Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae (October, 2015) Karl Magnus Johansson Ph.D., Professor of Political Science OFFICE ADDRESS School of Social Sciences Södertörn University Alfred Nobels allé 7 SE-141 89 Huddinge, Sweden Office: ME 229b Phone: +46-8-6084282 Email: [email protected] Web: PERSONAL DATA Date of birth: May 2, 1966 Place of birth: Kalmar, Sweden Citizenship: Swedish Languages: Swedish (native), English (active), German (passive), French (passive), Spanish (passive) EDUCATION Ph.D. in Political Science, Lund University, Sweden (1997/05) Visiting Research Student, Department of International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science (1992/01-03) B.A. in Political Science and Economics, Lund University, Sweden (1990/06) Language studies: New Jersey/USA (Upsala College) (1987/06-07), Vienna (1990/07), Salamanca (1991/07), Paris (1992/07), London (2001/05) EMPLOYMENT Professor, Political Science, Södertörn University (2011/04- ) Associate Professor, Political Science, Södertörn University (2001/07- ) Assistant Professor, Political Science, Södertörn University (1998/07- ) Research Fellow, Swedish Institute of International Affairs (1997/09-2000/06) Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Lund University (1997/071998/06) Coordinator, Centre for European Studies, Lund University (1997/07-1998/06) Junior Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Lund University (1994/07-1997/06) Teaching Assistant (Amanuens), Department of Political Science, Lund University (1991/11-1994/06) ADMINISTRATION Chairman, Recruitment Committee, Södertörn University (2015/10- ) Chairman, Higher Seminar, Political Science, Södertörn University (2015/01- ) Director, Graduate Studies, Political Science, Södertörn University (2007/012010/12) Head, Political Science, Södertörn University (2000/07-2002/12) Director, European Programme, Södertörn University (1998/09-2000/06) Coordinator, Centre for European Studies, Lund University (1997/07-1998/06) VISITING RESEARCHER Center for European Integration Studies, Bonn University, Germany (1999/11) VISITING LECTURER Department of Political Science, Stellenbosch University, South Africa (2001/07-08) AWARDS Prix Scientifique ‘Robert Schuman’ (travaux de recherches universitaires portant sur l’histoire, le développement et le fonctionnement du Groupe du PPE-DE du Parlement Européen) (2003). Södertörn University Students’ Union Award for the best teacher 2000/2001 (2001). Fahlbeck Award for the best undergraduate thesis in Political Science at Lund University (1990). MAJOR RESEARCH GRANTS Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies (Östersjöstiftelsen), ‘Symbiotic leader-media relations? Exploring interaction between prime ministers and the media in Finland, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden’, collaborative research project, coinvestigator and project leader (2013). Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond), ‘The Nordic Model of Democracy: Diffusion, Competition, Europeanisation’, collaborative research project, co-investigator (2007). Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies (Östersjöstiftelsen), ‘New Voices, Old Roots: Dilemmas of Populism in Enlarged Europe’, collaborative research project, co-investigator (2006). Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies (Östersjöstiftelsen), ‘Adaptation or Transformation? Europeanization in the Baltic States’, collaborative research project, co-investigator and project leader (2003). Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond), ‘The Government Offices and the Organization of Society’, collaborative research project, co-investigator (2003). Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond), ‘The Swedish Right 1904-2000: Friend or Foe of Modernization?’, collaborative research project, co-investigator (1999). Swedish Institute of International Affairs, ‘Transnational party networks and the agenda of European union’, individual research project, principal investigator (1997). OTHER ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES (SELECTION) Elector, Swedish Research Council (2015). Member, Steering Group of the ‘Europe in Transition’ research programme, Research Council of Norway (2014- ). Member, Swedish Society for International Affairs (Utrikespolitiska samfundet) (2012- ). Member, Letterstedtska föreningen (2007- ). Member, Steering Committee of the Swedish Network for European Studies in Political Science (SNES) (2002-2010). Member, Steering Committee of the Centre for German Studies (2002-2005). Member, Board of the Swedish Political Science Association (SWEPSA) (20022003). Member, Democratic Audit of the Centre for Business and Policy Studies (SNS Demokratiråd) (2001). SNS-associated researcher (2000/07-2004/06). Reviewer for the Acta Politica, Austrian Journal of Political Science, Cooperation and Conflict, European Journal of Political Research, Government and Opposition, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Public Policy, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties, Party Politics, Scandinavian Political Studies, Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, West European Politics, National Defence College/CRISMART (Crisis Management Research and Training), SNS Förlag, Södertörn Academic Studies. Member and/or conference participation (selection): American Political Science Association (Boston 2008), International Studies Association (New York 2009), European Union Studies Association (Pittsburgh 1999, Austin 2005, Montreal 2007), European Consortium for Political Research (General Conference/Joint Sessions) (Leiden 1993, Budapest 2005, Pisa 2007, Potsdam 2009), European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group on the European Union (Bordeaux 2002), International Political Science Association (Quebec City 2000, Fukuoka 2006), Nordic Political Science Association (Uppsala 1999, Reykjavik 2005, Tromsø 2008), Pan-European International Relations Conference (Vienna 1998), Swedish Political Science Association (Linköping 1991, Köpenhamn 1992, Lund 1996, Uppsala 1997, Linköping 1998, Örebro 2000, Göteborg 2001, Växjö 2002, Umeå 2003, Stockholm 2004, Uppsala 2008, Örebro 2009, Göteborg 2010, Stockholm 2013, Stockholm 2015), Swedish Network for European Studies in Political Science (SNES) (19972010, 2015), Central and East European Communication and Media Consortium (CEECOM) (Zagreb 2015). Expert commentator: Swedish and international media on politics in Sweden, in Europe, and in the European Union. PUBLICATIONS Monographs and Edited Volumes (with Jonas Johansson & Anders Mellbourn) (2006) Riksdagen i världen: Interparlamentariska unionen och riksdagens interparlamentariska grupp. Stockholm: Riksdagen. (with Tapio Raunio) (2004) Politiska partier i den europeiska författningen. Stockholm: SNS Förlag. (Edited) (with Peter A. Zervakis) (2002) European Political Parties between Cooperation and Integration. Baden-Baden: Nomos. (with Olof Petersson, Ulrika Mörth & Daniel Tarschys) (2001) Demokrati utan utland. Demokratirådets rapport 2001. Stockholm: SNS Förlag. (with Kerstin Jacobsson & Magnus Ekengren) (2001) Mot en europeisk välfärdspolitik? Ny politik och nya samarbetsformer i EU. Stockholm: SNS Förlag. (1997) Transnational Party Alliances: Analysing the Hard-Won Alliance between Conservatives and Christian Democrats in the European Parliament. Lund: Lund University Press. (Ph.D. dissertation) Text Books (with Gissur Erlingsson, Anders Håkansson & Ingvar Mattson) (2005) Politiska partier. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (Edited) (1999/2002, second edition) Sverige i EU. Stockholm: SNS Förlag. Research Reports (2014) How Populist Parties Organize. PESO Research Report No 2, School of Social Sciences, Södertörn University. (Peer-reviewed) (2003) Förberedelser inför regeringskonferenser – framtidskonventet i sitt sammanhang. Stockholm: Svenska institutet för Europapolitiska studier (Sieps). (Peer-reviewed) Discussion Paper (2015) Europarties – A Research Note. ZEI Discussion Paper C 231/2015, Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI), University of Bonn. Articles in International Refereed Journals (forthcoming 2016) ‘Europarty Influence and Its Limits: The Case of the European People’s Party and the Amsterdam Treaty’, Journal of European Integration 38 (1). (forthcoming 2015) ‘The European People’s Party and the Amsterdam Treaty’, Journal of European Integration History 21 (2). (with Li Bennich-Björkman) (2012) ‘Explaining moderation in nationalism: Divergent trajectories of national conservative parties in Estonia and Latvia’, Comparative European Politics 10 (5). (with Fredrik Langdal & Göran von Sydow) (2012) ‘The Domestic Politics of European Union Presidencies: The Case of Sweden’, Government and Opposition 47 (2). (with Jonas Tallberg) (2010) ‘Explaining Chief Executive Empowerment: European Union Summitry and Domestic Institutional Change’, West European Politics 33 (2). (with Tapio Raunio) (2010) ‘Organizing the Core Executive for European Union Affairs: Comparing Finland and Sweden’, Public Administration 88 (3). (2009) ‘Responses within the European Community to the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Prospect of German Reunification’, Baltic Worlds 2 (3–4). (2008) ‘Chief Executive Organization and Advisory Arrangements for Foreign Affairs: The Case of Sweden’, Cooperation and Conflict 43 (3). (2008) ‘External Legitimization and Standardization of National Political Parties: The Case of Estonian Social Democracy’, Journal of Baltic Studies 39 (2). (with Jonas Tallberg) (2008) ‘Party Politics in the European Council’, Journal of European Public Policy 15 (8). (with Åsa Vifell) (2006) ‘Transcending the Boundaries of Political Science’, European Political Science 5 (2). (with Tapio Raunio) (2005) ‘Regulating Europarties: Cross-party coalitions capitalizing on incomplete contracts’, Party Politics 11 (5). (2002) ‘Another Road to Maastricht: The Christian Democrat Coalition and the Quest for European Union’, Journal of Common Market Studies 40 (5). (2002) ‘Party Elites in Multilevel Europe: The Christian Democrats and the Single European Act’, Party Politics 8 (4). (with Tapio Raunio) (2001) ‘Partisan responses to Europe: comparing Finnish and Swedish political parties’, European Journal of Political Research 39 (2). (1999) ‘Europeanisation and its Limits: The Case of Sweden’, Journal of International Relations and Development 2 (3). (1999) ‘Tracing the employment title in the Amsterdam treaty: uncovering transnational coalitions’, Journal of European Public Policy 6 (1). Articles in Swedish Journals (with Ann-Cathrine Jungar) (2003) ‘Konventet om Europeiska unionens framtid – en lösning på demokratiproblemen? Makt och deliberativ demokrati’, Politologen. (with Jonas Tallberg) (2003) ‘Sverige i EU efter euro-omröstningen: Politisk marginalisering’, Internationella Studier (4). (with Hans Hegeland) (2000) ‘Inrikespolitisk konflikt eller konsensus’, Internationella Studier (4). (with Gry Larsen) (1998) ‘Nordiskt partisamarbete och dess inflytande på europeisk sysselsättningspolitik’, Nordisk Tidskrift (2). (with Kristian Sjövik) (1995) ‘Federalism i teori och praktik’, Politologen 24 (1). (1990) ‘The Inherent Dialectic of International Politics’, Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 93 (3). Book Chapters (2014/2009/2006) ‘Europeiska unionen’, in Jakob Gustavsson & Jonas Tallberg (eds) Internationella relationer. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (2014) ‘The Emergence of Conservative Parties in the Baltic States: New Parties, Party Entrepreneurs and Transnational Influence’, in Nicholas Aylott (ed.) Models of Democracy in Nordic and Baltic Europe: Political Institutions and Discourse. Farnham: Ashgate. (with Steven Van Hecke) (2013) ‘Gipfelpolitik politischer Parteien auf europäischer Ebene: eine vergleichende Analyse’, in Thomas Poguntke, Martin Morlok & Heike Merten (eds) Auf dem Weg zu einer europäischen Parteiendemokratie? Baden-Baden: Nomos. (with Steven Van Hecke) (2013) ‘Summitry of Political Parties at European Level: The Case of the PES Leaders’ Conference’, in Ernst Stetter, Karl Duffek & Ania Skrzypek (eds) In the Name of Political Union – Europarties on the Rise. Brussels: FEPS. (with Göran von Sydow) (2011) ‘Swedish Social Democracy and European Integration: Enduring Divisions’, in Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos (ed.) Social Democracy and European Integration: The politics of preference formation. London: Routledge. (with Nicholas Aylott & Kadri Simm) (2011) ‘Är nordisk demokrati en exportvara?’, in Jenny Björkman, Björn Fjæstad & Jonas Harvard (eds) Ett nordiskt rum: Historiska och framtida gemenskaper från Baltikum till Barents hav. Göteborg & Stockholm: Makadam förlag. (2010) ‘Varför är det nödvändigt att forska om Europeiska unionen?’, in Magnus Jerneck & Björn Badersten (eds) Kontraster och nyanser: Svensk statsvetenskap i brytningstid. Lund: Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift. (with Fredrik Langdal & Göran von Sydow) (2010) ‘Mellan Bryssel och Rosenbad: ordförandeskapets organisering och ledning’, in Rikard Bengtsson (ed.) I Europas tjänst: Sveriges ordförandeskap i EU 2009. Stockholm: SNS Förlag. (with Fredrik Langdal & Göran von Sydow) (2010) ‘Mellan konflikt och samförstånd: ordförandeskapet i svensk inrikespolitik’, in Rikard Bengtsson (ed.) I Europas tjänst: Sveriges ordförandeskap i EU 2009. Stockholm: SNS Förlag. (2010) ‘Scripted Parties: The Case of Estonian Social Democracy’, in Bengt Jacobsson (ed.) The European Union and the Baltic States: Changing Forms of Governance. London: Routledge. (with Jonas Tallberg) (2010) ‘Party Politics in the European Council’, in Björn Lindberg, Anne Rasmussen & Andreas Warntjen (eds) The Role of Political Parties in the European Union. London: Routledge. (2009) ‘The Emergence of Political Parties at European Level: Integration Unaccomplished’, in Sverker Gustavsson, Lars Oxelheim & Lars Pehrson (eds) How Unified Is the European Union? European Integration Between Visions and Popular Legitimacy. Heidelberg: Springer. (2009) ‘Politiska partier på europeisk nivå – det ofullbordade samgåendet’, in Sverker Gustavsson, Lars Oxelheim & Lars Pehrson (eds) Hur gemensam är den europeiska gemenskapen? Europaperspektiv 2009. Stockholm: Santérus. (2005) ‘The alliance of European Christian democracy and conservatism: Convergence through networking’, in Wolfram Kaiser & Peter Starie (eds) Transnational European Union: Towards a Common Political Space. London: Routledge. (2005) ‘Är partier internt demokratiska?’, in Gissur Erlingsson, Anders Håkansson, Karl Magnus Johansson & Ingvar Mattson, Politiska partier. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (2004) ‘Toward a theory of federations of political parties in multilevel Europe: at the nexus of international relations and comparative politics’, in Pascal Delwit, Erol Külahci & Cédric Van de Walle (eds) The Europarties: Organisation and Influence. Centre d’étude de la vie politique of the Free University of Brussels (ULB)/Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles. (2003) ‘Mot ett socialt Europa: Ideologi, politik och framtidsvisioner’, in Paula Blomqvist (ed.) Den gränslösa välfärdsstaten: Svensk socialpolitik i det nya Europa. Stockholm: Agora. (2003) ‘Sweden’, in Wolfgang Wessels, Andreas Maurer & Jürgen Mittag (eds) Fifteen Into One? The European Union and its Member States. Manchester: Manchester University Press. (2002) ‘Europafrågans återkomst och genomslag’, in Torbjörn Nilsson (ed.) Anfall eller försvar? Högern i svensk politik under 1900-talet. Stockholm: Santérus Förlag. (2002) ‘European People’s Party’, in Karl Magnus Johansson & Peter A. Zervakis (eds) European Political Parties between Cooperation and Integration. Baden-Baden: Nomos. (with Peter A. Zervakis) (2002) ‘Historical-Institutional Framework’, in Karl Magnus Johansson & Peter A. Zervakis (eds) European Political Parties between Cooperation and Integration. Baden-Baden: Nomos. (with Anna-Carin Svensson) (2002) ‘Sweden: Constrained but Constructive?’, in Finn Laursen (ed.) The Amsterdam Treaty: National Preference Formation, Interstate Bargaining and Outcome. Odense: Odense University Press. (2002/1999) ‘Inledning: Sverige och det europeiska integrationsprojektet’, in Karl Magnus Johansson (ed.) Sverige i EU. (2002/1999) ‘Sverige i EU:s institutioner och beslutsprocesser’, in Karl Magnus Johansson (ed.) Sverige i EU. (2002/1999) ‘EU och partiväsendet’, in Karl Magnus Johansson (ed.) Sverige i EU. (2002/1999) ‘Avslutning: Sverige som EU-medlem’, in Karl Magnus Johansson (ed.) Sverige i EU. (with Björn Beckman) (2002/1999) ‘EU och statsförvaltningen’, in Karl Magnus Johansson (ed.) Sverige i EU. (with Hans Hegeland) (2001) ‘Ordförandeskapet och riksdagen – borgfreden som höll’, in Jonas Tallberg (ed.) När Europa kom till Sverige – Ordförandeskapet i EU 2001. Stockholm: SNS Förlag. (2001) ‘Vers une théorie des fédérations européennes de partis’, in Pascal Delwit, Erol Külahci & Cédric Van de Walle (eds) Les fédérations européennes de partis: Organisation et influence. Bruxelles: Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles. (2001) ‘Europeiska partier, politisk samordning och ideologiska konfliktlinjer i den europeiska välfärdspolitiken’, in Kerstin Jacobsson, Karl Magnus Johansson & Magnus Ekengren, Mot en europeisk välfärdspolitik? Ny politik och nya samarbetsformer i EU. Stockholm: SNS Förlag. (with Kerstin Jacobsson) (2001) ‘Välfärdspolitik och nya samarbetsformer i EU’, in Kerstin Jacobsson, Karl Magnus Johansson & Magnus Ekengren, Mot en europeisk välfärdspolitik? Ny politik och nya samarbetsformer i EU. Stockholm: SNS Förlag. (2001) ‘Sweden’, in Juliet Lodge (ed.) The 1999 Elections to the European Parliament. Basingstoke: Palgrave. (with Gry Larsen) (2000) ‘Nordiska partigrupper i spänningsfältet mellan nationella och europeiska arenor’, in Bengt Sundelius & Claes Wiklund (eds) Norden i sicksack: Tre spårbyten inom nordiskt samarbete. Stockholm: Santérus Förlag. (1998) ‘The Transnationalization of Party Politics’, in David S. Bell & Christopher Lord (eds) Transnational Parties in the European Union. Aldershot: Ashgate. (1997) ‘Nordischer Rat: Regionale Kooperation und informelle Integration’, in Uwe Jun & Ernst Kuper (eds) Nationales Interesse und integrative Politik in transnationalen parlamentarischen Versammlungen. Opladen: Leske & Budrich. (1997) ‘Veränderte Bedeutung der politischen Fraktionen’, in Uwe Jun & Ernst Kuper (eds) Nationales Interesse und integrative Politik in transnationalen parlamentarischen Versammlungen. Opladen: Leske & Budrich. (1996) ‘The Nature of Political Parties in the European Union’, in George A. Kourvetaris & Andreas Moschonas (eds) The Impact of European Integration: Political, Sociological, and Economic Changes. Westport: Praeger. Book Reviews ‘Porträtt utan källkritik’/‘Karl Magnus Johansson ser brister i statsministerböckerna’. Axess nr 6, 2010. ‘En gemensam europeisk skogspolitik? En integrationsteoretisk studie av ett politikområde på tillväxt’, by Therese Andersson. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 110 (3), 2008. ‘Historien i politiken: Historieanvändning i norsk och svensk EU-debatt 1990-1994’, by Erik Axelsson. Nordisk Tidskrift (2), 2007. ‘Den nationella drömträdgården: Den stora berättelsen om den egna nationen i svensk och brittisk Europadebatt’, by Jacob Westberg. Svensk Tidskrift 90 (5), 2003. ‘Sveriges statsminister och EU: Ett halvår i centrum’, by Olof Ruin. Internationella studier (3), 2002. ‘Sveriges statsminister och EU: Ett halvår i centrum’, by Olof Ruin. Nordisk Tidskrift (3), 2002. ‘Mångfaldens Europa: Tio essäer’, by Philippe de Schoutheete. Internationella studier (3), 1999. ‘Sweden and European Integration’, by Lee Miles. Cooperation and Conflict 33 (3), 1998. ‘Den moraliska stormakten: En studie av socialdemokratins internationella aktivism’, by Ann-Sofie Nilsson. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 94 (1), 1991. (I have also published dictionary entries as well as numerous popular science articles and articles in Swedish magazines and newspapers.) TEACHING/COURSES (SELECTION) Södertörn University (1998- ) ‘Komparativ politik’ ‘Förvaltningspolitik’ ‘Internationella relationer’ ‘Utrikespolitisk analys’ ‘Politikens organisering’ ‘Demokrati’ ‘Politiska system’ ‘Östersjövärldar’ ‘Politikens institutioner’ ‘Nordic Politics and Parties’ ‘Multilateral Negotiation’ ‘European Integration’ ‘Europeisering och institutionell förändring’ ‘EU, Europa och världen’ (Master’s level) ‘Internationella relationer A: Samarbete och integration i teori och praktik’ ‘Approaches to Political Science’ (Master’s level) ‘International Relations I’ (Master’s level) ‘International Relations II’ (Master’s level) ‘Non-State Actors in International Relations’ (Master’s level) ‘International Relations A: Cooperation and Integration in Theory and Practice’ ‘Empirical Political Theory’ (Master’s level) ‘Nordic Politics in Comparative Perspective’ ‘Organisationer i samhället’ (Master’s level) ‘Europeisk integration och diversitet’ ‘Europapolitik’ ‘Förändring, reformer och styrning’ (Master’s level) ‘Political Analysis’ (Master’s level) Thesis supervisor (B.A., M.A., Ph.D.) ‘Political Science Theory’ (Ph.D.) Lund University (1991-1998) ‘Internationella relationer’ ‘Politik i Sverige och andra länder’ ‘Demokrati och samhällsorganisation’ ‘Makt och demokrati’ ‘Utrikespolitisk analys’ ‘European Politics’ (Master’s level) Thesis supervisor (B.A., M.A.) Stellenbosch University, South Africa (2001) ‘Diplomacy and Foreign Policy Analysis’ PHD DISSERTATIONS SUPERVISED (JOINTLY) TO COMPLETION Anders Nordström, The Interactive Dynamics of Regulation: Exploring the Council of Europe’s Monitoring of Ukraine, Södertörn University, 2008. Pelle Åberg, Translating Popular Education: Civil Society Cooperation between Sweden and Estonia, Södertörn University, 2008.