Annuals 2015 - Springledge Farm
Annuals 2015 - Springledge Farm
Spring Ledge Farm Acalypha Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Pendula Chenille Firetail Fluffy masses of bright red flower spikes periodically during the year Bloom: Size tall by wide Agastache Apricot Sprite Orange Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 18" tall by 12" wide astromontana Pink Pop Agastache 'Apricot Sprite', is hardy perennial which has above average tubular apricot blooms that are borne on dwarf flowering spikes. The blue green foliage finishes the look for a very diverse color combination that suits any locality. The leaves are licorice scented and the tubular blooms are loved by butterflies and hummingbirds. A great container plant that is Long blooms time in summer with pretty pink spikes of flowers. Compact plant grows only to 14 inches. Pink Bloom: July August Size 12-14" tall by 8" wide foeniculum Golden Jubilee Purple New for 2003. Rich purple flower spikes compliment the golden foliage. Soft golden leaves with pleasant aroma when crushed. Use in pots or as a cut flower in the garden. Bloom: July August September Size 24" tall by 12" wide hybrid Arizona Sandstone Orange First year flowering, hardy annual in our area. Compact and uniform. Very easy care and extremely floriferous. Great in containers! Bloom: July August September O Size 8" tall by 8" wide Arizona Sun Yellow First year flowering, hardy annual in our area. Compact and uniform. Very easy care and extremely floriferous. Great in containers! Bloom: July August September O Size 8" tall by 8" wide Arizona Sunset Pinkish purple Bloom: July August September O Size 8" tall by 8" wide First year flowering, hardy annual in our area. Compact and uniform. Very easy care and extremely floriferous. Great in containers! rugosa Korean Mint Blue Bloom: July August September Size 40-48" tall by 12-16" wide rupestris Apache Sunset Peach, Orange, Rose Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 18-24" tall by 12" wide Versatile plants used as cut flower, herbs, cooking, etc. Young leaves smell like licorice and have an attractive bronze hue. A hardy annual in our area with blue flowers that can be cut fresh or dried. Attracts beneficial insects. Heavy blooming, first year flowering, 2 foot tall perennial. Spikes of tubular flowers, rich shades of peach, orange, and rose, June to October, superb for cutting. Silver-gray, lacy leaves, provide contrast. Plant emits fab root beer-like fragrance. Longer-lived than most agastaches. Winter hardy to zone 5. Acalypha 1 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times x Astello Indigo Deep Blue Bloom: July August September O Size 18-20" tall by 12" wide Blue Boa Blue/purple Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 28-30 tall by 20-24 wide Summer Love Purple & red Bloom: Size 20"-24" tall by 18" wide Ageratum Widely adapted, 20 inch tall plants thrive in cool or hot weather. 'Astello Indigo' produces long lasting, mint scented, deep blue flower spikes July through October. Flowers attract butterflies, superb for cutting. Torrents of rich, purple-blue blooms on sturdy spikes, and stunning dark-purple 5 inch flower clusters. Heat- and humidity-tolerant, high-performance plants unleash torrents of rich, purple-blue blooms on sturdy spikes. Fragrant, vase-perfect flowers tower over the ultragreen clumping foliage. Easy to grow and easy to love. An alluring destination Summer Love forms a low, bushy mound bearing dark upright spikes of rose-purple attracting hummingbirds, goldfinches and butterflies. The foliage has a spicy licorice scent adding to its garden appeal. Great in containers and in the mixed border. Requires excellent drainage. Ageratum houstonianum Artist Blue Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8" tall by 8-10" wide Artist Purple Purple Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8-12" tall by 12" wide Proven Winner for 2003. Keeps blooming all summer long without any need for dead-heading. Flowers stay blue and do not turn brown. Great for landscapes where minimal care is required. Proven Winner for 2003. Keeps blooming all summer long without any need for dead-heading. Flowers stay blue and do not turn brown. Great for landscapes where minimal care is required. Blue Danube Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Blue Horizon Best Tall ageratum for cutting. Long-lasting 3" cluster of flowers add texture and interest to mixed bouquets. Blue Bloom: July August September Size 24 tall by 12 wide Cloud Nine Blue Bloom: Size tall by wide High Tide Blue Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Allamanda Allamanda x Golden Butterfly Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6'' tall by 10'' wide The perfect Allamanda for the potted garden. It has all the brightness and floral form of the vining types, yet its growth habit is bushy and contained. Flowering profusely from early spring to late fall, its extravagant beauty and pleasing fragrance will delight you all year long. Agastache 2 Spring Ledge Farm Alstroemeria Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Inca Lucky Bloom: Size tall by wide x Inca Light Yellow Compact variety with light yellow blooms. Less susceptible to yellow leaves than other Alstroemerias. Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 12" wide Alternanthera dentata Purple Knight Purple-ruby foliage that is almost black. Performs well in high heat, where its color deepens and becomes richer. Bloom: Size tall by wide Amaranth Amaranthus cruentas Hot Biscuits Burnt Orange Bloom: July August September Size 40-48" tall by 18" wide Tower Red Bloom: Size tall by wide hybridus Opopeo Bronze foliage, maroon flowers Bloom: July August September O Size 70-78" tall by 36" wide Gorgeous burnt orange color. A tall, graceful amaranth. Nice in the back of the garden with warm color that adds to harvest arrangements and bouquets. This plant ranges from 3 1/2 feet tall (at its central "tower") to about 27 inches at the secondary flowerspikes. Each bloom column measures 16 to 20 inches long and several inches thick, every iota of space jammed with rich color. The stems are fascinating in fresh arrangements, and may be dried for winter-long color as Everlastings. Colorful spikes resemble a jester's cap. Striking bronze foliage. Original seed from the Mexican village of the same name. paniculatus Emerald Tassles Bloom: Size 36-60" tall by wide Ropes of lime green-colored, trailing blooms.Fantastic color and texture for fresh bouquets or large containers. When dried, the blooms turn from green to a light tan color that works well in fall arrangements. Ht. 36-60". Love Lies Bleeding Bloom: Size tall by wide tricolor Aurora Foliage is Creamy Yellow w/gr Bloom: July August September Size 3-4' tall by 24" wide A unique addition and accent to any large garden - Top leaves mature creamy yellow, lower leaves remain dark green like a white poinsettia. Alstroemeria 3 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Aurora Yellow Bloom: Size tall by wide Not all varieties are available at all times This fast-growing, heat-loving plant bears large, elliptic or oval leaves on erect stems. The leaves are creamy yellow when young, aging to mint green. Insignificant clusters of green or reddish flowers appear at the stem tips and in the leaf axils in summer. Small capsules containing a single brown or black seed follow the flowers. Plants sometimes self-sow. Carnival Bloom: Size tall by wide Early Splendor Bright Red neon Leaves Bloom: July August September Size 24 tall by 12 wide Perfecta Very interesting accent plant with extremely bright leaves. We used it in our 96 cutting garden - worked especially well in large bouquets. Rich red, brilliant yellow, and vibrant green leaves atop branching habit. Trial in our cutting gardens for 2000. Red, yellow leaves Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 40-48" tall by 18-24" wide Anagallis Anagallis monellii Wildcat Blue True Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-12" tall by 6-8" wide Wildcat Mandarin Orange From the breeding program at the University of New Hampshire comes this groundbreaking new series of early, compact, large-flowered Anagallis. A more compact and earlier flowering form, this exciting new true-blue 2/3" flower is perfect for combos, 4" pots, and baskets Early flowering with small orange-colored flowers all season. Performs beautifully in beds, containers and hangers. No deadheading required. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-12" tall by wide Anemone Anemone coronaria Harmony Mix Mixed Bloom: April May June Size 10" tall by 6" wide Angelonia The Harmony series has a dwarf habit, which makes it perfect for mixed containers. It is tall enough to stand out, but doesn't overwhelm the other flowers. Harmony will keep blooming until summer, and in milder climates if planted it will bloom again the next spring. Harmony is a beautiful dwarf series of anemone that is ideal for winter and spring celebrations such Angelonia augustifolia hybrid Angelface Blue Blueish purple Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 18-24" tall by 8-12" wide Angelface Pink Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 14-18" tall by 12" wide Angelface Wedgewood Blu Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 18-24" tall by 12" wide A nice new Angelonia for containers or in the garden. Somewhat compact with upright habit. Abundant spire-like blooms all season. Loves heat and sun. Can be used as a cut flower, although other taller varieties may provide longer stems. A "Proven Winner". Proven Winner - great in summer gardens - known as Summer Snapdragon. Enjoys the heat with strong upright florets of Strong pink flowers. Great in containers and along the garden border. Useful as cut flower as well. This large and beautiful blue flower has a garden performance that makes an exciting addition to your summer flowering collection. Amaranthus 4 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Angelface White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 18-24" tall by 12" wide Carita Purple Purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-16" tall by 12" wide Not all varieties are available at all times A nice new Angelonia for containers or in the garden. Somewhat compact with upright habit. Abundant spire-like blooms all season. Loves heat and sun. Can be used as a cut flower, although other taller varieties may provide longer stems. A "Proven Winner". Thrives in full sun and blooms all summer. From a distance, looks like snapdragon or linaria (toadflax) flowers with blooms covering the tall spikes. Flowers are pretty up close as well with large petals recurving in all directions. Carita Raspberry Raspberry Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 12-16" tall by 12" wide Serena Mix Mixed pinks, purples, whites Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10-12" tall by 12" wide New for 2006. The first angelonia series from seed rivals the quality of the vegetatively propogated angelonias. Heat loving, snapdragon-like flowers bloom all over the plants in mid to late summer. No deadheading required. Antirrhinum hispanicum Rocket Yellow Bright yellow flower spikes on tall, well-branched plants. These snaps make a great cut flower! Yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 30-36 tall by 12" wide majus Montego Mix Mixed Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-10" tall by 8" wide Rocket Mix AAS Winner. The main variety we use in our cut flower gardens. Mixed Bloom: Size 18-24 tall by 12 wide Rocket Orchid Great cut flower or for the mid-back of the border. Unique color. Used in our cut flower gardens. Orchid Pink Bloom: May June July September Size 24-30" tall by 12" wide Rocket Pink Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 18-24" tall by 12" wide Rocket White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 18-4 tall by 12 wide Snapshot Mix Mixed Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-10" tall by 8" wide Rocket Pink Snapdragon features beautiful spikes of lightly-scented pink pea-like flowers with shell pink overtones and a yellow flare rising above the foliage from mid spring to mid fall, The unrivalled king of the Tall Snaps, Rocket boasts big, densely-packed plumes atop vigorous 2 1/2- to 3-foot plants, glowing with dazzling white flowers in cool, sunny weather! The more you cut, the more you get with this very floriferous performer, and the flowers emit a rich, spicy scent you will love in the garden or the vase! Nice in the middle of the Strong garden performance, plants stay bushy and compact. Angelonia 5 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Snapshot Mix Citrus Mixed oranges and yellows Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Snapshot Mix Merlot Mixed burgundy, reds Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Snapshot Peach Flame A mid height snapdragon with yellows, oranges and apricot. Bloom: Size 16"-20" tall by 12" wide Snapshot Red Bicolor Red bicolor Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Snapshot Spring Mix Mix yellows, whites, pinks Bloom: April May June September Size 6-10" tall by 10" wide Snapshot Yellow Yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Solstice Mix Daylength Neutral Snapdragon Mixed Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Sonnet Burgundy Burgundy Bloom: July August September O Size 18-20" tall by 12" wide Sonnet Mix Medium height snaps. Can be used for cutting for short bouquets. Great in pots. Mixed Bloom: July August September Size 12-18 tall by 12 wide Sonnet Pink Medium height snaps. Makes a nice cut flower Pink Bloom: July August September Size 12-18 tall by 12 wide Sonnet White Medium height snaps. Makes a nice cut flower. White Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Sonnet Yellow Yellow Bloom: July August September Size 12-18 tall by 12 wide Medium height snaps. Antirrhinum 6 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Twinny Peach Peachy pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 8" wide Not all varieties are available at all times Features unique double "butterfly" flowers in a beautiful pastel blend of peach, yellow and light orange. Tolerates hot and wet summer weather. Arboricola Arboricola z Trinette Yello and Green Bloom: Size 10'' tall by 16'' wide Marguerite Daisy Argyranthemum frutescens Vanilla Butterfly Cream w/ yellow eye Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 16-24" tall by 12-16" wide A new Proven Winner for 2004. 'Vanilla Butterfly' is a sport of 'Butterfly', with the same great garden performance in a soft cream color. We saw this last summer in a trial garden and it looks to be a good one. x Butterfly Yellow A very nice deep yellow bloom - blooms all summer and into the fall. One of the best plants out there for show and ease of care. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 18-24" tall by 14-18" wide Madeira Red Vigorous, upright plants work well in full-sun gardens, landscapes, mixed containers and planters. Red Bloom: April May June July Size tall by wide Reflection Pink Reflection Pink Marguerite daisy boasts frilly foliage and large pink and brown blossoms. Pink Bloom: April May June July Size tall by wide Sassy Pink Bloom: Size tall by wide Sassy White Bloom: Size tall by wide x. Beauty Yellow Yellow Bloom: April May June July August Size 14" tall by 14" wide This old-fashioned favorite is sure to attract attention. Feathery foliage compliments a non-stop display of colorful daisies. Antirrhinum 7 Spring Ledge Farm Asclepias Butterfly Weed Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times curassavica Silky Gold Exotic looking blooms. 2-4" umbels atop strong stems. A very worthwhile cut flower. Related to common milkweed. Gold Bloom: July August September Size 28-42 tall by 18 wide Begonia Begonia Bossa Nova White Bloom: Size tall by wide Nonstop Deep Rose Bloom: Size tall by wide Unstoppable Upright Apric Bloom: Size tall by wide boliviensis Bossa Nova Ivory White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-16" tall by 16-20" wide Bossa Nova Orange Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-16" tall by 16-20" wide Bossa Nova Pink Glow pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-16" tall by 16-20" wide Bossa Nova Red red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-16" tall by 16-20" wide 'Bossa Nova' exhibits excellent branching on a tidy yet abundant habit.Good in a variety of climates 'Bossa Nova' is self-cleaning and produces color from late spring all the way to first frost. 'Bossa Nova' exhibits excellent branching on a tidy yet abundant habit.Good in a variety of climates 'Bossa Nova' is self-cleaning and produces color from late spring all the way to first frost. 'Bossa Nova' exhibits excellent branching on a tidy yet abundant habit.Good in a variety of climates 'Bossa Nova' is self-cleaning and produces color from late spring all the way to first frost. 'Bossa Nova' exhibits excellent branching on a tidy yet abundant habit.Good in a variety of climates 'Bossa Nova' is self-cleaning and produces color from late spring all the way to first frost. Nova' exhibits excellent branching on a tidy yet Bossa Nova Salmon Shades 'Bossa abundant habit.Good in a variety of climates 'Bossa Nova' is Salmon Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-16" tall by 16-20" wide Bossa Nova Yellow Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-16" tall by 16-20" wide self-cleaning and produces color from late spring all the way to first frost. 'Bossa Nova' exhibits excellent branching on a tidy yet abundant habit.Good in a variety of climates 'Bossa Nova' is self-cleaning and produces color from late spring all the way to first frost. Asclepias 8 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Million Kisses Honeymoon Golden Yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10-12" tall by 25-30" wide Not all varieties are available at all times The most vigorous trailing begonia on the market, Million Kisses is easy to grow with better branching and many early, large flowers. rex Escargot Bloom: Size tall by wide Fedor Escargot Rex Begonia is a great statement piece for hangers or containers. Begonia rex `Escargot' gets its name from the unique way that the leaf curls in on itself, creating a spiral effect that resembles the shell of a snail. The deeply spiraled leaves of Begonia rex 'Escargot' are marked in bands of silver and green. Unique silver foliage with dark green veins. Medium sized leaves. Bloom: Size tall by wide Paso Doble Variegated pink and green foliage makes a great accent plant. Bloom: Size tall by wide Red Kiss Foliage - red swirls Bloom: Size 6" tall by 6-8" wide x Nonstop Mocca Bright Ora Bright orange blooms on chocolate foliage makes this a great statement plant! Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Nonstop Mocca Yellow Fully double yellow blooms on chocolate foliage. Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Whopper Red Bronze Leaf Red w/ bronze leaf Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Whopper Red Green Leaf Red with green leaf Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide x semperflorens-cultorum Bada Bing Mix Mixed Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8" tall by 8" wide Bada Bing Pink pink Bloom: Size 8''-10'' tall by 8'' wide green leaf Begonia 9 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Bada Bing Scarlet Scarlet Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Bada Bing White green leaf White Bloom: Size 8''-10'' tall by 8'' wide Bada Boom Mix Mixed Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8 tall by 8 wide Bada Boom Pink Pink blooms on mounded plants with dark bronze foliage Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Bada Boom Rose bronze leaf - early to flower Rose Bloom: Size 8''-10'' tall by 8'' wide Bada Boom Scarlet Scarlet Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8 tall by 8 wide Bada Boom White bronze-leaf early to flower White Bloom: Size 8''-10'' tall by 8'' wide Fairyland Mix Mix - double flowers Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide x tuberhybrida AmeriHybrid Dbl Pendula Apricot Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-18" tall by 18-24" wide AmeriHybrid Dbl Pendula Salmon This Begonia is a large double flowered strain that produces twice as many flower stalks as the European varieties. Its exceptional branching habit requires fewer plants to fill a basket with truly classic beauty. These begonia flowers measure 3" to 6" across. The AmeriHybrid Double Salmon boasts double, pendulous blooms measuring 3-5". Great for hanging baskets, this begonia is a show-stopper! Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-18" tall by 18-24" wide AmeriHybrid Dbl Pendula Giant double blooms on this pendulous white begonia make for elegant, show-stopping hanging baskets! White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-18" tall by 18-24" wide AmeriHybrid On Top Fand Pink/White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-18" tall by 18-24" wide Fandango On Top Begonia has a white semi-ruffled blossom with a delicate orange colored edge. On Top Begonias are the absolute best container picotee begonia available. They are as quick as Non-Stops, but far better branched and with more blooms. They are tough, early, compact, heat tolerant and features an exceptionally long blooming period. On Top Begonia 10 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Glow On Top Begonia is a yellow semi-ruffled blossom AmeriHybrid On Top Sungl Sun with a fiery red edge. On Top Begonias are the absolute best Yellow/Red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-18" tall by 18-24" wide AmeriHybrid Picotee Lace Orange container picotee begonia available. They are as quick as Non-Stops, but far better branched and with more blooms. They are tough, early, compact, heat tolerant and features an exceptionally long blooming period. On Top Begonias are Our Apricot Picotee Lace Begonia is a semi-ruffled double blossom (4-8" in diameter) displaying a velvety apricot color with a delicate white edge. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-12" tall by 12" wide AmeriHybrid Picotee Sunb Yellow with orange edge Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Illumination Apricot Apricot This beautiful group produces a ruffled double blossom that is 4-8" (10.1-20.3 cm) across with edges of each petal incontrasting color ranging from whites with fine pink edges to bright yellows with bold red edges. Very showy trailing tuberous begonia. This winning mix is a subtle blend of fiery oranges to perfect yellow and every shade in-between. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size trailing tall by trailing wide Illumination Golden Picote hanging baskets, cascading 2'' flowers golden apricot Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 4-8'' tall by cascading wide Illumination Orange Unique new color - long season of bloom. Orange Bloom: June July August Septemb Size trailing tall by trailing wide Illumination Salmon Pink Long, flexible cascading stems with large semi-double blooms. Green foliage Salmon Pink Bloom: Size tall by wide Illumination White Abundance of 2-3" double flowers. Beautiful in hangers and mixed pots. White Bloom: June July August Septemb Size Trailing tall by Trailing wide Miss Montreal Great for baskets. Very large bicolor flowers. Soft peach Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide NonStop Apple Blossom Nice color on the bloom of white fading to rose pink on the edges. Apple blossom pink Bloom: July August September O Size 8" tall by 8" wide NonStop Deep Salmon Deep Salmon Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Nonstop Joy Yellow Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-10" tall by 6-12" wide This upright begonia boasts large double salmon blooms against deep green foliage all summer long. Great in containers. This bright yellow upright begonia makes a great statment plant for containers. No deadheading necessary, blooms all summer. Begonia 11 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 NonStop Mix Not all varieties are available at all times Non-stop varieties offer multiple blooms all summer long. One of our favorite and most popular varieties. Mix Bloom: Size 8-10 tall by 12 wide NonStop Mocha Pink Shad Pink Shades Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide NonStop Pink Non-stop varieties offer multiple blooms all summer long. One of our favorite and most popular varieties. Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 6-10" tall by 6" wide NonStop Red Free-flowering, compact plants with 2 1/2 to 3" flowers. Great in containers. Red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide NonStop Yellow Non-stop varieties offer multiple blooms all summer long. One of our favorite and most popular varieties. Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-8 tall by 12 wide Pin-up Fleuroselect winner. Enormous bicolor blooms of aristocratic beauty, each with four petals. White w/deep pink margin Bloom: Size 8 tall by 12 wide Pinup Flame Orange/yellow combo Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8" tall by 8" wide AAS Winner. Flowers as large as 6" wide. Single petaled blooms with streaks of orange and yellow blended together. Very striking plant. x. Angel Falls Soft Pink Soft Pink White flowers with pink and yellow accents. Use them in containers and hanging baskets where they will send cascading blooms over the edges all summer long. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Dragon Wing Pink Pink Large arching stems, beautiful and graceful rich green leaves, large blooms. Angle wing begonia type plant but much more vigorous and bushy. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10-12" tall by 12-15" wide Dragon Wing Red Scarlet Red Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10-12" tall by 12-15" wide Encanto Orange Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Encanto Red Red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Large arching stems, beautiful and graceful rich green leaves, large blooms. Angle wing begonia type plant but much more vigorous and bushy. Begonia 12 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Gryphon Bloom: Size tall by wide Mistral Dark Red Dark Red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10"-12" tall by 14" wide Mistral Orange Best-in-class branching makes this your "go-to" series for Summer baskets - plants won't fall, and they continue to thrive in warm temperatures. Mistral Dark Red is a surefire with its vibrant red. This vigorous trailing begonia looks great in hangers and combination plantings! Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10"-12" tall by 14" wide Sparks Will Fly Bloom: Size 15"-18" tall by 12"-15" wide Unbelievable First Kiss Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-14" tall by 12" wide Bidens Unique dark bronze foliage and dazzling tangerine blooms. Bright orange blooms mature to yellow in the Fall. Easy to grow and quick to finish, featuring a medium "rounded mounded" habit that stays controlled. An interspecific series with serrated deep, almost black, green leaves that accent large semi-double blossoms. Tough and versatile series for containers or baskets in sun to shade. Bright blush pink blossoms atop dark serrated foliage shine in the shade. Nice large flower size with a pleasing upright habit. Extremely heat tolerant. Bidens ferulaefolia Bidy Gonzales Trailing Yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8-10" tall by 12-16" wide Campfire Fireburst Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-12" tall by 10-12" wide Flowering Kale Biden's freulifolia 'Bidy Gonzales Trailing' provides bright, cheerful golden-yellow flowers that will make your combo pots and flower beds "pop". Very floriferous with large flowers and a compact habit. Bidens are vigorous, heat and drought tolerant plants, flowering from spring to fall. Use in baskets, window boxes, or in the landscape. Self-cleaning, no A breakthrough color for Bidens, CampfireT Fireburst bears rich orange and yellow bicolor blooms on compact plants. It can be used in combination with other medium to high vigor plants such as Supertuniar or grown on its own in hanging baskets and landscapes. This is a high light plant that is heat and drought tolerant once established. Brassica oleracea Red Feather Deep coral red centers Bloom: August September Octob Size 18" tall by 12" wide Attractive, unusual colored, serrated feather-like foliage. Outer leaves are green and also serrated. Tall plants, nice as a bedding plant. Edible. Browalia Browalia "Bush Violet" speciosa Blue Bells A late bloomer where summers are short, these plants produce beautiful lavender color for fall gardens. Dark green foliage. Lavender-blue Bloom: July August September Size 12-16 tall by 8 wide Endless Flirtation White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Prolific spring and summer bloomer! Brilliant white blooms against green foliage. Easy care, no deadheading required. Begonia 13 Spring Ledge Farm Bupleurum Bupleurum Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times griffithii Green Gold Green gold Bloom: Size 12-18" tall by 12" wide rotundifolia Graffiti Very like a Euphorbia in flower, yet has leaves like a Eucalyptus. Use in the border in sun or fairly shaded areas. Great form and coloring. Abundant material for cutting and arranging. Classic yellowy-green, lacy-looking, umbrella-like blossoms on long, slender stems above attractive, eucalyptus-like leaves.And do they ever last in your vases! Bloom: Size 18"-24" tall by 12" wide Caladium Artful Fire and Ice Great foliage plant for use in both sun and shade. Bloom: Size tall by wide x White Queen White Queen caladiums have striking large white leaves with bleeding rose veins Bloom: Size 18" tall by 16" wide Calathea Calathea x Blue Marx Green Bloom: Size 10'' tall by 20'' wide Medallion Pink Bloom: Size 8'' tall by 10'' wide Calendula Calendula officinalis BonBon A dwarf calendula variety. Blooms all season. Mixed Bloom: July August September O Size 6-8 tall by 6 wide Costa Mix Calendula is a great spring season crop. Costa Mix's larger than normal flowers cover the strong vigorous plants. Yellow and orange shades Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Pacific Beauty Mixed Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-18 tall by 12 wide This edible annual prefers cooler climates and the pot marigold's blooms peak in spring to early summer but can last through the fall. The 2-3" blooms, in shades of orange, cream to yellow garland 1-2 feet tall plants. Nice for cut flower production. Attractive to beneficial insects. Bupleurum 14 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Calibrachoa Calibrachoa Not all varieties are available at all times x. Aloha Blue Sky Lavender Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 16-24" wide Aloha Canary Yellow Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 16-24" wide Aloha Cherry Cherry Red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 16-24" wide Aloha Kona Hot Pink Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 16-24" wide Aloha Kona Mango Peach Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 16-24" wide Aloha Kona Midnight Blue Deep Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 16-24" wide Aloha Kona Royal White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 16-24" wide Aloha Purple Purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 18-24" wide Aloha Tiki Soft Pink Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 16-24" wide Aloha White White Aloha Blue Sky Calibrachoa is blanketed in stunning lavender trumpet-shaped flowers at the ends of the stems from late spring to early fall. It's small pointy leaves remain green in color throughout the season. Aloha Canary Yellow Calibrachoa is bathed in stunning yellow trumpet-shaped flowers at the ends of the stems from late spring to early fall. It's small pointy leaves remain green in color throughout the season. Aloha Cherry Calibrachoa is covered in stunning cherry red trumpet-shaped flowers at the ends of the stems from late spring to early fall. It's small pointy leaves remain green in color throughout the season. Aloha Kona Hot Pink Calibrachoa is covered in stunning bright pink trumpet-shaped flowers at the ends of the stems from late spring to early fall. It's small pointy leaves remain green in color throughout the season. Aloha Kona Mango Calibrachoa is covered in stunning creamy orange trumpet-shaped flowers at the ends of the stems from late spring to early fall. It's small pointy leaves remain green in color throughout the season. Aloha Kona Midnight Blue Calibrachoa is smothered in stunning royal blue trumpet-shaped flowers with yellow throats and purple centers at the ends of the stems from late spring to early fall. It's small pointy leaves remain green in color throughout the season. Aloha Royal White Calibrachoa is bathed in stunning white trumpet-shaped flowers with yellow throats and pink centers at the ends of the stems from late spring to early fall. It's small pointy leaves remain green in color throughout the season. Aloha Purple Calibrachoa is blanketed in stunning lavender trumpet-shaped flowers with yellow throats and purple veins at the ends of the stems from late spring to early fall. It's small pointy leaves remain green in color throughout the season. The large flowers of 'Aloha Tiki Soft Pink' are a soft baby pink with primrose throats outlined in deep rose. The plants exhibit a semi-upright habit especially suited to container planting, and are early to flower. Calibrachoa is easy to grow and blooms all summer long. This vigourous bloomer is covered in large white flowers all summer long! This Calibrachoa is heat tolerant and low maintenance. Great for containers and bedding. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 16-24" wide Bouquet' is pretty, sweet, and tough. Flowers are Celebration Candy Bouquet `Candy marvels of color: bright magenta accents are counterpointed Magenta/Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-14" tall by 12-14" wide by rich-toned golden-yellow stars that vary prettily from bloom to bloom. First-rate garden performer, `Candy Bouquet' makes a splash: in hanging baskets, patio planters and garden beds. Calibrachoa 15 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Crave Sunset Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12"-14" tall by 12" wide Hula Cherry Not all varieties are available at all times Crazy-floriferous, heat-resistant plants joyously cascade from containers or baskets. Long-flowering orange blooms on 12-14" plants bring on a chromatic commotion in the sun-splashed border. Small petunia-like light pink-purple with dark burgundy centered flowers. Great for hangers and containers. Burgundy Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10-12" tall by 12-14" wide Kabloom Deep Blue Deep Blue Heat-resistant plants joyously cascade from containers or baskets. Long-flowering blue blooms on 12-14" plants bring on a chromatic commotion in the sun-splashed border. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12"-14" tall by 12" wide Kabloom Deep Pink Deep Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8"-12" tall by 8"-12" wide Kabloom White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12"-14" tall by 12"-14" wide Kabloom Yellow Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-12" tall by 10-14" wide Crazy-floriferous, heat-resistant plants joyously cascade from containers or baskets. Long-flowering white blooms on 12-14" plants bring on a chromatic commotion in the sun-splashed border. Crazy-floriferous, heat-resistant plants joyously cascade from containers or baskets. Long-flowering white blooms on 12-14" plants bring on a chromatic commotion in the sun-splashed border. Splendid in the company of petunias and verbenas. Kabloom Yellow Calibrachoa is covered in bright yellow blooms all summer long! Low maintenance, heat tolerant, vigorous grower makes this a great choice for hangers and containers. MiniFamous Double Pink Bloom: Size tall by wide MiniFamous Double Red Red Bloom: April May June July August Size tall by wide Double blossomed red Calibrachoa. Early-to-flower, semi-trailing and mediumvigor series has a newly expanded color range. Ideal for quart, gallon, basket and mixed container programs. MiniFamous Double Yello Bloom: Size tall by wide almost black eye on this calibrachoa fades to a bright Superbells Blackberry Punc Dark, purple pink edges. Cascading habit makes this a great plant Black and pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide for hanging baskets and containers. Superbells Blue New series of Calibrachoa (aka Million Belles). Semi-upright form, heat tolerant, well-suited for containers, patios, gardens and hanging baskets. Blue Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8" tall by 18" wide Superbells Cherry Red Bright cherry red w/ yellow eye Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-8" tall by 18" wide Cherry Red. Masses of flowers cover plants that can take cold, sun, heat and then more cold in the fall. New series of Calibrachoa (aka Million Belles). Semi-upright form, heat tolerant, well-suited for containers, patios, gardens and hanging baskets. Calibrachoa 16 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Superbells Dreamsicle Yellows & Oranges Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Superbells Evening Star Not all varieties are available at all times Abundant, small petunia-like flowers in shades of oranges and yellows grow all season on cascading foliage, no deadheading necessary. Lovely lavender flowers feature a yellow star pattern and deep purple throat. Lavendar Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-10" tall by 8-10" wide Superbells Garden Rose Abundant, small petunia-like purple flowers all season on cascading growth; low maintenance. Trails up to 30". Purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-8" tall by 30" wide Superbells Grape Punch ever-blooming small flowers on a mounding-trailing habit purple Bloom: Size 6-10'' tall by wide Superbells Lemon Slice White and Yellow striped petals Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8" tall by wide Superbells Pink Bright Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 18" wide Superbells Pomegranate Pu Red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Superbells Yellow Yellow Bloom: April May June July August Size 6-8" tall by wide Volcano Sunrise New for 2013 - This white and yellow bicolor makes a huge statement in container or in the garden. Calibrachoas are a new type of plants that sort of look like little Petunias, which makes sense seeing as we're related. Only Superbells aren't sticky, perk right back up after it rains, and stay compact and bushy even when we are stressed. New series of Calibrachoa (aka Million Belles). Semi-upright form, heat tolerant, well-suited for containers, patios, gardens and hanging baskets. This trailing superbell has deep red blossoms with a black center. This year at Spring Ledge farm we are introducing Proven Winners Superbells in Pomegranate Punch. This Superbell boasts an abundance of deep velvety red blooms with black centers that last from mid spring to frost! The Pomegranate Developed and selected for their large flowers, their resistance to Thielaviopsis, and their strong summer performance, these Calibrachoa are truly Superbells. Growth habit is a prostrate form that will give them a new stature when planted alone or in combinations. They're well-suited to containers, patios, or in the garden. Peachy Yellow blooms on this vigorous grower. Heat tolerant and low maintenance, this makes a perfect container plant. Peach Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 14-18" wide Aster Callistephus chinensis Benary's Princess Formula Mixed - 11 colors Bloom: August September Size 28" tall by 12" wide Matsumoto Blue & White Blue & white Bloom: August September Size 36 tall by 18" wide A newly reselected mix of princess type garden asters with great plant habit and vigor. Rubular flowers with a light center surrounded by a ring of broad petals. Eleven colors. Two inch blooms with distinct yellow centers. Grows well in most soils. Nice cut flower. Calibrachoa 17 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Queen Mix Not all varieties are available at all times Dwarf 10" plants bear a full color range of flowers, crimson, blue shades, rose and white. Excellent for borders or pots. Mix Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10" tall by 8" wide Tower Custom Mix Gorgeous mix of colors. Excellent uniformity in height and bloom time. Great cut flower. Mix Bloom: July August September Size 28" tall by 12" wide Canna Canna Cannova Bronze Scarlet Bright, 3 to 4-in blooms are held above the foliage. Use for pots and bedding. Red Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 30-48" tall by 7-10" wide x generalis Cannova Red Shades Bright red blooms on tall plants are showy for containers or beds. Red Bloom: June July August Size 30"-48" tall by 7"-10" wide Cannova Rose Great for landscapes and container plantings in full sun! Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 30-48" tall by 7-10" wide Cannova Yellow Great for landscape plantings or containers in full sun! Yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 30"-48" tall by 7"-10" wide Vinca (periwinkle) Catharanthus roseus Valiant Mix Bloom: Size tall by wide Cockscomb Celosia cristata Chief Mix Tall cockscomb celosia ideal either cut or dried for bouquets. Mixed Bloom: July August September O Size 36" tall by 18" wide Prestige Scarlet Bright Scarlet Bloom: April June July August Sep Size 12" tall by 18" wide Sunday Pink Dark Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide AAS Winner. New type - multiflora, more and smaller flowers. Each upright stem has several flower clusters. Cockscomb shaped flowers. Cut fresh or dried. Attractive plumes in a wide colour range are perfect fillers for mixed bouquets; also makes an eye-catching backyard cut flower. Callistephus 18 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times plumosa Pampas Plume Warm summer colors Bloom: July August September O Size 33-48" tall by 18" wide Perfect for cut flower filler. Masses of soft, feathery spikes in scarlet, orange, bright yellow, pink and cream. Multi-branching plants produce 10-14 stems per plant. spicata Flamingo Feather Novelty cut flower easy to grow. Deep coral pink blends to near white. Upright sprays. Perfect for drying. Coral Bloom: July August September Size 32 tall by 18 wide x China Town Bloom: Size tall by wide Bachelor Button Centaurea cyanus Blue Boy Deep Blue Used in our cut flower gardens with good success. Attracts beneficial insects and pollinators. Easy to grow corn blue flowers. Bloom: July August September Size 24-36 tall by 12 wide Dwarf Jubilee Gem Dwarf Bachelor Button mixed colors. Mixed Bloom: July August September Size 12-16 tall by 12 wide Frosted Queen A versatile mix of colors. Unique of bi-colored petals. Purple, pink, white mixed Bloom: July August September Size 24-36 tall by 12 wide Cerinthe Cerinthe major var. purpurescens Kiwi Blue Cerinthe Grey green foliage/ purple blue flowers Bloom: August September Size 12-18" tall by 12" wide Little known bushy annual 12-18" really comes into focus when the cooler nights of late summer accentuate the colors. Grey green foliage and blue bracts with purple flowers. Tolerates heat, but likes cool weather and withstands light fall frosts. Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum coronarium Primrose Gem Pale Yellow Bloom: July August September Size 18-24 tall by 12 wide A knockout for cut flowers. From Cook's Garden catalog. Pale yellow, one inch double pom-pom blooms w. sunny yellow centers. Finely cut, attractive foliage. Staff favorite. Chrysocephalum Strawflower apiculatum Flambe Yellow Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Drought tolerant, Heat tolerant, sandy soil tolerant, frost tolerant to 30F with minimal damage, so good for extending season both in spring and in fall. Somewhat salt tolerant. Goes great with: Coleus Royal Glissade, Intensia Phlox, Superbells Calibrachoa, any annuals or perennials where silver foliage can act as an accent. Best in bright full sun Celosia 19 Spring Ledge Farm Cineraria Cineraria Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times erfurt Charming Mix Bloom: Size tall by wide Cistus Cistus corb Second Honeymoon White Bloom: May Size tall by wide Spider Flower Pure white flowers in Spring with colorful white, yellow and green leaves. Upright, mounded, evergreen shrub for use in the landscape or large/mixed containers. Drought and heat tolerant. Cleome hasslerana Pequena Rosalita Rose pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 18"-36" tall by 12"-18" wide Queen Cherry Unlike other cleome Pequeña RosalitaT will not self seed, doesn't get bare knees, she isn't sticky and the doesn't have thorns. Her flowers are smaller than classic cleome, but she flowers all over the plant not just at the top. She is great for adding height to garden beds and has dark green foliage. Deadheading isn't necessary. Old-fashioned flower makes a great back-of-the-border plant and an unusual cut flower. Beware of thorny stems. Cherry Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 36" tall by 18" wide Queen Rose Rose This popular native of South American jungles enjoys summer heat and lots of moisture. New flowers are constantly formed, leaving attractive, long slender seed pods. Bloom: July August September O Size 24-36 tall by 18 wide Queen Violet Violet This popular native of South American jungles enjoys summer heat and lots of moisture. New flowers are constantly formed, leaving attractive, long slender seed pods. Bloom: July August September O Size 24-36 tall by 18 wide Queen White White This popular native of South American jungles enjoys summer heat and lots of moisture. New flowers are constantly formed, leaving attractive, long slender seed pods. Bloom: July August September O Size 24-36 tall by 18 wide Senorita Blanca White Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Senorita Rosalita Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 24-48" tall by wide Sparkler Mix Mixed Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 20" tall by 24" wide This heat and drought tolerant plant adds dramatic height to landscape beds; sterile white flowers and thornless, non-sticky, odorless foliage adds to the appeal for this great garden performer. This heat and drought tolerant plant adds dramatic height to landscape beds; sterile pink/lavender flowers and thornless, non-sticky, odorless foliage adds to the appeal for this great garden performer. New for 2002. Sparkler series cleome offer bright colors in a more compact plant. 6" flower size but only 20" high and spread of only 24". Cineraria 20 Spring Ledge Farm Cobea Cathedral Bells Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times scandens Greenish A vigorous vine reaching 15 feet in a season. Greenish bell-shaped flowers open along vines. Must have a strong trellis to grow on. Bloom: Size 15' tall by 18" wide Aloe Collection Absolutely Aloes Collectio vera, miniformis 'austera', gariepensis, dichotoma, broomii, ferox, variegata and peglarae. Bloom: Size tall by wide Exclusively Echeveria Coll Echeverias are the most popular genera amoung succulents today. This two-tray collection contains six different varieties of purely Echeverias. Bloom: Size tall by wide Spectacular Succulents Bloom: Size tall by wide Taro This program offers a collection of four 51-count trays with 12 assorted succulent varieties. A good assortment of different genera, which will include upright, mounding and trailing types. Colocasia esculenta Black Magic Great container plant, adds interest to the garden. Purple Bloom: Size 3' tall by 3' wide Larkspur Consolida orientalis Sublime Formula Mix Annual larkspur with exceptional colors. Great for drying and for fresh cuts. Mixed Bloom: May June July Size 36" tall by 12" wide regalis Blue Cloud Deep Blue Bloom: June July Size 12-18 tall by 18 wide Cordyline Cordyline x Assorted green Bloom: Size tall by wide Very airy plant with plenty of small blue flowers covering the plant. Used as a filler in our cut flower bouquets. Delicate-looking plant. Cobea 21 Spring Ledge Farm Coreopsis Tickseed Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times tinctoria Hohe Mix Red/ brown red & Yellow Bloom: July August September O Size 30-35" tall by 12-18" wide Excellent filler for flower bouquets. Red, brown-red 1 1/2" daisy-like blooms have brown tips or brown with yellow tips. Spidery foliage. Long bloom period. Re-seeds freely. Cosmos Cosmos atrosanguineus Chocamocha chocolate-scented maroon Bloom: Size 16'' tall by 6''-8'' wide bipinnatus Double Click Mix Pink, whites, reds Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 42" tall by 18-24" wide Sea Shells New for 2006! Unusual double blooms in a range of colors. Tall plants with large, fully-double and semi-double blooms. Shades of carmine, pink, and white make this a great cut flower and garden addition. Ht. 42-46" Flower petals are almost open-ended tubes. Very unique shape and look. Mixed pastels Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 36-48 tall by 18-24 wide Sensation Mix Our most popular and versatile cosmos variety. Used extensively in our cut gardens. Mixed Bloom: July August September O Size 36-48 tall by 18-24 wide Sonata Mix Shorter version of cosmos. Mixed Bloom: July August September Size 24-30 tall by 18 wide Sonata Pink Bloom: Size tall by wide Sonata White Dwarf white cosmos - bipinn. type. White Bloom: July August September Size tall by wide sulphureus Ladybird Mix Mixed Bloom: July August September Size 12-18 tall by 18 wide Compact and easy to grow. heat tolerant. Semi-double flower shape. Coreopsis 22 Spring Ledge Farm Croton Croton Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times x Mammy red Bloom: Size 6-12" tall by wide Petra Mammy is a smaller Croton with bright red, yellow and green leaves or a yellow Mammy with yellow foliage and a bit of green. The Mammy Croton can be maintained about 2 to 2-1/2 feet. Petra is a broad leaved Croton. Makes a great houseplant. Red Bloom: Size 10'' tall by wide Cuphea Cuphea compacta Sriracha Pink Pink Bloom: June July August Size 10-16" tall by 10-12" wide Sriracha Rose Red Bloom: June July August Size 10-16" tall by 10-12" wide Sriracha Violet Violet Bloom: June July August Size 10-16" tall by 10-12" wide hybrid Vermillionaire Orange The new Cuphea Sriracha Series offers compact, well branched, heat tolerant plants in firey colors. These upright plants spread 14-18 inches and are great for garden beds or containers. Sriracha Pink boasts bright pink blooms and Sriracha Rose has rose red blooms. The Cuphea Sriracha Series offers compact, well branched, heat tolerant plants in firey colors. These upright plants spread 14-18 inches and are great for garden beds or containers. Sriracha Pink boasts bright pink blooms and Sriracha Rose has rose red blooms. Compact, well-branched plants, with a long shelf life, offer a uniform, colorful addition for spring and hot summer plantings. Loves the heat making it a great season extender for the summer. Hummingbird and bumble bee magnet! Extremely heat and humidity tolerant, as well as frost tolerant. Very low maintenance, great orange color and upright habit. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 18-28" tall by 16" wide Lemon grass Cymbopogan x Lemon Grass Green Bloom: Size 6'' tall by wide Artichoke Grow a touch of the tropics by tucking a clump of lemongrass into a pot or garden bed. This herb brings the textural beauty and movement of an ornamental grass to the garden, along with one additional feature: lemony leaves with a hint of ginger. Cynara cardunculus Cardoon silver foliage Bloom: Size 36" tall by 24" wide Similar in appearance to artichokes, Cardoon is grown for its thick fleshy leaf base. Nice ornamental plant as well. Large. Croton 23 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Cynoglossum Chinese forget me not Not all varieties are available at all times amabile Blue Shower Very prolific bloomer and a great cut flower. Blooms continually if spent flowers are picked off. Sky Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-18 tall by 12 wide Dahlia Dahlia pinnata Figaro Mix Mixed Standard semi-double flowers on bushy uniform plants. Flowers are up to 2 1/2 inches across. Dark green leaves. Nice container or bedding plant. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 12-14" tall by 14-16" wide Figaro Orange Orange Standard semi-double flowers on bushy uniform plants. Flowers are up to 2 1/2 inches across. Dark green leaves. Nice container or bedding plant. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 14" tall by 12" wide Figaro Red Red w/dk green leaves Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 14" tall by 12" wide Figaro Violet Violet Standard semi-double flowers on bushy uniform plants. Flowers are up to 2 1/2 inches across. Dark green leaves. Nice container or bedding plant. Standard semi-double flowers on bushy uniform plants. Flowers are up to 2 1/2 inches across. Dark green leaves. Nice container or bedding plant. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 14" tall by 12" wide Figaro Yellow Yellow Standard semi-double flowers on bushy uniform plants. Flowers are up to 2 1/2 inches across. Dark green leaves. Nice container or bedding plant. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 14" tall by 12" wide Harlequin Mixed A collarette type - single bloom with an extra inner crown, or collar, of contrasting colors. Many two-tone solid colors and bicolors. 2 1/2 inch blooms. Nice pot plant or bedding plant. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 12" tall by 12" wide spp. hybrids Gallery Art Deco Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Gallery Bellini Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 15-18" tall by 12" wide Gallery Leonardo Peach Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 15-18" tall by 12-15" wide Gallery series dahlias are bred for superb, large, full flowers in beautiful colors. Long bloom period - up to 4 months in our area. Well-formed, vigorous growth habit performs well in the garden and large containers. Gallery series dahlias are bred for superb, large, full flowers in beautiful colors. Long bloom period - up to 4 months in our area. Well-formed, vigorous growth habit performs well in the garden and large containers. Gallery series dahlias are bred for superb, large, full flowers in beautiful colors. Long bloom period - up to 4 months in our area. Well-formed, vigorous growth habit performs well in the garden and large containers. Cynoglossum 24 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times x hybridus Dark Angel Star Wars Bloom: Size tall by wide Gallery Rivera Bloom: Size tall by wide Happy Days Bico Bloom: Size tall by wide Happy Single Flame Bloom: Size tall by wide Happy Single Party Bloom: Size tall by wide Happy Single Romeo Bloom: Size tall by wide Happy Single Wink Bloom: Size tall by wide Karma Choc Bloom: Size tall by wide Karma Corona Red Brilliant Red Bloom: July August September Size 18-24" tall by 12-18" wide Karma Gold Bloom: Size tall by wide Karma Thalia Shrimp Sherbert Bloom: July August September O Size 24-36" tall by 18" wide Melody Gipsy Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide This series was developed specially for the cut flower market. Karma dahlias have incredibly strong stems and brilliant, iridescent colors. The plants are highly productive with uniform stems and a long flowering Dahlia 25 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Melody Pink Allegro Bloom: Size tall by wide Melody Pinto Bloom: Size tall by wide Mystic Illusion Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Phantom This new dahlia has gorgeous, bright yellow blooms that pop against its rich, dark purple (nearly black) foliage. 'Mystic Illusion' is well branched and makes a strong statement in beds, borders, and containers. Darker foliage. Great colors. Mixed w/dark leaves Bloom: July August September Size 12 tall by 6 wide x. (tuber) Karma Amanda The 4-5in mauve flowers, exquisitely trimmed in a deep violet that lightens into ivory, display beautifully in big containers.They close their petals in the evening. Bloom: Size 36"+ tall by 18" wide Karma Maarten De Zwaan Bloom: Size 36"+ tall by 18"-24" wide Karma Naomi Most often descriped as a "waterlily" dahlia, Marrten Zwaan is indeed one of the most sophisticated and classic blooms we offer! A member of the popular Karma Series, these dahlias were bred specifically for the cut flower market and do not disappoint! Tons of long lasting blooms are sure to make this beautiful white dahlia a favorite. Grows 18-24" tall. Great as a cut flower. Dark Red Bloom: Size 18-24 tall by 16" wide Mixed Colors Mixed Bloom: July August September Size 24-36 tall by 18-24 wide Munchen Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide My Love Snow White Bloom: July August September Size tall by wide Peaches and Cream Peachy pink Bloom: July August September O Size tall by wide Purple Gem Purple semi-cactus Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 24" tall by 18" wide Tuberous dahlias with blooms up to 5" across. Dug from our fields last year. Nice cut flowers. Tubers can be dug in fall, divided and grown again next year. Dahlia 26 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Yellow Happiness Yellow Bloom: July August September O Size tall by wide Downey Thorn Apple Datura chlorantha White White Strong upright grower, very fragrant. Beautiful trumpet shaped flowers up to 6 inches across. Open in the evening and usually last only one or two days. Bloom: July August September Size 24 tall by 18 wide Davallia Mariesii Davallia Mariesii x Rabbits Foot Green Bloom: Size 6'' tall by 8'' wide Dianthus Dianthus barbatus Black Cherry A steady show of fragrant, punch-colored blooms from early spring into autumn. Excellent cut flowers. Deer resistant, low upkeep plants show good frost and heat tolerance. Bloom: Size 18"-36" tall by 12" wide Dynasty Pink Magic Pink flavors Bloom: May June July September Size 16 tall by 10 wide Sweet Coral Coral Unique, F1 double-flowered series makes well-branched, strong-stemmed plants. Ideal for landscapes and home cut flower gardens. Cut flower series of dianthus also does well in the border. Long lasting, very fragrant blooms on vigorous, frost and heat-tolerant plants. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 18-24 tall by 12 wide chinensis Diana Blueberry Early, compact series with grat colors. Large blooms on low-growing plants. Lavender Blue Bloom: May June July September Size 8-10 tall by 8 wide Floral Lace Cherry Lacy, serrated petals with flowers reacing up to 1.5 inches across. Great in gardens as an annual or biennial. Cherry Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10 tall by 8 wide Floral Lace White Lacy, serrated petals with flowers reacing up to 1.5 inches across. Great in gardens as an annual or biennial. White Bloom: May June July September Size 8-10 tall by 8 wide Venti Parfait Crimson Eye Bi color petal pink and purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-10" tall by 8" wide New for 2011. Big (2 inch) blooms are ruffled in an eye-catching pattern. Ideal for containers and in the garden beds. Dahlia 27 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times chinensis x barbatus Amazon Neon Cherry Strong plants with large blooms on long stems. Great for cutting, border plants and even in large containers. Cherry pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 18-24" tall by 12" wide Amazon Neon Purple Purple Bloom: July August September Size 24-30" tall by 12" wide Telstar Mix New for 2005! Bright, bold flowers on long, tough stems. Bright, vibrant purple. These brilliantly-colored beauties bloom the first year and produce 5-7 stems that can reach 36"". The stems are thick, strong and glossy green, supporting huge blooms. Long vase life. Best grown as an annual. Ht. 18-36"". Good heat tolerance and a solid performer. Mixed Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10-12" tall by 9" wide x Jolt Cherry Bloom: Size tall by wide Jolt Pink Bloom: Size tall by wide Diascia Diascia x Diamonte Coral Rose Coral Rose Bloom: April May June September Size 10-12" tall by 10" wide My Darling Clementine Orange AAS Winner for 2006! New for 2006! A Fantastic Flowers and Cool Season Thrivers selection! Delicate flowers blanket full, mounded plants in Spring and Autumn containers and landscapes. 'Diamonte Coral Rose' is an improved variety in a class that was relatively unknown five years ago. Diascia is native to South Africa, like gerbera and dimorphotheca. This new orange from Dummen shows promise in trials with heavy summer flowering and good vigor. Great for summer and fall plantings. Bloom: April May June August Sep Size 8-12" tall by 12" wide diascia with 3-5" flower spikes in bright pink makes Sundiascia Upright Bright P Upright a great bedding plant or addition to a container planting. Pink Bloom: April May June August Sep Size 12-15" tall by 12" wide Dichondra Dichondra argentea Silver Falls Silver foliage Bloom: Size 10-12" tall by trailing wide New for 2003. Great accent plant for hangers and containers. Rounded, fan-shaped silver foliage is 3/4 - 1" wide. Can take some drought conditions. Dianthus 28 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Dieffenbachia Dieffenbachia Not all varieties are available at all times x Camouflage Green Bloom: Size 16'' tall by 18'' wide Panther Green Bloom: Size 16'' tall by 18'' wide Dipladenia Dipladenia x Sundenia Assorted Bloom: Size tall by wide Hyacinth Bean Dolichos lablab Ruby Moon Lilac rose Bloom: August September Size 10+ feet tall by 5' wide Livingston Daisy Striking climber for color all season. Wine-patterned foliage, purple stems, lilac rose blossoms and shining red-purple pods make for a garden eye-catcher. Pods and blooms can be used as cut flower novelties. Completely edible. Dorotheanthus belidiformus Mezoo Trailing Red Red Bloom: Size tall by wide Dracaena Dracaena Dorotheanthus Mezoo Trailing red is a succulent that has glossy green leaves tipped with white. Mezoo produces dainty red daisy-like blooms amongst its beautiful foliage. Commonly referred to simply as Mezoo. Mezoo's mounding and trailing habit will produce many delicate red blooms for your Spring, Summer and Fall beds and containers while maintaining its gorgeous foliage. x Marginata Ray of Sunshine Green Bloom: Size tall by wide Mass Cane Green Bloom: Size 2'-1' tall by 1' wide Dracena Dracena indivisia Very useful as a vertical accent in spring and summer combination plantings. Dark green foliage Bloom: Size tall by wide Dieffenbachia 29 Spring Ledge Farm Dyssodia Dahlberg Daisy Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times tenuiloba Dahlberg Daisy Golden yellow Produces mounds of green fern-like foliage covered with yellow daisies. Golden fleece makes especially nice baskets for summer. Bloom: Size 6-8" tall by wide Echeveria Echeveria x Painted Echeveria This Echeveria has purple stripes on silvery green leaves. Bloom: Size tall by wide Ensete Maurelii Banana x Ensete Maurelii red Ensete Maurelii makes an incredible summer statement plant! Each leaf can get up to 10' long. Leaves are burgundy, fading to green as they reach maturity. Bloom: Size 10' tall by 20' wide Wallflower Erysimum Sugar Rush Purple Bicolor Bloom: April May Size 12" tall by 12" wide cheiri Sugar Rush Orange Orange Bloom: April May September Oct Size 12" tall by 12" wide Sugar Rush Red Red Bloom: April May September Oct Size 12" tall by 12" wide Sugar Rush Yellow Yellow Bloom: April May September Oct Size 12" tall by 12" wide hybridum Citrona Orange Orange Bloom: April May June Size tall by wide linifolium Citrona Yellow golden yellow Bloom: April May Size 8-12'' tall by wide With a delightful sweet fragrance and compact, multi-branching habit, Wallflower 'Sugar Rush' is perfect for beds, borders, containers and window boxes, creating a mass of colour and scent when much of the garden is dormant. Versatile and undemanding, wallflowers are tough enough to cope in even the poorest soils. Dense, fragrant flower spikes in a vivid orange bloom in early spring as well as autumn! With a delightful sweet fragrance and compact, multi-branching habit, Wallflower 'Sugar Rush' is perfect for beds, borders, containers and window boxes, creating a mass of colour and scent when much of the garden is dormant. Versatile and undemanding, Dense, fragrant flower spikes in a vivid red bloom in early spring as well as autumn! With a delightful sweet fragrance and compact, multi-branching habit, Wallflower 'Sugar Rush' is perfect for beds, borders, containers and window boxes, creating a mass of colour and scent when much of the garden is dormant. Versatile and undemanding, wallflowers are tough Dense, fragrant flower spikes in a vivid yellow bloom in early spring as well as autumn! With a delightful sweet fragrance and compact, multi-branching habit, Wallflower 'Sugar Rush' is perfect for beds, borders, containers and window boxes, creating a mass of colour and scent when much of the garden is dormant. Versatile and undemanding, wallflowers are tough A good companion to grow alongside pansies, Citrona makes very floriferous, well-branched plants that display brightly coloured, scented blooms in Spring and Autumn landscapes and mixed containers. early to bloom, long-flowering, mounding habit, bloom spring through early summer Dyssodia 30 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Eschscholzia California Poppy Not all varieties are available at all times californica Chiffon Mix Large, semi-double and double flowers in pastel shades of lemon, orange, apricot and rose. Self sows easily. Mix pastels Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8 tall by 8 wide Twister Mix Bloom: May June July August Size 10-12" tall by 6" wide z-scape An exquisite mix of pastel colored double and semi-double blooms with delicate feathery foliage. The flowers are exceptionally attractive with ruffled edges and a gorgeous color range. Hardy annual to height 8-10in and spread 8in. Finely cut foliage. Delicate flowers. Wildflower. Orange Bloom: June July September Size 12 tall by 6 wide Eucalyptus Eucalyptus citriodora Lemon Bush Bloom: Size tall by wide gunnii Silver Drop silver green leaves A quick and easy to grow species with slender stems and unusual sword shaped silvery-green foliage, which becomes tinged with red as autumn approaches. If you crush the foliage it gives off a refreshing spicy lemon aroma which is known to deter mosquitoes, making this ideal for growing as a houseplant indoors or as attractive and beneficial patio feature Best variety for bouquets. A trial for us here at Spring Ledge in 2001. Small silver-green leaves work easily into mixed dried or fresh bouquets. Bloom: Size 24" tall by 12" wide Euphorbia Euphorbia hybrid Breathless Blush White and blush red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-12 tall by 10-12 wide Diamond Frost White Bloom: April May June July August Size 8-12" tall by 10" wide Glamour White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Glitz White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10"-24" tall by 12"-16" wide This elegant and durable new series includes the only red-flushed leaf form on the market plus a White with terrific branching and denser flowering. Heattolerant Breathless fills in fast, makes stocky and mounded plants, and displays a showy mass of self-cleaning flowers all Summer across a wide range of conditions. The longlasting, free-flowering Definitely a Proven Winner! Fantastic plant we tried in 2005 and winner of dozens of awards in trial gardens around the country. Small white flowers atop graceful plants bloom continuously from spring through fall with literally no maintenance. Great as a specimen plant or in container combinations. Cold tolerant, heat tolerant. Glamour Euphorbia has a slightly more vigorous mounded plant habit. Low maintenance, heat and drought tolerant, rebounds quickly from adverse weather - perfect for the landscape. The fine airy habit and tiny white flowers mix well with other annuals, making it an ideal item in mixed containers, or simply grow it on its own where it makes a buoyant basket or container. Long-blooming. Eschscholzia 31 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times x Diamond Delight White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Lisianthus Diamond Delight is the most vigorous double flowered Euhporbia hybrid on the market. It is extremely heat, humidity and drought tolerant, with extra petals to create more color impact. Eustoma grandiflorum Advantage Cherry Sorbet Attractive large flower with ruffled petal edges, relatively early and productive, easy to grow, sturdy stems. Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 20"-24" tall by 12" wide Doublini Blue Blue Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 24-34" tall by 12" wide Doublini Rose Pink Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 24-34" tall by 12" wide Doublini White White Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 24-34" tall by 12" wide Echo Blue Regal, double, 1-1/2 to 2" extra small blooms grow vigorously on stems with numerous branches. Adds simple, yet sophisticated beauty and elegance to fashionable bridal bouquets as well as other floral arrangements. Soft, delicate blooms are long-lasting in vases - as long as 2 to 3 weeks! Regal, double, 1-1/2 to 2" extra small blooms grow vigorously on stems with numerous branches. Adds simple, yet sophisticated beauty and elegance to fashionable bridal bouquets as well as other floral arrangements. Soft, delicate blooms are long-lasting in vases - as long as 2 to 3 weeks! Regal, double, 1-1/2 to 2" extra small blooms grow vigorously on stems with numerous branches. Adds simple, yet sophisticated beauty and elegance to fashionable bridal bouquets as well as other floral arrangements. Soft, delicate blooms are long-lasting in vases - as long as 2 to 3 weeks! Tall lisianthus flower - beautiful in the garden and as a cut flower in the vase. Blue Bloom: July August September Size 18-24" tall by 12" wide Echo Champagne Magnificent cut flower with exceptional rose-like beauty and long vase life. Delicate Ivory to pale rosy pink Bloom: July August September Size 28-34" tall by 12" wide Echo Pink Picotee Delightful Pink Picotee. The Echo series are 100% reliably double, spray type, tall strong stems, early flowering. Pink/White Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 28" tall by 12" wide Excalibur Blue Pictoee Excalibur has a strong stem quality, more useable flower buds, medium sized double flowers, and good vase life. Blue with white Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 28" tall by 16-20" wide Mariachi Lime Green Lime Green Bloom: August September Octob Size tall by wide Stunning rose-like cut flowers in early summer. Long-lasting pale green blooms. Morning sun with afternoon shade is ideal. Remove spent blooms for extended flowering. Euphorbia 32 Spring Ledge Farm Evolvulus Evolvulus Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times glomeratus Blue My Mind Blue True blue flowers and fuzzy, silvery-green foliage and extemely heat tolerant plants create a winner for any hot weather climate. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-12" tall by 12-24" wide Fern Fern x Kimberly Queen Fern Upright fern with semi-stiff leaves and dark stems. Makes a nice houseplant, garden border, or accent for flower bouquets. Green Bloom: Size 18'' tall by 22'' wide Fern Fern Exotic X Assorted Green Bloom: Size tall by wide Ficus Ficus x Benjamina Spearmint Green Bloom: Size 12'' tall by 15'' wide Lyrata Green Bloom: Size 8'' tall by 10'' wide Strawberry Fragaria ananassa Temptation White Bloom: May June Size tall by wide anannassis Mignonette small red alpine strawberries Bloom: July August September Size mounding tall by trailing wide Plant produces excellent yields of juicy deep red strawberries from seeds the very first year! These everbearing plants produces strawberries all year. Excellent winter hardy plants, just mulch during winter. This variety grows well in containers and hanging baskets too! A variety that are almost entirely without runners. An excellent choice for container, Mignonette is an improved reselection of a French variety. The vigorous plant habit will fill out the planter, producing an abundance of miniature, conical fruit that exude a sweet perfume. x Cupido Bloom: Size tall by wide With a warm orange centre and good texture, this is a nice strawberry to add to your collection for adding a bit of variety to your desserts. It has strong, glossy skin that is perfect for decorative use on cakes. Cupid has great all round disease resistance and is recommended for organic growers. Evolvulus 33 Spring Ledge Farm Fuchsia Fuchsia Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times spp. Dark Eyes Deep Purple/Red Bloom: June July August Septemb Size trailing tall by wide Gartenmeister Orange/purple Bloom: Size tall by wide Swingtime White/Red sepals Bloom: June July August Septemb Size trailing tall by wide One of the most popular varieties. Double purple flowers with rose-red sepals; flower freely on trailing plants. Prefer cool, shady areas. Pick off spent blooms to encourage more flowering. An upright fuchsia with single, orange, trumpet flowers and dark, attractive purplish foliage. Flowers non-stop all season, producing a tremendous number of flowers. Heat and sun tolerant. Most popular variety. Double white blooms with pale red sepals appear late. Vigorous habit. Prefer cool, shady areas. Pick off spent blooms to encourage more flowering. x. Blue Eyes Red sepals over double orchid corolla Bloom: June July August Septemb Size trailing tall by 4" wide Marinka Partial shade and trailing variety. Red sepals over double orchid corolla. Excellent in hanging baskets, shade window boxes. Trailing type fuchsia good in partial shade with red sepals over a red corolla. Beautiful flowers. Red sepals over single red corolla Bloom: May June July August Sept Size trailing tall by 12" wide Southgate Trailing partial shade fuchsia. Pale pink sepals over double pink corollas. pale pink over double pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size trailing tall by 6" wide Gardenia Gardenia x White White Fragrant white rose-like blooms cover this compact bush, creating a great contrast against shiny dark green leaves. Makes a beautiful houseplant. Bloom: May June Size 30'' tall by 18'' wide Gaura Gaura hybrid Karalee Petite Pink Dark Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 18-22" tall by 18" wide lindheimeri Sparkle White White Bloom: June July August Size tall by wide Dark pink flower spikes with dark foliage. Early bloomer with nice branching. Frost resistent. A heat-loving wonder that blooms all summer, `Karalee Petite Pink' has spurred, bright pink flowers that hover like butterflies above the deep red foliage. This one starts out very compact in the pot but gains height in the garden. Sparkle White gaura will bring a touch of airy elegance to the garden with its long slender stems sporting a large number of dainty white flowers tinged with a pink blush. This beauty is perfect mass planted in sun-drenched landscape beds, in groupings with other perennials or in larger containers. Home gardeners will appreciate that this season-long bloomer also Fuchsia 34 Spring Ledge Farm Gazania Gazania Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Kiss Golden Flame Bloom: Size tall by wide Kiss Orange Flame Bloom: Size tall by wide rigens New Day Mix Mix Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 9 tall by 6 wide Free-flowering, compact, 8 to 10 inch plants deliver a carnival of 3 to 4 inch blooms in bright hues of pink, bronze, orange, white and yellow, many striped multicolored and picoteed. Flowers open wide during the day and close as night. Drought-tolerant series performs beautifully in containers and baskets, and as a garden edging or groundcover. New Day Pink Shades Pink Shades Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide New Day Red Red Bloom: May June July August Size tall by wide This drought-tolerant series performs beautifully in containers and baskets, and as a garden edging or groundcover. More uniform flowering than other series. Compact, sturdy plant habit. New Day Yellow Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Gerbera Daisy Gerbera Festival Mix Dark Eye Festival series with dark eye Mix Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-10" tall by 6" wide jamesonii Cartwheel Chardonnay Gerbera bred for pots. yellow/pink/orange/cream Bloom: June July August Size tall by wide Compact and uniform plants are short-stemmed with dark Cartwheel Strawberry Short green leaves. Bloom: Size 10-12" tall by 10" wide Cartwheel Strawberry Twis pink/yellow/red/cream Bloom: June July August Size tall by wide Plant Habit : Upright. Heat Tolerant, Low Maintenance. Fertilize : Once a week Cartwheel Strawberry Twist is the first true semi-double bicolour Gerbera for pots. Gazania 35 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Festival Mix Spring Bouqu mix Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8"-10" tall by 6" wide Revolution Mix Not all varieties are available at all times These flowers are enormous -- 5 inches across! -- and packed with petals around a small dark eye. Some have two layers of traditional daisy petals, while others are fluffy like pompons and still others have needle-thin, frazzled petals in a style called "spiders"! Butterflies adore them, and so will you, for they arise on very thick, sturdy stems just made for cutting. Duplex shape flowers up to 3 1/2" across. Many buds make for a continuous bloom time. Stays compact to 10" tall. Mix Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10" tall by 8" wide x Festival Mini Mix Mixed Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Garvinea Sweet Glow Orange-red Bloom: June July August Size tall by wide Garvinea Sweet Honey Yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Garvinea Sweet Sixteen Coral Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12"-16"12" tall by 8" wide Patio Bighorn Festival Mini is a unique gerbera with miniature flowers on compact plants well-suited for production in 3.5 inch/9 cm pots. This series is highly uniform in both habit and earliness with true mini flowers in a variety of colors. Available as a mix, Festival Mini is an eye-catching addition in mixed patio containers and makes an excellent gift for special occasions. Orange-red blooms. This is a new series of Gerber Daisies that is hardier than the classic Gerber Daisy. The Garvinea Gerbera series is disease resistant and blooms from early spring to late fall. A single plant can easily produce as many as 100 blooms in one season! Yellow blooms. This is a new series of Gerber Daisies that is hardier than the classic Gerber Daisy. The Garvinea Gerbera series is disease resistant and blooms from early spring to late fall. A single plant can easily produce as many as 100 blooms in one season! bright pink, single flowers with green centres held on strong stems that are excellent for cutting. The Garvinear Gerbera was bred specifically for outdoor performance. They stand up to all kinds of weather and demonstrate a high resistance to pests and disease. Award winner. Large, double flowers with a dark eye. This Gerbera makes a great cut flower. Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 12-18" tall by 12" wide double flowers with a dark eye. This Gerbera makes a Patio Great Smoky Mountai Large, great cut flower. Orange/peach Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 12-18" tall by 12" wide Ginger` Variegated Ginger x Variegated Ginger green Bloom: Size 5-8' tall by wide Globe Amaranth Not the spice ginger, the variegated ginger has beautifully striped green and yellow foliage and underground stems that you can use as a spice ginger substitute. It is native to tropical Asia and is an evergreen herb in regions not affected by frost. All plant parts emit a spicy fragrance when bruised. Gomphrena globosa Fireworks Hot pink Bloom: July August September O Size 30" tall by 18" wide Vigorous, drought-tolerant plants are topped by long-lasting, hot pink flowers with bright yellow tips. Abundant blooms provide great flower power on this easy to grow plant. Great en masse and as a cut flower. Gerbera 36 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 QIS Formula Mix Not all varieties are available at all times Great as a cut flower - fresh or dried. Mix Bloom: July August September Size 18-24" tall by 12" wide haageana Strawberry Fields True red First and best true red gomphrena. Brilliant flowers 1 1/2" across atop strong stems. Holds color exceptionally well when dried. Bloom: July August September O Size 24" tall by 8-12" wide Baby's Breath Gypsophila cerastoides Pixie Splash White Blooms are white with pink splash. Mounded habit looks great for border edging and in hanging baskets and containers too. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide x Gypsy 1997 AAS winner and 1997 Fleuroselect winner. Double 1/4 inch pink flowers on one foot plants. Light Pink Bloom: Size 12 tall by 12 wide Ivy Hedera helix Gold Child This ivy has silver-green and yellow variegated foliage from spring to fall. Makes a great accent plant and adapts as a houseplant. Bloom: Size tall by wide x Ivy Needlepoint Distinctive leaves are green and elongated. Bloom: Size tall by wide Sunflower Helianthus annus Miss Sunshine These pollen-free plants do not. aggravate allergies and there is no messy pollen to drop. The 3 to 4-in. (7 to 10-cm), sunny golden-coloured blooms Bloom: Size tall by wide Strawflower Helichrysum bracteatum Chico Mix Orange, Red, White mix Bloom: July August September O Size 12" tall by 8-12" wide Compact branching with bloom times that last 6-8 weeks. Gomphrena 37 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times petiolare Licorice Bloom: Size 2' tall by wide Licorice Splash Foliage green Woody at base, stems woolly, slender shoots vine like, leaves to 1 1/2" long. Flower heads in branching clusters to 2" across, disk flowers yellow, bracts of involucre cream-white. Native to South Africa. A great accent plant. Use in combination with hangers and mixed pots. Trailing furry silvery leaves make a wonderful accent. Bloom: Size spread tall by wide Limelight Chartreuse form of the licorice plant. Nice combination with double foliage and flowers. Bloom: Size 2' tall by wide x Silver Mist Silver foliage Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-8" tall by 18" wide Finely textured silver leaves and stems make Silver Mist helichrysum a "must have" accent plant addition to mixed containers. The more light it gets, the more silver it "shines." Heliotropium Heliotrope arborescens Fragrant Delight Heliotrope bears gorgeous deep violet-blue flower clusters with an unforgettable sweet vanilla fragrance. Blue/Purple Bloom: Size tall by wide Marine Heliotrope bears gorgeous deep violet-blue flower clusters with an unforgettable sweet vanilla fragrance. Described as "Cream Soda Ageratum" by a veteran flower picker in 1996. Bloom: Size tall by wide Hibiscus Hibiscus acetosella Mahogany Splendor deep burgundy foliage Bloom: Size 36 tall by 24 wide x Braid Assorted Assorted Bloom: Size 33'' tall by 18'' wide Bush Assorted Assorted Bloom: Size 33'' tall by 18'' wide Red President Bush Red Bloom: Size 33'' tall by 18'' wide Attractive accent plant features deep burgundy, maple-shaped leaves with serrated edges that are similar to a Japanese Maple. Ideal for landscapes, drought and heat-resistant, Deer resistant. Can be grown directly in water as a pond plant. Helichrysum 38 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Hypoestes Polka Dot Plant Not all varieties are available at all times Splash Select Mix Bloom: Size tall by wide x Confetti Pink Pink foliage Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Confetti Red Red foliage Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Confetti White White foliage Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Impatiens New Guinea Impatiens hybrida Infinity Electric Coral coral Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-14'' tall by 6-8" wide walleriana Accent Burgundy Burgundy Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Dazzler Apricot Apricot Bloom: Size tall by wide Dazzler Baby Shower Mix pinks & whites Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Dazzler Coral Coral Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-8" tall by 8" wide Dazzler Cranberry Cranberry Red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Upright, mounding New Guinea. Large 2.5-3'' flower, dark green foilage. Hypoestes 39 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Dazzler Mix Baby Shower Not all varieties are available at all times Mix of purple, pink and white impatiens Pink/purple/white Bloom: May June July August Size tall by wide Dazzler Orange Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Dazzler Red Star Red with white star in center Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Dazzler Rose Rose Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Dazzler Salmon Salmon Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10-12" tall by 10-12" wide Dazzler Voodoo Too Mix Bloom: Size tall by wide Impreza Blue Pearl Lilac blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Impreza Cherry Splash Bloom: Size tall by wide Impreza Mix Mixed Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-8" tall by 8" wide Impreza Mix Pink Spring Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Impreza Pink Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8 tall by 10 wide Impreza Punch Wine Punch Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide These Impatiens are great for landscape plantings. The fill in quickly and are vigorous bloomers, flowering freely all summer until frost. Impatiens 40 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Impreza Red Red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-8" tall by 8" wide Impreza Rose Bright Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Impreza Rose Impatiens are great for any shady spot. They work well in containers and add a pop of color to shady gardens. Impreza Salmon Salmon Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-8" tall by 8" wide Impreza Violet Violet Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-8" tall by 8" wide Impreza White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Tempo Blue Satin Light Blue Tempo series impatiens are vigorous hybrids bred for large flowers and good form with rounded, overlapping petals. The plant habit is compact with excellent basal branching. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8-10" tall by 15" wide Tempo Burgundy Large flowers, good form, with overlapping petals. Excellent color selection. Burgundy Bloom: Size 8-10" tall by wide Tempo Butterfly Coral Coral w/ dark center Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-8" tall by 10" wide Tempo Butterfly Mix Tempo series offer large flowers and unique colors. Good form with rounded, overlapping petals. Compact plant with excellent basal branching. Tempo series offers great garden performance and fantastic colors. Mixed butterfly series Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8" tall by 6-12" wide Tempo Butterfly Peach new color for 1999. Large blooms with overlapping petals. Good, compact habit with excellent basal branching. Soft peach w/orange flame Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8-10 tall by wide Tempo Coral A new color for 2006 in our favorite impatiens series. Tempo Coral does well in containers and in gardens in shade. Coral Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Tempo Crystal Mix Mix Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8-10" tall by 8" wide Tempo series impatiens are vigorous hybrids bred for large flowers and good form with rounded, overlapping petals. The plant habit is compact with excellent basal branching. Impatiens 41 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Tempo Deep Pink Deep Pink Not all varieties are available at all times Tempo series impatiens are vigorous hybrids bred for large flowers and good form with rounded, overlapping petals. The plant habit is compact with excellent basal branching. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8-10" tall by 15-18" wide Tempo Lipstick Bright lipstick pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8-10" tall by 8" wide Tempo Orange Orange Tempo series impatiens are vigorous hybrids bred for large flowers and good form with rounded, overlapping petals. The plant habit is compact with excellent basal branching. Tempo series impatiens are vigorous hybrids bred for large flowers and good form with rounded, overlapping petals. The plant habit is compact with excellent basal branching. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8" tall by 10" wide Tempo Peach Frost Peach Tempo series impatiens are vigorous hybrids bred for large flowers and good form with rounded, overlapping petals. The plant habit is compact with excellent basal branching. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10" tall by 15" wide Tempo Punch Tempo series impatiens are vigorous hybrids bred for large flowers and good form with rounded, overlapping petals. The plant habit is compact with excellent basal branching. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-10" tall by 15-18" wide Tempo Red Red Tempo series impatiens are vigorous hybrids bred for large flowers and good form with rounded, overlapping petals. The plant habit is compact with excellent basal branching. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-10" tall by 15-18" wide Tempo Watermelon Watermelon? Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-10" tall by 15-18" wide Tempo White Tempo series impatiens are vigorous hybrids bred for large flowers and good form with rounded, overlapping petals. The plant habit is compact with excellent basal branching. Large blooms with overlapping petals. Good, compact habit with excellent basal branching. White Bloom: Size 8-10 tall by wide x. New Guinea Bounce Pink Flame Hot pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 14"-20" tall by 18" wide Bounce White White Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 14"-20" tall by 18" wide Divine Blue Pearl Bloom: Size tall by wide Divine Burgundy Bloom: Size tall by wide Exciting new shade alternatives offer the habit and flower count of Impatiens walleriana, but they're resistant to downy mildew and thrive in sun and shade. Even better, the well branched plants bounce back like magic after wilt. Exciting new shade alternatives offer the habit and flower count of Impatiens walleriana, but they're resistant to downy mildew and thrive in sun and shade. Even better, the well branched plants bounce back like magic after wilt. Impatiens 42 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Divine Burgundy Burgundy Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Not all varieties are available at all times Burgundy New Guinea impatiens. Plant habit is overall more vigorous and robust, with longer, strappy leaves whose color can vary between solid green to variegated, depending on variety. Plants are covered with extra large flowers with overlapping petals, giving a lush tropical appearance to the plants. Divine Cherry Red Cherry Red Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Divine Lavender Lavender Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Divine Mix Mix Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Divine Orange Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Divine Pink Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Divine Scarlet Red Red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Divine Violet Violet Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Divine White Blush White with pink blush White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Florific Sweet Orange Bloom: Size 12"-24" tall by 10" wide Folrific Mix Bloom: Size tall by wide Infinity Cherry Red Cherry Red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-14" tall by 6-8" wide Plants produce masses of large, uniquely bicolored flowers in shades of light salmon to deep orange. Naturally branching plants quickly fill beds and are perfect for planting `en masse'. With resistance to impatiens downy mildew. Resistant to downy mildew, these New Guinea Impatiens make a great substitute for classic garden impatiens. Large blooms above dark green foliage create a great accent for shade gardens. Great color for shade! Bright blooms, no deadheading required. Impatiens 43 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Infinity Dark Pink Not all varieties are available at all times Vigorous, upright plants with large flowers; great flowering color for shaded areas Bloom: Size tall by wide Infinity Electric Cherry Magenta Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-14" tall by 6-8" wide Infinity Light Purple Bright pink/magenta flowers. Vigorous, upright plants with large flowers; great flowering color for shaded areas. Self-cleaning; no deadheading necessary. Infinity will do well in the ground or in containers. Vigorous, upright plants with large flowers; great flowering color for shaded areas Purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Infinity White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-14" tall by 6-8" wide Ruffles Lavender Lavender Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10-14" tall by 8" wide Ruffles Peach Peach Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10-14" tall by 8" wide Sunpatiens Compact Blush Pink Bloom: May June July August Size tall by wide Sunpatiens Compact Deep The brilliant, large white flowers of Infinity White bloom profusely over dark bronze foliage. Flourishing in the heat, the award-winning Infinity series offers uniform, consistent growth. Infinity White will be an excellent addition to all your shade garden containers and landscapes. Self-cleaning; no deadheading necessary. Will do well in the ground or in containers. They will do best in shady locations, but have been shown to do fine in hot sun as long as they are well watered. Self-cleaning; no deadheading necessary. Will do well in the ground or in containers. They will do best in shady locations, but have been shown to do fine in hot sun as long as they are well watered. Sitting atop dark green foliage, this Compact SunPatiens impatiens plant is truly an extraordinarily appealing sight to behold. The 'SunPatiensr Compact Blush Pink' Impatiens Plant produces flowers with remarkable heart-shaped petals that blush from barely pink to highly embarrassed with a bright pink line splitting the petal down the center. Vigorous, upright plants with large flowers; great flowering color for sun or shade. Bloom: May June July August Size tall by wide Sunpatiens Compact Neon Very Bright Pink. Vigorous, upright plants with large flowers; great flowering color for sun or shade. Neon Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Sunpatiens Compact Orang Bloom: Size tall by wide Tolerates all weather, Spring through hard frost. Unique varieties love sun as well as shade. Compact series is bred for smallpot production and is resistant to disease. Exceptional outdoor performance. deep red blooms against deep green foliage on these Sunpatiens Spreading Carm Vibrant sun tolerant, disease resistant Impatiens. Carmine Red Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Sunpatiens Spreading Clear Clear White Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 14" tall by 24" wide Impatiens 44 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Sunpatiens Spreading Lave Not all varieties are available at all times Robust, sun-loving, heat-loving impatiens that thrive in full sun or part shade and deliver continuous color from spring through hard frost. Bloom: May June July August Size tall by wide Sunpatiens Spreading Scarl Red Robust, sun-loving, heat-loving impatiens that thrive in full sun or part shade and deliver continuous color from spring through hard frost Bloom: May June July August Size tall by wide Sunpatiens Spreading Shell Shell Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 14" tall by 24" wide Ipomea Sweet Caroline Raven Deep purple/black foliage. Deeply cut leaves. Vigorous grower. Bloom: Size Trailing tall by wide Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Lime green foliage, vigorous grower. Bloom: Size trailing tall by wide alba Moonflower White Trailing and climbing vine related to the morning glory. Flowers are all white and open in the evening with a wonderful scent. Dark green heart-shaped leaves. Bloom: Size 12-18' tall by 4' wide batatas Illusion Emerald Lace very compact, dense, lacy foliage, strong mounding habit emerald green Bloom: Size 8-10'' tall by wide Margaurite Chartreuse foliage Bloom: Size 36" tall by 36" traili wide Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Unique Chartreuse foliage. Sweet potato vine - great for use in mixed containers as an accent plant. Unique leaf shape and shading creates a wonderful background or interspersed planting. "Potatoes" can be saved from year to year, (treat like a dahlia tuber). Great foliage component plant in combinations; excellent heat tolerance and vigor. Light green foliage Bloom: Size 6-8" tall by 12" wide nil Flying Saucers Clear white w/ sky blue Bloom: July August September Size 8-10' tall by wide Novelty introduced in the 1960's. Bicolor-white with streaks of sky blue. Swirled blue pattern on powdery white background. Full Sun. Impatiens 45 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Scarlet O'Hara Not all varieties are available at all times Red form of Morning Glory. Vigorous climber. Rose-red Bloom: July August September O Size 12' tall by 6' wide purpurea Pearly Gates Lustrous white with creamy throat. Vigorous climber. White Bloom: July August September O Size 12' tall by 6' wide tricolor Heavenly Blue Vining, climbing morning glory will bloom profusely once established. Very impressive old fashioned flower. Sky Blue Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 12' tall by 6' wide President Tyler This heirloom blooms before all other morning glories.Vigorous vines are covered with 2-3" flowers bearing a white throat, deep maroon star and velvety purple corolla. Bloom: Size tall by wide x multifida Illusion Midnight Lace A great foliage component plant in combinations, excellent heat tolerance and good vigor. Great also as an annual ground cover. Bloom: Size 6-8" tall by wide Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Bloom: Size tall by wide Laurentia Ipomoea 'Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Red' is a vigorous, trailing, Sweet Potato Vine. The heart shaped foliage and variation in foliage colors ranging from deep burgundy to chartreuse make 'Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Red' a unique choice for a trailing Sweet Potato Vine in your combination planters. Isotoma axillar Gemini Blue Floriferous plants produce single, star-shaped blooms over finely cut foliage. Works well in both containers and gardens. Light Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8" tall by 10-14" wide Jasmine Jasmine x Confederate White Bloom: May June Size 15-20' tall by 6-8' wide lantana Lantana camara Bandana Cherry Sunrise Pinks, Yellows, Oranges! Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide This climbing jasmine has fragrant white blooms against glossy green leaves. It can reach up to 20' and is drought tolerant. Ipomea 46 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Bandana Trailing Gold Bloom: Size tall by wide Classic Fire Wagon Clusters of orange-red and burnt orange flowers bloom in summer; very heat tolerant Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Goldsonne Semi-trailing variety is vigorous with bright yellow flowers and large dark green leaves. Bright yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 24" tall by 12" wide Luscious Bananarama Bloom: Size 18"-30" tall by wide Luscious Berry Blend Pink, Yellow, Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Luscious Citrus Blend Red/Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 18-30" tall by 20-28" wide Luscious Pina Colada Yellow/White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-26" tall by 12-24" wide Bright yellow flowers grace extremely tough plants. They are heat and drought tolerant, wonderful summer plants. Continuous Bloom or Rebloomer Long Blooming Heat Tolerant If you are looking for a tough plant it's hard to beat lantana. Heat tolerant, bright blend of pinks, yellows, and oranges against deep green foliage. Brilliant tones of red, orange and yellow produce a vibrant display of color; heat and drought tolerant with a light, sweet fragrance Puffs of small white flowers packed into clusters adorn the dark foliage of this plant. The extreme heat tolerance make it a winner in any warm summer climate. Lathyrus Sweet Pea odoratus Royal Mix Good heat resistance. Mixed Bloom: May June July Size 5' tall by 3" wide Bay Leaf Laurus nobilis Tender perennial shrub. Leaves used for cooking. Plant priced by size. Bloom: Size tall by wide Lavatera Lavatera trimestris Novella Pink Bloom: July August September Size tall by wide Fleuroselect Gold Medal for garden performance. Lantana 47 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Silver Cup pink Not all varieties are available at all times Fleuroselect Winner. Flowers resemble hollyhock flowers (Malvaceae) and bloom continuously all season long. Very easy to care for and provides great color. Bloom: Size 24-30 tall by 18 wide Twin White Cool White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Leycesteria Leycesteria formosa Jealousy Chartreuse foliage Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 36 tall by 24 wide The bright chartreuse foliage and big, bushy shape are sure to make this dramatic accent plant the envy of every garden! Jealousy offers all-season interest in the landscape - some blooms appear in July; cooler conditions bring maroon highlights to the foliage and flowers in the Summer; and purple fruits appear in Autumn Limonium Statice sinuatum Pacific Strains Mix Excellent uniformity. Strong stems support full flower heads of superior quality. Use fresh or dried in arrangements. Mixed Bloom: July August September O Size 24-30" tall by 12-18" wide Spurred Snapdragon Linaria hybridus Enchantment Reddish purple and yellow throat Bloom: April May June July Septe Size 14" tall by 12" wide A Fantastic Flowers and Cool Season Thrivers selection! Very fragrant blooms of intense magenta with gold "bee" are produced continuously under cool conditions, making this an excellent Winter bedding plant. Better heat tolerance and longer season performance than other cool-season crops. Upright and well-branched with a 14 to 16-in. (35 to 40-cm) spp. Fantasy Blue Blue Cool season annual with very good weather tolerance. Dozens of single snapdragon-like blooms born on delicate spikes. Bushy habit with many side shoots. Bloom: May June July Size 8-10" tall by 10-12" wide Fantasy Magenta Rose Magenta Cool season annual with very good weather tolerance. Dozens of single snapdragon-like blooms born on delicate spikes. Bushy habit with many side shoots. Bloom: May June July Size 8-10" tall by 10-12" wide Fantasy Mix Mixed Cool season annual with very good weather tolerance. Dozens of single snapdragon-like blooms born on delicate spikes. Bushy habit with many side shoots. Bloom: May June July September Size 8-10" tall by 8" wide Fantasy Speckled Pink Speckled Pink Bloom: May June Size 8-10" tall by 10-12" wide Fantasy Yellow Yellow Bloom: May June Size 8-10" tall by 10-12" wide Cool season annual with very good weather tolerance. Dozens of single snapdragon-like blooms born on delicate spikes. Bushy habit with many side shoots. Cool season annual with very good weather tolerance. Dozens of single snapdragon-like blooms born on delicate spikes. Bushy habit with many side shoots. Lavatera 48 Spring Ledge Farm Lobelia Lobelia Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times erinus Crystal Palace Blue w/white Bloom: July August September Size 5-6" tall by wide Laguna White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-10" tall by 6-10" wide Regatta Midnight Blue Dark Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 4" tall by trailing wide Regatta Sapphire Sapphire Bloom: May June July Size trailing tall by wide Regatta Sky Blue Light sky blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 4" tall by trailing wide Regatta White White Attractive, deep dark blue flowers stand out above equally attractive bronze green foliage. Very unusual effect in mass plantings. Good heat tolerance. A vigorous trailing lobelia for containers, baskets, window boxes and the garden bed. Excellent heat tolerance keeps the plant flowering longer than other varieties. Well branched plant habit. Unique color in a very popular bedding plant unsurpassed in providing shades of blue to partially shaded areas. Prefers cool night temperatures. 'Regatta' series well suited to baskets and window boxes as it trails and hangs. Very popular bedding plant unsurpassed in providing shades of blue to partially shaded areas. Prefers cool night temperatures. 'Regatta' series well suited to baskets and window boxes as it trails and hangs. Unique color in a very popular bedding plant unsurpassed in providing shades of blue to partially shaded areas. Prefers cool night temperatures. 'Regatta' series well suited to baskets and window boxes as it trails and hangs. Extra-early flowering series. Trailing type. Vigorous growth and very free-flowering. Best in baskets or tubs. Fleuroselect Award winners. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size trailing tall by wide Riviera Blue Eyes Riviera series of lobelia is a compact, mounding type (vs. the Regatta, which trails). Likes part sun to shade. Blue w/ white eye Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6" tall by 6" wide Riviera Marine Blue Rich marine blue. Not as dark as 'Midnight Blue'. Riviera series of lobelia is a compact, mounding type (vs. the Regatta, which trails). Likes part sun to shade. Bloom: Size tall by wide Riviera Midnight Blue Dark, dark blue. Goes well with pinks and yellows. Riviera series of lobelia is a compact, mounding type (vs. the Regatta, which trails). Likes part sun to shade. Bloom: Size tall by wide Riviera Springtime Mix Blue shades with a touch of rose Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 5 tall by 8 wide Riviera White Bloom: Size tall by wide Pure white (although a stray blue flower appears now and again. Riviera series of lobelia is a compact, mounding type (vs. the Regatta, which trails). Likes part sun to shade. Lobelia 49 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Waterfall Blue Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-12" tall by 24-30" wide hybrida Bella Bianca White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6" tall by 10-12" wide Bella Oceana Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6" tall by 10-12" wide Early Springs Dark Blue Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Laguna Sky Blue Sky Blue Not all varieties are available at all times Vigorous, well-branched Waterfall is well-suited to pot-tight growing. Less pinching is needed to send fast, full plants to market. Covered with free-flowering blooms, the mounded, semi-trailing plants fill mixed baskets and containers. Bella Bianca Lobelia features dainty white flowers at the ends of the stems from mid spring to mid fall. It's tiny narrow leaves remain green in color throughout the season. It has a trailing habit of growth, eventually spilling over the edges of hanging baskets and containers. It brings an extremely fine and delicate texture to the garden composition and should be Bella Oceano Lobelia features dainty royal blue flowers with white eyes at the ends of the stems from mid spring to mid fall. It's tiny narrow leaves remain green in color throughout the season. It has a trailing habit of growth, eventually spilling over the edges of hanging baskets and containers. It brings an extremely fine and delicate texture to the garden composition All the traits you love in Lobelia plus nonstop blooms of deep violet blue. This novelty fills a container with ease, or spills over the edges of a stone walkway with equal aplomb. Happily endures heat and keeps on blooming. True blue flowers can be difficult to find in nature but Lobelia are true, real blue. This lobelia has better heat tolerance than older varieties. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-10" tall by 6-10" wide Lucia Dark Blue Dark Blue True blue flowers can be difficult to find in nature but Lobelia are true, real blue. This lobelia has better heat tolerance than older varieties. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-24" tall by 6-12" wide Lucia Ultraviolet Purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-12" tall by 6-8" wide Alyssum To complement the most vibrant reds, fuchsias, and golds in your combination containers, try Lucia Ultraviolet Lobelia. Its richly saturated royal purple blooms are produced profusely from spring through summer on cascading, well-branched plants. Heat tolerant, no deadheading required. Lobularia maritima Clear Crystal Lavender Sha Lavender shades Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-10" tall by 8-14" wide Clear Crystal Mix Mixed Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-10" tall by 8-14" wide Clear Crystal Purple Shade Purple Shades Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-10" tall by 8-14" wide Clear Crystal White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-10" tall by 8-14" wide This exciting new tetraploid alyssum series delivers more vigour than standard diploid varieties. Attract Bees, Attracts Butterfly, Attracts Hummingbird, Fragrant Flowers, Low Maintenance. Gardeners and landscapers will enjoy the fragrant, large blooms and stronger performance in containers and in-ground plantings. This exciting new tetraploid alyssum series delivers more vigour than standard diploid varieties. Attract Bees, Attracts Butterfly, Attracts Hummingbird, Fragrant Flowers, Low Maintenance. Gardeners and landscapers will enjoy the fragrant, large blooms and stronger performance in containers and in-ground plantings. This exciting new tetraploid alyssum series delivers more vigour than standard diploid varieties. Attract Bees, Attracts Butterfly, Attracts Hummingbird, Fragrant Flowers, Low Maintenance. Gardeners and landscapers will enjoy the fragrant, large blooms and stronger performance in containers and in-ground plantings. This exciting new tetraploid alyssum series delivers more vigour than standard diploid varieties. Attract Bees, Attracts Butterfly, Attracts Hummingbird, Fragrant Flowers, Low Maintenance. Gardeners and landscapers will enjoy the fragrant, large blooms and stronger performance in containers and in-ground plantings. Lobelia 50 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Dark Knight Bloom: Size 4"-6" tall by 12"-18" wide Frosty Knight Not all varieties are available at all times Fragrant Flower.Continuous Bloom. Fall Interest.Heat Tolerant Deadheading Not Necessary Attracts: Bees,Butterflies Duration: Annual Height Category: Short Fragrant, white flowers and variegated green foliage on a very heat tolerant plant. Trails up to 24". White Bloom: April May June July August Size 4-6" tall by 6" wide Snow Crystals White Vigorous white alyssum produces mounds of sweet smelling flowers all summer long. Brighter white than 'Carpet of Snow' in last year's trials. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 2-6 tall by 4-6 wide Snow Princess White Bloom: April May June July August Size 4-8" tall by 6-8" wide White Knight New Proven Winner for 2010! No deadheading necessary. Unlike most alyssum this one will bloom through the summer. This plant is sterile so it will bloom all summer without deadheading. Trails up to 24". Fragrant white flower. Long blooming. Heat tolerant White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Creeping Jenny Lysimachia nummularia aurea Golden Creeping Jenny Yellow Bloom: Size 4" tall by wide Trumpet Flower Long stems of small round pairs of leaves. Spills nicely or will form a thick, low-growing carpet covered with bright yellow flowers. A hardy, deciduous ground cover. Foliage is a vigrant chartreuse, almost gold. Needs full sun to retain golden glow. Trails 1-2'. Mandevilla Sun Parasol Crimson A shorter variety good for hanging baskets, will climb trellis. Bright green glossy foliage and eye catching dark red blooms Dark red Bloom: July August September O Size 4' tall by 24" wide splendens Pink Fury Pink Blooms. More disease and pest resistant than the "Alice Dupont" variety. Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 6' tall by 24" wide Red Fury Bloom: Size tall by wide x Bride's Cascade White Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 6-10' tall by 24" wide Mandevilla 'Bride's Cascade' a vigorous tropical vine that produces clusters of clean white flowers with bright yellow throats. The leaves are broad, deep green and glossy. 'Bride's Cascade' has proven to have good leaf spot tolerance, natural branching and prolific flowering. Lobularia 51 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Giant Crimson Red Bloom: Size tall by wide Sun Parasol Giant Pink Pink The Giant Pink Sun Parasol has large flowers and displays vigorous growth. Makes a great annual vine or container plant in cooler climates. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10'' tall by 18'' wide Sun Parasol Giant White White The Giant White Sun Parasol has large flowers and displays vigorous growth. Makes a great annual vine or container plant in cooler climates. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 12'' tall by 18'' wide x. amabilis Alice Dupont vine that needs warmth and will bloom all winter in a sunny window Deep pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 24 tall by wide Feverfew Matricaria parthenium Roya White Border plant. Scented leaves. Daisy flowers with yellow centers. Can be used as a cut flower. Attrats beneficial insects. Bloom: July August September Size 24 tall by 12 wide Mecardonia Mecardonia x Magic Carpet Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 2-4" tall by 12-14" wide Mixed Annuals Mecardonia is a tough, durable, low-growing plant that is loaded with a continuous supply of bright yellow flowers all season long. Heat and cold tolerant, easy care. No deadheading required. Mixed Planting Confetti Hawaiian Kalani Yellow, Pink, Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-12" tall by 12-18" wide Each pot of Hawaiian Kalani Trio Confetti Garden Mix has one plant each of Aloha Kona Hot Pink Calibrachoa, Aloha Kona Hot Orange Calibrachoa, and Aloha Kona Pineapple Calibrachoa. Plus Purple Petunia, Empress Flair White Verbena, Confetti Mountains Majesty Potunia and Aloha Pink Volcano Calibrachoa Pinks/whites Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-12" tall by 12-18" wide Confetti Shocking Blue Mix of Petunia Surprise Blue Sky, Verbena Empress Wicked Purple and Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Midnight Blue Blues Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-12" tall by 12-18" wide Confetti Shocking Pink Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-12" tall by 12-18" wide Each pot of Shocking Pink Trio Confetti Garden Mix has one plant each of Sweetunia Hot Pink Petunia, Wicked Hot Pink Verbena, and Aloha Kona Tiki Soft Pink Calibrachoa. Mandevilla 52 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Confetti Waterlilly Not all varieties are available at all times Aloha Kona White Petunia, Aloha Kona Soft Pink Petunia, and Lobelia Bella Aqua Mixed Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10-12" tall by 12" wide Kombo Calie Color Wheel Mixed Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Each cell in the tray contains a combination of Calibrachoa Callie Bright Red, Yellow Improved and Dark Blue. This combination has been extensively trialed and proven to perform well and look fantastic together. Nemesia Aromatica Royal Blue Blue Fragrant, delicate, airy blooms cover these upright plants. Performs well in cool temperatures and is ideal for spring and fall plantings. Bloom: May June August Septemb Size 12-14" tall by 8-12" wide foetans Poetry Blue Ideal for cool-season gardens and containers. Well branched plants. Fragrant. Blue Bloom: April May June July Septe Size 12-14" tall by 8" wide Poetry Lavender Pink Pink Pale lavender pink nemesia is great for spring and fall plantings. Branches very well without pinching to produce bushy plants which fill out fast and full. Bloom: April May June July Septe Size 12-14" tall by 8-10" wide fruticans Bluebird Fragrant blooms in blue. A favorite for spring and fall plantings. Blue Bloom: May June September Size 10-12" tall by 8-10" wide Opal Innocence Pastel colors Bloom: April May June September Size 12" tall by 8" wide New Proven Winner variety. Award Winner. Extremely vivid pastel-colored flowers appear in early spring and late fall; sweet fragrance hybrid Angelart Raspberry Raspberry Pink Bloom: April May June July Septe Size tall by wide Sunsatia Blood Orange Orange/Red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10-14" tall by 8-12" wide Sunsatia Cranberry Cranberry Red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-14" tall by 12" wide This new deep orange color is a fresh twist on Sunsatia Nemesia. Sunsatia holds its own in both cool and hot temperatures, and is outstanding in hanging baskets, combos, and window boxes. We saw this in a trial in the summer of 2003 and it looked great all through the summer and fall. The most compact habit to date, ever-blooming, and unfazed by sun or heat. Mixed 53 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Sunsatia Lemon Bright Lemon Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-14" tall by 10-12 wide Not all varieties are available at all times We saw this in a trial in the summer of 2003 and it looked great all through the summer and fall. The most compact habit to date, ever-blooming, and unfazed by sun or heat. Can take frost to 20F. x Angelart Banana Yellow This yellow colored, mini snapdragon flower, posesses a dark eye, has a uniform mounding habit, is a vigorous grower, and has better heat resistance and early flowering Bloom: April May June August Sep Size 12-14" tall by 10-12" wide Nesia Snow Angel This higly branched Nemesia produces mounds of white blossoms in the spring and fall. Compact growth habit. White Bloom: April May June August Sep Size 14-16" tall by 10-12" wide Catnip Nepeta x hybrida Catnip Herb for the sunny garden. Bloom: Size 12 tall by 12 wide Flowering Tobacco Nicotiana alata Fragrant White Can be used as a cut flower. Has a fragrant scent in the evening. White Bloom: July August September Size 24-30 tall by wide Perfume Deep Purple Purple lilac with veins Bloom: July August September Size 18" tall by 12" wide Starmaker Appleblossom Pink appleblossom Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 12" wide AAS Winner 2006! Finally a well-bred nicotiana that retains its fragrance. Delicate evening fragrance and deep purple blooms. Works well as a cut flower, in flower beds or in containers. Starmaker nicotiana delivers compact habit and early flowering. Brightly colored heatlovers will bloom all summer long. Great in landscapes and in containers. nicotiana delivers compact habit and early Starmaker Lime Purple bico Starmaker flowering. Brightly colored heatlovers will bloom all summer Green and purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 10" wide long. Great in landscapes and in containers. Starmaker Mix Starmaker nicotiana delivers compact habit and early flowering. Brightly colored heatlovers will bloom all summer long. Great in landscapes and in containers. Mix Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 10" wide Starmaker Pink Picotee Pink shades Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 10" wide Starmaker nicotiana delivers compact habit and early flowering. Brightly colored heatlovers will bloom all summer long. Great in landscapes and in containers. Nemesia 54 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Starmaker Red Bright Bright red Not all varieties are available at all times Starmaker nicotiana delivers compact habit and early flowering. Brightly colored heatlovers will bloom all summer long. Great in landscapes and in containers. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 10" wide Starmaker White White Starmaker nicotiana delivers compact habit and early flowering. Brightly colored heatlovers will bloom all summer long. Great in landscapes and in containers. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 10" wide interspecific Whisper Appleblossom Soft pink A great garden performer with excellent disease resitane and flower power throughout the season. Excellent choice to add structure and height to containers and gardens. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 32 tall by 18 wide Whisper Deep Pink Deep Pink A great garden performer with excellent disease resitane and flower power throughout the season. Excellent choice to add structure and height to containers and gardens. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 32 tall by 18 wide langsdorfii green Bloom: June July Size 3'-5' tall by wide sylvestris Only the Lonely Well-known green flowering Nicotiana for high borders. This tall species from Brazil and Chile produces lovely apple-green blooms that add a unique splash of color to any garden. The long sprays of flowers are great for arranging. Huge plants with a beautiful fragrance released in the evening hours. White flowers all along the tall flower stalks. White Bloom: July August September Size 36-48 tall by 18-24 wide Love in a mist Nigella damascena Love in a mist Mixed Bloom: Size 12-24 tall by 12 wide Beautiful blooms and unusual seed pods. 1-2" blooms clothed in lacy netting of greenery. Flowers in blue, mauve, pink, purple and white. Unpicked flowers form balloon-shaped seed pods. Grows well in moderately fertile soil. Fast growing. Osteospermum Serenity Rose Magic Uniform habit, blooms change color as they open. Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10-14" tall by 10" wide x Akila White Daisy Akila Daisy White is a tidy, uniform plant with open flowers that produces non-stop blooms all summer long. White Bloom: April May June July August Size 16-20" tall by 16" wide Akila White w/Purple Eye White with purple center Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 16-20" tall by 10-12" wide White Osteospermum with purple eye. In the garden, the full, well-branched plants show off beautiful flowers and are drought tolerant once established. Great choice for mass plantings and containers. Nicotiana 55 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Summertime Blue Sunrise Purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 24-30" tall by 16" wide Not all varieties are available at all times A large-flowered, multi-colored variety bred for heat tolerance and sturdy branching. The Summertime series has an excellent range of colors and many novel color combinations as well as uniform flowering and compact habit. This sun-loving plant is wonderful in borders, grouped for bedding, and in containers where it will bloom from springtime, through x. 3-D Berry White Two tone white and purple Osteospermum White/Purple Bloom: April May June July Size tall by wide 3-D Purple Bloom: Size tall by wide 3-D Silver Bloom: Size tall by wide Akila Lavender Shades Lavender Shades Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 16-20" tall by 10-12" wide Akila Mix Mixed Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 16-20" tall by 12-16" wide Akila Purple Purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 16-20" tall by 12-16" wide Akila White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 16-20" tall by 10-12" wide Blue Eyed Beauty Akila Lavender Shades African Daisy is covered in stunning lavender daisy flowers at the ends of the stems from early summer to mid fall. The flowers are excellent for cutting. It's spiny narrow leaves remain green in color throughout the season. Akila Osteospermum varieties offer such substantial branching early on in their growth cycle, the result is the compact seed series of Osteo now on the market. Gardeners love their drought tolerance once established, and the multitude of crisp, clean flowers that each plant produces. Akila varieties are ideal for both containers and landscape Akila Osteospermum varieties offer such substantial branching early on in their growth cycle, the result is the compact seed series of Osteo now on the market. Gardeners love their drought tolerance once established, and the multitude of crisp, clean flowers that each plant produces. Akila varieties are ideal for both containers and landscape Gardeners love Akila Daisy White Osteospermum. Drought tolerant once established, blooms all summer long! Akila varieties are ideal for both containers and landscape plantings. Requires some deadheading. Unique and exceptional flower colour, buttery yellow flowers fade to a central blue eye. Naturally compact plants look great in a patio container. Bloom: Size 12" tall by 16" wide Soprano Purple Proven Winner for 2004. Slightly cupped flowers on neat and compact plants. Bloom early spring through fall. Purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-14" tall by 8" wide Sunny Carlos Beautiful, vigorous white daisy with purple eye. Deadheading not necessary for continuous bloom. White w/ Purple Eye Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Sunny Xita Purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Purple flowers with dark eye. Deadheading not necessary for continuous bloom. Osteospermum 56 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Symphony Lemon Lemon yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-14" tall by 8-12" wide Symphony Orange creamy-orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-14" tall by 8-12" wide Not all varieties are available at all times Osteospermums have historically lost their flowers during the hot summer months (August here in NH). These Symphony series osteos hold their flowers throughout the summer, even in the heat. Upright, controlled growth habit look great in containers, gardens and the landscape. Osteospermums have historically lost their flowers during the hot summer months (August here in NH). These Symphony series osteos hold their flowers throughtout the summer, even in the heat. Upright, controlled growth habit look great in containers, gardens and the landscape. Voltage Yellow Yellow Bloom: April May June July August Size tall by wide White Lightning White Osteospermum with yellow center White Bloom: May June July Size tall by wide Poppy - Iceland Papaver alpinus Champagne Bubbles Orang Orange Bloom: April May June October Size 15" tall by 6-8" wide Champagne Bubbles Yello Yellow Bloom: April May June October Size 15" tall by 6-8" wide nudicaule Champagne Bubbles Mixed Many large, cup-shaped flowers top bushy, strong-stemmed plants. The centers of each poppy are yellow. The plant forms a low clump of light green leaves and will go dormant after flowering and will completely disappear by early fall. Champagne Bubbles Yellow Poppy is an Iceland Poppy and will provide a cheerful display of yellow petaled flowers from early summer to late summer. The centers of each poppy are yellow. The plant forms a low clump of light green leaves and will go dormant after flowering and will completely disappear by early fall. Our favorite alpine poppy from seed. Flowers are papery thin, almost crepe-like and come in a mix of pastel colors and bright reds and pinks. Bloom: April May June October Size 12-18" tall by 6" wide Champagne Bubbles White Many large, cup-shaped flowers top bushy, strong-stemmed plants. Performs well in hot-day, cool-night conditions. white Bloom: April May June October Size 15" tall by 6" wide rhoeas Shirley Double Mix Mixed Incredible double blooms - blooms profusely. Stems should be cut underwater and seared for best results. Short vase life, but very stunning. Bloom: May June July Size 18-24 tall by 12 wide Beard tongue Penstemon x Rock Candy Pink Pink Bloom: June July August Size 8-12" tall by 12-16" wide This small, compact Penstemon displays bright pink flowers with a white throat. It will fit in well at the front of a border, along walkways or in containers. Osteospermum 57 Spring Ledge Farm Pericallis Annuals 2015 Senetti Sparkle Lavender Lavender Bloom: May June July August Size 15-23" tall by 10-12" wide Not all varieties are available at all times New additions to the Senetti family, and they really have Sparkle! These beautiful re-flowering pericallis bloom in light pink, sky blue and lavender. Senetti Sparkle are the most heat resistant of the group. These power houses are an outstanding greenhouse crop. x Senetti Blue Blue Bloom: April May June July Size tall by wide Senetti Blue Bicolor Blue and white Bloom: April May June July Size tall by wide Senetti Magenta Bicolor Magenta bicolor Bloom: April May June September Size 12" tall by 12" wide Senettir plants can have as many as 200 blooms in a 10 - 12 inch pot at its maturity and are safe to place outside once night frosts have passed. Once blooming is nearly over you can cut the plant to remove all the dead flowers. Re-blooming will occur in 3 - 4 weeks. For best results replant into fresh pot and media. Hybrids within the genus Pericallis. Beautiful aster flowers on compact plants. Cut back by 1/3 and they will re-flush with blooms. Petunia Supertunia Honey Yellow/Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-10" tall by 10-14" wide Supertunia Picasso in Blue Blue w/ Green Edge Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-12" tall by 12-18" wide Supertunia Honey is a vigorous grower with a slightly mounded habits and cheerful honey yellow blooms. It can function as both a filler and spiller in containers. They are also excellent landscape plants, best suited to be placed near the front of beds. They have medium to large sized flowers. Supertunia Picasso in Blue is covered in large purple-blue blossoms, edged with lime green. Picasso in Blue is a vigorous grower and trails up to 36 inches, making it a great choice for hangers! It is heat tolerant and goes all summer long with no deadheading required! x hybrida African Sunset Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Aladdin Nautical Mix Mix Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Carpet Butter Cream Pale yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10-12" tall by wide Carpet True Blue True Blue Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10-12" tall by wide With big blooms as magnificent as the name suggests, African Sunset wows in the annual bed, the flowerpot, windowbox, and hanging basket. A bloom machine from late spring into autumn, this sun-lover belongs in every garden where rich, unique, plentiful color is valued. Add it to yours this season! You can never get too many blues in the garden, and this fantastically colorful mix gives you the full spectrum, from powder-blue to deepest midnight! The big, ruffled flowers measure 3½ inches across and simply cover compact plants, blooming unperturbed through heavy spring rains! The flower size is much smaller than grandiflora and floribunda types but the many flowers per plant make a very impressive mass planting that stands up to adverse summer weather. The flower size is much smaller than grandiflora or floribunda types but the many flowers per plant make a very impressive mass planting that stands up to adverse summer weather. Pericallis 58 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Carpet Velvet Velvet Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10-12" tall by wide Cascadias Indian Summer Not all varieties are available at all times The flower size is much smaller than grandiflora and floribunda types but the many flowers per plant make a very impressive mass planting that stands up to adverse summer weather. Blend of Yellow, Orange and Pink Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Debonair Black Cherry Dark, dark purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Debonair Lime Green Multiflora blooms are displayed on the well-branched, mounded and upright plants. Lime green flowers Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 12" wide Debonair Rose Dusty Dusty Rose Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Dolcissima Fragolino Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Double Madness Blue The flowers are so brilliant, 3 inches wide and suffused with rich raspberry-pink, cranberry-red, and soft rose tones. Boasting a dark red stripe down each petal and held wide open all over neat, compact little 8- to 10-inch high and wide plants, they radiate bold color all summer long. Double flowers in a dark velvety blue. Double Blue petals Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10 tall by 10 wide Double Madness Pink Double flowers in hot pink. Pink doubles Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10 tall by 10 wide Dreams Midnight Dark velvety purple-blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Dreams Sky Blue The 'Dreams' series is noted for its good outdoor weather tolerance. Grandiflora type with large flowers up to 3 1/2" across. Free-flowering, tightly branched petunias. Weather tolerant plants are great in the garden. Sky Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10 tall by 10 wide Easy Wave Berry Velour Bloom: Size tall by wide Easy Wave Blue Violet Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6" tall by 24" wide New for 2005 - Another in the great Wave series of spreading petunias. Masses of blooms cover the plants. These do not need to be dead-headed. They will clean themselves. Great for landscapes, window boxes and containers. Petunia 59 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Easy Wave Burgundy Velo Bloom: Size tall by wide Easy Wave Red Red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-10" tall by 18-24" wide 'Easy Wave Red' is brand new for 2004-2005 season. We have an early packet of seed to try for 2004. The Easy Wave series offers you the same excellent Wave petunia performance with a slightly more mounding habit. Use Easy Wave petunias in garden beds or containers, alone or Easy Wave Red Velour Bloom: Size tall by wide Easy Wave Violet Violet Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Easy Wave White White Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 14" tall by 36" wide The Easy Wave series offers you the same excellent Wave petunia performance with a slightly more mounding habit. Use Easy Wave petunias in garden beds or containers, alone or combined with Wave petunias or other sun-loving plants. Madness Red Morn Red Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Madness Red Picotee Red petals edged in white Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10 tall by 10 wide Compact and floriferous with many blooms on vigorous plants. Great in the landscape and garden beds, as well as in mixed pots. Madness Simply Salmon Salmon Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Madness Total Mix Mix Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Madness Waterfall Mix Mix Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Madness White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Opera Supreme Lilac Ice Lilac Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Lilac flowers are borne densely from the center to the tips of the trailing 3 foot stems. These robust 2 to 3 inch blooms are outstanding in beds, pots and hanging baskets. Petunia 60 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Paparazzi Pink Glamour Not all varieties are available at all times Large, pink blooms with dark pink veins make camera-ready pots and baskets. A little garden glamour goes a long way all season. Bloom: Size 10-15" tall by 12" wide Paparazzi Purple Palladium Mounded, upright plant habit. Large, blue blooms with veins. Bloom: Size 10-12" tall by 12" wide Paparazzi Rose Rodeo Flowers have unique dark pink and dusty yellow color that changes slightly throughout the season. These large blooms make camera-ready pots and baskets. Bloom: Size 10-15" tall by 12" wide Paparazzi White Diamonds Mounded, upright plants with large showy blooms. White Bloom: Size 10-15" tall by 12" wide Picobella White Mounded plants are covered in white blooms. White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Pink Radiance Pink Radiance was PW Cotton Candy. Loads of pink blooms on a trailing plant. Great for containers. Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 4-6" tall by 24-30" wide Potunia Plus Purple Purple This deep purple Petunia has mounds of blooms, trailing up to 24", making it a great plant for hangers. It is heat tolerant and self cleaning, great for the low-maintenance gardner. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-12" tall by 18" wide Primetime Light Blue Light Blue Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10-12" tall by wide Shock Wave Denim Blue shades Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Shock Wave Ivory Ivory White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Sophistica Blue Morn Bloom: Size tall by wide Success Blue Bloom: Size tall by wide Primetimes are the earliest of all multiflora petunias, with floriferous blooms. Multifloras produce a multitude of flowers on low spreading plants. Flower size is smaller than gradiflora. Petunia 61 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Success Liberty Mix Bloom: Size tall by wide Success Red Bloom: Size tall by wide Supercal Artist Rose Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Supercal Blue Purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 10-14" wide Supercal Cherry Deep Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10-12" tall by 12-15" wide SuperCal Plentiful Terracot Terra Cotta oranges and yellows Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6" tall by 24" wide Supertunia Bermuda Beach Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Supertunia Black Cherry Supercal cultivars are very early flowering and heat tolerant. These compact spreading plants don't have sticky foliage like their petunia relatives, so spent flowers fall easily. Petunia & Calibrachoa hybrid. Supercal blue is a Petchoa, a Calibrachoa/Petunia hybrid. As with traditional Petunia and Calibrachoa, these are best in baskets or mixed in containers to allow them to spill and trail over the edges to exhibit their exquisite colours. Known for unique colors and large flowers, SuperCal is an ideal combination of Petunia and Calibrachoa traits. It is heat tolerant through the summer, pH tolerant, day length neutral and can be grown cool. The foliage is not sticky, so flowers drop easily from the plant as they age and plants hold up well in all kinds of weather. SuperCal is ideal in baskets or An all-new flowering class, Super-Cal Petunia (inter-generic hybrid) hasgreat characteristics of the petunia and the calibrachoa. Vigorous, loads of flowers, lush foliage. Blooms all season long. Great in hanging baskets, mixed containers, window boxes and in the landscape. Extremely free-flowering Petunia; spreads less vigorously than most Supertunia Best Seller, Award Winner, Heat Tolerant, Deadheading Not Necessary, Drought Tolerant Dark Red Supertunia with black accents. Mounding habit, more upright than most. Dark red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-12" tall by 10-18" wide Supertunia Bordeaux New petunia color in the Proven Winner line for 2005. Won several awards Dark Center to blush Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Charm petunias are mounded, but will also spill Supertunia Charm Pink Star Supertunia over the edges of containers. They are great container plants Pink/White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-12" tall by 12-18" wide and will function as both spillers and fillers in combination planters. Charm Pink Star has a variegated pink and white bloom. Supertunia Flamingo Beautiful pink blossom with deep maroon viens. Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Supertunia Indigo Charm Indigo Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Great series of supertunias offers loads of flowers on well-formed plants. Blooms all season and no dead-heading required. Petunia 62 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Supertunia Limoncello Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Supertunia Mini White White Bloom: June July August Septemb Size trailing tall by 12-18" wide Supertunia Morning Glory Morning Glory Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Supertunia Orchid Charm Lavender Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Not all varieties are available at all times Supertunia petunias are vigorous with slightly mounded habits that function as both fillers and spillers in containers. They are also excellent landscape plants, best suited to be placed near the front of beds. Smaller flowered variety. Pale yellow with a darker yellow vein "Mini" Supertunias refer to the size of the bloom - 1 1/2" flowers are smaller than regular Supertunia flowers. The plant has a dense habit with great branching. The flowers are extremely weather resistant, meaning they will come back looking great earlier after a rainstorm. Supertunia Charm petunias are mounded, but will also spill over the edges of containers. They are great container plants and will function as both spillers and fillers in combination planters. Violet flowers with white eye Supertunia Charm petunias are mounded, but will also spill over the edges of containers. They are great container plants and will function as both spillers and fillers in combination planters. Supertunia is a cheerful mix of white and pink. Supertunia Pink Star Charm This Supertunia petunias are vigorous with slightly mounded habits Pink/White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-12" tall by 30" wide Supertunia Raspberry Blast that function as both fillers and spillers in containers. They are also excellent landscape plants, best suited to be placed near the front of beds. They have medium to large sized flowers. Unique rose-pink and white flowers abound on cascading foliage; fertilize often; low maintenance Rose pink & white Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-10" tall by 20" wide Supertunia Rose Blast Char Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Supertunia Royal Magenta Magenta Supertunia Charm petunias are mounded, but will also spill over the edges of containers. They are great container plants and will function as both spillers and fillers in combination planters. Star pattern in deep and light pink Deep magenta all the way through the flower. Thrives in full sun, covered with flowers and very vigorous trailing habit. Low maintenance - plants clean themselves. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-10" tall by 24" wide Supertunia Royal Velvet Velvet Royal Velvet supertunia is close to being day length neutral. Blooms all season long on vigorous plants in a fantastic dark purple. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size trailing tall by 12" wide Supertunia Sangria Charm Pink Great series of supertunias offers loads of flowers on well-formed plants. Blooms all season and no dead-heading required. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-12" tall by 10-14" wide Violet Star Charm petunias are mounded with Supertunia Violet Star Char Supertunia purple and white blossoms, but will also spill over the edges Purple/White Bloom: April May June July August Size 8-12" tall by 30" wide Supertunia Vista Bubblegu Bubble Gum Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 16-24" tall by 12-18" wide of containers. They are great container plants and will function as both spillers and fillers in combination planters. They are incredibly good landscape plants, best used at the front of beds. Vigorous grower with a mounding habit. They can mound up to 2 feet in a container, or trail in a hanger or as a landscape plant. Petunia 63 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Supertunia White Not all varieties are available at all times Early flowering, rich, golden decorative flowers ana a compact cushion growth habit. White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-10" tall by 24" wide Surfinia Heavenly Blue Blue Bloom: April May June July August Size tall by wide Surfinia Purple Majesty Bloom: Size tall by wide Surprise Blue Sky Blue This vigorous, trailing petunia is a great plant for containers or bedding. Heat tolerant and self cleaning, it blooms all summer long with very little care. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-10" tall by 24" wide Ultra Blue Sky Bloom: Size tall by wide Philodendron Philidendron x Little Hope Green Bloom: Size 10'' tall by 12'' wide Phlox Phlox drummondii Tapestry Mixed Bloom: July August September Size 18-24 tall by 12 wide hybrida 21st Century Phlox Mix Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 12-18" tall by 12 wide Intensia Cabernet Deep purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10-18" tall by 10-12" wide Intensia Lavender Glow Lavender with white eye Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-14" tall by 8-12" wide Free flowering cultivar offers a blend of warm rich shades. Lilac, blue, pink, rose, cerise, geranium, buff, buttercream and white. Solid colors and intricate bi-colors. Honey-like meadow sweet fragrance. Full Sun. New - the first ever F1 Hybrid Phlox. Much better vigor than other annual phlox, with superior, fuller, more floriferous plants. Masses of vividly colored flowers throughout the season, including bright crimson, scarlet, coral, blue, white and complimentary eyed and bi-colored selections. No sign of powdery mildew, plants covered with blooms all summer and fall. Rounded plants are vigorous and free-flowering. Cascading habit and cold tolerance. A great addition to a hanging basket, mixed pot or for the front of the border. No sign of powdery mildew, plants covered with blooms all summer and fall. Rounded plants are vigorous and free-flowering. Cascading habit and cold tolerance. A great addition to a hanging basket, mixed pot or for the front of the border. Petunia 64 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Intensia White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 12" wide Not all varieties are available at all times Proven Winner for 2006. No sign of powdery mildew, plants covered with blooms all summer and fall. Rounded plants are vigorous and free-flowering. Cascading habit and cold tolerance. A great addition to a hanging basket, mixed pot or for the front of the border. x. Intensia Blueberry Great in containers and landscapes, this phlox hybrid blooms all summer with no deadheading required! Blueberry Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 10-12" wide Plectranthus amboinicus Lemon Twist Bloom: Size tall by wide argenteus Silver Shield Bloom: Size 24-30" tall by 24" wide portulaca, purslane Contrasting, felty-textured leaves scalloped with lemon yellow on upright, shrubby, mounded plant. Has a nice lemon scent to the foliage. Very easy to grow with relatively low maintenance. Plant in full sun, partial sun, or full shade; heat tolerant. Height can reach 8-10? while the spread is 18-30?. Very attractive in hanging baskets, containers, or borders. 'Silver Shield' is more compact than the species. It typically grows to 24-30" tall and as wide, and features ovate, pointed, scallop-edged, gray green leaves (to 4" long) covered with a silvery sheen. Leaves are covered with down which gives them a velvety texture. Leaves compliment and contrast well with many types of flowering plants. Portulaca grandiflora Happy Hour Fuchsia Fuchsia Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Happy Hour Lemon Lemon Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Happy Hour Mix Mix Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Primrose Portulaca 'Happy Hour Mix' is a well branched, mounding, heat loving annual that gives a great show all summer. Bring on the heat and watch this summer favorite go bloom crazy with its large, semi double flowers that come in a array of colors such as white, pink, orange, & yellow. Primula obconica Libre Salmon Picotee Salmon with white edges Bloom: April May June Size 8 tall by 8 wide Radermachera China Doll x China Doll Green Bloom: Size 11'' tall by 14'' wide Salmon flowers with white edges Phlox 65 Spring Ledge Farm Ranunculus Ranunculus Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times asiaticus Bloomingdale mix Extra-dwarf plant habit with small leaves. Flowers are large, fully double, on short sturdy stems. mixed Bloom: April Size 8-10" tall by wide Magic Pink Peach Pink/peach Bloom: April Size 8-10" tall by wide A compact Ranunculus with large flowers in peachy pink. The fern like foliage grows close to the ground. An early spring winner! Reseda Mignonette odorata White Mignonette White Tall narrow spires of white made up of many fluffy florets. Very fragrant, long vase life. Wonderful additions to both formal and informal bouquets. Bloom: June July Size 24-36 tall by 12 wide Rosemary Rosemary x Rosemary Green Bloom: Size 10'' tall by wide Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta Cherry Brandy Red Bloom: August September Octob Size 12" tall by 16-24" wide x Cappuccino Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 20 tall by 18 wide Painted tongue These robust plants have outstanding garden performance, producing a mass of attractive, cherry-colored blooms all summer long - triumphing over heat, drought and poor soils! Stunning when planted in drifts in borders or can be planted in large containers to create a feature plant on a patio or terrace. Flowers average 3-4 inches in width, 24 inches in height The blooms are huge by Black-Eyed Susan standards -- 4 inches across, easily. They sport petals divided into golden-yellow and mahoganhy-red, all surrounding the familiar dark brown to black center. Long-lasting on the plant or in the vase, they are like mini Sunflowers, radiating warm color and, in the garden, bringing butterflies in by the dozen. Salpiglossis sinuata Royale Mix Trumpet shape flower in multiple clusters. Maintain high light throughout growth period.15". Mix from red to yellow to purple Bloom: July August September Size 15-20" tall by 12" wide Salvia Salvia Playin' the Blues Blue Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 24-48" tall by 14-18" wide Beautiful blue flowers on sturdy plants. Ranunculus 66 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times apiana White Sage Foliage is true Sage Green Aromatic Native American incense herb. Dusty gray-green leaves with classic sage scent. Looks great in combinations with dark purples, bright yellows. Bloom: Size 16-24" tall by 12-18" wide coccinea Coral Nymph Coral and white bicolor flowers. Nice semi-dwarf habit. Coral and white bicolor Bloom: Size 24" tall by wide Forest Fire Scarlet Red Brilliant red flowers with contrasting dark calyces. Great as a cut flower or in the garden bed. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom: July August September Size 12" tall by 12" wide Hummingbird White White Bloom: July August September Size 16-20" tall by 12" wide Lady in Red Brilliant Scarlet Bloom: July August September Size 20-24 tall by 12 wide Oxford Blue Blue 1992 AAS Winner. Attracts hummingbirds. Brilliant scarlet, trumpet-shaped flowers on loose spikes create an open, lacy effect. For long bloom season from early summer to frost. Neat, bushy plants are easy and tough. Excellent as a border or container plant. Also known as 'Clary Sage', this salvia has colored leaves. It makes an excellent cut or dried flower, and will attract bees, birds, & butterflies to your garden. Bloom: Size 18 tall by 12 wide Summer Jewel Lavender Bloom: Size tall by wide farinacea Blue Frost True blue Salvia, grows 12-24, blooms all season with some deadheading. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Blue Bloom: May June July August Size tall by wide Evolution Purple Bloom: July August September O Size 18" tall by 12" wide Strata AAS Winner & New for 2006. 'Evolution' is very similar to 'Victoria', with the exception of the purple flower (instead of blue). Use as a cut flower, a garden bed plant or in containers. Earlier and more compact than S. "Victoria". White & Blue together Bloom: July August September Size 8-10" tall by wide Victoria Blue Bloom: Size tall by wide Victoria Blue salvia plants reach 18"-24" tall, with a similar spread. The deep blue flowers run up and down 8"-10" flower spikes. The foliage is also attractive, being a grayish-green. This type of ornamental sage blooms all summer long. Salvia 67 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Victoria White Bloom: Size tall by wide guaranitica Black and Blue This tender perennial blooms from July thru frost, Foliage is a clear bright green Intense blue, black sheath Bloom: July August September O Size 36-48 tall by 12 wide Kobalt Bloom: Size tall by wide splendens Lighthouse Purple Purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 24-36" tall by 24" wide Rambo 30" tall clumps, adorned with green leaves and topped with cobalt blue flowers held in green calyxes - See more at: Salvia-greggii/Salvia-nemorosa/#sthash.RXoQo0Id.dpuf With its full spikes of reddish purple flowers, 'Lighthouse Purple' stands tall like a beacon in the summer garden. Its impressive display of long-lasting color and handsome foliage work well in containers or planted in the middle of the mixed border. A low-maintenance, heat-resistant variety. Tall, deep red blooms on dark foliage. Extra long 12" spikes on 24" plants. Deep Red Bloom: July August September Size 30" tall by 12-18" wide Vista Purple Dark Purple Bloom: July August September Size 12-14" tall by 6-8" wide Vista Red Intense Red Bloom: July August September Size 12-14" tall by 6-8" wide Vista Salmon Salmon Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 14" tall by 8" wide viridis Marble Arch Mix Mixed Bloom: July August September Size 26-28" tall by 12-16" wide Vista series is an exceptional dwarf salvia series producing 12-14" plants with flower spikes from 4-5" tall. Outdoor performance is excellent. Lush green foliage is maintained throughout the summer. new for SLF in 1999. Vista series is an exceptional dwarf salvia series producing 12-14" plants with flower spikes from 4-5" tall. Outdoor performance is excellent. Lush green foliage is maintained throughout the summer. We're trying this Salmon variety for 2003. Vista series is an exceptional dwarf salvia series producing 12-14" plants with flower spikes from 4-5" tall. Outdoor performance is excellent. Lush green foliage is maintained throughout the summer. Great mix of color from summer through early fall. Averaging 40% rose, 40% blue-purple, and 20% white, these colored bracts decorate the tops of the 26-28" branches. Because this Salvia tolerates the first light frosts of fall, it provides beauty in containers, beds, and for cutting long after other annuals are gone. x Amistad Dark purple flowers with nearly black calyx. Amistad is more compact and has a fuller habit then other guaranitica types. Flowers are a magnet for butterflies and hummingbirds. Bloom: June July August Size tall by wide Mystic Spires Blue Blue Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 24" tall by 12-15" wide A sport of Salvia 'Indigo Spires', this is a shorter, more compact version. Striking blue flower spikes accent the green foliage and attract humingbirds and butterflies. Excellent for containers, baskets and garden beds. Salvia 68 Spring Ledge Farm Sanvitalia Sanvitalia Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times procumbens Sunvy Super Gold Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-10" tall by 12" wide Pincushion Flower Petite, golden yellow daisy-shaped flowers. Blooms cover the dark green trailing foliage all summer long. This lush, creeping groundcover looks especially lovely spilling out of containers or hanging baskets. Scabiosa atropurpurea Olympia Mix F1 Mixed lilac, scarlet, dark red, rose, blue, Bloom: July August September Size 30" tall by 12" wide QIS Formula Mix mix Attractive flowers are great for cutting. 2-3" flowers with long, wirty stems. Shades of lilac, scarlet, dark red, rose, blue and violet. A great cut flower that we have grown in our cutting garden for years. Sturdier and more upright than other Scabiosa. 1 1/2-2 1/2" blooms are salmon red, dark blue, and salmon pink. Heat tolerant plants. Sturdy stems makes a great cut flower. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 24-36" tall by 18" wide Scaevola Scalora Brilliant Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-10" tall by 14-16" wide aemula Whirlwind White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10-14" tall by 16-24" wide Compact and well-branched habit with non-stop blooms. This is a favorite of many gardeners as it is low maintenance and high performing, often the perfect choice to complement other colors in the garden. Heat and drought tolerant. Plant in full sun; blooms until it frosts. Strong plant is very durable and loves sun and heat. Blooms all summer and through the fall. Cascading/trailing habit works well with mixed containers, in beds, over rock walls, in window boxes and on and on. x. Fairy Blue Blue Scaevola Fairy is an excellent free branching Scaevola series that is well suited for mixed containers and Hanging baskets as well as smaller pots. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-10" tall by 10-12" wide New Wonder Light Blue Bloom: July August September Size tall by wide Scalora Topaz Pink Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10-12" tall by 16" wide Whirlwind Blue Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 24" wide A very popular Proven Winner seen in gardens throughout the country. "New Wonder" features dense foliage, large prolific blooms on an oval superior plant. With as many as 100-500 flowers on each basket, "New Wonder" is an extraordinary plant. Compact and well-branched habit with non-stop blooms. This is a favorite of many gardeners as it is low maintenance and high performing, often the perfect choice to complement other colors in the garden. Heat and drought tolerant. Plant in full sun; blooms until it frosts. More is better, especially when it's more flowers that bloom longer than other Scaevola varieties. Besides fantastic, deep blue color, `WhirlwindT Blue' also has the characteristic Whirlwind compact, well-branched habit, and ability to tolerate a range of conditions. Sanvitalia 69 Spring Ledge Farm Schefflera Schefflera Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times arboricola Gold Capella Great Houseplant. Bloom: Size tall by wide Dusty Miller Senecio cineraria Cirrus Silvery leaves Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8" tall by wide Silver Dust Silver leaves Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 6-10 tall by 6-8 wide Larger, whiter leaves than Candidissima or Diamond. Retains silver color longer than the above strains. Exceptional rain and frost tolerance. Best strain for solid gray borders. In the Artemesia family grown mainly for its unique foliage. Silvery leaves provide a nice contrast all summer long. Cold hardy variety. Solenostemon Coleus scutellarioides Alligator Tears Bloom: Size tall by wide Black Dragon Good early performance, moderately lobed leaves edged in purple. Dark green/black foliage Bloom: Size 18-24 tall by wide Chocolate Covered Cherry Brown with red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Chocolate Dark Dark maroon Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Chocolate Drop Brown Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Chocolate Symphony Mahogany Velvet-toned Leaves - for Sun or Shade! Neat and well-branched, this coleus reaches 12 to 14 inches high and about 12 inches wide -- a nice size for containers as well as the garden. Chocolate Drop Solenostemon has lobed, rounded green leaves that have a deep crimson center and crimson venation. This is a great Coleus for draping over your container mixes. The trailing habit of Chocolate Drop makes it a sweet filler for your combinations. A combination of Chocolate Mint and Premium Sun Lime Delight Coleus. Bloom: Size 20-24" tall by 12-18" wide Dark Heart Dark burgundy leaves w/ green margins Bloom: Size 10-12" tall by 10" wide Sun to shade - this coleus 'Dark Heart' is a mounding variety that is less upright than other coleus. Fits well into combination planters and window boxes. Schefflera 70 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Dipt in Wine Not all varieties are available at all times A top performer in the coleus range. Can do well in morning sun and afternoon shade. Use in beds, borders and containers. Bright maroon red with yellow center foliage Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-18" tall by 12" wide El Brighto Foliage has purple and red centers with yellow margins. Large specimen plant. Foliage is purple and red with yellow margins Bloom: Size 24" tall by 18" wide Fishnet Stockings Very unique coleus with strong burgundy veins on lighter green leaves. Green with burgundy veins Bloom: June August September Size 24" tall by 12-24" wide Freckles Bronze and orange splotches on pale yellow leaves all summer Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Keystone Kopper Copper foliage makes this vigorous easy grower a great accent plant. Bronze Bloom: Size 24-36" tall by wide Kiwi Fern From the Stained Glassworks Series bred for the landscape, can tolerate anything from full sun to shade. Striking foliage. Red w/ frilled gold edge Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 14-18" tall by 12-18" wide Kong Mix Empire Mix foliage colors Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Lime Time Sun tolerant chartreuse foliage is great in landscapes and containers. Bloom: Size 20-36" tall by 20" wide Ox Blood Bloom: Size tall by wide Oxford Street Bloom: Size 20-36" tall by 20" wide Sedona Oxford Street Coleus' attractive serrated pointy leaves remain cherry red in colour with distinctive lime green edges and tinges of dark red throughout the year. Neither the flowers nor the fruit are ornamentally significant. A sport of Coleus 'Freckles', 'Sedona's' unique russet color does best in part shade. Blends well in mixed containers. Tidy, compact habit Bloom: Size 24-30" tall by wide The Flume Bloom: Size tall by wide Very unique foliage. Solenostemon 71 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Trailing Purple Heart Bloom: Size tall by wide Under the Sun (fuseables) Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 20-32" tall by 18" wide Wizard Coral Sunrise Not all varieties are available at all times Trailing shade-loving coleus is an easy-to-grow annual foliage plant that adapts well to hanging baskets and container gardens where its sprawling stems can drape over the edge of the planter. You also can plant it in landscape beds where it will intertwine with flowering annuals and perennials to brighten shady nooks. This combination of Versa Crimson Gold and Versa Lime are fabulous in containers throughout the entire season. An additional advantage is both varieties tolerate both partial sun and shade. Height: 20-32", 18-22" spread. Great color on foliage for shady locations. Mix corals Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-12" tall by 8" wide Wizard Jade Bloom: Size tall by wide Wizard Mix This outrageous Coleus is reminiscent of the famous coloration of the Hosta. In fact growing these two plants in opposite drifts of color can really make a garden stand out magnificently! Tight and compact Wizard Jade Coleus's leaves feature deep green wide margins and distinctly pure white painted on centers of the leaves, that sneak up the veins Oval to heart-shaped leaves in a full color range. Mixed Bloom: July August September Size 12" tall by wide Wizard Pineapple Variegated Leaves Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Wizard Scarlet Coleus can stand sun as well as shade. Great as an accent plant or grown 4-6 spaced 8-12" inches apart to create a mass of foliage color. Great as an accent plant or grown 4-6 spaced 8-12" inches apart to create a mass of foliage color. Scarlet Red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-14" tall by 12" wide Wizard Sunset Bloom: Size tall by wide Wizard Velvet Red Velvet Red Foliage Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide SPATHIPHYLLUM Peace Lilly x ASSORTED White Bloom: Size 7'' tall by 10'' wide Supreme White Bloom: Size 12'' tall by 15'' wide Dark red leaves. Look like velvet. Coleus can stand sun as well as shade. Great as an accent plant or grown 4-6 spaced 8-12" inches apart to create a mass of foliage color. Solenostemon 72 Spring Ledge Farm Spathoglottis Orchid Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times x Assortment Assorted Bloom: Size tall by wide STRELITZIA NICOLAI Bird of Paradise x WHITE BIRD White Bloom: Size 12'' tall by 15'' wide Cape Primrose Streptocarpella saxorum Blue Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-15" tall by wide Persian Shield The Streptocarpus saxorum plant -- which also goes by the names Cape primrose, false African violet and violet sky -- is a member of the Streptocarpella subgenus. It sprouts fine, drooping lilac-like flowers in pale pink and purple hues. This tough plant lends itself to garden flower bed planting, hanging baskets and tall pots. Strobilanthus dyerianus Iridescent, colorful leaves of purple, green and silver all season; heat tolerant. Bloom: Size 24-36 tall by wide Succulent Succulent x Assorted Succulent Pink Bloom: Size 2'' tall by 5'' wide Bacopa Sutera cordata Abunda Giant White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 4" tall by 10" wide Bahia White Knight White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 18" tall by 18" wide Calypso Jumbo White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Hundreds of beautiful flowers cover these trailing plants all summer. Large whtie flowers contrast well with dark green foliage. Blooms even when other varieties of Bacopa stop blooming. Bahia White Night Bacopa is covered in stunning white star-shaped flowers with yellow eyes along the stems from mid spring to late fall. It's small serrated round leaves remain green in color throughout the year. Spathoglottis 73 Spring Ledge Farm Tagetes Annuals 2015 Zenith Golden Yellow Yellow Not all varieties are available at all times 'Zenith Golden Yellow' is upright and bushy, 25-50cm in height, with a long flowering season. The double flowers, to 10cm across, are held above the foliage and are a rich yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide erecta Giant Orange Orange Bloom: July August September O Size tall by wide Giant Yellow Yellow Bloom: July August September O Size tall by wide Giants F-1 Amer. Hyb Mixed Large flower heads, avg. 3", sit atop sturdy plants. These Giant marigolds are prolific producers for cuts as well as excellent garden performers. Edible Flowers: Use the flowers to dress up salads and desserts or cooked in egg or rice dishes. Flavor is floral with hints of citrus and spice, and slightly bitter. Large flower heads, avg. 3", sit atop sturdy plants. These Giant marigolds are prolific producers for cuts as well as excellent garden performers. Edible Flowers: Use the flowers to dress up salads and desserts or cooked in egg or rice dishes. Flavor is floral with hints of citrus and spice, and slightly bitter. Mix of the best hedge type marigolds. Blooms continuously if spent blooms are removed. Great border planting or even as a cut flower. Bloom: July August September Size 4-5' tall by 12" wide Inca II Gold Good disease tolerance. One of the largest marigold varieties. Gold yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 14-16" tall by wide Inca II Orange Good disease tolerance. One of the largest marigold varieties. Orange Bloom: July August September Size 14-16" tall by wide Inca II Yellow Good disease tolerance. One of the largest Marigold varieties. Yellow Bloom: July August September Size 14-16" tall by wide Lady Primrose Primrose Yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 18-20" tall by 18" wide Moonsong Deep Orange Deep Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12-15" tall by 12" wide Taishan Orange Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Taishan Yellow Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Large, ball-shaped double blooms. Good garden performance from these weather resistant plants. Taller than Inca series, but not as tall as the 'Giant American Mix'. Dark green foliage. 2010 AAS winner. Tagetes 74 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Vanilla Creamy white Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide patula Alumia Red Bloom: Size tall by wide Alumia Vanilla Cream Pale Yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide This striking British bred variety has unique, lemon yellow blooms; a colour never seen before in French Marigolds. The short, branching plants have a neat uniform habit that is ideal for planting en masse. Marigold 'Alumia Vanilla Cream' gives a superb garden performance, flowering over a long period and attracting pollinating insects to its blooms. Alumia Yellow Bloom: Size tall by wide Bonanza Flame Season-long blooms above husky deep green plants. Extra-large flowers. Excellent flower display, and weather tolerance. Bloom: June July August Size 12-14" tall by wide Boy Yellow Semi-dwarf French type. Early and very uniform. Bloom: June July Size 6-10" tall by wide Cresta Orange Bloom: Size tall by wide Disco Bright Yellow Medium-large single flowers pop with color early and then go on to become a solid mass of color that lasts all season long. Bloom: June July August Size 10-12" tall by wide Disco Mix Bright mix of small yellow, red, and orange marigolds. Mix Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Disco Orange Medium-large single flowers pop with color early and then go on to become a solid mass of color that lasts all season long. Orange Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10-12" tall by wide Golden Gate Golden Yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10-12" tall by 10" wide Janie Bright Yellow Bloom: June July August Size 9-10" tall by wide AAS Winner. Produces large, fully double blooms of exceptional quality on compact plants 10-12" tall. Deep green foliage. Very early variety. Tagetes 75 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Lemon Drop Double Yellow Bloom: Size 8" tall by wide Mr. Majestic A unique single marigold with distinctive yellow and red stripes on each petal. Yel & red stripes Bloom: July August September Size 6-10" tall by 8" wide Safari Bolero Early, compact dwarf with double anemone shaped flowers. Bloom: June July August Size 10-12" tall by wide Safari Mix Early, compact dwarf with double anemone shaped flowers. Mix Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8-10 tall by 6-8 wide Safari Red Red A double flowered French Marigold, Safari Red does well in gardens with blooms throughout the summer. Pick off the spent buds after bloom to encourage continuous color. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-10" tall by 6" wide Safari Tangerine Red petals with a golden-yellow border. Good weather tolerance and garden performer. Double anemone flower shape. Bloom: Size 8-10 tall by 6-8 wide Safari Yellow Early, compact dwarf with double anemone shaped flowers. Yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8-10 tall by 6-8 wide Safari Yellow Fire Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide tenuifolia Lemon Gem Yellow Bloom: June July August Size 9-12" tall by wide Maroon Gem Maroon red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 9" tall by 6" wide Tangerine Gem Bright orange-yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 9-12" tall by wide Tiny single flowers literally cover the compact mounds of fern-like foliage. We like signets used in annual bedding, especially where the plants can creep over a wall, much like creeping phlox. Also good for hanging baskets. Edible flowers! Tiny single flowers literally cover the compact mounds of fern-like foliage. Cousin of Lemon Gem & Tangerine Gem. Bite sized to use as an edible garnish or in the flower bouquet. Great for borders as well. Hundreds of petite single flowers cover neat, low mounds of lacy foliage with a citrusy scent. Tagetes 76 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times x (triploid) Gem Mix Orange/Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide A mixture of the edible Marigolds - lemon gem, orange gem, and red gem. Each lacy mound is covered with petite half inch single flowers with a citrusy scent. Great for containers or in the garden, also called signet marigolds, they are drought and deer resistant. Zenith Deep Orange Deep Orange Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 14-16" tall by 12" wide Talinum Jewels of Opar paniculatum Limon Chartreuse foliage with delicate flowers dancing above adds great interest to Mixed Containers and landscapes. Low maintenance. Bloom: Size tall by wide Black Eye susan vine Thunbergia alata Sunny Lemon Star Yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Sunny Orange Wonder Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Tithonia Tithonia rotundifolia Fiesta Del Sol Golden Orange Bloom: July August September O Size 30-40" tall by 18-24" wide Torenia Clown Flower fournieri Kauai Blue Deep Deep Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Kauai Blue White Blue with white Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Kauai Burgundy Burgundy Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide AAS Winner. More compact and uniform than the species Tithonia. Tagetes 77 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Kauai Lemon Drop Lemon yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Kauai Magenta Magenta Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Kauai Magenta makes a great statement flower for shade. Superior performance in extreme heat and humidity. Exotic appearance in small garden settings, mixed combos and colour bowls; also suited to indoor containers. Kauai Mix Mixed Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Kauai White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide x Catalina Gilded Grape Yellow/purple Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Catalina Midnight Blue Dark blue violet Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Purple Moon Purple Shade tolerant torenia, with it's bright snapdragon-like flowers is a great choice for containers or hangers. Continuous bloomer, no deadheading required. 2006 Proven Winner. A new series that fills hanging baskets and containers with masses of color, and wonderful as a groundcover in shady areas. Sun to partial shade -Slightly mounded to trailing habit - great for hanging baskets in shady spots. Re-selected for more flower-power throughout the summer. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 6-8" tall by wide Rose Moon Trailing habit, this pink torenia is a great plant for shade. Good for containers or bedding. Pink bicolor Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8-10" tall by 24" wide Summer Wave Amethyst A Proven Winner. Great in shade situations - will bloom all summer. Amethyst Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Summer Wave Blue Blue Amethyst-colored flowers all season. This is a great low-maintenance, heat tolerant shade plant. Trails up to 36 inches. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8-10" tall by 10-12" wide Summer Wave Bouquet Go This trailing yellow and purple torenia is great for containers and bedding. Perfect for shady garden beds and hangers. Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-8" tall by 10-12" wide Summer Wave Deep Blue Blue Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-10" tall by 10-12" wide This trailing blue torenia is great for containers and bedding. Perfect for brightening up shady garden beds and hangers. Torenia 78 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times unique large torenia is silver with a pink throat, making Summer Wave Large Silver This it an interesting and elegant plant for shady garden beds and pink/silver hangers. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 12-16" wide Spiderwort Tradescantia pallida Purple Heart Boneset. Loose ageratum-like white flower clusters. Grows up to 5' tall. One of the prettiest species. Attracts butterflies. Rich purple foliage Bloom: June July August Size 6-10" tall by 12" wide Trapoleum Nasturtium majus Alaska mixed flowers/varieg. foliage Bloom: June July August Septemb Size trail tall by wide Empress of India Unusual creamy-white and green foliage plus all the popular colors. Bicolored foliage is great for rock gardens or hangers. Edible flowers. Cascading clumps of single, dark-scarlet flowers for hangers and window boxes. Edible flowers. Single dark scarlet Bloom: June July August Septemb Size trailingft tall by wide Jewel Mix Red, pink, orange, yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 16" tall by 20" wide Peach Melba white peach w. rasp. throat Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10" tall by 18" wide Trailing Most delicious edible flower. Bright single and double blomos in red, pink, orange and yellow, held above the light green foliage. One of the prettiest nasturtiums. Petals the shade of a white peach, and the throat of each flower has a delicate, paw-shaped etching in a contrasting raspberry tint. 'Peach Melba' is top setting, which means it sets its blossoms above the foliage. From Shepherds Seeds. Cascading clumps of edible flowers for hanging baskets. Bloom: June July August Size tall by wide Whirlybird Gold Golden Yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Whirlybird Mix Bloom: Size 6" tall by wide peregrinum Canary Bird Vine Bloom: Size 8-10 feet tall by 6feet wide Flowers are also without the usual black spur, and consequently are able to sit open-faced, right on the top of the stems. Excellent for hanging baskets, rock gardens or flower beds. A series of top blooming separate colors and mixture. Flowers are also without the usual black spur, and consequently are able to sit open-faced, right on the top of the stems. Excellent for hanging baskets, rock gardens or flower beds. Enchanting , lustrous canary yellow flowers. Highly ornamental foliage. Requires support. Torenia 79 Spring Ledge Farm Verbena Annuals 2015 Endurascape Red Red Not all varieties are available at all times This hardy landscape verbena beats them all for Summer production - it takes the heat and stays in flower longer! Hardy to the low teens. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 8-12" tall by 12-16" wide Obsession Pink hot pink Bloom: Size tall by wide bonariensis Bonariensis Wiry stems bear flat panicles of flowers all summer long. Self sows. Nice cut flower. Butterflies love this flower! Purple Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 60-72" tall by 36" wide Meteor Shower Lollipops of lilac blooms on deep green foliage. A fun plant for landscapes and containers. A more compact bonariensis. Purple Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide hybrida Imagination All American Selections, and Fleuroselect winner! Heat and drought tolerant. Violet blue or dark lilac Bloom: Size 8 tall by 24 wide Lanai Peach Peach Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Lanai Twister Pink New buds on this Verbena emerge a deep coral, open to a lovely peachy pink and age to pale peach, giving each plant a fabulous depth of color. Flowers all season. Some deadheading required for best growth. early to bloom, powdery mildew resistant, trailing, broad leaf Pink Bloom: Size 6-10'' tall by trailing wide Peaches & Cream AAS Winner Pastel salmon/apricot Bloom: Size 8-10 tall by 10-12 wide Quartz Blue Blue Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 8-10" tall by 8" wide Quartz Mix Mixed Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10" tall by 8" wide Quartz Scarlet Bloom: Size tall by wide New for 1999 from the Quartz series of verbena which offer mounded, compact 10-12" plant habit and tolerance to mildew. Lustrous umbels with larger than normal florets give the series an eye appeal. Verbena 80 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Quartz White White Not all varieties are available at all times Quartz series of verbena offer mounded, compact 10-12" plant habit and tolerance to mildew. Lustrous umbels with larger than normal florets give the series an eye appeal. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10-12" tall by wide Superbena Royale Peachy Peach Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-12'' tall by wide pedula hybrid Superbena Royale verbenas are vigorous and mounded, but will trail over the sides of containers. They will function as both spillers and fillers in combination planters and are best planted at the front of landscape beds. Flower and umbel size are typical for verbena. They will bloom earlier in the season and more easily produceable in smaller containers than regular Royale verbenas are vigorous and mounded, but Superbena Large Lilac Blue Superbena will trail over the sides of containers. They will function as Lilac Blue - "glows" in evening Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 6-12" tall by 12" wide Superbena Pink Shades Pink Shades Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-12" tall by 12" wide Superbena Purple Purple both spillers and fillers in combination planters and are best planted at the front of landscape beds. Flower and umbel size are typical for verbena. They will bloom earlier in the season and more easily produceable in smaller containers than regular Superbena Royale verbenas are vigorous and mounded, but will trail over the sides of containers. They will function as both spillers and fillers in combination planters and are best planted at the front of landscape beds. Flower and umbel size are typical for verbena. They will bloom earlier in the season and more easily produceable in smaller containers than regular Superbena varieties. New verbena for 2003 - 'Superbenas"tm are bred for excellent mildew tolerance, a bushy trailing habit and broad leaves and very large flowers. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-12" tall by 12" wide x. are our most vigorous, heat tolerant, and mildew Superbena Royal Chambray Superbena tolerant series. While always great in containers they are also Lilac Purple Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-10" tall by 12-14" wide Superbena Royale Whiteca White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Vinca fantastic in landscape beds. They can tolerate dry soils and lower fertility. Normally either an application of slow release fertilizer or amending with compost is enough to keep them happy and blooming in landscape beds. White blooms. The Royale series have an early compact habit that becomes a vigorous spreader with strong garden performance. The abundance flowering helps Royale varieties really stand out in the garden. Vinca Maculata Cream and green vine cream & green Bloom: Size tall by wide Titan Mix mix A vigorous grower even in cooler climates and a good low-water variety in hot, dry conditions, Titan is perfect for landscapes and containers of all types. Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide minor Illumination variegated yellow & green leaves Bloom: Size trailing tall by wide Full sun, a true breakthrough in Vinca minor. stable variegation puts on good growth during the season. Verbena 81 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Wojo's Jem Not all varieties are available at all times Nice trailing vinca with variegated yellow and green leaves. Variegated yellow & green leaves Bloom: Size 6" tall by trailing wide Viola Panola XP Deep Orange Medium-flowered Panola pansies hold up better because the petals are smaller and thicker. Orange Bloom: April May September Oct Size 6-8" tall by wide cornuta ColorMax Mix miscellaneous Bloom: May June Size 6-8" tall by 6-8" wide Sorbet - Banana Cream light yellow Bloom: April May June July Septe Size 6" tall by 6-8" wide Sorbet - Delft Blue Delft Blue Bloom: April May June September Size 6-8" tall by 6-8" wide Sorbet - Mix Mixed Bloom: May June September Octo Size 6-8" tall by 8" wide Sorbet - Mix Duet Mixes of the Duet series -two tones Bloom: May June August Septemb Size 4-6" tall by 4-6" wide Sorbet - Morpho Blue/Yellow Bloom: May June August Septemb Size 6-8" tall by 6-8" wide Sorbet - Orchidberry Frost ColorMax is a giant-flowered viola that is heat tolerant and fills pots easily, even under heat stress where standard violas suffer. ColorMax is a superb autumn performer and a great choice to start the season. This alternative to pansies comes in a number of eye-catching and unique colors that are extremely versatile - perfect for pots, packs, baskets and mixed These compact, mound-shaped 6 inch plants produce an abundance of 1 inch flowers that combine the charm of violas with the amazing color range of pansies. Easy to grow, Sorbet violas are both heat and cold tolerant and will bloom over a extremely long season, providing welcome color to borders, patios or decks Violas are a key pro landscaper item and Sorbet XP excels at every turn: plants cover the soil at flowering, with more blooms on every plant and less stretching; early; stay compact in both heat and cold; excellent overwintering; wide range of clear colours allows for custom mixes. Hybrid vigor combined with early uniform flowering gives the Sorbets outstanding performance. Long season garden use. Single viola flower, free-flowering in pots or garden. Compact plant habit. We liked the "Duet" varieties so much we decided to add the mix to our offerings. Well matched for timing and habit in a fun, flashy mix of two-toned colours. Attractive blue and yellow bicolor. Sorbet XP varieties offer growers a uniform plant habit. Always considered early bloomers, Sorbet XP's are low growing outdoors and will remain compact in both heat and cold environments. They are perfect for both spring and fall plantings. Early-blooming, free-flowering plants remain compact in both heat and cold. Great for spring and fall plantings. Orchid Frost pink Bloom: April May June August Sep Size 6-8" tall by 6-8" wide Sorbet - Peach Frost Peach to cream to lilac Bloom: May June August Septemb Size 4-6" tall by 4-6" wide Sorbet XP Blue Blotch Blue with blotch Bloom: April May June September Size 6-8" tall by 8" wide Flowers first open as peach colour with a dark orange centre and creamy cap. The flowers then mature to shades of cream and orange with purple-blue cap. Early-blooming, free-flowering plants remain compact in both heat and cold, and have excellent overwintering ability. Vinca 82 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times X Wittrockiana Blueberry Thrill 'Blueberry Thrill' Produces loads of medium size flowers with blue lavender and wine shades Blue and white Bloom: April May June July Septe Size 6-8" tall by 8-10" wide Colormax Yellow Jump Up Yellow Bloom: April May June September Size 6-8" tall by 8" wide Cool Wave Blue Skies Sky Blue Bloom: April May June August Sep Size 6-8" tall by 8" wide ColorMax is a giant-flowered viola that is heat tolerant and fills pots easily, even under heat stress where standard violas suffer. ColorMax is a superb autumn performer and a great choice to start the season. The best-performing spreading pansy series delivers easy spreading colour for Spring and Autumn, so you can extend your growing season for the popular Wave Brand. Sky Blue flowers with yellow center. Wave Blueberry Swirl blooms feature shades of Cool Wave Blueberry Swirl Cool primrose with whiskers and variable blue-purple edge. Blue with white swirls Bloom: April May June August Sep Size 6-8" tall by 8" wide Cool Wave Frost Frosty blue and white Bloom: April May June July Septe Size 6-8" tall by 8" wide Cool Wave Golden Yellow Golden Yellow Bloom: April May June July August Size 10-12" tall by 8" wide Cool Wave Lemon Surprise Pale yellow Bloom: April May June July August Size 10-12" tall by 8" wide Cool Wave Mix Mixed Bloom: April May June July Septe Size 6-8" tall by 6-8" wide Cool Wave Purple Purple Bloom: April May June July August Size 6-8" tall by 6-8" wide Cool Wave Sunshine & Wi Yellow with purple Bloom: April May June July August Size 6-8" tall by 6-8" wide Cool Wave White White Cool Wave Frost has white blooms with light blue frosted edges. Cool Wave, the next generation of spreading pansy, offers large flowers and vigor. Increased vigor means fewer plants per pot and a spreading habit that cascade over pots up to as much as 30"! Get ready for the Pansy revolution! The same breeders who transformed the way we grow Petunias have now done the same for Pansies, and the results are amazing! This plant trails more than 2 feet long, setting magnificent whiskered blooms every inch of the way! And it grows larger and faster than others, with a far bushier habit. Golden yellow blooms. Get ready for the Pansy revolution! The same breeders who transformed the way we grow Petunias have now done the same for Pansies, and the results are amazing! This plant trails more than 2 feet long, setting magnificent whiskered blooms every inch of the way! And it grows larger and faster than others, with a far bushier habit. Light yellow blooms. Pansy Cool Wave is a spreading variety with masses of big, bright 1½- to 2-inch blooms in 5 brilliant colors, including solid yellow, solid white, two-tone lemon, white with frosty blue edges, and bicolored white-and-violet. The effect is electrifying, especially when the blooms arise by the hundred on well-branched, vigorous, unstoppable plants! The newest color in the exciting Cool Wave series of spreading pansies is this rich plum-purple! Boasting a tiny, intense blue-and-yellow eye that just brings out the reds in the purple petals more vividly, these large blooms appear all over vigorous plants 6 to 8 inches high and 2 feet or more wide. Get ready for the Pansy revolution! The same breeders who transformed the way we grow Petunias have now done the same for Pansies, and the results are amazing! Yellow with cabernet purple accents. The best-performing spreading pansy series delivers easy spreading colour for Spring and Autumn, so you can extend your growing season for the popular Wave Brand. Bloom: April May June July August Size 6-8" tall by 6-8" wide Delta Lemon Pure Pure Lemon Yellow Bloom: April May June September Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Delta series of pansies are great. Viola 83 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Delta Mix Mixed colors Bloom: April May June July August Size 6-8" tall by 8" wide Delta Pink Shades Pink Shades Bloom: April May June July August Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Delta Premium Mix Mixed Bloom: April May June July August Size 6-8" tall by 6-8" wide Delta Premium True Blue True Blue Bloom: April May June July August Size 6-8" tall by 6-8" wide Delta True Blue True Blue Bloom: April May June July August Size 6-10" tall by 6" wide Delta Watercolor Mix Mixed pastels Bloom: April May June July August Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Delta White Pure Not all varieties are available at all times Being among the earliest flowering pansies in the medium to large flower size, growing Deltas will give you a jump start on the spring pansy season. A wide range of clear and blotched color types gives you a wide color range from which to choose Delta is an outstanding series that offers extra early, large 3" flowers, uniform habit in all colors and heat tolerance. Deltas are also cold tolerant and are often able to overwinter. Pink Shades are mid to dark pink shades with darker centers. Formula mixture of all the Detal Premium varieties. Popular Delta varieties give you a jump start on the spring pansy season. With flowers held upright on short sturdy stems, this series is also extremely weather tolerant. Popular Delta varieties will give you a jump start on the spring pansy season. With flowers held upright on short sturdy stems, this series is also extremely weather tolerant. Delta Premium varieties have been improved for uniformity of plant habit and flowering window across the range of colors. The Pansy Delta True Blue, 'Viola x wittrockiana', produces true blue flowers that appear brightly colorful against a green backdrop in bright sunlight. True Blues unique color that will draw attention in any garden! Low mounding fall/winter annual with a mix of Delta Pure Light Blue, Pink Shades, Pure Primrose, Pure Deep Orange, Lavender Blue Shades & Pure White. Delta series are full flowering and make great bedding plants. Pure White Bloom: April May June September Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Delta Yellow Purple Wing Yellow with Purple side petals Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 6-8" tall by 8" wide Frizzle Sizzle Mix miscellaneous Bloom: May June August Septemb Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Grandio True Blue True Blue Bloom: April May June Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Imperial Antique Shades Apricot to Rose Bloom: May June August Septemb Size 6-8" tall by 8" wide Majestic Giants Blue Jeans Bloom: Size tall by wide Great combination of colors with a dark face. Large flowering mid-season pansies have great color retention. Will bloom through the spring and early summer. Cut back in the heat of the summer and the plant returns to bloom in the late summer and fall. Place this Pansy Frizzle Sizzle Mix where they will been admired and commented on! Cool weather gardening can be challenging, but Pansies are known for their hardiness as well as their beautiful colors. This Pansy mix has a rainbow of colorful, large blooms that have frilly edges. Grandio is the new large-flowered series of pansies bred for easy growing. Grandio offers shorter flower stems under long warm days, less plant stretching in high heat conditions and a uniform habit between clear and blotched colors. Grandio will grow to a height of 6" and will spread to 8". Unique color tones from apricot to rose. Outstanding! Large 3" flowers are typical of this series. Held on strong sturdy stems, the Imperials are best known for their clean hardy growth and unique colors. Viola 84 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Majestic Giants II Clear Mi Not all varieties are available at all times Mixture of Clear Purple, White, and Yellow pansies. mix Bloom: April May Size 8-10" tall by wide Majestic Giants II Yellow Yellow with black blotch Bloom: April May June September Size 6" tall by 14" wide New improved series of Majestic Giants. Huge flowers up to 4" across in Spring. Yellow petals with a black blotch in the middle of the pansy "face". Matrix Blue Wing lavender Bloom: Size tall by wide Matrix Light Blue Light Blue Bloom: April May June September Size tall by wide Matrix Mix mix Bloom: April May June August Sep Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Matrix Mix pansies are a great choice for early spring or late fall color. Plant Matrix Mix in full sun or part shade for best flowering results. In some climates, pansies planted in the fall will over winter and rebloom in the spring! The compact habit makes pansies an excellent variety for rock gardens! strong peduncles hold the large, thick-petaled, 3.5" Matrix Mix Coastal Sunrise Short, flowers beautifully over the foliage. Matrix makes Purples Bloom: April May June August Sep Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide high-impact landscapes and containers. More flowers per plant in landscapes and containers. Matrix Mix Jewels Mixed Bloom: April May June September Size tall by wide Matrix Mix Ocean Breeze Blue Frost, Deep Blue Blotch, Ocean Blotch Bloom: April May June August Sep Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Matrix Mix Raspberry Raspberry pink Bloom: May June July September Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Matrix Morpheus Matrix Ocean Breeze Mix is a mix of Blue Frost, Deep Blue Blotch, Ocean White Blotch flowers. The Matrix Series features superior branching to go along with uniform flowering & habit among all Matrix varieties. The large 3 inch Matrix flowers are held on short, strong peduncles that help keep them from flopping over. Short, strong peduncles hold the large, thick-petaled, 3.5" flowers beautifully over the foliage. Matrix makes high-impact landscapes and containers. More flowers per plant in landscapes and containers. An updated version of 'Ultima Morpho' with larger flowers. Unique pattern and color combination. Light blue & Yellow Bloom: April May June July Septe Size 8-10" tall by 8" wide Matrix Orange Orange Bloom: April May June September Size tall by wide Matrix Premium Rose Impr Rose Bloom: April May June August Sep Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide The Matrix Series of Pansy is a greatly improved variety that grows well for customers in containers or in the landscape. This tough selection was design-engineered for an improved structure that leaves the customer with a plant that does not stretch and get spindly like some past varieties have. These plants will reach a maximum height of around 8 inches at Viola 85 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Matrix Purple Purple Bloom: April May June August Sep Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Matrix Spring Pink Shades Pinks Bloom: April May June September Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Matrix Tricolor Mix Mixed Bloom: April May June August Sep Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Not all varieties are available at all times Short, strong peduncles hold the large, thick-petaled, 3.5" flowers beautifully over the foliage. Matrix makes high-impact landscapes and containers. More flowers per plant in landscapes and containers. Short, strong peduncles hold the large, thick-petaled, 3.5" flowers beautifully over the foliage. Matrix makes high-impact landscapes and containers. More flowers per plant in landscapes and containers. Matrix TriColor Mix has a clear or pure color on each bloom. Included in this mixture is a rainbow array including Yellow, Purple, and Light Blue. Each flower is approximately 3 inches across and held on a compact stem for better support. Deadhead old blooms for continued flower production. Matrix True Blue True Blue Bloom: April May June August Sep Size tall by wide Matrix Yellow Yellow Bloom: May June August Septemb Size 6-8" tall by 8" wide Matrix Yellow Blotch Yellow with blotch Bloom: April May June August Sep Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Panola All Season Mix Mix Bloom: April May June September Size 6" tall by 6" wide Matrix pansies are bred to hold up to the weather. Strong stocky plants and strong thick flowers stay upright longer through the season. Use in Garden beds, containers, hanging baskets and window boxes. Combines well with other plants for mixed container designs. Short, strong peduncles hold the large, thick-petaled, 3.5" flowers beautifully over the foliage. Matrix makes high-impact landscapes and containers. More flowers per plant in landscapes and containers. Interesting cross of species has resulted in an outstanding pansy-viola like plant. Compact and free flowering the "Panola" definitely has taken the best of two species. Heat tolerant plants with consistently rounded flowers. Mounded plant habit. Panola Beaconsfield Bloom: April May June August Sep Size tall by wide Panola Mix Mix Bloom: April May June July Septe Size 5" tall by 6-8" wide Interesting cross of species has resulted in an outstanding pansy-viola like plant. Compact and free flowering the "Panola" definitely has taken the best of two species. Heat tolerant plants with consistently rounded flowers. Mounded plant habit. Panola Pink Shades Pink shades Bloom: April May June August Sep Size tall by wide Panola Rose Picotee Rose Bloom: April May June August Sep Size tall by wide Panola XP Mix Clear Bloom: April May September Oct Size 8-10" tall by wide Free-flowering, well-branched and compact, the early-blooming plants maintain their garden height with less stretch in warm climates. Viola 86 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Supreme True Blue Not all varieties are available at all times Large, light blue blooms on vigorous, heat tolerant plants. True Blue Bloom: April May June August Sep Size 6-8" tall by 6" wide Ultima Purple Lace Unique petals are all purple with a white outline long the edges. Purple with white trim Bloom: April May June September Size 6" tall by 6" wide Whiskers Purple & White White with purple edge and purple whiskers Bloom: May June August Septemb Size 6 tall by 6 wide Whiskers Yellow Yellow with dark "whiskers" on face. Bloom: May June August Septemb Size 6" tall by 6" wide Each one of these mid-size blooms features a unique "cat face" pattern - in mass plantings, they really grab attention! Until F1 hybrid Whiskers arrived, this flower design could only be found on field-grown open-pollinated pansy mixes. Each one of these mid-size blooms features a unique "cat face" pattern - in mass plantings, they really grab attention! Until F1 hybrid Whiskers arrived, this flower design could only be found on field-grown open-pollinated pansy mixes. Zamioculcas Zamiifolia ZZ Plant x Zamioculcas Zamiifolia Makes a great houseplant and is easy to grow! Green Bloom: Size 10'' tall by 15'' wide Zinnia Zinnia angustifolia Profusion Apricot Apricot Bloom: Size tall by wide Profusion Cherry New for 2004! A new color in the extremely versatile and popular 'Profusion' series. These zinnias are great in the landscape and gardens due to their continuous flowering, lack of mildew and hardy plant habit. AAS Winner for 1999. Spreading type zinnia with very strong mildew resistance. angustifolia type. Cherry Red Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 12" tall by 24" wide Profusion Cherry Double Double Cherry Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 12-15" tall by 12" wide Profusion Deep Apricot From the great Profusion Zinnia Series comes this new double cherry bloom. Heat and humidity tolerant plants can take poor soil, drought and still bloom all summer long. Not prone to mildew as are Zinnia elegans type varieties. Highly recommended. Another in the winning 'Profusion' series of zinnias. Very tolerant of garden conditions and dry spots. Deep Apricot Bloom: July August September O Size 6-12" tall by 8-14" wide Profusion Double Cherry H Bright Pink Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Profusion Double Golden Orange double flowers Bloom: July August September O Size 6-12" tall by 8-14" wide This award winner features rich rose, double petalled blooms which cover flower continuously from spring through frost. The bright color does not fade, even under high temperatures. Like all Profusion, 'Double Hot Cherry' is easy to grow as it is self-cleaning, disease resistant and grows well in a wide range of climates, including areas with high night temperatures. The The petals are rich golden-orange in several layers to give a fuller appearance. Great for use in the landscape - carefree and drought and heat tolerant. Profusion is a dense, bushy, many-flowered little plant that covers ground AND fills the garden with color. Viola 87 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Not all varieties are available at all times Profusion Double White White Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Profusion Double Yellow Double yellow flowers. Blooms spring to frost Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size tall by wide Profusion Orange Spreading type zinnia. AAS Winner for 1999. Very mildew resistant in all areas of the U.S. angustifolia type. Orange Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 12" tall by 24" wide elegans Benary Giant Orange Orange Bloom: August September Octob Size 24" tall by 12" wide Benary Giants Golden Yell Bloom: Size tall by wide Benary Giants Lime Lime Green Bloom: July August September Size 18-24" tall by 12" wide The 13th color in the Benary's Giant series! A fantastic lime hue added to a summer cut-flower favorite. Slightly smaller flowers and shorter stems than the other colors in the series Benary Giants Wine Bloom: Size tall by wide Benary's Giant Bright Pink Bright Pink Bloom: July August September Size 40-50 tall by 18" wide Benary's Giant Carmine Ro Rose Bloom: August September Size 40-50"" tall by 12" wide Show stopping giant dahlia strain. Recommended by the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers. High yield of long, thick sturdy stems with large 4-6" fully double blooms. Excellent vase life. Vigorous plants hold up well in summer heat and rain. Less susceptible to powdery mildew. High yield of long, sturdy stems with 4-6", fully double, dahlia-like blooms. Excellent vase life. Vigorous plants hold up well in summer heat and rain. Low susceptibility to powdery mildew. Ht. 40-50". Benary's Giant Coral Coral Bloom: July August September Size 24-36" tall by 12-18" wide Benary's Giant Formula Mi Mixed Bloom: July August September Size 36-42 tall by 12 wide Show-stopping giant dahlia-flowered mix. Densely petaled blooms up to six inches across in shades of pink, crimson, lavender, carmine, yellow, orange, red and white. Excellent vase life. Vigorous plants hold up well to summer heat. stopping giant dahlia strain. Recommended by the Benary's Giant Scarlet Flam Show Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers. High yield of Scarlet Bloom: July August September Size 40-50 tall by 18" wide long, thick sturdy stems with large 4-6" fully double blooms. Excellent vase life. Vigorous plants hold up well in summer heat and rain. Less susceptible to powdery mildew. Zinnia 88 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Benary's Giant White White Bloom: July August September O Size 40-50" tall by 12-18" wide Not all varieties are available at all times Show stopping giant dahlia strain. Recommended by the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers. High yield of long, thick sturdy stems with large 4-6" fully double blooms. Excellent vase life. Vigorous plants hold up well in summer heat and rain. Less susceptible to powdery mildew. Cut & Come Again mixed Bloom: Size tall by wide Dreamland Coral A true dwarf, dahlia flowered zinnia, producing large coral-colored blooms. Coral Bloom: Size 12" tall by wide Dreamland Mix A true dwarf, dahlia flowered zinnia, producing large coral-colored blooms. Mixed Bloom: July August September Size 12" tall by wide Dreamland pink Compact, uniform plants produce large blooms early in the season. Pink Bloom: Size 12" tall by wide Envy A "must have" color to blend in your cut flower palette. Single and double blooms. 2-3 inches across. Chartreuse Green Bloom: July August September Size 24-30 tall by 12 wide Inca Orange Bloom: July August September Size 24-36" tall by 20" wide Magellan Cherry Cherry Pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 12-14" tall by 10" wide Inca features large bright orange, fully double cactus flowers. The interesting flower form, large 5" flowers, vivid color, tall plant height and healthy plant spread make this all purpose variety an excellent item for both gardens and cut flowers. Height: 36", 20-24" spread. A great bedding zinnia we tried in 2005. We're now offering it in packs for 2006. Large colorful blooms on stout, strong plants. Magellan Coral Bloom: Size tall by wide Magellan Mix A great bedding zinnia we tried in 2005. We're now offering it in packs for 2006. Large colorful blooms on stout, strong plants. Bloom: Size tall by wide Magellan Pink Pink A great bedding zinnia we tried in 2005. We're now offering it in packs for 2006. Large colorful blooms on stout, strong plants. Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 12-14" tall by 10" wide Magellan Scarlet Scarlet Red Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 12-14" tall by 10" wide A great bedding zinnia we tried in 2005. We're now offering it in packs for 2006. Large colorful blooms on stout, strong plants. Zinnia 89 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Magellan Yellow Golden Yellow Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 10-12" tall by 10" wide Mazurkia Scarlet with cream Bloom: June July August Septemb Size 24" tall by 12" wide Pop Art Golden Red Yellow petals with red specks Bloom: Size 2-3' tall by 12-16" wide Queen Red Lime Maroon petals with lime centers Bloom: July August September O Size 36" tall by 12" wide Swizzle Cherry & Ivory Ivory & Cherry petals Bloom: July August September Size 12" tall by 12" wide Zinnita Mixed Not all varieties are available at all times A great bedding zinnia we tried in 2005. We're now offering it in packs for 2006. Large colorful blooms on stout, strong plants. Mazurkia is a striking bi-color zinnia add both interest and texture to mixed bouquets. The double 3" flowers produce scarlet petals tipped with cream. The strong plants exhibit excellent branching allowing multiple cuts. 25-30 Height: 25-30", 12-15" spread. This new zinnia is pure "wow factor"-dazzling the eye with sensuous color. Large golden-yellow fully double blooms, "hand-painted" with radiant red streaks, create a summer-long color show. New! This color combo is a knock-out. Maroon outer petals with lime centers make this unique zinnia a must for bouquets. Most are fully double or semi-double blooms, with a few singles. The well-filled flowers on long, strong stems can sometimes be solid maroon. Ht. 40-50". New in 2003 - Huge flowers on compact zinnia plants with mixed petal colors from Ivory to Cherry. Very showy in a container or in the landscape. Strong plant growth. A new variety for 2003. Short zinnias are nice in pots and along the edge of a border. Said to hold its flowers better and longer than 'Thumbelina'. Bloom: July August September Size 8" tall by 8" wide Zowie Yellow Flame Bicolor yellow and red Bloom: July August September Size 24" tall by 12" wide AAS Winner 2006! Well branched plant reaching up to 30" in the garden. Great as a cut flower and as a bedding plant. Eye catching bi-color blooms in yellow and red. 'Zowie! Yellow Flame' is the first semi-tall zinnia with a unique bicolor pattern. Each bloom flames with a scarlet-rose center and yellow petal edges. There is no other zinnia with this fiery haageana Persian Carpet bicolor mix Charming addition to country bouquets and gardens. Fully and semi-double 2" bicolors in red, mahogany, gold, purple, chocolate and cream. Bloom: July August September Size 24-28" tall by 12" wide marylandica Zahara Double Strawberry Strawberry pink Bloom: June July August Septemb Size tall by wide Zahara Mix Mix Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12" tall by 10" wide Zahara Scarlet Scarlet Red Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 12 tall by 10 wide Lipstick pink blooms. Mounding plants reach 12-18 inches tall and wide with showers of flowers. A survivor in the garden, these zinnias are disease-tolerant, heat-loving and have low water requirements; performing magnificently in hot, arid conditions. A high-impact show of color all season long in borders, beds, and containers. A Hot Summer Survivors selection! This all-new disease-tolerant, heat-loving series has 20% larger flowers in stronger colours than the market leader including a triple play of the first Yellow, the first Scarlet and the first well-balanced Mixture in a zinnia of this type! Once established in the ground, drought-tolerant Zahara has very A Hot Summer Survivors selection! This all-new disease-tolerant, heat-loving series has 20% larger flowers in stronger colours than the market leader including a triple play of the first Yellow, the first Scarlet and the first well-balanced Mixture in a zinnia of this type! Once established in the ground, drought-tolerant Zahara has very low water needs. Zinnia 90 Spring Ledge Farm - Annuals 2015 Zahara White White Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10 tall by 12 wide Zahara Yellow Yellow Bloom: May June July August Sept Size 10 tall by 12 wide Not all varieties are available at all times A Hot Summer Survivors selection! This all-new disease-tolerant, heat-loving series has 20% larger flowers in stronger colours than the market leader including a triple play of the first Yellow, the first Scarlet and the first well-balanced Mixture in a zinnia of this type! Once established in the ground, drought-tolerant Zahara has very A Hot Summer Survivors selection! This all-new disease-tolerant, heat-loving series has 20% larger flowers in stronger colours than the market leader including a triple play of the first Yellow, the first Scarlet and the first well-balanced Mixture in a zinnia of this type! Once established in the ground, drought-tolerant Zahara has very Zinnia 91