1212 Lakewood Newsl - Lakewood Country Club
1212 Lakewood Newsl - Lakewood Country Club
100 Years L A K E WO O D C O U N T RY C LUB F E B R UA RY 2 0 1 3 Celebrate the most romantic of holidays at Lakewood Country Club VALENTINE’S DINNER Thursday, February 14, Friday, February 15 or Saturday, February 16, 2013 6:00pm – 10:00pm Step into the romantic atmosphere of the Wine Room and enjoy Chef Koval’s incomparable cuisine. Valentine’s Day ~ Thursday, February 14, 2013 Wine Room - a la Carte Dining Friday, February 15, 2013 Wine Room - a la Carte Dining Saturday, February 16, 2013 Wine Room - a la Carte Dining Reservations Required 214.821.1491 C LUB M ESSAGES PRESIDENT ’ S M ESSAGE As you know from previous communications, a tremendous amount of time and effort has been spent over the last several months developing detailed plans for all areas of your Club. At the annual Shareholders Meeting in November, Shareholders approved the final phase of upgrades to the Clubhouse. The Mixed Grill improvements are currently in process and should be ready for business in mid-February. Then the next (and final!) piece of Clubhouse improvements will commence with the Garden Room and Patio. The Long Range Planning Committee has also recommended improvements to the Golf Course, Tennis Facilities, Swimming Pool Area and Parking Lot. A lot of work has gone into understanding the best course of actions for these areas. As is the case in most significant projects, the more you get into the details the more complicated the solutions become. This is certainly the case for the aforementioned projects. At one point your Board envisioned coming to the Shareholders with a recommendation for all of these projects at one time. The Board is now proposing that the vote on the projects be broken down to smaller pieces. The primary reason is that while we have a detailed plan and budget for the Golf Course improvements we are still studying the proper course of action on the other areas. Given our limited land footprint these other areas present challenges that the golf course improvements do not. Thus, the Board will call a Special Shareholder Meeting on March 26th to formally propose the golf course improvements only for Shareholder vote. Generally, these improvements include a new irrigation system (our current system is 25 years old and in bad shape) and modifications to the Golf Course as recommended by Coore & Crenshaw. Detailed plans will be made available shortly and we will schedule a Town Hall Meeting so all Members can share their comments and questions. The budget for this project is $4.5mm to be funded by bank debt and the Board is recommending an increase in the Capital Charge of $50/month for Stockholders and lesser amounts for other Membership categories to service this debt. Again, more details to follow on this. Bill Leiser President 2013 L AKEWOOD C OUNTRY C LUB C OMMITTEES —————————————— ENTERTAINMENT PLANNING COMMITTEE MEMBERS Melanie & John Ofenloch – Co-Chairs Mr. Terry Conner Mrs. Anne Conner Mr. Peter Eyestone Mrs. Jennifer Eyestone Mr. Sean Murphy Mrs. Gina Murphy FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Garry Black – Chairman Mr. Aaron Aldinger Mr. Corey Henegar Mr. Scott Kipp Mr. William Leiser GOLF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Jeff Cash – Chairman Mr. Bill Almquist Mrs. Debbie Dunlap Mr. Chris Halloran Mr. Drew Hamilton Mr. Darrel Hernandez Mr. Richard Neirling Mr. D.C. Sauter Mr. Brian Wages GREENS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Dr. Ted Johns – Chairman Mr. Jim Brownlee Mr. Phil Collins Mr. Rex Gunter Mr. Robert Murphy Dr. Steve Parel Mr. Jeffers Rader Mr. Robert Rhea Mr. Frank Shelden HOUSE/SWIMMING COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Rex Gunter – Chairman Mr. Joseph Barnard Mrs. Wendy Brownlee Mr. Kurt Messerschmitt Mr. Jason Stabenow LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Jim Brownlee – Chairman Mr. Carman Allen Mr. Bret Brantley Mr. Mark Dilworth Mrs. Amy Lauten Mr. Jason Stabenow Mr. Greg Yates MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Chuck Keller – Chairman Mr. Brian Carlton Mr. Todd Cornelius Mr. Craig Dunlap Mr. Chaitan Fahnestock Mrs. Suzanne Gross Mrs. Nancy Johnson TENNIS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Scott Jackson – Chairman Mr. Jarrod Bassman Mrs. Tory Chauza Mr. Jed Dolson Mr. Scott Douglass Mr. Jeff Duchin Mrs. Amy Lauten Mrs. Cindy Weed Mrs. Angela Woltjen WINE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Chris Kurzner – Chairman Mr. Mickey Ashmore Mr. Jarrod Bassman Mr. Bob Bret Mr. Mark Dilworth Mr. Scott Moore Mr. Stewart Motley Mrs. Melanie Ofenloch Mr. Victor Pucciarelli Mr. Gerard Whelan Mr. Kevin Woltjen C LUBHOUSE C ORNER MANAGER’S MESSAGE One day it is 50°F, the next 75°F...is it winter or is it spring? Who can decide, but we are gearing up for the spring and summer months. First, a quick project activity update. When you read this, the Grill Room remodeling will be almost complete, as it was scheduled to be in mid-February. Again, thank you for your patience and amazing support and participation during construction times. The next phase will be the Garden Room and Family Patio, which we hope will be completed in May. The finishing touches to the recently completed Board Room and Formal Entrance are in progress. Much of this involves furnishing, lighting, art and area rugs. To finish out these spaces, both restrooms at the Formal Entrance are also being converted to a similar color/décor scheme. I should mention a food service issue that was discussed in the last House Committee meeting. Indeed, as you may have experienced it yourself on Thursday and Friday nights, food service can sometimes be slow. At the meeting, a long discussion took place after it was explained that many Members were making reservations for large groups in the Grill Room. Although it is a good thing to be busy, large groups ordering off the menu are creating service issues for the rest of the Membership. Because Lakewood Country Club cooks everything from scratch, plating small tables can be done efficiently, while plating large tables uses lots of space and time. This results in many Members, seated after large tables, receiving slower service. Many opinions were expressed and the idea of limiting the size of groups to ten (10) for ordering off the menu is being considered. Parties larger than ten (10) would be offered a limited menu and possibly a private room. Resurfacing of the Tennis Courts began in early January. The work is being phased to allow courts to remain in play through the entire process. Weather permitting, the work will be completed at the end of February. Back to February…this year Valentine’s Day is on Thursday and the Wine Room will be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday for the celebration. When in the Wine Room, if you are not sure what wine to order, here is a suggestion. The Mixed Grill is moving along nicely with a completion date scheduled during the third week of February. The project entails a complete renovation of this space: new ceilings, custom made light fixtures, paint, wall covering, fire place stone, carpeting, chairs and window treatments. The Garden Room and Family Dining Terrace remodeling approved at last Novembers’ Annual Shareholders Meeting will begin a day or two after the Mixed Grill is back in operation. The completion date has been scheduled for the first two weeks in May. Before we know it, summer will be here. There are several cosmetic improvements planned for the Swimming Pool area. These will be completed well in advance of the mid-May opening. The annual Summer Youth Program booklet is in the planning stages and will be in your hands by the end of February. With the popularity of these programs, you are urged to complete registration forms early to ensure your preferred dates. The 2013 Golf and Tennis activity calendars have been finalized. Please log onto the Club’s website to view these and related information. Additionally Golf and Tennis information is communicated electronically on a weekly basis. Each week Gilbert communicates golf news - “Tee Off From Your Inbox” via email. Adrien does the same with his “Weekly Tennis Bulletin”. If you are not a recipient of this email, but would like to be, please email your requests to D’Ann Garza at [email protected]. At the November Annual Shareholding Meeting, Mike Plummer was recognized for twenty-five years of outstanding service to the Club. On January 12, Mike was also honored by his peers, the North Texas Golf Course Superintendents Association, for the 2012 Distinguished Service Award. Several Club Members and former protégés of Mike were in attendance. Congratulations to Mike on a well deserved award! For the sixth consecutive year, the Club’s Wine Program has been recognized by the International Wine Society of the Club Managers Association of America with an Award of Distinction. It gives us great pride to be paired with some of the nation’s most recognized Clubs and one of just three in Texas. Kudos to our Wine Committee led by Chris Kurzner. A special “Thank You” to Melanie Ofenloch for her time in making initial contact with many of our Wine Owner/ Maker hosts. Last and certainly not least, cheers to the Membership for embracing the wine program. FEATURED NEW WINE FOR FEBRUARY Robert Foley Vineyards, ‘Kelly’s Cuvee,’ Napa Valley, 2010 100% Syrah / Napa Valley Flavors of spicy blackberry explode across the palate in this wine with balanced tannins and natural acidity. (Kelly is Robert’s wife.) Thank you to those who attended the John Robert Eppler Wine Dinner. As always, all had a good time and good memories. - As he says, “All the best in wine and life”. SPA, FITNESS, KIDZ KLUB I would like to remind you all of our other services. We have added an extension to our automated answering system. You can now reach the Fitness Center as early as they open in the morning. For example, you can call the Fitness Center and request an appointment for a massage or ask if Kidz Klub has openings. As you know, Kidz Klub is limited in space and reservations are highly recommended. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to seeing you at the Club. Finally, as always, let me know, if there is anything I can do to enhance your Club experience. I can be reached at 214.821.1491 extension 203 or [email protected]. Ray De Tullio, CCM Marcel Berlioux, CCM General Manager Clubhouse Manager C LUB E VENTS J OIN US FOR FAMILY N IGHT Every Tuesday Night 5:30pm – 8:30pm Lakewood Country Club February 5th ~ Chicken and Catfish Fry S UNDAY B RUNCH BUFFET February 12th ~ Tex Mex 11:00am – 2:00pm February 19th ~ Asian Enjoy Chef Koval’s extensive Sunday Brunch Buffet. February 26th ~ Lighter Side of Lakewood ~ Soup, Salad, Potato Bar Adults ~ $24.95 plus tax per person Children Ages 4-12 ~ $11.95 plus tax per person Children Ages 3 and Under ~ Complimentary Reservations are strongly encouraged. 214.821.1491 Adults ~ $16.95 + tax per person Children Ages 4-12 ~ $6.95 + tax per person Children Ages 3 and Under ~ Complimentary Join the FUN at Kidz Klub F E B R U A R Y 2013 MONDAY SUNDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Looking for a venue to host your business and social events? FRIDAY 1 SATURDAY 2 H OURS OF O PERATION Look no further than Lakewood Country Club. Call or e-mail to reserve a room for your Brunches, Luncheons, Business Meetings, Dinners and Cocktail Parties. We would love to help you plan a great event! For more details on booking your event, please call Sheila Rigelsky at 214.821.1491, extension 202 or e-mail [email protected]. 3 4 5 6 7 Seafood Specials 6pm-9pm Prime Rib Night 6pm-9pm 8 9 Switchboard Tuesday – Saturday 8:00am – 9:30pm Sunday 8:00am – 8:00pm Accounting Office Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm Sunday Brunch Buffet 11am-2pm 10 All Facilities Closed 11 Dining Tuesday – Thursday 7:00am – 9:00pm Family Night 5:30pm-8:30pm Catfish & Chicken Fry 12 Steak Night 6pm-9pm 13 Pasta Night 5:30pm-9pm 14 Seafood Specials 6pm-9pm 15 Prime Rib Night 6pm-9pm 16 VALENTINE’S DINNER IN THE WINE ROOM Sunday Brunch Buffet 11am-2pm 17 All Facilities Closed 18 Sunday 7:00am – 5:00pm Family Patio & Adult Deck Tuesday – Saturday 11:00am – 8:30pm Sunday 11:00am – 5:00pm Family Night 5:30pm-8:30pm Tex Mex 19 Friday – Saturday 7:00am – 10:00pm Pasta Night 5:30pm-9pm Steak Night 6pm-9pm 20 21 Seafood Specials 6pm-9pm 22 Prime Rib Night 6pm-9pm 23 Fitness Center Monday 5:00am – 1:30pm Tuesday – Saturday 5:00am – 9:00pm Sunday 5:00am – 8:00pm Sunday Brunch Buffet 11am-2pm 24 Sunday Brunch Buffet 11am-2pm All Facilities Closed 25 Family Night 5:30pm-8:30pm Asian 26 All Facilities Closed Family Night 5:30pm-8:30pm Lighter Side of Lakewood ~ Soup, Salad, Potato Bar Pasta Night 5:30pm-9pm Steak Night 6pm-9pm 27 28 Seafood Specials 6pm-9pm Prime Rib Night 6pm-9pm March 1 2 Golf Shop Tuesday – Sunday 8:00am – 9:00pm 214.821.7690 Tennis Shop Monday – Sunday 8:00am – 9:00pm 214.821.8440 Address 1912 Abrams Road Dallas, Texas 75214 Steak Night 6pm-9pm Pasta Night 5:30pm-9:00pm Seafood Specials 6pm-9pm Prime Rib Night 6pm-9pm 214.821.1491 www.lakewoodcc.com G OLF N EWS F ROM T HE FAIRWAYS LWGA – L ADIES ’ G OLF N EWS This month’s newsletter is the start of a series based on events that occurred and my own memories of them over the last twenty-five years. Hopefully I can keep it interesting and my memory will serve me correctly. There certainly have been plenty of occurrences, events, happenings, etc. in my mind to fill several Lakewooder articles. The Lakewood Women’s Golf Association will kick off their 2013 golf season on Thursday, March 7th. We will begin with breakfast at 8:30am, followed by our Annual Business Meeting at 9:00am. At 10:15am, we will get the real season going with our fun Shotgun Scramble. Before starting this first one, I would like to thank all of the Members at Lakewood for allowing me to serve as steward over this great property. A long overdue thanks goes out to the deceased Green Chairman Ed Bentley and his search committee that hired me. Long time Member, Ray Holcomb, was a part of that committee. Paul Alloway, though no longer a Member still visits some and was on that committee. I think Ed Jarrett is still around but the others have passed. Also, a special thanks to all the Greens Chairmen, Clubhouse Managers, and General Managers that I have reported to. Lastly, a thanks goes to all Assistant Superintendents and Staff that have made me look good. Twenty- five years out of the Club’s one- hundred years should be plenty to fill a few Lakewooder’s. Come join us for the 2013 Season of golf with the ladies at Lakewood. We promise that you will enjoy great camaraderie, terrific events, and lots of golf. Beginner or seasoned golfer, there is something for everyone. We look forward to seeing you there! This first article is about the small plane that crash-landed on number ten fairway one night. It has been nearly twenty years now! Hard to believe? No, just hard to believe that It has been that many years. I looked back on my daily records that I have always kept and discovered that it was August 3, 1994. I lived at the “Greenkeeper’s house” with my family. Raised three children right here on the Golf Course. Already asleep and was wakened by emergency sirens at about 11:00pm. Little Elaine, the Club’s evening receptionist even called the house. MaryBeth Shapiro joked with me later that she had to make Elaine call me that night because she did not want to disturb. MaryBeth told her it would be alright. A small Cessna 140 had crashed on number ten fairway. Police, ambulance, fire engine, vans, trucks, media were everywhere! I heard that the two on board were not hurt and were basically able to walk away. The next day started early. The small plane was still there and would be for awhile. The FAA had to investigate the crash. I recommended to close the hole for the safety of investigators and others involved. Not our die-hard golfers! We just played around the crash scene. By 4:30pm the investigation was completed and the small plane was hauled out on a flatbed wrecker. There had been very little damage to the Course. The plane had caught some pretty substantial limbs about one- hundred yards out from the green in the right rough. The tree needed a little pruning, but is still growing strong. There was some damaged turf from the fuel leaking out of the plane, but no trenches or torn- up ground. I have included a little of an article that was published in the Dallas Morning News about the forced landing. Mike Plummer Golf Course Superintendent Debbie Dunlap Publicity Chairman Ladies’ Golf Association THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS August 4, 1994 PLANE MAKES FORCED LANDING ON COUNTRY CLUB GOLF COURSE Author: Todd Bensman, Jody Sowell; Staff Writers of The Dallas Morning News ————————————————————————— The nighttime stillness of the golf fairways at Lakewood Country Club was disrupted late Wednesday when a small airplane with engine trouble made an emergency landing near the 10th hole and smashed into a tree, Dallas firefighters said. Neither of the Cessna 140’s two unidentified passengers was hurt, and firefighters marveled at the pilot’s skill — or luck — in avoiding the golf course’s large trees, groomed hills and fences. The plane’s apparently faulty single engine was jarred loose by the impact. “They sure picked a good spot,” said Battalion Chief Michael Jones. “It’s amazing they were able to land in the dark.” The plane came down about 10:45 p.m. after it developed engine trouble and the pilot put out a distress call, Chief Jones said. Both occupants of the crumpled tan-andwhite craft were withholding their accounts of the incident from local authorities until Federal Aviation Administration investigators arrived. Their names, starting point and destination were unavailable early Thursday. But a police helicopter apparently followed the plane as it circled the golf course at about 100 feet and then glided in from west to east, witnesses and officials said. It was unclear whether the helicopter crew helped guide the pilot. Dr. Albert Hendler was swimming in the pool at his home across the street from the country club when the plane went down. He said he saw the plane and helicopter in the air, then noticed that the plane’s engine was no longer running. “There was absolutely no engine,” Dr. Hendler said. “It was just the eerie two lights you could see.” He described the sound of impact as “relatively soft,” like a car accident. The pilot “missed the clubhouse by maybe 200 yards.” Neighbors and golf lovers were attracted to the wrecked craft and stood around in small groups cracking jokes. One golfer who said he was a regular on the Lakewood fairways asked, “Why’d they try to land on number 10? That’s a low-handicapped hole.” Copyright 1994 The Dallas Morning News Company 2013 G OLF S CHEDULE SWING FROM THE PRO The North Texas Golf Course Superintendents Annual Awards banquet was held in January and it was a pleasure to see Lakewood’s Mike Plummer receive the award for Distinguished Service. This was a great tribute to Mike to be recognized by his peers for his stellar career as a Golf Course Superintendent. Mike has been at Lakewood for 25 years and I certainly believe we would not be where we are as a Club without Mike’s influence. Believe me that MP is truly respected by all his peers and we are fortunate to have him taking care of our Golf Course. Give him a tip of the cap next time you see him. Mike Plummer with February is the big month for new equipment to hit the Golf Shop. fiancé Donna Aymond February 8th is the national release day for the new Nike Covert driver. Touted as the first high speed cavity back driver which produces faster, longer shots off a wider area of the face. It also has the only adjustability system that allows you to choose loft and face angle independently. Look for demos and new inventory on February 8th. The new TaylorMade drivers are here now. We have demos in both the new R1 and the RocketBalz Stage 2 as well as the custom fit cart for the new RocketBladz irons. Other new equipment that you will see here includes the Ping G25, the next generation of the G series in woods and irons. Also the best looking drivers, fairways and hybrids from Adams yet, the Super S. We are working on demo days from all our club companies. Here is the list so far, Nike March 14th from 3pm to 7pm and April 20th from 12pm to 4pm, TaylorMade March 21st from 4pm to 7pm and April 25th from 4pm to 7pm, Ping March 15 from 3 to 6, Callaway March 22 2 to 6 and April 18 3 to 7, and Adams March 28 3 to 7 and April 27th from 10am to 3pm. All companies will have launch monitors and their new 2013 equipment on hand. The tournament season begins at Lakewood in March beginning with the Men’s Putting Championship on Friday, March 1st. The event is both individual and two man team. You can choose your own partner and we divide the field into flights based on handicaps. All 18 greens are used. The $55 entry includes prizes and pizza and beer after play. Putting begins at 2:00pm with a shotgun start. The next event is the Kick-Off Shamble on Saturday, March 16, 9:00am shotgun start. You can form your own team for this net, shamble event that gets our golf season going. All players with established handicaps are eligible; women, men and juniors. If you do not want to form your own team just contact the Golf Shop and we will pair you. There will be a cook-out after play at the scoreboard. This is always a fun day so do not miss out! Entry for both events is available at our ForeTees website. We are looking forward to a great year of golf and activities at LCC. The complete schedule is now posted on both websites, www.lakewoodcc.com and www.gilbertfreeman.com. Our annual move to the cart paths will take place in January. Carts will be restricted to the paths at all times until sometime in the spring. Players who are age 70 and over are exempt from this rule except in wet conditions. We do require that those players ride together in groups that contain players who are under 70. Those players also must obey the lollipops and cart signs. This rule also changes the fivesome policy requiring that all must ride. When carts are on the paths, fivesomes may walk. We are certain that keeping the carts off the dormant fairways not only improves winter golf but helps our turf to come back to life in the spring. We appreciate your cooperation. • YELLOW RANGE BALLS – We changed to yellow Nike range balls in January as you may have noticed. We thought it would be good to experiment with yellow primarily due to our range and #1 fairway being so close together. We all know how difficult it can be to find any white golf ball hit left on #1. Yellow range balls should really help. Let us know your thoughts in the weeks ahead. • FORE TEES ONLINE RESERVATION SYSTEM – We believe you are all becoming familiar with and enjoying the new system. If you have yet to give it a try just go to the Lakewood website, www.lakewoodcc.com and click on the Fore Tees tab. Your log-in is your LCC account number and your password is your last name. If you have any questions or problems or to get more info to connect with your mobile device, give the Golf Shop a call. See you on the course! Gilbert Freeman, PGA Head Golf Professional March 1.................Putting Championship 16...............Kick-Off Shamble April 19...............Men’s Spring Member-Guest May 25-27 .........Men’s Member-Member June 3.................U.S. Open Sectional Qualifying 9.................Couples Guest Day 22-23 .........Lakewood Cup 24-27 .........HP Byron Nelson Junior Invitational July 26...............Night Golf August 18...............Parent-Child 31-Sep. 2 ...Men’s Club Championship October 5-6 .............Men’s Senior Championship 18-19 .........Women’s Club Championship 23-26 .........Lakewood Invitational November 3.................Couples Championship 8-9 .............Turnpike Cup T ENNIS N EWS F ROM THE C OURTS Dear LCC Tennis Players and fans, Happy New Year, everyone! COURT UPDATE: Even though we have been operating with just three courts, while the other three were being worked on, we are optimistic for a great spring here at the Club. The crew is working whenever the weather permits (which has not been often enough), and the resurfacing material on courts 1 and 2 is looking great. E ARLY S PRING 2013 T ENNIS CALENDAR MONDAYS TUESDAYS WEDNESDAYS THURSDAYS FRIDAYS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS 10:00am Ball Busters Team Morning Leagues at 8:30am and 10:30am 8:30am-10:00am Anglers Team Morning League at 8:45am-10:30am 9:00am Men’s Workout (3 levels, 3 courts) 10:00am Co-Ed Clinic 11:30am-1:00pm Beginner Grind 10:00am-11:30am Lakers Team 9:30am and 11:30am TCD Matches at LCC (and all over the Dallas area) 12:30pm-2:00pm Primo Team 8:30am-10:00am Double Shots Team 10:00am-11:30am Overserved Team 10:30am-11:30am Dubs 202 8:30am-10:00am Advanced Grind (4.0+) 10:00am or 10:30am TCD Matches at Fair Oaks 11:00am-1:00pm Intermediate Grind 10:30am Junior Team Practice 10:30am Love 50 Matches 1:00pm-2:30pm Mood Swings Team 4:00pm Juniors (5s, 8u, 10u) 4:00pm Juniors (5s, 8u, 10u) 4:00pm Juniors (5s, 8u, 10u) 4:30pm Future Stars (ages 3.5 to 5.5) 5:00pm Full Court Juniors 5:00pm Full Court Juniors 5:00pm Full Court Juniors 6:00pm Tournament Juniors 6:00pm Tournament Juniors 6:00pm Tournament Juniors 5:30pm LCC Junior Grand Prix on selected Friday evenings this spring 7:00pm Tuesday Night Clinic 6:00pm Women’s Futures 7:00pm Sampras, Courier and Agassi Men’s Leagues 7:30pm Wimbledon League 7:00pm Federer Men’s League 7:00pm US Open League Come join the FUN! Various Local Junior Tournaments 4:00pm Co-Ed Clinic 4:00pm TCD Mixed Doubles Matches W ELCOME N EW M EMBERS Unfortunately, it looks like the whole project will go into February, but by then, we’ll have all six courts looking good and bouncing true again. Most of our team practices and junior clinics are back on...so it’s wonderful to see so many of you again. SHAREHOLDER Matthew Smith is the Director of Strategic Planning at Southwest Airlines Co. He is married to LaManda. STAFF NOTES: TENNIS Coach John Worley recently underwent a successful knee surgery. His orthopedic surgeon, our very own Marc Goldman, has him on his feet, and ready to work with our youngest players again, and it is wonderful to see him back on the court! Julie Eisenberg works in Hedge Funds at Becker Drapkin. She and her husband, Scott, have one child, Max. SPRING TENNIS EVENTS: • The whole month of April... Our Tennis Committee and staff are all really excited about our new way of running the 2013 Men’s and Women’s Doubles Club Championships. We will have an unprecendented THREE divisions for each gender! There will be a Championship flight, a First Flight and a Second Flight. Matches will be independently scheduled each week in April, culminating during the weekend of April 27th and 28th with all of the semifinals and finals. It will be a nice party on the deck the whole time, and that weekend all of the players will receive embroidered tournament apparel. The champions’ and runner-up’s prizes are going to be absolutely fantastic. Entry fee: $75 per player. The sign-up deadline is March 23rd. We hope everyone plans to join the fun! • May 17th... Another really cool new spin on the Mixed Doubles events we have traditionally had is the May 17th Beer Pong Mixer. This one will feature ping pong scoring and alternating shots on the actual tennis courts, targets on the courts, actual table tennis on the deck and as always, lots of fun times on the deck. We will take sign-ups for that in March and April. Sean Murphy is a Consultant at KPMG LLP. He and his wife, Stacey, have two children, Riley and Mack. Ryan Strawn is the President and CFO of Appalachian Mineral Partners, LLC. SOCIAL Austin Champion is an Attorney at Klemchuk Kubasta LLP. He and his wife, Skylar, have one child, Katherine. ——————————————————————————————————— I N M EMORIAM Mr. Robert AllenGwinn, Sr. January 17, 2013 Member Since January 18, 1985 Mrs. Susan C. Griffin January 22, 2013 Member since September 5, 1984 • June 21 and 22... ——————————————————————————————————— Save that weekend and grab a friend for our Member-Guest Doubles Tournament! Thanks for your patience with the court resurfacing, and for your support of the great sport of tennis at Lakewood! Adrien Chabria, USPTA Director of Tennis N EW A DDITIONS To announce your new “special delivery”, call Sheila at 214.821.1491 x202 or e-mail [email protected]. William P. Leiser....................................President James C. Brownlee.................................Vice President Garry N. Black.......................................Treasurer Carman R. Allen ...................................Secretary B OARD OF G OVERNORS Jeffrey Cash John M. Davis Rex A. Gunter J. Scott Jackson ——————————————— H OLE I N O NE Congratulations to Gary Beene January 19, 2013 #14; 187 yards; 3 hybrid Witnessed by Jerry Wade, Dick Hill, Gary Beene, David Moore, Eddie Dominguez Theodore A. Johns Charles A. Keller M. Scott Kipp Stephen M. Parel C LUB N EWS O FFICERS OF THEC LUB C LUB S TAFF Raymond M. DeTullio, CCM................General Manager Marcel A. Berlioux, CCM.....................Clubhouse Manager Javier Gallegos .......................................Assistant Manager Moises Rodriguez ...................................Service Manager Don C. Heckmann, CPA ......................Controller Sheila P. Rigelsky, CWP ........................Event Coordinator William A. Koval ..................................Executive Chef MacKenzie A. Triana.............................Purchasing Director Luis Olvera.............................................Clubhouse Superintendent A. Gilbert Freeman, PGA.....................Head Golf Professional Michael D. Plummer .............................Golf Course Superintendent Adrien J. Chabria, USPTA ...................Director of Tennis D’Ann S. Garza .....................................Membership Coordinator/ Administrative Assistant ——————————————————— w w w . l a k e w o o d c c . c o m Lakewood Country Club 1912 Abrams Road Dallas, Texas 75214 214.821.1491
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0313 Lakewood Newsl - Lakewood Country Club
• As a reminder, for reservations in the Mixed Grill and the Wine Room,
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0414 Lakewood Newsl - Lakewood Country Club
$14.95 + tax per person with reservation
$17.95 + tax per person at the door
Please call 214.821.1491 to make your reservations today!