in the area. The Potrok Aike maar is located in the vicinity of alignments belonging to these three structural systems. In the LPA area, structures with a NW direction controlled several volcanic alignments: Cuatro Marías, Carlota, Clouds and Flamencos. NW structures seem to have also controlled the old water way of the Bandurrias creek through the basaltic tableland, and a lineament detected by magnetometry on the LPA. One remarkable ENE structural feature crosses immediately North of LPA. This long structural alignment is especially noticeable on the geological cartography when a Digital Elevation Model is superimposed. Other notorious structures are oriented in E-W direction. One is the E-W structure that controlled the volcanic Rosario alignment; another is the normal fault that affected the deeply eroded Petrus tableland basalts 3 km North of LPA. In Potrok Aike the outcropping stratigraphic column is composed by: Santa Cruz Formation deposits; deeply eroded Mio-Pliocene table basalts; morainic deposits; scoria cones, lava flows and phreatomagmatic maar deposits; glacifluvial, fluvial, lacustrine and aeolian deposits and distal Holocene tephras. The Santa Cruz Formation (SCF) -the basal unit of the local stratigraphic column- crops out in a wide area around LPA. It consists of a thick package of grey, yellowish grey or greenish grey moderately to weakly lithified continental tuffaceous sandstones, micro-conglomerates and siltstones, frequently with a tuffaceous matrix. Analysing the logs of 58 exploratory oil drill-holes performed in an area 110 km E-W by 180 km N-S, the paleosurface of the Magallanes Fm. roof on which lies the SCF was modelled. The thickness of the SCF was obtained subtracting the computed depth of the Magallanes Fm. roof from the SCF outcropping heights. The biggest thicknesses are 603 m, some kilometers NW from La Esperanza and 666 m, 6 km NE of LPA at the Petrobras X-1 drill-hole. The smallest is 126 m, occurring in the SE end of Punta Loyola. The 3D reconstruction of the floor of the SCF allows to infer an E-W fault ~parallel to the Rio Gallegos and another ENE fault parallel to the Río Chico, this last probably coincident with a long ENE alignment surveyed westwards. Another unexpected feature is the sharp and steep deepening of the SCF basin towards the West. Fossil fragments of bones and osteoderms were found in sediments of the SCF outcropping in the North beach of LPA or in its surroundings. Eduardo Tonni (UNLP) has identified the following elements of the paleofauna: 11 Order Cingulata: Family Dasypodidae, Subfamily Euphractinae, Tribe Eutatini, Stenotarus sp. (osteoderms). Family Peltephilidae, Subfamily Peltephilidae, gen. et sp. indet (osteoderms). Family Glyptodontidae, Subfamily Propalaeohoplophorinae, Propalaeohoplophorus sp. (osteoderms). Order Notoungulata: Family Interatheriidae, Protypotherium sp. Family Hegetotheriidae, Pachyrukhos sp. According to E.Tonni the collected material is too fragmentary to establish an adjusted chronology, but tentatively it is possible to consider that the Pachyrukhos and Palaeohoplophorus presence could indicate middle or upper levels of the SCF and not the lower one characterized by Notohippidense. In brief, these paleontological considerations and the thicknesses found by drilling point out that the outcropping beds around LPA belong to the upper sequence of the Santa Cruz Formation. Tableland Basalts are the oldest volcanic outcrops in Pali Aike. They form most of the tableland landscapes that span to the North and West of LPA. These basaltic lavas, with a thickness of 10 or more metres, lie on the SCF through a package of several metres of reddish pyroclastic tuff, volcanic micro-breccias and agglomerates; products of eruptions of mean explosive energy. Towards the North the outcrops of the Petrus tableland when free of sedimentary coverage -usually bottom moraines- show a rugged relief caused by intense glacial erosion. Several age determinations of these tablelands basalts were obtained. Samples from the basaltic scarps of the Petrus W tableland, just NE of the INTA station, dated by Ar/Ar on total rock, yield 3.78 ± 0.12 My. K/Ar determinations done on samples coming from Bella Vista tableland yield ages of 3.1 ± 0.1 My and later age analyses published by other authors yield 8.67 ± 0.15 and 9.16 ± 0.08 My. Three km West of LPA, a dismantled pyroclastic edifice outcrops. It is composed by scoria, lapilli, agglomerates and tuffs intruded by small and narrow dikes and appears to be chemically and spatially related to the basaltic tableland lavas. Cuatro Marías volcanic alignment. Immediately to the NW of the INTA experimental station, over the INTA basaltic tableland rises a NW alignment of scoria cones of basanitic-tephritic composition. They show an advanced stadium of dismantlement, probably due to an emplacement during the Lower Pleistocene. Radiometric age determinations of these rocks are in course. Cerro Policía. On the SW shore of LPA, just by the Diego Rieche police station, the remnants of an eroded scoria cone emerge. Its southern flank is covered by morainic sediments and phreatomagmatic deposits; its northern uncovered scarp facing to the lake shore allows to observe outcrops of scoriaceous and lavic facies and at lower levels sub-volcanic facies. This basanitic edifice seems to have been also eroded by the waters of the primitive Bandurrias creek. Its emplacement occurred before the deposit of the morainic sediments and the formation of the Potrok Aike maar. A possible Lower Pleistocene age can be estimated. Samples of this volcanic outcrop are being dated. The dating obtained by Ar/Ar method on total rock for a considerably detached outcrop North of the Bandurrias fall yields an age of 1.19 ± 0.02 My. Carlota volcanic alignment. The Carlota volcanic alignment ~ 20 km NNW of LPA consists of several basaltic edifices located along a NW structure. The complex is composed by small scoria cones and a predominant edifice: the Carlota Maar. The volcanic products of these outcrops lie over the Bella Vista tableland. But the phreatomagmatic deposits of the maar cover not only the tableland terrains but also the adjacent steep basaltic scarp, testifying that 12 these eruptions occurred well after the tableland was severely eroded. The less degraded morphology of the Carlota maar is remarkable. Rosario volcanic alignment. This basaltic alignment appears 4 km SE of LPA. There, several maars crop out in close succession conforming a chained string of depressions that in plan looks like a rosary. The string of maars is considered due to the progressive migration of lavas and eruptive ducts along an E-W fault plane. Some small and degraded scoria cones outcrop inside and around the maars string. A lava sample from the North inside scarp of one maar dated by Ar/Ar method on total rock yields 1.53 ± 0.11 My. Sombrero Mejicano. Isolated from other volcanic edifices, the Sombrero Mejicano Complex crops out 2 km SE of the LPA. The centre of a bowl shaped maar depression is occupied by a scoria cone, hence its name. The eruption of this basanitic scoria cone, at present quite degraded and eroded, seems to have been responsible for the oval fan of pyroclasts that to the East cover former deposits. The peculiar morphology of this complex is considered due to a drastic change in water availability during the eruptive events which switched an initial phreatomagmatic activity to final strombolian eruptions. The phreatomagmatic deposits of Potrok Aike Maar. Most of the preserved phreatomagmatic deposits crop out in the SE flank. Other smaller outcrops were found scattered around to the South, Southwest, West and North of the lake. They lie above glacial sediments and are covered by aeolian soils. The biggest outcrop, with a surface of ~ 3 km2 and a thickness of dozens of metres, presents a fine layering containing chilled juvenile sideromelane clasts and minor tachilitic fragments, basanitic lapilli and abundant lithics such as glacial or glacifluvial pebbles and silty-sand clasts. Age determinations of a lapilli clast of this deposit by Ar/Ar method on total rock yield 0.77 ± 0.24 My. Underlying Subvolcanics Bodies. Two intrusive bodies detected by seismic surveys are indicated in the cartography. One of them, ~15 km2 large, extends to the NNE from the LPA between depths that vary from 1000 to 700 m. The other one, smaller in surface and detected between 2600 and 900 metres depth, stretches towards the W below Tetas de la China. Both two have an irregular saucer shaped morphology, with almost horizontal segments or sills alternating with inclined dikes that connect other horizontal segments. The age and composition of these intrusions are still unknown, but if they were coeval with the Plio-Pleistocene volcanism they could have provoked a relatively young local doming of the overlying terrains. Volcanic rocks composition. After microscopic inspection, 56 samples coming from different volcanic outcrops were geochemically analysed. A brief result of these chemical and modal analyses is summarized on TAS and spider diagrams. Except for the tableland basalts of sub-alkaline nature, most volcanics erupted in the LPA area fall in the alkali-basalt and basanitic fields of the total alkali SiO2 diagram. Some few plot in the tephrite field. Holocene distal tephras found around the lake and in farther localities were also plotted. Morphology of the Volcanic Edifices. The volcanic elevations in the neighbourhood of LPA generally show weak slopes and characteristic features of having undergone a moderate to severe dismantlement, product of gravity, weathering and erosion along a relatively extended period of time. The prevailing climatic characteristics of the area, the elapsed time since their eruption, together with crioclastism and strong winds -characteristics of a periglacial area location- are considered the dominant factors of the present geomorphic degradation. It is possible to distinguish basaltic tablelands, representing the oldest volcanic outcrops, associated to pyroclastics elevations deeply dismantled. Above these tablelands, several younger volcanic alignments (Cuatro Marías, Carlota and others) rise up. Other alignments and isolated volcanics younger than the tableland basalts: Cerro Policía, Rosario alignment, Flamencos maars, Cerro Negro also outcrop; but most of them show a general degraded 13 morphology. The low angle slopes of the associated scoria cones point out that a relative long period of time elapsed since their eruptive emplacement. Potrok Aike Maar and Diatreme Morphology. The Potrok Aike maar has a broad and flat morphology. The present lake (113 masl), inside the maar's diatreme, has an almost circular shape 2.4-2.7 km phi. The entire depression is ~ 4-5 km wide and the altitude difference between the lake level and the surrounding morainic plain is ~50 m. The maar depression+diatreme ensemble has a champagne glass shape, which is characteristic of maars erupting in soft-rock environments. The bedrock of the champagne glass flat base is composed by tuffaceous sandstones and micro conglomerates of the SCF usually covered by lacustrine sediments and paleoshoreline deposits, while the external steep walls of the glass consist of till deposits crowned by phreatomagmatic sediments. The present broad and gentle shore slopes and the widespread setback of the morainic scarps that surround the lake could be assigned to the waves erosive action over the softer glacial deposits along the period in which the water fluctuated dozen of metres up and down the actual level. The lower section of the diatreme, the long and narrow stem of the glass, is carved on the underlying sediments. If, according to the nearby Petrobras X-1 drill-hole, the SCF floor lies ~600 m below the lake level, most of the diatreme vertical development must be housed in rocks belonging to this formation. Bathymetric contour curves obtained by the Salsa Team were digitalized and a 3D model of the diatreme morphology was done. In spite of the mean resolution given by the available 5m contour curves interval, in the more or less regular morphology of Potrok Aike diatreme's walls it is possible to distinguish two different and contrasting features: a flat, weakly tilted surface that partially contours the lake and a rugged surface at the NW corner. The first, the gently dipping features at ~35 m depth were already assigned to a shoulder marking the lowest lake level during Late Glacial to Holocene times. The NW wall abrupt ups and downs suggest terrains affected by other phenomenon. Six age determinations analyses of volcanic rocks are in progress and, for the next field campaign, the survey of the aeolian deposits that cover broad areas and the paleomagnetic studies of the morainic deposits are planned. 14 Geomorphological characteristics of the Laguna Potrok Aike area, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Andrea Coronato1,2, Bettina Ercolano3, Pedro Tiberi3, Hugo Corbella4. 1 2 CADIC-CONICET. B. Houssay 200, 9410 Ushuaia. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan 3 Bosco. 9410 Ushuaia. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, Unidad Académica Río 4 Gallegos. CONICET-MACN-UNPA. Avenida Ángel Gallardo 470, C1405 Buenos Aires. The aim of this presentation is to indicate the spatial distribution and chrono-stratigraphic relationships of the lake surroundings landforms according to morphogenetic criteria. This geomorphological study was thought as to be a basic knowledge for the geologic, ecologic, archeologic and paleoenvironmental researches to be undertaken in southernmost Patagonia, specifically in the western section of the Pali Aike volcanic field (PAVF). The recognition of the geomorphologic units was done by remote sensing and field control. The mapping comprehended the analysis of air photograms, satellite images and SRTM digital elevations models under SIG Arc-View 3.2a environment. Areas with homogeneous textural patterns were identified, contours lines with variable intervals were drawn, topographic profiles were done and enhancement was applied to better understanding the morphology, structure and lithology of relative scarce relief zones and continuous vegetation cover. The field surveys included GPS positioning and demarcation of routes, slope measurements, topographic and sediment profiles drawings, rocks and sediments sampling. It was assumed that the landscape morphology is the result of the combined action of Miocene-Pleistocene volcanic activity and a variety of exogenous processes of Middle to Recent Pleistocene age which occurred over a substratum of sub-horizontal friable sedimentary rocks of Miocene age and exposed to semiarid climatic conditions. Regional fault systems, transversal to the Andean cordillera axis, caused the channeling of ancient rivers as the Río Gallegos and Pleistocene glaciers as those that flowed by the Skyring and Otway sounds and the Magellan Strait. The origin of this faulting was attributed to a NW stretch field still active during the Upper Tertiary. After morphogenetic criteria the following relief components were distinguished: Structural aggradation reliefs Sub-horizontal surfaces are formed by Santa Cruz Fm. sedimentary rocks. Most of the times, they are overlain by conglomerates of varied lithology coming from the Andean front (known as “Rodados Patagonicos”). In some sectors, the conglomerates were covered by lava flows. Erosion remnants are emplaced at the western side of Carlota (also named Robles) creek establishing the limits for the extent of younger landforms as the Bella Vista volcanic tableland and the Outwash Fan III. Undifferentiated debris deposits have been recognized at the volcanic tablelands and basal moraines slopes. In the high and middle scarps of Bella Vista tableland rotational slumps occur. Volcanic genesis reliefs - Volcanic plateaux. They are the highest topographic surfaces of this area (160 to 200 m). They were formed by Mio-Pliocene lava flows. Over the Norte and INTA volcanic plateaux, the Cuatro Marias small and severely eroded scoria cones outcrop. - Scoria and spatter cones and associated lava flows. Conic edifices stand out from the low terrains in the southern part of the studied area, reaching similar or even higher altitudes than the cones on the basaltic plateau. Samples of scoria cones are: ¨Tetas de la China¨ (230 and 245 masl), the central cone of the "Sombrero Mejicano¨ Complex (247 masl) and ¨Cerro Policía¨ (187 masl); whereas ¨Cerro Vigilante¨ (128 masl) is crowned by spatter deposits. All of them have exogenous erosion features, well defined morphology and an average relief 15 ~70 m. Cerro Policía also shows the destructive actions of the explosive volcanic processes that formed the Potrok Aike maar. These volcanic morphologies developed from the Upper Miocene to the Middle Pleistocene. - Maars and phreatomagmatic deposits. The abundance of maars is one of the main characteristics of PAVF. During the sudden eruptions generated by the explosive emanations of water vapor generated by the contact of lava and underground water, the hyaloclastic rings ¨Potrok Aike¨, ¨Flamencos¨, ¨Sombrero Mejicano¨ and "Carlota" were formed. Their diameters vary between 0.8 to 3.5 km. The phreatomagmatic ring deposits originated by the Potrok Aike maar appear discontinuously at the south, north and east coasts of the lake. This is ascribed to later mass-wasting, aeolian and/or alluvial erosive processes. Glacial genesis reliefs. In nearly the whole studied area glacial features are present over the basaltic plateau or in low terrains. They are related to old piedmont glaciations. In the basaltic plateaux the outcropping rocks have polished surfaces and glacial striaes and grooves, especially notable in plateau outcrops NNE of Lake Potrok Aike. Some volcanic cones present strong erosive impact, too strong to be consequence of slumping, gravity or aeolian action. Some volcanic cones emerging from the INTA and ¨Petrus W¨ plateaux show eroded outcrops like roches moutonnées demonstrating the moving of ice over them. - Sub-glacial moraines. These are the most frequent landforms in the area. They are found to the North, South and East of the Lake Potrok Aike. On the ¨central Petrus¨ and ¨INTA¨ plateaux they appear as relative low level hills along a W-E direction, with glacial boulders scattered on the surface; their size varies from 6 to 1 m in their longest axis. Some boulders have a metaquartzitic lithology, thus their allochthonous character and glacial origin is confirmed. The lowlands eastwards Lake Potrok Aike are formed by morainic hills with low relative level, W-E oriented. Erratic boulders with quartz contents testify the glacial genesis of these depressed zones. Large areas of elongated, subglacial hills are found at the lee-side of the basaltic plateaux, so the sedimentary glacial load deposition must have been controlled by the pre existent volcanic relief. Till can be observed in few outcrops. It lies in unconformity on the Tertiary sedimentary substratum. Of sub-glacial type, with a grey to light brown clayey sandy lime matrix it has scarce contents of boulders but high contents of medium to fine gravel. This is the fraction usually outcropping at the moraines surface. It is thought to be due to the incorporation of “Rodados Patagónicos” gravels into the glacial load together with fine sediments, basalts and allochthonous rocks, taken in the western glacial accumulation areas, in the Andean environment. Once being part of the ice they were transported and re deposited as part of the glacial sediments. At the eastern margin of the Lake Potrok Aike, moraines with steep slopes towards the lake are observed. Unlike the others and because of this erosion feature in the icewards side, they are considered truncated by the explosive event that generated the maar depression and associated mass-wasting processes. Cryogenic features affect till and overlaying soils. In some outcrops sand-wedges development and cryogenic involutions are visible. Medium sand deposits penetrate the till´s clayey lime matrix forming wedges many centimeters long. All along an outcrop in the NE part of the area, a number of wedges, separated 0.50-1 m, can be seen. This indicates the presence of permafrost soils in a peri-glacial tundra environment developed during one of the valley glaciations, sometime after the major piedmont glaciation 1 My ago took place. -Outwash fans. Three levels of conical landforms along the Carlota creek and Gallegos river have been recognized. They have S-N and SE-NW orientations and form very flat surfaces in upper position related to the present valley bottoms; subsequent fluvial terrace levels have also eroded in them. Level I is S-N, its formation was controlled by the base of the Bella Vista and INTA plateaux. Its apex is formed at a valley narrowing between the Tetas de la China 16 cones (to the West) and the SW corner of the INTA plateau. The distal sector shows evidences of later fluvial erosion. Level II develops from the narrowness between the Tetas de la China basaltic cones; its distal part reaches the apex of Level I. It also developed a prolongation to the NE towards the paleovalley where Lake Potrok Aike is presently located. Both fans levels developed over a pre-existent subglacial morainic low relief with a gradual general slope towards the E. The fans´ genesis is interpreted as the result of outwash deposition during deglaciation stages. Level III outwash fan developed its apex in the valley between INTA and Petrus central basaltic plateaux and extents first towards the NW and then northwards, eroding the distal sector of outwash fan I. Later fluvial incision eroded it as well. Its middle and distal sector lie on the first level of the Gallegos river terraces, the northern front is visible eroded by later terrace-building processes by this river. From this level emerges the Piche volcanic cone dated by previous author in ~ 2 My. Along the Rio Gallegos valley the outwash fan stretches to the East over the basaltic lava flows up to the outlet of the Cerro Vigilante valley. The ancient stream that formed this big outwash fan flowed along a paleovalley where the Lake Potrok Aike stands and came from the morainic front located further south, in Chilean territory. Nowadays the north and south Bandurrias creeks flow along this paleo valley. Fluvial genesis reliefs. More than four terrace levels were recognized along Carlota creek, thus pointing to a diminishing river condition given today by lower water flow. Also, four terrace levels were identified along the Gallegos river. The building up of the Carlota creek's terraces is assigned to periods of major water availability, due to increased precipitations or to glacial melting in the southern morainic fronts, where the river sources are. This basin would have been formed by the present Carlota creek and by another creek which we named Bandurrias (North and South) which flowed along a paleo-valley presently partially occupied by the Lake Potrok Aike. It is interpreted that it flowed at the foot of the INTA basaltic tableland, favored by the lithological discontinuity between these basalts and the basal moraines. At the Diego Rieche Police Station the paleostream had been dammed by phreatomagmatic deposits during the Potrok Aike maar eruption and the main channel was separated. At present, this is an elevated area in the paleovalley that gives a limit to the snow melting runoff flowing from the south. Headwards erosion and stream piracy occurred downstream the Police Station, thus the main channel eroded its outlet at the Lake Potrok Aike. However, it springs northwards and flows along its ancient paleovalley to Carlota creek, mainly during the snow melting season. Lacustrine-aeolian genesis reliefs. The Lake Potrok Aike (113 masl) is the most important in the region, though smaller temporary ones also exist, located in maars and deflation basins carved in sedimentary bedrock. Associated to the lake´s littoral dynamics different levels of beach ridges were developed, many of them are now below the water level. It is considered that the highest beach level reached 132 masl. The coincidence of this elevation with the bottom of the paleovalley actually occupied by the Bandurrias Norte creek suggests that during the lake´s highest level a river flowed northwards from the lake. The aeolian processes are represented by sand plumes formation related to topographic depressions and by mantle deposits. The largest aeolian plume is originated due to deflation in a big depression located at the base of Bella Vista volcanic plateau. The plume rides up 70 m height and extents along 2,6 km over the plateau. Other aeolian features are deflation basins formed on volcanic plateaux and over wide basal till plains where, occasionally, beach crests were formed mainly related to ancient lacustrine activity during more humid conditions. Final remarks The study of the geomorphological characteristics of the Lake Potrok Aike surroundings allows to establish some hypotheses on the evolution of the environment, although not 17 having yet sufficient age data makes it impossible to establish precise chronostratigraphy. It can be inferred that between the Late Miocene, after the volcanic plateaux formation, and the Middle Pleistocene (~ 1 My B.P.) glacial advances occurred in W-E direction mounting the Bella Vista, INTA and Norte plateaux, eroding basalts, depositing erratic boulders and forming sub glacial moraines in depressed paleosurfaces between the plateaux. As these glacial features are located eastwards to the external moraines of the Bella Vista glaciation (dated at 1 My B.P.) we suggest that one ore more glacial advances, not yet described, have occurred in the Lake Potrok Aike region. Confirmation depends on radiometric ages of basalts stratigraphically related to the till. The existence of a younger morainic front (Cabo Vírgenes glaciation, ~780 ka B.P.) south of the studied area favoured the arrival of glaciofluvial streams that increased the water supply of the rivers flowing northwards and generating terrace systems and large glaciofluvial fans. The transitory Bandurrias South creek is an example of these paleo rivers. Immediately after the glacial maximum, the glaciers´ melting must have increased the underground water reservoirs by infiltration and water retention along the regional faults (e.g. the faults intersection North of Lake Potrok Aike). This situation must have contributed to generate the phreatomagmatic event that built the maar, whose sediments were dated in ~770 ka B.P. The possibility that the Lake Potrok Aike is emplaced in part of an old endorreic basin due to the presence of a small depression of aeolian origin at its NE shore is not discarded. This depression is truncated in its western site by the the lake and could be the remnant of a larger depression disposed close to the intersection of the regional faults. On going geomorphological and geological research will help to the comprehension of the relations between glacial events, terraces formation and volcanic relief modelling under different climatic conditions along the Quaternary. 18 Distribution of diatoms in surface sediments of 33 lakes in southern Patagonia, Argentina Echazú, D. M 1,2 and N. I. Maidana 1,3 1. Laboratorio de Diatomeas Continentales, Depto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental, FCEyN – UBA; 2. Fellowship UBA; 3.CONICET; Email: [email protected] Diatoms are valuable tools for paleoclimatic reconstructions due to their sensitivity to climatically controlled environmental parameters, assuming that the organism- environment relationships have not changed, at least since the late Quaternary. The development of transfer functions, one of the numerical techniques more used for paleoenvironmental reconstruction requires a "training set" developed from the survey of regional biodiversity. Thus, environmental information collected from living forms can be extrapolated to the fossil record. Santa Cruz is one of the argentinian provinces least known in their non-marine algal communities. Within the limited existing information for the province, the recent and fossil diatoms are the group that has received most attention (Krasske, 1949, Luchini, 1975; Maidana & Corbella, 1997; Maidana et al., 2005 and Espinosa, 2008, among others). The development of a training set for water bodies located in the south of the province is an indispensable tool to understand the ecological requirements of living species and provide relevant information for understanding the evolution of past environments, not only for the Laguna Potrok Aike sourrounding area (object of the ICDP-PASADO project), but also for the entire Southpatagonic region. On the other hand, the results will increase significantly our knowledge of diatom biodiversity at the region, which is of great importance in implementing protection and conservation of natural resources strategies. To achieve our objectives, water and surperficial face sediment samples were obtained from 33 permanent lakes and ponds in Southern Santa Cruz Province (50 º-52 º S, Fig 1) during the two sampling campaigns (January/2009 and febrero/2010). In each environment we measured in situ pH, temperature, water conductivity, dissolved solids and dissolved oxygen. The chemical analysis of water samples were performed at the CNR-ISE (Italy). The diatom analysis was conducted at the Laboratorio de Diatomeas Continentales (DBBE, FCEN-UBA) and standard techniques were applied, including oxidation of the organic matter with H2O2 (Battarbee, 1986). Permanent slides were mounted with Naphrax®. For the taxonomic identification of diatoms we have consulted the standard floras of Rumrich et al. (2000) and Van de Vijver et al. (2002), as well as several other specific works. For the estimation of the relative abundances, a minimum of 400 valves was counted per preparation. Preliminary results Diatom analysis of surface sediment samples collected in 2009 was completed and samples collected in 2010 are still under study. 200 species of diatoms were identified so far, of which 17 taxa are new records for Argentina and 29 are new to the province of Santa Cruz. The genera best represented in terms of number of species were Navicula (60), Nitzschia (33) Gomphonema (25), Pinnularia (17). Species of the genera Staurosira, Staurosirella, Pseudostaurosira and Stauroforma, grouped as "small fragilariod", were represented by small individuals (always <15 µm long), very difficult to differentiate using only light microscopy. Some species are still being studied, mainly those of the genera Navicula sensu lato, Nitzschia and Fallacia, and probably those taxa are new to science. We have also been identified some species apparently endemic to Patagonia, as Stauroneis nebulosa and Veigaludwigia willeri, and Cyclotella ocellata could be considered as an invader species coming from the Northern Hemisphere. 19 Preliminary statistical analysis suggests that the Oxygen availability and the electric conductivity would be the variables that best explain the distribution of most abundant diatoms (> 3%) in the studied environments. Some taxa, mainly Navicula, Gomphonema and Nitzschia spp, could not be identified at specific level and will be the subject of further study. Diatom species identification can be often difficult due to the scarcity of literature on South America floras, and so to identify South American species the researchers have to compare their materials with the descriptions made in the Northern Hemisphere. This can led to misinterpretations because two species may have morphological similarities but their ecological requirements may be different. Our results confirm the importance of continuing stepping up surveys of the diversity of phycoflora of Patagonia The high number of species new to the country and to the region, found in this study confirm the need to intensify surveys of biodiversity of the phycoflora of Patagonia. A training set made with the information gathered from a significant number of lakes and ponds will allow the development transfer functions for Southern Patagonia to be applied to the paleoclimate and paleoenvironment reconstruction of the last 100,000 years, which is the main objective of ICDP-PAST (Potrok Aike maar lake sediments archive drilling project) which is part of this group research. References BATTARBEE, RW. 1986. Diatom Analysis. PP. 527-570 in: BE Berglund (ed.). Handbook of Holocene Palaeoecology and Palaeohydrology. J Wiley & Sons Ltd. New York. ESPINOSA, MA, 2008. Diatoms from patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. Developments in Quaternary Sciences. 11: 382-392. KRASSKE, J. 1949. Subfossile diatomeen aus den mooren Patagoniens und Feuerlands. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae IV. Biologica 14:1-92. LUCHINI, L. 1975. Estudio ecológico preliminar de las diatomeas perifíticas y bentónicas como alimento de anfípodos lacustres (Lago Cardiel, Prov. Santa Cruz). Physis (B) 34(89):85-97. MAIDANA, NI & H CORBELLA. 1997. Análisis preliminar de las asociaciones de diatomeas cuaternarias en un paleolago volcánico, Santa Cruz austral, Argentina. Pp. 336-340 en: Actas del VI Congresso Brasileiro de Abequa. Curitiba, Brasil. MAIDANA, NI.; I. IZAGUIRRE; G. MATALONI, A. VINOCUR; G. & H. PIZARRO. 2005. Diatomeas en una transecta patagónico-antártica. Ecología Austral 15:159-176. RUMRICH, U; H LANGE-BERTALOT & M RUMRICH. 2000. Iconographia Diatolmologica 9. Diatomeen der Anden von Venezuela bis Patagonien/Tierra del Fuego. En: H Lange-Bertalot (ed.). K G Gantner Verlag. Germany. 672 pp. VAN DE VIJVER, B., Y. FRENOT & L. BEYENS. 2002. Freshwater diatoms from Ile de la Possession (Crozet Archipelago, Subantartica). Bibliotheca Diatomologica 46: 1-412. 20 HUE DE S VER CON OLII AZU II OLI RES JUN MAD HIJ CAP NIE T OR AG U L. Viedma L. Argentino SOS II SOS I CFII CFI RIN ALT BAN MEL R OC SAR CAC I CAC II SAL ESP PT A AZU 8 33 25 7 15 DES CFI Navicula capitatoradiata 13 TOR Navicula antonii Cyclotella ocellata Small fragilarioids Fragilaria capuchina 9 12 9 7 ESP Small fragilarioids % 14 9 9 25 14 9 24 12 8 30 20 13 MEL AZU Nitzschia palea Cyclotella ocellata Small fragilarioids Navicula antonii Pequeñas fragilariodes Taxón Navicula vandami Fragilaria capucina 5 15 7 7 10 PTA 13 % 33 Nitzschia linearis Cocconeis placentula Small fragilarioids Navicula gregaria Tabellaria sp 2 9 ROC AGU Navicula sp 59 Taxón Small fragilarioids Cavinula pseudoscutiformis Nitzschia sp 23 Ps subatomoides Karayevia clevei Small fragilarioids Diploneis chilensis Encyonema microcephala Small fragilarioids Ach. minutissimum SAR % 18 CON Taxón Cyclotella meneghiniana CFII Fig 1: Geografical location of the sampling sites in Southern Santa Cruz province in the twe sampling campaigns . Campaign 2009: AGU: L. Agustín; AZU: L. Azul; BAN: L- Banderas; CFI: L. Cerro Frías I; CFII: L. Cerro Frías II; CON: L. Cóndor; DES: L. del Desierto; ESP: L. Esperanza; HUE: L. Huemul; MEL: L Mellizas; PTA: L. Potrok Aike; RES: L Torres; ROC: L Roca; SAL: L. Salada; SAR: L. Sarmiento; TOR: L. El Toro. Campaign 2010: ALT: L. Alta; AZU II: L. Azul II; CACI: L. Cachorro I; CACII: L. Cachorro II; CAP: L. Capri; ERN: L. Ernesto; HIJ: L. Hija; JUN: L. Juncos; MAD: L. Madre; NIE: L. Nieta; OLI: L. Las Lolas I; OLII: L. Las Lolas II; PAJ: L. Pajonales; RIN: L. Rincón; SOS I: L. Sosiego I; SOS II: L. Sosiego II; VER: L. Verde. Achnathes sp 16 Nitzschia sp 38 Nitzschia perminuta Navicula sp 34 14 6 94 Table 1: Most abundant diatoms in the studied water bodies (Campaign 2009). The names of the studied lakes are listed in Figure1 21 22 Preliminary Results of Paleosecular Variations Studies on Bottom Sediments from Laguna Potrok Aike (Patagonia, Argentina) Claudia S.G. Gogorza 1,2, M.A. Irurzun 1,2, A.M. Sinito 1,2, Christian Ohlendorf 3, Bernd Zolitschka 3 and the PASADO Science Team (1) CONICET; (2) Universidad Nacional del Centro, Argentina, (3) Institute of Geography (GEOPOLAR), University of Bremen, Germany Introduction Paleosecular variation (PSV) records are presented for Laguna Potrok Aike. Paleomagnetic, rock-magnetic and sedimentological studies were performed on a 16 m composed long piston core from the 100 m deep centre of the Laguna, which represents the last 16,000 years. This investigation contributes to the analysis of the sediment records recovered from the Pali Aike Volcanic Field in the framework of the ICDP-project “Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project” (PASADO). Site Description and sediments This maar lake is located in the Province of Santa Cruz, Southern Patagonia (Argentina) (Fig. 1a and b). Roughly 80 km north of the Strait of Magellan; it is situated in the Pali Aike Volcanic Field (51o 58’S, 70º 23’W) (Zolitschka et al., 2006). Previous studies carried out at Laguna Potrok Aike by Haberzettl et al. (2005) reveal a continuous and high-resolution sedimentary record. The sediment sequence is characterised as minerogenic with only minor amounts of organic carbon and biogenic silica but with varying contents of calcite. Magnetic and Rock Magnetic Studies In order to characterise these lake sediments the following measurements were carried out: intensity and directions (D and I) of natural remanent magnetisation (nrm); magnetic susceptibility at low frequency (specific, X and volumetric, k) and high frequency (470 and 4700 Hz); isothermal remanent magnetisation (IRM) in growing steps until 1.2T, reaching the saturation (SIRM); back field, in growing steps until cancelling the magnetic remanence; anhysteretic remanent magnetisation (ARM100mT), with a direct field of 0.1mT and an alternating field varying between 2.5 and 100mT. Associated parameters were calculated: F% ((klow-khigh)*100/klow), S (IRM-300mT/SIRM), remanent coercitive field (BCR), SIRM/k, ARM100mT/k, SIRM/ARM100mT, anhysteretic susceptibility (kanh) and kanh/k. As a first estimate of relative magnetic grain-size variations the median destructive fields (MDFnrm, MDFARM, MDFSIRM) were determined. The detailed results of these studies are presented in other work focused on magnetic characterisation of the sediments and paleoclimate variations along the sequence. A summary of the main conclusions of rock magnetic studies follows: Intensity of nrm varies between 0.33 and 50 mA/m, k values are between 17.6 and 271 x 10-5 SI; ARM100mT and SIRM oscillate between 72–520 mA/m and 4-14 A/m, respectively and F% factors are between -1.7 and 3.9 (Fig. 2). The logs show coherence between them, with correspondence in peaks and troughs in ARM100mT, SIRM and k. Stepwise acquisition of isothermal remanence and the S-ratio indicate that low-coercivity minerals are the dominant magnetic carriers in samples of this core, with BCR values that agree with minerals like (titano-) magnetite. 23 The SIRM/k ratios are consistent with pseudo-single domain magnetite. The variation of ARM100mT/k and ARM100mT/SIRM indicates reasonable uniformity of magnetic grain size along the whole core. From the relationship between k and SIRM (Fig. 3), we can estimate that the magnetic grain size varies between 4 and 8µm and a low concentration of ferrimagnetic minerals, between 0.01% and 0.08% (Thompson and Oldfield, 1986). Paleomagnetic Studies Stability of the nrm was investigated by alternating-field demagnetisation (AF). Most of the samples show no systematic changes in the direction of their remanent magnetisation during AF demagnetisation; few of them have a viscous magnetisation, which could easily be removed at about 10 mT (Fig. 4a and b). Directions of the stable remanent magnetisation were derived using principle component analysis (Kirschvink, 1980) with successive demagnetisation steps. Since the cores were not drilled orientated relative to magnetic north, the D values for each core was centred on the average declination. The nrm as well as declination and inclination logs of the characteristic remanent magnetisation for all samples as function of calibrated ages were obtained. Analysis of paleosecular variation Comparison between inclination and declination records of Laguna Potrok Aike and results obtained in previous studies carried out at lakes Escondido (Gogorza et al., 2002), Moreno (Gogorza et al., 2000) and El Trébol (Irurzun et al., 2008), were performed. Fig. 5 shows inclination profiles vs. calibrated ages for the above mentioned lakes and correlation tie-lines among them. A general similar trend is observed (i.e. higher absolute inclination value about 2500 years, shallower inclination between 3000 and 4100 years, similar pattern between 8500 and 12500 years). Conclusions 1. Preliminary high-resolution secular variation curves of geomagnetic inclination and declination recorded in the lacustrine sediment from Laguna Potrok Aike for the last 16000 years were obtained. The new PSV record can be used to assess the general characteristics of geomagnetic field variability during the studied period and to complete the records obtained previously for these latitudes. 2. The main magnetic carriers are (titano)magnetite minerals with a grain size between 4 to 8 µm, while the mineral concentration varies between 0.01 and 0.08%. 3. The observed consistency of the PSV records from south-western Argentina confirms, in a preliminary way, that PSV dating may be valuable on a regional scale. References GOGORZA, C.S.G., SINITO, A.M., DI TOMASSO, I., VILAS, J.F., CREER, K.M. NUÑEZ, H., 2000. Geomagnetic secular variations 0-12000 year as recorded by sediments from Moreno Lake (South Argentina). J. South Am. Earth Sci. 13, 627-645. GOGORZA, C.S.G., SINITO, A.M., LIRIO, J.M., NUÑEZ, H., CHAPARRO, M.A.E., VILAS, J.F., 2002. Paleosecular variations 0–19,000 years recorded by sediments from Escondido Lake (Argentina). Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 133, 35–55. HABERZETTL, T., WILLE, M., FEY, M., JANSSEN, S., LÜCKE, A., MAYR, C., OHLENDORF, C., SCHÄBITZ, F., SCHLESER, G.H., ZOLITSCHKA, B., 2006: Environmental change and fire history of southern Patagonia (Argentina) during the last five centuries. Quart. Int. 158, 72-82. IRURZUN, M.A., GOGORZA, C.S.G., SINITO, A.M., CHAPARRO, M.A.E., NÚÑEZ, H., LIRIO, J.M., 2008. Paleosecular variations 12-20 kyr. as recorded by sediments from Lake Moreno (southern Argentina). Stud. Geophys. Geod. 52, 157–172. KIRSCHVINK, J.L., 1980. The least-square line and plane and the analysis of paleomagnetic data. Geophys. J. Roy. astr. Soc. 62, 699–718. THOMPSON, R., OLDFIELD, F., 1986. Environmental Magnetism. Allen & Unwin Ltd, 225pp. 24 ZOLITSCHKA, B., SCHÄBITZ, F., LÜCKE, A., CLIFTON, G., CORBELLA, H., ERCOLANO, B., HABERZETTL, T., MAIDANA, N., MAYR, C., OHLENDORF, C., OLIVA, G., PAEZ, M.M., SCHLESER, G.H., SOTO, J., TIBERI, P., WILLE, M., 2006. Crater lakes of the Pali Aike Volcanic Field as key sites of paleoclimatic and paleoecological reconstructions in southern Patagonia, Argentina. J. South Am. Earth Sci. 21, 294-309. Fig.1: (a) Geographical Location of Laguna Potrok Aike in southern Argentina; (b) Aerial photograph and bathymetric map of Laguna Potrok Aike with locations of analysed core. 25 Fig. 2: k, nrm and F - factor logs from Laguna Potrok Aike vs. calibrated ages. Fig. 3: k vs. SIRM plot, (Thompson and Oldfield, 1986). 26 Fig. 4: Demagnetisation plot; (a) Sample 400; (b) Sample 530 Fig. 5: Comparison of inclination records from lakes of SW of Argentina. 27 Magnetic characteristics of sediments from Laguna Potrok Aike C.S.G. Gogorza1 C. Ohlendorf2 B. Zolitschka2 1 IFAS, Universidad Nacional Del Centro, Pinto 399, 7000 Tandil, Argentina; CONICET. 2 Institute of Geography (Geopolar), University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany Objectives Three composite sediment cores collected from the centre of Laguna Potrok Aike (Fig.1), which represent a total of approximately 105 m of sediment, will be used to obtain a continuous and well-dated record of paleomagnetic and paleoenvironmental changes for the last ca. 50,000 years. The coring activities were carried out from August 31 to December 1, 2008 in the framework of the ICDP-project PASADO (expedition 5022). The core sections are 74.67 m, 64.25 m, 62.09 m (Hole A, Hole B and Hole C, respectively) long with a diameter of 60 mm collected in PVC tubes. The cores were cut into 1-2 m segments and split into halves, they were then sealed in a vacuum process and stored at 4°C. One half of each core was described, and then subsampled using cubic plastic boxes of 2 cm x 2 cm x 2 cm at regular intervals, sealed and weighed for rock and paleomagnetic studies. In total, 5320 subsamples were taken and a group of 1440 was used for these studies. In detail, the objectives for this study are: a) To extend the paleosecular variation record into the period of the last glaciation. Creer et al. (1983) carried out first paleomagnetic studies of sediments from Argentina. Gogorza et al. (1999; 2000a,b; 2002) presented paleomagnetic results of sediments from Lakes Escondido, Moreno and El Trébol of southwestern Argentina (41°S; 72°W) (Irurzun et al., 2006) and established a regional paleosecular variation (PSV) type curve (Gogorza et al., 2000a). b) To reconstruct hydrological variations. Understanding the rock magnetic properties in a sedimentary sequence and the processes involved in formation, transport, and preservation of these magnetic minerals will lead to the identification of magnetic parameters with the best performance as environmental proxies. c) To investigate sources (e.g. fluvial vs. aeolian) of magnetic minerals. d) To determine post-depositional changes in magnetic minerals caused by diagenesis/authigenesis and by biological processes. Magnetic mineral assemblages (combined with geochemical data) in a relatively small lake are helpful to analyze diagenetic dissolution as a result of changing redox conditions associated with e.g. eutrophication (Anderson and Rippey, 1988). Methods In order to characterise these lake sediments the following measurements were performed: (1) intensity and directions (declination, inclination) of natural remanent magnetisation (NRM) using a 2G high-resolution cryogenic magnetometer with RF SQUID sensors. Stability of the magnetisation was analysed by alternating-field (AF) demagnetisation. The directions of the stable remanent magnetisation were determined by vector analysis of the demagnetisation results. The value of the MDFNRM, the field that is necessary to reduce the remanent magnetisation to 50% of the NRM, was calculated; (2) low-field susceptibility (specific, X and volumetric, k), using a Kappabridge KLY-2 (Agico) with operating frequency of 920 Hz, and a magnetic induction of 0.4 mT; (3) isothermal remanent magnetisation (IRM) acquisition in fields up to 0.7 T using a 2G highresolution cryogenic magnetometer with RF SQUID sensors; 28 (4) anhysteric remanent magnetisation (ARM100mT) using a 2G high-resolution cryogenic magnetometer with RF SQUID sensors, in a peak 100 mT AF and 0.1 mT bias field. For a set of pilot samples the hysteresis properties (such as saturation magnetisation MS, saturation remanence MRS, coercitivity HC, coercitivity of remanence HCR and high-field susceptibility (kh)) using a MicroMag™ Model 2900 (AGM) Alternating Gradient Magnetometer were obtained. The ratios ARM100mT/k, SIRM/ARM100mT and BCR (remanent coercitive field), kanh and the Sratio were calculated. Assuming a uniform ferromagnetic mineralogy dominated by magnetite, grain size variations can be deduced from the inter-parametric ratios kARM/k, kARM/ MRS and MRS/k (Maher and Thompson, 1999). However, these ratios should be used as grain size indicators with caution due to influence of dia- or paramagnetic minerals and non-linear behaviour with concentration (Stockhausen and Zolitschka, 1999). The magnetometer that was used in the measurements is equipped with a pneumatic autosampler which had been developed by the Marine Geophysics Section (Prof. Dr. Tilo von Dobeneck and Dr. Thomas Frederichs, University of Bremen). The 'robot' takes sets of up to eight samples at a time from the tray and inserts them into the magnetometer. After completing the measurement, the 'robot' takes the sample set out again, stores it back on the tray and continues with the next set. The exact sample sets and the type(s) of measurement are defined by a script file that can manage up to 96 samples. This equipment is essential for carrying out the proposed tasks due to the number of samples and measurements involved. Preliminary Results Magnetic and rock magnetic studies Fig. 2 shows MDFNRM, k, NRM intensity, ARM100mT and SIRM logs of the 5022-1A. These parameters and k were measured for the three sequences and all show similar characteristics. There is a good consistency between k, ARM100mT and SIRM logs for each sequence, implying that the behaviour of these parameters is mainly controlled by changes in the concentration of the magnetic minerals. NRM intensity varies between 5 and 240 mA/m, k varies between 195 and 7016×10−6 SI. ARM100mT and SIRM vary between 15-490 mA/m and 2-60 A/m, respectively. Stepwise acquisition of isothermal remanence in fields up to 2.5 T shows that about 90% of the SIRM is obtained between 150 and 250 mT. These results indicate that low-coercitivity minerals are the dominant magnetic carriers in samples of these cores. Progressive removal of this SIRM by back-field demagnetisation indicates BCR between 20 and 75 mT. The values of BCR, a little higher than the characteristic average value of pure magnetite (between 8 and 60 mT; Peters and Dekkers, 2003), may be explained by the presence of oxidised titanomagnetite (Kruiver et al., 2001; Roberts and Turner, 1993; Reynolds et al., 1994) and/or antiferromagnetic minerals in low concentrations, or by the relative decrease in the grain size. Sratio, which reflects the variations in the coercivities of the magnetic carrier minerals (Meynadier et al., 1992), varies between 0.9 and 1. Changes in the ratios ARM100mT/k and ARM100mT/SIRM imply changes in grain size, higher ratios indicating smaller grain size and a higher proportion of single-domain (SD) grains (Hunt et al., 1995). Fig. 3 shows that the variation of ARM100mT/k and ARM100mT/SIRM is about a factor 3. This finding also indicates reasonable uniformity of magnetic grain size along the whole core. The SIRM/k (Fig. 3) ratios are between 5 and 15 kA/m (average 8.01±0.09 kA/m), these SIRM/k ratios are consistent with predominance of pseudo-single (PSD)/multi domain (MD) magnetite (Thompson and Oldfield, 1986). From Fig. 3, which shows k versus SIRM for samples of 5022-1A we can estimate that the magnetic grain size varies approximately between 4 and 16 µm and the concentration is between 0.01 and 0.5% (Thompson and Oldfield, 1986). 29 Hysteresis parameters are useful for determining grain size and domain state of magnetite particle (Day et al., 1977). The hysteresis ratios are consistent with a dominant low-coercivity ferrimagnetic component (most likely magnetite) that is of PSD/MD range magnetic grain size. Paleomagnetic Studies In order to test the stability of the NRM and to remove any viscous overprints, progressive alternating field (AF) demagnetisation was carried out. Pilot samples were demagnetised successively at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 mT peak field. A representative example of a demagnetisation plot is shown in Fig. 4. The MDFNRM varies from 4 to 47 mT (average 14.1±0.2 mT in 5022-1A; average 14.2±0.2 mT in 5022-1B and average 14.3±0.2 mT in 5022-1C). The orthogonal demagnetisation (Zijderveld) diagrams are shown in Fig. 4. In general, we observe straight lines that passed through the origin of the demagnetisation diagram, indicating a single component, stable characteristic remanent magnetisation (e.g. sample 5022-1A - 408). A limited number of samples show a small viscous remanent magnetisation (VRM) that is progressively destroyed at 10–15 mT. Further steps revealed a high stability of the directions of magnetisation. Taking these results into account, all samples were demagnetised at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 70 and 100 mT. The directions of the characteristic remanent magnetisation were obtained, using principle component analysis (Kirschvink, 1980), from the results of successive demagnetisation steps. To avoid influence of VRM, the results of NRM and the first three demagnetisation steps (5, 10 and 15 mT), on the other hand, the last two to three steps (70-100 mT) were not used for the vector analysis if they represented spurious data. A preliminar plot of inclination vs. number of sample for the three holes is shown. References ANDERSON, N.J. & RIPPEY, B. Diagenesis of magnetic minerals in the recent sediments of a eutrophic lake. Limnology and Oceanography 33 (6): 1476-1492, 1988. CREER, K. M., VALENCIO, D. A., SINITO, A. M., TUCHOLKA, P. & VILAS, J. F. Geomagnetic Secular Variations 0-14000 yr. BP as recorder by lake sediments from Argentina 74(1): 109-222, 1983. DAY, R.M., FULLER, D. & SCHMIDT, V.A. Hysteresis properties of titanomagnetite: Grain size and composition dependence. Physical of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 13: 260– 266, 1977. GOGORZA, C.S.G., SINITO, A.M., DI TOMMASO, I., VILAS, J.F., CREER, K.M. & NUÑEZ, H. Holocene geomagnetic secular variations recorded by sediments from Escondido Lake (South Argentina). Earth, Planets and Space 51(2): 93-106, 1999. GOGORZA, C.S.G., SINITO, A.M., VILAS, J.F., CREER, K.M., NUÑEZ, H. Geomagnetic secular variations 0-6500 yr. as recorded by sediments from lakes of South Argentina. Geophysical Journal International 143(3): 787-798, 2000a. GOGORZA, C.S.G., SINITO, A.M., Di Tommaso, I., Vilas, J.F., Creer, K.M., Nuñez, H. Geomagnetic secular variations 0-12000 yr. as recorded by sediments from Moreno Lake (South Argentina). Journal of South American Earth Sciences 13(7): 627-645, 2000b. Gogorza, C.S.G., Sinito, A.M., Lirio, J.M., Nuñez, H., Chaparro, M.A.E., Vilas, J.F. Paleosecular variations 0-19,000 years recorded by sediments from Escondido lake (Argentina). Physical of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 133(1-4): 35-55, 2002. IRURZUN, M.A., GOGORZA, C.S.G., SINITO, A.M., LIRIO, J.M., NUÑEZ, H., CHAPARRO, M.A.E. Paleosecular variations recorded by Holocene-Pleistocene sediments from lake El Trébol (Patagonia, Argentina). Physical of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 154: 1-17, 2006. KIRSCHVINK, J.L. The least-square line and plane and the analysis of paleomagnetic data. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 62: 699–718, 1980. 30 KRUIVER, P.P., DEKKERS, M.J., HESLOP, D. Quantification of magnetic coercivity components by the analysis of acquisition curves of isothermal remanent magnetisation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 189: 269–276, 2001. MAHER, B.A. AND THOMPSON, R. (Eds.). Quaternary climates, environments and magnetism. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, 390 pp., 1999. MEYNADIER, L., VALET, J.P., WEEKS, R., SHAKLETON, N.J., HAGEE, V.L. Relative geomagnetic intensity of the field during the last 140 ka. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 114: 39–57, 1992. PETERS, C., DEKKERS, M.J. Selected room temperature magnetic parameters as a function of mineralogy, concentration and grain size. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 28: 659–667, 2003. REYNOLDS, R.L., TUTTLE, M.L., RICE, C.A., FISHMAN, N.S., KARACHEWSKI, J.A., SHERMAN, D.M. Magnetization and geochemistry of greigite-bearing Cretaceous strata, North Slope Basin, Alaska. American Journal of Science 294: 485–528, 1994. ROBERTS, A.P., TURNER, G.M. Diagenetic formation of ferrimagnetic iron sulphide minerals in rapidly deposited marine sediments, New Zealand. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 115: 257–273, 1993. STOCKHAUSEN, H., ZOLITSCHKA, B. 1999. Environmental changes since 13,000 cal. BP reflected in magnetic and sedimentological properties of sediments from Lake Holzmaar (Germany). Quaternary Science Reviews 18: 913-925, 1999. THOMPSON, R., OLDFIELD, F. Environmental Magnetism. Allen & Unwin Ltd, p. 225, 1986. Figure 1 31 Figure 2 Figure 3 32 Paleoclimatic Variations During the Holocene Through Magnetic Proxies on Sediments from Laguna Potrok Aike (51°57’S, 70°24’W, Argentina). María A. Irurzun1,4, Claudia S. G. Gogorza1,4, Ana M. Sinito1,4, Daniel Aguilar1, Christian Ohlendorf2, Bernd Zolitschka2, PASADO Science Team3 1. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Contacting person: [email protected]. 2. Institute of Geography (GEOPOLAR), University of Bremen, Germany. 3. 4. CONICET, Argentina. Introduction Lake sediments are excellent sources for many different paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic information as they provide continuous and high-resolution records. They are also first class recorders of magnetic parameters widely used around the world as proxies for paleoenvironmental variations, because every change in the catchment area (rainfall and drought periods, temperature changes, differences in sedimentation rates) is likewise reflected in variations of the magnetic parameters. Relationships between magnetic parameters, total organic carbon, total inorganic carbon, different elements, gastropods (Haberzettl et al., 2007), pollen (Wille et al., 2007) and diatom frustules (Mayr et al., 2009) were analysed to infer lake level changes and to suggest related hydrological and climate fluctuations. The results from these previous studies suggest a dry period around 11600 cal BP and periods of moister environment at the beginning of the Holocene followed by drier conditions between 8700 and 6000 cal BP, and then an increase of available moisture. A lower lake level event was recognized around 7000 cal BP and periodic changes among low and high lake levels were identified for the last 1500 cal BP with a particular high lake level between 500 and 150 cal BP which is attributed to the “Little Ice Age (LIA)”. Site description Laguna Potrok Aike is located in southern Santa Cruz, Argentina (51°37’S, 69°10’W, Fig. 1). Is a maar lake, permanently water-filled lacustrine system in the Patagonian steppe, with a current water depth of around 100 m. Precipitation (200 mm/yr) is equally distributed around the wind rose. There is no stratification of the lake because of the strong winds (50% from the west) that enforce polymictic conditions in summer and inhibit freezing in winter. Temperatures during summer time reach 10–12°C. Currently, the 3470 m wide circular lake has no surface outflow. This lake responds very sensitively to changes in the precipitation/evaporation ratio, with rising/falling lake levels in times of wetter/drier climatic conditions (Haberzettl et al., 2007). Materials and methods This work was carried out on three piston cores collected from the centre of Laguna Potrok Aike (Fig. 1). The cores (PTA02/3, PTA03/12 and PTA03/13) form a composite core for the past 16000 cal BP, but only the Holocene period is studied in this work. The following measurements were performed on sub-samples from 11700 cal. BP to the present: magnetic susceptibility (specific χ, and volumetric, k); isothermal remanent magnetisation reaching the saturation (SIRM); back-field in growing steps until cancelling the magnetic remanence; anhysteretic remanent magnetisation (ARM100mT), with a direct field of 0.1 mT and a peak alternating field of 100 mT. Associated parameters also were calculated: S-ratio (IRM-300mT/SIRM), %soft IRM ((SIRM-IRM-40mT)/SIRM), frequency-dependence magnetic susceptibility (F-factor=(klow frecuency-khigh frecuency)*100/klow frecuency), coercivity remanence (BCR), anhysteretic susceptibility (kanh) and interparametric ratios (ARM/SIRM, kanh/k, ARM/k). 33 Rock Magnetic Studies The IRM curves (Fig. 2A) show that the saturation of the isothermal magnetization is obtained with an applied field of about 300 mT and the BCR are between 30 and 50 mT, suggesting the presence of magnetite as a magnetic carrier of the samples. BCR (Fig. 2B) depends on the composition of the sample and the magnetic grain size. This parameter show more conspicuous variations during the late Holocene and a trend to lower values since 4500 cal BP. According to Peters and Dekkers (2003) all the samples are located in the region for (titano) magnetite (Fig. 2C). To determine magnetic grain size, the interparametric ratios were calculated. Higher/lower ratio indicates finer/coarser magnetic grain size. Fig. 2D shows an stable behaviour from 11700 to 5000 cal BP and a tendency to finer magnetic grain size since 5000 cal BP, in both cases there is a superimposed oscillatory behaviour more evident in kanh/k. Fig. 3 show all the results obtained from magnetic studies and a summary of the results from previous works. F-factor has values from 0 to 4% indicating no presence of superparamagnetic particles (around 0.03 μm). From 11700 to 8000 cal BP: SIRM, , kanh and %soft IRM show a decreasing trend, S-ratio show oscillations around 0.96. BCR has an increasing trend in that period and considering that the interparametric ratios do not show notorious changes, the presence of hard materials in low percentages is suggested. From 8000 to 5000 cal BP: all the parameters do not show variations, but the records are scattered and more data are needed. log show maxima at 4700 cal BP, coincident with a high lake level and more humid conditions. Since 5000 cal BP until our days there is high presence of magnetite-type minerals inferred from the %soft IRM, S-ratio and BCR logs. During the LIA the magnetic parameters show a maximum in , kanh, BCR, SIRM and a minimum in %soft IRM indicating the presence of a low percentage of hematite-like minerals. Conclusion • According with the rock magnetic studies (Fig. 2), the main magnetic carrier in the sediments is magnetite. The magnetic grain size is between 4 and 16 m, with strong variations in the first 2000 yrs. The general behaviour indicates a change from coarser to finer magnetic grain size. • The comparison with previous results shows a good agreement between and the lake level changes (direct relationship). • During dry periods BCR show higher values while %soft IRM show lower values, indicating the presence of a low percentage of antiferromagnetic minerals, suggesting an eolian sediment source in these periods. Referentes HABERZETTL, T., CORBELLA, H., FEY, M., JANSSEN, S., LÜCKE, A., MAYR, C., OHLENDORF, C., SCHÄBITZ, F., SCHLESER, G.H., WILLE, M., WULF, S. AND ZOLITSCHKA, B. 2007. The Holocene 17: 297-310. MAYR, C., LÜCKE, A., MAIDANA, N.I., WILLE, M., HABERZETTL, T., CORBELLA, H., OHLENDORF, C., SCHÄBITZ, F., FEY, M., JANSSEN AND S., ZOLITSCHKA, B. 2009. J Paleolimnol 42: 81– 102. PETERS, C. AND DEKKERS, M. J., 2003. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 28, 659–667. WILLE, M., MAIDANA, N.I., SCHÄBITZ, F., FEY, M., HABERZETTL, T., JANSSEN, S., LÜCKE, A., MAYR, C., OHLENDORF, C., SCHLESER, G.H. AND ZOLITSCHKA, B. 2007. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 146: 234–246. 34 Fig. 1: Study site and location of the cores. (Modified from Haberzettl et al., 2007) 15000 A B 48 10000 SIRM 44 176 57 0 -5000 -10000 BCR [mT] IRM [mA/m] 5000 -15000 0 200 36 32 BCR -200 40 400 600 800 1000 28 1200 0 1500 3000 Applied field [mT] 4500 6000 7500 9000 10500 Age [cal yrs. BP] 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 8 C Kanh/k 10 Magnetite region (Peters and Dekkers, 2003) 4 2 0 D 6 ARM/SIRM SIRM/k [kA/m] 6 1 10 4 2 0 100 0 BCR [mT] 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Age [cal yrs. BP] Fig. 2: Magnetic characterization of the bottom lake sediments from Laguna Potrok Aike. A) IRM acquisition curves with main characteristic shown in the figure. B) BCR vs. applied field. C) SIRM/k vs. BCR. D) Interparametric ratios: kanh/k and ARM/SIRM vs. age in calibrated years BP. 35 Dry Lake level Humid 0 LIA MWP 2000 Age [cal BP] 4000 6000 Thermal optimum 8000 10000 1 low 2 middle 3 high 0 15000 30000 0.95 1.00 1.05 30 S-ratio SIRM [mA/m] 0 50 0 1000 1000 2000 2000 3000 3000 4000 4000 5000 5000 6000 6000 7000 7000 8000 8000 9000 9000 10000 10000 11000 11000 0 40 80 -5 120 160 [10 SI] 0 300 -8 600 3 KAnh [10 m /kg] 0 2 4 F-factor [%] 90 120 %soft IRM [%] 0 3 -2 Age [cal BP] Age [cal yrs. BP] 40 BCR [mT] 6 ARM/k [10 A/m] Fig. 3: Lake level and humid/dry conditions obtained from previous studies: Haberzettl et al. (2007), Wille et al. (2001) and Mayr et al. (2009), specific susceptibility (), kanh, F-factor, SIRM, S-ratio, BCR, %soft IRM and ARM/k vs. age in calibrated years BP. LIA (Little Ice Age), MWP (Medieval Warm Period). 36 Geophysical preliminary results and new proposals for Laguna Potrok aike area - Southern Patagonia - Argentina. 1 José Kostadinoff, 1Ariel Raniolo, 2,3 Pedro Tiberi, 2Javier Szewczuk, 3 Eduardo Rodas, 3,4Hugo Corbella. 1 Universidad Nacional del Sur, Depto. de Geología. Bahía Blanca (8000). 2 Subsecretaría de Medio Ambiente, Provincia de Santa Cruz. 3Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral - Unidad Académica Rio Gallegos. 4 CONICET–Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales. Laguna Potrok Aike (LPA) (51°58' S, 70°23' W), the largest and deepest phreatomagmatic maar-lake in the Pali Aike Volcanic Field in Southern Patagonia, has a diameter of ~3 km and a 100 m depth. A broad depression was carved in Miocene tuffaceous sandstones and micro-conglomerates of the Santa Cruz Formation, till deposits and 1.2 My old basaltic lavas. Phreatomagmatic deposits dated 0.7 My and aeolian deposits followed on top. Gravimetric and magnetic field measurements in LPA area started in autumn 2010. For total magnetic field determinations the instrument employed was a Geometric G-826 protonic precession magnetometer. To determine the gravimetric values a LaCoste & Romberg 418 geodetic gravimeter was used. On the field, benchmarks and surveying points were established by GPS positioning. Two concentric polygons with sites at 250 m intervals; one near the lake´s shore and the other separated ~500 m from the first, and also two E-W traverses with a 500 m interval between sites were established; totalizing a measured distance of 25 km. In geologically representative sites the magnetic susceptibility of the outcropping rocks was measured. The obtained magnetic susceptibilities values indicate the existence of two dominant types of basaltic rocks included between 46350 x10-6 to 15100 x10-6 SI and between 6890 x10-6 to 3660 x10-6 SI; while the sedimentary rocks have much lower magnetic susceptibility values, in the order of 4410 x10-6 to 2650 x10-6 SI. The obtained magnetometric values were processed and measurements corrected with diurnal variation values given by the Trelew Geomagnetic Station. And to filter the deep crust effects, IGFR (International Geomagnetic Referent Field) values were subtracted. The magnetic anomalies of the total component of the geomagnetic field were used to trace a contour map showing the zones that could be related with the outcrops and structures around LPA. These anomalies suggest the existence of NW-SE and SW-NE alignments. Precision leveling of the surveying points employed during the geophysical survey are now being carried out by differential GPS measurements. Then, the Bouguer gravimetric anomalies map will be compared with the magnetic map in order to establish a geological structural model based on geophysic anomalies. During the spring and summer of the present year we are planning to enlarge the area of the magnetic survey and also to perform an underwater geophysical study. We will explore the lake with a Geometric G877 marine magnetometer and a pneumatic boat to tow the sensor at 4 meters depths in a regular grid in order to establish magnetic anomalies. With this, we endeavor to survey the underwater magnetic features of the lake and to verify the existence of intrusive bodies into the lower levels of the Potrok Aike diatreme. 37 Figure 1. Magnetic contour map over a satellite image of the Potrok Aike Lake Area 38 Multiproxy reconstruction of hydrological changes during the late Holocene in Chaltel Lake (Southern Patagonia, Argentina) Maidana, N. 1,3, Laprida, C. 2,3,, Ramón Mercau, J. 1,4, Fey, M. 5, Massaferro, J. 3,6, and SALSA Science team 1 Depto. de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 2 Depto. de Ciencias Geológicas. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 3 CONICET; 4. FONCyT fellowship; 5 Universität Bremen, Institut für Geographie, Bremen, Germany; 6 CENAC, APN, Bariloche, Argentina Lakes are excellent sponsors of environmental change, including climatic change. Diatoms and ostracods are among the most useful biological indicators for paleoenvironmental reconstruction found in lake sediments, due to their sensitiveness to abiotic variables (Lotter et al., 1999; De Deckker & Forester, 1988). However, the use of these microfosils in quaternary studies for Southern Patagonia is still limited and poorly understood because of the paucity of regional taxonomic and paleoenvironmental knowledge. The multiproxy study of lacustrine sediments from Chaltel presented here aims to partially fill this gap. Chaltel (49° 57’ S- 71° 06’ W) is a crater lake located in the semiarid steppe of Patagonia (Fig. 1). Several cores obtained in the framework of the South Argentinean Lake Sediment Archives and Modelling (SALSA) international research project were analyzed using a multi-proxy approach to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental history of the lake. Changes in diatom, ostracod, and chironomid assemblages and detailed geochemical analysis provided information about past lake water level fluctuations and hydrological changes in the watershed. For diatom analysis, a subsample of each sample was processed following estándar procedures (Battarbee, 1986) and permanent slides were mounted with Naphrax®. Identifications were based on Rumrich et al. (2000) and others. For ostracods studies, samples were washes and dried. Specimens were picked onto special slides. To explore the relations between species and environmental variables, a Canonic Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was performed considering the most abundant species frequencies (>3%) (CANOCO program; ter Braak, 1988) The significance of the canonical axes was tested using Monte Carlo’s permutation of samples. Ostracods were present in both studied cores CHA04/4 (60 cm, center of the lake) and CHA04/5 (100 cm, more litoral) while diatoms were present only in the uppermost 30 cm of CHA04/4 but they were found all along CHA04/5. The results of the combination of the information coming from both cores show several interesting changes. Coniss diagram (Tilia program, Grimm 1999) allowed us to recognize four zones in the sedimentary record of core CHA04/4 (Fig. 2). Zone A (4500 - 3150 cal BP). Relatively moist conditions can be inferred from ostracods. Notably, diatoms were not present at this zone, probably due to diagenetic dissolution. The ostracod Limnocythere rionegroensis was by far the dominant form. Other species were present but in lower numbers, and only in the subzone A1-older than 4000 cal BP. In subzone A2, geochemical data point to allochthonous input of 39 organic matter to the lake while ostracods assemblages composition suggest a shift to saline conditions probably higher than 2-3 mg/l and Na-dominated waters being L. rionegroensis the only species recovered. Both biotic and abiotic proxies indicate low water level and increased littoral erosion by that time. Zone B (3150 - 2400 cal. BP). Conditions became moister with a concurrent lake level rise. Moderate salinities and the presence of abundant marginal vegetation are inferred from ostracods (mainly the contribution of L. patagonica) and the increased abundance of planktonic and epiphytic diatoms (Thalassiosira patagonica and Cocconeis placentula, respectively). Zone C (2400 - 1300 cal. BP). Changes in diatom and ostracod assemblages suggests lower salinities, and probably higher productivity. The progressive decrease in the abundance of L. rionegroensis agrees with that of the heavily silicified “Hyalodiscus” sp A noticeable increase in diatom abundances may have been enhanced by expansion of littoral habitats. These less saline conditions could be related to an increase in the lake level. Zone D (younger than 1300 cal. BP). A new shift to moister conditions took place at around 1400 cal. BP, when modern lake conditions were established. The cooccurrence of L. patagonica and Kapcypridopsis megapodus allow us to infer salinities lower than ca. 2 ‰ and Ca-dominated waters. The absolute dominance of a true planktonic diatom species support the idea of an increased water level. The present work, which was partially financed by the Southern Patagonia Interdisciplinary Project (PIPA, PICT/R 2006 – 2338) and includes neolimnological information obtained by its members, enhances the understanding of spatial patterns of past hydrological changes in Southern Patagonia steppe, indicating further hydrological variations during the late Holocene. References BATTARBEE, RW., 1986. Diatom Analysis. en: BE Berglund (ed.). Handbook of Holocene Paleoecolgy and Paleohidrology. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, New York, 527-570. DE DECKKER, P. & R. M. FORESTER, 1988. The use of ostracods to reconstruct palaeoenvironmental records. En De Deckker, P., J.-P Colin & J.-P. Peypouquet (eds.) Ostracoda in the Earth Sciences. Elsevier, Amsterdam: 175–199. GRIMM, E. 1992. TILIA Program versión 2.0. TILIA Graph 1.28. Illinois State Museum, Springfield. LOTTER, AF, PIENITZ, R. & SCHMIDT, R. 1999. Diatoms as indicators of environmental change near arctic and alpine treeline. En: Stoermer, E. F. & Smol, J. P. (eds), The diatoms: Applications for the Environmental and Earth Sciences, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 205-226. RUMRICH, U; H LANGE-BERTALOT & M RUMRICH. 2000. Iconographia Diatolmologica 9. Diatomeen der Anden von Venezuela bis Patagonien/Tierra del Fuego. En: H Lange-Bertalot (ed.). K G Gantner Verlag. Germany. 672 pp. TER BRAAK, CJF., 1988. CANOCO: a FORTRAN program for canonical community ordination by correspondence analysis, principle components analysis and redundancy analysis (version 2.1). Report LWA-88-02. Agricultural Mathematical Group, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 95 pp. 40 Figure 1 41 Planktonic microcrustacean (Cladocera and Copepoda) assemblages from inland waters of the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina Marinone, M.C. and Menu Marque, S.A. Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, UBA, Argentina – e-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] The Argentine province of Santa Cruz has a remarkable biogeographical interest, both owing to its location at the southern end of the American continent and to its geological history. This region was explored at the end of the XIXth century, by several European scientific expeditions (Lubbock, 1855; Mrázek, 1901; Daday, 1902; Ekman, S. 1900), which collected abundant material, mostly from areas close to seaports. These early investigations lead to the description of numerous species of endemic zooplanktonic microcrustaceans and some rotifers. Although most of these species are still valid, recent taxonomical revisions are introducing important nomenclatorial changes. Our research is aimed at elaborating a wide provincial updated database, in order to describe the distribution of zooplankton species, which can be utilized as paleoenvironmental proxies due to their ecological fidelity. Particularly, the fossil and subfossil remains of Cladocera (ephippia and exosqueleton parts) are valuable proxy indicators of different types of aquatic habitats and zooplanktivory (Amsinck et al., 2007). The present study synthesizes the microfaunistic data from 152 samples collected by the authors and collaborators from 1987 to 2007, and more recently, by the PIPA project. We also considered published information on plateau lakes and ponds (Reissig et al., 2006). Samples were taken from the shore, with zooplankton nets (55 to 300 µm mesh size), mostly during the warm season. Since most of the province is either arid or semiarid, our data set comprises only 12% of permanent lakes, whereas the remaining 88% are temporary unknown water bodies that represent the actual proportion of this kind of habitat in Santa Cruz (localities will published elsewhere). Determinations are based on detailed morphological grounds, which in some cases were corroborated by molecular techniques (DNA sequencing and allozyme variation). All the copepod species found are common representatives in inland waters of the Andean Biogeographic Region that includes the territory of Santa Cruz. The copepods belonging to the Order Calanoida of inland Patagonia belong to the family Centropagidae, represented by the genera Boeckella and Parabroteas. Seven endemic species of Boeckella are usually found in Santa Cruz, being B. brasiliensis, B. gracilipes and B. michaelseni the most frequently occurring ones (Table 1). In coincidence with the observations by Reissig et al. (2006), we found that the species of Boeckella span a relatively wide range of body sizes and often two or three species of different size coexist in the same water body, indicating a partitioning of the trophic spectrum. The Order Cyclopoida was represented by eight species of the family Cyclopidae. The most frequent species was Microcyclops anceps s.l., followed by Mesocyclops annulatus and Metacyclops mendocinus each (Table 1). The Order Harpacticoida embraces a set of mostly benthic species, although some can be found in open waters. This group was scarce and in many cases only represented by immature stages that cannot be determined. Only 7% of the habitats had cyclopoids exclusively, which in most cases where undetermined copepodites. Conversely, and showing their preponderance in this region, calanoids were the only copepods present in half of the samples. 42 Order CALANOIDA Order ANOMOPODA (CLADOCERA) % Boeckella spp. (robust copepodites) % 9 Alona (6 spp.) 19 Boeckella spp. (slender copepodites) 7 Bosmina chilensis 6 5 Bosmina longirostris 1 24 Camptocercus aloniceps 2 Boeckella gracilipes 20 Ceriodaphnia cf. dubia 23 Boeckella meteoris 14 Chydorus (3 spp.) 24 Boeckella michaelseni 20 Daphnia commutata 24 3 Daphnia dadayana 27 Boeckella bergi Boeckella brasiliensis Boeckella poopoensis Boeckella poppei 13 Daphnia menucoensis 5 Parabroteas sarsi 30 Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) n.sp. 2 Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) sp. (ephippia) Order CYCLOPOIDA Cyclopoida spp. (copedites) % 19 4 Daphnia obtusa group sp. 1 11 Daphnia obtusa group sp. 2 4 Acanthocyclops or Diacyclops 3 Daphnia cf. pulex 2 Eucyclops chilensis 3 Daphnia pulicaria 8 Mesocyclops annulatus 7 Daphnia sp. (data from the literature) 5 Mesocyclops sp. 1 Leydigia leydigi 3 Metacyclops mendocinus 6 Macrothrix oviformis 4 Microcyclops anceps sensu lato Macrothrix spp. 11 Paracyclops chiltoni 3 Moina sp. Tropocyclops prasinus meridionalis 1 Pleuroxus scopuliferus Order HARPACTICOIDA Family Canthocamptidae % 9 19 1 14 Pleuroxus spp. 3 Scapholeberis armata freyi 1 Simocephalus sp. 8 Table 1: List of microcrustacean species found in inland waters of Santa Cruz Province, over a 20-year period (1987-2009). Percentages represent the frequency of occurrence of each taxon. The rest of the lakes (37%) exhibit several assemblages of different Boeckella species with various cyclopoids. Copepod species richness can attain values as high as five or six, particularly in water bodies connected with flowing waters. All the species of Boeckella included in the present database have been recorded since the first expeditions to Santa Cruz. Ringuelet (1958) also found B. meteoris in Ghio Lake and B. michaelseni in a pond close to Lake San Martín. Menu-Marque and Locascio de Mitrovich (1998) added the findings of B. brasiliensis and B. meteoris coexisting in Cardiel Lake and the presence of B. michaelseni in lakes Posadas and Roca. In a review of the distribution of the species of Boeckella in South America, Menu-Marque et al (2000) also confirmed the presence in Santa Cruz of B. bergi, B. gracilipes, B. gracilis (not reported in this database) and B. poppei. Although B. longicauda Daday 1901 and B. silvestrii (Daday, 1901) have been mentioned for Santa Cruz province, they have never been found since Daday´s description. The citation by Ringuelet (1958) cannot be confirmed, since there is a certain degree of overlap with the description of B. poppei (Mrázek, 1901), these two nominal species should not be taken into account until more material can be studied. Among the Cyclopoida, Metacyclops mendocinus is considered a Neotropical species and the present one is the first mention of this taxon for Santa Cruz. Mesocyclops annulatus (Wierzejski, 1892) was one of the earliest mentions of the group for Santa Cruz (Daday, 1902). Microcyclops anceps was found by Ringuelet (1958), but detailed studies (Rocha, 1998) have shown that this might be a complex of species widespread all over the American continent, thus deserving a more detailed taxonomic study. Eucyclops chilensis was originally described by Löffler as a subspecies of Eucyclops serrulatus. Menu-Marque and Locascio de Mitrovich (in press) have redescribed this taxon and validated its specific rank. Thus, most probably, the citations of E. serrulatus for Patagonian localities, including 43 Daday´s (1902) should be ascribed to this taxon. Eucyclops ensifer Kiefer, 1936, found by Ringuelet (1958) in Santa Cruz, was not detected in any of the samples here studied. Both this taxa were originally described from Chilean localities at Patagonian latitudes. Although ours is the first citation of Paracyclops chiltoni for Santa Cruz, most of the previous citations of P. fimbriatus for this province (Ringuelet, 1958) must be assigned to P. chiltoni, since P. fimbriatus (Fischer 1853) is not a South American species (Karaytug & Boxshall, 1998) and P. chiltoni is the only truly cosmopolitan species of the fimbriatus-group. Tropocyclops prasinus meridionalis (Kiefer, 1931) has a widespread distribution in South America and was already known from Santa Cruz (Daday, 1902; Ringuelet, 1958). As for the Harpacticoida, the family Canthocamptidae, which is most probably polyphyletic, clumps together a huge variety of freshwater taxa that are in need of revision. Cletocamptus deitersi was mentioned from Santa Cruz by Daday (1902) but a recent revision of the deitersi-complex (Gómez & Gee, 2009) has shown that other species are also present in Patagonia. Although several species of Attheyella are cited for Santa Cruz by Ringuelet (1958), the degree of taxonomical confusion of this group makes it difficult to identify the species of this genus. Concerning cladocerans, all of the studied representatives belong to the order Anomopoda. Daphniidae, the most frequently occurring family, includes two dominating genera: Daphnia (present in 61% of the sites) and Ceriodaphnia (23%) (Table 1). In spite of being typically benthic or littoral, Chydoridae (Alona, Camptocercus, Chydorus, and Pleuroxus) are frequently overepresented in samples taken from shallow habitats or collected near the lake shore, like in our case. The members of the Macrothricidae family are well represented for the same reason. Most of the species herein reported have either being described from this region (Camptocercus aloniceps Ekman, 1900; Chydorus patagonicus Ekman, 1900; Pleuroxus scopuliferus Ekman 1900, etc.) or identified as cosmopolitan species (e.g. Chydorus sphaericus O.F. Müller or Ceriodaphnia dubia Richard, 1895, which in fact belong to cryptic species complexes). Other species still deserve recognition as new endemic taxa (Adamowicz et al. 2004) or require the aid of molecular techniques to unravel their condition of cryptic colonizers, such as D. pulicaria (Adamowicz et al. 2002). The two most frequently occurring species in this lake set were Daphnia dadayana Paggi, 1999 (best represented in the plateau) and D. commutata Ekman, 1900 (dominant in Andean and foothill lakes). Both endemic species co-occur in many Extra-Andean locations also sharing their habitat with different Boeckella species. However, judging from the number of co-occurrences, the larger D. dadayana (18 cases) seems to be much better adapted to coexist with the predator Parabroteas sarsi (< 5 mm) than D. commutata (4 cases). Except D. pulicaria, the endemic Daphnia of Santa Cruz are well adapted to prosper in very turbid environments, where they found refuge from visual predators as well as from UV radiation. D. commutata also is provided with the extra protection of a melanic pigmentation on the dorsal part of its carapace. Exosqueletal characters together with the frequent production of resting eggs enclosed in a melanized and hardened ephippia, make cladocerans excellent candidates to be proxy indicators (Amsinck et al., 2007). At present the ephippia of the seven species of Daphnia so far known from Santa Cruz have been characterized and can be recognized (Marinone & Adamowicz, 2008). However, a couple of species mentioned in the literature have not been found or cannot be assigned to any of the valid species, namely: D. silvestrii, Daday 1902 and D. hastata Daday, 1902, while the resurrected and carefully redescribed D. cavicervix Ekman, 1900 (Kotov & Gololobovab, 2005) has been not recognized yet among the specimens collected in Santa Cruz. The taxonomic status of some species is controverted and its elucidation still deserves a great deal of systematic research. Although the present contribution includes an substantial proportion of plateau environments, from a microfaunistic view point, the central zone of Santa Cruz remains as a vast terra incognita, which most probably serves as a refuge for unknown endemic species. 44 References ADAMOWICZ, S.J., GREGORY, T.R., MARINONE, M.C. & HEBERT, P.D.N. 2002. New insights into the distribution of polyploid Daphnia: the Holarctic revisited and Argentina explored. Molecular Ecology 11: 1209-1217. ADAMOWICZ, S.J., HEBERT, P.D.N. & MARINONE, M.C. 2004. Species diversity and endemism in the Daphnia of Argentina: a genetic investigation Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 140: 171-205. AMSINCK, S.L. JEPPESEN, E. & VERSCHUREN, D. 2007. Use of cladoceran resting eggs to trace Climate-driven and anthropogenic changes. In: V. R. Alekseev et al. (eds.), Diapause in Aquatic Invertebrates, Springer, pp.: 135-157. DADAY, E. 1901. Diagnoses Precursoriae Copepodorum Novorum E Patagonia. Thermészetrajzu Füzetek 24: 345-350. _____ 1902. Mikroskopische Süsswassertiere aus Patagonien, gesammelt von Dr. Filippo Silvestri in Jahre 1889-1900. Thermészetrajzu Füzetek 25: 201-310. EKMAN, S. 1900. Cladoceren aus Patagonien , gesammelt von der Schwedischen Expedition nach Patagonien 1899. Zool. Jahr. Syst. 14: 62-84. GÓMEZ, S. & GEE, J.M. 2009. On four new species of Cletocamptus Shmankevich, 1875 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) from inland waters of Argentina. Journal of Natural History 43 (45): 2853- 2910. KARAYTUG, S. & BOXSHALL, G. 1998. The Paracyclops fimbriatus-complex (Copepoda, Cyclopoida): a revision. Zoosystema 20 (4): 563-602. KOTOV, A.A. & GOLOLOBOVAB, M.A. 2005. Types of cladoceran species described by Sven Ekman in the Swedish Museum of Natural History, with redescription of Daphnia cavicervix Ekman, 1900 (Daphniidae, Anomopoda, Cladocera). Journal of Natural History 39 (33): 3059-3074. LUBBOCK, J. 1855. On the freshwater Entomostraca of South America. Transactions of the Entomological Society London (N.S.) 3: 232-240. MARINONE, M.C. & ADAMOWICZ, S.J. 2008. El género Daphnia en la provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina. IV Congreso Argentino de Limnología, Bariloche, 26-30/10/08. Resumen: pag. 100. MENU-MARQUE, S. & LOCASCIO DE MITROVICH, C. 1998. Distribución de las especies del género Boeckella (Copepoda: Calanoida: Centropagidae) en la Argentina. Physis, Secc. B 56 (130/131): 1-10. _____ . & LOCASCIO DE MITROVICH, C. (in press). Löffler´s Chilean Eucyclops (Copepoda, Cyclopoida, Cyclopidae) revisited. Crustaceana. _____ MORRONE, J.J. & LOCASCIO DE MITROVICH, C. 2000. Distributional patterns of the South American species of Boeckella (Copepoda: Centropagidae): a track analysis. Journal of Crustacean Biology 20 (2): 54-64. MRÁZEK, A. 1901. Süsswasser - Copepoden. Ergebnisse der Hamburger Magalhaensischen Sammelreise 6 (2): 1-29. RINGUELET, R.A. 1958. Los Crustáceos Copépodos de las aguas continentales de la República Argentina. Sinopsis sistemática. Contribuciones Científicas de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Serie Zoología 1: 35-126. ROCHA, C. E. F. 1998. New morphological characters useful for the taxonomy of the genus Microcyclops (Copepoda, Cyclopoida). Journal of Marine Systems 15: 425-431. REISSIG, M., TROCHINE, C., QUEIMALIÑOS, C., BALSEIRO, E. Y MODENUTTI, B. 2006. Impact of fish introduction on planktonic food webs in lakes of the Patagonian Plateau. Biological Conservation 132: 437-447. 45 Sediment core treatment in the PASADO project: On-site and Offsite core processing procedures C. Ohlendorf 1, C. Gebhardt 2, A. Hahn 1, P. Kliem 1, B. Zolitschka 1 and the PASADO Science Team 3 (1) Geopolar, Institute of Geography, University of Bremen, Germany ([email protected]) (2) Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany 3) PASADO Science Team as cited at: Lake drilling in the framework of the ICDP project PASADO (Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project) was carried out between September and late November 2008. From the maar lake Laguna Potrok Aike (52°S, 70°W; 116 m asl.; diameter: 3.5 km; water depth: 100 m) in southern Patagonia, Argentina, in total 510 m of lacustrine sediments have been recovered using the GLAD800 platform equipped with a CS-1500 drill rig. At two drillsites quadruplicate (site 1) and triplicate (site 2) cores down to a maximum depth of 101.5 m below lake floor have been recovered using mainly the hydraulic piston coring tool. Recovered core sections and core catcher samples were transferred to the shore-based fieldlab where first on-site measurements were done. Owing to the great diversity of continental drilling projects, workflow in an ICDP deep drilling project seems to be much less standardised then is the case for IODP projects. For instance, according to our knowledge, PASADO was the first ICDP project where continuous subsamples were taken for the entire sediment sequence (106 m). Such an approach requires logistical preparations different from sub-sampling campaigns of cores drilled in the framework of most other projects. We therefore take this as an opportunity to present field and lab protocols that were applied during the PASADO drilling and subsampling campaigns. Sample handling begins already on-site as soon as the core is handed over from the drilling crew to the onboard scientists with cutting the core runs into sections and packaging the core catcher samples. For the latter, analysis in the on-site field lab included sample description, photography, smear slide preparation and the determination of water content, as well as producing a suspension and a HCl-extract in which conductivity, Ca2+- and Cl- concentration were measured. Core sections were weighted and magnetic susceptibility was logged. For the off-site lab procedures it was important to design a workflow that accounts for the needs of all involved research groups. In 2009 all cores from Site 2 (southern part of the deep, central basin) and all except one core from Site 1 (central deep basin) were opened, described, documented by digital high resolution photography and scanned with different non-destructive techniques. Core scanning was performed at 5 mm resolution for all parameters and involved the following techniques: 1) color scanning with a handheld X-rite spectrometer, 2) magnetic susceptibility scanning with a Bartington MS2F-sensor, 3) XRF scanning and X-radiography with an ITRAX core scanner (COX analytical systems) and 4) pwave velocity/transmission seismograms and gamma ray absorption with a modified Geotek MSCL tool. Immediately after non-destructive scanning anaylses were finished, core halfs were covered with cling-film, vacuum sealed in tubular film and stored at 4°C to prevent drying and surface oxidation of sediments until sampling begun. An essential task was to amalgamate all cores from one site to establish a composite profile that then could be sampled in consecutive steps. For Site 2, a 106.08 m long composite profile was composed based on visual core correlation and core scanning data. The working half of this composite profile was then sampled completely in consecutive 2 cm thick intervalls. Using an especially designed sampling device each sample was divided into 6 volumetric and one non-volumtric sub-samples during the sampling process, whereas smeared sediment close to the liner wall was discarded simultaneously. Subsamples were stored and processed according to the needs of the respective research groups. From the archive half a U-channel was taken, which is regarded as the archive sediment for the 46 PASADO project, since only non-destructive rock- and paleomagnetic analyses will be performed on it. In the trench that was left behind from U-channel trepanning, samples for thin section preparation, grainsize analysis and micro magnetic properties were taken. Based on the core description and a detailed inspection during sampling 1) 18 samples of aquatic moss remains were sieved out for AMS 14C dating, 2) 16 samples of tephra layers were taken for geochemical fingerprinting and 3) a first identification of redeposited sediment sections was accomplished. According to first results from these samples, the sedimentary record from Laguna Potrok Aike reaches back to approx. 50 ky BP and exhibits contrasting lithologies downcore especially in the Pleistocene part of the record. First estimates indicate that up to 50% of the record consist of redeposited sediments. Core series 1A, 1B and 1C from Site 1 were opened and sampled for rock- and paleomagnetic studies whereas core series 1D was reserved for OSL-dating. From the latter core series selected sections were split and sampled under red light. The sampled halves as well as the non-sampled archive halves were photographed digitally to assure 1) the exact positions of OSL samples and 2) the exact correlation with parallel cores from Site 1 and with the composite profile of Site 2. All not sampled core sections from 1D were then opened under red light. The archive half was immedeately sealed in black tubular film to conserve the possibility of later OSL sampling, whereas the working half was photographed digitally, vacuum sealed in tubular film and stored at 4°C. Through a thorough correlation of Site 1 cores with the Site 2 composite profile the OSL chronology will then be available for both sites. 47 Modern and subfossil chironomid (Insecta: Diptera: Chironomidae) studies for quantitative paleoenvironmental reconstructions in southern Santa Cruz province, Argentina Orpella German1 y Julieta Massaferrro1,2 1 2 CENAC APN, Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina.; CONICET Introduction In the last 20 years, Patagonia has become increasingly important in paleoclimate research due to its exceptional geographic location and the abundance of lakes, ponds and bogs. Inlake paleo indicators are subfossil and fossil remains of aquatic organisms that lived in that environment. The different species of those organisims have specific ecological preferences and tolerances which make them useful paleoenvironmental indicators and an invaluable tool for reconstructing past lake conditions. One of the most promising biological proxies for paleoenvironmental reconstructions are the chironomids (Insecta: Diptera: Chironomidae). Their remains are of special interest in paleolimnology because their strongly sclerotized larval head capsules preserved in sediment deposits. Chironomids are recordedin almost all aquatic environments, including marine one and thepotential of this groupas paleoindicators, is that they are ver sensitive to key environmental variables, are widely distributed with a high abundance and diversity and especially valuable, offering a continuous record of climate change. Chironomids are stenothermal species (i.e., able to adapt only to a narrow range of temperature conditions) and respond rapidly to environmental change. Therefore, they are used in quantitative climate reconstructions. The study of these fossil records, combined with physical and chemical parameters measured in situ, can provide accurate information for climate change studies. Quantitative palaeoenvironmental reconstructions involving the modeling of modern analogous and the development of transfer functions. In order to develop these functions it is necessary a compilation of extensive datasets involving species abundance, distribution and ecological data, physical- chemical parameters, and obtaining a large number of modern environmental samples containing a large number of taxa to build what is called a "training set" from which those functions are developed. (Warwick, 1980). The potencial of the quantitative method technique arises from the fact that utilize multivariate ordination and classification to the bioproxies (palaeoenvironmental biological indicators) and climate data modeling. Thus, environmental data gathered from modern forms can be used as analogues and extrapolated to the fossil record. The transfer function (Fig. 1) is a calibration method that expresses the environmental variable value as a function of biological data. There are several methods for creating a transfer function, the most commonly used with chironomid are WA (weighted average), PLS (partial least squares) and WA-PLS (weighted average partial least squares) (Juggins, 2003) and it is used one another according to: the size of the training set, linear or unimodal species distribution, etc. The work presented here exhibits the first approaches of my doctoral thesis. In this context, the main specific objectives of this research to be achieved are: 1) Developing a modern chironomids biodiversity database and its current geographical distribution in aquatic environments from southern Santa Cruz province, between 50 and 52 degrees south, representing a gradient of lentic ecosystems from the Andes mountains to the Atlantic. 2) To relate the modern chironomids distribution to physical, chemical and climatic data from the habitats they occupy to better understand the ecological ranges of species. 3) Subfossil chironomid analysis from short sediment cores. 4) Reconstruction of the environmental/climate history using the application of transfer functions to the fossil record. 5) Comparison of the results with those from other paleoenvironmental biological indicators 48 (ostracods, diatoms, pollen, etc.). The multiproxy comparison will add strength and robustness to the obtained results. Preliminary results Proyecto Interdisciplinario Patagonia Austral (PIPA, PICT/REDES Nº 2338) is currently undertaking a compilation and analysis of datasets needed to develop an aquatic organisms biodiversity database potentially useful as palaeoenvironmental indicators (proxies). This research shows the first steps in the development of a transfer function to quantitatively reconstruct climate from chironomids preserved in lacustrine surface sediments of 31 lakes for southern Santa Cruz province (50-52°S)(Fig.2). Preliminary results from 15 permanent lakes in the study area (Echazú et al., 2009; Ramon Mercau et al., 2010) suggested that biodiversity and distribution of the taxa, were associated with some physical-chemical parameters measured in the respective environments. The chironomid assemblage consisted of a total of 31 different sub-fossil taxa (Sub-families Chironominae, Tanypodinae, Orthocladiinae, and Diamesinae). Orthocladiinae was the most diverse and abundant (72.8%). The second sub-family in importance was Chironominae (25.3 %), followed by Tanypodinae (1.5 %). The sub-family Diamesinae had a very low relative abundance (0.4 %) (Fig.3). Some of the most representative quironomids found in the study area were Cricotopus sp, Limnophyes sp, Smittia sp, Labrundinia sp, Polypedilum sp. and Parachironomus sp (Fig. 4). A third fieldwork will be carried out next year to accomplishthe goals proposed in this research. A last field work is particularly important, to improve the model. It is necessary to strengthen the size of the "training set” (from which transfer functions will be developed), by adding new samples to provide a better taxonomic resolution of modern and fossil chironomids, an increasing number of fossils and sediment surface samples from modern environments, extending the sampling area in Santa Cruz province to a total of 50 set of lakes, adding extra strength and robustness to the model to resemble as closely as possible to European models, developing related topics for over a decade (Brooks, 2006). During this two years project, a 60-cm short sediment core from Laguna El Chaltel (49° 57'S71° 06' W) has been analysed in order to obtain information about the paleoenvironmental evolution of the lake during the last ca. 5000 yr BP. The 210Pb / 237C dating gave an age of 4685 cal yr BP for the base of the core. According previous work (Fey et al., 2005 and PASADO Team) and the first results from these samples (Massaferro et al, 2010), the lake has experienced a highly variable hydro-geochemical changes. Between the 3900 and 3150 cal. BP, the climate was dry, establishing the modern lake wet conditions from 1400 cal. BP. The presence of littoral and semiterrestrial chironomid species, suggests oscillations in the lake level during the timespan of the core and confirms expansion of littoral habitats. Some geochemical and physical parameters such as, TIC (Total Inorganic Carbon), TOC (Total Organic Carbon), Ca, Sr, and magnetic susceptibility (K (10-6 SI)), exhibit similar patterns evidencing important variations in lake dynamics during the late Holocene (Fig. 5). Future work Next year a 80 cm core from Laguna Vizcacha (50 ° 42 'S-71 ° 59' W) which is s currently being analysed, will be finished in order to obtain information about the paleoenvironmental evolution of the lake. Applying transfer function for Laguna EL Chaltel, Laguna Vizcacha and other sediments cores, that will be taken in a third fieldwork next year, in order to quantitatively reconstruct environmental/climate past conditions. Continue to improve taxonomical resolution of modern and fossil chironomids adding extra strength and robustness to the model. On the other hand, regarding to modern chironomid material, there has been an original important advancement on the genus Alotanypus (Chironomidae: Tanypodinae). 49 Redescription of imagines, description of immatures and phylogenetic analysis of the genus (Siri, et al., submitted). References: BROOKS, S. 2006. Fossil midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) as palaeoclimatic indicators for the Eurasian region. Quaternary Science Reviews 25: 1894–1910. ECHAZÚ, D.M., M.J.RAMÓN MERCAU, & G. ORPELLA, 2009. Diatomeas, Ostrácodos y Quironómidos en lagos y lagunas permanentes del sur de Santa Cruz, Arg.XXXII Jornadas Argentinas de Botánica(Sociedad Argentina de Botánica).Córdoba, Arg. Octubre 2009. FEY, M., H.CORBELLA.,H. HABERZETTL., S. JANSSEN.,B.KUCK.,A. LUCKE., N. MAIDANA., C. MAYR., C. OHLENDORF., F. SCHABITZ., G.H. SCHLESER., M. WILLE & B. ZOLITSCHKA. 2005. The maar lake Laguna Chaltel (Southern Patagonia Argentina)-first results of a mutyproxy sediment study. Terra Nostra,5,1, 43-44. JUGGINS.S. 2003. C2. User guide. Software for ecological and paleoecological data analysis and visualisation. University of Newcastle. Newcastle upon Tyne. 69 pp. HALL, R.I. & J.P. SMOL. 1999. Diatoms as Indicators of Lake Eutrophication. En E.F. Stoermer&j.pSmol (eds).The Diatoms: Applications for the environmental and earth Sciences.Cambridge Univ Press. Pp 128-168. MASAFERRO, J., C.LAPRIDA., G. ORPELLA., & J. RAMÓN MERCAU. 2010. Fossil chironomids and ostracods from a 5000 years- sediment sequence of Laguna El Chaltel, Southern Patagonia, Argentina. X Congreso Argentino de Paleontología Y Bioestratigrafía Y VII Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología (APA, Asociación Paleontológica Argentina). La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Septiembre 2010. RAMÓN MERCAU, M.J., D.M. ECHAZÚ, G. ORPELLA, C. LAPRIDA, J. MASSAFERRO, & N.I. MAIDANA. 2010. Proyecto Interdisciplinario Patagonia Austral (PIPA) – Goals and work in progress. VI Southern Connection Congress. Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina. Febrero 2010. SIRI, A., M. DONATO, G. ORPELLA & J. MASSAFERRO. Alotanypus vittigera (Edwards) comb. nov.: redescription of imagines, description of immatures and a phylogenetic analysis of the genus (Chironomidae: Tanypodinae) Zootaxa (enviado). WARWICK, W.F. 1980. Palaeolimnology of the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario: 2800years of cultural influence.Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 206:1-118. Fig. 1: Steps in the development of a tranfer function, and its use in paleoenvironmental reconstructions. 50 Fig. 2: Distribution of transfer-functions lakes in Southern Patagonia, Argentina. Fig. 3: Percentage of relative abundance sub-fossil chironomid taxa, grouped by sub-families, collected from 15 lake sediment samples in Southern Santa Cruz province (50- 52ºS) 51 Fig. 4: Some of the most representative quironomids found in Southern Santa Cruz province (5052ºS). a) Cricotopus sp, b) Limnophyes sp, c)Smittia sp, d) Labrundinia sp, e)Polipedilum sp. y f) Parachironomus sp Fig. 5: Chironomid stratigraphy at Laguna El Chaltel (Santa Cruz, Argentina). Geochemical and physical data.TOC:Total Organic Carbon. TIC: Total Inorganic Carbon. Ca, Sr and Magnetic sucseptibility: K(10-6 IS). 52 Silicophytoliths in sedimentary sequences in the Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina Osterrieth, M 1; Alvarez, MF 1,2; Buezas, G 1; Rojo, J 1; Borrelli, N 1,2; Fernández Honaine, M 1,2 and L Benvenuto 1 and PASADO and SALSA Science Teams 1 Instituto de Geología de Costas y del Cuaternario, FCEyN, UNMdP, Dean Funes 3350, CC 722, Mar del Plata (7600). 2 Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (CONICET). [email protected] The biomineralization process is the precipitation of a mineral or mineraloids as a result of the metabolic activity of organism (Jahren, 1996; Osterrieth, 2004). Phytoliths are biomineralizations deposited in plant tissues, most of them compounded by hydrated SiO2 (Parry and Smithson, 1964; Blackman, 1971; Piperno, 1988). Following degradation of the tissue, phytoliths are incorporated into the soil, where they can be preserved for thousands of years in depositional environments that do not have high alkalinity. Thus, it is possible to use these microfossils as indicators of the plant communities of the past, in palaeoenvironmental, palaeobotanical or archaeological studies (Twiss et al., 1969; Rovner, 1971; Piperno, 1988; Fredlund and Tieszen, 1994; Alexandre et al., 1997; Barboni et al., 1999; Carter, 2000; Osterrieth, 2008; 2009). The aim of this study is to analyze the silica biomineralizations, particularly the phytolith morphotypes present in sedimentary sequences of the Laguna Potrok Aike (PTA) located in southern Santa Cruz, Argentina. PTA is one of the very few locations that are suited to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental and climatic history of southern Patagonia. In the framework of the multinational ICDP deep drilling project PASADO several long sediment cores to a composite depth of more than 100 m were obtained. According to Roig et al. (1985) and León et al. (1998), the vegetation surrounding the PTA is the xeric grass steppe. In this first stage to the subsequent sampling of PASADO, we worked with surface sediment samples of PTA. These samples were selected for pollen studies (Quintana, 2008). These samples also were included in the SALSA project (South Argentinean Lake Sediment Archives and modeling). In addition, we worked with some of the treated samples for the study of diatoms provided by Dr. Maidana, all they included in the ASADO project (Analysis of Sediment Distribution in Laguna Potrok Areal Aike). In the sediment samples of SALSA, organic matter was oxidized with 30% hydrogen peroxide at 70 °C. Biomineralizations were extracted by repeated centrifugation at 1000 rpm for 3 min (Alvarez et al. 2008). Sediment samples of ASADO (sequences of 0-1m depth) were analyzed along four transects in N, S, E and W directions (Figure 1). The samples (SALSA. ASADO and PASADO) were mounted with immersion oil and 400 minerals grains were counted in each slide under optical microscope for the quali-quantitative analysis. The phytolith morphotypes were described according to ICPN descriptors (Madella et al. 2005). Preliminary results of SALSA showed a predominance of phytoliths with respect to other biomineralizations in the Laguna Potrok Aike samples (Figure 2). These were mostly represented by rondel and elongated morphotypes, other phytolith morphologies (unciform and cuneiform), chrysophytes and zooliths were also observed. The results of ASADO showed a predominance of diatoms (entire and broken) with respect to other biomineralizations in the four transects (Figure 3). Phytoliths were observed in low percentages, and were mostly represented by rondel and elongated morphotypes, all corresponding to the Pooide. A few bilobates phytoliths were observed and they were more weathered. Due to the presence of vegetation around the wetland, phytoliths percentage was higher in lower depths of it. In relation with phytolith distribution within the lagoon, higher values were detected in the northern sector (transect 1) while the lower ones were in the 53 southern sector (transect 3) (Figure 3).The preliminary exporation of PASADO samples( 9 samples provided by Dr. Maidana), showed: two levels steriles, low contents of rondels and elongates, largely altered and broken, associated with diatoms degraded, too. Nowadays, wetland samples are still being collected in order to obtain a better understanding of the phytolithic assemblage in relation to the vegetation of the area. These studies are relevant and, through phytolith study, it is possible to make inferences about taphonomic, environmental and paleoenvironmental processes in the core samples of PASADO project. Ackowledgements. To Drs Marta Paez and Flavia Quintana for providing the studied samples and to UNMDPfor the financial support (EXA 465/09) References ALEXANDRE A, MEUNIER J, LEZINE A, VINCENS A, SCHWARTZ D. 1997. Phytoliths: indicators of grassland dynamics during the late Holocene in intertropical Africa. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 136: 213–229. ALVAREZ, M.F., BORRELLI, N. Y M. OSTERRIETH. 2006. Extracción de biominerales silíceos en distintos sedimentos utilizando dos técnicas básicas. En: Korstanje, M. A. y M. P. Babot (Eds.). Matices interdisciplinarios en estudios fitolíticos y de otros microfósiles. British Archaeological Reports (BAR), Oxford.. 31-38p. BARBONI D, BONNEFILLE R, ALEXANDRE A, MEUNIER JD. 1999. Phytoliths as paleoenvironmental indicators, West Side Middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 152: 87–100. BLACKMAN E. 1971. Opaline silica bodies in the range grasses of southern Alberta. Canadian Journal of Botany 49: 769–781. CARTER JA. 2000. Phytoliths from loess in Southland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 38: 325–332. FREDLUND GG, TIESZEN LT. 1994. Modern phytolith assemblages from the North American Great Plains. Journal of Biogeography 21: 312–335. JAHREN, A.H. 1996. How and why do Phytoliths form? : Biomineralization. The Phytolitharien. Bulletin of the Society for Phytoliths Research, 9: 2-10. LEÓN, RJC; BRAN, D; COLLANTES, M; PARUELO, JM Y A SORIANO. 1998. Grandes unidades de vegetación de la Patagonia extra andina. Ecología Austral 8: 125-144. MADELLA M, ALEXANDRE A, BALL T (2005) International Code for Phytolith Nomenclature 1_0. Annals of Botany 96, 253–260. OSTERRIETH, M. 2004. Biominerales y biomineralizaciones. Cristalografìa de suelos. Ed. Sociedad Mexican de Cristalografía. (1): 201-218. OSTERRIETH, M; G. MARTINEZ; M. GUTIERREZ Y F. ALVAREZ. 2008. Biomorfos de sílice en secuencias pedoarqueológicas del sitio Paso Otero 5, Buenos Aires. British Archaelogical Research: 77-90. OSTERRIETH, M., MADELLA, M., ZURRO, D. and M.F. Alvarez. 2009. Taphonomical Aspects of Silica Phytoliths in the Loess Sediments of the Argentinean Pampas. Quaternary Internacional 193: 70-79. PARRY W, SMITHSON F. 1964. Types of opaline silica depositions in the leaves of British grasses. Annals of Botany 28: 169–185. PIPERNO DR.1988. Phytolith analysis: an archaeological and geological perspective. San Diego: Academic Press. QUINTANA, F. 2008. Paleoambientes del extremo sur de Santa Cruz: Análisis polínico de sedimentos lacustres del cuaternario tardío. Tesis Doctoral. UNMdP. pp146. ROIG, FA; ANCHORENA, J; DOLLENZ, O; FAGGI, AM Y E MENDEZ. 1985. Las comunidades vegetales de la Transecta de la Patagonia Austral. Primera parte: la vegetación del área continental. En “ Transecta Botánica de la Patagonia Austral”. (O. Boelcke,DM Moore and FA Roig, eds.). pp733. ROVNER I. 1971. Potential of opal phytolith for use in paleoecological reconstruction. Quaternary Research 1: 343–359. TWISS PC, SUESS E, SMITH RM. 1969. Morphological classification of grass phytoliths. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings 33: 109–115. 54 Figure 1. Map location of the simples in the transects (ASADO) Figure 2. Percentage of biomineralizations in some SALSA samples. 55 Figure 3. Percentage of biomineralizations in the ASADO samples. 56 How to interpret pollen assemblages from the Patagonic steppe (49º-54ºS) Paez, Marta Mercedes Laboratorio de Paleoecología y Palinología. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Funes 3250 (7600) Mar del Plata, Argentina. [email protected] The interpretations on modern pollen assemblages (Quintana, 2009; Tonello et al., 2009; Karsten et al., 2010) and pollen records of the Holocene (McCulloch and Davies, 2001; Huber and Markgraf, 2003; Markgraf et al., 2003; Mancini et al., 2005; Villa-Martínez and Moreno, 2007; Wille et al., 2007; Moreno et al., 2009; Quintana, 2009; Tonello et al., 2009; Wille and Schäbitz, 2009) carried out in southern Patagonia call attention to some interesting topics on climate and environmental inferences. This communication intends to analyze the critical influence of these interpretations to the understanding of the structure and functioning of the southern end of the Patagonic steppe ecosystem (49°-54°S), chiefly through its impact on water dynamics (sensu Paruelo et al., 1998). This approach aims to reach a consensus on the theoretical and methodological frameworks to be applied to future interpretations of the PASADO lacustrine records. Antecedents In the nineties, the palynological studies were focused on the corroboration of correspondence hypotheses among pollen associations, vegetation and climate characteristics of Patagonia. The sampling design of modern samples consisted in the recollection of surface soil samples from the main physonomical - floristic types developing along west-east gradients. In their qualitative and quantitative analysis of pollen assemblages and annual precipitation from arid and semiarid formations located between 38° - 46°S, Paez et al. (2001) and Schäbitz (2003) put forward a series of features intrinsic to those pollen assemblages (dispersion types, pollen deposition and plant cover, among others) to be used as analogues in the palaeoclimatic reconstruction from pollen records. In recent years, new theoretical and methodological frameworks emphasize the useful approach of quantifying past climate parameters from pollen data by means of regional pollen – climate calibrations (Seppä and Bennett, 2003; among others). Within the SALSA project framework Quintana (2009) developed pollen – climate calibrations (annual and monthly precipitation and temperature) from surface pollen samples in the 50°-54°S, 67°74°W range. Tonello and collaborators (2009) have worked out a modern pollen – climate (annual precipitation) calibration set from surface pollen samples in the 46°-52°S, 67°-73°W range. Twenty five years from the beginning of the development of pollen data bases from Patagonia, this newest pollen – climate calibration opens new questions for obtaining a greater precision on pollen-based climate reconstructions. a. Location of pollen records For those records located in the Nothofagus forest and in the ecotone forest – steppe, the available moisture (sensu Wille et al., 2007; Wille and Schäbitz, 2009) and precipitation or moisture availability (sensu Tonello et al., 2009) explain changes in pollen assemblages of plant formations: Nothofagus forests in contrast with Poaceae steppes. This interpretation is consistent with studies that point out that at the continental scale the total amount of precipitation is the main control of the differences between Patagonia and the Subantarctic forests (Paruelo et al.,1998). The grass steppes from the ecotone forest - grass steppe are characterized by the predominance of Festuca pallescens and they exhibit a series of particular features (distribution, cover, species associations) with regard to the rest of the Patagonian grass steppes. The pollen assemblages, still scarce, represent this structure with 57 high values of Poaceae, associated to low values of cushions and/or dwarf shrubs taxa. The interpretations derived from these pollen assemblages are not extrapolative to those of other Patagonian grass steppes. b. Vegetation and climate in pollen assemblages of the steppe The interpretation of pollen assemblages is much more complex when they represent a diversity of vegetation types (physiognomies) and/or a greater diversity of communities or plant associations which can be assigned to the Patagonian steppe. Seppä and Bennett (2003) assert that “in plant ecological research the basic units of classification are plant communities. The corresponding units of classification in pollen analysis are pollen assemblage zones and temporal entities of pollen samples with relatively uniform pollen composition (Ritchie, 1995)”. Since this proposition also fits at the spatial scale, the interpretation of modern pollen assemblages from grass and shrub steppes requires an evaluation of the ecological and palaeoecological theoretical framework. The studies on Patagonian vegetation remark the intricacy of the influences of environmental variables on plant water availability and water dynamics (sensu Paruelo et al., 1998) at different spatial scales and in different sectors of Patagonia. Shrub species increase as mean annual precipitation decreases and the percentage of winter precipitation increases. By contrast, grass species increase as precipitation increases. Climate variables affect not only the relative abundance of functional types (shrubs and grasses) but the species distribution, plant cover changes and net primary production as well. Local factors (soil texture, percentage of stones, appearance and slope, among others) also exert a major influence on water dynamics (Fig. 1). c. Modern pollen samples and multi - proxy data With reference to the numerous contributions presented to the 1st International ICP-Worshop PASADO the need arose to devote a greater attention to the pollen – climate training set designs and to the selection of the site to be reconstructed. This proposal concluded with the elaboration of the PIPA project (Proyecto Interdisciplinario Patagonia Austral), in which it is assumed that every proxy takes its own unique place in the ecosystem network and can be used to reconstruct different facets of the ecosystem (sensu Birks and Birks, 2006). In particular, the need to evaluate whether a bias in pollen assemblages coming from surface soil samples exist, since these samples become from depositional environments different from those of lake stratigraphic records. In this Project, modern pollen samples have been collected from sites representing similar taphonomic (?) and sedimentary environments. Thirty five samples (17-800 m a.s.l.) from permanent lagoon tops located between 49° - 51°S and 69° - 72°W are available. This range comprises the Nothofagus pumilio and N. antarctica forests, the forest-steppe ecotone, the grass -shrub steppe, and the Festuca gracillima and F. pallescens grass steppes. The analysis of this data set will allow a better understanding of the relationships between modern vegetation changes, the magnitude of compositional change, their causal factors and related pollen-analytical implications. The development of multi – proxy (pollen, diatoms, ostracods, chironomids) transfer functions will permit an increasing precision of environmental and palaeoclimatic reconstructions. An immediate question to be solved, related to these reconstructions in multi – proxy studies, will be to discriminate ‘signal’ from ‘noise’ (sensu Birks 1998). Will these interpretations facilitate the testing of problems or hypotheses derived from modern ecology and vegetation as well as problems of insensitivity that could arise from Holocene inferences?. References BIRKS, H.J.B., 1998. Numerical tools in palaeolimnology — progress, potentialities, and problems. Journal of Paleolimnology 20, 307–332. BIRKS, H. H. AND H.J.B. BIRKS. 2006. Multi-proxy studies in palaeolimnology. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 15, 235-251. 58 GONZALEZ, L., P. RIAL (Eds.). 2004. Guía geográfica interactiva de Santa Cruz. INTA. HUBER, U.M., V. MARKGRAF. 2003. Holocene fire frequency and climate change at Rio Rubens Bog, southern Patagonia. In: Veblen, T.T., Baker, W.L., Montenegro, G., Swetnam, T.W. (Eds.), Fire and Climatic Change in Temperate Ecosystems of the Western Americas. Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 357–380. KARSTEN, S., C. OHLENDORF, T. HABERZETTL, A. LÜCKE, N.I. MAIDANA, C. MAYR, F. SCHÄBITZ AND B. ZOLITSCHKA. 2010. Spatiel sediment distribution al laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia, Argentina – An areal survey to analyse the influence of late Holoecene climate variability on sediment characteristics. 2nd International ICDP-Workshop PASADO. Vienna, Austria, 31-39. MARKGRAF, V, J.P. BRADBURY, A. SCHWALB, S.J. BURNS, C. STERN, D. ARIZTEGUI, A. GILLI,F.S. ANSELMETTI, S. STINE, N. MAIDANA. 2003. Holocene palaeoclimates of southern Patagonia: limnological and environmental history of Lago Cardiel, Argentina. The Holocene 13 (3), 597–607. MCCULLOCH, R.D., S.J. DAVIES. 2001. Late-glacial and Holocene palaeoenvironmental change in the central Strait of Magellan, southern Patagonia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 173, 143–173. MORENO, P.I., FRANÇOIS, J.P., VILLA-MARTINEZ, R.P., MOY, C.M., 2009. Millenial-scale variability in Southern Hemisphere westerly wind activity over the last 5000 years in SW Patagonia. Quaternary Science Reviews 28, 25–38. PAEZ M.M., F. SCHÄBITZ AND S. STUTZ. 2001. Modern pollen-vegetation and isopoll maps in southern Argentina. Journal of Biogeography 28, 997–1021. PARUELO, J.M., BELTRÁN, A., JOBBÁGY, E., SALA, O., GOLLUSCIO, R., 1998. The climate of Patagonia: general patterns and controls on biotic process. Ecologia Austral 8, 85–101. QUINTANA, F.A. 2009. Paleoambientes del extremo sur de Santa Cruz: análisis polínico de sedimentos lacustres del Cuaternario tardío. Doctoral Thesis. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. 146 pp. RITCHIE, J.C. 1995. Current trends in studies of long-term plant community dynamics. New Phytologist 130, 469–494. SCHÄBITZ, F., 2003. Estudios polínicos del Cuaternario en las regiones áridas del sur de Argentina. Revista del Museo de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia Nueva Serie 5 (2), 291–300. SEPPÄ, H., BENNETT, K.D., 2003. Quaternary pollen analysis: recent progress in palaeoecology and palaeoclimatology. Progress in Physical Geography 27, 548–579. TONELLO, M.S., M.V. MANCINI AND H. SEPPÄ. 2009. Quantitative reconstruction of Holocene precipitation changes in southern Patagonia. Quaternary Research 72, 410–420. VILLA-MARTÍNEZ, R., P. I. MORENO. 2007. Pollen evidence for variations in the southern margin of the westerly winds in SW Patagonia over the last 12,600 years. Quaternary Research 68, 400– 409. WILLE M., N.I. MAIDANA, F. SCHÄBITZ, M. FEY, T. HABERZETTL, S. JANSSEN, A. LÜCKE, C. MAYR, C. OHLENDORF, G.H. SCHLESER, B. ZOLITSCHKA 2007. Vegetation and climate dynamics in southern South America: the microfossil record of Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 146.234–246 WILLE, M., F. SCHÄBITZ. 2009. Late-glacial and Holocene climate dynamics at the steppe/forest ecotone in southernmost Patagonia, Argentina: the pollen record from a fen near Brazo Sur, Lago Argentino. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 18:3, 225-234 59 Figure 1: Influences of environmental variables on plant water availability (modified from Paruelo et al., 1998). Distribution of pollen records in vegetation units (modified from González & Rial,2004). 60 Fire History Reconstruction of southern South America Preliminary results in the framework of PIPA (MINCyT)-PASADO (ICDP) Flavia Andrea Quintana1 and María Martha Bianchi 2 1 CONICET-INIBIOMA-UNCO. Quintral 1250 (8400) San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina; 2CONICETCentro Regional Universitario Bariloche (CRUB), Universidad Nacional del Comahue (UNCO). [email protected] Introduction The Southern tip of South America constitutes an interesting area to study long-term trends of fire regime in relation to past changes of vegetation and climate revealed by earlier studies (Heusser, 2003; Markgraf et al., 2003; Wille et al., 2007). Fire is considered as an important disturbance agent affecting directly the vegetation structure and dynamics (Dentoni, 2001; Veblen et al., 2003; Witlock et al., 2007). Fire frequency, intensity and seasonality fluctuate as a response to lightening frequency, wind intensity and precipitation seasonality as well as fuel characteristics such as vegetation structure, accumulation and desiccation (Dentoni, 2001; Veblen at al., 2003; Huber y Markgraf, 2003). Past fire activity can be reconstructed based on charcoal and pollen records recovered from lakes. The combined analysis of pollen and macroscopic charcoal records is relevant to gain a better understanding about vegetation, climate and natural/anthropogenic disturbances relationships in temporal scales further than instrumental records. The reliability of such reconstructions depends on the knowledge about what these proxies are representing today. Very little is known about modern fire events taking place in forest and steppe ecosystems placed between 50°-52°S, and how these events are reflected by lacustrine charcoal records. A method to reconstruct local fire events analyzing contiguous macroscopic charcoal content (>125µ) instead of microscopic charcoal is proposed. Microscopic charcoal counting on pollen slides is a common method applied in many studies performed in southern South America. However, it is dependent on the resolution of the pollen analysis which is nonadequate for calculating fire frequency. Besides, the source area is somehow unclear (Whitlock and Larsen, 2001). In contrast, macroscopic charcoal analysis allows identifying several characteristics of fires regimes such as frequency, intensity and severity. The specific aims of this study were: - Analyzing the macroscopic charcoal content of surface lakes sediments and short cores along an east-west gradient between 50°-52°S. - Surveying and mapping known fire events records occurred between 50°-52°S. - Determining the charcoal particles >125µ content in the 16cm resolution (645 samples involved) composite profile PASADO (5022-2). - To determine periods of major interest in of the composite profile PASADO (5022-2) for future high resolution analyses (every centimeter) in order to reconstruct the local fire regime’s history (fire frequency, intensity and severity). Method Significant fire events were reconstructed indentifying intervals with great abundance of charcoal particles. The fire source area was estimated from the predominant size of charcoal particles, and the fuel composition analysis offered information about the type of vegetation that has been burnt. Charcoal concentration by sample was determined. Surface lakes sediments treatment: 61 A total of 32 lakes placed between 50-52°S in forest, forest-steppe transition and steppe environments were sampled during January 2009 and April 2010. An amount of 5cc of sediment per sample was treated with potassium hydroxide (10%) overnight. Samples were filtered using mesh sieves of 250µ, 125µ and 63µ for obtaining different charcoal particle sizes and counting was performed under stereomicroscope. Grass charcoal particles were differentiated from the woody or other herbaceous types when possible. Composite profile PASADO (5022-2) samples treatment: A total of 115 samples were selected for starting the analysis of the PASADO site 2 core, covering the average depth range of 3-1802cm (last ~15500 average Cal yr BP). An amount of 1cc of sediment per sample was soaked in sodium hexametaphosphate (5%) overnight. Samples were washed through a 125µ mesh sieve. A 125µ mesh size was selected because it is assumed that particles greater than this size are not dispersed distant from the source area, providing information about local fire history (Whitlock and Millspaugh, 1996; Whitlock and Larsen, 2001). Counting was performed under stereoscopic microscope (Nikon E200, fiber optic illuminator NI-30). Grass particles were differentiated from the other types of charcoal particles. Chronology is based on the correlation of the pre-existing SALSA core (Haberzettl et al. 2007) with the uppermost section of the PASADO site 2 core (uppermost 18,25m). Results Modern fire records were provided by CAP (Consejo Agrario Provincial) and PN (Parques Nacionales), Seccional El Calafate, Santa Cruz province, Argentina. The records provided by the CAP covered the periods 1995-1998 and 2000-2007, whereas the PN records enlarged the discontinuous period 1989-2007. These records indicated that most of fires occurred due to human intervention and natural causes like lightening were quite scarce. Surface lakes sediments: Macroscopic charcoal particles were found in 31 of the 32 lakes prospected. Concentration of particles, indicative of local fire events, was low in every environment sampled (forest, foreststeppe transition and steppe) and fluctuated between 1-3part/cm3 (>250µ) and 6-11 (>125µ). Concentration of particles indicative of regional fire events (>63µ) was high in the steppe (76,5part/cm3) probable due to direction and intensity of the predominant westerly winds. Concentration of this particle-size was lower in the forest-steppe transition (~20part/cm3) 3 and the forest (~27part/cm ). Composite profile PASADO (5022-2) The preliminary charcoal analysis with a 16cm of resolution has shown the presence of macroscopic particles >125µ in almost the whole record. The charcoal content in some intervals with no signals of re-deposition was sometimes higher than those found in the surface lake sediment. Future steps - Calibrating the relationship between the characteristics of modern fire events (location, seasonality, size, frequency, intensity and severity) and macroscopic charcoal particles deposition in lakes of Southern Santa Cruz (50°-52°S) in the line of Proyecto Interdisciplinario Patagonia Austral (PIPA). - Analyzing the macroscopic charcoal content of short cores from lakes located between 50°52°S in the forest, forest-steppe transition and steppe environments to calibrate intervals with great abundance of charcoal particles with historical fires records. - Reconstructing the fire history of the Southern tip of South America based on macroscopic charcoal data obtained from cores within PASADO project. - Comparing macroscopic charcoal data with the pollen trends of the same periods to perform a complete reconstruction of past fire regimes. 62 References DENTONI, M. 2001. Fire Situation in Argentina. In FAO (Ed.), Global Forest Fire Assesment 1990 – 2000. Forest Resources Assesment Programme, Working Paper 55. FAO. Rome. pp. 457 – 462. HABERZETTL, T., CORBELLA, C., FEY, M., JANSSEN, S., LÜCKE, A., MAYR, C., OHLENDORF, C., SCHÄBITZ, F., SCHLESER, G.H., WILLE, M., WULF, S., ZOLITSCHKA, B., 2007. Lateglacial and Holocene wet-dry cycles in southern Patagonia: chronology, sedimentology and geochemistry of a lacustrine sediment record from Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina. The Holocene 17, 297–310. HEUSSER, C.J., 2003. Ice Age southern Andes: a chronicle of paleoecological events. Developments in Quaternary Science 3. Elsevier. Amsterdam. HUBER, U.M. AND MARKGRAF, V. 2003. Holocene fire frequency and climate change at Rio Rubens Bog, southern Patagonia. In Veblen T.T., Baker, W.L., Montenegro, G. and Swetnam., editors. Fire and climatic change in temperate ecosystems of the western Americas. Ecological Studies 160. New York. Springer: 357 – 380. MARKGRAF, V., BRADBURY, J. P., SCHWALB, A., BURNS, S. J., STERN, C., ARIZTEGUI, D., GILLI, A., ANSELMETTI, F. S., STINE, S., MAIDANA, N., 2003. Holocene palaeoclimates of southern Patagonia: limnological and environmental history of Lago Cardiel, Argentina. The Holocene. 13, 581-591. VEBLEN, T.T., KITZBERGER, T., RAFFAELE, E. AND LORENZ, D.C. 2003. Fire history and vegetation change in northern Patagonia, Argentina. In Veblen T.T., Baker, W.L., Montenegro, G. and Swetnam., editors. Fire and climatic change in temperate ecosystems of the western Americas. Ecological Studies 160. New York. Springer: 357 – 380. WHITLOCK C., MORENO, P.I. AND BARTLEIN, P. 2007. Climatic controls of Holocene fire patterns in southern South America. Quaternary Research 68, 28-36. __________; and LARSEN, C.. 2001. Charcoal as a fire proxy. En: Smol, J.P., H.J.B. Birks y M. Last (Eds.). Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediment. Volume 3: Terrestrial, Algal and Siliceous Indicators: 75-97. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht. The Netherlands. __________; AND MILLSPAUGH, S.H. 1996. Testing the assumptions of fire - history studies: an examination of modern charcoal accumulation in Yellowstone National Park, USA. The Holocene 6: 7 – 15. WILLE, M., MAIDANA, N.I., SCHÄBITZ, F., FEY, M., HABERZETTL, T., JANSSEN, S., LÜCKE, A., MAYR, C., OHLENDORF, C., SCHLESER, G.H., ZOLITSCHKA, B., 2007. Vegetation and climate dynamics in southern South America: the microfossil record of Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 146, 234–246. 63 Bioproxies of lacustrine sediments from Southern Patagonia: filling the gap on ostracod biodiversity in the southernmost tip of South America Josefina Ramón Mercau1,3 & Cecilia Laprida2,4 1 Depto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina [email protected]; 2 Depto de Ciencias Geológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. [email protected], 3 FONCYT Fellowship, 4 CONICET. Introduction Ostracods (Arthropoda, Crustacea) constitute a diverse group which can be found in a wide range of both marine and non-marine habitats, from the poles to the equator. They secrete a calcite bivalve carapace of high potential of preservation, thanks to which they have left an excellent fossil record extended as deep as the Ordovician. In addition to their wide geographical and geological range, the marked preferences of some species to particular environmental conditions render ostracods good proxies of environmental change (Horne, 2002). As with other biological proxies, use of ostracods for paleoenvironmental reconstructions requires a deep knowledge of their taxonomy and ecology, a requisite usually not met especially in remote areas. One of such poorly studied areas is Southern Patagonia, a region of particular interest for Quaternary paleoclimatic research as the sole emerged landmass in high latitudes in the Southern hemisphere besides Antarctica (Zolitschka et al, 2006). During the last few years, a number of multiproxy paleolimnological studies have been carried out in the region (Schäbitz et al, 2003; Zolitschka et al, 2004; Haberzettl et al, 2005; Mayr et al, 2005; Haberzettl et al, 2005; Haberzettl et al, 2006; Haberzettl et al, 2007 a; Haberzettl et al, 2007 b; Mayr et al, 2007; Wille et al, 2007; Fey et al, 2009), but none of them including ostracods. In Patagonia, the southernmost studies in which modern and fossil ostracods are considered are from Lakes Cardiel and Cari-Laufquen, situated in Eastern Central Patagonia (Cusminsky & Whatley, 1996; Whatley & Cusminsky, 2000; Schwalb et al, 2002; Cusminsky et al, 2005). The use of ostracods in Southern Patagonia could be extended if more precise taxonomical and ecological information was available. The Southern Patagonia Interdisciplinary Project (PIPA, by its Spanish abbreviation) aims to partially fill this gap with regards to selected bioproxies –ostracods, chironomids and diatoms- in order to provide the basic foundations for future paleoclimatic research in the region. The Project contemplates both the generation of new knowledge and the compilation of existing information. In particular, the research of Cusminsky & Whatley (1996), Whatley & Cusminsky (2000), Schwalb et al (2002) and Cusminsky et al (2005) among others constitute the fundamental precedent for the study of Patagonian ostracods and as such were carefully considered in our studies. Materials and Methods Two fieldtrips were carried out in January, 2009 and April, 2010. Superficial sediments and water were sampled from 33 water bodies located between 49° - 52° S and 69° - 73° W in Southern Santa Cruz (Table 1). 64 Site Lat. (S) Long. (W) Site Lat. (S) Long. (W) Site Lat. (S) Long. (W) L. Agustín L. Alta L. Azul L. Azul II L. Banderas L. Cachorro I L. Cachorro II L. Capri L. Cerro Frías I L. Cerro Frías II L. Cóndor 49º 36’ 50’’ 50º 25' 31'' 52º 04’ 29’’ 49º 12' 57'' 50º 17’ 92’’ 50º 28' 58'' 50º 29' 34'' 49º 18' 13'' 50º 19’ 10’’ 50º 19’ 07’’ 49º 11’ 15’’ 72º 10’ 55’’ 71º 51' 52'' 69º 34’ 52’’ 72º 58' 32'' 72º 46’ 77’’ 72º 26' 46'' 72º 27' 44'' 72º 55' 42'' 72º 47’ 45’’ 72º 47’ 32’’ 72º 56’ 58’’ L. del Desierto L. El Toro L. Ernesto L. Esperanza L. Hija L. Huemul L. Las Lolas I L. Las Lolas II L. Madre L. Mellizas L. Nieta 49º 04’ 45’’ 49º 34’ 52’’ 50º 10' 38'' 51º 12’ 04’’ 49º 18' 09'' 49º 04’ 23’’ 49º 13' 33'' 49º 13' 19'' 49º 17' 25'' 50º 31’ 29’’ 49º 18' 30'' 72º 53’ 15’’ 72º 21’ 00’’ 72º 50' 00'' 72º 05’ 04’’ 72º 57' 08'' 72º 54’ 06’’ 72º 57' 54'' 72º 58' 00'' 72º 56' 40'' 72º 47’ 43’’ 72º 57' 04'' L. Pajonales L. Potrok Aike L. Rincón L. Roca L. Salada L. Sarmiento L. Torres L. Verde L. Sosiego I L. Sosiego II 49º 23' 07'' 51º 37’ 27’’ 50º 13' 38'' 50º 26’ 28’’ 51º 07’ 08’’ 50º 28’ 30’’ 49º 19’ 49’’ 49º 12' 34'' 50º 10' 49'' 50º 11' 05'' 72º 54' 13'' 69º 13’ 24’’ 71º 45' 43'' 72º 37’ 34’’ 71º 52’ 55’’ 71º 47’ 41’’ 72º 59’ 21’’ 72º 58' 25'' 72º 46' 03'' 72º 45' 45'' Table 1. Name and location of the waterbodies sampled in the present study. The sediment samples were washed under tap water on a 75 µm pore diameter sieve and dried by thermostatic stove at 40 ºC. Five grams of sediment from each sample were examined under stereomicroscope and any ostracods found were picked out with a brush and placed in a micropaleontological slide. For the time being, 23 samples have been entirely analysed, while another four have been preliminary screened for ostracods. Ostracods were determined at specific level based on specialized bibliography (Cusminsky & Whatley, 1996; Cusminsky et al, 2005; Meisch, 2000; Martens & Behen, 1994; Rossetti & Martens, 1998). Water temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) were measured in situ with a Hanna HI 9828 Multiparameter Portable Meter. The water samples obtained simultaneously with the sediment samples from all the sites were cold stored and analyzed for elemental analyses, TN, TP and TC at the CNR – ISE (Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi, Verbania Pallanza, Italy). Water type of both the sites sampled in this study and those presented in the works of Schwalb et al (2002) and Cusminsky et al (2005) was determined with the use of the AquaChem© software. Results and Discussion Waterbodies characterization The sampled sites are quite variable with respect to most chemical parameters measured. Two of the lakes are one (Laguna Potrok Aike) or two (Laguna Salada) orders of magnitude more saline than the rest, so they are considered outliers with regards to ionic composition considerations. Likewise, Laguna Salada and Lago Las Mellizas -both with total phosphorus (TP) content an order of magnitude greater than the highest TP values of the rest of the dataset- are excluded from the analysis of the variability of trophic status. Even with the exclusion of outliers from the dataset, the measurements obtained are very variable (coefficients of variation range between approximately 1 and 3) so median values and ranges are informed, rather than means and standard deviations. Conductivity varies between 14 and 550 µS/cm, with a median value of 78 µS/cm. For its part, pH ranges between 6.49 and 8.35, with a median value of 7.33. The majority of the lakes within the set have alkaline –that is, calcium and bicarbonate dominated- waters (Figure 1). Median total alkalinity (TA) is 0.71 meq/l (0.117 – 4.100 meq/l), while median Ca+2 content is 13.05 mg/l (1.59 – 94 mg/l). As for more saline waters, five lakes are chlorine or sulfate dominated, four are sodium dominated and seven have similar proportions of Na+, Ca+2 and Mg+2. Median Clconcentration is 0.85 mg/l (0.11 – 25.60 mg/l) and median SO4-2 concentration is 4.84 mg/l (0 – 221.7 mg/l). Na+ content varies between 0.21 and 88.60 mg/l (median 65 value: 3.01 mg/l); median K+ content is 0.59 mg/l (0.06 – 7.94 mg/l) and median Mg+2 concentration is 1.46 mg/l (0.08 – 15.30 mg/l). With regards to the trophic status, most of the lakes can be classified as oligotrophic or mesotrophic, with a median value of 7 µg/l of total phosphorus (TP) content, although the dataset covers a wide range of conditions, including some eutrophic and hypertrophic lakes (range: 1 – 398 µg/l TP). Variability of total nitrogen (TN) content and total organic carbon (TOC) content is much less pronounced; the former varies between 0.06 and 2.34 mg/l (median concentration: 0.25 mg/l) and the latter between 0.22 and 20.34 mg/l (median concentration: 3.26 mg/l). The latter values are calculated excluding Laguna Salada. Modern Southern Patagonia Ostracod assemblages: qualitative approach Of the 23 samples examined so far, ten were fertile (Table 2), although only sporadic occurrences (1 to 5 individuals) were registered in six of those samples. The most diverse assemblage was recovered from Lago Cerro Frías I, were 9 species were present. Ostracod assemblages Environmental characteristics Site type Water type Conductivity Trophic status (µS/cm) (TP content, µg/l) pH S Diversity (H) L. Cerro Frías I P.L Ca-Na-Mg-HCO3 7.78 390 Mesotrophic (16) 9 1.616 L. El Toro P. L Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3 8.11 500 Oligotrophic (7) 7 1.483 L. Sosiego I P. Po Ca-HCO3 8.69 327 Eutrophic (35) 2 0.3768 L. Pajonales P. Po Ca-Na- HCO3 8.85 35 Oligotrophic (1) 1 0 L. Las Lolas II P. Po Ca-HCO3 7.00 43 Hypereutrophic (116) * * L. Hija P.L Ca-HCO3 7.74 82 Oligotrophic (4) * * L. Mellizas P.L Ca-Na-Mg-HCO3 8.14 298 Hypereutrophic (1475) * * L. Verde P.L Ca-Na-HCO3-SO4 8.06 17 Oligotrophic (5) * * L. Desierto P.L Ca-Mg-HCO3 7.35 5 Hypereutrophic (136) * * L. Ernesto P.L Ca-SO4-HCO3 8.71 624 Mesotrophic (13) * * Table 2. Characterization of the sites were ostracods were found. Sites marked with an (*) with reference to ostracod assemblages are those were only sporadical occurrences were registered. P= Permanent; L= Lake; Po = Pond Abundance and diversity of assemblages are unexpectedly low; a total of eleven species (Table 3) were found. Those species which had already been cited for Northern Patagonian settings are discussed below. The sites were L. patagonica was found in the present study and those of Schwalb et al (2002) and Cusminsky et al (2005) are permanent lakes with Na-Ca-Mg, bicarbonate-dominated waters. On the contrary, L. rionegroensis inhabits mainly ephemeral waterbodies with Cl / SO4-HCO3-Cl, sodium-dominated waters (Schwalb et al, 2002; Cusminsky et al, 2005). This evaluation of the information gathered so far on these species strengthens their proposed use as indicators of opposed prevailing environmental conditions. A similar consideration of the eucyprids E. virgata, E. cecryphalium and E. fontana allows to characterize them as inhabitants of Na-Ca-Mg, bicarbonate-dominated 66 waters; the latter species can also be found in Na-HCO3 waters. While E. virgata and E. fontana have been found both in permanent and ephemeral habitats, E. cecryphalium has been found so far only in permanent lakes and - with very low abundance - in a stream (Schwalb et al, 2002; Cusminsky et al, 2005). Another noteworthy constituent of the ostracod assemblages is I. ramirezi, which is by far the dominant species in Lago Cerro Frías I. Schwalb et al (2002) and Cusminsky et al (2005) have found this species in Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3 waters, which is in accordance with our findings, as well as in one site with NA-HCO3 waters. These authors have proposed this species as an indicator of running waters. However, both of the sites were it was found –alive- in this study are permanent lakes and there were no creeks or seeps in the vicinity of the sampling point. Therefore, some considerations on the ecological preferences of I. ramirezi might need to be revisited. The last species from our dataset already mentioned by Schwalb et al (2002) and Cusminsky et al (2005) for Northern Patagonia is K. megapodus, found by these authors with very low abundances (≤ 2%) in chlorurated and/or sulphated, sodium dominated waters. In this study K. megapodus was found with somewhat higher abundances (≈ 8%) in Na-Ca-Mg, bicarbonate dominated waters. This species might therefore be considered as (slightly) tolerant of saline waters, but more characteristic of alkaline waters. As for other species, it is noteworthy that this work is, to our knowledge, the first report of Isocypris beauchampi in the Argentinean Patagonia, and the southernmost report of the darwinulid Penthesilenula incae. The latter species has been cited for Peru, Bolivia and thermal waters in the Argentinean Altiplano (Laprida et al, 2006) and, as discussed by Rossetti and Martens (1998), it is probably a junior synonym of P. setosa, described by Daday (1902) from Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. However, the poor descriptions and illustrations do not allow for comparison between the two. In our study, the four samples where darwinulids were present bore individuals with two to five (usually three) larvae retained within the caparace. As far as we know, this constitutes the first report on the reproductive biology of P. incae. Conclusions More basic research is needed in order to shift from qualitative to quantitative use of ostracods for environmental reconstruction in the area. In view of the useful but relatively poor ostracod data obtained, the sampling strategy needs to be redefined. Due to operational reasons, sampling was concentrated on littoral zones, often with little or no aquatic vegetation, to which ostracods are associated. A more thorough sampling of different habitats within each waterbody should yield better results; the occasional individuals found in six lakes are evidence that ostracods are present in some of the sampled sites, but were inadequately looked for. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi (CNR – ISE) for the chemical analysis of the water samples. References CUSMINSKY, G. C.; PÉREZ, P. A.; SCHWALB, A. & WHATLEY, R. C. 2005. Recent Lacustrine Ostracods from Patagonia, Argentina. Revista Española de Micropaleontología. 37(3): 431 – 450 _________ & WHATLEY, R. C. 1996. Quaternary non-marine ostracods from lake beds in northern Patagonia. Revista Española de Paleontología. 11(2): 143 – 154 67 DADAY, E. 1902. Mikroskopische süsswaserthiere aus Patagonien, gesammelt von Dr. Filippo Silvestri. Természetrajzi futzetek. 25: 201 - 310 FEY, M.; KORR, C.; MAIDANA, N.; CARREVEDO, M. L.; DIETRICH, S.; CORBELLA, H.; HABERZETTL, T.; KUHN, G.; LÜCKE, A.; MAYR, C.; OHLENDORF, C.; SCHÄBITZ, F. & ZOLITSCHKA, B. 2009. Palaeoenvironmental changes during the last 1600 years inferred from the sediment record of a cirque lake in southern Patagonia (Laguna Las Vizcachas, Argentina). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 281: 363 – 375 HABERZETTL, T.; FEY, M.; LÜCKE, A.; MAIDANA, N.; MAYR, C.; OHLENDORF, C.; SCHÄBITZ, F.; SCHLESER, G.H.; WILLE, M. & B. ZOLITSCHKA. 2005. Climatically induced lake level changes during the last two millennia as reflected in sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia (Santa Cruz, Argentina). Journal of Paleolimnology. 33: 283 – 302 _________; WILLE, M.; FEY, M.; JANSSEN, S.; LÜCKE, A.; MAYR, C.; OHLENDORF, C.; SCHÄBITZ, F.; SCHLESER, G.H. & ZOLITSCHKA, B. 2006. Environmental change and fire history of southern Patagonia (Argentina) during the last five centuries. Quaternary International. 158: 72 – 82 _________; CORBELLA, H.; FEY, M.; JANSSEN, S.; LÜCKE, A.; MAYR, C.; OHLENDORF, C.; SCHÄBITZ, F.; SCHLESER, G. H.; WESSEL, E.; WILLE, M.; WULF, S. & ZOLITSCHKA, B. 2007. A continuous 16,000 year sediment record from Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia (Argentina): Sedimentology, chronology, geochemistry. The Holocene. 17: 297 – 310 _________; MAYR, C.; WILLE, M. & ZOLITSCHKA, B. 2007. Linkages between southern hemisphere westerlies and hydrological changes in semi-arid Patagonia during the last 16,000 years. PAGES News 15 (2): 22 – 23 HORNE, D. J., COHEN, A. & MARTENS, K. 2002. Taxonomy, Morphology and Biology of Quaternary and Living Ostracoda. In: J. Holmes and A. R. Chivas (eds.), The Ostracoda: Applications in Quaternary Research. AGU Geophysical Monograph Series. 131: 5 – 36 LAPRIDA, C.; DÍAZ, A. & RATTO, N. 2006. Ostracods (Crustacea) from thermal waters, southern Altiplano, Argentina. Micropaleontology. 52 (2): 177 – 188 MARTENS, K. Y BEHEN, F. 1994. A checklist of the Recent non-marine ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from the Inland waters of South America and adjacent islands. Travaux scientifiques du Musée National d'Historie Naturelle de Luxembourg. 22: 84 pp. MAYR, C.; FEY, M.; HABERZETTL, T.; JANSSEN, S.; LÜCKE, A.; MAIDANA, N.I.; OHLENDORF, C.; SCHÄBITZ, F.; SCHLESER, G.H.; WILLE, M. & ZOLITSCHKA, B. 2005. Palaeoenvironmental changes in southern Patagonia during the last millennium recorded in lake sediments from Laguna Azul (Argentina). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 228: 203 - 227 _________; WILLE, M.; HABERZETTL, T.; FEY, M.; JANSSEN, S.; LÜCKE, A.; OHLENDORF, C.; OLIVA, G.; SCHÄBITZ, F.; SCHLESER, G. H. & ZOLITSCHKA, B. 2007. Holocene variability of the Southern Hemisphere westerlies in Argentinean Patagonia (52°S). Quaternary Science Reviews. 26: 579 - 584 MEISCH, C. 2000. Freshwater Ostracoda of Western and Central Europe. En J. Schwoerbel and P. Zwick (Eds): Suesswasserfauna von Mitteleuropa 8/3. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin. 522 pp ROSSETTI, G. & MARTENS, K. 1998. Taxonomic revision of the Recent and Holocene representatives of the Family Darwinulidae (Crustacea, Ostracoda), with a description of three new genera. Biologie. 68: 55 - 110 SCHÄBITZ, F.; PÁEZ, M.M.; MANCINI, M.V.; QUINTANA, F.A.; WILLE, M.; CORBELLA, H.; HABERZETTL, T.; LÜCKE, A.; PRIETO, A.R.; MAIDANA, N.; MAYR, C.; OHLENDORF, C.; SCHLESER, G.H. & ZOLITSCHKA, B. 2003. Estudios paleoambientales en lagos volcánicos en la Región Volcánica de Pali Aike, sur de Patagonia (Argentina): palinología. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Nueva Serie. 5: 301 - 316 SCHWALB, A.; BURNS, S. J.; CUSMINSKY, G. C.; KELTS, K. AND MARKGRAF, V. 2002. Assemblage diversity and isotopic signals of modern ostracodes and host waters from Patagonia, Argentina. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 187(3-4): 323 – 339 WHATLEY, R. C. AND CUSMINSKY, G. C. 2000. Quaternary lacustrine ostracoda from Northern Patagonia: a review. In: E.H. Gierlowski-Kordesch and K.R. Kelts (eds.), Lake Basins Through Space and Time. AAPG Special Volumes. 46: 581 – 590 WILLE, M.; MAIDANA, N.; SCHÄBITZ, F.; FEY, M.; HABERZETTL, T.; JANSSEN, S.; LÜCKE, A.; MAYR, C.; OHLENDORF, C.; SCHLESER, G. H. AND ZOLITSCHKA, B. 2007. Vegetation and climate dynamics in southern South America: The microfossil record of Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 146: 234 – 246 68 ZOLITSCHKA, B.; SCHÄBITZ, F.; LÜCKE, A.; WILLE, M.; MAYR, C.; OHLENDORF, C.; ANSELMETTI, F.; ARIZTEGUI, D.; CORBELLA, H.; ERCOLANO, B.; FEY, M.; HABERZETTL, T.; MAIDANA, N.I.; PÁEZ, M.M. AND SCHLESER, G.H. 2004. Climate changes in Santa Cruz (southern Patagonia, Argentina ) inferred from crater lake sediments – The multi-proxy approach of SALSA. PAGES Newsletter. 12: 9 - 11 _________; SCHÄBITZ, F.; LÜCKE, A.; CLIFTON, G.; CORBELLA, H.; ERCOLANO, B.; HABERZETTL, T.; MAIDANA, N.; MAYR, C.; OHLENDORF, C.; OLIVA, G.; PÁEZ, M.M.; SCHLESER, G.H.; SOTO, J.; TIBERI, P.; WILLE, M. 2006. Crater lakes of the Pali Aike Volcanic Field as key sites of paleoclimatic and paleoecological reconstructions in southern Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 21: 294 - 309 Species / Site L. Cerro Frías I L. El Toro L. Sosiego I L. Pajonales Darwinula cf. D. stevensoni Potamocypris smaragdina 0 0 87.5 100 0 0.4 12.5 0 Ilyocypris ramirezi 50.9 2.8 0 0 Penthesilenula incae 8 13.9 0 0 Limnocythere patagonica 9.1 52.8 0 0 Eucypris virgata 3.3 0 0 0 Eucypris fontana 12.7 5.6 0 0 Eucypris cecryphalium 4 11.1 0 0 Kapcypridopsis megapodum 6.9 8.3 0 0 Isocypris beauchampi 4.7 0 0 0 Candoninae sp 5.6 0 0 0 Table 3. Ostracod assemblage composition of the sites. Figure 1. Piper plot depicting water ionic composition of the 32 waterbodies sampled in the present study. Open circles represent lakes and ponds where no or scarce ostracods were found, while filled symbols represent the lakes which yielded fertile samples. 69 The diatom record of Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina Cristina Recasens1, Daniel Ariztegui1, Nora Irene Maidana2,3 and the PASADO Scientific Team 1 Section of Earth and environmental Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland; 2 Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental, FCEyN-UBA, Argentina; 3 CONICET Diatom analysis of the sediment record from Laguna Potrok Aike, obtained in the framework of the ICDP-sponsored project PASADO (Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Program), provides a continuous record of hydrological and climatic changes since the Late Pleistocene. Previous multi-proxy studies in the area have characterized the environmental history of the drylands in the Patagonian Steppe for the last 16,000 cal BP (Wille et al. 2007). Diatoms are widely used to characterize and often quantify the impact of past environmental changes in aquatic systems. Diatomological analysis was performed on a set of 94 samples from PTA-1D (Fig.1), a 97.3 m long sedimentary core from the central part of the lake that spans approximately the last 50 kyrs (ongoing radiocarbon datings will better constrain the age model). We use variations in diatom concentration and in their taxonomical assemblages, blended with other proxies, to track changes in lake conditions and tackle the most interesting sections to carry out higher resolution analyses (in composite core 2, see location map). Diatom concentrations fluctuate between 0 and 7x108 valves/gr along the core and so far more than 200 different taxa have been identified in the sediment (including several endemic species and most probably some new species). The results for the main taxa are reprensented in figure 1. While Cyclotella agassizensis dominates in the top part of the core together with Thalassiosira patagonica, as previously seen in earlier studies on this lake, these indicators of more brackish conditions are rare or not found at all in deeper sediments. The first occurrence of certain species and the correlation of the record with the previous short core studied allows us to approximately locate an age of 15’560 cal yr BP corresponding with the appearance of Cyclostephanos patagonicus (between 12 and 15m sediment depth) and an age of approximatively 8’600 cal yr BP corresponding to a peak in Thalassiosira patagonica at about 8-10m depth. Variations in the planktonic/non-planktonic species ratio, with a particularly high amount of non-planktonic taxa between 12 and 17m sediment depth, could point toward lower lake-level stands or periods of ice-cover in the lake. Nevertheless, a correlation with other proxies is necessary to further develop these hypotheses. The multi-proxy approach of the PASADO project, and its combination with the modern training set for Patagonia that will be produced within the framework of the ongoing PIPA argentine project, will provide unique paleoecological information for the Southern Hemisphere. References: WILLE, M., MAIDANA, N.I., SCHABITZ, F., FEY, M., HABERZETTL, T., JANSSEN, S., LUCKE, A., MAYR, C., OHLENDORF, C., SCHLESER, G.H., AND ZOLITSCHKA, B., 2007. Vegetation and climate dynamics in southern South America: the microfossil record of Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 70 Fig.1: Drilling sites. Core PTA-1D is located in drilling site 1. The composite core were higher resolution multiproxy analyses will be carried out is located in site 2. Fig.2: Diatom diagram of core PTA-1D (only dominant taxa are shown) 71 Paleoclimate reconstructions based on the pollen record from Laguna Potrok Aike Frank Schäbitz, Michael Wille and the PASADO Science Team Laguna Potrok Aike located in southern Argentina is one of the very few locations that are suited to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental and climatic history of southern Patagonia. In the framework of the multinational ICDP deep drilling project PASADO several long sediment cores to a composite depth of more than 100 m were obtained. Here we present first results of pollen analyses from sediment material of the core catcher and lower parts of the composite profile on the base of the first age model covering roughly the last 50 ka BP. Pollen spectra with a spatial resolution of three meters show that Laguna Potrok Aike was always surrounded by Patagonian Steppe vegetation. However, the species composition underwent some marked proportional changes through time. The uppermost pollen spectra show changing but high contribution of Andean forest and charcoal particles as it can be expected for Holocene times and the ending last glacial. The middle part shows no or very low forest signals and relatively high amounts of pollen from steppe plants indicating cold and dry full glacial conditions. The lowermost samples are characterized by a significantly different species composition as steppe plants like Asteraceae, Caryophyllaceae, Ericaceae and Ephedra became more frequent. In combination with higher charcoal amounts and an algal species composition comparable to Holocene times we suggest that conditions during the formation of sediments at the base of the PASADO record were more humid and/or warmer causing a higher fuel availability for charcoal production compared to full glacial times. Furthermore, reconstructed precipitation amounts based on a transfer function between pollen and climate values are presented for the first analyzed PASADO-pollen samples. 72 Living microbial activity in Lake Potrok-Aike sediments and its role during early diagenesis A. Vuillemin1, D. Ariztegui1, J. Pawlowski2, C. Vasconcelos 3, F.S. Anselmetti 4 and the PASADO Science Team 1 Section of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland; 2 Department of Zoology, University of Geneva, Switzerland; 3 Geological Institute, ETH-Zürich, Switzerland; 4 Eawag, Dübendorf, Switzerland. At present microbial activity in sediments is fully recognized as a major player in early diagenetic processes (Nealson and Stahl, 1997; Frankel and Bazylinski, 2003). Results from cores retrieved during ODP and IODP -sponsored drilling campaigns have shown that these organisms are active even in extreme environments such as basaltic subseafloor, and capable of catalyzing and enhancing diagenetic reactions. The distribution and diversity of microbes in marine sediments have been already studied for several years but there is a lack of these investigations in their lacustrine counterparts (Parkes et al., 1994; D’Hondt et al., 2004; Teske, 2005). In lake basins these studies are focusing mainly on the water column and/or very recent sediments (Humayoun et al., 2003; Spring et al., 2000; Zhao et al., 2007). Modern lakes are ideal systems to study early diagenetic processes, combining physical, chemical and biological aspects on subrecent sediments. Geomicrobiology studies allow to determine the role played by microbes in this late process, as microbial biomass, although ruling a substantial part of the organic matter record, is still difficult to distinguish from terrestrial or algal inputs. Other factors such as grain size and/or nutrient availability are instrumental on the colonization of lacustrine substrates by microbes. These two factors are highly dependent on the hydrological regime and, therefore, directly related to lake levels. A seismic study of Laguna Potrok Aike in the Santa Cruz province, Argentina, showed a thick sedimentary sequence (Anselmetti et al., 2009) that was the target of the PASADO project. This international research initiative had a key objective: quantitative climatic and environmental reconstruction of this remote area through time (Zolitschka et al., 2009). The multiproxy investigation of these lacustrine sediments provides unique material to initiate – for the first time in an ICDP project – a systematic study of the living lacustrine subsurface environment. From a total of 533 m of sediment cores recovered at 100 m water depth a 1 m long gravity core PTA-1I and the 97 m long hydraulic piston core PTA-1D were sampled following a newly established strategy to obtain semi-aseptic samples for geomicrobiological studies. A sampling strategy was specially defined to track microbial activity enabling the inspection of undisturbed lacustrine sediments through depth (Vuillemin et al., in press). Special windows were cut in the liners for direct sampling under the most sterile conditions possible immediately after core recovery. Samples from sixty windows were immediately chemically fixed and/or frozen, optimizing the preservation of their initial conditions for further analyses such as methane determination, cell counting, DGGE (molecular fingerprinting technique) and cell cultivation. In situ ATP measurements were taken as indication of living organisms within the sediments. The presence of ATP is a marker molecule for living cells since it is not known to form abiotically. 73 ATP can be easily detected with high sensitivity and high specificity using an enzymatic assay ATP + Luciferin + O2 –> AMP + Oxyluciferin + PPi + CO2 + Light Light is emitted as a result of the reaction, which is detected by a photomultiplier. We used the Uni-Lite NG Luminometer (Biotrace International Plc., Bridgend, UK), in combination with the “Clean-Trace” and “Aqua-Trace” swab kits, which measure ATP concentrations by a firefly enzyme-based test. The sensitivity of the test is on the order of 20-40 microbes, as expressed in RLU (relative light units) or 0.01 attomoles/ml water, corresponding to about 5 cells of Escherichia coli. This handheld device was previously tested at the Geomicrobiology Laboratory, ETH Zurich (Switzerland) indicating that this method could be applied on geological material, such as rock surfaces and other environmental biofilms. It was successfully used for fast and accurate measurement of life activity for freshly retrieved cores in lithified sediments of the IODP Expedition 310 in Tahiti (Camoin et al. 2007). The performance of this instrument in fresh sediments was however uncertain and, in our knowledge, this is the first time that it was successfully applied to lacustrine sediments. Additionally, the application of this test to water samples can aid in the evaluation of the degree of contamination of the drilling water, which percolated along the inside of the core liner. The 97 m long sediment core retrieved from Laguna Potrok Aike provided us the opportunity to identify a transition from a weak but active to a dwelling state of microbial communities as reflected by in situ ATP measurements. These results were further compared with those from DAPI counting on the fixed samples carried out several months later in the laboratory. The DAPI fluorochrome dyes DNA without distinction: active, dormant and dead cells, either eukaryote or prokaryote, and it is considered as a semi-quantitative index. Both data sets, however, show an increasing trend from the sediment surface to ca. 6 m depth within sediments mainly composed of black mud and subject to gas expansion. The DAPI and ATP trends throughout depth suggest an exponential decrease in microbial activity that is most probably linked to a progressive compaction and gradual nutrient depletion within the sediments. There is, however, detectable microbial activity down to 40 to 50 m and recoverable DNA down to 60 m sediment depth. The presence of nutrients as energy sources is critical, promoting an active behavior of the inner microbial communities within sediments. When certain nutrient concentrations are below a threshold, these microbial communities become oligotroph and enter in a dwelling state. Thus, microbial communities installed in deep sediments can be considered as mainly oligotroph and dwell. The statistical analyses of DGGE (approach based on 16S rDNA) gels permit the identification of a broad and constant diversity pattern in the older sediments, while the diversity is subject to variations and decrease in the upper section. Results of bulk sediment elemental analyses (H, C, N) suggest that the observed negative correlation between activity and diversity could be the result of a systematic depletion of nutrients through bacterial activity cycles. The latter is forcing microbial communities to adapt to a decreasing trophic state, although sediment compaction may be another important factor. Methane headspace (gas chromatography technique) data show a regular increase of the organic matter decomposition process from the sediment surface to 2-meter depth. The entire record, however, shows a quite constant trend with peaks at 65, 38, and 10 meters indicating that methane is best preserved in fine sediments. 74 The sediments recovered from Laguna Potrok Aike are dominantly argillaceous, but are occasionally interrupted by coarser sandy layers associated to slumps triggered by erosional and/or volcanic activities (Zolitschka et al., 2009). The latter is very important since allochthonous organic matter is harder to degrade and microbial preservation is highly dependent on grain size. Different sediment features are further constraining microbial activity as they provide colonization niches. Although microbial communities may adapt to trophic changes by shifting either their activity and/or dominant species, they are still highly representative of the lake catchment and their dominating climate. These preliminary results suggest that microbial communities are tightly related to distinctive sediment types representative of changing lake levels. Ongoing multiproxy analyses of these cores will allow characterizing the sedimentary sequence and provide the critical grounds to interpret the results of the observed microbial behavior. Acknowledgements We thank the PASADO Scientific Drilling Party for fruitful discussions and help during drilling operations. We are particularly indebted to S. Templer (MIT, Boston, USA) for productive discussions and introducing us into geomicrobiological sampling techniques. C. Recasens, R. Farah (University of Geneva, Switzerland) and C. Mayr (University of Erlangen, Germany) are kindly acknowledged for their help during field sampling. Funding for drilling was provided by the ICDP, the German Science Foundation (DFG), the Swiss National Funds (SNF), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Swedish Vetenskapsradet (VR) and the University of Bremen. We are also grateful to the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant 200020-119931/2 to D. Ariztegui); and the University of Geneva, Switzerland. References ANSELMETTI, F.S., ARIZTEGUI, D., DE BATIST, M., GEBHARDT, C., HABERZETTL, T., NIESSEN, F., OHLENDORF, C., AND ZOLITSCHKA, B., 2009. Environmental history of southern Patagonia unraveled by the seismic stratigraphy of Laguna Potrok Aike. Sedimentology 56/4:873–892, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3091.2008.01002.x. CAMOIN, G.F., IRYU, Y., MCINROY, D.B., and Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. IODP Expedition #310: Proceeding IODP, 310. College Station TX (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management Iternational, Inc.). D’HONDT S., JORGENSEN B.B., MILLET D. J., BATZKE A., BLAKE R., CRAGG B.A., CYPIONKA H., DICKENS G.R., FERDELMAN T., HINRICHS K.-U., HOLM N.G., MITTERER R., SPIVACK A., WANG G., BEKINS B., ENGELEN B., FORD K., GETTEMY G., RUTHERFORD S.D., SASS H., SKILBECK C.G., AIELLO I.W., GUÈRIN G., HOUSE C.H., INAGAKI F., MEISTER P., NAEHR T., NIITSUMA S., PARKES R.J., SCHIPPERS A., SMITH D.C., TESKE A., WIEGEL J., PADILLA C.N., AND ACOSTA J.L.S., 2004. Distributions of microbial activities in deep subseafloor sediments. Science, 306: 2216–2221, doi:10.1126/science.1101155. FRANKEL R.B., AND BAZYLINSKI D.A., 2003. Biologically induced mineralization by Bacteria. Biomineralization, 54:95–114. HUMAYOUN S.B., BANO N., AND HOLLIBAUGH J.T., 2003. Depth distribution of microbial diversity in Mono Lake, a meromictic soda lake in California. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69:1030–1042, doi:10.1128/AEM.69.2.1030–1042.2003. NELSON D.M., OHENE-ADJEI S., HU F.S., CANN I.K.O., AND MACKIE R.I., 2007. Bacterial diversity and distribution in the Holocene sediments of a northern temperate lake. Microbial Ecology, 54:252–263, doi:10.1007/s00248-006-9195-9. PARKES R.J., CRAGG B.A., BALE S.J., GETLIFF J.M., GOODMANN K., ROCHELLE P.A., FRY J.C., WEIGHTMAN A.J., AND HARVEY S.M., 1994. Deep bacterial biosphere in Pacific Ocean sediments. Nature, 371:410–413, doi:10.1038/371410a0. 75 SPRING S., SCHULZE R., OVERMANN J., AND SCHLEIFER K.-H., 2000. Identification and characterization of ecologically significant prokaryotes in the sediment of freshwater lakes: molecular and cultivation studies. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 24:573–590, doi:10.1111/j.1574-6976.2000.tb00559.x. TESKE A.P., 2005. The deep subsurface biosphere is alive and well. TRENDS in Microbiology, 13/9:402–404, doi:10.1016/j.tim.2005.07.004. VUILLEMIN, A., ARIZTEGUI, D., VASCONCELOS, C. and the PASADO Scientific Drilling Party, in press, Establishing sampling procedures in lake cores for subsurface biosphere studies: Assessing in situ microbial activity. Scientific Drilling 10:35-39 (doi: 10.2204/ ZHAO X., YANG L., YU Z., PENG N., XIAO L., YIN D., AND QIN B., 2007. Characterization of depthrelated microbial communities in lake sediments by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of amplified 16S rRNA fragments. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 20:224–230, doi:10.1016/S1001-0742(08)60035-2. ZOLITSCHKA B., ANSELMETTI F., ARIZTEGUI D., CORBELLA H., FRANCUS P., OHLENDORF C., SCHÄBITZ F., and the PASADO Scientific Drilling Team, 2009. The Laguna Potrok Aike Scientific Drilling Project PASADO (ICDP Expedition 76 Insights into late Pleistocene environmental dynamics – Lithology and preliminary dating of the lacustrine sediment record from the ICDP deep drilling site Laguna Potrok Aike, Province of Santa Cruz (southern Patagonia, Argentina) Bernd Zolitschka1 & PASADO Science Team2 1 Geopolar, Institute of Geography, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany 2 Laguna Potrok Aike, located in the southern Patagonian Province of Santa Cruz (52°58’S, 70°23’W, 112 m a.s.l.), was formed by a volcanic maar eruption during the mid Pleistocene in the Pali Aike Volcanic Field. This archive holds a unique record of paleoclimatic and paleoecological variability from a region sensitive to variations in southern hemispheric wind and pressure systems, which provide a significant cornerstone for the understanding of the global climate system. Moreover, Laguna Potrok Aike is close to many active volcanoes allowing a better understanding of the history of regional volcanism. Patagonia also is the source region of eolian dust blown from the South American continent into the South Atlantic Ocean and onto the Antarctic ice sheet. Ongoing global climate change, the thread of volcanic hazards as well as of regional dust storms are of increasing socio-economic relevance and thus challenging scientific themes that are tackled for southernmost South America with an interdisciplinary research approach in the framework of the “Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project” (PASADO) which is a contribution to the “International Continental Scientific Drilling Program” (ICDP). Using the hydraulic piston coring system from the GLAD800 drilling platform, a total of 510 m of overlapping sediment cores from two sites in the central 100 m deep basin of Laguna Potrok Aike was recovered between September and November 2008. The excellent core recovery rate of 94.4% enables to develop an almost complete reference profile with a composite length of 106 m (Zolitschka et al., 2009). This record consists of undisturbed laminated and sand-layered lacustrine silts at top with an increasing number of coarse gravel layers, turbidites and homogenites at depth. Below 80 m composite depth two massmovement deposits (10 m and 5 m in thickness) are recorded with tilted and distorted layers as well as nodules of fine-grained sediments and randomly distributed gravel. Such features either indicate an increased seismicity that cannot be completely excluded for this late Quaternary backarc volcanic field or they are the result of hydrologically induced lake level variations and hence relate to changes in hydrological conditions in the catchment area. Intercalated throughout the record are 24 macroscopically visible volcanic ash layers that document the regional volcanic history. Moreover, these isochrones potentially act as links to southern hemispheric marine sediment and ice core records. For the upper part of the profile the chronology published by Haberzettl et al. (2007) was adapted and assigns a Holocene to Lateglacial age. It consists of 19 AMS radiocarbon and 3 tephra dates. 18 additional radiocarbon ages obtained from aquatic plant macrofossils provide ages back to 55,000 cal. BP for the lower glacial part of the record indicating a mean sedimentation rate of 0.9 mm/a. To obtain this age/depth relationship it was indispensable to subtract all volcanic ashes and re-deposited sediment units (ca. 50% of the entire record) as they are linked to instant events contributing to sediment thickness but not to sediment age. Re-deposition also leads to one third of radiocarbon ages being out of sequence. The highly dynamic environmental conditions during the last glacial thus caused chronological complications that we envisage to overcome with 33 samples analysed for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, 15 additional radiocarbon dates in progress of analysis and in combination with stratigraphic correlation techniques (e.g. paleomagnetism). This approach will provide a robust time frame for ongoing interdisciplinary paleoenvironmental and climatic reconstructions. 77 Reference HABERZETTL, T., CORBELLA, H., M. FEY, S. JANSSEN, A. LÜCKE, C. MAYR, C. OHLENDORF, F. SCHÄBITZ, G.-H. SCHLESER, E. WESSEL, M. WILLE, S. WULF, B. ZOLITSCHKA, 2007. A continuous 16,000 year sediment record from Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia (Argentina): Sedimentology, chronology, geochemistry. The Holocene 17: 297-310. ZOLITSCHKA, B., F. ANSELMETTI, D. ARIZTEGUI, H. CORBELLA, P. FRANCUS, C. OHLENDORF, F. SCHÄBITZ And the PASADO Scientific Drilling Team, 2009. The Laguna Potrok Aike Scientific Drilling Project PASADO (ICDP Expedition 50 78 Technical Report About the Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project (PASADO) Bernd Zolitschka1 and the PASADO Science Team2 1 Geopolar, Institute of Geography, University of Bremen, Celsiusstr. FVG-M, 28359 Bremen, Germany 2 The Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project (PASADO) is a deep lake drilling project under the umbrella of the „International Continental Scientific Drilling Program“ (ICDP). Based on international cooperation and after seven years with detailed limnogeological studies, pre-site surveys, on-site monitoring, climatic and hydrologic modelling an international team of scientists from Argentina, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States representing a wide array of research fields was excited to obtain long sediment cores from Laguna Potrok Aike. This crater (maar) lake is located in the late Quaternary Pali Aike Volcanic Field of southern Patagonia (Province of Santa Cruz, Argentina). Seismic surveys demonstrated that ~400 m of pelagic sediments were deposited in the lake centre underlain by an unknown thickness of volcaniclastic breccias. Based on this seismic data, three primary and three alternative drilling sites were selected: (1) From the deepest part to obtain a continuous and high-resolution record of climatic and environmental changes (0-400 m – in triplicate) and to unveil the phreatomagmatic history including more precise age constrains for the maar-diatreme formation from the volcaniclastic sediments below (400-600 m), (2) From a subaquatic lake level terrace at 35 m water depth to constrain the range of lake level variations (0-50 m – in triplicate) and (3) From an angle hole passing through lacustrine sediments and the crater wall into the molasse-type basement rocks (0-400 m) to study the impact of explosive volcanism in this relatively young maar-diatreme structure. The proposed drilling operation plan had the objective to achieve all necessary technical needs in close cooperation with DOSECC, which provides the technical infrastructure and the know-how to carry out the drilling at water depths of almost 100 m. During the entire drilling operation, including mobilisation and demobilisation, a total of 42 people (26 scientists, 10 DOSECC staff, 4 Argentinean support personnel, 2 technicians) were present. In total, 1986 man days were used for this operation. In the following list of drilling statistics, applied and realised times and hole depths for drilling are summarised: applied 14 days 60 days Drilling statistics: Time for mobilisation: Time for Drilling: Downtime related to weather conditions: Downtime related to technical conditions: Total hole depth: Average core recovery per drilling day: Time for demobilisation: 1850 m 14 days realised 45 days 12 days 16 days 6 days 533 m 44 m 10 days Drilling was carried out from the platform R/V “Kerry Kelts” with the GLAD800 drill rig. The drill pipe was stabilised with a casing that was run down from the deck of the platform to a few meters above sediment surface. The drilling tool almost exclusively used was the Hydraulic Piston Corer (HPC). Core liners had a total length of 3.3 m and were, under ideal circumstances, cut into two sections each 1.5 m long. 79 Drilling operations in the framework of PASADO have been successful in obtaining more than 500 m of sediments but dramatically failed to attain the drilling objectives as described in the ICDP Full Proposal. From three targets only the central deep was partly realised. Out of the 1850 m of cores initially planned for recovery, only 533 m have been obtained from 7 holes, just two of them reaching a depth of more than 100 m. One reason was that fieldwork has been marked by extended periods of strong winds. In addition to wind-related down-time of drilling, we noted numerous defaults from DOSECC and believe these are similarly responsible for not attaining the objectives of the PASADO drilling campaign. Having lost 30 days due to the extended mobilisation, we had to change the proposed sequence of drill sites. The near shore site at 35 m water depth was cancelled and we started with the central deep site 1 at 98 m water depth. After the first site had to be abandoned (lost pipe and casing did not allow to continue drilling at this site) without reaching volcaniclastic deposits underneath of the lacustrine sediments, we moved 700 m to the south remaining in the central deep basin (ca. 95 m water depth) but shifting towards an area, where the Sparker seismic survey revealed a region with deeper penetration. The second and last site 2 confirmed our assumptions and we recovered finer grained lacustrine deposits. Downhole logging was intended to be carried out at least for one (the deepest) hole of every site. All equipment was ready to be deployed, except for the radioactive source needed for one of the logging tools which was not allowed to be imported into Argentina. However, due to strong winds and problems with safely anchoring the platform, there was not one option for logging down a complete hole during the entire period of operation. For site 1 a total of 295 m of cores were obtained with a core recovery rate of 92%. For site 2 there are 208 m with a recovery rate of 99%. The better recovery rate for site 2 seems to be linked to the generally finer grained lacustrine deposits. More sandy sections mainly caused problems for site 1 with imploded or deformed liners stuck in the core barrel. A total number of 178 core catcher samples were taken. Before being stored away, parts of the core catcher samples were processed and subsampled in the field laboratory. Several parameters were measured immediately after core recovery onshore at the campsite laboratory. This field laboratory was especially designed prior to the field period to fulfil our requirements. It was purpose-built based on a standard 40-foot working container split into two sections. One section was used for first physical and chemical analyses of the core catcher samples such as pH, Cl-, Ca2+, electrical conductivity, water content and dry density measurements as well as for an initial lithologic description (digital photographies, macroscopic description, smear slide preparation with microscopic description). The second section of the field laboratory was designed to hold the 5.5 m long Geotek Multi Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) and a small office to process the MSCL data. The MSCL used for PASADO was provided by the ICDP-OSG and equipped to measure temperature, core diameter, p-wave velocity, magnetic susceptibility and GRAPE density. Unfortunately, it was not possible to import the 137Cs radioactive source to Argentina, thus GRAPE density was not measured on-site. In addition, the gas content in the liner did not allow to reliably measure pwave velocities. Therefore, magnetic susceptibility was the only parameter measured on-site with the MSCL. For this reason all other petrophysical parameters will be measured in the home laboratory at the Alfred Wegener Institute Bremerhaven prior to core opening. Magnetic susceptibility was measured on all core sections with a loop sensor (80 mm diameter) in 2 cm measuring intervals. Data were processed after acquisition and turned out to be a highly reliable data set for core correlation from the different holes of one site as well as between the two drilled sites. Using magnetic susceptibility data as a reference, cores were correlated to composite profiles for site 1 and site 2. The 178 core catcher samples (site 1: 107; site 2: 71) have been archived and described following a certain protocol. In addition to the mentioned on-site analyses, core catcher samples were subsampled for further and more detailed investigations to be carried out in the respective home laboratories. Scheduled investigations for which samples have been 80 taken include: pollen, diatoms, stable isotopes and bulk geochemistry. Moreover, analyses to determine the microbial activity in sediments (deep biosphere) have been carried out for the first time within an ICDP-sponsored deep lake drilling project. For lakes a new sampling strategy was designed and adapted from those existing for marine sediments. On-site samples for microbial activity were measured by fluorescence using an ATP device. Adenosine-tri-phosphate or ATP is only produced when living bacteria exist and thus gives immediate information about microbial activity. Samples were also taken for sequencing DNA and for cell counting in the home laboratory. Although the total catch of cores was less than one third of the proposed amount, PASADO recovered the so far longest environmental and climatic record of South America south of the tropics, which will be analysed soon with the highest possible temporal resolution. Moreover, lacustrine deposits have not been penetrated completely. Thus there is a potential for future coring activities if a drilling platform can be anchored securely and all the other problems that occurred with this remote Patagonian maar lake can be overcome. More information about PASADO is available from the ICDP homepage ( that includes a general description ( and pictures from the drilling operations ( Another source of information is the PASADO homepage located at ( A report about the drilling campaign is published as ZOLITSCHKA, B., F. ANSELMETTI, D. ARIZTEGUI, H. CORBELLA, P. FRANCUS, C. OHLENDORF, F. SCHÄBITZ AND THE PASADO Scientific Drilling Team, 2009. The Laguna Potrok Aike Scientific Drilling Project PASADO (ICDP Expedition 5022). Scientific Drilling, 8: 29-33; doi:10.2204/ 81 Phytolith analysis for the Potrok Aike Lake Drilling Project: Sample treatment protocols for the PASADO Microfossil Manual Alejandro F. Zucol*, Esteban Passeggi*, Mariana Brea*, Noelia I. Patterer*, María G. Fernández Pepi** and María de los Milagros Colobig* * Laboratorio de Paleobotánica, CICYTTP-Diamante (CONICET) Materi y España sn. (E3105BWA), Diamante, Entre Ríos, Argentina. ** Laboratorio de Anatomía Vegetal, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Based upon the results of meetings and previous microfossil research conducted as part of the Drilling Projects serie (SALSA and PASADO), some of the researchers from the various disciplines involved are coordinating their protocols, in order to help standardize the various methodologies used to achieve their research objectives (Schäbitz and Wille, Unpub.). This document has therefore been created to inform the PASADO microfossil community of the methodologies that are being applied in the phytolith analyses, as well as to discuss the potential types of paleobotanical and paleoenvironmental reconstructions being focused upon as objectives. The phytoliths from the Potrok Aike Lake sedimentary sequence are being studied jointly by two research groups: Diamante and Mar del Plata. This presentation is focused on communicating the details of the protocol that the Diamante group is implementing for the treatment and study of these samples, with the eventual goal of coordinating these methodologies to develop one common protocol used by both groups. Sample treatment for phytolith analysis 1.-Sample storage. Dried samples of undisturbed sediments are taken from the core sequence, and are stored in hermetic plastic tubes until the time of processing. 2.-Sample treatment and classification. The set of samples are classified according to the different sections that are to be studied by each research group. Each sample consists of approximately 5g of dry sediment. Sets of samples are prepared and classified, then packaged to be sent to the various laboratories where the treatment will take place. Laboratory procedures can be summarized as involving two stages: 1) sample pre-treatment, including removal of soluble salts, carbonate material, and organic matter, as well as deflocculation of the clastic material; and 2) sample treatment to separate the various granometric components and to concentrate the biomorphic particles using heavy liquid flotation. 3.-Sample pre-treatment. a. Elimination of carbonates, humic components and concretions. The sediment sample aliquot (5g) is placed in a Pyrex beaker and dilute hydrochloric acid (10 %) is added, with moderate warming in a water bath. Reaction with carbonate and calcium cements is evident in the release of gasses that produces bubbling in the sample, with this release being increasingly intense in accordance with the abundance of these compounds. The presence of humic components and iron oxides is demonstrated by yellowish coloration of the solution. This treatment is repeated until gaseous release is no longer observed and the solution becomes translucent. This solution is then left to settle for 30 minutes to prepare for decanting. The upper column of the solution is removed by pipette or siphoning and the presence of chloride ions in the wash water is tested using silver nitrate solution (1%). Additional stages 82 1: If it is necessary to preserve all particles sizes, the sample wash should be performed using a porous filter, or instead the sample can be centrifuged, in order to avoid loss of material. 2: If iron oxides persist in the sample, the treatment can be intensified by adding stannous chloride crystals to the hydrochloric acid solution, being careful to maintain the pH level between 4.5 and 8.5. b. Elimination of soluble salts. The remaining sediment from the previous stage is put in a new Pyrex beaker and 200 ml of distilled water is added, stirring with a glass rod. When the content becomes uniform the solution is allowed to settle for 30 minutes to allow decanting. The clean liquid above the deposit is eliminated. These steps are repeated two to three times with cold water and once more with immersion in a warm water bath (60-70ºC), in order to eliminate all of the soluble sales that may be present. Additional stages 1: To test for the presence of chloride ions, transfer an aliquot of the solution to a glass test tube. Add a few drops of concentrated nitric acid and 4 drops of 4% silver nitrate. If the solution becomes white, it will be necessary to repeat the above elimination steps. To test for the presence of sulphate ions, transfer an aliquot of the solution to a glass test tube and first add a few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid, then 5 drops of saturated barium chloride solution. If a precipitate forms then washing of the sample will have to be continued. c. Elimination of organic matter. The sediment remaining after the previous stage is put in a Pyrex beaker and 30% hydrogen peroxide is added for a period of 24 hours, stirring periodically with a glass rod. The solution is then warmed in a water bath (60–70ºC) with further addition of hydrogen peroxide until gaseous release is no longer observed. At this point the solution is allowed to evaporate until the sample has become dry. Additional stages 1: If the organic content is especially high, the hydrogen peroxide reaction may cause the level of liquid to rise to the point of overflowing. In this case the reaction can be diminished by adding a few drops of common alcohol. The reaction produced by the organic matter is different than the one that is produced by the presence of manganese, which is indicated by violent bubbling with release of a dense white steam. 2: If the presence of organic matter persists, it is possible to try an alternative, more volatile oxidation treatment of the sample using 5% permanganate of potassium (KMnO4) and addition of some drops of sulphuric acid. This reaction is allowed to continue for 24 hours without heating and with periodic agitation, and then with warming to 100ºC until all free oxygen has been released. d. Dispersion. Sample dispersion is performed using a 1N solution of sodium hexametaphosphate (a.k.a. Calgon or Sodium Beta), diluted in the sample to 0.1N. The sample is placed in this solution and is stirred with a mixer for 5 minutes, then left to settle for 24 hours. 4.-Granometric class separation. The granometric separation procedures will have to be adapted to the specific purposes and material types, although in all cases the various granometric classes are separated by sieving and/or by use of their differential sedimentation rates, with the steps adjusted according to which particle sizes need to be obtained. In our case, three main fractions will be first be separated: fine (particles with diameter from 5–53 m), medium (from 53–250 µm), and coarse (greater than 250 µm). These three fractions can first be separated from each other by sieving using a #60 sieve (250 µm mesh) and a #270 sieve (53 µm mesh). Separation of the fine fraction, which passes through both sieves, into fine and medium-fine sub-fractions can be performed using differential sedimentation if required. Separation using differential sedimentation is based upon the application of Stokes' Law, which states that at a given temperature, the sedimentation velocity of a particle depends upon its size. After 83 particular lengths of settling time, it is possible to calculate the particle sizes that will remain suspended in the solution, as well as those that will have settled to the bottom of the burette. 5.-Heavy-liquid flotation. After separation into different size classes, the size fractions from 5 – 250 µm in diameter (this includes the fine and medium fractions) are used for flotation. Phytoliths have a specific gravity ranging from 1.5 to 2.3 g/cm3 (Piperno, 2006 and references therein). There are numerous heavy liquids that can be used for densimetric separation, but we prefer sodium polytungstate, since densimetric adjustments can be made using distilled water, the solution can be recycled, and this chemical possesses minimal environmental toxicity. The phytolith flotation is performed by adding sodium polytungstate solution (with its specific gravity adjusted to 2.345 g/cm3) to the processed sample, followed by centrifugation at 1200 rpm for 5–10 minutes. Monitoring of solution density is performed using a densimeter for precise measurement (a Westphal balance or picnometer can also be used), or by means of Kranz indicators that also provide a measurement of density ranges. The supernatant liquid containing the floating material is removed with a pipette and recovered by filtering in a funnel with a paper filter, then the material is washed with distilled water. In a separate funnel, the same process is performed for the fraction of heavier material that sinks during centrifugation. Both filters are washed with an abundance of distilled water until traces of the heavy liquid can no longer be observed in the wash water. The different subsamples obtained during these two steps (4 and 5) are then labeled and added to the collection of sediment samples. 6.-Microscope slide mounting. Two types of slide mounting can be used for the phytolith microscope observation: liquid and solid, and both have their advantages. Liquid mounting can preserve mobility of the material to be observed, while solid mounting is more durable and allows better preservation in reference collections. Both types of slides are made following standard procedures, but with specific types of mounting media used that are most appropriate for the refractive index possessed by phytoliths (see Zucol and Osterrieth, 2002). Thus for the liquid slides, immersion oil is used, while the solid slides are made using Canada balsam. At least one slide is made from each of the granometric fractions created in step 4 (more than one if needed for counting purposes), and these are stored in the microscopic slide collection of the Paleobotanical Laboratory for later reference. References ÁLVAREZ, M.F., BORRELLI N. AND M. L. OSTERRIETH. 2008. Extracción de silicobiolitos en distintos sedimentos utilizando dos técnicas básicas. In: Matices Interdisciplinarios en Estudios Fitolíticos y de otros Microfósiles/ Interdisciplinary Nuances in Phytolith and Other Microfossil Studies. A. Korstanje and P. Babot (Eds.), BAR (British Archaeological Reports) International Series S1870, 3: 31-38. BERTOLDI DE POMAR, H. 1976. Métodos de preparación de sedimentos clásticos para su estudio microscópico I. Tratamientos previos. Revista de la Asociación de Ciencias Naturales del Litoral. Vol 7: 1- 55. BONOMO, M., ZUCOL, A. F., GUTIÉRREZ TÉLLEZ, B., CORADEGHINI A. AND M. S. VIGNA. 2009. Late Holocene Palaeoenvironments of the Nutria Mansa 1 Archaeological Site, Argentina. Journal of Paleolimnology, 41 (2): 273-296. PEARSALL, D. M. 2000. Paleoethnobotany: a handbook of procedures. Academic Press. San Diego. 700 pp. PIPERNO, D. R. 1988. Phytolith analysis: an archaeological and geological perspective. San Diego. Academic Press. ________ 2006. Phytoliths. A comprehensive guide for archaeologists and paleoegologists. Altamira Press. New York. 84 ROVNER I. 1972. Note on the safer procedure for opal phytolith extraction. Quaternary Research 2(4): 591. SCHÄBITZ, F. AND M. WILLE. Unpublished. The PASADO Microfossil Manual. Version 1.0. University of Cologne, Seminar for Geography and Education, Gronewaldstr. 2, 50931 Cologne, Germany. 40 pp. ZUCOL, A. F. AND M. OSTERRIETH. 2002. Técnicas de preparación de muestras sedimentarias para la extracción de fitolitos. Ameghiniana 39 (3): 379-382. 85 Phytolith analysis for the Potrok Aike Lake Drilling Project: General methodologies for analysis Alejandro F. Zucol*, María de los Milagros Colobig*, Noelia I. Patterer*, María G. Fernández Pepi**, Esteban Passeggi* and Mariana Brea* * Laboratorio de Paleobotánica, CICYTTP-Diamante (CONICET) Materi y España sn. (E3105BWA), Diamante, Entre Ríos, Argentina. ** Laboratorio de Anatomía Vegetal, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”. Buenos Aires, Argentina. The principal rules or methodological topics to consider for the Potrok Aike Lake sedimentary sequence must be addressed for each of the three areas involved in the characterization and analysis of phytolith assemblages: (1) phytolith identification; (2) phytolith morphotype quantification; and (3) data analysis. 1.-Identification of phytolith morphotypes. The processed sample with the concentrated phytolith material is slide mounted for microscopic observation. The microscopic slides are given a preliminary check for the purpose of establishing the different morphotypes present in the set of samples. Phytolith morphotypes are classified according to previous morphological classifications such Twiss et al. (1969), Bertoldi de Pomar (1971), Twiss (1992), Kondo et al. (1994), Runge (1999), Zucol (1996, 1999), Wallis (2003), Zucol and Brea (2005) and the descriptors proposed by the IPCNWG (2005). Recently these classifications and their taxonomic correlations have been summarized by Zucol et al. (2010) with the aim of contributing to the creation of a common classificatory scheme. 2.-Quantification of phytolith morphotypes. The presence of particular microfossils can be described by direct quantification (number of each element present in a sample) or by means of relative frequencies of the different elements, using their overall frequencies as indicators of their relative abundances. The frequencies can thus be recorded by relative or absolute methods. Relative abundances are expressed as a percentage of each morphotype in the total number of elements found in a sample, while the absolute abundances relate to the concentration of individual types in terms of volume or weight within the sample in which they have been counted. For the Potrok Aike Lake sediment samples, we have been planning to use quantification by absolute frequencies, using a methodology similar to one commonly used in paleopalynology. In this method, a known quantity of Lycopodium sp. spores is added to the sample, which permits absolute quantification of the phytolith material observed on the microscopic slides. The phytolith variability found in each sample is not uniform, so it is necessary to first perform an analysis to define the phytolith variability in the analyzed set of samples, and by means of these studies to also define the minimum number of specimens that must be counted in order to obtain a properly representative sample. It is then necessary to meet this minimum sample requirement during counting in order to be able to consider the results reliable in terms of numerical analysis. To obtain the minimal representative sample count for a set of samples of equivalent origin, a random selection of samples is taken. Counting of the number of elements present proceeds progressively in each of them (for example every 30 elements)(Fig. 1). The number of taxa represented tends to increase progressively with the total number of specimens counted, until a point is reached where a substantial increase in counting no longer produces significant changes in the Taxa value, which then stays more or less 86 constant. This is then considered to be the size of counting sample that allows the variability of elements in the assemblage to be properly accounted for. Generally, for chosen set of samples tested, the sample with the highest minimal value will be used for study of the entire profile, and samples where counting cannot reach this value are considered in the subsequent numerical analyses. full the the not Other way of describing the abundance of morphotypes is by using abundance categories, such as using a method where 5 categories are established, listed here in order of lesser to greater frequencies of morphotypes: Absent, Rare, Scarce, Frequent, and Very frequent (Zucol 1996, 1998, 2000). For the delimitation of these categories in this particular case, and to obtain suitable proportions for every category, the following specifications have been used: 1. The maximum value of the scale (D) is equal to the value of the morphotype class with the greatest frequency in the assemblage. 2. Absence is represented by a 0% frequency. 3. Phytolith types are considered Rare when they possess frequency values greater than 0% but less then the limit A, where A = 0.1 x D. 4. Phytolith types are considered Scarce when they possess frequency values that are equal to or greater than A but less than the limit B, where B = 0.3 x D. 5. Phytolith types are considered frequent when they possess frequency values that are equal to or greater than B but less than the limit C, where C = 0.6 x D. 6. Phytolith types are considered Very frequent when they possess frequency values between C and D. 3.-Data analysis. Once counting has been performed for every sample in order to establish the different frequencies found in the phytolith assemblage, these values are organized to obtain the volumetric abundance information (these calculations can be made automatically using Tilia software (Grimm, 1991) or with a spreadsheet). A Data Matrix (DM) is also generated with these values (in terms of counts and/or percentages) for the various samples, which will allow implementation of various types of data analysis. The first step of data organization is the presentation of the information in phytolith diagrams, a graphic representation of the abundance of each morphotype in all samples from the sedimentary sequence. This diagram also includes additional information such as sample name, depth, ages, lithology, etc. Next, an analysis of the data is performed by applying constrained incremental sum of squares cluster analysis, using the DM, in order to define zones along the sequence. This can be done using the computer program CONISS or COSLINK. The TILIA/TILIAGRAPH programs (Grimm, 1991) and POLPAL Numerical Analysis Program (Walanus and Nalepka 1999a, b; Nalepka and Walanus 2003) can also be used to create phytolith diagrams and perform square cluster analysis. POLPAL also allows calculation of the rarefaction of the taxa in each sample. On the other hand, implementation of non-constrained numerical analysis may also be desirable or necessary, especially as a means by which to establish relationships between samples independent of their place of origin in the profile. For this, cluster analysis using distance or correlation indices can be used, which allows evaluation of the links between samples. However, if it is necessary to determine the role of individual morphotypes in the relations between samples, principal components analysis (PCA or PCO) or correlation analysis (CA) will have to be performed. These analyses can be carried out using various different statistical programs such as PAST - PAlaeontological STatistics (Hammer et al. 2007). 87 References BERTOLDI DE POMAR, H. 1971. Ensayo de clasificación morfológica de los silicofitolitos. Ameghiniana 8 (3-4): 317-328. GRIMM, E.C. 1991. TILIA Software. Illinois State Museum. Research and Collection Center, Springfield, IL, USA. IPCNWG, 2005. International Code for Phytolith Nomenclature 1.0. Annals of Botany 96(2): 253-260; doi:10.1093/aob/mci172. HAMMER O., HARPER D.A.T. AND P.D. RYAN. 2007. PAST - PAlaeontological STatistics, ver. 1.75. 86 pp. KONDO, R., CHILDS, C. AND I. ATKINSON. 1994. Opal phytoliths of New Zealand. Maanaki Whenua Press. 85 pp. NALEPKA, D. AND A. WALANUS. 2003. Data processing in pollen analysis. Acta Paleobotanica 43 (1): 125-134. RUNGE, F. 1999. The opal phytolith inventory of soils in central Africa- quantities, shapes, classification, and spectra. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 107: 23-53. TWISS, P.C. 1992. Predicted world distribution of C3 and C4 grass phytoliths. In: Rapp, G. Jr and S.C. Mulholland (eds.), Phytoliths Systematics.Emerging Issues Advances in Archaelogical and Museum Science 1: 113-128. ______, SUESS, E. AND R. SMITH. 1969. Morphological classification of grass phytoliths. Soil Science Society of America, Proceedings 33(1): 109-115. WALANUS A. AND D. NALEPKA. 1999a. POLPAL. Program for counting pollen grains, diagrams plotting and numerical analysis. Acta Palaeobotanica Suppl. 2: 659-661. ______ 1999b. POLPAL. Numerical analysis. W. Szafer Institute of Botany. Polish Academy of Sciences. Poland. 10. pp. WALLIS, L. 2003. An overview of leaf phytolith production patterns in selected northwest Australian flora. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 125: 201-248. ZUCOL, A. F. 1996. Microfitolitos de las Poaceae argentinas: I. Microfitolitos foliares de algunas especies del género Stipa (Stipeae: Arundinoideae), de la Provincia de Entre Ríos. Darwiniana 34: 151-172. ______. 1998. Microfitolitos de las Poaceae argentinas: II. Microfitolitos foliares de algunas especies del género Panicum (Paniceae: Panicoideae: Poaceae), de la Provincia de Entre Ríos. Darwiniana 36: 29-50. ______ 1999. Fitolitos de Poaceae argentinas: IV. Asociación fitolítica de Cortaderia selloana (Danthonieae: Arundinoideae) de la Provincia de Entre Ríos. Natura Neotropicalis 30: 25-33. ______ 2000. Fitolitos de Poaceae de Argentina: III. Fitolitos foliares de especies del género Paspalum (Paniceae), en la Provincia de Entre Ríos. Darwiniana 38: 11-32. ______ AND M. BREA. 2005. Sistemática de fitolitos, pautas para un sistema clasificatorio. Un caso en estudio en la Formación Alvear (Pleistoceno inferior). Ameghiniana 42 (4): 685-704. ______, BREA M. AND E. BELLOSI. 2010. Phytolith studies in Gran Barranca (Central Patagonia, Argentina) focused in the Middle Eocene. In: The Paleontology of Gran Barranca: Evolution and Environmental Change through the Middle Cenozoic of Patagonia. Eds: R. Kay et al. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 22: 313- 336. 88 Figure 1. Hypothetical plot showing variability vs. sample count size, with the number of specimens counted (Specimens) and number of taxa represented (Taxa). In gray: standard deviation. 89 Phytolith analysis for the Potrok Aike Lake Drilling Project: Preliminary results and current studies Alejandro F. Zucol*, Mariana Brea*, Esteban Passeggi*, María G. Fernández Pepi**, María de los Milagros Colobig* and Noelia I. Patterer* * Laboratorio de Paleobotánica, CICYTTP-Diamante (CONICET) Materi y España sn. (E3105BWA), Diamante, Entre Ríos, Argentina. ** Laboratorio de Anatomía Vegetal, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia. Buenos Aires, Argentina. The preliminary phytolith studies from the Potrok Aike Lake sedimentary sequence were made with SALSA core samples (Zolitschka and Schäbitz, 2007), which included 9 samples from across this drilling section (Table 1). These samples were sent for analysis by Dr. Nora Maidana (PI of the PASADO project) for the purpose of verifying the presence of siliceous microremains and particularly phytoliths, in order to evaluate the potential information that might be obtained using this approach in the analysis of the Potrok Aike Lake sedimentary sequence. In these preliminary analyses, the phytoliths became the main emphasis and therefore the study of other types of microremains (Maidana et al., 2005; Wille et al., 2007) was not included. The samples had been processed previously in the Laboratorio de Diatomeas Continentales (FCEyN, UBA), according the diatom protocol (Schäbitz and Wille, unpublished) of this research group, with warm hydrogen peroxide treatment followed by washes with distilled water. No separation of the components or concentration of any type took place (Maidana com. pers.), and because of this these samples contained both microremains and clastic materials. Although counting levels in these preliminary analyses did not reach those of the minimal representative sample, a variety of phytolith types could nevertheless be observed and identified in the sequence. The results of the preliminary analysis show the presence of various types of silica microremains in all of the analyzed samples (Fig.1). Phytolith distributions show a marked abundance of non-diagnostic elements such elongate prismatic, fan-shaped, and pointshaped phytoliths, as well as a clear abundance of diagnostic elements linked to the microthermic grass lineages (such as pooids, festucoids, stipoids, and danthonioids). These were represented mainly by festucoid boats, crescents, truncated cones, and stipa-type morphotypes. The majority of these grass groups are typical of the Patagonian steppe. For other types of grasses, diagnostic phytolith morphotypes such dumbbell shapes are found in these samples, with highest abundances in the upper samples of the sequence. Panicoid elements are not characteristic of the region's floral composition, and the presence of these megathermic grasses can perhaps be related to an antropical factor. Other diagnostic grass types such as collapsed saddle phytoliths, which can be related to the bambusoid groups, are considered as Andean forest elements, as are some nothofagoid and gymnosperm morphotypes. These distributions, although not considered securely comparable because of the insufficient counting levels applied during this preliminary analysis, do create a pattern that resembles the pattern seen in the paleopalynological records (Wille et al., 2007), with Patagonian steppe in the lower core section and Andean forest in the upper section. Current studies As part of the PASADO project, the study of phytoliths from samples from the most recent drilling has begun, and this work is now being carried out by the Diamante and Mar del Plata research groups in a coordinated manner. However, the newer PASADO drilling sequence contains a more extensive record than the previously analyzed SALSA sequence. For this 90 reason, as well as the fact that there are both undisturbed and redeposited sediments in the sequence, two research approaches have been initially planned: 1) a detailed analysis of the upper 2500 cm section (Fig. 2), which includes the material equivalent to the sequence already analyzed for the SALSA project; and 2) a low-resolution analysis of the middle and lower sections. The preliminary analysis of these samples will allow evaluation of the future potential for performing high-resolution studies of both sections, which are characterized by the presence of many redeposited samples. Also included in this approach will sections expected to reflect a low level of biotic activity corresponding to glacial periods. In addition to these low- and high-resolution studies that are now being implemented, members of the Diamante research group in particular are also carrying out complementary analyses with the goal of establishing modern reference patterns of phytolith production/ incorporation system. These are focused on the main ecological communities found in the region: Patagonian steppe, Patagonian ecotone, and Andean forest. These studies are being developed in part as the subject of a doctoral thesis by one of the present authors (MGFP), who is now performing analyses of phytolith production and incorporation in various plant communities from the ecotonal region of Tierra del Fuego. These studies have been designed to complement the phytolith analysis of various species of the Andean forest that have also been carried out, specifically in the case of some Bambusoideae, Nothofagaceae, Asteraceae and Gymnosperm species. References MAIDANA, N., IZAGUIRRE I., VINOCUR A., MATALONI G. AND H. PIZARRO. 2005. Diatomeas en una transecta patagónico-antártica. Ecología Austral 15: 159-176. SCHÄBITZ, F. AND M. WILLE. Unpublished. The PASADO Microfossil Manual. Version 1.0. University of Cologne, Seminar for Geography and Education, Gronewaldstr. 2, 50931 Cologne, Germany. 40 pp. WILLE M., MAIDANA N.I., SCHÄBITZ F., FEY M., HABERZETTL T., JANSSEN S., LÜCKE A., MAYR C., OHLENDORF C., SCHLESER G.H. AND B. ZOLITSCHKA. 2007. Vegetation and climate dynamics in southern South America: The microfossil record of Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 146: 234–246. ZOLITSCHKA B. AND F. SCHÄBITZ. 2007. Südargentinische Seesediment Archive und Modellierung (SALSA) Sedimentologie und Datierung (SALSA I). Paläobiologie und Klimarekonstruktion (SALSA II). 57 pp. Table 1. Sample ID Depth (cm) Age (cal BP) 2227 96 1362 2228 104 1439 2229 112 1508 2230 409 4107 2231 417 4154 2232 1047 8305 2233 1055 8315 2234 1579 13145 2235 1585 13246 Samples analyzed. Sample ID: number recorded in the Laboratorio de Paleobotánica (CICYTTP-Diamante) sediment sample collection. Depth and age of each sample according to Wille et al., 2007. 91 Figure 1. Silica microremains diagram with relative abundance of phytoliths, stomatocysts, and fragmented sponge spicules. Details of the phytolith morphotypes assigned to each class are found in the text. Figure 2. Schematic profile of the sedimentary sequence, with the distribution of the undisturbed samples in black (332 total undisturbed samples). 92 Authors Index Aguilar .............................................................................................................................................32 Alvarez .............................................................................................................................................52 Anselmetti.........................................................................................................................................72 Ariztegui...................................................................................................................................... 69, 72 Barberena...........................................................................................................................................5 Benvenuto ........................................................................................................................................52 Bianchi..........................................................................................................................................8, 60 Borrelli ..............................................................................................................................................52 Borrero ...............................................................................................................................................5 Brea...................................................................................................................................... 81, 85, 89 Buezas .............................................................................................................................................52 Campan..............................................................................................................................................5 Charlin ................................................................................................................................................5 Colobig ................................................................................................................................. 81, 85, 89 Corbella ................................................................................................................................ 10, 14, 36 Coronato.................................................................................................................................... 10, 14, Echazú …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18 Ercolano .................................................................................................................................... 10, 14, Fernández Honaine...........................................................................................................................44 Fernández Pepi..................................................................................................................... 81, 85, 89 Fey ...................................................................................................................................................38 Gebhardt...........................................................................................................................................45 Gogorza................................................................................................................................ 22, 27, 32 Hahn.................................................................................................................................................45 Irurzun ........................................................................................................................................ 22, 32 Kliem ................................................................................................................................................45 Kostadinoff........................................................................................................................................36 Laprida ....................................................................................................................................... 38, 63 Maidana................................................................................................................................ 18, 38, 69 Marinone...........................................................................................................................................41 Massaferro.................................................................................................................................. 38, 47 Menu Marque....................................................................................................................................41 Ohlendorf.............................................................................................................................. 22, 32, 45 Orpella..............................................................................................................................................47 Osterrieth..........................................................................................................................................52 Paez .................................................................................................................................................56 Passeggi............................................................................................................................... 81, 85, 89 Patterer................................................................................................................................. 81, 85, 89 Pawlowski .........................................................................................................................................72 Quintana.......................................................................................................................................8, 60 Ramón Mercau ........................................................................................................................... 38, 63 Raniolo .............................................................................................................................................36 Recasens..........................................................................................................................................69 Rodas ...............................................................................................................................................36 Rojo..................................................................................................................................................52 Schäbitz............................................................................................................................................71 Sinito .......................................................................................................................................... 22, 32 Szewczuk .........................................................................................................................................36 Tiberi .................................................................................................................................... 10, 14, 36 Vasconcelos .....................................................................................................................................72 Vuillemin...........................................................................................................................................72 Wille..................................................................................................................................................71 Zolitschka ............................................................................................................22, 27, 32, 45, 76, 78 Zucol..................................................................................................................................... 81, 85, 89 93 94